They are going all out to hype the Running Program in the latest edition of Source mag.
It begins with the full page shot of the “Indoctrination” pack – conspicuously labeled “CONFIDENTIAL.”
First, if they converted the “LRH advice” into an “HCOB” then this huge binder contains 3 pages. There is only one document that describes the Running Program. It was handed out in a file folder to those of us who were assigning to “running around the pole” full time back in the days when there was still a running track at the Gold base. This “pack” is a single issue. I am sure it has ballooned with glossaries, indexes and pages off descriptions about running shoes and how to wash your shorts and t-shirts.
And all of the added dreck is about as confidential as the original “tech” of the “rundown.”
It consists of statement by L. Ron Hubbard that he discovered this as a “whole track process” of a “thetan” picking an object in space and circling it “until he regained his sanity”. Never explained is how a thetan operates in the physical universe without any body and why a thetan (not a part of the physical universe) would find this beneficial and not just a dizzying experience. But LRH said it, so it has to be true.
And somehow that “whole track process” is translated into running around a beam of light (used to be a palm tree, before that an oak tree) because a thetan in a body is the same as a thetan “floating” in space or something.
Whatever the theory and the reality of any of this, the fact remains it is about as confidential as the recipes on a cereal box.
And the hype just builds from there.
Running in a circle has become a “technology” because there is someone there to tell you to “keep running”? And it’s not just a technology, it is a technology “never before seen in this civilization.” Wonder what they define as civilization here? 21st century US? Recorded history of mankind? This planet? Who knows, but no matter the answer, it’s nonsense.
And “delivered in 17 languages” is just bizarre. Meaning they had someone translate the 3 pages and learn the words “Keep Running” in 17 languages?
And then they roll into the “success stories” and they go on for pages. I include one of those pages to give a flavor of the hype.
Marcia Johanson takes the cake I think. In a single sentence she disses Clear and OT 1 -3. The “wins” from running around a pole exceeded Clear and OT III by 1000 times. Wow.
Rudi Marshalian went into a euphoric state just reading the materials. Wow. I guess he doesn’t realize it’s called an “Objective” process. He probably doesn’t even know what that means. And he spotted the “genetic entity” was making him limp. This guy needs to come back to earth.
And then “The Numbers” — meaningless dross intended to look impressive. But it does stress that you can be regged for this over and over and over. It is unlimited in its income making potential.
If this “rundown” is so powerful it can “pull a person out of anything” one has to wonder why it is not available everywhere? They don’t want this powerful whole track process to be had by everyone?
What’s up, the whole thing is going well here and ofcourse every one is sharing information, that’s genuinely fine, keep up writing.
Yes the endorphins released from running will key you out. But I can save you a lot of money. Just start running around any point for a few minutes or hours. Eventually you will feel great. You might even have a cognition because hey, you feel great. Because endorphins.
The scam … and I can only imagine people who are already runners and used to the endorphin release and what happens when they show up? I suppose probably convince themselves to have a win (indoctrination) because the alternative is Qual or Ethics and that costs even more money.
The scam is real.
Oh wow! Just had a major cognition reading this post: Scientology is whatever you want it to be! How about that?! It’s so true. These people want it to be the most amazing magical thing responsible for them feeling better about themselves and thereby validating their faith in it and voila, it is! I wanted Scientology to be gone, and it’s gone! Brilliant.
Looking at the languages that “Keep Running” has been translated to – almost all European, and REALLY they put “Chinese” AND “Taiwanese?” (anyone with even a passing familiarity with this cultural faux pas is going to cringe)
No African language, no indigenous language? Not even Portuguese or Polish?
I did the Running Program in Australian: Clive Hill saying, “More running, Dan,” in his old sheepherder voice. Loved old Clive and Marg.
I can just picture DM sitting in his not-so-oval office laughing up his sleeve at the fact that he’s managed to PR package & successfully sell to droves of unsuspecting sheeple a “vital whole track service” that was previously an ethics/justice punitive measure for errant Sea Org staff.
What a bloody traitor.
I don’t know what’s more sad – the fact that he’s managed to pull off this scam or that people have fallen for it. Geez.
Traitor Shelley? For what, selling something El Con said was a Whole track OT process and wanted delivered?
Hi Shelley,I agree with you.It is all very sad and will continue on until the bough(cos) breaks clean off and shrivels up. In the meantime and believe me I have down days, coming on Mike’s Blog with y’all pulls me up and makes me laugh, think, and it is still so incredible after Sea Org to find this space and all the true and strong and funny comrades right here.So I dry my tears and forge on with a big smile.Always,Ann.
Are there not any recent completions of the “Running Program” for whom this was the last straw and have decided to go public about where the so-called tech has headed in the last 15 years of so?
should LRH and DM be added to this list?
Naw, neither made up to a million per year out of church coffers.
Irrespective of all the bullshit, that is discussed here, I wonder why the plastic cases of the course packs are made in unstackable shapes? I bought a Phoenix lectures pack a while back and it is the most impractical ridiculous design. It is about as stackable as a ball. What is the purpose of that design? Especially when a person is expected to have a house full of them.
DM personally approved the shape. Well, what doesn’t he approve. I think there is an interview with Marc Headley on Surviving Scientology Radio where he talks about the CD cases.
Regarding the Phoenix lectures, the shape of the casing makes them quite aerodynamic when you chuck them out, if you do intend to keep them for any reason the best way is to retain the white box they come in.
Scions love to make something out of nothing hence the OTT packaging for this, is it practical? Of course not but that’s your problem not theirs.
God what a racket. No wonder Scientologists are regarded as totally delusional by the outside world.
Poor people. The clue is in the words “Indoctrination” pack.
Here is how Scientology’s mind control system works…
1. Advertise consgtantly in all the promo, emails and phone calls from registrars (who have never done any Bridge services ) all the “AMAZING WINS” one will have. People (actors and acrtresses saying how they were blown away without really saying anything.
Use words like “best Scientology action I took on the whole track”…and call it the “Cause Resurgance Rundown” because they will do anything to get relief…much like heroine or crack.
The members and staff are total effect of a stat driven existence. Broke, bewildered and bamboozled…they are in confusion and doubt most of the time. They are hoping they will get relief… promise them relief.
2. Then…have them pay a lot of ,money upfront while keeping the mystery going with 20 year old registrars that have done NO BRIDGE tell them how theta it is to do the “Cause Resurgance Rundown” and how at cause they will be when they pay for it. Charge a LOT Of money upfront. Make them sign legal dox that they can’t have any money back and they are totally responsible for their “wins” and lost abilities.
3. When they arrive at Flag – smile smile smile while you pick pocket their cash, drain their bank accounts, get them to borrow money beyond belief, tell them they have been very naughty on the Whole Track and they have to make up the damage by spending more money they don’t have.
Keep them from “having” their service for about one week to 10 days…
When PreClear or Pre OT is totally exasperated and financially drained…then tell them the C/S says they have to stay longer.
Delay the service until they are going crazy. Just before they go Type III. They will be ripe to say they had a win whilst combing their hair that morning and hip hip hooray to LRH for the amazing life saving win.
They will be ready then to have their “service” that cost $50,0000.
4. Let them run around a pole until they find some type of win they can claim. “I feel so theta – thank you Ron for the tech”
5. Have them write it up to make sure they are VGI’s.
then let them go home but not until you put them through the Registrar Meat Grinder….to enturbulate them all over again….you will maximize profits this way!!
THEN they can go home….
It works when standardly applied….
Con accomplished.
They won’t know what hit them until they get home. They will be secretly BI’s because they were scammed…but if they say anything….make them come back and do it all over again and pay and pay and pay. They will think they will feel better on the NEXT scam …which they will do over and over and over until Ron comes back…
That is how you Keep Sciendollatry Scamming.
I did the ‘oak tree’ one in the company of other SPs. Seems it didn’t work on any of us. But that’s cuz we’re
SPs I guess. Which reminds me, that whole SP thing was supposedly solved by LRH, wasn’t it- with what? Was that XDN? Seems that didn’t work either. As a matter of fact, the number of SPs rose exponentially. I think these things gave us 47X expansion of SPs. Marvellous stuff.
I think you hit on something there Mike. How long before we see the official Co$ laundry detergent (Theta!) developed from recently discovered LRH advices and official Co$ dryer sheets (Laundry Assist).
Build the Bridge to fresh and clean laundry… LRH postulated!
Your reg can sell you the 12 ounce container for an introductory price of $39.99 per bottle!
Listen to the success stories…..
“The laundry was enturbulating the entire family until our reg introduced me to Theta! and Laundry Assist! Thanks to COB! My 2-D now smells like 5 foot of real man!”
Don’t laugh Chee. There are enough * Advices on laundry and detergent to do just that.
Hilarious as ever! 175 people running for 3,000 hours in a week averages out at 17.14 hours per person or about 2 l/2 hours a day. Wow!
Their bs knows no bounds. They must rate as the silliest people on (currently residing, they have my blessing to go live someplace else) Earth.
Per them I never knew how “OT” I really am/was when I was in the army – that’s all we ever did! And absolutely no shortage of personnel to order you to keep running.
Track and field athletes! WOW! Super Duper Thetans indeed!
I Yawn, if you had all that track & field, why, you gotta be THE most OT person on Teegeeack.
Surely I’m missing something here. It sounds like you just run around in a circle that has a pole in the middle.
You are only missing one thing. The significance placed on this action as a “whole track OT objective process derived from whole track recall of LRH.”
Otherwise, you have it.
I’ve been thinking about putting a telephone pole up in the middle of my backyard. Cant be that hard to find one.
The Ultimate Running Program is much less complicated
and not confidential. Join the US Marine Corps !
Larger than life Con Artists are not new to this civilization. Get over it. Or, there is the running program that can pull you out of anything. That palm tree at Int got more people to keep right on running than you know.
As far as monetizing the process, LA Fitness and 24 Hour Fitness beat you to the punch.
BTW, Amazon recently opened a new fulfillment center in the Inland Empire. If you get an offer for the Gold Base, take it. The SP building in Clearwater can be used as a fulfillment center. If the dome of Cause Resurgence is removed, delivery drones can land and take off. Again, if you get an offer, take it while you can.
Typical C/S:
1. Tie two shoelaces to F/N.
2. Check that pre-OT has shorts on.
3. Run “Run” to major stable cramp.
Interesting selection of languages. Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish are basically the same language with different spellings and slightly different vocabularies. The same applies to Castilian Spanish vs. LatAm Spanish. Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese are two different languages, so the fact that they translated the materials into Taiwanese emphasizes the effort they’re putting into targeting that country.
I think you’re about to hear from a bunch of Scandanavians, scansplainin’ to you about the differences between Swedish, Norwegian and Danish. I have heard that, for the most part, speaker of these different individual languages tend to converse with each other in English rather than try to be mutually intelligible in their own languages.
That may be true. I’ve heard that they’re mutually intelligible to each other, but I didn’t mean to minimize the need to localize for each one separately.
I actually know something about software localization, having worked with Android and other smartphone OS’s. For a very long time, Microsoft Windows was only available in US English, and not UK or Canadian English spellings, until they added those.
Castilian Spanish and Latin American Spanish are considered two different regions, just like Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese. I notice Portuguese is missing from their list.
I came back to the thread when I realized something else that was missing. There are two variants of written Chinese: simplified and traditional. Simplified Chinese is used in mainland China and traditional Chinese is used in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
I know from talking to colleagues from Hong Kong that Cantonese speakers can read written Chinese even if they don’t speak Mandarin, because the same characters are used for different spoken words with the same meaning. But it sounds formal and stilted if you read it as Cantonese. I believe the same thing works with speakers of other dialects (although Taiwanese people all learn Mandarin in school in addition to any other languages).
But it doesn’t work in the opposite direction: Mandarin speakers can’t read written Cantonese (unless they also speak it) because it uses additional characters and the grammar is different. So we know they’re not targeting people from Hong Kong because there’s no Cantonese translation. I wonder if pressure from the mainland (and general skepticism) creates a hostile environment there.
I suspect they’re only targeting people from Taiwanese communities if they didn’t specify separate traditional and simplified Chinese treanslations. If they do offer both simplified and traditional Chinese written materials, then they missed an opportunity to count an extra localization and brag about it.
In a time of severely depressed domestic prospects, there’s only one thing to do: Export! Like the cigarette industry did when the jig was up in the US.
I don’t know…punt?
But a “Schmuck” is a schmuck in any language. Except, of course lientology, where it translates into ‘thetan’.
Do you buy this in an intensive form or by the number of laps?
I remember the pole at INT surrounded by a dirt path. I also remembering it looked like a place you would be sent to if you were in jail. I saw one person running once. Just stumbling. Could it have been Kenny Seybold or Bill Dendiu? It was a man, medium build with black or blue on (RPF?)
How awful.
I hoped to never be CSd for that rundown. I often wondered what would be the indicator you NEEDED that awful process. I wanted to know so I’d never ever utter a word that would land me there.
Whenever I think of CRR, I think of ‘Bad Moon Arising’.
So, for 10 grand or so and 2-4 weeks of my life, I too can get that endorphin rush that comes from stopping running. Do they train the ‘athletes’ by having a reg follow them around the circuit? That would motivate me. Almost any can do it.
Sorry, it’s CCR, Credence Clearwater Revival. Perhaps they can re-do ‘Looking out my back door’ into something doing with the ‘front porch of infinity’. Nah, John Fogerty wouldn’t do that.
Dyslexic bull is dyslexic. ‘Almost any can do it’ should be “almost anyone can do it”. Do you know how hard it is to type with these giant hooves?
The profit center of Flag needs all the CRR cases they can get. Someone has to pay the electric bill. All those OTs sure aren’t stepping up.
I remember the words in the advice that all of us are “mineral starved robots”. (We swallowed handful after handful of mineral supplements and gallons of water every day.)
… Gallons of water which ensured that the minerals got washed away in the toilet break you had to take every 15 minutes.
I’m sorry I don’t understand this fad of drinking far more water than one needs, making one bound between a bottle and a toilet. I, like my ancestors have done for thousands of years, drink when I’m thirsty. Drinking more makes me feel bloated and travel back and forth to the toilet, with no discernible benefit.
I figure if evolution honed that complex electrolytic balance apparatus for millions of years, it must be good enough to keep a human healthy.
Endorphins can be a very powerful drug.
With all of the suppression on the second dynamic, it is starting to bleed out in the promo. It sounds full of lust and orgasmic. The success stories are starting to sound the same. Some of these people haven’t been laid for over a decade. Being able to think about and make the body do anything with out apologizing probably brings wondrous and marvelous benefits.
I know a whole lot of women that can share things that have never been seen in this part of the galaxy. And truth be told, there is a whole lot these people have not seen in this part of the galaxy. Most of them have never viewed a drivers test booklet or an apartment lease.
I run because I can. That is the EP!
Yeah! You gotta problem wit dat?
I also have a run-around-in-circles rundown. My circuit is about 1.4 miles, and it looks like this:
In 1981 or 1982, I was still a “good” one in the cult. Founder and president of a big euroepan org.
One of these days, I got -I was also the LRH Comm and the ED etc of the org – I received “the” bulletin of va foold guy named L. Ron Hubbard. It was’nt called resurgence ineptitude or whatever, just a description, in less than 2 pages, of a “new discovery” invented by the old fool.
The solution to whatever was promised, you name here whatever your “ruin” is still there after years upon years of cultic indoc.
That incredible process was described : turn around a tree for hours or so. You can guess that insane DM found and used it as a miraculous secret confidential RD. Since I was used to LRH foolishnesses and his execs worse ones, I promise: this one HCOB of the very few insanities I never translated at all. Too bad I did not kept it when leaving, that was suc an evidence of the olde fool insanity!
Well, DM used it now, he’s worse than LRH!
II should have been intelligent enough even then to explain to the staffs and customers and ex-scientologists, and friend OTs, that LRH had been more than ever an old fool trying to get more money in exchange of nothing.
UNLESS he was hoping to get a mesaurement of the stupidity of his belivers.
(the cult did not attack my book, where this was also described, as far as I can remember).
If your Native Language is not one of the chosen 17
you cannot run around a pole ?
smells like school lunch farts in gym shorts.
Colorful metaphor Jose, loved it.
You may have loved it, Scott, but, I lived it….
Molehills are mountains are planets are galaxies are entire universes.
An endorphine rush is a never-before-experienced whole track blow-out win that is only available at Flag for a measly couple of grand.
Geeze, what a bunch of hapless rubes.
Can I assume that all Scientologist have had to word clear ‘indoctrinate’ at some point?
I just have never seen that word used in a positive light before.
Are they doing anything else in the Super Power building besides the running program? 19 staff, woo-hoo!
Rick – A good question. A huge building with few people rattling around inside. There must be some scientologists who went to the soopah-pow-ah buildiing and realised it was an epic white elephant. I’d love to hear from someone who has been in recently and is able to talk about it. I’m especially curious to know how the “oiliness table” floor of the building is functioning, what they charge for what services and other prurient detials.
I seem to recall DM had his private elevator that lead to his office therein. Every time he goes there it must hurt even little stone heart to realise the building born out of his greed and guidance is an epic fail.
I can relate to those success stories. I around the running track at the YMCA occasionally. Yesterday I ran 5 mikes around the track, and while not having the benefit of someone to tell me to keep running when I felt like walking a lap I still had some major wins.
As I was driving home I only hit two red lights which is very unusual, I normally hit at least three and sometimes even four. Then later as I was doing laundry I heard a cracking sound coming from the washer. At first I didn’t know what it was but then had a cognition that there might be some loose change in the washer, I opened the door and found two dimes.
When you have these kind of wins you can’t help but feel sorry for the unfortunate wogs who have never been exposed to LRH tech.
Doug these “wins” you describe for your unauthorized and squirrel running program are just whole track BTs lulling you into a false sense of beingness. These are not, repeat not wins. Only 100% GAT II standard tech can deliver the wins you describe. Off to ethics you go.
You are probably right Scott. But it was fun to pretend anyway.
“Yesterday I ran 5 mikes around the track…”. Wow, first of all, getting 5 people named Mike is pretty spookie. But what did these 5 Mikes do wrong that they have to run around a pole? I wonder if they’re being prepped for the RPF….
Oops, 5 miles
Too late, Doug! I already made a joke about it…
I used to hate Physical Training when I was in the Army but If I could do it now I would only find it annoying.
poor hypnotised, lost and debrained human beings. So pitiful
Great post, thanks Mike. I’m not a nihilist/materialist nor a fundamentalist/religious person. I’d say I’m a spiritually hopeful person. I think where religions, philosophies and science are finding a common ground is in the concept of non-duality. Lrh’s ‘Axiom 1’ is more in line with non-duality than his ‘Thetan theory’.
P.S. I’d bet a million bucks Hubbard would never abase himself running around a pole.
I meant to write axiom 1 is more akin to non-locality.
If anything typifies the mindset of the current Scientologist, this has to be it.
Reminds me of a carny peddling a mysterious body of a dead alien, only to discover its a cheap Hollywood prop that had been thrown in the garbage.
My personal fav is:
“I almost jumped out of my chair at what I saw! It was no doubt straight from the whole track.”
Obviously Rudi is easily excited. Wait till he does OTIII, he’s gonna need some Depends.
They have only been able to use Google to figure out how to say “run” and “stop” in 17 languages? How “OT” of them. LMAO!
Marcia Johanson: I think she is telling the truth, running for days on end probably does give most people more case gain and by a FOUR WHOLE ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE then those much exulted states! However, it says more about what people achieve on those mystical levels than it does about the gains had by running ’round the pole.
Back in the day, we ran around four stacked-up 55-gallon steel drums that were painted day-glo orange. Took 5 men to raise it up from the sands of Griffith Park every morning.
Now they have a “beam of light” to run around?
That ain’t no man’s man running program! That’s the Airy Fairy running program!
Hi John Doe, Very good to meet you.Thank you for your post which gave me much laughter this Sunday.I had to restrain myself from amazoning a giant roll of Saran Wrap! Always,Ann.
Has anyone seen those Hitler Rants videos on Youtube that deal with Scientology? I was watching some of them and they made me LOL!
Especially the one about the Cause Resurgence Rundown where Krebs points at Berlin on the map and calls it Clearwater.
The running program ought become a freezone (squirrel) process so easy to deliver.
What is most omitted is that the Running Program, the “OT version” is what LRH case supervised for himself as LRH’s next “case action” for when LRH left his body.
If people in Scientology knew that LRH was out doing the OT version of the Running Program, they’d more likely flock to Flag to the Superpower Building and get onto doing this rundown themselves in the human version to be like LRH.
I’m rather puzzled: If this “technology” is so powerful and the “wins” so overwhelming in quantity and quality then why would a thetan need to repeat it ad nauseam? I would think this “whole track spiritual therapy” and “never before seen in this civilization” technology would make a thetan so “at cause” that it would only need to be completed once, but that’s wog logic for you.
He’s over here boys! Come and get ’em! Sorry, Scott, I had to turn you in to the Ethics Police for your treasonous thoughts. Oh, look! Here come the Thought Police too!
Too late OSD, too late. Doing my A-E as we speak…
I know you’ll come through a shinier Thetan! When do think you’ll get done? Sometime in ’18?
“It is as confidential as the recipes in a cereal box” I love that one. But as we know bubble dwellers have such stainless 17 inch armour of certitude that they won’t fall as low as to doubt one single word of what they are told.
How can a running program take 2-4 weeks. And how does that mesh with Scientologists’ need for Kool Menthols?
That’s all covered in the ‘Black Lung Rundown.’
OSD, You keep making me laugh out loud with your humor, lol. 🙂 Thanks for the chuckles this morning. – T.J.
“Life is far too important to take seriously” – Oscar Wilde
Hi OSD, Great post.May I say my next action will be The Blue Dust Sec-Check one of the more OT and magical where any type of cancer is concerned.Just do A-Zs forever and poof that cancer is gone.Laughter! Not! xo Ann.