Following are 4 of the 10 pages devoted to the Running Program in the new Source Mag.
It is an interesting study in hype and mystery.
People are paying a lot of money for this “rundown” which literally consists of “running” around in circles. There is NOTHING ELSE done on the Running Program, or “Cause Resurgence Rundown” as it is called in the promotion.
There is nothing wrong with this per se. People pay money for gym memberships and run around too. And I don’t doubt that it has positive benefits for those that choose to participate. Not sure whether they are really more positive than simply putting on your running shoes and getting out and exercising, but that is not the point here.
Why are they SOOOO secretive about what this “OT rundown” consists of? They have a VERY strict policy of NOT showing the “Running Track” or even mentioning the fact that this is a running program. Why?
Of course, if people knew that OT VIII’s and L Rundown completions and all these other big status people are “getting more gain and handling more case on this rundown than any other level” they would have to wonder about paying a few hundred thousand dollars for those levels…. Why not just “run”? It’s a good question.
And if this is the pinnacle of “OT rundowns” and “tech from the wholetrack” doesn’t it make a mockery of the “lesser” tech? This is really what gives you “OT Powers”?
Certainly there is NOTHING confidential about it. It’s not going to “cave you in” if you know that people are running around in circles — though it may suppress your willingness to turn over your hard earned cash.
So, the Running Program is deliberately shrouded in mystery while buried under a mountain of hype.
Get a load of some of the amazing statements that are made about this “rundown” and note the pictures that aren’t worth a thousand words. In fact, they could have been taken in the entrance of any LA Fitness Center near you… (you can click on any of these images to enlarge).
This is truly wacky. You’ve left planet earth. Your adventure into deep space begins… And they try SO hard to dispel the idea that scientology is nothing but science fiction. And this is how they choose to promote it?
As you journey through the far reaches of outer space… Running around in circles in a large, darkened room with no windows is now “journeying through outer space”?
Can you imagine if you read this, paid your money and showed up, only to be told the “rundown” consists of putting on your running shoes and “Start”?
An “astounding catalog of out of this world wins” — of course, if you don’t give a “win” that lives up to the hype being promoted for the running program, you will be sent back to run some more…
One thing very interesting here is that this is an endless money pit — the only specific given about this rundown is that it can be done basically anywhere on the Bridge (though it’s an “OT Rundown”?) and you can do it OVER AND OVER. In fact, as many times as we tell you to do it — the only limitation is that you have to pay each time.
A whole new viewpoint of present time — fascinating. I always thought that coming into present time was accomplish on TR 0.
It never ceases to amaze me just how many times people keep reporting what LRH did or did not say or do.
He is not here to defend himself so is of course open to attack.
The attacks never stop of course, they keep getting published and passed off as legitimate data for debate, or people have a right to their opinion, even if it is insane and based on nothing but sick bile.
It is reported also too often by people who claim they were there and saw this sort of thing like the RP going on.
What did these fawing creeps do about torture of human beings?
Nothing of course, craven to the end some people.
I always took the stand that if something wrong or stupid was going on I chitted it or upped the gradient and went in physically to deal with a problem.
It is a fact that creatures without back bones often have the hardest shells.
The pinnacle of OT rundowns?
All this talk about energy flows. Do these people still listen to the PDC’s & read 8-8008 etc.? I always thought Postulates were the highest level?
Mike Rinder wrote ….. “I am interested in what information you have been given to do this with? Someone gave you a write up that they claimed was written by LRH? Was it an “HCOB”? A dispatch?”
This is the write-up I have Mike:
“The theoretical basis of the program is that the person generates energy by running around a fixed point and by doing the running while keeping one’s attention on the fixed point in the middle of the running area, there is an unmoving terminal and a moving terminal and this will cause some interesting phenomena in the person.
The person runs in a circular area with a diameter of about 150 feet. In the middle there must be some object, such as a tree or pole or large rock that serves as the focal point for the person. One day the person runs counterclockwise and the next day runs clockwise so as not to create any imbalances on the joints from running in the same direction all the time.
The program is done on a gradient of walking, jogging and running. At first the person gets out on the track and walks around the pole while keeping attention on the pole. One doesn’t have to look at the pole but must keep the attention on it. He walks until he is tired, goes off the track and rests for a while and then gets back out on the track and walks some more.
So, it is walk, rest, walk, rest, etc. until the body has been built up to do that. Then one jogs one lap and walks one lap until tired, rests and does this some more, continuing on this gradient until one can do it. Alternating directions each day.
A lot of sweating will occur and therefore the person sweat out minerals so it is important to take a mineral supplement while on the program.
Good running shoes are a must.
Green leafy vegetables need to be part of the diet.
Also, a good night’s sleep”
Thanks v much.
This is just an unsigned write up?
Interesting that there is nothing about this comes from the whole track, but it includes a “theoretical basis of the program” that I do not recall seeing before (it’s been a long time, maybe some others who are more familiar can add their recollection to this being part of the original despatches or whether it is someone else’s theory?)
Mike this is just my guess but, it very likely has had to be reconstructed from memory and written up this way because apparently nobody has the original copies that LRH actual penned.
I first read the whole track background here last Dec 6 2013 when Dan Koon went over it after your article, ” Scientologist Running Around in Circles” came out.
You got it right re how this RD works.
Maybe an addition to why LRH brought it up when he did was that in ’83 a lot of the SO members at GOLD/INT were said to be screwed up casewise -supposedly by David Mayo-.
So a lot of the base members were put on the Running Pgm to simply snap out of their unresolved case
issues. That was before the RD was used as a punishment.
Not quite — it was used as a punishment FIRST on Mayo and the others from his office and “allies”…
Not minding all the hype and absurd statements promoting this action, it actually sounds to me like an assist, a broad spectrum assist.
How about a 50 hours Touch Assist Rundown .. very good .. but think about, it is basically not LRH Tech, because it is used forever in the past as a share of ARC .. think about shaolin priests ..
Sorry folks, but this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever encountered in Scn. Running around in a circle is an “OT Process”, you gotta be fucking kidding me. And people take it serious? What just because LRH said be pulled it off the whole track, therefore it is a legitimate, wondrous technology? This should be a red flag for those buying into this, that they have ceased critically analyzing data put before them.
You know, I can feel pretty goddamn good after taking a dump. Does that make it a valid process? Why not? Hey, anything goes in the wacky world of Scn.
When I hear about things like the CRRD, it just reminds me that the cherch will package, market and sell ANYTHING if they think they can get away with it. How about a Touch Assist Rundown? 50 hours of “feel my finger”, guaranteed to make you go exterior. Who would have thought such a simple process could deliver such mind-blowing wins!!! And EVERYONE needs to do it, because that’s what LRH always wanted.
When I read in the Scientology News at the first time about Cause Resurgence Rundown .. I did not know what it is (Miscavige did not explain it further) .. so I had to make a mock up because I had no definition ..
In Tech Dictionry is a definition about Running Program which I got then as the LRH definition for this, but a rundown is a rundown and it is not a program ..
I do not really understand all this explanations about exteriorization. Running around a pole for some hours will give you only one viewpoint .. which may give you the feeling of being exterior .. isn’t it true .. so the program or rundown is not more than implantig yourself in one way or another .. this is my opinion about ..
My understanding of Scientology was to get as much viewpoints as you can get .. maybe it is true that you get a win when you reduce it to one viewpoint .. maybe .. don’t know, would not try to make the experience because at the day when I die .. I have only myself .. basically I have then only my own ARC .. and if one has real experience with dying or exteriorization (I have never meet one) he knows that ARC changes in a fast way .. and you forget nearly everything about the life .. I mention this only, because the church praised so much for eternity freedom and knowingness .. but missed the point here, that you will forget everything about .. you will only win when you get more ARC yourself .. not flying around palms, planets or galaxies ..
Exteriorization is not a solution to being there in present time .. it is to me only a decision which viewpoint you will have. I think LRH has learned that very well, all the tech he gave is promotion of his viewpoint of the affairs .. sometimes good, sometimes bewildered ..
My conclusion, if LRH did really mean that the Cause Resurgence Rundown (Running Program) would be the final way to get everybody back to OT .. why he did not promote it this way? It should be the first step for everyone on the Bridge to freedom .. means, everybody on this program who died, would come back for doing it again .. the final product is running around a pole and still alive .. then you are Cause over Life
Sorry if somebody did not follow my thoughts ..
Mike thank you for giving my comment .. but it seems that very few people have read that ..
A long time ago I believed that Mr. Hubbard was the source of all things in Scientology. I have since discovered that nothing could be further from the truth. It now seems that all thing good that come from Scientology were the result of the work of others and the old man just claimed to have “discovered”them all. If anyone disputed his word (even those that were actually responsible) they were promptly declared SP’s and thrown out of the so called “church.” So the only legitimate running program that I have ever heard of that might have done some good was the one developed by Phil Stevens in Australia. It was called the “Sweat Program”. It was for those who had taken LSD and was designed to “Detox” druggies from the residual effects of the Drug. The idea was to take big doses of vitamins and minerals – wrap yourself in plastic garbage bags and then run and sweat in order to “sweat out” any residual drugs trapped in the cells of the body. Or something like that. I don’t know if this program ever worked to reduce the effects of LSD but it certainly made people very fit. The Sweat Program was subsequently replaced by the Purification program and that was not just for druggies and LSD cases but for everyone. Consequently it was a great cash cow for Hubbard.
I don’t know who developed the purification rundown but I do believe that it could not have possibly been Mr. Hubbard. He undoubtedly stole it from someone else and claimed it was his own.
Well Peter you are not well informed. Phyll did not come up with the sweat program. Not even maybe. She was told what to do to pilot this concept. It was done all over the world based on directions from LRH.
I don’t really want to have an argument with you as it seems that you are still a believer in the Myth of LRH. Maybe you should ask Phyll about it (oops too late now ‘cos she’s dead).
My “uniformed” reality is that the Great LRH didn’t “come up” with anything. Not Dianetics, not Scientology (in fact not even the name Scientology) not the e-meter or even the “Hubbard e-meter”, not the OT Levels or the lower levels. None of it. Other people did it all. What Mr Hubbard did was cut and paste it all into a hotchpotch of various techniques and practices and called it a religion. He then demanded total loyalty and he might have actually believed that he came up with it all himself.
So how did Mr Hubbard do it? Well you explained it. Someone would make a discovery or think something was good idea and tell Mr Hubbard about it. If Hubbard thought it had some merit he would say “try it and see what happens and then tell me.” Then Mc Masters or Phyll Stevens or David Mayo or whoever came up with the idea would go away and work on it and then come back to Hubbard with the results and Mr Hubbard would write it up in an HCOB or order a pilot program. Then Hubbard would sit back and watch and wait for the CS reports and claims that he did it al himself and that a group could never come up with truth. Like Gershwin said “Nice work if you can get it.”
On the other hand Mr Hubbard probably did come up with things like “Shore Stories” and the 4 year kid in the chain locker and the RPF and the RPF’s RPF and ethics lower conditions.
I dare say you and I will never see eye to eye on any of this (although Marty seems to be more receptive) but I really do appreciate that you allow me to express my opinion regardless.
Boy, you really don’t read this blog much do you.
Keep on reading and commenting though and I am sure you will catch on.
What I most object to is FALSE information. You somehow got a crazy idea that Phyll Stevens came up with this. Where that came from, I don’t know. But I correct silly falsehoods when I have the time as I want this blog to have accurate information.
You are picking a fight here about something of which you clearly know little. Perhaps if you stick around you will learn some things.
I am no Hubbard apologist, as you seem to assume. But I am also not a rabid “Hubbard hater” that rails on with massive generalities about how he never did anything and didnt have an original thought and stole everything etc etc. Clearly, that is an absurd and supportable position to take. Even if ONLY from the incredibly limited perspective that writing is creation. Even the same idea or concepts differently expressed is creativity. It is said there are only a handful of fundamental plots in fiction writing — but it is the expression of them that makes one book or movie good and the other not worth the time of day.
And BTW — I do not in any way diss Phyll. She was a dear friend of mine. I had known her for MANY years. In fact, I am the person that gave her a new lease on life by sending her to be the Captain AOSHANZO and I personally ran her as Chief Officer CMO Int/WDC SO. That, also as historical fact, was the last new Advanced Org to be opened. And I did in spite of Miscavige.
I think running is awesome. You build sweat, burn calories, gain stamina, work on those leg muscles, get a runners high. But even with all that good stuff I wouldn’t say the benefits “dwarf an exploding sun”. Geez, who writes this stuff?
What I find interesting is both the source and likely target audience of this rundown. Hubbard, whether you like him or not, agree with him or not, did not look like the running type (at least not in any photos I’ve seen of the man). The likely target of this rundown are long-time Scientology whales who are grasping for anything “new”. I doubt many of them are runners as well. Can you imagine her Royal Governor doing this? No. So add that up and you get a product that no one asked for (running around in circles in the dark) peddled at an exorbitant price to people who likely can’t do it anyway (rich old people). That’s why the number of people who’ve actually done it despite the hyperbole is very small and the closest LA Fitness or running club in Tampa/Clearwater has nothing to worry about.
From my recall of the Running Program (newly labeled Cause Resurgence Rundown) which I read first time I had to cover for Mike Eldridge who was the Interne Sup at Flag at that time, he was under the weather, and I had to give two RPF members checkouts on the Running Program advices of that time, like 1979or 1978 ish. Then later, 1983, I again had to read them because I was the temp RPF I/C at the FLB.
Their calling it in the promo an “OT objective process” is to my mind accurate.
Important vital info they left out, is that LRH is today, per his statement to Sarge Stephen Pfauth, LRH is out there doing this OT objective on himself, circling a star, as an OT, to do a little self case work!
So important for Scientologists to actually get ALL of what LRH was last saying.
Not that I believe any of it, but the movement and ex members who still believe, ought to get the straight scoop from LRH, and from people like Sarge’s stories of LRH at the end of LRH’s life.
It all kind of makes sense, that so much attention would be placed on the Cause Resurgence Rundown, if people really believe in their immortal souls and their futures, and they believe in LRH’s processes will do anything to improve their OT immortal souls now and in the LONG future!
I believe a better overall summary of the Scientology movement is due. It is a whole big cosmic sized field that Scientology supposedly takes up as its job of dealing with the souls here on earth!
I’d have wanted some of the wins to be more spectacular, and a lot more exterior with full perception out of the body experiences, to really draw interest to this rundown.
Did you hear about Warwick Alcock getting booked for shoplifting or theft on the 15th of March this year!
I wonder if the Flag pay is so low, Warwick decided to take it out on the wogs! Anyways this is quite a flap if revealed, since Warwick is such a long term Sea Org member, he was booked in Pinnelas County there in Clearwater! Right after LRH’s birthday!
Everyone above has covered this pretty well, but one more point: to get out of this circular punishment rundown you have to have a really really big win. In these days of the three swing F/N and massive hype you have to really really have a really really big big win, even if all you actually achieved was a release of endorphins and a little weight loss.
Everybody knows now that there will never really be a true OT who is actually “total cause over matter, energy, space, time and life” because there aren’t any so far and the Bridge above OT VIII got buried in a hole in Pat Broeker’s garden and lost or never really was. That is why there are stupid “cause seminars”, special Survival Rundown Survival meetings or various lost tech revivals. People still want to be Cause Over Life (if you aren’t at least a little cause over life you are not doing too well after all). So every new redo of the redos or rediscovery of the old doo-doo, every next action you do is hyped to the max as finally delivering the broken promise of OT.
And magically everyone who does it swears on a stack of e-meters that he has not only achieved cause, but ultimate cause, spiritually on the whole track to the max with technicolor exclamation points!!!!! Because you can’t get out of the two story water tank and go home to make a little more cash for next time until you do! And every day in Flag accommos bleeds you dryer than you were before if that is even remotely possible.
I never did this rundown but what I heard from others is they kept thinking they had “the big win” and didn’t, had to do more and more, still didn’t have any bigger win than the first day, finally either blew or made up a win so big it could not be ignored. No point in wondering why the hyperbole in a situation like that. Hyperbole is the only way out.
Alanzo, Mike’s commenting system does not allow much commenting on commenting. You commented on no one’s commenting, so I’ll comment here.
I think the lack of flabbergasted remarks about David Mayo being put on this RD as punishment is absent from the talk here in that (for me, at least – maybe others?) we got the flabber gasted out of us with the meanness of this action on David Mayo some time ago. It was good to see that someone posted a pic of him at Tony O’s site some couple years ago, and that he looks happy.
Yes, older, but not ill and still plenty wise. Wishing him well now.
I’m with you on that Danno.
Glad to read that David survived that insanity.
What’s up with the black boiler suits? The public have to dress like RPFers for the Cause Resurgence Rdn? Creepy.
I ran around that pilot cottonwood tree with David Mayo in 1982 (before it got all fancied up with a palm tree and track–and now whatever they’ve got in the super duper building) along with a bunch of others who are now, uh, persona non grata. Watch out!
Thanks mltc.
And I am sure you will confirm that the order from LRH was that Mayo and you and the others were to just keep running and there was someone there to ENFORCE it. And the track around the cottonwood tree got pretty gnarly and ended up like a goat path.
the indies have to tech and the “church” has the tech.
yet the indies don’t have a PR problem, but “church” does.
the indies don’t have people protesting them, but “church does”.
that shows wogs don’t care what you believe. whatever gets you through is alright.
it’s only when one tries to shove those beliefs down throats, when one assumes they are the authority and thus need not ask permission, that wogs get their dander up.
my opinion of the CRRD is the opposite of KFrancis’, but that doesn’t matter because KFrancis is not getting raped and reamed in the name of doing the CRRD. she’s just doing something she feels is good for her. there are plenty of people who don’t think like me, she’s just one of them and vice verser.
no skin off anybody’s nose.
but the “church” itself is a scam, they can’t let people just practice scientology otherwise it wouldn’t be a scam, it would look like the indie field. it is not about “tech” or “religion” or philosophy, it’s about scamming you anyway they can for all the money you have. the brain trust knows you’re paying over again and over again for the same thing. it doesn’t escape them that the typo tech made them a ton of money. and it doesn’t escape other people too. hence the statements “scientology is a scam”.
you don’t hear Christianity or Islam being called a scam, they’re called BS, but not a scam, even with all the money they have. the indie field gets called BS but not a scam, why? because they are not.
the “church” is.
even if it’s claimed as science and it’s not, even if none of the promised results were gained, it still would not be a scam, because they would be sincere. they would be really trying to help you get the results they truly believe in and they would make good on past courses if lost tech were actually found. they would not make you pay over and over again for their mistakes, they would take responsibility for their actions.
can you imagine if, say for example, the indie place where KFrancis is doing the CRRD came to her and said “oh turns out a page was missing from the course pack we gave you so you have to redo it and pay for it again”. everyone would think that’s crazy, that it’s an outright scam.
in the indie field you get involved with your eyes open, in the “church” the truth is kept from you. in the indie field you can ask questions and if you don’t like them, you can look elsewhere, research as much as you like. you can walk away. you can drift through it, stay if you like it, leave if you don’t. pay as you go, do as much or as little as you want. that is not a scam, even if there is no such thing as clear or OT. that’s just people doing what they think is right for them. and the world of full of those kinds of people.
so there you have, believe what you like, just don’t go bullshitting people.
Actually, there are some of us out there who do have a problem with the beliefs. I know that I do. I have a specific subset of beliefs that I’m appalled by. One of them is Hubbard’s statements about “sexual perversion” in DMSMH and his definition of 1.1 in SoS. What this means to me is that I’m to be “eliminated, quietly and without sorrow” because of the gender I have carnal activities with. Another is the anti-psychiatry statements and ludicrous claims about the Evil Psychs being the cause of every problem on the Whole Track and that psychiatrists caused the Holocaust. You see, I get my wins from little pills that are prescribed for me by psychiatrists, and you’re going to take them away from me over my dead body. In fact, if you try to take them away from me, or force me to put on the Pink Triangle and head off to an Int Base-like concentration camp, the dead body that will result will most likely be yours.
Many Indies have disclaimed those statements from Hubbard. Some have even folded in same-sex relationships into the Second Dynamic, despite the lack of propagating of genes that is a key part of survival in most species. Some, however, have not. Some Indies have reinforced these teachings and made them part of their own (hello, Milestone Two). Those Indies, I have a problem with. They’re on my list for attack, but right now, the greater evil is the Church, and I’m a Pareto Chart kind of guy.
Oh, by the way, if memory serves, KFrancis is a gentleman, not a lady.
my point is you can debate, accept or reject any or all parts of what hubbard wrote,doing that is not a scam.
the scam is to use that to club you over the head to control and extract things from you.
when i say people don’t have a problem with what one believes, i don’t mean they thinks its ok, i mean they recognize your right to believe it.
omg i just laid a huge cognition!
this is just the start, it’s not just about running in circles, it’s an ideal lifestyle, the bridge is off source because we’re not eating and exercising EXACTLY like lrh, dm and tom cruise
after ideal orgs its time for the most profitable fundraising event ever, another version of the bridge!
time for the green biceps bridge!
maybe sinar parman and kirstie’s organic liason can help out with the food and supplements
new definition of a basal metab reading, 10 inch biceps and a long fall blowdown or gtfo
all parishioners start the bridge over again of course, previous certs cancelled, to be on this standard bridge you have to purchase an rtc certified (annual certs) blender and sous vide cooker, exercise gym for your home and subscribe to our new organic diet where we mail you the prepackaged meals, give all the sea org people something to do anyway… and if you come in if you don’t have 10″ biceps and a lfbd on basal metab you go home and buy more food, exercise and kitchen equipment
heck, every person should have a backup, two sets of gyms and kitchen appliances, maybe a few more for friends and family, let’s have an all hands for this, nevermind your other hats
so for example breakfast: coffee, kools and camel non filter cigs, eggs, sausage, mushrooms, bee pollen and vistaril, then a 5 mile run followed by 30 minutes of curls
almost forgot the rtc earthing mats for the kitchen, gym and the bed, sea org can send the rpf out to dig holes for the copper wire for the earthing mats
NOW the bridge is %100 on source, or till the next event at least…
I read some news item a couple weeks or so ago about
a 91 year old woman who runs marathons. She set the
record for her age group in a San Diego marathon. She ran the marathon on an average
of 16 minutes per mile. Not too shabby from my point of view.
How OT is it to make a 91 year old body run a marathon?
I saw a picture of her and she looked pretty done gone
keyed out. And she only paid an entry fee and didn’t
have to run in circles.
What a hamster wheel
Exactly CD 😉
The black outfits remind me of RTC’s black outfits…. anyway, this process looks like it is the end of the Bridge. The last OT level, so to speak. Since you can do it any number of times, and because it does not require an auditor, (they don’t train very many anymore) this will be the C/S of choice for anyone who has completed all the levels… “run around a pole” is a substitute for more OT levels. All RTC has to do is make sure no one graduates unless they write an outlandish success story. These stories can then be used to convince others hapless souls that this process was waaaay better than all the OT levels!!!!!
It’s RTC’s final Bridge. The scam of scams.
It’s really looking that way.
It might be valid tech, with zero overhead, so why don’t they just publish it widely and if someone feels overly restimulated they can try it.
On a “call us when you’re done basis”
Or come into one of our many”Ideal Orgs” and do it there.
OH, Forget it !!!!!!!!!!!
This is Miscavigoloy !!!!!!!!!!!
I think black clothes has become the order of the day within the church for some reason. I suspect it’s to create an “ethics presence” on the group. This is a deadly serious activity after all. Several years ago, IAS regges started wearing black clothes at PAC Base. I thought this was pretty weird at the time but then observed that the staff were fearful of them and if they wanted to interfere with a student (I had personally experienced this while on course), the staff was powerless to stop it and complied with their orders. When I had my own experience, the staff begged me to “just do what she says” because “she’ll get us into trouble”. Sorry I can’t detail this instance here right now. This made me think of RTC and that the IAS regges were copying their position of power in the org.
Black clothes for the public on the running service could be because black hides figure flaws or they want the public to subconsciously know that this is a very serious activity and you’d better smile and keep your mouth shut.
Have to agree with you, Mike.
Lots of hype and much ado about nothing, or something that has been around a long time for the bipeds.
I’ll stick to the free running program, but I reckon some folks need to pay money and then have some expert certify them as a comp.
What a bunch of squirrels.
Of course with the cutesy trademark device filed by RTC to give people the false impression that they are actually doing something about “protecting the ‘Scientology Religion'”….
As anyone who has done even a smattering of tech training can see the Logo has lines coming inward instead of outward meaning a contraction and introversion and all is one.
Like Nirvana or something.
(See the issues on Sybological Auditing in Tech Vol 1 either edition.)
Like the cops.
Where is CST when you need ’em?
One can see what the current standard of Standardization in the Church which has been perverted to mean basically *conformity*.
Cute lil’ uniforms and tote bags that everyone is supposed to wear and carry.
Mise’well put a sign up saying “no individuality allowed”.
This is what happens when you allow a bunch of crypto-fascists like Miscavige to take over the organization.
Vigorous exercise is the best thing you can do for brain health.
When in, I got to the point that I could not have a win in life unless I was doing some form of approved SCN. I mean, if you had a win elsewhere you were an “other practices case” and would surely be sent to ethics.
These folks are having wins just like everyone else on the planet who exercise, but they MUST believe (or assert) that these wins only happen within an org. It is pathetic and sad.
Right you are, jonsty! I’ve lived a lot of my life in Hawai’i. There’s a place called Iao Valley on Maui. For me, it’s THE most spiritual place I’ve ever hiked! Being in that valley gives me a sense of peace and serenity. And, it certainly keys me out. Just like Muir Woods in northern California. Nature will do that to you.
coming next, the cappuccino rundown! with a special mug designed by rtc, make sure your mugs certs are kept up to date…
can’t believe they didn’t make special limited edition cause resurgence shoes with the scientology logos on them for $10000
It’s the occasional form to keep quiet about a service and not discuss what it’s exactly about with others. This stimulates the curiosity of people and they want to know about it after hearing the raves and the wins. Remember the Key to Life Course with Clay Table and the Life Orientation Course? Joking and Degrading is a no-no, so people can’t openly say “The Cause Resurgence is basically running around an indoor track all day long” when it’s compared to outer space travel and magic as in the promo piece, yet that’s exactly what it invites.
Why not be open and honest about what a service exactly is, and provide some simple indoctrination about how LRH developed it, its purpose and how it can help a being? Maybe some of this is included in the CRRD but why not make it known from the start or as a promotion in itself? This type of promotion for a running program comes across as subterfuge to me.
I totally agree Pepper.
Even the name itself is misleading.
Like I wrote in the past. They should just quote relevant sections of the HCOB on it and leave it at that.
But ohhhh noooooo they gotta make a mountain out of a molehill.
Just about everything the Church puts out these days is overhyped and over the top PR like the wacked out regs who would tell people that this Rundown will give them the ability to levitate.
All they seem to be doing these days is promoting Hidden Standards.
Yes Robin, just like my friend who’s an OTVIII and trained to Class VIII and she is telling people that the “new” Objectives is THE BEST auditing she’s ever had.
All I can say is, Really?
You should remind your friend that she can do a free retread (well at least you could back then) on Class VIII which obviously she is dire need of.
I agree with you that the hype of the Co$ is B.S. and a mystery to attract customers = that glues the thetan to something as per the definition of ‘mystery’.
As far as the name goes, it is not wrong. I have seen plenty of people on that program that DID snap out of whatever they were stuck in. That’s a good thing.
Because it is rather unusual program and no adequate data is given to the public -or here- it is rather wild seeing the amount of dub-in that is being written here. Nature abhors a vacuum…
See my posting higher up to give some more data.
Spending so many hours without daylight: melatonine is being formed in the brain, the sleep hormone.
Make you feel drowsy.
Running so many hours: a lot of endorphines are being created: sense of well-being, numbed, euphoric state.
Just to mention a few medical points.
This combination of melatonine and endorphines may create a certain state of mind, in which ‘cognitions’ of being cause or other suggested wins might be easily artificially created.
‘Fraid I’m going to have to disagree with your total biophysical approach here which totally ignores the possibility of a causative agent such as the spirit in all of this and excludes environmental factors.
Running or even walking can be therapeutic. This is aside from any physical benefits of doing this action.
Actually motion just by itself on its own can be. Ask any one who rides or has ridden a Harley.
Sometimes its a spiritual experience 😉
I think there’s a new angle here. Purif to remove toxins. Running indoors to build melatonin and endorphines. Route them back to purif to get rid of the melatonin and endorphins. Repeat until the bank account is empty.
You can buy a Harley for the price of a Ft, Harrison vacation, and you get to keep the Harley.
It was not my intention to give a ‘total bio-physical approach’. Nothing wrong with a spiritual experience. Nothing at all. Walking in nature can give one a sensation of the sublime.
But I am sceptical about a spiritual experience under the influence of melatonin and endorphins, or under any other awareness changing product, be it chemically produced or naturally. And am even more sceptical when the cognitions are more or less fed by promo pieces and/or wins of others.
Run until you cognite. It seems the more mundane OR outlandish a course is, the higher the magnitude of hyperbole. Breathless and somewhat otherworldly.
I read an article some time ago about the participants in American “infomercials”, where it is revealed that many turn on the shine and gush over products they had not even seen. Not actors, just people off the street for less than a $100 bill would lie with their own originations about something that was described to them. As if the item was something they use everyday and saves them SO much time. You know, kinda like something else that no one has experienced.
I can’t tell you with what great interest I read your article this morning Mike.
After reading Dan Koon’s comments and write-up about the CRRD last year I became very interested in doing the RD. So I made plans to do after I finished OT 5. That is complete now (fantastic BTW) and I am currently on the CRRD in the Independent field.
I won’t go into a lot of detail because I am not finished at this point but I can tell you, there is something to this RD, it is not just running in circles. Something spiritually transformational is happening with me and I can sense it. Some have suggested it’s all due to chemical releases in the body, “a second wind”, “runners high” or some other explanation that ties it all to the body. I can tell you this is an incomplete explanation and a shallow look at the RD.
At this point I am 23 days into the RD and I have gone exterior and had wins but I have had to wade through some depressions and some losses as well. Those who believe in the “runners high” need to account for the “runners low” as well. Though any bad effects I have experienced have blown off as I continued to run. In other words the RD is causing restimulation but it is also quickly handling it. There are other phenomena I am experiencing but they are likely unique to me and not necessary to mention here.
At nearly 59 years of age and about 15lbs overweight when I started, I can tell you it has taken some real work to do this but I am glad I’m on it. Right from the start I knew LRH wouldn’t have put this out if there wasn’t some solid theory behind it.
As I mentioned I am not finished but, I do believe there is going to be a huge and satisfying finish to this. I don’t know what else to say about this but to tell you with all honesty, I can feel it coming.
Well, good for you. As I said, I don’t doubt people get wins out of this. My objection is to the lies and hype. I wish you great success. Anything that helps anyone come to a better understanding of themselves and a happier state of existence is all cool with me.
I disagree with one of your statements — the rundown IS just running in circles. There is no other action required, no auditor present, no commands, no two-way comm. JUst you running around a pole.
I have no doubt that all of the so-called “wins” that people have at various stages are real to those people. But placebo effect has been proven, by real research, to be up to 30% effective, too. If you want a ‘win’, and pay a lot of money for a ‘win’, you will probably find a ‘win’ in that manure pile. You just have to flexible on how you define a ‘win’.
You’d probably be better off running straight from Clearwater to Tampa International. That is a win.
I believe we are on the same page Mike. The church is hyping this of course but I guess Dave has to given all the build up to it.
I would like to know given the physical work needed to stay with this RD how many (if any) have fallen off the RD. That of course is not going to be published. If they can get a 100% success rate on this then my hat is really off to them. At age 38 I might have breezed through this, at 58 it’s a bit more taxing but it is still very doable.
In a literal sense yes, this is just running around in circles. I’m alone in doing this so I treat each day as a kind of “Solo Session” and try to wear the hats of the auditor and the PC. Maybe the only “commands” you have to give yourself are, 1. Keep moving 2. Keep your attention on the pole. ( These are not formal commands from LRH but just the viewpoint I take when I’m out there )
I am interested in what information you have been given to do this with? Someone gave you a write up that they claimed was written by LRH? Was it an “HCOB”? A despatch?
Not actually true Mike,
There is a Running Program RL and the I/C is supposed to communicate from time to time with the runners to see how they are doing on the program and ensure there is no overrun occurring.
Also there is supposed to be an MLO present to make sure that the runners are drinking enough water and replenishing their minerals and to handle any sprains or tell runners to rest if they’re over exerting themselves.
I know the RD was run differently over at the Magic Kingdom and used more as a punishment than to achieve actual case gain.
David Mayo was one of the first “products” of this perverted use of the Rundown.
In my opinion it is a physical action much like the purif that can produce phenomenal results when correctly done or can kill a person if not.
Time will tell if some of these out of shape “OTs” who are currently doing the program will eventually keel over from cardiac arrest.
In other words I see a flap coming in the near future.
What is it that is not actually true?
Yes, I guess you could say that David Mayo restored his ability handle his own energy and he blew altogether. Not sure what your point was? That the running program turns people into SPs? That LRH didn’t order Mayo to run around a tree until he dropped — with the “I/C” of the program there to ensure he did not stop?
Robin, your opinion about this being a physical action doesn’t match what LRH said. He said it was done without a body, or didn’t that make it into the “HCOB” that you saw? Are you actually disagreeing with the “Ol’ Man” here Robin? This would be a first.
I think Robin was disagreeing with your statement that there are no commands or two-way com, since apparently there’s a “Highly – trained team of expert delivery staff” according to the brochure.
The “highly trained” staff have been “trained” on a single despatch (maybe converted into an HCOB) that tells them to remain muzzled. They do “ensure” you don’t physically injure yourself by running too much and tell you “keep running” and “write your wins down” and that is all.
Every LA Fitness has a few guys hanging around that will tell you to stop running if you turn your ankle or complain of cramps or collapse on the track. And I could train them in 2 minutes to parrot the “commands” “they way out is the way through, keep running” and “if you had a win, write it down — here is some paper and a pen.”
And I could do this CHEAP — 50% discount from the church rate, only $1250 and you can run around my track until you decide you are done. And I will even throw in a pair of running shoes, shorts and a tshirt with my logo on it and the motto of my running program “Despite what it may look like, I am going not just running around in circles.” May be able to make a small fortune… (the local High School would be a great venue — and if you want the “outer space” experience you can do it at night with no lights for just $250 more).
The real point here is that if this IS such a valuable piece of technology for the salvation of mankind, why not just PUBLISH it and let everyone DO IT. How much harm can they do to themselves? NOTHING. And if there is incredible benefit to be gotten from it, then why not tell the world and let them do it?
It’s NOT because it HAS to be supervised. If you can audit Book One without supervision or do the Purif without supervision, then you can surely do the Running Pgm.
Why not? Because it is a potential source of INCOME. And it HAS TO BE HYPED to the already in because to anyone else it would engender about as much interest as a recipe for boiling water.
And this is not just Miscavige’s doing.
Why when LRH first “discovered” this didn’t he put it out as an HCOB or Magazine article or booklet for wide distribution and use?
Hey Mike,
This wouldn’t necessarily be a “first” for disagreeing with the Ol’man. Remember I’ve wasn’t too jazzed about the RED on Exec Strata (for various reasons I covered earlier) or the one on The Solution to Inflation which brought the price increases nor was I big fan of Confessional Tech Policies as I’ve said many times over and over again that Sec Checks should have remained *Abolished* per the Reform Code of RJ 68.
That said.
The RP *is* a physical action just like the purif even though the results are supposed to be spiritual.
(By the way getting rid of all toxins cumulated in the body is a physical impossibility just like running all Drug Engrams out but there is a point when the person is no longer influenced physically, mentally or spiritually by these things.
Also going past this point which seems to be SOP in the Church these days is just in my opinion a Gawdawful Overrun.
In fact they should change GAT to the Gawdawful Age of *Overrun* when you include objectives as well being run way beyond their EP. )
Thus being an action that is done physically it requires people to accommodate this *fact*.
To keep it brief Mike, the materials that we are using the ones Dan Koon provided some time ago. As you know he was there working directly with LRH on the pilot and had all of the data to hand.
Last year you had an article about the CRRD and Dan posted at that time and gave some basic theory and wrote a bit about his own experience with LRH on this.
So I have a C/S and she has been in touch with Dan throughout my time on the RD. My C/S is Purif. trained so I have a group of vitamins and minerals I take each day. At the end of each day I write-up what occurred, email a Word document detailing everything and get a new C/S for the next day. I completed the 24th day today and it is all going smoothly.
I am very proud to have Dan Koon on the line and my auditor- C/S is a great lady whom I am very lucky to have keeping a watchful eye on me. I am being taking up on a very smooth gradient and feel very comfortable that this whole thing is going to finish very positively.
Thanks. So there is a write up from Dan on the Running Pgm? I am a little confused as you seem to be mixing it up with CCRD?
Hey that’s pretty damned funny Mike 🙂
Though you missed out the part about an RPRL assessed by a pro who can make a list read 😉
More than likely they have a Golden Age of Techie who can only get reads on a simulator. That is if they even have an auditor for the action since it seems auditors in the Church are an endangered species these days.
Personally I never thought the RP and Super Power were that vital. I mean if it was Ron wouldn’t have put these actions on the “back burner”. Like the HRD. Nice action. Vital. No.
In my opinion the Church has squirreled up the tech so badly with GAT that they feel like they are forced to try something new.
In other words the ol’ Latest is the Greatest from the Church of the Short Attention Span it seems.
Remember the RED “Why Something New?”.
Maybe it’s Ron’s fault but I wouldn’t be so hard on the Ol’man as he said in RJ 39 somewhat paraphrased his job was to write up the Tech and it was the bozos in Management’s job to release it.
Little did he know that he turned it over to the Planet of the Apes.
Sorry for any misunderstanding. Anything I wrote about today was only about The Cause Resurgence Rundown.
I can’t give you specifics about what Dan is in possession of because I don’t know.
I am just trying to discern what it is you were shown as your briefing for doing the Running Pgm? Or were you simply told by someone “this is what you do?”
I agree with you re the Cause Rehab RD is not just running around a pole. I object to the word ‘just’.
Things were definitely happening WHILE one was running around the pole.
There were definitely good and bad things happening while doing so. I loved being outside, seeing the gophers poke their heads out. Every day someone from estates would regrade the track so NO worn path would develop. It helped to run ‘in a new unit of time’. This was ’83 at
Crew-wise there was the Running Pgm I/C and assistant, the estate guy as mentioned, MLO in the background as needed. We wrote DRs (=daily reports) to the C/S.
I may have written this before, I remember feeling a deficiency of sorts and no amount of vitamins or minerals handled it. It handled with TRACE MINERALS.
There were several LRH advices at first. One talked about it being a very old process from way back in time, one explained the gradient of doing it. Then there was a short issue talking about it handling back problems. Later on I remember seeing some red PILOT HCOBs for this RD.
This is where -apart from really getting much more at cause- I had the greatest wins. At the time I did this program I did not know I had FRACTURED a vertebrae as a teenager, I just REMEMBERED that time with horrible pain. This went into restim when I was OFF the pgm to do a ‘Mini mission’ to L.A. For 3 days the most attrocious pain you don’t even wish on your enemies.
Then it vanished as mysteriously as it had turned on.
Another time a whole plate of energy took off my back while running.
These are not placebo effects, no hype. My back was much better off after this program.
Yes, there definitely was a “runner’s high”, which one could also get by running to exhaustion
somewhere on a road. Otherwise this program is NOT, repeat NOT comparable with bicycling,
surfing or running like runners normally do.
There IS something very special about that pole or tree in the middle acting as a TERMINAL.
Having another terminal allows a discharge of energy.
Unfortunately later on the punishment effect was ordered so from 5 hours it went to 12 and then to 13 hours of running a day. But boy was I in great shape when I finished, physically and mentally.
I have commented on errors on the pgm before so just briefly touch on that here. We were forced to run in any weather and running in boots in the rain damaged my ligaments. Instead of resting as one would do with a new injury it was treated as psychosomatic, which it definitely was not. That cost me 6 weeks of walking in pain, not very funny.
I hope this helps to give some reality about this program.
Step one is turning over all your credit card numbers ( no joke or disparagement)
All people in these promo pieces are paid extras from casting agencies in Hollywood,
NONE ARE SCIENTOLOGISTS. Special selection was for beautiful people only, no ugly,aged or
people who look like Ernest Borgnine or Danny De Vito.
No, these are not models, or at least not all of them. I recognize a few of them–one of them is a public with whom I was friends while I was at Flag.
Do you know how much people are paying for this??? I mentioned about it being running to someone still in. I didn’t realize it was confidential. OOPS. Silence on the other end.
Current cost for the CRRD is $2,500 (not including the uniform).
And don’t forget, you need two uniforms, just in case one loses it’s charge between sessions or you have to send one in for repairs.
“A whole new viewpoint of present time” Wow! What can you say about this?
Is it the immediate pain from muscle cramps and charley horse? Is it being in one room for hours without being able to see the outside? Is it falling into a deep sleep after a long period of exercise? If I were one of them, the whole new viewpoint of present time that I would want would be never see or hear another Flag staff member ever again. Now that would be a win that would last an eternity!
M.S., D.S., J.S., T.S., and L.D.B. Are only people with last names starting with “S” writing wins?
The line on their page 24 that got to me was this: “Then the wins, changes and cognitions start to accelerate and magnify, becoming so vast and expansive they would dwarf an exploding sun.”
Who the hell comes up with this stuff? Unbelievable hype….”dwarf an exploding sun”? All I can say, because I’m practically stupefied after reading that sentence, especially knowing that there are people who actually believe that. Sooooooo happy to be out of that bubble.
I remember around 1985, or so, talking with a Golden Era SO member (last I heard he’s still in the SO, so I’ll keep him anonymous. I wouldn’t want to have more punishment inflicted on him!) about The Running Program. He described it as running around a pole in the middled of the desert “running out whole track implants”! He wouldn’t go into what types of implants, just that Hubbard had come up with this program to handle implants. So that’s probably why the “confidentiality” of the now re-named Cause Resurgence Rundown.
I’m sure Hubbard NEVER did this rundown himself – way too fat and out of shape. Which makes me wonder, how many of the fat-assed Pre-OTs at Flag are going to be able to do this thing? Last time I was in the Sandcastle HGC waiting areas I was shocked at how many obese Pre-OTs were sitting there. No auditors knew how to do a metab check anymore and the solution was always to get the Pre-OT to eat more! No exercise (takes too much time), just get some vitamins and food. Jeez!!
Anyway, we’ll all be relieved to know that Cause Resurgence RD is to handle whole track implants. It’s not punishment. No. It’s “case gain”.
Maybe it’s all just a misunderstood on the word ‘running’. Running around a pole, originally outdoors, equalled ‘running out’.
I read the HCOB which didn’t mention anything about “running out implants” but I will say that the way they are doing at the Church of Squirrelotology that it’ll more likely run them in than out.
That’s my technical opinion.
I had great gains running it whilst on the RPF in ’82- ’83. I was not “sold” on doing it (believe you me!) and had read nothing about it other than the few paragraphs in “R advices” that all the runners read.
I never finished the RD, but still had very nice gains. I don’t doubt at all that others are having gains as well.
And it was so easy to administer. There was 2-3 people watching a hundred of us run around a pole. We could go to a table in the shade and get some water and a handful of minerals. The I/C would look at us, we would look back. The Running Program I/Cs had some sort of routine that they said whenever anyone originated anything: “Get back running.” and whatever it was that they said, they said only that. No one was supposed to be chatty. You had a win, they told you to write it down.
We were told that these few paragraphs that we read were all that the old man had written about it. So these “experts” that Flag has staffed to run it. , well… Pretty cool thing to read 10-12 paragraphs and be an expert.
I do remember that Ron said something to the effect that it was the only process in Scientology that predated Scn, that it was from like 8 billion trillion zillion years ago and that it could be redone and all.
So I thought it was very very cool. I thought, “planet clearing at last!” and all that.
Hard to figure this out. LRH tells us that it was so effective so long ago. Were the same administrative programs to market it and administer it being done for it back then at the dawn of time? In 76,000,000,000 B.D. (Before Dinosaurs) were the only people who were able to get it of the same income bracket as the people getting it now?
Here is a rundown much much more effective than another LRH bright idea for clearing in numbers, group processing (I never received anything more than a teeny bit of relief from lots of hours of group processing and have never seen anyone else claim much for it either). And, instead of selling it cheap and getting every Scientologist through it and returned to these spirally heights, they charge an arm and a half of a leg for it so that it will never get off the ground.
When I first started working on the pilot I was given a rather long HCOB to read and as I remember it was marked “Limited Distribution” which is not an uncommon routing for pilot issues but I don’t think it was marked “Confidential”.
Anyway I remember some preamble about the rundown coming from Ron’s whole track research ,etc and that it could be quite effective etc, but as far as I can see the rundown as Mike says it is being totally overhyped and probably in many cases run on actual cases that don’t need it.
Whether he said it could be run over and over again. I don’t remember him actually saying that in the HCOB though I could have missed that part as it’s been almost 30 years since I read the HCOB.
That said if this is true than they should in my opinion quote the actual source which is either the above HCOB or the RAs you’ve mentioned otherwise as far as I’m concerned it violates the HCOPL on Hidden Data Lines and the HCOBs regarding verbal tech.
Also again from I remember the rundown can be done on a standard track which is used for track and field.
Yet it seems to me that they are trying to create some kind of faux Space Opera Setting for the Rundown (like they used to try and create for acid trips) of some kind which will probably run in more whole track implants than it’ll run out in my opinion.
As I recall the despatch about this, it was pretty short. Everyone who was put onto the Running Program had to read it. Probably it was turned into an “HCOB” with other stuff added in as preamble.
The long and short of it was simply the assertion that for millions of years thetans had used a remedy of finding an object in space and circling it at high speed until they destimulated from whatever it was that was upsetting them. It was “remarkably effective” at “straightening someone out.”
Therefore, the theory was that this could be duplicated by running a body around in circles.
That was all the “tech” there was. Just an assertion that this was a “whole track thetan remedy.”
The first person to “pilot” it was David Mayo. This was after he had been reported as a “squirrel.” LRH ordered that he be put outside and run around a tree until he dug a furrow in the ground and disappeared into it (paraphrased). This was supposed to “cure” him of being an SP. It was the very first use of the “rundown” and was nothing more than an attempt to coerce him into “mending his ways.” It didn’t work. Several others were assigned to the same fate and it didnt work on them either.
After that it was then “piloted” — people were told this was an “LRH breakthrough” and some sort of powerful OT (because it was done without a body?) tech, and then told to run until they had a cognition. Of course, the “cognitions” then “proved” this to be a wonderfully powerful rundown.
I wonder if LRH had written a despatch saying that a whole track remedy was for thetans to “swim laps” between two stars, back and forth until they straightened out whether there would be an indoor swimming pool without windows on the 6th floor of the SP building. Or for that matter, why don’t people ride bicycles or drive cars around in circles? That would seem to be more closely like the whole track remedy. In theory it was done with no MEST vehicle involved, so why is a body a better vehicle than a bicycle or a car or a plane?
True dat Mike,
There was something like that on the theory behind the RD. Personally I had mixed feelings about the action since Ron talks about oval racetracks on Marcab on the BC tapes and also pole implants ala HOM.
That said the whole thing about running being therapeutic is an idea that is pretty ancient on this planet.
Ever read “A House Made of Dawn” by N Scott?
Mike wrote:
“The first person to “pilot” it was David Mayo. This was after he had been reported as a “squirrel.” LRH ordered that he be put outside and run around a tree until he dug a furrow in the ground and disappeared into it (paraphrased). This was supposed to “cure” him of being an SP. It was the very first use of the “rundown” and was nothing more than an attempt to coerce him into “mending his ways.” It didn’t work. Several others were assigned to the same fate and it didnt work on them either.”
“After that it was then “piloted” — people were told this was an “LRH breakthrough” and some sort of powerful OT (because it was done without a body?) tech, and then told to run until they had a cognition. Of course, the “cognitions” then “proved” this to be a wonderfully powerful rundown.”
I am flabbergasted that you told this story and no one is even commenting on it, and your information is not showing up in anyone’s comments, as if you did not even say it.
I don’t know about you but some of us already knew that they really screwed the pooch over at the Magic Kingdom regarding DM1’s RP.
Much of this had already been posted on ARS
Whether Ron intended Mayo to be run 15 hours a day on the RP in the hot desert sun till his teeth fell out is debatable.
From what little I knew about the scene. Ron was pretty much hiding out or in seclusion depending on your view over in Happy Valley with the comedy team of Miscavige and Broeker in charge of his communications to and from Int or as I call it Abu Ghraib West.
That’s only debatable in your mind because it’s not what you WANT to believe. There are enough people who have seen this with their own eyes that it is not debatable in the real world.
If you are Cause over your case and over practically everything, why do you want to re-do it again? This has become a routine to keep you going: Finish OT VII, but now you have to re-do it with GAG I; finished Objectives long ago, but have to re-do it again with GAG II; I am Clear, but was not quite the EP so have to run Dianetics again; I am in PT and Cause over everything, but can do it again.
The more you over-run your EPs, changes or wins the more mass-case-charge-pictures-bank you are going to recreate or put something there so you have something to run, This is the way to introvert someone big time, no wonder they can’t see what really is going on.
And interesting that all staff and public wear black clothes, very somber.
So true Silvia, that is exactly what happens!
Once the cheese is smelled, then the first nibble, then WHAPPP!!
Then a mouse trap is touted as fashionable neck wear.
The admixture of truth and falsehoods: standard make up of cult mindset.
Test for cult mindset? Any person who disagrees or thinks that the cult has flaws is considered somehow a bad person.
Or in Ron’s version of those who disagree you become evil and require violent retribution.
Now that’s a cult baby!
The only word that is not BS in that whole advertisement is “Track”. I wonder how many heart attacks they’re going to have to handle with a bunch of aging OTs (the only ones left) huffing and puffing in circles. Even all those oh-so-attractive staffers in the promo photos are three pack a day smokers.
Mike, who came up with this whole thing? I thought the only running hubbard did was from ex-wives and the IRS.
Should be called the geezer rundown.
I wonder if they have a special diet to go along with the exercise ……………… maybe beans and rice washed down with a tall glass of Kool Aide.
After experiencing a resurgence of debt a comp needs to go out and become cause over an empty bank account ……or face a redo. Sounds like the long term goal of a cultite is to learn how to run around in circles and like it.
This is of course the mantra of CO$ ……………… doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Golden Age of Thievery round two. Einstein defined that activity as INSANITY.
Yesterday I paid to ride a bike across the Golden Gate Bridge. Cheaper and better for me I’m sure. View was pretty good.
I well remember Jon Horwich doing the running program way back in 1985 at Int base – he cut a very forlorn figure; I don’t know if he was one of the early ones being ordered to do it as punishment, but I would be curious about what cause was resurged in him after the experience. His daughter, LRH’s granddaughter blew in 2012 – wonder where she is now and what stories she could tell…
Wasn’t David Mayo also made to run around the pole in the scorching heat for hours? I wonder if the Chinese govt is paying attn to this super power Co$ nonsense? They could rebrand their re-education camps into resorts and sell it to the newly rich chinese middle and upper classes as the latest fitness/health craze!
Also as a CS, I have to ask (don’t have my references with me to quote directly): Isn’t presenting all these quite spectacular wins to people BEFORE they do this process, the grossest kind of out tech evaluation? (And almost “ep implanting” This really IS feeding ep’s which is most definately OUT tech).
Joe – It was always that way for me…spoon fed the “wins” long before receiving the service. AKA – Implants!
I was told to read the success stories so I would know what I was looking for. It would not take as long and burn up auditing hours.
Now that I look back – it is a form of self-hypnosis with suggestions one would agree with. They really are implanted into the subconscious and the Subconscious Mind is powerful…that is how this all works to keep these clubbed seals – IN.
RCo$ are beinning to make Amway and Forever Living Products look amature.
Points well made Mike.
If as the promo promises, you were “cause in all aspects of life” and “cause and source point of your own energy”, wouldn’t you ESSENTIALLY be the OT or even close to the native state that LRH is talking about in 8-8008 and the Philadelphia lectures? (But I guess you could ask if there is any action now in Scientology that isn’t promoted with a similar ep. Even some short seminars and events promise stupendous abilities. Very very strange where this has gone on Scientology. Almost like people are in glee of some sort. Maybe this DOES indicate to people and is their go button?)
Joe, you made a point that I think is absolutely spot on. Indeed, these people’s tone level is rooted in “glee.” The cult has turned their minds into mush. They eat up all the success stories they can get their hands on. I know as when I was in, especially in Hawaii, I believed every single one of them. It’s like Nero fiddling as Rome burns.
The people in the bubble are desperate for any type of gain in life, so these success stories are no surprise to me because desperate people do desperate things. Tell them to run around a pole, jump up and down three times, wiggle their ears six times, chant uga bugga and their inner soul will be more balanced and their emotions will be more stable and they will believe that, its quite comical! To top things off you have to pay through the nose for these gained abilities. Might as well be called The Desperate Rundown. Dodo birds went extinct maybe Scientology DM style will too
Sort of the 21st century version of snake oil. Nice suits, beautiful pictures, smiling happy people – all paying thousands of dollars to do something that amounts to absolutely nothing special or unique or different. Sort of the epitome of what all of Scientology has now become.
Well said.
A person could just sign up to do a marathon to get the same endorphin high at their “cause” re surging to get them through the last mile.
a Marathon makes the same .. sure, but you have a start and end point for finishing it, and it is not intendedd that you have spiritual gain … but the original marathon in old greece gave you a win .. you had to give a message .. as I know, the olympic games could not start without it ..
Running around a tree is fabulous .. it is better then running around a mind which you have not .. it is good work from LRH to say that you should run with your body in a circle .. it is better then running around for nothing ,, you will find your eternity ..
I have heard about some monks who beat themselves every day ..
Was this Shermanspeak, Mike? Actually reads like a better talent, taking only into consideration the wording. Not so bloviated. I’m amazed that some whale hasn’t walked out and screamed bloody murder once s/he discovered EXACTLY what they’d just paid for.
The only reason people feel relief from such a program is the following routing (sure to create wins at Flag, the friendliest exortion Ring on the Planet):
1. Contact the person and pound in their RUIN. Tell them the “Cause Resurgance” can handle that. Over the phone – Have the person cough up a huge chunk of money (hopefully they go in debt) and put it on account at Flag.
2. Get them to arrive – which involves getting off of work, handling kids and family obligations, paying money for airline tickets NOW, NOW, NOW – so they pay top dollar.
3. Once they arrive – start the routing form.
4. Debit their account for their “DONATION”.for the running program.
5. Send them to Ethics – where first they WAIT and WAIT and WAIT – to thoroughly introvert them and upset them. When the MAA gets them on the meter – Hammer in their past transgressions in exchange for lots of $$$$$$$.
6. Make them WAIT some more. LRH states – “thetans hate waiting – it reminds them of being static”
7. While they are waiting, have tons of people regg them for more $$$$. They get no peace and relaxation.
8. Have them read (hypnosis is now in play) success stories about the Cause Resurgance so they know what they will have to say – in order to be “released”.
9. They run, run, run – until they have endorphins kick in.
10. They feel some relief from all of the crush regging and waiting. They are searching for those “wins” they read about and will make them up.
11. They attest to being done. They regurgitate the “wins” they read about because those people survived Flag and got out.
12. They are put through MORE Regging cycles….where they will be shown “doom and gloom” videos on the World going to Hell in a Handbasket and Scientology has the only answer….on the Routing Out of Flag.
13. They will typically beg, borrow or steal just to get OUT of Flag.
14. They leave Flag – They experience RELIEF from the Psycho Land Base – certain of the WINS they just attested too….and when the plane tires hit the runway at home…they will sink a little bit lower….as they face the incredible debt they just incurred.
15. They will think it is them and their CASE…they need MORE.
16. They will work their asses off to get the debt paid off …. most likely never to go back to Flag ever again but not know why….they will think it is “their case” unless they leave and LOOK.
17. If they LOOK – they will be rather pissed off that they got scammed.
And so it goes – on and on and on.
There’s definitely an implied rule that you have to out-do each other as you write success stories. Every Scientologist in the CoS knows this. So hype is the running gag. (Pun intended).
But this is part of why Scientology only really works when practiced in truly safe and free environments. You’re trying to break people out of control mechanisms. It does them no good if you just shove them back into another one.
Wow + (! x 100)! (That second apostrophe is for ‘factorial’)
Frankly I prefer running (or cycling) along the beautiful riverbank near home to running in circles. Doesn’t cost a cent either.
Like you, Myrklix, I too, enjoying exercising. I just got done surfing at my local spot. Maybe you and I should start our own cults, er ahhhh, I mean religions. You can charge people for running and cycling and I can charge people for surf lessons that will cause them to go exterior. And when they don’t get the wins they thought they should, well, we can tell them it’s ALL YOUR FAULT! But,for another round of payments, they can try it again. And again. And again… And….
Test run