Someone sent these FB posts from Ryan Prescott, along with some information about him that I was unaware of but explains a lot.
Ryan is looking a little worse for wear… He’s got a bit of the “I might be a serial killer” vibe to his video appearances these days.
Apparently he is still shouting into empty rooms with his wild conspiracy theories…
Wow, 2 libraries! I doubt “acquired” means “purchased.” Donated more likely.
Here is what I heard:
Apparently Ryan was on staff at the Portland Org. But they let him go without a fight when his father moved back to California. Given the scarcity of staff in any org, this is about the worst indictment of a person possible as they hang on to ANYONE like a junkyard dog holds onto a bone. His father was on staff at Portland for a number of years, working in HCO. Ryan is not on staff at any org in California…
The person who sent me these posts knows Ryan and said they wonder whether he isn’t on the spectrum. Not as a derisive statement or slur, but as an explanation for his strange behavior and loose touch with reality. If you have ever watched any of his videos, this makes a lot of sense. There is something you can’t quite put your finger on that doesn’t seem right about him. They also noted he lost many followers on FaceBook once he posted his training status as extension course completions and his bottom of the bridge auditing level. People were apparently under the assumption that he was a trained OT. Because asserting insanity and falsehoods, as long as it is presented with certainty, is a hallmark of being “OT”? And he has a knack of pulling things out of his butt and announcing them with complete certainty as if he has some insider knowledge nobody else has that somehow makes him superior (just like OT’s do).
He was apparently also unable to hold down a job. Local companies that hired him let him go shortly after he came on board.
This probably should not come as a surprise to anyone. Prescott latched onto something that Hubbard understood well. You can get people to follow you and gain credibility by merely railing against things that people have been conditioned to dislike/hate. You dont have to have anything to offer yourself. Prescott’s only claim to fame is to make ridiculous accusations about Leah Remini, me and others that nobody inside the bubble will ever challenge because anything anyone says negative about us is accepted as truth.
What a distorted world it is in scientology. This guy actually had some credibility. Just look at any of his videos and you will get how nutty it is….
He’s OT but can’t hold down a job…I knew a number of OTs with this problem back in the day. Simply not trained to do anything for which they could get paid a living wage. And proud of that. Yes, proud. Proud to be ignorant and unskilled in doing anything useful in the “wog world”. Proud, I suppose, because a cert on the wall said they were Operating Thetans.
Apparently, they were fine with going from job to job, trying this, trying that, eking out an uncertain existence, “insoucient” about being in huge debt, because their Bridge was worth it.
They were OT 7s, OT8s. They had made it all the way up the Bridge, against all odds
Back then, listening to them filled me with quiet horror and dread. I was (silently) appalled. My words were full of the requisite praise; inwardly I shrank from what I was hearing.
Back then I took these involuntary reactions of mine as proof positive that I was without a doubt “PTS To The Middle Class”.
I wonder if the whole Guardian’s Office files, and all of Office of Special Affairs files, including all the “Handling Programs” ever written, were available to scrutinise, an observer and appreciator of the fine points of why OSA and the GO did all their entangling “handling” programs to combat against “enemies” of Scientology, one sub theme in the history of these programs would be in utilising these people like Ryan, to prey on Scientology’s “enemies.”
A researcher of all the “handling programs” by Scientology against their “enemies” will contain the long list of these characters like Ryan.
People good at throwing against “enemies” of Scientology.
There ought be even a name to describe these types of persons who find their niche doing “enemy handling” duty for groups like Scientology.
Back in the 1950s when Martin Gardner in his must read book, “Fads and Fallacies…” all time must read book, which included Gardner’s taking on Hubbard and Dianetics
I think Gardner had he done more study of this zone of oddball groups, would find in Hubbard’s Scientology’s bureaucracy protection departments (the Guardian’s Office, and the Office of Special Affairs are essentially the “protection” departments in Scientology’s history) there is just voluminous tactics Hubbard came up with which fit these quackery groups’ common “self protection” systemic reactions to that quackery/crackpot groups unacknowledged flaws.
The cult/guru/”master”/founder of the worlds quackery/crackpot groups one for one have their “protection” tactics, and Scientology’s bureaucratic “protection” departments have been voluminous.
Hubbard amped things up, and bureaucratised it all, which runs like a big ship that can’t be turned around easily on open water.
My latest hope is there will be some brilliant young ex Scientologist, who becomes IRS religious tax exemption lawyer rules expert of experts, and writes a definitive research paper which becomes a book, and Aftermath Foundation makes life easier for this young ex Scientologist to essentially lay out exactly all the definitive hard IRS tax law work that the IRS ought to do, to rescind Scientology’s IRS tax exemption. Do the IRS’ hat for them, and present the work publicly. That’s my future hope.
Talk about a small fish in a small pond. Chris Shelton would kick that guy’s ass.
Ryan’s photo is like one of those ‘prisoner-of-war’ confessions of North Korea.
Jeff. True and that’s the point. Until recently he was more groomed and looked more like a normal boy in appearance. He has gotten much worse now and this reflects his mental state.
And could someone remind me? WHAT was Ryan supposed to be famous for? I somewhat recall hearing/seeing his name around, probably on some scn-watching site, but I can’t recall any specifics of his claim to fame.
So the links at the bottom of the page that lead to tampabay times articles are blocked unless you subscribe. Is there anyway around that?
I’ve been reading from the TBT site as some sort of trial subscription. When I can, I think I’ll get an annual subscription to support their fine work. Well, Tracy’s, at least. It’s sorta like reading the local rag, catching up on a place I lived in for awhile, a lifetime or two ago. Poor Clearwater. I apologize for any contribution I made to its demise.
Ryan Prescott looks exactly like me when I was routed into the New York Mission in 1972. Actually he looks better than I did because his hair is partially combed. This is raw meat and it takes years to peel off the skin and and change for the better. Give him a chance. It may take forty five years to see through society and eliminate Hubbard. He will get rich doing it.
“Ron and Dave are good, Mike and Leah are bad. I rest my case.” Ryan Prescott
Well, fine, Scribe, but can’t you simplify this a little? 🙂
I always wondered about this guy. His book was so unprofessional I was astounded it was even printed. Being on the spectrum makes more sense as to why he would even put it forward to be printed. The fact that he has only had extension courses also speaks to how they probably won’t allow him to get more or do more services due to his condition which they probably don’t label autism but PTS or some such. It made me laugh when Mike said he is looking more like a serial killer in his photo. LOL His picture did look like that. Poor kid. I wonder how much education he has had? Of course in scn. it doesn’t matter because all he needs is to be uptone don’t ya know!
Tropf Rosemarie:
It is my understanding that some/all vanity presses will print up ANYthing submitted with sufficient fees paid.
With on-demand printing it takes almost nothing to get a book out these days. And I understand Amazon will list a book if you send them something like just 5 print copies to keep in stock.
And I think you’re probably right that his doing extension courses is a sign that orgs are keeping him at arms’ length due to concerns about his mental stability. After a series of ugly events most infamously marked by the death of Lisa McPherson, the CofS seems to be trying to weed out the people most at risk of having mental breakdowns, especially at Flag but apparently all the way down to the local org level.
Based on a comment below from someone who says they know the family, and that he has a brother who is definitely autistic, it sounds like underlying this is a sad story of people not getting the treatment they need due to scientology.
I agree…the family needs professional help…autistic people get a lot of helpful ideas on how to manage their life for better social interactions. It’s a shame he will just be continually rejected by those who just think something like”he’s nuts.” etc.
I apologize to everyone here for this Off Topic post. But it concerns The Aftermath Foundation and I can’t think of anywhere else where I could hope to get a better answer to this mystery.
Today I received an email from Amazon that said two things:
1) This is the quarterly notification to inform you that AmazonSmile has made a charitable donation to the charity you’ve selected, The Aftermath Foundation, in the amount of $808.71 as a result of qualifying purchases made by customers who have selected this charity.
2) AmazonSmile’s impact:
$5,342.39 to The Aftermath Foundation*
$262,635,668.36 to all charities in the US
$293,003,584.01 to all charities worldwide
I don’t understand the difference between the two figures ($808.71 and $5,342.39).
Note the asterisk at the end of the sentence containing the figure $5,342. There is an explanation of the asterisk at the bottom of the page that says this:
*Message reflects the charity you were supporting as of June 8.
I am confused. June 8 was only 9 days previous. I don’t understand the relation of $808 to these past 8 days versus the meaning of the $5,342.
Surely the $800 cannot be due to my purchases on Amazon because I only ever purchased a total of about $1000 ever since I first joined Amazon. I designated TAF (The Aftermath Foundation) on the very first day that I joined Amazon.
But what can it represent if the figure $5,342.39 is the total contributed to the Aftermath foundation as a result of everyone who designated that as their preferred charity.
Can anyone venture a guess what the difference is between the $800 and the $5342 and what each amount represents? If the $5342 represents the total contributed to TAF worldwide, then what can the $800 be about?
It looks like $808.71 is what they’ve donated this quarter, and $5342.39 is what they’ve donated in total.
That sounds right to me . I also give to the Aftermath Fdn through my purches on Smileamazon. I’d like to request of Aaron, the one running the Aftermath Fdn, to let us know some of the people they’ve helped and the circumstances etc. They don’t have to print names if the person is not wanting their name out there. It just makes me feel good to hear of someone being helped to escape the cult.
There are a lot of peo0ple who have been helped. We just dont publish information about them. Most do not want scientology to find out, so any information about their stories would give away their identity. Believe me, the money that has been given to the Foundation is being used for enormous good (I see every disbursement, they all have to be approved by the Board). Aaron is one member of the Board, there are 7 of us in total.
HI Mike, I didn’t mean to slight the others who are on the board. I just didn’t know there was a board and you all vote on things and etc. I thought since Aaron was the face of the organization he was like a one-man band. A stupid assumption I can see now. Thank you for all you do on the Aftermath board and all you and the others do to help ex SO who are escaping the cult. They’re lucky we have this for them. I read one ex SO escapee’s book where he states that he had no money and no place to live when he got out and so he lived in the park and it got so bad he was eating grass until he saw an acquaintance and she took him in. (this was prior to the Aftermath Fdn.) So clearly, the money we all donate to this goes to good use and helps a lot of people. Thanks to you and Aaron and all the others.
I believe it’s a quarterly report so in the last quarter they received $800 total from all those who made Aftermath Foundation their choice of charity.
The first seems to report a quarterly total; the second appears to be cumulative.
The Moose, Jaye and NCSP,
Thank you all. I appreciate that very much!
Above, Mike notes that: “The person who sent me these posts knows Ryan and said they wonder whether he isn’t on the spectrum. Not as a derisive statement or slur, but as an explanation for his strange behavior and loose touch with reality.”
If Prescott is on the autism spectrum, I now feel sorry for him. If he is on the spectrum, then he would likely benefit from professional mental health treatment, and would have likely benefitted from such treatment from a young age. Which is precisely what he never received because he was born into a family in Scientology, and will never receive so long as he remains a Scientologist.
If Prescott is on the autism spectrum, he demonstrates one of cruel, and often unnoticed, costs of Scientology — i.e., individuals who would benefit from professional mental health treatment who are unwilling to receive such treatment because they joined Scientology or, more tragically, were born into a Scientology family and never had a choice.
I will just say that I know Ryan and his family personally.
I would agree that this makes sense as his brother does indeed have Autism as well. (I’m not confirming if I believe Ryan is on the spectrum)
Now that I’m out, I feel bad for this family. His Dad is really a great guy and I hope they wake up and get them the help that they need.
I have not the first clue who Ryan Prescott is. But if he’s on the spectrum, scientology is the WRONG place for him to be. And I cannot even begin to express the feelings of seething rage I feel towards his family and everyone around him who would be a reason why he would not get support and the help he needs to cope with it.
I learned I am on the autism spectrum as an adult after struggling with damn near everything for decades, being wicked smart but not being able to progress in a job, being called lazy, insubordinate, incompetent, argumentive, arrogant, pedantic, and yes, as someone in these comments so crudely put it, “out of touch with reality.”
Exactly whose reality are you referring to? Yours? Those of my similarly fundamentalist parent who, when I misbehaved as a child because I didn’t understand the whys of a “reality” that didn’t accept that anything could be wrong with HER son, would have men from the church come over to administer spankings with either the wooden spoon or the belt to “correct” me? How about the schoolteachers who would ridicule me, Pink Floyd-style in front of the class, when I would do assignments differently because my brain doesn’t work the way it SHOULD? These realities?
Ok, if indeed he’s on the spectrum, then his reality has been shaped by realities and forces you “normal” people cannot even begin to comprehend, but yet he becomes and object of ridicule and derision and his inability to function in the world not designed for him in a “normal” manner is amplified manyfold by the environment he was unfortunate enough to be born into, that of Scientology.
If indeed he is on the spectrum, then I know exactly what he is going through, and it makes me want to weep for him. His reality is fraught with frustrations and struggles and horrors that I wouldn’t wish on anyone, and without help can be utterly debilitating. And nobody will believe him, because he looks so normal on the outside…
If he’s NOT on the spectrum, and is just a loser, then that’s entirely different, but still Scientology fails again, as usual, on every level.
Kimo – Thanks for sharing. These days most people are informed about the numerous conditions affecting people and hopefully children today will suffer less abuse.
As a baby boomer I grew up with a kid who had Tourette Syndrome, a nervous system disorder involving repetitive movements or unwanted sounds. He got continually teased and mocked. I spoke with him on the phone one time and apologized for teasing him when we were kids but he just shrugged it off, no apology necessary. Along with Tourette’s he didn’t have enough “book smarts” to get into college but joined the plumber’s union and eventually started his own large plumbing company and became a millionaire so his story had a happy ending.
Actress/comedian Tiffany Haddish tells the story that she was homeless living in her car in LA and was offered a job to join staff. When they showed her she would be sleeping in a bunk bed she through a fit and walked out. This was several years ago. Bottom line is that $ci is desperate for people.
When has $ci NOT been “desperate for people”? Even when facilities have been straining under the load, more, MORE, M-O-R-E! Last week’s stat is never enough this week.
More than true. Another one who got ruined by the cult.
I remember a video of him where when he starts I think for over a minute he doesn’t speak but stares at the camera and has a kind of smile as if he knew who knows what.
And not to count what he says and how he presents the concepts.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg, who knows what’s really going on in his head all day.
A note to the OSA dudes patrolling this sector of the web:
If you haven’t seen this guy’s videos, go for it. As you say in scn the guy has no “good indicators”, at all. Furthermore, if he has entered a “valence” that could lead him to have “fixed ideas” about having to “do something about it” effectively. In other words, before he does some bullshit involving others and you – scn – act accordingly.
Don’t say that someone didn’t tell you.
You make a wise observation. However they knew ALLLL about Danny Masterson and didn’t/couldn’t do squat about his behavior. Seems they are unable to ‘fix’ their own folks.
Jim true. So true. Smart observation.
To me he looks like those war vets “called by God” to make a huge definitive sacrifice. A mess
They’re not going to “fix” Danny because he’s an “UPstat”, don’cha know? Was on a third-rate TV show years ago and is still milking it for all he’s worth — the worthless POS. As long as he’s not committed any of the crimes against scn or scns— as if drugging another scn and butt-raping her isn’t an scn crime— he’s golden in their eyes. He’s probably also ‘donated’ lots of bucks, which gave him a status which ‘forever’ marks him as ‘upstat’, the lying POS. All he has to do is occasionally chip in a few more bucks to incrementally boost that status, making him even more of an ‘upstat’ instead of the DB POS that he really is, drugging and raping young women when he HAS the looks and celebrity to get consensual affairs as he wishes, AND he still has a wife, amazingly. WHY would she stick with the sick, cheating POS after the first accuser came forth? She’s gotta be getting something I’m not seeing from not divorcing that lying, cheating, sad sack of a “husband”. My guess is that her finances are better than his and a 50/50 divorce split would benefit his bank accounts more than hers. In scientology, it’s all about the money.
Masterson’s wife, Bijou Phillips, is the daughter of abusive, incestuous creep John Phillips (google his “relationship” with Bijou’s half-sister Mackenzie Phillips–and Bijou’s very Scientological reaction to it). I think Danny’s actions might seem relatively normal to her.
I feel terrible for their beautiful little daughter, and hope she never comes across another monster like her father Danny.
Plus: I observed ‘valence’ cases, ‘ridge’ cases, and ‘solid’ cases ( 7 resistive cases) and without fail no auditor was able to penetrate their belief package. Those folks will die being absolutely ‘right’ in their own minds. I include Hubbard as a prime example.
Hubbard’s talk therapy could help smooth one’s life, but alter the basic personality? no
Make Joe-6-pac a super being? no
Make a born-in Scientology preteen an OT (grade chart definitions)? no
Right, Jim: scientology failed to deliver on any of its promises, never improving anyone’s actual life, only making them poorer and more deluded that they were gaining ALL these supposed powers and abilities which were all in their/our minds.
Speaking of talk therapy, some years ago for some reason I was talking to a stranger about scn. I was explaining that when I was an auditor, of which I gave a brief description, that it wasn’t all about attaining mystical abilities, but a big part of my job was just helping people with their problems and upsets and so on. He immediately went on a nattering ramble about how his boss had “done him wrong”.
I listened patiently with half acks for awhile and when he finally slowed down a bit I told him I needed to get going and politely excused myself. That was the last time I ever told someone I had once been a “counselor”. lol
Correct point. I don’t know but I suppose the guy doesn’t qualifies for scn “standards”. He is a loose cannon looking for attention, let’s hope nobody gets hurt, not even him.