This org, under the wing of the mighty Flag OT Committee, has been going nowhere for years. They somehow managed to buy a building and hey presto, they are now nearly “ideal.” Except for at least one very large problem. They have no staff.
Their ribbon is supposed to be yanked BEFORE March 13 so Dear Leader Miscavige can proudly trumpet the massive international expansion they evidence at his birthday event.
But that’s turning out to be quite a problem.
According to recent reports, there are TWENTY Sea Org members in the ATL trying to recruit SEVENTY staff so they can at least appear to have someone in every room. They are nowhere close. Word has it that one of the recruiters is Don Drader from WISE. Just more evidence, as if it were needed, that “corporate integrity” means nothing in scientology. SEA ORG is what rules the day. The head of WISE should have NOTHING to do with recruiting for an “ideal org” — but his position in WISE is secondary to his membership in the Sea Org. It’s just another example to remember when scientology next tries to claim the Sea Org is nothing and does nothing and Miscavige does NOT control all of scientology.
So, that is the reality. They don’t have enough staff to open the org. And the recruiters are there promising people the world if they will just drop everything and join staff today (next they will be shipping people here from other orgs, or a busload of “outer org trainees” from Flag will be shanghai’d in the middle of the night). And of course, the majority of those who do sign up based on the false promises will be gone within the first month when they find out there is no pay to live on and they can’t take every Saturday and Sunday off and the full time tech training is going to be “sometime in the future” and they are not going to get their OT levels for free just yet….
And here is the rah rah they send out to the world. A “not to be missed” event which is in fact literally an invitation to be recruited for staff.
And these “Top Int Management Speakers” are going to be memorable for sure. Don Drader? Brandy Harrison? Hasn’t anyone noticed that there is no “top Int management” any more…
And I would LOVE to see those “results” from other “ideal orgs” — word has it Dallas is hardly keeping the lights on. So too LV and Seattle. Twin Cities and NY. DC is empty except for a few NOI people waiting for their time to come when they can officially take over the building. And it’s no different outside the US. Cambridge anyone? Malmo? Or London and Rome? Every one of them an empty shell.
So, hurry, you need to reserve your seats. Because of course this epic, monumental and amazing event is going to “standing room only” and it would be such a shame to miss out on it because you didn’t reserve a seat early. Hit shows on Broadway are easier to find seats for than this event.
When you remove the hype and lies, there is literally nothing left. Snails are making a bigger impact on this planet than scientology.
Does anyone know what the scene is in Chicago? One can’t tell as the street the org is on is a bit of a desert anyway, with most of the retail stores, especially the antique and furniture stores having either closed or moved elsewhere.
Pathetic. They’ve had their Idle Morgue building on South Clark for nine years now, and they haven’t started renovations. The city’s been on their ass about this for a while now. North Lincoln has become a ghost town, and they’ve become rather top-heavy in terms of staff and public (I believe there’s more OTV and above than there are people on the Lower Bridge). Essentially, the Cusanos are keeping the place open by force of will and nothing more. Yet another example (see Birmingham, Joburg, and Pretoria) of a married couple having full control over the org due to lack of anyone else. I think their son blew a while back.
We ChiAnons believe that when Dominic shaves his mustache, that will mean the end.
Georgia is smack dab in the middle of the bible belt. Good luck with your recruiting efforts, CO$!
Hi Thegman77, What a perceptive post.You are so right, the detractor sites are on fire and the pro- Sci sites are charred burnt wood barely treading water! Love U,Ann.
I’ve been looking for IDEAL STAFF MEMBER in the (First printing 1976) Admin Dictionary that I have, but have only been able to find 4 definitions for plain ordinary STAFF MEMBER.
Hello Eamonn – I audited at a mission for a year around 1980 so I guess I was real ordinary. Surprisingly my pc s had wins anyhow.
Earlier you mentioned getting multiple points of view about Scn – and other topics. That reminded me to not excessively focus on Scn. Thanks for reminding me.
On my favorites bar I have a Buddhism site and a Taoism site. I go to either site and look for a win or cognition and then leave. Today I came across “grasping” which is reaching for another piece of fruit to put in a full basket.
For anyone interested – and
Hi Richard, An interesting post.I liked it. On that point my dear friend Brian introduced me to books and just his way of being regarding Buddism.I learn a little more each time I read more about it.It centers me and calms me down for awhile and for me that is remarkable.As long as I do not have to recite Hymn of Asia,I knew that book backwards and forwards in SO and still can’t see Ron as Buddha,it does not compute! Laughter,XO always Ann.
Well…Ann…he WAS fat enough!
Hi thegman77, Right you are! Where is my head today?! XO Ann.
Laughter! On another blog an ex who is now an active Buddhist asked his teacher if he should try to counter Ron’s assertion that he was the Buddha. His teacher responded “There have been thousands of these. Why bother?”
Hi Richard, Perfect! XO Ann.
Their DJ was the registrar at the now defunct Orlando org.
Orgs in France have the same sad destin: dying. It’s not even useful to picket them a lot: almost nobody here ! The two biggest national meetings got some 100 attendants (not all were scnists) …
Roger, they forgot the first rule of engagement: never fuck with a country whose national anthem features lyrics about watering fields with blood.
They’ll somehow round up some sort of skeleton crew to service the regges for the first few weeks of being “ideal.” Scientologists are no longer in the kind of mental or spiritual state which allows a being to discern reality. Well, of course they do have a reality … it is what they accept as truth NO MATTTER WHAT it is that they are told to accept as real by their implanters (euphemistically referred to often as “management”).
Rome is falling, of course that took 330 +years. Scientology will limp along and struggle in our lifetime. But they will be around for a bit longer.
I’m just after reading the 22 definitions of ORGANIZATION in the (First printing 1976) Admin Dictionary that I have.
Maybe it’s the word “Ideal” and dm is using this definition:
existing only in the imagination; desirable or perfect but not likely to become a reality.
“in an ideal world, we might have made a different decision”
synonyms: unattainable, unachievable, impracticable, chimerical; unreal, fictitious, hypothetical, theoretical, ivory-towered, imaginary, illusory, idealized, idyllic, visionary, utopian, fairy-tale
“an ideal world”
“Find out how ideal org changes field activation.” 1. Existing public are now too broke buy any services. 2. New Public realize that Scientology must be very expensive simply by looking at the building.
I guess “Building Standings” is some sort of competition, but wtf is “Executive Progress”?
OK – I reread it . Reading too many of these goofy promo pieces has mushed my brain. (excuse)
How to Progress, though an Executive?
“Here Enthusiasm. Come on Enthusiasm. Stop hiding under the lounge, we have to show our masters that we are full of enthusiasm and will gladly take our wallets…on second thoughts, I’ll join you under the lounge.”
LOL, No, you can’t — Us Tetetubbies are hiding there! Go find someplace else to hide. ;P
Yeah, right! Move it on over Pat, I’m moving in!
Mike, you wrapped it up the way it is. This is how it has been with staff and conditions do not seem to change for them.
The shipping them off in the night as “outer org trainees” is one of the most gruesome traditions I have seen. When Flag needs to get their stats up in the academy and there are no public, orders get sent out to these Orgs to send staff to train. Flag also gets workers as these people have to work five hours a day or more for accommodations and food. So Flag gets free labor except for paying for food and offering a bed.
The Orgs invariably upon being ordered to send someone, (and unmock a post in the Org), send the person they can live with out the best, or the person they want out of the Org.
Many of these people get used to deliver to the public arriving arriving at Flag for service. Many get recruited for the Sea Org if they qualify. The routine is engramic for these people, to wake, work, study and deliver. And the education, they did not pay for, becomes compulsory. I watched these folk for six years at Flag, the ones that were able to stick it out, and they looked traumatized.
In the tech dictionary Hubbard describes what degrades a being as: “degraded beings find ANY instruction painful as they have been painfully indoctrinated with violent measures in the past. They therefore alter-is any order or don’t comply.”
Most of the people who graduate from Flag ordered training, do so in post traumatic stress syndrome. They go home in a very bad condition and can not think with or use the knowledge / engram content. End up leaving or being dismissed or “disciplined” and blow off. Have huge debts they can not repay to Flag and wander off to recuperate. Not even being able to make use of the information as they can not really think with it. Or apply it.
It is sick to order someone to train. If they wanted to learn they would have paid for the courses way back when. Every day their debt grows under these sadistic conditions, and they still have contracts to fulfill back home, if they ever return. I’ve heard with GAOT going in circles some people have been at Flag for ten years on compulsory training cycles training and retraining. People that signed a five year contract at their org.
Where are the thousands of “Flag Trained auditors” that have been cranked out over the past three decades and ordered to the ship to train? They are not on staff and they are not out here with successful practices. I have had two people trained in this way who were “graduated in a state of shaock” that they could not think with anything they “learned”, use it, apply it, and the last thing they wanted to do was audit anyone. Don’t even want to go into what the ones that are auditing out here, are doing and thinking.
“Flag training” is a brutal sadistic experience. The students are already looked down upon as DB’s when they arrive, as they are “public” or “class four org staff”. If they come their senses and decide to route out, they are ordered for compulsory auditing / sec checks. They vanish never to be seen again. Never able to use what they owe for!
Then the grand finale , under the best outcome, the very tiniest who make it through, return home, and audit or manage the org until their contract is up, are expected to replace themselves with another Flag Trained auditor or executive.
This is the Church of Scientology under David Miscavige. Making degraded beings. Routing people back down the bridge. And it is all in the enforce band.
He has the audacvity to call Sea Org “volunteers”. Tell me which of those Sea Org staff in Atlanta or L.A. Org volunteer to be there. I can guarantee you, none! And of the 200 staff sent into L.A. Org, many are gone already.
“Hope” is a very powerful and holy force. To manipulate and use people giving them false hope is as unholy as it gets. And this is David Miscavige’s forte these days. Why he has Sea Org members body routing on Sunset Boulevard and working Atlanta and Tampa.
He wiped out the mission network, then he suppressed the class four Orgs into non existence with the Sea Organization.
There is a massage parlor chain out here called “Massage Envy”, where you can buy a membership for monthly (weekly or daily too) massage, that has swept the nation and boomed in cities of health conscience people. But the Church of Scientology can’t get staff. Empty. That’s right, someone has outdone David Miscavige with massage parlors. I haven’t heard any of any ARCex field protesting on Hollywood Boulevard either. I drove down the boulevard last night, and the street is full of staff. And clients.
P.S. Also drove by C.C. Int. Dark at 9:00 P.M.. As one of my kids so aptly put it, “It looks like a haunted castle”.
Hey Oracle, if you’re still in LA, let’s meet up in person! I’d love to see you again.
Back up North now, returning Monday. Will be there during the week through August. Check your email. XXOO
P.S.S. Didn’t even mention about the folks that were “trained on the R.P.F.” Declared a “DB” then sent for compulsory education as punishment? Has common sense zero value in that arena? I used to ponder why some people were less intelligent than others. In the current Scientology arena, Miscavige even refers to his own people as, “The blind leading the blind”. Well David, when people are forced to lie to themselves while under duress, they are not likely to be very creative with those lies. Then, they have to reduce their own intelligence to believe in them. After a long period of time, they can even believe in your lies.
Once again Oracle very well stated. I love your posts!
Proof, once again, that Oracle has been there, done that.
I’ve been there, seen that. Especially about the mission network. That was THE most successful, Div VI feeder system for the rest of Scientology, ever. To prove that the little SP didn’t want any more people to come in or anything to do with expansion, he came in and shot them all down. No head on a pike. He didn’t want “ethics put in”. He wanted death to the “enemy” camp a la “Art of War”.
He won that battle but, of course, lost the war. Good night, Captain CraCra.
What happened at the 1982 “Mission Holder’s Conference” in San Francisco – Martin Samuels
More about:
PS: Does anyone know where/how Martin Samuels is? Has he passed or still living? Has anyone contacted him for a statement?
You might want to follow up via his website.
Miscavige takes away all their energy, so they can’t even think about escaping. They just continue stumbling like zombie because anything else is too hard.
If, in our robot future, there’s ever a government program where anyone could instantly get a free apartment and living money, then Scientology in its present form would empty out in a week.
“Miscavige takes away all their energy, so they can’t even think about escaping.” How very insightful. If someone has no money, and they are exhausted from work at the end of every day, giving all of their energy to “the cause”, they just go to bed at the end of the day. If energy is money, it is sponged from the customers ruthlessly, so the thought of starting a new life becomes impossible.
“This is the Church of Scientology under David Miscavige. Making degraded beings. Routing people back down the bridge. And it is all in the enforce band.” Your post beautifully sums up the way things are now with forced training for outer org trainees who were inducted to Flag to get the stats up and get free labor. Oracle, your assessment of the situation is flawless.
YIKES, Oracle, that was some extremely cringe-worthy stuff. I remember back in the day Orgs were struggling to keep busy and when David Mayo set up the Advanced Ability Center there were lines around the block. PCs were not only fleeing high prices and bad ethics cycles, but lots more. Even back in the 80s, 60% dropped of the Bridge. Just think what might have happened If there was a survey done to find the things that caused PCs to drop off the Bridge, and those things were eliminated? The mind boggles….
Well, this brings to mind my own confession. In the early 80’s, I guess ’84, a very, very close friend came by to visit. I mean, I was not on lines and had not been for seven years. What I had been doing was working like crazy and paying to Flag for service. I someday hoped to get.
He came by to talk and told me about the Church and David Mayo leaving and the place in Santa Barbara. I said, “How can it be true, wouldn’t the Sea Org handle this Miscavige “take over”? He said, “They don’t know, the staff don’t know anything at Flag.” I could hardly believe it.
Now, having been staff at Flag, I can see it was true. They are not told anything. I was there on staff for six years and didn’t have a clue. But this was earlier.
I found this friend of mine too credible to doubt. But at that time I had money on account at Flag to pay for my bridge on both sides. And the thought to walk away from that, was too unreal for me.For what? I was good to go.
Let me just say that then, I was very far removed from politics in the church and decided I didn’t care who was in charge, as long as my money on account was good. I just could not rise above an inconvenient truth about management. I did not care about management, I cared about my auditor.Stupid math, as they were the effect.
And, this is just a little line in this story but it is very potent. Just because people are ” on lines” does not mean they support David Miscavige. When I was on staff at Flag many public said many things to me, to suggest they did not support him, although they were on service at Flag. People pay and hope, I did it myself.
Miscavige was NOT, “well loved”. Not by the public, not by the staff. He was not elected, don’t forget.He shows up for events as if he were an elected official. He is not. People know. His power has always been in the enforcement band. He was not elected, he took over. People have tolerated him as an inconvenient truth. His dedicated goal is to make certain people can not complete a cycle of action. Tell me where in Scientology now, can you complete a cycle of action? On the bridge? On staff with your contract? With your training?
The only way to complete a cycle of action is to stop it and walk out! Then you are attacked as you have seen Mike attacked, for only completing a cycle of action. start, change, STOP!
Nothing drives David Miscavige crazier than to notice, that someone else has completed a cycle of action with the Church of Scientology. What is the purpose of OSA and their plants and spies now that the governments and IRS could care less, if not to attack the people that ended cycle on Scientology?
It is a God given right to end cycle. That is a higher power than David Miscavige or any organization. Distance putting is a power too. You wake up one day, you run a havingness process like, “What can you spot around here that you would not mind getting rid of”? And it just turns out to be the Church of Scientology or the Scientologist in your midst.
Mike, did you know Miscavige at this time? He seems so full of **it in this video. He comes across to me as a greasy criminal type, very “1.1”. He seems very devious to me. People in the audience can’t see his eyes and face, but in the video it’s pretty obvious.
Yes, I had worked with him for many years.
Mike was also imprisoned by him for many years. Mike, I remember seeing you the CCHR exhibit with Sweeney. My God but you looked so very drained. But, now it’s all water under the bridge (no pun intended).
Chrismann9: That image of David Miscavige is absolutely flawless. Plus he would look drop dead chic in a lemon trim full panty garter with midriff semi corset skirt and silk shoulder pads in laced nylon leg socks and black spiked heel sandals. His hair is certainly already in vogue. 🙂
What’s funny is that was before He was able to get His lecterns custom-made to fit His Four-Foot-Thirteen-ness – he hasn’t grown since then!
It must drive Miscavige crazy that Mike knows what is going on behind the scenes and puts it all here for everyone to see. You can’t run a real estate scam when everyone has such up to the minute info on all your scammy business. Thank you for this peek behind the curtain Mike.
With all due respect to Rinder, he’s is hardly the only one that knows what’s going on. The beginning of the grand exodus began in the early Eighties. Plenty of staff and public started cogniting throughout that decade. Then the internet destroyed what little credibility the COS had left. Now that the media is not so intimidated, the public is beginning to learn of atrocities that former staff and public have known for years.
I was part of that grand exodus in LA. It started soon after the second round of monthly price increases. Many discussion groups sprung up. We listened to channelling tapes and investigated other practices and generally reinforced and supported each other.
My group met weekly at someones house. We tried a “think positive” type of practice for a few weeks until the leaders of the group, a woman and her husband, decided “it didn’t work”. We all pretty much agreed and soon thereafter the group broke up which was sad since we were having fun.
On one of the channelling tapes with specifics edited, a group of OTs was grilling an entity about whether OTIII was real or not! He wouldn’t commit, just saying “well that is one of several possibilities and there are many things to explore. . . etc. etc.” lol
“See for yourself the real results from other ideal orgs.”
What? As opposed to the fake or untruthful results that are being propagated? Why would there be anything but simply results from the most ethical group on the planet?
Freudian slip in the PR? Or possibly a “tell” as rumors abound about the “real” results happening (or not happening) at other ideal orgs?
Maybe I am reading too much into it. Maybe not.
I like the picture of Dan Eddington and I think Shana Randall from the CC Nashville band on the poster. That should be a real draw.
I received a letter from Atlanta about six months ago asking me to join staff.
I remembered Skip Yarian from 25 years ago as the ED of Atlanta. I recall him giving a speech one night printing the KTL course and how “we are the only group on the planet that can save the world”. I googled his name a year ago and he is out.
Doug, if you join staff, I’ll join with you! Now, I can’t be sure that I won’t be asking the wrong questions to the other staff. I do tend to recite OT 3 to anyone within earshot…..
Let’s do it. I’ll meet you in Atlanta tomorrow
Oh, Doug! I’m paddling out tomorrow morning. Look, do me a favor, recite OT3 inside the cult and time it too. I’m curious how long you’ll last…
The only problem is the last time I recited the OT 3 story I got pneumonia and damn near died.
Hi Doug Sprinkle, I saw your post to OSD.I had a good laugh because I remembered the OT3 pneumonia connection from years & years ago.In Sea Org I knew someone who was on OT3.He was not sure if he would get some affliction at some point.I am glad I did not continue on my SO path which would have contained all those magical OT levels.Laughter! Love,Ann.
ROTFLMAO!!! Now that’s some REALLY funny shit!
I try to post the occasional funny comment, to consildate the fact of all the money I put into ideal orgs from being a dick
But, JSG, you’re now out. And, you got back what was taken from you when you joined the cult: Your life! Now you’re free from the mess we were all in at some point.
I was one of the top donators at my org for both ias and ideal org so you are not the only one. The way I look at it is that I can’t change the past but can decide the future knowing that I’ll never give the cult another penny!
Hi Gimpy, Applause and big smiles to you and the fact the cult will not get one cent more from you.Me either! So great to have that milestone off our necks! Love, Ann.
So, I trust that no up and coming journalist is going to infiltrate this scene while recruiting is as frantic as this. It’s not like there’s the least possibility of catching some child labour or some “religious” visa foreigners being trafficked. Well, hardly any possibility…
Just kidding, who would want to observe the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology from the inside? Karin Pouw – *cough* – has everything regarding the perception of the Co$ under control.
You are to be commended for sticking to your agenda.
Your organizations are looking more and more like they are in IDLE ‘christian science reading room’ mode.
“…a delicious buffet dinner served.”
How do you serve a buffet ?
Hi Zola, I’m with you on the serving of a buffet.However there are all these OTs supposedly able to command intention all the known and unknown Universe! Laughter!Love,Ann.
Cult members pick up food at the buffet and throw it at the diners. Hey, saves a lot of time that they don’t have! Simple, yes?
Hi OSD, Just found your post. You sparked a recall that one mid-rats Asho F had this pb and grape jelly face painting food fight.We really needed to let off steam and the really good thing about Div 7 back then,the top executives if they were working late would come up behind me and smear pb on my face! But we only indulged in such hi-jinks like this a few times!As you know us slaves had to keep our noses to the grindstone.Thank you OSD for all the marvelous posts and comments you grace us with.Love U both.Ann.
Laughter! I had the same thought!
Sadlanta is now, officially, in the Amway Sales Club. The new staff will be calling everyone they know and trying to get them in for the new and improved services. How is the family with a pallet load of 2004 ‘Basics’ in the garage going take this phone call?
Caller ID will be the death of the Clampire.
I may take a little drive Saturday evening and check out this big event in Atlanta. Of course I won’t have a table seat but I may be able to sit inconspicuously in the lobby for a while to listen to CC Nasheville (?) and soak in the ambiance of tone 4 scientologists.
Hi Roger Hornaday, Sounds like a blast! The use of potted plants to hide behind in old movies has intrigued me for some reason.As in all the lobbies in all the hotels in all the world I bump into scions blindly herding themselves for the Event Of All Events! Love,Ann.
DM may want to consider move to the following nations:
Afghanistan, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, the Central
African Republic, Chad, China, Comoros, Congo (Kinshasa), Congo (Brazzaville), Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan,
Kosovo, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Madagascar, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands,
Mauritania, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal,
Niger, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Samoa, São Tomé & Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia,
Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu,
Vatican, Vietnam and Yemen.
Yes, some of them are undesirable, but are without extradition treaties with the United States.
Or, he could just get on a ship and float around, Maybe try to take over one of those countries?
Do you mean like the invasion of Clearwater as discussed by Abe Cazares?
Hey, you’re right — davey boy can also go to Rwanda, Africa, paint himself black, and go as a pigmy! … That should suit his size and he won’t need any clothes (so no expensive suits or food). NO ONE WILL FIND HIM, EITHER! (Not even the isis group that has him in their cross-hairs–they know all about him!) … The little dick will pass as a seven-yr-old kid with no problems!
Hi Pat Wog Winner, Thank you more laughter & coffee,as I read your post. Seriously I really wish dm would get lost permanently.Love U,Ann.
I’m glad I can make you laugh, Saaweet Lady, luv you, too! 😉
Hi Pat Wog Winner, I have to shoot you a Good Morning??.When I read your posts and laugh, you are a force that blows cancers and all other cos troubles that might be sticking around, out to Sea.Thank you my forever friend and soul-mate.Love, Ann.
Once in 1977 I signed a staff contract .. it was told to get 2,00 per hour .. in my original job I got 20,00 .. whatever .. days before I started this new business it was said that I will get 0,50 or maybe nothing .. this guy was proud of his statement .. I was freelance, so I went back into my business .. but I was called SP because of the brocken contract ..
Who has broken what?
I give. Who?
No Staff ?
So when D.M.shows up there is nobody
to punch and beat the shit out of.
Does appear to be a problem
Is that the “Internationally acclaimed” DJ Dominick Pirone leading the hokey pokey. Enough said. I’m so there. Hope they still have tickets.
amy – DJ Dominick Pirone may be teaching them the (Southern Style) Ideal Org Scio-Shuffle.
Nothing is any longer “real” in scio.
The dwindling spiral that is $cientology is irreversible. Whatcha gonna do Dave? Watcha gonna do when they come for you?
Mighty Captain Dave is simply going to willingly discard his body and say this planet is full of Sps who pulled it in and didn’t deserve his patience and dedication. He’ll say the only “ideal” thing in this degraded planet full of SPs is the Macallans distillery in Speyside and he’ll ask them to start a franchise on target 2.
Hubbard thought Earth was a prison planet. But if you view it as a mental institution, nothing ever violates you. Have you noticed what a button people have here on “sanity”? Trying to prove they are “sane”?
I think Dave was sentenced here as “criminally insane”. He has been on the RPF his whole life and still doesn’t get it. It’s a damn shame when you get sentenced to a beautiful place like Earth to chill, recover, and redeem yourself, and you use the opportunity to make yourself and others more crazy and commit more crimes. If you gave that guy a neck massage he would find in it an excuse to destroy you.
Hi The Oracle, Very beautiful fireworks from your post.Thank you.Starlight Love, Ann.
Ann, you are a soothing balm upon the soul. The red carpet will always roll out for you. The time you spend validating other people and their viewpoints, is very generous and has no comparison.You are a comfort in this world, of cross purposes and discontent.
Hi The Oracle, Thank you,you make sunlight dance all around me! When I first showed up here Mike,RB,Brian, Roger,OSD, Aquamarine TJ Theta Clear and of course you were my introduction to this blog.I call you my anchors because you watch out for me during storms and calm.I am so grateful to all,this is so much better than Scientology could ever be.Love forever,Ann.
Ain’t it innaresting, Ann, that the “detractor” sites have become much more interesting and informative than the “source” site is? And, of course, far more honest.
Bad boys, bad boys, whatch goin’ to do whatch goin” to do when the Feds come for you…
Just happened to cross paths with Kaitlen Jenner recently.
There may be some hope for you. Have you considered surgery as a part of your exit and exile strategy?
Your sociopathic collegue, El Chapo, got into waaaaay too much trouble with his testicular implant and injectable testosterone.
Notice they only get 30 minutes for the ‘dinner buffet’? Anyone else in the world would promote that as ‘refreshments available’. ‘Dinner’ served at a fancy event is 60-90 minutes.
Sea Org schedule
@threefeet. Not a Sea Org schedule. To Sea Org, 1/2 hour seems like an eternity for a meal.
I was actually laughing (while cringing) when I was reading Marc Headley talking in “Blown for Good” about cramming his food into his mouth as fast as he could in a restaurant after he blew and everyone staring at him. 5-10 minutes is a luxurious lazy meal in Sea Org.
Standing and eating or eating while doing something else is the norm if you’re lucky enough to get a meal. To this day, more than 30 years later, sitting at a table doing nothing but eating makes me feel guilty. I am constantly jumping up in the middle of meals loading the dishwasher, starting a chore, etc. then having to force myself to sit down and actually Finish. The. Damn. Meal. You’d think I would be over it by now.
Hi Valerie, Your post rocketed to my heart. Thank you, Love, Ann.
My lady left about 32 years ago and she is just beginning to respond to my efforts to get her to slow down in general. We both eat too fast, but we’re getting better. I’m also wanting to eat less at each meal.
Hi threefeetback,Love your post.And if you were a downstat one week,three minutes to eat tops! Love,Ann.
Hi Ann…One thing I never understood is that it seemed vital to be “well fed and well rested” for course or session but to “salvage mankind” you could be sleep deprived and malnourished. I was never SO but I had a short time in the SO environment for training and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was a zoo in the canteen with everyone on their very short leashes!
Hi Jennifer, Thank you for posting,great to see you.Your question is very perceptive.I think there is a pathway that I crossed between what is said in the Sea Org and what is actually done.Of course being well rested and not hungry when training or auditing makes sense.I think when I signed that billion year contract,I somehow knew that what ever Ron wanted me to do,I would.As a slave my perceptions were totally aligned to Ron when I picked up the pen.Yet I did not see that then at all.You were so intelligent to not join up,you could see the strain the Sea Org is put under.So happy you post here.Love,Ann.
About 3 years ago I was asked to donate to several orgs and I asked for some data–before and after the Ideal Org was in place. I wanted evidence that the new building made a difference. I received some typical graphs from MSP that showed the crooked lines going up. I then asked for the actual data that created the chart and this was the end of the reg cycle 🙂
Pete2, they REALLY don’t take to probing very well. You know you’re not supposed to ask questions, right? Just relax! All the thinking will be done for you! I mean, how cool is that?
Only sheeple with no powers of deductive reasoning are allowed in any more. It’s a question on the Personality Test now: “Would you be willing to throw away your powers of deductive reasoning if it meant you could keep your family, your friends or your job?”
good one Mary!
I’ll go.
I’ll go with you, Mary.
Awesome. I’ll meet you at Beer World.
This brings to light past memories when, out of the blue, staff were moved around from one post to another (depending on the need of ‘command intention). One day you were doing Call In, the next you were the Receptionist at the new building and so on.
Which shows you that Policy and Technology are mostly a facade to cover up the behind scene, where scientology gets run based on the whim of a ‘leader’ and nothing else.
Thank you Mike for another great posting.
Yes, Silvia. Not to mention every SO member at Flag from the top auditor and D of P down to the waitresses in the restaurant are all now regging you to buy the latest release. Talk about not following policy to be single hatted and do your job and no one else’s. One waitress got so pesky day in and day out after I’d said no each day, that I started eating off base just to get some peace. That worked until the recruiters tracked me down and came in the restaurant to get me. Can anyone say, “stalking”?
Hi Cindy,Always like your posts.I learn a lot.I echo “stalking” and I must say those involved in that endeavor especially regges are like bloodhounds after the scent of cash.Love,Ann.
Jan 30? Wow I just remembered I had a root canal scheduled for that very time. Gonna have to pass.
I remember the day I showed up in LA after I was recruited for Sea Org. I was dumped in the Hollywood Inn where I was forced to cool my heels for hours while someone figured out
A. Who the hell I was and why I was there.
B. Where I was supposed to sleep and live.
I should have followed my instincts and walked out the door then. No one would have noticed I was gone for hours.
Anyone in Atlanta who is reading this please: Stay. Away. It is a matter of self preservation. Any group than misspells Nashville is not for you.
Awwww. And those were the Good Ole Days. Things got worse from there.
@McCarran, that’s sad but true, those were the good old days. Wow.
Tha mis-spelt Mashville……I mean, Nashville (pronounced Nash vul)? Well I be danged! Dem people must not be too bright….
That is awesome news. The Org’s are deader than ever. No one is coming in, thanks to the hard work we have all done to suppress Scientology.
By the way, Scientologist’s and David Miscavige calls empty buildings “expansion”.
Seems like they could use some word clearing?
Cult members are REQUIRED to believe that empty buildings = expansion.
OSD, your response made me laugh, it made me imagine the new tech dictionary with a picture of a ghost town next to the word “booming org”
Laughter! You hit the nail on the head with a Ghost Town and a sign declaring a “Booming Org!” The only thing booming in scientology is the farts coming from the staff and SO. Hey, when SO are reduced to eating only rice and beans because they fucked up some how, you’ll see a whole lot of ‘Booming.’
Hi OSD, I know beans and the amount of farting depends on the quality of the bean and the age. Always Love,Ann.
Hi Pie-Face ( @-got-solutions ), It is good to meet you! Someone else who understands the delicate bouquet of Beans….? Ann.
And given the purchaser, Ann B, you may be sure the beans are the oldest and lowest quality available. Disruptive to the individual and all those enslaved with them. 🙂
Hi thegman77, A wonderful post,thank you Still laughing,Love U,Ann
Prepharation H (hubbard): whatever you put this stuff on, IT’S GONNA SHRINK! In a few short years, it will be gone. Shrinker-in-chief DM is doing us a favor. All hail the head shrinker: GO DAVE!!!
James Hollingsworth, are you the person who was C/S and Sr C/S for a while at ASHO Day?
Hi Cindy, no, I was never on staff. Must be someone else. Public, left in April 1995. How I wish I had my goldenrod so I could enlarge it to 2 foot by 4 foot and frame it. Know anyone in that could get it for me?
Have you tried to find it, online, James?
Is this a new product you developed, James? I’ll contribute toward sending a case of it to DM.
Hi Richard, no, same old stuff. I misspelled the name so as not to insult the company. Makeup artists often put it on actor’s faces when they get bags under their eyes. When the actors ask what it is, they’re told “You don’t want to know.” Put enough on DM, he would disappear….
Hi Indie, I would if I knew where to look
James, Nowadays they don’t post the SP Declares which is off policy. Now they only let people know on a “need to know basis.” And if they can’t get enough real or manufactured dirt on a person to declare them, they just do a loud whispering campaign against them, which has the same effect as if they’d posted a full goldenrod on the victim: all the person’s friends and colleagues and sometimes family, disconnect from them. All this without even demanding to “see it in writing” and without even quoting LRH, “If it isn’t written, it isn’t true.” Amazing that they’ve bred a brand of sheeple that will follow the leader (DM) and not think for themselves, not even try to reason, and will not demand to see the reference or see anything in writing.
The line that stands out for me is, “See for yourself the real results from other ideal orgs”.
Me too! “See for yourself” should entail going to other ideal orgs to see, not showing up to an empty Atlanta event and being told fish tales. Think of it this way: Uncle Billy Bob is recounting the striped bass he caught last year. He’s holding his hands at a 3-foot distance from each other. He says, “see for yourself how long that fish was.” That wouldn’t make any sense. Redefinition of language is one of the hallmarks of any cult.
Nothing is any longer “real” in scio.
Truer words were never spoken, thegman. NOTHING is real in the cult. It is all make believe….
IP, it’s ALWAYS some other org(s). Ones that are far enough away so the sheeple can’t pop in to see if what they’re being told is actually true.