Hubbard instructed scientologists to ally themselves with real organizations and religions in order to establish a “safe environment.” This is something scientology treats seriously, especially in Clearwater, home of the “spiritual headquarters” of scientology. Lisa Mansell and Pat Harney work on trying to accomplish this almost full time. And they have local scientologists like Joanie Sigal who are also heavily involved in these efforts, along with other lesser lights like Daniela Nessen and Pam Ryan Anderson.
This is a page from the latest issue of Tampa Bay magazine covering a recent charity event.
This event was a total scientology operation. Unfortunately, there are still people in the local community who allow themselves to be suckered by scientology. I do not think the rest of the people featured are scientologists — perhaps some readers here know otherwise: Megan Simons, Doug Lewis, Pamela Dobson, Charlene Gordon, Mardy Gordon, Mary Ann Morse and Brad Morse. They should all be warned they are allowing themselves to be used by scientology to try to gain credibility in Clearwater. While I imagine some money ended up with the Pinellas Sheriff’s PAL, you can bet the biggest beneficiaries of this event is scientology’s Winter Wonderland.
If you know any of these people, let them know they are shilling for scientology.
For more information about what is actually going on in scientology in Clearwater, I recommend you watch Aaron Smith-Levin’s recent video:
Blatant abuse and exploitation. They would be better of in prison than in the clutches of the Sea Org.
The worst part is that people not yet born seem doomed to have their lives destroyed by the cult out of sheer inertia.
Otherles, your conditions were better? Well, there is no excuse for bragging on that. No excuse and no reason. Shame on you!
Surely you must know that people today do not have conditions as good as you used to have. Surely you must know that or at least you surely must suspect that? Isn’t that so?
I remember in the early 1990’s, we were told that the Ideal Orgs needed all available money to expand and so we could not get free electricity. We had to generate our own electricity using LRH tech!
We had to exercise by spinning on circular pads that would spin around and generate electricity. That is how my clan got its name. We were known as “The Spinners”.
But even though we had a much tougher time than you did, it all worked out for the best. We had to narrow our concentration and attach all of our mental acuity to LRH. As a result, we were all the able to concentrate better and we came away with a much better understanding of the tech.
All the better to spin with! Surely you must have heard that expression before. No? It means that by depriving ourselves of basic human rights, we were better able to focus on LRH’s writings.
COB called our clan the best model of how deprivation leads to a better way to get on up the bridge. There was only one clan who did any better than we did. They were on a plan to deprive themselves of all food. They eventually starved to death. But, MY OH MY! Those skinny bastards had a wonderful understanding of the tech and were able to go clear just three months after dropping their bodies.
There was an added benefit. When they dropped their bodies, they only weighed about 65 pounds. So no one was hurt by those dropping bodies.
To this day, that clan is still known as, “The Great Heroes Deprivation and Concentration on The Tech”. I don’t think they will ever be beaten! That is why they were called, “Concentration Camps”!
LOL – love a good idiot!
Eleven to a room arouse you does it?
I didn’t believe I was bragging. The conditions on the diesel-electric submarines of the United States Navy were worse. Enlisted members of the crew had to share their bunks because conditions were so cramped. Enlisted members of the crew had to take turns sleeping.
Yes, what an incredible dedication to service and in such a dangerous and leaky mechanical device those submariners subjected themselves to. Mind boggling the guts that would have to take. Then again, anyone in service, especially during times of conflict puts everything on the line by just being there. I’ve shared some disgusting holes in the mud with buddies and it was home at the time.
People who’ve never experienced such things have the strangest opinions on the experiences of those who have. Howie’s later comment in the next article says it all about that poster – time to ignore such lunacy imo. Attention seeking can be such an insulting business created by such morons.
Sickening isn’t it? If that isn’t a human tragedy and crime, nothing is.
It’s just mind blowing what a liar can get away with…
I hate to have to paint this picture but….. Take 11 full grown adults and give them 15 minutes (actually by the clock for the Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF) members) to shit, shower and shave in a tiny motel bathroom. It means they are lined up at the bathroom door, naked with maybe a towel around them, they are all screaming at each other to get in and out of the shower, off the toilet, away from the sink, etc. They have to literally climb and pass over each other. It’s GROSS. I also doubt there are more than 3 washers and driers at the motel for all those students to wash their clothes. That means a lot of the clothing will be hand washed and hung to dry in the hotel room in an effort to cope. Forget about cleaning the bedding. The smell in those rooms would turn away your average pig or orangutan. The maids at the Fort Harrison box up the hygiene items left by the paying public and it is made available to the students that can’t afford to buy their own. WELCOME TO FLAG!!! That’s reality.
Thank you for posting this, Mike. The cult needs to be exposed 24/7.
A benefit to raise money for local children in need is actually the last thing in the world that scientology cares about. A poor child in scientology terms is a downstat as well as a hindrance to moving up The Bridge to Total Freedom. Helping a needy child to a scientologist is not Clearing the planet. To some scientologists, a needy child is Dev-t, or Developed Traffic, an unnecessary hindrance to saving the world.
I should know: I belonged to that cult for 37 years.
A quick google of the ‘Student Motels’ area shown in Aaron’s YouTube video (using Google Street View) makes it clear these adjacent motels – Trade Winds, Bayside, and Clipper – make up a real prison. I can’t tell if the multi-story Villa Del Mar is part of this or not, but I think not. The three named motels are one or two-story buildings that share features in common. First, no boats and little boat docking, very rare for that 400 feet of waterfront shared by Bayside and Clipper that actually gives an easy route to navigate to the Gulf itself, out beyond Clearwater Beach. Second, very few cars can be seen in the various parking lots. What is a motel without at least one car parking space per room rental, or a bayside motel without docking for at least a few owned or rental boats? Cars and boats are how transient tourists get to their tourist-y outings away from their Motel home base.
These facilities are certainly not for transient tourists out to have a good time in Clearwater and its surrounding area.
Another clue: all the entrances to what usually be office and parking areas are now closed off by picket fences, with numerous ‘Private Property’ and ‘Tow Away Zone’ signs giving warning to the Wogs that they are not welcome here at any time.
Considering the squalid conditions revealed here, ‘Slave Quarters’ seems to describe the accommodations quite well.
Shilling for Xenu’s body-thetans removal (Scientology spiritual activity is high volume ghost busting which happens at the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 steps of Scientology).
I always think if Scientology just fessed up to their exorcism OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 levels, and just learned how to neutrally better define Scientology, they’d accomplish a far better leg to stand on.
Un-thorning Hubbard’s permanent thornpatch framework and rules of Scientology is a thankless job.
It’s been outsourced to ex members (and SPs) to explain even Scientology.
Thanks for your great book Mike.
The conditions I lived in during Basic Training were better.