I hope someone gets the word to the Yeshua Fellowship Organization that they are being taken advantage of.
You can bet they have no clue that these policemen carrying a banner in a march is “all in the name of clearing our continent!”
They have NO IDEA scientology is involved in this at all. Yet the “Advanced Org” in Johannesburg is claiming this as a “major accomplishment.”
If Miscavige was holding international events, this would be being touted as “full acceptance of LRH tech by law enforcement of an entire African nation” or some such foolishness.
Same thing with the “Muslim Congress School” in Sierra Leone.
As a final note, how do these people think they are “clearing their continent” when they only have orgs in South Africa and 2 buildings but no orgs in Zimbabwe and nothing in the other 52 countries in their continent. South Africa and Zimbabwe total population is 75 million. The population of Africa is 1.3 billion. They are only potentially clearing 6% of their continent if they cleared everyone in S. Africa and Zimbabwe…. of course, the reality is they are clearing less than 0%. They’re in the negative as the population is growing much faster than the number of clears made.
David, David, let down your hair.;) ✂️
I looked up number of babies born each day – it is about 300,000. So in 70+ years, if we are being generous, Scientology has cleared less than 12 hours of births. How can any Scientologist think they are making headway? Actually way under 0%. Of course the 100,000 or so clears has a significant number of deceased and expelled people included. But let’s face it Clear actually means nothing and no one has any of the qualities that were supposed to go along with clear. I think that for some people attesting to clear makes them think they are superior to others, smarter and more able, or at least that is the hope. I wonder if telling people they are superior convinces them that they are without any further proof. I guess it makes you think that every good thing that happens is because of Scientology and every bad thing means your ethics are out or you are connected to an SP or you need to do next level.
They ARE connected to SPs — — anyone subservient to the Tiny Tyrant™, that is. He’s the most effective SP in scientology history.
Scientology should have as its first goal “To become more popular than Satanism” since a recent poll of 1,000 Americans found them both to be disliked equally.
“To become more popular than Satanism” is a tough slog, considering how much of the enslavement techniques come from his study under Crowley and how few of his “freeing” ‘tech’niques work. He left little of the FUN of satanism in his study, and McSavage has stripped any remaining fun out bodily.
For some reason I can’t get the boardroom scene in Dogma out of my head.
350 participants? That’s not a parade! That’s an outdoor luncheon. Even our dinky little local 4th of July Parade has at least a 1,000 people in it!