A continuation of the post from Wednesday “Sailing into the Sunset.”
They kindly include a sort of “Summary” for each continental area and their progress towards “ideal” status. It is quite revealing.
They also have a key that details the different “milestones” along the way to actually getting a new building.
Woohoo — what used to be a single “accomplishment” of moving into a new building (this happens all the time in the “wog” world, in scientology it is some major accomplishment) they have now broken down into 8 separate “accomplishments” so they can pat themselves on the back 8 times and have an “epic” announcement (fundraising) event for each of the 8 “milestones.”
It’s a transparent ploy to make it seem like more is happening and to collect more money, but the sheeple seem to fall for it…
Let’s take a look at the “massive international expansion” reflected in their “milestone” accomplishments of moving existing organizations into new premises.
They conveniently broke each scientology continental area down.
United Kingdom:
Three orgs done. No new ones opened. Three “construction documents done” and a building purchased. No mention at all of Brighton….
And the entire “continent” — the home of St Hill — has 63 “OT Ambassadors.”
You have to love their slogan: “Clearing the Largest Population on Earth” — and not a single org at all in Mainland China, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Korea or the Philippines which is more than half the world’s population. There isn’t even an org on the South Island of New Zealand. Let alone Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam or Cambodia. And one lone org for all of Japan and even though it’s been “ideal” for a decade they haven’t opened any new missions, let alone orgs.
74 OT Ambassadors for the largest population on earth?
And “milestone 9” added – “under contract.”
UH oh. Only 41 OT Ambassadors.
And STILL no mention of Toronto, one of 3 buildings in North America that were considered acceptable to be an “ideal” org (NY and Austin being the other 2). They didn’t even need to buy a new building and still they can’t get it done.
Calgary? Vancouver? Edmonton?
ONE “ideal” org opened and it is an artificially created and unnecessary “Advanced Org”.
Capetown, Bulawayo and Harare have had buildings for a decade or more — bought by the IAS with money they could not get through exchange control. But they cannot muster any resources to move them forward.
But the biggest omitted of all. There are only orgs in 2 countries in all of Africa. They have a combined population of less than 75 million. The African continent has a population in excess of 1.2 BILLION people.
And they tell themselves they are “building the next great civilization” with 28 OT Ambassadors.
Again, no new orgs opened.
One new building moved into.
A large number of countries with no orgs at all — Ukraine (where according to several events, LRH tech was being used to run the government), Belorussia, Poland, Czech Republic, the Baltic States, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Serbia, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Iran etc etc…
The vastness of Russia “covered” by 2 orgs.
Still not a single “ideal” org in France, though a building was reportedly purchased. But not even mentioned here?
Latin America
No accomplishments AT ALL. But the events apparently never cease to amaze the OT Ambassadors.
Again, the largest and most populous country in Latin America — Brazil — does not have a single org. Let alone an “ideal” one. No country in central America other than Mexico has an org. No org in Peru or Chile. Things are not looking good for scientology in Latin America…
Eastern US
They had a ribbon yanking! Yay team.
They invented a new “milestone” after “construction started” which is “under final renovations.” Now up to 10…
Bet Chairman of the Bored was disappointed there is STILL no word of any progress on that building they bought in Philadelphia a decade ago… Boston still going nowhere. Nobody is sure if Long Island is still open at all.
But at least Philly and Boston are probably included in that amazing statistic of “square feet of ideal orgs on the runway”… milestone 11 when there are no milestones at all?
Will EUS ever get around to opening an org in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama or Mississippi?
Western US
And they wrap up their summary with the 600lb gorilla in the “ideal org” world. Western US.
No org actually OPENED, but now Kansas City has an additional milestone of “next ideal org for grand opening.” Woohoo. Milestone 12!
And with all these ideal orgs, they are no closer to creating any impact on anything than they were 10 years ago. In fact, they have gone backwards. And there are still no orgs at all in Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Iowa or Wisconsin. How are they failing to reach into this vast swath of the western United States when they are virtually all the way “ideal”?
Wasn’t the pitch that these ideal orgs would in turn open new missions and they would become orgs which in turn would open new missions etc? This was the “theory of expansion” that the COB pitched (and still pitches — “an ideal org represents 10X expansion across its zone”).
The first Ideal Orgs were made/announced in 2003. This “program” has been going on for 16 years and is still not close to done. Pretty soon the earliest Ideal Orgs will need to be “updated”, with some orgs not even done the first time. This is set up so, even if no or very few new orgs (not new buildings for existing orgs) ever open, this “program will go on endlessly, or at least until scientology taps out).
New Haven needs to be added – it’s easy to forget as it’s almost never heard from, though it does have its very own ideal morgue prospect, a very tomb-looking structure purchased over a decade ago that was originally a Masonic temple, and then used as a furniture warehouse. Meanwhile, a few years ago the org left its long-term home for a large old wooden house with a strange long porch that looks as if it might have been used as a funeral home at one point. The Eastern US is in very sorry shape indeed – one recent post mistook the Long Island org, which never should have been more than a mission, for a mission; in spite of Long Island having a population of nearly 8 million, and incomes well above average, there seems to be less activity there than at some of the missions in the LA area.
The posters show a total of 1136 OT Ambassadors in all the world. Surely, they miscounted – there must be at least 1149, maybe 1150?
The Earth, formerly known as Teegeeack, has a bit over 57 million square miles of land area. Thus each one of the 1136 (or 1150?) OT Ambis is responsible for over 50,500 square miles. That’s almost exactly 3.5 times the entire surface area of the moon, for each and every lonely OaTee Ambi!
A fundraiser is underway to reduce the size of the moon, which will in effect give each OT Ambi a smaller, more feasible workload. A smaller moon will also let astronomers see more stars, without such a big moon blocking so much of the sky every night. All in all it is a worthwhile project with wins for everyone, except those goofy tidal energy machines, so get your donations in now!
p.s. calculations are estimates, not fool proof.
I have been hearing rumblings about St Louis shutting its doors. Their Ideal Org is up for sale. Many members left the area.
St Louis is not even mentioned on the West US Propaganda
so maybe it’s true? I Hope So!
I also heard Sea Org were sent to St Louis to find the SP Staff member who is stopping the expansion for the City of the Arches.
Hip Hip Hooray!
Interesting to hear things are that bad in St. Louis. Scientology would never let an org actually close, though there are several mission-sized ones that, like the missions themselves, ought to be allowed to just die off.
From the accounts we heard when insiders described what was going on at St. Louis a while back, the Sea Org must have had a field day. It sounded like at least the top one or two people in the org were real scoundrels, who should have been removed long ago except perhaps that they seemed pretty accomplished at the trick of fleecing large amounts of money out of a rapidly dwindling membership – apparently while putting lots of commissions in their pockets.
They have recently been touting plans to renovate the building they’re in, though apparently are not having any luck selling the old building they had first bought, and then let sit derelict for over a decade.
Some day when Scientology finally faces up to its desperate condition and does start shutting down orgs, St. Louis would certainly be on of the first to go, perhaps merged without fanfare into Kansas City. They’re certainly one of the likely candidates for just never getting their new facility if the “ideal” campaign stalls, and the worst of the small and failing orgs just end up with their projects unfinished.
If they were looking for the SP maybe they could have saved themselves the trip and look a bit closer to home.
Xenu’s Son – they cant look closer to home. It is a high crime.
The level of delusion in “scientology” is simply staggering.
PS please boycott Tim Cruise’s new movie. In fact, please disconnect from anything related to him that generates revenue that that psycho donates to this freak cult.
Not seeing TC’s new film will be easy; A bad actor IMO. Some exceptions but mostly awful.
Ditto Krustie Alley and Kelly Preston. Can’t stand either of them. No talent.
Ditto Donkey Punch.
But Elizabeth Moss and Laura Prepon, now – I do like their work.
With them, I’m conflicted.
We would like the org in Plant city back. It sits empty and ruins the feeling in our lovely quaint antique stores to be assaulted by dianetics crap on the corner. This building is historic and the charm of it has been ruined by their modern design and ugly book covers in the windows. JS
Is this like the RB cartoon where the truck driver avoids an icy patch and frustrates the plans of the evil Cooties?
Are there secret high powered laser turrets inside each Idle Morgue that are constantly knocking out those DC 8’s?
Or maybe BT catching super vacuums? Is this the true purpose of the “Ideal Orgs”?
To coin a phrase – Enquiring minds want to know.
Can someone explain why the COS always renovates buildings rather than constructing them ground up to their own specifications? Renovating can be very expensive, especially when dealing with historic buildings. What are they hoping to achieve? Why not just build new?
I was thinking that myself. It’s a stop on the projects.
The church of Scientology renovates buildings instead of builds because
1. The fraudulent fundraising can go on for eternity and the clubbed seals will never question
2. To make $$$$$$$$$$$$ and get others to make money
3. The construction costs per square foot are easier to finagle.
4. It’s a game that works. Slappy Miscavige is rich
The answer as to why renovating an older building seems preferable, is based on a loose estimate of actual time frames.
When the church buys a building, it typically sits there for 2-8 years before the renovations are done.
When they build a building from the ground up, (super power building is the only one that comes to mind) it takes about 21 years.
With the break neck speed of expansion, they have to go with the fastest option, to make sure the people lining up outside to sign up are serviced as quickly as possible.
I know this is a weird thing to notice, but I find it hilarious that out of all the snapshots of all the space plans they must have access to, the image they chose for “Space Plans Created” is showing restrooms. They don’t even realize how fitting it is… visit our ‘space’ and flush your money and life away. The truth is right there on the page.
Their PR in articles like these are gaslighting their public! I say that because: They use megalomaniac words like planet wide or planetary clearing etc, then give vaguely defined markers like “OT projects “ with huge numbers attached! Throw in words like ambassador, responsibility, intention, and a porch to eternity and you’ve been gaslighted! Lol cognitive dissonance! Thank God we have this blog and some intelligent commenters pointing out true facts and figures. 😙😉
Congratulations Rose
You nailed it
My needle floated
I am having win after win after win
Verbal Razzle Dazzle. When you have no production, no products and no stats, give ’em the Old Razzle Dazzle, and they’ll never get wise. And with these Stupid Still Ins, its works. Sad.
Seems like what they don’t say is the tell. I know a kid who bragged about taking first place in the pole vault. Not to take away from him, but he was the only one who participated. Yet, he did take first.
No mention at all of my favorite location: Battle Creek?!
Don’t think Dubliners would like being referred to as being in the UK. That shipped sailed about 100 years ago.
Scientology cultural sensitivity at its most tin eared.
Indeed, that and their characteristic ignorance. Did you used to drive a bright yellow bus around London, Graham?
Funny how the “ideal building and location” criteria selected always seem to be out of the way places giving precious little chance of the public even accidentally blundering inside and being exposed to LRH made-up blather and nonsense.
Oh, I’m not complaining as they continue to shoot themselves in the foot by their own intense and laughable incompetence. The more intelligent Comic-Con nerds will also wisely give anything LRH a wide Freewinds-sized berth.
The only thing in this imploding cult that is highest ever is the number of foot bullets planned arriving on target.
I’m only a moderately intelligent ComicCon nerd, and even I know to avoid everything about LRH and $cieno 😅
I probably state the obvious when I say that the Ideal Org gambit is a plan without a functional purpose. In the real world, expanding into new quarters is how companies meet increasing and changing demands. In the COS bubble world they have the sequence reversed. I really do believe that they believe that big beautiful buildings will generate demand for their services. Here in the real world, we know that’s absurdly wrong. It would be like a CEO saying, “If we get a new big building, we’ll sell tons more of our stuff.” Again, stating the obvious: The COS has got it ass-backwards.
What amazes me Chris is there’s a policy directly against fund raising and selling anything but scientology. OK well that could be streched to include a building to deliver in but then there is one about when to get a new building.
It’s really out KSW – their very own policies are being violated.
Maybe these policies are now hard to find, pulled from checksheets etc. That would explain the new crew not knowing but there are still old crew there. It baffels me. If I was still there, I’d be spending my nights writing KRs and cramming orders. What a waste of time that was.
Back in the day I told them the same thing; beautiful new buildings don’t make raw public become Scientologists. It didn’t go over well. I got written up for being “counter-intentioned” to the Ideal Org Program. I got ordered to get “handled” in Ethics, i.e., get my overts and witholds “pulled”. Crap like that. In one email I told them I didn’t have overts and witholds and it was just common sense that you don’t buy and renovate a beautiful new building and THEN expand. It doesn’t work that way. Expansion of anything doesn’t work that way and LRH clearly stated that. No go. Well, Gullible fool that I was, I kept trying. I said, “Look at all the incredibly beautiful cathedrals in Europe and the UK and elsewhere! Priceless art, priceless architecture! If beautiful buildings were all it would take, we’d all be Catholics and Anglicans!” This got me exactly nowhere. Well, I tried.
Sorry, I think I missed something. MV means MV Freewinds? Merchant Vessel? That’s my speculation based on the results of putting MV and Scientology into a search engine. MV wasn’t listed in the Scientologese dictionary.
While reading the post, I kept wondering what MV meant and thinking, based on what the Scientologists said about it, it must be one of Hubbard’s (or Sherman’s) more grandiose concepts. Eternity, salvation, something along those lines. But they’re talking about the ship? If so, how does a ship have anything to do with their fundraising efforts for buildings? OT8s are made there and then, after comprehending the full majesty of Scientology, they go on to do a superlative job at fundraising? I’m looking for a way in which any of these claims could be remotely plausible even to some hypothetical Scientologist. I think I’m still missing something.
Maiden Voyage on the SMV Freewinds (SMV = Sea Org Motor Vessel)
Maybe the “physical reality” of buildings getting bought and renovated gives rise to the hope of the the soon to come spiritual reality of ………whatever. In the 1970s I rented a room at The Manor Hotel in LA which was undergoing renovations to become the Celebrity Center. It sure seemed like shit was happening back then.
Richard you were in at the pinnacle of scamology adherent numbers. After ’78 it was ALL downhill with not a single year of growth..
The furniture in the rooms was old and rickety and you might need to go up or down a floor to find a toilet or shower that worked but it was still fun hanging out with a bunch of “On Purpose Scientologists”.
George White said he once rented a closet there so he could do some solo auditing. Maybe the material was “confidential” and they wouldn’t let him leave the building with it. After paying for the course you would think they would at least give him the closet space for free. What a bunch of cheapskates.
Just for fun here’s the exchange I had with George back on Marty’s blog.
[Another episode of my scn experience in LA was renting a room at times at the Celebrity Center soon after scn bought it. A lot of the toilets didn’t work, wallpaper was peeling off the walls and the furniture in the rooms was old and rickety. I didn’t care because I was Totally – On – Purpose.
Path of Buddha | October 29, 2015 at 6:42 pm | Reply
I did OT III in the Celebrity Centre in LA when it was still the Manor Hotel.
I did OT II in a small closet that they rented to me. I did not mind the dirt because I thought I was on the way to total freedom
Richard AAA | October 29, 2015 at 9:20 pm | Reply
LOL The thieves actually made you rent the damn closet? What a joke.
Your comparison in the earlier comment is apt. All of us at that time with our wonderful rickety ass full of crap Bridge yanked from under us. I just read some previews of Leah’s book. Apparently she really crucifies scn. She attacks everyone who pissed her off including Tom Cruise. Bye Bye CoS. He who laughs last . . .
I forgot about it just being called the Manor back then. No signs and overgrown with weeds. There was a fountain outside which probably hadn’t seen water in 30 years.
I usually don’t bother to pour fuel on the flame, but that was fun. I have a mockup (King’s English, I checked) which I’d like you to consider in a future post.
I have a friendly post to Marty which I was going to post tomorrow but I might as well do it now. Talk to you soon George.
Path of Buddha | October 30, 2015 at 6:45 am | Reply
From his ignorance he missed all of the Middle Way
But we still thought all we had to do was with the meter play.
He charged tons of money which we thought just
But Leah’s book will now begin the bust.
Let me know when you are ready on the mock-up]
Even though I had not experienced any abuse when I left scientology in 1982, probably like everyone else I had carried forward false beliefs and cognitive dissonance. George, with his Buddhist sensibilities, helped me work my way through it simply by conversing with me without any attempt on his part to be a mentor. Thanks, George!
That’s when ASHO was on Temple Street. The Manor was a pit for a long time. Scientology always was trying to suck money in criminal ways as you mention. The ratio of people trying to help people vs. wanna be SS members was better back then of course.
Chairman of the Bored sings!
And now, the end is near
And so I face retaliation
These words, I’ll say it clear
I’ve done a lot of masturbation
I’ve lived a life that’s full
I’ve opened each perverted doorway
But more, much more than this
I did it my way
Regrets, that’s just for wogs
You can’t deny my near perfection
I did what I had to do
And kicked their ass without exception
I planned each charted course
Each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way
Yes, there were times, you never knew
When I made whales pay out the roof
But through it all, when there was doubt
I ate up staff and spit them out
I faced it all and I stood tall
And did it my way
I’ve lived, I’ve snooped and pried
I’ve had my fill of big time boozing
And now, as shit subsides
I find it all goddamn amusing
To think I did all that
And may I say – not in a shy way
Oh no, oh no, not me
I did it my way
For what is a man, what has he got
If not real power, then he has naught
To say the things to get more cash
And even dig through Rinder’s trash
The record shows I gave the blows
And did it my way
Yes, it was my way
Out-fucking-standing! I don’t know how you do it…but, you do!
Thanks for all your kind words.
I agree: out-fucking-standjng, indeed!
Play on, playa!😎
Sooo funny. And im sure. Spot on
Well done Scribe! Extremely well done. You have a talent that is above and beyond.
Of course, when it comes to The Rat, most everyone is above him. I have to wonder if the Supreme Being made him that tiny as a warning to everyone who meets him. Surely, they must wonder why is this person so tiny? At the very least, one must wonder whether he suffers from The Napoleon complex.
The Napoleon complex is a popular belief that describes an inferiority complex in which short men tend to compensate for their small stature through behavior, such as increased aggression or gossiping.
118,893 hours?
I’m surprised they didn’t equate that with 7,133,580 minutes or 428,014,800 seconds.
That would fit their usual pattern of finding the biggest numbers they can.
My favorite distortion is when the announce the length of something and then stat how many times that represents the distance between the earth and the moon. Somehow, they think it is quite amazing that if you take the number of the copies of their crazy book and stack them end to end (which is not the same as stacking them on top of each other), it represents the distance equivalent to 84 times the distance between the earth and the moon.
I’m certain there is a more “impactful” way to massage those numbers. But no matter how they do it, they come across as a bunch of lunatics and “a bunch of lunatics” is just about the only accurate way to describe these people.
Slightly off topic. Since I’ve been following scientology I see one, and only one, good thing the cherch has done: It has renovated some great old buildings that were lying dormant and likely awaiting destruction. When scientology is gone – and may it be sooner rather than letter – these buildings will be used by other groups and businesses, for what purpose I don’t know, but ANYTHING is preferable to $cientology.
Only to be confiscated by the Dwarf, and sold.
I’m so sad to see those buildings in Ventura become an Idle Morgue. I lived in that wonderful town for almost 40 years. But they could not have picked a less used road than the one it is on. ZERO foot traffic. No cars drive down there either. It will be DOA.
It will be DOA…and then sold by the Dwarf.
About orgs in EX USSR. SCN lost it religious status in Russia and working like a business. They even changed sign on Moscow org from “Church of Scientology” to “Center of Scientology”
Saint-Petersburg org in a deep shit. All previous Exec strata now in prison waiting for a trial. They are convicted in tax evasion, money laundering and fraud (including credit cards fraud).
For more than a decade there are talks about opening several new orgs, especially in Ekaterinburg in Russia and in Almaty in Kazakhstan. There are several hundred of scientologists in both cities including several wealthy ones. But you can’t just open an org, it can only be an Ideal Org and they are still struggling to fundraise millions of dollars for that.
Plus, around 1/3 of Moscow Ideal Org net income come from public from this 2 areas, so they don’t want to lose it Here and now.
Ahhhhh- the sweet smell of Scientology Total Failure. Those Russians are some smart people. Good for the Country of Russia!
Ok, this is a job for foolproof to come to the rescue to enlighten us to see that Scientology is actually expanding faster than the speed of light. The fact that all of us ex’s have seen with our own eyes the massive contraction of the Cherch is irrelevant.
Faster than the speed of light in a medium. We don’t want Foolproof to claim that we’re being scientifically incorrect.
But to quote Einstein – the speed of light in the vacuum between your ears is all relative!
No, the speed of light in a vacuum is an absolute value. Trust a Scientologist to get General Relativity wrong.
In 1905, Albert Einstein determined that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers, and that the speed of light in a vacuum was independent of the motion of all observers.
Dark Avenger, to the rescue, nullifying the stench of Foolproof’s random anal emissions with-ONCE AGAIN- factual data!
Ah well, I guess ol’ Droolpoof is at least tone-40-committed to the repetitive public puckering of his sphincter, which reliably
produces his valuable final product here: shit.
The speed of light is not a constant.
UK is the only “continent” with any bridge steps completed?
And 479,989 Square Feet of Ideal orgs on the runway. Most worthless stat ever.
Minor correction: An important state without an Ideal Org was left of the West US list. Montana. It is an atrocity that there is no Ideal Org (or plain ol’ rundown Org), mission, field group or perhaps even a scientologist in the Big Sky state because this is where li’l Ronnie spent a good portion of his childhood. During these formative years he was busting broncs, shooting wolves, becoming a blood brother with the Blackfeet, kicking ass by jumping off 6 foot high board fences and putting boots to the O’Connel(?) boys, becoming the youngest Eagle Scout in the nation, and generally just being special. Surely Capt’n Miscavige should have some sort of push to fundraise for something, anything to happen in Montana. Christ, there is even a CST base in Wyoming if I recall correctly. Couldn’t the cult have purchased an abandoned Cold War missile silo along the northern tier and converted it to an Ideal Secret CST/RTC Base and maybe moved Shelly there to enjoy the Montana winters while she is busy preserving the ‘tech’?
Oh yes. My bad. Now fixed.
Worst. Motivational. Conference. Ever.
“Thanks to this MV, we are now more coordinated and have more direction. There are so many people willing to get in there and get the job done. When I go back home, I’ll work on getting people on study and on staff. I cannot wait for the future!”
‘I think I can. I think I can.’ … Whether Sheila can wait or not, the future will be occurring regardless, and Scientology will continue to atrophy and wither. It’s sad to think of how deeply deluded all these people have to be to perpetuate this fading farce.
They think they can. They think they can. But, of course, they can’t!
This has obviously become quite a real estate development company with a side of religion & fries.
Yeah, but there is no city/planning authority coordination, pre planning or permitting or permit approvals listed which is actually a huge and complex step in any 7-8 digit construction project. They never talk about any of the essential inspections from wind storm through seismic, structural, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, parking, etc. etc. etc.
And it’s all for a tiny person. Corn on the COB.
Scientology Axiom: If we build it they won’t come.
Since they won’t ever come whether they build it or not, you might think that rational people would realize that and just pack up their bag of dirty tricks and go home where they can enjoy their family life.
Oh wait! I suppose they cannot do that since they have all been disconnected from their families.
They wouldn’t be able to find it anyway.
One stat listed that I have no idea what it is, is the tens of thousand of “Hours on OT Projects”. Does anyone have a clue what this likely meaningless stat means? Thanks in advance for the clarification.
WDHOOTP! … “Well Done Hours On OT Projects”.
It’s in DJ-09 (Dave’s Journal, 2009)
Unfortunately the Chairman and Ecclesiastical Potentate does not release his most of his musings.
Whereas Ronald Lafayette published a vast oeuvre of nearly everything he ever wrote, typed or dictated, Dave publishes almost nothing of his own and speaks to no one outside of Scientology. His seclusion is becoming reclusion, like the later years of LRH or Howard Hughes. Davey has the isolation, secrecy, and paranoia nailed, all he needs now is the long hair and rotten teeth.
That’s a good question. I have no idea what an “OT project” is.
Each year the “OT Ambassadors” (everyone who attends or has attended a MV) are given a program they are supposed to carry out in their area to raise money for the IAS, ideal orgs and recover people onto the bridge) and they are supposed to then carry out projects to get the program done. So, for example, Robb and Maria Drew from the Flag OT Committe raise money for the ideal org in Edinburgh – that is an “OT Project”…
I would like to know that too. And what exactly is an “OT Ambassador”? Is that everyone that reaches a certain level?
When reading of scientology and their promo (which is ALWAYS) it helps to keep in mind that it is all based on pulp science fiction. Not the decent fiction like Star Treck or Fantasy Island, that were based in reality, but the likes of Dark Shadows or Nosferatu.
So, the easy answer is: The ‘stat’ is some kind of dreck that DM pulled out of his dark orfice to wave in front of the zombie followers. Nothing more, nothing less.
There are innumerable “Creation Stories” in religion, cults and practices. Pick one and believe in it. For some people it’s blind faith. On a recent tv show the commentator asked a fundamentalist Christian minister if he thought that there was any truth in any other religions. His answer – “No”
A real OT can complete a project in zero time, the number of projects an OT can complete in 10,000 hours is 10,000 / 0, an infinitely big number which would suggest that clearing a planet could be cleared within a week, with breaks, give or take.