Tony Ortega put up the video of the New Year’s event today.
Unlikely many could stand the torture of watching the whole thing. If you have a choice, it’s a good idea to avoid the avalanche of Shermanspeak like the bubonic plague. It can make your ears bleed and brain turn to mush.
I mentioned last week that I had been going through the event and making some notes. I never got around to publishing them. I didnt make it through the whole event, and don’t plan on doing so as now anyone who is interested can watch it for themselves if they have a masochistic streak.
But just because I made the notes, I am putting a few of them down here to give you a flavor if you are unwilling to subject yourself to the mind warp.
Of course, GAG II is the big feature. The opening video puts it all into Miscavige-style perspective when it announces that GAT II was SO significant because “11,000 miles of paper rolled through the presses at our dissemination power plant” in order to produce the new packs for GAG II.
And GAG II is now positioned this way:
“The most monumental announcement in our history” and “In full. The Bridge. 100% standard tech guaranteed. DONE.”
We are now “ready to deliver rundowns that will trigger world clearing.” And this gem of an understatement highlighting the accomplishment of the Pope of Scientology and Captain of the Universe: “And so we arrived at a Scientology universe and the very genesis for a whole new world.”
Until finally it was “the year that was the turning point for Scientology.”
And that was just the opening video, courtesy of the late night infomercial voice of Jeff Pomerantz over-stressing, over-pronouncing and over-seriousing every. single. word.
But then Voldemort strode onto stage — to idiotic applause that can only be compared to the enforced ovations afforded Kim Jong Un when he arrives in front of his audience. Nobody wants to be the first to stop clapping lest their neighbor turn them in. And there is one crime in corporate Scientology that is the BIGGEST sin you can commit: failing to show adequate deference and appreciation for Dear Leader.
Never one to downplay His accomplishments (after all, He approves or writes every word and shot selected for the gushing intro video that portrays Him as the savior of not merely the human race, but the entire universe) He launches into His strangely hypnotic cant replete with odd emphasis on words at the end of sentences. And His description of His GAG II is this:
“Our single most significant accomplishment on the whole track.” He DID say that. His “correction” of the tech is more significant than the discovery and codification of it in the first place…. Wow. It takes an astonishing level of arrogance to stand before a crowd and say that (though most don’t even realize what he actually said).
And then “2013 is the year we went stratospheric.” Well, you certainly “blew up” with international coverage of Leah Remini and the Mosey Rathbun lawsuit, Narconon disasters and much more. So, I guess this could be literally accurate.
He then does this wondrous sleight of hand — He was not going to give a report on the actual state of affairs of Scientology internationally as He had promised, instead we “only need consider how it rolled out here to envision how it rolled out everywhere else.” Somehow, I dont think so…. The captive audience of whales and staff at Flag are NOT the same as in the orgs around the world. There are numerous reports of public rejection of GAG II at org level — I was told by someone today that he heard a woman coming out of one of the local org showings of the GAG II video respond to a surveyor asking her what she thought of the event: “Shameful. That man is shameful. He just got through telling me my wins and gains in Scientology were all bullshit and that I have to start all over again. Who does that guy think he is?” The surveyor apparently started yelling for help 🙂
But, though Flag, where EVERYTHING has been concentrated as a sort of Custard’s Last Stand, is hardly representative of “what is going on around the world,” let’s take his pronouncements at face value:
“Since the ribbon came down on the 17th of November more than 15,000 Scientologists crossed the threshhold to behold the majesty of Scientology at the top of the Bridge.” Are you really trying to say that in addition to the 10,273 ( 🙂 ) in attendance at the Grand Opening an ADDITIONAL 5,000 showed up AFTER the biggest events and call in in history? Not likely. I think this is a “turnstile” figure of the number of people each day added up cumulatively, 25 people on Monday, 25 on Tuesday, 25 on Wednesday is 75 people who crossed the threshhold. Because it just does not add up to the OTHER STATS He then proceeded to spout.
Next it was “more than 4,000 Scientologists have availed themselves of services in our Flag building” — this no doubt includes all SO members. May be close to accurate that around 2000 people are on service at the FSO.
Then “more than 1200 public are training in Flag’s Academy” — that gives a clue. Still a LOT of outer org trainees there. And probably a lot of people put onto Student Hat. And of course everyone else on “the Basics” because they are a “prerequisite” to Academy training now so they are “in the academy.”
But then the real story starts to emerge. “Just since the release there have already been 37 Student Hat graduates.” Wow, ONLY 37 people have completed a 2 week (guaranteed) course in 6 weeks? Out of 15,000 who stepped across the threshhold?? Or the 4000 on services? And this is the FIRST course of GAG II that EVERYONE has to do?
Oh, but there have also been 74 SRD Grads. 74? There were supposedly hundreds on their Objectives Co-Audit at the TIME of the release of GAG II?
Oh, actually, Flag’s public are not on Student Hat or SRD. They are ON THE PURIF! “Almost 10,000 hours” on the “New Purification Rundown” since GAG II. And 67 Completions.
Meanwhile, He announced 5000 “hours of delivery” of Cause Resurgence which He called “the oldest spiritual therapy on the whole track” and 52 completions.
And 10,000 hours of Super Power delivery and 78 Super Power Completions.
While I am sure these figures are “affluences” they are hardly mind-blowing. Super Power and Cause Resurgence have been being hyped for 15 YEARS. There has been hundreds of millions of dollars invested in their delivery. 1500 hours a week and 15 comps a week is not going to change the world. It isn’t even going to change Clearwater.
So much for the GAG II/Cause Resurgence/Super Power hype. It was strangely devoid of anything to be excited about — though of course the clubbed seals clapped and cheered like they were the audience at one of Oprah Winfrey’s car giveaway shows.
After all that. The “magnificent” building. The most important accomplishment on the whole track. The thing that will make planetary clearing a reality blah blah blah there have been 78 completions on Super Power and 52 on Cause Resurgence in 6 weeks and 37 on the brilliant new Student Hat that everyone has to do.
How do you say “flop” in Shermanspeak?
I will leave my analysis of his “ABLE report” for another day….
The Titanic is listing badly while Captain Miscavige keeps the band playing and directs his passengers to keep dancing to His music.
Mike, thanks for providing the name of the man doing the voiceovers. Every syllable Jeff Pomerantz utters is so needlessly loud, boisterous, and over-the-top, I have to fight to get through it. You are absolutely correct in that he does have an infomercial voice. I imagine his voice coming on paid advertising at 2 am in the morning booming, “Buy Your Basics, Today!”
remember the old “Can We Ever Be Friends” cassette? It had the weird creepy voice on it that made you cringe and not want to give it to anyone, much less your family? That voice is Jeff Pomeranz. I spoke to him about it years ago and he said that each line of that cassette was “CSed” or “Coached” by LRH himself with notes of what tone level each line was to be done in. Also he was to do some of it in a monotone voice and then punch up some words loudly in it, and some words at the end of the line. He did it that way cuz he was instructed to do it that way. And my guess is that is the same with the new voiceovers he is doing for the church. Maybe it is hypnotic and they think it will lay in hypnotic phrases like an implant or something.
Thanks Jane! I looked up a clip of “Can We Ever Be Friends” on youtube after watching the new years event video. The same loudness. The same creepiness. The same over-stressing of every syllable. I hope you told him his voiceovers were indeed weird and creepy.
Having watched just the beginning part with Jeff P. announcing all
the “dones” and then DM’s talk for 5 minutes several things come
to mind:
1. The crowd’s standing ovations are way longer and more intense
than we used to experience in the 90’s and beginning 2000.
2. Jeff’s voice sounds like it has gone through several electronic
enhancers. Well he is getting old but what a difference from 10
years ago.
3. However, the main idea I got was that DM has now evolved his
exit strategy. While holding his head high he can now say that
everything is done so he will be able to leave without losing face.
Eew… Just went to 00:27 of part IV … Bragging about the number of visitors frequenting the London Org, DM says “…[W]ith London’s signature red Mark VIII, it’s never been easier to see their thoughts.”
HAHA … If only those visitors KNEW that was the objective … and the burden!
Mike, this is BRILLIANT. We were ROTFL within the first couple a paragraphs – especially at the Pomerantz reference. THAT has been one of our “most hated buttons” of Int events for years. It drove us absolutely nuts, and was always played at ear-bursting volumes – probably to “shock” the audience into PT……
We learnt a neat trick of loitering around outside until the Jeff part was over, then going in to sit down, “pretending” we didn’t realise the event had started already. Hubby can spoof Jeff perfectly and often does – to fits of laughter of everyone in the family.
Apparently Joburg Org was up to its usual old trick of “bussing in extras” to boost attendance numbers again. Par for the course, I guess.
I was at a wild beach party with cocktail in hand at the time. What bliss!
Hey IM,
Congrats on your two friends getting OUT!
Does anybody on this blog know if Pat Lee is OUT yet? He’s an old-timer who used to be a Qual Sec and Cramming Officer at LAD back in the 90s. I shudder to imagine him on the RPF or worse.
Mike, I think you may be mistaken at the dwindling power of the little man and his organization. The worlds media is auditing the events and running QA/QC on errors like a made up photo of a FM Radio recording studio!
The world wants to help him!
Thanks! Very interesting
Mike, thanks so much, and hats off to you for sitting thru this crap in its entirety to give us the salient points in your pithy, witty style. Between the lavish, intricate, brilliantly colored set positioning Him as the Second Coming, the continuous booming music, the non-stop exploding graphs and weird graphics, and the endless sentences with His voice going up and down, up and down, these events became my idea of mental torture, amd my obligation to attend them I began to conceive of as kind of penance I had to pay in this life for something I must have done in a former life. Now, I didn’t know what I had actually done, but I figured it had to have been something. I swear, that was the somewhat vague concept I cooked up which kept me attenting these things, I kid you not..
“He launches into His strangely hypnotic cant replete with odd emphasis on words at the end of sentences.”
As someone who was never in the “bubble” … that is the most noticeable of it all. It’s his stranger banter or a patter, like a Fuller Brush man’s ceaseless chatter, word after word after word, followed by a dependent clause (then a parenthetical) and finally and explosion of statistics, none of which need have any relation to any of the others! (Ka-boom!!) After that you have to pause and rewind to recall what he was talking about in the first place.
The audience can’t help but become “clubbed seals” if they’re expected to stay awake at all.
Mike, thanks for the Cliff’s Notes. Saved my brain from trauma.
Well, there is one statement in all the hype that is probably true, about the oldest therapy being the ‘Cause Resurgence Rundown’, AKA ‘running around and around’. After we humans no longer had to run to catch our food we starting doing it for sport and for health, so it obviously has some therapeutic value.
Off Topic perhaps BUT,
Does the Ultra OT 8 e meter really weigh 30 pounds ?
Is that a fib from fibber land by the master fibber glorious or what?
Does the 30 pounds include shipping box and carry case?
I would desire some credible data
I’m thinking of making my own meter machined out a solid block of tungsten
not to outdone by Voldermort ( not really but tungsten is so close to Gold in weight )
I watched the first segment. May or may not watch more, certainly won’t watch MUCH more. Yes, completely over the top, world clearing has started, etc etc . While I recognize the ability of any individual or group to “create their own universe” and disagree with the environment, what Miscavige does is interesting to me for a particular reason. Unlike leaders who take over an entity and dis their predecessors, Miscavige disses HIS OWN REGIME!!! Yes, of course, “guaranteed” standard tech was not in when L. Ron Hubbard was in charge, despite HCO PL Keeping Scientology Working and the Class 8 course and hard TRs, etc. But Miscavige puts forth the message that GAT2 gets the tech REALLY in for the first time in HIS thirty year regime!!!!???? (despite his over the top claims during all the events over THOSE years) Say what?
But here’s the REAL sit that is almost unconfrontable for those in now or those of us who are now out. SCIENTOLOGISTS APPARENTLY BUY IT!!! Yes, when you are hypnotized in a group of a few thousand standing and cheering the savior of the universe and life everywhere will now be handled and Scientology is NOW FINALLY perfect………
But the question has been for me and remains: WHAT condition are these beings in? These beings who assert they do not have what they define as “a reactive mind”, who have eliminated the other entities that are encroaching on their self determinism, who have studied the data series, the study tapes over and over and over, who claim they know what the mechanics of ethics, survival and suppression are ….. What mental or spiritual shape are these people REALLY IN to buy this act? And I’m talking about former friends of mine who are Class 8 auditors and who have been on staff from between 30 and 45 YEARS!!!!! (one who joined in 1969 and never left, a Class 8 CS since 1972). What shape are these people in?
While I maintain that there is great latent case gain for those who have left the CoS from their decades of auditing and training, I now think that something is terribly wrong and has been for the past 60 years with the Scientology experience. We have to acknowledge that in a large group environment, Scientology can produce many negative effects which make beings LESS aware, causative and self determined. OTHERWISE MISCAVIGE COULD NOT POSSIBLY DO WHAT HE DOES.
(note: I do think that someday some very smart folks may be able to separate the gold in Scientology from its destructive elements, so that the constructive parts of auditing and training can still be available for peoples’ great benefit).
Excellent post Joe.
I think your analysis is pretty spot on, Joe.
I also think some pretty smart folks are working on separating out the gold from the pig-iron.
My opinion is that most people came in to scientology to find something out. Then they believed that someone else could simply find it out for them, tell them and then they would become enlightened. Also my opinion is that anyone who wishes to KNOW needs to do his own LOOKING. He needs to sort it out for himself, no matter how laborious that may be, or he’ll never quite reach the cognition.
Very interesting observation.
Miscavige set the stage for that himself when he announced LRH’s departure at the Flag Land Base in February 1986 and the pathological lies that he noted he could pawn off on the public hook, line and sinker during a time of loss. And he built on that, continuing to work these dupejobs on the membership ever since holding at least half a dozen or more annual indoctrination and conditioning events over a span of 25+ years.
To me, it’s not a Scientology issue, but one of cumulative manipulation and deception to extract money and command obedience. It’s my position he generated these aberrations.
It takes a lot of people, money and effort to maintain the facade of “success” by using “Events”. First of all, as DM knows only too well, the clubbed seals might notice there are less and less clubbed seals than the year before. From 2007 to 2013 there has been a mass exodus and a general dissension that is keeping people at home and away from events. So in 2013-14 Dear Leader consolidated all these events (UK and LA) at Flag under the “cover” of opening the Super Power building. The truth is, these events would have been sparsely attended. I think we just saw the end of the era of simultaneous worldwide Events showing “live” video feeds of Booming LA, Booming UK, Booming South Africa, etc.. these simultaneous Events are history.
What about future events??? Keep holding the same events, at the same time, at the same locations and more and more clubbed seals are going to notice…what’s Dear Leader going to do?
Excellent observation Robert
MEST arithmetic… Just one of those things you have to leave behind when signing up to be a victim of the mind-fuck perpetrated by the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology.
Thank you, Mike, for once again taking one for the team by watching a good part of and commenting on the New Years Event 2013. I poured myself a big ol’ gin & tonic and watched most of the final few minutes of the New Years video over at Tony’s blog. Yes, I agree Formost, He hightailed it outta there pretty fast, leaving the audience with a live music performance, while he no doubt slipped away in his bullet proof limo to a secret location that doesn’t extradite criminals, has lots of scotch and fawning sycophants. My second G&T helped me get over the trauma of listening to him drone on about how this is “our time” or something. Anyway, thank God for gin and Thank God for Mike Rinder and his blog.
The ending was hilarious. He was mad because he botched his few last lined, and the crowd began to start clapping before they were supposed to. Then he suddenly remembered he had to introduce the final LRH video (which featured a horrendous LRH voice impersonator, by the way), and it was awkward. Then after some hip-hips he slunk off into the shadows.
I had a 15 minutes look at the video. They present salvation, eternity, or spiritual growth or whatever you might call this kind of advancement like car repair. You flash your credit card on the desk and make it to eternity in „checksheet time a 100%“. Even if Scientology would be in good hands this would not work that way. Spiritual advancement takes its time. And has nothing to do with money. And if you are not „elegible“ for it you cannot buy into. You need to earn it. By your actions.
11,000 miles of paper?
30 seconds of Google foo tells me that is almost 1,000 trees.
And he announces this?
Oh wait… I get it now… He’s clearing the planet of TREES. Silly me.
clearing the planet of trees! LOL
Excellent analysis Mike. I couldn’t take more than about 7mins of the first segment when barely awake this morning.
I actually did watch a couple of the videos. I recommend to any of you who have time to kill (literally) to watch in the comfort of your home, at a volume you can control, and see if you can spot inconsistencies yourself. I found it healing in a way.
It seemed to me as though Shermanspeak weren’t so wonderous, after all. Rather like a high school student who’s teacher said he shouldn’t start every sentence with “The” or “I”, he struggles to come up with new ways to do the same thing. After several events and time to think, you notice how old and worn out it sounds.
The texts are old. The hype is tired. The projection of “success” is flimsy and phony, visual bloviation.
But it does the trick. The citizens of Rome are the only ones who matter in the Empire. They must be pandered to and appeased, corn and games or they will depose the emperor.
What in the hell is the IAS fighting for?
Captain David Miscavige, of course. He is the biggest bean on the planet and he needs a new pair of John Lobb shoes for every day of the year. Let’s not forget the custom designed fine Italian suits, lavish jets to travel in style, 10 meals per day (so he has a choice) of the finest flown in foods from around the World – prepared by Chefs while the rest of the Sea Org eats slop, private gym, personal trainer, tanning bed and bank accounts scattered around the World containing billions of dollars to play “Scientology” with.
Captain Miscavige also needs several luxury automobiles and motorcycles. Nothing unusual about Captain Miscavige keeping his “havingness” up by being allowed to live in luxurious villas sprinkled throughout the World so he and Laurisse can travel and stay in luxury!
Captain Miscavige needs lots of money to protect his job too – after all, he is one of the most highest paid religious fanatical kooks that make Jim and Tammy Faye Baker look like Kindergarteners when it comes to fleecing their followers dry.
It takes “Super Powers” to have straight up and vertical stats as far as: money laundering, fraud and extortion, bribery and other assorted crimes. We are talking “perceptics” like no other man has had before (thanks to OSA and private investigator’s Miscavige hires to spy on Celebrities and his perceived enemies).
It costs money to produce glossy promo and other propaganda to keep the clubbed seals excited about planetary clearing.
But the biggest reason for the IAS – is to pay the $1,200 per hour attorney’s that protect Miscavige’s little cult from getting shut down and him exposed to his club seals!! “Religious Freedom” (the right to call yourself a religion and hide behind the cloak).
The attorney’s really benefit from the IAS donations!! They really make a ton of money.
Scientology should organize some new front group’s for Scientology:
*** I-Sue ***
*** I-Spy ***
*** I-Harass ***
*** I-Kill ***
*** I-Squirrel ***
*** I-Lie ***
*** I-Extort ***
*** I-Bribe ***
In the best interest of protecting Captain David Miscavige and the SCAM from getting “found out”!!
These front groups are designed to KEEP SCIENTOLOGY WORKING
LAUGHTER! Oh wow putting him in the same bag with Tammy Faye and Jim really caused a blow down for me. You are right!
2FF on the
*** I-Sue ***
*** I-Spy ***
*** I-Harass ***
*** I-Kill ***
*** I-Squirrel ***
*** I-Lie ***
*** I-Extort ***
*** I-Bribe ***
You are on a roll today!
Is he sick ? I really mean it ! Is his body sick ? He reminds me of Steve Jobs … DM is so slim, so aged, i couldnt believe it my eyes …
At least his hair is straight up and vertical
🙂 that’s funny. And true. What is it with the bouff? Trying to make himself look taller? Or that he has plenty of hair? Or both?
Its a bit of an odd colour too. A touch of the Donald Trump toupee look I think.
And that hairdo! I am fixated on it. Is it supposed to work as an optical illusion where we think he’s 4 inches taller because he has Jersey Shore hair? Plus, it’s much blonder these days. His hairstylist needs some “re-educating” because clearly that hairstyle is an offense against cob
I think you have found some truth to it. Wear large heels and bouffant your hair, like DM did, and magically increase your height by 5 inches! 10x height expansion!!!!! Unprecedented!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t know why but I always run his words through my head using Gilbert Gottfrieds voice.
It makes it kinda fun…lol
Ahhhhhhh, the majesty at the top of the bridge…… It includes being forced to run unnecessary actions, being forced to run false items under protest, not being given actions you really needed, having your case states, training levels and ethics level invalidated. Being treated like shit when you run out of money, being gossiped about by staff, being laughed at and ridiculed (my favorite), talking shit about your family, being made wrong when you try to keep your integrity in, being spied on by security (caught one in my room too). I felt so majestic when I was completely ignored and no one gave a shit what I had to say. Ahhhhhhh, such majesty!!!!!!!!!!! (sniff, sniff) I really think dm is dramatizing another lifetime when he had a crown on his head….poor thing never got over it………we should get him an ermine cape…….he works soooooo hard.
Thanks for watching this for me Mike. I really do owe you one.
Although, I like Threefeetback’s idea of watching it with the sound off. That might be interesting.
The real win of the Gat ll release is the fact that all the old timer Indie Auditors that were trained on the original LRH checksheets are the ones that have the real Golden Age of Tech! Misgavage squirreled it up and is now giving lipservice at least to those of us who were trained before his time.
I am with you on this view Richard.
I guess when Hubbard was on the lines creating all of his overt products it was the “copper age” of tech?
Stone Age I think.
NO, you guys! You just don’t GET it!!!!! LRH’s Tech got LOST! The tech has been around all along. Its just that some SPs who simply couldn’t STAND the idea of people going free BURIED these pieces of tech someplace and amazing COB searched for it and FOUND it, OK? And, if you’re wondering why the hell those SPs just HID the tech instead of destroying it altogether, well, never mind, OK? You don’t need to know that! All you need to know is that Wonderful COB FOUND it, after ALL THESE YEARS, because that’s what COB DOES, is FIND ANY TECH THAT THE SPs have hidden. As a matter of fact, that’s probably what HE’s doing right now; searching for Lost Tech, working his guts out so that all you CICS ingrates can have an eternity! So there!
Thanks for a few real stats, COB!
You’re on pace to have about 400 people finish Super Power per year. Wow, the planet will be cleared in no time! Or at least, that’s 400 per year until wealthy public run out… so maybe you have 3-4 years left at this rate until it’s time for GAT III, where we totally make Super Power “on source” and fix all the arbitraries and make everyone do it again.
And, 250 people per year finishing the Run Around A Pole Course. Incredible. The world will never be the same. You have utterly changed our eternity with your 250 pole runners per year.
I feel so sick and sorry for the people who stand and clap. Can’t they see what’s right in front of their noses? Shouldn’t the “fastest growing religion in the world” have at least 50x or even 100x that many completions, if these courses are so important?
One last thought. Those Cause Resurgence uniforms look like something straight out of the Heaven’s Gate cult from the 90s, the UFO people who wore all black, castrated themselves, and killed themselves when the comet came.
I will be eagerly watching ebay to see when I can buy one for myself, especially with that snazzy Star Wars looking logo they have on them.
You couldn’t design a more “cult-looking” uniform if you tried. Nice job, guys.
“I feel so sick and sorry for the people who stand and clap. Can’t they see what’s right in front of their noses?”
Apparently not.
Recently I ran into an aquaintance who has been in Scientology since at least 1988. He didn’t know that I’m UTR. He asked if I had seen the GAT II event and I told him I had missed it. He began to enthuse about it, the jist of his comm being how now all the tech is complete and on source, etc. I mentioned that when the first GAT came out the same thing had been said. His answer to that was, “Huh?” I repeated my comment, adding, “Don’t you remember, when Golden Age of Tech came out in the mid ’90s, we were told that the tech was now complete and totally on source?” His answer: “I don’t remember that”. I said, “Rich, (not his name): “You don’t remember the FIRST Golden Age of Tech? It was HUGE”. His answer: “No, I don’t remember that…”, and not looking at me the whole time during this exchange. I suggested he ask someone about GAT I and he said he would. I asked him a few more questions about the event and, still not looking at me, said that he “couldn’t describe it” ( I wasn’t asking him to describe anything) and that I should see it for myself, “because COB explains it all so beautifully, point by point. There were SPs who took out what should have been there all along and COB found it and put it back in”. I ack’ed him on this and then said, “So, until now, its all been done wrong?” And that of course freaked him out and he said, “NO! That isn’t what I meant! The SPs….etc. etc….” At that point I took pity on him and told him I’d see the video, then I changed the subject, chatted briefly about something else and ended the cycle..
Aquamarine – Nice comm cycle with “Rich.” Part of the equation (puzzle) is that we do trust, and when we see that some results are correct, we tend to put our trust – and our hope – in the expectation that all other results will be correct. The key element in all this is knowledge. As one gains knowledge, that comes to replace trust and hope. LRH explains this very, very well in the Student Hat lectures (Study Tapes) with his example about gaining sufficient data and understanding which becomes knowledge, to make an evaluation for oneself INDEPENDENTLY of authorities. “Rich” has seen some results, but hasn’t sufficient data or knowledge to form his own conclusions, so he clings to trust and hope. Unfortunately, that trust has been stolen. The solution is what you have begun with Rich – to get him to look (gather data) and understand enough to make his own evaluation.
In the closing video segment Miscavige redefines a Scientologist as one who “supports Ideal Org Programs” ( L Ron Hubbard defined as a Scientologist as one who improves conditions using Scientology.) Pretty blatant and on video no less. Wonder if this is going to be used as a yardstick to measure one’s loyalty to Miscavige. What if one objects to the Ideal Org program, does that then mean that person isn’t a Scientologist? And if one isn’t a Scientologist, that must mean he/she is an anti-Scientologist? Or minimally in a Doubt condition? Seriously, I would not put it past them at this point to declare people who are vocal in their objections to anything Dear Leader utters as the New Law. North Korea, meet Church of Scientology.
Just curious about these stats that DM rattles off.Does he know the real number of scientologists(less than 40,000 imo) or does he believe that there are in fact millions of active scientologists world wide?
Here is the I.A.S.! Right behind GAOTll cancelling (again) the certs of every auditor on the planet and ordering them to retrain! GAOTll is a JUSTICE action! If you keep invalidating the value of the auditors, what the HELL is the I.A.S. fighting for?
DM leaving the event at the end was just a tad abrupt and on the rushed side, no looking back at the audience waving … out-of-comm-done-with-you-guys, slivering away. M/W/H phenomena if you ask me, esp. the actual physical tone level the way he walked away that did not reflect the projected excitement of his speaking. Outpoint of sorts, maybe worries, but then he’s got lots to worry about. You can see that in Vid #5. I watched the whole thing. Most memorable was the crediting of the IDEAL ORG scheme for a number of successes which simply doesn’t add up even for an 8-year old. Quite obvious this event was in the structuring and presentation layout for quite some time, but the con wasn’t quite smooth enough. Most of the good work done had little to do with DM or any fingers he may have lifted.
If the GAT II SRD is anything like the original, then it’s a long sucker. Far more than just a TRs & Objectives course.
Yes, I think the changes in his body language are VERY noticeable. He really does not seem to have the same level of swagger that you see in previous videos. Your take on his finish is right on the money. He just kind of…shlumps off. He’s lost a lot of his usual showmanship!
One thing that struck me, when he what appeared to be tripping over his words a little earlier, that something he took (Booze, Uppers, etc.) might have worn off, or yet another lie told (O/Ws kicking in … how much BS can you pawn off in a single sitting before it starts to hit you hard?) was missed bigtime and he had to rush off. Already a minute before he said Good Night something was off, it seemed he wasn’t in PT anymore. The 30-year long DM era is coming to an end. Already the media is challenging claims made by DM that a particular Irish Radio station was also involved with a supposed Dublin dissemination campaign. He’s done, just hasn’t cogged on it yet.
“Super Power and Cause Resurgence have been being hyped for 15 YEARS. ”
That is right Mike! And the biggest lie is that David Miscavige released Super Power. Hubbard released it, decades ago. Talk about sleight of hand! David took it off the bridge and then put it back as “his” release!
He actually ran a CAN’T HAVE on Super Power! Telling everyone they could NOT HAVE it until they bought him a new building!
You know what your biggest problem is David? Although you see most people as very stupid, all of them are NOT! In fact, YOU are stupider than most Scientologists! WILD stupidity! Your ser fac that you constantly underestimate and devalue people has been the ruin of your life.
At the top of heap, nobody is qualified to help you. That is the price a person pays for being “at the top” keeping everyone else suppressed. How fucking smart is that?
“We are now “ready to deliver rundowns that will trigger world clearing.”
Just now? After 73 years? I wouldn’t have admitted that. Everyone else has been waiting for 73 years and the Sea Org is only now prepared to deliver? What condition is prepare to deliver? You mean they have been in a state of emergency for 73 years? But why would they be there with power stats? Straight up and vertical? I am thinking David has some misunderstoods about CONDITIONS.
With the release of GAOT ll he just made every auditor UNPREPARED to deliver as they have to retrain!
This man is a ball of confusion!
…well, being that DM has been falsifying stats for some time, I think its fair to assume all of his numbers are inflated lies. Why wouldn’t they be? The true numbers must be really embarrassing.
Thank you for the highlights. Could not bring myself to click on “play”. Even as I read your written words, I can hear Jeff P’s booming voice exaggerating every word than that unmistakable cadence of DM with the run on sentences and meaningless phrasing.
Jan 4 was our 3 year anniversary since we left. The time has flown by. Relish having my life back. Some sadness for people I care about who still either sleep walk thru the doors or live in fear of being discovered under the radar.
May 2014 be the year the doors close and all are released to the freedom of real self-determinism.
Hear, hear!
Mike – excellent analysis and I love how you express yourself!! So much fun to read!!
It is happening everybody – members are leaving – two good friends of mine are OUT after the GATII regurgitation of the squirreled tech by Captain Micromanager David Miscavige!! They may go public soon here on your blog.
The threat of the infamous SP Declare is not working anymore – it has lost its bite and what it really means is when Scientology labels you an SP is that you looked, you know and you are not afraid to say what you know!! Everyone that announces their departure publically paves away to make it safe for others to leave. I think it is totally okay not to announce yourself publically if you have family and friends you wish to not lose. But if you can come out with no repercussions of “disconnection” – it helps others come out!!
Scientology is the fastest shrinking Cult in the World that puts on one of the best “smoke and mirrors”~ “dog and pony” show that keeps their seals nice and clubbed inside the Scientological Bubble.
I am so happy to be out of the madness. Life is beautiful out here – so much to have, do and be!!!
Well said…..I had no family in and went public on Marty and Steve Hall in 2009 and I would like to think that my courage gave others courage as I had gained my courage from Marty,Steve, Dan Koon and countless other ex sea org members….it creates a snowball effect and how cool if that all happened again…..I remember a new declaration was coming out daily at one stage… could feel the excitement sweeping through all the comments, it was electrifying…..especially when it’s your own and you feel all the support that really is out there.
Lise, the link doesn’t work for your coming out story. It takes you somewhere else. Can you repost your link? I’d like to read your coming out story.
Type Llse O’Kane resigns into Google and it will take you straight there 🙂
Thanks Lise, good story. I read it, after I fully woke up in June last year. Sorry about the cram I wrote on you a few years ago. For what I can remember I think it was about objectives on one of your pcs when you were C/sing in Bris org. It was mostly likely Miscaviage’s squirrel tech i was going by. You weren’t happy that I remember . So who’s this mystery person?
The (threats of) enforced disconnections only serve to maintain a certain count of victims for so long. At a certain stage, so many people are thinking about leaving that the disconnections they are hearing about (never mind the ones they are required to do themselves) become a triggering event and encourage them to leave.
Hopefully, more and more of the victims are willing to stand up and make criminal complaints about the actual lawbreaking (yes, the sales methods are illegal – self-evidently so).
Couldn’t be happening to a more deserving criminal organisation.
I think the Church should have hired an actor to do this event, perhaps have a Shakespearean actor read COB’s lines and then drink hemlock.
Some sort of drama was needed because this event was so boring and dense with Shermanspeak that it was incomprehensible to anyone except for the most rabid and robotoid of parishioners.
Seriously, no one else here on Earth except for deluded IAS members would listen to the tedious specifics of what is actually a painfully grandiose sales pitch offered by a Cult awash in unreality and fraud. One might as well light their money on fire and skip the waste of time and aggravation of redoing their entire Bridge GAT II style.
Here’s the thing for Church members to realize: It’s all downhill from here. COB shot his wad with GAT II and Super Power and there is nothing left to look forward to in the future.
The Church of Scientology will continue to get worse even as the demands on the parishioners become larger.
COB will age into decrepitude and yet he will continue upon his rampage of duplicity wherein he recycles old products as a proven way to extract money from the willingly blind.
You are an incredible wordsmith.
Don’t forget the new Idle Morgues, the Idle Continent, OT IX & X and the Super Prowess Comps spreading whatever they spread over the land as the unprecedented expansion clears the planet …. of us pesky SPs.
The standing ovation footage was repeated. Same shots used over and over.
The Portland org opening crowd was shooped (opening segment, first vid), even down to the confetti, and this even AFTER the stills were proven to be shooped. I wonder how many other crowds were shooped in.
Mike I sincerely applaud you for breaking all this down for me. I do not have the stomach and confront to wade though all of this bullshit. You are really doing all of us a huge service and I do appreciate it.
Mike, I feel exactly the same way. Thanks for using His own words to skewer Him. I appreciate the good work you do and share with us.
Watching the Demented One for just a few minutes with the sound turned off is very revealing. He is aged way beyond his years, and looks as though he has been shitting bricks ever since he heard that chopper overhead as he chucked his long speech and pulled the rope for the opening of the SP building.
Boy, he is going to need to buy the biggest dictionary of synonyms ever written in this universe in order to be able to find and blurt out higher, magnanimous, extravagant, never in the whole history of the universe adjectives during his next event…if he manages to survive that long.
But I am sure he won’t have any trouble understanding this huge, unique dictionary as, after all, he must be one of the completed stat on Student Hat.
Very good in-depth analysis Mike.
Skilful interpretation of the hype is very useful and you are soooooooooooooo good at it. 🙂
I saw those postings on Tony’s blog and simply could not confront listening to even 10 seconds of any of it. Once one sees that that group has become part of the funny farm, why would one wish to listen to more and more evidence? Wouldn’t that be crazy, too? 🙂
We in RTC wish to lodge a protest.
The Titanic did not sink as depicted in the image shown on this blog. Rather, the Titanic broke into two pieces as it began to sink. Hence, GAT II is a harmonic of GAT I.
She was heavily down by the bow with the high in the air before she broke in two. That image depicts the moment before she broke (it’s a still from the James Cameron Titanic film).
Yes, but it was straight up and vertical………before it went under. (so Davie wasn’t exactly wrong…… exactly…..)
Brilliant response! 🙂
Mike, thank you so much for this breakdown of the event I absolutely did not have the stomach to watch today. The only thing I could keep thinking when I was reading your report tonight was “Thank God I do not have to sit through his mindless drivel any longer.” The seemingly endless hyperbole of Shermanspeak knows no bounds. It’s like they are getting paid a penny a word to write this claptrap. Even when I was still in, I could never get through an event without dozing off at least 2-3 times.
I’m out and I’m never going back. What a relief!
I feel so badly for those who still feel inside the Church that they have to put up with this garbage. Clearly some of them can see the Emperor has no clothes on and even have the guts to say so! Let’s hope many more follow in their wake. It is way past time for this ship to sink!
Mike, thanks for the breakdown of the Shermanspeak event. I tried watching but could only last five minutes. I also had the same WTF reaction to Davey’s positioning of his “most significant accomplishment on the whole track” statement.
I use to feel sorry for those still in. I would think they were just being fooled and just couldn’t see it. Now that it has gone into a whole new level of in your face insane statements and actions there is no way they can’t see the outpoints.
Those with an ounce of reason will see it and leave and those who stay are truly in a cult and nothing but Miscavigists.
I don’t know. These new Scientolgists are not the same as the old Scientolgists. The new ones are not trained, they’re downtone, and they are dramatizing. Go to a Ideal Org event.or IAS event. The newbes are not in PT. The whales, well that’s something else. Getting stroked and petted for being rich turns on something odd and medieval.
They are not going to leave (the trained ones might.).
I’m in the process of getting the hell out and away from these people.
“New scientologists”? The are almost none. Go to an org or an org event. 80% of the people are >60. Only a SMALL % are whales. And, they all out of it. The fact that they are STILL in proves that point. THIS is the “EP” of all that training and processing. The most highly trained and audited people on the planet are still in. Go visit Int if you don’t believe that. “OLD” scientologists are the ones calling the shots in the Church.
Old School,
Respectfully, this is NOT “the EP of all that training and processing”, but the EP of an uninspected stable datum which trumps all data which doesn’t align with it.
These people cannot apply or even think with their training and processing UNLESS it aligns with their idee fixee stable daturm: “Command Intention is NEVER WRONG, Command Intention is ALWAYS RIGHT” -it is something like that.
Whatever the words, THAT is the concept upon which ALL ELSE rests, upon which ALL ELSE MUST ALIGN, and if some datum does NOT, believe it, that datum is REJECTED or EXPLAINED so that it DOES align.
This kind of “thinking” amongst the old-timers has NOTHING to do with their training and processing. That is the problem.
Aquamarine, it is Ipso facto. You just jumped down circular logic rabbit hole as the people I’m talking about were trained and processed under LRH in many cases and WELL before Miss Cabbage was in power. Amongst the still deluded there is ALWAYS a reason that the tech doesn’t work but, it is still AWESOME.
I WILL give you a direction, that if pursued will lead you out. Here it is: There is a DAMN good reason that LRH ran down the study of Logic, OUTSIDE of his writings.
Aquamarine, you are right. “Old School” is trying to make a point, but fails.
Some wish to dismiss all of Scientology. There premise is either some foggy not-is-ness (DENIAL) to the effect that the world is a fine place, nothing is wrong, people misbehave for reasons not necessitating explanation, there is no reactive mind, and Scientology is a “scam made up by some deluded and greedy science-fiction writer.”
The Scientologist’s premise is (and this is LOGIC): for every effect there must be a knowable cause, the world has problems which cry for resolution, man behaves irrationally due to the presence of a reactive mind, there is truth and something to know about life, and Scientology is the study of that – a truly ground-breaking body of knowledge..
To critics, all one need say is, “Your shoes are dirty, and you are tracking mud.” As someone else pointed out, the critics presume to tell ME a) what I have seen, b) what my experience has been, c) that I am deluded, and d) that Scientology is a “worthless scam.” Yet these critics have nothing to offer. Nothing. No solution. There is only flat out denial in their parroted repertoire (patter). That is the reactive mind at work, and we as Scientologists are supposed to show infinite compassion and acknowledge and be polite and suffer their worthless garbage? These are the exact same people who brought about the Dark Ages, the Inquisition, Radical Islam, and the Radical Co$. The exact same ones. It is THEIR “world” which does not work, not ours.
NO man living or dead or yet to be born tells me what I have seen, what my experience has been, or what I deduce for myself.
Looks like Captian Black Heart cant do math.
“The Titanic is listing badly while Captain Miscavige keeps the band playing and directs his passengers to keep dancing to His music.” spot on encapsulation, Mike! Thank you for these reports.