A recent promotional item from San Francisco tells the real story of this, one of the first “ideal orgs.”
They are oddly proud of the fact that “just since reopening these services in September” they have completed “40 students and preclears on their next Bridge steps.” They are celebrating this as an “outstanding year of Bridge progress.”
That is 40 completions in 5 MONTHS. 20 WEEKS.
That translates into 2 courses or auditing steps a week. TWO.
This is not even the level of production expected of a part-time mission. Let alone an org. Let alone an “ideal” org that should have been the size of old St Hill 20 years ago…
It comes on top of the news yesterday that the power company in Johannesburg shut off the power (they “disconnected” from them) to the Joburg ideal org for failure to pay their long outstanding $50,000 bill — Joburg power tweeted out the announcement:
How embarrassing….
This is two of the first 3 “ideal orgs” (the first was Buffalo — it’s hard to know if Buffalo is still open, no word from them on anything ever). Tens of millions of dollars invested in these orgs based on the promise by David Miscavige that this would ensure they would expand and the planet would thus be cleared.
Hardly the “fastest growing religion on earth.”
They need a new tag line: “Fastest shrinking cult on earth” perhaps?
Vancouver Org – a tiny boat of Old timers, 2nd and 3rd gens – is trying to achieve Ideal –
Maybe their OTC should arrange a field trip down to Ideal Seattle Org and Ideal Portland orgs, to go see all their successful actions in person.
They’re close by, and you can bet a bunch of them would have went to the Grand Openings of both.
It’s always such a boost to get a fresh viewpoint as a staff member. That’s why we’d get ordered to Folo or CLO routinely, to get our clocks cleaned and our viewpoints freshened up.
Small and failing. – LRH
Who is the SF Ideal ED these days?
Anyone know if Steve Latch is in the hole?
I don’t know who the ED is, but Aaron Kyro is the PES there I’m pretty sure. He’s got a pretty big following on social media
Last I checked the executive director is Jim Fitzgerald.
Why don’t they send one of their sooper-dooper super powered super being ot8’s to Johannesburg to use their sooper-dooper super mind powers to create electricity? Most likely Dweeby Milksop will just bleed the Jo’burg sheepbots for more cash to cover costs and any excess will be shipped off to offshore bank accounts.
Sorry GL,
It turns out that anyone with real Super Powers (and that is a very small number), are busy trying to find a way to flee this dying planet and make their way to Arsecanon or whatever it is called.
After all the money wasted on this horrible cult and after all the crazy pronouncements on how to save the planet by clearing one person at a time,
It turns out that we foolish stupid humans are killing our own planet with our own garbage.
Many of the people with Super Powers figure we all deserve to die if we are killing ourselves with garbage and they just want to split and avoid the big “end time” catastrophe.
“Why don’t they send one of their sooper-dooper super powered super being ot8’s to Johannesburg to use their sooper-dooper super mind powers to create electricity?”
I think that a lot GL every time there’s some crisis going on in the cult, or some catastrophic event anywhere in the world. That would be the perfect time to prove their super powers. What’s the sense in even having ot8s if they just sit around doing nothing?
Cuz the Oat Tea Ate’s die of cancer and other strange early deaths…Scientology KILLS!
Many Clears and OT’s leave Scientology after discovering they were duped, L Ron Hubbard was a con man, they were trapped in a cult using clever mind control tactics and they ain’t got any super powers to do diddly squat after giving up their lives and all of their money to the Cult of Scientology so the leaders can live lavish lifestyles.
Google: Larry Anderson, Jason Beghe, Leah Remini for starters.
I live in the Bay Area and the San Francisco org is located in an absolutely beautiful historic building. Fortunately, the building is landmarked and is part of the Jackson Square Historic District, so they can’t make significant changes to it. https://sfstandard.com/arts-culture/sfs-lone-church-of-scientology-has-stories-to-tell/
Of course, eventually, I hope it gets a new owner/tenant!
As the frantically spinning hamster wheel of Scientology keeps “Preparing to deliver” – while simultaneously finding fewer and fewer customers, and more and more ethics pressure is put on a dwindling core of staff, life within the Scientology bubble will become more and more intolerable. Scientologists have a difficult choice to make, but it’s a choice that becomes much easier over time. Clearly, Scientology is in a long, slow death spiral.
Scientology is “the incredible shrinking cult”. It just keeps shrinking year after year. One thing I’ll say for Scientology is that they’re incredibly resilient. It is indeed amazing that their still around. That Scientology’s days are numbered seems obvious, but I wouldn’t make book on how long they’ll keep going. They’re very resilient they seem to just keep going, no matter how comical they get. I guess as long as there’s a “true believer” left. Scientology will keep going, pretending that they’re stats are highest ever,maybe increasing10X every year.
Len – Yes, Scientology has been on a long, slow death spiral and is circulating the drain as they have to dip into Slappy Miscavige’s billion dollar reserves he uses as his play money to live his lavish lifestyle while abusing members and conducting continuous human trafficking of poor victims from 3rd world countries in a bait and switch trap of epic porportions to Keep Scientology appearance to be Working, when the reality is
Scientology is DEAD
To coin Tory Magoo favorite phrase….
“Tick Tock David Miscavige… Tick Tock…”
Oooh my little David what have you done? Are you the big PTS to scientology?
The greatest scientology SP is a little man? Could it be David Miscavige?
I know this post isn’t about Miscavige, but I wonder what his long term plan is. Just to hide out forever and hope the legal stuff evaporates? That’s not how it works. He can’t like having to evade everyone. Perhaps he’s running around freely in Scientology circles, and is just keeping out of sight from the rest of the world. He confounds me.
David Miscaviges long term goal is to clear people’s bank accounts while he plays “The Fuhrer” and fucks with people’s lives. He is a sadist that enjoys other people’s suffering. Where besides a “religion” can one play these destructive games where the only winner is the leader while he crushes people daily.
There were only 3 or 4 orgs in the Western US that were solvent, and didn’t require bailouts for rent and utilities, according to a former staffer in a recent interview on the Growing Up In Scientology YouTube channel. And I’ve seen it said that at least in the past, San Francisco was one of the largest and busiest orgs in the country, so presumably it would have been one of those actually making ends meet. Though maybe the CofS owning the “ideal” buildings and orgs perhaps not saddled with having to pay rent like they did before, now allows some to get by with bringing in very little business.
But here’s the surprising fact. Heavy sales to get the public to cough up millions of dollars for the sf building and renovations added up to the csi cherch scientology international owning the building. But they then charge monthly rent to the local org to pay every month since they ,”own” the building and local org staff just are “renting” it. It’s such a sick setup. I can tell you the finance hardship for this ideal org program has caused so many bankruptcies for many public. Such a sick ripoff culture pushed from top down and really running it so tight by the finance office and their cronies. I was so ashamed to be vaguely associated with that back in the early days of the ideal org time period. Seeing it first hand in many cities in us was one of the straws that broke this camel’s back.
Constantine, I assume if the “ideal” orgs are supposed to pay rent, that most are having it waived, or tacked on to some sort of debt they are supposed to owe, at this point.
From a financial planning perspective, the whole ideal org campaign could be seen as a way to get the local orgs, or at least the CofS in general, out from under having to pay rent as their financial prospects decline, that members are being asked to contribute to based on other pretenses. If all the buildings are paid for, DM can keep up the appearance of the doors of every existing location being open, with a minimal annual drawing down of reserves in the worst case.
And I think it’s indeed an important but sorry point, that many members have gone bankrupt or even lost their own homes, in order to finance this scheme.
(they “disconnected” from them)
I see what you did there, and I love it.
Aren’t 5 or 6 of the 20 in those pictures children?
Just don’t blame me. It wasn’t my fault.
I’ve been busy writing my book. It’s a real good book.
What’s the matter OSA Mike Binder? Stats down this week?
40 completions in 5 weeks. SF org will look back on this period of time as the golden age!
Maybe a t-shirt or bumper sticker.
“David M. Just Doesn’t Messure Up”
“Scientolgy – Breaking Promises Since Xenu Arrived”
I grew up in suburban Buffalo…I was in high school when the Ideal Org program started. Literally the only memory I have of their presence was a time at the mall when I saw a kiosk offering “free stress tests” that had about 100 copies of Dianetics on display (the kiosk was about the size of a hot dog cart). None of my friends who still live there have ever even heard of Scientology outside of the South Park episode.
Little Davey should have taken the transmission of the South Park episode as a golden opportunity to take the money and run.
The failure of a business is an awful thing to witness. Who can we blame the failure of this business to? Hubbard? Micky Mouse?
David Miscavige.