Things are really getting weird in the scientology world.
Los Angeles is holding an event consisting of people from San Francisco?
Los Angeles is home to the Continental Management org, ASHO, AOLA and CC SO Orgs (not to mention the Flag Command Bureau, Bridge, Author Services), the MODEL ideal Class V org (LA Org) and “ideal orgs” in Pasadena, the Valley, Orange County and Inglewood.
And yet they have to bring in “FEBC’s” from San Francisco to hold an event? Where are the FEBC’s from the LA Ideal Orgs?
Tells you all you need to know about the success of this latest program that is going to clear the planet. They don’t have any FEBC teams…. Or if they do, they have failed.
Note too, the most space and definitely the most promotion is about the food and a “photo op” in front of “replica” of the Golden Gate bridge.
This is one of the most telling indicators of what is going on inside the bubble I have seen in some time.
The wheels are truly coming off.
Ugh. I pity the poor staff that had to set this up and then lock the doors behind the attendees to reg them. AGAIN! no wonder it’s shrinking ,
I pity them too. On the other hand, I don’t. I’m on the fence, compassion-wise. Its sad, how they comply, how they cower and knuckle under because they’re so afraid. THIS is spiritual enlightenment? I don’t think so.
If L. Ron Hubbard Way, is still “closed” to foot traffic, due to the months of protestors being kept OFF of the street, with various “events” held along L. Ron Hubbard Way, all with their limited permits to keep the street blocked off; then it would “make sense” to drum up having the FEBC Team swing by Continental Liaison Office Western US (CLO WUS) to be updated on the latest in SF area, before then bouncing back up to SF to assume their duties as the new SF executive FEBC Team.
This is typical of a Flag trained team of FEBCs, to swing by their regional CLO (Continental Liaison Org, the regional cult management unit) before heading to their destination Ideal Org they will be working at.
Getting their CLO “briefing” update, so to speak.
PLUS, killing that bird with one stone, of using this as an excuse to keep the L. Ron Hubbard Way closed to the foot traffic of the recent months of protestors.
Getting city street closing permits, this is a justified reason.
It kind of boosts the image of the regional CLO’s existence and duty, even.
It’s all part of the intricate Hubbard cult multi echelons trying to meet Hubbard’s framework’s goals/duties.
And another reason to have the L. Ron Hubbard Way difficult for protestors to waltz up and down the street with Xenu signs.
Sea Org “portemanteau” in the finest Hubbard tradition, actually. Killing loads of birds with one stone, in otherwords.
Alright, since most here appear to be semi-devotees, I looked it up myself. FEBC = ‘Flag Executive Briefing Course’, whatever that means.
To use it as a noun to indicate those who have taken the course is a violation of language. ‘FEBCs did this or that’ means ‘Flag Executive Briefing Courses did this or that.’
To express it that way is pure Scientologese.
Truly strange. Was San Francisco one of the first orgs to send it’s staff off to Flag for the “new” golden age of exec training? Looks like they have the first batch of graduates who got through that slog
I wonder if they even offer the FEBC
(a k a the Flag Executive Briefing Course) anymore.
I know that the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course has not been offered at the American Saint Hill organization for many years.
Ditto for the class eight course at a o l a.
Truly bizarre, Mike. I remember in around 1974, at the Steven’s Creek Mission. the Mission Holder went to the real Flagship Apollo and did the real FEBC. He had to show off his graphs that were straight up and vertical to us all. I get the impression that if he didn’t there would be big trouble.
You can’t have a program like that, ordered by the Big Boss, that apparently doesn’t work. Oh no. Meanwhile the staff are frantically scraping statistics together for the graph, never mind reality or truth.
All a sham then and worse now. At least in the old mission network there were really lots of new public involved, if briefly. Now the place is a mausoleum. But they still have to make it sound good. New wine in old skins. What a mess.
Hi Bruce. So nice to hear from you always!
my ommdent became erased… but my analysis for Golden Age strategies is true…
Looking at this from another angle: The more of these barbecues are being organized by the cult, the less time they have to subject others to training and auditing. So, let’s have more of them! How about adding a mid-week event for those who can’t make it on the weekends?
All Golden Age of “whatever” makes me somehow something confused… there is no Golden Age, since Hubbard gave up – and obviously he gave up on OT IX and X… although clear that he found not the way to communicate that… sure – because it is based on a correction… as like OT II… where he stated that there is no reactive mind… it was all mock up… okay… and OT IX and X may be alike… it seems this way – surely for me… … I’ve studied LRH including the SHSBC ans a lot of ACC’s… and I know, know about this and that uncertainty from LRH… he wrote it, and he said it on his lectures… and for me – all Golden Age of Tech or whatever only is the elemination of such uncertainties… and delegate it now to the OT III catastrophe… read for yourself… the Original words from LRH are changed… but, and that is essential, the OT III story is basically only dreamed up by LRH… so and I think would have cleared that with his OT IX and X… but which he could not do… his BT and Cluster concept was not simply solvable for a real better word… …all Golden Age explanations are a lie… will not work… will not work…
Free Tacos and free Cachaca and I come
Will the clam chowder food truck have a double hinge problem? Enquiring minds want to know.
I grew up in the Bay Area. Visited the SF org recently. Empty. They are all doing a new dance in Scientology, The Implosion Scramble. Let’s here it.🎶🕺💃
They should have added replica cutouts of Dave and Tom to the mix as a photo meritorious award after each donation.
Of course if the donation was not large enough, the replica RPF could add to the fun.
“Dinner on the patio”? Yuucckk, I’d rather have mine on a plate.
$camatology has well and truly become the crazy uncle in the basement and Demento is the troglodyte who hides in the sub-basement.
Oh yeah, come for the food and then try to prevent the vampire reg’s from feeding on you.
That is funny. Since coming across Mr. Rinder’s blog, I wonder at times if free snack food may be possible at a Scilon event, as, for example, as it is at certain art-show openings (which usually also have the bonus factor of free booze).
Scientology’s weird word redefinitions and acronyms are entertaining at times, FEBC is new to me.
Finance Enforcement Control Bureau?
Field Engram Cancellation Branch?
Free food? Well, mostly but often attendees have to buy a ticket to the event so don’t get your hopes up. And from personal experience don’t expect the food to be served before you have to wait through all the distribe and palabar.
FEBC; maybe; Far East Broadcasting Company. A Christian radio company. google says so. 🙂
I would guess it would be so. The new Tokyo org. (suppose it is ‘Ideal’) building looks exactly like a big electronics department shop, except that it has ‘Scientology’ and サイエントロジ neon- or led-signs around the top floor.
Almost no ‘public’.
One must wonder what is the goal of Davey’s land-and-buildings mania, my assessment, more evil than we may imagine, even if they are devoid of devOTs.
“Golden Age,” from a historical and cultural perspective, usually refers to a society or an art form that has reached its peak during a certain period.
The idea that scn has reached its peak here seems highly unlikely, given the results. More like the bottom of a cliff.
And if it refers to the various “brilliant” adaptations made by miscavige to hubbard’s tech, it’s laughable enough to make one roll on the floor.
Thanks for clarifying the term “Golden Age”, LMR.
Scientology’s “Golden Age” ended in the 70s after Hubbard began his long series of strokes culminating in the big one that resulted in his death in 1986.
Karl is right that was the only pick. In the late 70s, most of the stats began an unstoppable slide towards the bottom of the cliff. When I was in management, I remember – I think it was the late 90s or early 2000s – we received the stats on computers. At that time, if I remember correctly, they could go back as far as the mid-80s. They had all been declining since then. Except maybe some that indicated assets and even Val RR (value refund/repayments).
They were a very long trend emergency, so danger with sirens blaring. In 1996, DM pulled out his “Golden Age of tech.” The statistics worsened BRUTALLY in a short period. Anyone who is a reader of the blog and was there can confirm this.
They went from a long time Emergency into danger trend
Karl, statistics had been in a ‘long term downtrend’ since circa 1970, as found by the internal World out of Communication (WOOC) evaluation of 1979. Any “Golden Age” would have been the peak of the 1960s counterculture when “seekers” were joining all sorts of groups and cults in a mass phenomenon that ended and has not been seen since. And even then, a lot of people had left in the mid to late 1960s over things like “harsh ethics” and the spreading takeover by the authoritarian paramilitary Sea Org, so even the Golden Era was not that great.
Scientology is so based on lies, and compartmentalization, that it seems ex members tend to assume that the era before them was better, when they actually just didn’t know how bad it was before – partly also because large numbers of people who’d realized how awful it was had left, their departures and the reasons behind them swept under the rug. They have a real Orwellian “memory hole”.
I understand that it is not popular on this blog to ever mention ANYTHING that might even SOUND the least bit positive about the subject of Scientology and that’s OK because I’m not looking for votes. I’m just communicating.
And no, I am not in an “orwellian hole” and no, I was not a hippie.
But I was in New York City in the late 60s and early 70s and things were generally pretty OK, though far from perfect. It depends on what year you are talking about. Everyone had their own experience from that time. And I had some negative experiences too… But, living in Brooklyn. I had brcome very good at calling bullshit and telling people to f off. To say that the subject had absolutely NOTHING positive to offer is ludiccrous (to me) because if one does so one would have to be saying in the same breath that everyone who developed an interest in the subject was stupid, uneducated and easily brainwashed. Not true to my observation.
It’s like this: Apples contain apple seeds. And apple seeds contain cyanide. If someone chews up the apple seeds, they will get a bitter taste in their mouth and gradually build up poison in their body. But most people spit the seeds out so that they can enjoy the apple. I have met plenty of smart aware educated people who have found value in the subject.
Hubbard invented the Sea Org and bt’s at about the same time in the late 60s.
And because of his personal issues there were always some flying monkeys around the organizations.
However, I see no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. While “Book One” Dianetics sounds a bit like hypnosis-brain washing, New Era Dianetics and “the grades” definately do not. …To my experience and observation they improve memory and awareness.
As for the Sea Org and BTs, and Piltdown Man, “naaaah!”.
If I weren’t already living in the most beautiful place on the planet, I would surely beat feet to get to this event for a delicious bowl of (operation)clam(bake) chowder and a fun photo op with that 24′ replica of the Golden Gate Bridge(to Total Freedom)!!! That just sounds like a whole lotta fun! With all of these other activities taking place at this event, I’m sure that there will be no regges or recruiters or fundraisers around to spoil the FEBC presentation. SPECIAL awards and concert. Right???