Last Thursday I included an item about San Francisco “ideal org” being #1 in the birthday game with a photo of their staff in front of the building.
It got me thinking about the history of this org — it was the third “ideal org” that Miscavige yanked his ribbon in front of, right after Buffalo and Joburg.
It was a big deal — back then (2003) scientology could still manage to get actually recognizable people to show up to their events rather than a few nebulous “former member of the interfaith cooperative for youth advancement” or the “regional assistant honorary drug counselor.” The big coup for this one was then mayor of SFO Willie Brown.
Let’s take a walk down memory lane to look at what has happened since 2003 with this model of idealiness in the US.
When Miscavige began promoting this new program of his, he claimed that he had found “The Why” for orgs not expanding and making it to the size of old St. Hill (which was the prerequisite he had laid out for the release of OT IX and X — all orgs the size of old St. Hill). Of course, this was pie-in-the-sky, but it did not stop the hype. Remember how they promoted for years that ideal orgs bring “10X expansion”?
I pulled up two things that I had published on my blog earlier. This is from 2006….
There we go — the ideal org poster child was announced as St Hill size back in 2006. They RECRUITED 100 staff on top of those they already had when the ideal org opened. Must have been 150 between Day and Foundation (at least on the week they were announced — half of them probably returned to their regular lives the following week).
But what happened? St Hill size is what Hubbard called “the make-break point” and any org achieving that size would just continue to expand into eternity. It was what he promised would happen and the org would also be able to put its staff through the OT levels right there as a reward. They would all be paid well. Everything would be great.
And this is the picture they presented to the world in 2006. They DID IT! Big announcement. Lots of yelling in the hallways, whistling, balloons, streamers and high-fives.
But like every announcement in scientology, the shine wears off when the video cameras have got their footage and things settle back down to reality.
Forward to 2017 — somehow they are no longer “St Hill size” — they are now “THE NEXT ORG TO GO ST HILL SIZE….”
That was 7 YEARS AGO. Read the ironic quote at the top of their promo piece…
They may still be the NEXT org to go St. Hill size3 — there has not been any other ideal org achieve St Hill size since 2017.
And this is one of the “healthier” scientology “ideal orgs.” A bunch of them in the US are way less active than SFO — Portland, Seattle, Harlem, Inglewood, Orlando, Atlanta, Buffalo and on and on.
The ideal org program has been good for only one thing — increasing scientology’s real estate portfolio. Otherwise it’s a complete and utter fail…
Keep those arms folded, boys and girls. That’s the ticket …
I counted 45 sheepbots in the 2024 photo at the top of the article. What happened to the other 55 plus mentioned in the 2006 photo? Ohh…wait…they’ve been shunted of to top up other morgues or died or been declared or just plain given up (with any luck).
losing proposition
left holding the bag
beating one’s head against the wall
you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear
All ex’s need to at some point once they’ve rightfully quit official Scientology, look up the above KEY WORDS for their future better life ahead.
Scientology is futile.
Scientology is a losing proposition
Scientologists are left holding the bag.
It is literally impossible to make a silk purse out of Hubbard’s quackery sow’s ears
Scientologists non stop blame each other and induce beating of their heads against walls, futilely left holding the bag of this losing proposition Hubbard con/cult setup. Hubbard left the Scientologists to blame each other for their failing to make silk purses out of Hubbard’s sow’s ears “tech” quackery.
Quit it and follow KSW 1 which challenges quitters to QUIT FAST
It seems that real-estate ownership is the key game for Miscavige.
Not to forget, though, that was also true of Fatty.
Many other cynical players in the same game, on a worse level than even Scn.
Mr. Rinder, you had the misfortune of knowing Miscavige.
From my reading, he said ‘Ron as the line’ for teaching, but he has added new OT levels, changed others.
Even when I read the account of Helen o’Brien (if you haven’t you should, early-wave dianetecist, she went nuts on previous lives), she was heavily financially exploited by Hubbard on crossover to ‘Scientology’, 1953.
Link below. Very worth reading if you haven’t.
1953 publication, so nothing unethical (in non-Scn. sense) about reading it.
Also, it isn’t an analogy of Scn., but a good general fiction of a cult, Messiah by Gore Vidal. It’s nothjng like his later works, and may touch you as a former major figure in a contemporary but very different cult.
Finally, I know that you are having some health problems, my thoughts and prayers are for you there.
Scientology owns so many of these giant buildings and they don’t use them because of the lack of people. Or they use the buildings every once in a while but not often.
Miscavige found many ‘whys’ that never brought any changes (see the various Golden Ages), but rather clear and marked deteriorations.
The truth is that they only served to centralize the control of the cult in his hands. He was supposed to find the real ‘who’ behind everything, not just the ‘why,’ but that was actually him and hubbard.
Every once in a while, I drive by the Phoenix Org. From their website, it has a rather stunning appearance, but time has obviously taken a toll on the exterior. It now looks as though it has reach “Ideal Morgue” status.
About the only living things in that empty building are cockroaches, rats and other assorted verminous critters.
Even closer to their I heyday, I used to be in that area a lot and could never figure out why they needed such a big building. It never made me curious enough to find out. But now I know the answer is that they don’t.
I was out of the cult well before the ideal org scam came along. But, I was getting “serviced” at Orange County Org when it supposedly went St. Hill size. I was never at St. Hill, but it seemed to me that although Orange County was busy at the time, it certainly didn’t seem to be as bustling St. Hill was said to be. That stat push to reach St. Hill size lasted only a few weeks and then things cooled down. The ‘Universe Corps’ came to deliver ‘OT’ levels to the staff. Then they left. I was finishing the last of my glass of Kool-Aid at the time and even bought a spiffy commemorative orange e-meter. Whoopie!!! The Kool-Aid left a bad taste in my mouth and I was finally outta there for good. Fortunately for me I was able to unload my orange e-meter along with my complete LRH library years later on Ebay for pennies on the dollar. Although I took it in the shorts financially, I was able to get out with my sanity and life has only gotten better with the passing years.
Idyl Ogre is more like it.
All that news about members pouring so much money into the effort makes me think maybe some of them should request a refund. I mean; paid for something but got nothing so why not. Wonder how the arbitration board would end. Hope that made you smile a bit. 🙂