Anyone who almost sheds a tear when studying Introduction to Scientology Ethics is either completely delusional or more likely has been abused with the application of this “tech” and the memories are so raw they bring tears.
Let’s take a look at some of the “incredibly sane” stuff in this book?
For example, here are some of the specific “Crimes” and “High Crimes” that are listed. These are things for which you can be declared Suppressive:
These are what passes for the most sane ethics and justice system ever invented. Don’t testify or use the court system or cooperate with authorities. Disconnect from family and friends. And these are just a few that bring tears to my eyes…
But perhaps the most batshit crazy is left for the final chapter of this book. I reprint it here in full with some highlights. It clearly lays out Hubbard’s view of law enforcement and the courts. This is the mandated attitude for scientologists.
Is it any wonder that scientologists do not report rapes and other felonies to law enforcement? Is it a surprise they are willing to lie under oath? Hide witnesses? Destroy evidence?
This is not “sanity”, this is a call for anarchy…
Hahah – what an hypocrite!! His critic of the Justice system in the noraml Word is EXACTLY what Scientology is! It’s fear, threats and inprisonment… it’s AWFUL. I know… raised as I was in it…never been happier than since I left for good 🙂
Mike wrote:
“But perhaps the most batshit crazy is left for the final chapter of this book.”
I have no doubt there is absolutely no “perhaps” about it. When it comes to this scam, there is never any doubt about how far they will go to redefine the word “crazy” or how far they will go to get people to give them all the MONEY they can beg, borrow or steal.
Someone recently said, “that is the mantra of this cult”. They were absolutely correct.
Should you ever come in contact with a member of this cult, it is imperative you never allow them to know that you possess any money at all. If you do, they will begin to foam at the mouth and act like a mad dog until they find a way to rip that money away from you. They are rabid and they are ruthless – even without having an active case of Hydrophobia.
“Sanity or anarchy?”
Nope, just plain and simple greed for more and more cash.
Mike, first thanks for printing in full. I believe the policy of Fair Use applies to this even though the material is copyrighted.
Second, this is a great example of what I discovered is a phenomenon linked to Hubbard which I call ‘Profound Sounding Bullshit’. A lot of opinionated statements with zero evidence backing up such statements. Generalization of vast swaths of society, which I thought he associated this characteristic with the anti-social, which do nothing to support his claims.
Overall, this justice system would bring about the state of no freedom. The label of downstat can be applied liberally to any enemy of the materials and official organizations that comprise Scientology. They would end up in a state of control through constant corrective action, something out of the book 1984.
The O/T keeps on coming. Today in the Drudge report there is a story about Leah Remini and Tom Clueless. Here is a link:
Leah is the gift that just keeps on giving!
Thank you for the link Skyler.
She sure is the gift that keeps on giving 🙂
Hello Peggy.
I want to tell you that I absolutely love hearing Leah say, “You picked the wrong fucking girl.”
Every time I hear her say that, I just love her more and more. What a lady! What a Super Woman!
“Failure to handle or disavow and disconnect from a person demonstrably guilty of Suppressive Acts”
Sure, Mrs or Mr spokesperson, there is no such thing as “disconnection” in $cientology. Suure.
Maybe “shed a tear” is a covert cry for help from someone forced to write a “success story” in order to finish the course and be allowed to come home. Scientologists seem to be under a lot of external and internal pressure, that results in all sorts of Freudian slips unintentionally revealing what they aren’t allowed to honestly address.
It’s beyond ironic that Hubbard derided justice like that, and then set up a Kafkaesque system headed by an International Justice Chief, which perpetrates precisely the sorts of abuses he described, unchecked even by the human if flawed impluses towards fairness and compassion he denigrated. Maybe that’s another sort of unconscious psychological dramatization, in which he described what he claimed to despise, and then inevitably went on to create an organization that acted it out.
Dear OSA,
Please note the second paragraph in the last chapter. You know,. the one that starts with : ‘False reports and false data….’ That describes the Scientology practice of ‘fair game’ in it’s entirety. Scientology FALSELY claims to be ethical. What say you?
The book came out 4 years after KSW, and I always thought it existed simply to control staff and get stats up.
A comment on this would require what we Veterans call barracks language.
Past Injustice ???
The reason so many readers are on this site … is to find out and then know of the great injustices that the Church of Scientology crime syndicate commits daily, not only against perceived enemies, but their own members too.
Yes, that describes the hypocritical criminal money Cult of Scientology rather well.
Koolaide for the Borgs (in order to isolate and control them.). The koolaide has to permeate every aspect of everyone’s lives .
Having to be right about everything is one of the main markers of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) which is a recognised mental abnormality. According to the professionals you need to demonstrate 5 of the nine markers to be categorised as having NPD. They say Trump has all nine, how many did Hubbard have?
Eleven off the top of my head
George, what do ytou mean the ethics officer was “clearing check sheets for women…” Do you mean signing their checksheet that they’d done all requirements? Or some other thing? Why would you even need to give a sexual favor for that? It’s easier to do the damn checksheet.
But you don’t understand, this is the lifeblood of the organization. The basis for why they are better. Why justifies the atrocities. They are doing it for the planets own good.
You guys just don’t understand.
Come in and do a service and you will. Stay and get some auditing and you really will. Mwah ha ha.
Police and the court system are “contaminated by their criminal associates.” And let me guess, practitioners of medicine are contaminated by the sick, and psychs by the “insane.”
Now what does that say about allowing yourself to be contaminated by one “who could not make it in life any other way” than by his “religion” grift? The one who originated that if you can’t make it as a writer, just start a “religion.” Now there’s some contamination for ya!
By the way in almost all the comm evs (committee of evidence) where I was chairman or a member, we always got directions by Hco. One was feeded already before the meeting about the charges and the guilty of the guy and the reccomendations. In case you didn’t accepted their advices your proposal was either rejected or the members of the commitee simply changed.
This IS the true Scn justice applied!
Every religion has it’s specific “tenets”….in the Catholic Religion one is to “confess your sins to a Priest” during a private confessional session to receive penance & forgiveness. NOWHERE in the BIBLE does it say or infer that this is “a required obligation”…one is supposed to confess to GOD in prayer only. The belief is God is the ONLY One to forgive a sin.
The religious rhetoric of “Hail Mary” NOT in the Bible….& she holds NO SUPER HIGH PLACE in ANY OTHER religion other than Catholic where she is prayed to an esteemed/revered. All religions have “responses” to repeated throughout the service.
Other religions have you confess your sins in FRONT of the ENTIRE church members…seems like the only way COS can keep you under their THUMBS is to forbid & punish everything.
I am without a doubt immensely pleased that you’ve ALL gotten out one way or another…despite what it COST YOU in the lost of family, friends…your previous life.
Freedom isn’t free…you have to WORK at it…..sometimes it costs you ALL YOU HAVE…for that I AM HEARTLY SORRY.
Just a note…this past December & this June…two really good friends…one my Beautician..the other, her sister our Florist… both passed away…both in their mid 80’s. They were Identical Twin Sisters….never married…spent their entire lives together…. I guess couldn’t continue without the other.
Please keep their lovely souls n your prayers…I MISS them every day. Thank you
Dear Balletlady,
You certainly have my sympathy for the loss of your friends. I have no idea just how painful it must be to lose loved ones like that. I don’t think anyone usually says that. But the truth is that I have never lost anyone who I considered very close and so I can guess how painful that may be but I really don’t know.
But I do know enough about you to know you are a genuine person and I’m guessing you are certainly loved by many. I wish you every possible happiness that may come into your life. I am fairly certain that you deserve most every good thing that is possible for you to experience. In my opinion, you are one of the dearest people who comes to this board.
Big hugs BalletLady!
Heartbreaking but also something precious in the fact that even to the end they did everything together. I’ve heard that’s somewhat common in twins and I know Baby wrote a book about the acute pain of losing her twin. It’s really good but requires a box of tissues to read.
Love to you and so glad you’ve been keeping safe and healthy! Wish I was closer and could send you a hug via a window visit, but this will have to do for know.
O/T. Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad continues to post anti-Semitic diatribes against Jewish people and the “Synagogue of Satan.” See:
It may not surprise you to know that the first source above upon which Minister Tony Muhammad relies, Fyodor Dostoevsky, was himself anti-Semitic. See first link.
Before Covid 19 suspended in-person Sunday services at Nation of Islam Muhammad Mosque 27 in Los Angeles, Minister Tony Muhammad gave a series of lectures about Judaism and Jewish people (e.g.., “Why the Jews hated Jesus, and why the Jews hate Farrakhan”). He used a standard set of anti-Semitic slides during these lectures. It now appears that he intends to publish all of these slides on Instagram, Facebook, etc.
(I’ve posted this on my blogs.)
On Bad Ideas.
When I was pizza driver I saw a Kerry photo pasted in a car window as it were a sacred icon. I also saw a yard sign placed on the wall of a union hall as it were a sacred icon. In fact they weren’t sacred icons, they were simply objects. In fact they were tools for human use.
In Objective Reality one has to mentally step back and look at one’s thoughts and actions. One may not like what they find, but one has to do so.
One thought common in Racial Collectivism is the belief that one is a victim. When we look at the doctrine of the NSDAP we see that the “Aryans” are the victims of the “Jews.” We’re seeing this idea again in BLM with the idea that the “Blacks” are the victims of the “Whites.” (In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the members of BLM dismiss The Holocaust as a White on White action.)
The event that led me to trash Scientology Ethics happened in my first year in Scientology in 1972. The Ethics Officer at the Mission was clearing check sheets for women in exchange for sexual favors. From that point on I rejected all Scientology Ethics and never even read the whole book.
George, what do ytou mean the ethics officer was “clearing check sheets for women…” Do you mean signing their checksheet that they’d done all requirements? Or some other thing? Why would you even need to give a sexual favor for that? It’s easier to do the damn checksheet.
It was signing check sheets that they had done all requirements. I heard about it from two women who he solicited. It was a strange situation. The Mission picked this guy off the streets and he was homeless. He got a bath and a shave and they made him Ethics Officer. Labor shortage I guess. He was eventually dismissed.
Wow. Just think, your MAA or ethics officer could be a homeless perv. Now that inspires confidence!
Being in a cult is to be controlled. The “ethics officer” could make clearing the check sheet as difficult as he liked, and be well placed to suggest a “simpler” alternative. And, in a cult, he would be getting away with it…
In case George doesn’t get back to you for one reason or another, I’m guessing that he meant just what it sounded like. It would seem to me that if you imagine the very worst or ugliest scenario, that would certainly not be outside the realm of possibility for this scam.
I would guess almost all of us have seen or heard of the most terrible events that is possible for an org like this to commit. I wouldn’t put anything past these criminals. I just hope I live long enough to see them all go to the penitentiary and see them sentenced to very long terms. IMO, they certainly deserve to suffer the worst kind of prison sentences that the state is capable of handing down to them.
Crazy stuff
Trust no one but Hubbard
Any other offer of help is masking true evil intentions, is worthless, or harmful.
Only Hubbard could help, only he knew anything.
Distrust all in the world but hubbard.
He just stole lives with lies and wanted to be the only person in the world right about anything.
I’m so glad he’s dead.
Ron…what a guy. On the Apollo he ordered terrified children to be locked up in the anchor room below decks, he had people, including elderly, thrown overboard in the harbor because their statistics were down, and of course there was scrubbing the decks or toilets with a toothbrush. Just some samples of his ‘justice’, never mind his own long history of criminal behavior. I think he was a narcissistic bi-polar.
Yeah, just the man you want to write a book about ethics.
Lest we forget his making two men race around the decks of the Apollo (?) whilst each pushed a peanut with their noses…
I wrote LRH a letter way back in the day , begging him to please give me my family back….. I would have done anything !
I think they all pretty much died in the Cult . Googled my adoptive mom’s name , she made OT 8 . Good for you , no family , broke and lonely . What a waste of your life . You survived Hitler , built a great career and life and then just tossed it away . You would be in your 90s now if you are still alive .
I forgive you , what a shame . The Hurt still hasn’t gone away , . maybe someday I’ll feel whole again .
There’s almost 400 pages in this book? I wonder how much paper they’ve wasted over the years.
If the world justice would be in Scn hands, Orwell should come back and rewrite 1984. Scary stuff just thinking about.
Ethics it is said to be something that is yours, but if the group moral codes don’t match with your idea about what is ethical then justice creeps up in your life and it won’t leave anymore.
The writings in this book should be presented as evidence in every court case involving scientology.
Crazy stuff from A to Z. I test it personally.
Sheding a tear after studying the Ethics book it is like writing a long success story filed with cognitions after 3 hours of crushing reg interview by the IAS and having paid your last 20.000 dollars. Sick.
Spot-on analogy.