OK, so what are they doing down under?
Things seem to have become a fundraising free for all.
We have been seeing the “big push” on Auckland in New Zeland as the “next ideal org” and how everyone is in a big, happy, clusterfuck alliance to make it happen:
Then Sydney gets in on the act because they haven’t even been able to unload 500 “limited edition leatherbound Dianetics books” to get them “out of Non Existence.” This does not make much sense when they have been an ideal org now for months and “everyone knows” that things go straight up and vertical the minute Dear Leader yanks the ribbon on an ideal org (speaking of ideal orgs — how come there are no new ones??)…
Then we see Perth appearing (with my brother cheerleading front and center) announcing that “Perth is Next.” Wait, what happened to New Zeland? The Alliance was doing New Zeland next and now they suddenly are doing “Perth Next”? Hard to follow the priorities….
As an aside — Rikke here is the infamous ex-RTC Rep FSO who “oversaw” the Lisa McPherson “handling” and was then banished to the ANZO RPF because she knew too much. She languished on the RPF for years and then held menial posts and has resurfaced as a fundraiser. There is pattern of putting attractive women onto these fundraising positions (another ex RTC person, Peach Khalid does the same in Africa).
But that’s not the end of it. Now the “ideal” AO is in on the act too:
Here is an article discussing the building they are looking at purchasing.
And here are a couple of shots of the building. In typical Miscavige “ideal org” style it is WAY over the top for what they need. They are not even close to capacity in their current premises.
Of course, let’s not forget the IAS continues to pound the remaining few public in ANZO for whatever meager assets they may have left, and this is a mess.
Miscavige is going to have to invest some CHURCH money in ANZO real estate, because they lost the only truly big whale they had (James Packer — even though he was off limits for anyone to reg because he was a Tom Cruise “selectee”). They need tens of millions for their grandiose plans and they are dealing in peanuts. Just look at the unimpressive list of not so heavy hitter donors for Perth. The Valleys in California have dozens of “Humanitarians” and plenty of gold and silver plated “humanitarians” and even some “empire builders” or whatever they are called at the top. And neither of them can finish their “fundraising.”
“…a couple of letters from OSA …” That is appalling. Using a kid to fraudulently impugn her father’s character. My God.
Here’ a scam DM could probably pull on a lot of the OT VIII whales. Tell them that OT 9 & 10 can’t be audited while encumbered with a body. A special “OT” course room has been set up on the Ship. All they need to do is change their Will’s and Life insurance policies so IAS gets everything. Then, drop their bodies and report to the course room to start OT 9 where the HCOBs are waiting for them. Any 8’s that don’t feel “OT” enough to do that need to redo the bridge, again.
Maybe, but it’s been done before many times.
I think David Miscavige will figure out that’s a dead end ( no pun intended)
The AO moving to chatswood actually makes sense if you look at how the AO here is mostly staffed by asians and how Chatswood has a very large asian population.
Plus the fact that the building rental would probably cost about the same as their previous location despite the increased space.
They bought the property, as I understand. If that is correct, then they can subdivide the land and sell part of it with the development approval already on hand for a few dozens of residential properties.
Chatswood is the preferred step on the property ladder for middle class Asians, but they’ll sign up only as a supplier to the establishment 🙂
The Asians who were so visible at Syd org and the AO in previous years came from Taiwan and Japan, for temporary stay. Those who permanently live here usually have good English with qualification as a professional and have to make a living therefore pretty hard to fool.
I did notice a lot of the staff had terrible english compared to the average working asian i’d meet so that makes sense
OT alert. I went by the Seattle org on Labor Day. The parking lot was jammed. Of course, those were the 10 spots reserved for the staff and the stubby yellow bus the volunteer miseraters apparently haven’t used in months. Public parking was just that… public, completely empty with a sign reading “Event Parking $5”. In about a half hour, I saw exactly three people enter. One portly young lady dressed in black with the ubiquitous grande starbucks coffee, one sad looking young man with a two-tone tie scarfing a banana in the smoking area, and a delivery guy bringing copier paper. Banana boy had had no useful response when I asked him how his billion year contract was working out. Aside from the ground floor, only one floor had lights on. I did hear some snide comments from passersby when they saw the “Open House” sign out front. The one thing that was booming was the dumpster. Either they did a major house-cleaning over the holiday weekend or they’re late paying the trash bill.
I resisted the urge to run in and write a check.
Great article Mike. The similarities from country to country are astounding.
Talking about leatherbounds, big hoopla promo emails went out years ago about these books and the income being used for “non-existence campaigns”. Ads on busses, bus stops, billboards, TV and the like.
Joburg org got their consignment in July 2011. Three years later, they have not sold all their books (despite being the continental org). Instead, they’re sending out promo about PR Area Control with photo’s taken 8 to 10 years ago. Why? Because that’s the last time they did ANY community service or PR activity in their zone.
In February 2013 Pretoria got their books and 9 months later in November announced they had sold all their copies. It’s nearly a year later, and no sign of any “Non-Existence” campaign underway.
In fact, is there ANY org in the world that has launched their “Non-Existence Campaign” ?
Maybe we got it wrong – the books have to be sold in order to achieve Non-Existence 🙂
On the KSW Lions blog there is an allegorical post that might imply that you and or the Back in Comm blog are being paid a salary to blog in support of some virtual church nonsense. The KSW blog is such complete garbage that I look at it rarely. I know they made some claim about you being paid earlier. What are they trying to say this time, or do they even know?
Hmm,, don’t even know what the “KSW Lions blog” is, nor do I care.
KSW Lions is an OSAI run blog
I investigated for you. The post I read pointed out that you like to use the kool-aid phrase. Then they proceed to the pointless exercise of looking up kool-aid in Wikipedia and repeating the definition(s). Then they point out that it originates with Jonestown. Then they point out that Jonestown was a false flag operation … and that’s it for me. Can’t read past that point. If I kept reading that crazy shit, I’d probably end up signing a billion year contract or something.
Does anyone know anything about who the girl in the Scientology ads is? I live in Portland and see her face staring at me from the back of buses every day.
She is probably a CGI creation – not a real human. Therefore, no danger of her ever being declared and necessitating all the promo having to be trashed and redone.
Is James Packer out of the cult now? I am pretty sure it was Mrs. Packer that my nephew Adam Daniells was sent to audit back around 2010 or so. Adam was a Cl IX at FSO who helped to set up the Oak Cove ‘quicky grades’ pilot that ripped off org public and then he suddenly was sent to Australia for six or eight months to do a secret private auditing program on a ‘whale’ public.
He lived with them during the time he was providing services and I suspect he got a real taste of the good life. After that he and his wife Mira accidentally got pregnant so they could route out of the SO and have a life of their own …….sort of. They are still lapping down the good drinki.
These days I think Adam is running an internet software service to market plastic surgery for celebs in Hollywood. You know, send in your before shot and get back a photo shopped ‘new look’. You can have these 36 DDs for $25,000. Or we can do a bargain basement 32B for about half that. You pick, we provide. I am guessing here on the specifics but why audit and C/S when you can sell boob jobs and face lifts? Just sayin…..
Coop — I am pretty sure he is, though haven’t spoken with him personally. If he is still in, he is maintaining an even lower profile about it than his good buddy the greatest disseminator in the history of the universe. Believe me, if he went anywhere near any scientology activity in Australia the non-Packer controlled media would be ALL over it…
Yeah, that old Middle Class PTSness is a real problem…
Well, at least with a boob job you have something to show for it 🙂
Yep, the last thing you would want the public to know about you in Australia is that your were a $cientologist, especially if you were a successful businessman.
My Ex has a lot of family in Australia, mostly cotton farmers in NSW. Nothing good to be heard about the cult around those folks. And they are quite a great group of folks who are hard pressed to have anything negative to say about anyone.
The lack of heavy hitters in ANZO strikes me as an ‘opportunity’ for some cleb to work off their PTSness to COB by forming another ‘strategic alliance’ with New Zealand. Just write a few checks and all will be forgiven. Even playing badly with masseuses can be fixed for the right price.
On the plus side, there must be several nice bowling trophies ready for the next ‘Maximus Doofus Extraordinaire’ to step up for NZ.
Even died in the wool clams eventually bang their heads on the cognitive dissonance that is current CO$. One can hope that they see their way out and start talking to old family and friends again.
Actually Ze Moo, that reference ought to be masseurs, masseuse is for girls…;-)
“Imagine this”…… It’s a truck with an advertisement on the side, I suppose, driving around Sydney. Doesn’t take much imagination. And with a cute young girl on the side, what is she, 12? I guess we’ll all be pretty underage girls if we give money to buy a book, so Sydney can get out of Non E? Ahhhhhhh…… The screaming question/out point is why is Sydney in Non E? Their incompetence is showing on so many levels.
My ability to read stats,and determine trends, spot correct conditions and do formulas is, at best, passable. With no false modesty, I am not a whiz at this. (My whizziness falls in other areas)
Anyway, given my own pedestrian ability along this line, if I can spot these outnesses, these violations of what LRH says to do as re determining conditions and applying their formulas, it completely blows my mind that staff people well known to me when I was in – I’m talking long term, still-in, Class V org staff who I KNOW are more trained than I, who I KNOW are WAY more experienced in doing this, week in, week out, year after year, than I’ve EVER been or will be – that THESE people don’t see what I see, or, seeing it, can actually be OK with it, yes, it blows my mind, and forgive the cliche.
Hey Aqua and Hallie.
There is hope………I figured out how they are going to save a bunch of cash.
They eventually sell all the books, and start the actual non-e formula.
They get to “find out what is needed and wanted”, and the Sydney public say,
“Get the fuck out of Dodge!” (Majority tone 2.0)
Then they “do and or produce this” ( in a kind of bored way). Very standard.
Easy-peasy. Money saved. All is well. 🙂
Today’s post left me a little sad but I realize that there will be more as Miscavige’s cult comes to an end. All we can do is hope those remaining wake up sooner and think of the good times ahead.
Seriously, if you’re writing promo for New ZeAland, shouldn’t you at least know how to spell the country name? That really rubs me wrong as my dad lived there when he was younger, so I can imagine how it must rub those who are living there now. The whole thing reeks of craziness and desperation.
I made the mistake of going to KSW Lions the other day because someone mentioned it. I noticed that the tone there was so desperate that they made these flyers look cheery. I do believe there are more “outs” than “ins” now.
Mike, do you happen to know the square footage of the building they want? From the aerial view it looks humongous.
No OSD, but I bet it is huge. Miscavige doesn’t buy buildings that are anything less than 10X what is needed — on that basis it is probably at least 150,000 sq ft would be my guess.
Not 10x for San Francisco but a” better” location. Oh yes 10x the money that’s for sure, also 10x bad pr in the new location.
An 879sqm Building on a 34K sqm land.
This is an old listing for lease:
It is “policy” that every Idle Org must have minimal 4,000 square metres………Well, that was said in Amsterdam.
Because, the first step of Non E is “Make yourself known”. Now, if you have people who ALREADY know you, who already buy one of your products, doesn’t that cancel out you being in Non E in the first place?
And yes, the ones who would buy leather bound Dianetics are their Div 2 people, I got that, but then, simply because an organization has moved its quarters from one location to another, does that make it a new organization? Wouldn’t it be correct, both before, during and after the relocation, to do the formula for the condition one’s organization was already IN? As, would not – indeed, should not, the relocation of the organization be ITSELF a step of the formula for a condition in which the organization is already IN?
Allright, I’ll stop. My head is spinning.
Aqua. So damn true. My head spins too.
Non-e is the wrong condition.
Then they somehow conflate non-e with promotion. How?
The management of the church does not have a clue about their own tech. All these promo pieces Mike has kindly put up, all point to dismal management.
Buildings first. No accent on auditing and training. Books for non-e.
Who is to say the “non-e” promo works? Bus ads? The public sees the bus, the Googles the subject. They “find out for themselves”!! How else?
Idiots masquerading as management.
nice usage of the word “clusterfuck” Mike! It really makes you question their sanity, or obvious delusional state of being at the very least.
Scientology = Clusterfuck. They’re one in the same. I like this word as it’s just so damn useful.
My son told me that “cluster fuck” is politically incorrect now, but Mike, it is so wholly perfect under the circumstances that you’ve earned 3 gold stars for that brilliant choice of words.
I can’t type this with a straight face, but “take a win” on that!
For various reasons, it just seems so appropriate.
I am unable to keep up with what is politically correct (mostly because I dont really try) so it never crossed my mind that it might be a no-no (other than the use of the work fuck).
Expect it to be used for OT IX and X. DM has the process perfected!
“Fustercluck” works very well, too, and it’s not so obviously “incorrect.” Although, given the obscene treatment of the victims of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology, I insist that foul language is called for occasionally.
They need to sell Leather Bounds so they can do their Non Existence formula!
In my head, I’m “reading” LRH’s blistering HCOPL on this, the one he would surely write in response to this, if he were around.
I’m thinking: these still-ins, the old-timers, the trained ones – they have to know. They simply have to know how wrong this is. They can’t not know.
“They can’t not know” Interesting choice of words AM! Know to mystery scale. They can not know and they have decided to not know!
I feel for you Mike. I have a kid still in. I saw the video with your brother in CW. If YOU can’t turn someone around I don’t know who could. Thanks for keeping u highly informed.
SL4S, I didn’t know you had a kid in. I know that’s got to be very tough. However, with how quickly things are unraveling, hopefully you don’t have long to wait until you’re reunited. Those are my thought for you. May your dream come true…
Thanks OSD, Ironically I have see her. Even though declared I was invited to her wedding at the complex (with management approval) She doesn’t want to see me otherwise though as I have made my position clear vis-a-vis scn & the church. But, you are correct. It’s coming down. It is simply the size & money that is making it take longer.
Wow, Mike! Some very interesting family dynamics will occur the day your family gets out! Cocktails with the Rinders will make some very interesting scenarios!:)
It will happen one day, you got out!
Your brother needs to step up his game and become a Humanitarian at least. What a slacker.
Yeah, he did Melbourne and Sydney and is giving Perth short shrift. What I don’t understand is poor old Adelaide being ignored. He lives in Melbourne (and I was born there) but we really grew up in Adelaide (and to a lesser extend Sydney). Adelaide is one of those joke “orgs” that are never going to get an ideal org or amount to anything. There are a few of them in Australia (Adelaide, Canberra, Brisbane) just like they are all over the rest of the world (Long Island “org” anyone? Columbus “org”? Winnipeg? Angers? Oslo? Barcelona? etc etc etc).
I had to bust his balls somehow since he is messing with you. Must not be real smart to take sides with the cult against a cool guy like you. Doesn’t he KNOW this?? I mean, he IS your brother.
L I ORG!!!!! yep, no hope; but for the dopes still working and wasting their lives to raise $$$$ for that dismal place….(the wasband is one whom I refer to.
From the article referred to by you: “The Church of Scientology Australia (CSA) is now proposing to reactive the site and reuse the vacant building for its regional headquarters, which would include administrative, educational, and related Church activities. The CSA has prepared an initial design concept to adaptively reuse the building so as CSA can establish a suitable education and training facility.”
I read through the article and all the comments. Someone seems to think that when the “church” refers to education, it might have something to do with schooling. A slightly more accurate word would be “indoctrination”. And only in the teachings of LRH/DM.
What these concerned citizens don’t really get, is that they can put as many restrictions on the activities of CoS as they like. When push comes to shove, their fear of disobeying any ridiculous orders from daveyboy far outweighs any consequences they might face from breaking local agreements. If DM said, “Cut down all the trees and bush so that everyone can see MY pretty “new” AO!”, then that is precisely what they will do. If putting up security fences with razor wire is what is required by dear leader, then that is what will happen.
Someone in the land down under needs to forward some of the videos of protests outside the current AO. Especially the one where the faithful line their children up outside the AO so that they could then accuse the protesters of being perverts who like to photograph children. And maybe the video of Adrian trying to see his son at the berthing. (I think it was Adrian Kelsey)
And what about that sweet parishioner lady accusing the protester of dealing in child pornography?
This might give the locals some idea of who they will be dealing with if this is allowed to happen. Not fun neighbors, the CoS!
Dave, Good strategy for moving your money outside of the US; investing in White Elephants in plain sight in foreigh countries.
He already has three white elephant “AO’s” — South Africa, Canada and Mexico. All purchased under the guise of “providing services to parishioners” and all sitting empty. Though really they are no different than his “ideal orgs” in Cambridge Canada or Pretoria SA. Just as empty as if they had never been renovated and “opened.”
I’m going to make a statement: The internet is Scientology’s Waterloo. Mike, would you agree?
Vaughn Young said it was “Scientology’s Vietnam” and that was back in the 90’s. I think it is perhaps a more appropriate analogy as no matter how much money and might they throw at it, just keeps on coming and it’s NEVER going to end. Waterloo is also good, but that was two large standing armies that beat the crap out of each other until one side won. It’s a shorthand these days for “the end” and thus it is appropriate. I just liked the Vietnam one as it is the little guys, apparently outgunned and out-moneyed that overcame the behemoth by fighting a new and different kind of war.
Is very simple, Mr. Know All Leader is going to pound and pound until he squeezes as much money as he can before he flees; he knows he is in big time trouble and that it will get worse. His paranoia of being persecuted by about “every degraded being” in the planet has become so compulsive that he just wants to amass more funds to cover his lawyers, or go if everything fails or simply to continue to have a false sense of power and safety.
Unfortunately the massacre of the blind sheeple still inside will continue as, after all, who cares about them? For sure their leader doesn’t, never has and never will.
Poor soul actually, it really, really does suck to be Miscavige.
Sylvia, I agree. I, too, think he is carefully planning a possible necessary exit strategy, and his paranoia is so deep that no amount of money is, or will ever be “enough” to make him feel safe.
How can ANY amount of money outweight the hell that is the mind of a psychopath….
At best a very brief ‘release’ when gloating over a newly acquired 15 karat flubless
diamond….so brief….and then hell is back!
Agreed Aqua, other than prolonging his tenure there is part of this scam that HAS to be to ensure that he has a comfortable retirement….
Well, I was raised Catholic and then a Scientologist for over 35 years, but OY VEY!
Mike: I remembering being on the Freewinds with both your parents. They were so incredibly proud of you.
They reserved bragging rights … and I remember them as genuinely lovely people. I was very saddened years later to hear of your father’s passing and then your mother’s. And how poorly and shamefully you were treated through all of this.
That said — it doesn’t surprise me slightly that your brother MUST cling hard to his stance. He cannot possibly LOOK at the heartbreak he has caused JUST to his immediate family. I don’t think he could LOOK without suffering himself a serious breakdown. And then those propping HIM up would never tell you and thus the circle of cray cray (crazy crazy) continues.
There is no one who escapes the all pervasive suffering that is part and parcel of BEING A HUMAN BEING — birth, old age, sickness and death. Each has an element of suffering. Those locked completely into the false scientology promises of OTness and freedom from illness and a glorious NEXT LIFE will claim to have escaped being human … seriously … who is one of these returnee poster children? Or person IN who can say — look at me? I’m perfect? Or indy “out” who can claim such a lofty life of accomplishment free from judging …
I mean — try getting to my age and not suffer when you can’t remember where you put the keys 🙂 or IF you took the clothes out of the dryer before leaving the house? —
All kidding aside and all this said — STILL I have hope that something will jar a person just enough to start to look at their own life, their own mind and start to make incremental changes …
Before it’s too late — this life time. The sands of our this life hour glass do continue to fall and it is ONLY this life of which we can be certain. The other lives times are … unknown to us in truth.
With the suicide of Robin Williams on the 11th — I only wish he had taken this piece of wisdom from Suzuki Roshi and worked with it …
“Sometimes just to be alive in enough.”
I just read that not more than two weeks ago … and it brings me solace when I start to slip into the dismal darkness of self-doubt.
But … self-inspection is a good thing — self-doubt not too ideal … they can feel like the same thing but are in fact quite different ..,
Anyway — this is YOUR fault for getting this long response — you posted about your brother. See, it can ALWAYS circle back to being YOUR fault.
Some things ARE constant 🙂 🙂
Thanks W. My parents were very nice people, nobody I ever met who knew them ever felt otherwise. I too have hope that my brother and sister and my children and all the rest of my immediate family (nieces and nephews) will wake up. It’s really a wish for my brother and sister, they are adults and can do as they wish no matter how foolish they may be. It’s a little different for my children — I put them into that environment with no choice of any other path until they had been fully indoctrinated before they were able to do anything by themselves (and made doubly difficult because they ONLY knew the Sea Org). That is a responsibility I feel, more than a wish.
I understand what you’re saying Mike. Remember, you too were a child of the SO and you still love and admire your parents. All anyone can do is their best, from their own perspective, with the information they have at the time. You’re doing a lot for them and others like them, right here, right now.
No, I was not born into the SO. I lived a relatively normal life until I completed high school and joined the SO.
I’m really showing my age by referring to someone in their late teens as a child. Anyone under 30 seems like a kid to me now. I recalled you went in as a young man, but born in is certainly, an important distinction.
Mike’s comment “No, I was not born into the SO. I lived a relatively normal life until I completed high school and joined the SO” was telling.
It shows in your ability to communicate, your sense of humour and your humanity. I’m so glad you came out the other end from this group that has turned your parents, siblings and kids against you.and that were able to shed the evil side of the “church”.
I can see how you would feel responsible for raising your children in the S.O. and putting them into “an environment with no other choice”.
I would like to tell you something about that. I was born into an environment in which I had no choice either. While my parents were loving, they had their “issues”. Certain tragic things happened in my family while I was very young which changed the course of all our lives. I don’t want to get into details, so I will summarize my own experience.
When I was 12, I remember sitting outside with my parents and their friends one summer day and feeling very unhappy. I hated the environment I was living in and was sick of the drugs and alcohol abuse, the bad behavior, the neglect, the loneliness, the shame, etc that was pretty much my life which I kept hidden on the outside but lived on the inside.
I had an epiphany in that moment: “I don’t have to live this way forever”. I saw my life in the near future, away from all that and able to live as I wanted to. This gave me great hope and from that point on I lived with a purpose that I could create a life that I wanted for myself. I forgave myself for the situation I lived in and realized that I was only born into it, I didn’t create it. I knew I couldn’t have what I wanted right then and there (at the age of 12) but I knew that once I got out on my own, it would happen. I am happy to say that I did achieve exactly that (and prior to Scientology too).
Later on when I was 33 years old, while driving in the car with my mother, she out of the blue asked me for my forgiveness for how I was raised in my childhood. She owned up to things that happened and for her role in it. I forgave my mother and told her how much I appreciated her saying the things she did. I knew it wasn’t necessarily an easy thing to do. I cannot tell you how much good that did me. I loved my mother even more for it and truly admired her. Our relationship became so much closer too.
Later on I followed her model and did the same with my oldest son. I asked him about certain things regarding how he was raised and I asked him for forgiveness. There were certain things that I had attention on and I wasn’t happy about it. My son was surprised that I was thinking what I was but I saw he was so happy that I was showing concern for him and that I wanted things to be well between us. Since that day, we too share a stronger bond.
Many people have situations from their childhoods involving their parents and how they were raised. I believe that your children probably think about you every day. One day, they may have an epiphany of their own which will be life changing for all of you. I sincerely wish that for you and for them.
Thank you Pepper. You are a good person. 🙂
You’re welcome Mike. You are a good person too. Don’t give up the fight or on your purpose.
Beautifully illustrated Pepper, thank you.
You’re welcome Hallie Jane.
Windhorse, you said: “…STILL I have hope that something will jar a person just enough to start to look at their own life, their own mind and start to make incremental changes”.
That’s exactly what happened with me – something jarred me enough, and I started to look and inspect. I would bet that is how others before me began their journey out of the cult and the way others are beginning that same journey now.
Very nice, Windhorse.
Pepper there was no “comment” or “reply” to your post, but I was very moved by your post to Mike. I really want to validate you for making the decision as a young kid that you would not have to continue living like that and that you would take responsibility to build a good life for yourself, which you then did as you got older. Wow. What empowerment! VWD to you for creating your life and for not wallowing in blame, shame, regret for what you went through. And so cool that your mom later apologized and you two were very close after that. I loved your story.
Hi Cindy,
I don’t know if you’ll see this but I just read your post and want to say thanks!
Windhorse, you’ve got CRS: Can’t Remember Shit! I’m a professor on that subject.
My favorite age comment was the title of one of Nora Ephron’s books: “I Feel Bad about My Neck” (she wrote Sleepless in Seattle and other screenplays as well)
The neck comment reminds me why I prefer winter to summer — turtlenecks 🙂
Glad to hear OSD that you too are old.
And to Hallie Jane — anyone under 30 for you is a kid. Good grief. Anyone under 50 to ME is a kid … now that IS really getting old.
I’m working on my doctorate! Wait a minute! Am I or am I not?
Oh no! I’ve got CRS too! Must be the cooties from all these sassy sps. 🙂
Mike, re: the new Ideal AOSH ANZO location in Greville St. West Chatswood.; According to a source in the Chatswood West Ward Progress Association “I have been advised that the Church has purchased the land.”.
I am amazed how easy it is to FOOL the out of towner’s.
The building is Doctor EVILS remote MOJO research facility, lots of screaming can be heard at night.
The leather bound DN books are not leather, it’s the last remaining hide of a rare creature
that D.M. made extinct by turning into book covers, public are to grief stricken to touch them.
The picture of Santa Claus in cognito is because he’s been chased by D.M.s PIs and lawyers after D.M. didnt get what he wanted for Christmas.
People will not exit the abusive relationship they have with this sociopathics organisation until the pain or fear becomes too much to bear.
Love your article, though. Your light heartedness makes it easier to examine the disorganised and unreal targets they have. Glee is probably the next best way to survive, short of leaving.
Wow. The desperation is pungent. And Peach! I haven’t thought about her since I was on the RPF with her sister Petal. All P’s in that family, even the parents. So weird. But after all they are Scientologists, so no surprise on the the weirdness factor.
Peach ….. I wonder if that was the Peach on the GCT (Gold construction Team) aheem…RPF in ’85.
Amy, is that her? You were good friends with her…
Yes, that is the one and the same. She was VA’s Communicator in the early days of RTC.
That was Peach alright. She was a FOX. Some bright spark decided one day she’d make a good RPF MAA. After a minor altercation with her over who-knows-what she looked me in the eye and said “I’m watching you, Martin”. “Really? I hope so…” I quipped back. To her credit she took it in good grace. Hope she’s doing OK.
Apologies if this is a personal question Mike, but I see “Andrew & Pat Rinder” on that list, and I have to ask how it makes you feel. Your Open Letter was 4 years ago… Has there been any contact since then? Do you look forward to seeing them again once the corrupt edifice of the cult finally collapses?
Thanks for all the hard work you put into this blog.
Not a thing from them, though a couple of letters from OSA allegedly written by my daughter and ex-wife to my current wife “warning” her about how I mistreat children.
I feel sad for Andrew and Pat — they are almost in a worse spot than SO Members as they have SOOOO publicly made themselves the faces of ideal orgs and “good OT Ambassadors” BY CHOICE that to reverse course would be mortifyingly humiliating. And after all, Australians are known for their SerFacs 🙂 Being right until your dying breath is a characteristic shared by plenty of Aussies I know….
The minute they seek information or help in any way, I will be here. That will never change.
I have come to understand over the past few years that the most important treasure anyone has is their family and friends. They will always be family. I hope to reunite with them all at some point. It’s what I keep working for.
Right there with you on this postulate, Mike.
Me too, Mike. We may not be family to you, but, we sure as hell are your very, very good friends! And WE ALWAYS WILL BE.
I don’t like holding back my feelings, Mike. So, I hope this isn’t too offensive to you, but, to the OSA asshole that wrote that letter regarding you mistreating children: FUCK YOU!
Whew! I certainly feel better…
Amen to that postulate, Mike! I hope you are all reunited as well as all the other families torn apart by the suppressive disconnection policy.
I hope your family comes out, and home, soon, Mike.
When all of the ships come back to the shore…
Never seen that before. Sweet.