That’s Pat Clouden, scientology whale and Lynn Posyton, Clearwater scientology whale remora with Pam Bondi. Ms. Bondi has been a favorite in scientology circles, with several of her forays into the bubble documented on Tony Ortega’s blog.
And look who else was in attendance, schmoozing with Lynn Posyton. Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri.
It’s not that this was a “scientology event” — the Drug Free America Foundation is not controled by scientology, but scientologists have made a concerted effort to infiltrate this group.
Elected officials should take care who they do photo ops with. Scientologists have mastered the art of the photo op which is then used to try to burnish their reputation by association.
And just because this was sent to me as I was putting this post together, here’s Pat Clouden — apparently a man who needs no introduction and no explanation of the wondrous skills he possesses in “increasing havingness” and “generating energy”. His name is enough to attract the less fortunate.
Who’s infiltrating whom?
Drug Free America Foundation was formerly known as Straight Inc, and picked up their boot camp cure for drugs and gender from the Synanon cult. They likely managed to kill more people than Narconon before they shut down and moved into political lobbying.
Greetings Mr. David Miscavige, COB of the church of scientology.
Happy birthday SIR!
Oh yeah, and WHERE’S SHELLY?
Maybe check out Google on that question.
Curious, Dave?… We thought so.
This was priceless. When I watching the scientology network, I noticed Dave had on his wedding ring …what a hypocrite. Where the hell is Shelly?
Mike; I like Pam Bondi for many of the positions she has taken on other matters, especially commenting on the many government foul ups that occurred leading up to the mass murder of students at Parkland HS in Florida. Most politicians go to events like the one described above just to show their support for public projects that seem to be helpful to constituents. I don’t have any info that Pam B knows anything about Scientology.
Well, you should look at Tony Ortega’s blog and get informed. I linked to one of the articles there in my post. There are others.
Hear Ye…….Hear Ye…..
In Honor of the Grand Poobah of COB 58TH….., Birthday Cake will be served on the “Lido Deck” of the Fartwinds.
Every member may have ONE slice of……….STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE…..
Good one…lol
Pam Bondi, the Florida State AG who dropped the investigation into Trump University right after the Orange One gave her 25K for her reelection. Not surprised to see indicators that she’s in Miscavige’s pocket too.
Funny how you guys monitoring the comments here only allow Trump bashing! But wont ever allow a comment defending our PRESIDENT!
Generally try to avoid political comments. The insanity just escalates immediately. Dont always catch them. But when possible trash them. It’s not the purpose of this blog.
Smart man. Both the left and the right side of the political spectrum have been victimized by those criminals in scientology. It is an equal opportunity cult.
Henry, my remark about Pam Bondi was an illustration of political quid pro quo, or pay for play. Bondi happens to be a Republican but the Democrats and their elected officials are no slouches in the quid pro quo department! This Pay For Play is a well known fact of political life on BOTH sides. And as someone who paid New York Democrats and bureacrats PLENTY of money over a 4 decade period to get them to play ball with his real estate projects, no one knows Pay For Play better than your PRESIDENT 🙂
Is the guy with the eye patch a Scientologist? If so couldn’t he just think himself a new eye?
While on the subject of body parts, to replace the ones he lost to the cult, along with getting a new eye he could think himself up another pair of balls.
LOL. He can “think” himself a new eye after he shells out $10K to take the eye-thinking class on the bridge
Good morning (or afternoon, if I may) Rinderites-another insightful post denoting the insidious wormings of the Co$ cabal. Today is COB’s spawnday, and so, (again if I may) I offer him my heartfelt birthday greetings:
I humbly give you a birthday missal, Oh Father of Lies…..”The Rime of the Modern Mariner,”
May visions of those disconnected fill your head
May you be haunted by Narconon clients among the dead
May the coercion you inflicted infest your soul
And darkness your home in your very own HOLE
May banquets turn rancid as the fork meets your lips
May Freewinds join the armada of Hate’s Hellbound ships
Long may you sail on that Mary Celeste
Your ticket awaits, Satan’s most honored guest
Thereon you’ll be feted, you’ve earned the Award
As the Afterlife’s minions escort you aboard
Magnimus Platinum Diamond Palladium
Medallion of Sin, glowing like Radium
Shining in glory, consuming your flesh
As your Familiar’s cheers echo afresh
Triumph resounds in the Hubbardian Morgue
Saluting their Chairman in his ideal org
As malificent breezes fill sails long rotted
Your skeleton crew lies Blown, besotted
The tiller long gone, no captain in sight
Master’s Charts strewn unread in hope’s dwindling light
Faithful Bos’n then trumpets, “Our Bridge, Oh My King!”
But you scowl in rage, well-worn Cat you unstring
Your Leige falls trembling, in quaking apostasy
You’ll give 50 lashes, for such grievious lèse majesté
A cry from the Crow’s Nest, “The Bridge comes now Clear.”
Your volley of grapeshot rewards that Buccaneer
Your Spyglass to eye, “Lo, an arch appears there!
Its bulwarks are mighty, at last I Declare,
My Path will be Free, My Game will be Fair!
You’ll kneel at my throne, all bow to my will!
Blessed by LRon The Mighty, God of Saint Hill!”
My vessel draws nigh, Charon welcomes me waving
The wicked prosperity my black heart’s been craving
Once in the wheelhouse, Charon’s eyes meet the shore
“Charybdis lies ahead and Scylla before
We’ve sailing to do, no time to make land!
Pirate of Souls, you do understand!
Our ocean is fire, our plunder divine
Our kingdom those lost, whose hearts we would mine
Every last nugget, until barren and bare
Then on to the next, no mercy to spare!”
Darkness descended as Charon resumed
Past lighthouses lifeless, their bodies exhumed
“I’ll serve you with faith, my Commander of Death
Right up to end, my very last breath
So stay firm our rigging, tighten it well
Prepare to make ready
For landfall in Hell”
Wonderful rhyme! Read it thru 3x. I could picture the whole thing Thanks
Thanks for the great poem Wrytur man.
Can I play this to Iron Maiden as well like Coleridge’s poem?
The murky, murcky world of the Cof$. What was once pitched as the solution to mankind’s woes turns out to be a parasite. This sort of PR mumbo jumbo is their only stock in trade. I don’t see any ex addicts singing any praises for this sort of stuff at these smoke and mirrors events. Bubble is a good word but so is camouflage. The infiltration of Scientologists into this area of life’s administrations is disgusting.
Why are you surprised? This is the well grooved path of many a practice that began with a pure and helpful spiritual philosophy, solidified into a formal religion and went WAY off the rails. Not the first and won’t be the last.
Surprised in not the right word, what made you think I was surprised? Repulsed (once again) is more accurate. To quote Sciolands mumbo jumbo, the cycle of action regarding corruption, greed, vested interest etc knows no bounds or loyalties. It infects more power based personnel systems than can be counted. I can’t think of a political system, military regime, police force, financial system or any group that has access to public or criminal funds that doesn’t have corrupting influence upon its members to some degree, some more so than others. Most don’t see it because they don’t want to. I saw it personally in the military and again in Scientology – people I know, knowing and willingly cross the line. It makes me sad and angry at the same time, yet that’s life. The smart ones make the best of it, or in the case of Scientology, get the hell out (as I did both with the military and Scientology) but being a member of something is a basic urge – pity it gets out of hand all too regularly.
All we are really seeing here and commenting upon here are consequences of those unable to see what they are really doing, or what they actually belong to. Lies are the glue that hold them together. Those manipulating the puppet strings are the real AOs.
Happy to stand corrected and dead straight on everything, Yawn.
True comments Yawn. It is just so hard to watch loved ones working themselves into the ground to earn the money to get themselves deeper and deeper in.
Aqua, the difference with Scientology is that Hubbard’s “work” is fundamentally, deliberately based on what is commonly known as evil – the rejection of morality and ethics and the “golden rule,” the belief that the end justifies the means and that might makes right, treating human beings are disposable (since they just reincarnate), and so on. Scientology STARTED WAY off the rails, by design.
That’s why Hubbard said that he came to fulfill the role of the Antichrist. But also, as a great deceiver, he was able to lure many relatively well-intentioned people with the illusion that they would be helping others.
Peacemaker, I hear you. I was helped by Scientology, very much so.
Then again, the following can be factored into my altogether positive experience with the the tech:
1) During the time I was in I was always a public, never staff or SO.
2) At no time did my business ever in any way depend upon the patronage or good will of other Scientologists
3) Though I had what I thought were solid friendships in the cult (which magically evaporated just before I left) at no time did I have a spouse a man I loved, a child or a family member in the cult.
4) I was more trained than audited and the training I had was all before the 1st GAT.
5) The auditing I had was all on the lower bridge. No OT Levels . Never went to Flog! I’m not even Clear.
6) “Loss of Eternity” was never a button for me. I had serious buttons they’d press (“Won’t you help?”) that for years would give them what they wanted, much like a rat presses a bar and gets his pellet 🙂 but loss of eternity would have made me laugh if they’d used that on me. They knew me well and never did.
In brief, the cult had no leverage on me. I got in and stayed in out of my own free will and no other reason. And when I left it was my decision.
I was one of the very lucky ones, Peacemaker.
What is sad and upsetting for some Aqua is that your wins and gains from Scientology were delivered by those who wished they had what you had, and were indeed promised just that by Hubbard & his organisation. Self determinism is a wonderful thing if attained and/or used with integrity. Indeed be happy with what you have, I’m envious but genuinely happy for you.
Yawn, don’t be envious of me.
By the time I got into Scientology I had NOTHING that was important to me, NOTHING of real value to me and the staff who helped at my old org knew that.
All my bad luck had already happened. The worst that could happen- to someone like me, had already happened.
A lot of death. A LOT. and one of the deaths was unintentionally my fault, or so I believed, and this was killing me, inside. Grief, loss, major guilt – I couldn’t shake any of it. A mess, I tell you.
.Had read a lot of books, tried different things that were popular back in the day. When got into Scientology I was a mess, inside.
Looked my best on the outside, couldn’t have been healthier, couldn’t have been in worse shape on the inside.
Sometimes I’d have to stay in bed and sleep all day, to escape. Didn’t matter that I had work to do. There was just no energy, that’s all. I’d sleep, sometimes for days, only getting up to eat something, go to the bathroom, etc. and then crawling back to bed, exhausted. A mess is putting it charitably.
So don’t be envious, but don’t feel sorry for me either. I’m happy again. I’m a happy person now. I have such gratitude for every day, every blessed day.
The rain falls on all of us in different ways and at different times. It was just my experience to get drenched early in life – a very long rainy season.
Look, no matter when we get drenched, we aren’t prepared for it.
Always fun talking to you, Yawn.
All that “bad stuff” goes away when you have fun. What’s that saying… “happiness is an occasional episode in a general sea of drama.”
Aqua, I hear you, and understand that you and many others like you, forged for yourselves a very different experience of Scientology that was based on your ideals and needs, at a time and in places where it was still possible to do so.
I’m starting to think that many exes still don’t recognize the extent to which they, and others of similar good intentions and high ideals, created an experience of Scientology at missions and local orgs, that was more about what they wanted it to be, than about Hubbard’s Scientology – but still fall into the indoctrinated habit of giving too much credit to Hubbard’s “work” and the “tech.”
That’s an interesting point you’ve brought out, PM.
The people in my org were very kind and caring to me, back in the day. They listened to me. They were patient. It seemed like they knew when to encourage me and just when to back off.
Frequently back then I was pushing them away because I didn’t believe ANYTHING could help me, not really. At that point, I’d given up and believed that I’d just be in mental and emotional pain and grief for the rest of my life. I pushed them away and horrified myself sometimes about how rude I was in doing it. Yet, they stayed with me. No small thing!
I don’t think LRH’s tech would have helped me at all if they had not been patient and kind and understanding in the delivering of it. That made all the difference.
I was very grateful to the staff for this. Lots of times I bought stuff I didn’t want or couldn’t afford, or agreed to donate when I really (really) didn’t want to, or agreed to attend some “briefing” that I really (really) didn’t want to go to, because that early experience with them had been so positive, and I never forgot it.
In my case I know the tech would have meant nothing if had not been delivered to me the way I needed it delivered. I don’t think it would have worked!
Thanks for pointing this out.
Today, I don’t think that attitude is prevalent in my org anymore, meaning, that attitude of staff “caring for the person in front of you”.which opened the door for me to accept help.
These staff, once so kind, patient and friendly, have been, I think, taken over, mentally, They’re not themselves anymore, I don’t think.
Of course, this is all very subjective on my part.
Interesting Peacemaker. Hubbard’s personality shone out in the end as he researched himself more and more insanely kooky. But he worked pretty hard developing something that I’m sure at the time (early days) he thought he might be onto something really good. Kind of like being able to have his cake and eat it too.
What strikes me as the undeniable evil showing through was his influence over others. He had a basic flaw of personality & something I detest the most. ie his horrible treatment of his own “crewmates.” Officers like that are despicable & end up being shot in the back in battle. He not only went into hiding from the authorities but from his own teammates of the past.
IY, to put it simply, I think that Hubbard was a psychopath, and so philosophies that rejected morality and ethics, denigrated sympathy and glorified the self above others, were a fit for him – as he found in Aleister Crowley’s Thelema, and later embodied in Scientology and the CofS.
I think that, looking at Hubbard’s “Affirmations” circa 1948, it can be seen pretty clearly, where he was coming from in his view of the world, and it was just along the lines I’ve described from early on. I’ve long struggled to come up with a satisfactory-seeming theory of his personality and motives, and probably never will entirely, though I think the sort of points that I’ve mention nail it down pretty well; but I’m still not certain whether he initially really was enthused thinking that Dianetics would truly help people, or was just excited because he realized he’d found a tool that served his ends and would allow him to manipulate people in his service. Certainly, before long, I think it can clearly be seen in his writing and lectures, that he knows that he is resorting to using his tools to control people, and is trying to cunningly deceive both them and outside authorities about his real aims.
Yep, a dilemma follows Hubbard around like a bad smell when you’re experienced with Scientology. Geezers… Scio stuff is a gradient path to “not a nice place.” Words escape me on this issue. Understanding the effect of Scientology for the long haul is indeed a study in varying shades of hypnosis, for the want of better words.
Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri . . . Is he a Scientologist ?
I find it appalling when I see these photo ops. When I came home from Vietnam I had such bad PTSD that I slept with a knife under my pillow. My own family was afraid to wake me up as I sometimes thought I was back in country. If not for my psychologist and both medicine and counseling I don’t know what would have become of me. I have lived a life of productivity and crime free. My psychologist saved me. I took pain meds just long enough to recover from bullet wounds. Now I have seen Narconon trying to get into the VA. I visit patients to help them to get back into society after their time in country. I advised the supervisors of scientology trying to get into the VA, and so far they have not been back. But seeing politicians involved just means they will be trying again. All it takes is a check around election time and our veterans will be in their sights. We need all the help we can get to prevent this.
Good luck to you buddy and well done for getting your life back in order and your willingness to assist others do the same. Politicians use vets as a political football when it suits them in Aussie too. As far as I can ascertain Scientology hasn’t infiltrated VA’s here, but given half the chance I’m sure they would. Good things are beginning to happen for our ex-service people here but it can be a long road with many bureaucratic hurdles for some.
David, you showed the world that you really do have Super Powers by walking away. We’ve all gone through it. Congrats! You’re truly free now.
Is there anything wise about WISE? Yes – you would be wise to avoid them. Any questions for Pat Clouden? Expect a pat and cloudy answer.
Rrrrrr……Whens I make OT VII I can gets rid of this stupid eye patch !
Arrrrrrrrrgggggg. When you take off the eye patch, can I have it?
Scientologists have to stay above 2.0 or they are in trouble. They become non-survival. Can’t have that happening. So the fake smiles are mandatory. They are thinking about the browny points they get for all the good PR they are getting as they make an ally with another politician. True scientologists are superficial synthetic beings incapable who critical independent thought. They are toxic and dangerous.
BK, this is going back many years. I was walking around Pasadena at night looking at all the historical buildings. A female, with a full head of steam, came barreling out of the Pasadena Idle Morgue, with a frown on her face. In her left hand, she had tickets for the intro film. She was shoving the tickets into people’s hands. When all was said and done, every single ticket was on the sidewalk or in the gutter. She must have had a reality check from someone higher up.
OSD, it seems to me that as Mini-Mouse-Skavige gets crazier so will his trickle down “psycho-nomics” effect more and more staff. Your story sounds like a case of that.
Dave Pomerantz:
Who’s the Leader of the Cult
Suppressing You And Me?
Sea Org Chorus pointing at DM
M I S !!!
C A V !!!
I G E that’s He !!!
Sea Org Chorus:
L R H !!!
C O B !!!
Forever Let Us SCOBH!
M I S..
(Pomerantz): See you real soon!
C A V..
(Miscavige) :
Vy? Because Ve’re Vultures!
Everyone pointing at DM
I G E That’s HE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They aren’t really in the upper tone levels, chronically. That’s fake. All phoney.. They’re covertly hostile most of the time. They’re just good at continual faking. Really, really good at it. I bet the still in females are good at faking other things too.
Agreed.. it going goes on to show the charades.
I know from my own personal experience in 1990 that Narconon was unable to treat drug addiction in the Chandler Arizona area. It became routine for Narconon to invade our AA group meetings because they couldn’t duplicate our success in recovery. After a many such invasions of NA people we asked them to just sit and listen to our stories of recovery. Them sharing their un-relatable experiences were having a negative effect on our own group, the AA old timers felt that NA wasn’t using a higher power approach to recovery so they ask them politely to leave. A few people from the NA group were allowed to stay because they were willing to go to any length to recover from drugs. The old timers told them they’d have to “dual identify” as AA and NA, but they had to share their AA side only. Those people who did find a higher power recovered, while their friends went back out. The old timers knew that “finding a higher power” was key to any recovery, NA wasn’t making that a “requirement” so the stories these people shared were about drug adventures and not recovery! The old timers also told them to sit down, shut up and open your ears. Ha! I warned a few of the NA people that hung around about scientology and Narconon, and how it was just a front group. Those few stayed for years and lived the promises of recovery thank God!
While narCONon loves it when people do it, please don’t use ‘NA’ in referring to them. ‘NA’ is used by Narcotics Anonymous [ ], a 12-step program similar to ‘AA’ for alchoholics. narCONon deliberately chose a name that would be easily confused with NA.
I get the gist of your post, but it seems like you’re confusing narconon with NA – NARCOTICS Anonymous. I’m fairly sure that narconon is not, and has not ever been, referred to as NA. And I’m sure you wouldn’t want to offend the followers of NA nor AA… both worthwhile groups who have helped many of my friends.
I stand corrected Jaye, as usual scientolgy cloaks a front group to appear as a worthwhile organization like Narcotics Anonymous, a “12 step” recovery program. I wouldn’t want anyone who has gained fellowship, strength and hope to catch hell for possibly being a scientologist. Thank you.
Please don’t confuse Narcotics Anonymous (NA) with Narcanon (Scio). NA (narcotics anonymous) uses the AA “higher power” concept, and the same 10 steps.
Same correction I gave to Jaye goes for you as well Patrick. Scientology is evil but the people in it are caught up in a lie and will likely need a form of recovery and counseling when they leave.
It is tragic that the side effects of Scientology CAUSE people to need drugs after they find out they have been DUPED BEYOND BELIEF….. Hornswoggled….. Lied to….. Scammed….Ripped off…. Extorted….. Bribed….. mind fucked……shattered….intentionally confused by the tech and covertly manipulated without knowing it.
THAT is the sad truth about Scientology
Scientology rapes your soul.
It shatters your mind.
It destroys your family.
It is a fact that some ex members may need meds and complex PTSD counseling to cope with the aftermath of the truth of what Scientology actually is
Scientology is a for-profit organization sitting on BILLIONS of DOLLARS hiding behind a religious cloak that allows them to murder, extort, lie, bribe and get away with it…
Scientology is run by a mad man, founded by a mad man and kept going by robotic slaves who can’t think for themselves.
Scientology HURTS!
Scientology KILLS!
Knowing what I know about Scientology and “THE PSYCHS” – Scientology is far more dangerous than any type of psychiatric care.
I have a friend who just received 13 Electric shocks to get him out of a catatonic coma and he is living a good life he is now able to deal with.
Nice post, Idle! +1!
IM I wish you weren’t so damn euphemistic in your descriptions.
Reading “scientology whale remora” made me laugh right out loud! A perfect description.
I could break something.
I’m so sick of elected officials supporting the church of scientology, whether directly or indirectly. This is a mean, abusive, cruel, vindictive group that has caused so much pain and suffering (with a smile on its face) and they are allowing it to continue by their support of these events. I believe these two know the involvement of the church in these front groups.
Pat Clouden? I hope he chokes on dave’s birthday cake.
I guess I’m pissed today.
I am sick of those idiots falling for the Scientological “Smoke and Mirrors” show….
What about this solution?
Send the “Opinion leaders” the Scientology data on SAFEPOINTING. The actual policies.
Let them know they are being lied to about what the cult actually does for people
and fill them in that they are being used to present a delusion to members inside the cult.
It works – it worked on us for a while.
Write and call Pam Biondi and tell her the truth about Scientology.
She is ignorant and enamored by the slick and glossy promo and propaganda put out by the evil cult.
The solution is to do our own “safepointing” and let these opinion leaders that Scientology is nothing but a total and utter scam.
I have written Pam Bondi when she went to an event at the Ft Harrison as some sort of fundraiser, I believe. She’s knows. Either that or she doesn’t read her mail.
…or the newspapers – …or watch TV.
Mary I am so sorry for your pain!!
Unfortunately for some people who are in places of power (non-scio) they don’t care about who they associate with, only what it will get them. They are as corrupt as Scientology itself.
All that good people can do is what you have shown you have the abundant courage to do, speak out and shed light on them.
BIG HUG to you!
Mary, I’m pissed off today too 🙂 Pam Bondi is just your textbook, follow the money, equal opportunity, amoral, ass-kissing politico. Trump’s big fat white, Miscavige’s skinny sun-tanned – an ass is an ass, no big deal, she’ll kiss it, just show her the money and mwah! mwah! mwah! Case closed.
And by the way, Bondi most likely knows everything there is to know about the cult, even if she herself hasn’t read it.. Politicians have staff who do nothing but their bosses’ PR. So be assured she KNOWS. Does she care? That would be the question, and the answer would be, “If she does, then not enough to keep her from cashing their check!”
And probably the whales donating to her are fronting for the cult. So there’s no quid pro quo on the face of it. All very legal but Bondi will know what she has to do in return. Just like she took 25K from the Trump Foundation and then dropped the invest into Trump U. These were 2 separate entities -possibly the dono came directly from Trump.
Not to downplay this, but what you are competing with is a face to face experience with real people who are sharing their own experience. This is much more powerful than words on paper or a computer screen. Meeting these people and personally sharing your own experience might make a difference. Definitely give them paper copies of the HCOPLs on Safepointing, PR series, Fair Game etc.
Mary Kahn, you have paid your dues many time over for every right to be pissed off.
Damn right she does.
It would be great if one day Mary is given the opportunity to go mama bear on a select few. Well, the selection of her choice.
Oh Man! One can dream. 🙂
PLEASE go moma bear on a select few. I’ve got tickets to the show.
Great Old Surfer Dude! I’ll bring the popcorn and Jujyfruits.
That would be excellent, Peggy! I’ll bring some excellent red wine for us.
You don’t know me Mary and I promise I’m not a complete weirdo…but I think I love you!!! And someday I wanna give you a hug!!!
Your frustration is palpable, understandable and deserved…there’s lots of us who support not only you, but all the exes who have lost something, someone, to this group. I dunno why, but I felt like I had to put that out into the world this morning.
I appreciate it Melissa. Support helps keep me buoyant.
I was buoyant once, Mary. But I still almost drowned.
That’s why they make a shallow end Dude.
🙂 Yea. Ya still gotta be face up. 🙂
Damn! I’ve been face down all this time.
Yes Mary, I feel your pain. Today the only elected or public officials that mugging for photos with Scientology have either been duped or they have somehow been paid by this wealthy, commercial enterprise that helps no one but themselves. They have been masquerading as a Church and laughing at the IRS all the way to their offshore banks.
That’s right. And if I were being held captive and tortured in a house somewhere in Clearwater, Bondi and/or that sheriff would make sure SWAT teams went in (Maybe I’m wrong about that too.) They’d receive medals and re-elections. They don’t seem to give two rats behinds on mental torture (which isn’t that much different than physical). The IRS? The FBI? The DOJ? Jesus, why do we bother having laws.
Mary, we have the same issues in California. And I’m sure everywhere else too. Elected officials only care about two things….votes and donations. They do and say what they THINK the people want to see and hear, not what we SHOULD see and hear. As long as the CofS donates to their campaigns and donates to causes in their agendas, they will continue to show up at events and stall indictments (for rape and such.) So the only recourse? Vote them out!! OK. I’m thru venting. And yes, you have every right to be pissed!!
Yes, vote them out. They were voted in, they can be voted out. Simple, really.