This collation of scientology terminology was sent to me by Christi Gordon.
It was compiled by a number of second generation “scientology kids” — the most prominent listed on the cover above.
They note that this is “A thoughtful collaboration to gather and share the many euphemisms, nuanced phrases, commands & threats used to guide the children of scientology.”
It is very lengthy — a reflection of just how much jargon there is in scientology. It is a secret language for the bubble-dwellers. And it is one of the things that sets cults apart from other organizations — their use of special language that only they understand.
I am including this here as a valuable reference for anyone grappling with the nomenclature of scientology. They have broken the terminology down into a number of categories. Christi noted that there may be typos or repeats, and because this is a collaboration, entries are in different voices. But this is a real feat, and though it might be triggering for some who lived in this insane world, it is this sort of work and dedication to exposing the truth about scientology that helps so many.
Thank you to Christi, Sue, Serge, Valeska, Dylan, David and Tristan for their work.
General Attitudes and Behaviors
He is just being 1.1 ~ She was “bad indicators” aka looked unhappy, and was acting like she was being insincere. 1.1, pronounced “one one” means that someone is “covertly hostile” – they smile to your face, but will stab you in the back. Hubbard said that homosexuals and psychiatrists are 1.1. You will be accused of being 1.1 anytime you use sarcasm, also if you express being gay. Covert hostility is low on the “tone scale” (Hubbards Chart of Human Evaluation is a chart organized with various columns and gives behavior characteristics and a ranking. It is plotted out mathematically and used in order to predict and judge people. Calling you 1.1 is a slight accusing you of being low toned, two-faced, and untrustworthy. #emotion #behavior
You’re 1.1/covert ~ you are two-faced. You stab people in the back. While 1.1 is not the lowest tone level, it’s considered to be one of the most dangerous. Those who are 1.1. are some of the worst people on the planet and/or if someone is exhibiting signs of 1.1. behavior they are headed down a dark, sick road and need help urgently. Incidentally, homosexuals are considered 1.1 along with rapists, pedophiles, and
sexual predators. You will be accused of this if you use sarcasm, or pretend to be/do/think or say one thing but do another.
Do you need some 8C? ~ Do you need to be controlled physically and forced to do something? 8-C is a process in the Upper Indoc TRs and means “infinite control.” It was introduced as a training routine where a preclear controls another person, guiding them around the room and instructing them to look at a wall, touch a wall, turn around and repeat. But it’s much more than that, staff members drill on it extensively to develop their powers to control others. It is the use of a command and physically guiding a person to where you want them to go. Example: ” Your division’s stats are down — everyone is going outside to run
8C drills until the target is met.”. Being 8C’d as a child means you will be manhandled by a parent or other adult and forced to perform some duty or task against your will. It is like you are a puppet being controlled by a giant, and can be pretty terrifying. It definitely teaches you the lesson of just doing what was demanded of you because you realize you have no choice. Example: “Get in the car or I’ll 8c your butt in there.“ It could be gentle guidance, but it can also result in significant force, particularly when used on a Scientologist. 8-C is used to force a preclear to return to the auditing chair when they want to leave without permission. It’s when a registrar puts a pen into a potential donor’s hand and commands them to sign a check. Body routing is a form of 8C where a person is physically guided into the org for a personality test or to buy a copy of Dianetics. Example: “Your 8C has gotten a lot better in your body routing lately” would mean your ability to control another and physically steer them to do something they may not want to such as bringing them into an Org for Scientology services. People can be 8C’d to ethics for punishment (by a parent, senior, or security guard) or 8C’d to the “Reg” (registar) where they will be pressured to “donate” for targeted services. Hubbard’s message is clear: non-compliance with Scientology’s commands, especially during auditing, will be met with escalating levels of force – non-verbal, verbal, shouting, and physical. When you sign up for services, you give away your right to resist, since it’s just your “case” talking. Your case is something to be “handled”, and it can be handled up to the point of physical intervention. #behavior #physical abuse #false imprisonment
That’s just A = A. ~ You’re connecting the wrong dots. Per Hubbard, A=A=A means everything equals everything because your reactive mind (which is the part of your mind that needs to be fixed with scientology) generalizes everything. This equates to YOU are messed up and you equate everything about whatever the subject is to everything else and you should not be doing that. It can only be fixed with scientology. This saying misdirects you away from your true thoughts and feelings by insulting you as if they are invalid, and back to the scientology way of thinking, or task at hand. You are wrong, weak, damaged, and scientology is right and your only hope. #thought #emotion
You are being aberrated ~ You are not normal, there is something wrong with you. You are not being a good robot Scientologist. Examples: You’re acting bizarre. Being gay. Being out of valence, not yourself. So it’s any behavior that’s a deviation from the Scientology norm. #thought #emotion
That’s aberrated think ~ That’s a crazy thought you are having. Aberration is the opposite of sanity, so you are being accused of having insane thoughts, which simply means you have thoughts that oppose
scientology or Hubbard. (i.e.healthy ideas). Example: I want to travel and not focus on getting up the Bridge” for now..I wanna see the world, I want to go to college, be a ballerina etc. In scientology getting up the Bridge is the “only way out of the trap” so wanting to travel would be NOT doing the most prosurvival thing, thus would be an insane choice. #thought #emotion
Don‘t you want to become more “able”? ~ Improve per scientology standards but also gain superpowers, full recall, perfect health, control over the material universe, to flourish and have prosperity which Scientology says it can enable for its members through scientology services, , etc etc..this is the response to anyone not wanting to do or follow scientology, or join the Sea Org, it’s a manipulation inferring that anything else will mean you never improve and continue to struggle or suffer, so only scientology equals growth. This would be used on a child when they declined something scentology and had desires or interest in spending time doing other unrelated things. It’s a redirection back to scientology practices. Examples: “We’re the most able group on the planet.” or “Wog College’s are run by psychs. If you want to be really able–join staff” #thought #emotion
Give them an acceptable truth ~ Give information that can easily be accepted, it doesn’t have to be the truth. In fact, it probably isn’t, but it will deflect attention for now. This would include never telling an outsider or an authority if you were being abused. #behavior #thought #info #emotion #sex abuse
You are not ack-ing me ~ You are not acknowledging me. Part of the required steps in a “comm cycle” ie dialog with another. To ack someone means to effectively confirm you heard what they said and comprehended the meaning of i.e. “I got that”. If you don’t “ack” someone it means you are distracted, not listening or just don’t care, so are heading for trouble. #behavior #thought #emotion
That’s just added inapplicable ~ you are including something that isn’t important. A warning to stay in the approved lines, don’t go there. Only focus on what I tell you to. #thought #info #emotion
You’d better adjust your viewpoint ~ You are wrong and you need to think & see things differently. For example, it is better for both you and the planet that you don’t go to school and instead work for scientology, so have a good long think about how you are being totally selfish and deluded by wanting a public education, or following any other course of action.#thought #emotion
Age is only a consideration ~ Your age is something that is just in your head and is not actually reality. We are spiritual beings, not bodies, so age doesn’t matter. Hubbard says that “time is a lie” so this is a common phrase used to invalidate the actual age of any minor. This will come into play when you or your parent tell recruiters that you are too young to join the Sea Org, only a kid, just 12 years old…or when an adult wants to have a sexual relationship with a child (since children are really spirits in small bodies so are equals per Hubbard) or when an elderly Sea Org member can’t keep up with the physical demands or rigors of that life. You will be told age is not to be used as an excuse. This belief is also a rationalization for child labor, sex abuse etc. #behavior #thought #abuse #sex abuse
That’s just group agreement- This just means a group of people agree with something that doesn’t align with scientology, but it is wrong and considered aberrated because per Hubbard a group cannot come up with any good ideas, which is why we all have to follow and do what Hubbard says like a robot. This term is used to frame “wog ideas” like a disease that is contagious and Scientology is the cure.
C’mon! Be analytical! ~ Come on, do what scientology and Hubbard say. This would be described as using only your analytical mind, not your reactive mind (the one that gets you into trouble) since everything that agrees with Scn/Hubbard is right and sane, and everything else is only weakness caused by your inner demons, poor confront, or blurred vision. So the answer is always do what Hubbard says, aka be rational, purely based on what scientology tells you that’ ‘rational” is. #thought #emotions
I have so much ARC for you! ~ I really get you. “Like” and “love” are not words used in the scientology vocabulary. The equivalents are called “ARC” (Affinity, reality, communication). It ends up meaning to find commonality with someone/thing/idea/movie/anything. If you have ‘a lot of ARC’ it means you like and understand someone. If you have an upset it’s called an “ARC break”, so break in affinity, reality or communication. ARC together means understanding. The term ARC is used a lot in auditing. Ex: Has anything been missed (if nothing on the e-meter reads then) On, ‘has anything been missed’ was there a break in affinity? reality? communication? understanding? (if something reads on the e-meter then) On
‘has anything been missed,’ I’d like to indicate there was a break in affinity.) Replacing like and love with ARC (words that represent normal human emotions) alters them, makes it more analytical and conditional. Since its no longer represented as an emotion, it can’t just be what it is, and is now tied into other concepts and expectations. This term is also used when someone is attracted romantically/sexually to another. “I have so much ARC for him, I really need him in my space. We must have some past track together”. Saying “You need to raise your ARC” would be saying you need to be easier to get along with or easier to be around. ex: “No one in this house has any ARC for the way you have been acting”. etc. #emotion #behavior #thought #sex abuse
Aww…do you have an ARC break? ~ Aww … are you upset? Do you need a hug? Sarcastic. Stop being a baby, get back to work, meanwhile and tell me what misdeeds you have that are making you upset? Example: Child: “I’m very ARC broken with you dad, you didn’t tell me you weren’t coming to my birthday party. I waited for you all day!” Dad: “Hey, I was on course studying, besides you’re probably 12 trillion years old by now, how many birthdays do you really need? You’re not fooling me pretending to be a kid. Meanwhile, you know Ron says all ARC breaks stem from missed withholds. So what haven’t you told me?” #emotion #behavior #thought
Root out the ARC break ~You’re upset which means you’ve done something wrong/ bad towards the person or thing you are upset about. It means that you are upset. However, it goes deeper as L Ron Hubbard claimed that you can only feel upset (“arc breaky”) if you are withholding “secrets” (“withholds” is the technical term) against scientology. Example: The child is upset and has bad indicators, frown, scowl, whatever. The adult says, “You seem arc (affinity, reality & communication) breaky. What haven’t you told me?” #emotion #behavior #thought
You’re being out ARC~ You are not treating me or another the way you are expected to per Hubbard policies. This means you have some upset, and are acting upset, but you are to blame because you are not correctly applying the scientology technology on communication. Kid: “NO! I don’t want to go on course this weekend…I wanna go to the beach with all my friends”. Parent: “Hey, that’s out ARC! Dont comm with me that way. This is exactly why you need to be on course, to work on your comm cycle and
get your TR’s in. You won’t learn that at the beach. Now, get dressed, or you’ll be late and will end up in ethics again”.
Hey, I thought we were in ARC about this? ~ I thought we were ok with this, accepted it or were in agreement with this? Example; “ I thought we were in ARC about this? You told me that you agreed to join staff, and now you want to break that agreement and all we talked about so you can go to WOG college instead? Totally not acceptable. Something else is happening here, some underlying out ethics situation. You need to write up your OW’s (crimes) and figure out your non-confront.”
Come up to anger ~ Raise your emotional tone to anger, which is higher on the emotional tone scale than grief, fear, apathy, anxiety, despair, hopelessness, sympathy, victim, etc., so much more acceptable. This is to get you to control your emotions by shaming you for exhibiting an unacceptable emotion. So you should just GET MAD about whatever is upsetting you, instead of being afraid, sad, etc. This leads to a lot of yelling, and lashing out about things instead of being able to feel and convey your real feelings.
#emotion #thought (controlling emotions by shaming)
She’s totally antago ~ She is totally antagonistic to the aims of scientology or a scientologist, therefore must be avoided or “handled” so she agrees and complies. Example: “Stop being antago” would be said to you when you say things that disagree with other’s views that they do not want to hear. #emotion
#behavior #thought #info
Adjust your anchor points ~ Adjust your boundaries, expand your reach, think outside the box, be more open to achieving more. If you fail to do something or are not achieving enough you’re told to adjust your anchor points i,e. expand your horizons to succeed. Overall another thought stopping phrase to tell you that YOU are the problem, and must take responsibility to succeed. Everything is within your control to achieve.
That just blew out my anchor points. ~ That just made me feel so great and out there. Not in my head. Exteriorized. High.
You’re pushing my anchor points in/ ~ You’ve made me look in on myself, feel small or selfish, made me feel bad, or introverted me. Eg. “Do you really think it’s ok to tell me this dress makes me look fat and I should stick to plain colors? That it makes me stand out from the crowd and I’m making a fool of myself?”
He’s in complete apathy ~ He is so low on the ‘tone scale’ that he is incapable of doing anything. He’s not worth the trouble, he has given up. He’s really just waiting to die and he will bring you down to that level too, if you let him. Parent: “Hey, why are you BI’s?” Kid: “A kid at school overdosed today mom. He was always really nice to me”. Parent: “Well, sounds like he was in apathy so blew instead of finding the right solution or confronting the problem. Giving up is a common wog solution. We’re so fortunate LRH found a way to let us handle problems so we don’t have to be effect of them, like your friend. Hopefully he finds scientology next time.” #emotion #behavior #thought #info
You can’t/must as-is this ~ You can’t make this go away by willing it, you must “handle” it. You need to see this for exactly what it is, face it and make it completely disappear. You are expected to be able to do it. #emotion #behavior #thought
Just go from A to B! ~ Be productive, don’t procrastinate. Be effective. Don’t question, do what you are told and don’t deviate. Scientology teaches that everything in life is achieved by simply doing the right steps in the right order. This is very simple if you just follow scientology’s direction, the path laid out by Hubbard. Don’t think, don’t try to find your own way, just follow policy and do what we say. #behavior
#thought #emotion
You need to become more aware! ~ Be more aware of your existence. Know who you REALLY are! scientology will make you more aware, and its technology is the only thing that can. People who are not Scientologists are just degraded nobodies. If you can’t see this it’s because you’re not “aware” enough.
That’s just your bank/reactive mind talking. You are not your bank/Stop being your bank/being banky ~ (controlling emotions, behavior and thoughts by thought stopping) Your attitude sucks. Please stop dramatizing the traumatizing incident or person you experienced in a past life. Acknowledge it and let it go. Stop reacting emotionally. Negative emotions are considered a restimulation of a past life incident or trauma that simply needs to be addressed in this life. Any time you display negative emotions you are shut down since you should be separate from your emotions. They are not important and you should be able to turn them off, and not dramatize them.
You better handle your bank! ~ Handle your negative reactions! Be in control of yourself and be very measured at all times, and for sure never manifest negative reactions or responses, even if that’s the way you feel, and your feelings are valid. scientology teaches you to squash your feelings, your instincts, your intuition, your conscience, your gut, and “wrotely” follow policy, without thinking or feeling.
That’s just your whole track bank ~ Your upset makes no real sense so must come from past lives aka your bad reactions come from bad things you’ve done in a past life. This will be used against you when you react to something now in a way they don’t like, and your resistance will be explained away to something that can’t be proven or disproven but must accept and take responsibility for.
You need to grant him beingness ~ You have to let him be who he is. Nice in theory but usually is actually used as an excuse for outrageous behavior. You must allow others to do as they see fit, or if aberrated, must let them handle their own case. Your only recourse is to get out of his way, write a report on him, or find your crimes on him if you’re feeling critical of him. You should be handling yourself and getting up the Bridge, not focusing on others.
Why are you BI’s/bad indicators? ~ why do you have bad indicators (sad, mad, etc., anything but happy, enthusiastic, and smiling demeanor). Why are you showing negative emotions, being grumpy, or moody? BI’s are an indicator that things are not well with you and you may stray or fall out of line. You will be accused of this when you are visibly upset about something, anything. It introverts you, makes you feel less than, even responsible for feeling upset. Having bad indicators is bad for the group since it signals
everything is not good in paradise. People with BI’s need to be “handled” since one bad apple can rot the whole bunch. Times it would be used are: Not meeting daily/weekly/monthly targets i.e. “Tom is here to do an evaluation to help handle the B-i’s in the group and get us out of emergency”. When you are not enthusiastic enough about course, auditing, staff position or scientology in general you will be called BI’s.
It suggests that something one says, does or exhibits is more or less wrong and should be corrected asap or risk being handled in any number of unpleasant ways (as indicated by Scientology policy). Examples: I gotta say Tristan, your reasonableness is just B-i’s. Find your MU.” or when you are crying ie “Tanya’s been B-i’s ever since she turned 13.” It’s also a term used by the qual dept or Director of Processing (counseling division) or your auditor (therapist/interrogator) in your file to indicate there’s a problem example: “PC was B-i’s when I went into session and tr’s were out”. It’s also a way to to critically reference someone in conversation ie “I spoke to Bill today and he was B-i’s on joining the Sea Org, we need to pull strings”
You need to handle his black PR, or cut comm! ~ Change his mind, handle his considerations, or avoid further contact with him. It can be used as a noun or a verb. Negative information is given to color another’s opinion of someone or something. Used by Scientologists to slander the media or used online to discredit their statements. You can handle someone’s existing black pr on scientology by “giving them the truth” to change their mind or you can create black pr about enemies to diminish them.
It‘s just a meat body ~ Hubbard teaches we are all spirits that temporarily operate bodies (like driving a car) to transcend and conquer, and refers to them as “meat bodies”. scientology emphasizes you should attain “cause” over your body (and all material things) plus strive to attain the ability to abandon one’s body via “exteriorization”. This is confusing at best and destructive at worst since it makes the idea that putting any priority on your body is wrong, since its just meat, so taking time to improve it (vs your spirit) or care for it is irrelevant. Going “exterior” from your body has been described by professionals as dissociation, so intentionally leaving it over and over can create out of body/feeling disconnected, loss of time and detachment from reality, which can be hard to remedy.
You are not your body ~ You are a spiritual being and your body is completely separate, only a vehicle and not important. It doesn’t matter if you are hurt, in pain, sick or have been abused, you are a spiritual being so it doesn’t really matter how you feel. You need to ignore all that, and get on with the job. Example: Kid:
“I really miss grandpa.” Parent: “I know people dropping their bodies (dying) can seem upsetting.. but not if you remember we are not our bodies..we are all thetans…you can still communicate with him in the theta universe, and when he comes back to the physical universe in his new body, you can pick up where you left off.”
Just pick up another body ~ This body, this life, is not important. It’s ok to die and start again. Easy peasy. This would be said to you if you were not qualified to receive scientology auditing this lifetime, ie have
had psychiatric care, have a terminal illness, a disability, or are a homosexual. Just die and start again.
He dropped the body ~ he died. The teachings of scientology are that this is a matter of choice. It’s of no great consequence as you will just ‘find another body’ and be reborn again. It allows no emotions to be expressed, no time or space to grieve and is a significant cause of suppressed trauma for those involved. In fact to ‘drop the body’ is encouraged in those who are severely ill or disabled, as though you can throw a switch and make it happen for the good of all.
Your dad dropped the body so you need an LOA (leave of absence)? I need you on-post. He’ll pick up a new one and be back soon. And you can handle any loss in session. ~You are not allowed to go to your dad’s funeral, you must keep working as production is WAY more important, and you can deal with any pesky emotions about it in an auditing session later. Grieving is not only frowned upon as low toned, but it’s also not at all a priority.
Stop being a body ~ Stop using your body to sexualize yourself or using your body as an excuse to not work (due to pain, etc.) This could include being tired, fatigued, unwell, having period cramps, sexual desires, etc, anything purely physical. These would all be you dramatizing being your body, and not simply being a spirit.
He’s just worshiping bodies.~ He is obsessed with the physical form. Cares too much about how he looks and how others look. Apart from looking presentable and happy, appearances don’t matter. Only having a sparkling clean glowing powerful thetan (spirit) counts. Now that you know that, you can spend all your money on scientology instead of clothes, gym memberships, braces for your crooked teeth or plastic surgery for your broken nose. This will be used to belittle you or others and redirect you back to a scientology only focus.
Is he moving up the bridge? ~ ”The Bridge” is the specific steps of scientology services a person needs to take to attain Total Freedom. You have to be always ‘moving up the Bridge’ or there is something wrong with you that needs to be corrected. This is used to judge all members’ dedication.
She fell off the bridge ~ She stopped doing scientology services. Something is wrong with her. Similar to
‘she fell off the wagon’ and therefore she failed in some way.
Where are you on the bridge? ~ How much progress have you made (representing how loyal, dedicated and focused you are ) in scientology? You will constantly be judged on this. Over and over and over. If you’re not getting up the bridge there is definitely something wrong with you.
He‘s just bull baiting you ~ He’s just teasing you, pushing your buttons, and testing your confront. Used as an excuse for bullying, inappropriate language and unwanted touching, including of children. Making it the person/child’s fault if they feel uncomfortable or react adversely to what another is doing to them. If an adult man says to you “ your lips are restimulating me” or stares at your chest while telling you how big you’re getting, he is just testing your confront, so in the long run, doing you a favor since we all must strive to be able to confront anything, and not react. However, he is in fact sexually grooming you, and this is covert sex abuse being done in plain sight, and completely acceptable to adult scientologists. When you complain to him or another adult about it you’ll be told to get your confront up, you are the one in the wrong, for being weak and reacting.
You’re pushing my buttons/He’s just pushing your buttons. ~ You know what annoys or upsets me and you are deliberately doing those things. It’s a catch-all for doing something that upsets another. It is hard as a child to have to learn to navigate adult’s sensitivities and also hard to accept that when others upset you, it’s ok, you should just improve your ability to tolerate it (see bull baiting). So you can be blamed for something that you are not protected from.
Is she cause over you? ~ You must always be “cause”, otherwise you are at “effect” which is unacceptable per Hubbard. Allowing another to be “cause” over you, or suggesting they are (blaming them) would be admitting YOU are not taking responsibility for whatever the issue is, so this is a challenge to pull your socks up and be in charge of the situation, no matter what it is.
I think she wants to cave me in ~ She is deliberately trying to make me upset and unable to function. You will be accused of this when you upset another, even with the truth, so in essence, you are responsible for another’s state, if you do or say something to them that upsets them.
Stop being a child / dramatizing being a child / invalidating her by treating her like a child ~ (controlling emotions, behavior and thoughts by thought stopping) Treating kids as kids does them a disservice and allowing them to “pretend” things don’t apply to them because they are just kids so can’t do certain things is allowing them to be irresponsible. Per Hubbard “Any law which applies to the behavior of men and women also applies to children”. Since per Hubbard, they’re really just the same as adults, only in smaller bodies. They are expected to take responsibility for themselves and contribute equally, they are subject to all justice actions, demands for exchange, disconnection, consideration of the greatest good, adherence to policy, receiving auditing processes, and are fair game for sexual relationships. There are really no exceptions. All apply equally to children.
Let me know when you’ve cognited/Have you had a cognition yet? ~ Have you had the realization that you need to have? This is an insult meaning you need to have a realization, usually on the basis that whatever you are thinking is wrong and you need to realize that and adjust to whatever scientology tells you to think. Example: “Let me know when you realise your mother is doing her very best for you by sending you away to the Sea Org.”
Communication is the universal solvent ~ Everything can be solved by communication. But since you can’t talk about your feelings, problems, illness or anything entheta, etc or you will be regarded as a lower being and will need to be ‘corrected’ for it, this isn’t really true in practice. Additionally, per policy, you are not allowed to communicate with “enemies” of scientology, those deemed to be antagonistic to try to resolve things, or those declared to be suppressive. So you are restricted to only have happy communication with most, censored even false communication with some, only approved communication with certain people and no communication with others.
Don‘t cut my comm! ~ don’t interrupt me when I am talking. This is pretty thought stopping and often muting. scientology teaches a very disciplined and clearly defined “communication cycle” that happens between 2 “terminals” and is described as a flow …it consists of origination, receipt, answer, and acknowledgment. Like everything else, there is a right way and many wrong ways of doing it which feels very constricting and controlled, and you are constantly being critiqued and corrected about your communication, including being shut down, as in don’t cut my comm. “Mom! I fell off my bike! ..” Honey, I’m on the phone, don’t cut my comm, you know better!”
Find a commline and figure it out ~ Find someone you can talk to about this and figure out whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. Make it happen. Don’t be incompetent. Don’t be a problem.
Flunk for comm-lag ~ You hesitated, to think something through and took too long to do or say what you were supposed to do or say. This begins in session but then expands into your daily life and ANY time you hesitate, esp in the Sea Org. This is a way to control you when being questioned. Hubbard says that if you don’t answer questions fast then you are mentally unwell and therefore a target for ethics investigations. This is a way to keep you accountable, off-balance, and unable to think for yourself. You are not allowed
to mentally process, just respond using a scientology circuit. You are disciplined in ethics if you are found to be “comm lagging”. Your senior can ask for you to be investigated via an ethics interview. Example: Jenny DeVocht WDC Executive is doing a walkthrough of a course room and asks the supervisor (who is
15 yrs old) “How many people are going to complete their course this week?” Supervisor: “Mmmmm… I am not sure sir let me see.” Exec: “Flunk for comm lag!.” Supervisor: “I am sorry sir”. Exec: “You should be all over your production man. What is going on? Why are you comm lagging? When asked post related questions that you should know like the back of your hand if you were doing your JOB and actually CARED what Hubbard says a supervisor should be like “We are going to get you into an ethics interview and find out what is behind all your comm lags.” So hesitating can be weaponized against you.
Let’s have a comm cycle. ~ Let’s talk. This mechanizes dialog between people, and parents and their kids. It feels very formal, rigid and inauthentic. For example if a child has an upset with her mother, and the mother says “Let’s have a comm cycle about that” it takes away the sense of authentic, spontaneous connection and takes it into a formalised way of communicating. The mother is presenting an authoritarian stance about a conversation which can make a child less likely to really say what they are thinking.
She has such a choppy comm cycle ~ She doesn’t have a fluid way of speaking, or listening, and then acknowledging. There is much attention put on communication styles and perfecting them, i.e. courses, drills, etc so they are always being analyzed especially, auditors. This is a judgment and insult, and the result will be you should go drill your scientology communication skills, until you are more robotic with them per scientology’s standards.
This is a total one-way comm cycle ~ You are just talking and talking and not listening, or when I reach
out to you, you are unresponsive. This means you are wrong, for either talking too much or not being more engaged with another, whether you want to or not. If you don’t want to talk it would mean you have done something to them that you are hiding. Therefore talking could reveal your hidden crime, it is a presumption of guilt of some kind to not want to talk.
Have you two-way-commed it? ~ Have you talked to the other person about it? This could even be with your abuser, someone who has harmed you or frightened you. ‘Communication is the universal solvent’ in scientology and is the only way to deal with things. It doesn’t matter if the other person hurt you, yelled at you or even if they are threatening you, if you haven’t talked to them then it is likely you are at fault and will be investigated.
Why are you out-comm with me? ~ Why are you not talking to me? This will be flipped on you, aka “what have you done to me that you’re not telling me that is making you not want to talk to me? “ eg “Sally you
have been avoiding me, and went out-comm so I know you must have done something to hurt me. Cough it up!”
Your comm cycle is out ~ You are not communicating properly or following Hubbards set steps on how to communicate. This is an outpoint/red flag so you must fix it so that you communicate in the scientology style that everyone is expected to.
Complete your cycle of action. It’s just “start- change- stop”. Only SP’s (suppressive persons) can’t complete a simple cycle of action ~ You must complete whatever you started, no excuses. If you struggle with some part of it, figure it out, and go finish it. If you can’t complete things, you may be evil and dangerous to others.
Finish your cycle! ~ You have not completed all three steps (start, change, stop) so you need to. This would be completing anything unfinished, even as a child. A mess you left, a half-done project, washing your own dishes after making your own dinner, putting away your own clean laundry after washing your own laundry, etc.
How long have you been on this cycle? ~ How long have you been doing this action, task, ethics, or auditing? If you aren’t progressing or skilled you will be judged, shamed and potentially punished. Getting stuck is a sign of trouble which is a symptom of crimes or disaffection.
I‘ve got tons of cycles to do ~ I am busy, busy, busy! Don’t even think of asking me to do anything else. Example: You can’t go to Jimmy’s birthday party, you’ve got way too many cycles to do.
You have way too many incomplete cycles ~ You have way too many undone things, which indicates per Hubbard that you may be antisocial since the antisocial cannot finish a cycle of action (start, change, stop or the action is begun, is continued for as long as is required and is completed as planned. In scientology, this is called a cycle of action. The antisocial person is surrounded by incomplete projects. They will not permit themselves to be helped and would not respond to treatment if help were attempted, and only
harm others around them so should be avoided at all costs.
Sounds like you’ve compromised your reality ~ You agreed with someone or something that is not the “greatest good”, ie other than scientology since only scientology, moving up the bridge or clearing the planet should be your reality. This will be used to shame you when you stray from a scientology focus since the only real important reality is scientology.
Raise your confront level / Get your confront up ~ Be able to face anything. If it’s difficult, it’s because you are weak and not facing it, no matter what it is. If something bad happens to you or someone around you, you should just face it. If you don’t face it, you are being low toned (fear, anxiety, etc) or a victim, or effect, all are bad things. You should also be able to face anything, no matter your age. More than just don’t be afraid, this phrase is used even when a child doesn’t want to do something, such as joining the
Sea Org, clearing the planet, or leaving their friends and family. When you don’t want to you are accused of not being able to confront it.
When order goes in confusion blows off ~ When you are making things better things can get messy during the process.
You need to handle your considerations ~ You need to address/suppress/ignore the intuitive feelings that make you feel like something is wrong and just do it without thinking or listening to your inner dialog or instincts. Don’t trust your gut, just do what scientology says and don’t question it. For example if a child is questioning leaving school in order to join staff, they will be told that “wog” education is useless and only scientology can educate you in dealing with life, and that by looking at the importance of ‘saving the
planet’ it will become obvious which is the correct path.
You need to un-mock your contra survival postulates ~ Something in your life is not going well and of course, as always you caused it, in this case by making a decision or hoping for something that you thought was pro-survival but now is actually harming you.
You’re being critical ~ speaking negatively about something or someone who has upset you or hurt you,
or that you dislike, finding fault, or being disagreeable in general. This can be exhibited by blaming another or acting defensively. Hubbard says any criticism indicates a crime has been committed by the critical person. This effectively keeps folks from questioning or complaining and eliminates verbalizing of any critical thinking.
He’s just a DB/degraded being/are you a DB? ~ scum of the earth, a diseased spirit, contagious to others. If you leave the sea org or scientology, you are labeled a degraded being so others will keep their distance from you. This sets an example to others and is behavior modification to all.
She’s a degraded being ~ the person is a worthless bum. Not worth our time, or worth helping. This is a label given to anyone who won’t accept scientology, or who leaves it. It effectively dehumanizes and dispenses with their existence. If a friend suddenly disappears they can be referred to as a “degraded being” and that is the end of the conversation, they are not to be contacted or have any connection with. Constantly losing friends and family to this, and living in fear of becoming this can be terribly upsetting to a child so they often tend to try to stop feeling, or having any attachment to others. This benefits scientology.
Stop joking & degrading ~ stop making jokes or finding humor in anything related to your post or scientology or laughing about scientology. This is a crime against scientology. Hubbard was very sensitive about any slights or humor about scientology unless it came from him, so he said that joking and degrading about scientology are signs of a suppressive (evil) personality.
Have you destimulated? ~ Have you stopped having emotions now and are you back to not having emotions? This would be used as a slight, to minimize whatever you were upset about…like “are you over it yet?”. Until you do, you aren’t worthy of being heard, since you are simply dramatizing.
Stop dramatizing /your case ~ stop having emotions, stop being a person, or being human. This includes crying if upset or hurt, yelling if angry or trying to defend yourself, or screaming out in fear. All just being dramatic. The only place you can do that is in “session” where it can be “handled”.
You’re just dramatizing ~ you are upset, afraid, sad, mad, hurt, harmed, crying, yelling, exaggerating. And all are unacceptable. A child whose father has been assigned to the Sea Org RPF prison program, so they will not be able to spend time with him for years possibly, and is very upset and crying will be told they are dramatizing, and to knock it off. So it’s another example of “don’t feel your emotions” or don’t exhibit
You are just dramatizing being a victim ~ Your complaints and needs are irrelevant, and sympathy is not allowed, so stop being a weak cry baby victim. Hubbard teaches that being a victim is considered the lowest of the lows. He said, “We have a world full of victims. We don’t have to be victims ourselves. A scientologist is one who is not a victim”. He goes on to say “The whole Chrstian movement is based on the victim. They succeeded by making people into victims. We can succeed by making victims into people”. This phrase is victim shaming and blaming to the fullest.
That’s just dub in ~ Whatever it is you are saying is not real. You are just inventing it which is a sign of insanity. Trying to guess or fill in the gaps is not allowed. What does the policy say? What is in writing? Don’t think, just follow.
You’re on a downward/dwindling spiral ~ You have committed misdeeds then find fault or displaced blame, which leads to further crimes, which leads to degradation of yourself and sometimes others. So when you want to leave the Sea Org and end the abuse, or leave scientology and find your own way, you are accused of having crimes which are the only reason you want to leave. Then you are told you will become degraded and get on drugs, become a criminal and maybe a prostitute, and will degrade others on your path, until you either overdose, contract aids, die in prison, or of cancer. This means the person is not doing well and is not following scientology and should be looked down upon and punished. Suffering is not ok since there is no sympathy, only discipline.
That’s/You’re being 1st dynamic oriented ~ (controlling thoughts and behaviors by shaming) i.e. selfish since you are thinking about yourself and your own well-being or happiness too much. This is a very bad thing to do and not acceptable as you must always put the group first. The group is everything..esp scientology and the Sea Org. You will eventually learn that they are EVERYTHING in fact, and all you do should be for them, not yourself. Anything you need and want is secondary to their needs and wants unless yours supports theirs.
Stop being effect ~ Be in control always, never place blame elsewhere, you are always responsible for your condition, period. If you said “My bike had a flat tire so I had to walk to school and was late”, you would be asked how you could have “become cause” over the situation and so resolved it or avoided the problem. This does create being responsible and resourceful but also makes you quite hypervigilant and always striving for perfection at all costs, since no excuses for anything are allowed. Anything that does not go as planned therefore becomes your fault, you are being weak and “effect”.
You’re at effect ~ You have admitted that something someone else did affected you negatively, thus they are the cause and you are the ‘effect’. This is an insult in scientology and means you are weak and complaining that someone else has bested you and you were unable to handle it. The moral is to take
charge, make things go right, don’t complain, just produce, and never allow others to affect you negatively, and if they do ‘take back your power’ at once.
You are just trying to create an effect ~ You just want attention and are trying to get it intentionally or not. This is to shame you for attracting attention and make you feel unimportant or petty. Creating in scientology is considered good, but not when its effect distracts from or away from scientology or getting the job done. For a kid, this means don’t do things that make others focus on you unless of course, it is positive and for scientology. Example: A teen tripped and fell down at an event interrupting the speaker.
He clearly had an agenda to disturb and take the spotlight.
You are an entheta comm line!! ~ You are spreading bad news and lies! Displaying sad emotions, sharing bad news, an angry letter, a violent movie – all of these things can be said to be “entheta”. Calling them this creates a stigma around discussing anything bad and is also information control since you can’t discuss bad things that are happening.
Don’t put entheta on long-distance comm lines ~ Don’t tell anyone far away you any bad news as they will be unable to deal with it directly and will get upset. Another way to keep you from communicating about bad things.
Stop putting entheta on my lines/ spreading entheta ~ Don’t say anything negative or critical to me especially about scientology. Just because your friend read an article about how bad scientology is, doesn’t make it true and it’s not ok to spread false information! Your friend is not a scientologist, they are just trying to upset you and you are passing that on to me. And if you are upset about something that happened to you, then it is your problem to deal with, not mine.
Don‘t enturbulate me ~ Don’t upset me! Example: “You are enturbulating everyone, knock it off!” This would mean you are upset and saying upsetting things. You are upsetting me by being upset. Everyone is getting upset because of you. Stop upsetting others by telling them about it.
You think you’re enturbulated now? ~ This means that if you think you are upset now, just wait and see what I have in store for you! This means you should stop being upset, put your head down, and get back to work.
You are nothing but a source of enturbulation ~ You create upsets around you, you are not worth
listening to as you only upset people with lies and bad news. If you are reported enough times, you will be investigated, and if found to be a source of enturbulation you will be punished.
Your eternity is at stake. Do you want to lose your eternity? ~ Your eternity as a spiritual being can only be dealt with here and now in scientology. If you don’t do it, you will be condemned to damnation forever. This will be used against you when you want to leave scientology, do things other than scientology, or to stay in touch with those who have left. It’s us or them, this is our last chance, etc, etc. This is the ultimate threat in scientology, a concept so overwhelming that it demolishes any (valid) objections to whatever is actually happening.
I‘m not trying to evaluate for you …but…. ~ Evaluation is supposedly a no-no in scientology since you are supposed to make your own decisions (but which are based on the greatest good so always should be in support of scientology). You should be your own counsel, so not need permission, and apply the scientology policy of “what true for you is true for you” (unless it disagrees with scientology). However in reality, you are constantly being judged and compared & contrasted to other more dedicated Scientologists, and held up to scrutiny of your application of scientology policy, and your adherence to it. So in fact evaluation is happening every moment, but you are being tricked into thinking you are making all your own decisions, guided by what is right, ie scientology.
Exchange keeps the bank off ~ Giving back, and contributing keeps you from being reactive and unhappy. And the opposite would be true. This just keeps you giving, working, or contributing at all costs, and if you get upset about it, it means you are not helping enough, not vice versa. “Feeling bad? Then your exchange is out, go and get productive.”
Get your exchange in! ~ you must not accept something for nothing, ever. You must earn your keep and give as much as you take, or you will become resentful and eventually a criminal who just takes what they want. As a child, this can be via chores, or actual jobs to earn income to give your family. This often includes buying your own food and clothing. In the sea org it means children must labor sometimes equal to adults since they receive the same support, so should contribute the same amount.
Sounds like you picked up some false data ~ In day-to-day living people often accept ideas without question if they appear to make sense. False ideas and information can come from newspapers, radio, TV or textbooks. They can even come from parents or friends. If a person has been given a lot of false information or concepts in an area, it is difficult to study and apply the subject as it just doesn’t make sense. Fortunately, there is a very simple procedure developed by Hubbard for handling this problem. The person locates the ‘false data’ he has acquired on a subject and then it is stripped away, thereby freeing
up his ability to think in the area where he was formerly confused. Once the ‘false ideas’ are stripped away, then scientology suddenly makes complete sense…even though it doesn’t. If you disagree it means you are wrong, and you will be sold programs to address, over and over, until you finally agree with whatever it is, accept it, and memorize it if necessary so you can quote it to others. Thought control.
Find out for yourself! ~ Don’t ask me, everything you need to know is written in scientology policy. Finding out means discovering what LRH said, and then accepting it as gospel.
FLUNK! ~ an exclamatory command to stop and correct, said aloud and publicly to shame you. Whatever you have done, it is wrong, so “FLUNK!” – you are wrong and that action is ended. It’s followed by the command START so you can begin again, only properly this time. It would usually include a description of the thing you did wrong, ie “Flunk for not finishing your cycle and leaving a mess in the kitchen. Start! “ Or “ Flunk for not doing your homework, you know I wasn’t going to be home to help you. Start!” “Flunk for being late, you should’ve known what time it was, or asked someone. Start! “ Flunk for being a downstat, I
don’t care if you were sick. Find a way to get your stats up. Start!” “Flunk for not writing a “chit” on Joey for
“nattering”. Start!”
You need to flow him power ~ He is a significant being and you need to do anything and everything you can for him. He deserves your support in every respect, he is a valued person who needs to be supported without question.
If it isn’t fun it isn’t scientology ~ Saying scientology is fun is a good sales pitch, and if you find that it is not fun and you don’t enjoy it, you must be doing it wrong. Once again, it is never a failure on scientology’s part, it is always yours.
Life is just a game ~ Hubbard called everything a game as if by calling all things games you could more easily challenge people to play along. If you can’t handle something, you should take on a bigger game. He called the Sea Org the biggest game of all, which makes it sound fun although it is not. Although it’s taken as playful, It’s just manipulation to exploit.
Stop your games conditions! ~ Stop causing trouble with someone else and going against each other in whatever way, or stop playing around, get serious, and focus on pursuing scientology. Almost anything can be explained away as a “games condition”. You miss going to course since you are having trouble with your boyfriend. He hit you, you fell, and ended up in the hospital with a broken arm. Per Hubbard, you “pulled it in”, i.e. caused it.. Maybe you are simply playing a game with him where you upset him, he hits you etc. So you should realize this and stop playing that game with him, so you can get back to scientology pursuits.
You need a bigger game ~ You are obviously bored and under-utilized, therefore we will give you much, much more to do, even if you think you can’t do it, and probably can’t. When you struggle with something, the way to fix it is to take on even more.
Stop using generalities. Give the specifics! ~ What you are telling me is too general and therefore you are trying to upset and confuse me, and that is a suppressive tendency. You must always provide; time , place, form and event for everything, or you might be a “Suppressive Person” who is trying to harm me.
That’s “glee of insanity” ~ You’re laughing because you are actually insane! Get serious or we may have to handle your insanity. Hubbard says “When you see glee on some fellow on a post, realize it’s because he doesn’t understand what he’s doing. He’s ignorant about something and above that is confusion and
above the confusion is glee. (HCOB 20 Sept 68)” So giggling is not normal, is suspicious, and you had better keep a straight face at all times!
Keep it good roads fair weather. ~ Only communicating trivial things to family or associates that you can not otherwise disconnect from as it may endanger scientology’s reputation if you do so. In reality, it means don’t get into any meaningful dialog with them or engage in any conversations that might give you true but negative information about scientology. Be sure you only talk about the positive things and stick to safe topics that won’t be out reality, potentially out PR, or out-security. This means you must give
people an “acceptable truth” about your life, not the actual truth that would alarm them. In a letter it would be “Dear grandpa, We have moved to Florida. It’s so beautiful here. I’m really growing, learning new things, and making new friends. I have a new job that’s taken me on some trips to other countries and on some
real adventures. Here’s a picture of me on the beach. How is your dog spot? Mom sends her love. Hope to see you at Christmas. ” What you aren’t saying is I have signed a billion-year contract and joined the Sea Org, am living in a dorm with adults, have no contact with my family, I’m not allowed to go to a traditional school anymore and am only learning scientology now. I’ve been sent on “missions” all over the world to help recruit other kids because I look really effective in my uniform. This picture was taken on the day I arrived when we were able to go to the beach. Since that day, I haven’t had a day off for 9 months, and have been working 100 hours per week. I hope I can get time off at Christmas to see you but I doubt it since my stats have been down lately.” This would include being coached to never tell an outsider or an authority if you were being abused #behavior #info #abuse #sex abuse
Is it the greatest good? ~ Is it the best thing for the most people? Is it “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one”? You must make every decision based on the greatest good for the greatest number of the “Eight dynamics”, or you are being selfish, not selfless, and a bad group member. You must always choose based on this concept, not for your own selfish interests.
Why are you at this event? You’re not in good standing ~ Why are you here? You’re persona non grata at the moment. Not in good standing is a label you are given that allows scientology to leverage friends and family as behavior modifiers among its members. It means you have done something to scientology or the sea org that is frowned upon, you let the group down in some way, so are considered off-limits until resolved, and many members won’t engage with you.
That’s just group agreement/group think/wog think ~ This is a comment used to counter information that may be different from what scientology states. It’s a dismissal of information from outside sources.
You’re nothing/won’t make it without the group! ~ you will not succeed on the outside. Example: Kid: “I wanna see the world for myself, why can’t I?” Adult: “The “wog world” is full of degradation – drugs, murders, poverty – and that is what will happen to you without scientology. You will fail out there and die alone and in the dark!”.
You need to be more gung-ho ~ You must do everything the group demands of you at a thousand miles an hour and do whatever is necessary. You must forward the purpose of the group without question.
What’s your handling?? ~ Don’t ask me – figure it out for yourself! How are you going to make this go right? Don’t present your problems to others, just find a solution, and it better be acceptable to the group.
What’s your hat in life?~ You need to work out what your “job” is this lifetime, do it and don’t deviate from it. And it had better be something that helps scientology. You will be shamed for your answer if it is deemed to be off purpose or dilettante with relation to scientology in some way.
Get your havingness up ~ “Havingness” means being mentally or spiritually able to accept and have things you need and want. If you don’t have the things you need/want (shoes, clothes, glasses, car,
enough money to survive, success, prosperity) then you are to blame, i.e. you are not allowing good things to come to you, and your “low havingness” is the cause. This is also used to get you to donate to
scientology. For example, donate money you don’t have and trust by “raising your havingness” and “outflow equals inflow” that good things will come back to you. This gets members to donate kids college funds, max out credit cards and give away food money believing it will come back to them if they just
raise their “havingness”, and if it doesn’t, it is their fault. Just another sleight of hand.
Your havingness is really low ~ It’s your fault you are poor and have nothing and can’t have anything nice. You need to manifest it into reality.
Did you help? ~ Scientology is the ONLY way to fix this planet, what is your contribution? Is it enough that it will be remembered? Kid 1: “I wanna join the Army”. Recruiter: “Yeah I can see that would seem appealing, uniforms, travel, being a hero, but how is that REALLY helping? How does that get people up the Bridge & clear the planet? You know where you can REALLY help, and travel, and wear a uniform, and be a TRUE hero? The Sea Org. I mean then you could say you REALLY helped”.
Stop your HE&R! (human emotions and reactions) ~ Stop reacting emotionally in any way, do not show your feelings. Whatever you are feeling on the inside do not visibly express it. Keep a poker face and remain calm, and stuff those feelings deep inside, they only detract from what you are supposed to be doing. For example if a loved one just died and you are crying, it is classed as “HE&R”, unacceptable emotional displays. Such emotions must be dealt with by getting ‘auditing’ on the subject and “in session” is the only place those emotions can be displayed.
HIP–HIP HOORAY! ~ At every event or meeting you have to salute and cheer to a giant picture of L. Ron Hubbard to acknowledge his genius in saving the planet. You must do this or you are immediately under suspicion of being ‘disaffected’ and not part of the group, which means you need investigating and probable punishment until your attitude reverts to the right one. During events, you will do this while giving his portrait or bust a standing ovation that goes on forever, and you will clap so hard you will lose feeling
in your hands.
What’s his IAS status? ~ How much had he been coerced to donate to scientology’s war chest (straight donation, no service is exchanged other than public stroking and being awarded a trophy or medal) which is equated to his importance to scientology.
He‘s an IAS patron, he’s a cornerstone, and to be protected ~ This person has donated so much money to scientology’s war chest, he is not subject to the normal punishments for crimes and misdemeanors any longer.
We would rather have you dead than incapable ~ If you can’t do something, achieve what we want you to do – you’re better off dead, and we’d prefer that. Maybe next lifetime you’ll be more effective. Do better, or go off yourself and get out of our way. No excuses.
That doesn’t indicate to me ~ That doesn’t sound or feel right to me, therefore it is probably wrong. What you are saying is wrong because it doesn’t seem right to me. If you are trying to convince me of
something that I know is wrong, then you are actively trying to undermine my ability to have my own opinions.
You have bad indicators ~ This is a criticism or accusation. I don’t like how you look or you are exhibiting an expression that tells me you are hiding something. Which also means that you probably have done something wrong. It’s controlling emotions & behavior by intimidating and focusing attention on how a person presents themselves.
Your indicators are out/ I’ve noticed you are BI’s/bad indicators lately. What is going on with you? ~ You’re not smiling and looking enthusiastic. This shows that something is wrong with you that you need to explain, which will usually lead to ethics handlings since all roads lead to overts and withholds (misdeeds). For this reason, over time you learn to display “good indicators”, i.e. look happy and cheerful and hide your true emotions.
Stop individuating! ~ Stop thinking for yourself! Stop pulling away from the group and being independent. Individuals in scientology have no worth, only as they relate to the group. Very similar to being “borg” you are supposed to be a hive mind doing nothing but scientology. Wanting to spend time alone, have some me time, do things outside the immediate group? You are individuating.
Don‘t ask me. It’s your integrity ~ You have to find the answers yourself and they had better be the right ones per scientology. Many scientology tools are provided to influence you in what choices to make at every fork in the road, but all paths lead to the greatest good for scientology. Examples are Keeping Scientology Working, Code of Honor, Code of a Sea Org Member, Auditors Code, Credo of a Scientologists, Way to Happiness etc.
You violated your integrity, KSW, code of honor, code of a Scientologist AND the way to happiness! Get to fucking ethics man! ~ You have done something so horrible that you must go to Ethics and confess all so you can be reprogrammed and punished.
Stop being interesting ~ Stop trying to get attention or make people interested in you. “That dress is too tight. What are you trying to do, restimulate guys? Stop being interesting!” This means you look nice and people are noticing you. This is not okay. You need to blend in and not be a distraction.
Awww, did I invalidate you? You poor thing! ~ A slight, meaning did you get your poor little feelings hurt?! With sarcasm: “Waaaah. Stop being a little baby, get your confront up and stop needing validation or approval from others.”
Stop invalidating me ~ Stop making me feel bad, wrong, discrediting me, denying me an opportunity or a belief. To say someone is “invalidating you” is to say they are denying your perception and is seen as a crime. For example Hubbard teaches parents that they are “invalidating” their children if they don’t let them stay “in exchange” and work for scientology, (which leads to child labor and trafficking) as it obviously something all scientology children want to do.
That’s not my item ~ That is not the right thing for me! You are telling me something is a certain way when it is not.
That’s a justification ~ That’s just an excuse for something you have done that was wrong. Don’t make excuses, never defend yourself. Just take responsibility and fix it.
I’m totally keyed in ~ I’m really upset and per scientology, it is not actually from something in the present but something from the past that has been triggered. It means my “reactive mind” has taken over, and the only solution is to have some scientology auditing.
Stop being “know best” ~ Stop being a know it all/smarty-pants or having a quick answer. Being too certain, especially to an adult would get you in trouble and labeled “know best”.
You are so out KSW/Keeping scientology Working~ KSW Stands for Keeping scientology Working. This is a policy letter (text) that is required reading material in almost every scientology course, to be read each time someone starts a new course. It is an outline of how scientology plans to destroy other belief systems. Scientologists interpret this policy letter as Hubbard’s directions for the continued prosperity of scientology. If you are not doing everything possible to protect and further scientology AT ALL COSTS which can include lying, cheating, stealing, exploiting, manipulating, threatening if necessary, and dedicating every ounce of energy and every minute to pursuing and pushing scientology and your group, then you are “out KSW”, and in big trouble.
Laughter is the rejection of reality ~ Hubbard said that a response of laughter meant you were rejecting something or avoiding confronting something. So this can be used as a slight to say you don’t have good “confront”.
What would Hubbard do? ~ What would Hubbard do in this situation? The answer to everything is in his policies so go and find it there and do as he would do. This is the ‘go to’ answer for any problem.
You better make it go right ~ You must find a way to succeed, no matter what, or else. As a child, this creates much anxiety and pressure. This also causes creative solutions such as lying, cheating, stealing, falsifying things to be perceived to succeed or achieve some measurable assigned thing. This saying infers that if you fail it is your fault, period, no excuses. If you succeed you are congratulated and feel empowered, but if you fail you are at fault and to blame.
Not everyone will make it this lifetime ~ Some degraded people will never be able to “get up the Bridge” of scientology in their life, no matter what they do. You shouldn’t care about them or be distracted by them. This often includes your non scientology family and friends. Just accept some won’t make it and get back to scientology.
You are so “make-wrongy”. Knock off the “make wrong” ~ You are complaining and blaming other people when in fact you are the problem. It’s a way of shutting down disagreement.
Get your manners in ~ Said by a parent or anyone senior in rank to you. Show me respect, don’t argue, disagree with or question me!
You are falling for the mest trap ~ You are too concerned with physical things (health, money, survival). Your spiritual eternity is more important than that.
His space is so en-mested. ~ Stuff everywhere, cluttered.
Maybe some mest work will help ~ This is a threat of assigning you to hard labor that will help you get back on track, see the light, and error of your ways, or simply work harder. Behavior modification.
You are so mest-y/ stop needing mest ~ You have or want nice things, or even just need things in general like clothes, shoes, a car, etc. You shouldn’t need things to be happy, you should only need scientology. You are focusing on your stuff too much, not enough on the group. Stop being selfish and self-centered and get back to doing what you should be doing for the group. The group is everything, you are nothing. For example – “Don’t even think of buying that new bike, your old one is good enough and you need to put all your resources into scientology.”
You’re being misemotional ~ You are displaying unacceptable emotions such as distress, upset, crying, anger and so on. It doesn’t matter what the causes of those feelings are, they are unacceptable outside of “an auditing session”, so stop it.
You have missing data ~ The reason behind a misunderstood word, or crime, or that something doesn’t make sense to you is because there is something you don’t know, some information you are missing, but once we fill you in or re-educate you, all will make sense again.
Stop mocking up problems ~ used to tell you that you are just making up problems that don’t exist, that whatever you are worried about is not valid and you are inventing it.
You are full of motivators ~ A motivator is a nasty consequence that one “pulls in” as a result of having prior overts (crimes), undisclosed naughty acts. In other words, anything that happens to you is your own fault; you deserve it.
You’re just motivating ~ You are blaming others or complaining because you have committed crimes and you are acting misemotional. You are making excuses for why you did a bad thing, and why you felt motivated to do it , as if that justifies it. It does not, you are always wrong.
That’s quite a mystery sandwich ~ Preoccupying someone by creating a mystery that they can’t resist. To keep a person on the scientology path, feed him a “mystery sandwich”. Per Hubbard, “two pieces of bread, one of which represents the body, and one of which represents the thetan [soul], and the two pieces of bread are pulled together by a mystery. They are kept together by a volition to know the mystery. The only way anybody gets stuck to anything is by a mystery sandwich.
I heard he was nattering ~ He is being critical (negative) to others. Per Hubbard this means he has hidden crimes. You should disregard anything he says. If your friend told you she was upset about an older man touching her in a way that made her uncomfortable or that hurt, you should disregard her complaints
since they’re only a symptom of her own misdeeds. The right thing to do is write a report on her immediately so she can be handled.
That’s natter/Stop being nattery! ~ Stop speaking critically! Natter means to say negative things or and is said to be caused by going past misunderstood words and having undisclosed bad acts, and can thus lead to wanting to leave. example “If you don’t stop Nattering, you’re going to the RPF! (reprogramming)”. If something bad does happen that you need to speak about, your only option would be to write a report on it. Verbalizing it to anyone beyond the ethics officer indicates you are the one in the wrong. For example, “ Mom, Mr. Smith hit Billy in class today when he wouldn’t sit down”. Mom, “Honey, that sounds
like natter, did you write a chit? What subject did you study in class today? Maybe we should spot check it. Is there anything you’ve done to Mr. Smith that you don’t want him to find out?” So more gaslighting and victim-blaming.
You better do it again in a new unit of time! ~ You didn’t succeed so you should start again as though it is the first time. Try again.
See you next lifetime ~ Something said to someone not dedicated enough or who wants to leave or is leaving, or who doesn’t accept scientology. It means you will not make it, I will not see you again this lifetime, you are no longer important. Parents will even say this to their children.
You can do/be/have that next lifetime ~ Anything else that has your focus can be done later after the “planet is cleared”. Raised to believe you will have many lifetimes, you should sacrifice this one for the greater good of mankind, and not be selfish just doing whatever you want to. This is used to bargain with you and shame you into joining the Sea Org or doing your next service. You can be a ballerina/policeman/doctor next lifetime. You can get married or have kids next lifetime.
Stop being non sequitur ~ Making a statement or giving a reply that doesn’t follow logically from the previous statement, even if it does to you. You’re accused of not making sense. For example, if you are a child randomly speaking like a child you will be redirected to speak like an adult and to get back on topic and serious. Magical chipmunks and fluttering butterflies are not worthy of conversation.
Just use your obnosis ~ Observe the obvious. In scientology you are told that non-Scientologists are inherently emotionally, mentally and spiritually ill, and therefore cannot see what is clearly available to Scientologists. Only exclusive counseling and training courses will increase intelligence thus allow you to improve your obnosis.
That’s off purpose ~ That’s not in alignment with scientology or furthering the purpose of scientology to “clear the planet”. Anything you want to do that is not helping scientology is not ok. Going to school, traveling, hobbies, time with non-scientology family, etc.
He’s an opinion leader, use velvet gloves ~ People listen to him, or he is a VIP, or celebrity so he can basically get away with things normal Scientologists or Sea Org members wouldn’t dream of getting away with. He is not to be offended but is to be utilized to influence/control others.
Stop being “other intentioned” ~ Stop thinking about yourself or about anything that doesn’t align with Hubbard policies. Eg. “You care more about going to a party with your friends than going on course, so you are allowing them to take you away from the only thing that will really help you in life (scientology). That’s other intentioned!”
That’s other practices ~ Anything other than scientology that in any way offers help or healing. Don’t think about astrology, yoga, psychology, medical research or anything other than scientology. All are useless and a distraction.
Wrong order of magnitude. ~ Wrong priority. You are focusing on the wrong thing. For example, it’s much more important to study every night than go to visit a friend, or go to a party.
You’re out exchange. Get your exchange in ~ You’re not giving back or contributing enough. Contribute more, i.e. don’t accept more from anyone than you give them. This leads to child labor to earn to support oneself at a very young age. Children often are expected to buy their own toys, clothes, food, etc
Quit being out PR (Public Relations) ~ You’re doing something that makes the organization look bad and you need to stop it immediately. You must never make scientology look bad in any way.
That’s out reality ~ Something that is outside of what Scientologists have agreed is correct or normal. For example if you are trying to explain scientology to outsiders, or the Sea Org to the public, even your own family, you are instructed not to say anything to them that they can’t accept. This results in not telling them about your actual truth, and even lying about it to protect them from getting upset or overwhelmed by it, and therefore possibly causing problems. It would be “out reality” to describe the long working
hours, the expectations, the hardships, the concepts of reincarnation and so on. So it is glossed over or omitted in order to be acceptable.
Outflow equals inflow ~ When you give something, you get something in return. Like believing if you give away your money to scientology, you’ll get something back. Or being used for slave labor as a child to do work for scientology, that you’ll get something great back as a result. A false hope that is given to make one do what you want because you’re made to believe something good will come back to you, so a manipulation to exploit you.
Too many outpoints ~ Means too many things that don’t make sense, things that sound illogical or that are inappropriate. Example: “your confession is full of out points” would mean that whatever crime you confessed to them still does not make sense, you are trying to cover something up.
He always tries to overwhelm me ~ He is deliberately trying to overpower me and make me feel bad. Too much of something, work duties, emotions, etc that are beyond the acceptable emotional range in scientology.
What was your postulate? ~ What did you decide to make happen with your thoughts that you wanted to manifest in the physical realm? What did you wish for? It’s kind of a prayer to yourself when you want a certain outcome, as if you can will it into existence if you try hard enough, and use your “theta intention” (magical thinking). Example: “Wow I found a parking lot right up front! Postulates sure do work!” or “I got an A on the test, just as I postulated!”
Snap into/Get into/Come up to PT. ( present time) ~ You are obviously stuck in something that happened in the past, and it should have no influence on you right now. Don’t be stuck in the past or the future, be here now only. Get over it. For example; you are ruminating over some slight or thing that happened the day before. ” Mom, I still don’t think it was fair that Billy got to go to the circus and I didn’t” to which she would reply, “Get into PT. We already handled that”, which means, I don’t wanna talk about that anymore, move on.
Earth is just a prison planet ~ We are here to save this planet, it was designed for the criminals and artists who are the dregs of society. We (scientology) are superior and have the only answer. Used to recruit and bring about dissociation from normal society.
Don‘t give me your problem. What’s your solution? ~ Never present your problem to another. It is your problem and you must find the answer to it. And it’s probably because you are stupid or doing something wrong that you have a problem in the first place.
Handle your PTP’s/present time problems ~ Handle your problem. Basically, don’t feel or have emotions or problems. Just handle the emotion and the problem so it doesn’t affect others. Often this doesn’t mean you actually get to resolve the problem, but you decide that you did, so you don’t have to be distracted by
it any longer, and can get back to scientology. For example, if your problem is that you never get to see your mom since you’ve joined the Sea Org, and you miss her, you should realize that she isn’t a priority and that you are doing the greatest good where you are and can’t afford to be distracted. This divides families and erodes the bonds, and causes children to become detached and even develop attachment disorders. But they must realize, decide and act as if they have handled their problem, at least visibly, and stop
talking about it.
Stop being a problem ~ Whatever it is that you want from me, help, attention, love, etc, you are just being a problem and distraction to me so go away and solve it yourself, stop making waves or complaining. For example, “I don’t wanna go on course this Summer while you do your OT Levels. I wanna go to Summer Camp with my friends, why can’t I?” and the reply would be, “I told you I don’t want you hanging out with wogs and DB’s (degraded beings). Stop being a problem!”
Stop propitiating ~ Stop appeasing people, being a people pleaser or wanting approval. It means you are weak and ‘low toned’.
That’s not pro-survival ~ That’s not in your best interest (per scientology). This could not mean not taking care of yourself even if you don’t have the means to do so, but could also be not joining the sea org. It’s used to tell you you are making the wrong choice, usually when it doesn’t align with the scientology agenda.
How did you pull that in? ~ You’ve committed a crime that made something bad happen to you. Like a vacuum, or cause and effect. Every single time, no exceptions. “How did you cause so and so to hit you, take your doll, trip you, lie to you, insult you?” You will learn over time not to tell people when bad things happen to you, because it will always result in being made to confess even invent misdeeds if necessary and then take responsibility for whatever was done to you. “Get your confront up or TR’s in”. Nothing wrong but you.
You pulled it in ~ Whatever has happened is totally your fault. You made it happen because of something you have done wrong, it’s like a self-inflicted punishment.
Knock off the Q&A/question and answer ~ Stop asking questions, hesitating or needing a better understanding of something, just do it.
There is way too much randomity in her space ~ There is chaos around her and this is caused by her inability to create order.
Do some reach and withdraw ~ If you have trouble with something you should alternate “being able to have it” , and then “ being able to not have it” until you feel more comfortable. This was simply confusing and stupid.
Here is your r-factor (Reality Factor) Get your stats up OR ELSE! ~ A “reality factor” is giving someone an explanation or reason behind something, or reason they must do something so that they understand it better. Often though it’s simply a threat, this is how it is, period. “If you don’t work harder and get better statistics, you are in trouble.”
Don‘t you want perfect recall? ~ Supposedly using scientology you should be able to go back and grab any of the trillions of incidents on one’s time track (past, including past lives). Hubbard believed he’d lived for quadrillions of years. He also believed that with a little auditing he could remember it all, and so could you. All the auditor has to do is ask your “file clerk” (mental secretary) to dial it up, and bam, there it is, or
if not it must be occluded by your crimes. Unfortunately, most can’t remember what they had for breakfast last week much less last life, so this means folks just have to imagine things instead and decide that they’re real, really.
What you resist you become ~ If there is something you don’t want to have anything to do with, or who you don’t want to be, and you really resist it, you will become that.
How have you taken responsibility for that? ~ If you complain, the first question is have YOU done anything about it personally. All things that affect you are your responsibility so the golden rule is always YOU accepting blame and handling the problem yourself. As a child, this would apply when you are harmed, injured, etc, by another. What did YOU do to pull it in? How have you handled it?
You’re just restimulated ~ You are just feeling upset because of something bad that happened in your past. Used to justify any bad feelings you have from being abused; this phrase allows them to make you feel like the abuse that is happening in present time that they are doing to you is simply a byproduct of the past.
Stop restimulating him ~ Stop upsetting or arousing him, or putting him into his ‘reactive mind’. This can be caused by something you are doing to him now, or something you did to him in past life and seeing you triggers him. Always fun to be accused of something from a prior life that can’t be proven or disproven, so there is no way to be innocent of it.
REWARDS are for upstats / we don’t reward downstats ~ You don’t deserve anything if your stats are down. This would include receiving gifts or simply going to the movies, on vacation, to a birthday party, or if Sea Org could mean a day off, a bonus, being able to attend an event. Constantly reinforcing that you should produce more. Always up from the week before, with no excuses.
He is so ridgy ~ Resistant. This is a slight used to describe people who are difficult to communicate with or who are disagreeable. It indicates something undesirable is beneath the surface causing them to push back.
You are just trying to be right / Stop trying to be right ~ You are trying to justify your actions even though you are wrong. You don’t really matter, your opinion certainly doesn’t matter, and your feelings for SURE don’t matter…unless of course, they ALL agree with policy and tech since all that matters is doing what Hubbard says, following policy, forwarding scientology and clearing the planet.
We are saving the planet. There is no group doing more good. This is your only chance at salvation.~ Nothing is more important than what we are doing, thereby we are the most important. Hubbard said this time around is our last chance to save civilization so we must ALL HELP NOW, or there will be no planet later. Hard sell pressure to redirect you to doing only scientology and furthering scientology.
scientology is the only game in the universe where everyone wins ~ This is simply a sales pitch redirecting your attention and loyalty to scientology. If you want to do anything else, that thing is compared to scientology (which is always the MOST important) so raising a family, going to college, becoming a doctor, helping with climate change, ending hunger, etc you are not playing the right game since none are as great a good as scientology.
scientology is the only safe environment ~ The world is SUPER dangerous and only Scientology can fix it, and to do this you must push the scientology agenda and follow Hubbard to the letter. Hubbard says” The
dangerous environment of the wog world, of injustice, war, bombs, etc will only persist and trouble us if we fail to spread our safe environment across the world. Only scientology tech and justice can make the environment safe. Like an auditing room, we must be able to work undisturbed by the madness at our doors. We can make safe islands by expanding and joining the orgs to bring peace and a safe
environment to all the world. It can be done and is happening. Push it by supporting policy, good tech, and justice.” This is simply more fear-mongering, black and white thinking, and reinforcing immersion and following blindly.
scientology is the sanest group on the planet ~ Because Hubbard claims Scientologists only goal is to rid the planet of insanity, war and crime, and in its place create a civilization in which sanity and peace exist, and to do so they must help individuals become free of their own individual aberrations and insanities
and, hence, regain their inherent goodness, this makes scientology and especially the sea org who do it full time, the ONLY sane group.
She’s having a secondary ~ She is crying or emotional because of an engram (earlier moment of pain) based on a loss or threat of loss. So the child who loses her mother to a car accident and cries uncontrollably, and can’t seem to get over, is said to be restimulated by a past upset, not the current one. Therefore if you “handle” (by scientology auditing) that earlier upset or incident, she will get over the current one, and get back to being happy and productive.
You’re not self-determined enough ~ This is a criticism that a person is still being influenced by things outside of scientology and is not 100% committed to following Hubbard above all and without question. Scientology defines this as “the condition of determining the actions of self; the ability to direct oneself”. Therefore something that is done “on one’s own determinism” would be caused by the person himself, not by a force exterior to him. However in practice, it really is used to call out those that are being influenced by things outside of scientology, since inside of scientology everything is scripted, and life’s greatest questions have already been answered by Hubbard. Do not think for yourself. We already have all the answers. All you need to do, MUST do, is accept, follow, obey, comply. Hubbard said “Self-determinism is
a state of being wherein the individual can or cannot be controlled by his environment according to his own choice.” creating the illusion that members are making choices. In practice though, in scientology there is only one choice: be controlled by scientology. Personal observation, judgment, evaluation, and resolve are secondary considerations. The polar opposite of self-determinism.
You have a “self-importance” button ~ You think you are important and you’re not. You are nothing. Only
Hubbard is important, so get back into line.
You are just ser-facing (Service Facsimile) ~ You are talking back in general, defending yourself because your bank (reactive mind) is controlling your thoughts to make you ‘right’ and others ‘wrong’’.
That’s a ser-fac & computation ~ “Service facsimiles” and computations are simply “fixed ideas” to make yourself right. In scientology. Hubbard devised a way to get you to admit that you have very strong FIXED IDEAS that you use to make yourself right and others wrong. When you are told that you are dramatizing “service facsimile and computations” it is a phrase to get you to control your behavior because you are not being submissive enough. Any time that you rebel against your “senior” [they use a master /slave system] the person you report to who is dominant to you to who you are called a junior), any time you say
“I’ve had enough, this is bullshit!” you are told that you are using your “fixed ideas” to make people in scientology wrong and yourself “right”. And just like that, they can cancel out whatever abusive behavior the “senior” is imposing on his “junior” and blame the person that is not acting submissive – introverting the person to make them believe that whatever they are experiencing is just because they have
“non-survival fixed ideas”.
Do you need another SRA/ severe reality adjustment? ~ The use of screaming and demeaning directly into someone’s face, usually by a superior, to get the person to do whatever is being demanded of them. Similar to that used by drill sergeants in boot camp. So close you can smell their coffee & cigarette breath, and get angry spittle on you.
That’s just shame, blame, and regret. ~ You’re just whining or feeling sorry for yourself. All of those emotions – shame, blame and regret – are unacceptable. Those are “reactive mind” conditions that you have allowed to take over your thinking. Just be “cause” again, take responsibility and stop moaning about the past.
What’s your/the shore story? ~ A lie told to cover up illegal activity or give a good PR (Public Relations)
facade to fool non-Scientologists. Your “shore story” about going to school is that you are being
‘homeschooled’ and is not the truth. The fact is that you haven’t attended school since you joined the Sea Org at 10 years old, and only study scientology now. Your “shore story” about your parent’s whereabouts is “they are away visiting a sick family member” and not the truth, which is that they live in California, not
here with you in Florida where you were sent on “mission” at 14 years old, and then were ordered to stay, so never went home.
Too much significance! ~ You are being too literal, you’re putting way too much importance on that. “I don’t need to know all the intricacies of how that box is constructed, every element of its size, weight and dimensions. Just put it together!”
SMILE and you’ll soon find something to smile about/ wax enthusiastic ~ Pretend everything is ok, in fact, pretend that it’s all great! “Your cat died? Well, think about not having to feed him every day. Now doesn’t that feel better?”
What’s your solution? ~ If you complain, or point out an outness, you are expected to solve it, basically making you take responsibility for it.
You are full of somatics ~ You have too many things physically wrong with you. Therefore there is something really wrong with you as a person that ONLY scientology can fix. LRH “discovered” the single source psychosomatic illness (not to mention all nightmares, unreasonable fears, upsets, insecurities etc) is the reactive mind. When the mind adversely affects the body, it is described as a psychosomatic condition. Psycho refers to “mind or soul” and somatic refers to “body.” Thus, psychosomatic illnesses are physical illnesses caused by the soul, which can only be “handled” with Scientology.
Consider the source~ Question what you are hearing and if it didn’t come from Hubbard or wasn’t in writing, or if it came from a wog or someone who is not in good standing, then it isn’t to be believed. This means outsiders, people in trouble, or disaffected people are not to be trusted. This makes you doubt
everything and everyone except Hubbard or policy, which is the intention. To instill mistrust and fear or people and information. “Mom, Suzie says her uncle John touched her in a bad way..isn’t that wrong?” Honey, sounds like Suzie who is always in ethics trouble, is nattering again, just typing to enturbulate others, meanwhile John is OT 7… so, please.. consider the source”.
Is that source/What’s your source/You are off-source ~Where are you getting that information from?
Does that come from Hubbard? If not then it won’t be correct. If not, you are not applying Hubbard’s policy and orders, which you must do at all times. L. Ron Hubbard is “source”!
I lost my stable datum ~I lost whatever was stable to me to operate in my life, so now I am confused and can’t operate. Something you believed in or counted on is gone.
Are you stalled on the bridge? ~ Are you doing any scientology services? If not then there is something wrong with you we need to fix. And it will be your fault.
Its SOP ~ It’s Standard Operating Procedure – don’t question it!
She succumbed to cancer ~ She “gave in” to cancer and did not heal herself as she should. Any illness is seen as being caused by the person themselves, whether it be by not dealing with ‘suppressive people’ around them (as they cause sickness) or because of crimes you committed in this or a past life. She caused and accepted the illness in some way.
Knock off the sympathy/You need some sympathy?! ~ Asking if you need sympathy is a slight or insult since sympathy is frowned on and low on the tone scale of human emotions, so not acceptable. We do not give sympathy because it reinforces the person exhibiting the low tone emotion and “sticks them there”. It makes a patient “want to be sick.” Feeling sorry for someone reinforces them being a victim, so the lesson is: do not have or show sympathy, empathy or compassion. Besides, they pulled in whatever happened to them and must take responsibility for it.
TAKE A WALK ~ You are upset about something and you shouldn’t be, so go and take a walk until you get over whatever unacceptable inappropriate negative emotions you are manifesting.
It takes as long as it takes. ~ This will go on as long as necessary. This can be an auditing procedure that feels way too long, but you are told you don’t get to decide when it ends, or an assignment to the RPF prison program where again you don’t get to decide when you are redeemed. Something unpleasant will continue until you are told it is over, you don’t get to decide. You are not in control.
THAT’S IT! ~ STOP RIGHT NOW! The end. Finish. Thought and behavior stopping command.
You’re being theetie-weetie/namby-pamby ~ you are a pushover, and have no confront of evil. Everything is sweetness and light which means you have a non confront, so what have you done that you are not willing to look at?
Be theta the solver ~ Don’t be, create, complain about, or be stopped by “problems”…simply solve them, no matter what they are. No matter what your issue is, the only acceptable solution is to solve it… no matter what… otherwise you’re just whining and making excuses.
He‘s so theta ~ OMG! He’s SO incredible! He makes me so happy and I LOVE being in his space! He’s the bee’s knees! He is only and always happy, positive, optimistic, smiling, no matter what.
Don’t you want to be a big thetan? ~ (controlling emotions, behavior and thoughts by thought stopping) a way to manipulate a child into doing what you want them to do, things like joining the sea org. A big thetan would be a person who is important, powerful, capable, fearless, etc. Example: “You’re a big being, aren’t you Susie? Big beings make things go right” inferring you can do anything you want, overcome any obstacle, no matter your age and circumstances. And if you can’t you’re not being a ”big being” so are at fault.
You are a thetan in a small body/big being in a little body ~ The worst concept for children in scientology. A child is not a child and expected to act and react like an adult, no matter their age. This opens the door to abuses like neglect, exploitation, labor trafficking, rape & molestation, homelessness, etc. It causes parents not to parent you and gives other adults permission to prey on you.
THINK for yourself! ~ But only think within the guidelines of scientology. And don’t disagree!
Only the tigers survive ~ You aren’t being tough enough. You are being tolerant or empathetic, and compassionate, which equals weakness. You will not make it unless you toughen up. Hubbard teaches in our tough universe “only the tigers survive — and even they have a hard time. We’ll survive because we are tough and dedicated. When we do instruct somebody properly he becomes more and more tiger”.
You must be tired, hungry or need your diaper changed. Which is it? ~ The assumption per Hubbard is that these three things are all babies/children need. Love, time and attention are not included. This is insulting as a child and makes you feel ashamed and diminished as if you are being a baby by needing or wanting something. it can be used as a slight, i.e. you don’t want to do something and are disagreeing and maybe getting a bit testy so are asked if you need your diaper changed..even though you don’t wear diapers anymore.
Come up the tone scale ~ The Tone Scale is the only acceptable measure of emotions. So use your quantitative and emotional skills to locate and name the emotion you are feeling, and then bring yourself up to a higher, more acceptable one. If you are upset about anything it means to simply “become happy” about it and ignore your real emotions. This results in wearing masks so you display what’s acceptable only.
Grief & fear are low-toned ~ you are crying or afraid, so knock it off. It’s beneath you to behave this way.
Match their tone and then go half a point higher. ~ Work out where a person is on the Emotional Tone Scale, be at the exact same emotion as them and then go to an emotion a little higher up the scale and that will result in them coming up to your emotional level. For example, if a child is crying, if you can make them angry, this is a good thing as it is higher on the scale. A very twisted way of dealing with emotions.
Use tone 40 intention ~ . COMMAND it with all your will to achieve it. “Tone 40 intention” is a training routine to deliver “ intention without reservation or limit”. Whatever is needed to get something complied with is considered acceptable. This is usually in the form of yelling /screaming or using whatever force is needed, to get people to obey you. This includes getting children to comply, and can be a terrifying experience when an adult is forcing something to happen by aggressive behavior, language even being violent.
You can tone 40 this ~ The top of the emotional tone scale, seen as a godlike state of command and control of others. You are expected to make this happen just with your determined intention. In practice in the Sea Org, it means screaming until things get done.
You’re down tone ~ a slight or insult that you’re not happy enough based on the scale of human emotions aka “tone scale” and a reason you can be avoided, denied opportunities, or privileges. Do not be angry, upset, sad or show anything other than a happy face or you will be judged.
What’s true for you, is true for you! ~ This is a trick that infers that you get to choose in scientology, which is utterly false since all things are done per policy, or by orders based on policy and both must be followed to the letter. Hubbard directs and you choose to follow or be redirected, disciplined or leave. The only choice is to adopt his beliefs and comply…but they use the saying (among others like “be your own counsel” or “use self-determinism” etc ) to make members think they have free will or can actually choose for themselves in scientology.
Stop un-mocking my space! ~ Stop moving my things or dismantling my stuff. Could be used at home to correct anyone moving your cheese, or in Sea Org dorms are very close quarters, with no personal space allowed apart from your single mattress bunk bed space (bunks are at least 3 high, stacked to the ceiling, and as many as will fit into each room (often single occupancy hotel/motel rooms). Moving someone’s things would be un-mocking their space.
Stop creating unusual solutions ~ Stop thinking outside the box in trying to deal with something difficult. Do what the policy says. For example, the policy says you need to be on study, in the courseroom, five nights a week. Therefore your idea of just studying two nights a week at home and one weekend day in the courseroom is totally unacceptable and not per policy.
Your upset is equal to the amount of affinity lost ~The more you like a person the bigger your upset will be with them if you have an upset. The value and importance of a person to you equates how upset they can make you.
Her mom is up-lines ~ Her mother has gone to a higher (level) Organisation for either auditing, training or work. This could be temporary or permanent. She may not see her mother again for decades regardless of her age, needs, health etc. She may be offloaded (kicked out of the Sea Organization) as a child, escorted off of the property, and made homeless, and her mother may never know, since that would disrupt her production, and be entheta (negative). Alternatively, her mother may be notified via reports,
and either not care, since the child isn’t the greatest good, or have no way to help, since she is prevented from accessing her child, and her child isn’t considered her responsibility, or again is not the greatest good in Scientology’s eyes.
Wow, that’s so upstat of you! You are such an OT ~ You have gone above and beyond what is expected and are displaying qualities that come with “the advanced capabilities” you gain at the top end of scientology. Usually used to reinforce acceptable scientology behaviors or accomplishments. “You joined the Sea Org!? (signed a billion-year contract) You completed your Levels? (became an auditor) You became a Patron? (donated a gazillion dollars to the Scn war chest) You dead-agented an SP? (said bad things to diminish/handle someone critical of Scn) etc.
You’re stuck in a valence ~ having a personality or identity that is not actually yourself, or who we want and expect you to be and you are stuck in it. Personality traits teenagers often have, that don’t align with the group.
Get back in valence/you’re out valence ~ acting like someone you’re not i.e. Deciding to try to have your own identity, especially a non-scientology viewpoint. You are not being who we consider you should be. “Ever since Sally had to handle her unapproved pregnancy, she’s been out of valence.. she’s usually so at cause, but lately she’s just dramatizing being a victim.”
He’s such a victim ~ A very derogatory statement saying that they have made themselves helpless, useless, and weak. Example: “ Johnny’s mom died over a month ago, and he just can’t get over it despite auditing to handle he’s just dramatizing being a child, not eating, being griefy, refusing to go to post. He’s being such a victim. He’ll just end up in ethics. Oh well, I guess he’ll suffer until he cognites.”
Stop being a victim / You’re just dramatizing being a victim ~ being a victim is an indicator that a person is not taking personal responsibility. This would be blaming others for anything, or not taking full responsibility for everything in your life yourself. This is an insult and means you are not being “cause” over everything that happens to you, and/or are seeking sympathy, which is low toned and an unacceptable emotion. You are responsible for any hurt and pain you experience, you caused it, period. This includes being raped, hit by a car, getting cancer, or the company you work for filing for bankruptcy, etc.
He’s a VIP and just paid for his L’s ~ Anyone who pays a lot of money to scientology is a VIP and treated with kid gloves.
She’s got vital data ~ She has info we need or that needs to be protected. “ I dont care what you have to do to find Laura, she’s fucking blown, and she has vital data.. get her the FUCK back here NOW!!”
Did you take your vitamins today/Cal mag should handle that ~ Almost any physical complaint (apart from illness) ie tired, run-down, etc will be deflected by offering you vitamins or a mixture of calcium and magnesium. Illness or being accident-prone on the other hand would indicate you were PTS (connected to a bad person) which leads to interrogations and ethics handlings.
Very well done on not telling your parents ~ Your parents don’t need to know what we are doing/saying. They are not your terminals (people you speak to), we are. Your loyalty should be to us. Yes we are working very hard to recruit you for a service, we care about your eternal salvation and the future of this planet so we are your family now. Your parents are only your parents this lifetime and they don’t need to know what we are talking about. This would be said to you if you were Sea Org and your life would be out reality to your parents, so you had to keep it to yourself ie lack of schooling, work schedule, sexual abuse, justice actions, also when a child was being recruited despite the lack of his parents support. you would be told your parents were trying to hold you back, and so perhaps you would need to be emancipated from them etc.
The way out is the way through ~ If you’re suffering in any way the only way to get out of it is to “go through it”. This is used both in auditing and also anything “rough in your life”. You cannot quit, or leave, you must persevere. This is also used against you when struggling and wanting to leave the Sea Org a way to condition your mind that no matter what type of abuse you are experiencing, no matter how bad you feel about your current circumstances you must get yourself to get “rid” of your negative emotions and just continue a way to ignore the facts and numb your integrity.
Where are you now/in “present time”? ~ When you are complaining about something that has already happened, it is used to get you into the present by getting you to admit you are not in the past. This is thought stopping.
Are you having wins? ~ Are you making gains in scientology and improving yourself? If you’re not then there is something wrong with you. This question is temperature taking of how pliable and happy you are with scientology, to help determine if you are disaffected. If so you will be handled, usually with ethics, or if they don’t handle they can be isolated from others to prevent spread. Every time you complete a scientology course or process, you are required to write up your “Big Win”. Your achievement is announced publicly and you are expected to stand up in front of the group and recite what you learned or achieved, why it’s useful, and how it can be applied. For most, speaking to a group of near-strangers produces anxiety, but here, you are required to manufacture a list of “Wins” creates cognitive dissonance, and reinforces its value to you (and those watching/listening). By saying it all in public, you are forced to carry through regardless of what you may have thought before such as: “Oh god, I’m SO glad that god
damned process is over, what a nightmare”. After your public success story, you’ll be applauded and “love bombed” by the group. Everyone robotically affirms your win as a sign of acceptance into the group. You breathe a sigh of relief. You belong! Everyone here really gets me! These are indeed your friends. The trap is sprung, the door closes. Congratulations on your BIG WIN.
I am having so many wins! ~ I am having so many amazing realizations. This is what you must say to complete a process or course, to let others know you are benefitting from scientology so are not considered “no case gain” (a lost cause) or suppressive (evil) or out-ethics (the only reason scientology wouldn’t help you. Eventually, it becomes second nature to say these things, you don’t even have to think about it. It cannot be proven or disproven but is expected.
I would like to thank Hubbard for the tech, for all my wins. Three cheers. ~ I want to thank Hubbard as he is a god and everything good that happens is because of him. Let’s all stand up and give him three cheers!
That’s NOT the winning attitude. ~You are being negative. You are showing some kind of trouble in whatever it is you are trying to do and in scientology you should be able to do anything even if you are not educated or trained in whatever it is you are doing. It doesn’t matter if we will clap and cheer and clap and cheer until we can no longer feel our hands.
Stop being woggy ~ Stop acting and thinking like a non-Scientologist. They are a subspecies of humanity and have no idea of what life is about and the best way to do things.
Do you know what it’s like in the WOG world? ~ Wog is a general derogatory term for anyone not involved in scientology. The Wog world is everything and everyone outside of the organization. It is used to denigrate anything that is not under the control of scientology. This question is asked of those really in
the scientology bubble such as staff, or sea org or children at scientology schools where they have very little or no contact with the outside world. It’s meant to infer how dangerous and insane it is out there, and they should fear it, or avoid it.
If it isn’t written, it isn’t true/Where is that written? ~ If Hubbard didn’t write it then it’s not true. DON’T
you dare think for yourself as that is a high crime along with things like murder.
You are giving me a wrong indication ~ You are telling me something is in a certain way when it is not. And that is designed to confuse and hurt me.
WRONG TARGET ~ You’re blaming the wrong person…usually the next question would be “how did you pull that in” or “how have you taken responsibility for that?” so more redirection, victim-blaming, scapegoating, gaslighting.
Ethics – Justice
That’s 3rd party ~ if you complain or are negative about anyone or anything you are turning others against that person i.e. you are telling a third uninvolved person. This is controlling communication by
victim-blaming, since even if your complaint is legitimate, including abuse or crimes, you should not be speaking it. There is nowhere to go with it but to ethics, where you can submit a written report on the person but where your complaints are usually met with questions about how you pulled in whatever bad was done to you. #behavior #info #thought #emotion
You better figure out a good amends project as part of your ethics cycle ~
You have to make up the perceived ‘damage’, be this labor or money, to an equivalent or preferably much greater degree than the harm you caused. Example: “I want 40 hours of body routing, and he’s required to buy a complete set of basics, to be donated to the local library, plus a lifetime IAS membership. That’s his amends.” #behavior #info #thought
Don’t “go into agreement” with out-ethics ~ Don’t agree with a person who we have decided is in bad with scientology by agreeing with them or being nice to them in any way. Or you will also end up being in big trouble.
He’s an antisocial personality ~ He is negative about scientology which automatically makes him a Suppressive person which is someone you are not allowed to have any communication or connection with and someone who is pure evil. #behavior #thought #info
You wanna blow? Abandon your group? Again? How many lifetimes have you already done this? You’re giving up? Not tough enough? Poor you. You know what happens out there to kids like you? With no education? Where are you gonna go? Who’s gonna hire you? How will you live? You’ve got no one. You’ll end up flipping burgers. You’ll end up a criminal…a druggie, maybe even a prostitute. ~ These are all things that are said to children and adults who want to leave staff or the Sea Org, to shame and scare them.
I heard he blew ~ I heard he left suddenly and without permission and is, therefore, someone to be shunned. This is an acceptable sneering, a deprecatory label as if leaving scientology was not eminently sensible that frames those that leave as weak, deranged or criminal. Hubbard teaches if you “blow” you have crimes against scientology and may become its enemy. You are not supposed to talk about anyone who leaves, so this would be a whispered statement. Saying they “blew” from scientology to them does not mean “left” – which is what they actually did – it means that they had to flee because they were overwhelmed with guilt stemming from their transgressions (or “overts”).
My pain just blew! ~ The pain I had vanished because of scientology technology!
Prior to feeling blowy, what overt did you commit? ~ Before you wanted to leave something scientology related like a session or the Sea Org, what bad thing did you do that caused you to feel that way as the only reason you’d ever want to leave is something bad that you did.
That’s a blow phenomenon ~ per Hubbard “People leave because of their own overts and withholds (crimes). When a person accumulates enough overts and withholds against another or an area he will become critical and begin to find fault with that person or area. . . .which to him justifies a departure”. The only reason you would want to leave is that you have crimes. This is used against you when you want to
leave the Sea Org, Staff, scientology, a marriage, etc. “The group/relationship is not wrong, YOU ARE. You must tell us about your crimes. Once you do, you won’t want to leave anymore.” It’s a double bind.
When did you start feeling blowy??? ~ When did you feel like you wanted to leave anything scientology related? Because that means you did something bad. More than one thing and you are hiding it all. The only reason you want to leave is your crimes. To want to “blow” means that you want to leave scientology without the “proper permission” ; a blow is defined as “an unauthorized departure” ; you are never allowed to stop doing scientology or leave an organization unless you have clearance to “leave”. It’s a sick method of control, they criminalize you ever wanting to leave on your own volition so they can have full control over your life and they can basically prevent anyone from going to the police or non-scientology family as their biggest terror is that people will report on what they were doing to them. Scientology is organized to prevent and avert crises at all times and not allowing you to leave is part of how they keep you under their control at all times.
Borderline SP comments get heavy ethics and heavy amends! ~.Things you are saying are potentially evil or not with the party line so we are warning you to be careful and threatening to punish you with interrogations, and physical labor until you correct.
Find out if he makes case gain..dont forget SP’s don’t. ~ Investigate this trouble maker’s therapy folders, discipline folders and job statistics to see if his struggles are really signs that he is evil. LRH says “Suppressives don’t make case gain (improve via scn tech) sometimes they pretend but are held back by continuing overts”. If you struggle, cause trouble or don’t improve with scientology you might be evil. Making case gain is the way to avoid being cast out and shunned. Pretend scientology works on you or else there will be dire consequences, one of which is you might be abandoned by the group, including your scientology parents.
Anyone not coming clean; penalties will be doubled!!! ~ Admit whatever you’ve done wrong, or your punishment will be WAY worse. This is a forced confession, demanded regularly of individuals and of the whole group when things aren’t going well or stats are down. Often you will make up something so that you have something to offer, in hopes they will get off your back since the assumption is no one is really clean ever. Doubling the penalty for lollygaggers, of course, increases the pressure and helps expedite things. Since you know others will report you as well, it’s best just to confess, and for sure there is no point arguing if you’re being accused of something by an exec, even if you didn’t do it. Better to accept your licks and move along.
CLEAN HANDS make a happy life ~ Apply the Ethics policies exactly and you will have a happy life. Conversely, if you are unhappy, your hands are dirty so you have crimes.
Get your code of honor in man! ~ Hubbard knowing his success as a “religious leader” depended upon continued loyalty of his subjects, and knowing that programming could be disturbed if the unconscious control he commanded over Scientologists’ minds was disrupted by outside sources of affinity, so he taught Scientologists to dish out affinity, reality, and communication but to never expect it back: “Do not desire to be liked or admired.” Once they became convinced of the superiority of Hubbard’s doctrine through training and auditing, he could expect that they would identify their reality with his. “Never
compromise with your own reality” translates to: “Don’t listen or agree with anyone but me.” The same rule applies to “Do not give or receive communication unless you yourself desire it.” Scientology ethics handling often includes the order to write up your transgressions against this “Code of Honor.” “Code of Honor” violations are always evaluated against Hubbard’s ideals, but disguised as one’s own.
How many commendations do you have? ~ A Commendation is a written report for something done well, which is much rarer than negative reports since scientology is a snitching culture and you can be
punished for not reporting on others. A Commend is a positive document that can be weighed against the reports of crimes or problems. This question would be asked when you are in trouble to see if your good reports outweigh the bad ones.
That’s just contagion of aberration~ Aberration is anything that doesn’t line up with scientology tenets. When you get a group of people together, they will stimulate one another to do things that are wrong. For example if one person within a group of children does something against the rules, and then is copied by another, soon the whole group will be rebelling. They have all caught the disease of “aberration”!
CONTRARY FACTS and false reports – report to ethics! ~ You are saying something that doesn’t add up so we think you’re lying. You must now report to an enforcer who will interrogate and investigate you and then decide on your punishment.
You’re getting a Comm-Ev ~ Comm-Ev is short for Committee of Evidence. This is scientology’s version of a trial using their internal justice system, a court. During a Comm Ev, the accused is required to sit before a panel of Sea Org members who evaluate their “crimes”. If you are accused of misdeeds and ordered to stand before such a panel, you are said to be “Comm Ev’d”.
That’s a “Comm-Ev’able” offense ~ You have been accused of committing a serious scientology crime that is punishable by a justice action that requires a tribunal be formed to investigate, judge and then punish you. This creates the illusion of justice, is used as a threat used to keep members in line and punish them when they stray. The whole ordeal will be made public to shame you among your peers and instill still fear in them as well.
Your Comm-Ev findings and recs were approved ~ The investigation on you has been completed and
your punishment has been approved. As a side note, heavy pressure is also applied to the committee that is formed to investigate you and dole out punishment since Committee of Evidence members face being investigated and prosecuted by a Committee of Evidence themselves if the convening authority believes they were not aggressive enough in pursuit of the Committee of Evidence findings. So this means to punish others, or you will be punished.
He’s being com eved for musical chairs and qucksilvering ~
Do your conditions! What condition are you in? ~ A set of formulas to be applied to one’s life depending on the state of one’s life. In scientology, whether they know or acknowledge it, everyone is in a “condition”, which refers to the ten conditions Hubbard ascribed: Confusion, Treason, Doubt, Liability, Non-Existence, Emergency, Normal, Affluence and Power. Since these are totally subjective, asking someone what
‘condition’ they are in is used to make them look inward and always ask themselves what they did wrong.
For instance, if you are doing exceptionally well, you would apply the steps outlined in the condition of “affluence”. If you have done something bad, the org may require you to do a “treason” condition. There are specific formulas for each of these conditions. Lower conditions (those below “normal”) are frequently used as punishment.
Find out who you really are/that you are/where you are ~
Find out who your friends are ~ One of the brainwashing steps of Doubt where you have to basically say that anyone who is not supportive of scientology is not your friend and anyone who is is your friend and you need to name them.
He is assigned a condition of “Enemy” and issued a non-enturb order. ~ He is an enemy of the group and must not talk to or upset anyone else until he has worked through all the punishment. Anyone senior to you in the organization can assign you an “ethics condition”. If someone assigns you a “condition of enemy”, it means that you are in deep trouble and are excluded from all scientology activities and will have to do an immense amount of amends work and introspection to be allowed to participate and get back into good graces. A non-enturb order means a non-enturbulation order – which translates into a
gag-order. You are not allowed to talk with other Scientologists about anything that makes them (not you)
feel disturbs them.
He may only continue once he works his way up and through liability. ~ He can’t be part of the group until he has applied the Liability formula and has enough signatures on his plea and confession of crimes to be accepted back.
He’s in a condition of enemy/not to be trusted ~ He betrayed the group in some way so he will be considered to be a traitor to us until he proves himself. This will mean being excluded and shamed publicly.
She’s in affluence. How about you? ~ she is doing well as a Scientologist. Are you? This is a comparison used to shame and motivate you.
You are in lowers so no privileges ~ You are in treason with your group and a disgrace so you are not entitled to anything, including phone calls, movies, days off, etc.
You are in the condition of treason ~ You are assigned the Ethics condition of Treason because you have betrayed scientology by your actions. You are the scum of the earth and will be treated that way.
You need to get out of (the condition of ) “non-e”/ “non-existence” ~ You are in a condition of
non-existence where you don’t know what’s needed and wanted and you need to get out of that condition.
Your area is assigned a condition of emergency ~ Your whole division is assigned a condition of
Emergency for whatever slight. It doesn’t matter who caused the ‘emergency’, you will all be punished.
You’d better apply the correct condition ~ do the right steps of the Hubbard conditions to be a good person and in alignment with scientology.
You’re assigned a condition of confusion ~ This is the lowest of the Ethics Conditions. It means your
mind and life are in the worst state possible, especially if you are confused about wanting to remain in the
Sea Org or scientology…you must be really fucked up.
Get out of my fucking sight until you handle your non-confront on your out ethics! ~ I don’t want to see you until you admit to or agree to whatever I’m accusing you of. You are being blamed for something but simply can’t see it so are denying it. This leads to being punished for things you shouldn’t be and marginalized until you acquiesce. You will admit what we say, do as we say, and believe what we say.
How have you made up the damage? ~ You have harmed someone or something. You need to make amends by doing (labor) or contributing (e.g. money) in a way that equals or exceeds the perceived damage done. Any slight even to yourself can be considered harmful to the group, so if you are suicidal and try to take your life you must make up the damage to the group for letting them down, if you get arrested you have affected the group too and lowered its status, if you leave scientology and speak out against your abuses, you have threatened and harmed your group so to be accepted back into the fold you must repair your harm to them. How have you proved yourself?
Next time you’ll be dead filed! ~ You are close to being totally and utterly dead to scientology. Your name and folders will be stamped DEAD and isolated away from others and no communication from you will be responded to. You will be a non-person. If you write a bad letter to scientology or Hubbard even as a kid, you can be deadfiled.
You are being “declared” ~ You are being assigned the label of a ‘Suppressive Person’ and are therefore
an enemy of scientology. This means you are not allowed contact with any Scientologist until you take the required steps to be accepted back, and until then are the scum of the earth. “Declares” are now kept confidential for fear of bad publicity, in earlier times a notice was posted so that people could see the
‘facts and reasons’ someone was not around anymore.
You’re disaffected ~ You’re not toeing the party line and doing everything exactly as scientology says. You are not fooled, are seeing through the bs, waking up and are talking back and being disagreeable about it. This means you have crimes and are also dangerous so you must be isolated so you don’t affect others.
Knock off your disaffection or you’ll get a non-enturb order!!!! ~This is a threat to stop being disagreeable or outspoken, and warning you that if you don’t you may receive a written order telling you that you are very close to being thrown out, and warning you that if you upset anyone else, or if the ethics officer receives any bad reports about you, you will be in serious trouble. This order will be posted publicly to shame you and you will be avoided.
Everyone you know will disconnect ~ If you go against scientology policy or are critical or question anything, you will be shunned totally and absolutely by every Scientologist. Family, friends, employers will never have anything to do with you again, ever.
Have you completely Disconnected? ~ Similar to shunning, disconnection is the long-held policy of the church to force any active member to completely cut all contact with any person that’s been declared a suppressive person. This applies even if the declared person is a spouse, son, daughter or parent. In current practice, anyone who does not comply with the disconnection policy will themselves be the victim of disconnection.
You better fucking duplicate me!! ~ to fully understand (in order to obey). Example: “You are Out-Ethics, Mr.! You need to do your Conditions! Do you duplicate me?”
Have you delivered an effective blow? ~ Part of the Doubt formula where you have to decide whose side you are on and do something that effectively hurts and stops the person or activity you have decided against. Most often it is a choice about whether to continue in scientology, so you would have to do something to hurt the enemies of scientology.
You better start being effective or you’re in Ethics trouble!~ Start getting things done, not complaining, producing without needing anything or anyone, and despite anyone else’s failures or you will be interrogated, investigated, and/or punished. Per LRH, “The Purpose of Ethics is TO REMOVE COUNTER INTENTIONS FROM THE ENVIRONMENT.”
That’s forwarding an enemy line ~ Whatever you are doing is supporting criticisms of scientology’s enemies even by just looking at it. This could be reading a magazine, or a book, or watching an expose on scientology . There are even Facebook posts from Scientologists saying, ‘Don’t forward an enemy line. ie Don’t click on anything.’ So Scientologists are taught and then willfully don’t look at these things because the church is telling them that these are ‘enemy lines,’. So don’t look at anything an ex-member aka “apostate” has to say. This means that Scientologists are constantly censored and self-censoring the
truth aka reality, which is why so much abuse simply repeats, and repeats.
Those are enemy lines, mister ~ Your thoughts or things you are saying are things that only an enemy of the group would say or think. Example: “Anything coming from the internet is void, it’s an enemy line.”
He‘s ethics bait ~ means that he is violating the “ethics rules” and therefore they can be validly investigated and punished, which means the person is “fair target” to be abused.
He has incredible ethics presence ~ He is very honest, has high integrity but also usually very intimidating and can be vicious if not obeyed. Do not cross him.
It’s probably due to an out-ethics sit on your third dynamic ~ Whatever your issue is or your complaining about is most likely due to you having crimes against your group and not vice versa. Example: you are complaining about not being able to have a life, get medical care, take a vacation, you most likely have done bad things to the Sea Org causing you to complain about the Sea Org.
She’s so fat! Clearly out ethics on her first dynamic. ~ She clearly is committing counter survival acts against her body because she’s in such bad shape and obese. This is body shaming, and can be done publicly to those who have physical health issues including being overweight, or having a physical disability.
I’m routing you to ethics ~ you are being sent to see an adult, without your parents present, who is most likely a stranger, behind a closed door, who will have a file on you (full of things others have said about you, whether you are producing, etc.) That he will read (but you cannot) he will interrogate you, and then gaslight you. He will say your explanations are justifications, and your complaints are caused by your own crimes, your exposing or blaming others is simply gossip and is a sign you have done bad things. He will order you to write up your transgressions, summarily judge you, make you figure out what “condition” you are in and apply it, and then punish you with an amends project so you can make up the damage to your group for whatever trivial thing got you sent to see him in the first place. You are considered an ‘ethics particle’ so others will avoid you. Most importantly this is behavior modification to keep you from
stepping out of line or complaining again and sets an example for others.
Report to ethics ~ You need to go to the Ethics Department to confess and be punished for your crimes. It’s time to up the ethics gradient! ~ All the ‘handlings’ done so far haven’t worked. Now we bring in the heavy punishment until they get the message and fall into line.
You are a/nothing but an ethics particle ~ You are always in trouble or being disciplined and punished. This label is used to marginalize you and does effectively keep your peers from associating with you.
He is an org ethics and tech particle ~ He is a person being risk assessed and/or being handled by ethics and is off-limits until complete.
You are going to need to m9 the ethics book~ M9 stands for method 9 word-clearing. It is used to enforce indoctrination of scientology written works. It’s a heavy-handed supervised reading out loud of material, in this case, Hubbard’s book: Introduction to scientology Ethics. As the person reads the material, the instructor stops the reader anytime they stumble, pause or mispronounce a word. They then make the reader go back and define every word in the passage out loud and have the reader look up any words they can’t confidently define. This continues until the person can recite the definition of every word, and read the section out loud flawlessly.
You are manifesting out-ethics indicators ~ the way you are acting or looking indicates that you have done something bad that you are hiding. You are showing negative emotions which equates to you having done something bad.
You did your ethics handling? What’s your viewpoint shift? ~ After being sent to Ethics and doing what you’re told, you are expected to have a new viewpoint that shows you were wrong and the group was right.
You have a fat ethics file ~ This is a sign that you have lots of reports and notes of ‘handlings’ for your crimes and failures (that are kept in folders), which means you are a person who needs to be watched.
You’re going to get in ethics trouble ~ Stop whatever it is that you are doing that doesn’t align with the group or you will be reported and ‘handled’.
Is it an ethics or auditing cycle? ~ Are you getting investigated & disciplined or are you getting enhancement/improvement?
Tech won’t go in because your ethics are out ~ This is a phrase that is used to control you saying that the “technology” of L Ron Hubbard won’t work on you if you have “out-ethics” and withholding secrets from scientology. You are made wrong and blamed for the failures of Hubbard’s technology not working if you are not 100% transparent with scientology and give up completely your rights for privacy. You are constantly made to question your own sanity as anything you do that is “negative” will be ultimately blamed on you not “being fully transparent” so you are always ashamed about being a “bad person” or
“out ethics” preventing the workability of Hubbards “technology” it’s never the fact that the technology of L Ron Hubbard is psychologically intrusive grossly manipulative and abusive – it is always you that is making it not work because you are out ethics. So this phrase is used to cancel out your life. So it’s not scientology’s failure, it’s you.
I heard he was declared AND expelled.~ He is not only suppressive (eveil) but he no longer exists to us. This is the way scientology publicly dispenses the existence of an ex-scientologist. scientology says “The most extreme penalty that can be leveled at a person is expulsion from the Church. This can occur when blatant actions intended to destroy scientology or Scientologists are committed, or when the person has clearly proven that he is no longer in agreement with and is actively opposing the Church’s goals. Such a person has demonstrated that he opposes what scientology stands for. By publicly announcing the person’s expulsion, Scientologists in good standing are alerted and can avoid being harmed by him until such time as his actions are more in accord with the group. The exclusion from scientology is the harshest judgment faced by any Scientologist for it effectively bars any further progress on the Bridge. Once expelled, the person must go his own way and sort out his life without further communication, assistance or guidance from the Church, which is extremely busy giving its help to those who honestly desire it. The expelled individual is no longer a part of scientology and its benefits are not his to enjoy, including access to scientology justice procedures, no matter what difficulties he encounters.
He’s Fair game ~ A person who has been declared a suppressive person or expelled from scientology is then fair game. This means they can be lied to and cheated with impunity from repercussions from the organization. From the perspective of the organization, the more harm you can do to them, the better. Apply the correct formula ~ Work out which Ethics formula applies to the situation and do it.
Have you read his goldenrod?~ This question is used to assert that someone has been declared suppressive/evil, and so should be shunned/avoided. It is scientology policy that all SP Declare orders are printed on a piece of goldenrod colored paper. In scientology, only ethics orders are printed on paper of
this color, so an SP Declare (see Declared), which is the most infamous kind of ethics order, is often referred to as “goldenrod”.
Up the gradient ~ Increase the pressure on whoever you are pushing to achieve something. Make them more uncomfortable, take away more privileges or freedoms, publicly shame them, withhold food and/or sleep. Whatever it takes. You are not responding to the Ethics that have been applied so far, so the punishment is going to get worse!
You need to handle your outness’s ~ you need to fix anything about yourself that doesn’t align with scientology. Be a good person, show no emotions, be on purpose and dedicated. Don’t be yourself, be a scientology zombie robot.
HCO BRING ORDER!! ~ This is shouted whenever a member needs to be controlled via restraint because they are about to escape, or are creating a PR flap in public. Staff within earshot will drop everything and come running. They will do whatever it takes to control the situation by tackling, physically restrain the person which often results in multiple people pushing/shoving/ holding down/ covering the mouth of, pinning them to the ground,
He is on HCO lines ~ he is in trouble and being “handled” by Ethics i.e. Disciplined/punished. Steer clear
of him, since once in ethics trouble you are to be avoided as if contagious. For example, a child who is too tired to study because they were made to work late into the night before on a rush “all hands” mailing project, is sent to HCO, Ethics department to be disciplined for failing to achieve the target AND get enough sleep so they could study. The expectation is you MUST make everything work, despite the demands being unrealistic, and the odds stacked against them. If you dont you will be disciplined in HCO. Supervisor: “Tommy, flunk for nodding off! Find your MU! Tommy: “But sir, I don’t have an MU, I just didn’t get much sleep last night…we had another all-nighter, and I wasn’t able to secure until 4 AM… Supervisor: “Flunk for being off schedule and not being studentable then. I’m sending you to HCO to figure out a handling. Get out of my course room!”
He clearly cant accept help. Let him go. ~
Scientology hasn’t fixed him, he continues to fail, suffer, struggle etc so you should stop trying to help him or be his friend.
You just need to hold your position in space.~
Advocate for yourself. Don’t be intimidated. If an adult screams obscenities at you or touches you in an inappropriate way, don’t react, just stand firm.
He’s just a wog, not a homo novis ~
Get honest and straight ~ admit to whatever you’re being accused of even if you disagree. Follow Hubbard’s Ethics policy as it’s being applied to you. Toe the line. Don’t do anything that Scientology doesn’t approve of. For example, admit it was you who really caused the argument about your bike, even though your big brother said he would punch you if you didn’t let him use it. If you were being honest and
straight you would admit that you pulled in getting punched by him due to something bad you did earlier. Trying to blame him is just an excuse to cover up your own misdeeds.
She’s on IJC/International Justice Chief lines ~ This person has been declared a Suppressive person and you can’t connect or communicate in any way with her. She can only contact the IJC
Your only terminal is the international justice chief ~ You can’t speak to ANY other scientologist until you do whatever we ask of you to rejoin the group.
You need to complete the interrog. ~ An interrogatory is something that is done to investigate and do a witch hunt to find out who is saying anything negative about whatever the subject is.
I heard he was under investigation ~ Steer clear of this person – they are being investigated! People being investigated can be contagious since if you sleep with dogs you may get fleas.
I heard he’s a Kha-Khan ~ someone who’s awarded lifetime protection for doing a service for scientology. Per Hubbard they get spared the death penalty ten times.This is used to excuse Scners who commit crimes, including but not limited to child & sex abuse. Anything, so long as they stay in favor. .
What does your knowingess tell you? ~
Use the intelligence you have gleaned from Scn & LRH to figure it out yourself. If you are wrong, or fail, it must not have been per policy or correct.
You better knock off the “HE&R” or I’ll have to slap a label on you ~ a threat to stop complaining about abuse, harm etc. Or you will be “declared’ something bad and everyone will have no choice but to avoid you.
You don’t want to be labeled, do you? ~ The threat of being “labelled” is a big one. If you are called
“suppressive” you are singled out from the group and shunned. You will lose your friends, family and
no-one will talk to you. For a child that is supremely terrifying. You can also be labeled “ethics bait”, “low toned”, “not in good standing”, a “freeloader”, “off purpose”, a “degraded being”, “an enturbulative source” etc, which are all labels indicating you have lost your way, and so will result in being marginalized by the group until you correct and comply.
The D/COI just informed me that you are to report directly to the MAA ~ A senior Sea Org Officer says you’re in trouble and need to report to the enforcer for interrogation and punishment. Do not ask questions, do not delay aka do not pass go, go directly to jail.
He’s just making nothing of you ~
He’s treating you like you don’t exist or matter. It’s on you to address this, but whatever you do you can’t react negatively to it, that would be poor confront. You should simply take responsibility for handling it.
Have you had your meter check? ~ A required weekly action done in the Sea Org where everyone has to line up and hold the cans while they are being stared at by one or more people and if their needle is dirty (jaggedy) they are accused of having hidden crimes and need to go write them up. You will be restricted until you write all your bad deeds and pass your O/W meter check with a floating needle.
He failed his meter check ~ He failed his lie detector test so he has crimes on whatever he was asked about. In a state of emergency, the Ethics Officer may at any time call in any number of staff members and do an Ethics E-Meter check. This consists of setting the meter up, sensitivity 16, and handing the cans to the staff member taking the check. No question is asked of the staff member, and the staff member is not informed of the reads. The Ethics Officer records the position of the tonearm and the condition of the needle and that is all. The entire check takes no more than 5–15 seconds. If you fail this check you will be interrogated and punished, and no additional evidence is required beyond the needle reads to establish your guilt because per Hubbard, “the meter doesn’t lie”.
Put her on the meter and get to the bottom of your her out ethics ~ You are going to be put on the meter, in a closed-door room and interrogated until we find out the bad things you are hiding.
Doing yoga & acupuncture is open-minded and mixing practices! ~If you believe in anything but scientology you are a potential trouble source and need to be “handled” with ethics as it’s not acceptable to believe or practice anything but scientology.
They are all mutual out ruds ~ (Pronounced “rudes”.) This means two or more people are upset in a similar way with the group of scientology. Because these people agree with each other, it reinforces the problem. It’s a way of dismissing a valid objection and labeling people as Ethics trouble.
You’re in non-compliance ~ You didn’t follow an order or achieve an assigned target. You are now in ethics trouble and will be punished. “Hey Derek, flunk for non – compliance. Report to ethics… and of course your leave has been cancelled.. clearly you don’t deserve to visit your family.”
You are in total non-confront/”not-ising” your out ethics ~ You have committed crimes that you are not facing and pretending didn’t happen. Example: “Your non-confront created this mess!” meaning you didn’t address something you should and as a result, something negative happened. You skipped school because a bully was threatening you, and then the truant officer reported your parents. None of this would’ve happened if you had 2 way-commed with the bully and handled whatever you did to pull it in. Or in the Sea Org, you decided to be nice to your junior when she didn’t call you sir as she should have, and
you didn’t face rip her for the out etiquette, which is now your crime. She then felt empowered and familiar and back flashed to the Captain at muster, causing a huge flap, which is all your fault, for not confronting her on the spot and handling whatever out ethics made you fail to discipline her.
Do you realize a non-enturb order makes you one hair length away from being a declared SP? ~ You are under a non-enturbulation order which is a disciplinary action, warning you and all others that you are a source of upset and trouble and if you upset one more person you could be declared suppressive. This would be posted publicly, and would usually trigger being reported by anyone you look the wrong way at. It is meant to silence you, and strike fear in you.
She’s off the rails ~ She’s doing bad things or acting out, and isn’t under control, making her a danger to others. She needs to be handled or isolated so she doesn’t affect other people. “Jane thinks it’s ok to refuse to write up knowledge reports, that means she’s not helping get ethics in on the planet. She obviously has no confront of evil, and must have similar overts. So that makes her off the rails and until she’s had an ethics handling she’s off limits.”….”But she’s my best friend”… “Well you better decide who your true friends are, because she might not make it.”
He‘s open-minded aka pts type h ~ this is a slight meaning someone isn’t 100% in alignment with or invested in scientology. If you have another religion or belief system you are clinging to besides Scientology, (so another loyalty) it’s a conflict of interest and threatens your commitment to scientology. .
You sound open-minded ~ You don’t sound indoctrinated enough. It is a crime in scientology to not accept Hubbard’s policies and doctrine exactly and FULLY. There is no room for questioning anything, and you are not allowed to think beyond the boundaries. “Don’t tell me your star sign rubbish is true, its “other practices” Mary. We all know scientology has all the answers, and nothing else does so stop being so open minded”
He has an out qual to go uplines ~ He committed a crime or did something that means you no longer measure up for some activity or has some outness – physical or mental or not trained or qualified in some way that prevents him from going to a more senior position.
That’s just the overt motivator sequence ~ That’s just what happens when a confusion leads to a sin, resulting in wanting to leave the scene, or attack it. Per LRH, the sequence goes: “1. A misunderstood word. 2. A non-comprehend. 3. A belief that it is OK to commit an overt. 4. The commission of the overt.
- The withhold of the overt. 6. A blow — an attack or a withdrawal. This can be big or small.” This will be used against you when you want to leave scientology/ist or the sea org, or act against scientology/ist or the sea org.
Do you have similar overts of your own? ~ Since you are critical of someone, have you done something similar to what they have done? You basically can’t complain about anyone because if you do you’re the one who has done something bad to them or similar to them.
Write up your OW’s/overts & withholds ~ write up all your secrets, anything you are hiding, anything you feel ashamed of, anything you have done that could be used against you. This will mean spending hours, days, sometimes while in a locked room, writing down real or perceived misdeeds until you are told you
have written enough. This often leads to writing things you didn’t do, but make up to please, so it can be over, and you can get back to normal.
You definitely have OW’s (overts & withholds/crimes) in the area ~ Areas you have trouble with equal areas you have misdeeds around. Do you have trouble with boys? What have YOU DONE to boys? The car keeps breaking down? How have you been irresponsible about cars? Another way to place blame on an individual for everything that goes wrong in their life.
She hasn’t f/ned her weekly o/w (overts & withholds) write up ~ She’s written down her required weekly list of all her transgressions but when we interrogate her on the meter about them, her needle doesn’t float which means she has more she’s not disclosing. This means she needs to be pressed until she tells us all.
I’m not signing his Liability formula/petition ~ When you are in a ‘lower condition’, after you’ve done the mental gymnastics to figure out all your flaws & failures, and have done your amends project to make up the damage, you have to write it all up in a petition, and request permission of each group member to rejoin the group, and only by majority. Saying you won’t sign a petition usually means a person wants something done for them first, ie: Joe: “ Will you sign my liability? Tom: “I’ll sign your petition if you do my cleaning station for a week” etc. So its blackmail since so long as you are in the lower condition you have restricted privileges, often food rationing, additional work detail, plus everyone avoids you. No exception for children.
He‘s a plant ~ This person has been sent to infiltrate scientology secretly, to pretend to be a group member, obtain information he shouldn’t have to cause us problems. The paranoia ran deep with Hubbard and the Guardian’s Office, and also with David Miscavige. Instilling fear and having an enemy creates the “us against them” mentality and also helps promote tattling.
You’re sick – you must be PTS. ~ ANY illness of any kind is your fault or the fault of someone you are connected to who is trying to harm you and need to go to Ethics for help in identifying the cause of your illness. If you are sick you are a ‘potential trouble source’ and basically a lesser person for letting this happen. Even if you have a chronic hereditary disease, it’s because you “pulled it in”, probably from crimes in another lifetime.
You seem PTS~ you are being a trouble magnet. You are not toeing the line, you are sick or upset and so must be connected to someone bad, who is suppressive and affecting you negatively. Example: Cadet: “Sir, Suzie won’t be on post today, she’s sick again, this time food poisoning. The MLO sent her to ISO”. Senior: “Got it. Lately, she seems to have gone a bit PTS so once she’s out of ISO, get her straight to the MAA to pull strings, get her ethics in, and back producing.”
She’s open-minded pts type h ~ She is being labeled open minded and a potential trouble source for that, because she is open to other ideas and beliefs beyond just scientology. This is not allowed. It means she is not fully indoctrinated or dedicated enough to scientology. You are not qualified for scientology if you keep an open mind.You will be marginalized until you conform.
I heard she went type 3/PTS type 3 ~ She became psychotic, irrationally unstable and a danger to scientology. Handlings could be retraining them, keeping them out of sight and locking them up until they come through it, or simply abandoning them, depending on how much money they have or how connected they are.
That’s being/ you are pts to the middle class ~ You want things that outsiders (less evolved people) want ie clothes, a car, to go to college, to travel, to have a home…kind of like keeping up with the Joneses if the Joneses were inferior and they were somehow influencing you anyway, distracting you to want worldly possessions instead of being focused on getting up the Bridge and clearing the planet. You are being affected by the real world. In the cadet org, if you want a home, time with your parents, vacations, etc. it’s bad and you are being influenced to want these things by the outside world. The middle class is a lower class, so this is a slight.
You are a pretended pts full of evil purps ~ You are actively committing suppressive actions while pretending to be affected by the suppression of someone else to cover your tracks while you are busy making people around you feel bad. You are the one that needs to have your evil intentions (purps/purposes) found out with scientology. You named someone who is in good standing with scientology, as a person who is putting you down as a misdirection. A pretend PTS is someone who originates black PR (says bad things about another) to cover their own misdeeds.
You need to apply for re-entry ~ You have been exiled by the group because you did something wrong and now you need to gain permission to be part of the group again.
You just earned a chit! / I am gonna KR (Knowledge Report) you! /I’m writing you up ~ I am reporting you to Ethics in a written document that includes your transgression with all; time, place, form and event. I am reporting your “crimes” so they can deal with you/punish you because you didn’t toe the line. If I don’t report you and someone else does and mentions I was aware of your crime but failed to report it, then I will get into trouble too, so this is for your own good and to protect me as well. eg “I am going to KR you because you didn’t clean your dorm as you were told, there is no way I am getting into trouble for letting you get away with that!”
Did you write a KR/ knowledge report? ~Anything that is considered against the policies or best interests of scientology must be reported at once to the Ethics Department. Cadet: “Suzie wet her bed again last night. It really stinks.” Cadet coordinator: Did you KR her for out- hygiene so she can be handled?”
Report to the heads with a toothbrush ~ You are being punished for some imagined reason or some completely unrealistic target that you did not meet. Go to the toilets and clean them with a toothbrush.
I put it in a “things that shouldn’t be” report ~ I am reporting you to Ethics because there is something not right here. Used to spread gossip, report and get someone into trouble if you don’t like them. Snitch mentality.
He’s always “roller-coastering” ~ He regularly has ups and downs in life and is unstable despite auditing. This makes him undesirable and unreliable. Example: “She was doing really well after her auditing but
then she roller coastered, so I think there’s an SP somewhere on her lines.”
A little RPEC would probably bring back the good indicators.~
Repair of past ethics conditions. This is a repeat of Ethics conditions (victim blaming, gaslighting, punishment labeled as justice) to rub your face in it again. So you redo lower conditions that were done in the past that were the incorrect condition (not low enough), find the correct condition you should have been assigned and redo it in the present all the way up to normal.
I want him rolled back NOW! ~ You put the person on the meter. Find out what they said that was negative usually about an executive in the Sea Org or something going on that is wrong that you voiced, you then find out who told the person the negativity. Example; “The Sea Org schedule is abusive” auditor asks who did you hear that from. You says “Joe” so then Joe gets put on the meter to find out who he got it from and it goes back to the originator of the negativity. It doesn’t matter if it’s true.
He probably heard it on the rumor line. Find the source. ~ He’s repeating something he heard that’s been deemed to be in some way at odds with the party-line and I want to know EXACTLY who told him, and then EXACTLY who told that person, and so on until we reach patient zero so this can be handled
(resolved) or dead agented (squashed). It also means finding the person who originated the anti-party-line information (the “source”) so that they can be disciplined or excommunicated.
He needs a tailor-made sec check ~ There is a Sec Check that has been made that is tailored for the PC. These are all done at the beginning of the RPF and also in general. ”Mikey was just written up for being an entubulative source to his parents, again.. I want him in session today, and that sec check better include every fucking crime we know he’s committed, and then some. I want him on the cans until he’s squeaky clean, I don’t care how long it takes! I won’t have his bullshit on his parents lines again..they are fucking producers.”
This is an HCO (Hubbard Communications Office) sec check~ You are not getting processing which means nothing you tell me is priest-penitent protected and so will be reported as an ethics action. We will find out the bad things you did and it will all be reported and you’ll be handled accordingly.
You’re getting a Joburg/Sec check ~ A lengthy sexual and criminal “security checklist” (interrogation) that solicits felonies and is performed the meter, behind closed doors on adults and children who are staff or Sea Org. Known as the toughest scientology interrogation there is. Results are used as blackmail to keep you silent about the abuses you’ve experienced and witnessed.
You are a security risk ~ You’ve been assessed as a risk. You’ve done something or are connected to someone that will make scientology look bad so you’re going to go under 24 hours watch or be moved to a different location to “secure” you so that scientology doesn’t get in trouble. You don’t matter. scientology is more important than you. For example if a child runs away from a scientology school and
goes to the authorities, they are deemed a security risk as it will cause bad public relations and endanger the school by revealing what is really going on.
You’re in Treason for out-security, you didn’t shred it! ~ You have betrayed the group. This is really serious. You didn’t shred something so there is now evidence of something bad out there.
It’s just a source of upset that you need to handle~ You are bothered by something and just need to address it through scientology. You experienced a traumatic event, you are traumatized, and only scientology auditing or ethics can help you get beyond it by figuring out how you pulled it in (deserved it) , and can take responsibility for it. Example: Woman molests her son. It is a source of upset that he should handle if it bothers him. Not with his mother, but in session, until he gets over it/deadens it so he stops having any outward negative feelings about it.
Speed of particle flow alone determines power! ~
The faster you get things done the more powerful you are. This is used constantly to say you aren’t getting enough done, on post, on course, in life. DO MORE… FASTER!!!!
You have suppressive tendencies ~ You do some things that an enemy would do. This would be doing anything that could impede or harm scientology or a Scientologist. Anybody exposing or criticizing abusive practices of scientology is “guilty” of suppressive acts.
You’ve just been issued a probational SP/suppressive person declare ~ You have been declared a suppressive person in the Sea Org or at Int Base but you are too dangerous to be offloaded so will be RPFed or sent to the Hole and punished until you have done all of your A/E steps, then you will be
returned to post. This is an internal “declaration” as an enemy of sea org members that know too much to simply expel. They will be isolated, and punished until they redeem themselves.
He/she is an SP/suppressive person in a small body ~ they may be a baby or small child but they are also out to get you, suppress you, and cause you harm and should be treated as such. The moral is that even children are evil and can hurt you, and must be dealt with as you would an adult.
You might have an “SP”/ Suppressive Person” on your lines ~ If you have a problem or illness in your life it is probably due to someone else “suppressing” you. eg “Jane you have a cold, who have you been playing with? What did they say to you? Did they say anything to upset you or that I should know about?”
They’re suppressive/antagonistic ~ they are bad people. They are pure evil because they disagree with or are negative about scientology. “ I know he’s your grandfather honey, but he’s antago, and has been critical of us doing Scientology, so has overts. Until he can confront and handle his out ethics, he won’t be
allowed on our lines”
I heard he was squirreling ~ Squirreling is using an unauthorized version of scientology technology. This will get him expelled from scientology.
You’re under third party investigation ~ You have been implicated as a reason and cause for an upset between two other people by saying bad things to each person about the other.
Do you need a “too gruesome”? ~ This is a reference to a Hubbard Policy Letter that states “Make the penalties for non-compliance and false reports too gruesome to be faced and enforce them.”In other words, threaten something so bad you will do anything to avoid it.
She’s on baby watch/ being babysat ~ she went psychotic and has been taken to an isolated location to be dealt with by silence, not being spoken to, specific auditing and probably medication. In other words, she is nuts and we are hiding her in case it’s bad PR for scientology. It is never spoken about other than between the people involved, it is a confidential matter and must remain so. It’s literal kidnapping.
Put her on suicide watch ~ Anyone who self harms, admits to suicidal ideation or makes a suicidal gesture, will be isolated and placed under 24-hour guard/watch. They will be restricted to a room and escorted everywhere if they do travel. This is not to protect them, but certainly to control the immediate risk of any PR flap that could result if they successfully harmed themselves. Their behavior is referred to as “out ethics on the first dynamic” (self). They would not get medical care or be allowed to be treated by a professional, but once the crisis is over they would for sure get ethics handling for endangering and disrupting the group. If Sea Org and they only mentioned suicide or did minor self-harm such as cutting etc they may be sent to the RPF for discipline and correction, or if too great a risk they would be offloaded as aberrated, and a security risk. Once you have attempted suicide you are out qual for The Sea Org, and some upper auditing level, especially if delivered at upper orgs like the Flag Land Base. This is because you will always be labeled a suicide case, and a potential security risk, so as not to be trusted. At that point, you may as well commit suicide so you can come back in a new body in your next life and get back to going up the bridge.
You’re under watch ~ We do not trust you so you will be guarded 24/7, including while you sleep, bathe, eat, and work. You will not be allowed out of sight. Your interactions will be observed and reported. “You tried to sneak off base to see your dad, and natter about the Sea Org again? You’re on mest work until further notice and this time you’re under watch too. You’re not going anywhere, for as long as it takes for you to get your fucking ethics in, and no one is coming to rescue you. You better pull up your goddamn bootstraps.”
Find the why ~ Find the reason or person causing the problem. There is a cause behind every stat crash
or flap so things are investigated and the cause of it aka “the why” is named and then punished. Someone will always be a “head on a pike” and made a public display to keep others from doing what they did.
Sex & Relationships
Are you having a 2D with him? – Are you guys romantic/or having sex? In scientology the “2D” is the short, all-encompassing acronym for “Second dynamic” which is the generic phrase that has been repurposed to represent anything related to the subject of SEX, sexual conduct, sexual activities, anything related to “procreation”, marriage, and all things family and children. #behavior #sex abuse
He was RPFed for extreme out 2D ~ an adult having sex with a minor, pedophilia = extreme out 2d. He’s getting a Comm-Ev because it came up in a session that he has been involved in several instances of extreme out 2d. This is not reported to any authority and the child is not helped and most usually blamed for it. #sea org #behavior #info #sex abuse
He’s “aberrated on the 2D/needs his aberrations on the 2D handled/needs to raise his confront on the
2D” ~ all euphemisms for he is a rapist or pedophile. It is a way of covering up crimes by redefining them in scientology terms — and of course, scientology has the only solution to “handle the problem.” So crimes like these will be dismissed as simply needing to be addressed via scientology auditing (since Hubbard teaches that no-one or other treatment will help them, period). Children raised in scientology don’t even understand the term “rape” or “pedophilia” which keeps them deaf & blind (and defenseless) until of course they become auditors or receive Grade 2 and do the Joburg Sec check, when they’ll be exposed to ALL the sexual lingo you could ever want, including beastiality, sodomy, raping babies, etc.
#info #sex abuse
I heard they went out 2d ~ euphemism for doing heavy petting outside of marriage in the Sea Org, or cheating on a partner, or doing something sexually degrading. Age in this scenario doesn’t matter btw. In the sea org, child rape would be called extreme out 2d. #info #sex abuse
2D FORM Is there an earlier similar time you have done something sexually perverted with children?/False purpose rundown 2-d form~ This is an example from one of Hubbards False purpose rundown sec checks. This would have been asked of anyone on the RPF including children, or someone who was perverted and it was known about so they get put on the 2D form which is all about sex. This is done to “fix” their perversions and find their “evil purposes” and confusions that led to them being perverts. Nothing is reported to the authorities. Children could be the auditors too and in many cases on the RPF are. #info #sex abuse
I want to mock-up a 2d with you ~ I want to have a romantic/sexual relationship with you. Age isn’t a consideration here since we are all just spirits in bodies, kids are just in smaller bodies, but are equals spiritually. #sex abuse
Knock off your 2d flows /You are 2d flowing ~ Stop putting out sexual energy “flows” that cause the other person to be “restimulated” aka turned on by you. You can be accused of sending another person (including a child to an adult) sexual vibes that they cannot resist, and that they often are compelled to
act on or try to. You are then blamed for attracting this unwanted attention. Being accused of this as a child (even though a flow cannot be proven) enough times makes you “promiscuous”, even if no physical contact was made, much less sex, which is like having a scarlet letter pinned to you. You will be shamed
and excluded. Anytime a person tells you to “knock off your 2D flows” they mean that you need to stop “turning the other person on”. “Tracy was written up for 2D flowing again.. that’s the third time this month, this time it was a VIP. She needs a tailor made 2D sec check, NOW. I want her handled asap before this flaps.” #thought #behavior #sex abuse
You’d better handle your 2D ~ Depending on the context, it means “You need to fix your relationship with your partner/spouse/kids because it’s negatively impacting something else.” or “You need to find a boy/girlfriend”. #behavior
That’s just a (2D) sexual restim! ~You are just feeling affected by something sexual that happened in the past – even another lifetime. That doesn’t mean your current feelings are genuine or relevant. You may even be “restimulated” by a child. You will be interrogated on the subject of sex and family to find out why you are acting this way. #behavior #info #sex abuse
You are out ethics for mocking up a 2D with a public! ~ You have done wrong as a Sea Org member by having a romantic relationship with a non- Sea Org member and will be punished. If you consummate the relationship or do heavy petting you will be assigned to the RPF prison program. #staff #seaorg #behavior
#thought #emotion
You have to be married to have a 2D! ~ No Sexual relations of any kind outside marriage!! In the early days of scientology promiscuous behavior was rampant, this changed in the early 1980s to the opposite. To have any relationship it has to be within a formal marriage, and this led to many marriages at young ages and enforced marriages even when at an early stage of a relationship, and many subsequent divorces. #sea org #behavior #sex abuse
Abortion is the greatest good. It’s just a meat body. You can handle it in session. ~ You cannot have a baby in the sea org, and those that do have babies must leave. This, of course, would be abandoning your group and not the greatest good. So stop being selfish, terminate the pregnancy, and if it makes you sad, get some auditing. Besides, Ron says babies didn’t pick up the body until birth, so you’re not really hurting the thetan. You can always have a family next lifetime after we get the planet cleared. Go, team! #sea org
#behavior #sex assault
Are you getting my admiration flow? I really like you, can you tell? I’m sending you vibes like crazy. Again, this is ok between a child and an adult, age doesn’t matter because we are all spiritual beings just inhabiting different sized bodies.
We would make lovely babies together ~ A comment sometimes used by good looking recruiters in uniforms to entice young girls or boys to join the Sea Org, thinking they are starting a personal relationship. Aka Honey pot, flirty fishing, S method.
Just cut the comm line ~ Stop having anything to do with him/her. Just chop off the relationship, it doesn’t matter how important it is. Anyone disagrees with scientology or in the way of you doing scientology including your family? This is the remedy. Cut them off.
Stop dramatizing being promiscuous ~ Hubbard says “promiscuity inevitably and invariably indicates a sexual engram of great magnitude. Once that engram is removed, promiscuity can be expected to cease”. It is defined as “having sexual relations with many people” but in reality can include 2-D flowing (sending out a sexual vibe that attracts others to you) many people, even by a child. When an adult acts
on that desire/attraction they are considered to be “restimulated” by the child, and the child is blamed and disciplined. Hubbard says if sex is “misused or abused, carries with it heavy penalties and punishments: nature seems to have intended it that way also”. So there is much control and punishment around sex. Later he tried to distance himself from efforts to regulate sex of Scientologists (though not sea org members, whose restrictions and penalties became worse especially under David Miscavige) and said “It has never been any part of my plans to regulate or to attempt to regulate the private lives of individuals. Whenever this has occurred, it has not resulted in any improved conditions… Therefore all former rules, regulations, and policies relating to the sexual activities of Scientologists are canceled.”
Your fucking wife is disaffected. ~ Your wife is not being a good Scientologist and you have a serious problem with her. You either deal with it or you will have to separate and get a divorce.
Give him FPRD (False Purpose Rundown) on the second dynamic ~ Get him in session and have all of his bad deeds and his evil purposes found out on the subject of sex. Then he won’t go having inappropriate relationships.
NED totally handled his homosexuality ~ New Era Dianetics auditing made his homosexuality disappear. Homosexuality is low on the scale of human emotions per Hubbard who was homophobic so it is something that must be “fixed” for the person to be trusted and allowed to progress up the bridge to total freedom. They believe you can audit out gay’ ness so it is conversion therapy.
I heard they were heavy petting ~ erotic contact between two people (regardless of age) involving stimulation of the breasts or genitals but stopping short of intercourse. In the sea org, you must be married first or you will be sent to the prison program to be rehabilitated. #behavior #info #thought #sex abuse.
He’s on tour to avoid any more “gay flaps” at PAC (Pacific Area Command) ~ Scientologists are not supposed to be gay (of course they are but its very hush-hush) or if they do have homosexual urges they
are supposed to “handle” them through auditing (aka conversion therapy). Being openly gay especially if an auditor, an OT, or a Sea Org member would be highly unacceptable since it is considered a severe aberration. In this example, a highly trained OT sea org auditor (who was extremely valuable and well respected ) was sent on missions to other distant locations to keep his shenanigans off of public lines (out of sight, out of mind).
We were definitely lovers in a past life ~ This is said by anyone who is drawn to you sexually. It’s pretty gross, especially when you are a kid and they are not. It could even be your parents saying it, (or someone recruiting you into the sea org, this is a tactic often used on adolescents who are hormonal by an attractive recruiter) but you are not expected to react poorly to it. If you do you will be told it’s’ just admiration after all. It allows unwanted intimate conversation, and sometimes unwanted physical contact since often these feelings are pursued. If you try to disagree with the person’s memory of your
relationship you can be blamed for “making them wrong” or “invalidating them” or you may be accused of being “occluded” (blocked memories due to misunderstood or crimes) yourself so unable to recall the
past life tryst. It is creepy and there is no winning other than to try to keep your distance from your stalker.
#thought #sex abuse
You must have some past track with him ~ You must have history or baggage from another lifetime with him since you are either attracted or repelled by him for no apparent reason. So if you can’t get along, and have addressed all that happened this lifetime, you should recall what harm you did him last lifetime, or if he is fixated on you, perhaps you were married in that past life. In scientology you aren’t allowed to simply have personality conflicts that go unhandled. If you can’t resolve your differences in this life, you must find them in the past. In the Sea Org, If you ask to be reassigned you will be accused of crimes against him,
this life or in the past, and handled with ethics. If you report unwanted advances, you will be accused of
2d flowing, and he can claim you were an item in a past life, which is why he can’t keep his hands off of you. So as a child it’s especially hard to win for losing. You are scapegoated either way.
You need to word clear Pain & Sex ~ Hubbard says pain and sex are both “invented tools of degradation” by “destructive creatures” with the intention “to shrink people and cut their alertness, knowingness, power and reach”. #behavior #thought
You say you were raped/assaulted? What did you do to pull that in? Whatever happened to you, including rape is your fault and you did something to make it happen to you. You will also be accused of “2D flowing” putting out sexual vibes that cause others to be “restimulated“ aka be attracted to you, that they cannot resist, so in fact, you caused your rape.
I get restimulated around him ~ I get triggered, upset and/or feel bad around him. It’s his fault, there is something really wrong with him that makes me feel this way.
They’re under a separation order ~ Ethics Department has ordered that two people are not allowed to be in contact when there are continual arguments and upsets between them. This often happens within a marriage when one person objects to another’s involvement in scientology and is therefore considered a bad influence.
I need you in my space ~This is a flirtation, meaning I need you near me, close to me. Uber creepy when you’re a kid, and the person saying it is an adult.
Staff/ Sea Org
8C him to get the target done.~ Make him do whatever the goal is, even by force. So “I want her 8C’d to security” would mean she is to be physically forced /restrained if necessary and taken to security.
#behavior #physical abuse #false imprisonment
Let me check with my senior to see if I have okay ~ Everything in the Sea Org or on staff requires permission. A junior must request written permission before doing anything outside of the norm. This includes taking time off to see your parents, or children, taking a day off once every two weeks IF your statistics are up, time off to go to the doctor, or any time off really such as for a wedding, funeral, vacation, to miss a daily muster, to request a job change. Another person would have to approve any variance from your assigned and monitored study/auditing/ indoctrination schedule. You also need permission to be married. Any departure from your set in stone schedule/routine. In fact it would be easier to list the things you don’t need permission for since there are so few. Roll calls are taken several times a day to be sure you are present and accounted for. If you are missing, without permission, a blow drill would commence, which is an all out all hands search to recover you.
Did the person who wrote it have the authority and know-how to order it? ~This is questioning the
validity of whatever direction or order you are following or referring to. The only person who really has any authority in scientology is Hubbard and now David Miscavige, so unless it comes from them or someone robotically writing something that aligns with one of them then you are not to follow it. You can’t think for yourself and you have zero authority in your life, nor does anyone else.
Sounds like altered importance ~ Sounds like you don’t have your priorities straight. For example, you are putting yourself before the group. “Do you really think because your mum is in hospital (dying) that you can just take time off? No way! That’s not the greatest good, so you have your priorities wrong. #thought
#behavior #emotion
That’s back flash ~ talking back, disagreeing or not saying yes sir to a senior, male or female. It means if you do question you will be dealt with severely.
Come to the Base. The friendliest place in the world. The safest place on the planet ~ “Base” is a property owned by scientology that is considered a home base for sea org members. Examples are Flag Land Base in Clearwater, Florida, Pacific Area Command Base, in Hollywood California, Golden Era Studios Base, in Hemet California, International Base, also in Hemet California, etc This is what families are told to entice them into coming there for services or to join the Sea Org. In fact, it is supremely unfriendly to kids unless you have enough money and have some leverage. If not you will be isolated, insulated, exploited, and abused. You will not be with your parents but will be surrounded by adults who will treat you as an adult, and expect adult things from you including hard labor and sex. There is nothing safe or friendly about that.
I want him off the fucking base NOW! ~ This individual is a security risk. He could get scientology in trouble so he needs to get off the base immediately. Or he was negative about RTC or an executive so he needs to get off the base.
You’re restricted to base. ~ You’re in trouble so can’t go anywhere outside the Base. And in case of the Freewinds you are not permitted off the Ship and if you go to the gangway and try to get off the computer will beep loudly with a big red R.
What’s your battle plan? ~ There must be stated goals and targets for every day and they need to be written down and completed by day’s end.
Did you BP to check your merc traffic for any outstanding TM’s?
BP meeting in 5 min. ~ Daily meeting to go over exactly what your targets are for the day so that everyone knows what you are supposed to be doing, and so you have no excuse for not accomplishing it.
WDAH’s are down so it’s beans and rice again! ~ Well done auditing hours (the number of auditing hours completed that ended well) are down so you will be penalized and one way that happens is a diet of beans and rice. This can go on for days, or weeks. Unpleasant behavior modification. #behavior
That’s not becoming! ~ You are doing something out PR or embarrassing that is beneath your status, rank or position.
Expansion busting at the seams when we play the Hubbard’s birthday game ~ If we compete against each other to get statistics up across all orgs, scientology will explode with new members and gross income. This is rolled out as a game each year as if it is fun. It is a demand on top of all the other demands made of Sea Org members. Hubbard though by calling all things games you could more easily challenge people to play along. He said life is just a game. The Sea Org is the biggest game of all, which
makes it sound fun although it is not. He also says if it isn’t fun it isn’t scientology, so if you’re not enjoying it, you’re doing it wrong. Once again, it’s not us, it’s you.
You’re a black hat! ~ There are two kinds of people: good and bad with nobody in between. Hubbard describes them as the White Hats and Black Hats. “These are the two dominant behavior patterns. Some people are trying to build things up and others who are trying to tear things down. And there are no other types. Actually, there aren’t even shades of grey.” — HCO Info Letter 2 April 1964: Two Types of People. So if you want to leave staff, you are a very bad person, a Black Hat who appears when things are going well and works against the group, the White Hats.
This is NOT BPI, EYES ONLY! ~ Not Broad Public Issue. Whatever the information is, it is for a select audience only and must not be shared. Security is paramount. Everything is sensitive data. This creates an illusion of importance, and privilege, but also paranoia, fear and anxiety.
Have you been briefed yet? ~ There is a plan in action or a flap being addressed and you need to be brought up to speed. Have you? Example: The day after Lisa McPherson’s death the base was briefed on the strategy to squash any bad public relations by creating a shore story (acceptable truth) to tell public members and the press, that would misdirect any responsibility away from scientology and onto Lisa or others. When a child is molested and the parents want to go to the authorities, they are “handled” and briefed on what an acceptable solution would be instead ie Chaplin cycle, lower conditions, etc as well as what the penalty would be if they disobey. This would include being coached to never tell an outsider or an authority if you were being abused #behavior #info #abuse #sex abuse
Assign her a buddy ~ She is to have a companion with her at all times who will keep her in line, and report on her if necessary. This could be because she doesn’t know the ropes or because we don’t trust her so better to keep a really close eye on her so she doesn’t fuck up or escape. Another form of buddy would be a twin, which is someone you are paired with to complete a training or auditing action, and on the prison program. A buddy is less restrictive than a “watch” which would be someone who has been deemed a “security risk” (a flight risk or someone who is disaffected and has sensitive data they might leak) This would often be a security guard who would be posted at their door, or escort them everywhere, prepared
to restrain or “8C” them if they try to leave.
She was busted again ~ She failed or did something wrong or was found as the “why” or is a sacrificial lamb for some flap, so has been disciplined/punished and may have lost her rank, could get a justice action like a committee of evidence, board of review, and meanwhile will most likely be assigned to hard labor, or placed on the prison program.
Don’t make me fucking bypass you/ I am going to bypass you ~ a threatening way to warn someone they better do their job, so you don’t have to do it for them, or they will be punished. You can only bypass someone who is ‘downstat’ or out-ethics. Someone else takes over because likely the person just can’t
get it done if you have to be bypassed you are assigned considered to be in danger of failure, incapable, weak, stupid, lazy, etc.
Would you prefer the Cadet Org or the streets? ~ Do you want to be sent to or stay in a boot camp for Sea Org kids aka warehouse used for isolating and grooming the children of Sea Org members, or would you prefer to be made homeless? This would be asked of kids raised in the sea org who refused to sign or
sign contracts once old enough, or those that are already struggling in the cadet org.
She’s a camouflaged hole ~ A person with a job or title that doesn’t actually do it so a hazard to the group. It’s a slight and meant to shame.
No case on post! /As a sea org member, you have no right to a case/Case on post is a crime! ~ You must never, ever have any kind of emotional reaction while you are working, which is ALL THE TIME if in the Sea Org. The only place you can have “a case” (emotions) is in session (which is rare). You have no right to do this in fact if you do show any negative emotions in any shape or form while on the job, it is a crime.
This means never be sad, angry, upset, or sick while working or you will be punished.
You flunked your dorm inspection because you didn’t get a pass on “chicken picking” the carpet. Get it done and reinspected meanwhile for the dev t, you’re gonna help white-glove the Nursery~ You didn’t clean your room well enough so are being punished. On the weekend typically you are granted time to do your laundry and clean your room, including your dorm. Vacuum cleaners are for public spaces only and for execs, so lowly members must handpick the debris from their carpets (and often use a rake to make the nap stand up neatly and appear that room has been vacuumed). As a kid, if given free time you want to play, go to the beach, etc, NOT white-glove your room or wash clothes so this is a dreaded task, but if you fail it, as always it just gets worse. The moral is do what you’re told, do it perfectly or else we will make your life even more unpleasant.
You need to “Chinese school” it ~ This policy or process must be chanted over and over again loudly as a group until it becomes second nature and automatic response, completely memorized by all without flubbing. Absolute indoctrination.
Do your parents have ci (Counter intention) on you joining the sea org? Wow, they are really putting stops on your lines! We can help you become emancipated ~ Are your parents actively working to stop you from doing what we want? Recruiters will love bomb, shame, or threaten to get children to sign
billion-year contracts to join staff or the sea org. They will also help them take legal proceedings to sever their resistant parents’ authority over them if necessary. Minors are groomed/manipulated/intimidated into joining but sometimes parents disagree, wanting them to graduate high school, go to college, get a career, etc. When they do, the recruiters will offer to handle the parents using many Hubbard quotes such as one on needing the support of parents but also when they should get out of the way: “A child needs his parents’ support for many aspects of his survival. But if they also severely interrupt the decisions of his life he is given a huge problem which can cause him much worry.” and another about children not being permitted to work turning them into self-destructive criminals: “Forbidding children to work, and particularly forbidding teenagers to make their own way in the world and earn their own money, creates a family difficulty so that it becomes almost impossible to raise a family, and creates as well, and particularly, a state of mind in the teenager that the world does not want him, and he has already lost his game before he has begun it, and another on a child’s self-determinism: “ A child has a right to his
self-determinism. The sweetness and love of a child are preserved only so long as he can exert his own self-determinism. You interrupt that and to a degree, you interrupt his life.” If the parent still disagrees they
may be accused of being out-ethics and having a non confront or low responsibility level themselves and can end up in ethics, so punished for not allowing their child to be exploited.
Knock off the CI ~ Having or acting as if one has a purpose that is contrary to the purpose of the group. Often used to refer to malicious or stubborn refusal to do as ordered. Wanting something else. Stop having counter intentions to what your parents or scientology wants to do. Don’t think for yourself, don’t have your own ideas and be your own person. Follow what you’re taught or told or you are bad and are stopping us. Quit resisting or saying that something we are telling you to do won’t work. You are only trying to make others wrong and yourself right. For example, “We will never make that target, it’s not possible, there isn’t enough time” would be answered with “KNOCK OFF YOUR CI!” “GET IT DONE!” This
translates into DO IT whether it’s humanly possible or not and if it’s not accomplished I will blame you and your resistance for the failure! Applies to others too. Example: “Your wife is CI. Divorce her.” aka your wife is displaying attitudes that don’t align with scientology and will, therefore, hinder your own progress. This is totally unacceptable, get her out of your life, stat! .
You caused your area to crash with your ci and evil purps. ~ Whatever went wrong at your job, YOU caused it by having doubts, bad thoughts or you are evil intentions ie; if your stats are down, if you hurt yourself, even if there was an act of god or disaster that happened, YOU ARE responsible.
She’s a clay pigeon ~ A target to shoot at. Hubbard says “Any staff member who does not know ethics policy is a clay pigeon. Clay pigeons are used to throw up in the air and shoot at.” So this is a threat to make yourself VERY familiar with scientology ethics (so you may self-police and keep others inline) or you will be sacrificed, and shot.
We need one more coin to trade for a crackerjack sec checker who’s no longer qual’d for Flag. ~ in personnel “cycles” at PAC Base people in Sr HCO and CMOP referred to people who they were going to use to trade or swap as “coins” or referred to as being “owned” or “property” i.e. The “FSO owns your ass”….”he’s FSO property”…” who the fuck do you think you are ripping off my recruit?” etc.
It’s Command intention! ~ It’s an order from uplines or a senior division, which must be the greatest good, so MUST be followed without question. You may not refuse to comply or disagree.
The order came down the command line ~ This direction is from a senior exec or division and is to be followed without question. Period. You don’t have to understand it or agree with it. It’s a big “because I said so”.
You’re not leaving this room until you SIGN THE CONTRACT! ~ What you might be told during a Sea Org recruitment cycle. Hard sell tactics, coercion, alternating love bombing and insults, veiled threats, doom & scare tactics are used to pressure kids to sign Sea Org contracts, often without a parent present. Kids often sign just wanting the pressure to end and hope they won’t have to actually join and hope parents will help defend them later. Recruiters can get away with all sorts of high pressure and manipulative approaches to get people to join and if you’ve made too uncomfortable or complain, they explain it all away as bull-baiting, just having fun with you, etc, or will turn the tables and report you to ethics for any excuses you gave them that might signal out ethics.
Her area is in a constant cope situation and she keeps being bypassed~ She can’t do her job properly, there is something wrong with her because she keeps having to be helped. Either she isn’t properly hatted (trained) or she has crimes. Either one will mean the punishment of her and possibly her supervisor.
Do you want to become a criminal? ~ This is the alternative to being a good group member, who wants to help others, stays in exchange, accepts responsibility for the planet, follows orders, does no wrong, joins the Sea Org and commits to a billion years of labor and needs no other life or happiness. If you do not,
you are considered “unable to think of the other fellow, unable to determine his own actions, unable to follow orders, unable to make things grow, unable to determine the difference between good and evil, unable to think at all on the future” which makes you a criminal. So more intimidation to exploit you.
Your CSP time is cancelled! (clean ship program) ~ Punishment in the Sea Org that means your allotted time to do your laundry, clean your dorm room etc has been taken away from you as some penalty. This means you’ll still have to do those things when you would normally be sleeping or eating, or else you will also be punished for “out hygiene” and could be sent to pigs berthing (an isolated room or spot in the garage where messy people are made to live, usually without furniture). Behavior modification via discomfort and public shaming.
Do you have an approved CSW (Completed Staff Work)? ~ If you don’t have a written proposal that outlines exactly what the situation is, why it happened and what you are going to do about it, that is approved by everyone in charge of you – then it is not going to happen.
I want these files culled ASAP! ~ Systematically reviewing files to remove, rearrange or gather information in one place. Most often used in cover-ups so that possibly damaging data is not made public, or to pinpoint a particular subject that needs handling.
Did you dead agent it? ~ A technique for countering negative accusations against scientology by diverting the critical statements and making counter-accusations against the accuser; in other words, to “attack the attacker” and discredit and nullify any information they have given. ‘Dead Agent’ can be used on a one on one basis, or when it’s a big ‘situation’ document packs can be made and handed out to those people, like reporters or institutions, that may believe the accusations.
We’re “cleaning house”. You are deadwood. ~ You are as useful as a dead branch on a tree, you are only pretending to do your job, you will be dismissed which mean offloaded (kicked to the curb) labeled “not in good standing” and a “freeloader” so made to repay the cost of all the training and services you received (including interrogations on the meter).
Report to the decks ~ you are assigned to do hard labor as punishment for something you have done or failed to do. Behavior modification.
You need to dekludge your space ~ Clean up your area! Kludge is the stuff that collects. If you complain about having a roach infestation in your dorm room, you will be accused of being out hygiene and told to dekludge your space as if you are dirty or have too many things. Staff are made to keep only minimal
belongings with them (to have room for more roommates) and any minimal overflow of belongings would have to be kept in the hotel garage “staff storage” area exposed to the elements, rodents, and insects. (As an aside roaches are everywhere in the building esp the garbage room, and galleys, but also the staff nursery since babies are fed a liquid called barley formula instead of milk (per Hubbard) that includes
corn syrup. Always understaffed or staffed by kids, bottles are left out and cockroaches are very
prevalent. Very common to pick up a baby and have roaches scatter. White glove cleanups would be done but only before health department surprise inspections that we were somehow always tipped off about. )
I want him off delivery/public lines ~ Get him away from any area that has contact with the public, where services are being delivered.
She was demoted, lost her rank and had her bars stripped ~ a punishment made public that she has failed in some way.
Stop being/giving me Dev-T ~ Stop distracting, bothering, or interrupting me. Dev-T is short for developed traffic. It means anything that is a distraction from the direct work at hand.
Stop presenting problems creating Dev-T for everyone ~ don’t be a distraction, need attention, ask too many questions, be confused, make a mistake. Get back to work and blend in.
Stop putting Dev-T on my lines because of your fucking aberrations ~ You are being irrational, deranged or insane and are causing me problems. Your shortcomings are affecting me, stop having thoughts or behaviors that don’t align with scientology.
This is Dev-T ~ You are wasting my time with whatever you are telling me about or doing. Whatever you are doing is a distraction to the bigger scientology picture. Children esp. Sea org kids and cadets are constantly told they are dev-t and a distraction or a nuisance to parents who are trying to get up the bridge, and sea org members who are doing the most important job in the world, clearing the planet.
You’re a dilettante /don’t be a dilettante ~ Lazy, weak, not dedicated enough. You would be called this if you were a low producer, didn’t want to join the Sea Org, wanted to leave the Sea Org, wanted to take a vacation, or have time off. don’t be lazy, or behave like a child esp. in the sea org. You should be able to do anything even if you haven’t learned how to do whatever you are supposed to do.
Do you have doubts about being in the Sea Org? Are you unwilling to perform your duties ~ You want to leave? You’re refusing to do what is demanded of you? This is an accusation aimed at you if you complain about your life in the Sea Org. You will be accused of having crimes and will be punished until you come clean.
He’s a down stat ~ people who are not doing well in scientology, or are not productive enough. They are to be avoided as in if you lie with dogs, you will get up with fleas. A label is given to marginalize and punish poor performers so they improve. Behavior modification through group discipline.
You are on pots and pans duty for being downstat ~You need to go and wash big pots and big pans for being a disgrace and everyone will know. We are going to humiliate you until you correct and comply or we think you have learned your lesson.
You’re assigned to the Engine Room until further notice ~ You are assigned to go work in the engine room as punishment in temperatures of 120 degrees with no protection in claustrophobic spaces where you can barely move and noise is so loud that you can’t hear yourself think , while cleaning bilges, etc. You will be covered with engine grease and will have to bathe with diesel fuel to remove it. This punishment can last months or years.
Exec council had to deal with your out PR ~ The big boys at the top were interrupted with your embarrassing screw up and had to waste time handling it to save face. You will for sure be punished, and publicly.
He‘s an external influence ~ someone outside of the sea org or scientology is negatively influencing you. For example, trying to have you do normal things in life such as attending family reunions, funerals, take vacations, pursue a traditional education, go to college, etc. so they are a bad influence that needs to be cut.
Make sure she has an “escort” between buildings ~ This person is a security threat and needs to be watched by someone else all the time, especially when she’s outdoors and she could escape.
You are false reporting ~ Huge pressure placed upon statistics, so this is saying something is complete that is not, saying a statistic is higher than it is whether intentionally or not, is a false report.
You are going to ethics for falsifying confirms ~ You lied about how many people were going to an event or something scientology related so you are in big trouble and will minimally be assigned lower conditions and have no privileges.
Many are called, few are chosen ~ Because we want you to sign a contract so we can human traffic you, we will tell you that you are special. But once you arrive, we will treat you like you are not. This is very effective in making kids (who are marginalized growing up in scientology) feel important and desired, so they will often sign a billion-year contract so they can feel valued for a change.
You are being fitness boarded out ~ You are not worthy of being in the Sea Org or may have some disqualification. Your ethics folders and production records have been reviewed by a committee of adults called a fitness board, who you will have to appear in front of for questioning (with no parent present), and they have decided that you are not fit for the Sea Org. As part of the leaving process, you will be interrogated with security checks to be sure you have no undisclosed crimes, you will be made to sign
non-disclosures and release forms without a parent present or legal advice and your personal items will
be gone through to be sure you take nothing that poses a security risk, and you will be given a freeloaders debt/bill for all training and services you received in the Sea Org, and then you will be escorted off the property by security.
Get your fucking FO 38 / etiquette in! ~ don’t talk back to or disagree with anyone senior to you. Do what they say, and always call them sir (male or female). Out etiquette is not only a sign of disrespect but also a sign of slackening discipline and often indicates possibilities of other out-ethics situations with the individual. Example: Sea Org kid almost dropping a heavy box as he carries them through the breezeway while doing his cleaning station: “Oh no! Can you help me, please..I can’t carry this by myself!?” Officer: “Get your FO 38 in! Who’s your ‘in charge’?”
What a fucking flap! ~ This is a disaster. Often used to describe something that negatively affects the public perception of the organization or Sea Org.
What are your flaps and handlings this week? ~Stand up in front of everyone in your organization at Thursday’s staff meeting and announce to everyone what you did wrong and what you are going to do to fix it. Expect to be yelled at and degraded about both the ‘flap’ you created and your handling, in front of everyone.
This is an RTC flap ~This is a big mess up, that will hit RTC lines, likely legally dangerous, or you’ve dared to be critical of someone in RTC.
She’s gonna get reamed at muster for this flap! ~ Yelled at, threatened and shamed in front of her peers for whatever she caused or allowed to happen.
Increase your particle flow ~Do MORE, complete more, work harder. Work, work, work! If you can’t handle your workload you are told you should take on even more per Hubbard.
Unstick your flows~ Things aren’t moving forward around you and it’s your fault. You need to unstick the “flows’ meaning things you are putting out and receiving. You’re not finding a job? You need to flow more communication or energy into it and it will become unstuck. More blame for failure.
Would you like to make a “flow” from your pay to get Hubbard/COBs Christmas present? This year we’re getting the whole CLINIQUE SET! He loves them, they’re unscented, per policy. Look at this picture here – this is what your contribution will go “toward”~ Hubbard wrote about those in power and instructed Scientologists to “flow power to power” which meant giving your allegiance (and money) to others with power. This evolved into staff, who were paid $10s of dollars a week, being rallied to give expensive gifts
to Hubbard and senior executives like David Miscavige in order “flow power to power”. Sea Org representatives would stand outside of payroll to collect from staff when they picked up their weekly pay/stipends. Not contributing was very much frowned up by the representative as well as anyone in earshot.
FLUNK for incorrect estimation of effort ~ you are not putting enough time and effort into what you are doing. Work harder, produce more. You were unprepared for the gravity or demand of a task/target and did not meet it, so you have failed. It is your fault for not being intuitive enough to succeed.
Stop fraternizing with “public”~ Stop befriending and being social with non-Sea Org. They are beneath us, and a distraction. Another way to keep Sea Org in a bubble and focus on nothing but their targets, as well as keep them from inadvertently leaking anything negative to the public, intentionally or not.
Do you want to be a freeloader? ~ do you want to leave the sea org or staff and have to owe us thousands of dollars for all the job training, auditing and sec checks you received? Until it’s paid off you will be unable to receive services or attend events, and many will avoid you as not in good standing. This debt is used as a threat to keep you from leaving the sea org. If you do leave it is used to influence you to pay it and handle your out-ethics (the reason you wanted to leave) and until you do it keeps others away from you since you may be disaffected. So, after years of degradation and violation of their civil and legal rights, many former Sea Organization members have accepted that they were “freeloaders” and paid a “freeloader bill”. They are caught up in Hubbard’s peculiar notion of “exchange”: Sea Org defectors really can believe that after devoting years of their lives – at 90 hours a week, for a few cents an hour – they should still pay full-price for the “services” they received because they have failed in their contractual obligation and not lasted out the requisite billion years. First, Hubbard enslaved them, and, if they escaped, he made them pay for their time as slaves.
You’re on grease traps ~ As a punishment for some failure, you are going to be made to climb inside the galley’s grease traps (which smell like vomit and are full of dead bugs) and clean them from the inside. This is a very tight space and is very claustrophobic. Many people are very traumatized by this task. This job is used as a threat and behavior modification.
You better get grooved in! ~ Get trained and fully capable of every aspect of the job. Any failures will be your own. As always you are responsible for everything, even getting trained, even if your trainer is worthless.
Hard Sell them. Don’t come back without two Basics sets sold! ~ Do whatever you have to do to sell right then and right there, no matter what it is. It comes from Hubbard’s basic premise that only scientology
can help people so it is fully acceptable to use any means necessary to convince/coerce someone to pay for scientology services – even if that means huge debts or even financial ruin for the person. It’s for their own good. This type of target/quota often has a time machine aka deadline assigned, and “don’t come back until” often includes don’t go to sleep, take a day off, or eat until you achieve it. Sometimes cigarettes and coffee are also withheld. It is inhumane but does the trick.
Are you fully hatted? ~ Have you studied every possible policy that we require you to know about this staff position and can you do them? You will be blamed regardless, and maybe the guy who trained you too. Plenty of blame for everyone.
Have you completed your hat write up?~ You can’t leave a staff position until you have written down every duty of your job and all your successful actions in detail so another can read it and simply step into your position.
He’s been instant hatted ~ He’s been given enough information to immediately start doing his job. In reality, it’s more about the appearance of something being done, as the person is not fully aware of all that job entails. Once hatted, you are to blame if anything goes wrong. Being “hatted” in general means being handed a hat write up of the person who did the job before you, or doing a short course full of gibberish, ideal scenes, what you’re supposed to produce (though not much on how to achieve it) and other indoctrination. Since Hubbard teaches that even if untrained you should be able to do any job, just recall it from any one of your past lives, there is no escaping punishment when you fail on a post. Even for
I‘m KR’ing you for hat dump ~ I am reporting you to Ethics for punishment as you have walked away from your job without taking responsibility for it and everything to do with it. You may have gotten sick, or had some other emergency, but it doesn’t matter.
Put/Get your hat on! ~ Do your job, be your post. You are not a person, you are your job title and rank i.e. “CO CMO CW”, not Cheryl DeCheff. “RPFer”, not Tommy Johnson. etc. It’s simply depersonalization.
You are not wearing your hat ~you are not fulfilling some role or job properly. So many hats i.e. roles you can drop i.e. make a mistake with, do something wrong, let someone down. As a daughter, sister, friend, girlfriend, pet owner, Scientologists, preclear, student, auditor, Sea Org member, human. These are all your different hats.
You’re in treason because you’re guilty of “hats not wearing” ~ You are in a lower Ethics Condition. After all, you didn’t do your job to the fullest. Not fulfilling your hat aka your job for ANY reason (illness, emergency, act of god) is still your fault, and you will still be responsible and punished for any failures. Period.
Having to have before you can do ~ You have said you can’t do something because you need something to do it first. This is only an excuse. You should make it go right to get whatever you need to get the job done, and not make excuses. You are expected to magically make things happen, if you are told this it means that you are giving excuses for needing things when you should just make things happen and not be a problem. It’s unacceptable to “be a problem”.
You don’t want to be a “head on a pike”, do you? ~ If you continue what you are doing you will be severely punished and made an example so that everyone else can see and be afraid. A custom passed down by Hubbard learned apparently from Vlad the Impaler, to intimidate and save the world, so you had better do it too.
HEADS WILL ROLL for this! ~ Someone will really get in trouble for this. There will be severe punishment.
Push her help button harder ~ An exploitation of a person’s innate desire to help. You need to help us by doing/contributing whatever it is we are asking for or you are not a good person.
That’s a hidden data line ~ This is an inference that you have information from a source that is not what
Hubbard wrote, and is therefore wrong. The whole of Hubbard technology is released in HCO Bulletins
and HCO Policy Letters and tapes available to all. No policy was covered up. No tech was hidden. Nothing was exclusive to a chosen few. Yes, the OT Levels are confidential, but if you’re willing to cough up the bucks, you can check them out. He reinforced this code with his famous line, “If it isn’t written, it isn’t
true.” Not only does this mean that everything he wrote is true, it infers that if he didn’t write it, it doesn’t exist. However, Every time Hubbard sat down in front of a typewriter or opened his mouth he created a hidden data line. Because rarely if ever, did he disclose how he’d arrived at his theories or come up with his techniques? Never did he present credible research. Since no man was his equal, peer reviews were pointless. Virtually everything he wrote was steeped in hidden data. One of the biggest farces in scientology is that “there is no hidden data line.” Like with all high control groups, the entire organization is built on a mountain of hidden data. Keeping the full story from followers is quite paramount.
You are creating a hill 10 ~ Something you’ve done intentionally or unintentionally has created an emergency or serious situation or problem area for scientology requiring immediate attention.
Who’s your I/C? ~ Who is your senior, who do you report to? Any scientology organization, especially the Sea Org, uses a master-slave scenario, and you must have permission from your “in charge” (senior) for everything. Everything bad is also reported to them. When someone asks who they are you are most likely in trouble.
Is that your in-basket?! ~ Usually used to point out that you are not being efficient, your “In-basket”
represents work that needs to be done. Get on with it!
You’re on KP duty. ~ Kitchen patrol, as a post or often as a punishment, see also “ assigned to the galley, on pots and pans, assigned Mest Work, report to the Decks.
You’re being sent to a lower org ~ This is a demotion or like being sent to Siberia. This is to shame and punish you for poor productivity, some PR flap you caused, keep you away from someone else, or for refusing to get an abortion.
Your libs are canceled ~ Your day off aka “liberty” day, only allowed to be requested every two weeks (if your stats are up), has been canceled as a punishment for some failure or low statistics.
I’m going to Mid-Rats ~ a snack served for all those made to work past midnight. Since many work way past midnight regularly, as you cannot secure (go to bed) until you complete your assigned tasks or meet certain requirements, there is a meal served for you (if you can get away).
Make money, make money, make more money ~Make money for scientology. Everything is about the gross income and how you affect the income lines via production or flaps.
You need to get off MLO (medical liaison officer) lines ~ Stop being sick and being a liability for everyone around you who has to do your job for you. It doesn’t matter what is wrong, you need to get back to work! Example: Junior: “I’m sorry…I didn’t make my target because I had strep throat and was running a fever and the medical officer sent me to isolation all week.” Senior: “Don’t give me your justifications! You need to get of medical lines and figure out why you’re fucking PTS!”
We’ll get you to the MLO, and have your folders culled then sent to the c/s for a complete FES (folder error summary) ~ You are being sent to the medical “officer” ( in the Sea Org) and your PC folders will be reviewed for any outnesses. The medical Officer is not a doctor, in fact, may have zero medical training, and will mostly tell you to take vitamins, Cal-Mag, get a “touch assist”, and or send you to isolation to protect others from your cooties. Very rarely would you get to go see a real doctor, and to do so would have to beg and plead and most likely pay for it yourself. If injured you would often be sent to a scientology doctor to keep the accident need to know, or if taken to the ER, you would be briefed on a shore story to be sure to protect scientology from any blowback around the unsafe work conditions or
attempted suicides, or the poor health of their members caused by neglect. The idea is you shouldn’t need check-ups or regular medical care of any sort since Hubbard says that illness means you have contact with suppressive/ evil people or have things that are bothering you from past lives, and both can only be handled by applying scientology, not taking medicine, or having surgeries. If you are sent for an abortion you will go to a free clinic and claim to be underemployed and uninsured. Exceptions would be if you were near death, then you would be expedited off of the property and not allowed to return, as a PR risk. Don’t want anyone dying on the job for Pete’s sake.
Who is your mess captain? ~ Who controls your dining table? There is always someone to report to, who is watching you and reporting on you, even at meals.
A messenger running an errand or on duty is an emissary of the commodore. Anything said or done to that messenger is being said or done to the commodore ~A messenger of Hubbard ( 80% of messengers are minors) who are personally representing Hubbard himself, which means a god, and anything you say
to them you are saying to Hubbard. So we are going to give these children a god complex.
MEST work and lowers for you/ You’re being assigned MEST work ~ As a punishment, you are being demoted to do hard labor because you are a problem, have failed, or aren’t complying with orders. You will be shamed publicly and work your fingers to the bone doing back-breaking often dangerous work until you wake up and get back in line.
He was fired on mission ~ He was sent away, often to other continents to complete a task for scientology (usually having to do with raising stats or getting ethics in) and can’t return until it’s done. If he is your parent you may not see him for a very long time, and cannot complain or it will be considered counter intention, since doing anything to further scientology is the greatest good.
Muster up for roll call ~ All gather up in a group or in formation by rank for a headcount to be sure everyone is present and accounted for (not tardy, sleeping in, or escaped) to hear scheduled announcements & dress downs (public shaming) and be given targets that you must produce for the day. There are multiple musters per day to keep students and staff controlled. Anyone missing is called out, found, then disciplined. If blown (escaped) and Sea Org the blow drill goes into effect (all hands to track you down and bring you back).
You better increase your necessity level ~ You are failing, you need to WANT to do it more than you do and then you will find both the energy and the means to do so. On top of everything, to be struggling with overwhelming demands or complex tasks you don’t know how to achieve or some that simply cannot be done in the time allowed, you will be accused of not trying hard enough.
Discover what’s needed and wanted ~ Find out what the group needs and wants from you. This is done as part of the Non Existence condition usually when you have a new position and you need to find out what is expected from you from the group, but really from Hubbard.
That’s need to know ~ Only those who are directly involved and have the rank are allowed to know the details of what’s happening. Security is paramount, we don’t want any odd person wandering around knowing what we are doing and how we are doing it.
He’s on no pay ~ his pay is being withheld as a disciplinary action for some failure or low productivity, or his org did not meet their goals so are all being penalized, or there isn’t enough money in the budget to pay anyone (this last one could be remedied later by fighting to receive back-pay).
Flunk for no-report ~ You are in trouble for not reporting exactly what you’re supposed to. Reports are required for every action and statistic, so if you don’t report you are probably hiding some failure on your part.
Are you in the “nothing to do with me” club? ~ A label given to publicly shame those that don’t take responsibility for things happening around them. This is an actual ‘club’ established by an Hubbard issue with directions of how you get out of the club. You have to do amends, write a 500- (or so) word essay about how your job has nothing to do with you and various other steps. You will work through the night to get through these steps.
OBSCENITIES & THREATS – *%#@! (threatening language used to help motivate you) ~ Knock off your CI bullshit! ~ That’s a fucking motivator! ~I don’t wanna hear one more fucking justification!
~You’re a goddamn overt product maker! ~ You’re getting a fucking comm ev! ~What a fucking dilettante!
~You’re full of fucking withholds! ~ You keep fucking up because you’re a fucking PTS! ~Get your fucking stats up! ~Stop the bullshit make-wrong! ~Get this off my fucking lines! ~Stop dramatizing this bullshit!
~No fucking case on post! ~You’re going to the fucking RPF! ~This was a big fuck up! ~Stop fucking off!
~This is a big jerk off! ~Stop being a fucking cunt and get me a product! ~I’m gonna fucking send you to ethics! ~Wear your goddamn hat! ~Dont you even fucking think about leaving the base! ~ I’m so fucking sick of having to bypass you! ~ Next time you non comply I’m gonna wipe the floor up with your ass! ~ You don’t fucking qualify! ~You’re so fucking out PR/tech! ~Get your fucking TR’s in! ~He’s a fucking SP!
~Are you a fucking SP? ~Stop dramatizing your fucking homosexual tendencies! ~Are you a fucking faggott?! He’s just a fucking 2d perv! ~ I’m gonna rip your fucking head off! ~Do you need to be fucking face ripped again? ~ Get him on the fucking meter! ~ He’s gonna be fucking annihilated! ~ When the Captain hears this you’re gonna be in deep fucking shit! ~You’re just a fucking ethics particle! ~ If you non comply one more time I swear I’ll kick your fucking ass! You just won’t get your fucking ethics in will you?
~You’re fucking write up your O/W’s and you’re not leaving until you do!~ Stop being a fucking body! ~I’m assigning you a fucking Danger condition! ~You’re in fucking lowers! ~ You’re in fucking Treason man! ~ Have you done your fucking Doubt formula? ~This is a bullshit Liability formula! ~You’re not taking any fucking responsibility! ~All your fucking flaps keep landing on my plate! ~ Am I fucking impinging yet!!??~You’re full of fucking MU’s! ~ This is a HUGE fucking FLUNK! ~ Come up the fucking tone scale!
~You’re just dramatizing your fucking bank! ~Get your fucking exchange in! ~Stop your fucking HE&R!
~You’re not a body you’re a fucking thetan! ~Why were you fucking late muster? Were you fucking jacking off again?! ~Get into fucking present time! ~Get your fucking bull bait in! ~ Knock of the fucking sympathy! ~You fucking pulled that in and you know it! ~Don’t you cut my fucking comm again!
~Goddamn it, you piece of shit victim! ~ Don’t you fucking pull your know best on me! ~ You’re pushing my fucking buttons! ~Raise your fucking confront level! ~You’re just fucking NCG! ~Why are you so fucking BI’s? ~ You’re jacking up my fucking TA! ~Make it fucking go right! Goddamn it! ~You’re so fucking off purpose! Are you fucking crying!? I’m not your goddamn mommy!
Does she have OSA ok/approval? ~ This person needs a security clearance from the Office of Special Affairs for some action. This could be because they have been seen talking to someone who is known to be affiliated with an ‘outside’ group, because it’s found they have a psychiatric history, or any possible circumstance that could threaten scientology.
That’s off lines ~ wrong chain of command. You are going to the wrong person about something. For example, as a child, you are going to your parents about something that upset you, when you should only go to your senior, your auditor, or the ethics officer. These are your correct terminals.
You’re off schedule ~ you are not following the schedule set up by the organization. A very long schedule but any variance without approval, and you will be disciplined. This includes not arriving to muster on time, post on time, to study on time, in bed at the right hour (if allowed), not completely cleaning stations on time, etc.
You’re off-source ~ You are not following Hubbard’s Policies, he is “source”, no one else. Don’t go looking for answers anywhere else, and certainly don’t implement anything that is not per Policy, you will be in big trouble. Not knowing the correct policy is no excuse, go find it. Being “off source” is seen as a serious crime.
One job, one place, one time! ~ A chant to keep you focused on the prison program. Don’t get distracted or discouraged. One thing at a time. Don’t think or feel, just work.
His parents are on mission ~ The parents have been sent away to an unspecified place for an unspecified time and you are not allowed to know details.
Are you on target?/on quota? ~ Everything in scientology, especially the Sea Org is measured. Are you producing as much as you are supposed to? This is inspected and measured every single day and you are penalized and punished if you do not make targets regularly. It is overwhelming. You are so busy, preoccupied and anxious about statistics you do not think of other things like family or friends.
You can always write an “orders query”. ~ If you disagree with an order you must write up an official query, sending it to the correct terminals for approval. Until approved you must follow the order no matter how harmful. This could be “no time with family”, being “fired on mission” to another country away from your parents or children, or ordered to divorce a spouse, etc.
That’s a cross order ~ An order given to someone that doesn’t follow the proper chain of command (usually in the Sea Org), even direction given to a child in the Sea Org, by his own parents, who are not his direct seniors.
Do you have/he has other fish to fry? ~ Do you have things that are not related to scientology or your post or on your mind? If so you are not committed & dedicated enough to “our cause”, so are wrong because this demonstrates you are not devoted enough. Example: “That dude is way off purpose, and has other
fish to fry”, you would be insulting/labeling him not good enough for doing things unrelated to scientology, for example; trying to earn a living, look after his children and family, become an artist, have a hobby, even a second job to survive, or a career he is passionate about that monopolizes his time away from scientology.
You’re out of uniform! ~ You are not wearing the correct uniform. In the Sea Org, there were uniform inspections at muster in front of the whole crew and if you “flunked” you’d be humiliated in front of the rest of the group.
I think she’s over the rainbow ~ She was sent “up-lines” to a confidential location to do secret work for scientology. When Sea Org members disappear this is often the answer if you ask where they’ve gone. Admitting a Sea Org member left any other way (escaped or were kicked out) would be entheta and upsetting (and possibly influence others to leave) so this answer is safer, and in fact, promotes production and motivates members.
You’re an overt product maker ~ you do a bad job or make mistakes. You need to be disciplined. You can’t be successful and are a failure. You need to always produce a perfect product, anything from a report to a shiny and happy student, no excuses.
I reported you for overworking an executive ~ I have written a report on you to the punishment/justice department because you intentionally or inadvertently bothered/annoyed/disturbed an executive. You will be disciplined or punished since this is a crime.
That’s gonna come up at Perimeter Council for sure ~
That’s a personnel rip off ~ You asked for assistance, or used someone who wasn’t designated to help you or to do a job without permission from their seniors. They should be doing their own job, not helping you. You are expected to fulfill all your own duties. Members of the Sea Org are referred to and considered resources or coins that may be traded, not as people. They are not called by name, but instead by their job title. This is depersonalizing. As such, you may not take another’s property without permission.
Clean this up or you’ll be assigned to pigs berthing ~ Pigs berthing is a disgusting living space often without furniture, often in outdoor spaces open to elements, that you get sent to if your dorm is messy and flunks inspection. When assigned to it your name will be placed on the notice board for everyone to see to shame you. Some kids were sent to pigs berthing for refusing to sign sea org contracts or being disciplined for being down stat, but not poor hygiene, just a way of upping the ethics gradient (pressure), discomfort and shame if you were unwilling to correct some poor behavior, like wanting to leave, etc. For a time it was outdoors in the garage of the Fort Harrison Hotel, where you were assigned to live on the concrete parking area, surrounded by staff storage, and open to the outside and rodents and insects, not to mention unsupervised.
Pink Legs applies here ~ It is plausible deniability. This reference comes from a Hubbard essay in the book Introduction to scientology Ethics, and it’s called Responsibilities of Leaders. “He doesn’t have to know all the bad news and if he’s in power really, he won’t ask all the time, “What are all those dead bodies doing at the door?” And if you are clever, you never let it be thought HE killed them — that weakens you
and also hurts the power source. “Well, boss, about all those dead bodies, nobody at all will suppose you did it. She over there, those pink legs sticking out, didn’t like me.” “Pink legs” became a meme in the Sea Org. You got the stats up any way you could, and any questions about how the stats were raised were answered with “pink legs,” meaning “you don’t want to know.”
Is that per policy? ~ Is that as Hubbard wrote it EXACTLY?
You are violating policy ~ why are you thinking for yourself and doing something that is not written by
Hubbard like a good little robot.
What does the policy say? ~ Don’t ask me, go and find out what Hubbard says about it!
Don’t product officer me. ~ Don’t tell me what to do or how to do my job.
If you want something done, give it to someone productive. ~ Similar to if you want something done do it yourself, only its a slight that people that already are getting things done can handle even more, as opposed to those that are already failing. It’s an excuse to pile more work on already busy Sea Org members.
Production is the basis of morale ~ If you work and produce something you will feel better. If you feel sad, sick, upset or tired – do some work. The reasons why you feel that way don’t matter, just get back to
work. In other words, if you work hard you will be happy. If you are unhappy, you are not working hard enough.
What’s her production record? ~ Is she a consistent “producer” (a hard worker who achieves her targets and doesn’t make excuses or mistakes) or does she fail and make errors, or struggle to keep up with her assignments? To be promoted you must have a good production record, and if you commit a crime but have good production you can be granted ethics protection i.e. not punished.
What’s her “project prepare”? She has no debts so it will be quick ~ A Project Prepare is an exact list of goals and activities a person makes to take care of anything that stops, delays or may get in the way of them joining staff. Most often it’s debts or money problems, or dealing with someone who doesn’t want them to join. If a person has no debts they are seen as a very hot prospect and that person will be a priority to harass and pressure to have them ‘arrive’ as a staff member.
She’s a hot prospect ~ She is desirable for a reg or recruitment cycle meaning she either has money so can be sold something, or coerced to donate, or can be made to sign a contract. So she is a prime candidate to be exploited.
Telephones are psychotic ~ This is a Hubbard quote that means the only acceptable form of communication is in writing because phones have no memory. Perhaps this was meant to control phone calls to the family from Sea Org members (before the “listen in system”) since it was easier to monitor and control written communication.
That’s off purpose…everyone you know is right here… busting their asses to clear the planet. ~ That’s not important. Why would you want to be anywhere need to help here and’s a big job. Stop being distracted or wanting to leave or have a life outside of scientology or with people that aren’t a
part of this group. This is used anytime you originate wanting to leave, or travel, or do something else than get up the bridge or clear the planet. It’s a redirection Intended to thought-stop, and shame you.
I finally sent her to Qual to spot the entheta on her lines. ~ I couldn’t figure out why she was upset so I
sent her to the “Qualifications Division” to find out who has been telling her bad news or lies.
You’re not qual’d/ you have out qual’s ~ You are not qualified for whatever it is you are trying to do; your job, a scientology service, etc. A way to diminish you and make you feel less than and/or motivate you to improve and jump through hoops to qualify. Example: You have a fat ethics file, you’re not quald to go up lines. You had a major heart attack, you’re a PR risk and no longer qual’d to be on base.
You’re on Rat Patrol ~ This is a task that you threatened with being made to do in the RPF/RPF’s RPF. It means being made to use a pole with a nail on the end of it, and after hours when others are sleeping,
scour the base, boiler room, galleys, garbage rooms for rats, and stab them with it. This is a gruesome punishment but also needed to control the rats.
You’re going to Rat’s Alley ~This is a task that you threatened with being made to do in the RPF/RPF’s RPF. It means being made to enter a very narrow space at the Complex in PAC that is notoriously full of rats, feces, insects, etc, and clean it out for hours and hours, day after day until your behavior is modified or your in-charge is satisfied you’ve suffered enough. This is a horrific punishment but also needed as pest control. Many become ill afterward perhaps from breathing the air.
He’s raw meat ~ Someone who just joined scientology, or is thinking about joining scientology. This is commonly used among the staff and Sea Org members, but not really among the public.
Your mission has been recalled, report to HCO. You failed to do what you were ordered to do, so you are in trouble and will get a Committee of Evidence for your failure.
You’ve been recalled to post ~ For 12 months after you leave a staff post you can be brought back if it suffers or struggles ie you are still responsible for it, and you did not find the right replacement, train them well enough or do a good hat write up or everything would be fine. So again you are at fault, you must take responsibility and correct the problem before you can return to your new job.
You’re not making the most of your Redemption time ~ on the RPF, it’s the time you are “allowed” to go and “redeem” yourself by studying Hubbard so you can correct whatever outness got you assigned to the prison program. Until you correct yourself, you are a bad person and this reprogramming is what you need to do to be a good person again, and you’re wasting it.
Let‘s reg them ~ A call to action to sign a prospect up for services or a staff job. Most often means to
“sell them” and get money, aka gross income. Example:
You are being removed from post ~ You are being stripped of your title and duties due to some failure. This will be publicly announced to shame you while you are demoted and punished to intimidate you into correcting your failure and as a public display to intimidate others from doing what you did.
Have you found your replacement? ~ You can’t leave a staff position until you have found someone else to replace you in that job.
After failing inspection she was “face ripped” ~ Yelled and screamed at, in the face, treated as scum to threaten, admonish, and shame. Example: The CO is coming tomorrow. Make your quota unless you wanna be face ripped by her again.
He’s going to rip you a new one ~ You’re in BIG trouble. You failed to meet a target or caused a flap, and you are going to get ripped to shreds, probably in public.
Stop being robotic and needing oders! ~ Needing to be told what to do or how to do it means you are being a robot. Staff and Sea Org especially are expected to jump in and get up to speed, or be proactive and take on many things they have no familiarity with, but they are expected to be able to do anyway.
Hubbard says you should be able to recall abilities from past lives if you are worth your salt. This results in novices being made to captain ships etc. He would say, just recall a lifetime you were a captain, and expect you to do it. He further shames people by dividing them into categories based on your abilities. They are pan-determined, self-determined, robot, other-determined, oblivious and insane.
ROCKS & SHOALS – Give me a long lap for overt product! ~ Drop what you are doing and run up the service stairs from the ground floor up to the 10th floor, as fast as possible, and then come report to me that this is done because you made a mistake or didn’t do a good job with one of your tasks! This is based on Hubbard’s policy called Rocks and Shoals, applied by the Sea Org, specifically on its prisoners. Penalties can be sit-ups, push-ups in addition to running laps up and down the garage ramp in the parking structure, running up and down the stairwells, or laps around the entire complex. Example: Random Sea Org member: “RPFer! Why aren’t you running on decks!? That’s a lap! NOW!”. This is designed to be an immediate punishment that shames, thought stops and redirects for a myriad of failures you can be accused of. Here is the actual list: “Rpf Rocks And Shoals” Ref: Fo 3434re-24 Rpf Rocks And Shoals, 1. Noncompliance – 1. Long Lap, 2. No Report – 1 Long Lap, 3. False Report – 1 Big Lap, 4. Moving Slowly; Walking Instead Of Running – 1 Lap, 5. Dev – T – 1 Lap, 6. Using Elevators Instead Of Stairs (Except When Carrying Large Loads Off Public Lines) – 1 Lap, 7.Backflash – 1 Lap, 8.Out-etiquette – 1 Big Lap, 9.Overt Product – 1 Long Lap, 10. Overt Product Not Corrected (Despite Orders To Do So) – 2 Big Laps, 11. Entering Crew Area Without Permission – 1 Long Lap, 12. Out-hygiene – 1 Lap, 13.Out Of Uniform – 1 Lap,
- Lateness – 1 Long Lap, 15. Breakage – 1 Long Lap (As Well As Paying For Any Damage).
It’s the RPF for you kiddo, and it’s your last chance to make it ~ When a Sea Org member has done something considered particularly bad, they are isolated from the rest of the Sea Org members in the RPF program. People on the RPF are not allowed to walk (they run everywhere), are not allowed to speak to another Sea Org member unless spoken to, and spend most of their time doing hard physical labor, forced confessions, and intense ideological study. scientology insists that the program is designed to correct staff members’ problems to allow them to remain in its elite Sea Org and operate effectively in it. Critics insist that its purpose is to break the will of inmates in a manner that minimizes people’s abilities to operate outside of the ideological constraints of the organization. They also argue that it provides scientology with a labor force that receives almost no salaries. This is a very controversial program. Scientologists call it “rehabilitation”, critics call it “slave labor”. It is considered to be intended to control the bodies of its inmates through a variety of combined with mentally and physically exhausting tasks
and demands, abuses, and work obligations while at the same time it attempted to control their minds through extensive auditing, coursework, confessions, and success stories, sleep deprivation and food rationing which will go on until they are “redeemed”. It also includes forcible confinement, physical mistreatment, excessive exercise, poor diet, poor hygiene, and medical care #sea org #behavior #emotion
#info #thought #false imprisonment
You’ll be RPFed so fast your head will spin ~ We are now blackmailing you (because we don’t like what you said or did) with being sent to the Sea Orgs prison camp which is in fact far worse than any prison, supremely restrictive, demanding dangerous, and full of human rights violations. #sea org #behavior
#emotion #info #thought #false imprisonment.
The RPF is what we make it, the RPF is where we make it! ~ A chant to reinforce that you are responsible for your experience in the prison program, and it is the only place where you will be redeemed. Another to
keep you focussed is “ONE JOB, ONE PLACE, ONE TIME!” Both slogans are Chinese schooled (chanted in a group) regularly.
He’s on the R’s R/ RPF’S RPF ~ He is being punished with the worst punishment within the Sea Org, the RPF’s RPF. The RPF itself is considered to be worse than prisons where murderers are sent, or Chinese labor camps, and if you fail or non comply while on it you’ll be assigned to an even more restrictive program for those who get in trouble while on the RPF. The work is harder and the living conditions are even worse than those given to the RPF. Penalties are increased, pay is reduced, they are given the worst labor assignments such as rat patrol and scrubbing out garbage dumpsters while inside them, they are assigned double laps & pushups, are on 24-hour watch, (sometimes under double watch with 2 guards) often locked up when not working, and even restrained, made to sleep in places like the boiler room or engine room. This is for those that don’t comply on the RPF, or any that try to escape. It is considered a last ditch effort to save a Sea Org member who is off the rails. In reality, it is human trafficking to the extreme, and false imprisonment of someone who is seeing thru the machine of the Sea Org and has stopped playing the game. The following restrictions are applied: (1) segregated from other RPF members concerning work, messing, berthing, musters, and any other command activity. (2) no pay. (3)
no training. (4) no auditing. (5) may only work on mud boxes in the E/R. May not work with RPF members. (6) six hours of sleep maximum. (7) is under the RPF MAA for all matters, including production. The RPF MAA may designate another to supervise their production. (8) Standard ethics penalties that apply to them to be triple for each offense they are found guilty of until they fully join the RPF of their own determinism. (9) may communicate only with the RPF MAA or his designated assistant. (10) may not join RPF fully until acceptable amends are made to all RPF members. The first RPF’s RPF assignment was made because the person considered their RPF assignment amusing, an award and was therefore unable to recognize a need for redemption or any means to effect it. Until such time as the person recognized this need and of their own self-determinism requested to be included in RPF redemption actions, the restrictions applied. #sea org #behavior #emotion #info #thought #false imprisonment
You can secure when you’ve made your target/got your quota! ~ You will be allowed to get some sleep once you have done whatever I’ve told you to do.
He back-flashed a missionare from a senior Org ~ He talked back to or disrespected someone sent by the Sea Org to do a specific job. He is going to be in big trouble.
Who’s your senior? ~ Never a good question. Usually, means, “Who am I reporting your fuck ups to?”
My senior is going to kill me ~ I am in big trouble from my boss for something I’ve done or failed to achieve.
You’re on shredding in Mimeo ~ You need to go and shred documents as per Hubbard all documents that show any scientology activity excluding PC/Ethics and Pers files are shredded for security reasons so we can hide the mistreatment of people.
YES, SIR!!! AT ONCE SIR! ~ This means, without question, your wish is my command, and it will be executed immediately! In the Sea Org, but also even at Orgs by the public, the term sir is used, mostly when addressing an officer, as in, “Excuse me, Sir.” “Thank you, Sir.” Or “Sir, May I have your permission . .
.” It is also used when answering an officer’s question or responding to an order. “Yes, Sir.” “No, Sir.” “Aye aye, Sir.” Or “The report will be on your desk by 1800 hours, Sir.” all per Hubbard issue FO38. All officers are addressed as “Sir.” And they are so addressed whether male or female. People are also referred to as
their post title in place of their names (which effectively depersonalizes them) or if of equal or lesser rank may be referred to as Mister. All based on the Sea Orgs pretend military regime, that does effectively create rank and order but also helps create respect and legitimacy via titles, uniforms etc.
What does your stat graph look like? ~ A graph shows the product of every job and if it is down, you are in trouble. It must go up constantly.
You are a stat crasher ~ You are deliberately doing it wrong so that the activity fails. You have crimes.
Bring your stats up or I’m going to assign you lowers ~ Produce more/work harder or you will be penalized and punished with ethics i.e. writing up crimes, segregated from peers, public dress downs, grey rag on your arm, assigned hard labor, etc.
Your stats are down ~ you didn’t produce enough, make your target, or achieve more statistically than the week before.
He‘s a stat pusher ~ He does whatever it takes including using unusual (not approved) solutions to achieve his goal. While it’s important to make things go right and to achieve your target, a stat push is considered a false way of achieving stats so is frowned upon and punishable. An example could be “Suzie was found to be stat pushing to get approved for an LOA (vacation). She was observed asking the hotel guests to complete her housekeeping survey card, and if they were happy with the job she did cleaning their room, to please give her an excellent, instead of simply leaving survey cards in guest rooms, per
Hotel Housekeeping hat write up. This put Dev-t (annoyance and extra work) to the public, on top of her stats already being downtrending. As a result, Susie’s LOA has been canceled, and she is assigned lower conditions, and will be off of public lines until she applies for reentry, meanwhile is assigned to the decks.”
Stupidity is NOT an excuse! ~ If you act stupid and don’t know what to do, it doesn’t matter if you are not educated or trained in whatever it is we want you to do then you are in Treason with the Sea Org. Stupidity equals treason and is not acceptable.
You better figure out some successful actions ~ What you are doing is not working to achieve a goal or increase your stats. You must succeed, no matter what, so find a way.
Make your target – or else! ~ I don’t care how you do it, get it done, or you will be sent to ethics and punished.
You are not being a team/group member ~ You are not contributing enough or being too self-focused. This would be said to you if you wanted time off, you did not produce as much as others, you are sick, you don’t want to be in the Sea Org any longer.
I‘m not the correct terminal ~ I am not the right person you need to see about this situation. This can be someone being unsupportive or simply bureaucracy. Either way, you need to find out who can actually help you with whatever your problem is, but it’s not me.
I need a terminal of comparable magnitude ~ I need a person who is as trained as me, as capable as me and has a similar rank to me.
Better get it done Thursday before 2pm ~ That is the cut-off time for the working week. All statistics for staff positions are counted then, and they had better be higher than last week. Finish whatever you are doing by 2pm or it won’t count. This leads to frantic action being taken to finish something and regular weekly allnighters. “ Your stats better be up Thursday b/4 2:00.”
Do you want to be labeled a “tiger?”~ A pretended [staff] member … who has been repeatedly associated with goofed projects and operations and who actually has caused such to occur. He is a person who is a continued out-ethics person. He has failed to get ethics in on himself” (Flag Order 872). So, if you want to survive well, be a “tiger” just like Hubbard, both tough and ruthless about others,
but also to pull off shifting blame to others for all that goes wrong, even when it’s your fault and one who never applies ethics to themselves. These people are not allowed to ever go on missions or have an executive position. They are considered to be fuck ups who can’t change.
You have a 12 hr. T.M. (Time Machine) on that ~ You must get this target done in 12 hours. Example: You have one week T.M. to recruit 20 people, or sell 30 sets of basic books.
He’s on a time machine to comp, and still has to pass bull-baiting, plus 15 clay demos ~ He’s been given a target with a specific and usually unreasonable deadline to complete a training course and he still has multiple drills and demonstrations to do to prove he’s been thoroughly indoctrinated, to be able to qualify as a weekly statistic. If he doesn’t finish as he was assigned to, he and his supervisor will both be chastised, possibly punished.
Is he vetted? Has he gone through all the necessary security checks and been confirmed as ok? Risk management to determine if someone is trustworthy, and to impress upon them the penalties for disloyalty.
What’s your VFP?~ What is your valuable final product, the thing your job is designed to produce or product officer, the thing your statistics are based on. The thing that matters above all else and you must do anything necessary to produce it or be shamed and punished.
You are getting a white-glove! ~ It means removing every speck of dust from a room (and often little or no cleaning supplies) to a standard whereby a white glove wielded by the superior cannot pick up any speck when wiped on various surfaces around the area involved. White-glove inspections can take many hours and are dreaded by overworked staff.
The why will open the door to a “handling” ~ Finding out who/what caused something will allow you to address the problem. Why finding is a threat made every time something doesn’t go right, or stats are crashed, instead of a reasoned evaluation of the situation, they are searching for someone to blame and scapegoat who will be punished publicly.
Write it up to RTC or CSW your local Org~ Beg for whatever you are asking for, in writing.
Put it in writing ~ Everything must be written down. If it isn’t then it isn’t true or didn’t happen.
Where is that written?! ~ There must always be a written policy reference.
That’s a “wrong” handling! ~ You are not dealing with the situation properly! Find the correct policy and do it that way.
Get your act one in! ~ Be connected to your PC as an auditor so you can help him. This is used on auditors a lot if there is a specific preclear they don’t want to audit. Like one that is being inappropriate and sexual towards the auditor is session. You get told to get your act one in meaning the first step you have to have with every PC before you audit them. #behavior #thought #emotion
A-J – You didn’t pass your a-j/he is an “a to j” ~ You are receiving or didn’t pass a metered checklist of questions to determine if you are a security risk to scientology which is an assessment of your motivations and crimes to determine the likelihood that authorities or government agencies sent you or would be after you. If you have committed crimes, it determines who knows about them. Ths meter check includes the following questions that are used to root out spies, plants, or criminals who if exposed could damage scientology : A-1. Have any of your family or friends ever expressed any disagreement with scientology? A-2. Is there someone who doesn’t want you to be here? A-3. Are you here to prove to someone that scientology works, or to show them. B-1. Do you have a criminal record? B-2. Have you committed any crimes for which you have not been caught? C-1. Have you ever threatened to sue or embarrass or attack scientology or Scientologists? C-2. Do you know of anyone who has? D-3. Is anyone
or anything the cause of the way you are now, or some condition you are in? E-1. Are you here on your own determinism? E-2. Do you feel obliged in any way or to anyone to be here? F-1. Are you here to see if
scientology works? F-2. Does scientology always work for you? H-1. Do you want to get better? H-2. Do you know of any other mental technology that works? I-1. What gains are you expecting in scientology? J-1. Do you represent an attempt to investigate scientology? J-2. Do you know of anyone who is investigating scientology? J-5. Have you ever had thoughts of suing or requesting a refund if the tech “didn’t work”? #behavior #info #sex abuse #crimes #felonies
You keep “alter-ising” the tech ~ You keep on not following Hubbard to the letter! This is really bad. #info
Did you do a contact assist? ~ When you hurt yourself per Hubbard you have to redo the motions gently over and over until you feel better. So if you twist your ankle, for example, you retwist it gently in the same way over and over until you feel better. Note: It doesn’t work at all but you cannot stop doing it until you say that you feel better. #behavior #thought #emotion
Did you do a contact assist/touch it back? ~ Any time you injure yourself the first thing you’re supposed
to do is recreate the injury by repeating what happened only gently. So if you fall down you would lie down gently allowing the injured area to make contact again. You would do this again and again until the areas stopped hurting. A child’s first inclination if hurt is to cry and run to their mothers for comfort..this assist circumvents that nurturing since when you complain about being hurt the first thing a parent will ask is
did you touch it back which feels like blame if you didn’t ie you didn’t take responsibility for the injury by touching it back. This assist is supposed to be done in silence, so often a parent will ask all present to be quiet. This assist is supposed to be done whenever possible in the exact location it occurred, so it will be done in public with onlookers. It is very embarrassing and frankly does not provide pain relief or comfort, you really just want it to end as soon as possible. #behavior #thought #emotion
Do you need a locational? ~ You’re out of it. Do you need me to point things out for you to look at over and over and over until you are no longer out of it? #behavior #thought #emotion
How about another touch assist? ~Touch assist is another Hubbard assist which is supposed to help you when you are physically unwell in place of medical care. An adult takes you into a room and has you lie down on a bed, or sit in a chair with your eyes closed, you will unbutton your pants or unhook your bra so you are comfortable. They will then touch you all over your body evenly on both sides with their fingertips and ask “feel my finger?”. This process cannot be stopped until you have a win or say you feel better. Meanwhile, it may be a distraction, but not many who have left scientology think they actually ever work or “handled” their pain, but when you’re in you think that maybe you’re the only one that thinks that, so there must be something wrong with you, and this you keep to yourself to avoid being shamed or found to be aberrated or no case gain since that would make you bad, and dangerous to others if they knew.
Feel my finger ~ The command is given over and over and over in a touch assist, which is an assist you are given when ill in place of medical care or medicine. During the assist, you are touched all over your body, head to toe, from side to side, while you lie on a bed or chair in a closed-door room with an adult stranger. #behavior #thought #emotion #sex abuse
She keeps going “anaten” ~ She keeps dozing off or has a degree of unconsciousness aka
doping-off…basically means “sleepy, foggy (as though doped). This behavior would be attributed to her reactive mind so must be dealt with. Hubbard says “It stems from the restimulation of an engram which contains pain and unconsciousness.” Scientology example: Inside an auditing session: Auditor: Spot an SP. PC: Okay. Auditor: Spot another SP. PC: Yes. Auditor: Spot another SP. PC: Alright. After three hours, PC begins to dope off. Auditor: Did something occur? PC: It just seems the whole planet is crawling with them everywhere I look! Auditor: Your needle is floating. Reality: sitting in a chair for hours on end, repeating, and repeating and repeating the same questions and answers over and over will cause you to dissociate and even doze off because it is mind-numbing and is considered hypnotic techniques since it includes monotony and rhythm. #behavior #thought
Did you attest yet? ~ Did you go hold the cans at the examiner and write a success story saying how amazing whatever you did in auditing was? Did your needle float? #behavior #thought #emotion
You need some auditing! ~ Scientologists will tell you this is similar to counseling. An E-meter is often, but not always used. On the lower levels, an auditor guides the PC (pre-clear) through various questions supposedly designed to elicit a certain result. On the upper levels of Scientology, a person will audit themselves (known as solo-auditing) by mentally asking themselves questions and using the E-meter to find the right answer.
Go to the beginning of that incident. ~ This phrase has to do with the level of control that an adult has over you when they are auditing you and forcing you to speak about traumatizing experiences. An “incident” is something that you have experienced in your life that you could consider to be “traumatic” so this could be “your grandmother died” they would force you to remember the time your grandmother died and recall all the pain that you experienced. They get you to speak about every single aspect of your grandmother’s death over and over, sending you to the “beginning” of that incident” until they get you to disassociate and pretend that you no longer have any negative charge connected with the fact your grandmother just died. The auditor will make you repeat this process as long as the needle is reading,
over and over and over. This is exhausting and mind-numbing.
Coffee shop auditing is not allowed! ~ You are listening to someone and empathizing with what they are saying outside of the session. That is completely unacceptable. Problems and upsets are only to be addressed after purchasing therapy for them.
We’re going to do a green form (because your ruds won’t fly) ~ A green form is used when a persons “case” is bugged (not progressing on a process or having wins) or when you can’t fly their ruds at the beginning of the session (checking for upsets, problems or bad things that are being withheld). It covers different things that prevent a person from doing well in auditing, which btw will all be your fault because of course scientology works all of the time if it’s done properly and your ethics are in.
I am not auditing you. ~ This is said at the beginning of a Sec Check and means that the auditor is not actually auditing you but doing a confessional and everything you say will be put in a report and you will be disciplined internally based on what you have done.
I’m not your auditor ~ I’m not your counselor so stop complaining to me about your problems or upsets, basically. Save it for your auditor, he is the only one allowed to listen to anything about your mental health.
She fell on her head after her out tech sessions ~ After the person’s last session something bad happened to them like they got sick or something went wrong in their lives, which is, of course, the auditor’s fault as they must have misapplied Hubbard. Everything bad that happens to go has to be “negotiated,” they say the only thing that makes someone “do worse” after “session” is that the person’s therapist did something other than what, “L Ron Hubbard wrote” – therefore anything that happens to you immediately after a session if the fault of the therapist not doing something correctly. It is a way to keep you coming back any time something negative happens. They want to get you back in session and for you to feel that they are the only ones that can help “correct your mind”.
I’ll repeat the auditing question ~ You are being questioned in a closed-door room by an adult stranger about personal things, and you have not answered the question, so it will be repeated again and again until you do.
We will continue the process a bit longer ~ You are being questioned in a closed-door room by an adult stranger about personal things, and even though you don’t want to do it anymore, you are not allowed to leave the room, or end the process until you are given permission. If you try you will be physically restrained and forced back into the chair.
I need a body for a student auditor ~ I have a student who needs to practice repetitive commands and questions on someone. Kids are utilized for adults to experiment on during their auditor training since
they are readily available and cant refuse (since parents want their kids to get up the bridge and for free is GREAT, plus want to help create auditors to clear the planet. Refusing would be frowned upon) This can lead to hours and hours of hands-on, behind closed doors time with adult strangers, who again are students, certainly not professionals. I’m not sure who thinks it’s ok to experiment on kids with
mind-altering boundary violating procedures, but clearly, Hubbard did and he got parents to believe it. During auditing you can be denied permission to go to the bathroom, can cry and wail, but until you answer the questions properly you will be forced to stay in the chair until you reach the desired end result. Example: Supervisor: “I have a student auditor, Joe Schmo, looking for a PC, is your daughter Susie available?” Parent: “YES! She’s in school today but I’ll keep her home tomorrow, and make sure she’s sessionable! THANK YOU!! I’ve been postulating her moving on the Bridge!” “Sure, drop her by the Org at 1
PM and Joe can take her to his place, then bring her home once he’s done with her ”. Later… Child: “I DON’T WANT to go with Joe Schmo… he is so creepy and stares at me like he wants something..when I had to do TR’s with him he kept touching me..” Parent: “Hey, that’s natter, what have you done to Joe?” Child: “Nothing, I just don’t want to be alone in a room with him…please don’t make me”…Parent: “If you’re not interested in getting auditing we need to have a much more serious convo..meanwhile, put your homework away and write down your overts and withholds on Joe”.
She needs to get her basics in ~ There is something wrong with her, she needs to learn and apply the basics of scientology and get straight with the program.
We need MORE bodies in the shop! ~ Literally they just want ‘fresh meat’ in the course room, or in the auditing chair because it’s a statistic, all equalling services delivered which means you have sold them something or can sell them something else.
He’s just boiling off ~ He’s falling asleep which means that he has words he doesn’t understand.
If you have breath on a mirror ~ Hubbard says “If breath shows on a mirror held to his face he can audit” If you are breathing, you can do your job. This ended up translating to other situations outside of auditing though. Stop whining, complaining, dramatizing, get back to work and do your job. You are not dead yet.
The room just got brighter ~You look bright and the room just looks brighter and it looks like scientology. This is a common way to demonstrate you are getting gains from scientology. It cannot be proven or disproven.
Stop dramatizing your case ~ This is how scientology defines a person’s mental health, his problems, upsets, and state of mind. You are not allowed to talk about how you feel, what you are upset about etc unless you are in an auditing session.
Crack his case! ~ He’s making no gains. Brainwash and use auditing so that he is making gains with scientology and a robot to Hubbard.
The case crackers in the HGC/ Hubbard guidance center are the best. That’s why we call it the mecca of tech perfection. You really need to route onto an action with the class XII’s. ~ You need to go to Flag and pay tons of money to be audited by a Flag Class XII auditor as they are the best.
Don’t stop until her case is cleared ~ You must continue and continue with the auditing and training until this person is an acceptable human being per scientology values.
You’re no case gain ~ You haven’t progressed by using scientology technology and therefore something is very wrong with you. If you don’t achieve the case gains promised by scientology (don’t enjoy or improve with auditing or training) you are a bad person and you have no hope with scientology since the only hope for mankind (scientology) does not work on you. You don’t deserve to be helped because you are not salvageable. There is no hope for you. You are a lost cause.
Honesty opens the door to case gain ~ You will not get the benefits and wins of auditing if you are dishonest. If scientology doesn’t work on you, you are to blame.
Her case is OCCLUDED ~ She has things she cannot or will not recall in session aka she has issues that need to be addressed in her life but she cannot locate a clear cause and effect so we must find one or invent one by making her look back into her “hidden” past lives” to do so. Scientology promises auditing will help members regain otherwise lost awarenesses, perceptions, and abilities from this life and prior lives, and that through Scientology they should be able to locate times when he has lessened himself as a spiritual being, reduced his ability and perception as a spiritual being and thus reverse what is termed the downward spiral of existence. If you can’t recall these things at first it’s because you have reduced your spiritual abilities over time. Via auditing you will soon be able to recount your past, regain otherwise lost memories and spiritual abilities, and take responsibility for them so you can begin the upward passage on The Bridge to Total Freedom to even greater abilities. This excuse will be used to explain away auditing
not helping you, when you can’t recall a past life incident you are being directed to, or when you aren’t getting the promised gain from a procedure that you purchased etc…your case is just `occluded ” that’s all, Scientology works, it’s just that your spiritual awareness is diminished, so you can’t see things clearly. Another “it’s not us, it’s you” defense.
Just write a note to your c/s / case supervisor ~ You’re upset about something so write a note to the person who supervises all your therapy and interrogations. He’ll know the best indoctrination for you to be sold and then run on, whether you want to do it or not.
That is offline case talk. Not okay! ~ Don’t talk about any of your problems out of session. Ever! You will be written up and punished for it.
He’s a psych case ~ He’s had psychiatric or psychological treatment and therefore is ineligible for scientology services.
Look at that wall, thank you, walk over to that wall, thank you. touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Thank you. This is Opro by Dup. A Tr’s course where you train a person to have total control of the PC. The above are the commands for both TR 7 where the person has to physically resist and you have to force them to do what you say and then TR 9 where you are supposed to have total control, (tone 40) and the person is supposed to just do what you say without questioning like a robot. It is done after the Pro TR’s. It also includes the one where you yell at the top of your lungs to an ashtray.
Do you have full certainty? ~ Are you fully brainwashed in whatever Hubbard has instructed? Are you fully a robot without your own thoughts and mind?
We are going to cancel your certs ~ Your scientology certificates are going to be canceled as we have decided that you are out tech or a bad person.
I blew so much charge/That really blows charge. ~ I got rid of so much negative energy. That makes me feel better and all the bad energy has gone.
You seem to have charge on that ~ you are reacting to something either physically or on the meter. You are upset about something and you shouldn’t be. It is an aberration. If in session you would be made to describe it over and over until it no longer reads aka “handle” it.
You are going to clay demo this until you fully duplicate it ~ You need to go and put that in clay until you really get it and can apply it.
Your clay demo is a flunk – I don’t see it ~ Whatever you put in clay doesn’t show what you are supposed to show so you need to redo it.
You have a lack of mass, do a clay demo/Get some mass on it ~ You don’t have enough physical understanding of what you are reading. You should go demonstrate it in clay. This is often quite difficult, especially to a child. Some things in scientology simply do not add up, and most are very complex. Regardless you must accept them and prove you understand them by using them. You will want so badly to demonstrate you “get” what they are demanding you get so they will pass you, that you do whatever it takes to convince them of this, so its like pleading or proving yourself, only in clay. So truly indoctrination.
You’re just cleaning a clean ~ Whatever it is that you are trying to find out about a person has already been fully confessed so you’re just trying to find out something that has already been found out.
A cleared cannibal is a cleared cannibal ~A person who is completely messed up and simply can’t be a good person. If they reach the state of clear they are still a bad person even if they have reached the state of Clear on the scientology Bridge. So if you are a cannibal and you go to Clear you are still a cannibal basically.
You need to clear all the small common words ~ In the Hubbard Grammar course Key to Life, you have to do this endless word clearing of small common words and have all the correct definitions of each one so you need to go back and clear those as you don’t understand them. It is mind-numbing but you do learn a lot of words.
Do you have a full conceptual understanding of the tech!? ~ Do you fully understand what Hubbard said and can you follow it like a robot?
Put your hands on mine and contribute to the motion ~ One of the commands given in the Objectives/Opro by Dup where you are in a closed-door room with an adult auditor and given command after command designed to get you into present time and comfortable being controlled. This will go on for hours and hours, and days on end until you can cooperate willingly without resisting. This grooms children (and adults) to be directed and completely pliable.
GET TO COURSE! ~ Go do scientology training. A course is one of many set study programs in Scientology where the scientologist studies Hubbard’s texts and practices using various aspects of the texts. If one is regularly going to church to study Scientology doctrine, they can be said to “be on course”.You are off purpose if you don’t, which is unacceptable. A LOT of importance is put on being indoctrinated and MUCH of this happens in a classroom environment, where your every move is scrutinized, inspected, graphed, judged, and you are incessantly quizzed to be sure you have “gotten it” aka taken the doctrine to be your own, ie accepted it fully. Many children avoid going to course, whenever possible.
Here is a cramming order on what an executive wants on his lines. ~ You are being reprimanded and must go and study and re-indoctrinate yourself via policies that you must never bother ‘executives’ with petty problems.
Follow up on all dirty needles ~ whenever you hold the cans, if the needle reaction on the meter makes little jagged movements it means the person is “hiding something shameful they have done that they
don’t want to tell the person interrogating them. Following up on a dirty needle means repeatedly asking a person what they are “looking at”, getting them to tell you what they are hiding until the needle goes “clean” (no longer doing jerky movements). No matter what type of auditing you are doing your interrogator may ask intrusive questions ie “are you withholding something? is there something you don’t want us to know? have you done something that would be not safe to reveal?” and you must answer all questions. The interrogation will not stop until the dirty needle is “clean”. If an auditor ignores a dirty needle they are told that they are committing a GROSS AUDITING ERROR which is actually a crime, so
there is a lot of pressure on the person conducting the interrogation to be abnormally inquisitive about the child’s past including but not limited to their sexual experiences.
He has a really dirty needle ~ A derogatory statement used to signal that the person on the meter is full of withholds which equals out ethics, and he is not being fully transparent or coming clean.
I‘m feeling so dispersed ~ I’m all over the place, very discombobulated. You must have missed withholds.
She’s nothing but a dog pc, and a heavy drug case ~ She doesn’t make easy gains, struggles or takes up too much time in session, and has done lots of drugs before Scientology. This is a derogatory comment used behind someone’s back and yet another way to explain away why they aren’t progressing with auditing.
Do the drill!!!!! ~ Do the scientology indoctrination drill i.e. steps you follow to learn how to do something usually in auditing. Don’t do anything else. Huge stress placed on drilling the procedures to learn how to “administer” the auditing EXACTLY. If you are training to be an auditor, you will be required to do “mock” interrogations using a doll, and a coach will supervise your every move. The focus and repetition of the drills make the interrogations feel familiar and normalizes them. The adult supervising you through it places huge importance on it and grooms you to believe what you are doing is completely valid. To get a “pass” on a drill you are required to “drill” then demonstrate proficiency & perfection. If at any time you get flustered or no longer want to do the “drill”, your supervisor will yell at you to “DO THE DRILL”. During scientology auditor training you are “numbed” of your feelings or perceptions – you are required like a
robot to “learn” how “L Ron Hubbard would audit” and anything you bring up about not liking what you are doing is met with a “DO THE DRILL” to basically override your own perceptions and cancel out your resistance of not feeling what you are doing is normal, or good. Auditing is a “ROTE” process – everything you do or say in a session is governed by L Ron Hubbard’s strict “technical mandates” (called “Technical bulletins”) which are in essence the “script” that you must learn VERBATIM and stick to – no matter what. NO one is allowed to change, alter or challenge the way Hubbard dictates every single aspect of how to carry out his “technology”.
Do birds fly? Do fish swim? ~ On the TR’s course, you will ask this and be asked this over and over and must answer or get answered. So you become a complete robot in answering or getting your questions answered while showing no emotions, or thinking.
I heard he reverted to drugs ~ You are not allowed to take drugs in scientology and if you have, you need special clearance and specific auditing to be allowed to continue. If a person takes drugs again they are basically written off.
You need a drug handling ~ You need to address the drugs you took that are holding you back. with scientology auditing. That’s the only solution. This is done at the lower end of the bridge and promises to eliminate their effects which is of course ludicrous. They also promise the purification rundown will handle drugs and toxins trapped in your fat cells, which is also ridiculous.
Why are you sleeping during your enhancement time? ~ scientology study/training/auditing time. The time each day you are allotted away from your job to be indoctrinated. You are shamed if you don’t do it and punished by not being allowed to do it.
Have you E/P’d yet? ~ Have you reached the “end phenomena” as written for whatever it is you are doing? This means you have attained the prescribed “win” for that action. It’s usually an auditing command of some kind but can refer to actions like cleaning your room.
You haven’t reached the EP/ end phenomenon yet? ~ you are being questioned in a closed-door room by an adult stranger about personal things and even though you have answered as best you can, you haven’t given THE ANSWER or specific response required to indicate you have achieved the end result, so you must continue.
Don’t evaluate for me! ~ Don’t tell me what to think, or feel, don’t judge me especially if it contradicts scientology. Evaluation is a no-no in scientology stemming from the auditor code “Do not evaluate for the preclear or tell him what he should think about his case in session” but also gets applied outside of session. Supposedly each being should have their own realizations and cognitions per Hubbard (when in fact everything in scientology is leading you to his rigid set in stone outcome). You most certainly shouldn’t put your thoughts or opinions in their minds (that space is reserved for Hubbard). The pretense in scientology is you are getting there on your own, this way you can believe you are becoming more free, more “you”, instead of the opposite. Helping someone, even giving them some direction/advice/opinion could be considered evaluation. Example: Friend: “Dude, don’t join the sea org, go to college! Or travel, have some can always join later..”. Michael: ”Stop evaluating for me. The recruiter showed me an Hubbard reference on Greatness…and Five Years…the sea org really is the only place I can achieve my true’s the biggest game…and it’s URGENT..not sitting in a classroom reading dusty irrelevant WOG books full of bullshit propaganda that don’t help anyone any way…in the sea org I can actually make a difference..” or Friend: “Joe, you need to divorce your wife, she totally cheated on you, twice now…” Joe: “Hey, stop evaluating for me..I’m handling it in a Chaplin cycle (ie I’m paying Scientology to tell me what to do)”.
You must’ve gone exterior ~ To leave the body. You are taught you can step outside your body in the form of a disembodied spirit, and hover about looking at things. This is deemed to be a very important goal in fact. In actuality you are dissociating so you can endure a traumatic experience by using it as a coping mechanism in response to stressful situations. This often happens in auditing, and while doing training routines, since many go into a trance. Sitting in a chair for hours on end, repeating, and repeating and repeating the same questions and answers over and over will cause you to dissociate because it is
mind-numbing and is considered hypnotic techniques since it includes monotony and rhythm. In the Sea
Org when you are overworked and sleep-deprived you can experience missing time. #behavior #thought
You false attested to grade. ~ You pretended to be done with whatever auditing action you are doing which is extremely serious. You are not done with whatever the action was and you have not accomplished the end phenomena (result) of that action. You will be handled in ethics as this is a serious crime and once that is done you have to re-do the auditing action.
You falsely attested to your Sec Check ~ You did not get off all your crimes in the Sec Check you are doing and you need to go back and get off the rest of your cimes. This means that your auditor will also be severely disciplined for missing your withholds which is unacceptable.
You falsified the worksheets ~ You lied on your auditor worksheets (the notes an auditor is required to write during the session using a type of shorthand to keep track of all that transpires and is said, as well as the needle activity). You added or omitted something that happened, and the penalty is Treason.
You need false data stripping ~ You are being negative about something in scientology which means you have wrong information so we are going to follow a procedure to brainwash you into totally agreeing with Hubbard again. We will find that “false” data and replace it with the correct policy data.
Your folders need to be FES’d (folder error summary) ~ Something is wrong with you which means something went wrong in your auditing. So an auditor is going to go through all your folders and find any errors and write them all down on a pink paper which will be at the back of your current folder. Then we can figure out what your problem is and fix it. And if you are paying for the service you need to pay for all time time this takes, to correct mistakes you did not make.
My file clerk must not be working ~ You can’t recall something or an incident from a past life, and you should be able to. Your file clerk is the process in your head that retrieves memories. LRH described it could go back and grab any of the trillions of incidents on one’s time track—the consecutive record of mental image pictures, from “when it all began” to present time. LRH says we should all have perfect recall, and getting up the bridge is how we can attain that. The only things that occlude it are moments of pain and unconsciousness, or misdeeds, and only auditing can resolve these things. Example: “Now why can’t I remember how to do algebra? I know I must’ve learned it in a past life!. Bad file clerk.”
You need to flatten your objectives ~ Your Objectives (an auditing process where you boringly touch objects over and over and move them around on command) are not fully done so you need to go back and do them again until you can operate in the present. Objectives are what get you to be in the present. Really it’s simply grooming you to allow others to control you comfortably.
You’d better flatten it ~ Run the process until the meter no longer reads. Iit entails is being stripped of all mental boundaries while a strange adult scours your brain (based on the needle reaction and not your opinion) until you describe in minute detail every aspect of whatever they are digging into, over and over, even having to imagine the thing in past lives (that you must make up if you can’t recall) until the adult says you are now “flat” on that thing. In other words you have no further emotional reaction.
I had a floating ta (tone arm) at exams ~ My floating needle was so big that it could not be kept on the dial of the e-meter. It means someone is so happy and winning that the e-meter is not responding so we have to take a break.
I just F/N’d / (had a floating needle) on my c/s 53 ~ I just had a floating needle on my entire C/S 53 which is a LONG list of questions an auditor asks to see if there is anything wrong with you. One of the actions that is delivered is having a floating needle on the entire list.
Your needle is floating ~ Your needle is freely moving back and forth which can mean we are done with what we are doing and can also be one of the signs that show we are done with the process along with some realization about something which is basically a trap as you can’t be done with any auditing unless you express how amazing it is and how it has changed your life.
You’ve been miscalling f/n’s ~ A floating needle on the e-meter is defined as: “a rhythmic sweep of the
dial, at a slow even pace, of the needle back and forth, back and forth 4 times, without change in the width of the swing except to widen as the pc gives off the last bits of negative charge”. Scientology auditing is governed by “interpretations of the needle” which means the auditor has to adjudicate at all times “what type of needle reaction” they are seeing as they interrogate or give commands. In session your auditor is looking for a “floating needle” to determine “whether or not” you can “move on to the next question”. Anytime you are told that your “needle is floating”, you know “everything is clean” and you have no more negative charge concerning the subject being discussed. Since sessions are video recorded through the “look in system”, the “case supervisor” who watches the videos looks to see if the needle truly floated. It is
common to catch “auditors” who miss call them, which is considered a FALSE REPORT, OUT TECH, and an immediate “ethics matter” for the auditor, so punishment.
Are you fast flow? ~ Have you done the Student hat and method 1-word clearing on the meter? This means you don’t need to get checked for words you don’t understand on scientology course checksheets on the policies where there is an * and you don’t need to do an exam at the end of a course.
You are going to be one way flowed ~ You are just going to receive auditing without giving it. “One way flow” is movement in one direction only.
You’re being glib ~ You are just saying the words without actually understanding them. One who cannot confront words and ideas so cannot apply them. “Knock off the glibness. Go and re-study and show that you can use the policy in the way it’s meant to be used.”
Sounds like the wrong/skipped gradient ~ You are not doing what is expected, backtrack and find where you did understand it and then study/do it again.
Make it go right, with green on white! ~ Scientology policies are green ink on white paper. All things can be resolved by following policy.
Think of something you can have ~ Have an idea of something that could belong to you. This is a havingness drill for people who don’t have what they want or won’t give Scientology what they have, as if practicing envisioning having more will do the trick.
You have a held down 7~ You have something really wrong with you like a held down 7 on a computer that doesn’t function and is held down at all times. Only scientology auditing can salvage you.
You are stuck in an implant ~ You are stuck in a past life incident that is really bad where you were electric shocked and brainwashed and the reason you are stuck there is that you did something really bad. You are a suppressive person basically. Only scientology can help you.
Return to the beginning of the incident and tell me when you’re there ~ have answered as best you can, the meter is still reading meaning there is more, so the auditor will keep making you run through it again and again until they are satisfied you have told all.
He failed to answer the key question ~ He didn’t answer the main question and the main point you were trying to get answered.
Don’t put that on my lines ~ Don’t bother me or upset me with your troubles, they have nothing to do with me. You didn’t eat today? Well go and tell somebody else, I have important work to do.
She’s en route off lines ~ She’s leaving for some bad reason, either an out qual (she’s not good enough) or she’s unhappy (she has crimes) but either way she will be handled by ethics until she is out of the way
safely, and meanwhile you should keep your distance from her since she is either a potential trouble source, degraded, or a downstat.
You/they need to get back on lines ~ This means the person being referred to is not currently getting any paid scientology auditing or courses and needs to be ‘handled’ to get their priorities in line.
You can run the loss in session ~ You can go in session and handle whatever emotional loss you have suffered. For example your grandmother you love just died, and you are traumatized by the news of her “dropping her body”. You will be “programmed” to “run out the loss” in session. This means you will have to speak about every single aspect of her death and how horrible you feel about it for hours ad nauseam until you give in and say that you have no more negative emotion whatsoever connected to losing your
grandmother. You will not be allowed to stop the process or leave the room without saying the technology of L Ron Hubbard has 100% taken all the “negativity” out of the “incident”. If you are found crying after the session they will blame your auditor for not “flattening the incident” and label you a “red tag” (which is internal crisis management to keep everyone “happy” with their auditing). This means you’ll be forced to go back in session within 24 hours (since they have only 24 hours to “handle” you) during which they’ll subject you to as many more hours of recounting the trauma as necessary until you are “good indicators again”.
He’s an LSD case ~ He’s taken LSD and is therefore unqualified for any services or staff positions unless he has specific ‘drug handling’ auditing. Example: Your mom is being offloaded from the Sea Org as an LSD case. Don’t worry, you’ll still get to see her once every other week on your liberty day if your stats are up. So you better get those stats up! Meanwhile you’ll be assigned a guardian.
When were you last doing well? ~ This is mainly to check to see if the person is a potential trouble source and will cause trouble for scientology. So you’re asking the person on the meter in an interview when they last felt they were doing well so you can track down what happened or what influence may be pertinent..
In this lifetime what do you use to make yourself right and others wrong? ~ In this life what is it that you use to operate to make you right and another wrong so we can address it and fix it with auditing. This is called “ser-fac” handling. It is a fixed idea. example. “to win anything you have to cheat” which would be your rationalization that cheating is ok.
Return to your materials ~ Don’t you dare question anything Hubbard wrote or said. Go back to your
Hubbard material and find your misunderstood word until you robotically agree with it and can follow
what Hubbard wrote to the letter. Do not question anything whatsoever. Example: Student: I don’t quite get what it means when he says “beingness”. Is that just “being” with a “ness” on the end?”, “Supervisor:
“What do your materials say?”. Pat answers for “reread your materials however many times it takes so
you can twist yourself around them until they make sense to you and you can apply them without thinking.
That sounds like Mayo tech ~ That sounds like an alteration of Hubbard tech by David Mayo. He used to be very close to Hubbard and helped with his research and audited him till he fell out of grace and he is now known as a big bad SP who altered Hubbard technology. So anything that comes from Mayo is now wrong.
What have I missed? …… That! Yes, that right there. ~ What bad deed have you done that you are not telling me about that is reading on the meter (lie detector)? When you are in the middle of a “session” with an auditor who is usually an adult who is also a stranger that you don’t know (anyone that completes the two-week course LEVEL II HUBBARD CERTIFIED AUDITOR COURSE and is allowed to take minors in session). Hubbard claims that the only reason scientology won’t work on you is that you are keeping something “Secret”. The phrase “what have I missed?” asks directly for what is it that you haven’t told us
about?. With the use of the “e meter” your attention is strictly guided to look at the areas that the adult wants you to speak about this includes but is not limited to: sexual proclivities, jerking off, masturbating, anything in the realm of sexuality that could be considered “sexually perverted”. Anything that you are hiding from them is something they are going to force you to speak about. The auditor is under the gun as well if he fails to find out what that kid is not disclosing “what is being missed”. The penalty for “Missing withholds” is ethics canceling your certificates as an auditor doing a committee of evidence for not “finding out” and getting sent to the RPF or SUPPRESSIVE PERSON DECLARE.
That’s just M/U / misunderstood phenomenon ~ A misunderstood word, meant to cause everything from blows (sudden departures) to overts and withholds and not applying the technology correctly. A great deal of attention is put on M/Us and defining and understanding every word on a course is mandatory.
You are acting inappropriately or being negative about scientology which means you have words you don’t understand which makes you do bad things. ie If you think it is all nonsense, it is because you went by a word you didn’t understand. If you think it is dangerous, and that the RPF is repressive and sick, you just have an M/U. If you think the Purification Rundown is bizarre, you have an M/U, and that is your problem. It’s the only reason someone gives up on scientology, according to Hubbard. So once again, it is not the situation or the materials, you are wrong, you simply don’t comprehend because of a word.
Do you have an MU/Is there a word you don’t understand, you stuttered? ~ You were reading aloud and you stuttered which means you have a word you don’t understand.
You’re nodding off, find your mu/misunderstood. ~ You’re falling asleep which means you have a misunderstood word and you need to find it. “So you didn’t get enough sleep you say?” No, it’s a misunderstood that made you doze off, so go and find that word and you won’t be tired anymore.”
You are full of mu’s (misunderstood words) ~ you don’t understand some words the way scientology means them, therefore you don’t understand the technology and it’s all your fault. You are a walking disaster because of all these misunderstood words, it makes you stupid and it’s up to you to find each word and then see how they apply to the situation and how wrong you were before.
Find your misunderstood. ~ A blanket statement that means whatever the problem is, there is a word in the situation or policy you should be applying that you don’t understand. You need to find that word,
define it and then get on with what policy says to do. The only reason you can’t understand something, do something, or disagree with something in scientology is a misunderstood word, or you have crimes.
Use the murder routine, his confront is very low ~ The person on the meter isn’t getting off big enough crimes so you need to ask him atrocious things like did he murder anyone, have sex with animal, rape anyone, etc… that way he will tell you what he actually did do.
His head hurts, he could be Out Int ~ A preclear is getting headaches a lot so he could be out Int meaning he’s had an incident where he couldn’t get in or out. ( I changed this as no one auditor trained would ever ask a person directly if they were out Int as this would be an evaluation and the auditor would get in deep shit. It would be discussed with the C/S)
Your int is out ~ A phrase used to control you when you tell someone in scientology that you want to leave, are having headaches or are dissociating. When you tell anyone in scientology that you want to leave you are told per Hubbard, the only reason you’d want to leave (other than having withholds/crimes) is because you are “stuck in an incident in another life when you were killed or died” and you are just feeling the “effects” of that right now. Your “case supervisor” will diagnose that you are “exhibiting indicators that you are OUT INT” (or your “int” is “out”) and will prescribe that you purchase, and then be subjected to approx 25-50 hours (“it takes as long as it takes” so could escalate to 200 hours or more) in
a room with an auditor that will ask you to recount “painful incidents” where you died or were about to die or disassociated since by speaking about the “past” trauma you will address the “pain you are experiencing right now.” You will not be allowed to complete the “INT RUNDOWN” until you say how “amazing” it was to speak about death and potential deaths and dissociation, as you are made to accept those are the only reasons that you would experience the above symptoms. This is a trap since telling them you don’t want to be there or are feeling unwell results in being told there is something “wrong” with you, and you must submit to the torture described above, forcing you to stay in their grips. Regardless of your age, anyone originating headaches or wanting to leave will be forced to do this “procedure” as a deterrent from allowing you to leave, and to justify why you are suffering from these symptoms.
You are out list ~ Someone indicated something as your ‘item’ in or out of session. For example, your mom is the ‘item’ as a suppressive person in your life, and it was an incorrect item and needs to be addressed immediately in session because you are reacting badly, which means you are ‘out list’. It is very serious.
You’re just out ruds ~ A state of being tired, hungry or upset. Hubbard states that someone tired, hungry or upset cannot be properly audited, and that ‘out ruds’ must be dealt with before someone goes in session. Rudiments are the three things that Hubbard says cause a person to not be “audited”. This means that before the beginning of any “auditing session” scientology directs the auditor to find out if the person has: 1. An upset (or as it’s called internally ARC Break) 2. A present time problem (called PTP) 3. If a WITHHOLD has been “missed” (meaning the person has done something that is shameful they could feel guilty about but is withholding it from scientology. OUT RUDS is a phrase to contextualize your behavior as “reactionary”. It means that you are not “calm and happy about scientology or your life in general” therefore if you can address by divulging any of your current upsets, worries/problems or things that you are ashamed about then you will be able to “have your RUDS IN”. This is a way that Scientology keeps all its members “freshly acceptable” and is a form of spying on the person’s immediate life. A way to data-mine the current challenges that a person is having as a way to continue to act as a source of “trust”. Is the way scientology portrays a false sense of “intimacy and trust”. The phrase is also used to dismiss your current abusive situation and to generically sum up your current intuition that “something is wrong” with the fact that the only reason you are feeling this way is that you have not addressed the 3 issues above with them.
He was out tech that’s why he is off post ~ He did something that’s not allowed in the Technical Bulletins of Scientology, or applied it wrongly. This is often an accusation of deliberately doing something bad. “ Off post” indicates he has been sent somewhere else and is being punished for his failure. He will then be
re-indoctrinated until all the materials are studied again and he is deemed fit to continue his job.
I feel overrun ~ A scientology auditor is supposed to continue asking the same question and continue a process over and over on the person no matter if they are experiencing bad traumatic negative emotions throughout the experience. If you continue to feel that a process is not helping you, you are not liking it and you have done countless hours of it and you still feel horrible, you can say that you feel “OVERRUN” which simply means you have done the process past the point you were feeling “well”. In scientology you are never under any reason whatsoever allowed to move on to a “new question” if you didn’t like what was asked of you or you have any negative experience. You are required to answer with a positive experience and you have to lie to yourself that you “loved” what you were doing in session or the questioning will never stop. So in an auditing session if a person is IRATE, upset and uncomfortable about the L Ron Hubbard auditing that is being “delivered” they brainwash you to think that it was only because they did it past the point you felt well. This procedure gaslights the therapy subject by getting them to talk about when they “felt good” and turn their attention towards the fact they felt good about something and that
they “don’t feel bad anymore”. It’s an insidious technique that keeps you redefining your current conditions of abuse, any time you feel “bad” you are told that you just “OVERRUN” because “YOU SKIPPED A WIN”.
That’s a paperclip overt ~ The bad thing you got off from the PC in session is not bad enough. You are in trouble as an auditor for accepting that and therefore must have your own bad deeds that you are hiding.
I heard she has a low OCA ~ An OCA is used to determine a person’s capability, and a low OCA means
they are pretty useless. This 200 question test has ZERO relation to Oxford but the name helped legitimize it, so people taking the test believe the results truly matter. It’s given to new members to help “find their ruin” and then sell them a scientology cure, and also follow each item completed to gauge your improvement, although after taking it so many times you begin to see the patterns and even memorize the answers. The more you answer as a scientologist would, the higher your score will be, indicating, of course, you are improving each time you complete a scientology service.
His PT PC folder is lost ~ The person’s current Preclear folder where all his auditing worksheets and information is on him as a person is lost. This would be a flap since Hubbard says folders are to be maintained into the next life since the person is expected to return life after life and will need to pick up auditing where they left off.
Are you a victim of PDH (pain drug hypnosis)?/She’s a possible PDH case ~ Has a psychiatrist gotten a hold of you and given you pain, drugs and hypnotized you and sent you here to destroy scientology? This is a very real paranoid fear in scientology.
This process will increase your perceptions and raise your IQ! ~ This auditing process is going to perform miracles for you! This is promised to get people to do scientology all the way up the bridge from beginning to end..and since you don’t achieve the impossible gains, you either pretend you do, imagine you do, or think you are a failure and that there is something wrong with you…meanwhile you keep buying and doing the next level hoping to improve.
Don‘t you want to attain Clear and have full perception? ~ Hubbard promised Clears would achieve total recall of the whole of his life with full perception. This has never been proven to have been achieved but its a HUGE selling point. Never happened.
You’re getting a pink sheet! ~ When a course supervisor finds that some student does not fully understand the materials he studied earlier, the supervisor will write a ‘pink sheet’ for the student. The pink sheet contains orders to re-study that section of the materials, and lists which materials are to be re-studied before continuing on. It is called a pink sheet because it is only issued on pink paper.
Put them on the running program ~ This is a bizarre program apparently designed to fix insanity by running in circles around an object like a pole endlessly, until the person has a realisation and regains sanity. Age or physical ability is not considered in this highly demanding activity.
You need to redo your Purif/purification rundown ~ You need to redo the scientology sauna program where you sit in a sauna for 5 hours taking hand fulls of vitamins, tons of niacin, salt and potassium and drink disgusting oil and cal-mag, which is a vinegar drink invented by Hubbard.
She keeps red-tagging/ She is double red-tagged ~ She did not F/N at the examiner after her session which means the auditor did something wrong and needs to get corrected. The PC needs correction and you have 24 hours to remove the red tag or the entire qual division will lose all of its statistics.
Let’s do a rehab. ~ Let’s put you on the meter and fix you via a “rehabilitation” process. We will get to the bottom of the problem and find out what you didn’t understand or do correctly and fix you right up!
You just need some life (livingness) repair ~. You are a newbie to receiving auditing and are complaining about having problems in your life. Scientology can help with that! “Where is my spontaneity, my laughter, my nonchalance, my calm, my joy of living? How can I get it back? It’s the 20,000-mile maintenance service for a car or your regular check-up with your Doctor. You don’t miss those appointments because you want your car and your body to run well. Don’t your soul and your mind deserve the same care and good treatment as your automobile or your physical body? The Life Repair Program cleans up the upsets and setbacks of life and gets and keeps you in good condition.” Entry-level services are very much feeder types that flatter, are pleasant, help you feel better about yourself, feel important, and are uplifting..this is so you will want (buy) more. The interrogations and mind-altering processes come a bit later, once you’re hooked and more pliable.
Has your restimulation blown? ~ Has whatever made you feel bad from a past incident disappeared and again are you numb about it so you can move on?
That’s just a restimulation. ~ An incident in the past where you had pain and unconscious was triggered and that is why you are acting/feeling like that. That is just your reactive mind talking and it’s not actually happening in the present. So stop crying because you fell over. Get into present time, and stop being a baby and letting your reactive mind run you.
He will be required to retread all his tech and admin training ~ He has to go and do ALL his training again. From the start! And if he is not staff he will need to pay for it all again. Because we said so.
He R/Sed (Rock Slammed) on his return from mission sec check. ~ A crazy, irregular left-right slashing motion of the needle on the E-Meter dial. R/Ses repeat left and right slashes unevenly and savagely, faster than the eye easily follows. The needle is frantic, a rock slam (R/S) means a hidden evil intention on the subject or question under auditing or discussion.
Not getting products? Probably a L1-RSer! ~ You’re not achieving whatever your job is supposed to? You may have goals opposed to scientology aka evil intentions. This can be checked by putting you on the meter and interrogating you using a list. This is a threat of interrogations and punishment, potentially being found as evil. The best thing to do is whatever it takes to work harder and achieve your targets
ASAP. Sacrifice sleep, food, relationships, etc. L1RSers go to the prison program (RPF) and can be trapped there for years.
Where’s your routing form? ~ You need a routing form that shows every step you need to take on an activity or service and it must be signed by all those people who need to approve it or give permission. If you don’t have a routing form you can’t do it.
Get your ruds (pronounced rudes)in! ~ Stop showing emotions. Shape up and get your shit together.
I‘ve been a bit out ruds because of a PTP with my 2D. ~ I’ve been a bit upset and annoyed because I have a present time problem with my wife.
You are not going to “metab” due to out ruds. ~ When you take a deep breath and blow it out at the beginning of the session to make sure you are “sessionable”, but the needle did not move enough, which means you need more food or sleep before you can go in session (this refers to your metabolism).
Your body ruds are out that’s why you are cranky ~You haven’t had enough sleep or food and that is why you are showing unwanted emotions. Hubbard states that someone tired, hungry or upset cannot be properly audited, and that ‘out ruds’ must be dealt with before someone goes in session.
Find his ruin ~ Find out what is making him unhappy. You might ask him what he would like to improve about himself, what he struggles with, would like help with. The thing that will hook him, and get his money. That’s why one of the first things offered to prospective Scientologists is a personality test to try and find out what areas to ask about. Once you know this you will tell him that Scientology can help him
with that. Scientology will then sell him services to help “treat” his problem. A person’s ruin is used to bait the hook that draws them into Scientology.
I am going to have to run this in session ~ In short it means I’ll have to go in session and address it with my auditor because that’s the only place where it can be handled. This means whatever discomfort, abuse, or traumatic event you are experiencing in your life, it must be “addressed in a session with an auditor” at which point the therapy will “dissolve all negative charge connected to the abuse”. This is a form of gaslighting of the victim where they are made to go into great detail around all the aspects of the abuse or upset and then are expected after disclosing it, to feel better about it, as if it has been washed
away for them, and also for their perpetrator. It will now be dismissed as handled, and you are expected to get over it and move on. For example, “My daughter committed suicide last month, but I’m ok. I handled it in session.” “I was raped by my boss last year and I was pretty messed up about it, but I took it up in session and flattened it, so I don’t need to dramatize about it any longer.” So the expectation is that I don’t care that the horrible situation took place anymore because I “ran it” in session and now I am fine with whatever abuse was inflicted on me. Talk therapy is great, but it does not resolve death/rape etc, and should not let the perpetrator off the hook. What this does is deaden you to your own feelings, or make
you stuff them away instead.
RUN IT till it blows ~ Keep doing the auditing over and over till whatever is there (and reading on the meter) disappears.
RUN that on her ~ Use this auditing process on her. She is doing or exhibiting something and this is the handling. The Case supervisor would program what scientology process is run and would coordinate with the registrar to help “sell” it to them.
Did you take your salt and potassium??? ~ As part of the Purification Rundown, and actually in general in hot weather, per Hubbard you have to ingest salt and potassium tablets.
Get back in the box/sauna! ~ On the Purif you do 5 hours of sauna a day. You can take short breaks but if they are too long you are told to get back in the sauna. This includes children, there is no consideration given for age or physical ability to tolerate such a physically demanding regime.
Anything you’d like to say or ask before we end this session? ~ Before ending sessions the auditor will always ask the PC if there is anything the PC would like to say or ask before the session is ended.
Stop self-coaching! ~ Stop judging yourself on whatever scientology drill you are doing. You can’t change the written instructions (policy) or you will not succeed and it’s not up to you to judge if you have passed the drill or not. Do what the policy says, not what you think is a better way.
I won’t be sessionable ~ I won’t have enough sleep or be well-fed enough so that I can receive auditing. This is every day in the Sea Org since production is a higher priority than getting up the bridge.
You can take that up in session ~You can go into an auditing session and take that up with your auditor. Don’t show emotions out of session. That is ‘case on post’.
Would you like others to have similar gains to yours? ~ Do you want others to have similar realizations that you have had with scientology? This is always asked by the examiner when you are attesting to something and your needle must float indicating you are happy. If it doesn’t float, it indicates you don’t want others to do well and you are a bad person. YOU MUST ALWAYS AGREE AND YOUR NEEDLE MUST ALWAYS FLOAT!
He’s a slow student/bogged student/study case ~ He’s not very smart and can’t get through his training courses, so it is a nuisance. Sadly kids who were pulled out of traditional school and so have difficulty reading and writing, will be labeled this and blamed for their learning issues.
Did you pass your star rate check out? ~ That Hubbard policy has a * next to it on the checksheet which means someone needs to ask you definitions of words and check your understanding of it for you to be able to continue. If you get a word wrong you’re flunked and must reread it.
You need to handle your stuck attention units~
Stop thinking about things other than Scientology, or the task at hand. It doesn’t mean to resolve the reason you are preoccupied about something, more to stop doing it, become cause over it, and decide it isnt really a problem. If you are worried about your sick grandfather, and want to visit him, you would be demeaned for having stuck attention units, aka caring about what happens to him. Whatever is happening to him, he pulled in and must take responsibility for and handle himself. You must get back to work.
Did you write a success story? ~ After every scientology auditing and courses you are required to write a Success Story, which is a written statement of how amazing it all was. It is mandatory and if you don’t you get in trouble and handled until you do. Later when you are unhappy they will be used to prove that you did have success with scientology.
THANK YOU for telling me that! ~ This is the pat unfeeling acknowledgement that auditors are trained to respond with while in session, but it leaks into everyday scientology lives. It’s supposed to signal “I hear you” but often it’s followed by some redirection that is unpleasant or unhelpful and lacks compassion and real understanding. For example Child says “Mom, I fell down and twisted my ankle! It really hurts!” Mom says: ”Thank you for telling me that. Did you do a contact assist? ”. A child says: “I don’t want to join the sea org. I don’t want to leave all my friends behind..”. Mom says: “Thank you for telling me that..what part can’t you confront or take responsibility for? Ron says it’s the most ethical group on the planet and the group doing the most good. You want to do good and help Ron right? Have you gone over the plus points and out points so you can figure out the greatest good? Why don’t you do that and then let me know what your solution is.”
You are going to be declared a tiger/dangerous auditor ~ This is warning you will be labeled a dangerous auditor and can’t help anyone but actually you harm every single person you ever try to help. This would happen if you were repeatedly found to be missing withholds. Or you have low confront and only pull paper clip overts (small inconsequential crimes, and not the BIG ones, like rape or murder). Example: On the Freewids there was a guy named Ignacio Tidu who was Auditing Captain Mike Napier. Mike Napier was having a sexual affair with a married woman in Curacao. Ignacio did not find this out so he got
Comm Eved, RPFed and labeled a dangerous auditor which was put on the notice board on goldenrod for everyone to see. It also means he would never be able to audit again. it is the most degrading thing as an auditor that can ever happen.
Have you passed your TR’s (Training Routines)? ~ Hours and hours of sitting in a chair opposite another (often an adult) facing them, knees to knees, eyes closed, and then with eyes open (staring at them but not twitching, not blinking, no eye redness, no dozing off, no unconsciousness, no wiggling) doing “training routines” where you practice being comfortable and in “present time” and not reacting in any way. Any flubs during the drills are flunked by the supervisor, and you must start over. ie “FLUNK! Body Movement. Start. FLUNK! Talking. Start. FLUNK! Eye movement. Start. FLUNK! Non-confront. Start. FLUNK!
Not in Present Time. Start.” During these drills, many go into a hypnotic trance state and dissociate. These drills are credited with the signature cold stare and unflinching body language most trained Scientologists develop. Sitting in a chair for hours on end, repeating, and repeating and repeating the same questions
and answers over and over will cause you to dissociate because it is mind-numbing and is considered hypnotic techniques since it includes monotony, and rhythm.
#behavior #thought
Get your tr’s in! ~ Do not react…show no emotions. Don’t lose your temper or become flustered. This feels like: Be a robot. Don’t feel. Don’t show any reaction to whatever the stimulus is. This includes don’t cry, blush, even if hit, touched inappropriately, screamed at, threatened, insulted, etc aka learn to switch off the mind and go into alpha state doing these repetition and obedience drills.
TR’s (training routines) are a matter of sound – not how an auditor feels ~ TR’s are the drills that you do in scientology that teach you the only way you are allowed to speak to a therapy subject during a session. You are trained to accept and handle anything that happens during a session, no matter “how rough” it gets. You are drilled and groomed to “expect” that a session can veer off into violence, sexual “restimulation” and you are expected to sit comfortably in the room with the therapy subject and at all times maintain a “calm attitude” (they call it “keeping your TRs in”). If you are found to be reacting in any visible way to what the subject does or says, including sexual advances or violence during a session you are “flunked” corrected and disciplined. You are told that even if you feel horrible, scared, violated or threatened during a session that you should just sit there and “sound natura, relaxed and friendly” (no matter what the therapy subject is throwing at you). You are drilled over and over that, you should at all times sound natural, relaxed and friendly no matter how you feel inside. It is mind-numbing. You are told you should be able to “confront” everything that happens during a session as you are an “auditor” and are held 100% responsible for whatever happens during a session. So it doesn’t matter how you feel or if you are suffering in any way. As an auditor, you turn all those emotions off, and you are to sound perfect and unflappable like Hubbard did. Practicing this for hours on end, repeating, and repeating and repeating the same questions and answers over and over is considered a hypnotic technique since it includes
monotony and rhythm. #behavior #thought
What turns it on will turn it off ~ This is meant to control your attention. If you start crying in the middle of a session after being asked for every single detail of what you are “withholding”, and the interrogator is making you uncomfortable with their questioning, you feel like vomiting or experience any type of “negative reaction” they will tell you that the process is “working”. You are that no matter how horrible the interrogations are making you feel that it is all “normal“ and part of the process. This is a manipulation to make you “give in” to the abuse no matter how sick it makes you feel, which makes you completely dissociated. This is also used outside of auditing and sec checking. For example, if working in a hot engine room gives you a headache when you complain you will be told that working in that hot engine room will turn off your headache. So whatever makes you uncomfortable or feel bad, will also be the thing that will resolve it if you simply push through it and persevere. As a child, this means you have no escape from anything unpleasant, since you may not stop until you finish the process or assignment despite any suffering.
Your auditing is unflat ~ Whatever auditing you are doing was not done to “a product” and you need to go back and redo it, and pay for it again.
Knock off the verbal tech! ~ Stop talking about Scientology doctrine, debating about Scientology doctrine, or discussing Scientology doctrine without physically referencing the applicable text!
Hubbard was very cautious about people altering his writings from their original form, and so he forbade anyone from discussing the intricacies of scientology without actually pulling out the appropriate book and referencing the doctrine directly. It is a high crime in scientology to spread verbal tech. He said “1. If
it isn’t written it isn’t true. 2. If it’s written, read it. 3. If you can’t understand it, clarify it. 4. If you can’t clarify it, clear the Mis-Us. 5. If the Mis-Us won’t clear, query it. 6. Get it validated as a written order.
- Force others to read it. IF IT CAN’T BE RUN THROUGH AS ABOVE IT’S FALSE!” He also said “ANY PERSON FOUND TO BE USING VERBAL TECH SHALL BE SUBJECT TO A COURT OF ETHICS.” This results in the memorization of references simply to have simple conversations, that creates circuits that control information sharing and critical discussions.
I handled a whole track incident ~ I addressed and got rid of something really bad from a past life. This means you were made to “regress” to a prior life to “address a painful, traumatic and or shameful memory” from that “spiritual life existence”. So for example, if you are in a session and the “confessional question” asks: HAVE YOU EVER RAPED ANYONE? and you have not (or are a minor who has never been sexually active) but the needle reads, then you are told to look back further than this lifetime to find the incident. This results in being forced to fantasize/makeup that you raped someone in a prior lifetime, and then provide all the gory details until the needle indicates you have told all. This is very confusing, and disconcerting to say the least, especially to kids. It creates an alternate never-ending reality where you can be guilty of anything, whether you are or not. Quite a problematic boundary and slippery slope.
Let‘s end on a win! ~ Let’s end where you have a realization that what you are doing in scientology is really great. If you do a service in scientology it always has to ‘have a happy ending’. So talking about the wonderful things that scientology is responsible for, for example distributing booklets about the dangers of drugs and the apparent success of that action, is meant to bring an audience “up the tone scale” so they feel happy about what they are doing in scientology and therefore continue.
What haven’t you told me, what are you withholding? ~ What bad thing are you hiding? This applies to so many scenarios it would take forever to cover them. Suffice it to say that anytime there is something wrong with you (bad indicators, complaining, criticizing, etc) you are always hiding secrets, period.
I’ll repeat the auditing question, what are you withholding? ~ Sometimes when something reacts on the meter an auditor checks for false read, meaning it reads on something unrelated and doesn’t need to be taken up. Once you have determined it is not a false read you MUST get them to tell you what they are hiding.
Since your last session, has a withhold been missed? ~ This is a question that is used constantly in every session that is asking if there is anything you are withholding. Since Hubbard says the only thing that makes scientology “not work” is that you are keeping a secret then this question is used constantly as a way of making “sure” that you are not hiding anything. During every session that you have, you will be asked if you are withholding anything. They want to keep you accountable and normalize the elimination
of boundaries, eliminating your right to privacy, including of minors. You are expected to share every single aspect of your life with them if asked whether you want to or not.
Why are you being so missed withhold-y? ~ what are you hiding? Why are you acting in a way that we don’t like? This always means you are hiding something. “Did you hide your sister’s doll and are scared I will find out? You have that look on your face and I WILL find out what you have done.”
You are being missed withhold-y /We’re gonna pull your missed withholds! ~ you are complaining, are upset, are defending yourself, are unhappy, etc. So, you must have crimes that we have missed. Which we will find, and we will punish you for.
Withholds need to be restimulated, they are actually not in view and have to be keyed-in ~ Withholds are often hidden so may need to be triggered to be pulled. They add up to overts, they add up to secrecies, they add up to ‘individuation’, they add up to games conditions, they add up to a lot more things than
simple misdeeds aka O/W’s. Although we carelessly call them withholds, by pulling them we’re asking a person to straighten out their interpersonal relationships with others, aka the individual versus society or his family, or our group. It’s what people would consider reprehensible that makes a Withhold.
You are nothing but a withhold-y case that arc breaks easily ~ someone who gets upset easily and has lots of bad things they are hiding. The only reason a person has an upset against anyone or anything is that they had done something bad to that person or that person had missed a bad thing they did. So, if someone abused you and you are upset about it you did something bad or you wouldn’t be upset.
As both a second gen and ex-S.O. member (including time on the RPF and RPF’s RPF), I remembered so many little nuggets of experience just reading through this. Man! That was some SERIOUS mind-fuckery! I’ve been out over a decade now, but this brings it all back. Good job on the compilation.
My wife and I both had this kind of a childhood. It makes being a decent parent difficult sometimes, but most of it can be navigated by doing the opposite of what SCN would have told us to do. XD
Very good and very thorough. I’ve been out so long I never think of these, but nearly every single one is something I’ve heard as a Sea Org member. Most of them are used on and by adults as well as children, but it’s just horrifying to think of these being used by adults on children. Children are not “big thetans in little bodies,” i.e., basically adults and to be treated just the same in all things, including sexual interrogation and prodding about things they’ve never experienced but are assumed to know about from supposed “past lives.”
What’s amazing is there are so many more words and terms in the cult language. A total mind f**k.
Just the bad things in the cult make a hefty encyclopedia! This could be a very important resource for casual or neutral observers who assume it can’t be all that bad.
I can relate to church confessionals. In mine I was asked something like “Have you ever been implanted by aliens?”. I told the auditor that I didn’t recall having had this done to me. He said “Thank you. I’ll repeat the auditing question”. After nine times of this I had to come up with some scenario of being sucked up into a flying saucer and experimented on. That got me a F/N and that was end of session.
Seriously, seriously creepy and disturbing with a lot of potential to cause major mental issues later in life.
This is all so strange and foreign for someone never in. When my son and friends get together they say some words that I don’t understand, but I Can at least get the gist of what they are saying. Youngsters throughout generations have created words, but never to the extent that you can’t understand a whole sentence! My grandmother always said the younger generations have ruined the English language, but this is taking it to a whole different level!
How long does it take to learn this language?
Wow. That’s about all I can say as an ex who got sucked into the cult as a very naive twenty something. I encountered only a fraction of the bullshit listed in today’s post. I brought all my problems onto myself by ignoring red flags and taking the cult bait. This is not the case with 2nd & 3rd gen scientologists. They had no choice in the matter and were indoctrinated from the git go. That makes it infinitely harder to break away from undue influence and I have the utmost respect for them.
I would highly recommend anyone watch ‘The Truman Show’ to get a glimpse of what this might be like.
Stupendous resource.
Encapsulates the mindset learned and run on children, spouses, juniors, the world at large, and one’s own self by oneself.
My mom heart skips a beat being triggered by these definitions. I’m reading these twisted words and phrases and realizing that these Scientology terms were used to bludgeon children to be productive, to be responsible, to be on purpose, to be contributing, and to train them that life is transactional. And that their only value was their level of contribution to the group.
I especially appreciate the sentence examples. Seeing how these words were used to manipulate children is illuminating and disheartening.
This is such an excellent contribution to the necessary reads for a non scientologist and ex-scientologists.
I actually wish that on purpose, and in-good-standing scientologists would read this list of definitions and see how the using of these words with children is manipulative and cruel.
This will be so very helpful in Comm Cycles with the Scientologists in my life. I have piles of books and dictionaries and websites, etc. But until now I was missing a course in Conversational Scientologese. Thanks to everyone who worked on this!
Just had a Cognition!!
As-Is an App to translate Sci to/from Wog!
Think of all the M/Us that could be avoided!
I just had a cognition…wait…wait…nah, it was an ignition. Must have been from the two very spicy carnitas’ I had for lunch.
Hey! How about a REALLY creative title for this list? Like……..
The Cortina Method: Conversational Scientologese in 20 Lessons.
Berlitz Scientologese Phrase Book
Scientologese For Dummies
Scientologese Made Simple.
Barron’s Scientologese The Easy Way.
The Complete Idiots Guide To Scientologese.
Just a few simple suggestions.
For me, the scary part is I actually know a lot of these – as a never-in.
Scientology messes with the mind. This list is all the proof one needs to steer clear of Scientology and Dianetics. My thanks to Mike for posting this; I tip my hat with thanks to Christi, Serge and everyone who took part in this collaboration. I couldn’t imagine growing up in Scientology and being forced to to comply, to obey, to respect and worship anything and everything L. Ron Hubbard.
We need to “clear” mankind of this destructive cult.
Scientology says that a Suppressive Person is against any betterment group. Scientology is not such a group. Scientology makes less of you and the world you live in. Scientology is right; you are wrong.
That’s what it boils down to.
I have to keep groaning.
Groaning is out ethics in Scientology as it is a non verbal form of nattering.
No sh…No kidding.