There has been plenty of discussion about scientology’s ads during the Super Bowl and Grammy’s. Much of it very derisive – the twittersphere lit up with comments as soon as the ads appeared. Many of them were pretty humorous.
They have run two ads — and neither sell anything. Instead they ask a lot of questions and direct people to website. Maybe this is modeled on the original Jeff Hawkins Dianetics “question ads” that sent Dianetics back onto the NY Times bestseller list.
Back then, the success of the ads was measured by the number of books sold in bookstores (today, there are virtually no Hubbard books in any bookstores anywhere…). The success of these ads would be seen in visits to the website. Fortunately this is easy to track with Alexa.
If scientology was paying an advertising agency, they would be demanding a refund. In these rankings a lower number is best. Ideally you want to be Google at #1 or Facebook at #2.
Traffic to has DECLINED during the time of the ads airing. Sharply down. (Unfortunately it is difficult to get a large image from the Alexa site — and they only show the graph of the global rank, not the US, but from comparing to earlier times, the US is also going down as the vast majority of traffic to the site comes from the US)
In fact, the ads seem to have suppressed traffic to the website.
But the fact is, scientology cannot control its own destiny when it comes to the internet. Their spikes in traffic volume come as a result of media reports. During the last month there have not been any large breaking media stories. December saw a lot of media about Leah Remini’s book, last April – July was all about Going Clear and Miscavige sending armed PI’s to spy on his father. Of course, scientology would claim that this was the “squirrels screaming” and that “proves how successful they are being” — not only an absurd conclusion but then when the stats are going down does it mean they are losing?
Here are some more interesting details from Alexa:
It used to be India and the Philippines. I guess they changed the click farms they have been paying or they got new proxy servers that route traffic through Argentina? There is absolutely NOTHING happening in Argentina scientology wise good OR bad. So there is no reason on earth for there to be more traffic from there than say Australia where there are two ideal orgs and an Advanced Org, or Italy where there are 3 including the largest org in the history of the galaxy. Obviously, a significant percentage of their traffic is a desperate attempt to buy rankings.
Their bounce rate (number of people that leave the site after viewing only the home page) is worsening, so too the pageviews and time on site.
They spent millions to get this result?
As I said when the ads aired — these are shown for the INTERNAL public of scientology. They do not go on the internet (and even if they did, there are not enough of them to make any significant impact on a worldwide stat such as this). To keep them believing that scientology is making inroads into society and is changing the planet. “It must be so, they would not be on national TV if that were not the case. See, scientology is a household name like Budweiser and Chevrolet. Everyone who advertises on those programs is a big, international, well-known entity. So, we must be that too.”
That is the level of logic that is employed to keep the sheeple bleating bleeding.
Scientology poster Wei Botha objected to relying on Alexa and said that Google Trends is a far more accurate measurement of internet traffic.
He (or she) claimed that Google trends shows a spike in interest in scientology on February 7 and 8 and provided a link to the following on the Google Trends site:
Sure enough, there is a spike on the 30 day graph (though of course there is no comparison other than the spike represents an arbitrary “100” and the other points on the graph are a percentage of that. So it was 100 and then the following day it became 60% of that). There is no comparison to other search terms or sites. It is a reflection of the number of people who searched for the term scientology — and where those people then ended up is not known. I suspect if they were going to from having looked at the ad, they would not need to do a Google search. Maybe they searched for the term and then went to Wikipedia? Or my blog or Tony Ortega’s? Nobody knows.
However, you can extend the length of time the graph measures. So, I did it for a year:
This tells a VERY different story — as I said originally, Going Clear, Ron Miscavige PI’s and Leah Remini’s book cause the spikes. Compared to them, the millions spent advertising on the Super Bowl doesn’t even register.
I think you stepped in another pile of shit there Why Bother. You should have actually LOOKED at what you were linking to instead of just asserting it.
I wonder who is REALLY pushing some agenda here?
Thanks for posting Mike.
The trend is what is critical.
The COS has no way to get new people in and all the $$$ Super Bowl ads aren’t going to make their turd of a organization shine.
The “success” of Scientology has ALWAYS been in delivering auditing results to well-heeled people.
The pipeline of well-heeled people has been shut off.
We are watching the implosion in slow motion.
Every Scientology stat shows a decreasing membership.
To quote LRH, “people are staying away in droves” and all the money in DM’s coffers can’t persuade anyone to come in.
All dressed up and nowhere to go.
Hello. I’m interested in the tech, but CoS is probably not the best place to get it from. How do I know which indie to choose. I’m worried some may be linked to the CoS. Anyway Hubbard was a great guy, not perfect, but a lot of his data is true, so what can I do. I went to a church, I talked to some people from new era, but there were these situations that put doibt into my heart. Bad computations, entheta comm, making me buy books I dont want yet etc. I don’t trust Miscavige one bit. Theresa. Btw. The little I know I got for free from the internet. Take carr
It is good to see that you are interested in the subject of scientology. And it is good that you came to this blog. Your guardian angels are looking after you..
Re; Your question:
I can’t imagine that there are any independent or freezone scientology organizations that are connected to the Church Of Scientology. The COS is of such nature that it would never allow such a thing. In a way, scientology has become much like other religions in the sense that there are many spin offs and sects. But or and everyone will be a bit different. And that is a good thing. The more the better. Many may claim to be delivering standard tech, but there really isn’t such a thing as “standard tech”. The term “standard tech” is a generality..
Hubbard said to his followers to build a better bridge. In my own words; He told them not to parrot him. He said if all a person can do is to parrot some authority, it is a form of insanity. (his words; “a slight aberration”). He meant for people to stop parroting him and think for themselves and do their own research of all data of comparable magnitude in the known universe and complete their own cycle of learning and build a better bridge. But few people did their home work properly and as a result did not get that directive and words of wisdom.
Email me at diogeneseii at and I will give you more information privately. I have been in this field for 19 years.
Thank you for your email.
I got a message that your mail box is full.
Hey Indie8,
You have over the limit data in your email account.
You have to go in and delete as much as possible.
Then email me again.
He that is of the opinion money will do everything, may well be suspected of doing everything for money.
Surely the CoS marketing team will use ROI analytics to determine if their Super Bowl and Grammy investment will generate new money. That is the idea right? Nah… Spending 4million to get 4thousand in new revenue and a driving some curious people to your website would trigger a red flag in the marketing department of Enron.. No organization can write the rest off to internal good will. That money would be better spent on the Squirrel Busters.. at least they are entertaining.
Those ads are used as a carrot / stick to get sheeple to donate to the IA$ (Davids offshore bank account) the carrot being donate to watch the ad in your own city on TV! The stick being, if we don’t donate enough, we won’t be able to see our ad in TV hence your suppressing expansion and therefore command intention so must be … An SP / internet reader.
I am one of those searches after Going Clear came out. the book had been recommended to me by my father in law, who bought it in hardcover when it came out. but seeing the documentary horrified and fascinated me and I immediately went to the Web. but when I got my Google results, I did not click on the website, I scrolled down, and I believe ended up either here or at the Bunker. I also read the Paul Haggis profile that became Going Clear and then got the audiobook of Going Clear. So, if they’re measuring how many times someone searches scientology, they got me, but I did not (and still haven’t really) spent time on their website. and the only time I did was to read the loony toons articles in Freedom about “Kingpin” Rathbun and his band of merry apostates. and truthfully, i couldn’t even get through those, they were so poorly written.
Good analysis. C of S is definitely going down and I don’t think it’s coming back up again. It really looks like Miscavige is trying to squeeze as much money as he can get out of the big-time donors (or “whales”) before it goes under for good. One can only assume he is stashing away $$ left and right in secret places, ventures, scams, personal investments, etc. He’s probably been doing that for quite some time already. I mean, he’s had, what, 30 years or so of doing this now? 1986 – 2016… looks like 30 years to me. It’s surprising to Google his net worth and see it so high even so.
David Miscavige has Gold Bullion in his own vaults.
SO many that he once blurted out in company with visitors
to Lou ” Which vault is the Gold Bullion in”
This is documented.
Hi Jose Chung, that’s right! You just reminded me that I have heard that story. I think it may have been from an interview given by John Brousseau somewhere, but I can’t seem to recall exactly where I have seen it.
Hi T.J., Following your post on dm and his $. I agree that for 30 years a person would have ample time to squirrel laughter! the money away all over the globe. Just my feeling if the heat gets too hot dm will leave and all whales celebs SOers will be left trying to hold the falling walls of cos up.He will not care he will only save himself in the whole mess.
I so wish the still ins could see this about him.But then I could not see either until the hitting started up.That cracks the prison bars pretty quickly! Love always to you & yours,Ann.
Hi Ann B. it’s nice to see you here! I’m thinking it’s such a shame that long-time Sea Org members don’t have any type of retirement plan or savings to fall back on when they leave. I’ve heard so many stories of members leaving after 20 years or more, and being handed $400 or some such tiny amount to start their life outside, I think Amy Scobee said this in her book and Jefferson Hawkins also, thank goodness they both were able to work and start their own businesses. Resiliancy, a great trait to have, I admire them both. But the point is, it’s so unfair for D.Miscavige to have tons of money when he retires while hard working long-time members have nothing. I think it’s really a shame, and unjust.
Take care Ann, hope you’re having a good day! 🙂
Hi T.J., Thank you, I am having a very good evening seeing your post! After reading it I am so in agreement with all you said. It has always upset me that so many Sea Org members all over the globe have been or will be sent out with nothing.The scales are out of balance when it comes to cos and fairness.That concept of fairness was seen “through a glass darkly”for Ron and now dm.
I have read and have both books you mentioned as part of my collection of escaping cos books.All the writers are heroes to me.Love to you & yours, Ann.
Thanks Mike. Sci-Town is on the ropes big time! Even though Miscavige is a violent sociopathic prick I can’t help wonder that even without him ever being in the picture from jump street, I don’t see Scientology having come out smelling much better without him. Unless Hubbard had an even headed successor who quietly steered the ship in another direction. (sorry, ship was a bad choice) I think in hind sight it was doomed from the git go.
Scientology’s brand, I believe, is so toxic, NO ONE is going in the Idle Morgues anymore. Along with protests, Going Clear, all the books by ex members AND the internet, the cult doesn’t stand a chance.
Even the members know deep down it’s toxic (how they rationalize that is a discussion for another time) but I’ve noticed while flagging Craigslist ads that they use “Hubbard Dianetics Foundation” in a lot of the ads. It’s like trying to advertise the benefits of Ebola by calling it an Acute Infection.
Scientology – continuing to bring the lulz.
agreed. The walking dead who don’t know it.
Like when people slow down to view a car wreck, so scientology gets its majority of public attention – brief and gobsmacked.
In the final analysis of COS web stats, the raw numbers don’t mean nearly as much as the demographics those numbers represent. Though we’ll never know for sure (unless we have access to the COS google analytics account) I suspect very strongly that most of their traffic comes from curious gawkers who decide to check out the COS’s main website like so many rubbernecking drivers passing by a freeway accident. I do think there’s good evidence that their online traffic doesn’t convert to legitimate inquiries, book sales or new public signing up for services.
It seems we have finally achieved the break point of the make break point.
The Scientology .org stats and idle Morgs show that in 2016 you cannot bullshit people like you could in the past.
Not even and especially not Supersized Superbowl bullshit.
Cause::Spend millions of sucker’s money
Effect:Less clicks.
Dio thank you for confronting the body router.
My son is a body router.Maybe you talked to my son and you helped us to reconnect.we can reconnect .
Yes, xenus son. Now it is absolutely, positively PROVABLE bulllshit.
Disastrous statistics – an immediate State of Emergency should be declared by RTC to remedy the matter as there must be staff that is counter intentioning the whims of Miscavige.
Yet, the point is made, scientology is not accepted, is grabbing the edge of the cliff before the eminent collapse occurs.
A down statistic also indicated out ethics. Could this be Miscavige’s out ethics?
It has all the indications of a scam – money is raised for a stated purpose, money is then used to fund further fundraising efforts and to benefit the owners of the businesses involved in fundraising services, more money is raised, more money is directed toward fundraising, more money is raised, more money used for fundraising. To avoid detection, some sort of visible beneficiary is displayed every so often. Then the fundraising efforts continue. The ad wasn’t for non-Scientologists. It was for Scientologists who have contributed money toward Scientology’s fundraising campaigns.
You only tell the narrative you want to tell, Mr. Rinder. You don’t mention that Alexa data is 3rd party data extrapolated from 2 million users to guestimate an approximation of a site’s traffic from a distance and is therefore not accurate or indicative of actual numbers. You don’t mention that Alexa also shows beating you and Ortega in unique visitors. You don’t mention that Google Trends, an immensely more accurate indicator of interest than Alexa or any other 3rd party analytics service, absolutely shows a spike UP on the 7th and 8th. Basically, you don’t mention anything at all that might interupt your agenda to destroy. And, I’ll bet, you don’t allow this post either.
Wei. Why would you compare a one man operation like Mike’s, done on a part time basis to statistics of a multi-national religion. Same with Ortega, which also seems to be a one man operation. Plus the church doing so well on unique visitors is an indication that the people that visit the site aren’t interested in SCN and don’t come back to the site. I don’t understand your logic in this argument you attempted to make to Mike.
Logic, CPO? Surely you jest. 🙂
I do not jest and please stop calling me Shirley!
Nice to see another troll break the surface Wei. Wei Botha knowa who you really are. Can you count your post as a stat for your Thursday at Too deadline?
Dave will be proud of you and how you have singlehandedly struck another blow for freedom.
Wei Osa? Why botha?
The point is – Scientology wastes money and the propaganda is created to trick and deceive the members and nothing more,.
No one really cares about Scientology. It is dead and no one will stay in it for long due to the suppression we all created in the media and on the net. The truth sets those people free – nothing but the truth!
No one new is coming into the Organization. It is over. If Slappy Miscavige did not have his billions of dollars – it would fold completely. But he is good at duping people and using the money to hire attorney’s to sue, harass and silence anyone who dares speak out. Those days are over too!
Also – David Miscavige single highhandedly accomplished a feat never before achieved on this planet anyway – he rendered the Basic Books and Lectures totally valueless. The Library’s threw them out or sold the whole bunch for a Dollar. There were some people that got them and came into the Org. They lasted a week and left – never to be seen again.
Makes sense you came on Mike’s blog – stats are due!! Hope this one got you three hots and a cot for another week!
As an aside Wei, you don’t need to put a sir in front of every person you are addressing out here in the real world. I know habits are hard to break and failing to properly address another in your world can add tremendous stress to an otherwise sleepless night!
When you finally decide to blow the little kool aide stand you occupy, I suspect you will very much enjoy your remaining days. Meanwhile, keep your eyes fixated on this blog and tell your senior that we like you Wei Botha.
Entheta that’s true burns doesn’t it Wei Botha, you’re shadow boxing should be saved for the ghost of LRH, you have a better chance of landing a jab there.
Wei Botha – (if that is your real name). Obviously your comment is being shown here.. Also, I was the one that sent Mr Rinder that info as I was not aware of the negatives you state re: – an Amazon company.
Your info is of value as well.
Alexia uses a precise statistical model and that’s why it’s trusted as the place to go for accurate web rankings. There’s no other way to gather such data as you can’t monitor every single click on the global internet. Of course, I don’t expect a Scio like Wei to understand anything about real statistical analysis and modeling based on LRH’s laughable teaching and exceedingly juvenile understanding of the subject. (Much akin to his expertise on nuclear physics and radiation)
Hi Sunny, It is very good to meet you.Yes two of my favorite topics of Ron’s World. His total prowess in matters of nuclear physics and radiation! My with all the jaunting around the Universe in The Morgue,wherever did he find the time to research said subjects so perfectly! Laughter.Always,Ann.
Hi Ann: Love to read your posts. The “V” was left off on my reply above, but I usually post around the ex-Scio community as SunnyV among others. (Mostly because I think there are a few Sunny SN already floating about) Ron’s faux expertise in many matters makes for hilarious reading. Cheers.
Hi SunnyV, Thank you! I look forward to your posts as well.Love,Ann
Wei, you accuse Mike of an agenda to destroy. I don’t think so. It is more an attempt to chronicle how the Church is continuing to destroy itself at the behest of Miscavige and it’s own deteriorated, low ethics level. It is inevitable that the Church in it’s current form, will be destroyed. It has destroyed the lives, relationships and finances of so many of its own members that it is inevitable that at some point its destructive tendencies will devour it. Mike Rinder is not destroying the C of S. He is giving a place for people who have suffered greater or lesser destruction of their personal existences by the Church to learn and speak out. And he is imparting information chronicling the Church’s self-induced implosion.
One other thing: if you tried to post a comment, on one of the Church’s smear sites against whistleblowers and critics, that criticized the Church or website for attempting to destroy the target person, it would never be posted. Here you criticize the site/blogger, but it is posted. That ought to give you a clue.
Hi SadStateofAffairs, Your post is concise and puts the onus on those still ins who have decided to stir their black pot harder in order to produce the ” status stats and get more $ to dm ” whilst at the same time trying their hardest to slash and burn Mike & Tony and anyone else who gets in their way. Well at this point the still ins can scream all they want about winning,I say the proof will be in the number of empty Orgs and Misssions and the utter farce of OT 9 & 10.Least I forget the cruises on that poor rustbucket blue dust forever Moneywinds.And I am glad I met some trolls here.The more I encounter the happier I feel.I must be doing something Right! Love,Ann.
Wei Botha, feel free to step right up and present your case that Scientology is in a period of unprecedented growth, as claimed by COB. I am sure any such submission will indeed get posted.
For that matter, if you do not have access to national or international stats, just give a snapshot of the expansion occurring at your local org. Over to you…
Did you notice term ‘Scientology documentary’ among those searches?
I suggest you watch one in particular, it’s called ‘Going Clear’
Are you perhaps related to JJ Botha, the South African reg who talks like a farmer and looks like a cow? If you’re out to relay data, perhaps full disclosure might be a good idea.
Then again, this is yet another Scientology pathetic attempt at a drive-by Dead Agent. They never work, oogums. Try harder at delivering an effective blow against the enemy. I suggest you try Ortega’s. You’ll be eviscerated within five seconds of posting there.
Dear Sir,
“You only tell the narrative you want to tell, Mr. Rinder. You don’t mention that Alexa data is 3rd party data extrapolated” If you want a good example of “3rd party data extrapolated” you should have a look at “freedom” magazine and what they say about Rider, Gibney and all the critics. Hubbard said you cannot stop truth even with 17 inch armour plate and my boss in OSA when I was studying Sun Tzu told me that a “dead agent” is an effective procedure only when you use the truth.
“Basically, you don’t mention anything at all that might interrupt your agenda to destroy. And, I’ll bet, you don’t allow this post either”. Wasn’t there something like: “We in the Church believe (…) “That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions”? Really? Do you really think a Sea Org member at Int Base would say: Hi Dave didn’t you watch this Gibney HBO movie? And speak freely about it? They cannot think, speak, and move freely, they have no TV, no Cell Phones. There is nothing that justifies the Stasi like environment that Scientology creates. How about disconnection? They order a son to disconnect from his mother or his father or his brethren because they freely had a look at Rinder’s blog and freely spoke about it.
In the old days Saint Thomas Aquinas would stand outside the Sorbonne University in Paris and answered questions. It was the practice of the Quodlibet (a philosophical or theological point proposed for disputation; also : a disputation on such a point), Saint Augustine would also converse with people from a wild array of Christian sects and tried to convince them by philosophical reasoning. In the latter inquisition, there was no freedom of speech, you had to conform to Rome’s views or else. In Scientology there is no freedom of speech. The “Credo” is just a pose, it is Mr Hyde’s front face of the nice Dr Jekyll. The critics of Scientology are not trying to destroy anything, they are simply freely giving their opinions about the abuses of a tax exempt activity that started as a science and ended up as a religion in order to avoid legal prosecution from the FDA, the IRS and the FBI. This criminal organisation which pretends to do 4th dynamics campaigns does not spend a penny on anything other than photo shoots. The real money is spent on fancy attorneys, smearing campaigns, private detectives to harass and “ruin utterly” the people who freely speak a contrary opinion to Miscavige’s agenda. What is his agenda? Ask him where the money goes.
A de V
Well, I have finally made it somewhere that I can type a response to you.
First, let me say how happy I am that you are reading the blog and taking the time to comment. It is always good to see that to some extent the internet reaches beyond the scientology bubble. At least you had to read what I said.
And, it generates responses and comments from others that always help liven things up.
In case it slipped your notice, unlike scientology, I am not seeking to attract people to buy what I have to sell, as I don’t sell anything. I am not trying to convert anyone to become anything, if someone wishes to read what I have to say there is no further obligation., I am not spending millions on advertising. I don’t pay click farms. And I don’t constantly demand money from people in order to do so.
As for your faith in Google Trends and dismissal of Alexa, I did take the time to click on your link.
Unfortunately, I cannot put the results into a comment, so I am adding them to the post so everyone can easily see the graph you seem so proud of.
I extended the graph for a year, and have included that too. I think you might find it enlightening. It will be added to the post momentarily.
Again, happy to have you comment. I always like to hear everyone’s view, as long as they don’t overstay their welcome with repetitive ad hominem.
Excellent Mike. What a fascinating graph. Here’s the link to graph that Mike just added.
It shows the high-water mark on Scientology for the last year to be March 29 – the day that Going Clear premiered on HBO! That was valued 100. Google values whatever day gets the most interest in the specified time frame to be 100. Well…. The super bowl on that graph gets a 7. That’s right, 7 compared to 100 on March 29.
How does it seem to you now????
Hey Wei, how ya doing?
OK let’s get back to basics.
Do you know the stat of auditors made and well audited PCs (from any org on the planet). They are only stats and the reason for orgs according to the source of Scientology. And if you do, are they in viable range? Please tell us where and what org as we would love to know where we went wrong. Anything else is a via and frying other fish – how’s your salmon, need some salt?
I think Wei has an MU on “unique visitor”. Silly wabbit.
This year should see good amounts of traffic after the publications of the memoirs of the father of Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige. Of course, the Co$ will pretend it’s all good, but it really isn’t.
It’s interesting to see the difference in where the traffic is coming from. These days who knows but it is for sure that $ is paying for some 14% of it. Don’t these guys remember the ‘tech’ about falsifying statistics? There is a DOUBT condition. A big doubt in every one of them except they’ve been carefully trained to be bias and not know it. Can’t do a doubt that way – no no.
I stayed in an announced (known by husband and Ethics guys) DOUBT from January 1990 until just a few months ago – . In 2004 I even paid for 100 hrs NOTs requesting the ‘Hang up at Doubt’ procedures first. It’s not a good place to be. Life became un-predictable. I felt I had no foundation.
And yes, after your earlier reporting! It is a relief to hear of the changes with-in concerning babies, the hole and hopefully soon the disconnection enforcement. Thank you for your reporting and I just love the vid interviews you’ve been doing. Helps as I re-build my foundation 🙂
Hi Cece, I echo your post. I too really enjoy Mike’s videos now that I can get back on Tony’s Blog.He has an uncanny way of drawing one into the discussion by sole virtue of the fact he is such a shining light and a genuinely caring person.These videos have been a comfort for me also.A thank you too for the interviewer.He touched my heart with his honest showing of true emotion about the cos and his experience growing up with them.Love,Ann.
Fan Club update:
So, the ground floor of the HGB on Hollywood Boulevard is now gutted. Is the L. Ron Hubbard Museum being replaced with The DM Hall of Fame?
Nope! Rumor has it they are putting in the new three holer OSD postulated. The rest of the space will be used for defensive battlements to shore up the three Evils (Speak no, See no and Hear no) and there will be a new Kool Aide dispensary for staff so they can swig some down as they head out into the Wog World.
Probably redoing that space either for a new LRH exhibition (the old one was, frankly, pretty tacky) to make it “Ideal” or some other new exhibition, like a Div 6 FART gone wild.
The other thing this probably indicates is that, needing more “Idealness” to tout to the shrinking patronage, they are making a new Ideal ILO. Probably based another Why pulled out of his ass by DM that the reason the Ideal Org campaign is a failure is that the organization overseeing execution of his master plan it itself not ideal and thus hasn’t a clue what it is doing.
Of course, the Overseer overseeing the org overseeing the ideal orgs is quite far from ideal, isn’t He.
Some day that asshole Miscavige will realize that the why is Himself. Actually, no. That would be impossible for a sociopath such as He Who Shall Not Be Named, the Oracle of Ron and Interpreter of The Tech, Pope of Scientology and Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center, Mr. David Miscavige.
Pencil-dicked twerp.
Hi Gus Cox,Your post is the first I found this Friday am between coffee laughter and tears that dm is well dm,you made my am.Love always,Ann.
The clam TV ad campaign is fairly typical for non-profits and some Christian religions. Around Christmas and Easter, the prosperity preachers hype their Sunday TV service or some other holiday tie in to try to drive up viewership.
I have spies in Buffalo NY and they report seeing the social betterment and ‘who am I’ ads on the 5 o’clock news there on Monday and Tuesday. If the clampire were really going to saturate the airways, they would put those ads on all of the network stations. Do they do that in any markets?
I am surprised that the sheeple are allowed to look up from their purifs and L’s and Stupor Powerz stuff to be able to see any TV.
DM’s next Nuremberg Rally will feature ‘200 million saw our TV ads’ along with the number of square feet of drywall in the last Idle mOrg that opened. And then the clam bed will give a standing ovation and stroke the littlest führers ego.
Scientology: It’s far, far worse than you think…
Amen to that!
Bet Jeff Hawkins would have liked to use that phrase for a marketing campaign on TV.
I checked, and the ad IS on the Internet, where it has gotten a whopping 24,042 views, the last two being the two seconds I spent there in two visits (the second time was just to get the stat). Get out your airplane sickness bags, folks:
“In fact, the ads seem to have suppressed traffic to the website”
I think that this is the natural direction. After the ‘Going Clear’ documentary, Leah’s book, Mike Rinder on Megyn Kelly, the PI story about Ron Miscavige Sr., general society is becoming much more educated about the Church of Scientology than ever since 2015.
People who have seen the above just hear the word “Scientology” and automatically reject it. They will not check out the website. There will be less traffic to come in the future, and the website will be just as dead as the orgs and the Ideal orgs are now.
Yay!!!!! Burn Baby Burn!!!!
Disco infernal?
In this case, “burn, baby, burn” comes from a phrase used in a phone conversation (later used as evidence of collusion) by an Enron manager, not long before Enron collapsed. The recorded phone conversation was about arson forest fires that were burning in Northern California. The arson fires were taking out PG&E electrical supply lines, which meant that Enron would be called upon to supply the power from its alternative out-of-state sources. This is from memory, and fact-checking my show slightly different specifics.
The expensive high-profile ads don’t really bring in new people, but they can be used to perpetuate the con that $cientology is a healthy/growing organization… So that the whales will keep donating.
Scientology has experienced highest-ever bad PR since around 2009 – actually going epocally stratospheric with last year’s release of Going Clear.
In the U.S and many other English speaking countries their negative name recognition is now huge. So, these ads have a lot of trouble making their way to unsuspecting suckers that aren’t familiar with the craziness. The stories of disconnection alone are enough to scare off any sane person. And they abound. Add to that their insatiable desire for money and that is strike 2 and 3.
So, if the ad did garner any legitimate interest, a quick search on google or youtube would easily quell it.
Those ads were only shown in select areas of the US. Undoubtedly for the reason Mike states – to impress the faithful.
Must be quite frustrating for Miscavige finding the actual real “why.”
Hi Sheldon, so true. I do not buy anything these days or go to a restaurant without getting reviews off of the internet first. I seriously do not know how they can get people into their mOrgs these days. They have only one way to go – down!
Sheldon, are you saying that the evil, toxic dwarf doesn’t know how to use a mirror?
He can’t use a mirror. His reflection doesn’t show up in them.
Hi Espiando, My laugh for today.Thank you for that image of cop gazing at his no-reflection! Ice cubes down my neck! xo Ann.
Espi, that had crossed my mind….
His reflection doesn’t show in the mirror – that’s funny! And no breath shows either and the glass turns very cold…
Public perception of the Co$ is ALMOST completely negative. Similar to NAZIs BEFORE exposure of the concentration camps. When exposure comes for the way DM is keeping Shelly Miscavige (never mind the execs in the Hole) in filth and squalor, perception of the Co$ will be similar to the NAZIs AFTER exposure of the camps: COMPLETELY negative. Coming soon to a TV screen near you
My my, how *very* paltry those UK internet results are! That must mean severe shrinkage in an already shrivelled membership: 2,418 members in the 2011 census, and I’d guess a lot less now. 🙂
Typical reaction to any (thankfully rare) Scientology advertising activity in the UK, be it TV or newspaper ads, seems to be a chorus of protest rather than bemusement or amusement: “how come that nasty money-grubbing cult’s allowed on air/into print?” But then again, we have the Advertising Standards Authority rules to stymie most of the Dwarfenführer’s inept publicity stunts.
The last time Scientology got any real media attention here was the farcical Hodkin-Calcioli wedding back in 2014, trumpeted as a victory over religious persecution. The number of UK Scientology marriages in an org since then? One.
Great comment! how can such an —–le like DM be so stupid as putting millions stolen to victims into that sort of ineptitude?
It’s stupidly based, I bet whatever you want, on one of the most stupid senior policies vy LRH: that’s the one saying that the quantity NOT the quality of communications determines the GI.
Now look, if that was anywhere near a truth, one would see only ads with the trade brand itself. Like “scientology” all over the walls. Or VW… or Donald Trump… etc.
I’ver contested my self writtenly with figures the senior Policy when I was a “good” scientologist. but probably his poor “communicators” never dared to show my few critics including that one. So, I got either NO answers, either stupid ones like “find out your Mis-Us.
What LRH wrote was not even true INTO the cult!!
Last night I was coming out of the grocery store and I met a man handing out yellow flyers. I took one and checked what it was about and it was a CO$ personality test. I said; hey buddy, the church of scientotoly is the biggest and most criminal organization on earth. I told him that everything DM was telling them is lies. I said all the orgs around are empty. And we got into a low key exchange of me telling him that DM was the biggest criminal in the world and he beats his top management and many are leaving etc, etc, and he zealously defending the church and it’s theta.
There was a fairly steady flow of people coming out of the store, but there were maybe 10- 20 – 30 sec or even one minute gaps here and there and I would really give him a lecture on how evil they are. I told him to check the internet to see how corrupt the church is. He said it is all l entheta.and will not go there. I said think for yourself. Don’t let anyone do your thinking for you. I said no it is a ll theta, and the entheta is in the church. He would ask how is there entheta in the church, when if someone buys and takes a course and has a win, how can that be bad? I said it is bait , it is a trap, they will suck them in and reg them and reg them and ask them to join staff and then ask them to join the SO and so forth and make slaves out of them. I told him how the church will jerk all his money off now and for the future. I told him that there was lots of fz orgs around the world delivering an honest bridge. I told him to tell everyone at the org to leave the church. This went back and forth in many ways for maybe 10 minutes or so. while he was handing out flyers to people as they came out of the store and I would tell the people that the cos was the biggest criminal organization on earth as they went by.. I told him to read Scientology, A new slant on life ch 20 ; how to study a science. I covered a lot of ground in that time.More than I can explain here. It was fun..
Holy Cow. You must have been talking to a newbie. He will learn quickly the error of his ways in even giving you one minute.
You are obviously someone who has been effected by the “entheta” and “lies” about scientology, the greatest religion to ever come along on the planet, founded by the greatest humanitarian in history who happened to just put on the pair of boots in the sky that had all the answers in them and discover (in the bottom of these boots) the secrets of the universe that will set man free from the harmful effects laid out by the psychs and priests on the whole track who seem to be getting traction in the here and now on planet earth and he (Mr. scientologist) and his fellow scientologists are the only beings big enough to know and understand that and he should not be giving you the time of day because you are a lost soul to the effects of the psychs and priests who david miscavige, the biggest being of all, has been able to winnow out and get declared SP’s.
MaC, Another thing I told him was that there is a lot of good stuff in the books. I have read them all and have them memorized. He said what are you doing now? I said Hubbard said to build a better bridge and that is what I am doing. And he replied: Yes,, he did say that..And he kept on handing out his flyers.
So great, Dio. I wonder if you were talking to my son. Sounds like him. He’s got it all wired and is free and theta and can talk to people like you because he is not PTS and understands exactly where you are coming from.
On my own personal note: Rock on!!!!
McC, I just remembered another part of our exchange, ,during which he is countering my points,on how bad and hopeless the cos is, and he says: No, we have a very nice building and very nice people and we are going to succeed. I said, sure they are all very nice people, with very good intentions, but they are all sheep, they have been duped by DMs lies,, and while handing out more flyers, to people leaving the store, , he says; they are all sheep, eh?
He was a big heavy set man,about 40-50ish.. Very zealously handing out flyers.
As for myself, I think I might hold the record for getting a PTS declare, .in 97. I was in taking a couple courses over four days in 97. During which I realized the place was evidently an asylum being run by the inmates and I asked them if scn was so goo, why is it that there is still something wrong with them after all these years? That did did not go ever well. The stuff hit the fan and the rest is history.. Four months later I seredipituously met someone who told me about the fz..
Wow, a lot said here, Dio and Mary. Good job.
Kudos to you Dio! keep it up.
Good on ya, Dio! You just might have planted a seed of doubt.
Somehow I don’t think so. Not unless some shit like extortion, padded, over-the-top programs and sec checks happen to him. Or maybe he joins the SO and gets beaten up or experiences the endless sleepless nights and one day goes, “Holy Shit. I think that guy might have been on to something.”
Hi McCarran, I follow your posts always. I agree that sometimes it takes extreme circumstances to allow a sleeping cult member to awaken to the truth.And even after blowing it takes years to shake all the dust blue included laughter! I know it well, from one’s heart and soul.Powerful strong that KoolAid was.xxooAnn.
I was just re-reading Amy Scobee’s book, Abuse at the Top.
What a treasure trove of first hand experience and observation. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the Co$ leader is a sociopathic little prick who tortures, humiliates, invalidates and demeans others with ZERO conscience.
The con that miscavige is pulling on the few minions he’s got left is simply never going to fly with the general public. They are so onto him. He could spend 100 million on advertising and it won’t make a dent in the horrible PR miscavige has created with his disgusting crimes against his own people.
It would be very interesting to know how many never-ins who visit the Co$ website also go to several of the websites exposing Co$ abuses at the same time.
David Miscavige! The maker of the game where everybody loses.
Ron Miscavige’s book is coming soon from St Martin’s press. When reading it, have toilet paper ready— You will poo! And probably scream with laughter too…. unless your name is DM, then the screaming will be of another sort! More people are heading to the Hole for sure.
Thanks for the warning, James. I’ll make sure I pick up a pack of Depends before I start reading. Come to think of it, maybe I should just send a pack over to Dave instead.
You are too kind to send him a box of Depends…let him mess himself and then have to walk through the complex. Then they’ll know he read Ron’s book. 😉
Good reporting…thanks Mike.
Not Surprised.
I have moved to Bulgravia,changed my name and bribed the police.
So I’m really “Out of the Loop” so to speak.
We get the Super Bowl on Bulgravian Cable TV but mostly people here watch the
Puppie Bowl .
Jose, I’m glad you moved to Bulgravia, changed your name & bribed the police. However, did you get the name of a good assassin and are you pockets full of artillery? I mean, I don’t mean to nit pic…….
Will a big bottle of hot sauce suffice?
ONLY if it’s Sriracha HOT Chile Sauce! This is a Vietnamese sauce and it is KILLER! I’m a huge fan.
Thanks for dropping the dime, and the name.
Not exactly but my friends are all Celebrities that
faked their own deaths.
Maybe that’s what I should do and move to Bulgravia. Are there any good surf spots in Bulgravia?
There is surf.
I’m on my way!
Does Bulgravia have extradition treaties with anyone?
Be nice to know if the coast is clear first, then surf.
Mikw! Whenever I get on line I enter Mike Rinder jn the search. You blog comes up on the first screen following several paid ads by the cult. Which costs them more? Do I just click on their ad and then leave, or do I click on something when their page of scurrilous info comes up?
I just did the Google search and got two links to this site followed by Wikipedia with the first of the clam sites.
I just checked with googles keyword tool and the search term “mike rinder” sells for between $0.40 & 1.40 per click.
You cost “whoever” is paying for it, that per click. Lingering at the site it takes you too has no appreciable associated costs
Hi Karma. I’m unfamiliar with internet marketing terms, how does it work when you say “the search term “mike rinder” sells for between $0.40 & 1.40 per click.”? Is that something that say the church would pay to find out who is searching “mike rinder”?
2016 appears to be the year you can no longer hide the nosedive you’re in Dave.
Know that we’re enjoying the show.
Hey Nola Girl,
Isn’t it interesting that you say that about this year.
Ron said, (and hell if I remember the reference) that numerology and astrology at least have some workability. If anyone remembers the reference, I’d like to know it.
So, in thinking about numerology and the year 2016, It’s very interesting that it comes out to be the number “9”.
According to the site below, 9 is a year of Karma…
“2016 is a 9 Universal Year, if you take the year and reduce it down to a single digit as such: 2+0+1+6=9. NINE is a finishing number, and represents the end of a cycle. It also is the number of the humanitarian. That means 2016 is a year of completion, rest and forgiveness.
“Phew! Everything in numerology goes in a 9 year cycle, so we’ve come full circle since the last 9 year, 2004.
“The Number 9 is about endings. But with endings come new beginnings. 2016 is a very karmic year. It is a time that we will receive the karma from the good or the bad we have done. You get a chance to end something this year once and for all. Some thing in your life will come to an end. Now this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Endings can be good.”
Indeed. Endings. Indeed. Karma. Indeed.
Hi indie8, As dancing firelights that project for miles,Shine On! Love U, Ann.xo NOLA Girl.
Thank you, Ann. You’re always the best. 🙂
Hey Indie8,
I am trying to reply to you, but my email bounces, with message that your mail box is full.
Delete mail and email me again.
For an outfit that revolves around stats (2pm Thurs.) it’s remarkable they don’t understand them… Hey TC… I DO! Pull up a rocker folks and join me on the front porch of oblivion, we have a front row seat here where we’re watching the disappearing act. It won’t go out with a Big Bang but all these straight up and verticle whimpers are adding up.
Hey Dave, so long and thanks for all the fish