The show has aired, my laundry has been hung out for all to see, and now it’s on to Episode 3.
As always, I am interested in your views – including criticisms and things you think might be better explained or covered (and I will try not to respond to everything with “it’s in a later episode.”)
I also suspect there are quite a number of new people who are coming to this blog for the first time. To all of you, welcome.
I thought you might find it instructive to be directed to some earlier postings I have done that may help explain some things if you just watched the show or are curious about the bizarre scientology statements about Leah, me or anyone who has a differing opinion of their infallibility and dares voice it.
Perhaps most important is to understand the mindset scientologists have about those who criticize any part of it:
Dealing with Critics of Scientology — The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
And here is a fairly short explanation of how disconnection is used in scientology (and how they try to spin the practice):
Disconnection: the PR and the Truth
An overview of the efforts by scientology to smear Leah Remini:
Scientology Dead Agents* Itself
And finally, my telling of the incident when 9 people showed up the parking lot of my wife’s doctor to attempt to intimidate me and her. This eventually became the basis for them calling me “Lady Killer”(?), “wife-beater” and physically assaulting her “causing permanent nerve damage”…
Additional thought this morning:
Thank you to all who have sent messages of support and love by text, phone, email, FB, twitter, instagram and courier pigeon. It has been quite overwhelming. I cannot hope to respond to everyone. I try to read everything and that alone is a challenge. If I do not “Like” your comment or Tweet or respond to your message, please understand it is appreciated.
Many wonder what they can do. Call or write to your Congressman and Senator to do something about the ongoing abuses. Write to the IRS. Support and comment on media articles and blogs that cover the abuses (like Tony Ortega at the Underground Bunker and any others that are helping raise awareness of the truth about scientology). Watch Scientology The Aftermath every week and tell your friends to do so and support A&E for stepping up and taking on scientology.
Don’t ever think you have no voice or there is nothing you can do. There is plenty.
The support of Leah and Amy and me and those you have not yet seen is invaluable and appreciated. Keep it up. Knowing there are a lot of people out there on our side is comforting and gives strength.
I am very glad that Scientology is being exposed. The attention that is happening to split them open, mimics the attention that I hope to bring one day to my ex-cult, which has 22 compounds worldwide, and aren’t even being glanced at by anyone, even though children are still being abused there today. Leah is so brave. It takes a lot to receive the attacks we ex-cult members experience. Cult members are insane gangstalkers. They come at me often. I’ve learned to have a thick skin. Kudos to you all for fighting this fight against Scientology. <3
Just watched the episode tonight and my heart goes out to you. They are a cult with sinful practices that are destructive to both individuals and families. I want to encourage you to know there is a God who understands what you have been through and who loves you and offers forgiveness of sins. Scientology has no answers regarding eternal life. Those answers are in the Bible and the true answer is Jesus Christ! He said: I’m the way, the truth and the life….no one comes to the Father but through me. He offers Grace & forgiveness, and I believe can help you be reconciled with your family one day! I’ll be praying for you and for your family. The Lord is sovereign and encourage you to open your heart to the spiritual truth of Christ and His plan of redemption in which He willing gave His life to ransom ours! John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8-10. Hang in there, the Lord is always near!
WOW…..completely saddened by the blatant abuse of power, trust and faith in this so called “church”. I commend all involved in your courage to expose the truth. Makes me want to march on down to the Clearwater dynasty and start picketing!!!
Hey Mike, great job! I really appreciate everyone involved in the project doing this, I can’t imagine the amount of courage it must take. I have a couple of questions though: is it possible to leave the church on relatively neutral terms – as in leave, and NOT be declared an SP, followed around and harrassed? Are you only declared an SP if it’s safe to assume you’re gonna speak up against Scientology, or if you leave once you’ve reached a certain level?
While I think you’re all doing a great job supporting those who’ve already left, I would love it even more if every episode included some tips on how to leave safely (if that’s even possible), or maybe a contact number/email/address to help out those who may be thinking of leaving, but are afraid to do it after seeing all this harrassment. I guess just letting them know that there is a support system in place. If that stuff is already included in the documentary and I missed it, or if it’s simply not feasible, feel free to tell me to shut the fuck up 🙂
Again, thank you for doing this, you’re a hero to many!
A couple of other things have occurred to me on Leah Remini’s documentary:
1) Almost no Public Scientologists and very few Sea Org members ever set foot on the Int Base aka Uplines aka Over the Rainbow aka Gold.
That is not at all clear to the general public watching Leah’s documentary on TV. Without understanding that, they can get the impression that:
• all Scientologists are aware of this
• especially Scientology staff members are aware of this
• most especially Sea Org members are aware of this.
• I can verify that they are not aware of this
All Scientologists, who are still drinking the cool aid, are told to not a) read any “entheta”, b) watch any “entheta” or c) listen to any “entheta”. And if they run into any of this, or know some other “Scientologist” who is doing any of the above, to report them to ethics. 1984. Somewhere George Orwell is laughing
2) While Mike Rinder says that this female lawyer (Monique Yingling) is not even a Scientologist, it is not stressed enough that:
• David Miscavige never speaks to the general public
• David Miscavige never speaks to the press
• David Miscavige never takes interviews on TV or otherwise
• NO ONE from the Sea Org, since Mike Rinder and for a little while, Tommy Davis, is now the international spokesman for the Church of Scientology. No Sea Org member qualifies to do this?
• The best of the lot was Heber Jentzsch who has disappeared [apparently by order of (indirectly of course) of David Miscavige].
# # #
Stumbled on this show by accident and now I am obsessed! I had heard rumblings about the cherch and unethical practices before but cannot get over the blatant abuse exposed by the first two episodes. In this day and age, that it continues without intervention by any authorities is tragic. Money talks ?
It was an enjoyable program Mike. You guys are doing an incredible job. How you stood around and took it for so long only you know and only the uninitiated question, but I think you did a great job of bringing your story forward. For what it’s worth I’m sure my PC files read like a cookbook of how to masterbate properly.
Yep, sure is. One project well suited to the keyboard warriors amongst us is the flagging of Scientology ads on Craig’s List. Scientology disguises part of its recruitment as some sort of mental-health / relationship / personal development counselling service. This deception means Scientology is in breach of the Craig’s List terms of service. In response, many people check each day to see what new ads Scientology has placed and systematically work through the list by “flagging” each advertisement, It takes a few “flags” before the advertisement is deleted so – please – come and join in.
Lists, complete with links, of new advertisements can be found by checking the last comments in this WWP thread –
And here’s a wee vid showing how easy and quick it is to flag a bunch of Scientology lies in just a few minuutes.
Sorry,not living in the US Ihad no way to see episode 2.Being a daily reader of the blog and having read the books I did not make much of an effort.
What could there be in there that I did not know?
But what I had not counted on was the way the whole thing was put together.
The program really gets through to you more than any other program or any of the exellent books ever did.
I watched this program from the viewpoint of a norma person and it makes a compelling case.
Mike is especially compelling because he is very matter of factly and not melodramatic.
Very well put together and convincing.
This A&E thing might move the needle.
This was one of the best shows I’ve seen on Scientology, and I’ve been watching pretty faithfully for 10+ years. Great emotional impact, gets right to the point. Two thumbs up!
Interesting they are going through your garbage…I think I’ve heard that tactic before like an FBI raid back in the 1970’s
Thanks for sharing your story Mike. I have always been a fan of yours and now I’m really proud of you for going public with this. I’m sure it has been rough for you, but there are lots of people you are helping with this series. My daughter and I both watch it and talk about it together. It’s a good thing.
Stealing his garbage thing struck me like a 70s FBI mob investigation too. I mean what a monumental waste of time in this day and age. Its like they are literally using a manual from the dark ages. If you need to spy, you simply hack computers and phones. You dont plant cameras, you tap into their web and phone cams. You can easily turn a digital tv into a spying device remotely. This garbage stealing thing is just embarrassing. And you dont put up negative websites that nobody will read, you mass tweet the negativity and get it trending locally -be sure not to go national because the backlash will destroy Scientology for good. Amateurs! Keep your head up, Mike. And shhhh dont tell OSA.
Well, not mentioned in the show (and it was an oversight) is that I have been hacked. A guy in NY was convicted in Federal Court after being caught by the FBI hacking Tony Ortega and my emails. He is in Federal prison.
Mr. Rinder,
I was drawn to Scientology after acquiring and reading a copy of Dianetics, to me LRH’s seminal writing made a lot of sense at the time. I even went so far as to visit the Scientology center in Austin, TX with a friend where when I told them I was interested in Scientology they whisked me away to a room where they showed a short film which basically sounded like an infomercial to buy books.
However, I read Lawrence Wright’s book in 2013, Going Clear, which led me to your site and Marty Rathbun and Tony Ortega. The stories you’ve all shared were eye opening and definitely the driving factor causing me to rule out Scientology as an option for myself.
The work you and Leah Remini are doing along with all the others in the series is phenomenal. While I understand your primary objective is to help those who’ve been harmed by Scientology. I want to extend a very sincere “Thank You” on behalf of those of us that didn’t get sucked in due to your willingness to speak out.
***With that said, I’ve gathered that you would’ve known LRH personally. After reading Dianetics, I don’t think there’s much debate about his level of intellect, akthough I’m curious to get your take on him. Was he as eccentric as Lawrence Wright details or did he seem normal if you were personally acquainted with him? You may have already answered this somewhere ad nauseam, and I haven’t looked hard enough. Just curious as to your take.
Again, many thanks!
– bjw
Didn’t Go Clear, there have been a series of articles posted here by Lois Reisdorf on her eperiences working closely with LRH. The last one was Part 5, which you can find here:
For the previous articles (Parts 1-4), just go to the top of this page where it says “All Posts” on the far left, and scroll down to find them.
You don’t think there’s much debate on Hubbard’s level of intellect? I wonder what you mean by that. If we assess the man’s ‘level of intellect’ by the things he said then we find he wasn’t a particularly deep thinker.
“Life is basically a static”. That is the first sentence to his Axiom One and it is obviously false. A static doesn’t move or change. A static is the OPPOSITE of life. When you begin taking apart Hubbard’s pronouncements with the tools of logic and common sense you, in effect, discover the great and powerful OZ was merely a little man behind the curtain.
Roger, the operative word in Axiom 1 is “basically” – “Life is BASICALLY a static.” Here’s a relevant quote from FOT:
“The thetan (spirit) is described in Scientology as having no mass, no wave-length, no
energy and no time or location in space EXCEPT by consideration or postulate. The spirit, then, is
not a thing. It is the creator of things.” [my caps for emphasis]
Okay then shall we clear the word, “basically”? Life is NOT a static ‘basically’ or otherwise and that is self-evident. There is no argument to that.
As for what a ‘thetan’ is…a thetan is whatever Mr. Hubbard says it is because he invented the concept therefore he has artistic rights to it.
Here’s the definition of basically: “in the most essential respects; fundamentally.” So life is basically a static (i.e. no energy, time, location, space) EXCEPT by consideration.
Now, which definition of “life” are you using?
I’m sorry, but I have no idea what you’re talking about.
I’m talking about Axiom 1 – LIFE is basically a static.
There are different definitions of “life” – which one do you think is being used?
Which definition of ‘life’ do I think Hubbard was referring to when he wrote his axiom? It isn’t my job to guess. It is his job to say what he meant. Typically ‘life’ refers to metabolic activity, growth and reproduction with sophisticated thought activity in select circles. Maybe Joe Palooka down the block has a different idea of what ‘life’ is. I don’t know.
Roger: “Typically ‘life’ refers to metabolic activity, growth and reproduction with sophisticated thought activity in select circles.”
Okay, those would be MANIFESTATIONS of life when defined as a “property or quality” of living organisms, as per this regular English dictionary definition:
“the property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism.”
The same definition, put more simply, is “an animating force.” Also, one of the definitions of “spirit” is “a force or principle believed to animate living beings.”
In another Axiom, the “life static” is equated to “theta.” And theta itself is defined in the tech dictionary as follows: “the life force, life energy, divine energy, elan vital, or by any other name, the energy peculiar to life which acts upon material in the physical universe and animates it, mobilizes it and changes it.”
So to me, “Life is basically a static” means that “life” is the animating force of living organisms (i.e. the force that gives them the quality of life) is not a material force but spiritual, since it has no mass, no wave length, etc.
It is NOT self-evident that life is ‘basically’ a motionless, non-changing ‘static’. Interestingly while Hubbard claims it is, everything he describes about life demonstrates that it is dynamic and is not a static. Nowhere does he describe life so as to demonstrate it IS a static. That’s a deal-breaker.
“Theta” is Hubbard’s invention. Theta can be whatever Hubbard wants it to be. The definitions explain it as a “force” and as “energy”. Those aren’t very motionless concepts. It will be difficult to prove energy and force have a motionless, static existence separate from their dynamic effects. They are known only by their effects. Remove the effects and by what means can you know an energy or a force exists?
To you, theta is a motionless spiritual force or whatever. That’s fine but that is a BELIEF not an AXIOM.
Roger: “’Theta’ is Hubbard’s invention. Theta can be whatever Hubbard wants it to be. The definitions explain it as a ‘force’ and as ‘energy’. Those aren’t very motionless concepts.”
I suppose it’s the same conuncrum that exists in quantum physics. 🙂
Again marildi, I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Sorry, Rog. I was referring to physics experiments which indicate that a “conscious observer” can affect physical particles by the mere act of observation. If you are new to this and are interested, watch these two short videos in this order:
The “Observer Effect” is not, contrary to popular notions, the result of OBSERVATION, it is the result of MEASURING because the required instruments impact the particles being measured. The Effect occurs whether humans are observing or not.
That’s old news now, and I can tell you didn’t watch the second video – which describes an experiment that proves it is NOT just a matter of measurement.
I didn’t watch any videos about the “Observer Effect” otherwise known as the “Measurement Problem”. Videos don’t prove anything, I would need to see corroborating articles in science journals stating that observation alone is the causative factor in the Effect.
I just have a bachelor of science degree in nursing so I’m no science heavyweight and don’t seek to appear to understand stuff I don’t. I do know there is spiritualistic junk science floating around that sings in harmony with that old movie, “What the Bleep Do We Know?”. A debunked but briefly popular film.
I’m sure you can appreciate as you have gone to lengths to defend what I consider to be scientology absurdities, it’s only natural I wouldn’t consider you a credible arbiter of things scientific. That may not be fair of me but I don’t believe thoughts or consciousness directly impact matter. I do understand that consciousness and thought INTERPRET matter but I maintain they don’t directly influence it. I’d need proof.
Roger: “Videos don’t prove anything, I would need to see corroborating articles in science journals stating that observation alone is the causative factor in the Effect.”
Actually, there have been many peer-reviewed papers presented in science journals of experiments that show in more simple terms how “consciousness” does in fact affect the physical universe. Some of the most clearcut ones are done with the use of “random-number generators.” To get an idea about those and other experiments of “mind over matter,” here’s a short video (less than 10 minutes). Btw, it also points out that meditators are especially good at this.
If you watch that video and are sincerely interested and open-minded about these experiments, there is a whole list of psi research publications that you could follow up on, given here:
Indisputably there have been tons of research on psi. People have been trying to scientifically prove it for over a century. Referring to all those experiments is like referring to the mountain of books and volumes of Ron Hubbard as proof that he knew what he was talking about. Yes, there are many many experiments and reviews of them but they have not set the world on fire, have they? The psi findings haven’t generated significant interest as nothing has been proved and no paradigms have been shifted.
I maintain, as do many other thoughtful people, if thoughts and consciousness affected matter it would be common knowledge.
“Indisputably there have been tons of research on psi.”
And there is indisputable evidence of mind over matter – IF one cares to look at it. Eventually, you “flat-earthers” will have to do so. 😉
Calling me a “flat-earther” because I don’t acknowledge the modus operandi of Harry Potter as being existent outside the wonders of CGI belies a sophisticated sense of humor.
But let us say everybody suddenly acknowledged the evidence for psi. What would change? Maybe The Sylvia Brownes of the world, the Uri Gellers et al would be emboldened but peoples’ prayers would still be answered and unanswered at the same rate. Scientology would still have its unremarkable OT’s. In short, James Randi’s million dollars would still go uncollected.
“Calling me a ‘flat-earther’ because I don’t acknowledge the modus operandi of Harry Potter as being existent outside the wonders of CGI belies a sophisticated sense of humor.”
That’s quite an exaggeration, Roger – to compare what I was referencing to Harry Potter powers and infer that was what I was talking about. My only claim was that, according to scientific research findings, it is possible for the mind to be cause over matter – especially if many minds are working together, as in the experiments described in the short video I linked. You mentioned prayer, and I would add that prayer is another class of experiment where a group focusing their attention and intention gets statistically higher results by far than mere chance.
Basically, the evidence is irrefutable that the mind is indeed capable of influencing matter, even if only in small ways. What this tells us is that there is more to existence than the physical, which is a datum (or an Axiom) that I would say is capable of changing attitudes and thus behavior.
And I wasn’t trying to be funny with my comment about “flat Earth-ers” – I was only making the point that your mind seems to be made up in spite of evidence to the contrary, and you seem to be unwilling to look. I wonder if you even bothered to spend ten minutes to watch the video, let alone look into any of the many research papers that science journals have published – which you implied you would give credence to if such existed. If you haven’t done any of that, then “flat Earth-er” seems applicable. Doncha think?
Marildi, Dean Radin has obtained “interesting” results from his research but it remains a matter of how the data is interpreted as to whether he has proved or given evidence of anything. Not all scientists interpret his ‘anomalies’ in accordance with how Radin STRONGLY WANTS them to be interpreted. Radin’s agenda is to prove psi and he appears mightily determined to do so.
In truth, my mind is quite closed on the matter of psi as is yours. I say it doesn’t exist and you believe it does. Neither of us are budging. I have no interest in the matter but I assure you that will change the minute somebody collects James Randi’s million.
Roger, we don’t have to wait for a James Randi type of test for evidence that mind (or “consciousness”) does influence matter at least in small ways. This evidence has been produced repeatedly by Radin and others – regardless of the fact that, as you say, “not all scientists” accept the findings. Many of them do.
The significance of these findings, in terms of our discussion, is that mind/consciousness has been demonstrated, albeit in small ways, to operate outside of matter. Put in another way, the experiments indicate that mind has no wave length, location, space, etc. – i.e. it’s a static.
I can’t believe you’re still on that with me. Apparently you didn’t notice that I concluded the matter quite equitably.
Roger: “Apparently you didn’t notice that I concluded the matter quite equitably.”
YOU concluded the matter? You mean with your flat-out assertion that “psi doesn’t exist,” repeated yet again, and then your final attempt to make nothing of all the evidence that it does exist? That didn’t quite “conclude the matter” for me, Rog. Nor did I think it was “equitable.” I guess you hoped not to get a rebuttal. Anyway, it’s all good now. Cheers. 🙂
I’m wondering what you believe the definition of “axiom” is. The one I use is “a statement that is self-evident and requires no proof”. For that statement, I want proof.
I like this one: “a statement or formula that is stipulated to be true for the purpose of a chain of reasoning: the foundation of a formal deductive system”
“the life force, life energy, divine energy, elan vital, or by any other name, the energy peculiar to life which acts upon material in the physical universe and animates it, mobilizes it and changes it.”
That’s nothing new or revolutionary, it’s glorified vitalism.
Vitalism : pre-scientific understanding of life, from when biochemistry didn’t exist and people thought mice could be generated from a box with straw in it. Proponents of vitalism thought there was something special in the stuff of “life” that made it different from the stuff of “non-life”. They were proven wrong with the first experiments in organic chemistry in the 1800s.
Using vitalism as an “axiom” is absurd. It can’t be an “axiom” when it’s a (falsified) theory.
You can believe it all you want, but you can’t demand that other people just assume it’s true.
If you consider it as needing to be true for your religious context, a more appropriate word would be “doctrine” – that is if you want people outside your peculiar religious / spiritual bubble to understand what you mean instead of confusing them (which is what a lot of Hubbard’s stuff seems designed to do).
Well, kemist, many other philosophers besides Hubbard, ancient and modern, and even many scientists, would not agree that orthodox “science” and its doctrine of materialism has totally nailed down truth. In fact, materialistic scientists can easily be seen as having their own belief system – with its own assumptions which have become dogma. True SCIENCE is not only skeptical but open-minded and would never say some idea is “absurd” just because it didn’t align with materialistic belief.
Espi, El Con used the same definition that you are using for the term, Axiom. He refers to it in his materials. If a scamologist is using a different definition for his works, they have what is called by Hubbard, an “M.U.”
Normal procedure per Hubbard is to find when the person first encountered that word in their study of scamology, get it defined. then check ALL of their scamology training from that point forward as they have studied over an M.U.
Correct rogerHornaday. No scientist has been able to replicate Radin’s results. Therefore it is on the order of claims of a working perpetual motion machine as far as tested science goes.
Not true, Mike. Many of Radin’s experiments have been replicated. One of my favorites even provides evidence of the “obsever effect” in the double-slit experiment of quantum physics.
“At the recent Science of Consciousness conference held in Tucson, Arizona, Dean Radin delivered a talk that summarized more than ten years of research on the influence of the mind on a quantum level. He explained that not only are his positive results with the double-slit experiment statistically robust, but they have been replicated by many laboratories throughout the world. On a quantum level, our consciousness has a measurable effect on the behavior of elementary particles.”
Another powerful episode. This show is so well done in every way. Oh, and my 92 year-old mother has a bit of crush on you.
Give your mom a kiss and a hug from me.
Thanks Mike and Leah for a hard hitting exposé. We were fortunate to get our daughter back from the SO. It’s taken a decade for her to regain herself after the mental and physical abuse she suffered there. We very much appreciate your efforts to put an end to Scientology’s abusive practices.
WhatWall, I am so very, very happy for you. In the midst of all the horrors being told of in the last few weeks, your one simple comment of REconnection and healing has helped me not become overwhelmed. Thank you for sharing, and may your daughter and your family be blessed with much joy, especially in this holiday season.
I’m incredibly proud of your courage to take a stand against this cult. YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!!
If you’re trying to contact your congressperson about the abuses, this article has a buunch of tips on how to get them to listen to you:
When I read and saw the prior interviews of you folks telling of David Miscavige beating on people, one of the first questions that came to mind was How can this be?
The whole core of dianetics/scientology is to remove locks, secondarys and engrams and the yet “the leader” is afflicting such on it’s top management?
I wish this could be explained in the series or expanded on.
I too was shocked that the leader would create engrams and locks on the most dedicated. I considered joining the SO when I first joined and was crush recruited. The moon was shining up on CC’s roof and two cute young guys were flanking me and pretty much flirting. I didn’t live in LA and managed to extricate myself from their magnetic orbit.
When I think of what I dodged I am horrified.
Although my many decade time as a public going up to OTVII was no picnic. But compared to what the SO members endure at the highest level I just sit right down and say just wow.
Fabulous. Just perfect. The editing and production is just great. Of course the show packs a devastating blow to Scientology. Devastating.
Knowing Miscavige as you do….how pissed off is he about Scientology The Aftermath on a scale of 1 (mildly irritated at being laughed at for ‘We Stand Tall’) to 10 (being told he would have to sit for a deposition)?
Not deposition level meltdown. But just a bit below that.
Mike.. you and Christie and Leah.. and all who have had the ongoing courage to step up to the line and bare the Truth via this series (and all those prior through their books, and interviews etc)…you have my undying admiration and respect. Leah is my new female Super Hero! The show is spectacular; beautifully thought out and put together.. brilliantly edited. And HONEST. And that is why it packs such a punch. Nobody is scripted or acting.. and that is powerful.
Dynamite show. Peeling layers of the onion, helping one and all understand the nature of the Beast.
Kudos to Mike and Leah ! 🙂
I know this may sound weird and fan-girlish, but when I was watching your episode of Leah’s show today I realized that I love your Australian accent that has been softened around the edges by living in the US for so long. Please narrate an audiobook.
Also, I’ve already posted this comment over at Tony Ortega’s place, but I’m going to share here also:
I’d heard the recording of Mike Rinder’s family screaming at him in the doctor’s office parking lot before, but this time I noticed that one moment they’re screaming “you abandoned us!” and then a few seconds later they’re screaming “quit fucking with us!” Well, which is it? Did he abandon them or was he “fucking” with them. It can’t be both.
I have no doubt that the “quit fucking with us” line (and perhaps everything they were saying) is word-for-word direct from wee Davey himself and Mike’s family was drilled/coerced into parroting those lines. Is this how you interpreted their behavior, that it was coming straight from Miscavige?
Getting that doctor’s parking lot recording was a miracle no less than water being turned into wine.
Loaves upon the waters. Seriously miraculous. Perhaps some curious on the fencer will see this and be tilted ass over tea kettle off the fence into sanityland.
To say this show hit a home run is an understatement. Kudos to you Mike Rinder.
Mike Rinder family and close friends, thank you for all of the sacrifices you make in order to help expose the cult. The best is yet to come.
Well well well, one more thing Mike can say again. “I can’t get my picture on the cover of the Rolling Stone.” (Now he just needs to work on the keep getting richer part).
I like the Rolling Stones Five Points. It looks like they got the important points perfectly.
With everything I’ve read, heard, and watched about Mike Rinder in the past few years, I’ve always come away with a sense of respect, admiration and natural affection – these are things that some people just elicit from others just by being who they are, not by trying.
After reading Mike’s comments here about experiencing freedom and self determinism for the first time after 30 years, after he escaped, I thought of his description of the days after he blew when he wandered the streets of London with no money, nowhere to go, no one to talk to, and no inkling of what his future would be. To many, that would be a very scary, forlorn experience.
But in those days that he wandered around London, were the seeds of his rebirth. What a wonderful, wonderful, thing!
How wonderful to think that this same level of freedom and expansion lie right this very minute, in the future of many who are inching towards escape and freedom from this worst of the worst cults.
I don’t understand why California doesn’t investigate The Hole. Those interned there have never had a legal trial nor representation. There’s been enough documentation about it, including a Business Insider article. It’s a total deprivation of due process and a serious stain on the judicial system.
You and Leah are doing a great job of getting the word out on what Scientology is really all about. Several people have contacted me and commented on the abuse and craziness of it, all. Most ask, “How much of that stuff is true?” I tell them, as far as I know, it’s 100% correct, from my experience. I like this series because it’s more personal than the going Going Clear documentary, which was excellent.
The only thing I can think of to improve the series is this. So far, the stories presented have been previously made public through several venues. I suggest more of lessor known, people’s stories of disconnection, abuse, and money grubbing. There should be no problem in finding these folks as they are numerous. Tell as many individual stories as time permits so the “church” can’t make a case that it’s the “the same old apostates” telling the same old lies about the church.
Stay tuned next week
I’d like to debunk the “handful of bitter apostates” by having them go over that big list of those who have left and spoken out. I don’t recall the name of the site, but it lists everyone who has left and have been public about it in some way – and it lists their training/case level/staff history. That’s a great list. It really shows that highly trained and audited people quit.
couldn’t we, pretty please, just somehow refer to it? and the vast number?
Also the list of all he first clears and how they’re all dead or declared…?
Twenty percent or 2 1/2 percent…nope. The church somehow ends up finding almost everyone SP.
Here is the link to The Big List
The blue links after the names are links to where each person spoke out publicly
Anyone that is out but not on there but wants to be, can just send a message with details and they will be added.
Those who compile it have spent, and still do spend, a lot of time researching, verifying and double checking factsßs
One day I hope that whenever the media reports Co$’s standard response of “a handful of bitter apostates” line that they will then also link to the Big List
thank you for posting the link for me. I should have gotten off my lazy arse and looked it up myself.
Here I am Mike & Christie feeling that I have come full circle and I am so grateful to have found your blog in 2014.You & Christie and your very handsome young men,are formidable,powerful.brave & True.I Love You All.Thank you from my heart for your Sea Org journey because it brought you to Christie,your boys and to the beautiful space you have carved out on this level.??
Ann B, once again your kind self shines up from my screen, saying words they resonate with my gratitude for this place. That helped me so much in my first painful days out and UTR.
I thank Mike and Ann I thank you too. I always look forward to your comments.
I am so thankful and so glad you are out I have followed your comments since I first saw them and I Well well know those painful days just out and my years UTR.You have made me smile and shed a tear for all the goodness here.❤️You Always Thrilled to see you Clearly Not Clear.
Mike, that was another amazing episode last night. Thank you for your honesty, your integrity and your incredible hard work. Never did I think that such a powerful program would ever be on TV. I know we have far to go, but, thanks to you and others like you, our stories of this awful so-called church are finally reaching a huge audience.
Mike, loved the show, loved all your evidence, loved seeing your sweet family, and Leah’s emotions (and pj’s)…all so relate-able and genuine. Parts were heart-wrenching…but I feel sure your lost family will come around….hang in there. Thank you for baring it all, for all of us…the love and support streaming in from your show is something else…
Loved these sincere tweets from folks that saw it:
“So sorry about what Scientology did to you. There are people who care about justice in this world. We’re watching them.”
“I’ve known about Scientology as a CULT for over 4 decades. I’m sorry I didn’t know what they were doing to you & others.”
“Forgive us all for being so busy that we allowed this monstrosity in our backyard.”
Thank you again & again! <3
Mike this comment from clear to insanity, said so much of how I felt about the episode. I’m so pleased that time was taken to share your incredible story. The captured recording of that gang bang screaming parking lot attack was so perfect for anyone trying to tell lies about you.
Hearing about your work and time in the SO and how young you were when you joined was sobering. Hearing about your fall from high exec to the Hole because you couldn’t stop a TV show from airing in England showed the crazy insanity. I kept thinking I’m waiting to hear how this is a church.
You were relatable and I know you’ll have more to reveal, because I’m dying for more story.
Leah’s emotional responses mirrored my own.
The reality of the real life story made this episode gripping and real.
I seriously love the detailed dive into the stories of what really happened to real people in this criminal organization that I was in for decades.
I so hope for more from A & E. One series is not enough.
Keep getting the stories like you have been, it is more real and more straight to the gut than any other message.
I too hope to here from Chrissy. Her intelligence and strength shine from her and I want to hear from her too.
Thank you for showing Fair Game in all its ugly, unreligious revoltingness. The bird house and the PI’s across the street being legal was beyond creepy and wrong.
Keep this up.
Rafters are creaking, may they fall on David Miscavage’s head.
Very powerful, very moving. I thought it was excellent, very well done. Answered questions, clear, touched my heart. Mike Rinder & Leah Remini have my respect and admiration. Thank you both for doing this series.
Another great episode. Seeing you on that BBC program looking like a POW prisoner screamed volumes and proves all you’ve been reporting, no need to disbelieve and if people do then they’re idiots. Looking forward to the next episodes, thanks.
Mike, I just want to thank You, Christie and the Boys for ALL you do! You ALL make sacrifices in your lives in order to help the rest of us. My undying gratitude to you all. I’m also very thankful that Leah has come into all our lives. She brings truth to the mainstream. Together, you are all the perfect storm. My gratitude to all involved in this show. Families are already closer because of ALL of you. <3
The letter you read from your daughter was heartbreaking. I don’t have kids but it did bring a tear to my eye. I’m so sorry for your family. I hope they see the light and get out of that nonsense.
Mike, my two cents on what I would be thrilled to see in future episodes: The aftermath of Scientology for the children, the human rights trafficking of immigrants for slave labor and more about the children. I would especially like to see Derek Bloch and Nora Crest get an opportunity to share their story. They have both already inspired me with their courage to stand up and speak out. We all know too well there is a potential of backlash from all sides when you do. What impresses and inspires me the most about them both is they are a right now example for the other children who grew up in this hot mess that you not only can survive Scientology, you can thrive as the person you really are inside, not the repressed Sci approved version of you. Last but not least, when it comes to articulating the mangled madness of their experiences, they rock it.
Mike, what you, Christie, Leah, Amy, Mat, Tom, Jeff, Mary and all the people involved in this project are doing is just INVALUABLE. It means sooooooo much! We have seen our lives destroyed, we have seen are families broken apart, our businesses going adrift and the biggest mistake one can do is to remain silent !!!! As Leah says, we got to fight for our families, we got to fight for our sons and daughters, WE HAVE TO GET THEM OUT OF THIS THING !!!!!!! Thank you for being on the front line. We are making it known here oversea!!! Kudos to you all.
Claudio & Renata
Mike, I know you have been overwhelmed by so many e-mails, comments, etc, so it is okay if you can’t respond now. I have a question that I would love for you to consider. As with the abuses in the church, many people experience prolonged trauma in their life. I know transitioning and loss of family is tragic.
My question is simple. What do you believe has helped you get back on your feet after such long-term abuse and brainwashing? Members such as yourself have been told counseling is evil and empathy seems discouraged-the two things that help people heal. I know it is a process, but you seem to be moving on and appear to have a boatload of empathy.
You present yourself as a humble, respectful and humane person. They didn’t suck it out of you! Not everyone recovers so well. Basically how did you move on and not let your experience defeat you? Was it friends? A new concept of God? A new start in life? I hope sometime you will share with us how you have become the man your are today. Many thanks for your example! Debbie
Tough question to answer Debbie. And I am not sure I can do be objective about it at all. But here is my best shot.
Perhaps the greatest freedom I achieved was the freedom that came from walking away. And by that I mean it was a realization that my life was my OWN. I could think any way I chose. Speak however I wanted. Befriend anyone. These and many other things had been squashed or at least curtailed — you are taught NOT to “think for yourself” but to “think for the organization.”
Being able to think and choose for yourself is an incredibly freeing experience. But it comes with a price. One of the “benefits” of being in scientology is that you have an answer for everything and know what is right and wrong and how you should act and if you don’t already know you can look it up and if you cannot find it there is an Ethics Officer waiting to tell you.
When you have been raised in that sort of environment it can be a bit of a shock to no longer have those crutches – and to realize that you truly ARE now “responsible for your own condition.” Scientology tries to convince you it is giving you this while controlling everything you do.
So, this was a new experience. I decided that I had to live my life based on what I thought was right. That this was the only course to follow. Not what I could get away with. Not what others thought may have been right or wrong. Not the decisions of others. And I have tried to do so.
Perhaps that has helped.
And succeeded Mike… not just tried.
I am humbled by your authenticity and your grace… I hope my family will grow to be as proud of me as yours is of you.
Thank you my friend. I’m blushing.
I don’t know if it’s my place to comment here but there are parallels here Mike that closely align with being involved in the arts. To walk away from all the rules and see things for yourself and then God forbid – create something wonderful out there despite any and all opposition. Artists in life suffer from the same maladies as we all do and some go nuts, loose interest or knuckle down to something but others strive forward in that nebulous zone where contentment and warmth flow all-around from that dedication. One really good studio artist friend once told me that around 10% of any illustration he does he hasn’t a clue what he’s going to do with it. Often the other 90% of the plan is thrown out as that 10% took him in a direction he hadn’t even considered.
Many, many people really need lots of rules and are lost without them. There’s nothing wrong with that, “rules is rules” and we all have to deal with them from a very young age. But it’s a brave person that creates something wonderful out of despair and mayhem and doesn’t look back.
Total Freedom, basically.
You asked, “I am interested in your views – including criticisms and things you think might be better explained or covered.”
The one thing I felt that could be expanded on is why those that were subjected to Miscavige’s violence stayed in, specially after multiple incidents.
I know that you fleshed it out a bit – maybe there was more that was cut – but I think it’s still a bit of a puzzle for those never in.
I saw Miscavige strike someone and remember the mental gymnastics that I went through trying to “explain” it. I knew it was wrong. There were no extreme conditions to justify it in any way. What it did do was start the process of recognizing that Management (and the Sea Org) was mad.
The concepts of learned helplessness and battered person syndrome provide a partial understanding. Combine that with the knowledge that you will loose all contact with your family and friends who are also in the cult, and the fact that many have no money, no car, no job resume, etc. and it becomes even more understandable.
Plus, the extreme violence and psychological terror that DM put Mike and many others through wasn’t always how things were in the Sea Orgy.
Mike you probably know, but when I googled your name the first hit is
I had never seen that site before, COB must be in panic mode.
Yeah — they come and go. They spend an awful lot of money for those idiotic sites that nobody ever visits, or if they do, they are disgusted and try to leave negative comments but that somehow never works out…
Absolutely. My thoughts after 10 seconds of viewing the Church-made website was “What is wrong with these people”? I mean, who does that? What adult, sane, decent person, no less, an organization, makes ridiculous ‘smear’ websites about people? Whatever small doubts I had about who was right in this matter (ex-members) and who was not to be believed (Church) vanished after viewing those sites. I think the first site I saw was the one they made about Amy Scobee, and I recall being outraged as a woman at the things they said, the photos, and just everything about it. I wanted to give Amy a hug and whoever created the site a swift kick, and tell her, I’m on your side. (and that she is super-cute even though they tried to ‘stretch out’ a photo to make her look bad – it didn’t work).
Let the CofS keep those stupid websites, they are only shooting themselves in the foot.
I’m more concerned about the devious, underhanded, border-line illegal things that the ‘most ethical group’ may try to do. I think the best thing to do is to be 100% upfront, out in the open, loud and clear about what’s going on, and people will have your back. In my opinion, anyway.
Mike, I’ve known it for a long time but your recent postings and last night’s episode underscores the fact that Christie won the lottery.
Mike won the lottery with Christie too. Just saying. Can you imagine a more supportive wife who will endure years of abuse by others because she understands her husband cares so much about children he is not allowed to see. Christie and Mike, you both rock. Christie deserves more kudos than she has been given.
I agree with you Val. Christie is my rock and my angel. You can read her story in the NYTimes
Thank you for sharing your story. I have been following scientology news for nearly a decade. I used to think you were a complete sociopath. But, after hearing you speak over the years, I have witnessed your remorseful reckoning. This is proof that you are not a sociopath. Those people never feel remorse (like Trump, Miscavige, Hussein, etc…) Also proof that it was scientology who made you to act like a sociopath. Good thing your brain wasn’t flawed! You recovered. Are recovering. You have a beautiful family and I hope the very best for you.
<3 "remorseful reckoning"
I can’t tell you how many comments I have received from people who are aware of my ‘fascination’ (obsession) with the Co$.
People, who over the years have said to me ‘I don’t get it…..why are you so interested in this?’ are telling me ‘I saw that show with Leah Remini…..I get it.’ Or….’I thought you were exaggerating….’
In a sense, I feel exonerated.
I can’t even imagine how all you ex’s feel. To finally have this evil organization exposed for what it is. One can almost hear the cockroaches as they scramble away from the light.
To all you ex’s… are finally getting your day in the sun! Hats off to everyone for their efforts!
PS. Last night’s show was great. The fact that you had video and audio of the incidents was great. It makes it next to impossible for them to come up with any kind of legitimate defense.
A big thank you to Jenny Linson (spelling?) for sounding extra crazy and unhinged.
What a wonderful religious representation!
Wow, wouldn’t want to be in TC’s or JT’s space right now or any celebrity who has any allegiance with the Cof$. Oh the groundswell they must feel developing under their PR feet. There is simply nowhere to hide anymore and just like the tobacco companies had face the music of what they did to maintain profits so the Cof$ and its abusive, profit oriented misdeeds are now being aired for all to see and understand. Be nice to see a Scio lawyer committed for trail for something fraudulent they did for Miscavige which in turn scares the crap out anyone else thinking of representing the Church. I know… I know… I Yawnalot, but dreams are good!
You hold on to that dream IY. Since my very first days down the rabbit hole I’ve thought “My God, this is a perfect R.I.C.O. case, where are you Feds?” and I continue to hold on to that dream.
Lil Dave in Federal Prison. Yes, dreams are good.
” Be nice to see a Scio lawyer committed for trail for something fraudulent they did for Miscavige which in turn scares the crap out anyone else thinking of representing the Church. ”
It sure would! Individuals and groups can purchase the kind OJ “dream team” legal representation that make them all but immune to being held to account for their crimes and abuses. Over the decades, the cherch has spent tens of millions of parishioners tax-exempt donation dollars attempting to bankrupt those who challenge them in court, while doing their very best sue everyone and their pets who’ve spoken out against them into silence and send a clear message to everyone else that they spend any amount of money to win.
So far, the high-dollar law firms that they employ to abuse the legal system and avoid being held culpable within it have been given a pass in being held to account for fronting for the crimes and abuses that the cult has gotten away with for far too long. In addition, the PIs that$cn employs to do their dirty work for them should also be publicly exposed and vilified for their part in furthering the kind of sociopathic behavior that’s being revealed in Leah’s series and has been well documented in the past by Tony Ortega, Steve Cananne and a whole host of other investigative journalists and authors.
After watching the first two episodes of Leah’s series, many folks are now asking in utter disbelief, “How in the world has $cn been able to get away with all these crimes and abuses!?”
A large part of the answer to that question lies in their willingness to spend any amount of money to defend themselves and to go after their perceived enemies, both in the courts and through their secret police/terrorist arm of the organization. And it is also as a result of their having won their undeserved status as a federal tax-exempt non-profit, charitable religious organization from the IRS. Taken together with the cult’s vast wealth, these two key factors go along way towards explaining why the cult has not been brought to its knees for its many felony crimes and massive civil/human rights violations.
I get to your site daily by simply googling your name. (I can’t bookmark it) Once again, the day after the show, they’re pouring money into the ads so that the AD BS smear sites top the list. Within a day or two they go away and this site is back to top of the list.
Like that’s going to do something.
(now, off to see if it’s up for streaming today!)
I just type “m” in Chrome and the auto-correct suggests I want to go here (if I type “t” it sends me to Tony’s place)
I use chrome incognito. It’s the safest bet for me right now.
These shows need to be shown in every country. For the last 20 years most of the recruitment of staff have come from outside the U.S. Countries like Russia, Hungary, Taiwan and Mexico. It is mostly young people. They are promised the world and as soon as they arrive in the U.S. the church takes away their passport and puts it in a locked file cabinet. At that point the “church” owns that person and works them like slaves. It is right from the human trafficking play book. When I was interviewed by the FBI is was the one piece of information that alarmed them the most. Scientology is an international problem. A&E needs to get this informative series distributed far and wide.
I agree wholeheartedly!
This a very important and potentially effective avenue of approach in holding the cherch legally responsible for their crimes and abuses that, up until now, has not been pursued in a focused way that I’m aware of.
As you note, the cult has been recruiting young foreign nationals to work for prison industry wages for long hours in shit conditions for some time now, due to their inability to con young U.S. citizens into doing so in large enough numbers to sustain their operations. These young folks are undoubtedly promised the moon, then hung out to dry when they arrive in the U.S. I’d be very surprised if the cult does not routinely take their passports and subject them to threats and duress in order to continue to be able to take advantage of them.
If documented, many of these practices are the textbook definition of trafficking and could put the cult right in the sights of federal investigators, exactly where they belong!
I remember the hotel cleaning crew folks who didn’t speak english and wondered how many hours they worked and if they believed in Scilon-tology or were recruits that were new and just being used and worked half to death.
I felt like I was this princess and they were like slaves. I thought it was just me who was very weirded out about their status and happiness or lack thereof.
How can these foreign nationals be helped? I imagine they feel they have nowhere to turn.
Good point Mat.Fortunataly the pool of slave labour is drying up.
Who has a good idea on how we could help?
I agree. It needs to be aired overseas because the church brings new recruits form overseas. If you compare it to human trafficking and bringing in girls here to be hookers, lying to them as to what they’ll do in America, and then telling them they’ll turn tricks and you’ll pay them a little money (and keep the rest) …. they make more money than the SO people do and work less hours/days for it. These new Scn recruits become radicalized into the C of $.
A and E showed the show several times even after its official air time. So there will be many who see it later. But it does need to be shown internationally too.
“When I was interviewed by the FBI is was the one piece of information that alarmed them the most.” Mat, if so, why isn’t there further investigation and something being done about it? This infuriates me and makes me crazy.
First of all Scientology hides behind its religious recognition status given by the IRS. The U.S. is one of the few countries that recognizes Scientology as a religion.
Second, the FBI was seriously considering raiding the INT base. They wanted to know how the Sea Org members who were imprisoned in the Hole would react. Unfortunately they would most likely side with the “church” and say everything was fine, much like the abused house wife.
Third, when veteran staff leave the Sea Org it usually takes years for them to decompress enough to consider reporting the abuse they experienced. Also when you walk out with nothing all your attention is on finding work, housing, etc. You try not to think about Scientology and you are trying to avoid more abuse from Scientology. If the abuse is ever reported to authorities, too much time has elapsed. Even if someone were to immediately call the police after being beat by Miscavige, 100 Sea Org members could be found to obediently purger themselves to swear the incident never occurred.
The one thing that can be done is to expose Miscavige and Scientology for what they are. Society can be warned so as to reduce their ability to harm.
Mat, thank you for your response. Especially the part about decompressing which I am still doing after 3 years AND I wasn’t Sea Org or staff.
Really appreciate you and Amy telling your story.
Wisdom and understanding right there. Thank you Mat.
…”They are promised the world and as soon as they arrive in the U.S. the church takes away their passport and puts it in a locked file cabinet…” Smells like HUMAN TRAFFICKING to me, especially when their physical person is confined in any way. THE FREEWINDS takes your passport when you board. I’m talking to you public Scientologists who do’t think this is weird in any way. IT IS. No other “cruise ship” CONFISCATES your passport. Pyscho-control-freak cult anyone?
OMG, Doug, so glad you brought this up for the UTR. First time went to ship with my sis and they CONFISCATED our passports, her first reaction was “what? why you taking my passport”? she didn’t feel right about this from the get go and I just pushed it aside saying something stupid like “they have to go through customs”. But we didn’t see passports again until time to leave and this bugged her and she was RIGHT. Now we talk about this incident, well it’s all in hindsight. She had that gut feeling and I now validate her for it.
Same thing happened to me. As a public I went to the Ship and they wouldn’t let me in until I gave up my passport. I politely declined and said no I would keep it. They insisted and finally said I couldn’t get on the Ship unless I gave them my passport. I turned it over but didn’t feel right about that.
You betcha there are lots of us on your side. And don’t worry that your intention to address past doings has gone unnoticed. We all understand and love you and want you to move on and be happy. (Don’t want to sound condascending there) May your older children wake up soon and see what you do every day. You are a champ Mike Rinder!
In addition, I hope it becomes one of these TV series that later are re-run in the U.S. over and over, due to interest.
The show brought me to tears. No one should lose their family through disconnection. Thank you Mike, for all that you do every day. The implosion of this cult can come none too soon, and for me it might be the only way to get my family member back; he is so deeply drinking the Koolaid I cannot even talk to him about it. And this morning a friend from 3,000 miles away texted me a link to the USA Today article on the show in case I hadn’t heard of it.
the last few hours before air-time were torture! but the show did not disappoint. i can only echo what others have already said. it was heartfelt, moving, and enlightening. seeing two episodes now, i feel like you guys have a really good handle on the best pacing for highlighting various elements. it’s like each episode is a chapter in a book, and each ex’s story puts a different ‘horror’ under a microscope.
i hope the US audience eventually gets access to the clips they had to leave out. it would be great if there was a way to have the edited-out parts available on A&E’s website. seems like a lot of shows do this, where they have “for more behind-the-scenes clips, go to –”.
thanks for sharing your story, mike. i wish with all my heart that your optimism pays off. and sooner, rather than later! x
Watched it. Who you are comes across Mike. It’s your presence and heart felt attitude that impinges on the viewer.
Thank you for being responsible for your actions while in the church.
As a result, you are helping people.
If I could sum up in a word what I felt when watching you: sincerity
I was watching the show with people who know something about Scientology but never in. They were prepped for the worst. Even though they knew about disconnection they were incensed by your story and very supportive of what you have done and are doing.
IMHO I think anyone who watches this series will walk away with a new opinion of Scientology. This series is saving and will continue to save countless lives.
We already have enough religions causing harm. You and Leah and other courageous whistle blowers are creating the black label for Scamotology which is long overdue.
Thanks again my friend.
Excellent Mike! The show had us riveted to the TV. We ended up watching it twice last night.
And as always, a big thank you to Leah, you and the A&E production and management team for exposing the cult’s evil ways.
As a side note, it was great to see your lovely wife and kids on the show as well. Very nice family Mike.
Thanks buddy. Yours ain’t so bad either!
Grab your copper rods and be prepared to kiss your ass goodbye!
Are you TERRIFIED by the thought that this may only be the FIRST series of 8 episodes, as PUBLIC AWARENESS begins to focus on DAVID MISCAVIGE?
What actually first got to me was Leah crying at your daughter’s letter. It made me wonder how much Tom Cruise actually knew until I remembered he uses Sea Org labor for so much. Celebrities are probably kept in a bit of a bubble so the don’t see the stark realities, but they can’t miss it all if they even open their eyes a tiny bit.
Your fresh out of the hole look did not suit you. You looked so grey. Well done to John Sweeny for capturing the look on your face of “I’m lying and I know it”.
Those tapes of Cathy and Jenny cursing you show just how amazingly insane the attacks were and how calm you were compared to their viciousness.
Leah is doing a great job of distilling so many hours of anguish into the few minutes she has to show it to us. That had to be painful for you and Christie to relive once again. Thank you for doing it.
“Celebrities are probably kept in a bit of a bubble so the don’t see the stark realities, but they can’t miss it all if they even open their eyes a tiny bit.”
And a series like this has to have the effect of prying their tightly clamped eyelids open, if only for a moment.
There’s this very revealing interview segment with JT, from some time back, where he’s being asked about what he thinks about some of the abuses within the cherch that had been in the media. He responded by asking rhetorically why he’d want to read about such things when his own experiences with the cherch had been so wonderful. That kind of logic makes total sense if the only person that you care about is yourself, or if you made the mistake of believing that everyone in $cn gets treated as celebrities do.
All of those featured thus far in Leah’s series have made extremely serious allegations against the cherch and its leader which are either true or they’re very elaborately detailed and convincingly told lies. If $cn can not rebut them with anything more than character attacks and smear campaigns, then they’re going to continue to lose their fight in the court of public opinion and the celebs who’ve fronted for the cult over the years, like Tom Tom and JT, will be held in less and less regard as well. They can either pull their pampered heads out of the sand and begin looking at their cherch’s behavior towards its non-celeb members with open eyes now or suffer the consequences for supporting evil in the near future.
Leah is, in effect, drawing a bright line for her fellow celebs who are still in the cult, and saying, “Here, look at this shit; is THIS what you want to use your status as a public figure to support…is it!?” Time for everyone to take a stand, one way or another!
This is why I traveled to Clearwater, Florida to personally shake your hand and to tell you that you were my fucking hero.
Mike, you seemed a bit concerned yesterday about how your past would make you look on this episode. Understandable, I’d probably have the same worries so, I did a test for you.
I had someone watch the show who has little to no knowledge who you are. This person knows I am a critic but I’ve never passed on the books, or asked her to watch ‘Going Clear’ or anything because she just never seemed interested. This made her perfect for this (also she’s an A&E fan). Here’s the word for word text I got from her this morning:
“OMG GIRL!!! U being so pissed makes sense now. That POOR MAN!! I wish he could have his children back. They’re adults right (that’s what I thought I heard)? Yeah he did some terrible things! FOR THAT STUPID CHURCH! Why are they still punishing him for that? You need to call me when you have time XOXOOX”
I’d say her reaction says it all. It is only Co$ that looks evil in all of this. Now, I know you’re not trying to play victim but I just wanted you to know that the way you might have worried people were going to see you is just not how they see you at all. Keep fighting my friend. We got your back.
Thank you. That is heartening. Appreciate you taking the time to relay it.
I won’t even bother with all she unloaded on me when I actually did call her back. LOL
Needless to say, Dave’s reputation is shit-canned and you’ll be just fine. 🙂
NolaGirl, I would love to hear more of what a never-in thought of the show and resulting views of SCN. I sit and watch it with Lois and my children (minus 1) who are all extremely involved with SCN from birth. Of course we all loved it! Also, although it was so exciting to see this on national TV and it moved us to tears, we were previously aware of most of the stories being told.
To hear comments from a never-in, never-interested person would be an eye-opener of how the general public views this production, especially since we are going to possibly be in one of the episodes, it would boost our confidence of how our story could be received.
Happy to share it with you Clearly.
She had questions!! Lots and lots of questions. And a lot of anger and sadness over what she sees as a perfectly nice man being treated like dirt. (she hasn’t seen the first episode yet but is planning to watch online today)
“How do they get away with this?”
“Why hasn’t the Government stopped this yet?”
“Why would a church do this to people?”
“Why do people allow their “church” to get into their personal lives like that?”
Aside from all the questions she has nothing but compassion for those who were taken in and serious anger at this “thing” that chews people up and spits them out. I’m going at her slowly so as not to have her eyes glaze over. 🙂 I am also loaning her my copy of ‘Blown For Good’. I imagine there are more questions coming.
I’m not sure what your particular concern is, but I wouldn’t worry. Once you explain to someone that this monster is set up to take people in by playing on their vulnerabilities, something anyone could get taken in by, you see them start to understand that it could just have easily been them had the timing been right.
Sorry for rambling, I hope this helps. All I can really say is there has never been a better time to be on the outside of Scientology. People are not seeing Mike, Leah, Amy, Any of you, as the reason this happened, they’re seeing CoS for the truly evil, insidious thing that it is.
Thanks so much for the great insight.
I guess my main concern is that since we are spilling our guts out on national TV I wanted further assurance that the show was affecting the average Joe as desired. One of the things that bothered me about HBOs Going Clear is that with it’s spacey/freaky music and some of the commentary it made Scientology and it members, as perhaps a bit kooky (not that they/we aren’t but not as bad as how it was portrayed).
I’m overall just glad it is having the desired effect and people are asking questions. I hope some even write their congress people – for whatever that is worth.
I will be sure she knows who to contact when her outrage reaches max. capacity. Sending love to you and yours Clearly. Hope you’re all having a good week.
I have never been involved with Scientology, but like NOLA’s friend, I, too, was furious about what was revealed in the show. I could never imagine what it was like to endure all that abuse for years/decades. This show is definitely making an impression with those on the outside.
I never held a positive opinion of Scientology, but was shocked to learn how far down the rabbit hole this “church” goes. Amy’s story about being assaulted when she was 14 made me angry. I think enough (unwanted) attention will be given to the COS. At the very least, the reputation of the COS will rightfully be tarnished.
To Mike Rinder: keep up the good work in exposing the conditions and abuses by the COS. You (and Leah) are an inspiration to everyone.
Thank you for adding this Christopher. All the different perspectives are important. ?
I just watched episode 2 of A&E’s “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath.” At the beginning of the show, as Leah read the letter to Mike Rinder from his daughter, I couldn’t help but notice the dress Leah wore: it’s white with the word “love” imprinted all over it.
“Love,” that’s what this series (and movements such as “Call Me” by Phil and Willie Jones) is spreading. Love conquers all.
Thank you, Mike and Leah.
Ho, Ho, Ho, “Scrooge McDuckavige”!
Fred G. Haseney, an “extremely bitter ex-scientologist,” (1977 to 2014).
Thanks Fred. Inside scoop — those were PJ’s….
Love her. Leah rocking PJ’s and making them look like high fashion. *three snaps*
She wore those PJ’s with style!
Yes she did. 🙂
*waves* Hope you’re doing well my friend.
I’m fine, NOLAGirl, thanks for asking. My best to you and yours.
Leah looks better in PJs than I do in dress clothes. That’s just not right. Well, maybe it is, look what she’s doing. You go girl!
The continuing shows and books about scn are an ego booster. I wasn’t just a member of just any old cult. I was a member of a now FAMOUS cult!
So many indicting revelations against David Miscavige and his church of scientology. We see childish hecklers, the stealing of personal garbage, a spy camera…this is all caught on video so the church can’t deny it and that kind of stuff is difficult to spin into something dignified. I love how Leah informs us of the nasty things the church is saying so as to use its own weapons against it. David Miscavige and his church are taking a beating. Again. And again. And again.
But my favorite part was where the duplicitous hired bully, Monique Yingling, got exposed for what she is. Her photo and her extortion attempt right there on television for all to see: non-scientologist legal counsel slash prostitute. How sweet that was.
As always, thank you for sharing your experiences. Your story is indeed heart felt. I especially love the fact that you stay in Clearwater for the hope your son will come around. Keep the faith my friend!
Keep up the good work! Looking forward to the next episode!
Thank you to all who have sent messages of support and love by text, phone, email, FB, twitter, instagram and courier pigeon. It has been quite overwhelming. I cannot hope to respond to everyone. I try to read everything and that alone is a challenge. If I do not “Like” your comment or Tweet or respond to your message, please understand it is appreciated.
Many wonder what they can do. Call or write to your Congressman and Senator to do something about the ongoing abuses. Write to the IRS. Support and comment on media articles and blogs that cover the abuses (like Tony Ortega at the Underground Bunker and any others that are helping raise awareness of the truth about scientology). Watch Scientology The Aftermath every week and tell your friends to do so and support A&E for stepping up and taking on scientology.
Don’t ever think you have no voice or there is nothing you can do. There is plenty.
The support of Leah and Amy and me and those you have not yet seen is invaluable and appreciated. Keep it up. Knowing there are a lot of people out there on our side is comforting and gives strength.
The Show is fantastic. Thank you, to both of you, and to all who have brought this about.
So far, I like the flow of this, as it has unfolded from epi 1 to epi 2. In a way, the format forces “TLDR”
(Too Long, didn’t read) as a nice distillation of the walls of text from multiple extant sources on the internet.
I had a “laugh out loud” moment at your introductory scene in your house, with the ‘lighting’ showing you in silhouette darkness and then fading in to you full color. Obviously post-production, but to me a not so subtle nod to the ‘Pompadour of pomposness’….nice touch by the a and e editors. “A and E’ network…lol
Also, I never noticed before that miscavige walks like a duck….the clip they chose of him walking on stage….
The journey is a compelling one….from naive youth to Defender of the Faith, and then total hell as public enemy #1 (or 2)…but persevering through it all, with your integrity relatively intact..In earlier times you’d be lucky to still have your head attached! Leah adds a dimension of (my opinion only) Bette Davis pluck and courage, and your current wife as an anchor and safe harbor….I am sure these dimensions are relatively untold and unexplored, but as important (if not more so) as the unfolding narrative.
kudos to you all!
Again on the editing, the pictures of you in London (fresh out of the Hole) spoke louder than any sherman-speak or lawyer-speak…..very powerful, harrowing even, and a foreshadowing of a possible future under a ‘global elite government’. No other country in the world has constitutional protection for freedom of speech……something to cherish. Today the chinese can not comment on Kim Jong-un’s weight gain, their surveillance state is so prevalent.So I am sure we will be hearing more about the workers paradise in Hemet.
We are only 2 episodes in, but I will make a prediction that these epi’s go viral around the world. (I hope the box set includes the non used footage…:) )
And a shoutout to your backstage team, keeping you up and running despite the vagaries of maintaining an internet presence! Very well done!
Eagerly anticipating ‘MOAR’!
Oh my, box set with non used footage. What a great idea! Where do I place my order. Please pleasepleasepleaseplease.
Dear Mike!
Again thank you for this show.
When I was watching this episode I was thinking how it happened that almost everybody who really got out have so much to be ashamed of.
Even I, ordinary public-parishioner have so many things about which I blame myself.
Like the 10 anniversary of wedding. We didn’t go to Paris as my wife wanted, instead we bought another auditing package to handle her “case” and finally make her cleAr.
I am ashamed that my kids spent weekends in the org doing not only children com course but working on different tasks (like moving boxes with books or cleaning smth) because staff is always short of hands.
I am ashamed that I lost some friends and almost lost some family members because they were pts, or just low toned, or sent me to hell when I tried to FSM them.
I ashamed that I personally wrote several KR.
Or that I didn’t told my ethics officer to kiss my ass, instead I was smiling obsequiously thinking about how much money and time and ass kissing I will need to get out of Doubt or Liability again.
Doing what are you doing you not only preventing somebody from mistakes but giving hope to ones who made this scn mistakes.
Thank you
I love what Leah Remini is doing. I had no idea how much shit you went through Mike — what terribly hard choices you had to make! Both of you are to be highly commended. I see that viewership is over 2 million — how much of this exposure can COS stand before little davie is ousted otherwise removed. The focus on the psychopath David Miscavige is dead on. The little turd has become evil incarnate.It would be good to hear what has happened to Heber. When the little davie is gone, I wonder what Shelley Miscavige will say about her ordeal. I have alerted friends, who have totally left the church such that they have nothing to do with it, to take a look at what Leah Remini is doing with this documentary.
All I can say is, WOW. You nailed it to the wall. Your explanations were excellent, and I think that 99.99% of the population is going to believe you after seeing the two episodes. The series will do what RB’s comic on Friday suggested, peel more people away from the church, whether they go public about it, or underground.
Of course Leah deserves a big hand for arranging all of this, and making the pitch to A&E, and A&E deserves kudos for not giving into the church’s lawyers.
My only complaint is that a one hour show just isn’t enough to do complex stories like your’s or Amy’s justice.
When Time Magazine called Scientology, ” the church of greed” in 1991, I thought that was a ridiculous assertion.
The reason being that all the Scientologists, that I knew either worked long hours for no pay on staff or if they weren’t on staff they gave way more to the church than they could afford.
A few years ago on this blog, I was stunned to learn about miscavage’s life style.
In the first episode, there was a little bit about Tom Cruise’s wedding in Italy.
When I was on staff, “waste and extravagance” was an “out ethics symptom” per policy.
Alleged “financial irregularities” was the reason many mission holders where massacred in 1982.
My wife was one of them. She had given every thing she had to keep her mission going. Yet she was accused of “stealing” from the church. Then the church cleaned out her mission’s bank accounts. Hypocrisy?
I hope this show follows the money trail and reveals who benefits from it.
We just watched it, Mike, thanks to your advice of last week. Fabulous job. My goal in life is to be able to express myself as clearly as you can. This series is having a deeper impact than I thought it would. The stories are so personal it impacts at a deeper level than Going Clear or My Scientology Movie, by far. You and Leah make a great team.
Thanks Dan. Glad you were able to see it without a problem. Appreciate your kind words.
Such an important series, I look forward to each episode, but this one was great. You tell your story in a way that shows the continued pain of knowing your children are still in. The truth of it is undeniable. Leah Remini is using her considerable star power to do something that will help many people.
The show is excellent, so powerful to watch. But I hate to see the terrible guilt ex-members feel because of the things they did and the people that they hurt. It seems that being a Scientologist is kind of like being a kid growing up in an abusive family. You do what you have to do to survive. The only life you know is that toxic, destructive environment. And then if you finally get away, you look back and can’t believe how blind you were to the truth. You did the best you could in an impossible situation.
I thought the show was very well done and necessary to the story of the whole series.
My sister-in-law called right after the show and asked questions about Christie. She thought when watching “Who is this woman? How did they meet?” After I answered her questions and told her how Christie lost her parents and siblings, she said they should’ve taken a minute to put that in the show.
But Mike, you are one amazing guy to keep on keeping on, creating a whole new wonderful life and family while still caring enough about your other children and others to continue putting out the truth about the church of scientology’s underbelly. My deepest thanks and highest regards.
Thanks Mary. There is an additional section with Christie telling her story that is being included in the “international edition” which is longer due to no or less advertising… It was an editorial decision. A few people have commented about this along the lines of “who is that woman sitting next to Leah”? There are other things I wish had been included too. Even 8 episodes is not enough.
Yes, thanks. So much material, so little time to work with.
I don’t know how you feel about this and it is premature, but I sincerely hope that A&E asks for a Season 2, unless the church and david miscavige cry uncle. There are SOOO many stories of abuse and fraud that haven’t been told – as I’m sure you know.
Thanks Mary. Yes, there are enough for this to be an almost endless series of episodes. How fucking sad is that?
“…an (almost) endless series of episodes.” Is it too much to hope for an endless series of episodes? Day in & day out? Splashed all over the media? Informing people just how fucked up this cult really is? I don’t think so…
That would have to be one huge uncle cry, and I don’t really see it happening. Always attack. blah blah blah remember?
Somebody might have to step in and call it for him.
How can we get the “International edition”? Is there somewhere to order it online?
Not yet. I am trying to get this footage available as quite a lot of people have asked this question.
I hope you can, please keep us updated, thanks.
Mike I salute you. The show was magnificent, You are a stand up guy. Like Leah you acknowledge the pain you may have caused to others while performing your duties while in the “church”. You have suffered much and yet you are not bitter or vindictive but honest and open. I cried while watching parts of the show when your kids were so cruel towards you. I know this was very painful for you to hear and talk about yet you held nothing back, The difference in your appearance now from when you first left makes a powerful statement about how scientology treats its members.
I was never in but have studied all I could about it and have marched in protest at the org in Toronto. I watched the show with a friend who has never been exposed to the sordid story of scientology and he was entranced and will be learning more as the days and your shows progress. Knowledge and understanding what happens inside will inoculate many against the cult tactics.
Thanks for all you do and for being the stand up guy you are. Thanks to Christie for standing with you against this brutal monster. You and Leah are shining a bright light on this blight with this series and I look forward to the many discussions that will take place around the table and living room with those who have many questions and responses to what they are learning.
I’m impressed…keep it up guys it matters I’m sure..I continue warning everyone I out for this cult
Hi Mike. Excellent show. I am happy your doing well. Beautiful family. If the trumpets keep sounding, the walls will eventually crumble. It was a good day for freedom when those abusive jerks pushed you too far. Your ability to articulate the situation and stay on point to deliver the message is really impressive. Thank you for the work you do on exposing the abuses, lies and mirage they throw up to stay in business.
I read a lot of comments about your making amends, making up the damage, etc. You, me and thousands of others went onto staff with the best of intentions, the loftiest of goals to help others. No one needs to try to guilt you into action or evaluate your progress in that regard, Your motivation was never to hurt. If part of your current activity is due to your feeling that some scales need to be balanced, that’s your call. At the end of the day, we all need our hands clean and our heart clear. Our conscience need by our guide to action. I am just so glad you finally got out.
I believe that Your parents would be very proud of you. This is not the organization or cause they brought you into. The fight you fight is their fight as well. And I also believe that someday ALL your kids will be honored by their relationship with you. I hope today that you and Christie and the boys have a great day enjoying the sunshine.
Thank you my friend.
Been watching and am impressed..I continue warning whoever will listen…thx for fighting matters
Hi Mike,
I appreciate what you have done in the past few years for educating the general public about Scientology. Needless to say, I read you blog every day. Now that 9 years have passed since you left the organization, would you be willing to tell us more about your time at the helm of the Office of Special Affairs International? You never really explained in detail what was going on at OSA Int while you were the CO. I know that a lot of people would be very thankful if you could fill in blanks on what was going on in different areas of the Scientology world during the 1990s (f. e. Greece, Russia, Germany). A ready-for-use-in-court type declaration/afffidavit about the inner workings of the Office of Special Affairs would also be great.
I have no chance of watching this in Denmark. Gutted.
I suggest you Google how to watch US TV shows in Denmark. Dan Koon is in Sweden and he watched it.
I haven’t seen it yet – don’t have A&E, must wait until its streamed.
BUT losing everything is something most people never have to go through. They lose a job, a friend, or parent or some money … but EVERYTHING? Doesn’t happen unless ones dies and then ?
So to leave knowing you will LOSE EVERYTHING you’ve known and loved and hated – that defined you and USUALLY made the pain bearable, because of this false belief in saving mankind … well this takes a strength that few really have.
People tend to endure. Because it’s what they know.
You and Christie are brave, kind and deserve the best you bring into your lives. Freedom to dream and plan, fail and start again and again.
May your journey inspire others to leave ANYTHING that has them boxed in.
Knowing that outside the box there is the potential for space, which brings creativity joy and sanity.
Your story plus Amy and Matt’s and others, to be featured, will be that beacon that says to a boxed-in soul — if THEY can do it .. so can I.
Mike – you are a Class Act. Not only did you come across very sincere with NO axe to grind, but your story touched our hearts. My friends who did not understand “why I got into Scientology” now understand better with the last two shows.
You, Leah Remini and all of the wonderful “Suppressive’s” (those who KNOW the truth about Scientology and are willing to expose it – for eternity) who helped put this together are HUMANITARIAN’S with HONORS.
Thank you and we love you!
Well, I thought you did an excellent job on the show. The only criticism (and it is a very mild one) is that ex members continue to call it a church. It is a business masquerading as a church, and that should be known far and wide at every opportunity.
The way you faced them repeatedly and filmed them with so much poise and dignity was astounding. Very few can achieve that. Your performance was just so good. It is quite refreshing to see what you, Leah, Amy, Matt, and Christie have done. There are so many for whom you have spoken. Thank you, all of you for standing up to this hideous organization. For over 25 years, my prediction has been that someday they will be as popular as Theosophy. By doing these shows, the organization has to implode sooner than if they were allowed to continue their bullying. I cannot believe that DM will be able to stand up to his wrongdoings forever. Someday he will fold. Please know that all of you on this series have made a major contribution to this eventuality.
Sharing your story gives the public at large a much better idea of what has been going on for decades.
I think the show was excellent. I can see how the whole series is going to have an impact. My hopes is that at some point you get a chance to explain how it is that Scientology gets away with what they are doing by hiding behind the First Amendment and using their connections in the US Government to stop any action. Finally, I think viewers are going to want to know what they can do to help change things after watching the whole series. Your show tonight Mike was really well done. I appreciate all that you do to help your kids. I speak out for the same reasons. To help the people that are still stuck in there are and left behind.
“Is that legal?” Leah asks. Mike replies “Yes.” scientology skates right on the edge of illegal all the time, way past the edge of immoral. That’s how they get away with it.
Love the series so far Mike and this episode was great! I’ve read a couple books on the topic including Leah’s so I’m familiar with some of this but not all of the details. Riveting stuff! So glad you’re on board with this show, thanks for doing what you’re doing now.
I know the focussed on you, but they missed an opportunity with your wife. I was really stunned on the Anderson Cooper show featuring her how very credible Christie came across. A&E really should have given her more air time.
Not that it is a fair comparison, but compared to the “every inch wives” who were so damn unreal – glassy eyed, hypnotized or brainwashed zombies, Christie was the most outstanding person Anderson had on. So, yes, I think they missed the boat.
How would I have done part of that segment? One of the things i like about the Jame Corden show is that he has several guests on at once and sometimes there is an interesting interaction between all of them, much like a normal, animated conversation. Think how much better it would have played if the three of you discussed the fair gameing that has been done to you instead of the standard: you state something then they cut to Leah’s reaction?
That said, I laughed my butt off at some of the churches idiotic stunts. It’s amazing they are that stupid.
Thank you Mike. Keep on keeping on. You are helping.
Mike, seeing you right after you were let out of the prison hole, made me burst into tears. You were obviously starving and sleep deprived and God knows what else. Seeing you and Christie, who I adore, in the condition you’re in now is such a relief.
All battle lines lead directly or indirectly to Miscavige. He is the puppeteer pulling the strings of the Hubbard playbook. Like the lyrics of a Leonard Cohen song Scientology squirms under the onslaught of the exposure of its own deeds. The skeletons in the closet are many for the Cof$, its days must surely be numbered.
This show wouldn’t have been the same without you and your story. You told it well and should be proud of the stand you’re taking. You ARE making a difference. Love Leah too – keep thinking they picked the wrong celebrity to mess with, she’s definitely one ballsy woman and a blessing to this cause. Looking forward to the next episodes already.
A tough New Yorker is one thing. A tough Brooklynite is an entirely different story!! And I can’t say enough for her own family, all of whom pulled out with her. Now *that* is FAMILY!!!
Very beneficial.
Episode 1 and 2 were stunning. I grew up, born and raised in scientology, and I can say that all of the stories are true. The lengths the ‘church’ will go to control and destroy people are mind bending.
Thank you, Leah for using your fame, and continuing the fight even though you have your family with you. Thank you, Mike for all you’ve done to continue to expose the truth and shine the light on scientology and what it REALLY is all about.
I think a new era has begun
Absolutely! This is huge.
If somebody does a post mortem on the remnants of a nearly forgotten imploded cult in 2026
probably this series and the resulting consequenses further implosion IRS jail terms will be decided to the biggest factor.
Can anyone in the community link me to an online stream? Im excited to see these two and participate in the discussion.
I am not in the United States, currently and I use the A&E app. The only thing is I won’t be able to watch it till tomorrow.
Thank you JT
A few things that have impressed me about this series.This from a person that has lost weekends reading about zealot like religions that bully and brainwash; the Roman Catholic Church, FLDS and Scientology.
Your strength: agreeing to do this, knowing that listening to your daughter’s voice and reading her slicing words were going to hurt as much as they did the first time. The guilt, the helplessness – unimaginable.
Your wife: her raw honesty in explaining why she’ll never stop listening to your pain, because she’s a parent too and never forgets that you were one before she came into the picture. She is amazing!
Leah Remini: way to handle a ‘do over’!
Please don’t stop informing people that there is “life after locoville”
Mike thanks for being out and not afraid to tell your story. I think the show is real and speaks to people and not just people who were in Scientology.
I saw from the trailer for next week there was mention of they money involved in going up the bridge, looking forward to the aftermath of that info. Will there be any segments on the no kids & abortions in the SO.
I got out to save my daughter from being recruited by the Sea Org like I had been. You and Leah are saving so many others from the heartbreak of this dangerous cult. Thanks again.
Mike I posted on the article, but first, my husband wanted to make sure you know how grateful we are for your help and advice when Fair Game was at its worst. He had lost weight, was getting ill, from the stress of worrying about losing job, income Again as well as losing our home. We talked for a week about what you said and it very much helped.
This Fair Game episode was so polished and flowed so well it was over in a heartbeat. We cried, cheered, teared up, jumped up (not on the couch though), and then I saw you in the Sweeney segment and I lost it. Last vision I will never lose is looking back at the rest of the RPF (scientology’s slave camp prison version) on that pilot Running Program. We all had that same POW haunted look. At the time, that was my family, but I knew if I stayed another week I would likely be dead. Survivor’s guilt was one of the hardest aftermaths for me to get through.
But seeing you, then your family, your mom, all against this county’s background we share, juxtaposed against the gorgeous tourist beach background. It is all so surreal. I am no doubt viewers will be watching this one many times over as it is so jam packed with one rapid fire of shock. It is so unbelievable and watching Leah’s reactions as it unfolds I think will mirror millions of viewers too. You have effectively wiped out that PR image of Scientology has some kooky klub, torn the mask off in one grand swipe and exposed the monster in the broad light of day. Because it’s ALL true. I was going to replace our crooked mailbox for the 3rd time (1st time it was taken, second time broken, third time a little mangled) but my husband said, “No, let’s keep it. Some day we are going to wake up and wonder if this was all just a nightmare we dreamed.” As always, hoping every single one gets home very, very soon. Home is where the heart is – thank you and Leah for providing a safe place for all.
Sir, I cant begin to understand what it takes to leave a group like that, knowing that your family, friends and cause you spent your life will be lost. I have the utmost respect for you, and everyone else thats left/are leaving the CoS. Lastly, thank you for continuing to share your story and for supporting those who are leaving.
Great job, Mike! You and Leah are doing such a huge service to those that have suffered at the hands of this evil organization.
Good to see you Bernie. Hopefully Thad or Billy or everyone else we know makes it out of the matrix huh?