The next show has now aired, and now it’s on to Episode 4. And perhaps some other goodies to come too.
As always, I am interested in your views – including criticisms and things you think might be better explained or covered.
I also suspect there are quite a number of new people who are coming to this blog for the first time. To all of you, welcome.
I thought you might find it instructive to be directed to some earlier postings I have done that may help explain some things if you just watched the show or are curious about the bizarre scientology statements about Leah, me or anyone who has a differing opinion of their infallibility and dares voice it.
Perhaps most important is to understand the mindset scientologists have about those who criticize any part of it:
Dealing with Critics of Scientology — The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
And here is a fairly short explanation of how disconnection is used in scientology (and how they try to spin the practice):
Disconnection: the PR and the Truth
An overview of the efforts by scientology to smear Leah Remini:
Scientology Dead Agents* Itself
Thank you
Thank you to all who continue to send messages of support and love by text, phone, email, FB, twitter, instagram and even stopping us in the street or at the grocery store. It has been quite overwhelming. I cannot hope to respond to everyone. I try to read everything and that alone is a challenge. If I do not “Like” your comment or Tweet or respond to your message, please understand it is appreciated.
Many wonder what they can do. Call your Congressman and Senator to do something about the ongoing abuses. Write to the IRS. Support and comment on media articles and blogs that cover the abuses (like Tony Ortega at the Underground Bunker) and express your support to A&E for stepping up and taking on scientology.
Watch Scientology The Aftermath every week and tell your friends to do so.
Don’t ever think you have no voice or there is nothing you can do. There is plenty.
The support of Leah and everyone else involved is invaluable and appreciated. Please don’t stop. Knowing there are a lot of people out there on our side is comforting and gives strength.
And thank you all for watching – this is for Episode 2, hope Episode 3 is even bigger:
So, here’s what I don’t get. A congressman went to fucking Guyana in 1978 to make sure his constituents were OK on behalf of their family members. Like literally out of the country into another sovereign country, took NBC with him and everything, just to check and make sure they were OK, right? And they were a religious group(cult).
But no one can like, drive a couple miles and check out that folk are OK and fed and shit in a compound on American soil, with concerned families and allegations of child abuse and sexual abuse?
Seriously, I feel like this is ridiculous. I am writing my congressman to let him know that if no one can have half the balls Leo Ryan did, they’re a disgrace.
Hi Mike,
Here are a few things that pop up in my head when I watch the show:
1.) Leah never “indoctrinated” her daughter in Scientology – what does she mean by that? Was her daughter part of the church at all? If not, how was Leah able to get away with that?
2.) I am a mother of a young girl, and cannot imagine having to devote 2.5 hours a day to a religious belief. How did this time commitment effect Leah and her relationship with her daughters and possibly coworkers?
3.) Have homeless people ever joined the Sea Org just to have a place to live and food to eat? Was that ever a thing? How selective are they when choosing Sea Org members?
4.) Was part of the reason that all of Leah’s family came with her when she left because she paid their fees? Did any of them really want to stay but simply couldn’t afford to?
5.) What do we know about recruitment numbers? How many new members per year now as opposed to say, 1980, 1990, etc?
6.) What do you believe LRHs vision for Scientology was? What would this religion be like today if he was still at the helm? Would it be better, worse, the same?
Thank you! I have been a long time ‘obsesser’ of this religion and this show is unbelievably juicy, entertaining and really necessary for anyone who has ever considered looking into joining.
Sending you and your entire family a lot of love, support and encouragement.
It’s interesting to observe the flow line of church corruption, what’s controlling the church (even being so much as influencing how LRH policy is interpreted and/or reinforcing policies that already hit the criteria of “fanatical” or “paranoia” such as the “win or die in the attempt.”) And finally, by this very flawed shift in the organizational precedence and preference on heavy handed ethics/justice it is certainly dooming the entire subject to oblivion. And the sheeple inside, think they are doing right by remaining loyal, when in fact, they risk any chance of thwarting the ship from the rocks before the point of no return. If people walked in unison, DM would have to be ousted unless of course everyone left abandoned their souls and hope a ways back. Miscavige, OSA, DSA, HCO, staff, public …
As a resident of Clearwater for the past 30 years, it is heartbreaking to see the overwhelming takeover of our beloved, beautiful city. Thank you for your courageous efforts to expose the truth. Praying this is what it takes for their downfall.
Keep up the great work you are doing! I know that going through all this and relieving your own story thought it must be incredibly hard for both you and Leah. Such courage. Bravo! KNOW that you are helping someone, somewhere out there either avoid this cult or gain the courage to leave it. Take good care.
What if anything are the residents and city of Clearwater doing about these characters? They have given this wonderful city with one of the most beautiful beaches in the world an ugly scar. They are a dirty embarrassment. I wonder if they can be harassed into submission.
I have been out about a year now. Still carnt get my 20.000 pounds out which is on my account. Just like to say thank you to Leah and Mike for standing up to this cult and being a voice for the people. You are the best.
Try threatening going to the press. It worked for me.
Thanks Brian. I will give it a go.
My heart goes out to Mary, her family and all others who have suffered from the “Church” of Lyin’tology, whose responses are indeed sophomoric as Leah said. They are utterly deluded if they think they will get any traction in public opinion with their lies and childish attacks, the kind of responses that made me wince in embarrassment or throw up my hands in frustration when I was “in”, but now just make me laugh.
It was great that Leah started out the show by explaining Scientology in more detail to the producer. I’m sure this was useful to those trying to understand what the practice of Scientology entails.
Perhaps others have brought this out, or it will be mentioned in future episodes, but in addition to family being used as a wedge, many Scientologists who are not staff, depend on their livelihood to some degree from patronage of the Scientology community, especially in LA and other main centers where Scientologists live. If they are declared, their businesses or services will be shunned. I would also like to know from Leah, if the “Church” has tried to apply pressure with producers not to hire her, as I have read about in other cases in the entertainment business, people purportedly losing agents, work, etc.
P.S. – As to the Grade Chart EP’s that Leah and you went over on the show, didn’t Ron say that absolutes are not possible in this universe? In listening to David Mayo’s Sunday talks on YouTube, he addresses this in one of them, and if I remember correctly, he says it makes more sense to get what one can from each grade, then go back at a later date and address the area again, so that one makes progressive wins or gains in an area (such as being able to communicate on any subject), in a way, cycling through. I think this would lead to less frustration or self-invalidation that one has not attained or lost the “EP”, or feeling forced to attest. Sounds more workable to me.
Actually, the Grades certs (certificates) were all marked “Provisional” as they were only release points. I’ve heard that now Grade IV, the auditing of ser facs, is audited again with NED to get the basic engrams (apparently, this is LRH tech that was previously lost). But I would assume that other ser facs could be keyed in or new ones created, so I suppose the cert is still “Provisional.”
Interesting, Marildi.
A little adapted movie dialogue – this one from The Dark Knight:
You see, their friendship, their loyalty, it’s a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the Church allows them to be. I’ll show you. When the chips are down, these… these Scientologists, they’ll eat each other.
Anyone have a good link that doesn’t require my credit card? A & E now requires me to have a TV service provider… which I don’t.
You might try the following. There’s a seven day free trial.
Thanks Mephisto! Will do. Peace.
Try this
Oh yes! Thank so very much…. this works! No sign up or in… great quality.
I appreciate so very much what Ms. Remini and Mike are doing in exposing the con which destroys so many in so many ways.
I scratched the surface and got out before I got in too deep. Still, I had my brush with it all. Thank God my eyes opened in time.
Peace to all and my wish is this work brings down this organization of pain and lies.
From Russia with love
All the viewers of Leah’s program should try to get the church of Scientology to declare them enemies of the church. If millions of people dare the church to “SP” them then the church will lose all its power to intimidate others. They lose their whole base of power. I hope I can get the church to “SP” me, whose with me?
It makes me feel good to see all the comments, likes and shares on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere for the show. Scientology’s messages against the show never seem to get any likes, retweets or shares.
finally saw the episode. So powerful. Thank you so much for doing this. Hats off to you and all those brave folks.
You and Leah are doing great work exposing Scientology for what it is a vicious cult.
You might think I’m joking but I would like to be declared an SP by the church. I would consider it a badge of honor. What would I have to do to make that happen? I have no affiliation with the church whatsoever. I’m just pissed off. I feel like I need to stand in solidarity with all the other SP’s.
Alan Davidson
Alan,the main characteristic of a true SP is to be unsupressed. On behalf of all the SPs on this blog, I hereby bequeath you the title, Suppressive Person
Maximus Miscavige-ectomied Rinderite. May it be so. Humbly tendered as a gift to you, this 15th day of December 2016. All those in favor say ‘Aye!’
Thank you Mephisto,
That is very considerate of you to bestow on me the title for whitch I seek. I just want the church to see that there are people out there that don’t care what the church of Scientology thinks of them. If you show them they have no leverage on you then they lose. It’s a classic bullying technique, show that you are afraid and the bully will continue bullying.
I will say that it is a great sign that we can gest and joke about the church, it shows I believe what a true joke the church has become or always was. I hear the bricks falling off the facade of the church as I type.
From a newly ordained “SP”.
Thank You.
Alan Davidson
You’re welcome Alan. I see several of those bricks on a direct collision course with David Miscavige’s head.
Just finished the episode Mike and it tore my heart out when you broke down. This has been the most amazing and gut wrenching series on the topic of the cult I have seen. You, Leah, and everyone involved should be very proud of yourselves. I know it isn’t easy but we are all behind you. I have a feeling this will be what finally gets legal action going. Y’all are real life heroes.
Same. I watch this show with the wide-eyed stare of a little kid. I cannot believe some of this stuff is real. From Episode 2 it seems like Mike tries his best to live as normal of a life he can, but when he’s doing work like this, the realization that in some way he was responsible for things like that must be a massive burden.
I have said before that when I heard you blew in 2007, I started to find out what the fuck was going on.
Anyhow, this Leah Remini series is like watching HBO”S ‘Rome” which I loved, Game of Thrones, Leftovers and Westworld.all combined. Brilliant. Cheers.
An old timer here. Out since 2007. Writing UTR since 2010. You and Leah are doing amazing work. The shows are so professional and go straight to the heart. I’m sure you are getting through to people about the evil practice of disconnection. You are making it real to people. So many of us are UTR to prevent disconnection and so many have lost family members and friends. The recent story of Marie Bilheimer is another story that has come out of the darkness into the light. Her mother, by trying to stay in the Church has lost all her children and Grandchildren. And they have lost their Mother and Grandmother. Just awful. I loved in your episode when Leah said she would love you as a Dad. You can tell she really meant it. She obviously sees the real you. You’re such a sweet guy. you have my full support. I’m an old friend of Christie’s and know Leah’s Mom as well. Hope to meet you in person one day. Hugs to you, Leah and all involved in the show.
Since Hubbard has maxims, here’s one of mine:
“When in doubt, do the opposite of what Ron would do.”
This show really showed the Dominant/Submissive nature of the Cult.
“You *WILL*pick UP the cans !”
Also barring her exit made the point of “Held against Will” that is so extensive in the CULT. In their delusion they believe they are Federal Marshalls and have right of custody of your body and no free passage>
Bridge to Total Freedom Indeed !
For somewhile this was a treatment for Staff and Sea org only, but it trickled down to Public and the most awful stories of surfacing of savage treatment on paying public.
It’s ecclesiastical. Its the *Greatest Good.”
TR-3 includes that step of the student reaching out with their hand to restrain the coach from exiting the session.
TR-7 includes the steps controlling and preventing the coach from exiting the session.
The restraint mentality of Scientology is indoctrinated subtly into the members minds slyly right in the initial TRs and Upper Indoc TRs.
“Twinning” HCOB has the student retrieve their twin when their twin “blows” (escapes).
Scientology’s practices that the members are to fundamentally employ on each other in their training and auditing, is indoctrinated into the members, so they are the ones responsible for this restraining, and they don’t even see this.
The “religion” of Scientology trains its members to treat each other as recalcitrant patients who wish to escape.
Restraining escape is fundamentally trained into all Scientologists.
It’s a core problem that persists and Hubbard’s mentallity is that the members have to restrain each others’ “banks” (irrational minds) from acting out.
It’s really bad indoctrination, and just the theory of Scientology is just crank bad psychology and science fiction Xenu exorcism at the top secret levels of Scientology (OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 being all the Xenu caused exorcism levels of Scientology) just takes the cake.
Karen, has anyone ever tried a writ of habeas corpus for the people held against their will? I’m just wondering what would happen if they got served one on Heber or Shelley?
Usually you think of one of those things being served on a jail or government, but I’m curious what would happen if it got attempted for someone in the Hole? At the very least it would probably yield the greatest lulz for the greatest number of dynamics.
Same Question! I am a law student and am screaming at the TV why someone hasn’t done this. The only thing I can think of, is in order to file that type of suit, you have to be close to it. Like her husband (laughable) and her kids if she has any. Unless she has other family, which I doubt, she is not going to be ever seen or heard from again. I have a feeling that is the case now. There is no way an abuser like David would keep around a liability and could have easily killed her. But, hopefully, when Mike and Leah are with lawyers, they are asking these questions!
Just watched it. Geeze…….. that tore my heart out. Thank you Mike and Leah and Mary.
Wow, just wow.
This show is heroic. I love you guys. Thank you for your courage.
Good will come from this. Meaning it’s bad for Miscavige and his mind zombies.
And thank you Mike for posting your Critics: L Ron Hubbard’s playbook.
That should be posted every show airing so people know the source of this evil.
His name is L Ron Hubbard.
Another thing: when Mary’s auditor was trying to keep her to pick up cans it would be great to refer that policy. That auditor was simply trained in 8c.
I know he saw himself as a helper. Someone who would not let her bank tell her what to do.
The well trained auditor always gets the pc back in session. Even though it becomes abuse. They do not see it as that. The auditor was probably reasoning:
“She is blowing, she has overts.” This is a discussing philosophy!
All of this behavior comes from training. All of this madness is word cleared, demoed and applied.
And all of it from the demented mind of L Ron Hubbard.
I’m feeling like chucking lunch again when I think of Ron apologists. Mmmwwhhhaaa!
Around 4 min and 30 secs in, does Leah say “”Louis Vittons”, and is she referring to her shoes?
“By the way, I always walk around my house in full hair and makeup, and louvittons…..”?
It’s “Louboutins” she is saying. These are a brand of shoe (“Christian Louboutin”) with a distinctive RED sole. Very fashionable.
Ah yes, made famous by Lydia in “Breaking Bad”…Thanks for clearing that up.
For all you men, that was humor for the women, who would have observed how Leah was dressed – and who know a woman doesn’t dress like that just for hanging around the house. Leah obviously knew ahead there would be a knock on the door (as if iunexpected) and that it was all being filmed. So she was making a joke on herself and on the setup.
As compared to visiting Mike in his house wearing PJ’s….:) I call it creative Art…
Yeah. Ha!
Mike looks good in anything. 🙂
And that is why Leah is the perfect person to take Scientology down, she is a celebrity, but she’s wonderfully unpretentious and down-to-earth, not taking herself too seriously. A very, very likeable person.
Agreed. And I’ll say again that her being teamed with Mike looks like the perfect chemistry – for a blowup of the CoS.
Mike, Real men do cry!! When your fan club starts up, I want to be the president.
I cried too, and as well when Bonnie Elliot was dying.
Mike, think: what would LRH do? Clearly it is time to set up Christie, Shane and Jack as you SO#1 Unit.
Wow very touching episodes. I think you being the important figure you are ( we grow up seeing you in events) and Leah. Seeing people that are opinion leaders it really communicates. Its not an outsider that dosent know. its like a friend staying it as it is. i have been watching the A&E and also many other videos you did with the growing up in Scientology.. I was in for nearly 20 years. I have become disaffected for nearly 8 years. And its been a healing process.. I still have family in ?
I think this work you guys are doing is so important and will have a positive effect. I know thay (in the church ) now do not decler people sp so fast, as the internet is out of control and that means nearly everyone is having doubts and upsets… Mostly due to the church “fundraising” and harsh ethics… And no wins on auditing and training… Thay are just downstat!
I truly dont understand how blind most of the people in are! I think now 60% are disaffected but under the radar just to keep their family and jobs, schools and 20% may be truly trapped. Only about 20% in my opinion are naive that still belive there even is a OT 9 and 10…
Only continuing to tell the truth the good with the bad can we as is this lie. Scientology is very childish in the idea that your in or you are an enemy… Very black and white thinking… There is no room for gray and that is a shaim… Dienetics for instance is a great tool. If it could be offerd secularly that would be great but this Catholic wedding with the CoS or actually the deal with this devil makes it impossible to enjoy any fruits that are there to enjoy like the lower bridge.
I think LRH would bitch slap miscabbige if he could. That being said i do think LRH was becoming mentally ill around 1967. But lots of stuff prior to that is quite effective like ethics tech. O/W applied with ARC. study tech and lots of great things that are now lost becose some criminal midget ( sorry little person ) with a Napoleon syndrome has hijacked the tech… God only knows how much of it he changed and corrupted the booldy tosser!
It breaks my heart to see the stories of broken famelis and lost friends… I hope the truth will set more souls free. Keep up the good work. Great job Leah and mike VWD indeed! I am sure the old man would appreciate this. ML
Just watched E03…kudos Mary, a very brave thing to do.
A helpful activist PDF’s Mike Rinder’s important essay for easy Emailing.
Thanks for this Karen – keeping it handy.
Excellent Karen. Thank you!
Dear Mike,
The work you and Leah are doing to give the truth about this egregious cult is incredible! You’re putting yourself in even more danger than before; just to help people whom are stuck in there and people who may be thinking about joining. The comments on your page and Leah’s page is proof you’re helping people! I’m a stickler for the truth when it comes to anything in life, so I’ve been researching this and reading other peoples stories and I absolutely look forward to learning more. I have to laugh at the ridiculous statements “the Church” is putting out there. Talk about panic and desperation! Their letters reek of evil and lies.
Last nights episode (Episode 3) had me in tears! Ugly, ugly, sad tears! As someone who has experienced disconnection due to lies and abuse from others…you have my heart. I’m so sorry that you (and so many others) have been through the things you have been through. I pray that your family will see the light before or after “the Church” implodes on itself.
Thank you all so much for what you are doing!! You are amazing and brave!!
David Miscavige is like one big infected puss-filled malignant growth that infects everyone and everything around him.
Tick Tock you piece of shit.
Thank You…Thank You…
I have been out for many years… however undercover because my X and Son were in…
As a Result of Enid and James Burns…a power couple in the AO…in Los Angeles…
I experienced a horrific experience when the 3 of them forcefully
ripping my 3 year old Son from my arm’s in 1979…
And taking him away…
All the While Enid and James accepting a $5000.00 check from my X…
I was not Declared yet had to tow the line for 20 year’s…
With them in Control…
They recorded my conversations with me and my son on the phone…
And spoke poorly of me to him constantly…
Which still has ramifications..
He was allowed very little contact with me…which he thought was normal…
As you know I wasn’t really his mother…Family is just a construct to them.
I was very verbal early on (1978).
My huge win on Power was…
l no longer needed negative gains… through auditing…
I was in 7 years and was looking forward and positive…an auditor and winning..
Then I was approached by the GO…
They scared me into silence…
I plotted and planned to get my Son back…
Got him out in 1989… with the same technique walk backwards smiling and waving at them.
It seems a long time ago…yet had many year’s of torment…
I will say I also got my Stepdaughter out 17 years ago…even though her Mom is in 50 years ..And up there…
We all pretend it’s all okay…
Their Dad died in…Cancer…
On OT 7 for 7 years…
We all have a bit of PTSD…
but have managed to create good lives…
Keep up the Good Work…
Thank you for sharing your story In-but-out.
I truly feel for how this cult deals with sacred family bonds.
I want to take this time to talk about OTs dying of cancer while auditing BTs for years and years.
First off, the founder L Ron Hubbard was still auditing BTs even though he created OT8. Anyone ever question that?
And Ron wanted body death and considered himself a failure while auditing BTs.
I know of a number of people who got cancer while auditing BTs for years and years. My x wife went crazy and became a street person.
Here is my theory why people are getting ill.
Since LRH’s time, the mind body connection has developed into mainstream medicine. It’s not hokey new age bunk; it’s science. Albeit a new one.
The OT/BT session puts a soul in the mind set of visualizing their bodies as a prison chamber of tortured unconscious beings. It is my opinion that constantly sending this energy distortion into the body causes a disturbance on a cellular level.
Especially people who are doing it year in year out and getting validated as being an “upstat auditor.
The BT/OT solo session is a self destructive prosses.
There have been many accounts of people getting and dying of cancer in solo auditing.
It was assumed that OT8 would be the level that you did not need to run BTs anymore.
Yet………. L Ron Hubbard was still running BTs way way after he created OT8.
Don’t you guys see? There is something not right in this picture.
The OT levels are delusional. They are a self hypnosis that never ends.
And quite possibly, running this stuff year in year out may in fact be dangerous to your health.
If the man who created this was mentally unstable at the end of life, how can you still see value in assigning other determination to your own thoughts and feelings.
Please give it some thought.
Good point Brian. LRH is source – but what is he source of? Just take a look at the current state of Scientology and you have your answer.
Brian, very interesting comment that I will give some thorough thought. Especially since, I was one of those back in the early years, prior to NOTS (like I suspect also your wife), was an endless OT3. Never could reach the end, always more and more, more and more. I did write Ron a scathing letter about this and the endlessness of it all. And then a year later “the endless of OT3 rundown came out” and NOTS comes out and another WALL OF FIRE. This was real to me cause I couldn’t get through the first wall so obviously there must be a second. Argh, what case and craziness I went through, anyway I will stop here cause it’s not explainable.
The wall of fire is a mirage of smoke and mirrors.
L Ron Hubbard never connected his own actions to his own condition.
He never connected the fact that it was his value system that created his condition.
Ron never saw his own self cause for his problems.
Ron always assigned an external cause for his internal conditions.
Ron was extremely unaware of who or what he was.
If he did know who he was, he would have been responsible for his condition because he would naturally know that he was ultimately responsible for his condition.
Until the end, for Ron, it was some suppressive external “other” that he blamed for his condition.
His OT levels were the philosophy and process of victimhood.
Ron was extremely charismatic and hypnotically articulate.
But LRH was very ignorant of his spiritual nature. He did not know who he was.
If he did, he would have been responsible for his condition.
Instead his causes for his condition were:
The only time I heard Ron admit to doing something wrongs was when I was taking tech advice from others and they fucked things up.
Even then, he was blaming them for his choosing to take tech advice.
L Ron Hubbard was mentally ill. The OT levels are Ron’s projection of no responsibility by laying blame on human suffering on imaginary BTs and thus denying the true cause of our suffering:
L Ron Hubbard was extremely ignorant of himself and the causes of his condition.
Until the end, for him, the cause of his problems were BTs.
A clustered con game. ?
FWIW, they recently discovered a direct link between the brain and the immune system:
In a stunning discovery that overturns decades of textbook teaching, researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist. That such vessels could have escaped detection when the lymphatic system has been so thoroughly mapped throughout the body is surprising on its own, but the true significance of the discovery lies in the effects it could have on the study and treatment of neurological diseases ranging from autism to Alzheimer’s disease to multiple sclerosis.
FWIW, there have been studies linking certain types of cancer to stress, and that would make sense because most cancers represent a failure of one’s immune system, and the role stress can play in inhibiting or getting the immune system over-active, as in asthma or lupus, has been pretty well-documented by now, IIRC.
I am so sorry for everything you have been through. What a remarkably strong person you must be to have made it so far, even though I am sure there have been many days when you didn’t feel strong.
I owe Ron one great lesson:
I now know beyond a doubt what it feels like to surrender my independence and power to someone else.
That will never happen again.
Episode 3 was very powerful. I thought the beginning showing the books, tapes and The Bridge was perfect and would be easy to understand for someone who was never in or whom only had minimal contact with Scientology. Congratulations.
One thing that occurred to me: This program is reaching millions of viewers a week and Scientology Media Productions has reached basically no one outside the church. ‘SUMP’ is not broadcasting anything, yet spent tens of millions of parishioners dollars promising that it would. I wonder if anyone else is seeing the irony in that, especially public Scientologists, because they must be aware of the A&E program since it is advertised on many other networks throughout the day. I recall seeing trailers for it on FOX and Lifetime, and with these high ratings, it will generate even more buzz which is terrific.
SuMP is stumped and in the dumps; hard to take when you’ve been trumped.
Maybe they could buy the rights to and endlessly show an A&E series of docudramas….. something or other Aftermath, and maybe also a movie called Going Clear.
They have NO talent at SUMP and might even run the shows since they are fresh and about Scientology.
Hennessy … is it even possible to contain more irony than the words “the bridge to TOTAL FREEDOM”?
The Bridge to Total Serfdom.
The Bridge to Total Freedom: yes, it’s rich, Joe. I’ve often thought of that too.
That was a very emotionally powerful episode that I’m certain must have moved many to tears and, as that wave of sadness and heartbreak passed, left just as many in outrage and disgust that such evil has been allowed to continue to exist. I hope that folks will hold onto to both of those sentiments and channel their feelings into activism that will, once and for all, stop this killer cult from victimizing others.
Mike, the blog post articles that you’ve provided a link to in today’s post constitute a concise and well-organized primer to a subject which is vast, overwhelming and, when taken at face value, full of disinformation designed to lead anyone who encounters it without a guide into a series of mazes, and down rabbit holes, that become progressively more bewildering and overwhelming the deeper you wade into it.
By reading and understanding your critical deconstruction of the founder’s own words concerning disconnection, Fair Game, declaration of suppressive persons, sec checking, etc. you provide the never-in, low-information viewers of Leah’s series with the essential information that they need to put the stories that they’ve just viewed into a wider and more meaningful context. I’d strongly suggest that you either put it at the top of your list of “Important Articles” list with a star beside it or create an additional category on the site labelled, “A Beginner’s Guide to Everything That You Need to Know About $cn, but the Church Will Never Tell You” or something similar.
$cn is a vast and labyrinthine field that runs to millions of words and purports to be the last word on everything from the proper car washing tech to eliminating residual radiation and toxins from your body. As such it’s completely overwhelming in its sheer size and scope. But there’s also a hidden, or obfuscated, Black Scientology side of the story that, I’d argue, is much more essential to understanding the cult’s actual practices and its true motives and purposes. For those who are interested in learning more about that story after watching Leah series, or through some other incidental contact with the subject, the primer on the subject that you’ve created provides folks with both an accessible entrance to this overwhelming subject and a clarifying lens with which to discern the difference between cherch’s purported, ostensible goals and purposes and their actual motives and actions which at many levels are diametrically in opposition to each other.
I have always been very intrigued with Scientology but never for the “positive” things that they have always claimed to be. At a very young age, I was introduced to the word “Scientology” by a childhood friend, Sarah Indurksy, her parents are Debbie and Jerry Indursky. Last I heard of Sarah and her family (maybe 10-12 years ago?), her parents and Sarah were still working at the NYC org. I first met Sarah when we were both 7 and we had a great friendship but it never failed, every time we spent time together, she always tried to sell me on Scientology, purchasing books from the org and she would even audit me! As kids! When I really realized something was messed up with her thought process was when I fell and hurt myself really bad and Sarah witnessed this fall; Her response to me falling was that I did something in life to deserve that fall and pain. What?!?! I fucking tripped! On weekends, she would make plans with me to walk around NYC to shop and go to the movies, but somehow, I always ended up at this NY org in Manhattan and she’d make me watch a video on Scientology in an empty theater. We’d walk around and I’d see these poor, miserable fools running on treadmills to detox. God knows how much they paid for that. I even did a personality test and was told I needed classes. I passed. As a child, I knew it was a creepy, man made and money hungry cult. Eventually, Sarah stopped talking to me and I always felt her parents instructed her to do so because I wouldn’t be a part of Scientology. Needless to say, I’m enjoying every second of this show and I hope this show allows families to be brought together! Leah Remini and Mike, you’re both awesome!
An amazing story and you must have been a very observant young girl to see the writing on the walls and avoid their recruitment efforts. It’s nice to hear of a happy ending when SCN is discussed.
OMG….. Priscilla… IDK why the hell I just tried to google her and got goosebumps when this popped up… Sarah did the same thing to me/ us when were were in the 7th and 8th grade… took us to NYC.. I said it looked like a scifi convention, not understanding what Scientology was at the time, but felt so weird about it. She went to our freshman year of high school and then vanished. I think about her from time to time. We were good friends and its ALWAYS bothered me that she just vanished and no one has heard from her. Then this show came out and it gives me chills.
Yes I was a sophomore in the same HS when she was a freshmen! After that, I didn’t see her much either. This is mind blowing that you commented on this blog because I was thinking about her this morning while driving to work! I fear she may be apart of the SeaOrg. Or still working at the Org in Manhattan. She was so dedicated to that place. Good thing you dodged it too!
Sarah is in Sea Org. She “vanished” freshman year for homeschooling. Soon as she turned 18, joined the seaorg and most likely will die in the cult chugging on that coolaid thanks to her parents.
Im curious how the anonymous who replied to you Priscilla didn’t know she was a Scientologist as the 7&8 grade school she went to was a private Scientology school…hmmm
Mary Kahn mentioned in her emotional interview that she didn’t have a problem with disconnection if the person was evil. It’s crazy to me that someone who has lived through what she has isn’t able to recognize the hypocrisy of that statement. It’s wrong for the Church to label someone evil but not Mary Kahn?
That statement isn’t hypocrisy, I think you just don’t understand. When Hubbard describes an SP he says:
As they only comprise 20% of the population and as only 2 1/2% of this 20% are truly dangerous, we see that with a very small amount of effort we could considerably better the state of society.
Well known, even stellar examples of such a personality are, of course, Napoleon and Hitler. Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Christie and other famous criminals were well known examples of the anti-social personality. But with such a cast of characters in history we neglect the less stellar examples and do not perceive that such personalities exist in current life, very common, often undetected.
You never believe you will be categorized with the likes of Napoleon and Hitler, be one of the 0.5% of the population. Because you ARE NOT like those people. You know it and so does everyone who knows you. It comes as a shock when it happens to you.
If she has rejected the ideology then those numbers would be irrelevant. It’s all nonsense yet you’re ok with anyone going through a disconnection?
Excuse me if I seem bitter but as someone who was born and raised in Scientology and who still lives under the threat of disconnection I am automatically critical of anyone who chose to become a Scientologist and I have very little sympathy for the consequences that they now face.
Well, I feel sorry for you that you have so little empathy. I was born and raised that way too, and with an understanding of what scientology is and does I don’t judge people who chose to get involved. They are pretty uniformly good people who thought they were helping the world.
Sad. Joe Walsh, I was raised too on Scn forever. My mother was a CL XII. Sad, sad
There is a huge difference between your cutting loose an abusive parent or child and being told by someone not connected with your family to get rid of them because they pissed the 3rd party off.
Third party stuff in $cientology is another adventure in blamestorming.
Also, Joe Walsh, I don’t think I said that. I said that I didn’t have a problem if they wanted to label someone evil who was truly evil.
I do have a problem with disconnection. No one has a right to dictate that over anyone, no matter who they are connected to. And even my statement about “evil” when I think about it, that’s a pretty tall order to be able to know absolutely and have that power to label someone evil. I was trying to make a point that the church labels good people, evil.
I hear you Mary.
I got that too, Mary. There is such a thing as naturally terminating a relationship with someone because of real abuse or criminality, etc. However, this is very different from the practice of Disconnection in the CoS, which is a tool to keep people quietly submissive, in line and shutting off their critical thinking. The labeling is grossly misused, and in Scientology the word evil is thrown around a lot. I also understood that what you said on the show was a reflection of your beliefs or state of mind at the time that you were a practicing Scientologist in the church, which carries with it its own distinct nuance. Explaining being in Scientology is very difficult thing to do without some potential misunderstanding occurring but you did a fantastic job. Our stories are very similar in some ways, different in others, and you resonated with me deeply. Thank you.
Mary and David Kahn gave great testimony last night. I knew something very special was happening when Mary started to tear up and Mike Rinder got that ‘living the past’ stare and then he started to cry too. Very powerful stuff.
$cientology stole Mary and Davids son and they won’t allow him to communicate with his parents. The same for Mike Rinder, $cientology stole his children too!!!
Mary and Leah hammered in the ‘$cientology consumes all of your life’ theme with a sledge hammer, Thor’s freaking sledge hammer. That’s a super power I can believe in.
The flashes of what I take to be future episodes showed the cutest little boy. I suspect that is one of Claire and Marc Headly’s children. I will keep these recording for a long time.
I am guessing that Laura DeCrescenzo’s story won’t be shown. Given the current litigation, I can understand that. But I still want the coerced abortions to be known. Maybe season 2?
That is Grayson Headley and yes, he is the cutest little boy! Absolutely no bias here. LOL
Well, he is damned cute and that is from an objective observer. The 3 Headley boys and our 2 are an absolute onslaught overload of cute. No bias here either… 🙂
Agreed. On a cuteness scale of 1 – 10, he’s an 11. ?
Check out David Gaiman around 4:30 into the video. Not much has changed.
Fascinating to watch this today. Mike Wallace confronting David Gaiman and Ken Whitman about Fair Game.
Gaiman’s facial contortions are a reflection of the truth he’s withholding.
And what did we all do back then with these reports, cringe, cringe and cringe. We knew that we would have to come up with some story for the family and friends. And after cringing what did we do? we denied, denied denied. Why? cause we were really clueless and all these reporters were all SP’s. Argh, looking back it sickens me, my naivete but at least I’m here now.
Ah, but I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now. ?
No your not. You’re still old. Sorry….
Old is the new young.
I’ve never seen this video before, they were caught red handed in trying to destroy Paulette Cooper and the others. David Gaiman tries to claim he’s never heard of the policy letter being quoted as well, which is a blatant lie, I’d heard of it from doing basic scn courses so someone with his seniority would be well aware of it.
I want to thank Leah, Mike, the A and E team, and everyone who is contributing to finding, viewing and exposing the Truth, whether we like it or not.
And that is addressing my current “ruin”. Where can people go to view, exchange and practice Truth?
How do “beliefs” get manipulated? For example, The Koran forbids suicide. How is it that a peaceful religion gets hijacked, and turned into a terrorist tool?
You won’t find answers from the falsely educated ‘Global Elite’ sources. In fact, they prefer the lies of fiat currency, Universal “human” rights, global media, etc. One of the (at the time) foundations of the Creed of Scientology was expressed as “that the souls of men have the rights of men”…..unless you are a Tibetan Buddhist ( Then you will need prior written approval. So while this scene is being exposed and unfolding, keep in mind the big picture….they want to replace your unalienable rights with click-through agreements. The time to avert a catastrophe is before it begins….and this is a very loud and clear wake up call.
Thoughtful commentary, Tom, as usual.
Thank you Mary for being willing to share your story. That is not easy. I applaud and admire your courage!
Mike and Leah, Thank you as well for all you do! I think I am going to use the latest episode as a tool to get some still-ins out.
Just an idea…I wonder if it would have been possible to show a list of all known parents who’ve had their children disconnect from them at the end of the show? This could really drive home the impact scientology has.
I’d like to thank people here and in private messages, texts, etc., that have shown me such support and love.
When we filmed this episode it was very cathartic. Then when snippets of me were being shown breaking down, it was hard for me to watch. Then I got over that. It’s not about me and my story per se. It’s about spreading the word on this church’s abuses. Other than the weirdness of watching myself for the first time and seeing how I speak, etc., I thought the show was very well done. It’s amazing how the editors have to take so many hours of filming and condense it down into (in my story’s case) 30 mins. Mike and Leah and Alex and the crew associated with this show are doing an amazing job of explaining the way the church works and what some of the concepts mean that are related to this church.
I am deeply indebted to Leah and Mike for giving me a voice and helping me to be able to get on with my life. I am deeply indebted to Leah and Mike for the voice they gave to not only the other principals in this series but to the thousands of people that these episodes represent.
The abuses need to stop.
I like that Leah made them stop when you were having a really rough time. No need to keep the cameras rolling. We got it.
Thank you for sharing your story and your pain. I lost it when you were crying, then suddenly Mike was crying, then everyone was crying. So much pain. I hope and pray your families will be whole again soon. That goes for all families that Scientology has torn apart.
I hope your son returns to you. I hope one day he will see how hard you fought for him.
“Other than the weirdness of watching myself for the first time and seeing how I speak, etc.”
You didn’t realise what a lovely, soft voice you have? I would be very happy to have you read me a bedtime story, Mary 🙂
You were wonderful. You were real. Admiration and love to you and Mike and Leah and everyone else who made this show happen.
Great show, informative, fast clip, emotional impact and with
a celeb there being her true unhollywood self, it was riveting.
Thanks Mike (I am sure you could think of doing something
more serene with your life and family than having to bash this
cult, but obviously your heart is a bit larger than some other
cowards) and thanks A&E for also sticking your neck out.
Thanks Mike, Leah and A&E and of course Mary and her family. It touched very close to home for me so I was quite emotional. The message is getting across loud and clear. Hopefully their days are coming to an end….whatever they say is just total BS and they look like a….h….s
I’m not sure why, but today, finally, I saw the pure irony of A&E airing a show which will at some point probably address people doing their A-E. Perfect.
That Hubbard had foresight!
Another excellent, heartbreaking episode, and eye-opening for many, especially in detailing the absurd costs of going up the bridge. I’d love to see an episode focusing on the way members are pressured to donate their way into financial ruin, all to “move up in status”.
This episode was just as great as one and two. Mike you and Leah are great together and you both explain scientology very well. Mary, wow, just wow. Your explanation about being locked in and restrained by your auditor really pissed me off and gave me an anxiety attack at the same time.
Can’t wait for next episode.
that was a really hard episode to watch. brilliant, as the previous ones, but it just made everything “extra real”. as much as i read and watch about this cult, i’m mostly observing from my head and thinking how stunning & cunning it all is. last night’s episode went straight to my heart, and it broke for every one involved. i’m still thinking about it this morning, which speaks to how powerful it was. thank you for sharing your pain & vulnerabilities.
okay, for next season we also need one of those “after shows” like Talking Dead where you guys get questions from the host and the audience, and fill in the blanks that you didn’t get a chance to show. TO can produce it, and that lady who did The Lip can host. #YoureWelcome 😉 ♥
Thanks. Stay tuned. We are doing a special answering questions from Reddit. Coming soon.
in my best Wayne & Garth: *excellent!*
Yes, I agree. There are some things that I firmly need to be addressed with this vile church.
Your bravery is inspiring to me. Thank you for standing up and being a truthteller. I stand with you and Leah.
While we are thanking people, I would like to add my thanks to the people at A&E willing to face off the battalion of attorneys the bully known as scientology with David Miscavige at the helm is cowering behind.
Hear hear
And hip hip …….
And huh?
This awesome series is like an End of endless kool-aid rundown for those hooked on El Con Tubbolard’s cult!
Say bu-bye to scamology.
Damn Mike, Scientology is really winning as evidenced by how much they’re being attacked. The Cleveland Indians also won the World Series.
Sorry Mephisto. I forgot that piece of Tubbolard wisdom. Much like how the Japs were winning while we nuked them. LOL
Glad to see you’ve cognited. ?
I was watching in mild interest until the end — when the lady got very emotional causing you to get emotional — I am so used to you being analytical that I forgot the crap you had to go through. Otherwise, I am waiting to see Marty Rathbun which I am sensing is not going to happen. I do like the emphasis on David Miscavige even though it has yet to stand out that he is the ONLY cause of all this discord. The betrayal of LRH and his intentions is stunning. Scientology offered so much hope which little davie has destroyed. It is stunning how many families have been torn apart by his heinous “leadership”.
Hubbard is the source of all of the discord. He wrote the policy, tech and books. DM or your garden variety destructive SO Mission can make things worse with heavy handed application, but they are just following orders.
Many good people here have provided the texts of actual Hubbard quotes and policies. There are several excellent books which detail the depths of Hubbard lies, contradictions, fabrications, and hallucinations. Removing DM won’t solve the problems. Fair Game, disconnection, expulsion, and pitting scientologists against any all all learned men was Hubbard’s doing.
IMHO Carl, it is the Scientology materials themselves which support the individual in altering their own belief systems. Once a person has successfully done so (likely in the name of helping save the planet, helping other people, etc.) they become willing accomplices in stamping out perceived impediments to achieving the goal ……. of total freedom and goodwill to all mankind.
LRH was obviously very good at this. Whether he believed it himself, I do not know. But David Miscavige is certainly a willing and opportunistic accomplice. When I ‘became a Scientologist, I too became a willing accomplice and to a greater or lesser degree ‘forwarded the aims of the group’. That was a mistake on my part but it comes into view in hindsight, not foresight.
The real choice in looking forward is “are you going to do something about it or just go quietly in the night?”
The quietly in the night thing does not work for me. My daughter works in the CMO. She has been in since she was 16 and that was 18 years ago. My son is married into a whale family of cult supporters. I hope they will wake up one day, all of them.
What Leah, Mike, Mary and all of you who are willing to shine the light of truth on an infection of humanity are doing is courageous. Each little bit, day by day, changes the world we live in for the better. Thank you all. I am pleased to be counted as one of you.
Chris, you’re certainly entitled to your opinion, and there’s no argument that lil davey the demonic squirrel has utterly destroyed the cherch, but it is also true that Elron laid the foundation and sowed the seeds for $cn to become the evil institution that it now is.
Documenting exactly how he did that before “the kid” came on the scene would run to many pages here. Instead of doing that, I’d just suggest that you review the blog posts that Mike has linked in today’s post which constitute a primer on what could accurately be described as Black Scientology, which Elron created and implemented almost from the cult’s inception.
Lil davey’s most essential training as a future leader of the cherch came under Elron himself and featured exactly the same kind of tantrum fits of rage, demeaning treatment of underlings, capricious behavior and unwillingness to be held to account for his own out-ethics.suppresive acts that lil davey would go on to directly emulate. DM just dialed up in intensity exactly what he had learned as young and impressionable Sea Orgy messenger at the feet of his master. As a result, while it’s true that lil davey the sadistic has utterly destroyed $cn, his actions are directly in line with the direction that the founder himself was taking the cherch in his final years above ground.
Mike, this one was so moving and emotional. Those of us who have lost one or more child to the cult as well as spouses and others to disconnection couldn’t help but feel it. Mary really let us feel her pain. I was glad to see you got emotional and cried too. It gave a veracity to the subject matter. We all and the world have seen you as very calm and stalwart, but we forget that you have your own disconnection horror story and it does affect you and you are human and you do bleed red blood when cut. Thanks for showing that. And my highest admiration and love go out to you and Leah and Ronnie and Mary and Amy and all in the series who are shining the light on the suppressive evil that the church is perpetrating today. It does make a difference. Mike took time away from his family and his work and he loses money by doing all this. Thank you for your sacrifices, Mike. Thank you to Leah and A&E for standing up to the bully.
Mike, it broke my heart when Leah showed the breakdowns, yet it warmed my heart to see the sincerity and truth of what Mary, others and yourself went through and are exposing.
I think back 4 years and how I even mistrusted you. I know now that you completely understand and have empathy for someone who had dealings or worked with the GO/OSA in the past and woke up.
God bless you and Leah for doing what you need to do. My heart goes out to all who have suffered from their helping this organization.
Love and Merry Christmas to all!
Thanks Dee. You are kind. Holiday greetings back at you!
I think the hardest part of last night’s episode was seeing your pain as you listened to Mary and David’s story. I hope and pray that your son and daughter will someday be free of the cult and return to you.
Mary & David and Mike and Christie and Leah and all who have been on this razor-sharp show and all those to come,You Are Ripping to Sheds the Cloak of Darkness & Religion which has been hammered with Titanium and has smothered all true spiritual dissent which arises when criminal acts become the norm for decades now.Time time becomes invisible,the acts done against families,children,husbands,wives,couples,lovers persons like me who joined the Sea Org to help mankind(wrong path Ann!)stand as testimony to the truth that is now beaming around the world.Miscavige can go have a temper tantrum up on the RTC Mountains all he wants,the trap he finished and Ron invented,is slowly closing in.One moment I am waiting for is the snap shut of those Titanium doors and Whoops sorry Miscavige,we have no Keys.Over the Abyss you go,along with your Cult.?
Last night’s show was great. I felt so sad for the woman as well as for you, Mike. This cult needs to be disbanded and Miscavige thrown in prison for what he does to people!!
I agree. At a minimum, miscavige needs to be removed.
Good start. I already removed him.
you mean… from society…
I put in a call to Waste Management.
Thank you for helping educate us. When they posted Khan’s son’s response it was clear they had him reference “clearing any upsets” followed by having him do propaganda against his mom. It was a predictable response that we have heard described throughout the series. I was able to discern the truth by learning facts about how this cult works by watching the series thanks to you, Leah and all the survivors. I understand why the sea org is so important to them. These indoctrinated kids are all they have left so keep up the good work, keep getting the word out while we make calls to senators and anyine who will listen. Please help us by getting attorneys involved who can help us work cracks and expose broken laws. I pray you are united with your kids soon. #Woke
Been awhile since I’ve felt that winning type of feeling. The war is not won yet but the beachhead is secure. Always watch ya back but doesn’t the sunshine feel great?
When does the guy who won’t let you out of the room/door/building become responsible for his own behavior?
All the training I had and all my great intentions for helping people with auditing weren’t enough to overcome treating people like scum, like Mary (and so many others) were treated. In one day, I decided, I’m just not going to be that person. I’m not that person. I never was that kind of person. I’m really not sympathetic to anyone who treats people that way, even if they’re “following policy”.
Where this first became crystal clear to me was when a young Sea Organization member left Los Angeles and went back home to New Orleans, because she didn’t want to be in the S.O. any more. Her family was harassed, church staff were sent to find her, follow her, they called the police to say she was suicidal, the list goes on. This is my church? That incident opened my eyes to what was really going on. After seeing that kind of behavior, I opened my eyes to other behaviors in my own group and ultimately decided I just couldn’t be a part of that anymore.
Thank you for sharing your heart-wrenching stories.
I want to add that my children were very young and I had no other family members involved, so there would be no disconnection, and that made it so much easier to leave, even after 12 years.
Mike, you and Leah are doing a fantastic job. I think most people who are unfamiliar with the way Scientology operates and see the show will be horrified.
They should be horrified.
I also suspect that DM is frothing at the mouth. Going Clear was good, but a bit dry. Aftermath is very human, and will reach people who Going Clear wouldn’t.
Since watching Going Clear I have immersed myself in learning every thing I can about Scn. Being an atheist, I find all types of religions/beliefs fascinating subjects. I am especially enjoying the A&E series and love that production is laying such a detailed foundation so that every person can understand the nuts and bolts. Going Clear was great but left many unanswered questions in my mind. I suppose that’s the reason why I kept digging for more information. Hearing all of the personal stories touches my heart. You are all so incredibly brave. I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Peace and Love.
You say your an atheist, yet you wish a merry Christmas? I am glad that this warmed your heart. What state do you live in? Many Scientologist near you? Stay clear from them.
Thank you Mike, I think you’re so cool.
A man of true compassion.
My husband and I just watched the latest episode and are in awe of your strength to relive your own trauma while giving others the chance to tell their story. This one was heart wrenching and really gave insight on how control is insidiously achieved over members. The emotional abuse is shocking and must be stopped. You are doing the world a favor by shedding light on a very dark organization. God bless you and protect you.
Such an excellent episode. It was heart wrenching. All I could think of was from the top of the org board on down, there is this idea that Scientology staff are above the law. It is disgusting. I hope that some agency has the balls to go after them hard. Thank you so much for telling these stories.
When the show has a clip of a “Scientology promotional video”, it should include a note that the people shown are allegedly hired actors and not real Scientologists or ‘parishioners’.
Episode 3 was simply amazing.
Hey Miscavige,
Your Church sucks.
Your members are tragic lost souls.
You use them like a bunch of throw away broken toys.
You are a scum bag of the worst order.
At least a thief has the courage to just out right steal from you.
You steal from people and take their soul while your at it.
There is a special place in hell just for you.
I’ll will see you there and show you what I think of you.
Mary’s hit such a chord when she told about how she came to fully realize “They own me.” Wow wow wow. And then when she decided she would no longer put up with it – OMG. Very moving! Any human being instinctly understands this deep meaning of freedom.
And Mike, my heart went out to you.
I was curious how the 2.7 million viewers who watched “Scientology and the Aftermath” compared to the Going Clear documentary. Here’s what I found in Wikipedia:
“HBO broadcast the television première of Going Clear on March 29, 2015. It was the network’s most successful documentary premiere since 2006, attracting 1.7 million viewers. It was a major ratings success and by mid-April 2015 had attracted 5.5 million viewers, making it the second most-watched HBO documentary in the past decade.”
Looks like Leah and Mike got a million more viewers at the outset, and as “Going Clear” got only 5.5 million total after a couple of weeks showing every night, I would imagine that number will soon be surpassed too.
Keep in mind that HBO is a premium channel that costs extra and has fewer subscribers than A&E (this may not mean much, I rarely even watch TV, I’m not an expert, I just suspect it should be taken into account). Having said that, the show is awesome, and I’m so thrilled that people are tuning in! 2.7 million is just amazing!
Everyone has done an amazing job, everyone is relatable, and Scientology is looking awful by simply responding by doing the things they’re accused of doing. It’s like they’re trying hard to prove the allegations against them true.
Very True! Almost everyone has free A&E. Plus it reads well and clear on the Guide.
“Keep in mind that HBO is a premium channel that costs extra and has fewer subscribers than A&E…”
Yes, and this means that many more people will see the Leah’s series – with its greater impact on top of it.
Great work! I became active and interested when Anonymous started their campaign in 2008. I lost interest until Leah’s new show. I’ve gone back and watched alot of the documentaries. I think, as someone said, the Church of Scientology empire is in serious decline and will probably fall soon. I hope we can all play our part to save people from its abuses. Thank you, so very much for what you have done to help so many. God bless you and your family!
I don’t recall meeting Mary, but I did know her husband David. I knew they were out, but I never knew the story.
Well, now I do. Thank you Leah.
Wow – very heart wrenching – we all cried our eyes out. Scientology needs to be stopped and Miscavige thrown in jail. Thank you so much for doing this program. We have our son’s entire high school watching it to warn them of Scientology Cult. What a great job Mary Kahn. Love you all!!
Get out of this cult
Hey, Wog & Out! Great job getting a high school to show Leah’s episodes! I wish all high schools would follow your lead.
and another thing,
Miscavige is a punk. I wish that a-hole would declare me an “SP”. I would have to go all “L. Ron Hubbard” on his ass, and any other Scientology goon too.
Just finished episode 2 as episode 3 hasn’t been posted on Just want to say thanks for all you do and you have some wife to put up with all this drama.
Thank you Mike and Leah for your dedication to exposing the abusers among us.
I want to start a movement to boycott any movie or TV show that casts a Scientologist.
I can’t stomach how one human being can do this kind of stuff to another human being.
These people must be stopped before they destroy another family.
I would like to know why the IRS continues to turn a blind eye to the millions upon millions of dollars that this so-called “Church” is taking in. It would be apparent to a trained monkey that all these people are concerned about is money, money, money. The only reason Tom Cruise et. al. have been duped into this cult is so that they can say “We helped these celebrities, we can help you!” F that! I wish our government would stand up to the bullies and end this crap!
Look into how they got their tax-exempt status. They declared ‘war’ on the IRS and had 1000s of their members filet lawsuits against the IRS as well as against individual IRS agents. They spied at an IRS convention and posted info saying the taxpayers paid for it etc.
Watch the documentary Going Clear. It gives the whole nightmarish truth about scientology
We all do, Brad. Every single one of us.
I liked your statement about how auditing can be a stressful experience, I believe you said something to the effect that you end up saying what the auditor expects to hear. I recall that feeling that I was just making things up hoping to get an indication that the meter would indicate I was on the right track and trying to kid myself that I was actually getting some benefit when deep inside I knew I was just kidding myself.
I also found it enlightening when Leah said she did not even get the end phenomenon of the grades. I used to think there was something wrong with me that I wasn’t getting the benefits that I assumed everyone else was getting.
I felt the exact same way, Doug.
Doug Sprinkler: “I liked your statement about how auditing can be a stressful experience, I believe you said something to the effect that you end up saying what the auditor expects to hear.”
I got that Mike was talking about sec checks (security checks), not auditing.
Also, with regard to grades and other auditing, Mary pointed out the difference between when she did the bridge in 1987 and when she had to do it again in later years. In 1987, she got great gains but in the later years it was just the opposite.
I wanted to clarify these things because I think Leah’s series will be more credible to Scientologists watching it (or reading this blog) who have had positive experiences with auditing – and will be able help do something from the inside to turn the tide on church abuses.
This episode tears at your heart. Mary and David…..I admire your courage and bravery to speak out. I was imagining the horror of being trapped in the auditing room and not being able to get out… and what that possibly could have been like for you. It twists my stomach into knots.
The truth is reaching millions of people….Thank You for telling your story. You are making a difference.
I loved that Leah was able to show a sense of humor this episode. It is obvious she is hurt and seems to get even more upset as she digs deeper into the trials of others. Both of you have shown great dedication to shedding light on this cult. I think you can help those who have left but how can you reach those who have not? That’s a mission I hope you dive into! It’s not going to be easy because too many people Re motivated by money and until the IRS changes the status shutting them down may never come to fruition.
It’s a good sign that A&E is broadcasting the episode at 10:00 and 11:00, and then again at 2:00 and 3:00 – four times. (On the West coast, as I write this, we haven’t seen it yet. )
If they are going to film any other shows, can you get me in.. I am ready to talk. They took my daughter.. see my story on tony ortega..”Where is Scientology keeping Samantha Sterne”
Good for you Mary Jane for speaking up. I just heard that 20/20 is doing an expose on Scn also. And I hope Leah can fit you in on these ones coming up.
Here’s a link to Where is Scientology Keeping Samantha Sterne? on The Underground Bunker for those who haven’t heard Mary’s story.
Mike, this episode was amazing. From one parent to another we know there can be nothing worse than losing connection with your children. Our hearts are with you, Mary and David, and all families going through disconnection.
Mike and Leah should start a petition on about having the IRS do a federal investigation on the fradulent and unethical practices going on in Scientology. It is a ponzy scheme! Have the FBI do a federal investigation on child abuse! And kidnapping!! will help grab more attention !!
Those have been done a million times. Even one was sent to the White House. Much better to CALL to all of your reps and your senator and demand they take action.
Also you can make a complain to the IRS directly. Check out the link for info on how to do this.
Thank you Mike and Leah! And look at those ratings! WooHoo!