My god, the number of messages, friend requests on Facebook, traffic to this blog and new posters here, general well-wishes, expressions of support and love is frankly overwhelming.
I will continue to put up this post after each episode as I feel it is important that those who may be new to the blog can find some helpful references easily. But as always, I am interested in your views – including criticisms and things you think might be better explained or covered.
For new readers here I thought you might find it instructive to be directed to some earlier postings that may help explain some things.
Perhaps you have seen some of the over-the-top scientology statements about Leah, me or anyone who has a differing opinion of their infallibility and dares voice it. It is perhaps the hardest thing for someone new to this subject to grasp. If you operate on the “where there’s smoke there must be fire” principle you can easily wonder whether there might be some truth to the smears they spread. It is a difficult concept to accept that people will simply LIE, even give false sworn testimony under penalty of perjury, because they believe they are protecting “man’s only hope for salvation.”
To begin to understand the mindset scientologists have about those who criticize any part of it, read this article:
Dealing with Critics of Scientology — The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
And here is a fairly short explanation of how disconnection is used in scientology (and how they try to spin the practice):
Disconnection: the PR and the Truth
An overview of the efforts by scientology to smear Leah Remini:
Scientology Dead Agents* Itself
And finally, a recent post about the unenforceable agreements scientology tries to hold over people’s heads to make them fear speaking the truth:
What You Can Do
Call your Congressman and Senator to do something about the ongoing abuses. Write to the IRS. Support and comment on media articles and blogs that cover the abuses (like Tony Ortega at the Underground Bunker) and express your support to A&E for stepping up and taking on scientology.
Watch Leah Remini: Scientology The Aftermath every week and tell your friends to do so.
Don’t ever think you have no voice or there is nothing you can do. There is plenty.
The support of Leah and everyone else involved is invaluable and appreciated. Please don’t stop. Knowing there are a lot of people out there on our side is comforting and gives strength.
Bravo! Scientology is no different than those idiots in Colorado City, Charles Mason’s cult, etc. I believe in God but when a “church” controls your entire life , destroys families and financially robs you in God’s name is no church and this isn’t God’s ways or writings. The world is crazy and scary enough without having people like those in scientology and other cults putting more fear into our lives and in the world. Families have changed throughout the years and we fight hard enough to keep them together, values intact and safe without idiots like scientology tearing them apart. I have never believed in churchs that force you to financially bankruptcy yourself and your family in order to be a member or to get into heaven. Scientology and these other cult churches need to be struck down by God and closed permanently. There is no God in scientology, the psycho head of this so called church has a “god complex”. Keep up the great work exposing these frauds and liars!!
Late to the party but I really liked this episode, I think it was the best one so far. Good job!
I agree. I think one of the most powerful moments of the series so far is Tom Devocht’s testimonial in this episode. I’ve seen Devocht on other shows and on “Going Clear” and you just get the sense he is not the type of man who gets teary often, if ever. To see him struggle to apologize to anyone he feels he might have hurt proves not just his good character but also the long-lasting trauma this organization causes in good people.
I’m so proud of you, your story touched me. As a parent I would do anything for my children, but you go beyond that. I hope your children see what you are doing as a blessing, not a curse. You could scale that wall and drag them out kicking and screaming but your not. Your standing on a world stage and telling people your story, and how this cult destroy’s lives. I’m proud of you and Leah. We need more people like you in this world.
Hi Mike! I just wanted to comment on the Church of Scientology’s smear campaigns against its former memebers. They make no sense. If these people are so bad, why are you (the Church) letting them be a major part of your organization for decades, and/or, why didn’t decades of Scientology make them better people? Either way, Scientology comes off as an epic fail. ?
I have been following Scientology for years. Ironically it started when a friend recommended Dianetics to me when I was going through a rough time. A google search led me to the BBC show where you and John Sweeney went at it. I was shocked at the lengths the church had gone to “silence it’s critics”. You and Tom and Leah have done amazing things exposing the church and its Lilliputian Leader (seriously, he’s gotta be 5’2″). I do have one question. Are we going to see Marty Rathbun or Jason Beghe on the show? I think Jason especially would be a massive public strike against the church given his celebrity success right now.
Keep up the amazing work!
Miscavige is in no way legitimate to lead scientology. He is an usurper and actually the worst ennemy of scientology and scientologists.
Mr. Rinder……It’s my understanding that the mission of Scientology was to make the world a better place. Do scientologists feel that the world is a better place now than it was 50 years ago? Personally, I feel it has deteriorated. How can they justify their continued existence when things haven’t gotten better in the last 50 years?
They are fed a constant diet of lies at international events and are steered away from any other sources of information. They truly believe scientology is improving conditions in the world (though it is always “somewhere else” that it is happening). See next week’s episode of the The Aftermath
Thanks Mike, keep up the good work. I have written my representatives in DC, and have posted info on how to help in my social media accounts. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.
I should have know you of all people would stand up
For Leah .
She’s so brave !
Happy holidays
LRH was a sci-fi author who publicly stated he wanted to start a religion to get rich. Smh how is that not enough of a deterrent?
I’m an Astrologer, I’ve written a book…Hmmm maybe I ought to start an astrological religion to get rich!
It takes a lot of courage (or perhaps desperation) to leave something you’ve invested your life in with nothing in your pocket and nothing to fall back on and start all over again without family, friends, and the thing that gave meaning to your lives for so many years. Kudos to all of you survivors of the cult of Scientology. Your voices are speaking life and hope to those who feel hopeless and lost. I pray you will grow into a tsunami that overwhelms this destructive organization.
Mr. Rinder, I have a question for you, and anyone else affiliated or formerly affiliated with the church. Do you think it could right the ship at this point? Clearly, DM would have to step down. And then a new leadership would have to step in and make major changes — adding transparency, abolishing disconnection and the financial nightmare it is for everyone who’s not DM. Akin to, on a much different scale, the Pope apologizing for past abuse and trying to fix things now. I guess my questions are — A) Are there enough aspects of Scientology worth keeping and B) Do you think it’s possible for such changes to happen? And C) if so, how would you envision it?
Nope. it’s beyond salvage. Anything good in scientology will survive in the books — if people find it works and it helps them it will survive. Everything else associated with it that does not work or results in bad outcomes will shrivel and die forever.
Well said, Mike.
I assume you are including with “books” the Techical Volumes, and all revisions of bulletins in those volumes as well as HCO bulletins that were published later on. The bulletins are what contain the auditing tech in its most highly developed form, and Hubbard specified that they were senior to the books or lectures with regard to tech application.
The actual method of application of scientology is the tech. And the fact that there are precise, comparatively thorough and fast methods of application is how scientology differs from other methods of psychological and spiritual improvement. At least this is the opinion of some people, and as you basically indicated, time will tell.
And BTs, OT3, Jesus was a pedophike, psyches are from Farsec.
Were are they in the genius of the tech?
And what is precise about Mars implant stations?
Or Volcanos in Hawaii 75 million years ago when Hawaii did not exist?
You new guys, I’m just stating some weird facts that you find out after spending 100s of thousands with this super
“Technical procedure”
Some of us think it’s dangerous to even start Scientology. Because in the end it all goes back to Xenu on South Park.
That is what people who still audit Scientology believe. Their highest auditing process is to free their bodies from space aliens who are causing them body pain and controlling their thoughts.
I kid you not. Watch South Park. This is the end of all of their aspirations.
I just had to Marildi…. 🙂 ?
I know. I believe it’s called obsession. 😉
Merry Christmas, Brian. And may the New Year bring you some relief. 🙂
Brian, I did OT3 and was having a lot of pressure and introversion removed. At first when I read the story of Xenu (on OT3 course) it was looking to me a sort of Darth Vador. But then the concept which striked me was that I was effect of some case which was not my own. Actually one who is not clear cannot really get it as you have to know that you have no case of your own. That’s clear : no case, no restimulation, nothing. And when you get restim, you know it doesnt belong to you. Actually you can have the case of anyone, and the good new is that you can audit it out.
Its not typical of scientology, many therapy devaloppe this idea.
When I started to audit on OT3, I saw this charge blowing, I was feeling more and more free. it was not auto suggestion, I was really feeling better. After all,what is psychotherapy if it is not feeling better ? It’s subjective anyhow. My space was very large, like I was not any longer having a heavy weight to carry, invalidative thoughts of myself. And I could blow charge in other people universe and make them feel better.
Now, I can understand that some people make a laugh of this story of OT3, or some freaks out. Hubbard said that if people are not ready for it, this will occur. But any good auditing can repair people who have freaks out. But you are right to a degree that this a chancey activity given to the fact that Hubbard’s tech has been many time improperly applied, especially under malignant Miscavige leadership.
I agree that there is nothing ultimate in Hubbard’s tech. But if you really make a survey of people having done OT3, you will find many more having had wins than the opposite. Now to say that all this is a scam, well, you must look at what brought OT3. All the work of Hubbard on the reactive mind, huge number of lectures, very complex sometimes. If you study those materials you cannot believe he did that for money, it doesnt make sense.
Miscavige of course is a crook.
I have written many posts on my thoughts regarding what is happening on OT/BT therapy.
Another time I shall write it again.
Basically, what is happening is not what is stated. Something is happening. But the cause which LRH staes is false. Therefore assigning a lie to a mental phenomena. And a lie is not the truth.
Bottom line folks. These people doing this therapy are assigning their thoughts and feelings to space aliens.
Don’t forget that.
Merry Christmas Marildi!! May you have a wonderful year!!
Relax….. yes…. it’s good for us all! 🙂
And I agree FG, Ron believed in this. It was such a belief, and such a certainty that it caused us suffering, that it led Ron to wish for suicide.
Folks out there that are new; L Ron Hubbard was wishing for suicide when he was doing this space alien therapy.
This is first hand account by a good friend of his. Recounted by Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun who heard it from this person Sarge first hand.
It is one of the facts that causes the Scientologist in or out of the church to simply deny the story or make up a story to justify it.
One person said Ron was so above the body, so wise, that he just saw his body as an impediment.
L Ron Hubbard was wishing to commit suicide by electro shock.
It’s just what messiahs do when their earthy job is done.
Scientology gets stranger the deeper you go into it.
The people seem very reasonable. That is the cheese.
Then……… swwwwaaap!!!
Thank you for your reply, and really for all your efforts to help people find their way out of the org. Could you see a splinter group forming, people who are focused on the original books and not the horrible protocols? I have no opinion – I’ve never been involved in CoS. I just see, like just about everyone else, that it’s all going to come crashing down fairly soon and wonder if anything is worth trying to keep to some extent.
OH yes, they exist already. Perhaps the best example is the Dror center in Israel run by the Lembergers. They are quite successful and do auditing and training without the draconian control and abuse factors. They answer to nobody other than their customers needs and will live or die based on the free market — are people willing to pay them for what they provide. From all indicators they are providing a service that people find valuable and this is an indicator that there IS some value in scientology.
This comment will be so overly simplistic that you must all forgive me.
But please take a step back, understand that all of these LRH writings are musings of a Man.. a corrupt, imperfect, man.. professing knowledge he never had.
For all who seek their truth.. how about the truth of living a good life they can be proud of.. doing good.. and pledge to remain free of any self professed messiah.
Dear Mike, I have known about the CULT of scientology since 1985, when I cought my then mother-in-law reading Dianetics. I want to say that first; I do not want to come across as critical. I wouldn’t put you through one more minute of pain. You’ve had enough of that for one lifetime, but it always seems like it’s the same kind of women, “as I don’t know any men who have read it”, that are very intelligent, though all 5 women I knew to have read it back then were door-mats. They were caretakers, and allowed every one around them walk all over them, it seemed to me. It’s so sad. I do understand what, and why, you and Leah are doing this. It’s a heinous thing that Miscavige is doing, but once again I have to answer the question Leah keeps asking on the show, which I love and support. She asks, “Why isn’t anyone doing anything? Mike, did you tell the F.B.I.?” I do not want to say anything hurtful, to either of you, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, I think I have your answer. I was raised Irish-Catholic, but at the age of about 7 or 8, I realized it was absolute nonsense and decided I’d have nothing more to do with religion. No church could ever separate me from my kids, or tell me they don’t need to be in school. I keep hearing about parents getting into this cult and then just giving them their children. The CHURCH decides what they do with their days, and HOW MUCH TIME YOU SPEND WITH THEM? I am so sorry, but they are giving their kids away, and then later, after THE CHURCH raises them, and they don’t need YOU as much anymore because you did all the courses, if you step out of line, (questioning), they turn them against you and shun you, and then they yell, “Hey, they took my family!” Do you see what I’m saying? I am not justifying this monster’s actions, in no way, but when you get conned, and that is lower than the lowest, conning people out of their years, money, and then their families, it’s not illegal. Unfortunately, they GAVE these things to that cult. I don’t know what is sadder; Someone taking those things from me, or conning me into giving those things to them. My heart just aches for you, now. When I saw Going Clear, it appeared that you were fine with what was going on around you in there, until it turned its ugly head on you. It appeared this way because you did their dirty work. Now I understand more about you. Going Clear didn’t say that [sea org. kids don’t go to school so you had have no education, or that, you put 2 of you own kids in it because you really bought that crap] and other things I needed to know about your story. Now, I am with you. You have my support, and even though I don’t know you, and you’ve never caused me personal harm, I forgive you for doing that little “Hitler’s” dirty work.
You might be saying to yourself, “I don’t need your forgiveness!”, but, if you want us, from the real world, to help, putting pressure on our state reps, protesting, or what have you, you do need it. With all the enormous problems in the world right now, terrorist attacks, climate change, war and drought, and the refugees from all, just to name a few, a cult is not at the top of the list of priorities. For YEARS I BELIEVED that scientologists KNEW they were doing wrong for money, carrying out ron hubbard’s dirty deeds so he could avoid taxes. HE KNEW he was insane, begging shrinks to help him, and when they didn’t he has a temper tantrum and declares they entire medical industry bad for people, and that e-meter is just a piece of a lie detector. It’s going to react every time someone talks!
John Travolta; let his young SON DIE before proving that hubbard’s policies were wrong! He and his wife didn’t put him on medicine that would have SAVED his LIFE! TOM CRUISE threw Brooke Shields UNDER the BUS for taking MEDICINE she clearly NEEDED to be a good mom to her NEWBORN! I KNOW TOM CRUISE knows better, and he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing getting who knows HOW MANY poor bastards into this cult, ROBBING HIS OWN FANS! He LIVES, and WORKS, in the REAL WORLD, but still he solicits his fans and other people into this cult. He takes advantage of the SLAVE-LABOR that Mascavige arranges for him by those poor education deprived kids in the sea org! I can’t even IMAGINE how many people have suffered immensely because of THAT MAN ALONE! Do you get where I’m coming from? People are ANGRY. We WERE at scientologists for allowing this, and it’s not JUST the taking advantage of, LYING to them, ABUSING and ENSLAVING these generations, but for robbing society of them! Do you realize how many GENERATIONS that haven’t been part of society or its workforce? IMAGINE how many Mozarts, Einstiens, Martin Luthers, or Johnas Salks, etc., may have lived their entire lives for the sole purpose of making that little “Hitler” more rich and more powerful by the day? My point is, Mike, you can’t tell me that you didn’t know you were doing things that were wrong. You were doing thing that direcly hurt people, but, NOW, I am convinced that you are doing something that is benefiting mankind. I can see that you are SINCERE in your efforts to make up for it, and that takes character. You and Leah, Ron Miscavage was especially touching. His story moved me, and when you broke down crying, when that poor woman was saying she was “just towing the line” to keep her family, it was obvious that it was unscripted. Your pain came across the screen and touched me. I am so sorry all you have endured at the hands of this dictator. I now see that you were a victim. You were afraid of this tyrant, and of losing your wife and children, of course, you did. There’s hope though. Everyone I’ve talked to, myself included, is with you now, and that’s all that matters. Good Going and Good luck.
Sincerely Rain Wolf
A detailed, heartfelt and expansive view! However, paragraph breaks are your friend here. It’s very difficult to read a long piece like this that is not coherently organized, no matter how much you agree with the writer or find various points to be well-taken.
It’s the opposite of what he went for in scientology said Tom Devocht about Miscavige behaviour and universe. Well I won’t be popular telling that but Ihave read hundred of HCOB, HCOPL books and son… and in Hubbard view such a behaviour would be considered as psychotic. If some of you guys remember the tech, Miscavige correspond to CS serie 22 “psychosis”, also well describe in the anti-social personnality trait. And te type of autoritarian personnality in “an essay of management”.
Even disconnection was cancelled by Hubbard in 1968 (there is strong evidences and testimony that “PTSness and disconnection” written in 1983 was not authored by Hubbard).
You even cannot call this scientology more than coca cola if it would contain some cyanur.
I knew but couldn’t say that Miscavige was an SP since 1983. Finally I left the church in 2012 with my wife and son and daughter. But I have lost the majority of my friends, even very close friends. Too reasonable they were, but also didn’t want to loose their bridge and their family. When Miscavige will be dismissed they will be ashame and so horribly wrong.
There is one target Miscavige, not scientology. Without Miscavige I hope it would return to it’s basics and reform for a better and helpful practice of it. Actually someone up there has to put Miscavige under arrest like in the good movie on the sub marine when Denzel arrest Gene Hackman.
When I think of his father who had to call him Sir! This is fucking insane (the only thing I hate on this show it’s this blinking when someone says “fuck” ! With Tom de Vocht it was blinking all the time, with Miscavige it would be a symphonie of blinking ! )
When I think of his father who had to call him Sir! This is fucking insane
You know that was the case for all of L. Ron Hubbard’s children don’t you?
Yes, but it’s not uncommon, it also happen when the father is an officer on the army and the son a junior. So many films where the son call his dad “sir”. It’s a bit old fashion, and Hubbard was born in 1911…
But a father calling his son, Sir, that’s too weird!
The amazing explanations for some of these things…
One of Hubbard’s biggest flaw was his fantasy with the navy, it reminds Robert Heinlein’s Starship Trooper, same universe. And Hubbard enjoyed to be the commodore!
Miscavige is more like Marines, kind of abusive officer character, big asshole. Beingness which has nothing to do with the ideology of scientology. I wonder why tough guys like you and Marty didn’t threw this little punk through the window. But with the idea of hierarchy and all the shit it was not easy.
But how could this horrible little bully can pretend to represent scientology? I always thought that most members were badly out valence, stuck in earlier fight for unsavoury causes (nazis, communists, any homosapiens beliefs). You see I am a hard core scientologist to some degree, and for me Miscavige is not eligible for the title of scientologist. If there is one who desserve the title of suppressive in this church, it’s him. And I dream to read a church official declare on him with all his misdeed !
“You see I am a hard core scientologist to some degree…”
How do you mean, FG?
“Hard core” is just to create a bite of controversy with those anti we have on the blog! Hard core also mean that I enjoyed very much to learn and apply Hubbard tech. Meanwhile I am open to anything else including other type of practice. Actually I was like that when I was in the church. Couldn’t understand for exempel why they would hate psychoanalystes so much.
It has something to do with my experience and historical knowledge with fanatics. It made me quite sceptical with zealots. So I could recognize this specy in scientology, they were many.
So hard core means not an hip hip hurrah guy (or sieg heil) but a real understanding of Hubbard viewpoint in all the evolution of his writing. Infinite value logic for exemple. This is for me hard core scientology.
In 1983 when HCOPL OT eligibility came out, I knew it couldnt be written by LRH as it was in basic contradiction with auditor’s code, and this hcopl “scientoloogy the flaw” where Hubbard says that too much control is the death of civilisation.
Having done the Data Series I knew somthing very wrong was going on. And then I identified (by pervasion) that the SP was David Miscavige.
What was painful is from that point I knew I had to withold this if I wanted to continue to receive auditing and going onto Not’s and solo Not’s (I was OT3).
So for me being a scientologist was to be able to see the outpoints.
Now for a “hard core”, i don’t even have a PC to audit, and I badly need to be helped myself.
I kind of regret scientology as it was before Miscavige take over. In 1982, I was staff and camming officer (and I was young and handsome !) and that was fun to be qual, to get all those auditors competent and VGI’s, which are going to make their PC VGIs.
And to answer a thread here, yes I think and hope that when Miscavige will be dismissed, scientology will reform at all level and will revert to it’s ideal scene.
But this most probably is not going to happen, so scientology as we knew it, will not return. There are many evolutions about spiritual and mental practice. One have to update his knowledge. It’s a huge work to study and evaluate, when you grow older. Some basics principles of scientology are quite universal, and they maybe used in differents activities. But good natural Trs, real application of auditor’s code, is a real jewel in any help activity. Imagine if doctors could listen, duplicate and ack. Scientology was this activity where you could say anything and feel fully understood.
It has become the opposite. It’s not new, inquisition was the opposite of the words of Christ!
FG opined, “In 1983 when HCOPL OT eligibility came out, I knew it couldnt be written by LRH”
No, it was written by El Con. I saw the material in RTRC when I was working on something for AVCI.
I am not sure where people get the notion that things published before 1986 were “not written by LRH.” They think it doesnt forward their argument so they simply assert “yeah, well obviously that was not written by LRH, because it was crazy/contradicted something else/makes him sound bad etc”. Wonder how many think that “Pain and Sex” was not written by LRH? That was one of his last pieces of scripture.
FG, I agree with all you wrote regarding “hardcore scientology.” Well said.
As regards the OT Eligibility PL, you may be right about it not having been written by LRH, because, per my understanding, by 1983 DM was the one in control of all incoming and outgoing comm with LRH, and thus he could have gotten away with pretty much anything. In any case, LRH did seem to change for the worse over the years and become more and more authoritarian. He was, after all, a human being, with his own aberrations – which might have been handled with his own tech if, ironically, the aberrations themselves hadn’t prevented it. My point is that, since he was “bigger than life,” as many people have described him, his aberrations could also be described as bigger than life. In spite of that, he also made some very valuable contributions, as you indicated in your second post.
Btw, what you wrote about discovering by “pervasion” that the SP was Miscavige, wouldn’t be real to many critics of LRH as they are basically materialists (not all of them).
Thanks for your candid comments about yourself too. It speaks well of you as a person with integrity. Cheers!
Denying that Ron wrote something I believe happens when they cannot fathom that someone as wise as LRH could write it.
They see him in as a certain wise, exterior, intelligent scientist philosopher. The crazy stuff can’t be him.
When I started a thread on Marty’s blog about the original OT8having Hubbard claim he was the anti Christ, Marty chimed in a no said,”no, Ron did not write that. It is not in his voice”
Then George M White and a few others chimed in and said, “yes, he did write it. We took the original OT 8 and it was there.”
There are so many Hubbard’s. Each seems to pick the one that confirms their own bias.
“My version of Ron could never say he was the anti Christ”
“My version of Ron could never have wished for suicide”
I watched the documentary “Going Clear” several times in an attempt to understand how people get pulled into Scientology and it seems like the answer is “Who doesn’t want to save the Earth and humanity?” I am sorry for all you have been through and all you have lost. When I watch you and Ms Remini on the show it is apparent how desperately you want to cast light on these injustices and end the horrible policies that cost the devoted people their families, money and dignity. I know you are doing an 8 episode documentary series but I hope there is an opportunity to continue this series longer because these are stories that need to be told by people needing to share their experiences until the one in charge is stripped of his power over the member’s lives.
FG, you’re very welcome to your own beliefs, but hoping that after lil davey the despotic is gone that $cn will somehow right itself and get back on some sort of true and righteous path totally disregards the objective facts concerning the path that it was on before Elron’s demise, imo.
The “basics” of $cn are space opera nonsense that Elron first conceived of as fiction, then sold as being real. There are no thousands of super sticky disembodied space alien spirits possessing you, that was all just made up. Similarly, galactic overlord Xenu was a wholly imagined creation of Elron’s, straight out of his scientifically fictious mind.
There is no “back on track” for $cn; it’s been off track from its inception. Sure, there are some workable concepts of counseling in it, but those were misappropriated from uncredited sources, like Carl Rogers’ person-centered counseling model.
When Tommy Davis mentioned that if Elron’s account of having healed himself from disabling war injuries using techniques that would later become codified as Dianetics was false, then all of $cn is a lie as well. He got that one right: Elron was the master of the BIG Lie and he told many, beginning with that one.
FG: “…the only thing I hate on this show it’s this blinking when someone says ‘fuck’…”
My view is that this is out-reality for many public viewers and that it most likely lowers their opinion of the ones who use it that much. IMO, this habit is a hangover of having been in the church too long, where the culture of liberally using foul language is more extreme than in the rest of the world, and scientologists become desensitized to it. (My two cents, Mike, for what it’s worth.)
I love the program that Mike and Leah are doing on A&E. My father was a follower of Scientology since the mid-1970’s, not a member but he loved the philosophy and theology of their beliefs. He and I would discuss that side of it for years. What you are doing on the program is awesome and I encourage you to keep up the good work. My only criticism would be the use of the “F” word by Leah, you or any guest. It is unprofessional and totally unnecessary. The word does not communicate anything that cannot be said in a better way. And using it just lowers your credibility.
“My father was a follower of Scientology since the mid-1970’s, not a member but he loved the philosophy and theology of their beliefs. He and I would discuss that side of it for years.”
I’m with you and your father. Actually, there are a number of modern spiritual teachers and even scientists who have very similar views to what Hubbard stated.
By scientists, I was referring to quantum physicists.
Name three quantum physicists who have “similar” views to L. Fraud. I’ll lay you odds that you can’t. No quantum physicist would buy his bullshit.
Max Planck, Niels Bohr, and Eugene Wigner are the more famous ones. Just do a Google search on “consciousness creates reality” and you will find there are many modern-day physicists who concur with their theories that consciousness is senior to the physical. Here’s a quote from an article titled “‘Consciousness Creates Reality’ – Physicists Admit the Universe Is Immaterial, Mental & Spiritual”
“Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a ‘mental’ construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: ‘The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter…WE OUGHT RATHER HAIL IT AS THE CREATOR AND GOVERNOR OF THE REALM OF MATTER [emphasis in caps is mine]” Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial – mental and spiritual.” – R.C. Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University, “The Mental Universe” ; Nature 436:29,2005) (source)
Compare the above to what Hubbard said here:
“Considerations take rank over the mechanics of space, energy, and time. By this it is meant that an idea or opinion is, fundamentally, superior to space, energy, and time, or organizations of form, since it is conceived that space, energy, and time are themselves broadly agreed-upon considerations. That so many minds agree brings about Reality in the form of space, energy, and time. THESE MECHANICS, THEN, OF SPACE, ENERGY, AND TIME ARE THE PRODUCT OF AGREED-UPON CONSIDERATIONS MUTUALLY HELD BY LIFE [my caps].” (Scn 0-8)
Granted, a debate about tiddlywinks takes on a bit of gravitas in a room wallpapered with images of Albert Einstein but I don’t think it’s necessary to drag Max Planck and Niels Bohr into this conversation.
When Hubbard talks about “considerations” (thoughts) having providence over objects (empirical forms), the relevance of his assertion is firmly grounded in matters PRACTICAL not ensconced in theory as it is now. The science experiments that supposedly reveal evidence for “mind over matter” do so only by default. By ‘default’, I mean when all KNOWN empirical causes have been ruled out then you have the option to say causation was outside of empiricism, that was psychic, or that there are empirical variables we have not yet discovered.
Hubbard’s “considerations” hypothesis was mean to inform you about your abilities. His hypothesis is meant to describe an EXPERIENCEABLE reality not a theoretical one. When his hypothesis does manifest into something we can experience and not just debate about in a room wallpapered with images of Max Planck, then we won’t need to brandish the words, “quantum physics” or “Niels Bohr”, etc.
“Hubbard’s ‘considerations’ hypothesis was mean[t] to inform you about your abilities. His hypothesis is meant to describe an EXPERIENCEABLE reality not a theoretical one. When his hypothesis does manifest into something we can experience and not just debate about in a room wallpapered with images of Max Planck, then we won’t need to brandish the words, ‘quantum physics’ or ‘Niels Bohr’, etc.”
Well, Roger, on our last discussion about psi abilities, I gave you links to dozens of peer-reviewed papers about experiments that showed these abilities are indeed “experiencable” – Einstein notwithstanding. You had no comment about them, except to say words to the effect of “You believe what you believe, and I believe what I believe.” I doubt you even looked at those papers even though you had claimed no such papers had been published in reputable science journals – which all of those were.
I will say this for you, Rog, your writing in the above post is wonderful. Nevertheless, there happens to be a logical fallacy called “Style over Substance,” defined as follows:
“Style over substance is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone bases their argument on compelling language, obfuscation, and various terms of art, instead of legitimate logical analyses. The fallacy works in two ways. It can propose an idea using style rather than substance, or it can reject an idea by attacking its style and presentation rather than its information content. The writing might be wonderful, and the references seemingly deep, but what matters is the content of the argument — the substance. If the argument is good, others will make it pretty. If all that is good in your argument is the ‘style’, please, write novels instead.”
Please write novels instead. 🙂
marildi, If these “peer reviewed papers” proved anything to anybody with greater science credentials than a bachelor of science degree in nursing then these papers would have accomplished the paradigm shift required to appropriately acknowledge them.
But they haven’t. Roger Hornaday doesn’t need to be convinced by some persuasively worded videos which, to his unsophisticated knowledge of science, make irrefutable arguments. Stephen Hawking needs to be convinced. And my former chemistry teacher at Georgia State for example.
What I wrote about psi having only ‘default’ evidence is not my personal opinion. That is the opinion I gleaned from reading the numerous opinions of those who evaluate scientific evidence for a living. It isn’t a product of my creative writing skills, and BTW thank you for the complementary language you used in reference to them, but just a paraphrasing of what some of the experts say. The ones who know more about such stuff than I and perhaps even you, marildi.
It so happens that there are many scientists with credentials, including PhD’s in physics, who consider the evidence of “mind over matter” to be incontestable – by all scientific standards. Furthermore, this wouldn’t be the first time the science community was slow in making a paradigm shift – regardless of the overwhelming evidence for it. I could point you to lots of supportive data, but I don’t think you would bother to check it out.
Scientists and all other proponents of the scientific method are supposed to be skeptical yet open-minded. Sorry to say, you and many so-called “scientists” are as much true believers as any Scientologist has ever been! The only difference is that you’ve been indoctrinated into a different belief system, that of materialism – which the religion and dogma of Western science, even though it is slowly changing. I challenge you to watch even the first few minutes of this TED talk on the subject:
I did watch the video with Rupert Sheldrake and every comment I’ve written about it has turned into a long dissertation. I don’t want to do that.
Let me just say I am not qualified to refute the scientific merits of Sheldrake’s sensible-sounding speech but that hardly means he cannot be refuted. Of course he can. I like his points and I would love to hear what Richard Dawkins, for instance, would say in response to them.
That’s how you learn. You listen to the experts debate then you go with the argument that makes more sense to you. That’s what I continue to do.
I am not indoctrinated by a cultural materialistic belief system. The vedic scriptures say the subjective and empirical realms exist simultaneously but do not interact except through the interface between them, the physical body. Tall tales about levitating yogis notwithstanding.
As a side note, can you imagine the quagmire created in scientific research if scientists have to start allowing for ‘thought interference’ as a variable?
Excellent comments, Roger, on all points. I guess I underestimated you. 🙂
“That’s how you learn. You listen to the experts debate then you go with the argument that makes more sense to you. That’s what I continue to do.”
Great. As you probably gathered, that TED talk by Sheldrake was initially banned by TED – but there was so much protest from the public that a debate of sorts did occur, with TED’s “science board” publishing their views, followed by Sheldrake’s rebuttal. Some time later, TED actually crossed out (put lines through) their original statement – making it still possible to read, however – while leaving in Sheldrake’s responses. To TED’s credit, the page is still on their website, which you can read here:
Have a Merry Christmas. 🙂
Just to clarify, I mean that even with the “blinks” or bleeps, it’s very clear what word is being said. And I don’t think it’s doing the show any good, especially because of how frequently it occurs. Again, JMO.
Yes it’s “bleep” not “blink” !
“Even disconnection was cancelled by Hubbard in 1968”
Sorry FG but THAT is a lie. ALL the PLs instructing that were and ARE alive and NOT canceled. He did NOT cancel disconnection as THE proper handling to someone being connected to an SP.
Mike has debunked that lie MANY times on this blog too.
That “cancellation” was an attempt to mollify the NZ Inquiry. It was a cancellation “for PR purposes” just like the cancellation of Fair Game was for PR purposes. Even happened at the same time…
Yes, I remember the fake Fair Game cancellation back then
LRH never cancelled treating people as “fair game”. Only CALLING them fair game.
LRH said: “The practice of declaring people FAIR GAME will cease. FAIR GAME may not appear on any Ethics Order. It causes bad public relations. This [policy letter] does not cancel any policy on the treatment or handling of an SP”.
If you read this carefully, you see that he saying is that while they won’t publicly say “this person is fair game” anymore (because it makes them looks bad) still, treating people as “fair game” is supposed to continue. See the next line where it says “this does NOT cancel any policy on treatment or handling…”? So, they are supposed to still do those things, those fair game tactics, but just not talk about it publicly. It really is crystal clear what he is saying. LRH never cancelled “Fair game” – he only cancelled CALLING someone “fair game” in public. By the Church of Scientology’s OWN actions, it has been shown that they continue to “fair game” those they see as enemies.
Leah, yourself and the many others appearing on the show have so much courage . The more people you reach I believe eventually they can be stopped!!!
I hope the show can continue past the scheduled episodes.
Keep it going!!!!
I’ve been watching the show and I noticed that one of the biggest reasons for defecting is the inhuman treatment of David M. To the parishioners. I am curious, was this sort of thing happening under LRH? Amy Scobee mentioned that this behavior was not expected so I assume it’s not part of the doctrine. Just excused? Is that correct?
While LRH may not have himself inflicted punishment upon his followers (only his wives), abuse and degradation was not uncommon under his watch.
LRH had other people do his dirty work
Chee, L. Con directly inflicted dangerous, illegal and painful punishment to people on the ship. Well documented and listed on this blog in many places.
Has anyone spoken to Jesse Prince? If I remember correctly he is friendly with Amy Scobee and was set up on minor drug charges by the church. He did speak to the FBI and at one point transcripts were posted online.
I was reading posts on a message boards for former Scientologists a few years ago and one poster caught my attention. He spoke about a 17 year old girl from Division 6 – She was declared a suppressive person by the church for not recruiting a celebrity she was sleeping with. He named names in his post and I believe him. I was later able to ascertain the identity of the poster, a screenwriter, but won’t name him here.
There were rumors about Miscavige recording celebrity audits. I don’t know if there is any truth to it but I wouldn’t be surprised. I have never been a member of scientology but I have looked into the organization. It seems like they are intent on keeping /recruiting celebrities and children inparticular.
I was unaware of the level of abuse and find it sad and disconcerting. Thankfully there are people like you and Leah willing to stand up to them. I wish you both the best and hopefully you will reconnect with your children in the future.
This show just works on so many levels. Mr. Rinder, in the episode with Mary Kahn when suddenly you just lost it, listening to her story, was powerful. It shows how people are traumatized by Scientology for many years after they leave it. Best to you.
You and Leah Remini have taught me the facts of Scientology. I am one of Six kids who grew up in a Scientology house. I learned why my mother sat across the table from my brother interrogating me. He ask question, I’d answer . My mom would say thank you.He asked over on over and every time I answer he slapped across the face repeatedly. The answers were now Fu”: off. Mom did nothing. She has past away now. I used to call my mom an intellectual who had Six kids but didn’t care for us. He made a lot of money and gave every dime to Scientology. She went to England leaving our one legged disabled father to care for us, my little sister was an infant. I also understand why my older sisters held so much anger towards my mom because when she was diagnosed with MS, mom told her that she was the cause of her incurable disease. I unfortunately got MS some 10yrs later.
Thank You so much Mike Please send my love to Leah
You two are giving so much to the Planet
I am so grateful for what you and Leah are doing with this series, Mike. I and much of my family were trapped in the church for over 20 years before making the great escape. Scientology ruined me financially and professionally, tore my family apart, and destroyed many of my other long time relationships.
This series shows exactly how it happened in excruciatingly painful detail, but it does help to know I’m not the only intelligent, well-intentioned person to get suckered into this cult. But that’s exactly what makes it so evil – SCN preys most on our best and brightest people, and wastes their lives, treasure and sacred honor for a pack of lies. Scientology cannot go down hard enough and soon enough for me.
I have never been so mesmerized, shocked and appalled regarding Scientology. This cult should be stopped and “the boss” should be in prison!
I’m so proud of you, Leah and A&E for taking this on!
I will be notifying my legislators in Illinois regarding this farce!
Thank you,
Danita Harris
How can we stop this; save families, stop the sexual abuse, physical abuse, save people who are being “fair gamed”? Ad nauseum.
Can we make ad’s for “hot lines” for people still “in” who ARE thinking of leaving and feel too intimidated by what is to come if they do; the people who are being abused; or who start questioning having to pay so much and feeling economically abused . I can’t believe that sexual abuse is going on with youngsters and the police are not involved ! Is not Florida a state that that has no time limit on sexual assault?
Do you think, at least one person , would call if they would be assured they would feel safe in doing so? Naturally they would need all types of support. But I am certain that could be made to happen. No human being should have to suffer the types of treatment you have all gone through just to leave ANY WHERE , much less a SUPPOSED church ?
I am so glad to hear you all standing up for your own truth. You are all very courageous- I admire you and please, keep up the good works.
I am not an expert on the topic Gayle, so I leave that to Gayle, but a warning with hot-lines is that there was a whole network in the 90s (CAN, Cult Awareness Network) that the Church of Scientology sued into oblivion for trying to help victims. They then won the name C.A.N. at foreclosure auction and took over the name for their own uses.
I do believe there is an ex-Sea-Org hotline however. They may accept donations?
*Leave that to Mike, sorry. Typed too fast.
I have watched the series with you and Leah Remini, and find it so compelling. I am not involved in or know anyone who is or was a Scientologist, but I find that this situation is so disturbing and I want to see this organization (which I cannot call a religion) brought to light and those individuals and families who have been victimized and hurt so profoundly get a chance to reconnect with their loved ones. I applaud your courage and commitment to exposing the cruelty and deceit that is represented by this cult. I will connect with my legislators and make a statement that this organization needs to be investigated and their tax exempt status needs to be revoked. Something needs to stop this insanity. Keep on fighting.
Mike, I’m so glad you have paired up with Leah on this mission! Keep going and keep exposing the fraud and abuse. I would love to hear y’all talk about celebrities and their roles (John T., Tom Cruise, etc.) Have they ever been abused or witnessed abuse? Does their money send them up the Bridge faster, without as much work? I look at these people and wonder what they think as they witness kids being separated from parents. Are they brainwashed?
The series is amazing!!.
Debbie: The biography Blown for Good by Marc Headley has some parts about Tom Cruise, and a view from the base where Scientology produces its video-content (Like the infamous leaked Tom Cruise video)
Not sure it’s what you’re looking for, but an interesting witness account!
The question often arises “How can anyone buy into Scientology BS?”
This is from the 1970 Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart, the large, probably updated, chart shown in previous episodes. All scn-ists past and present would be well aware of this chart and persuing these and other “Release States” or states of awareness. (abbreviated below)
Grade 0 – Communications Release: Ability to communicate freely with anyone on any subject
Grade 1 – Problems Release: Ability to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish
Grade 2 – Relief Release: Ability to be at cause without fear of hurting others
Grade 3 – Freedom Release: Ability to face the future. Ability to experience sudden changes without getting upset
Grade 4 – Ability Release: Ability to do new things. Ability to face life without need to justify own actions or defend self from others. Can be right or wrong.
I just worked w a woman I thought I knew today .
Told her to watch your show and her reply shook me .
She said ” I don’t need to i was raised in the church in Hollywood , I’m pretty sure my brother was raped and my fad is still in it ”
“I never want to talk about the church again ‘
I feel for her and feel terrible for bringing up traumatic memories
I wasn’t sure anything would top “Going Clear” but I was wrong. This series has everything – real people, real stories, gut wrenching sadness, hope, courage & truth.
Mike & Leah you are amazing. So is everyone involved.
Thank you for doing this.
“Ditto” sounds so lame here, but Emma really sums up my feelings exactly.
I have read a lot on this topic out of curiosity and because in 1997 when I moved to LA I met a scientologist and took a kind of questionnaire test and got super skeeved out and left the gathering. I have always wondered how on earth can this continue?? Good for you and Leah!!! I felt like thank God two people finally have the guts!! Watching every week. Are you going to cover Lisa mcpherson?
I have taken that test several times and answering in different ways online. It didn’t take me long to realize that there are no “right” answers. It always suggests you should come down and speak to someone at the Scientology Center.
Ha !
Hi Mike. I’m watching the show and I’m just shocked and amazed by yours and Leah’s strength. I’m so glad you are both out of that awful place. I’m so sorry what you and your families had to endure. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
Another great episode. My heart just breaks for each person you guys talk to. I keep thinking how this series is going to affect a change. It has to. Keep up the good work
If someone is still in or around CoS and is wondering whether they can trust the organization and its leaders, here’s a simple veracity test that does not involve breaking any church rules:
1. Go to the church’s Leah rebuttal site (They’ll love you for it as this is a site specifically directed at members).
2. Look up the section “The critics have spoken.” Take down the comments that critics allegedly made about the show, comments that tell church members that the show is terrible and not worth watching.
3. Now go to the publications where these comments were allegedly made. Compare the quote on the church website to its actual context in the critique. Ask yourself whether the church’s Leah site is honest.
4. If you should find the church’s website to be dishonest, ask yourself: Here’s a church that has created a website directed at its members; a website that lies deliberately to said members. Is that truly a church I can trust? Are those the ways of the most ethical people on the planet? Or even, is this really that ability to confront that the tech promises me?
Step 5 is optional as it involves breaking church rules: Watch an episode and see for yourself. If garden-variety wog’s can read the OT materials and not perish from pneumonia (not even catch a cold, in fact), a superiorly trained being like a scientologist ought to be able to get their confront on and handle such an endeavor.
Great ideas!
There you go again Todd, trying to get all logical and critical reasoning on us! Don’t you know that sort of thing was outlawed by the cherch decades ago? Even following that simple step-by-step procedure in your own personal head can get your ass sec checked and into all manner of hell!
Leah is in it for the money and has undisclosed crimes and evil purposes against the cherch…period! That is ALL a Good $cilon needs to know! I mean, like JT always says, why would you even want to look into stories like these if your own experiences in the church have been uniformly wunnerful!?
Mucho thanks to Mike, Leah, Tom, Jefferson and Ron M. You were all terrific. Really ! Thanks again.
I have asked both houses of Congress, from the state of Michigan were I lived, and in Virginia, we’re I moved to to watch Leah Remini’s special on A & E.i write the IRS every other week, hoping that the squeaky wheel will finally get the grease and COB will slide and fall off his wall just like Humpty Dumpy, and they can’t put him back together again. I also share on Facebook, Twitter, an Pininterst so I pray that soon someone with governmental power does something soon. I would like to see 2017 as the year of the fall.
I’m watching the show from Canada. Thank God Scientology never managed to secure tax exempt status here and is not recognized as a charity or religious organization in Canada. They do have a number of churches across Canada however but it seems a very weak presence. There is a Scientology church not far from where I live that I pass from time to time when I am out doing sales calls for my job. I’ve only ever seen 2-3 cars in the parking lot but that’s during the daytime. Maybe it’s busier at night but hopefully NOT.
I love the show Mike and Leah – you are both so brave and absolutely doing the right thing. I only hope that when Scientology crumbles, it doesn’t go down like another Jonestown. Very scary how brainwashed people are in that church.
I wonder if you guys can do a show for new and potential escapees that talks about how you or someone else from the Sea Org was able to re-build their life afterwards? Listening to Tom Devocht last night about his fears when leaving, no formal education, no money, no ID, no savings, nowhere to live, etc but now he’s got an apartment and a job presumably. I think anyone who is ex Sea Org would have some very marketable skills (clerical, sales, management, even coordinating, etc) and a very strong work ethic – a 40 hour work week would seem like a cake walk but fear probably prevents them from acknowledging this fact.
Keep doing what you are doing Mike and Leah – love you both!!
Thanks for airing this series. My family and I were caught up in an abusive church for 14 years before breaking free, and even though Scientology is on a much larger scale, the dynamics of abuse and control are very similar. There are thousands of religious groups of all sizes that abuse people spiritually, financially, sexually, psychologically, and emotionally. At the apex of each group is usually a brilliant, narcissistic, charismatic individual with borderline or sociopathic personality disorder — a David Miscavige. The leader of our former church is now doing 20 years in prison for child sexual abuse. Keep doing what you’re doing! My hope is that you can weaken not only Scientology’s evil influence, but that of many similar groups as well.
Mike and Leah,
First, Thank you for your courage, dedication and determination in exposing Scientology and its fraudulent leader and policies. I have cried with you. Last night’s episode, I sobbed knowing a mother was not allowed to see her son at the funeral home after he was allowed to die without medical care. I am crying as I write this now. It breaks my heart. Please keep up the fight for all the mothers, fathers and family members who have been “disconnected” from their loved ones. I will write to Congresswomen DeGette as well as Senator Bennett to ask for a federal investigation. If there is anything I can do to help, please post it in your blog. The best to you and your families in 2017.
I have been curious about Scientology since the early 90s, even bought and read a couple of LRH books that seemed to be everywhere at the time. But it never really stuck. Over the years I started to hear tidbits on info about Scientology that made me somewhat suspicious of it. Something didn’t seem right. This series has really brought this enigmatic “church” that thrives on secrecy into the bright shining light. Good for you! No “religion” is worth it’s weight in spit if the only way it can survive is by tearing families apart. It’s not okay!
I am so proud of Mike & Leah & Marty & every single person that is speaking out & telling the truth & sharing their stories! Protect people from ever belonging to this cult and/or get them out!!!
Shame on those that hold people hostage, it’s a felony… don’t they know this??? It sickens me!!! I feel so fortunate to never have “drank the so called “kool-ade” called Scientology… it came close when a family member started but she decided they were shady & left after 6 months in late 1980’s! Phewww! I am so sad for all that remain & will pray for their release in not just body but mind & soul!
All I know is these people that call themselves Scientologist like Miscavage, these types that know it’s wrong & don’t care about the human condition & deliberately hurt others deserve to be in prison.
Crimes against humanity… it’s just like in a war… that makes it even more sad because we are talking about entire families torn to shreds just because they believed they could make our world better & believed that was what they were doing… again…
Thank you for all those that helped others get out & for those still helping others get out & start over!!!
Let’s keep pressure on & never give up on the families that must be reunited, hopefully some day soon. Maybe when this cult emplodes!
I am very emotional after the last show with Mike & Leah… though I’ve been reading Mikes Blogs for years.
Thank-you Mike for showing those people who don’t really know the deepest darkest place’s in Scientology… I am standing with you always, no matter what! I know you are doing the right thing & im so glad Leah is helping you shed a brighter light on this ugly darkness called Scientology.
What ever happened to David Miscavige’s mother-in-law?
Awesome series. Very well done. I would like to see an episode that covers the real estate aspect of Scientology. I think for a “religion” to pour so much money into buildings that provide very little service to the communities where they are located is highly questionable.
I have not seen the show because I don’t know where to look. I’m from Europe. Someone can explain me how I can watch this show ? Luckily I understand english meanwile you, ignorant american, you certainly cant read french, german, italian…! I have been following this blog since the begining and before Marty rathbun, and before part of the frikking church for 30 years ! So I have the right to be inform ! I have ask many time no one ever answered me !
FG, there have been a number of comments telling Europeans how to watch the show. Posters probably assume you would take the inititive yourself and look through the comment threads. I haven’t paid much attention because I’m one of those “ignorant Americans” (flunk on your out-ARC and TR’s) who can just watch it on TV or on youtube. Anyway, since I usually like your comments, I suggest you try rutube. Here’s a link to the first episode:
Thanks Marildi. When one is not heard he screams ! About the no ARC, I hate when I get no answer, it’s really very invalidative. And about english speaking people, especially American, in business relationship and else they speak so bloody fast, and they seem not happy if you ask to repeat because you didn’t get it ! Meanwhile they usualy don’t speak a word of french, german or else.
On this blog I need sometimes a dictionnary to read the comments, but I’m not english speaking mother tongue, so I also have misunderstood phenomena. Anyhow thanks for the link. And I also like your comments.
If it was yesterday, you could have gone to and watched them all. As of today, that page is showing “Author removed”.
Also of interest is that while the episodes have been being uploaded to various torrent sites in weeks past, none so far this week. So that leaves for viewing the episodes so far.
I doubt A and E are going after the Russian site and the pirate sites, but the “Church” has a notorious history of censorship and being ‘closed source’. Which will ultimately be their downfall….
Here is a link to a poor quality video that is working as of 22nd December.
Were you trying to be funny about Americans or just attempting to insult us? If you want someone to “answer you”, calling people “ignorant” is not gonna work.
Katherine, I’m racist with American, isn’t that original?
KatherineINCali, FG is a hard core L Con Hubbard robot. Thus, his ability to correctly handle communications is as abysmal as was his criminal Dear Leader’s.
I’d love to see a future episode focusing on the relentless financial pressures, expecting members to literally bankrupt themselves for some bullshit “move up in status”. And all to benefit a corrupt organization that is already sitting on billions in tax-exempt assets.
Anytime a “religion” asks you to pay for “higher spiritual consciousness” AND meanwhile the hitler like leaders net worth goes into the millions…….RUN. Just RUN! It makes me sad to see these people that have given the better part of their lives to this cult and DM continues to sit on his throne. I hope this show as well as others brings the “church” to and end.
Mike and Leah – WOW!! What a show.
It was Riveting…and we were on the edge of our seats. \
So much powerful emotion – all 4 shows were just excellent!!
Can you get Lisa Marie Presley, Jason Beghe, Nicole Kidman and Katie Homes to speak out publically?
They have nothing to lose and everything to gain by exposing the truth!
This needs to continue until Miscavige is in jail and Scientology is forced to stop the abuse.
THANK YOU!! Please continue!! You are empowering lurkers and Under the Radar people and they will go free because of your efforts.
Nicole Kidman has everything to loose. Her two older children would again disconnect from her. Also Katie Holmes signed an agreement not to discuss her divorce.
Christine, I thought MS. Kidman’s older children have already “disconnected” from her. So very sad. I cannot imagine the pain any family member must feel when a loved one “disconnects”. Thank God Katie Holmes’ Dad is a top notch attorney from Ohio who was able to orchestrate her ability to leave with her daughter.
I think Nicole’s kids have already disconnected from her.
What daughter doesn’t invite her mother to her wedding? Can’t have an SP mixing with the good little minions of David Miscavige (i.e. Scientologists in good standing)
In fairness, TC was not there either, but the press made sure to report that he paid for it.
Very Sad. I am happy Ms. Kidman has moved on in her life and has two beautiful children to raise and cherish. TC is an idiot, but that is nothing new. Shame on him. What a poor example of a man and father. I guess he is too important saving the planet than being a parent.
I think I read somewhere that Katie’s agreement states that she has to stay quiet for 5 years after the divorce, so if that’s true, she could soon talk about her experience if she wanted to. I don’t see her doing it though. She seems kind of private.
Mike – another great episode and very powerful. You and Leah make a great team and the explanations are spot on. Another part that I love is that you show ex-SO members moving on with their lives, they look well fed have nice homes and families. This is the best revenge.
Wow Mike!! I have been saving my episodes so that I could binge watch. I have only seen the first episode (rest of them today) and I am blown away by what this cult has been able to get away with. When I heard Amy talking about her sexual abuse and how the cult prevented her and her husband from leaving, it felt like they had escaped from a prison. How this cult gets away with what it gets away with blows my mind. My only hope is that eventually the IRS will take away their “church” status, which is a joke and someone arrests DM for the abuse. My heart goes out to all of the survivors of this abusive cult started by a complete narcissist! Off to watch the rest of the episodes.
Something CAN be done about it: COME OUT, WITH YOUR HANDS UP!
Why does the government continue to grant this cult tax exempt status? I’ve never understood this. Mike, can you explain?
Not simply. Much has been said and written about this. Govt generally scared of going against any organization that has protection of First Amendment because it affords so much protection. They also know scientology will fight to end of time. Govt officials don’t want to make scientology their entire career. There are much easier targets.
Which is why continually educating the world about Scientology, free speech firsthand history of the pivotal participants, is thus word of mouth justice that paper/scissors/rock beats “this thing”.
I love Leah calling Scientolgy, “this thing.”
It takes hearing the details of “this thing” for the public to hear word of mouth, by the credible ex members, what the straight history of Scientology.
Paper/scissors/rock, free speech word of mouth wins.
Some foreign governments, specifically Germany, have fought to keep Scientology out of the realm of “religion”. (Is that right, Mr. Rinder?)
The only way to help is to do what they say. Contact the government, congressman, senators, IRS. If they (Scientology hierarchy) can be broken by other laws outside of religious freedom and free speech, they will not be able to hide.
If you want to know HOW Scientology gets away with it…you have to know that Scientology has been evil and dishonest from the start. There are no levels of awareness for anyone. In fact, the members go into confusion and can’t think for themselves. Many end up disabled and homeless, if not dead.
Study up on “Religious Cloaking”
Our good friend,
“Lawrence Brennan”
was a whistle blower from Scientology. His affidavit explains it all.
Google: Affidavit from Lawrence Brennan – Scientology.
The State cannot interfere with the “Church” – is how they get away with it.
They drive the members / people into confusion and apathy and exploit them.
It takes a Big Being like Leah Remini to “Do Something About It”
Please – continue Leah.
The link below provides but a small part of the whole story. Dovetailing the info there is the fact that LRH was adamant about not paying personal income tax, nor any other kind if he could get away with it. And rightly so, IMO as the entire taxation system is fraudulent and criminal. In his book “Science of Survival” he commented of attributes of very treacherous people and included examples which included “…tax men…” unequivocally. However, in DM’s “corrected” version of Science of Survival, a small but hugely significant change was made to that statement. As of 2007 the wording is “… some taxmen…” So now we can trust “some” taxmen -such as the ones permanently installed in the “church”.
This si somehow meant to justify his tax exemption agreement with IRS and to therefore have a tax compliance person in upper orgs and for tax compliance to be insisted upon for anyone to continue in scientology. There were a great many other “corrections” in the 2007 re-issues but that one is very germane in this context.
LRH was also practically paranoid about CIA/FBI infiltration of his church; evidently for good reason. To the best of my knowledge it’s a done deal – fait accompli and has been for some time. Scientology’s “Church of Spiritual Technology”, which actually runs the cos, includes three life time appointed, non-scientologist tax attorneys as “Special Directors”.
Members of the cult have no slightest clue about any of this and of course are not allowed to look or even question anything of the sort. Bottom line, the government runs scientology. This in itself goes a long ways in explaining how and why scientology has been ever more watered down, altered, mis-applied and neutered – what scientologists would call “squirrelled” and is also why Miscavige and his church of Miscavige-ology is allowed to get away with their crimes.
Right – “… scientology has been ever more watered down, altered, mis-applied and neutered …”. The more I look at the world, the more I see that there are those who contribute to it, and those who leech off of it – maybe with some naturally belligerent creatures in a kind of purgatory in between (like me). I see nothing wrong with honest men defending themselves. I see nothing wrong with the truth about anything. I see a lot wrong with dishonesty and lies. The question has always been, what do do about it?
Hey Dave, I Challenge you to appear on Leah’s show and give your side of the story.
Since you’re the leader of the world’s fastest growing religon and scientology is mankind’s only hope, why don’t you jump at the opportunity for all that free advertising and hordes of new members that would jump at what scientology has to offer.
Come out from behind your lawyer’s skirts.
Stop with the lame smear sites and prepared statements and face them yourself.
You are not too CHICKEN to do so, a so called big being like yourself are you Davey?
You dream beautifully, Mirrorthetan, but neither DM nor any other clam can appear on $cientology, the Aftermath. That would cause other $cienoes to watch the show and bring more attention to it. The ever loquacious Karen Pouw will never do more than complain in writing about the ‘crimes’ of everyone on the show. Miscavage may have actually learned about the Streisand Effect.
P.S. Chris Shelton got his very own attack site today. He said he enjoys it.
And well he should! Being singled out and recognized like that by the cult means that they feel that you’ve “struck an effective blow” against them – something that we should all aspire to achieving!
Speaking of which, I’d really like to start a grassroots, “Declare Me NOW!” campaign. For all of us who slipped quietly away from the cult in years gone by, it’s time to beat the cult at their own game and demand that the cherch declare us too!
Shit fuzzy, I’ll even give up my right to a comm ev; just send me my golden rod Declare notice so I can frame it and hang it proudly on my wall 😉
Who’s with me?
Yes, do start that campaign. It’s gonna be a big blow to Miscavige!
IT would be amazing to have a couple of thousand ex-SCNist publicly requesting that they be sent their Goldenrod Declare issue? Ask Tony and Mike to publish it once all of the names are collected or someone could post it publicly near Big Blue or the FH or hand it out to all of the SO members that are constantly walking near the building.
Sure would be fun beating the cult over the head with the same club that they’ve threatened so many members with to coerce silence, extort funds and threaten disconnection!
With the cult’s claim of having millions of members, they’re obviously counting everyone who ever did a course, bought a book and including all their BTs too, ’cause remember, “BT Lives Matter Too!”
I don’t want my name or former membership in the cult to be used for the dishonest purpose of inflating their membership stats, so I DEMAND MY DECLARE! Either that or we should all formally announce our disconnection from $cn because, after all, this is clearly the most suppressive faux religion on earth!
Remember that “I’m a scientologist” ad campaign they had going awhile back? Well, my bet is that there are probably ten times the number of folks who could say “I’m NOT a scientologist anymore,” than there are current members!
I already have mine…:)
29 Jan 2008.
What is the site to see the attacks on everyone?
Seriously? This could only be a troll methinks. But to give you the benefit of the doubt, just google Freedom Magazine. You can head down the rabbit hole from there.
That’s ok, I think I’ll pass now but thank you.
I’m not a dreamer. I know how it works. LOL.
I just like poking Slappy Miscavige. You know he would hate being called chicken. 😀
And go Chris Shelton. You are an official bitter apostate now you have your own attack site. HAHA.
Well said…his silence and cowardice speak volumes.
Love, love the show. I’ve been following Scientology for years and have not understood how it continues. I hope your efforts here and in the show bring this corrupt cult down. Nothing would make me happier than to see Ole Dave living like Warren Jeffs- publicly humiliated and stripped of power. Then the world could see what a morally corrupt coward he really is.
My thoughts exactly thanks Mary hope he ends up like Warren jeffs for sure
Another great episode. Thanks a bunch. I had no idea of the extend of abuse that Tom DeVocht endured from just watching going clear and various readings. Definitely heartfelt.
I was surprised during Ron M’s segment that they did not go further into depth on Daniel and Dwayne Powell (the “PI’s” that were tailing Ron) and Jeremy Levinson (the COS hired attorney to get the evidence back). More accurately, the guns they had in their possession before getting busted and later, the COS ploy to try to coerce a state judge into a court order to remove and return the evidence that was under a 5 year federal court order hold. One has to hand it to the local police for not complying with this and finding the truth that indeed, it was a federal order which no state judge can break.
Surprised as I was, I realize that there is only so much time in one episode and I do believe it was used very wisely nonetheless.
Less is often more when it comes to exposing corruption, fraud, immorality and the like. Leaving DM’s callous words about his father’s apparent medical emergency – “if he dies, he dies” – hanging in the air is a powerful message to leave people with. What kind of a son would do that? None but a pitiless sociopath, that’s who.
With $cn there are literally thousands of threads that could be pursued to give a more detailed view of the exactly the kind of crime, corruption and abuses that the cherch is up to its neck in, but keeping the focus tight on things that every single member of the viewing audience can relate to is exactly why this series is already so successful.
Steering folks who are interested in going down the many rabbit holes that plentifully exist all over the field of $cn to sites like Mike and Tony’s is the best course to follow. There’s weeks and weeks of material there for all who wish to learn more.
I agree with you, though, the most recent story that Tony just broke about the cherch’s attempt to make an high-risk end run play to get the Powell’s devices that have been sequestered is an important current development. DM and his crew of shyster lawyers and PI goons are undoubtedly guilty of far more crimes and discreditable behavior than anyone knows, so when they overplay their hand this badly it could serve to show exactly what they’re most worried about being revealed.
David Miscavige speaking at the New Year’s Event:
“And notwithstanding the fact that 2016 brought us a quantum leap at warp speed to the outer reaches of infinity, even A&E realized the inevitability of our message, using our global influence to reach millions, setting an all time viewership record by capitalizing on our massive influence. (Applause)
“In conclusion, I can assure you with a certainty that you can take to your reactive bank, (laughter) 2016 will compare to the coming new year, as a pea shooter does to an atom bomb. (oohs and ahhs).
“In the immortal words of a legendary entertainer of a bygone era, foreshadowing our own epic and life altering golden age of tech, you ain’t seen nothing yet!”
(Thunderous applause as a beaming COB waves his right hand and leaves the stage while reges block all the exits)
(Then, all monitors began flashing the following signs in alternation: “All whales report directly to the milking racks” and “Please donate now in order to exit”.)
I got nauseous reading that. It was way too accurate!
Mike, my heart just keeps warming up and smiling with this series. Thank you and Leah for taking this on and doin’ it right-superbly!
Scientology used to use public members for covert spying on influential people. Now, it seems they are overt and still make KR’s or get info on group and people, covertly. Always trying to find out who may be an enemy, those being critical of them, even government, so they can ‘handle’ them.
Your exposure is of tremendous help towards truth. Truth will prevail and win.
Thank you so much for having the courage to speak out. You and Leah are both in my prayers. Evil and darkness cannot continue when the light exposes it. You are both beacons of light–you are making a difference in the lives of countless people, and you will be rewarded by God for your courage. I know it must be so difficult, and it continues to be difficult after facing the losses you have faced. God bless all of you.
Sending thanks and appreciation for exposing the cult of Scientology. After watching the AMA episode I was reminded that there is so much more to see and learn. Wishing you both a long and prosperous journey.
This is one of the reasons why I have subscribed to your blog…just from and watching the show alone.
i forget who pointed it out in the show, but each week it becomes more & more clear how true it is that this ‘religion’ attracts good-hearted people. just one more parallel to the narcissist/empath attraction – the predator exploits the light inside the prey, because they have no light of their own.
i’m so glad for those of you who rediscovered your light and got the fk out. i imagine that this experience is digging up a lot of crap for everyone involved, and i hope it turns out to be ultimately healing. like leah has said over and over, no one deserves this.
Great work
Anytime you can’t criticize a leader in any situation there’s danger its a cult
Have worked w cult survivors
Families can be cultish
Trumpists are members of his cult
Yoga facilities have been cults
Beware of any situation where you can’t question everything
Continue the good work
If I can help I will
Dr George Steinfeld
Mike, I just thought my story about Likki from the Incredible Stringband would be valuable.
Many baby boomers have wondered what happened to Likki. She performed at Woodstock and was a world wide star.
Thousands have always wondered what happened to her.
She went mad on OT3x. She was a celebrity of great impact. Her story has not been told.
She went from a major Scientology celebrity to a homeless person.
I would love to give her life a voice. The Stringband were responsible for getting 60 % of the entire U.K. staff. They were the major source of dissemination late sixties early seventies.
Her fans have been searching for her for decades.
She was my wife. And I saw her slowly go insane on OT3. Just email me if interested. There is stock footage of her performing at Woodstock. She was Chick Corea’s girlfriend. She danced with Paul McCartney at his gala opening for the group Wings.
She was a huge influence in the post hippie culture.
As you know, I would love to cook this sacred cow of BTs.
So awful Brian…my mom LOVED them, and I think it was a big draw for her and her friends getting in…(btw mom also went mad in Scn and ended up on the streets at OT7) I hope you get to tell Likki’s story. Is she still with us? <3
Sorry to hear about your mom. I know you know, it’s so painfully gut wrenching to watch someone you love go down that far.
The feeling of hopelessness is like a knife in the heart. You just want to love them so much that they snap out of it.
Likki probably needed meds. But that would have been choosing evil as a Scientologist.
The irony is that it was auditing BTs and her loosing grip on reality was the evil.
Towards the end of our connection she was hearing voices. She lost the ability to tell the differences between her own thoughts and imagined beings.
AOLA off loaded her as a liability. That was the betrayal that caused me to wake up and see this diabolical organization for what it was: a great con.
I hated AO for how they treated Likki. I was sooooo angry!!
Only rumors regarding her where abouts.
Likki if you are still out there it’s OK to show up now. They can’t hurt you.
The tables have turned. Contact Mike and contact me.
Hi Brian. I put this one on the list of possible future blog posts or shows…
I want to cry. Thank you❤
Brian, have you posted an account of what became of Likki before? I was unaware of her connection to $cn (or the fact that you were married to her) until now. I’m so sorry that you had to endure the tragedy of seeing her lose her mind to $cn, it had to have been so very hard for you.
I believe that the story of all those who’ve gone mad, killed themselves, developed cancer or merely just became “broken pieces” while on the the OaTy levels is a very important and under-told story that deserves to be exposed.
Instead of conferring vast superhuman powers upon those who completed the OaTy levels, telepathically seeking to exorcise imaginary space alien spirits may very well create dissociative states and exacerbate underlying predispositions to mental illness for many who undertake them. While lower level auditing, delivered by a compassionate and caring auditor, may be completely benign or even helpful, the upper level space opera nonsense could actually be a very real risk to your mental and emotional stability.
Thank you through tears! <3
Yes Harpoona, it was a living hell for me. My poor wife was quite disturbed. I did not know what the OT levels were.
Likki, now it can be told, was the first one to get Ron’s handwritten OT 3 materials out into the field.
These facts have remained hidden to the genreral public.
I have recounted on Mike’s and Marty’s blog.
For years I was afraid to tell this story.
For years I would see websites dedicated to Likki and her whereabouts.
I was too afraid to speak up.
Today thanks to Marty, Mike, Anonymous and everyone else, it’s Scientology that is quaking.
Delicious justice!
Delicious indeed! Everyone speaks up in their own good time as they are able and as their own unique circumstances allow.
Part of the very good news of having the lid blown off of this killer cult’s half century of crimes and abuses is that as more and more folks come forward to tell their own personal experiences with the cult, more and more will follow! Their terrorists tactics don’t work when folks band together to refuse to be silent and to support each other.
There are just so many worthwhile avenues of approach to exposing this horrific scam that there’s truly enough material for ten series like Leah’s. Along with focusing in on the mental health dangers of advanced level auditing, I’d very much like to see the story of child recruitment into the Sea Orgy highlighted as the cult continues to prey on the young and impressionable, and especially on the children of $cilon parents.
I feel you, Leah, and all the others have been so brave in telling the truth. I don’t understand how any group who calls itself a church (and I realize this is really only called a church for tax exemption status) could possibly attack and lie about its parishoners and ex-parishoners.
Wow Mike, you and Leah et al are so professional, very well done. I hope A&E will receive an Oscar for this documentary. and I hope A&E can get this documentary broadcast worldwide. You are all doing so much for all of us. Thank you very much.
Mike, let me add a few more suggestions for episodes, if you want:
1) Hubbards cosmology: Role of Earth, prison planet, Xenu, invader forces, death – implant on Venus or other planets – return to Earth, Hubbards OT levels etc.
2) Life in a Class V org with special attention to abuse, Hard sell, Les Danes Big League Sales closing techniques, the cost of services, registrar-terrorism, ethics handlings, gang sec checking and threats, humiliations, fake SO1 line, group pressure, unsolicited mail, moonlighting etc.
3) Hubbards fears: nuclear war, communism, MK Ultra, CIA and psychiatry in the US in the 1950s, Orwells 1984, New (World) Order, Rockefellor etc. A reference point for this could be Eisenhowers farewell address in 1961:
4) Life with L Ron Hubbard told by those who worked for him.
5) Was Hubbard’s Scientology only a scam?
Did anyone ever get permanently exterior? Did anyone ever get permanent ESP-abilities?
Many years ago scientologist and (old) OTVII Harold E. Puthoff, and scientologist and (old) OTVII Ingo Swann worked on a CIA-funded research project at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) regarding remote viewing and ESP:
This is the greatest and most effective onslaught of exposure of the abuses in Scientology – hitting all the right notes – that I have ever seen in my 15 years of being out of Scientology and criticizing it.
If this does not result in law enforcement taking some kind of action against David Miscavige, or the IRS at least dropping their 501C3 status, then something is very wrong in the United States of America.
I have had acquaintances who I haven’t seen in decades contact me about the show, wanting more information. They are fascinated. One of my friends pretends to be a Scientologist now, calling me up just to practice the lingo. It is hilarious fun to listen to someone try to speak like a Scientologist.
My friend, who used to be the in Navy and worked for the NSA, said to me:
He’s even gotten his 80 year old mother involved, and they speak “Scientologese” to each other on the phone before and after each episode.
All I can say is that David Miscavige is a complete idiot to have pissed off Leah, and to have caused that first little crack in her Scientology Truman Show.
Thank you, Leah Remini and Mike, and to everyone who has contributed to this epic shitstorm for Scientology.
“All I can say is that David Miscavige is a complete idiot to have pissed off Leah, and to have caused that first little crack in her Scientology Truman Show.”
So true…who’s got the rank now, lil davey? I really appreciate your analogy to the The Truman Show. And it’s especially apt for that special class of individuals, such as Leah and Mike, who were born into the cult or had their family join up while they were still young and impressionable kids.
In fielding questions on Monday night’s bonus episode about what folks could do to put a stop to the evil that is $cn, Mike suggested that those who were victimized by the cult as children and those who have been abused by it in very recent times stand the best chance of prompting action by the authorities. Crimes of sexual molestation and physical abuse of children are not subject to the same statute of limitations that applies to adults. And crimes committed against adults, such as physical assault, can be hard to prosecute when too much time has passed.
Bringing this killer cult into the cross-hairs of many different approaches to targeting it at the same time will keep lil davey the demonic overwhelmed, bunkered down and on the defensive until he’s either toppled from power or the cherch crashes down on his pin head, Xenu willing!
Thanks to you and Leah for raising your voice and to all who have joined you in speaking out. I’ve cried along with you all during the episodes. Like many others, I didn’t know, I didn’t understand Scientology. You have lit a candle that’s light will grow to help others see a way out. Keep going until that candle becomes a beacon! Never give up! Like you both have said “if you could help one person”. You will. God bless you and your family.
After reading Inside Scientology and Going Clear, I questioned the intesity of the backlash for leaving Scientology. Thank you for showing the world the truth. Also, thank you for being a voice and example for all people whose voice has been suppressed (no pun intended!). Love to you, your family, Leah and her family. I pray you will be reunited with your family one day.
Again, the exceptional courage it takes to make a stand against tyranny is almost beyond my comprehension. I’ve never been asked to make sacrifices of this magnitude, nor probably will I ever be. I truly have much admiration for all of the ex members who have simply made it out, not to mention the ones who now risk so much coming forward. I feel the need to ask….David Miscavige must have an inner circle who know exactly what he is about and knowingly help in his power playing. I’m referring to people who are as power hungry as is he. Will there be mention of anyone else?
The way these programs are put together are honest and utterly amazing. The truth really does communicate. Keep going Leah and Mike,your driving Miscavige even more nuts than he was before. Keep putting truth out there and these abuses will come to an end.
Thank you for doing such good, hard, work. I have a question …so many leave after 20+ years…are there that many that remain in for life? Also, do you believe that the reason Tom Cruise hasnt realized the truth is that he is brainwashed, or do you believe he enjous the power and prestige?
Completely riveting!!!!!!
Mike, you and Leah as a team are fascinating, fun, and informative. The combination of a high profile celeb who left and a high profile executive who left gives the whole thing credibility while you both give a platform for others to speak. That they have little clips of both of you, guiding people along, explaining to the public how these things happen is so good.
Haven’t talked to anyone I know that’s watched it that isn’t completely riveted. 1) Leah is far more than just an actress. 2) The camera, and people watching, love you.
Congrats to everyone involved, this is a hit. Now who do we bug to get a Season 2? ?
Note to Tommy Davis:
Who has the f$&@ing rank now Tommy?
Good one Chee! Lol!
He’s on pooch patrol for Dave, with orders to follow Ron Sr’s dog in case the canine has some information that might get in the road of church expansion.
hahaha Good one, Chee…
I just viewed episode #4, it’s very powerful. I was riveted to the screen while one after another, Jefferson Hawkins, Tom DeVocht, Ron Miscavige Sr., spoke about their experiences in Scientology. This episode #4 has made the most impact on me. How brave of Leah Remini to do this, my admiration for her grows with every show she does. It would be so much easier for her to put her experiences behind her and focus on a new comedy show or other aspects of her career, but instead she is so caring that she does this instead, Leah is awesome. Mike Rinder and Leah Remini make a good team. Kudos to you two. Thank you.
I have been following the episodes with Leah & Mike. I know little about IAS but have always found it interesting. I live ‘in the middle of no-where Alberta’ so it really has had no effect on me, although I recently seen pictures of the mission in Calgary. I am sure I could contract a STD from standing outside the building! LOL.
I would like to let you know that we frequently make fun of Tom Cruise and John Travolta for their participation in the organization – watching the episode of SouthPark certainly did not help their image! Please do not read this to mean that we are ‘smarter’ for not joining the Scientology movement, just that we don’t have the same push to join since it is not a major player for most Canadians. We look at it from outside of the box I guess. I was also not aware of the enormity of the ‘church’.
In watching the episodes with Leah and Mike I can feel the sense of frustration, raw emotion and sense of urgency pouring out on the screen. At the end of the episodes I am left with the thought of ‘what is this all about’ – so I started my search on Google. Then I found the documentary “Going Clear: Scientology & the Prison of Belief”. It is a new release on CraveTV (which is similar to Netflix). Now I understand. The empathy I feel for anyone involved with the ‘Church’ (??) is indescribable.
Mike: You were AMAZING in it. The documentary is AMAZING! I was completely hypnotized by it and I am sure at times I actually stopped breathing. There is so much information that I will need to watch it several more times before I can absorb everything it has to say.
Please, PLEASE if possible, use some of the information in the documentary to help get your message across. For example the enormous amount of records that are kept through the auditing sessions and how it can be used against you. The lawsuits launched by or against Scientology is staggering. The statement “when you are in Scientology you are in all the way, there is no half in and half out” made by David speaks volumes towards it being less like a church and more like a cult.
My heart and thoughts will be with all of you who have had the courage to speak out. I am overwhelmed by the torment you have all gone through.
That shit is going down, and scn,the aftermath will be the last straw that is going to break the camels back! And I smell an emmy! Thank you all! Imagine how many families will be positively impacted by your show,your deeds. Just imagine the true happines reconnected families will feel once again. That is some serious amonut of good kharma on your accounts. You did good! I really respect you guys! ??
Love Leah’s show and all of your input. I hope there are Many more episodes, this is a must to stop this so called religion Scientology wich is plain and simple a cult hiding behind religion. The woek that you and Leah and others on the show is noted and valuable and must continue to fight to save people lost in this cult. Please continue. I cannot hardly stand the wait for the episodes tovair and there must be many many more to continue exposing this cult.
Cult: a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
Cult as a word covers the Catholic, Eastern, and Protestant Christian churches, Buddhism, Islam, etc.
Mike, Leah, Tony, Jeff, Mark, … Paulette Cooper – sending one of the greatest messages of all – stand up and speak out against human rights violations! It’s what changes the world.
I think you can safely include yourself on that list too. The rest of us already do.
I humbly thank you.
You did just that Mary.. Thank you.
Thanks Marie. We are looking at the light at the end of this tunnel. Don’t you think? You been there with me on this ride.
Yes ,this onslaught of support ,thanks to “the aftermath” feels like the light is finally showing. as Mike said it is the persistence in showing the truth that will move things. disconnection is unbearable and I’ll be on this ride with you until your son is in your arms , until my sisters come back to me. Joyeux Noel with the new hope !
Mike, Great show and thanks for doing it. As an Ex SO member and long time Scientologist (ex for a while now) its very interesting to see this in the main stream media. I find the show fascinating even though I know these stories like the back of my hand. I am sure there are a lot of us ex’s out here that have very interesting stories to tell. I know I do. I was at Celebrity Center as public and AOLA as staff for a good 10 years. If you ever do an episode for some of us lower level people I’d be happy to contribute. I still suffer from this mentally 10 years on. I saw a lot while I was there. Though I never went high up the bridge or got celebrity status or had a high exec position the abuse was very much the same, disconnection, divorce, stolen funds, ethics interrogations, imprisonment, punishments, denial of service, being thrown out for no good reason.
I think a couple of episodes that feature the rest of us could be a good idea. Shows the far reaching and insidiousness of it all.
I started Scientology when I was 15 years old in 1975 and finally drifted away in the late 1990’s. I had doubts all the way through, but finally had enough when David Miscavidge started changing things and demanding that people start everything over from the beginning. I survived many difficult years as a staff member at a mission first in Davis and eventually in San Francisco, but finally realized when I went to do services in L.A. and then Clearwater that Scientology was indeed a cult. There I had to call teenagers “Sir,” even though I was older and, often higher trained and had more years of experience. It was surreal. I witnessed first hand the brutal treatment of staff and the horrid living conditions. The supposed mecca was a lie. I lived in extreme poverty, but even then I lingered due to my employment on staff and later with a Scientology WISE company and all my family and friends who were in. I did what many people did – just stop attending, change jobs, move to different city, start making new friends, pulling away, until there was little for Scientology to threaten me with to keep me under control and was brave enough to finally tell people that I was no longer interested. I had no support group to talk to and really felt that I was on my own. The stories that you and Leah is bringing to light are not extreme or rare. Everyone who has left has a similar painful story. Even those who never worked in the Sea Org.
You, Mike, along with Leah Remini and those brave enough to appear on camera, are doing a bang up job! I think it’s coincidental that everyone considered an enemy of Scientology, also happens to have all sorts character flaws, whether those flaws are domestic or substance abuse, tax evasion, gold-digging or similar. We also know from the case involving Pauletter Cooper, that the church doesn’t dirty itself with smearing it’s opposition! So I find it interesting that the upper management of Scientilogy doesn’t counteract the arguments made against it with logic or superior debate, but smears you guys instead. Shows how little confidence they have in their ideas and philosophy. Keep up the good work!
You better watch out
It’s too late to hide
David Miscavige
Meet Leah and Mike
A&E is going to town
They made up a list
Of some of your crimes
The world’s gonna know you’re not very nice
A&E is going to town
They know that you’ve been lying
They see through your ‘fair game’
They want to make it understood
So made this exposé
You better watch out
It’s too late to hide
David Miscavige
Meet Leah and Mike
A&E is going to town!
+1! Outstanding as usual!
Thanks Ancient Mariner, er, I mean OSD.
This show is amazing. I am a born again Christian and this cult is scary! I’ve heard of it for years but didn’t know anything about it. I applaud what you are doing to expose this den of greed and deception! Bravo A&E for carrying this show.
Υesterday, I caught my fingers on the door of the cafe I was having a hot chocolate at. Ouch! It hurt. It hit me on the fingernails… I stood by the door and did my contact assist. In less than 2 minutes. Pain was gone. I walked away and listened to Radio Garden a station called WalkFM in Point Pleasant They are a Christian station, many carols about Jesus. If Jesus were to come again would he continue to perform miracles or would he teach people to perform their own?
I walked away happy I could perform my little miracle. My fingers didn’t hurt. But my heart does hurt when I see all this one-sided stories either from the church or from ex-es who didn’t learn to even DELIVER A CONTACT ASSIST TO HELP ANOTHER FELLOW MAN. Man never learns, he craves for the pain. But I don’t anymore or at least I know how to contact-assist-it.
There is another side to Scientology. It was given and meant to be free. This side is not presented or represented by any church, any Miscavige, any Leah Remini or any Mike Rinder. It’s the totally free side of Scientology for all the people of Earth to use.
No wonder it’s being suppressed on this planet.
I find the touch assist is one of the most destructive things about Scientology. Scientologists do not have any compassion because on the tone scale it is a lower condition. If my child hurts their finger and I am not able to say “Oh, it will get better in a minute or let me run some cold water on it”, but instead say nothing and have them touch the stupid door again. This lack of compassion just trains them to be a “non-feeling” adult. Glad it works for you, but the pain would subside anyway.
Agreed Mary. I have never been a Scientologist, never learned “touch assist” but being the klutz that I am, I have hurt my fingers in doors, etc. plenty of times. I have been able, through not concentrating on the pain or just waiting it out, be over the pain in a just a few short minutes. I think people are deluding themselves to think that a touch assist is some “magic” that they have learned in Scientology and only THEY possess this knowledge. I agree with you that this could certainly breed a non empathetic person.
Anyone get the “Financial Assist” in Scientology?
‘Put your bank account up next to ours and contribute to the motion’.
‘Did you empty it’?
‘Okay – Good’…now find another bank account from someone you know and empty that!’
‘Is the money in our account’? Okay Good. Now sign legal dox that prohibits you from getting any of it back or getting what you paid for. Now – Sign it or else’
‘You are broke’? Okay Good. Now write up your wins and see the Registrar for
There is another side to Scientology?
Scientology is evil and Hubbard was filled with DOUBLE SPEAK so he could always be right.
You may want to consider to go all the way down that rabbit hole.
The truth will set you free.
Hahahahahahah! SO perfect!
Oh, boo hoo, you homophobe. Go cry in your hot chocolate about “the good side of Scientology ” not being expressed to your satisfaction in mass media. The number of people sympathizing with you could fit in a mini-van with room for the dog.
Here’s a hint, Theo: why don’t you make your own videos about “the good in Scientology”? There’s this thing called YouTube that you might have heard of. It’s the same thing that we Anons used to make Scientologists look like idiots back in 2008. It’s the same thing that Karen and Chris use to expose the evil in Scientology. Why not use it for your purposes? If not videos, start a blog, but don’t do it like your buddies at Millstone Two and preach to the converted. Disseminate like you were taught to.
Just don’t sit here and complain, or do stupid things like reject Going Clear completely because Gibney didn’t get the definition of the reactive mind 100% correct. Do it.
Theo is right! Now, one has not to do assists robotically, Mary Smith.
So we have been many of us so stupid to stay 30 years and more? There was absolutely nothing right with scientology, meant we were totally blunt, fully manipulated?
Scientology for me has some very good points which can be applied to improve life. There was also some questionnables points which had become obsolete (it it english?) .
But the intrusion of Miscavige has almost killed the subject.
Those of you who insist that scientology is absolutely wrong have nothing to envy to the church’s fanatics who see it 100% right, especially when revised by Miscavige !
Leah — you are awesome. Thank you for being you and doing what you are doing. Thank you for keeping the Shelly question alive too. She is fortunate to have you as a friend still trying to help her, even though she may be trapped in a Stockholm Syndrome in her mind.
I can imagine some goof in the Church saying, “Hey — I thought we were going to make her do A-E, not A&E!”
(For readers who do not know, A-E are steps required to try to get back in good standing with the Church.)
Good work FOTF2012,
Loved your post including their expectation of A-to-E NOT A&E! That plus the recent RB slides where a public ‘disconnected’ from her parents, got my J&D mind to thinking:
–Draft Declare on the Cherch of Scientology by Humanity–
A. Tell the person (in this case DM, Lou, all SO and Org officers and staff, all outer Org officers and staff, all shell entities,WISE companies, all PI’s, all government spies, and all lawyers under the control of, or paid by, the CofS) that they are to immediately cease their overts (all acts considered as civil or criminal in the eyes of the individuals, families, groups, nations/states, or races) so that humanity can collectively lead better lives.
B. Publicly announce to all of those affected(see above), to the several justice systems where the overts were committed, to state and federal Attorney Generals, and to the mainstream media the error of their ways and the detailed specifics of the harms created to benefit the Cherch of Scientology.
B(1). Return all funds illegally disbursed or diverted to all persons of whatever status that paid or donated to the Cherch, to pay all past and current volunteers, staff, and SO the minimum wage for all hours worked from 1950 to present, and to recompense all litigants for all expenses incurred in same lawsuits. Repay all trainees and PCs who were not satisfied with what they got for the money they spent.
C. Cherch to pay for HS school and vocational training for all past and present staff and SO ; to include driver education, classes on money management, and social skills programs.
D. Post all of the above information into the cloud in all languages and formats.
E. Send signed original copies of the declarations above (see B.) to all law enforcement in all cities, states, countries and in all languages.
The Cherch and it’s members may return to the good graces of humanity when the majority accepts the above actions and whatever further demands that the individuals, families, groups, nations, or races feel is needed (amends) to absolve the harms created by the Cherch..
SIGNED: ________________________________________
Member of the Human Race in Good Standing
“I can imagine some goof in the Church saying, “Hey — I thought we were going to make her do A-E, not A&E!”
That IS Funny!
I am caught up on the Leah Remini show. The sequence with Becky Bigelow and Ron Snr were powerful. I am going to sleep good tonight well.
As a side note I have been in contact with relatives of my mother Claire Reppen, they are watching the show intently. And I didn’t even given them a heads up the series. They love the Aftermath series
Hi, I just read your mom’s story over on Ortega and was completely horrified. Want you to know that Claire was one of the best auditors I’ve ever had (back in the day before she went to flag). She was full of compassion and affinity towards here pc’s. She was the real deal.
My best to you and your family.
Aftermath is a very good word to use in a Scientology context. I was discussing the turn of events of recent media developments concerning Scientology with my wife and it suddenly dawned on me the extent of self-centeredness of Hubbard. I’m not commenting on any auditing tech, workable or not but the sense of leadership he threw out with the bathwater when push came to shove concerning the criminal charges brought to bear against his organisation and then his personal solution of running for cover.
If he knew how valuable his “technology” was to life, why did he run? A good captain goes down with his ship, a good officer leads from the front. He should have taken it on the chin and fronted his accusers. Easy for me to say? Well, hell yes! I like a lot of other ex Scientologists and staff have had our noses rubbed into our own past and any transgressions we ever made and forced to pay for them, sometimes over and over again. What’s good enough for the goose is good enough for the gander. Hubbard was a coward to sacrifice his organisation for his own inability to apply his own technology or more simply put , to do the right thing. Even he said some 20 years before his death, “we have for some time past the point of uniformly workable technology.” He put himself before the so called benefit of his legacy.
With the history of Scientology well known now and especially Lois’s story he should have manned up and separated himself from the Church completely and passed it on in the sunlight, for all to see and witness. But no, he got up to all sorts of clandestine bullshit which set the Church up for someone like Miscavige to manipulate to their heart’s content behind the scenes and produced what we see and suffer from today.
Courage in the face of adversity, his victims have far more of a sense of loyalty and purpose than he ever did. The truth of how he handled his Church is the most gross out PR imaginable and then along comes Miscavige and he picks up the ball. Fuck them!
This is an extremely important point, Yawn. He truly was a COWARD, just as Miscavige is a COWARD. Their levels of “confront” are totally out the bottom. If you’ve not done so, I suggest you point this out, too, on Ortega’s blog and any other anti-scio sites you know of. The supposed “leadership” is in total HIDING.
Thank you for your bravery at exposing such a horrendous cult. The smear campaign against you and everyone is starting to look pretty pathetic. The deep down pain of each story reveals a level of truth beyond any script that could be written. Could the victims start banning together and start a movement to sue Scientology like the sexually abused victims of the Catholic church? Nobody wanted to believe that story either, but once the door was opened, the truth prevailed. I left the catholic church because their actions and treatment of the victims. So I understand how hard it is to leave your religion.Because of state laws, it might have to be a state by state suit. I’ll keep praying for the right doors to open and the path to be revealed.
I have a question. How many government officials or people in power positions are Scientologists? I have to assume that there are some. How frightening is that?
Outside of Scientology nobody knows, but it can’t be that many. According to reliable sources the total number of Scientologists is about 30,000 worldwide, many of whom are Mike’s age or older. The Scientologist population is older on average than the population of the United States.
Scientologists at any age tend to be less healthy than the population at large, because they often ignore medical issues until they are acute. Scientologists in any age group tend to die younger than the general population.
Even if no one left the COS, it is quite possible that the number of Scientologists could drop by as much as a quarter over the next ten years as unhealthy Scientologists who avoid doctors die. It is sad, it really is.
I have a very small Scientology story that has never left me and has always bothered me. It was in the 70’s. I was 19. I had lost my dad to cancer months before and I was searching for an anchor. I heard about this religion called Scientology. Their office in Montreal was on my way to work. It didn’t hurt that they always had good looking, friendly young people canvassing outside their entrance. I approached them and went upstairs where I was handed this long questionnaire. I filled it out, even though I found it to be really intrusive and very psychological in nature. They took it and asked me to come back the next day. I did. They took me into this room, handed me these “cans”, asked me questions based on the questionnaire and proceeded to shock me through these “cans”. That finished. I was told more or less that I was screwed up but they could help me get “clear” and it would cost x amount to begin. I told them I didn’t think Scientology was for me. They asked me why? I told them I thought that what they were doing was akin to brainwashing. I thought that was the end of it but it wasn’t. Those good looking young people canvassing for Scientology weren’t so nice anymore , they singled me out, started calling me names, belittling me everyday on my way to work. It stopped when I changed my route. What kind of religion does this?… As the years passed, I heard about the celebrities who had joined and I thought…. I just don’t get it. Then I heard some of the negative stories and they rang true.. If they would bully someone who refused to join their church…of course they would treat someone who doesn’t tow the line or who wants to leave worse…..turns out …..much much worse.
In my brief experience with Scientology, I instinctively knew that something was very wrong. Now, to those that have left, to Mike, to Leah and others who are and have been speaking out. Don’t stop. People are listening….
The fruits of your labor, a labor of love. For family, for people in general, for truth. I hope success continues to follow you Mike, and Leah too.
Wow! Those moments of breakdown from Tom DeVocht and Ron Miscavige are real. This is the most powerful show I’ve seen regarding Scientology abuses. The emotion is what communicates. Bravo Mike, Leah and all participating in the production of this series.
Mike-what you and Leah are doing is amazing. The show is fascinating. I hope A&E will be smart enough to keep you guys going for seasons to come.
I think that coming from your former position, really conveys a huge realization of truth for those still in and those who are out. And I love how Leah is a celebrity…her being formerly in the church as a celebrity really carries a lot of weight in helping to expose her experiences and the horrible experiences of those you share on the show.
Bastards!! Keep doing what you do!!!!
Mike, wow, you made it through to the other side and are here to share the story all over the world, I am watching from Egypt! You are a very strong and courageous man and I wish you and your family a peaceful 2017.
I have watched the series and my jaw continues to be on the floor. I think I would leave immediately if someone or worse my religion did that to me and my family. But I am a strong 43 year old woman. In my 20s I was in an abusive relationship and finally looked in the mirror one day and say I am either going to stay in this and never come out or pack my bags quick and leave. I did the latter. People who know me say I could never believe you…sara could have stayed in that horrible relationship. And I say you have no idea until you’ve been isolated from friends and family until you think you’re the one who is nuts. So I applaud you all who are shedding light. I know it must be difficult but freeing.
Take care.
P.s. my friends who have watched this the series are touched by the light shed on scientology.
One thing this show tells; the great presence and honesty of all of the participants.
Just great people. People with a traumatized past and becoming heros. Speaking up under adversity.
? Thank You!!!! You guys are making a difference!!
Another excellent show.
Imagine, Ron Miscavige opened the window with a Kindle. And imagine how small the world of Scientology staff is, when they can’t even surf the internet; they have no choice but to believe the lies and propaganda fed to them.
The public Scientologists who do happen to see this need to demand that changes me made, despite their own fears of being interrogated. If enough people with enough clout do this, Miscavige won’t be able to hold disconnection over their head.
Yea. I had my final Ethics Officer (the one that told me that I WILL HOLD THE CANS) tell me that ” Scientology IS the fastest growing religion.”
I just looked at him and thought, “You poor thing.”
The Why is WiFi.
“The WHY is WIFI”
Now that is some good old fashion J&Ding right there Mephisto!! LOL
😉 In his case, it was the correct Why (-Fi)
David, I’d like to indicate that the correct item is Wi-Fi.
Mike and Leah, thank you and the interviewees for the courage in telling your stories. As a librarian I can attest that providing truthful information, in an open honest way, will always stick with people. However it also makes people curious. In your opinion patrons who want to read L Ron Hubbard or books on Scientology to learn more; should that be encouraged? I believe all information should be open. I would just like your take on the subject.
“In your opinion patrons who want to read L Ron Hubbard or books on Scientology to learn more; should that be encouraged? I believe all information should be open.”
I agree, Andrea. Hubbard wrote some wonderful books, and people should be allowed to see that for themselves and to see how something wonderful can go very wrong. We can at least gain valuable lessons from it all.
Andrea, Hubbard wrote some books. You decide for yourself if they are “wonderful” and don’t be afraid to enlist the opinions of people who don’t use persuasive adjectives.
Many of us got something out of scientology so it is worth reading some of the materials, my advise would be to do it in a safe environment such as the library or buy books from Amazon not from third parties. Often scions sell books on Ebay so they can get your name to add to the mailing list, after this you will be constantly bombarded with junk mail. Don’t go into a ‘church’ of scientology, they are much harder to get out of than to go into, and as this series shows can cost you dearly.
I have watched all A&E episodes and want to thank you and Leah. I feel sadness, shock, disgust and horror. I am grateful for this information, along with an understanding of this “cult” hiding behind the name of religion. So very brave of you, Leah, and each of your guests to get out the TRUTH! I have completed and sent form 13909 to the IRS. I will also be contacting my Congressman. God Bless you and your family.
What is this form 13909?? I would like to send in also..Can I get the form on the IRS website??
Jayme – On my “Scientology Should Not Be Tax Exempt” blog there is a link to some sample form 13909s as well as some other sample complaints about human trafficking. –
I got my ideas from Jeff Augustine’s “Scientology Money Project” blog, which you should definitely check at
After you write it and submit it, bring a copy and visit your Senator or Member of Congress in person at the district office, and let them know your concerns. Ask them to check with IRS on the status of your complaint. Although IRS does not comment on its investigations, the IRS is funded by Congress and subject to Congressional oversight, and it keeps them on their toes a bit.
You can google it and fill it out. It is called Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint (Referral) Form and seems appropriate.
It’s an IRS formal complaint form about a non-profit.
You can find it here:
Some of the possible violations listed:
• Directors/officers/persons are using income/assets for personal gain
• Organization is engaged in commercial, for-profit business activities
• Income/assets are being used to support illegal or terrorist activities
There are others, but you’ll probably be checking a lot of boxes…
Once again….well done. Excellent!!!! Mr. Hawkins, Tom DeVocht, and Ron Miscavige….painted a dark picture of what went on behind closed doors. It was very intense watching Mr. DeVocht struggle to find the words….to describe how sorry he was for not stopping the abuse and the destruction of families. The beatings…everything….is heart breaking to hear.
I applaud all of you for your perseverance, and bravery in speaking out. In doing this….you WILL STOP this from happening to someone else. You are reaching millions of people. Keep Going.
Mike….I’m watching your bravery and that of other Scientology refugees. I cried at your story. So thankful you made it out! Please thank Leah and everyone involved in bringing shame to such a disgrace of an organization to call themselves a church! Peace and blessings be with you!! God will have His day….
As a mother of 2 young children, it truly broke my heart to hear your story of disconnection and watch Tom devocht break down in tears tonight. What amazing men and fathers you are! So much good you are doing for this world by just being vocal and bringing attention to this. Leah remini is a badass woman who is courageous and so giving of herself to take the time to do this. As for the effect you hope this brings, “all in good time.”
Yes….I agree Amber.
When Tom Devocht broke down, so did I.
Heart wrenching.
Each show is better than the last. I’ve been educated on Scientology but there is so much more to understand. Every show brings me to tears in seeing and hearing how people have been treated…how they’ve been they’ve been separated or “disconnected” from family members. It’s heartbreaking and I cannot even imagine. Leah, you and all the others that have come forward have brought forth truths that all of us need to know. Keep up the great work and God bless!
I’ve been watching the docuseries, I’ve watched Going Clear, and am currently reading Jenna Miscavige’s book “Beyond Belief”. I can’t tell you how incredibly brave and strong I think you are. Every time I hear the stories about your abuse at the hands of David Miscavige, I feel sick. The video footage of you in the BBC documentary when you had been released from “the Hole” makes me cry, you look so thin and sick. I cannot fathom the brutality and terror you faced there.
To see you now; strong, brave, smiling and with a new light in your eyes, makes me so happy. You are surely one of the bravest men I’ve ever heard of, I don’t think I could survive all of that and then to be “fair gamed” after everything they’ve already put you through… it’s torture. You are a remarkable person and I am truly sorry for all of the pain and suffering you’ve endured in your life. Thank you for making a difference, for not giving up, thank you for showing the world what courage and perseverance looks like.
God Bless you.
My ex-husband went into a Narconon facility for alcoholism not knowing it was run by Scientology. He escaped after about 10 days with what he could wear and carry for 6 miles. CalFire wouldn’t let him use the phone to call home because his “counselor” had been following him telling them he was running from rehab. He had asked me to help him but the staff told me that was what all addicts did, wanted out when they needed more time. They initially said he would be in for 30 days, then I was told it could be as long as 60, Once he was forced the niacin and mega doses of vitamins, he began to plan his escape.
A good Samaritan gave him enough change to make a call. He told me he was going to a hotel and would hire a car to drive him home the next day (Jan 1st) but wouldn’t tell me where he was staying as he feared Narconon or Scientology was monitoring the calls (given the lack of assistance from CalFire). He made it home the next day and I started calling anyone I could to help us get come of the $46,000 back. Assemblymembers, Senators, etc. I told them my next call would be to the Chief of Staff to the state’s Attorney General. We received a check for $30,000….but not after a few veiled threats and a chance visit to my office from Scientology staff.
The show is amazing. I hope you will touch on the Narconon aspect. The fact that everyone who worked there had BEEN there in rehab at some point should be very telling. There were no doctors, no nurses….just “counselors” who received their credentials from the “church”.
I know your show is reaching people! Keep it up.
and at the time I worked for a state Senator. This really isn’t on their radar in California and it should be since it is so obvious that Lee Baca was in Miscavage’s pocket.
I’m glad your husband escaped from Narconon. Not everyone is as fortunate
In case you are not familiar with The Underground Bunker, check out Type ‘Narconon’ in the Search box
This such a fascinating insight into all the hype. The more I read and watch about scientology, the more it parallels Hitler’s insanity. Scientologist seemed to be brainwashed. No true religion would force families to disconnect because of differences in beliefs. Thank you and Leah for exposing this. Evil occurs when good men do nothing. Way to be brave!
Hi Mike. I have watched each week, and just watched episode 4. My heart breaks…and literally aches…for the families that are ripped apart (including yours) and the lives that are ruined by this terribly destructive cult. Thank you – and Leah, and A&E, and all those who shared their stories – for being so incredibly brave and honest. God be with you all.
Such amazing revelations of a dastardly cult! Lots of Love to you all for telling your stories and endeavoring to help members to see the big lie they’ve been living, trying to keep people away from Scientology, and bringing comfort to those who have been abused by them.
As a Christian who was sucked into a charismatic Christian cult (The Way International) 91-94, I experienced similar ‘control’ issues from that group and I got OUT. I never disconnected from my family although TWI increasingly encouraged total devotion to the ‘ministry’. I never felt as if I was in a cult, but I felt the shame and pain of being ‘shunned’ for questioning their ways, and then leaving. I lost ‘friends’, I thought, but now I know better! I’m still mistrustful of churches, but my Christian faith is stronger because of the overall experience. I keep looking only to God for guidance because it’s a one-on-one personal experience with Jesus. I wish you all the best.
I actually follow you on twitter and you have actually liked some of the tweets. Which I will admit is awesome. I love that you and Leah are taking this organization and/or cult head on. No one should have to deal with the abuses anyone on this show has had to deal with. It is disgusting to say the least. Makes me want to vomit. But in the same breath I wish there was something more I could do for you guys. I sometimes feel like I am unable to do any of that due to my physical issues I have. I love the show and love what you guys are doing by standing up to the bully they call Scientology. They deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth. Well the organization that is. Hope that by exposing the truths about this organization that it will bring some justice to those that have been deeply affected. Love ya guys and wish you guys the best of luck. Watching you guys each week is like watching family.
Jesse Atwood
Wow Mike. I am so impressed with both you and Leah. Scientology is more than weird it is so insane what it does to families and lives! Please continue what you are doing I wish I could do more. I will support your show and wish you happy days to come always…
Bravery is something most people do not have when things get really tough. You and Leah are showing the world (inside & outside of Scientology) how that is possible. Keep it up and hopefully more will get out
From one Mike to another, this rise of David Miscavige reminds me of how Warren Jeffs, the self-appointed leader of the FLDS came to power. Get plenty of yes-men in place, immediately assume the title of leader once the older one dies, discredit and remove any who opposed him, and make sure everything he did had adequate brainwashing done to explain away all the illegal things he did hiding behind the beliefs of his own twisted sense of religion.
You, Leah, and everyone involved with this series are lights shining on the dark places that Miscavige doesn’t want to see exposed. Keep us the awesome work!
David Miscavige is being dragged, kicking and punching, into television stardom. Especially in episode 4. He appears and is discussed at length in every episode of what could rightfully be called, “The ‘Who is David Miscavige?’ Show”. It’s sort of like he’s the star of his own smear TV program where he’s the one getting smeared. I wonder if anybody appreciates the elegance of that karma. Consider all the smear videos he’s made of people, now look at what is being done to him on national television. I see poetry in it.
I appreciate the elegance of the karma Roger. Well said!
This is like a Shakespeare play. The final act is looming in the distance.
Yo Dave,
Hope you are enjoying the show good buddy. Hey, what are your OSA goons going to think about you giving a kindle to your physical body Dad? Oops! One more foot bullet maestro!
Anyway, more Scotch will help!
Scotch and copper grounding rods rundown, continue.
Oh, and top it off with 30 minutes in the tanning bed. Sorry, I forgot that step.
Hey Mike,
Unbelievable! I’d like to make a suggestion to add to topics and interviews. I think you giys should do a full and comprehensive story on ron hubbard and who he really was too, his whole life. I did some digging and found stories if gim being a science fiction writer, a satanist aming many crazy things….I’m in NY in manhattan, let me know if I can be of help.
Hi Greg,
Bare Faced Messiah by Russell Miler is a good starting point if you’re interested in LRHs life.
Or you could research the CoS version of lrons life and achievements which is a pile of fictitious fun!
Mike I was wondering when John Travolta’s son passed did they take him to a hospital? I have watched from beginning and heard some people where taken to a hotel and later taken to hospital only to die. Is John Travolta along with Brad Pitt and other famous people really that dumb to believe this cult? I cannot believe this crap? i never knew about their beliefs till now but I did know it was not a place I wanted to go to or investigate as it seemed fishy to me as a young teen. I know you cannot say their names on t.v but I would really like to know how they could continuing falling for those beliefs. Please tell Leah I have always loved the shows she played in and respect her and you for what you are doing along with all the others reveling the truth about this cult. We have to put an end to them and i have shared on facebook. God Bless all of you and may the truth about them come out and be put before a court of law.
I’ve been watching this show since the very beginning and I’m beyond disgusted on what this “religion/CULT” is really about. I then remembered the controversy surrounding John Travolta’s son and I was curious about the truth. I googled a few things and they all said the same thing until I stumbled upon the article and it’s very informative. I’m shocked to read what happened to that little boy.
Only John and his wife know what really happened, or DIDN’T, and they have to live with that on their conscience for the rest of their lives.
Hope this heels answer some questions you have regarding the young Travolta boy.
Leah and Mike,
There are no reals words I can express how you both, including the volunteers on the show, opened my eyes about this ridiculous cult. I’m saddened and sorry for all you all went through and I can only pray this opens the right eyes to end this pain. I just bought the books you recommended on tonight’s show and I can’t wait to read them. You both are so amazing and I know I’m not anyone special but I applaud you and pray you will find peace in this ugly situation.
Thank you both again and hope you enjoy the holidays with your families and loved ones.
It’s not their beliefs that should be questioned but rather their action/inaction to injustices being perpetrated against their former church members and critics.
It is not a matter of stupidity. Don’t judge.
It is a brainwashing and do not allow them to access information other than what is fed to them. Many of them were raised with nothing but Scientology beliefs…. its all they know.
Please do not think of anyone involved in Scientology as stupid. In reading many of Mike’s blogs it is clear to me that he is very very smart man. I imagine many of them are very intelligent.
I am going to write my political leaders. It is imperative the tax-exempt status is removed. I finished Ron’s book this week, so sad. You are all incredibly brave! Praying for all of you, as you continue.
I agree- The non profit Status needs to be revoked. There are many civil rights violations going on there as well as Child Abuse and Neglect. Find the laws they are breaking and go after them for that. They got AL CAPONE on Tax Evasion. Do the same with Scientology — Mike Great Job !
Thank you and Leah for doing this show. Everyone needs to be aware. I hate that you all went thru this. My heart goes out to everyone. Your right we need to write our Congress and everyone about this bullshit going on. Can’t wait for the next episode. Maybe it will be a step closer to getting this shut down. Love you all..
Can I ask who’s running the church w Miscavige ?
Included alleging beatings and hoarding of money ?
The hierarchy of the church basically at the top
Mike — I am loving your series with Leah Remini. You are doing such a service to former Scientologists, family members and the general public by exposing Scientology and David Miscavige, I am constantly humbled by all of you who have left the church. I can see your pain when you discuss your experiences and especially when you talk about those you may have hurt in the name of the church. I used to think you were all just stupid for being a Scientologist, but now I see how you were duped and brainwashed and are only trying to expose the church for what they are doing. I hope you find peace with your cause and your beautiful family.
Hello Mike, I just wanted to say that your an extraordinary person and very brave. I cannot express enough how much my family and I have enjoyed watching the show on A&E with you and Leah Rimini. I hope, as you do that BIG changes will come to the church of Scientology (namely D Miscavige would step down) But keep in mind this is a corporation that fought the IRS and Won!! If things do not happen as we all hope, keep your head high because your new life is going to be so much better and good things happen to good people you’ll see.
P.S. Its people like you that allow blind people to see, keep up the fight!
just a average guy,
Matt M
Each week after every episode I am floored. Heartbreaking! What they have done to Paulette Cooper and others is disgusting. What that david miscavige has done and is doing is cowardly and disgusting. My heart goes out to you all and those still in there. Praying for you all
Interesting, fascinating and informative, this show has it all. This show is as real as it gets. The power that one person can have over hundreds of thousands of people. This cult (if not stopped) could be disastrous. How can one man tear apart mothers, fathers, daughters and sons ? It reminds me of Hitler, crazy , crazy and just insane. What , how and why would anyone want to be in this organization? I just don’t understand I want to understand so I will continue to watch. Then I can make an informed decision on what I can do to help. Thank you Leah Remini and Mike Rinder for showing the dark side of scientology.
Amen Brenda Stafford
I’ve been watching the show and find it extremely interesting. I believe you and Leah are doing a great service for those who want out. Luckily I’ve never been tempted to ever consider joining that cult. You’ve got guts and I admire that. Continue the fight.
If these testimonies don’t wake people up, I’m not sure what will. God speed.
Another that was hit out of the park! Very well done, Mike and Leah!
Mike: “My god, the number of messages, friend requests on Facebook, traffic to this blog and new posters here, general well-wishes, expressions of support and love is frankly overwhelming.”
A great commentary on the good-heartedness of people.
I’m happy for you, Mike!
p.s. The West Coast folks still have another hour and a half or so before tonight’s episode shows.
I am watching….DVR every episode. I am intrigued by your story. May God bless you
I am also watching.. DVR’ing every episode, and saving them! I too am extremely captivated and intrigued by all of the stories. Your lives and everything you sacrificed and lived through have had purpose, and this is IT! You are all good people. I wish you all the very best.
I admire you for standing up for yourself.
Blessings to you! You stand tall on the truth! Are you reading the KJV Bible? Also, I wanted to ask is the church of scientology a 501c3 state incorporated business.
If I recall correctly, the CoS is considered tax exempt as a religion- the same protection that any church has. I don’t know if that makes them a 501 (c) 3- and in fact I believe that the designation is somewhat different.
If you look at CoS “classes” and materials, they are offered at a price called an “offering” or “donation”. Through this mechanism it gets incredibly difficult to get any form of refund for “classes” paid in advance as they will tell you that the “donation” or “offering” is a matter of free will- like tossing the money in a collection plate on Sunday.
The Church of Scientology International Inc is a 501(c)(3) incorporated in California, but they have a lot of other legal entities.
Jefferey Augustine’s Scientology Money Project ( has a bunch of legal/financial info about them from public filings.