Here is a perfect example of why scientologists cannot be trusted in positions where they are supposed to act in the public interest.
Paris Morfopolous is the poster child of a fundamentalist scientologist. He has been a scientology business owner that has relied on scientologists’ patronage in downtown Clearwater for decades. He is the head of Clearwater’s Downtown Development Board. Tony Ortega’s article describing Morfopolous’ rant against Mark Bunker at the most recent DDB meeting tells the most recent story of his dedication to following the dictates of L. Ron Hubbard.
With the recent election (the only people eligible to vote for membership on this board are those who own land in a proscribed area of downtown Clearwater dominated by scientology and scientologists), Mr. Marfopolous now shares the board with 3 other scientologists — forming a majority. This is a first in Clearwater, and almost certainly in the world (if anyone knows of any other elected board dominated by scientology I would be curious to hear).
The latest tempest in a teacup began when one of the other scientologists on the board (Ray Cassano) claimed that you can be a scientologist and a christian and that most scientologists are christian. This is a PR line scientology tries to run to make themselves seem “normal.” I discussed this in an earlier post: Can Scientologists be Christians or Jews Too?
Simply, this “I am a scientologist and a christian” is a lie.
Scientology relies on the fact that the casual observer does not understand what they are about or how they go about their business. Unfortunately for the scientologists on the DDB, Mark Bunker does understand and he called Cassano out.
I also did an earlier post about why scientologists lie: Why Do Scientologists Lie?
And there is a third very relevant posting to this subject which describes what transpired next: Dealing with Critics of Scientology — the L. Ron Hubbard Playbook.
What is described in this posting is exactly what rolled out. Calling out a scientologist in public is seen as an act of war. It must not go unpunished or unresponded to.
So, Mr. Morfopolous took the time, going outside the agenda and the normal protocols of such meetings, to read a prepared statement about Mark Bunker. It seems that because he was running the meeting, he could do whatever he wanted. The statement is typical scientology “Dead Agent” propaganda, most likely prepared for him by OSA. He compared Mark Bunker calling out Cassano’s lies to Hitler persecuting the Jews. This is a favorite ploy of scientology — to claim victimhood and accuse anyone calling them out as being “bigots” and haters and quickly following the law of Godwin. Paris even claimed “I did not seek him out” — though he did get himself elected to a public board and allowed what he knew to be a lie to be told by one of his other board members and now claims victim status when the lie is exposed. And he did in fact seek him out to call Mark Bunker a pedophile on the street 20 years ago. He labelled Bunker a “professional bigot” who “follows children”… This is all very predictable scientology tactics. You can find endless websites with the same sort of diatribes about me, Leah and anyone else who has ever spoken out about scientology’s lies and abuses. Paris even lumped the Tampa Bay Times in as part of the “hate campaign” against all scientologists. Remember, this is a response to Bunker exposing the lie stated by Ray Cassano in the earlier meeting.
Paris asked what would happen if this you substituted Jews for scientologists in his effort to equate this act of brazen persecution with the Holocaust. A more relevant question would be: What if a random citizen had taken their 3 minutes for public comment and complained that the Mayor had lied about something? And even proved that he HAD lied. You can bet they would have been thanked for their comments and moved on to the next commenter. It would not be turned into a huge deal.
But scientologists cannot do that.
They lie. If someone calls them on their lie, they HAVE to attack. It is what L. Ron Hubbard dictates.
Whether their action is good for the city of the citizens of Clearwater has no bearing on the matter. It is what Hubbard says to do — so it is what scientologists do.
No protocol, rules or even laws constrain scientologists when it comes to following what Hubbard says. The interests of scientology will ALWAYS come first.
Scientologists absolutely believe what is good for scientology is good for everyone, whether the non-scientologists know it or not. Scientologists know they are superior beings (because Hubbard told them so) and they alone understand what is good for people — even if those people don’t yet see it themselves.
No scientologist can ever put the interests of the city, or the citizens before the interest of scientology. It is precisely for this reason that they cannot be good elected representatives.
And it is precisely for this reason why the City of Clearwater needs Mark Bunker on the city council. Someone who knows scientology’s moves and motives. Someone who recognizes their lies and understands their policies.
Go to his website, let’s get him elected.
The good citizens of Clearwater could have easily rid themselves of Scientology headquarters decades ago. And it could still be done today.
How you may ask?
Simply rename the city Xenuville.
Gracie, can Xenuville be made to glow in the dark? I’m sure the cult members would enjoy it.
I just watched Mark Bunker’s video of the meeting followed by Bunker’s commentary. Bunker for City Council! Cassano, or whatever his name is, looks pathetic with his DA attempt.
Preposterous! Can they not see how ridiculous they look when they do stuff like this? I hope it backfires on him! Rooting for you Mark!
Original OT VIII was totally anti-Christian. Hubbard declared that he acted in the role of Lucifer in the creation of Scientology. These Scientologists are simply deluded.
I just donated. Mark deserves support. Thanks Mike for encouraging us to support Mark. It’s easy to donate and that is so important for Mark to win and help Clearwater make their city safe from Scientology.
Thank you so much. Yes, it is easy and it is also important.
My friend HelluvaHoax said it exactly and precisely~~~
If 68 years of historical records are to be believed, it is very clear indeed which unwritten policies are the most senior in all of the theta theme park known as ScientologyWorld. In order of seniority. . .
#1: Always do what is the greatest good for the supreme leader of Scientology.
#2: Always do what is the greatest good for the Church of Scientology’s legal status.
#3: Always do what is the greatest good for the Church of Scientology’s financial status.
#4: Always do what is the greatest good for the Church of Scientology’s PR status.
#5: Always do what is the greatest bad for anyone who in any way impedes, criticizes and/or exposes the above.
#6: Always extract the greatest amount of money and time from parishioners before they blow, by giving them the greatest good gimmicks (including but not limited to giving them “wins”, giving them amends projects, giving them tech estimates, giving them com evs, giving them non-enturbulation orders, giving them ruins to handle, giving them terroristic threats to cancel their “eternity” and/or giving them other fair treatment under the provisions of the Fair Game policies.)
#7: Always do the greatest PR to try to lamely patch up the horrific public reactions to all of the above, by pretending the above unwritten policies do not exist. Instead, substitute the greatest “acceptable truths” (and other “Big Lies”) about what Scientology’s goals are, by using the “greatest adjectives” possible, such as “humanitarian”, “spiritual” and “religious”.
Karen, this is an outstanding post! The truth is quite ugly.
Katherine <3
I see some sort of tax scam going on here. The owners of downtown property pay a special tax to this board who spends it how?
Ok, the ‘Development Board’ only disbursed a little less then 300k, but who oversees that spending? You can buy a lot of Way to Happiness or Human Rights pamphlets with that money. Yeah, that will improve downtown. And Clams will bet a 10% kickback from that process.
Zee Moo – the Scientologists on this downtown development board will spend ALL of the money donating every last dime to Scientology and The Way to Happiness for booklets to be passed out in Columbia.
That way Clearwater Downtown Development board can say they helped clear Columbia of all crimes.
Duh! Everyone knows that!
In the video between Mark and Paris it was obvious the latter was reading a script. Kind of like
Mark was doing too. It made me wonder how Paris knew before hand to have that script ready. And yes, sure it sounded like OSA, not Paris, had written it. But again. How could either of them have known what Mark was going to say and thus have their “attack, never defend” response ready? Any idea Mike?
Lastly, the event clearly demonstrated Paris’s favor (maybe prejudice) for Scientology. If I were a citizen of CW I’d be wondering if he was fit to truly serve.
Tony’s idea that he may have been emboldened by the Scientology majority could account for dropping this bombshell now. It could also be a coincidence. Maybe OSA only just then had the statement ready. They would have been working on it.
You can’t let the “evil” Mark Bunker get away with what he says! Personally, I think he’s a charmer!
I think one of the interesting counter-examples is Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. He was also motivated by religion in all of his political life. However, most religions are not totalitarian in the same way as Scientology. People can disagree on policy without being heretical. There is room for persuasion of the religious political leader that X is a better policy, since Christianity (and most other religions) are in
The closest religious parallel to Scientology in the political realm is Salafi Islam. If the people in the Prophet’s day did it, we must do it. Some of them even refuse to kill with guns since the Prophet used a sword. Similarly, nothing can go beyond the word of Hubbard. There is no room for debate on nearly any issue.
I read and viewed the video of that meeting and was stunned by what Marfopolous said. He read from a prepared statement and not only what he said was shocking, but it was how he said it. This man is in the wrong line of work. It was an award winning performance! It was truly heart breaking to see someone sitting at a position of authority to blatantly say bold faced lies against another person. Although I’m aware that lying for scientologists comes as easy as falling off a chair, to see it with a face (and not from some scientologist executive) was really disturbing.
Mr. Bunker handled it with his usual calm demeanor. I donated to his campaign a short while back, and I don’t even live in his state. But I want him to know that he has a lot of support. I also wondered if Marfopolous could be ousted from serving? He is not to be trusted under any circumstances!
Cindy, do you want to use an initial after your name or something or a number like 2 to differentiate between you and I? I am also Cindy
I am Cindy as…no wait…I’m Brian. No, I’m Brian and so’s my wife…
That would be nice as I know there are two Cindys posting here and I always wonder which it is – are you Cindy T who is the one with the two kids who are on staff/ in the S.O. and disconnected from you ?
I’m the original Cindy and they broke the mold after me! And unfortunately yes, the bastards took my kids from me.
Morfopolous’s rant about Mark Bunker was so full of bullshit. They never realize how foolish they look. He’s a clown; a delusional moron; a liar.
Everyone needs to do all they can to get Bunker elected. Unfortunately, I can’t vote. But anyone who can, should. Not only would it be great for Clearwater, it would piss off Miscavige something awful. That’s a bonus for sure!
I hope it backfires as much with the actual voters (in the election Mark is running in) as it would have backfired with me. I might be inclined, as a voter, to be concerned about a “one-issue” candidate in most analogous situations. (Not saying Mark is truly one issue. Just saying my general inclination as a voter.) But the Scientologist office-holders have just demonstrated incontrovertibly that there is no analogous situation, and that Scientology’s involvement in and influence over Clearwater’s governance is a huge liability that needs immediate correction. So if I were a Clearwater voter, those tactics would have just clinched my vote for Mark, even if I’d been uncertain beforehand.
Just hoping that I’m in the middle of the bell curve in that respect when it comes to this election.