After the last post Child Sexual Abuse in Scientology it is ironic that the next day I came across this piece of PR spin.
This is the other side of the scientology equation. On one hand, they groom people to be victims of sex abuse and seek to cover it up when it happens. On the other, they seek to create a good image of themselves so stories of abuse are rejected on the basis of “It couldn’t be true — look how they LOVE children and support and protect them.” It is an aircover operation done on the basis of what is good for scientology.
And here is another one — they are really going to town on this subject…
This is the same sort of thing they do with their “Human Rights Campaigns” — while wholesale abusing human rights, especially of Sea Org Members, they loudly and repeatedly claim themselves to be “champions of human rights” with staged events they video and show over and over again.
They have even taken to calling the people who give them the most money “Humanitarians” — not based on anything other than the amount of money… They use the word humanitarian more than any other organization on earth. Literally.
This is the way of the sociopath. No normal person believes someone blatantly lies without embarrassment because they could not do it. So cannot conceive that anyone else could. Sociopaths use that to their advantage. Scientology is founded by a sociopath, run today by a sociopath and thus displays the characteristics of a sociopath.
And note the irony of this children’s event being held in the “Osceola Courtyard” — the “community” open and available “park” that is off limits to anyone scientology decides they don’t like (See earlier post here: Clearwater Follies). If you are the child of someone scientology does not like, you will NOT be welcome at this event under any circumstances. That these children did NOTHING other than have parents scientology doesn’t like is enough for them to be discriminated against. How is that for humanitarianism? This is NOT idle speculation. When they held Winter Wonderland in the same park, Aaron Smith-Levins daughters were escorted out by security. They were 6, 8 and 11.
What scientology presents to the world is one thing. The reality is something else entirely.
This is one of the scientology policies being followed here — working to ingratiate themselves with the local community and establish “Safe Points”. There will still be members of the community that will participate and support this event on the basis of “It’s for children, I support children” and those people will be used to promote the “good works” of scientology in Clearwater.
Excerpts from Hubbard Policy of 12 January 1973 “THE SAFE POINT”
“You cannot operate without a base to operate from. You cannot deliver without somewhere to deliver it. You cannot sell what you cannot deliver. The optimum action is to send a PR Area Control team to the area you want to operate in, and have it establish PR Area Control first.
“The most important action to undertake when going about making a Safe Point is to carefully and painstakingly find out who exactly are the top dogs in the area in financial and political circles, and their associates and connections, and to what each one is hostile.
“One must learn carefully his Ps & Qs with regard to these people and take care not to step on their toes.
“Without a Safe Point established as above, it is a waste of time to rush into dealings with a government or to promise them anything. It is too easy to step on hostile toes and to arouse suspicion of you or make you difficult to account for.
Gee Mike, its a bit odd hearing it from you of all people (an ED during my whole life there). Now that you are out, you can safely throw a “they” at the whole situation.
I’m curious if there are perhaps aby cases of child abuse cases that “you” handled during your time in OAS as ED. Would you be willing to tell us about it?
Tell us how you bravely faced such difficult issues and cooperated with the police to make sure justice was being served.
I guess it always happens on “somebody else’s watch”, eh?
Nope. Covered up numerous incidents up ensure there was no flap. It was my job to do that and like all good Scientologist I did it as best I could.
First of all: You have my sincere thanks for the reply, I wans’t sure if that post of mine would even pass moderation. I will be less cynical from now on:
Is there anything you feel you could do when it comes to cooperation with the police (or maybe the FBI) when it comes to crimes that are not past their period of limitation?
Because if there were tangible coverup efforts with regards to cases of sex abuse or rape, then I imagine you would now be the key witness in any subsequent court cases. Have you considered doing something in this direction in exchange for immunity etc?
I have been to the FBI and numerous other law enforcement agencies. I continue to try to get them to act. I have never asked for immunity. I have simply told the truth without reservation.
I thus understand you have provided all the testi9mony about the coverups and internal child abuse scandals to the authorities. Seeing as you were the prime witness and in charge of OSA at the time of some of this, I cannot imagine why the FBI would not treat this seriously.
What do you believe are the main issues preventing them from taking action and looking into serious crimes such as rape or child abuse that have taken place?
Are the actual victims required to take stand up and testify before any action is taken?
Are we dealing here with the probelm of scientology being a religion? Is this why no action was taken? I imagine if a secular person (ie: a former coach at a high school) would come to the FBI and say he was part of a coverup of child sexual abuse, there would at least be an investigation launched to see if there is anything behind the allegation.
Given the severity of some of the crimes, It does boggle my mind why the authiorities have failed to act if you provided them with all the information you had as ED.
Don’t have the time to try and explain this here. It’s been covered extensively in Tampa Bay Times, by Tony Ortega snd on the Aftermath. Look it up and you will find a lot of information readily available.
That’s fine, I’m glad that you replied to my, admittedly confrontational, first message.
It took decades for the Catholic Church to be brought to justice. Many of the perpetrators are dead, their victims living with the memory of what was done to them. Their answer back then was to move the “offending Priest” to another Parish, which gave that Priest more Victims to abuse.
There should be NO Statute of Limitations of Child Sexual Abuse….one can sue in civil court but who knows how that will go. Some of those offending Priests have died, some are very old & sick…..the Catholic Church has made financial settlements to weep things under the rug. There were those that were given “free Catholic College Educations for their silence.
Sex abuse goes on in ALL religions…they’ve only touched lightly the tip of the iceberg.
With the harassment that goes on with the realm of COS may fear retaliation on the outside, and for those family & friends who are still IN.
Think about the FLDS & how Warren Jeffs is sitting n a prison cell for his part in raping & sexually abusing children…B UT HE IS STILL RUNNING THE SHOW…through telephone calls from prison….some justice, huh?
P.S. CAN THE EDITING FEATURE BE FIXED PLEASE? Also my comments disappear from view & then reappear after moderation,
Oh Grand Poobah of WEB MASTERY…..please help!
Sex abuse, including sex abuse of chilkdren does not only go on in religious institutions, but across society. There were pederast boyscout leaders, coaches, doctors etc.
Its not always possible to identify and weed out this people – especially if they still have a clean record with the police, So the problem is not taht some pedophiles got into scientology – that can happen to any group.
The problem is HOW DOES COS REACT once they find out what is going on. Most NORMAL institutions like hospitals or the boyscouts just contact the police. COS actively tries to cover these cases up, mostly gives the offenbder a slap on the writs and in some cases punishes the victim in a much harsher way than they punish the offender.
I was truly baffled to find out about this when I got out. At my post I was made aware of many improper sexual relations between adults, But I never imagined thhis would be happening to children.
I guess at the time my belief was: “Oh there’s so many checks on sex issues, sex is so thoroughly policed that scn would find out at once and put a stop to any such stuff.”
The worst part is: turned out that many times scn DID find out about this through sec-checks and then did nothing about it. Boggles my mind.
Co$ is not only eveil, but also stupid and self-defeating.
When given the choice between Mike Rinder remaining in the scam and helping the monster versus escaping the scam and helping the world to take it down, it is far better to have him out and helping to take it down.
It seems clear to me that Mike was always the most competent and capable servant of the scam and when he finally shook off the fog of mind control and escaped, it was a red letter day for the rest of us.
You know, I wasn’t going to join the church of Scientology, what with all the lying, cheating, stealing, slavery, and brainwashing, but then that thing about the bouncy house, that makes me want to sign right up!
My question for DM is (I suspect he’s reading Mike’s blog) when will the MV Freewinds be replaced?
I’m afraid it really doesn’t matter what his answer may be to you. TBOMK, he has never replied to anyone in this blog and I wouldn’t expect you to be the first. I seriously doubt that he will reply to you. On top of that, if I was you, I would not expect him to reply and I wouldn’t care very much either.
If you ever re-watch some of the episodes of Mike & Leah’s TV show, you will see the cherch always makes a point to avoid answering any question or comment directed to them and it seems obvious they have no interest in replying to any of the participants in this TV show or to any of the posters in this blog.
So, best of luck to you but I would not expect to ever receive an answer from him to any question you may ask that is directed to him.
So, if I was you, I would not expect any reply and I would just wish you all the best.
Back in the day, we could always write directly to Ron and get a personal reply. I actually believed that at first. After all EVERTTHING was true wasn’t it?
My guess is that a replacement for the Freewinds will be on the “expansion” list in a few years after the last of the small and failing orgs (SFOs) are moved into “ideal” facilities – assuming that effort doesn’t stall as Scientology begins to falter, which is entirely possible. The original ideal org push took a bit hit during the Great Recession, and a decade or more later they are still left with some of the buildings that they bought – and often overpaid for – sitting derelict waiting for the project to be finished, or for the properties to be sold off (as in the case of Boston and St. Louis) to pursue a different, newer plan.
The Freewinds is by no means the oldest cruise ship still sailing, though few like it are left because they’re not actually very economical to operate. They can keep it afloat as long as they’re willing to pay fairly heavy maintenance costs, and even put it in drydock for major repairs periodically.
Peacemaker & OtherLes: The fleece winds doesn’t NEED to be operational. It merely needs to float at whatever dock it’s tied up to. AFAICT, , the only reasons it ever moves is because it’s pissed off the wrong people OR they need work done on the rust bucket unavailable at their current location. OR the moves are entirely at the whim of Dwarfenführer™.They got chased out of St Martin (or is that Sint Maartin?) by a Dutch government inquiry as I recall.
9Miscavage lives in his own little prison behind those razor sharp fences he calls “ideal” never to be seen out in public …ever! What a looser…
I too would love to see how many people from Clearwater actually attend these stupid events.
Come to think of it the current leader of $ci has no children and banished his wife 12-+ years ago. What the freak does he know about family, marriage etc?
Scientology is so gross and universally despised. I don’t know why they bother attempting these PR stunts. Everyone knows how sick and evil scientology is, and they will never be able to put the genie back in the bottle.
I would advise each and every member to vacate while they still can. Nobody wants to be on the wrong side of history.
There was a documentary that showed how Stalin had a poster of him holding a pretty little girl to convey his love for children. The little girl spoke as an old woman and said that in truth, not only did Stalin show absolutely no warmth toward her, he actually ordered that both of her parents be put to death.
His wife committed suicide and his daughter, Svetlana Alleluyeva fled to the west and exposed him for the tyrant he loved. More so than Hitler, Stalin was personally sadistic. He enjoyed terrorizing his immediate subordinates, making them drink (when he abstained) and dance the troika and thoroughly enjoyed the fear he inspired in others. Hubbard of course had a similar sadistic streak.
Sounds a little like Dave’s musical chairs fiasco that happened in ‘The Hole’ where prisoners who were forced to play would fight each other for that last chair just so they wouldn’t be sent far away to a ‘post’ in another country. I have often thought his behavior is reminiscent of Stalin. I think he must read up on these techniques to control people that Stalin used…
Svetlana Alleluyeva’s interviews on Youtube are rather good. She also stated that she “loved” Stalin.
It is obvious that DM reads Mike’s blog daily. He is in react mode in that he reacts to everything Mike writes. So Mike ran an article about child abuse cover up in the church for two days straight, plus his earlier stuff on same subject. And then ‘lo and behold! DM then has at least two or more big things involving celebrating and catering to children. This is more than just Safepointing. This is a reaction to the child abuse articles run here. It is his attempt to handle the Black PR. It follows the LRH reference on “How to Handle Black PR” which says in part, to find a safe space from which to speak and go speak and show good things and tell your side without mentioning the black pr that caused you to do it in the first place. That is what he’s doing with these events for children — desperately trying to counter the truth that Mike has shown on his blogs:
“This is the way of the sociopath. No normal person believes someone blatantly lies without embarrassment because they could not do it. So cannot conceive that anyone else could. Sociopaths use that to their advantage. Scientology is founded by a sociopath, run today by a sociopath and thus displays the characteristics of a sociopath.”
Thank you, Cindy.
Scientology operatives are predictably obtuse and insensitive. They follow policy.
The policy is insane, illogical, abusive, and criminal.
If people or organizations have pure motives, there’s no need for the “safe-pointing ” and ” utterly destroying enemies” and
” double-curving of data ” that the cult engages in.
I’ve known of that policy above for quite some time, decades in fact. Never really paid that much attention to it because I was one of those “red on white” techies back in the day of doing my bit for Alice in Wonderland, but in this context of the treatment of children I see another scenario completely. Children and their Nazi youth type treatment & PR bs coverup by the Scientology mindset is not Scientology’s prime objective at all in the handling of minors. They are simply an obstacle to overcome, for when you understand what Hubbard was putting forward in that policy extract above – it’s all part of an invasion plan. The Clearwater and LAPD are prime examples of that plan being deployed. Child abuse is simply collateral damage to them and swept under the legal rug and/or handled with blatant lies if it becomes a problem. Hubbard & Miscavige – there’s Scientology’s example of the ideal family man.
The fact that Aaron Smith Levin’s daughaters were escorted out makes me think they have have very sophisticated facial recognition cameras that can take pics and even extrapolate with software, how the person would look a year, five years, ten years older. Kids the age of Aaron Smith Levin’s grow and change so very much so quickly that that is the only explanation I can come up with. One way to test it is to get an UTR who is in good standing to take Aaron’s kids with them to the event and if they get in fine, then that’s good. If they still turn them away with a different “parent” with them, then that is a testament to the special facial recognition security system they have. What other church has need of very sophisticated facial recognition that is even better than Las Vegas’ security? One of the guys who did security for the church (was it Marc Headley?)said it was even more sophisticated than what is used in Vegas.
It’s much simpler. Their mother took them. Plenty of people know her.
Yes I figured that, Mike. My point was that if someone OTHER THAN the mother or father took the kids to the event, if they were kicked out, it would indicate that facial recognition surveillance was in use because how else would they know the kids with a different parent?
They don’t need to spend money on that sort of technology. They have plenty of security guards and OSA and “Rogues Gallery”. If random kids showed up with someone else they would NOT be able to identify them (unless they were very well known, Arron’s daughters and my sons may well be spotted due to being on social media).
The Irony that L Con who abandoned his kids and wives wrote about how to raise happy children, how to have a successful marriage, etc.
I sincerely hope that the people of Clearwater are too savvy by now to ever let their kids get anywhere near this cult. I would imagine that the area is pretty well aware of the cult and how they operate (I would love to see pictures of the actual turnout to this little “get together”). Hopefully no one shows up. It has got to be humiliating to Miscavige to have no one show in his ‘mecca’- especially if his celebrity pets are there. I seriously doubt they will come down from their ivory towers to actually see that no one comes, but still. He has to be nearly frantic to cover up all of his recent defeats. Unless hes still quarantined on the ship of plagues….
According to Clay, who use to own the Lucky Anchor, homeless and staff are the only attendees. However, I have seen videos posted at some of their block parties and it is wicked crowded. So who knows what the reality is.
In my opinion,
One of the greatest benefits of Mike & Leah’s TV show as well as people like you (Kat) writing in this blog is that thousands and thousands of parents will now know and understand the dangers of this scam and will talk with their children and help them to understand just how insidious and dangerous this monstrosity of a “so-called” cherch can be and I believe that thousands and thousands of children will now say “NO!” to this scam on account of the good work that people like Mike & Leah & Kat & everyone else here has done.
For what it may be worth, I thank you all and congratulate you all. You all have done a very fine public service and I hope you all understand just how valuable you are to this world.
It must be weird living in Clearwater, or the general region, after leaving Scientology. I run into Scientologists in my community from time to time and it is awkward. They are polite, if they have to engage, but generally go out of their way to avoid any contact. It is weird that they do this, merely because I no longer attend their Church anymore. I can’t imagine what it is like in Clearwater, surrounded by Scientologists and where there are public spaces and community events provided to the community that I wouldn’t be allowed to use or attend, merely because I don’t attend a particular Church anymore.
“I can’t imagine what it is like in Clearwater, surrounded by Scientologists ”
Other than the Sea Borg there are almost no scamologists in Clearwater. As far as a % of the population goes.
Mike Rinder wrote: ” It is an aircover operation done on the basis of what is good for scientology. ”
I was looking forward to finding my “word for the day” with “aircover”. But the only definitions I could find referred to the military concept “air cover” which means you fly an airplane over an area to discourage the enemy from conducting operations there.
For anyone who may be interested, I found the following site where the author tried to explain “aircover” in the business world.
Why Exceptional Leaders Provide Air Cover . . . And Prevent Tangles
Why “Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige has a fear of children…”:
Everyone knows that 6, 8 and 11 year old girls cause 90% of the worlds trouble. And their fake ‘tea parties’ portend world conquest. Don’t get me started on what little ponies and unicorns mean to them. It would curdle your milk.
Seriously, why would anyone outside of the $cieno bubble have anything to do with anything $cientological?
P.S. That bouncy house is there so some clam can scoop up the spilled pocket change.
There is a very entertaining flim called, “Despicable Me”. It is primarily a childrens’ comedy. But to compensate for that, most adults will almost certainly enjoy it as well. Steve Carell does a terrific job in both films.
Much of the story revolves around 3 young girls and much of the conversation concerns tea parties, unicorns and birthday parties. As a matter of fact, your post leads me to believe that perhaps you have seen one or both of these? In any case, I’d like to suggest you may enjoy both – just because they are so very entertaining. You may also enjoy seeing how the concepts of tea parties, unicorns and birthday parties are woven into the story and you may well enjoy the relationship between your post and these films.
Come to think of it, there are actually two flims. “Despicable Me” and “Despicable Me #2”. I don’t remember which one has the birthday party. But, they are both equally enjoyable.
Off Topic (sort of): I received a flyer from FLAG, THIS SUMMER EMBARK ON AN IDEAL VACATION (CSW REQUIRED?)
Bring the kiddies.
Whether you come for a few days or months,
a. Orlando Disney World only one and a half hours from FLAG
b. Epcot Center
c. Universal Orlando
d. Sea World Orlando
a. Voted number one in the USA
b. Right in FLAG’s backyard 5 minutes away
c. Paragliding
d. Jet skiing
e. Soak up the sun
f. Splash in the turquoise water
g. Build castles in the fine white sand
a. A thrill for young and old
b. Book an excursion boat and watch them show off their speed and grace alongside the boat
a. Only 40 minutes from FLAG
b. Roller coasters
c. Tube racing
d. Serengeti Safari
e. Take an off-road tour of a sixty-five-acre plain in an open-air vehicle
f. Up close and personal with African wildlife
g. Hand-feed a giraffe
a. A few miles from Clearwater by ferry
b. Hike three miles
c. Paddle a kayak
d. Swim
e. Relax on the sugar-sand beach
a. Located 50 minutes north of Tampa
b. Zip-line Florida’s largest park of its kind
c. Rope bridges
d. Aerial climbs
a. Fabulous outlet shopping
b. Tampa Premium Outlets shopping center in Lutz 25 minutes north of Tampa
c. The Nike Factory and the Sears Outlet Mall are visitor favorites
BTW: You don’t have to be a scientologist to visit these places. However, non-scientologists won’t be able to stay at any of the hotels on the FLAG land base. One more thing, if you’re a scientologist going to FLAG for service, you won’t be able to get the time off to enjoy any of the above. You will if you complete the service AND you were not forced to do another service AND if you have the time AND if you have any money left.
I recall watching an Aftermath episode in which Leah Remini was walking barefoot in the sand of Clearwater Beach, “voted Number 1, just five minutes from Flag!” Her poignant comment was that in all her years in Scientology it wasn’t until she left the cherch that she could take a minute to enjoy Clearwater Beach. Her every waking hour was filled with work, followed by hours of studying Hubbard’s materials. But then, she was a “good” Scientologist, actively studying and supporting the ‘tech’, not someone paying lip service to it like so many of the pretend-Scientologist celebrities.
I look at these PR pieces and also see the characteristic attempt to recruit through front groups – the falsely assured lure of “exact tools for raising children” and so on.
They may not get many people in that way any more, but Scientology seems willing at this point to make inordinate efforts to try to keep a trickle of people coming in, such as all the effort they put in to attempting to “recover” people those who participated in the past, that apparently works in a few cases. That’s very much in contrast to the old accounts of the days when “body routers” could sometimes snag so many curious youthful “seekers” off the streets, that the orgs couldn’t even keep up with volume of people coming in.
All religious organization have a HOOK….a carrot…that is dangled in front of the parents or child to get them involved in that particular religion. The local churches here use the premise of “summer camp”…making crafts, playing games, snacks & “learning about that particular religion”. Most are run by church volunteers & often times there is a request for a “small monetary donation” to keep these programs running.
How ELSE is a particular religion to increase it’s CASH FLOW…they HAVE to continue to get others to “join the church” for the religion to expand.
ANY religion that will separate a CHILD FROM A PARENT on a full time basis is NOT a religion in my view. There ARE “boarding schools” that the wealthy use so that their child will get a so called “top notch education, including lessons in proper deportment (manners)…but THEN the parent IS in reality turning their child over to be raised by someone other than themselves.
There are parents who are BIOLOGICAL parents ONLY….their biological clock tells them to HAVE a child…but they do not want to raise a child so they “have the child & then pass it on to be raised by someone else such as the boarding school issue.
Just how IS a child to receive from it’s biological parents parental nurturing IF the parent only has contact with the child an hour or so a day There is ONE way to “cure all that hubbub & make it ALL go away…& that is NOT to have that child.
No one knows WHAT will happen to your child who is NOT in your care the larger percentage of the time. To have NO ACCESS to your own child who has been “cornered by a pedophile” and about to be molested/raped & you…the parent….know nothing about it because you do NOT “see” your child.
GROOMING…the parent whose superior, relative, close & trusted family member or Neighbor or LOVE INTEREST who SHOWS TOO MUCH INTEREST IN YOUR CHILD…..WATCH OUT. Your child may be getting GROOMED.
The child is the VICTIM in all this…..the perpetrator pedophile is so very nice to your child. The perpetrator is taking your child to the movies, to the playground, to a special amusement park…just the TWO of them. The perpetrator is buying YOUR child toys, games, clothes, special treats…all in an attempt to get the child to TRUST them.
Then the hammer comes down….NOW the child is made to feel GUILTY if he/she doesn’t cooperate with the perpetrator as in “Gee, I’ve been sooo nice to YOU, haven’t I? I’ve bought you toys, games, clothes, taken you to that expensive amusement park & spent A LOT of $$$ on YOU haven’t I? You want to be NICE TO ME in return right?”
Add to that “There’s nothing wrong with what I’m doing to you/WITH you….We LOVE each other, right? This is OUR SECRET…don’t tell anyone or I will get in trouble & you don’t want me to go away, right”….
THERE the scene has been set….another child falls victim.
Vacation Bible School, which most Christian churches have, is a good thing – or it was for me, so long ago. We made stuff, we played softball, ate punch and cookies, stayed out of Mom’s hair for a few hours, and the Congregational Church wasn’t real big in proselytizing. No way can it be compared to the insidious attempts to snag children and their parents by the diabolical cherch.
For years I retained the set of bookends I made in VBS. The activities there, culminating in one made-for-mom piece that we proudly gave them. Mom accepted it with good humor, no matter how clumsily made. VBS was a highlight of my early summers. It was more of a vacation for moms than anything to do with the bible. I recall looking forward to it every summer. It was fun, and a way to get out and do ‘something different.’
During my teen years there were a couple of summer visits to a week long camp, with the boys in one dorm, the girls in another. It was great fun, too. Swimming, crafts, sing-a-longs, campfires, no indoctrination at all as far as I recall. Maybe there was a charge, the camp was rented, so it would make sense for there to be an expense, but it wasn’t a funding endeavor, just something provided for teens who were too old for the kiddie-camp of VBS.
I think Balletlady is on a rant, but I couldn’t get past the first paragraph, so I don’t know.
Exactly but most religious affiliations do NOT separate you from your kids. I taught VBS, & way back then there was NO “background check” to see if you’ve been in prison, are a child pedophile etc…..THERE IS NOW!
No rant here Ammo….information to wise the unsuspecting parent up as a former CPS Senior Caseworker who has SEEN & Dealt with children who were GROOMED by the family friend, relative, neighbor etc.
You said that exactly right. I was sexually abused by a family member and never told because I was convinced that my dad would kill him and he would go to prison and my grandmother would not have any support. As a 8 year old I was terrified. A few months before my mother died I told her and it broke her heart and now I have learned that he even abused his own daughter. I hope that this evil never happens again but some people are evil
I had a BFF high school friend “Nora”. Her mother worked nights & mom’s boyfriend began to molest her at 8/9 years old telling her he’d kill her & her mother if she ever told. Soon after the “touchy feely” he began to rape her. In our Junior High School year she suddenly “left school” mid term. Not a word from her to me, they had no telephone & I had no way to get to her house, so I assumed she moved suddenly.
“Nora reappeared” in late Oct of our Senior year. She looked so different, worn out, tired, older than her years. After a few weeks when we were alone she told me that her mother’s boyfriend had impregnated her. She was terrified, & when she began to “show”…she told her mother what had been going on.
Her mother did NOT believe her, called her terrible names & said “some bum boyfriend knocked you up, & you are blaming MY boyfriend?” She was tossed out of the house, went to an unwed mothers home (back in THOSE days) & delivered a son who was placed for adoption. Her mother never spoke to her or visited her.
CPS of course got involved once the Social Worker in the unwed mother’s home was given ALL the horrific details. He was investigated & Arrested & placed in prison…BUT seemingly only AFTER two OTHER teen girls came forward & told their parents that this man had tried to molest them…”feel them up” & made explicit sexual comments.
Nora’s mother never spoke to her again because Nora’s “lie” had placed her mother’s boyfriend in prison for a good long time.
THAT is why this information is so important. The people that molest children are OFTEN the people that parent’s TRUST THE MOST. Another girl I knew had a Grandfather who was getting ” overly friendly”….luckily her mother recognized the signs that her father in law was becoming sexually aggressive towards her daughter & she put an end to it & notified CPS who got involved.
Thank you Sandra for YOUR story. I am so sorry for the pain & hurt you endured. Adults have POWER over children who are defenseless. God Bless you & heal your wounds & broken heart.
Is this a good time to point out that David Miscavige is afraid of children? Odds are that he would not be caught dead at one of these events. Once again, bad PR for scientology.
I remember as a child attending an LDS church conference and David O. McKay, the then President of the church got down to my height and talked to me for a minute. It was a thrilling experience for me at the time. Little things like that go a long way to people who are of the mindset that their religion is good and true.
I have not attended an LDS church service for 50 years now, but I will always remember the kindness David O. McKay showed me that day.
Fake parties celebrating children as an excuse to get more money will probably be poorly attended. I note that only one of the two is free. The other requires registration. The free one requires that you listen to how to “tame” your children at which time you will be signed up for the next course based on your ruin in parenting. Seems like a timeshare bait and switch to me.
Exactly, run by a Sociopath and, all the actions miscabage takes conform with that mental disorder.
Yes, that is the case, the scn leader is mentally deranged, wether he likes it or not.
The FSO forgot a key bullet point;
• How to handle a child you have had sexual relations with so the CoS and you don’t fall victim to the PTS child and the psych controlled legal system.