Image of Valley Org courtesy of Reckless Ben — see video of them projecting on Big Blue, CC, HGB and Valley here.
You may have seen this pitch and others on Tony’s site and social media.
Flaunting government guidelines recommending no gatherings of more than 10 people, scientology instead uses the pandemic as a reason to encourage people to COME IN TO THE ORG.
It’s batshit crazy. Take a read and I will then try to explain the madness from a scientology perspective.
Admittedly, that one was before the stricter requirements for social distancing were in force in California, but then, after the Governor ordered that everyone stay in their homes, this one came in:
A combination of factors makes scientology act insane in this regard.
First among them, believe it or not, is the need to “get stats up.” This drives staff members in scientology orgs to do irrational, even illegal things. The pressure to be “upstat” and not let the team down in the vital cause of clearing the planet and this sector of the universe is a mighty powerful motivation for staff members.
This is combined with the general belief that the government is not to be trusted and that the media are “merchants of chaos” who spread false information to scare the population and thus control them. These are articles of faith in scientology, repeated often by Hubbard in his writings and lectures.
Add to this the general disdain for “wogs” and anything they say or do is based on “bank think” — the result of the collective “reactive mind” of poor, deluded men. Not much credence is given to anything that emanates from wogs, rather than Hubbard. Medical science is low on the list. Hubbard’s disdain for the medical profession began when they rejected Dianetics. And things did not improve from there.
And finally, the belief in scientology that in order to be sick, you must be “PTS” or a Potential Trouble Source, which means you are connected to and effect of a Suppressive Person. This is a black and white Hubbard edict in ALL CAPS:
By now every old time scientologist has done the “PTS/SP Course” more than once. This course claims to make them impervious to SP’s. They can “Confront and Shatter” SP’s and Suppression. So, they know they are not PTS so they adopt the motto of Alfred E. Neumann: “What, me worry?”
This is a dangerous mixture of insanities that causes scientologists, especially staff members, to behave in ways that are not in their best interests. Though they of course “know” they are.
More delusion inside the bubble. But this could be deadly.
New watcher of the show via Netflix. Have several questions: 1) How do current Scientologists know that some charlatan dude won’t show up and claim to be LRH? Has this happened before? 2) How do they feel about homeless/bankrupt/extremely destitute people? Can they work for the organization and receive classes, food, etc.? 3) How did LRH afford that ship? 4) Do they have senior centers to care for long time faithful who have grown up in age? 4) Who takes over ones DM leaves?
Most public will not go. But they treat us public as if we are subhuman anyway.
Some how it is my mean streak that prays the DM gets the Virus and does not survive.
Hay I am allowed to dream right?
Great comment that when someone says it works for them that at the very least it would have worked just as well if not better for them without $ci and certainly they would have more money.
Two or three years ago on Rathbun’s blog someone posted a couple of scn references saying that not ALL illnesses and accidents are caused by pts. It’s impossible for me to go through all of his blog but the specific references were posted. Illness equals pts is certainly the most commonly accepted causation.
For every law in “standard tech” there is an “out” that can be used to explain how it really wasn’t that way. Thus you get to pick and choose which piece of the tech you want to use to be right. There are references that say sickness is caused by “out lists” or a misdone “S&D” too. There’s always an “out” but the fact is that the law that sickness = PTS is the thing every scientologist knows. The obscure refs are not nearly as well known.
Thanks for the clarification. Hopefully most scientologists won’t be foolish enough to gather or congregate.
I wouldn’t bet on that if I were you 🙂
I failed to add that if the intent was to kill me it has not totally failed.
I was diagnosed with heart failure 2 1/2 years ago. My heart only pumps 1/3 of the normal amount of blood.
When I saw the ultrasound image of my heart, my first thought was that ” This is the heart of a dead man. It was hardly moving, it just wiggles a little on the edges. Tests have ruled out any previous heart attacks caused by blockages which is ordaniarily a major cause of heart failure. However, the HIV is known to cause the same kind of damage shown with my heart. For 13 years the virus was allowed to rage through my body due to no medical treatment in the SO. I have been in the hospital 8 times in the last year. The statistics for people with heart failure is that half of them live 5 years and a tenth of them live ten years. My heart failure was considered more severe than most. Some of the electrical “wiring” of the heart was totally destroyed. I now have a pacemaker to handle that but there are other problems.
So, Captain Freewinds, you were not totally wrong; I am going to die.
And OSA and the rest can talk about shattering suppressives although it took them a while to do it.
My only regret is that I have not gotten a chance to meet all you SPs and will likely not live long enough to do so.
Ehi Bill, I heard what you said. I learned doing meditation that life is you. Not in you. Care about the present. Not the past nor the future. They aren’t here. Don’t put weight of attention there. We are talking and so we are meeting somehow, I found thanks to you and other guys here to be a decent sp too. Do well
I haven’t read all the comments, so I apologize in advance if this is a repeat of others. I used to be in the SO. I have zero surprise over this response from the Orgs. Stats are paramount. Any down trend is inexcusable and giving legitimate reasons for them being down is just being “reasonable” (a dirty word in Scientology) making you an enemy and “counter-intention” to planetary clearing. What I see happening:
The staff are going to be pushed harder than ever to produce. Sleep will be a foreign concept for them and stress will be at all time highs. Couple that with being forced into large groups (even at “home” in the SO berthing—I had 27 roommates on three and four-high stacks of bunk beds back in the day) and disregard for what the “medicos” (legitimate doctors) say, and it’s going to tear through the ranks like crazy (though you can bet the good ol’ COB will be keeping the unwashed masses away from him personally).
That is going to translate to the public getting infected and let’s remember, the core die-hard Scientologists are among the most at-risk fire complications from this virus. It’s sad, but their short-term thinking and demand for production is going to decimate the key demographic that most of this “production” comes from.
I don’t look forward to the human toll this is going to take.
If this doesn’t at the very least have the cult members realizing that the only thing on this planet that they are supposedly “saving” is DM’s hoard of money. He wants ever last cent they can squeeze out of every pocket of every cult member and the rare person they can body route in. What’s it going to take? How do the whales not begin to seriously question just what scam they have been hooked in to? It’s not like they don’t live in the outside world where there’s hardly a way they don’t know what’s happening globally. Pathetic!
ONLY yesterday in Italy 4,800 more infected and 793 died in ONE day.
You have to respect everything they say to do otherwise not only one can gets sick but becomes a danger to others.
Who says that normal flu makes the same victims is crazy. This is in ADDITION, has not replaced it!
Guys, during this time of crisis, I want to lighten things up by creating a joke that I want all of you to come up with the punchline.
Okay, here goes!
Two nuns walk into an org and take OCAs. The reg then sits down with them,goes over the results and delivers the ususal shpiel that “Scientology can handle that.”. She then regges the nuns for the Hubbard Dianetics Seminar($100), the Hubbard Dianetics Co-Audit($250), and the Dianetics Professional Auditor Course($250). One of the nuns sheepishly says “Well, you see, we’re mendicants.”
The reg is confused “What does that mean?”
To which sister responds “It means we have taken vows of poverty. In other words, we don’t have any money”.
Now you guys come up with a good punchline!
Have fun!
Mike Rinder wrote: “More delusion inside the bubble. But this could be deadly.”
Google “What’s the Harm?” if you want to be seriously depressed for a while. Or if you have an idiot friend who says it.
More specific to the Coronavirus though, #patient31, #dontbepatient31 and #dontbelikepatient31 hashtags are trending on twitter. South Korea had limited itself to only 30 cases, but when patient #31 went against social distancing advice, they cause at least another 4,000 cases. 80% of SK’s cases are due to one irresponsible person! https://graphics.reuters.com/CHINA-HEALTH-SOUTHKOREA-CLUSTERS/0100B5G33SB/index.html And the mayor of the city intends to pursue criminal charges against the church involved: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/south-korea-seeks-coronavirus-murder-charges-over-3000-dead-worldwide/ar-BB10DEc0#image=BB10DEc0_1|2
So yeah, beliefs have consequences and delusions can be deadly.
As a gift to Teegeack Man’s Greatest Friend David MisCabbage has released the following cure for Coronavirus. It has proven to work 100%, 60% of the time. It is the new CVR (Corona Virus Rundown) and goes like this:
Auditor: Run your hand down the face of a corona virus infected person making sure to make direct contact with nose and mouth fluids.
PC: Ok I did that.
Auditor: Thank you. Now remove your hand from the corona virus infected person and rub your hand all over your face, nose and mouth.
PC: OK. I did that.
Auditor: Thank you. Congratulations you have successfully completed the CVR.
Sidenote: Scientology Volunteer Ministers, the Greatest Relief Force the Universe has ever seen, will be going door to door administering this Rundown. Another planet saved. You’re welcome you moronic WOGs. Do we have to do everything?
I would love to go to my church if I could. But starting at 3pm today all people 65 years old and older plus all children up to 21 years old are on quarentine. Not even outside in yard but IN HOUSE. Fine is 5000 pesos or if not complying one year in jail. No new cases. This is just the new rule. This is the Philippines but it can happen there tomorrow. Stay safe all. And just remembered that the virus could be on every coin you trade at the store. It can live hours on a foreign host.
Outrageous. My take is that they are worried that a couple of months away from Scientology will make people realize that they are better off without it.
C’mon you all should know. Asbestos, cigarettes, and viruses are good for you.
And wash those windows with inky newspaper and water. You can go ahead and throw away the Windex and paper towels.
Absolutley correct, sir.
I should know. I snorted genuine Freewinds Blue( the most deadly kind) asbestos like it was cocaine. It is the first step on the routing form to get your annual Leave of Abscense. ( Because the only way off the Freewinds is in a box.> I smoke cigarettes like most SO members and I was infected with HIV on the Freewinds (or at least under the supervision of the Freewinds MLO. I am a product of that organization ( Well maybe an overt product as they took
actions to ensure my death and now I am posting on this blog. It seems to be an overt product to me. I thought I had a lot of friends on the ship but I was told by the OSA W/US clearance I/ C that ” Ex SO members do not have friends”.
If the Captain had just worn his hat and gotten his juniors to forward command (i.e. D. M intention) this clusterfuck would never have happened. I would be safely dead as ordered and would have never posted on this blog and you loyal subjects would not have been subverted (At least by me).
Seaman Straass – Your nagging persistence is noted and recorded………………(joke)
They suffer from their own policy on know best. They all think they know best…never mind the law the media the CDC etc. we know best! Lol ugh
If Scientology claims they are an “essential business” to stay open, then they are admitting that they ARE a business, and not a religion. Their tax exemption should be revoked…..
That’s right! Churches have closed. Places to worship have closed.
Very nice thinking! I just hope something comes of this.
OOOOOOOO, I love your thinking! Every other church has cancelled services. But, since they are not a religion . . . . . . . .
THEY ARE SO A RELIGION! Just……..not subject to wog laws.
All this while Dave Miscavage hides out to avoid the virus and courts.
Let’s track him down and make him do little dances…naked!
Bet he’s on the Freewinds! Hoo boy! First the measles and now Coronavirus! And all this aboard the most ethical ship on the planet!
AlcoBoy, I HOPE covid-19 DOESN’T climb aboard the “God Ship” Fleecewinds as there’ll be no stopping it from infecting all aboard, then.
If they get people killed getting the stats up there is no problem because they will have ethics protection (at least until someone decides they don’t). Some staff would kill to get the stats up. I have routinely worked all night and injured myself in a frenzy to get the stats up ofter getting them up at 10 seconds to 2 on Thursday.
Jere: I think that there are a few that would welcome it. After 16 years on board, I knew that there were worse things than death.
OSD suggested:”Let’s track him down and make him do little dances…naked!”
Dude, that’s a picture I did NOT want to mock up.
Still using cult words?
I’m sure that if this pandemic keeps growing ,Sci will open all their Clearwater properties up to house the sic and homeless, or else close Sci down
There is another alternative.
It is one that kind of goes like the French Revolution where the people get fed up and storm the Bastille.
Can you imagine all the citizens getting together and looking at all those empty buildings and asking, “why should all those buildings stand empty when we all are having big problems with housing? Pick up your pitchforks and let’s go!”
Skyler asked us to “imagine: “… all the citizens getting together and looking at all those empty buildings and asking,”“why should all those buildings stand empty when we all are having big problems with housing? Pick up your pitchforks and let’s go!”
Not that the Idle Morgs would be of much use. It’s not like they have a bunch of individual sleeping spaces with working bathrooms and showers and all. The actual homeless would reject Morg accommodations as inferior to sleeping on the street
“I’m sure that if this pandemic keeps growing ,Sci will open all their Clearwater properties up to house the sic and homeless, or else close Sci down”
HARDLY. Dwarfenführer will NEVER close scn down while there’s even ONE dollar to extort from the fleeced sheeple”. And the chances of his opening his “Mecca” to the unwashed DB “masses”(so to speak) is between nil and zero(0.000000). Ain’t gonna happen!
Maybe I should have added “BT” to the “unwashed DB “masses”” to complete how degraded he would see them being.
I wonder of Little Davey has some of his ill-gotten gains in the stock market or mutual funds? I imagine he would be steaming out the top of his pompadour to see his money evaporate.
I think he sold all of his stocks “SHORT”, and made a whole bunch of money. But what the heck, he’s been on SHELTER AT HOME for years now, so it is nothing new to him….
Davey-Boy isn’t that forward. He’ll mimic Tubby and insist on only CASH or other negotiable valuable(\gold or Jewels) Thus it can’t really appreciate or depreciate, only get stolen or confiscated*
* GOLD doesn’t appreciate or depreciate in value. Currencies might endure changing values compared to GOLD, but that’s a problem with them as gold IS itself the basic value, from which anything else’s apparent value must be compared.
From what I’ve READ HERE & on Tony’s blog….this should be an easy piece of cake for them. Since I’ve seen pictures of EMPTY or barely there attendance in MOST of their buildings….COS can certainly have their “patrons” keep a good 6 feet or MORE away from each other.
Balletlady, the Co$ “patrons” will *certainly* maintain 6-foot spacing since there will only be a couple at most showing up at the same time. All others have been staying away in droves. They’ve been avoiding the Regges as a standard action — one, perhaps THE reason Dwarfenführer has to manufacture a compelling reason to get the clapping clams to come into the cold, dark structures.
I also like John P’s thought that this ploy is yet another “loyalty test”. John’s got a great imagination for Davey-Boy’s possible motivations. I find it tough to imagine Dwarfenführer acting of anything but a drunken rage or hung-over irritation.
This was posted on Social Media by Active Scientologists.
What happened to the Super Powers of the OT’s?
Oh my, this is very enturbulating. Mark Bunker has suppressed Scientologists and Scientology. THAT IS AWESOME!!
HERE IS WHAT WAS POSTED by Scientologists:
” For all the City of Clearwater people who had a voice, and are American Citizens and did NOT vote in the Clearwater Election. Did not take the time and courtesy to get registered…shame on you! This election was KEY. We will overcome it as we always do but I want you to know that is IS per the Way to Happiness TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY TO VOTE and we lost our vote on one KEY seat. Our voice was lost.”
What this person is missing is that they DID all vote. There just aren’t many scientologists who CAN vote in Clearwater. Not even 3,000.
Mike Rinder observed:”There just aren’t many scientologists who CAN vote in Clearwater. Not even 3,000.”
On the Social Media post, it was obvious the poster was aware that foreign nationals couldn’t vote, so scn likely couldn’t scare up even 1,000 voters, never mind the 3,000 supposed “citizens of Clearwater they SAY they control. Once more we see that scientology lies, must lie, can’t NOT lie. Not only is it “scripture” to lie, but the truth about scientology scares most reasoning people away, running as quickly as they can in the opposite direction.
I have to say this is AWESOME! I love it when they scream…it seems they get suppressed so easy by us SPs. So much for ‘Confront and Shatter’…we’re here and getting stronger David…much stronger.
Linear13, you’re getting closer to the truth: ONE SP, just by being in the area, can defeat ALL of their OTs, even that big old lovable SP dog who claims Aaron as “his human”.( I hope I didn’t need to put a “smiley” there.
Aw, poor little cult snowflake is triggered…Aqua wants to help. There, there, now, yes, dear, you WILL confront and shatter Old Meany Ess Pee Wise Beard Man VERY soon, you WILL win, of course you will, because as we all know, you are soooo powerful! Yes, so very powerful! You’re an Oat Tee, remember? Feel better? Good! Now you just trot along, grab yourself a Cal Mag and go write a REALLY nasty KR on one of your fellow Scientologists, OK? You just do that and I guarantee you’ll feel so much more at peace with yourself!
Aqua gave us “Aw, poor little cult snowflake is triggered…” for much LEVITY all around. I can JUSt hear the sarcasm dripping off that post.
POURING off, jere. I have such contempt for them. Boasting of their abilities to “confront and shatter suppression”. I suppose they believe because they completed the PTS-SP course wherein they passed mocked up drills done with other PTS-SP students that they can confront and shatter suppression. But they can’t. They wouldn’t know real suppression if they fell over it in the road. They’re incompetent and delusional. Their confront is extremely low and yet they believe it to be extremely high! There are people in mental institutions with more grounding in reality than these jerks.
“Clearwater Citizen”, this is PRIME confirmation that scientology has no REAL presence or political clout in Clearwater. They THOUGHT they did when they first moved in and has all scns vote for a particular slate of candidates. That attempt was well-noticed by the paper the CW Sun(? the main paper before the Tampa Bay Times) because they bused ALL of us to the polls in that creaky old blue bus.
That created NO appreciable change in the outcome then, same as scn NOT being able to defeat Mark even though he admitted to not running the most dynamic campaign he would have preferred to have run. Still, it was enough to get to the right voters and he WON! scientology can only hang its head in shame — AGAIN. I can’t point to ANY thing that scientology can honestly hold its head up proudly about, EVER. That’s because I don’t remember scientology ever doing something HONESTLY. The PR might have sounded laudable, but the reality was quite the opposite.
Additional. Here in Italy it’s a mess. In certain areas most affected, doctors and health facilities are not enough. IT’S NOT A JOKE. The numbers of the contagions follow an almost exponential numerical system. And these idiots think of dramatization of the wogs or who knows what else. To put it in their words: they are very far from the present time !!
LoosingMyReligion, I believe the idiom you were trying for was “far behind PT”; not “caught up” to the conditions of yesterday,or last week or last month or year. Like scientology’s “techniques” and methods of operation were considered obsolete and dysfunctional back in the ’50s.
Jere. My english is a bit spaghetti, I meant that they want to bring people in present time. But they are out of it, and have no reality of what is really going on.
Despite all we criticize, many if not most of the members, for sure the older ones, have some semblance of common sense. I hope they use that common sense to socially isolate, not matter the stats. And if some idiot wants to punish them for down stats when the entire nation is suffering, it might be the push they need to walk away.
Right, Ammo Alamo. Maybe THIS will be the final push necessary to get some more members GONE. Every one that leaves is a step towards “clearing the Planet” — of scientology. It can’t happen too soon. Last year would have been good.
ALL of their so called VM’s should be front & center handing out…..???? I can’t imagine other than them handing out The Way To Happiness books…..but at least it can be used when someone runs out of toilet paper.
AAAhhhh, those yelllow (bellied) shirted VM…should be out in droves “helping the masses”…..but then maybe they can’t stand 6 feet away so that’s a “good excuse” to keep them safely in some of the COS owned property where they can be further fleeced of pennies.
Hallucinating. But they didn’t understand anything. You see just how they ‘think for themselves’. But it is the management that tells them to produce stats as Mike rightly says. The problem is that in doing so they become criminals because they risk infecting others who are out. The management pushes because it knows that if they do not produce money they do not have the weekly percentages and in less than a month the Sea org will be hungry and will have to activate the sea org reserves (it has almost never happened, also to support useless management).
I think Davey signed a One Billion Year contract with the Sea Org Reserve years ago, and just forgot about it. I will be looking for him to suit up in a sailors uniform and start swabbing the decks…
Take em down. You are right a nice One Billion Dollar contract. And if it goes as I said (and it will) he would have to share them to keep alive thousands of SO members.
A quick perusal of the Co$ Narconon web presence shows the criminal grifters of this fraudulent criminal enterprise still seeks desperate immune-compromised addicts & families to enter their non-medically supervised facilities for bogus “treatment” and financial fleecing. Now they’re violating public health pandemic mandates and should be reported as such to appropriate agencies. This is clearly homicidal intent-if there’s a Narconon facility in your county or community and you note their unfettered advertising for “addicts in the shop,” notifying local law enforcement/public health agencies as a concerned resident would be a public service.
When I was sent off of the Freewinds with full blown AIDS from a blood transfusion in Curacao the ship execs sent me to a chiropractor to be treated for AIDS. This is like taking your car to a plumber to be repaired.
At least he told me straight out that he had never worked on anyone with AIDS. He told me not to take the standard meds for HIV as they were ” worse than HIV. They held my wife for 6 months against her will while they waited for me to die. The Captain Freewinds told her in his office that I was going to die and that nothing could be done for me. He then told her to “End Cycle” on me. Then, when they were finally forced to release her, they told her to put me in a hospice to die. In a hospice I would never been treated for HIV as confirmed later by the doctor she took me to. By now I was so far gone I did not even recognize her.
When she took me to a HIV specialist against the ship’s and their chiro’s advice, I recovered quickly.
I leave it to you fine people to decide if it was just sheer stupidity or bad intent. The case against stupidity is that they had a licensed MD on board as required by law who no doubt told the Captain that there were now good meds for AIDS. Dr Denk told me the same thing.
So I could have actually remained aboard and recovered on the ship. I did a full days production working to 11PM the last day I was there. Even assuming that it was stupidity there is an LRH Flag Order which says “There is a point where stupidity ends and Treason begins”. When I was in the hospital the nurse daily asked me the date and location. I could not tell her what year it was or what county I was in. I kept giving her the different countries the Freewinds sailed to when I was aboard. To be generous, I will guess that it was stupidity.
But, if it was attempted murder which very nearly suceeded, they hardly could have done a better job.
Dearest Bill…..YOU remain in my thoughts & prayers constantly. No one could be MORE forthcoming & honest about what happened to them than yourself. Your amazing honestly is beyond what someone would believe if it came from OUTSIDE COS which touts itself as “clearing the planet”….which gives one the impression they are out to SAVE THE WORLD.
There is certainly the consideration that YOU too should write a book…..your vast knowledge is inspiring to hopefully open the eyes of many both inside & out.
We never know when “our number is up”…we can only take things day by day & get through those same days with sheer willpower & strength of character of which you have in spades.
How can I begin to THANK YOU for sharing your story, as a never in it leaves me shaken as to the extent they have gone to harm just about everyone who’s had the unfortunate experience to be in ANY way involved with them.
For you, your wife & extended family….I am PROUD of you & what you’ve managed to accomplish AFTER you left…..& the honesty you’ve displayed NOT to garner notoriety for yourself, but for many who need that way up call.
In my heart & thoughts forever…..
I am touched by your comm. Thank you. My now former wife undoubtably saved my life by getting me to the hospital after talking to her sister who just happened to work at San Francisco General Hospital which has the oldest operating AIDS clinic in the world.
Dr Diane Havlir was my HIV doctor there. She has worked there since 1981 when she changed her specialty to work with the disease later known as AIDS. I talked with her about this, the horror of being a doctor to people you could do nothing for except, as she said, prescribe ” compassion” and watch them die. She was the Co Chairman of the World Aids day a few years ago and has done a lot of research. She has saved a lot of lives.
My now ex-wife disappeared 5 years ago and I can only imagine that she was ordered to disconnect from me when I was declared SP for telling my story. I have still never seen a copy of the Declare order.
Bill….you saved YOURSELF with your Moxie! No doubt it’s been getting you through all of this. Sometimes as much as we love someone, we can’t SAVE someone from their determination to “stay in”. I wish things had been different for you & she, but as you note, it is what it is.
In 1994 a teen friend of my daughter’s died from AIDS. He and his younger brother both got AIDS f rom tainted blood transfusions for their Hemophilia. The youngest boy was born healthy and still living. The mother’s first husband deserted her & their first two sons because of the AIDS issue.
The mother remarried about three years after being deserted by the boys’ father, & they had one child together, a son, who was born healthy. Her husband, the step father, stood by her sons & he WAS a real standout Step Father…the boys were well loved & supported by their mother, step father, extended family & many friends from the community . Sadly the eldest son died at 17, the 2nd son at 15….the youngest sons born healthy remains so today.
Both boys & the school took all precautions to keep everyone safe, & both of these boys had a lot of friends & a very supportive mother of course.
The mother & I are still in contact…
From myself, husband & family…we send you all our best wishes & thank you for being the wonderful person you are.! PLEASE consider writing that book Bill…..you NEED to get your experience OUT there!
Gatherings at orgs probably won’t exceed the government recommendations of no more than 10 people anyways. They’re likely still safe from Coronavirus. There are other reasons to avoid orgs, of course…
Small gatherings are not going to save them from coronavirus if they are not practicing social distancing and are instead doing exactly the wrong things, like touch assists. It’s possible that scientologists’ partial isolation from mainstream society could provide them some protection, but then again their attitude of trying to pretend like the pandemic doesn’t exist may cause them to do risky things in the world at large, and increase their chances of catching it – after which they will spread it when they get together.
Don’t they still have to go to the grocery store? There are many ways they can still get it & spread it to others. Maybe a few respected in their community getting it will show they can get sick. Or will they just be accused of being friendly with an SP?
Right you are, J.T. The whole reason for Dwarfenführer’s® current ploy is to try to reverse the public’s staying away in DROVES from all orgs. He can’t fleece them when they’re not “in the shop”.
Certain states have mandated “sheltering at home” which includes working from home. The cult will want to capitalize on their not having to be at their job sites and will do anything, lie to them, entice them with food, anything, to get them to come into the org. Sad, really. Sad for the public who will be pressured by the staff to violate their government’s temporary edicts about social distancing; sad for the staff because they will be themselves very heavily pressured to keep the stats up, and heavily made wrong when they fail to do so. So glad, so GRATEFUL I’m not in…thank you, God.
In some areas you CAN “leave home” to grocery shop, doctor’s visits…..& can take a walk as long as you are NOT congregating with a group of people.
Our local supermarkets have closed their in house “deli department”…& you cannot buy “loose rolls, bagels, donuts….everything is PRE PACKAGED since they don’t want people handling baked goods.
The National Guard is on the roads “checking to see where someone might be going” & then they deem it as necessary to let the driver go on his way for groceries, medications, or doctor’s visits.
Hospitals have restricted patient visits to “one person” & then if someone is in the “last stage of life”…funeral homes are Immediate Family ONLY.
Our local grocery store has TAPE on the FLOOR on EVERY cash register site…SIX FEET from cashier…six feet for the consumer on line behind you…..scary stuff.
IF COS is allowing congregation of large groups for ANY reason, someone SHOULD call the “authorities”….SOCIAL DISTANCE IS SIX FEET…..
I am sure that they will practice social distancing. That means that in the cemetary their graves will be 6 feet apart.
Of course, if a scino org goes down with the C Virus then it won’t be scientologys fault.
It’ll be “The tech wasn’t correctly applied, or wasn’t applied”.
Or “Someone must have been PTS”.
It actually worries me what these bat shit nuts fuckwits are doing behind the scenes. How many people are being told to go to events, or their org for more brainwashing under the orders/statements from the local brainwashing factory that “This is the best theta/PTS free/no illness can enter here” garbage.
And they will believe it!!
RIGHT! Crazy stats-oriented morons with criminal tendencies to spread covid 19.
You got it, Exbritscino. They’ve got HUNDREDS of excuses when things don’t work as advertised, EXCEPT they can’t admit that the “tech” doesn’t work as advertised, only as designed.
Even Scientology itself could be said to be a sort of excuse for why Dianetics didn’t work as promised. Then, as a “religion” it’s kind of got built-in excuses.
I’ve always said; The only way Scientology will be crushed is within the Organization itself…This could help speed things up. ☺️
I’m with you, Joan! Speeding so fast, it will confuse them. They’ll think down is up, and up is down! And then…they’ll have the final crash! I’d like to see that! Won’t that be fun?
Correct, Joan. Dwarfenführer has been doing a far better job of dismantling scientology than ANY external force could have done. Looks like it won’t be too long, now, until the final fizzle of implosion is heard
Completely disassociated from the world.
Regarding the stats the MAAs and RTC will not accept ANY excuses for being down, even if the Government’s request is geared to save lives and avoid further spread of the virus.
It does not matter, the staff will be told they are down-stat, have overts and withholds, will be placed on rice and beans while the boss drinks whiskey and slavery and mind manipulation will continue its course.
The virus for scientology is blindly believing what they are told.
Balletlady observed:” everyone has stocked up for a possible “lock in” of a week or more. It’s sad to see the store shelves empty of ALL items….meats, bread, milk, frozen foods, even cold & cough treatments.”
My wife says it’s the same around here, never mind that having a FULL pantry, just in case, has been SOP around here for years in the winter and “Hurricane season”. You never used to know when some storm was going to lock us in at home for days or weeks. We don’t lose power as much as 40+ years ago, so some obviously have gotten out of the habit. Hence the empty store shelves even in the mid-Atlantic region, which isn’t logging a lot of coronavirus infections, yet. We’ve never been as “too-packed” as NYC always has been, always have been pretty nearly rural.
For you my friend & your family…stay safe & healthy….thinking of you with best wishes!
Another potential consequence of Scientology’s “handling” of COVID-19 is what could transpire if the virus hits the Sea Org staff at the PAC Base, for example. There is no way SO Members can really practice social distancing, they live and work and eat and sleep in very close quarters. They have a number of elderly staff as well. COVID-19 could potentially wreak havoc in such an environment.
I’ve got an elderly mother at Flag, and I worry about this, because it’s the same situation.
“I’ve got an elderly mother at Flag, and I worry about this, because it’s the same situation.”
We HOPE that all those we love still in scn are going to be fine, I’m sure some/most of us here are beaming good strong beams of positive postulates their way, JUST in case it helps anything at all. In an earlier life, we might be “praying” for their safe return to the real world, as opposed to Davey’s minions’ preying ON them.
Right. It would be a disaster for them. And the entire block with them inside will be closed and put in quarantene. The most of their suckcess stories says that they are more present etc. What about now?
As we say in Italy: they are joking with fire.
Sure you have something similar.
This is what I’ve been saying with regard to Sea Org berthing. Petri dishes for the coronavirus.
SSoA, you’re likely right that the PAC base –or Flog– would easily become a hotspot of coronavirus deaths, but i wouldn’t wish their situation or the likely outcome on my worst enemies, none of whom are there. I can only HOPE that none of the friends I left behind 39 years ago are there. Ideally, they’ve ALL dispersed to happier, healthier lives.
AND Aqua’s entirely correct:” Sea Org berthing [are] Petri dishes for the coronavirus.”
Excellent write up, Mike – Excellent.
After seventeen years in Scientology, I read almost every word Hubbard wrote and listened to 90% of
his taped lectures. Hubbard was so wrong in his basic assumptions that he ended in total failure.
After OT VIII, I realized just how stupid he was.
Hi George – I have never been into Scientology, but am so interested in this. If you would like I’d love to hear from you by email to know briefly what it was about OT8 that blew the gaff on the folly of this belief system…
Bless you,
Steve Thomas (UK) [email protected]
On January 27, 2020 Mike posted a treatise about scn written by George.
George also has a humorous short video on youtube regarding his current position as “Universe Chief Information Officer” but I don’t have the link.
thank you Richard 🙂
This is SUCH a helpful and supportive crowd, here; the way conversations should be,but too rarely are
Take a bunch of little kids and put them all in a room together where they can play?
In the time of the Coronavirus, what could go wrong with that idea?
Batshit Crazy would seem to be the perfect adjective to describe that idea.
I suppose this scam cannot figure out a way they can make money with people staying home and self-isolating. Yeeesh!
Skyler you said EXACTLY what I was thinking! The only saving grace is that thus far the virus doesn’t seem to have the same impact on children. But what’s even more dangerous about that is that just one asymptomatic (many children and even some adults show NO symptoms) could wreak havoc and the poor older souls who’ve dedicated their entire lives to this mess are in genuine and grave danger due to this.
So glad Mike is calling this out and I hope that with Nat’l Guard and how seriously govt is taking this unilaterally, regardless of party means someone will step in and do what co$ will never do – protect those older, vulnerable members. Especially since so many may have underlying health issues about which they have NO clue thanks to lack of any decent medical care, let alone proactive checkups, for these lifelong dedicated members!
The point you made that really resonates with me is how one child who has the virus but has not yet displayed any symptoms could easily infect ALL THE OTHER children in the room
Thank God and thanks to Mike and Leah … so many people now realize what a batshit crazy criminal scam this is that I have to wonder if they are still able to fill a room with children. I just hope that there are hardly any parents who would be so uninformed as to subject their children to such a terrible fate.
If you are a parent or know some parents, please do the world a big, big favor and keep them away from this scam. Keep them as far aways as you possibly can. The reason are so many that there is just not enough space or time for them all to be written down. Keep your children healthy and happy and living a good and normal life!
I’m with you Skyler 100%. Kids are the biggest victims of this scam.
…and I forgot to say…WELCOME BACK!
Thank you Linear. It was largely the result of your comments that caused me to start to post again. Both you and Aquamarine.
Bless you both!
There’s no way Miscavige will care for or protect his elderly Sea Org members unless somehow not protecting them or caring for them puts the younger, energetic useful ones in danger. This is the man who said, “Let him die” when he had detectives tailing his father who had heart trouble.
I fully suspect that he would have investigated all the ways he could take out life insurance policies on these people naming himself as the beneficiary.
If that is possible, you can be that his lawyers would have found a way whereby he can try to scam the life insurance companies and get them to pay through the nose.
I meant “bet” – not “be”.
Skyler said:””I meant “bet” – not “be”.
As used as I am to the InterWebz, my dyslexia supplied “bet” on my first read. We ALL make similar mistakes, some of us more than others.
Well stated my friend…people here seem to be taking precautions, & everyone has stocked up for a possible “lock in” of a week or more. It’s sad to see the store shelves empty of ALL items….meats, bread, milk, frozen foods, even cold & cough treatments.
I know you’re doing the best you can to keep the little ones safe….my thoughts & prayers are will ALL of you….
In my city, we can still place orders with Grocery delivery companies. They have always been a little more expensive. But not really terribly more. The quality of their products is good and the people who manage their service are very kind and reliable. Well worth the extra 10% or 15% they charge over supermarkets.
Definitely true Skyler! Our two local markets offer delivery service as well, problem is the store’s warehouses can’t keep up with the current demand due to hoarding by consumers. I’ve seen carts filled with toilet paper….I mean a dozen packages or more of a 12 to 20 pack.
The supermarkets ALL SHOULD HAVE LIMITED purchases & tracked the same with the grocery store “cards”…..people going back EVERYDAY to buy MORE of the same thing they’ve already hoarded. Even “cold cut deli items” are in short supply
Limited toilet paper, NO EGGS OR BUTTER here, MILK goes fast too. The local schools are handing our bagged lunches with a “breakfast item” for the students who are on the free lunch programs for pick up
Restaurants are doing “take outs” or “delivery service” for those who don’t cook or have limited mobility to cook, senior citizens are being offered meals on wheels.
People are being encouraged to STAY HOME, work from home if they can…others aren’t so fortunate…filing for unemployment is their only way.
No one knows when this will end, or how…we can ONLY HOPE to STICK TOGETHER & help each other through at a DISTANCE.
Extended family health issues (NOT CORONA RELATED) have kept me OFF the internet & I AM SORRY FOR NOT GETTING BACK TO CERTAIN PEOPLE…….we have a10 year old nephew who has been seriously ill …won’t go into detail..too long a story to type.
Jenyfurrr, MY fear is that DM and his cronies have made the calculation that this is one way they can rid themselves from the staff who will too soon be unable to maintain the pace. Without them, costs will be somewhat lower: No food needed anymore. Can they BE that sociopathic? I believe “Yes, they can.” I HATE to be that sort of downer, but it should be confronted as a logical extension of Davey-Boy being in charge and NO general revolutions within the Fiefdom he carved out of scn.
Geee, besides that those pictures of the college students “enjoying” Spring Break on the Beach….none of them are 6 feet apart…..they’re A LOT closer than that!
Clearwater needs to close the beaches to crowds. It’s going to be like the movie ‘Jaws’ where the mayor wouldn’t close the beaches because of the loss of revenue…Same thing is going on in FL. They are afraid of losing that dough. I’d rather be poor than dead. I watched a news person interview some of the ‘kids’ on the beach. He asked them if they were worried about catching COVID…the replies were frightening. The thoughts of these ‘kids’ being the up and coming professionals that are going to be running the country when I’m old scares me bad.
A friend who is a “snowbird” owns a Villa in Florida says “The home owners are worried they will close THE SWIMMING POOL & they’ve have NOTHING TO DO”…..Wow! Stupidity at it’s worst.
This is in one of those “all encompassing Senior Retirement Centers…golf, pool, exercise room, entertainment theatre etc……
He says he intends to go back to Florida in April….OMG…I told him he’s NUTS to risk it….people are NOT GETTING IT….. these seniors are NOT understanding what’s going on ….going to Publix & other places….too sad.
If someone is not used to the way of life in Florida, it can be very unsettling to think of going there for any length of time during this pandemic.
It’s not just about the availability of products and services (like groceries).
Even in cities outside of the USA that are known for very peaceable lifestyles, people are beginning to act crazy as a result of panic.
I drove to my local supermarket yesterday – one hour before opening time – at 7A.M. – just to see what was going on. As I drove into the parking lot from one direction, another driver drove in from the other end going about 50 miles per hour. The usual speed people travel is 20 to 25 MPH. I can only attribute this to panic or insanity.
There was absolutely no reason for them to be driving like that. The streets were almost empty of cars. There was a small lineup of people at the supermarket but driving like a crazy person could not be helping anyone and could very easily result in death or life-threatening injuries.
I’m guessing that the longer this current situation goes on, some people may start to go “stir crazy” and engage in all kinds of this kind of behavior.
Scaring the life out of me.
Same scenario here, when people hear that a truck is coming in for restocking the shelves…people are there at 7 AM or earlier. I’d gone the other day early, had to pick up two items…despite the truck having arrived &been unloaded…the shelves were still pretty much barren.
Not many cars out on the road, people in this area are staying home…even church has been cancelled.
My mother in law is in assisted living, she’s 96…husband can’t visit, can drop things off to be “sanitized” before she gets them…..two towns over there is ONE death from the Carona Virus…that’s way too close for comfort.
My thoughts & prayers are with everyone…Skyler, stay safe, healthy….I need you here…along with several other friends I’ve made!
So True Linear….I AM old….& it is sickening to hear these kids act like nothing is going on & it’s an “ordinary day” where life goes on despite the deadly virus wiping out people left & right around the world.
My mom passed away 5 years ago this month….at age 86 after a 6 1/2 year battle with Dementia….she said to me “I am glad I am on my way out, this world isn’t as nice as it use to be”…(i.e. people are self centered, selfish, greedy)…..
The handwriting is on the wall, many of us plainly see it….I am MORE THAN GRATEFUL for those I’ve MET HERE & on Tony’s blog…..no finer people in the world.
Arrg! I can’t see how concentrating Scientologists together to greatly increase chances of infection will contribute to “Scientology’s unprecedented expansion.”
But then again, no one ever accused the church of long range thinking and planning beyond next Thursday.
I think that DM has just ” found” a new rundown . On the routing form will be a step to buy life insurance payable to the Church. Then they will be made to get the virus and die.
But, don’t worry, they will become Patrons Martyrtorius at the next IAS event.
Bill Strauss quipped:”But, don’t worry, they will become Patrons Martyrtorius at the next IAS event.”
AND a Darwin award;-(
This gross disregard for ‘no group’ orders should be reported to the local/county health department. It’s not only putting people going to the org in danger, it’s also endangering anyone they come in contact with after they leave the org.
PickAnotherID said:”This gross disregard for ‘no group’ orders should be reported to the local/county health department. ”
ONLY if you want to entangle the department in YEARS of legal wrangling with scn who will argue it’s a sacred religious observance they’re only banning because they are anti-religious bigots OUT for scientology for nefarious reasons. AND the scns will BELIEVE their lawyers’ BS. (Dave’s reasoning, actually. Lawyers only do EXACTLY what he directs them to do, or ELSE!)
There is certainly a sense of of being invincible when you are on the kool aid, until reality smacks you in the head and you have to reconcile your silly beliefs with actual events. Of course there is always the concept of PTS, or ‘you pulled it in’ that scientologists rely on to explain the failures of tech.
I think about the already sparse Super Power Bldg and even the Advanced Org in downtown Clearwater. It sounds evil (then again, I AM an SP) but it makes me giddy to think how totally empty (except for Sea Org members) these two buildings are now, never mind its “hotels.” There is NO ONE coming from around the world to do services at FLAG. Wow!
Imagine a Sea Org member that lives in a dorm and eats in the galley contracting this virus. He will be quarantined but not until AFTER he infects others. It could spread like wild fire and there are a LOT of old Sea Org members. The church of scientology will not get its Sea Org members tested much less report it. THAT idea does not make me giddy.
I really do wonder what david miscavige’s orders are to Sea Org members.
I hadn’t considered that cancelled international flights will kill incoming income. That’s great!
Yes, that’s going to kill a lot of Flog’s business. Buuuuuahahahaah….
I bet the regges are really pushing the new ‘Status Card’ monthly donation scam. It was rolled out for the IAS but I’m sure they’ll use it for Flag and local Orgs as well. That way they get a monthly stream of money from the sheep whether they are on course or not. They can make different flashy cards for the different organizations. The IAS already has the color scheme set for levels of donation. They just need to add something flashy for each organization. Just think the ‘Celebrity Center Super Platinum’ card…or the ‘Valley Ideal Org Her Royal Governess Edition’ with a pic of Nancy Cartwright on the card.
Hello Mary, I worked for 7 years at Flag and another 16 on the Freewinds. The virus at Flag would just race though there like a fire in dry brush. I had HIV on the Freewinds from blood products paid for by the Church and was not tested for 13 years; until I was all but dead.
I was sent off of staff as soon as I tested positive for HIV. Then they sent me to a great chiro that had treated LRH; He was certain he could fix me up and told my wife that I would be back on the ship within a month. (She was being held against her will after being told by the only Right Arm Captiain in the SO, Captain Napier that I would be dead soon and to end cycle on me. I was all but dead and had dementia and did not recognize her by the time she got off the ship.
In the SO one is owned property. The SO Contract is the Church’s Title papers to your body. They can and will sell or trade your carcass to the highest bidder. And, if you happen to be like myself and are no longer saleable, you can be sent into the ovens.
P. S. I use my real name with my handle so that those that read Mikes blog can see that I am still alive 19 years after they did the above.
Mary Kahn observed:”There is NO ONE coming from around the world to do services at FLAG. Wow!”
WOW!, indeed
This clueless response is so tone deaf. They are so blinded by their need to get up the stats and not be a down stat, that they are endangering members of the church.
I remember when I was a member, I was sometimes sleep deprived, trying to get everything done.
Since I have been out, I am a much healthier person. I remember ragged looking staff, working their day job to pay the rent and coming in on staff at night and having to rev up and be there and confront.
I’m just thinking that we have some vulnerable people at the org, staff and public.
I remember knowing that many people who were on lines as public people at the org I was at had debts, and zero or not a lot of savings.
It was almost like a withhold, like you’re doing something wrong, if you had savings.
But those scientologist public people, are going to need their savings, because this is not a two week downtime. This is something we haven’t seen in our lifetimes and we need to take it seriously.
I say we need to take it seriously, while sheltering at home, not infecting other people and doing crazy risky stuff that could get people dead.
This is so wrong and I wish I knew what I could do to get them to stop risking people’s lives like this.
I’d say Hubbard had an underlying belief that all illness and disease was psychosomatic – Scientology also virtually treats even physical accidents that way, too. That leads to members dismissing medicine and science, and instead relying on pseudo-medicine and pseudo-science, and placebo-like “alternative” treatments.
We already see some evidence of the tragic toll of that in the seemingly inordinate number of scientologists who die of cancer, particularly relatively young. That’s likely mostly due to failing to get regular medical check-ups and care that would catch disease early, and then being resistant to proven conventional treatments.
Scientology has had a long run of devil’s luck, other than perhaps just the Snow White episode, that has allowed them to more or less get away with imagining that they don’t have to be “reasonable” and deal with reality – and even often with dodging various bullets like health department inspections.
This time is apt to be different in several ways, including that orgs’ stats will inevitably crash, which Scientology has no rational way to deal with other than to blame and punish staff, due to their beliefs forbidding “reasonableness”; and members’ faith and loyalty is going to be tested by demands that are obviously unreasonable in the face of a serious health crisis, and the obvious unreality of beliefs in psychosomatic illness and pseudo-science. There are going to be defections, or more people going UTR, whether some or a lot.
Plus, with many out of work and a likely bad economy, Scientology’s cash flow is going to be way down.
And then there are worst-case scenarios, like COVID-19 tearing through the Sea Org like a nursing home.
Great write up
There were many times in my 23 years in the SO that I wished something like that would happen to get me out. Even though it might have been fatal, it was worth the risk.
It was clear to me in the last 10 years in the SO that the SO would be fatal.
Now they’re just being stupid! (Still)😜
Isn’t that the way they’ve always been? They take pride in being stupid!
Outrageous. My take is that they are worried that a couple of months away from Scientology will make people realize that they are better off without it.
I had a hunch that Scientology would openly flout the state governments’ Covid 19 precautionary edicts. I just had this hunch that they’d stay open and go all out to get people into the orgs on any pretext. And JVB, I agree with you that the cult is doing this out of a driving fear that they dare not let people be away from the org for too long, lest they realize they’re “better off without it”.
Yes, time to think, feel,, and ‘find things out’ on the internet 🙂