It’s SaTerraDay…
Scientology and Help
The best band of all time said it best: “Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Help!”
Friends, family and countrymen have all failed to help us at times throughout our lives. Mom and Dad, brothers and sisters, ex-husbands and ex-wives have all shirked their duties at to help. We’ve all experienced times where we’ve asked for help, only to be rebuffed, told to scram, told to we were losers and not worth the trouble. We’ve been promised the moon, only to taste green cheese. We’ve been promised fortunes, happiness, and immortality. And just as others have failed to help us, we’ve failed to help them.
According to LRH, this button reaches a point where every attempt at helping is seen as destructive. Real help isn’t possible. Offers of help are tricks to control people. Help equals betrayal.
One of Scientology’s goals is to reverse this trend, this dwindling spiral, and to restore man’s faith in being helped. Scientology believes they have all the answers, that they’re up to the task, that they truly can help people. For the most part, they’ve failed. More people have left the church than remain. Those that left feel betrayed after having been promised they would be helped.
Real Men
Real Scientologists don’t need help. Not much anyway. Because real Scientologists are able. They’re at cause; they’re ethical, upstat, and make it go right. Scientologists are not victims; they’re responsible for their own condition. Cleared Scientologists are Homo Novi. If a church member feels betrayed, it’s because they “pulled it in.” They did something to sabotage LRH’s “workable technology.” The tech is known. The tech is sound. The help is real.
Asking for help can be a sign of weakness; a sign that LRH’s tech and policy has been misapplied. Asking for help is one’s next case level talking.
Real Scientologists help themselves. They apply the correct conditions and disconnect from the right terminals—like their moms and kids. They fly to Flag for periodic sec-checking. They’re helping to clear the planet of insanity. They’re helping to save mankind.
And since Scientology staff have “no case on post,” they’re in little need of support.
Ironically, Scientologists help themselves by blaming others. Psychiatry, government, the Tax Man, and Big Pharma have all conspired to destroy not only the church, but all of mankind. It is this institutional suppression that is behind all failed help on the planet.
Scientologists believe their church is all about helping the individual. From the moment a piece of raw meat walks through the front doors of their org or mission, he’s promised that Scientology will help what’s ailing him—what’s ruining his life.
The staff is dedicated to one thing only: helping the public go “clear” and “OT.” And since most of this public has a button on help, staff is trained to overcome this barrier.
The Great Benefactor
Everything LRH did was to help people. He created Scientology to help mankind and save the planet. Kinda like Jesus. Or so initiates are taught.
But of course, he couldn’t achieve this monumental task all by himself. So he asked for our help. And we gave it to him. Some of us helped by donating heaps of money. Others worked at orgs and missions for pennies. Unless you helped in some way, you weren’t a good group member. You didn’t know “who you really are.”
Then and Now
When I first got into Scientology—that’s what people do: they “get into” Scientology—the church promoted helping the individual through a series of courses and auditing and by bringing in all their friends and relatives. Today, the church promotes helping the organization by donating large sums of money toward new “infrastructure.”
And if you don’t?
Scientology pushes people’s help button by making them think that if they’re not contributing, they’re not helping. Doesn’t matter if they give a thousand bucks or a million Euros; it’s never enough. You need to help more. Time’s running out. The planet doesn’t have much longer.
Helping the church means going on course; donating; buying all your materials; donating; attending all events; donating; joining all your local church committees; donating; helping to bring CF up-to-date; and more donating.
Do What We Say
Scientology pushes people’s help button in order to control and manipulate. This is especially evident in its Department of Ethics where instead of helping people with love and compassion, people are “helped” through threat and intimidation. “If you ever want to see your daughter again, you’ll follow this program.” Typically, this means propitiating by redoing all your courses, working your way up from lower conditions, and of course, making a hefty donation to the IAS.
Pretend Help
Scientologists pretend to help by other means, too. They become Volunteer Ministers. They pass out Way To Happiness pamphlets in third world countries. They throw money at the church in lieu of actually helping the needy—writing checks is easier than confronting the less fortunate.
Scientologists pretend to help their communities by contributing money to any of the church’s many front groups. These groups help to eradicate drug addiction; they help businesses get ahead by using LRH administrative tech; they help get “study tech” into schools; and they by helping to get “ethics tech” into prisons. As has been pointed out by Mike and others, the real purpose of these organizations is to drive new people into Scientology and enrich its coffers. Saving the planet is secondary.
Perhaps though, Scientologists’ greatest help-feat is keeping the front doors of their local orgs and missions open despite a harsh social media and little to no inflow of new people. They clean bathrooms, man the front desk, Book One audit, and sort through ancient files in search of someone in need of recovery.
Last Words
Churches and religions are supposed to help people. Helping people should be their primary purpose.
Tearing families apart is not helping. Working staff to the bone with little to no reward in not helping. Maxing-out parishioner credit cards is not helping. Promising levels of existence that can’t be delivered and attained is not helping.
LRH had no right to push this button. Neither does the current administration.
Still not Declared,
Terra Cognita
brunerd says
> Maxing-out parishioner credit cards is not helping.
You know… that made me think back to December 2010, when Mastercard, Visa, Paypal, Western Union and others stopped processing payments to Wikileaks. Remember? It was hella unlawful, but Wikileaks didn’t have the money to lawyer up (like RTC would). Can you imagine if public pressure were applied to the credit card companies and banks to stop taking people’s money on behalf of the Co$? If people said flat out that Scientology services are a fraud and deserved consumer protection in the form of a banking blockade? I know, the problem is they’re called “donations” for services and members also sign arbitration clauses. But wouldn’t that would be huge, though!? Registrars would have to take checks and then it’d only be what people have in their accounts at least. Might be another avenue besides IRS petitions.
Dio says
Excellent point, Brunerd!
Have you see this:
Harpoona Frittata says
Marildi, if others here are willing to countenance your support for the kind of betrayal of trust and support for the cult’s evil that Marty’s actions clearly represent, then that’s their own decision to make.
I’m simply saying that I want nothing more to do with you here, just as I have no use for folks like the Oracle or Algonzo. I’m not participating in, or even advocating some form of medieval-style Inquisition, but merely exercising my right to associate with whomever I please. This is Mike’s place, so if he hasn’t seen fit to give you the boot yet, then I’m not here to tell him what he should do; I’m just telling you as clearly as I possibly can what I’m doing and why.
The only reason I responded to you at all is that you keep responding to my posts with questions directed to me, as if I hadn’t already informed you that I wanted nothing more to do with you unless and until you addressed my concerns regarding your groveling support and self-ingratiating affirmation for someone who’s very clearly turned back to the Dark Side, after betraying every friendship and trust that was extended to him by those who continue to fight to end cult crimes and abuses.
There IS no defense or justification for that kind of behavior, so it’s no mystery why you haven’t tried to offer one. What is a mystery, though, is how someone like you would have the audacity to slink back over here and act as if it’s all good. You’ve consistently deflected and dodged that question as well, so it’s past time for you and I to part ways.
Please stop trying to get my attention; I want nothing more to do with you…or Marty, or the Oracle, or Algonzo, or anyone else who runs with that pack of turncoat jackals!
Golden-Era Parachute says
Wow, I am stunned by the Last Words section. That was a ‘mic drop’ moment.
Carla Davis says
I would love to see the events surrounding the murder of Elli Perkins by her paranoid schitzophrenic son Jeremy discussed on your show. Elli was a lovely young woman who became a devout Scientologist in the late 1960’s while still a young woman. She went on to marry a fellow Scientologist and have children as she rose up the ranks to become one of their best auditors. However, soon she began to become aware of her son Jeremy’s emotional and frightening outbursts. As you know, scientologists do not believe in mental illness or the psychotropic drugs that can sometimes be a life saver for them as well as others ( his own mother in this case). Instead the Scientology doctors prescribed various ” vitamins” into his diet which they seem to regard as some kind of ridiculous cure all for anything even slightly deemed as strange behavior. Not surprisingly, Jeremy butchered his mother to death one morning with a knife because he believed she was actually a demon hiding under a fake human visage. This horrifically sad and preventable event was profiled on the Discovery ID Channel several years ago and I’ve never forgotten it. The recklessness with how Scientology deals with mental illness and people’s lives is important to be exposed on your great show. Sincerely, Carla Davis
Dio says
The COS’s policies on relationships, motherhood and child rearing, are in direct breach of what LRH wrote in the Science of Survival, on the role of women in society.
Their polices are all below 1.5 on the tone scale.
As many of their policies are.
The people in the COS can not understand any data over 1.5 on the tone scale and theta scale.
Wynski says
Dio, the policies are for the most part, from El Con hisself. They are LRH’s policies.
Dio says
Yes, Wynski, you are correct.
I was short or shallow in thinking, there.
Like so many, many times, LRH contradicted himself.
Thanks for the correction.
A person’s critics are often their best teachers.
Amy Flynn says
I’d like to know if CPS has done an investigation? And if not, WHY? Has anyone called CPS? The kids need to be removed immediately. It’s a dangerous organization!
jere Lull (37 yrs recovering) says
scientology, or an individual Scientologist, is your friend exactly as long as you can contribute to the cause. Lose the ability or willingness and it/they will drop you as being something disgusting. “Help”, in scn, is a one-way street. They don’t help anyone, by design of The Founder and SOURCE; only you can help yourself; you’re responsible for what happens, or not.
Kronomex says
“…promised that Scientology will help what’s ailing him—what’s ruining his life…” The true ruination begins the moment they walk up the stairs and through the door (over which should strobe for a few seconds in fiery letters, “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”) and allow themsemselves to be sucked into this mind destroying cult.
Richard says
I couldn’t quite get a grasp on the concept of cognitive dissonance until participating on a scn blog awhile back. It became clear to me that I had gone forward after scn with the equal and opposing ideas of:
I should continue my intellectual and spiritual quest by whatever name . . . but . . . I can’t trust anyone
It was quite a big “cognition” for me, to use sciospeak. If I hadn’t gotten stuck in that I might be a darn sage by now. (joke!)
Michal Balint says
Great post. Gee how they used to push my help button when I was in. I help-real help- many more people and the environment now and I do it without being made to feel guilty or neglecting my family and OMG,I am even being thanked for it.
I remember a woman,who was on staff for quite a while and when she left staff ( she finished her contract) no body thanked her for her effort. Only one man thanked her and it made her feel so much better for it. ( She married that person and they are still in).
Balletlady says
Soooo… essence……Xenu helps those who help themselves, right? Hey wait a minute….is Xenu even REAL?? Well now, according to T.C…….his “bestie” is the MOST “compassionate man”……’cuse me while I go vomit….
petlover1948 says
Xenu is the “bad” guy
Spike says
visitor says
Off topic but related to $ci:
There is a 2+ hour 1st amendment audit of Big Blue on YouTube:
The auditors found a license plate reader in a tree by big blue. The church says they don’t own it but the data cable appears to go into the church, then they say they own it. Long video, can skip parts to do it in less time.
Big Blue is also empty.
Wybski says
Thanks visitor. I watched the one on Valley Org last week. Nasty Nathanial’s channel on Youtube.
Richard says
In the comments section “eric thefathead” said; “Years ago, I witnessed L. Ron Hubbard in the tree installing that license plate reader.” still laughing
Idle Morgue says
Scientology…. is a precise science of betrayal that Scientologist’s call HELP.
Oren E says
“But of course, he couldn’t achieve this monumental task all by himself. So he asked for our help. And we gave it to him. Some of us helped by donating heaps of money. Others worked at orgs and missions for pennies.”
I’ve also seen allegations that some of the “tech” wasn’t created by Hubbard, can anyone shed light on this issue?
PeaceMaker says
There are plenty of credible if not conclusive accounts, of many parts of the “tech” that were created in part or in full by others. Dianetics, from the very beginning, was the work of collaborators like Dr. Winter who originally didn’t get the full credit they deserved, and have since, been completely written out of the original history. Also, some of the books published as if authored by Hubbard, were really written by others, thought the CofS seems to have stopped publishing most of those in recent years.
I’m surprised that no one has done, and put up on the web – at least not that I’m aware of – a comprehensive list of just how much of the “tech” is attributable to others. (Jon Atack, in particular, has documented quite a bit of it at lenght) When I read and re-read things with that in mind, the more I suspect that Hubbard was clever at getting others around him to do the work of innovation, just as he was adept at borrowing from and plagiarizing earlier work, and that far less of the substance of Dianetics and Scientology is actually his original work, than has really been taken into account.
marildi says
PM: “Also, some of the books published as if authored by Hubbard, were really written by others, thought the CofS seems to have stopped publishing most of those in recent years.”
That’s a pretty vague generality, PM. Which books were written by others and which others? Also, which of those books are still being published or not being published? And please state your sources of this information.
Harpoona Frittata says
M, I didn’t respond to your posts on the Michael S. thread the other day as I did with everyone else who responded to me.
The reason that I didn’t is that when you re-surfaced here after your brief sojourn in Marty Land, I asked you some very pointed questions about your, umm, interesting performance over there in support of someone who’s very clearly betrayed those who trusted and befriended him.
You chose not to answer, which is, of course, your perfect right. But I really don’t want to have anything to do with anyone who has supported his destructive, turncoat behavior, as you have.
So, let’s just steer clear of each other here at Mike’s place, K? Or, if you prefer, take a shot at answering the questions that I posed to you when you first re-surfaced here after Marty disappeared once again and, hopefully, for good.
I’m still very interested in understanding how someone could do that, then have the audacity to come back over here and act as if it was all good.
marildi says
Harpona Frittata: “I didn’t respond to your posts on the Michael S. thread the other day as I did with everyone else who responded to me.”
Well, I noticed you had no reply to Jewel either, who was another poster that disputed your attitude.
And it’s odd that you weren’t “above” replying to my first comment on that thread, but when I posted the second and asked you to describe your own amends – the kind of substantial amends you had implied you did and were insisting Mike S. needed to do – that was when you all of a sudden decided you wanted to “steer clear” of me?
I asked you that question because I had noticed you evaded it when someone else asked you about it. Your “answer” to that person was this: “Scan my past posts here and in the UB for your answer, it’s all there.”
Come on, now, H.F. You’re talking about looking through thousands and thousands of posts – and then hundreds and hundreds of yours. It came across as an attempt to send us all on a snipe hunt or a wild goose chase.
Anyway, I’ll repeat what I said before – I have criticized Mike R. and I have stuck up for him, both, including on Marty’s blog. I’ll also say again that you’re being rather condemnatory and judgmental about all of us.
For the reasons I and others gave you in that Mike S. thread, I don’t agree with this stance of demanding “What are you crimes?” The Court of Public Opinion has virtually no chance of getting at the whole truth.
Harpoona Frittata says
You’re deflecting there, M. I’m completely willing to respond to your inquiries, right after you provide a full answer to my repeated questions to you when you first slunk back over here, right after Marty disappeared yet again.
” I’ll also say again that you’re being rather condemnatory and judgmental about all of us.”
I’ve never condemned “all of us,” you made that lie up out of whole cloth. But yes, you’re correct, I’m definitely condemning YOU for your butt nuzzling behavior with a full-blown, complete turncoat traitor to the cause of ending $cn’s crimes and abuses. What decent person wouldn’t?
“The Court of Public Opinion has virtually no chance of getting at the whole truth.”
Please tell us what the whole truth is, with respect to your support for someone who’s betrayed the trust of every single person who’s befriended him in the fight against the cult, instead of continuing to deflect and dodge here.
It seems crystal clear to me by this late date that there really is no excuse for that kind of behavior, which is exactly why you won’t address the issue, isn’t it?
Like I said before, please save yourself the time and effort of responding to my posts until you’ve responded to my concerns. I want nothing to do with folks like the Oracle, Algonzo and you, for all of the obvious reasons.
marildi says
You say I’M the one deflecting? Boy, that’s desperation to come up with that accusation.
I’ll just let our respective posts speak for themselves.
Besides, you’re always too eager to mock up an inquisition:
inquisition: “an official investigation, especially one of a political or religious nature, characterized by lack of regard for individual rights, prejudice on the part of the examiners, and recklessly cruel punishments”
Interested Party says
Here is a link to some lectures given by Freud at Clark University in 1916. You can find, with different words used, the basics of Dianetics here. A traumatic incident (engram or secondary) can be “run” and can bring about relief from symptoms. The concept of earlier/similar is fully explained along with the order of running incidents and that later incidents won’t clear up unless the earlier incidents that later ones are sitting on are handled first. It seems possible to me that Snake Thompson had studied this material and passed it on to Hubbard. Hubbard changed the words and made the concept of fundamental importance while Freud considered it a poor technique.
I believe there is some workability to the technique but not in the rigid “standard” way of applying it.
Peter Norton says
A good deal of the tech at the upper levels was created by a superb auditor by the name of David Mayo. He was Hubbard’s primary auditor at one time. Being that close to Hubbard identified him as someone to be viciously attacked and destroyed by Miscavige. (I was actually audited by David Mayo and found him to be a first rate auditor.) Miscavige and his goons not only drove Mayo out of Scientology, they actually hounded him across a large part of the world. Many of us who knew and liked Mayo were shattered by Miscavige’s handling. I can only hope that some day, Mayo will feel safe enough to tell his story. He knows a great deal about the illegal takeover of Hubbard’s empire by Miscavige.
Mike Rinder says
David Mayo was/is a superb auditor without doubt. But he did not create a good deal of the upper level tech
Foolproof says
Mike is correct. On both counts. Mayo I am told was also an outstanding C/S.
marildi says
Thanks for correcting that, Mike.
Wynski says
Peter, there was no illegal take over. There was a struggle for power in the religious organization known as the Sea Org and DM won because others in power agreed to it.
Cece says
Yup, sums it right up. You’re truly getting down to the foundation of the scam. More structure will tumble. Am I around to help again after this betrayal of all betrayals? You bet I am. I figure I essentially stopped thinking at 21 (If I ever did) so I’m only about 25 now with 65 years of experiance. There is lots of help left in me. LRH is gone ….. OSA you can go. DM – I’ll send you a card in jail.
Thanks for your thoughts this lovley holiday morning TC. I’m going fishing 🙂
Richard says
Someone once said; “Most of us were intellectual adolescents when we entered Scientology, having little or no background in science, religion or philosophy.” I progressed to a state of arrested development. It was an adventure into the paranormal and the supernatural.
Richard says
In my scn experience which ended in 1982 the main sales pitch from the registrars was that if you didn’t immediately go onto your next step on the bridge the “bank” (your reactive mind) would come back and bite you in the ass. They only had auditing and training to sell and I could get away with a down payment on my next step if I didn’t have enough money for full payment. Others might have had a different experience even back then before the really hard sell started.
Stefan says
Yeh, we all have our stories and I believe a lot of us left the cult in 1982 when the fun and the dreams faded after the entrance of RTC and crap. I find it interesting that after all these years I still get the same kind of feeling of group belonging of “real scientologists”, Free Zone as it was called then and today The Anti Scientology Cult 🙂
Richard says
I was part of the Grand Exodus of Scientologists as some people call it in Los Angeles in 1982 when the monthly price increases resumed. The registrars had a field day collecting checks as people who stuck it out drained their bank accounts to freeze the prices of future processing and training. From a corporate point of view the gross income skyrocketed until the golden goose ran dry. Hindsight shows there might have been some reasons to build up reserves since the IRS was hot after scn for back taxes but I just took it as being organizational greed and split.
During the Grand Exodus a lot of “blown Scientologist support groups” (lol) sprang up and I joined one. There were about fifteen of us and we met weekly at someone’s house and discussed other practices and listened to many channeling tapes.
Dio says
Hi Richard,
Re: Exodus of the 80s:
Did you know Mark Jones, Bob Ross, and Hank Levin?
I did not learn about scn until 1997.
But I got the Free Spirit Journal and connected with those guys through it.
I listened to a lot of channeled tapes too, during the 80s, mostly Ramtha and Lazarus. There were a couple more, but I do not remember the names at the moment.
Actually learned quite a bit from them.
Richard says
Hi Dio – I don’t recall any of the people you mentioned. I googled Free Spirit Journal and it says the site is under construction so I don’t know if it’s the same group you mentioned.
Who knows where channeling comes from. A lot of what the entities say are generalities but some of it is rather profound imo, particularly coming from, let’s say, an “average” person doing the channeling.
We listened to some Ramtha tapes. He gained some fame by being promoted by the actress Linda Evans. Another entity was a Dr. Peebles whom I enjoyed. On one of the tapes group of blown OTs had recruited him and was grilling him on whether some of the things on the OT levels were real or not but he hedged and wouldn’t commit. I guess it’s not the job of an entity to make anyone right or wrong. – haha – He went on to expound about other possibilities in the universe and mentioned that he and a group of entities would occasionally gather together to decide how best to impart their knowledge to we humans.
I’ve yet to become a total realist – laughter
Dio says
The Free Spirit Journal was a magazine, that to the best of my understanding, was first put together by Mark Jones sometimes in the 80s.
Mark was a very intelligent man. He was a fighter pilot for the US airforce.
He was a right hand wing man for John Glenn.
Mark realized that all the people leaving scn needed a common comm line.
So he came up with the idea for the magazine and began publishing it.
Then he gave the project to Hank Levin, sometimes in the 90s, I think.
To very briefly explain:
I learned about the Free Spirit Journal from someone I met in San Antonio, while on a business trip attending a trade show and conference.
Long story short, I learned about the dianetics book from a TV commercial on Good Friday of 97 about 10:20 AM. Just prior to 10 AM, I was very sick mentally and physically (and had been so for some yrs) and was seriously contemplating suicide. That is the very short story. Got a demo on Easter Sunday, in Toronto, (had a good release that lasted about an hour which really amazed me, and I was hooked) and took two intro courses the following weekend, (which I also had good wins from them) and that was when I realized the place was coo coo, and indirectly began letting them know that.
The course supervisors were really fucked in the head, crazy/insane, and that really rattled me.
After I began to put up resistance to their insane supervision methods (at the time I knew something was wrong, but had not wrapped my head around it yet, and was very frighted and restimulated and nervous and afraid) one of the things that they had me do, is to watch a video of DM ranting about something. And after I watched it, they asked me what I thought of him. I said, I think there is something wrong with him. That did not go over well with them.
The problem was: I was confused. I had an amazing win from the bk 1 demo, and really got a lot out of the two intro courses, and I was already getting better. At the time, I had as much hope as one could have to get better.
But I wondered how come the auditing was such an amazing thing and the course data was so good, but everyone in the org (staff) was still crazy, coo coo, even after being there for many yrs? That really puzzled me?
Then I was later sent to qual (he had a certificate of service for 19 yrs on the wall) and I asked him, if scn was so good (because I already had several wins) why there was still something wrong with him?
He totally blew up. He shouted, that;s enough! Threw his chair back and jumped up and almost hit the ceiling. And shouted to me to wait and not go anywhere, until he came back, and stormed out of the room and returned an hour and half later with a PTS declare. It was not funny then, but in hindsight, it was hilarious.
Before being escorted out of the building, they sold me 4 homestudy courses, which I gladly paid for.
I took them home and devoured them for the next two months. Did them each two or three times. Totally amazing!
Then five months later, while at the conference in San Antonio, I met someone who, I really got to talking with. He was very interesting. He seemed to know just about everything. Then I asked him if he ever heard of scn? At that point, he changed his tone and attitude, and became very leary of who I was?
I could see that he did not really want anything to do with me. So as quickly as I could, I told him that I got in to scn back in April, and after a couple of weeks was thrown out.
Long story short, he regained his composure and we continued talking, with him asking me careful questions. He told me he as never in the cos, but was part of a private dianetics auditing group. He told me some of the story of the church and told me that about 30,000 people left the cos in the 80s and they had their own magazine, called the Free Spirit Journal. And his most recent copy arrived in the mail the day he left to the conference. And said if I wanted it, he would send it to me, when he got back home and I said yes, I do. He did send it. I received it the following Friday. I eagerly read it and found it to be a gold mine of interesting articles on tech by people who did a lot of the bridge while in the church and left.
And there were 9 ads by auditors advertising their auditing services.
So I called them all and left messages and the only one who returned my call was Bob Ross. Bob was a very interesting man and a very good auditor. After almost 40 yrs in the cos he became frustrated with everything. He was not getting good results with standard tech auditing and developed his own process.
I had incredible wins from his phone auditing.
Google: bob ross freezone scientology, to learn more.
Back to the FSJ:
Hank Levin, published the magazine until around 2000, then gave it to a guy who worked for Alan Walters with his Knowledgism. The guy published one or two issues and gave up it.
It is now totally defunct.
I am not aware of any record on line of it.
In about 98, I asked Hank, if he had copies of all the back issues? And he said he most of them, so I bought them. There were only about 2 or 3 missing. They were full of very interesting articles of all kinds from many great minds of old timers. I read them all a few times.
Through that magazine I met a lot of people.
In that issue that was sent to me, I saw an add by Mark Jones, advertising his collection of scn books and tapes for sale. I called Mark and we talked for a long while. He told me lots of stories. And I bought his collection. Pretty much complete. I devoured those books and tapes too.
That was basically my “bridge”.
He died a yr or two or three later.
That is the very short story.
Richard says
Dio – Thank you for the interesting and humorous (in hindsight) reply. That was quite a glorious exit from the official CoS! I’ll leave it at that to not overburden Mike with back dated replies. I hope other people read your story here since you had quite a different path in scn than most of us. We’ll talk in the future.
Richard says
I can’t resist making one more comment. Dio went into a “church” seeking “spiritual salvation” and got his ass kicked out the door! – laughter! – Sorry, I guess I have an odd sense of humor. Sometimes the total absurdities of life strike me funny. Keep up the good work, Dio.
Spike says
Richard, no, that IS funny (and absurd).
Dio says
I like your assessment and summation. Very succinct and complete.
Remember me from Toronto: “Getting Clear” conference in 2105?
I began talking to you, at the beginning, (that was Monday am) and we had just a few minutes of words, then the whole show got busy and we had to stop talking…..
I never had a chance to get back to you, until I think it was Wednesday am break.
I saw you were sitting by yourself, for once, so I sat in the chair in front of you, and turned around to talk to you, and you asked me:
So, what is your story?, and I began to tell you, and a few minutes later we were cut off again by the show.
And at that time you were so exhausted and stiff, you were barely hanging on to consciousness. I saw that you could barely stand and walk. Same with Jim Beverly. You were both walking at about a 40 degree angle, when you did. Others were in similar condition…
I was getting close to that too. And the conference was only half over.
I could not afford to stay any longer, but at the same time, If I could afford it, I could not handle it, mentally and physically. I had more than enough. So I left for home. Good thing I only lived about 2 -3 hrs by bus away. (Or an hr by car in good traffic.)
I often wondered if Jim paid all you old time scientologists’ expenses to come there?
Spike says
Hi Dio – you know what, I looked up the conference that you’re referring to, earlier this year, while getting caught up on what has been ‘happening’ in the 35 or so years that I have been ‘away’ and I noticed that there is a Spike who was at that conference! What are the chances?? Anyway it must have been that person who you spoke with, not me. If they start commenting on this blog, I’ll have to adjust my handle. Maybe I will anyway, time for a little change. Thanks for bringing this up. Maybe I’ll meet you in person sometime.
jim says
Yahoo web just covered: Entertainment
‘Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath’: How Season 2 Could Change Scientology
My reply was:
Change is impossible for them. Their guru is dead some 20 years ago and yet they follow word-for-word his dictations. To use a quote from Return of the King (Lord of the Rings): “The way is shut. It was made by the dead. The way is shut and the dead keep it.”
Bonnie Johnson says
If your a celebrity or happen to be wealthy you’ve got it made, but, how many people can’t afford to buy their children school clothes, buy food, pay their rent or make their car payments because of Sci, I fail to see how this can bring happiness and love to the earth.
Bonnie Johnson says
Keeping the lie alive.
jim says
What seems sad to me about Scientology, since ksw became the hammer for Ron’s finalized-tech-that-works-100%-of-the-time-for-the-imaginary-ideal-preclear, is that ‘help’ has indeed become non-existent for them.
No more can an individual walk in and get their exact issue addressed by an auditor with the range of expertise, and the freedom, to fully guide that individual to a resolution of that specific issue in present time. No, oh no. First there must be the indoctrination steps, and the credit checks, and then the orientation steps, and then money checks, and then ethics check, and then…….etc. And always the individual’s issue is designated as somewhere up the grade chart, but first ALL of the steps of the grade chart must be audited for the individual to finally address their ‘issue’. God help the individual whose issue does not fit the patter of the counseling available. And then another person leaves the ‘ideal orgs’ without satisfaction that their issue was ever addressed.
No longer is any help available from the cherch, Just regimentation and status. KSW has rigidly fixed their responses to all of life. Life, however, is not a one-key piano.
Foolproof says
Not entirely the full story here. If the Church still do “Life Repair” among other tailor-made actions then that would solve the problem you are talking about. What they do these days I don’t have a clue but seemingly there is something like what you say going on, which explains all or most of the complaints since the period of the early 80s, when most complaints originated.
It was not the fault of the KSW policy either – that was designed primarily for the benefit of the PC, ironically enough to what you are saying.
I Yawnalot says
I’ve spent a lifetime trying to perfect my ability to appear helpful to fish by offering them what appears to be an easy meal. From a fish’s perspective when I followed that pretty girl into the Cof$ after her 3 questions on the street I guess I got my just desserts hey?
Good article Terra. Bait & switch using help as bait, a Scientology speciality.
Python Swoope says
Amen! Everyone should ponder these words of wisdom…..if you don’t agree – SEEK HELP!
and NOT from cos!
Wynski says
Terra hits it out of the park as usual.
“Offers of help are tricks to control people. Help equals betrayal.” Ol’ El Con Tubbolard at his projecting best when he wrote that.