On a number of previous occasions I have commented on the parallels between the scientology world and North Korea.
From empty showcase buildings to the unwarranted adulation of their current leader Kim Jong-un to the bizarre stories of the life and accomplishments of the Godlike founder of the DPRK, Kim Il-sung.
But this BBC News story came across my newsfeed and once again the similarities were eery.
A prominent North Korean diplomat defected. The response reads like the things scientology puts out about me and anyone else who has escaped from its bubble.
He was of course “all bad” and was about to be punished for his extensive crimes of “leaking secrets, embezzlement and child rape.” Oddly, he was still in a position to be a spokesman for the DPRK when he defected… Similarly, scientology has repeatedly asserted that people like me or Marty Rathbun, Tom DeVocht and anyone else who has ever spoken out either had never been in any positions of authority or had been removed from all positions because of malfeasance and/or had been “thrown out.” Not a single person who has spoken out about the abuses in scientology was “thrown out” — every one of them escaped.
Then, they claim, like scientology has done with so many of us, that “he discarded the fatherland that raised him and even his own parents and brothers by fleeing, thinking nothing but just saving himself.” Most of you saw the “inch wives” on AC 360 asserting that we had “abandoned our wives/families” and many of the whistleblowers have been publicly accused of being traitors who “betrayed their religion.”
And finally, they name calling — in this case “human scum who lacks even an elementary level of loyalty and even tiny bits of conscience and morality that are required for human beings”.
Apparently, there is a handbook for bunker-mentality organizations when dealing with those who expose their human rights violations or simply decide they are going to escape their bubble of oppression.
Below is a tiny sample of the over-the-top “human scum, embezzler, child rapist” style ad hominem “articles” to be found on the Freedom mag website about every single person and media outlet who has dared expose their dirty laundry. This is just a small fraction of what they have about me…
Mike, not to elbow my way into the Big Time with you, Marty, Devo and others, but 2 days after Mariette’s book won the top prize at Crime Time Gotland on Saturday, Scientology’s Dear Leader anointed me with my own smear page. It’s nothing like what you guys have been honored with but it’s a start. I posted an edited version with some editorializing on The Outer Banks yesterday but it was removed somehow, so here it is again for your blog readers, which I am sure has a significant overlap with TOB:
• Dan Koon: Failed Artist and Go-To Ghostwriter for Degenerates
Meet Donald “Dan” Koon, a failed artist who is the co-author of Ron Miscavige’s literary forgery. Today Koon hides out in Sweden, a sad, pathetic figure of a man who betrayed his wife of 27 years for his mistress, betrayed his friends and is now exploiting wife-beater Ron Miscavige and his family to try to eke out a living.
Donald “Dan” Koon Note: the picture of me in our sauna did not copy over, but it is just me from the chest up sweating. (Comment: This is me in our sauna. The other photo of me rolling in the snow buck naked somehow was deleted. Dave lifted it from the blog I kept after we moved to Sweden in 2011. You can find it by going to https://movingtoswedendotorg.wordpress.com/ and then looking in the archives for December 2012. The photo looks like I had sex with the abominable snow-woman and she melted in ecstasy.)
Exposed as a crazed anti-Scientologist disguised as a ghostwriter . . . Koon’s specialty is hooking up with “authors” with a treasure trove of appalling and deviant baggage to test Koon’s skill at covering up the truth. In fact, Koon has established himself as the go-to guy for would-be anti-Scientologists trying to keep their horrific skeletons from bursting out of their closets. (Comment: Free publicity. I’ll take it. Thanks, Dave. You heard it here from the leader of Scientology: I am your go-to guy.)
Dan’s promoting of deviants even extends to his former mistress and now wife, Mariette. Like Koon, she can’t see the difference between fact and fiction. Whereas Koon writes lies and calls it nonfiction, he has her write fiction that she shamelessly claims is real. But what Mariette really has in common with (Name A and Name B) is that she too has a dark past, which she describes as perverted behavior. It is a well-known fact that the real reason Mariette was removed from her position in her former Church was for a string of sexually perverse actions including stalking a senior executive, exposing herself by rubbing her breasts against a window for all to see and making unusual use of all manner of objects.
That Dan Koon has a trifecta of deviants that he covers up for is no surprise. . . .
Dan Koon at his finest
According to Koon’s former wife Sue Goodban, Dan’s immoral life started at an early age. She tells how he once confessed that for his own amusement while in college he secretly slipped his parents the powerful hallucinogenic drug LSD. As Sue tells it, Koon also got his kicks knocking down street signs, emptying fire extinguishers into parked cars, destroying lawns by driving over them, breaking windows and ripping off others, later explaining that he “got the idea that stealing was okay.” (In my own humble defense and in the interests of accuracy, it wasn’t me who persuaded my parents to try LSD, it was my older brother who, when LSD was still legal, experimented with it for spiritual purposes. I’m the only one in my family who never tried LSD, actually. As for the stealing comment, I don’t know where she got that. I don’t recall ever saying that or feeling that way. Maybe she will confront me publicly and we can sort it out.)
But Koon’s vindictiveness probably stems from his disastrous string of failures during his tenure with the Church. Koon was so incompetent he was removed from a total of 23 positions. He was renowned for poor copy writing, wasting hundreds of hours of time by producing mountains of substandard work. He would later admit that he hadn’t “produced squat” or “been of any use to anyone, including myself.”
That paled beside Koon’s worse transgressions when he altered religious writings. Koon showed he couldn’t be trusted by entering his own ideas into compilations of the Founder’s works. It took nearly a decade for the leader of the religion to fix the problems Koon created and to bring the materials back to exactly what the Founder called for. (Comment: this does not reflect well on David Miscavige since for the 10 years I worked in and headed RTRC, every single submission was raked over by him with a fine toothed comb. For it to take him an additional 10 years to straighten out his and my alterations is a poor recommendation.)
Despite his incompetence, Koon still benefited from the ecclesiastical leader’s benevolence, such as going out his way to help Koon by arranging for surgery to correct a lazy eye condition that had embarrassed him all his life. Koon acknowledged the generosity recently: “Yes, I went under the knife again for another operation and was very happy with the results.” . . .
Now the thin-skinned Koon is especially upset for being called out by his former wife. When Sue Goodban wrote a letter about Koon’s treachery, Dan went ballistic, ranting to another wife-abusing anti-religious blogger on the fringe of the Internet. (Comment: Anyone who knows me knows that if they went to the dictionary and looked up the word “ballistic” they would not find my picture. “Comatose,” perhaps, “ballistic,” no.) Among other things, Goodban told the true story of betrayal by the hypocrite who broke up their marriage and now has the nerve to claim that he strives to keep families together. According to her, the last time she saw Koon was December 21, 2003. She was ironing his shirt for work the next day. He left, lying to Sue by telling her he was going out to do some Christmas shopping. She never saw him again. After 27 years, he left without a word to shack up with a woman he had secretly been having an affair with. (Comment: Inaccurate. Mariette and I did not begin our affair until after she blew on March 31, 2004.)
Said Sue Goodban, “Dan Koon once described himself as ‘on the evil side of the equation.’” On that count, how right Dan was. (Final comment: well, on that count the article may be correct. I’m working on it, though. Honest.)
Can the church not be sued for deformation of character?
This is some creative writing, I must say. Who else would be able to say so many derogatory things about someone?
Alas, SK is far from alone. USA keeps on trying to put its dirty hands on every thing totalitarian on the planet. The “chriteniningt” of Hungary Budapest new super-org for the eastern Europe is in the same juice. Scientology adores totalitarian things, including sometimes hyper-islamists ones or royalists ones like Hungary, now very very on the right.
It begs the question of Mike Rinder was all these things, why in the hell was he International Spokesman for the cherch of Scientology for 20 years ?
This following outdated Procter and Gamble toothpaste ad adapted to describe the current regime of Davebots:
”Crest has been shown to be an effective decay-preventive dentifrice that can be of significant value when used in a conscientiously applied program of oral hygiene and regular professional care.”
“Scientology has been shown to be an effective form of prejudice that can be of significant damage when used in an OSA based program of character assassination and SP declares.”
They have to explain away defections of “those in the kind-of know” somehow. The fact that the Bubble Whales fall for it, instead of questioning it immediately, is very telling – I see that you’ve been upgraded to “Professional Bigot”….It’d be funny if it wasn’t so obviously sad. Still, I’d still love a copy of your and Marty’s SP Declares, if anyone has ’em. Likely suitable for framing.
I was staff for a (gross) amount of time…and I can’t imagine writing a smear campaign for an ex-staff member… *shakes head. I’m sorry they’ve done this to you, Mike.
But just who the hell is their audience?
Non-Scios don’t care. They don’t read this stuff and think, “oh, he was a bad guy, this weird cult is good to be shed of him”. Scn just doesn’t have the credibility to smear anyone. Quite the opposite.
Ex-Scios see right through it, and it just means the Church is super afraid of you. The only ones they bother to smear are those who had some sort of power, inside knowledge, and who make Davy boy pee in his pantaloons a bit.
and current staff are not allowed to read the internet. They might see the “Freedom” (barf, scoff) mags lying about, but we all know that seeing smear campaigns or golden rod on the our ex-bosses just make us shake in our boots a bit, frantically scramble to change our thinking so we don’t “disagree” (*shudder) and give thanks that it’s not happening to US.
They are so clueless. They have no idea of what they are communicating into. If it’s designed as a ‘preaching to the choir’ its just not going to make any difference.
Anyone who’d turn on the friend like this is just an asshole. Regardless from the whole,
“Oh, I’m super brainwashed by lRh.” whine… they’re just assholes.
Growing Fear: Scientology and the Cult of COB.
I certainly hope that Mike Rinder, ESMB and UB takes current American politics off the discussion boards as its slants the topic.
Yes, all the “defrocked apostates living on the fringes of the internet” were very clever and brave escapees first, running for their lives. And thousands more of us who came from lower echelon posts did the same thing. AFTER the staff member escapes and the powers that be can’t get them back, then they resort to saying how terrible those staff were and how they were fired or thrown out. What a buncha bull.
Mike, The only reason these videos were made is due to Miscavage’s jealousy. You are much better looking, have a sexy accent and are taller than Miscavage. He is a jealous little man who wishes he had half the charisma that you possess! You also have a beautiful wife and kids. Ann (a happily married 59 year old whose husband still allows her to look!)
I haven’t watched any of the videos but I will drop my current literary project out of feat of being smeared.
23,500 words so far and counting.
North Korea is a frontier for the more mentally challenged type of individual. The whole country is a gigantic cluster. Each time a major news story breaks in North Korea almost the entire country’s population drops into grief on the tone scale and then miraculously recovers. The entire youth population are taught that North Korea is currently at war with the United States so that when they grow up they become good soldiers. I generally as a rule don’t like to talk about people and there are few exceptions to that rule. David Miscavige and the collective Church of Scientology are an exception to that rule as are the dangerously deranged people of North Korea, whether they are in the government or under its fist. Very much similar to Cuba where some people have earned as much as $0.80 a day. 🙂
The VFP of OSA is “PR propaganda delivered simultaneously with psycho-terrorist Fair Game campaigns that inevitably boomerang and turn into PR disasters for Scientology.”
One of Hubbard’s worst ideas ever was to combine PR, Intel, and Legal into one office. This doomed OSA to become paranoid, psychotic, and schizophrenic. It is simply asking too much of people to create “Good PR” while they are simultaneously engaged in Black PR, dead agenting, fair game, spying, and generally attempting to ruin people utterly.
The Cult ran Super Bowl ads even as it was sending out the Squirrel Busters. The Squirrel Buster videos went viral. Why does Scientology bother with a Super Bowl ad, or any PR at all, when it is also engaged in psycho-terror and lunacy for all the world to see?
Even as OSA organizes and manages the mass distribution of the useless and trite pablum that is The Way to Happiness, OSA also creates hate websites on former Church executives, members, journalists, filmmakers, and anyone else who expose the viciousness at the core of Scientology.
Even as OSA PR people engage in “interfaith” events, OSA also engages in spying, stalking, harassment, and making legal threats against those who oppose Scientology. How is this supposed to work? Why bother having the Rev. Dr. Alfreddie Johnson show up at an interfaith event when the clerics of other faiths can Google “Scientology” and easily find the venom and hatred spewed by Scientology on its hate websites?
Scientology’s hate websites put the lie to its social betterment programs, interfaith outreach, Youth for Human Rights, and the rest of Scientology’s ridiculous and phony PR efforts.
The people in OSA have been driven to insanity, lunacy, and depravity by having to promote and recruit for Scientology while simultaneously engaging in campaigns of psycho-terrorism designed to destroy people who have left Scientology and spoken out.
OSA went Type III long ago and then devolved into criminality. OSA remains unhandled because, apparently, the Universe Corps went out of business decades ago. This leaves OSA with sec checking only and that shit gets old from what I have been told.
J. Swift, “body slam” of a comment! OSA’s practices mirror the sociopathic personality of David Miscavige.
This kind of name-calling is done specifically to dehumanise the person being attacked so that followers will be more easily able to reconcile the attacks with their conscience. The only people it works on are those still in the bubbleworld; everyone else can see it for what it is. Whenever I see one of Scientology’s smear pieces my mind automatically believes the very opposite of what is being claimed because it’s so ridiculously over-the-top.
Jeez, Mike. I had to go back and make sure I clicked on the right website when I saw the videos at the top of the page. Maybe you should use a different graphic at the top of the page, maybe?
What kind of Church, or any business or organization, publishes this kind of hogwash on the Internet? And what kind of people will look at this and want to associate with this organization? Guilty by association.
The sheer enormity of the crime of which Scientology presents itself is trumped only by the stupidity it is surrounded with.
The term Scientology and Nth Korea are interchangeable in these present circumstances.
Perhaps there is little more than a grain of truth to – this is the trap to end all traps. Those mechanisms above resurface time and time again throughout history, it’s just that it’s more see-able from afar with the internet…
Think I’ll go watch the footy.
Those videos are so amateurish, so immature, so ridiculous that they cannot be taken seriously.
When I first became interested in learning about Scientology, I decided to go straight to the source, the Church of Scientology itself, to see what they had to say. Imagine my surprise when the first things I saw were the “retaliation” videos about former members. I was negatively impacted, my first thoughts were, what kind of church posts this kind of garbage about former members? It seemed like something a 12 year old would do for “revenge” against a classmate he was angry with; childish and mean.
It was worse than the disreputable low-budget gossip websites that post blurry photos of celebrities with weird headlines – it cannot not be taken seriously. In fact, I was so disgusted by the smear job they did on Amy Scobee, that I decided to buy her book and see what she had to say for herself. So they actually caused me to buy her book.
After I read it, I was impressed with her dedication, her integrity and honesty, and her devoting 25 years of her life to the church, only to be treated so poorly as they did, and then to make such an awful retaliation video about her, I was really disgusted by their actions, and my opinion was cemented against the church of Scientology. Not by anything that someone else said about them – my opinion was formed by their very own website and stupid videos about former members.
I don’t know how anyone can take those seriously, or have anything other than compassion for the former members that they make their videos about.
I love the delicious irony that their own negative propaganda caused you to see the light.
T.J. Those videos are take VERY seriously by the guys still in. The SP declare the church wrote concerning me and showed to my children who then disconnected – yes, it was taken very seriously. That is who they are really for.
So sorry to hear that your children disconnected from you, that’s really sad. It’s awful that the church was responsible for pushing you & your kids apart. I hope they will see the light and reunite with you, hopefully very soon. – T.J.
At least, NK is more honest than scientology by admitting he had to “save himself.”
That “Asleep at the Switch” video really pisses me off. Miscavige and his personal version of the “pogrom”, aimed at destroying SO Members through a culture of long term sleep deprivation, intimidation and coercion, has the result of exhausted SO members who can’t help from nodding off after being forced to stay awake for 24, 48, 72 hours. I know because been there only too long and done that only too much. To then turn it around and portray those SO members as “lazy” is truly disgusting. And those on the video like Kathy O’Gorman (speaking of producing nothing) Mike Sutter (how he has aged and not aged well), or Gail Armstrong (who appears to need to nod off herself) are equally disgusting because they know very well they are lying, as they’ve done the sleep deprivation and nod off thing for decades now. Shame on them. And, by the way, long term sleep deprivation CREATES real medical conditions. Studies show that anyone who gets less than 7 or 8 hours sleep a night on a regular basis are losing, literally, years off their life span. Miscavige, besides being as dishonest as the day (and night) are long, is literally slowly killing SO members day by day and sleepless night by sleepless night.
Meanwhile that little midget sleeps until noon every day……
Even with all the sleep he gets and Botox and fillers and make-up and hair dye, he still likes like a shrunken old man.
Those pics that were snapped during his rehearsal (in Australia I believe) show just how much the cigarettes and whiskey is getting to him.
What always gets me is that these ‘accusations’ are a glaring admission that the tech doesn’t work.
When you have these vicious, nasty, scheming SP’s at the highest levels of management for decades, not only did the SP/PTS – Admin tech not detect them, the Tech tech that was applied did not bring them out of the darkness.
Not a bad column today considering it was written by a vicious liar of a wife beater who was asleep at the switch before he was expelled from the Holy Church of the Most Ethical Beings in the Universe! However right now I’m clean out of Koolaid truth serum and had this thought crime – the parallels between Kim MisKavidge and Dave-Un Kimchi are legion and if either of them had 0.1% of the ethics of Mr. Rinder they might be able to sleep at night without guzzling a bottle of single malt.
In some ways NK is more efficient than COS could ever be. They have thousands of NK citizens working off shore and not receiving the fruits of their labour which are sent back to the homeland as cash or gold to help fuel the royal court economy that provides expensive gifts to kowtowing generals and friends of the ruling party. Unlike the COS’s tacky gilded polystyrene statues-for-statusbucks economy these gifts are luxury goods that are incredibly scarce in a poor starving country. You might ask why these workers do not defect. Well they are specially selected with vulnerable families back home. If the offshore worker acts up the whole family is punished and sent to special labour camps, sometimes for life, in an ultra-disconnection move.
This video explains how Kim operates his corrupt economy
In how many ways are Scientology and Donald Trump similar? Too many to count. Trump also cannot resist lashing out at, rather than ignoring, his critics — even though it would be to his advantage to ignore.
I loved the part “Asleep at the switch”. I spend myself years in the Sea Org on release lines, and worked many times around the clock without one hour sleep to “make it go right”. So taking a picture of someone who tries to crab half an hour sleep on a piece of cardboard after working 72 hours w/o a nap, and the publishing it as ” the guy who always sleeps” made me break the final contact with the church.
Why were the ex-wives on AC360 called “inch wives”?
BEcause they were instructed to refute the beatings by saying “I was married to Mike/Tom/Marty/Jeff for X years and I knew every inch of his body and I never saw any damage”. They repeated the same line verbatim. It was idiotic once, Stepford Wife-like when said twice…
Idiotic and … Embarrassing to watch.
Copy cat, you:
Fundraising certificates.
Awards flowers presentations.
Handbook for defectors.
Seeing what Scientology does to critics has got to be the most CREEPY thing they do.
They call themselves a “CHURCH”???
Coupled with what they do to themselves it goes way beyond creepy.
Church of Horrors maybe? I can see the carnival ride now. Smiling, wild eyed reges appearing out of the dark holding invoice pads. A supervisor cracks a whip then two hands appear offering cans. Next an arch way appears with ‘Ethic’s Office’ in big letters over it with the grim reaper beckoning, (across his scythe is the barely discernible words, “no family allowed”). But there’s no exit to this ride, just a circular track going round and round through the SO recruiter’s office.
The parallels between the North Korea and Scientology extend beyond the above – take the way DM lives high off the hog, while the rest of the SO are impoverished, and you find the same scenario in North Korea on a vaster scale where the whole country is impoverished.
The rebels smuggling videos etc. into the country to get the truth about the outside world past the media black out. Mark Headley was listening to radio shows illicitly which lead to his blowing.
On and on
S’Kinda interesting that N Korea will even admit to some things as an ‘ends justifies the means’ sort of disclaimer, but Scientology will just lie say these things never happened period.
and the mome raths outgrabe…
Mike Rinder, does not your evility descend to the depths of evil while you ponder your next evilness adventure!!! Or should that be evility-ness? Thanks a lot, now I have clay model evility-ness!!
Do the OT3’s and above get to see you compared to Xenu? Or would that be ‘verbal tech’? Can you get around ‘verbal tech’ by using sock puppets? Lamb Chop wants to know. Or would shadow puppets do?
If every one who escapes the clampire publishes an expose, how many attack web sites does $cientology need to ‘shatter and confront’? The ipv6 numbers would not suffice.
Someday, the clampire is going to go too far and commit a tort-able action by an ex. I will enjoy that day.
What the cherch says about you is so evil and so false that it satisfies any doubts I might ever have about having left. That any group would put out such malicious bs that they KNOW to be false and misleading is enough reason to stay as far away as possible. It AMAZES me that they are incapable of ever taking the high road and responding to criticism and/or whistle blowing with – “another example of what makes our country great – everyone is entitled to their opinion” or just a simple “we wish him/her well.”
Instead, they attack any perceived negative statement with the most sophomoric insults that simply lend credence to the whistleblower.
I think there is enough empirical evidence to indicate that whatever crimes the church publicly accuses others to have committed, they themselves are guilty of.
When LRH died, he not only gifted the technology to the church, he also gave them his bank.
Excellent, Shelgold. In fact that is what got me out of the church. I went to Flag and they started telling me bad stuff about Hy Levy, my Flag registrar. I listened to the strained complaints and finally said to the young MAA, “I don’t care what anyone says, I still love Hy Levy.” Then the head HCO guy, the seniorest senior, burst in the room, face red, veins on neck bulging and yelled, “Wait here, don’t leave. I’ll be right back.” He ran down the hall, opened the locked cabinet and brought me the Goldenrod on Hy Levy and made me read it.
I asked, “How did you know we were just talking about Hy?” He said, “Um, I was passing by and heard it through the door.” Ha! What a lie! The truth was he was listening in on a camera and sound system where he saw the whole interview in real time. And was done without my knowledge and without my permission. This is how I realized that the MAA’s spy on each person, so when you are going over very sensitive and embarrassing stuff with the MAA, there is another person or people looking at your interview on closed circuit cameras unbeknownst to you! I’ve even seen them giving orders through ear buds to some young Eastern European newbie during the interview.
The Goldenrod was so over the top bad that I knew it was trumped up. I guess he saw that I wasn’t buying it, so the head Sr HCO guy started embellishing the Goldenrod by verbally saying lots of bad stuff that Hy did, which wasn’t even mentioned on the Goldenrod. It was over the top worst smear job I’ve ever heard, like what they say about Mike R on Freedumb Mag. I remember thinking, “Man, they must really have it in for him if they are willing to verbally add crimes that aren’t even in the goldenrod and make it sound even worse.” When I saw how horribly they went out of their way to go over the top and trash him to me, that was the moment when I knew HCO was corrupt.
I would have stayed in Scn if they had not maligned Hy and simply said, “Hy blew because of his overts and LRH says overts is what makes people blow.” And then shut up and not gone into detail. I would have bought that and stayed, non the wiser. But it was their vicious attempt to smear him that made me realize this wasn’t the church I signed up with and I had to get out. Later on I found out that Hy had been a big whistleblower on Flag and had done the Truth Rundown interviews. Now it made sense to me why they would try so hard to dead agent Hy to me and everyone else and the vindictiveness with which they’d do it. He went on TV against them. So glad I got out.
Good for you. 🙂
I read the declare of a good friend..he requested refudn after an injustice to his wife. (I think she also requested) All that they could come up with against him was that he stuck by her..but the they dredged up supposed “outpoints” from when he was an ED 25 odd years prior. THAT was what blew me off the idea of justice or belief. It was trumped up and BS. They should have stuck with the simplicity of sticking by a declared wife.
Scientology is an antiquated belief system enforced by the mentally challenged.
Very good comparison, Mike, but it is well to remember that Scientology is a tiny flea compared to North Korea.
We can only speculate about what would happen if Dave Miscavige had control of an entire country, perhaps he would be worse, but at the present time he does not have the power to summarily execute his enemies. The RPF is bad but it does not have armed guards in watch towers who shoot escapees. We all who were at the Int Base remember the weeks of rice and beans, but nobody starved to death. The razor wire atop the fences does point both out and in, but the pedestrian gates open without a key from the inside.
The comparison is apt in kind but not in degree.
Correct you are, as always, Bruce!
Last week a commentor over at the Bunker made an interesting observation (my apologies to that person, I cannot remember who it was) regarding the ‘Inch Wives’
The wives claimed that they never saw a scrape or bruise (aside from your broken wrists (?) Mike) on any inch of their ex-husbands bodies. So then how is it that Marty was this ‘bully’ who beat people all the time and seemingly left no evidence of violence?
If Marty did beat you up (and not Miscavige) wouldn’t you (and Marty presumably) have bruises and/or injuries of some sort?
But somehow the Inch Wives didn’t see those injuries. Or, I guess they were able to tell that a bruise was NOT perpetrated by COB (perhaps they were looking for a tiny fist print?) but rather by someone else.
It’s back to the classic having the cake and eating it too…….they want to say someone was dismissed for violence, yet at the same time they claim that the ‘victims’ don’t bear any injuries. At least not injuries caused by COB.
But other individuals were violent and yet there was no physical evidence of this…….
Either there was violence and bruises or no violence (by anyone) and no bruises.
I’d love to have seen Anderson Cooper question them on that…..’so, you know every inch of their bodies and there were no bruises, yet you claim that Marty Rathbun was violent and attacked all these people……’
Kind of like when Anderson Cooper asked them if they had phones…..
Yes, and remember when AC asked if they had phones (in order to report assaults to law enforcement), Jenny Linson was peaved. She told AC “now you are being rude” in an effort to shut him down. Norm Starkey made it even worse by saying that insulting his “leader” was not okay! So did his leader do something then?
Nine year-old taunts and scruffy dogs barking at your heels shall not deter you from performing your self-chosen job. You reveal truth and understanding: Things that scare the wits out of them.
Best to you
Off topic but of interest:
The current edition of the Joe Rogan podcast is a 2.5 hr conversation with Louis Theroux mostly on the subject of Scn.
There is a collection of handbooks but the OSA full hat is very good.
Hitler, Stalin and Chairman Mao on a more destructive scale.
North Korea does mimic Scientology or visa versa,it’s really hard to tell the difference.
According to Wikipedia North Korea has about 25,000,000 inhabitants. That’s where the millions of COS members must be!
Excellent observation!
North Korea IS like Scientology, it just has more of the active ingredient.
Since repression has been a staple of life for North Korea’s citizens since 1953, Scientology is using their playbook.
“BATTLE OF THE MINDS” by William Sargent is a playbook read by most dictators
after WW2 including Stalin. many original copies sell for $250.
Thank you Mike.
Remember the Criminal Mind sacred scripture to be applied with 100% KSW?
‘Accuse others of what you yourself are doing’. DM is publishing complete lies about you and others (not worth watching) based on what he himself is – a criminal.
As far as I am concerned I think you are great, doing a very good job with this blog and allowing others to express their view wit no retaliation whatsoever. So, thank you again and I am glad I know you
Thanks Silvia 🙂
I second that. Thanks for a job well done, Mike!
Funny isn’t it how the scientology smear campaign plays right into the hands of their critics. If they had ignored Mike and the other ex-scns instead it would have been far more effective, those outside the bubble would question what everyone is complaining about. They could go one further by saying ‘we are sorry that these people have left us and will look into their grievances to see if there is anything we can do to improve’ but of course this is not cult think and would never enter their tiny minds. Scientology is screwed by its own ideals – if you leave then you must have committed crimes – it was literally the first thing they accused me of when I said I’d had enough.
Like the church of scientology, the lies told about the people who defect are so obvious it’s a wonder to me that the church of scientology (or reps of North Korea) put them out – until you realize that they are put out for those that still remain.
Just like when I was required to watch the dead-agent video the church put out on Marty, Anderson Cooper, et al., I knew that I had to respond with words such as, “Wow, I didn’t know that about Marty!” “… how great the Int Base is!” “Thank you for showing me that.” The truth is that it was so juvenile, it SCREAMED “LIES.” Those who are IN the church of scientology and N. Korea are so wrapped up in their own fear, if they don’t toe the line themselves and respond “appropriately,” it will be far worse than whatever they are going through now.
I hope and pray that the people of North Korea and the people of the church of scientology and groups of this ilk will one day be free of the fear and the mindset and cruelties that they have to live with.
One thing you will never see the church post on its website or Freedom Mag are links to documentaries made about itself. Another indication of who the REAL liar is.
I went through something similar on my Road to Total Freedom, Mary. The MAA had me read Marty’s epic SP Declare, which if I recall is about six pages long. I spent a whole evening reading across from the MAA and would often stop to query something. I went into this having some doubts and reservations about church management. Once I finished all doubt was removed – they were batshit crazy! The MAA failed to find the humor in that. I also asked her if Marty killed Kennedy too? (which I thought was hilarious). She said “No!” (er…laugh much?).
So funny. And so typical for the church officials one deals with have no sense of humor. It’s all soooo serious.
LMAO! Mike those vids about you are kinda the opposite of the “Ron the X (superhuman something) mag series. (shows how powerful SPs are against Trained Oat Teas)
Just as the citizenry of the rest of the world sees through the N.K. ploy, so do they see through the Scamology attacks on former members.
My favorite line from one of the videos is from Georgina Tweedie: “…and we were all fooled.”
So we’ve got this evil, lying, incompetent, abusive home wrecker that fooled the best and brightest Homo Novi at the top of the Coolest religion’s executive office for how many years? What a bunch of idiots. Nice “tech” ya got there ya fucking morons!
DMSTCC, that’s my reply when I hear the Indie idiot screech about Demented Midget and his hostile take over of scamology. The Oat Teas with the tek of the hooman mind evidently were/are helpless when it comes to predicting hooman behavior, modifying it or anything else having to do with it.