The Emmy nominations were announced this morning.
This came as a pleasant, but total surprise.
Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath has been nominated each year it aired — 4 times in all as the 3 seasons spanned 4 years of eligibility. That is a pretty remarkable record, and we thank and congratulate IPC, A&E and our crew for their dedication, courage and professionalism. And to the Television Academy for their support. But most of all we recognize the brave contributors who bared their souls and stories in the face of scientology’s reputation for conducting Fair Game campaigns against those who say things they don’t want to hear.
Congratulations. Keep up the great job!
Kudos Mike and Leah! My favorite SP’s. Thank you for not supressing the truth, despite the harassment you must have endured from the scamitology goons. In truth there is freedom. I stand with you.
Are hat-shaming and ascot-shaming allowed? If so, I have a comment or two to make.
Mike & Leah…Leah & Mike…
Two of the bravest people on the face of the Earth who managed to speak out the TRUTH about COS & were able to build the confidence in others to do the same.
What can I say to ALL Of YOU who were once “in”….the ones who bravely stepped forward with your own tales of horror about COS & the abuses. To bare your souls, deepest & darkest secrets to inform the NEVER INS & others interested to LEARN about the PRIVATE inner workings of COS.
For me, nothing would delight me more than A & E OFFERING UP one to two AFTERMATH Series per year…more if possible.
To Mike & Leah…..Congrats & undying gratitude. Did you EVER think about how YOU BOTH were able to help OTHERS FREE THEMSELVES OF THE BURDENS THEY CARRIED FOR DECADES…by exposing all on TV??? They were able to speak OUT…FREE THEMSELVES of some of the pain they bore…& enlighten & HELP OTHERS TO STEP FORWARD B RAVELY.
People who felt a great sense of shame & embarrassment of being “duped” of trying to understand WHAT THE HELL JSUT HAPPENED know they are no longer alone. LOOK AT THIS BLOG…so many step forward to say their peace…& unburden themselves….LOVE IT ALL
One of the bravest people who posts to this forum.
Brave enough for two or three people. Yes indeed!
Balletlady posted the following:
To Mike & Leah…..Congrats & undying gratitude. Did you EVER think about how YOU BOTH were able to help OTHERS FREE THEMSELVES OF THE BURDENS THEY CARRIED FOR DECADES…by exposing all on TV??? They were able to speak OUT…FREE THEMSELVES of some of the pain they bore…& enlighten & HELP OTHERS TO STEP FORWARD B RAVELY.
That is one of the best posts I have read here in a long time. I wish we had an “Applause” Emojii or some kind of sound effect that would sound like applause.
Dear friend Skyler!
Thank you so much for your kind & loving post. I learned so much from the Aftermath AND from books & the posts on this blog!
….I truly feel my heart swell with pride for Mike, Leah & everyone on this blog who have suffered & continue to suffer the TORTURES OF HELL on Earth, carrying around the guilt, shame, embarrassment of feeling how they WERE willingly part of this & bringing their families into it….only to find in the end what it truly IS.
What I want them to know is that GOOD PEOPLE ARE THE MOST GULLIBLE. Sadly we never think that anyone is out to hurt US or anyone else. We want to DO good, help, make others feel happy & to build a GOOD THING. We never even consider that the DEVIL IS REAL…that the DEVIL EXIST & that the Devil takes MANY FORMS….sometimes the Devil looks like the most caring, charitable, loving person/group…including a religious group
There will NEVER be enough I am sorry, I was wrong, I didn’t understand to heal the rift between families….there are never enough apologies because the OTHER PERSON has to see & understand for themselves what the TRUTH is.
THE TRUTH HURTS….it’s difficult/hard mostly impossible or nearly impossible to ACCEPT how easily “we joined in”….without even thinking this could be all FAKERY & that we are being DUPED in the name of “Clearing the Planet & improving OUR lives, our family’s lives….the ENTIRE UNIVERSE needs “fixing” & we have “the power to do it”.
Mike’s wonderful blog has permitted/allowed EVERYONE to begin to UNDERSTAND & HEAL…. to UNRAVEL & RELEASE their feeling of GUILT over having joined & staying in it so long. Then when the realization hits us & the blinders come off there is No greater pain than for us to lease only to loose a child or family member who remains in.
All those remaining on the inside are either still drinking the Kool Aid & rejecting ANYTHING ELSE…OR they are too afraid to leave for their OWN personal reasons. Maybe it is the “losing another meat body…..being disconnected….being made to feel the fool for being in it…..they need to come to their OWN REALIZATION on their own time…IF EVER.
FEAR IS A GREAT MOTIVATOR….it will keep you under the spell & realm of belief because life on the outside…a WORLD THEY DON’T KNOW….is too scary to even consider. No job, no money, no place to live, no clothes, food….so they feel safer on the inside despite it all.
I pray and hope that what has been TAKEN FROM YOU…is returned. In the meantime….LIVE your life to the BEST of your ability & begin to release the DEMONS that torture you….little by little you CAN begin to HEAL.
Fantastic!!! So well-deserved Mike & Leah!!! You and every person who has shared on the show are HEROES!!!
The truth is a nail in suppressive persons and in their followers eyes.
The truth is a prosperian rose in critical eyes.
After reading about Shawna Bakesfield (spelling?) from the excerpt of Leah’s book I compare the production of Aftermath and the treatment of staff there to when Shawna worked with TC! They created chaos and fear. Aftermath created a well run production with no fear even while Mike, Leah and some of the participants were being fair gamed. Well done to Leah Remini and Mike Rinder. I also include congratulations to their families who supported them the whole time. And the participants who told their stories were so brave for baring their souls to the world they can be as proud of this Emmy nomination as Mike and Leah. I am very happy for all of you. Congratulations!🎉🍾🎈.
Win after win as they say..:)
Congratulations Leah and Mike! I pity the poor OSA goon who has to tell DM that Mike has been nominated yet again for an Emmy. DM already has his fake Emmy for the Nightline debacle and all those paid for ‘Tellie’ awards for his TV channel. I wonder if they even bothered this year with buying those fake awards.
An idea for a show to fill all the “dead air” now that the live police show is gone from A&E.
Aftermath Live Rescue
Mike and Leah and their band of merry pranksters (I volunteer!) drive a bus up to the Int Base every week, park in the street and just open the doors.
Who will dare to escape this week? Diana Hubbard? Will the wheelchair with Heber make it to the bus before Danny gets the cops on the scene? Will Cathy lose her voice screaming into the camera?
Other weeks they can just park around the corner from L Ron Hubbard Way. Better make sure that bus is kitted out with para-medics for that segment. Candida, the Plague and hep A are issues in the Big Blue.
For one glorious moment they can attempt a live rescue at Twin Peaks, for Shelley. But for that episode they will have to kit the bus out with bulletproof glass and Kevlar. Lots of firepower on that mountain road, and some of those PIs actually know how to use it.
RPF installations all over the world, walled compounds with razor wire, secret “summer camps” and “private schools” with imprisoned kids, there will never be a lack of venues.
And think of the stories! Lots of these hopeless, lost souls really have no concept that there is a way out, let alone the means to try it.
For every stirring escape story we have heard, there are hundreds of close calls that never happened. Escapees that were caught and returned and so on. Just knowing that there is someone out there who can help and who cares would make a world of difference to so many.
I see many more Emmys on the horizon for our Dynamic Duo.
I shouldn’t laugh, but I did! Like Escaping Polygamy – but just a bus waiting for people to hop on.
As someone that is a complete atheist, it’s been hard to wrap my head around any belief in any cult or religion but thanks to Mike and Leah I’m slowly understanding how they plant the “worm”. It’s a whole lot of crazy and it breaks me that children are being abused, absolutely breaks me.
Carry on guys, I don’t think you can really understand how much good you are doing.
Awesome sauce, great big job, huge successes! Congrats to all.
Congratulations Mike and Leah, for a very well deserved nomination!
Congratulations Mike and Leah.
What a triumph. What an honor.
The fact Hollywood, year in and year out for 4 consecutive years honors you with
such recognition IN SPITE on hideous FAIR GAME and hate filled programs ~~ including Taryn Teutsch…EPIC FAIL !
OSA goons and clowns meant absolutely nothing in terms of effect of THE AFTERMATH.
What a joyous day to feel your peers RECOGNIZE and APPRECIATE.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS like this are very powerful.
May I express the wish that HBO take note and come back to you both for another series.
After all, they stood their ground on “GOING CLEAR” the movie?
Champagne toast to you both.
Ev-ah-ree-thing Karen just said!
The show deserves all the awards in its nominations.
Wooohooo! I am so happy for you all. I am listening to the podcast right now on my new speakers and Leah is asking where the f’ L Con Hubtard is and why he has not returned. Love it!
I listened to that driving to work, was laughing so hard almost drove off the road!
Congratulations to all concerned! Especially to those ex’s that took the risk of exposure. That takes a lot of guts. And to Leah and Mike – thanks!
I love the broad bad PR for scamatology in the announcement of this!!
Awesome job!!
Congratulations to you and Leah! Hollywood is no longer afraid of the beast and no longer represent them. You and Leah and many others deserve many thanks 🙏
A&E on Facebook. It looks like Leah and Mike accounted for half of A&E’s Emmy nominations this year. That is, one out of two nominations.
Woohoo! It’s the quality of production and presentation that makes the difference! Well done, and Good luck!
I have never been involved in COS, but can see what destruction it causes. I am so proud of all involved in exposing this cult with the truth. God bless and protect every one whom God is using to bring down this organization. Congratulations on your nomination!!!
I could NOT be happier! Esp. since I contributed to each season and this would be my third emmy! (one for spielberg/tom hanks one for remini/rinder). But that showoff Anthony Bourdain and his traveling cooking show keep winning the sympathy vote. Lucky dead guy! 🙂
Just out of curiosity, how many nominations did Scientology TV get? (crickets)
Classic comment!
Congrats to all involved in the making of this series. I’d love to see nominations for podcast awards start rolling in soon as well for Mike and Leah’s new podcast series. They truly are a phenomenal team when it comes to explaining the depravity of this organization.
Huge congratulations to the whole team. This is terrifically exciting, and so well-deserved once again. I’m thrilled for you all.
Congrats, AWESOME work all involved!!!! (batting 1.000)
Now THAT is an amazing “stat”.
Earlier, I cross-posted O/T as usual, but I do want to say congratulations. Both you and Leah really deserve this honor. You have both given a voice to the voiceless. You have both made a huge difference. It is nothing short of a miracle that a show that went three seasons received Emmy nominations for four years straight.
Yo Dave,
I think you and fast Eddie deserve an enema nomination of yer own. You guys are so over the top when it comes to stating the facts and telling the truth I think you’d have a shoe in too!
Newcomer, you deserve an award for your posts.
So well deserved, Leah. Oh, won’t you please come visit us her and take a bow. Or just stand still and we will lavish all kinds of love and praise upon you. You sure do deserve a bunch of praise.
I do not want to give the impression that I am ignoring Mike. AFAIC, the two of you would clearly seem to be an equal kind of partnership and you both deserve all good things equally. Yes indeed.
Oh please! Won’t someone please come and rescue me here and now? If you don’t, I will just go on forever lavishing everything that I have upon both Mike and Leah. They are clearly great heros of this struggle to end most every kind of criminal cult that plagues our world. There are clearly more than just one of these things and they all need to be eradicated with equal vigor!
I sure do wish there was some kind of product like that bug spray …. you know the one …. RAID! Kills bugs dead!
I wish we could buy something called REMINI! Kills cults dead!
After all, the formula for such a spray is no secret. In order to kill a cult dead, all you need to do are the following two steps:
1) Shine a light on the bugs.
2) Tell the world the truth about them.
That’s it! That’s all! That’s all that is required to kill these creeps dead!
I just love, love, love it. Everytime I hear Leah say … “You picked the wrong fucking girl!”
I know that she is right. People must have learned by now …
You better not fuck with Leah! For sure! For sure!
Excellent! So deserved. This made my day.
But this is wonderful, Mike! Congratulations! Kudos to ALL who created this stellar “product”! What’s warming my heart is that the show was created using the raw material of truth. The truth is getting out there. It won’t be stopped.
Congratulations! All of you deserve merit for illustrating the truth about Scientology. It is unfortunate that Scientology is protected by the Constitution of the United States. The victims deserve to be compensated and Scientology needs to be dissolved.
It is amazing how Hubbard was able to ride in on the horse called “exteriorization” and use brief projections of “out of body” experiences to control people. He could tie it all to eternity and enslave millions by claiming to control the future. My good friend, a former Green Beret during the Viet Nam War, has sent me information about Unidentified Flying Objects. The evidence suggests that Hubbard was 100% wrong about their space vehicle operations and motives. Hubbard could not even get Space Aliens or life on Mars correct.
Hubbard was riding a few ponies that he didn’t have to curry or saddle.
I tried to figure out whether his “past lives” nonsense really was inspired by the Bridey Murphy hysteria. Seems like the dates don’t quite line up. Possibly they were both inspired by someone earlier, or just riffing on the old Madame Blavatsky Victorian fads.
The “exteriorization” hobby horse is really pernicious. The symptoms of dissociative disorder can make someone think they are “elsewhere”. Or “floating” etc.
So when they use authoritarian physical forcing procedures long enough, and actually achieve the result of someone who literally cannot remain in a position and cannot leave at the same time, the subject can experience some terrifying disorientations of reality. Just give them the prior expectation that they are going to “exteriorize” and voila!
They float out of the session in a euphoric altered state, tell one and all about how “successful” it was, and then find themselves restrained in an asylum some time later.
For an example, see the “auditing” scene in “The Master” with Joaquin Phoenix. Fictional to be sure, but pretty true to the spirit of it.
George, I almost never disagree with you but on this one point I feel that I must. You said, “It is unfortunate that Scientology is protected by the Constitution of the United States.” Actually, that protection is one of the essential reasons for our break from British rule back in 1776. Our right to worship as we please with religion being entirely separate from government and as such protected under the First Amendment is not the baby to be thrown out with the bathwater because our favorite criminal cult manipulates this protection to serve its own nefarious ends. Just as “innocent until PROVEN guilty” has its flaws and sometimes allows the guilty to go free because of lack of evidence, the First Amendment protection of religion is precious and necessary and not to be done away with despite the Church of Scientology’s dishonest and cynical exploitation of it.
Congratulations and so well deserved to all. Your hard work and courage have inspired me in several areas of my life
O/T. Arutz Sheva – Israel National News on the partnership between the Church of Scientology and the Nation of Islam.
Fleecing the flock, not just lying to them
The section on Scientology quotes and relies heavily upon Bethany Mandel’s National Review Online story, “The Troubling Connections between Scientology and the Nation of Islam.” It is nice to see a media network in Israel cover the partnership between the COS and the NOI.
In other news, Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad again posts about the subject, “Understanding the Synagogue of Satan.”
In this case, Minister Tony Muhammad holds all Jewish people alive today morally responsible for the alleged acts, beliefs and statements of a single union boss (who happened to be Jewish) over one-hundred years ago.
The alleged guilt is not only collective, it is multi-generational.
ESMB Redux:
It appears the Minister Tony Muhammad has declared war on Judaism, or at least on modern (i.e., since the 6th century CE) Rabbinic Judaism.
The Church of Scientology continues to say and do nothing.
Perhaps Arutz Sheva – Israel National News will want to discuss the matter with the Church of Scientology of Tel Aviv?
ISNOINews: S I just want to personally thank you for always posting this news about Scn and especially the connection with the NOI. When I first heard of this, years ago, I was stunned that Scn would align itself with this hateful organization. It blows my mind. Thank you!
To Mike & Leah, A&E & the production company – CONGRATULATIONS!! So well deserved. Yayy….
I have to say congratulations. What DM thinks of this could only be reasonably guessed.
Congratulations to you, Leah and Mike and all who were involved for this much deserved nomination. Also, thank you to all who helped by participating, producing and broadcasting this show so that viewers were able to learn about the abusive side of Scientology. I hope that all your hard work, dedication and courage that it took for you to do this show, will be recognized by yet another win.
Best wishes and good luck to you both.
This. Exactly how I feel.
Awesome news.
Congratulations to both Leah and Mike!! This goes a little way towards smoothing the disappointment of having the Brian Seymour, Black Ops, documentary pissed on by channel 7 here in Aussie.