For some unknown reason, the STAND twitter account recently put up a new tweet accusing The Hollywood Reporter of a “history of forwarding hate. In the 1940s and 50s, the publication was part and parcel of fomenting the anti-Communist campaign in Hollywood…”
If you click on the link it goes to a page on the STAND site that is a letter of complaint about an article in the THR from 2017 (they don’t seem to have a whole lot of new material):
It is so typically scientology — they don’t like something they said, so they launch into an attack over something that happened 70 years ago…
Interestingly, in 2012, the son of the founder of THR wrote an apology for the activities of his father. In fact, the image in the tweet is taken from the article IN THR reporting on this.
Of course, the weirdness does not end there.
This is an oh so typical scientology attack. STAND League is apparently completely oblivious to the facts concerning the founder of their organization and his work to root out the Commies and report them to the FBI. There are some fascinating documents released by the FBI at the amazing Muckrock website.
This is literally the first part of the extensive coverage to be found there.
What separates the owner/founder of the THR and the owner/founder of scientology is two things.
Billy Wilkerson never claimed he was anything other than a media man — though it is reported at least part of his motivation to expose and blacklist communists came about because of their antipathy to his Roman Catholic beliefs — and his actions were specifically sanctioned and encouraged by his priest. On the other hand, L. Ron Hubbard insists his “research” (that is everything he claimed about his experiences in his life) and his “discoveries” and “technology” are to be taken literally and may never be changed. His word is the word of God.
And secondly, while the THR has issued an apology for their actions 70 years ago, L. Ron Hubbard never did, and scientology has not done so since his death.
Why not?
Because being anti-Communist is scientology “scripture” laid down by L. Ron Hubbard.
One only need scan through the index of the OEC for a small sample of his thoughts on Communism.
But even more significant, these are questions on the Johannesburg Sec Check — very much part of current day scientology and used in every scientology organization in the world. These are questions you will be asked in scientology TODAY. They are STILL trying to weed out Communists in the ranks of scientology.
The Communist witch-hunt is STILL GOING ON IN SCIENTOLOGY.
This is worse than the pot calling the kettle black. This is the pot calling the kettle that has been buffed and shined, black.
Who’s brain did STAND hatch from? It’s so abysmally slanted, out of touch and low IQ, you’ve got to wonder! It’s like we’re watching a parody … just think, this is what Scientology has come to!
Was this STAND post from April 1st because it looks like a fools post?
Everyone and their grandmother knows that Scientology suppresses Communists within their organization. You could even say fanatically opposes to the level of bigotry against any Marxist, even the watered-down socialist variety. Now for once, I agree with Scientology on this subject. Don’t expect that ARC to go anywhere.
However, they also do the same with homosexuality. I do not share their opinions on the latter subject in the least.
Mike? Please move this information to some appropriate place and then delete this post. I finally figured out how to enter bold text in my posts.
I finally found it how simply by using Google. I Googled “how do i create bold text using HTML?”
I will now enter two lines of text. The first will print some words in bold and the second will show how to do it.
In the second line, I use the square brackets – [ ] – to show how it is done.
But when you really want to have bold text, you need to use angle brackets – > < – in place of the square brackets. I hope that is understandable. Here are the two lines:
You create BOLD text with 3 control chars before the text and 4 after.
You create [b]BOLD[/b] text with 3 control chars before the text and 4 after.
In the above post, the last line shows how the second to last line is really entered except that angle brackets must be used instead where you see square brackets.
That’s pretty cool Skyler!
Yo Dave,
Have ya had lunch with a communist lately?
GOLDEN Era, those sites using square brackets: [ + ], are running some sort of translator over their site. and a few I’ve encountered aren’t always consistent. Using standard HTML usually doesn’t interfere with most pages while giving some control.. Still, it’s probably best to keep with what worked back in the stone ages and typewriters; e.g. CAPS = BOLD/emphasis. Italics, Underline & more subtle character attributes sometimes don’t properly render.
Do ANY Scientologists (including Ron himself) ever apply ANY of Scientology other than fair gaming and insane “ethics” actions?
Cause I thought that one of the data series outpoints was “dropped out time”?
These idiots are endlessly entertaining in their profound stupidity .
Joe, someone else recognized that scientology is a PUNISHMENT culture. Going to ‘ethics’ is the same as going to the principal’s Office in school was: — NOW you’re in for it AND they’ll probably call your parents and say what a bad person you’ve been. In addition, it’s likely gonna cost you big money before you get out of there.
Big dose of irony served up there. C’mon, Parkin you must be able to do better than that.
SSoA, they don’t recognize irony and sarcasm; They’re too literal-minded from their scn training. I’ve gotta watch that tendency in myself sometimes, a holdover from all those years ago.
Ah, more pot-kettle-black from the propaganda droids.
Following another projection-related psychological principle that Hubbard cribbed, Scientology has become what he loved to hate on. The Orwellian CofS regime now resembles the Marxist/Stalinist/Maoist systems that he railed against in many ways.
All non-essential wealth and assets, is confiscated to put towards the collective project of creating a “new man” and reformed world – except a few “firsts among equals,” including those the regime holds out to the world as its propaganda stars, get to play and live by different rules.
And the CofS has achieved a level of ideological thought reform, surveillance and control that the Chinese Communist Party is still striving for.
The never-ending rabid ravings of a bunch of lunatic (pardon the Australian slang) fuck-knuckles!
Kronomex, I believe your characterization of them is rather mild, compared to what I might say. And I was brought up to be kind to those with diminished capacity.
Kronomex, I really enjoyed your Australian slang. I can think of more than one person right here in my immediate vicinity that fits that slang PERFECTLY!
Thank you.
You are more than welcome.
Oops. When I said a “person right here in my immediate vicinity”, I was talking about some of my neighbors in the real world who are behaving like idiots in the face of COVID. We call them COVIDIOTS.
I was not talking about anyone who posts to this blog.
I just wanted to clarify that. Sorry if anyone misunderstood me.
I didn’t want to go too much further because I thought Mike might not appreciate me pushing the naughty language too far.
Kronomex, as the only person I know of who’s sitting upside down as he’s reading this, I’ve got a Q you can probably answer that I’ve been asking the poor flat Earthers: In Australia, I believe the stars seem to revolve around a point in the sky. I am pretty sure it isn’t Polaris, the “north star” I’m familiar with. Do you guys even get to see Polaris or the big and little Dippers? Again, I suspect not, since I’ve never been able to find the “Southern Cross” from the Virgin Islands (As far south as I’ve travelled) or my back yard at 40-degrees North.
I have seen the Little Dipper (the stars not Demento sticking his head in a bucket of whiskey) but the big version is harder to see. Mostly I go out to watch the view of our galaxy get brighter as it gets darker. The view never ceases to amaze me.
It certainly does seem bizarre (some might even say “crazy”) to complain about things that happened 70 years ago.
Then again, I would not be surprised if an order had come down from “oh high” the STAND League was not to complain about any real events unless they happened more than 70 years ago because that would be the only way to ensure the scam could not be blamed for those events.
Why? Because, strangely enough, 70 years ago is almost exactly when the scam first came into existence.
Skyler, if it’s not bizarre, it’s not scientology. 😉
Heh Heh. 🙂
By the way Jere, I see you discovered how to enter bold text before I did. Well done, Sir. I found that on some web sites angle brackets are required while on other blog sites square brackets are used instead.
I know there are many other good editing features that can also be done with HTML. Things like italicize, underline, strikethrough, font size and font color, text alignment, etc.
I will try to learn how to do some of these. But I don’t feel I have the time just now. Maybe when things calm down a bit. I wonder if some people here would be interested in using some of these editing features?
Skyler, I learned HTML when I wanted to create a website about an area and pastime I love: sailing around the Virgin Islands. Sadly, I forgot to pay the server rental fee one year and they deleted me like I’d never existed. Best way to learn art, like with any programming language is to find an example that does about what you want to do and shamelessly copy it, modifying it as you need/want. I also used a text-editor’s “save as HTML” option to get other ideas of what to do. This may be too far O/T, but the simple character options are:
Each starts with LT + “the letter” + GT and ends with the same three characters with a “/” just before “the letter” the slash operates as a “end of” indicator for that attribute. They can all be nested to do two or more things on the same text
BOLD + underlined . If you spy on the code of this web page, you can see what’s being translated and rendered by your browser.
darn! the underlining didn’t work
If you figure out how to change the font, color & size, please don’t. It just confuses ancient old antiquities like me.
Hubbard also took a dim view on religion (any one where he wasn’t the object of worship, anyway) as is evident in many places in his utterances.
And yet, here is “Reverend” Parkin fighting the good fight on behalf of religions (well, ONE religion, to be precise). In fact, Parkin and comrades are so fond of religion that they find it imperative that freedom of religion must include the freedom to commit atrocities and abuses in the name of religion. In their agenda, THAT is the most important part.
So we have the anti-religionists fighting for religion, the anti-Communists fighting on behalf of persecuted commies, the purveyors of quack pseudo-psychology fighting the psychs, the protectors of abusers fighting for justice for women, the slavers fighting for human rights. The little cult that could…
Todd Cray said: “Hubbard also took a dim view on religion (any one where he wasn’t the object of worship …)
Ain’t it interesting how people who begin thinking of themselves as “the most important person in the world” invariably find themselves on a slow, slippery slope on which they slide to total insanity?
Skyler succinctly gave us:
“Ain’t it interesting how people who begin thinking of themselves as “the most important person in the world” invariably find themselves on a slow, slippery slope on which they slide to total insanity?”
it weren’t slow; it is pretty much instant. Isn’t KSW something we all read and had to agree with the first day of our first course? IIRC, it was star-rated and had an essay we had to get passed by the course sup. Might have had a clay demo. Hey, that was FIFTY years ago. Don’t crucify me for not remembering everything perfectly, please.
To keep the alliteration, I might suggest “Short, slippery slope”.
I thought of another:”steep”.
Todd offered us:
“And yet, here is “Reverend” Parkin fighting the good fight on behalf of religions (well, ONE religion, to be precise).”
To be more precise, one international criminal enterprise masquerading as a ‘religion’.
Thanks for this, Mike! This is pretty hilarious, that they’d so publicly go after a publication without checking themselves first, so it ends up being laughably hypocritical!
PS – REALLY loving Fair Game podcasts and the family/friends I’ve told to check it out have universally enjoyed and become more interested in the subject.
Jenyfurrr, Be kind, they were only following Dwarfenführer’s® orders, after all.
Any bets whether he was sober, deep in his cups, or hung over, anyone? My guess is that he first wasted a thimble-full(The perfect size for his hands) of excellent whiskey at a nearby wall.
My guess is that he started on that slippery slope to insanity a while ago and he keeps getting closer and closer to a complete raving lunatic who has lost his mind.
Much like Al Pacino in the movie Scarface from the 1970s.
I’ll guess the latter 2 – in his cups AND hungover. I’m cracking up over here with the picture of him gripping a thimble!
Does the Communist Party have balloons and cake? I like cake.
Zee, Don’t forget ICE CREAM! to go with the caek & balloons
On the Battle of the Universes Tape in 1952, Hubbard comes very close to admitting that he is Fascist. Hubbard constantly expressed his dislike of Communists. The points made by Scientology are totally worthless. Scientology only tells part of the story. The great irony of Scientology is that they hide their own beliefs and make people pay for nonsense. Hubbard admitted that he followed the entities and demons of King Solomon which Solomon derived from Sumerian legends. Hubbard blatantly believed that the native state of the Thetan was fascism. If the religion is carefully analyzed, it is found to be based on the war between communists and fascists. Scientology is totally outdated. The Soviet Union fell decades ago. The communist party in China has evolved to a form of capitalism. What happened in Hollywood in the 1950’s is long past. The Cold War ended decades ago. Hubbard can no longer be followed because he arguments don not apply. Hubbard claimed that entities in outer space were modifying DNA to destroy the human race. He missed the internet and the Virus. No one in their right mind can picture fat Hubbard as the anti-Christ offering Scientology as the solution. Hubbard never returned as the great Politician. Scientology just get over it. Hubbard is dead. At least we Buddhists admit that the Buddha actually died and is totally dead.
A century ago, when my parents —and Ron— were teens, communism became a fad amongst students as the October Revolution sprung out. Perhaps Ronny later felt bad about all the abuses committed in the name of communism/socialism by his childhood idols? He certainly didn’t seem upset that his behavior was fascistic.
Interesting point. Hubbard’s father was in the Navy so I am sure the Russo-Japanese War played a part in his thinking Bloody battles and I think the Tsar was defeated.
Japan was Fascist with an Emperor.
AND he didn’t care that his orgs were “organized” as communes, All staff living &eating communally, the few who were “more equal” than the others served by the least among them. It benefitted him.
Hey George these are some interesting points. From my own spiritual path after I left Scientology, I found most spiritual leaders (especially those associated with divinity or enlightenment) are what I call Egoless. There are many false prophets, as the bible states, that come for the money, power, or fame. These are spiritual leaders who never learned to let go of their Ego, which obviously Hubbard had difficulty. While I was in, I clung to the few coherent statements he made about truly wanting to help people, of which there were very few. There were many more showing a strong authoritarian ego (such as KSW ref. – ‘STOMP OUT OF EXISTENCE ANY BAD TECH’ (paraphrasing). I think he did not reach the enlightenment stage many spiritual leaders attain on their path of ascension (progress towards D8 / infinity in SCN). Buddah, Jesus, and others who obviously and undoubtedly reached this stage of being egoless, but I do not see Hubbard in this category. He was obviously sucked up into the hype of the era, being anti-communist and borderline fascist. He took offense to any who wanted a refund, which that attitude persists until the present time by the executives in-charge. This was more than about the money, he viewed it as a slight against his works; in addition, he took the same passionate stance against psychiatry when they slighted his works by not acknowledging Dianetics as medical-grade psychotherapy. It shows a Man who could not effectively detach from his Ego, and a representation of low gradient spiritual development (out D7 in SCN jargon). Anyone who has studied theology or advanced their spiritual development will see him for the bold faced unenlightened man that could not separate himself from his ‘works’ (and probably a strong attachment to his ‘legacy’).
I agree with this statement. Great points. I had similar thoughts. Hubbard convinced himself that he had truth when he did not. The key in my mind is that he got stuck and never advanced.
Parachute, Hubbard didn’t TRY to let go of his ego. It was HIM, so was the most important thing in the UNIVERSE.
I also disagree that he ever trod a spiritual path., He didn’t show any spirituality to speak of before they “[tried] the religion angle”
GAP, I think Hubbard actually glorified the ego, or at least the self, in the same vein as Aleister Crowley. He at least didn’t try to subsume the ego, and I think had the effect if not the intent of actually cultivating it.
I consider Scientology to be egoistic, among other things – it is selfish, not selfless, and as with Hubbard, accentuates the ego whether deliberately or incidentally.
As we know to be coherent is a key part of what one learns and becomes while being in scn.
If these guys from this front group would have born and grown in other countries they could be perfect candidates to become talebans or radical extremists.
It isn’t just scn fault, it’s as well part of their DNA.
STAAD and $cientology hare learned how to market to their population. If that population is made up of conspiracy mongers and trolls, so be it. As great comedians know, know your audience.
ZeeMoo I totally agree. In my experience I met several persons that were already naturally well prepared to be like that.
Unfortunately when their population includes people I love I feel pain when they start parroting fascist talking points and praising fascist leaders (especially the orange ones). I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to stay under the radar come November, and I might go full Xenu reveal on them.
Zee, STAAD & scientology ARE their own publics, so they only have to look inward to understand them. Outsiders get sucked in by their friends/family or by accident — often being in the wrong place at the wrong time, a case of two negatives adding up.
LmR regaled us with:
“As we know to be coherent is a key part of what one learns and becomes while being in scn.”
Sorry, friend, but that’s the first time you’ve sounded like English wasn’t your first language. Care to take a second stab at it, pretty please?
I’ve got one possible interpretation”
““As we know, to be coherent is a key part of what one learns and becomes while being in scn.”
If I’m right, I disagree. We were often presented with largely incoherent passages that WE had to somehow make sense of. AND, I’ve recently heard that he invented a new basic English grammar which codified his own misunderstandings for all to “enjoy”.
Jere, I just want to say that you certainly seem to be blossoming (or maybe coming into bloom) as a polished contributor here. It is a great thing for me to see.
I wonder how much of this is you coming into your own vs. how much is TED (aka Dwarfenführer’s®)’s continual loss of sanity.
In any case, IMHO, you have been highly entertaining here of late and it’s great.
Thanks, Skyler. It’s nice to be recognized by someone whose contributions are so clear and precise.
It also helps when I keep it SHORT.
Jere my friend, first you made me laugh because I had this picture of me stabbing the english language.
Second, your translation of my English is correct but it must be read in an ironic way. I was just sarcastic because scn ISN’T coherent at all. Do well.
LmR, if I EVER seem to be critical or disparaging/disrespectful of you, please don’t believe it. You’re fun to read and astound me at how colloquially you can use English. I feel somewhat shamed because I can’t say more than “HI” in any language other than English, despite suffering through classes in French & German. When my first wife and I honeymooned in Switzerland, it was very helpful that it seemed all the other holiday-makers were Germans with excellent English. I SHOULD have learned SOME German just from the “Pennsylvania Dutch” just to my West, and several German-speaking enclaves within 10 miles of my house. And I should have gotten SOME Italian from some of my best friends’ families who sometimes forgot I was in the room as they exchanged words not in English. We poor, poor Americans only knowing their own parochial tongue. Even speaking with a Brit or Australian can be a chore.