Some background: We learned last year that the Charleston Principles govern non-profit and charitable organizations in relation to state registration requirements, factoring in online fundraising elements that did not previously exist. Under these principles, a non-profit organization is required to register with a given state if they 1. Receive in excess of $25,000 in donations from the state and/or 2. have in excess of 100 donors from that state.
We began by registering with the largest states by population: CA, NY, FL and a few others. Texas and several other states don’t registration requirements.
Late last year, a person going by the name of “Emma Anderson” started contacting every state where the Foundation was not registered, alleging that we were “claiming” to be registered with said state. We never stated anywhere we are registered with every state, this is a scientology lie. We received letters about these complaints from approximately 15 states. We have been making steady progress filing with all states regardless of the parameters outlined by the Charleston Principles.
Last week we were contacted by a Senior Financial Investigator for the State of Florida regarding our registration renewal. She informed us that, once again, “Emma Anderson” has been making complaints about us, alleging that we are making false claims of being registered with certain states. We provided her with copies of all of our certificates of compliance for the states we are registered in.
During the course of the conversation, the investigator mentioned her legal team believes “Emma Anderson” is not a real person because they have asked this “person” to be a witness to testify about their allegations and “she” refuses. The investigator explained that her office has no doubt these complaints are being made by scientology. She mentioned that they have never seen anything like this in terms of an attack on a charitable foundation and that they have spoken to charity offices in other states and they also brought up the name “Emma Anderson” as the “complainant.”
We have had similar conversations with other state investigators. The investigator for the State of Tennessee mentioned he has never been so aggressively hounded by someone complaining about a charitable foundation. In this case, we were not yet registered as we did not meet the parameters outlined by the Charleston principles, but we opted to submit registration paperwork regardless. The investigator fast-tracked our registration to help us.
New PI Activity
A private investigator has been making phone calls to the social workers and the camerawoman (Rachael Hastings) who helped on The Story of Serge Obolensky documentary.
The PI’s name is Gabriel Sanchez. We have verified he does seem to be a licensed PI operating out of Encino CA and he is registered with the State of CA.
Below is a transcript of a voicemail he left for Rachael Hastings:
“Hi, This message is for Ms Rachael Hastings. I am a private investigator looking into The Aftermath Foundation, specifically their irregular fundraising methods and the handlings of the funds they receive. The foundation is under investigation by a state agency and I saw your name on a recent documentary the foundation is putting together as a fundraising tool. I was hoping to get some information regarding your interaction with them on this documentary. The state agency is also looking for witnesses, so if you are not willing to speak, possibly you know someone who might be able to. Once again, I am a private investigator, my name is Gabriel Sanchez and I can be reached at 8185317927. Today is Friday September 1st 2023, and it is approx 12:30pm in the afternoon. Thank you for your time.
Finally, scientology trolls are telling people on social media to donate to the foundation and to then demand refunds (no donations have been made that anyone requested a refund for, so nothing has come of this).
Of course, none of their Fair Game will deter the work of the Foundation. I like to document what happens so there is a record of their activities.
As the bubble continues to shrink the more rabid petulant nasty little creatures that remain will grow ever more strident and frightened. They know nothing else but $camatology and are, frankly, terrified of the reality that exists outside the unreality they have been living (if you can call it that) in for years and decades.
When it all finally falls apart they no doubt will expect help from the snivelling, fearful little coward that has hidden himself away…so, good luck with that.
How cowardly can you be when you use a fake name?! Just proves Scientology is completely corrupt and completely insane. No legitimate organization (can’t really call them a church or a religion) would ever hide behind fake names and false accusations. Can’t wait to see them topple! And I truly believe it is closer than anyone thinks! We are in a paradigm shift of proportions we have not seen for thousands of years – in all aspects of society. While it’s easy to think the world is falling apart and everything is going to hell in a hand basket, it’s just the opposite. This kind of corruption and deception has been going on for a very long time and no one knew just how bad it was. Now it is ALL getting exposed – Light shining on the shadow! No where to hide! the very fact that we see, read and hear about this kind of sinister activity everywhere means changes are happening NOW and for the better. CoS is no exception. They are so exposed on such a global scale that the only trajectory it has is down – going down in flames that is!
Well good for them. They do get results. I just donated on the new website directly and absolutely because of this. Thanks Emma!
Love this.
Any person or organization that is effective against Scientology is eventually targeted for fairgame.

The Aftermath Foundation is Rockin and Rollin.
Similar to how the cult tried to use an obscure rule against selling books at the library to scuttle Tony Ortega’s appearance in Clearwater in 2015. The 1985 Portland protests and the Masterson leniency request letters are another example of using quirks and inefficiencies in the legal system. They would have sent a thousand letters if the lawyers didn’t think that would have annoyed the judge.
“The investigator fast-tracked our registration to help us.” I seems that a lot of ‘ordinary people’ know how the Clampire works and will do the right thing when they can.
Yes, and these kinds of efforts matter.
Tick tock, Hubbard Dingleberry(C.O.B.).
I thought for decades that Scientology was an ethical group because that was what we were told. The extent that Scientology and Scientologists will go to destroy anyone who dares to expose their crimes is truly disgusting.
When I read what they tried to do to Paulette Cooper, I sent her an apology letter. It is a continuing source of pain that I ever supported such a destructive group. Hopefully, they are planting the seeds of their own destruction.
OSA people – you are trying to destroy the one group that could help you if you ever escape. Have you ever questioned how your activities do not reflect what any ethical group would do? Do you ever question how you can be ethical but completely violate your own precepts from THe Way To Happiness? Do you ever think how those members who are not totally brainwashed would react when they find out about your illegal and immoral activities?
Mary W please email me privately at I have a quick question for you please.
If the agencies don’t provide you with copies of the complaints by Emma Anderson you could consider a few simple FOIA requests to get them. That would enable you to inspect the electronic signatures – which in turn could lead straight to the Hollywood Guarantee Building
I feel another addition to Leah’s court documents coming. Another example for the “church” to argue, in court, that Fair Game doesn’t exist. Keep documenting and adding to Leah’s case. The scales of justice are tipping further and further away from Scientology. Why do they think their actions won’t be recorded, documented and made public?
I just finished watching the series “The Americans”. OSA uses the KGB playbook. Zealots.
One day the IRS will once again revoke their tax exemption. Tick tock, Dave.
Reminds me of sn issue that came out in 1982 by David Mayo in 82 when I was working for FSO.. Quote The RPF is hungry, declares are floating overhead, but if FSO gets its shit together/act it might just beat the clock. Tick, Tick. Tick.
Guess Keebs best stock up on Kools and Tiny designer suits! What he wear on the run? Coward in the worst way. A tiny, mean, psychotic coward!
This is absolutely disgusting! I wish commonsense would allow me to understand the mentality of these people. I mean, I do “get it” based on all the information I have seen in your blog, YouTube channels, books, documentaries, etc. I just can’t wrap my head around how disgusting this behavior is.
I’m with you Lisa. I think the up side is the more they attract attention to their fair game tactics the more they the expose their criminal operation.
I’m with you too M.C. Mayo, tick tock Dave.
It should be no surprise why the COS is to ill regarded. Their attack stunts are obvious and easy to trace to their sources. That’s because, like rats, they leave trails of OSA droppings wherever they go, so you always know where they’ve been. More and more, the public is recognizing what a vile infestation they actually are.
Wikipedia says:
The law of holes or the first law of holes, is an adage which states:
“If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.”
It is used as a metaphor, warning that when in an untenable position, it is best to stop making the situation worse.
Scientology, of course, is doing the complete opposite and is only making matters worse for themselves.
No fucking shit. Frank. They are fucking TOAsT.
LRH policy MUST be followed to the letter! Fools!
Hey, this comment has nothing to do with the article, but I was very interested to read the address where Jane Doe 1’s mother sent her letter to David Miscavige. It’s the same address where a number of plaintiffs, including Leah, have tried to serve subpoenas to David Miscavige. I wonder if any under the radar (or recently left) scientologists can provide more recent communications to David Miscavige to prove that he receives mail at that address.
I’ll bet that Dave gets his mail from everywhere.
I worked with Wick Allcock, who worked with LRH. You could at the time write the name Wick on an envelope and toss it into an org in-basket anywhere in the world and he would get it.
If DM had said “current legal and cultural condition don’t allow us to follow Hubbard’s instructions on dealing with critics and opponents of Scientology” as well as ceasing the practice of Fair Game, most of the opposition to Scientology would disappear. DM isn’t doing this.
I posted this on Tony’s site in the debate about the upcoming civil case that is on David’s radar. It relates to your comment.
Harassment and ‘fair game’ are hallowed scripture from Ron on high. They can’t stop the harassment and ‘fair game’ until the cult is totally dismantled. The cult can and will say or promise anything in a civil court and lie to their last breath. Then go back to business as usual, the harassment and ‘fair game” . Money , sanctions, jail time, killing people (Lisa McPherson) mean nothing to them when it comes to following Ron’s words. The most devout are like Charles Manson’s followers, or Jim Jones, etc. The USA courts of law were never designed to address this sort of thing.
So , the question in the civil lawsuit for the litigants’ lawyer is how to get the harassment to stop. Short of incarcerating every cult fanatic for life?
Beautifully written, jim.
Thank you, Jim, you nailed it.
Scientology is a toxic turd BY DESIGN. It is meant to pollute, corrode, and destroy the lives it infests. Even regular shit decomposes; not Scientology. It is a cult created by a sociopath and its behavior is true to his evil “postulates” and policies. The Affirmations are the source-point.
So, to reiterate: scientology can’t and won’t be “reformed” or “improved”.
That’s because, otherles, DM considers everything L. Ron Hubbard ever said, wrote or farted to be scripture.
It’s all “sacred.”
Was just reading over Wikipedia’s info on RICO. Obstructing justice is one of the points upon which Scn can certainly be charged as regards the Masterson case. See for more details on this. They aided and abetted Masterson’s crimes and helped to further destroy his victims.
And Scn will continue doing just what they have unless stopped!
Rico A. Miscavige has been my recent nick name for the little one.
I see David Miscavige’ fingerprints all over this. Should we consider Emma Anderson as Miscavige’ nom-de-plume?
Your comment (spot on, by the way) brings to mind one of those Regraded Being cartoons where DM’s hair is behind a desk barking out order after order, constantly having a new brainstorm which becomes the highest priority and expecting it all to “be done” before he can blink his eyes.
“Use the name LaKesha Dark Cloud, no make that Tyrone Von Klink, no Chad de la Cruz, no Johnathon Yang III, no Emma Anderson. Yeah, that’s the ticket. No one will ever think I came up with that name.”
I have such admiration for the way you “persist”.
The way you just keep fighting for what’s right.
The way you keep shining the light.
Nothing stops you.
Its awesome, in the true meaning of the word.
Fast forward a Billion Years. DM’s hair (now gray and stringy from lifetimes of Sea Org sweat), barks out new orders from behind that same desk. After running out of every name in every telephone “White Pages” directory from sea to shining sea, he has the bestest and biggest most badass brainstorm yet:
“Use the name Kurt von Rachen, no make that René Lafayette, no Winchester Remington Colt, no Jonathan Daly, no Charles Gordon, no Bernard Hubbel, no Michael Keith, no Ken Martin, no Scott Morgan, no Barry Randolph, no Humbert Reynolds. Yeah, that’s the ticket. No one will ever think I came up with that name.”
Great comment, Philip; cracked me up!
Some more “deep cover” names for the Pompadoured Thetan:
Richard Runt-who-ruts
William Wankerson
Thomas Taint
Stephen Scrotumsworth
Sven Anusrimwort
Paulo Pendejo
Jack Offerson
Marty Ratsbun
Tyrell Twatsby
Chris Chatterbait