This is one desperate cult. I guess the OTC organizers are just grabbing at any straw to get people to show up. Perhaps in the future we can expect tennis, swimming, horsebackriding, soccer, softball, football, racketball and other recreational pastimes to be co-opted as well for fundraising purposes. For the crafty types there could be knitting, crocheting and pottery-making parties and wrestling, boxing and bull-fighting for those into blood sports. Possibilities abound.
“Power is when people will listen to you”.
How the Dwarf must laugh at the willingness of his OTC slaves to fall all over themselves to please him.
Mike, another “thank you” for being a major truth source because truth is the only thing which will cause the SPs laughs to be much fewer and far between until one day he just packs up his $500 million dollar kit-bag and leaves the country. (To do further “research”, of course.)
“Todd on 12 June 2013 at 17:25
I feel aghast that you are even considering airing a programme titled, ?Scientologists at War?. For instance which Scientologists did you find who were at war. Marty Rathbun is certainly no Scientologist and the fact that you even state that he defected shows that all you are trying to create is the impression that we are warring with each other. This could not be further from the truth. I suggest that you not air the programme and find something else to occupy your time.
Frank on 12 June 2013 at 16:30
There are millions of Scientologists throughout the world applying Scientology in their daily lives who are more than willing to express to anybody how it has improved their lives, so why is it that Channel 4 (and other media) are usually – if not consistently – presenting Scientology solely through the eyes of a few dissidents (usually 3 or 4 max) who per definition are against it? Are you taking advice from unsatisfied car owners at all when looking to buy a new car? There is a “problem” with Scientology in that it claims to put people in a position where they can solve their own problems in their own lives, which also means they’re becoming more independent and thus less tractable. But then not everyone thinks that’s a great idea… Could that be the real “problem” behind all these senseless attacks? I think the time has come to have a truly informative – not derogatory – program about Scientology, that would allow people to make up their own mind for themselves. Visit sci link removed Think for yourself.”
“Mike on 12 June 2013 at 10:45
I am not happy that programme is being aired, Firstly it’s title implies that this programme will be a one side account which will produce negatives about my religion without presenting the factual data. Your ex-Scientologist speak as just that apostates are known to always be in disagreement with the groups they leave so any news from then can be predicted.Scientology has helped me for over 30 years now. I have a very fulfilling life because of it and enables me to help others effectively using it’s principles. If you want to truth just visit a church or visit the website. sci link removed There you will see the work done world wide to provide unconditional help.”
It’s not so easy. I’ve made 2 comments, neither posted. They seem to be bending over backwards to present a “fair and balanced” list of comments, as currently it’s about 50/50 for and against this not-yet-seen-till-Monday documentary that no one really knows the contents of.
This is small time. They need to think bigger. How about prostitution? The wives and daughters working the streets while the men drive old beat up Cadillacs keeping the women in line. That’s where the real money is. All for their Ideal Org.
Wait, I’ve got a better idea, Drug Dealing. Make huge money and then route your customers to Narconon where they can cheat the insurance companies. You get the money on both ends.
You know I usually like to point to “Source” as the cause of the problems in Scientology.
But this time it is crystal clear that “Bowling for Dollars” is ALL David Miscavige. This was absolutely TOTALLY forbidden in multiple LRH policies. If you were to raise money, it was always supposed to be by selling and delivering Dianetics and Scientology services. The purpose of orgs was always to sell and deliver Scientology to people.
If I was a staff member at the Valley Org, I would have such conflict and dissonance in my mind that I would not be able to stand it.
The first High Crime Report I wrote on David Miscavige (and all members of the Int Exec Strata) was in 1987 as the ED of the Peoria Mission because the price of auditing intensives was 4 times what was called for in HCOPL 24 SEPT 1964 AUDITING DISSEMINATION AND PROGRAMMES (OEC Vol 2).
I FEDEXED each Int Exec a copy of their own High Crime Report which I wrote on them for violating Seniority of Orders HCOPL by using an SOED to set the price of auditing instead of using LRH’s pricing formula in the above HCOPL.
That was the equivalent of “how many angels are dancing on the head of a pin?” compared to “Bowling for Dollars”!
I was going to comment that even before they started raising money without any exchange, Scientology had for many years been far too expensive. I remember in the 1980’s they were raising it 5% per month and they used an alleged (perhaps real) LRH quote to support it. It said something about a “small increase”. Well, 5% per month is slightly more than 100% per year. I think this is when the price of Scientology auditing and perhaps training too got way out of hand. I welcome any comment you might have about the 5% per month.
COB thought the flier said “Bowling for Dullards” so he lined up his stupid wog attorneys with chief idiot Gary Soter as the Kingpin, whereupon COB began rolling for strikes.
COB just rolled a four-bagger and is on a tear for a 300 game.
The wog lawyers are whining and complaining of severe foot and ankle pain but those losers complain about everything!
What I’m interested in is what do they mean, ” Fun, Friends, TRASH TALK”?! That a new one. Maybe they are going to trash talk DM, Scientology, no one on course?? I’d sponsor a lane to hear that.
I will say that Bowling is probably a more “valid therapy” than what the church delivers these days – so in the scheme of things I guess this a better exchange. What next? Orgs have their own Bowling Teams? Sigh.
In addition to the “contributions” the attendants may need (or be obliged) to disburse they have to pay admission (25.00) and an additional reservation for lane for 200.00. The 10.00 for food, well I imagine by then they ran out of funds….so I hope they attend this invitation after having had something to eat at home.
So lets see now:
Friends – check, I can agree with that
Fun – sure, I like fun
Trash Talk – SAY WHAT!? So it will be “legal” for one event to say “bad” things and not get ordered to Sec Checks!? NICE!
So I checked out the address: the event is at “An Authentic 1950s Style Bowling Alley”
“Our capacity is 95.” Will they even come close to that number?
“Dilettante = One who interests himself in an art or science merely as a pastime and without serious study.
In an org, this manifests itself with ‘people should live a little.’ ‘One needs a rest from Scientology.’ ‘One should do something else, too’. All that kind of jazz.
Ask what they do the other nights. Bowling. Horse racing.
Boy, you better maul the case folders of staff. You have a suppressive aboard. Maybe six.
Scientology, that saves lives, is a modern miracle, is being compared to bowling. Get it?
That org or portion just isn’t serious. Scientology is an idle club to it, an old lady’s sewing circle.
This is one desperate cult. I guess the OTC organizers are just grabbing at any straw to get people to show up. Perhaps in the future we can expect tennis, swimming, horsebackriding, soccer, softball, football, racketball and other recreational pastimes to be co-opted as well for fundraising purposes. For the crafty types there could be knitting, crocheting and pottery-making parties and wrestling, boxing and bull-fighting for those into blood sports. Possibilities abound.
“Power is when people will listen to you”.
How the Dwarf must laugh at the willingness of his OTC slaves to fall all over themselves to please him.
Mike, another “thank you” for being a major truth source because truth is the only thing which will cause the SPs laughs to be much fewer and far between until one day he just packs up his $500 million dollar kit-bag and leaves the country. (To do further “research”, of course.)
“Bowling For Dollars.” This is the intelligence level that is left in the Cult. Amen.
It continues to barrel down the dwindling spiral, and I love watching it happen.
Wow, that’s a classic.
Boy, are they running a test to determine how blind the public is for policy?
Let me guess, David Miscavige is NOT one of the subjects that they’re allowed to trash talk about?
Off-topic, but a head’s up to the Independent Scientology community. concerning the documentary about Independent Scientology, “Scientologists At War,” to be shown on Channel 4 (UK), 9pm 17 June 2013:
Please be advised that members and/or agents of the corporate Church of Scientology have already begun to comment on the relevant Channel 4 forum located at:
“Todd on 12 June 2013 at 17:25
I feel aghast that you are even considering airing a programme titled, ?Scientologists at War?. For instance which Scientologists did you find who were at war. Marty Rathbun is certainly no Scientologist and the fact that you even state that he defected shows that all you are trying to create is the impression that we are warring with each other. This could not be further from the truth. I suggest that you not air the programme and find something else to occupy your time.
Frank on 12 June 2013 at 16:30
There are millions of Scientologists throughout the world applying Scientology in their daily lives who are more than willing to express to anybody how it has improved their lives, so why is it that Channel 4 (and other media) are usually – if not consistently – presenting Scientology solely through the eyes of a few dissidents (usually 3 or 4 max) who per definition are against it? Are you taking advice from unsatisfied car owners at all when looking to buy a new car? There is a “problem” with Scientology in that it claims to put people in a position where they can solve their own problems in their own lives, which also means they’re becoming more independent and thus less tractable. But then not everyone thinks that’s a great idea… Could that be the real “problem” behind all these senseless attacks? I think the time has come to have a truly informative – not derogatory – program about Scientology, that would allow people to make up their own mind for themselves. Visit sci link removed Think for yourself.”
“Mike on 12 June 2013 at 10:45
I am not happy that programme is being aired, Firstly it’s title implies that this programme will be a one side account which will produce negatives about my religion without presenting the factual data. Your ex-Scientologist speak as just that apostates are known to always be in disagreement with the groups they leave so any news from then can be predicted.Scientology has helped me for over 30 years now. I have a very fulfilling life because of it and enables me to help others effectively using it’s principles. If you want to truth just visit a church or visit the website. sci link removed There you will see the work done world wide to provide unconditional help.”
Hat tip to WWP for this head’s up:
If any of you want your voices heard, the discussion has already started.
It’s not so easy. I’ve made 2 comments, neither posted. They seem to be bending over backwards to present a “fair and balanced” list of comments, as currently it’s about 50/50 for and against this not-yet-seen-till-Monday documentary that no one really knows the contents of.
Boy, “bowling for dollars” – If this doesn’t communicate to the sheeple who the squirrel group is, nothing will.
This is GAT.
Pirate Dinners, Bowling, Purchasing Door Knobs for the ORG.
Its Insane.
I would show up and sponsor a lane if it were at an Ideal Bowling Alley. I will not support a Non-Ideal bowling event.
This is small time. They need to think bigger. How about prostitution? The wives and daughters working the streets while the men drive old beat up Cadillacs keeping the women in line. That’s where the real money is. All for their Ideal Org.
Wait, I’ve got a better idea, Drug Dealing. Make huge money and then route your customers to Narconon where they can cheat the insurance companies. You get the money on both ends.
Trash Talk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL ..
You know I usually like to point to “Source” as the cause of the problems in Scientology.
But this time it is crystal clear that “Bowling for Dollars” is ALL David Miscavige. This was absolutely TOTALLY forbidden in multiple LRH policies. If you were to raise money, it was always supposed to be by selling and delivering Dianetics and Scientology services. The purpose of orgs was always to sell and deliver Scientology to people.
If I was a staff member at the Valley Org, I would have such conflict and dissonance in my mind that I would not be able to stand it.
The first High Crime Report I wrote on David Miscavige (and all members of the Int Exec Strata) was in 1987 as the ED of the Peoria Mission because the price of auditing intensives was 4 times what was called for in HCOPL 24 SEPT 1964 AUDITING DISSEMINATION AND PROGRAMMES (OEC Vol 2).
I FEDEXED each Int Exec a copy of their own High Crime Report which I wrote on them for violating Seniority of Orders HCOPL by using an SOED to set the price of auditing instead of using LRH’s pricing formula in the above HCOPL.
That was the equivalent of “how many angels are dancing on the head of a pin?” compared to “Bowling for Dollars”!
My God.
This is, truly, a mockery of a sham.
I was going to comment that even before they started raising money without any exchange, Scientology had for many years been far too expensive. I remember in the 1980’s they were raising it 5% per month and they used an alleged (perhaps real) LRH quote to support it. It said something about a “small increase”. Well, 5% per month is slightly more than 100% per year. I think this is when the price of Scientology auditing and perhaps training too got way out of hand. I welcome any comment you might have about the 5% per month.
It had the effect of a stat push before the end of the month.
Worked for a little while, and then I realized that I needed a backup plan.
COB thought the flier said “Bowling for Dullards” so he lined up his stupid wog attorneys with chief idiot Gary Soter as the Kingpin, whereupon COB began rolling for strikes.
COB just rolled a four-bagger and is on a tear for a 300 game.
The wog lawyers are whining and complaining of severe foot and ankle pain but those losers complain about everything!
Hi Mike,
Just done the SP delare survey and posted something there.
I am willing to sponsor six lanes but, only if the members of the OT Committee agree to stand in the lanes and mock themselves up as pins.
Hey! Do you want the money or not?
Sometimes you just have to step-up and take one for the team.
What I’m interested in is what do they mean, ” Fun, Friends, TRASH TALK”?! That a new one. Maybe they are going to trash talk DM, Scientology, no one on course?? I’d sponsor a lane to hear that.
They mean friendly competition amongst the lanes. I’d sponsor a lane to trans talk DM for sure! lol
Gutter balls, gutter talk, and then we gut your back account. Fun! Fun! Fun!
I will say that Bowling is probably a more “valid therapy” than what the church delivers these days – so in the scheme of things I guess this a better exchange. What next? Orgs have their own Bowling Teams? Sigh.
I think “committe” is French for people committed to an insane asylum.
Yes Dan, exactly!
In addition to the “contributions” the attendants may need (or be obliged) to disburse they have to pay admission (25.00) and an additional reservation for lane for 200.00. The 10.00 for food, well I imagine by then they ran out of funds….so I hope they attend this invitation after having had something to eat at home.
So lets see now:
Friends – check, I can agree with that
Fun – sure, I like fun
Trash Talk – SAY WHAT!? So it will be “legal” for one event to say “bad” things and not get ordered to Sec Checks!? NICE!
So I checked out the address: the event is at “An Authentic 1950s Style Bowling Alley”
“Our capacity is 95.” Will they even come close to that number?
I wonder if Teen Wolf will make an appearance?
Trash Talk? WTF.
LOL. 🙂
Ha ha……you know those peeps out in the Valley roll with some serious street cred Richard…..Chill EB showed em the way to talk trash and roll cool.
Really …what an odd way to advertise, gossip available.
Trash talk would be good. Maybe it would be recorded or reported for future investigations, sec-checking or whatever.
“Dilettante = One who interests himself in an art or science merely as a pastime and without serious study.
In an org, this manifests itself with ‘people should live a little.’ ‘One needs a rest from Scientology.’ ‘One should do something else, too’. All that kind of jazz.
Ask what they do the other nights. Bowling. Horse racing.
Boy, you better maul the case folders of staff. You have a suppressive aboard. Maybe six.
Scientology, that saves lives, is a modern miracle, is being compared to bowling. Get it?
That org or portion just isn’t serious. Scientology is an idle club to it, an old lady’s sewing circle.
What’s next – a sewing circle?
Most apt reference posted.
Wow…I wonder if they bowl as well as they spell!
The staff are to Miscavige as the pins are to the balls. Sad.