Scientology had this 116 page “rebuttal” magazine ready to distribute in Clearwater on Sunday immediately after the Tampa Bay Times bombshell dropped.
It had been prepared and printed well in advance, with staged photo shoots and 116 pages of PR fluffery and outright bs ready to drop without the inconvenience of having read the article. In fact, it arrived in Clearwater mailboxes Monday morning, so it was mailed even before the article was published.
A large percentage of the magazine consists of flowery pages of “I am a Scientologist” stuff. This is basically a rehash of what is shown on Scientology.TV and has been a standard PR line used by scientology since the first “I am a Scientologist” ads and online sites began to appear. I did a series of these in response to the 1991 Time magazine article. They try to make scientologists look like everyone else — and they are in most respects except for one of great importance. Normal citizens of Clearwater don’t take their orders from either L. Ron Hubbard or David Miscavige. But every scientologist does. The dictates, policies and practices of scientology take precedence over everything else in a scientologist’s life. No matter how much they try to claim this is not true, you can ask any of tens of thousands of former scientologists and they will all confirm this. Every. Single. One.
But the real BS is piled on here in other areas — not in trying to convince the world individual scientologists are OK people.
First, the “stats” they insist on showing to “prove” how beneficial scientology is for the city.
Right up front they devote a full page to stating there are 15,000 scientologists in Tampa Bay.
The simple proof this is a massive lie is that they hold ONE event a year that David Miscavige comes to town for. Arguably the most important day on the scientology calendar: March 13, L. Ron Hubbard’s birthday (the “Christmas” of scientology). Every scientologist in the area is expected to attend as a tribute and show of support for Hubbard and Miscavige. Every year since the 90’s the event has been held at Ruth Eckerd Hall. It seats 2300. They have NEVER expanded to a larger venue. In fact, it has become harder and harder for them to even fill Ruth Eckerd. Be certain that if Miscavige had a chance of rounding up 15,000 (or even 10,000) people, the venue would be Amalie Arena, he would have. A huge Nuremberg Rally style backdrop and they would be boasting about it to the word. It chaps Miscavige big time that his largest event was in 1993 and he has not been able to gather a crowd even near that size since.
And just a minor point, but nevertheless indicative of how little you can trust anything they say. Where are the Sea Org Members and Tampa Org staff reflected in this “breakdown”? Or children? Are they all listed as students? Or stay at home mothers and fathers? They are the Domestics? Then what are the room cleaners for their hotels?
The “economic impact” figures they offer up are completely bogus. They are entirely based on a flawed study commissioned by scientology. The problem with it, like any other studies they commission, the researchers were NOT given open access to gather their own data. They were provided with figures by scientology from which they extrapolate their results. They say so quite openly in their report, but unless you actually read it, this is not mentioned anywhere in the scientology PR. It’s a neat trick. Give someone phony figures, pay them do their expert extrapolations based on those figures and forevermore cite the extrapolations as “proof” that it’s all true. I wrote a piece about this study earlier that debunked its findings: Scientology Takes Clearwater for Suckers
Here are some quotes from that earlier article concerning the source of the information they extrapolated from:
In 2013 over 9,000 parishioners visited the Church from around the world for Scientology religious services, many more than once, and for an average 36 days per visit. Additionally, about 10,000 Scientology parishioners currently reside in the Tampa Bay area.
The source for these “facts” is cited as: Personal Communication, Ms. Pat Harney, Church Public Affairs Director, February 4, 2014.
One can assume that the cite to “personal communication” protects this information from being disclosed. Though why the fundamental “facts” upon which the entire study is premised should be “personal communication” is strange in itself.
They cite all the economic information they got about how much money the church spends to: Personal communication, Ms. Sharey Wang, NSBN February 14, 2014. NSBN is the long time CSI accounting firm in Los Angeles formerly known as Nanas Sterns. Why THIS information is “personal” is more than a little strange. An accounting firm sending information at the request of the church to a public university paid to do a study that then becomes the subject of a massive PR campaign by the church is hardly “personal.”
Even worse than this, they based their extrapolations on “surveys” the church provided:
For the visitors survey, there were a total of 9,148 visitors to the Church in 2013, with 265 surveys collected.
For the residents survey, there were a total of 9,763 Church residents in the area, with 271 surveys collected.
The surveys were NOT random but were carefully screened before being turned over. With 18,911 people supposedly under their direct control, it is impossible they could not come up with a better statistical sampling than 527 (about 2.7%). If the church told everyone to fill out a survey, they would have had about 50% of the local scientologists turn them in and 75% of all “visitors.” And those are conservative figures. Clearly FSU did NOT understand the amount of control the church exerts over its members.
And for the local businesses, the information was even more suspect:
In 2013, there were approximately 262 businesses owned by Scientologists in Clearwater and immediate surroundings and Clearwater neighboring communities.
While the Church contacted the majority of businesses for the purpose of collecting data on business demographics and expenditures, only 33 Scientologist-owned businesses provided responses to the survey.
The initial Church business list was based on a Church business association directory, provided by Ms. Pat Harney, Public Affairs Director, Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization.
This is the same study they continue to rely on today.
Let’s take a peek at some of the bs they dish up:
Right from the top — how many other churches HAVE hotels in Clearwater? Apparently there is one? Didn’t know that. This is not a comparison. The REAL comparison would be: How much tax revenue is NOT going to the city because scientology properties are exempt? That is the LOST INCOME of the City of Clearwater.
Those 132 events were almost ALL held “in partnership” with the 9 scientology front groups listed alongside that number.
The 25,000 figure includes the scientologists who bring their children to “Winter Wonderland” each year. This is a joke. They boast 2,000,000 square feet of buildings and 95% or more of this is NOT accessible to non-scientologists. You will be given a trespass warning if you try to enter any of the real buildings of scientology, as opposed to the front groups that line the Potemkin Village along N. Ft Harrison.
As for the economic impact, this is entirely based on the false information provided to the researchers. Scientology is trying to pretend “Look, we are making a flourishing area because of all the money we inject into the community” but this is clearly a lie. you only need to drive through downtown Clearwater to see this. It’s The most moribund downtown in the entire Tampa Bay area. Dunedin, Safety Harbor, St Pete and even Largo in Pinellas are all more vibrant than Clearwater.
They then go on to break down this fantabulous figure:
Charitable contributions?
They are actually pretending the amount of “charitable contributions” they collect FOR THEMSELVES are “contributions to the community.” OMG
You can be sure, scientologists are NOT giving $131 million a year to charities OTHER than scientology. Not a chance. And scientology itself does NOT contribute anything to outside charities. This is the sort of thing where the FSU people got completely bamboozled. They were given a list of selected scientologists and asked them how much they gave to “charities”. None of this money went INTO the community.
And here is their supposed growth — numbers plucked out of thin air. They don’t even have phony FSU extrapolations to support this. It’s wishful thinking just like their 15,000 scientologists…
Nothing supports this, but unashamed they plough on with more specious “comparisons”
They absurdly conclude Clearwater Beach has only slightly more impact on the local economy than scientology — though according to their “projection” above it will rocket past the beach this year. Hahahaha.
The revenues generated from the property and hotel taxes on Clearwater Beach are the economic engine that almost single-handedly drives Clearwater. The biggest drag on tourists choosing Clearwater Beach — repeatedly voted one of the best beaches in the US — is the presence of scientology.
Hey, for a real comparison, why not do a study of the Baptist Churches in Clearwater. How much revenue their members generate and how much property they have that is not on the tax rolls.
As with every scientology PR effort, you eventually come to the supposed REAL CAUSE of the catastrophe that is downtown Clearwater. someone to blame other than them.
Typically, it’s “the psychs”. But that was a bit too much of a stretch ere so they focused on the next great source of “suppression”, the media. And in this case it’s the Tampa Bay Times.
Scientology doesn’t actually believe that the citizens of Clearwater are going to buy their bs. This is intended for their INTERNAL public to make them feel like they are “fighting back” and “confronting the SP’s”.
The people who take their direction from Hubbard and Miscavige think this is pretty cool. The downtown of Clearwater is a moribund ghost town because of the Tampa Bay Times. Yes, they DO buy this sort of illogic. If scientology says it, it must be true.
They even try to pitch again the great “redevelopment plan” that Miscavige promised the city and then took off the table in a hissy fit after the city bought the old aquarium lot he wanted. Remember too Miscavige going after David Yates, the head of the Aquarium for being “overpaid” and taking tax dollars etc etc (See earlier post Scientology Clearwater Hissy Fit). But now, they pretend none of that happened and it was the city that “refused” Miscavige’s wonder plan at the behest of the Times (“Pravda West” according to Freedom). This is resurrected from the dead in all its glory, being hyped as the perfect “cooperation” between the church and city — of course omitting the fact that the “cooperation” was unilaterally canceled when the Aquarium decided to move forward with their commitment to sell the property to the city rather than take a higher offer from Miscavige.
Now, history is being rewritten that it was the Tampa Bay Times that somehow scuttled this magnanimous plan…
What is most damning to their attempts to recast events is that scientology now owns or controls all the property and more that they wanted for their redevelopment plan that was being done “for the good of the city.” So, why haven’t they just moved forward with it — they claim it is the perfect plan to make Clearwater a great place for everyone (including the scientologists)? If they are so interested in the well-being of downtown Clearwater why not just roll forward despite the supposedly misplaced skepticism of the Times? They collected enough money from their whales at the recent IAS event to do the whole thing in one fell swoop. Hell, Trish Duggan, one of the scientologists featured in the magazine, handed over $61 million to the IAS a couple of years ago. That is just in ONE year. And that figure is not a typo.
Freedom Mag’s John Sugg was reportedly once a real journalist before he took the blood money from scientology to turn out purple prose smearing anyone he is told is an enemy of the organization. Mr. Sugg now turns his gun-for-hire sights on Tracey McManus. According to Sugg, she is in a “frenzy” and “sought to destroy downtown.” Obviously he has never met Tracey (scientology apparently forbids anyone to speak to the Tampa Bay Times — just as they did with The Aftermath and any other media that approach them). She is one of the most level-headed, even-handed, careful journalists I have ever met. Her story did not contain even a hint of anything other than reporting the facts. John Sugg should be made to apprentice under her for a couple of years to learn what real investigative journalism is all about.
And I have to comment on the use of one of Miscavige’s favorite catch phrases. “Nothing could be further from the truth.” This is what they call a “tell” in gambling circles. It’s a big one for those who know Miscavige. Whatever statement this protestation follows you can be pretty sure is precisely on point. In this case “the church and its leader wanting to dominate downtown.”
Just read the story and look at the maps it contained. This IS what happened.
And lastly, the final insanity is this.
Scientology has the cojones to complain that the Aquarium lot purchased by the city “has not returned to the tax rolls to benefit citizens.” This from the organization that has taken more property OFF the tax rolls than any other entity in the history of Clearwater. And while the lot remains empty and thus uses none of the city services — fire, police, ambulance, utilities — that taxes pay for, scientology takes full advantage of the city’s services regardless of not paying taxes. Try walking into a scientology building to see how quickly they call 911 and several cars from the CWPD show up.
Scientology’s latest effort to misdirect, put lipstick on a pig and smear its enemies is proving once again that what is said about this toxic organization is 100% true.
About the only figure likely to be somewhat correct is the $131,000,000+ of “charitable contributions” and ALL went upline to Dwarfenführer-controlled accounts some place OTHER than Clearwater, or even Florida, so that how much money was SUCKED out Clearwater, Pinellas County, and Florida.
Yeah, RIGHT: 15000 scientologists in the Clearwater area! If that were true, then the downtown wouldn’t be a ghost town. scientologists who lived in the area, knowing what the Flag campus is for, wouldn’t be intimidated by their behavior; they’d be part of that behavior, if you will. Tell me, Mike, as someone who lives in the area and might otherwise spend some time in the downtown: Is it the scientologists in the area that keep you out of downtown, or the paucity of services, things to do? I accept, of course, that Flag’s OSA might just know you well enough to visit personal *fair game* upon you just as they do for Mark Bunker. Ancillary item now that I’ve mentioned him. Mark Bunker: Is he being harassed as much since he announced his candidacy? Is he being videoed pretty much continually in case OSA goes “noisey”? [or more properly, *WHEN* OSA goes noisey?] So he has direct evidence to show Law Enforcement or a jury? Aaron might consider that as well, considering how well his vlog entries are. Mike and Leah, I expect, are already documenting their experiences of OSA’s shenanigans, to the same end.
Dang, I wish I could be down there, taking a more active part in the revolution, which is what I see what exes are doing with scientology —or at least to what’s left of it after Dwafenführer’s depredations.
“Normal citizens of Clearwater don’t take their orders from either L. Ron Hubbard or David Miscavige. But every scientologist does. The dictates, policies and practices of scientology take precedence over everything else in a scientologist’s life. No matter how much they try to claim this is not true, you can ask any of tens of thousands of former scientologists and they will all confirm this. Every. Single. One.”
+1 so very true. One of the scariest truths uttered here.
Their practices leave the door open for… oh yeah most the first world knows by now: Destroying families, fair gaming and destroying individual lives, ruining entire groups if it serves their purpose. Human trafficking, human rights violations, slavery, physical and mental abuse, fraud, violating the things that allow them to remain a “religion” under US law.
Had a guy walking around hand delivering this bs Cult magazine to our community here in Clearwater this week with our names and addresses on them! They had postage on them yet were hand delivered! This is scary! This is private property and if we tried to do this on their property we would be arrested or who knows what! They need their tax exempt status taken away ASAP! Mike a copy of your blog should be given to all residents of Clearwater so their eyes can read and see just what a stranglehold this cult has on the city and its politicians. Totally disgusted with them approaching the citizens at their homes in Clearwater who want nothing to do with the cult!
JR, is this a GATED community, all of which would be private property that the guy was trespassing upon? Otherwise it sounds like a non-issue. Heck, they could do the same in my home community without violating any rules — but we DO have one over-active ‘community watch’ guy we’ll call W just across the street from me who might chase him away with a shotgun…. W’s a *little* paranoid from past recreational drug use; He chased ME away when I went around one night delivering Mom’s Christmas cards to neighbors’ mailboxes soon after I returned from Flag sporting my “new” full beard.(He later apologized, saying he didn’t recognize me, or even Mom’s car with her in the passenger seat, in his inebriated state.)
Great read, Mike. Thanks so much.
Good Luck, Mark. If you win a seat, I don’t know whether congrats or commiseration would be in order. Depends on what actions OSA takes, I suppose.
Thanks for the link, Wynski. I predict he will settle out of court for a ton of money but make her sign a Non Disclosure so that her whistle blowing days are over. Then they’ll both move on. This has been his history, and he has plenty of money to pay off all the lawsuits that come his way. But I hope that the lawsuits keep coming and chipping away at his reputation and at his money.
Probably Cindy, bit everyone knows when a case has been settled for bucks. So, it encourages more suits. 🙂
Doubt there are enough Scientologists in the whole world to fill up Amalie Arena, which would seat over 20,000. They only had about 10k at “The War Is Over”
So “charitable contributions” which presumably go to the IAss, account for $131m while “goods and services”–presumably provided by the “church” for its “religious tourists”– are at about $54.5m.
If these numbers resemble reality at all, the latter number would include the “rocketing up the ‘bridge'” that folks come to CW for. Obviously, only PART of that latter figure would go for actual “church services” as this also includes hotel stays, meals and other expenses incurred at “church” hospitality operations.
To me, this sounds like an admission of how little emphasis is really given to the “parisihioners’ spiritual betterment.” Many a BT is left unaddressed as the IAss gets first bite of the apple.
Why not just surrender the “downtown” to the scientologists? If the other residents of Clearwater want to create tourist attractions do it in another part of town. Nobody is going to come in and buy out all the property now under Scn control so if the scientologists stay on their “own side of the tracks” who are they bothering? Honest question.
It seems that Scn is working on creating a buffer zone.
The people who sold their properties to Scn decided to cut their losses and take the money and run. “Scientology flight”
Because the city’s primary park, transportation hub, government offices, and the county courthouse complex are already located there (so those quotation marks you’ve got around the word ‘downtown’ are unnecessary and inappropriate). As a result, “surrendering” the downtown area would be impossible and leave the government without anywhere to go as an alternative. Downtown revitalization is needed to benefit both our city AND county government operations, in addition to benefitting the taxpayers as a whole. Choking out a valuable, waterfront government district by preventing the development of almost any commercial offerings and amenities nearby – to the point where it’s capable of attracting only the homeless community – is a huge waste of resources and it’s utterly unfair to the public. The decline of downtown Clearwater was not the result of some passive and natural urban decay scenario, it was designed and intended. Even the mere potential for change, in light of the voter- approved plans for Coachman Park, was so untenable to the organization that it doubled-down on its occupation of the city’s core by quietly doubling its footprint/stranglehold, and basically overnight! “Who are they bothering?” Everyone.
Redhead – Thank you for the feedback. There is always the possibility for peaceful coexistence. The small historic city in which I live in NJ is located on the Delaware River and riverfront and downtown redevelopment has been going on for several years and dramatic changes have been made although changes go slowly. Wishing you and the other Clearwater residents well and I’m sure some good changes will be made even if painfully slow.
Of course, and I do understand the reasoning behind your proposed solution, but it’s simply a logistical nightmare for the local government.
Co-existing is only a problem because the goal of Scientology is to keep outsiders away while suppressing property values and thus taxes. Cost to carry is high in a nice neighborhood. Empty buildings and vacant land purchased free of any mortgage interest makes for long term investments with little overhead and liability. It’s a tax evasion scheme that weakens the surrounded government on several fronts.
Redhead – Got it. Thanks again for the clarifications.
Gotta love this vilification of the free press as the “enemy of society”. Hubbard always said the press were SPs, chaos merchants. Ironically, the cult is getting affirmation on this from our very White House. This “enemy of the people” BS with regard to the 4th estate has been being trumpeted regularly by this administration since its inception. Can you imagine how validated LRH would feel if he were here! “See? All our truths eventually permeate the culture!” I can almost hear him spouting off at a Congress or something about this. LRH and Miscavige wriggling with pleasure and pride, and Voltaire turning in his grave.
That would be Voltaire, as in, “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Possibly a bit too nuanced for some Americans and certainly way over the heads of your rank and file Clam unless of course its his or her right to free speech that’s perceived to be violated.
It’s only a matter of time before COS collapses and it’s going to be very exciting to see what downtown Clearwater can be when this finally ends!
Great article and graphics about the takeover of Clearwater:
At your lesiure ~~ its quite something to listed to the hearings on the take over of Clearwater.
It really hits home on how this was in planning stages for a LONG time.
Project Normandy is the code name for a top secret Church of Scientology operation wherein the church documented its plans to take over the city of Clearwater, Florida by infiltrating government offices and media centers.
A 1977 FBI raid on Scientology headquarters uncovered internal Church of Scientology documents marked “Top Secret” that referred to their secret operation to take over Clearwater as “Project Normandy.” The document itself states its purpose is “to obtain enough data on the Clearwater area to be able to determine what groups and individuals B1 will need to penetrate and handle in order to establish area control.” The document says its “Major Target” is “To fully investigate the Clearwater city and county area so we can distinguish our friends from our enemies and handle as needed.” Gabe Cazares who was the mayor of Clearwater at the time had made allegations that the city was being taken over. He even went as far as to use the term “the occupation of Clearwater.”
On 3 November 1979, the Clearwater Sun ran an article with the headline “Scientologists plot city takeover” and later stories claimed that the Scientologists also had international plans to take over the world.[3] The St. Petersburg Times won a Pulitzer Prize for one of their stories that exposed some of the criminal wrongdoings of the Church of Scientology.[1] Cazares also noted that he found it odd that a religious group would resort to using code names for a project to take control of a town, and called the project a “paramilitary operation by a terrorist group.”[4]
Karen, those are damning, informative and fascinating videos on the hearings!
I just read this Wikipedia entry on the Fort Harrison ( ) I was not even aware of the Scientologists Josephus A. Havenith or Heribert Pfaff deaths there.
If only…..
Tampa Bay Times readers please be advised. The Scientology Church publication, Freedom, has published an entire issue as a counter to Tracey McManus’ article on the extent of property owned in Clearwater by Scientology adherents. Throughout the publication the Tampa Bay Times is accused of being the ‘enemy’. Given the harshness implied, and given that the Church of Scientology does not hold to ‘WOG’ law, we hereby are replying as would the Church.
Henceforth the Church of Scientology in Clearwater and each and every one of the adherents to Scientology named in the Freedom publication are to be FAIR GAMED by all residents of Clearwater. Please refer to Scientology doctrine for FAIR GAME and all that it implies.
if ANYONE is frantic it is scientology.
DM is waltzing around in the “Emperors New Clothes” and it is becoming more and more apparent that he knows it ain’t gonna last much longer.
Where will he go when this all falls down?
“Where will he go when this all falls down?”
I have a theory, mostly due to my wild imagination, that DM has an underground labyrinth, complete with booby traps, fully stocked to be able live there for many years. Of course he would be being served by some select members so he has all the comforts he had above ground.
Miscavige is a cornered rat. He even looks like one.
No offense to rats, btw. They are God’s creatures, after all.
Sarita, With all due respect, what things do you see that make you come to the conclusion that DM “knows it ain’t gonna last much longer”? I am not bull-baiting you. I truly want to know so that I can take a win on this. I actually got a bit disheartened when I read Mike’s previous article on how much money big whale Trish Duggan and others have given DM. The stock thing was in the millions. With that kind of money he can fend off lawsuits all day long and buy people off in settlements, get non disclosures signed, and everyone involved clams up about his crimes. That to me was depressing and made the end seem further off. But if you want to elaborate on how you feel the end is near for DM, I’m all ears cuz I could use some good news on that front. I’m not an expert on this so I value your opinion and others. I’m being sincere here.
Cindy, maybe this is a sign….
Hi Cindy – I feel this way because I was in the Sea Org at Int. I arrived there just after David Mayo was busted and I observed the angst, anger, zero compassion, fear, panic… people would sell their integrity to save their asses. The feeling was tense ALL THE TIME. There were Head’s On Pikes so often it became something I worried would happen to me. People followed the orders given to them by the seniors. You would get in trouble if you DID NOT follow the orders and then, if the orders resulted in a bad thing happening you’d get in trouble for the bad thing. It was pure insanity and survival of the fittest. Have you read King Rat? Or how about Lord Of The Flies? That is what I see is happening from the reports online – the facts.
OH, and I know how it feels to be inside and be fed the lies and believe them to a point of turning on your own family and friends and calling them enemies then following policy to disconnect.
Things are bad, worse than David Mayo time IMO, so it’s got to be a certifiable NUT HOUSE anywhere within the Sea Org.
I agree on this one; he is blaming on his own “generals” the adverse effects of his bad management, so making his command line into his own troops very thin and totally overwhelming himself as a leader.
He is aware he is losing terrain, so he is attacking any target at hand, like a cornered rat does.
His PR line to the public procured him huge financial resources to fight back the external enemies, but he himself is the enemy he can’t get rid of, and his “generals” will eventually get tired of being abused.
Not everybody is blind of stupid, lots of people will eventually see what’s going on… and I think he is aware of it.
Crazy internal propaganda, even if somebody is still in the Church, the picture they are drawing is too far from reality to be credible.
An interesting book I just came across (Snakes in Suits by Paul Babiak & Robert D. Hare) seems to describe “Big Boss” behavior (including this kind of propaganda) very well.
I just ordered the book, looking forward to a very interesting reading.
Here is its summary from Wikipedia:
“The text covers the nature of psychopaths in the context of employment and purports to explain how psychopaths manipulate their way into work and get promoted, the effects of their presence on colleagues and corporations, and the superficial similarities (and fundamental differences) between leadership skills and psychopathic traits. (…) a male psychopath might use a macho image, intimidation, and aggression to achieve satisfaction of his desires. The authors posit that around 1% of senior positions in business are psychopaths.
The authors describe a “five phase model” of how a typical workplace psychopath climbs to and maintains power: entry, assessment, manipulation, confrontation, and ascension. In the entry stage, the psychopath will use highly developed social skills and charm to obtain employment into an organization. At this stage it will be difficult to spot anything which is indicative of psychopathic behavior, and as a new employee you might perceive the psychopath to be helpful and even benevolent. Once on to the assessment stage, the psychopath will weigh you up according to your usefulness, and you could be recognized as either a pawn (who has some informal influence and will be easily manipulated) or a patron (who has formal power and will be used by the psychopath to protect against attacks).
Manipulation involves the psychopath creating a scenario of “psychopathic fiction” where positive information about themselves and negative disinformation about others will be created, where your role as a part of a network of pawns or patrons will be utilized and you will be groomed into accepting the psychopath’s agenda. Once on to the confrontation stage, the psychopath will use techniques of character assassination to maintain their agenda, and you will be either discarded as a pawn or used as a patron. Finally, in the ascension stage, the role of the subject as a patron in the psychopath’s quest for power will be discarded, and the psychopath will take for himself/herself a position of power and prestige from anyone who once supported them.”
The rabid dwarf fits very well in this picture.
What will happen to his actor boyfriend and the super-stellar donors, when he’ll get tired of them?
Describes him to a “T”
Wow, if not only psychopaths, but sociopaths, are everywhere, it really is time to ramp up the vigilance.
I am sure we have all seen the mentioned characteristics exhibited by certain people in all sorts of organizations — schools, churches, businesses, volunteer organizations — in fact, if the estimate is true that 1 in 100 people are true pyschopaths, it is scary to think how many more people are true sociopaths too.
Just a thought, but if there are 20,000 remaining active scientologists, how many pschopaths and sociopaths have set their sights on taking over Miscavige’s top spot? A 1% rate means there are 200 active psychopaths clawing their way up the ranks of scientology to to rip Miscavige from his crumbling perch. And how many sociopaths are on the same warpath?
I suppose Miscavige’s paranoia is well-founded. It is true what he has shouted in the past, he is surrounded by “SPs”. Wouldn’t want to be in his child-size shoes. Even shadows must scare him.
Of course by getting rid of all decent people he will find himself surrounded by SPs only.
He is killing the “host organism” (the Church) from the inside, like a cancer does.
It will take quite some effort to keep him in check, it will take some time, but in the end there will be no more “Church” left for anybody aspiring to his throne, no matter how much PR they give to “parishioners” to keep the illusion going.
SPeaking, with or without DM the church is dead.. It has been dying since the late 70’s. A saint could run it and it would still die. It is an evil scam to the core.
I agree, Wynski, that’s inevitable.
Outstanding post, Mike! Very in depth! I hope that Karen & I can get back there again at some point. We’ve been there twice. But, never in Clearwater. Would love to walk right in front of the Fort Harrison! And then go grab some beers!
Please check my math. If there are 15k Clams in the area and .08% are in ‘transportation’, does that mean that they have 120 bus drivers?? I’d be more worried about the .9% working in government (135 people) and the 0.7% who work in law (105).
The $cieno reflex is alive and well, if not totally misplaced and actually very bad PR.
I just had a thought (it could happen). If the City of Clearwater ever comes up with a redevelopment plan, they could use eminent domain to take pretty much any parcel they want. Ok, the Stupid Powerz building and their hotel might be out of bounds, but everything else should be on the table.
It’s become a well established given that the COS has dissociated themselves not only from the real world, but from real truth. The only people they’re fooling are themselves. To publicly challenge them on anything is pure folly. Similar to the proverbial Three Wise Monkeys, they see no truth, hear no truth, and speak no truth. And they’ll continue to languish in their own putrid cage, calling it an ideal grade of existance.
“Scientology: Thy name is FRAUD!”
Terrific piece, Mike, completely on the spot. They can only PRETEND to a connection to truth on any items!
Re : Events.
The LRH Birthday event is held every March since about 1997, at Ruth Eckerd Hall.
The hall holds 2,195 people.
1. They used to have a tent in the parking lot for overflow.They no longer have that tent.
2. Even as a dedicated Scientologist, I started noticing that it seemed like more people attending, like every 3rd or 4th person was an SO member. When less public show up for events, there are always young SO members ready to put on a suit or gown and attend.
3. I had a freind, an older gentleman OT 3.He had no money, no job, no car,and rented a crappy room from another Scientologist. Not exactly ” upstat” but every year a SO member drives to his house to deliver his event ticket. They are that desperate for peopl to attend?
4. Two weeks before the event you can have about 5-10 people calling you to confirm that you are going to the event.
If there are 15,000 Scientologist living in Clearwater /Tampa Bay, and it is mandatory for all local Scientologist to attend the LRH event.
Yet they cant even fill up Ruth Eckered Hall ?
“…when less public show up for events, there are always young SO members ready to put on a suit or gown and attend.”
I first observed that in the early aughts – Sea Org members attending events, dressed in streetwear instead of in uniform. The girls would get their gowns and cocktail dresses from thrift shops. Gaudy glittery tops, up do’s, long rhinestone earrings and other loud costume jewelry, plastered with paint, that sort of thing. The SO guys wore cheap, rented tuxes (I assumed they were rented). We public were also expected to “dress up” also, out of “respect” for LRH. What a bore! Getting all dressed up to watch a 3 hour video, and then standing in a jumbled line at the buffet and dishing oneself some overly cooked and tasteless red sauce Italian food. God, I hated it. There were friends of mine at the org (male) who invariably ignored the Int Event dress code – no Black Tie for them – and showed up in nice jeans, shirts and sweaters, and were let in anyway! I’d swear to myself I’d do the same next time. Point being, I wondered why the SO people were there not in uniform. I figured they’d gotten permission to not have to wear their ill-fitting uniforms for the event. I figured this to be a sort of sop to them. As regards all things Sea Org-related, how wrong I was! It wasn’t until years later that I learned the true reason; they had to get all tricked out and tarted up so as to camouflage low event attendance!
Yes, things have changed. Nowdays the SO staff that attend,are very nicely dressed. The younger guys are wearing very fashionable suits and the women are wearing nice gowns. The last event I attended, I recall looking at the backside of a very attractive woman,in a form-fitting gown and thinking ,Wow thats a nice butt…oops , thats my MAA !
Ha ha! That’s cute. Unless she ended up nailing YOUR ass 🙂
My now ex and I have broken up essentially because of the “church’s” constant messages and calls. We can’t even go away without him getting about 12 (probably more) calls a day and then messages on top of that. This is particularly noticeable when they are having an event. The one time we were on holiday and the calls were relentless, most of which he ignored. Eventually I took the phone and told the woman that he was away and to call when he returned to S.A. Sure enough she, or one of the other minions, called again while we were in the airport to see if he would be attending the event that same day. I thought they were just VERY persistent but now seeing how they need attendees I understand a lot more. I find the attitude obnoxious and entitled. How do you feel justified about pestering someone to the point of harassment? The funny thing is the scientologist being harassed doesn’t see it this way – only his non-scientologist partner does.
Of course the CoS is slinging the bullshit. Lies are their definition of PR.
And I don’t mean to insult anyone’s sense of what is important because this is all very interesting stuff … But we ARE talking about CLEARWATER, a small city in Florida. Ultimately in the scheme of things, this beach town is really small potatatas.
What is staggering is how a church of such small numbers has been able to accumulate so much cash and world wide properties and is still collecting the moolah with such a small and diminishing amount of parishioners.
“Parishioners?” You mean “suckers.”
Parishioners denotes a church and as we know $cientology is actually a money making cult.
Today’s post confirms a stable truth: present the cult’s own written policies and public relations materials(such as FreeDumb mag) to illuminate its inherent, policy-driven, intentional mendacity, criminality, and destructiveness.
Good job, Mr. Rinder!
Keep showing your ass, Captain Fuckwit!
John Sugg, a Marcabian courier is bringing you a bag of dicks( practice makes perfect) and a jug of mouthwash; keep fellating that COB knob, sport!
Rolling on the floor laughing!
I’m tellin’ ‘ya 🙂 Go Mark 🙂
Mark, you’re hilarious 🙂
This article should be reprinted and distributed to every mailing address and household in the Clearwater area. I am sure that if Mike Rinder was in error or slandering the Church of Scientology in any way, he would be sued by COS. I believe Mr. Rinder is stating facts, not opinions. My money is on Mike.
“This article should be reprinted and distributed to every mailing address and household in the Clearwater area.”
GREAT idea!
When I was in Clearwater last Sunday, I noticed a few hundred Scientologists dressed as Sea Org members walking in the streets avoiding eye contact. I wore my OT VIII bracelet and kept it in direct sunlight so it would sparkle into their eyes. I managed to reach one young man who gave me a huge smile. The others just walked on with stern faces. The point is that Scientology is a cult in total fear. I did not notice ONE public person even after about ninety minutes of walking. Miscavige seems now to want the public image of Scientologists to be successful people. They have basically given up on the idea of OT which is now nothing but narcissism. Scientologists have no money to shop like normal people. The most successful downtown projects now seem to be mini-breweries, bars and pizza shops. The only likely area to advance for Scientologists might be more vitamin shops and fitness centers which they already dominate in downtown Clearwater. My dream was to put a museum on religion in downtown Clearwater. With all of the land purchase, it might now be a little more difficult to start.
I think you’re too late, George. Few non Scientologists would venture into the Scientology side of town.
Yea, I like Clearwater Beach better. People on vacation swimming in the ocean. Great time to reflect of religion.
George, my conspiracy theory is that your threat to open up your venue, is what caused Scientology to buy up all the property – to stop you!
George, possibly the Sea M’orgers have some concept of you and/or anyone not Sea Org Sea as ” unsafe terminals” – at best, unsafe, and at worst, vampirish types who will suck their theta right out of them. See, they don’t KNOW. They don’t know HOW unsafe you are. All they know is that you not safe to communicate to for the simple reasons that 1) they don’t know you and 2) you are NOT in the Sea Org! Thus, best to not make eye contact! Hey, they may even be ORDERED to not make eye contact while on the street. Its possible. Just a theory, though.
They are, after all, such delicate little flowers, these Sea M’orgers. So vulnerable, so susceptible, so easily “enturbulated. They need protection, sheltering, nurturing.
Of course, at the same time, they’re the “elite” of Planet Earth – THE toughest, THE most hornery ethical unreasonable thetans on Earth, totally committed to clearing out the Chaos Merchants from everyone’s space, the Spiritual Dirty Harrys with no other fish to fry but working their guts out to put Ethics In On The Planet, and there’s nothing they won’t do, nothing they can’t confront, to achieve this goal.
That said, om their defense, you are kinda scary, George.
“In” not “om”. Sorry, I’m typing in the dark. Don’t ask 🙂
What I love about this magazine is that it lays bare who the Scientologist businesses are. I will make sure to never use any of their companies or services,
It also comes clean on Winter Wonderland and the Egg Hunt which they have always tried to hide behind Clearwater Community Volunteers. This is a very informative piece but not in the way they thought it would be.
Another foot bullet to add to the list. I also agree that a true impact study should be commissioned by the City to see how little the $917 million would be compared to a truly vibrant downtown core.
As a Clearwater taxpayer I would love to pay less because the tax pool should be deeper.
They are actually pretending the amount of “charitable contributions” they collect FOR THEMSELVES are “contributions to the community.” OMG
Scientology is really consistent in its intent to deceive. Thanks for confronting the lies and deceptions piece by piece, Mike.
(Off topic: thanks to whoever answered my question yesterday but then deleted it before it could actually post. I received the text in a notification email, though it didn’t let me know who wrote it.)