Our old friend Terra Cognita has returned with another thought-provoking commentary.
Scientology Celeb Tag Team – Friendship in Scientology
Our good friends the Johnson’s (not their real names) show me an example I’ll never forget of more bright ideas in the church.
Many years ago Lallie Johnson went to Flag. She said to me before she went, she was afraid that her tiny inheritance from her mom would vaporize. She was worried and looking to me to buck her up. I wondered how to help her and not get written up.
I told her, “you’re not required to tell them that you got an inheritance. ‘Keep your own council’ is what LRH says in the code of honor. If they ask you can say, ‘no.’”
While she was at Flag, I noticed that I was suddenly getting calls from my FSM and the Reg. The local staff were also all over me to go to the Flag World Tour event. It was weird. I cringed when the phone rang and found excuses to avoid the org.
It took three weeks of this treatment for it to stop.
When she returned, she seemed bound and determined to tell me how she had all these wins. We went for one of our chatty nature walks. But there was no win, just, ‘it was great,’ ‘you should go,’ ‘they are so on purpose,’ etc. While on this walk, I told her about the weird sudden interest in me from the org and how strange it seemed.
Lallie got red in the face.
“What did you do Lallie?”
“They asked if I knew someone who might be ready for their next step.”
“Uh Huh?”
“Well you’re so successful and all….” She trailed off.
“Uh huh?” Knowing there was more.
“Well I gave them your name.”
“And evidently my secret cell number. That was not OK.”
“It’s for your spiritual freedom. You can’t be mad about that.”
“It caused me a lot of grief and phone calls at work that were intrusive.”
“Well at least you don’t live in LA. I hear they come to your house on Sunday night and won’t leave until you buy something.”
“Nice justification Lallie.”
“Don’t be mad.”
So I forgave her because you forgive your friends when they do stupid things right?
“So do you still have your inheritance?” I asked. She could put up with my nosiness, she threw me to the regs.
“Well I met this really nice woman. She plays Dharma in Dharma and Greg. She’s so pretty and so nice. She was in the HGC waiting for auditing and we got to talking. It was so cool. She was on the same schedule as me. We became Flag pals. We’d have lunch together and went to a graduation together. She’d just donated to the IAS and encouraged me to go Patron. She took me to a briefing.” Lallie told me they told her some story of Germany or France and this emergency that her donation would help with. “So I did it. I’m a Patron. See?” She pointed to her pin, which I now really looked at.
I couldn’t help but ask if they were still in touch. Well it turns out that once my friend donated her little inheritance was dust in the wind. She said that the woman had to go to do a movie and she didn’t get a phone number or email.
Even then I felt like Lallie had been worked by this celeb FSM. I was disgusted, but couldn’t say anything to Lallie.
I was wondering if your commenting community would let me know if they saw this sort of thing happening when they were in.
We need new ideas on anything that could be done to legally stop them.
With the people that have come forward about abuse and rape etc… I understand there’s a statute of limitations on rape but what about the abuse both physically and mentally on kids?? Why can’t Child Protection Services start an investigation?? Whether the kids are with or without their parents, if they’re being neglected or abused shouldn’t that be getting investigated at the very least??
This idea has just popped into my head from reading Prophets Prey about the FLDS, the FBI got involved initially from memory because kids were being taken across State lines to be wed. Can’t they do the same for kids in $camology being taken across State lines for the purpose of child labour?
It’s probably already been talked about somewhere and I haven’t seen it but I’m just trying to think of any ideas and throwing them out there….
I had a ton of friends in the cherch. But when I left, most of them were no longer my friends. I understood why. But it’s not fair. Some left about the same time as me. Made new friends-some ex’s and some never-ins. That is part of the punishment from scn. They hold it over you. And I won’t even mention the family you realize you may lose. Good bye to all of it
After being in this cult for 30 yrs, I have no desire to be into ANY religious group now.
I find even a Catholic church somewhat scary with how everyone chants together with various passages. I’ve seen how my sister has become more and more involved with her Catholic church… donating 10% of their yearly earnings, plays the ORGAN and all her “vacation time” is now spent on bus trips which deal with her church. I hate to see anyone get THAT deeply involved. It’s rather creepy for me to watch this to her after what I’ve been through.
Robert, I was never in Scientology, but I was deep into Catholicism. I even pursued a religious vocation as a consecrated Brother. When I read about Scientology, the parallels to what I experienced in Catholicism are striking. In particular, the senses that the world is going to Hell and that you can’t trust your own instincts (unless they are “renewed” or “purified” in the Way). And the need for a tight-knit group to keep you psychologically on board with the whole deal. The best thing about Catholicism was that I eventually shook it off and walked away without anyone getting on my case. Even then, it took a good decade to finally be 100% done with it. I completely understand how Scientologists are slow to leave.
Protestants have a good deal….no pressure, we just try and live a decent life but we don’t have all that guilt stuff…..it’s the same Bible after all….
When I was at flag to get the “Ls”, IAS regs were all over the place trying to get money from people coming out session with very good indicators knowing that they were ripe for plucking. One day, there was much celebration from getting a $100,000 donation from a young man who I had thought was relatively new to scientology. He was a driver for UPS. I got sick. These bastards are heartless and didn’t give a fuck for anybody, let alone mankind. About that time when I got out of session, the IAS regged me for hours keeping me up until 2 AM when they finally gave up. They knew I had the money and they knew they were not going to get it. I was not sessionable at 9 AM. I told my class XII auditor what had happened. The IAS regs were thrown off base. Not soon enough.
I went to the St Louis Org and am UTR lurking on the fringes of the internet. St Louis is really dead and it is a fact that most of the people left there in St Louis covertly hate FLAG. I have had them tell me “I will NEVER go back to FLAG but you should go – it’s great!” WTF???
The Flag World Tour was just in St Louis not too long ago and they still call me. Sigh – I hate FLAG. I hate Scientology. I am a covert SP and proud.
I have family in though and have to stay under the radar so they don’t force them to disconnect from me. There are so many people like me, they have no clue who is in or out and I don’t think they care anymore. Scientology is done – stick a fork in it.
The few St Louisan’s still in that do trickle down to FLAG once and a while were going down there with other people to get out of those crush regg cycles. FLAG is widely known to TAKE ALL and leave you broke.
The ED’s wife and Staff member, Stephanie Lane, had gone down there a year or so ago and when she came back, she was sort of (in a round about way) bragging about getting out of FLAG rather successfully cuz she went with an ex Sea Org ex SP and now public guy named Matt D’Rion, who also sort of bragged how they got the hell out of there fairly unscathed. Matt D’Rion is married to Miss Got Bucks so the regges will drain him dry eventually. It is only a matter of time. He actually moved down to Dunedin Florida thinking the TECH will be more standard at FLAG. St Louis sucks for most people and they are moving down there in droves. Little do they know that FLAG will utterly destroy their lives and it will happen either quickly or slowly. FLAG can’t help it – it is the mecca of criminality.
It all sounds just awful and depressing. And being UTR must be a drag, constantly looking over your shoulder, I’d imagine. But you have possession of your own mind…don’t give up!!
Knowing about all the UTRs in scientology is so satisfying. I am so happy for you. Keep up the great work.
COB’s paranoia must be at a stratospheric level of agony, because he damn well knows that the “church” is full of these UTRs.
Oh, and shame on Elfman for her vile behavior.
It’s just a fancy confidence trick. A very long and extreme con.
Hurts my heart for “marks, suckers, stooges, mugus, rubes, or gulls (from the word gullible)” exploited for their compassion and naivete. Even those exploited for their greed and vanity make me sad because they are missing something in their lives and Scientology just makes that hole bigger. All are victims that do not deserve to be used and hurt. Obviously, they steal more than money.
Elfman’s apparent involvement in regging is a reminder that most of Scientology’s supposed celebrities aren’t actually doing all that well in their careers, and instead rely on FSMing and other works as essentially paid promoters, for much if not most of their income. Elfman is sort of a one-hit-wonder who has only worked sporadically or for short stints since Dharma & Greg ended nearly two decades ago – her schtick of playing whacky girls is limiting – and I bet her residuals from that show are slowly tapering off.
I used to watch a lot of TV. After Darhma And Greg went off the air,I noticed something. There were reruns everywhere of Everybody Loves Ray, Frazier, King Of Queens, and even Sienfeld,but nowhere did I see eposodes of Darhma And Greg. Which means ,when it came time for syndication, where the big payoff comes in, no stations were interested in Darhma And Greg.
Our local Catholic Church at times puts in a little “blub” in the weekly church bulletin that goes comething like this….
Don’t forget to remember your CHURCH when you are making out your WILL BEQUESTS…….
P.S. Forgive me Father for I have sinned…..
A lot of non-profit groups do that from time to time. Nothing wrong with that; various environmental groups I’ve donated to send out discreet reminders like this. The Catholic Church does some worthwhile things: St. Vincent de Paul Society, Catholic Relief Agency, Little Sisters of the Poor, parochial schools, etc. This is a far cry from the utterly despicable practices of $cientology.
Most churches (not just Catholic) do the same thing. The big difference is, THEY don’t continually call you on the phone or come to your home bugging you. They especially don’t take it from you BEFORE you die! BTW – I know it’s very inconsequential, but did you mean “blurb” ?
Bixtram AND Miss Dutch….T
HIS “Catholic Church continually sends letters in the mail about “fund raisers”…they also include EXTRA monetary envelopes along with the WEEKLY donation request. Some people just can’t afford it.
Before they built the new unneeded church…they sent letters home asking (demanding) that you SIGN a “soon to come contract”….that would be WITNESSED…that you would agree to give “X” amount of dollars monthly towards the new church building so they could “secure a loan from a bank”…..seriously???
A WITNESSED contract….that more or less binds you to pay a certain amount either in LUMP SUM which they preferred…OR monthly…along with your weekly donation envelop AND the “extra weekly donation requests”. A few of my acquaintances had church people COME TO THEIR HOME unannounced with CONTRACT in had pushing it in their face to be signed. HOW do you say NO to that when you feel obligated & put under pressure & EMBARRASSMENT because there is more than ONE person confronting you?
They church holds a yearly “church picnic (festival) they PULL in $30,000 oR MORE in a three day period…Friday, Saturday, Sunday….a good percentage of it goes to the “Diocese” with part of it remaining locally…. The also host an “International Festival where you can have “a taste” of foods from different countries….
THIS “church” sent letters to ALL Parishioners ASKING FOR A $50 donation to BUY the FOOD they would SELL at EACH occasion….. YOU would donated $50…attend one or both festivals & they PAY again to BUY a meal when you already PAID for the food YOU supplied the money to buy..
NUTS….money going to pay off those sexually assaulted kids.
Most churches (Catholic ones anyway) provide a PUBLIC yearly, if not quarterly accounting of funds donated and where the money goes.
Weekly donations support the physical buildings, sometimes schools, the elderly, the poor, etc
Of course if people don’t want to donate, they don’t have to and there are no repercussions.
And I always have to laugh when people point out the sexual abuse scandals. Unfortunately, sexual abuse affects every race, religious denomination, etc etc.
I think those who feel they are safe because their kids are not in Catholic schools are fooling themselves.
Pedophilia is no higher in the Catholic Church than anywhere else if one uses a pro rata scale. Experts say about 1-2 % of the population is into those sick acts. And I would advise everyone to remain vigilant no matter where they are when it comes to protecting their kids.
Don’t think “It will never happen here – after all, we are the most ethical people on the planet!”
Most children are sexually assaulted by someone in the family or close to the family, a close family friend, neighbor etc. The Catholic Church has paid out so far nearly 3 Million in sex abuse scandals with more to come.
ALL religions have to be on the up and up & keep an eye on staff etc….if someone wants to spend a lot of alone time with a child….start asking your child questions & talk about the privacy of ones OWN body.
Yes, BLURB….editing feature has been Missing In Action
But so does my high school, university and law school
There is no comparison
A blurb in a weekly bulletin, which you are free to ignore, pales in comparison to people showing up at your door uninvited, refusing to leave, stealing personal financial information, pitting spouses against each other, etc etc
Not to mention all the charitable works the Catholic, Lutheran, Jewish members provide to the poor, indigent, etc
The donations one makes to real churches helps to support the poor as opposed to paying for David Miscavige’s John Lobbs
To paraphrase Isaac Hayes, “this is some very sick shit.”
Or maybe it was Alfrauddie who mouthed it on the Orientation Film, which dear old Dave pulled because Larry Anderson wised up. Scientology has finally reached the ultimate on the tone scale: Total Failure.
Good Heavens Cindy! It would seem the Cherch of Scamology is now operating at 1.1 – Covert Hostility – on their very own tone scale! Befriend, make nice, stab pc in back and extract wallet! Well, I suppose it’s for the greater good……
In no way is this a new thought, but I think it is the essence of yesterday’s RB and today’s TC column. It’s all about MANIPULATION.
Yesterday the topic was going into the Sea Org, getting pulled away from family and friends where you can “think things through” and having it replaced with the constant drumbeat of “conform to our will”.
Today it’s – Are you sad, lonely, maybe a little depressed? Well, since you’re at a vulnerable place (i.e. easier to manipulate), let’s talk it out. Did your Mom leave you any money? SHE DID? How much?
Well if this where the 1500’s someone would be trying to sell you an Indulgence, lucky for us we’re soooooo much more enlightened than those people. Come into this small area where we can browbeat you. Then you won’t have to worry about those inheritance monies anymore.
It’s been my observation that scns are your very best friends as long as you can contribute to the cause. If that atoms, you’re lower than whale poop.
I realize lynching is a federal crime in the United States, but perhaps an exception could be made in the case of David Miscavige.
All we have to do is get Corn-On-The-COB to down a couple of bottles of scotch and he’ll never be the same. That’s when we strick.
I’ll bring the marshmallows, you get the beer.
I’ll bring a kegger. That should be enough. But if it isn’t, we’ll just get another.
I suggest we hold it in Dodger Stadium to accommodate the crowd.
Dodger stadium is too small.
If DM’s downed a couple of bottles, that’s just Wednesday night. Nothing new here, move along…
Disclaimer alert! Disclaimer alert! This piece was actually written by the beautiful wife of Terra Cognita. Just saying.
Love you all.
I knew of a newly widowed lady that went for services to get herself “cleaned up” from the loss of her husband. I think she gave over 100k of her insurance proceeds. I recall the reges saying “it was a very theta cycle!”
This just underscores that this is NOT a church. It’s a giant ponzi scheme.
Well struck Kat! (silly GoT reference). But isn’t it even worse than a Ponzi scheme?
A Ponzi scheme has to pay off some of the early victims so that they will tell their friends about their “amazing” wins.
This scam doesn’t pay off anyone at any time. Never. The cheapness and stinginess is just amazing.
I just woke up and so I’m not thinking too clearly. I wish I could come up with a good analogy to demonstrate just how incredibly cheap they are.
If I could think of a good example, it would concern how they invite people to come to a “Free” fun event and then ask them to each bring a dish of food and pay for parking and to pay for the entertainment.
You remember those kinds of parties where everyone takes their keys and drops them in a big bowl so that people can swap partners? Well, the scam’s version would be that everyone who comes to their event would drop their wallets into a big bowl and then the reges would take the bowl and no one would ever see their money again.
There’s a great old saying that applies here – “He’d skin a flea for its hide and tallow.”
“You remember those kinds of parties where everyone takes their keys and drops them in a big bowl so that people can swap partners?”
I wish I did!
It’s never, ever been a church! It’s been a business all along.
They worship at the altar of money.
Young Scribe, you will do well.
Kat stated:”This just underscores that this is NOT a church. It’s a giant ponzi scheme.”
BINGO! Brava!
I’d like to dunk and drown Miscavige in a bathtub filled with hot, well fermented horse piss.
Get his shoes first, they’re worth a small fortune.
That’s what I was thinking.
Cap proffered:”I’d like to dunk and drown Miscavige in a bathtub filled with hot, well fermented horse piss.”
Around here, friends call that “Coors”…. “Coors light” is just sour water. Dwarfenführer wouldn’t be fazed by anything so low in octane rating, considering his usual guzzle.
Pretty much standard practice at Flag and the AOSHs from my experience, my wife says the same. It takes a morbidly sick mindset to use those tactics to prey on people’s money like they do. I’ve met nicer vipers in the jungle than the smiling, “want to be your best friend for life” FSMs of Scientology. Those types of FSMs (especially the celebs) are the henchmen of Scientology and should really do jail time as far as I’m concerned. The lieutenants such as Chan the Noddle man or lesser one’s like Graham Payne are a prime examples of the type of person whom those FSMs admire and wish to emulate (if they could). The social aspect of caged locations like Flag or any HGC or Org is the hunting ground of such assholes. It’s even sicker to understand those FSMs have a pecking order measured by ‘money fleeced.’
Yawn sez: “It takes a morbidly sick mindset to use those tactics to prey on people’s money like they do.”
I’m sure you know this already, but for newbies and bubble dwelling fools who haven’t figured it out yet this is called ‘finding one’s ruin’ in cult speak. This would be just fine if they had something to actually handle one’s ruin but they don’t. It’s all about the money and only about the money.
This is especially insidious because when someone is in a vulnerable and painful place in life pretty much anything they try will produce at least some result and they might think that whatever they are trying actually works. With the cult of scientology one can be well inside the door and feeling somewhat trapped before realizing that they have been partaking of snake oil. At this point the poor say still has their ‘ruin’ to deal with and empty pockets to boot.
“I’m sure you know this already, but for newbies and bubble dwelling fools who haven’t figured it out yet this is called ‘finding one’s ruin’ in cult speak. This would be just fine if they had something to actually handle one’s ruin but they don’t. It’s all about the money and only about the money.”
AND if you didn’t have enough of a “ruin” going in, you will have a BIG one coming out.
Anything you had or valued will wind up ruined.
The accurate regging of people at the exact time when an inheritance or other windfall arrives is just one more indication that this is a scam, not a religion. I hope some day to see DM and others in the docket trying to explain their money-grubbing ways.
Of course it’s a scam!!! SCIENTOLOGY is one big scam!!!
Too right it’s one big scam, but with many little scammers drooling about a quick buck too. But they all fall prey eventually too. Selling eternity is big business, Hubbard’s new slant on scamming it is his gift to mankind.
Was Jenna Elfman working off some A thru E? All to take a small inheritance? How did the get Elfeman to join this scam?
What’s next? Bart Simpson running a phone bank for some lame $cieno ‘convention’?
Jenna and Bodie came over to my house a couple times. Also Rob Meister is a celeb scam artist.
Wow Mary, seeing your experience is interesting. Thanks for letting us know that wasn’t just a one-off.
Not exactly the same but they did get someone I knew to work with a regge to get me to sign up to visit the ship. They knew regging would not work with someone I didn’t know but I would probably listen to my ‘friend’. Usually when this sort of thing happens they offer the person some sort of discount on their own booking as a commission for having gotten someone else onboard.
A related scam: When they were recruiting me for SO, they have you list out all your friends, family, and Opinion Leaders (part of the life history form). And they went to each of my friends and told them they were recruiting me for SO and asked them to help convince me I should join. They pit the very people you trust against you and they do their bidding like the robots they are.
Gimpy offered:”Not exactly the same but they did get someone I knew to work with a regge to get me to sign up to visit the ship.”
I had something similar: as soon as they located my home phone after I left “Flog”, the first call I got from them was my most recent ex-girlfriend calling me up to get me to pay off a “freeloader debt” they neglected to tell me about as I routed out. As IF 5 years of my slave labor was worthless and I’d been freeloading the whole time…. Well, HOW did their CF get to be in PT, then? And WHY had I’d been paid $25k the previous 5 years(pre-flag), and a similar amount per YEAR, post Flog ?
Using her was a big mistake, as she & I didn’t part on great terms; her coldly dumping me was WHY I’d gotten so depressed they ‘had’ to RPF, then offload me. FAT CHANCE I’d be so overwhelmed from hearing her voice that I’d bankrupt myself (again) to pay off a bogus “debt”, NOT when I’d hooked up with my pre-scn GF who wanted to pick up where we’d left off, with MUCH enthusiasm, her place AND mine;-)[nudge, nudge, wink, wink] ….
scns didn’t really have any empathy, just a limited ability to manipulate their targets using emotions.
Reg cycles can be outrageous and brutal. Gang Reging is an excellent example. One gets “called in” to see a reg. Once there other reges join the debacle and pound you even harder. In one experience a staff member I’d been familiar with arrived. Then she told everyone that I’d told her I had some savings hidden away. So the vultures swooped down with saliva dripping from their beaks. Fortunately, I held my ground and escaped without damage. Hmmm, maybe I should write this up as a success story.
In another case 2 reges hopped a plane and flew across the country to take me out to dinner. Yes, wild enough but wait for more. They wanted me to loan someone money so she could buy services. I knew this was off policy so refused. But even more alarming was the fact I’d been traveling at the time and no one knew where I was!! Sent shivers down my spine.
It is truly amazing how the cult will stop at nothing in its pursuit of the “almighty buck”.
In Big League Sales it is called “The Accidental Tag”. By various means, including what you say in Session to your auditor), the reges find out a person is “qualified”. That means they either have money or the credit to get money. Next a plan is worked out on how best to get the money. Who is the person likely to listen to and trust. Maybe its a reg. Maybe an FSM. Maybe just another public person roped in by the reg. The “accidental tag” just happens to sit next to the person at an event, meal, course, pc waiting area etc and forms a “friendship”. The accidental tag works to bring the person to the point where they buy a specific service, donation, etc. It is usually done after the person has already told the reges they do not want to do the service, donation, etc. The accidental tag is a new way in. Its not accidental and the reg or reges are behind the scene orchestrating the whole thing. It is very effective and is used daily at places like Flag. I was once the Dissemination Sec at Flag and my statistics were Gross Income and Gross Book Sales. I have seen it all. Scientology is a VERY well coordinated and ruthless money sucking machine. I can not over state that enough.
It’s just stunning.
I was stunned once. My hair stood up.
Hearing this from you Mat is much appreciated by me. I was a victim of the Accidental Tag reg maneuver more than once at FLAG. I never would have said ‘victim’ while in the bubble. But now that I am out and can look more dispassionately at my many experiences and realize I was ‘worked,’ ‘used,’ and otherwise defrauded, I see that I was indeed a victim of a magical level of unscrupulous expertise. Using false affinity to loosen my boundaries.
It is sick and I see why many people were utterly destroyed financially by the cherch. That level of manipulation with a big ‘helpful’ smile breaks down the barriers. Who’d think that that smiling person love-bombing you energetically is actually taking you for a bad ride. Who does that? Oh. The Church of Scientology does that.
Mat again I thank you for pulling back the covers and showing me the vipers, from your knowledge in that former exalted position.
I agree. I always “enjoy” reading you Mat and your insights.
And Yes, Clearly, the love bombing bullshit is pervasive at Flag – the smiles all the while working on taking you down and getting your money or just taking you down if they can’t get your money.
Well stated Matt – spot on!
So there never are any real true friends in Scn. They are people angling to FSM you and get the commission, people working for the registrars to get your money, people doing their Lower conditions to get your money and thus get out of lower conditions, there are people doing A to E to get your money and thus get through the A to E, and there are people who just want the commission period. The love bombing is “as needed” and stops the minute they get what they want from you. Then they move to the next victim.
Mat – Apparently some, maybe even many, people know the money-sucking nature of Scientology. They may not it see as a scam at the time they are full-in, but what in the world do these people think all that money is used for? Do they believe money is supporting the various front organizations? Is it supposedly used for “Clearing the Planet?” Or do most of those in the know about Big League Sales techniques recognize it for the money-making scheme it is, and just want to get their cut before the opportunity is lost?
What is shared in this post sums up the standard operating procedure of scientology:
MAKE/TAKE MORE MONEY( every day, in every way, from all available marks).
The brazen greed and two-faced conniving is normal.
Barring a few exceptions, in scientology, the assholes rise to the top; this “duplicates”
the personality, intentions, anc behavior of its ‘founder’, El Con Tubbard.
Same shit, different decade.
Can we PLEASE shut this abusive, criminal enterprise masquerading as a religion down?
mark pleaded:”Can we PLEASE shut this abusive, criminal enterprise masquerading as a religion down?”
I believe that the Munchkin™ is currently doing an EXCELLENT job doing that as we watch. “Don’t disturb your enemy while he’s defeating himself.”
Over 20 years ago, I had an auditor ask a few too many pointed questions around the area of a possible inheritance. Her doing so immediately damaged the nature of our relationship and the auditor perceived the change in my demeanor instantly.
I lied to her, and felt no compunction about doing so nor did my lying ever “come up” on the meter.
I think she was still of the then soon-to-be-discarded mindset that “the session is for the PC” and thus didn’t press it. I never received any extra reg attention after that so my sense of it is that she didn’t forward anything about my financial circumstances to those in the organization who would rapaciously try to part me from any money they thought I had.
I could tell she had reluctance to probe this area within an auditing session, and was uncomfortably following some edict from “uplines” requiring auditors to make sure “every pc’s ethics are in about what they can afford to donate.”
Sea Org members are impoverished and have no ability to ever elevate themselves out of poverty. Thus they are resentful that the public they service are not only going up the bridge but also living well, both things denied to the average Sea Org worker bee. (Unless that public person is a “celebrity”)
Staff enthusiastically jump on this idea that the public should give until it hurts.
It’s an idea that could be expressed as this:
“You don’t actually own any money, assets, stocks, bonds, etc. etc. It rightfully belongs to the church, because we are the ones that are operating for the basis of the greatest good for all 8 dynamics and you’re only operating on the first dynamic. It’s our job to enlighten you out of the idea that you should keep your money instead of giving it all to us.”
Wow. Reminds me of accusations of being PTS to the Middle Class when I wanted to pay bill instead of ‘give.’
CnC said:
“Wow. Reminds me of accusations of being PTS to the Middle Class when I wanted to pay [bills] instead of ‘give.’
“PTS to the middle class” is spouted by those who are just jealous wannabes. It may be the most suppressive concept used by regges. Thankfully, I was mostly immune as I never had any money they could target. I still am immune as my wife handles our finances and she sees no redeeming value in scn from the inane PR she glances at as she properly files the “stuff” they won’t stop sending. Well, at least it adds a couple of calories to the trash-to-steam plant a few miles away, so there’s SOME slight value in it. If it weren’t on glossy paper, it’d be better, of course.
John Doe,
Years back I had a session where “rudiments” were out and so I was asked what I was withholding. I finally confessed I had a few hundred grand in savings I wasn’t telling my reg about. That resolved the matter and the session continued.
After session I sat outside on a bench and an IAS reg came up and began “hitting” on me for a donation. I said I had no money above basic living expenses as I’d had already donated everything else for the services I was there for. The reply was, well I am sure if you looked hard enough for it you would find it and be able to help. I held my position and ducked any further pleas.
Later on I learned about the “Look In System” that is used at Flag. It consists of cameras in auditing rooms that record sessions. I’ve read accounts of David Miscarriage watching Tom Cruise’s auditing session recordings. So it is clear to me the IAS reg saw mine and decided to use my “confession” in an effort to bilk me more.
The door to truth swung open more widely and I stepped away soon thereafter.
That’s actually a statement of collectivism, or socialism/communism, at the end there – all assets and wealth go to the regime, for the purpose of supporting the worldwide revolution seeking to create a New Man. Hubbard loved to hate the Russians, but he actually created something much like Stalinism.
PeaceMaker gave us:”Hubbard loved to hate the Russians, but he actually created something much like Stalinism.”
AND it worked about as well as Stalinism, failing in just over one generation. It may APPEAR to be still alive, but that’s only an appearance.
Vultureology. The only way to be free from this spiritual mindfuck is by getting a complete Hubbardectomy.
I got my Hubbardectomy years ago. And I gotta tell ya, it was great!!!
Well done OSD. Only about 30,000 left to go.
With or without anesthetic?
Oh, definitely without! I want to do some howling.
Yes, there are “tag teams” as far as regging for the IAS or Basics or some such. The IAS make no bones about just flat out asking what’s in your 401K or IRA’s. They ask as if it’s their right to know and many scientologists answer because they believe it’s the regges’ right to know. My husband and I were irked by the question and would tell them it was none of their damn business. That answer, of course, doesn’t matter either because all that did was indicate that we had a 401K or IRA, which in their minds is rightfully theirs (so what if there are penalties for early withdrawals) and you not giving it to them is an overt.
There are so many forms of grooming in the church of scientology. Your story is another one. Jenna Elfman (Dharma) was grooming her mark – and succeeded in her mission – she probably got a big “atta girl” for it. After 10 years of trying to get me to route back in on OT VII, the church had a good friend of mine and someone I really respected get to me and talk to me about how great it was. It worked and now I am paying the price.
Little did they know they would be following Mr. Hubbard’s Bridge to his return as Lucifer, “The Bringer of Light”.
“Come together, together as one
Come together, for Lucifer’s son”
“Ghost – Monstrance Clock”
From wiki – The monstrance was a cross shaped gold or silver vessel which played an important part in church ritual . . . Monstrance clocks and crucifix clocks remained fashionable until the eighteenth century.
oops – That was supposed to be a reply to George M White below. Hey George – After you did OT8 did you have any misgivings about it or just let it go as no big deal?
Hi Richard,
I like your post.
After OTVIII, I went into a cult adjustment phase. First of all, I knew during OT VIII that Hubbard was wrong. It was actually laughable to read his Bulletin about the anti-Christ.
I also saw very clearly that Hubbard was telling lies. I saw that he was a very un-educated man who created stories on wrong assumption. However, I was still into the kool aid for many years. Even though I left Scientology, I was still looking for the correct spiritual path. My mind was tangled with the idea of his Thetan. I could shake that idea.
George – That’s the best 50 words or less explanation I’ve ever read! – laughter – I get the picture.
Thanks for the link to your discussions with Ron Miscavige. Looking over some of the comments there, a few people are a bit frustrated and want a simple summary of what it’s all about but when you’re talking about the magical, mystical and the Occult it’s not that easy.
Here’s a fun video from “Ghost” about a hypothetical Occult group. Some people will see some similarities to Scientology.
“From the Pinnacle to the Pit”
(Jesuit George now slipping his little missives in about “OT8” when he thinks I am not looking – haha!)
Richard, now, this “OT8” is the biggest load of drivel ever invented – by George or someone else. I think someone else invented it however and George, having fallen for it, must cover up his gullibility by continuing to forward it. Actually though I am not surprised that you believe this April Fool’s joke after some of your other comments. But all one has to do is ask the question: “how did this ‘marvellously reconstructed’ several pages ‘HCOB’ get out of the Freewinds AO secure course room, off the ship and down the gangplank? Or – someone has done a really remarkable word-for-word reconstruction? Or – it is a completely made-up piece of nonsense? I am sure you can work it out, now. But watch out – you can “spontaneously combust” if you do the “processes” wrongly!
FOOLproof spouted some drivel that added nothing…..
Hi, there FOOL, or should that be HIGH, there?. Noticed you were away. There were fewer word-salad posts which neither said anything of import NOR added anything of substance to the conversation. I somewhat recognize that to which you seemed to refer to, but not WHAT you were saying about it. Care to try again with an actual POINT you want to make about “Friends” in scn?
Try it. It could get some of that grey matter working…. “A wasted mind is terrible.”
Hi Foolproof! – I’ve often mentioned I feel the lower levels and study of Scientology had benefits to myself and others. You surely must admit that the upper level cosmology is one many possibilities? We’re dealing with the entire history of the Universe(s) here. No doubt some people are going to add or subtract from Hubbards visions.
All of which leads us to this VERY ancient lesson. A fool and tier money are soon parted.
Thanks Wynski for insulting everyone of us here who gave. Yes I’m a fool, but I prefer to deal with my own foolishness in the privacy of the mental hell that looking at it is.
I don’t need you telling me I am a fool. I know this.
What are you?
Clearly not Clear – we were not fools. We were deceived and manipulated out of every single dime the Cult of $cientology bamboozled out of us. It is embarrassing and humiliating to realize that we got hornswoggled but it is not a reflection on us – we trusted – we were in a fucking church. The fool is the $ciendollatrist who stays after seeing all of the shenanigans and chooses to find a piece of Hubbard’s Laws of Commotion to justify it. Pretty soon the $cientdollatrist turns in to a criminal and that who is running Scientology today. CRIMS!
Clearly NC… Your courage is head-and-shoulders above.
Just yesterday a thought passed through my head about some old incident in which I had failed my own standards by doing something that turned out badly. I was able to dismiss the thought without falling into obsessive rumination, thankfully.
No one gets through life without regrets, whether the behavior was foolish or scammed or indoctrinated or arrogant or falsely humble or whatever. It is the human condition. We are imperfect, and we know it, at least those of us with a conscience know it.
Jackson Browne wrote a poignant ending to the song These Days:
“Don’t confront me with my failures,
I had not forgotten them.”
I never saw or experienced pressure from celebrities in our little backwater org. However, a much more insidious practice started that finally drove me out. Immediately after session, you would be delivered to an IAS reg, or Ideal Org reg and pressured for money. “You feel pretty good from your auditing session, right?” I would answer: “Sure do!” The official money-grabber would respond: “Well, don’t you want the rest of the world to feel this good? Your donation will make that happen!” Talk about an “Emotional Curve!” I would go from feeling great to “What The Fuck?” in two seconds. Obviously, we were entering the Golden Age of Fundraising and I did not like this treatment, so I left.
Yea. This was a common practice from about 2004 until —- .
Big reason why so many left. Sea Org members don’t care if it shoves people out the door; they are under so much pressure to make their quotes or else, that they do it.
Believe or Else, Yes this is true. So the cycle is: have a session and a big win, they grab you while you’re still high from the win, reg you, lean on you so that you lose the F/N within minutes of the reg cycle within minutes of the session win. Then you go back in session and have to spend money on account to handle the ARCX that THEY created. But that’s OK because it churns through your money faster, gives them the WDAH stats, and gives them a chance to reg you for more money once your intensive is gone flying ruds on the reg’s heavy handed tactics. The circle of life!
The cult lets you have a few little wins, then f***s you up, takes all your money promising that will fix you. (Until next time).
Lather, rinse. repeat. The Ideal Scam.
Good Heavens Cindy! It would seem the Cherch of Scamology is now operating at 1.1 – Covert Hostility – on their very own tone scale! Befriend, make nice, stab pc in back and extract wallet! Well, I suppose it’s for the greater good……
Flag is one of the most dangerous Orgs on the planet for your well being; financially, spiritually, physically and mentally. Forget about emotions because the tech trains you to not emote whilst your bank account is drained and the Flag MAA’s are extorting funds out of you to make up the damage to Scientology’s bank account for your transgressions.
Everyone who goes to Flag gets harmed at Flag. EVERYONE!
The clever “tech” disguised to keep out entheta makes it so no one knows. You are not allowed to talk about “your case” (Flag gives you a case) and no criticizing of Scientology anywhere.
I heard the horror stories. I was an EO. I know. Flag is the most dangerous place on the planet.
I concur.
I concurred once:. She slapped the shit out of me.
Thanks for that. It CONFIRMS EVERYTHING I ever experienced in the MAA’s office at flag. And all you stated is exactly why I left the fucking place. Despicable funking cult!!!
When I was in, “reges” looked for any large source of money. I remember many young people who were targets. It was interesting to watch as the sea org first sold the people on “spiritual freedom for eternity”.
Once the suckers had that firm idea, they would be tracked and hit on the exact day they got their money.
George – loved your interview with Ron. It was great hearing the voice and seeing a face behind your posts that I always enjoy reading.
Let’s keep in touch.