The recent article about Laura Prepon where she announced she had not been in scientology for 5 years made me wonder how many of the other scientology celebrities may be “out.” It’s pretty common in the scientology world for people to simply stop participating, without making any big announcement. There is even a term for it these days: “under the radar.” It spares the person the harassment that comes from declaring you are done, and in many instances the loss of friends and family or jobs.
Laura Prepon hadn’t made public statements about scientology for many years. But she is not the only scientologist celebrity laying low. And even those who clearly remain in the sheeple mindset, like Kirstie Alley and Nancy Cartwright — what are they doing to “disseminate scientology” these days? From the organization’s perspective, a celebrity is not pulling their weight if they are not out spreading the good word. They have a platform in the public eye and they should be using it.
Even Tom Cruise, the greatest disseminator in the history of dissemination, has been strangely silent about promoting the virtues of scientology in the media.
Apparently, the subject has become too toxic for even the big dog of the litter. By definition he has serious PTS phenomenon on display. A far cry from the days of the black turtleneck video “Have I ever seen an SP hahahahahahahaha” and acting like a lunatic with Matt Lauer.
Just peruse this list and ask yourself, when was the last time I heard them talk about scientology? Apart from Elisabeth Moss who is asked about the obvious cognitive dissonance of her role in The Handmaid’s Tale and the reality of scientology abuses, and her lame responses to the timid questions, I can’t recall any of them saying a thing.
That is really bad news for scientology’s future. And I wonder how many are “under the radar”?
The Hall of Shame:
Erika Christensen
Jenna Elfmann
Tom Cruise
John Travolta
Kirstie Alley
Michael Pena
Nancy Cartwirght
Elisabeth Moss
Beck — he claimed he is no longer a scientologist
Juliette Lewis
Vonnie Ribisi
Jason Dohring
Mark Isham
Marisol Nichols
Anne Archer
Greta Van Susteren
Katherine Bell — not sure if she still considers herself a scientologist
Interested to hear any feedback on info on public statements either way on any of them.
What is going on here Mike Rinder? You forgot Danny “the rapist” Masterson
Oh…wait a minute… my bad…. Yeah, that’s right….his career is DEAD!
He may as well don the Sea Org bartender uniform and sign that billion year contract . His career is over. But he can clear the planet for real now and dish up slop for the OOTS at the Fraud Scam Base. He will fit right in with the other criminals in Cultwaters! Or… perhaps clean rooms for the OAT TEAS at the Fort Homicide and get tortured by Lisa McPhersons ghost!! Room 174…. It’s a Scary place!
Sorry? WHAT career did Danny Masterson have? I’ve never seen him ‘acting’ and certainly not heard him DJ. AFAICT, it’s only by his assertions that he’s anything but a rapist of the lowest sort.
Why is it in our culture that we revere what ‘celebrities’ think and say? Most of these people have little to no formal education. Many, like our scilon buddies, have jumped on the various cult bandwagons that drive around Hollywood trying to pick up even the most z-list ‘celeb’ so that the cult-of-the-day can get more mainstream acceptance. The think about the Cruise video that bothered me is that ANYONE in MSM would even take it seriously. I mean it’s Tom Cruise. He’s an actor. He makes millions…so what. There are dozens of people behind him that are making sure he’s in the limelight and they make MORE. My favorite part of the turtleneck video.
“So for me it really is KSW and it’s just like…it’s something that ah (rubs face)…I don’t mince words with that…you know with anything that LRH says but that policy to me really has uh (takes hand and chops and makes ‘psst’ sound) boy and I really…you there’s a time when I went through and I read it…you know I just went (makes ‘pooh’ sound) ‘This Is It’…this is exactly it.”
Fucking Rocket Scientist. Why would ANYONE listen to ANYTHING this man has to say?
Seeing that transcribed made me laugh out loud. Kudos! It must have made your brain hurt to type that out. I hope you didn’t hurt yourself banging your head against the keyboard.
People Magazine.
Elizabeth Moss ~
The Handmaid’s Tale Sets Emmys Record for Most Losses in a Single Year
The Hulu show was nominated for 21 awards at this year’s Emmy Awards, but collected no wins for the first time since it premiered in 2017
Hopefully the twisted irony of a cult member/sympathiser/enabler being the lead in a series about….. Oh cult members and their world of sympathisers/enablers/enforcers, and the distastefulness of it all is finally starting to be noticed
First of all, Beck in his recent interview made it clear he was never really a scientologist. I know his family very well. IMO the reason Beck has had such a long, successful and creative music career is because he put his art first and any participation Beck did in the cult was purely to maintain connection to his family. In particular his dad David Campbell. And David is a pretty big music celebrity. He is a record arranger to the stars. So he should be on the list. His list of gold and platinum records is legion.
Some of the Celebs listed still do some seminars for Celebrity Centre Int. in LA.
As far as interviews in mainstream media I agree Mike, they are mum. And for good reason.
There are so many books about the cult’s abuses and Films, and effective series and blogs. Mike your and Leah’s work has changed forever the landscape for Scientology. And knowledgeable exs like Karen De La Carriere, Jeffrey Augustine, Chris Shelton, Jon Attack and a host of other articulate exs have continue to expose the truth. And of course their is Journalist Tony Ortega who has done so much to expose the cherch over the years. He is one of the first whistle blowers.
The OSA dead agent book that used to convince celebrity’s that all the bad publicity is all BS no longer works. The overwhelming facts of Scientology’s destructive actions and policy’s can no longer be dismissed.
So celebrity’s now must reinforce their cognitive dissonance and bury themselves more deeply in their bubble worlds. I know most of the Celebs on your list and I respect their talents. I know that if they put Scientology behind them their careers could blossom again. I watched so many of their careers grow from nothing and thrive only to hit plateaus. I have hope that Scientology will implode and the scam will become apparent to all the members so they can move on.
Also a musician not mentioned is super rock bass player Billy Sheehan. Other celebrity musicians are Cate Ceberano, Edger Winter, Stanley Clarke and Doug E. Fresh. I hope to see them after the fall of Miscavige’s organization.
“…Other celebrity musicians are Cate Ceberano, Edger Winter, Stanley Clarke and Doug E. Fresh. I hope to see them after the fall of Miscavige’s organization.”
And how can we forget the Jive Aces and legendary rapper Chill E. Beans. Not hearing much from them these days either.
Ms. B. Yes. I would call the C list musician Celebs.
I found it fascinating that Alanna Masterson was on Talking Dead the other night and the discussion was around the “cult” on The Walking Dead. I thought the other guest on the show, Hilarie Burton Morgan, and the host, Chris Hardwick, caught themselves a few times trying to navigate the delicate situation.
O/T. Scientology front-group Repair of the Black Family, Inc. (aka Repair of the Black Family Community Center) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt Public Charity.,%20DETERMINATIONLETTERS&orgTags=CHARITIES&orgTags=DETERMINATIONLETTERS
Archived with screenshots on ESMBR and Instagram at:
Not only did John Travolta sell his house in Clearwater, but he used a non-Scientology Realtor. That speaks volumes.
Holy Moly! Travolta leaving the fold! And (gasp) a wog realtor!
Well, possibly, just possibly, he didn’t want the cult to know too much about the sale.
You go, John!
Yes, John. Come home to people who love you.
I’ve always liked John Travolta.
Back in the early 80s, before I got into Scientology I worked with and was close friends with a girl who was for several years the live in girlfriend of a then well known soap star actor. He was quite “hot” at the time, at the pinnacle of his career, very handsome, and btw, in real life, totally the opposite, personality wise, of the character he played on this soap. Anyway, Jane (not her name) and I worked together and were friends and I was at her and Luke’s (not his name) apartment quite a bit, invited to their friends parties, etc. etc. At one of these parties an actor on a rival soap to Luke’s soap was entertaining us with various Hollywood stories and John Travolta’s name came up. I began to gush because I liked him and just had the feeling, somehow, that he was a very decent sort of person. I didn’t know John Travolta, had never met him, just thought he’d been amazing in “Saturday Night Fever” , etc. Well this soap actor friend of Luke’s listened to me gush about Travolta for a while and then when he could get a word in edge-wise, said, quietly, “He’s gay”. “NO!”, I gasped. “I’m afraid so”, he replied. “How do you KNOW that?”, I asked. He said, “I met him”. “OK…You met him, and…” “I met him AND…” He paused, looking at me steadily. “He… hit on you?”, I asked. “Big time”, he nodded, in the same calm, quiet, matter of fact voice. Idiot me digested this for a while. John Travolta was gay. Tony Manero was gay. I had to process it. Meanwhile this extremely handsome soap actor who was younger than I was continued to regard me kindly and a little pityingly. He had just blown my movie star fantasy crush to smithereens, and he looked like he regretted having done it. He put a gentle hand on my shoulder and for all the world like an uncle or an older brother, said in a very tender tone, “I’m so sorry. He’s definitely gay”.
No big time $cieno Cleb will ever go to bat for the Clampire ever again. It is the kiss of Xenu and no one wants to be blown up in a volcano by Hydrogen bombs. Or any kind of bomb.
More recently, after Tony Ortega’s column in the last few days chronicling an arrest for bizarre behavior, I wonder if Eddie Deezen is still a Scientologist. And whether Scientology will claim him as one of their own…
It is possible that someone has distanced themselves after becoming aware of certain things that are available on the web (as happened to so many other members during the pandemic when the cult’s control was less).
Another possibility is that they have been specifically asked not to say anything. With all that is available and proven about abuses, human trafficking and huge cash spins, what could they answer? Better shut up.
Not even an OSA PR would come up with the bones in place – even if he were to lie all the time.
SCN has become too toxic for anyone.
Yeah, scientology has come to a point where the less ‘celebrities’ say, the less damage control OSA has to do. After they get past the “it works for me” pablum to answering the obvious next questions, they’re out of their depths and flub it. scientology could use a REAL, effective Spokesman like Mike was for so long. They NEED one, and don’t have anyone in the junior leagues working their way up to being able to handle the tough interviews. I dunno: Maybe ChanMan is their best hope (shudder).
Danny who? The word ‘Scientology’ is only going to become more toxic when that trial proceeds.
Idle speculation: some of the younger ones raised in the cult (and now approaching middle age) may have living parents and don’t want to get disconnected from them so they stay “in” under the radar. A possible case in point: Tommy Davis.
What PR these celebs have done in the past is not going to age well and will only become more embarrassing over time.
Video: Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad (aka Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad) says:
“Black Entertainers and Athletes NEED to LEAVE the White Folks’ PLANTATION!”
That guy sounds SO ignorant
— and is SO racist. Playing to the crowd, I guess; trying to sound like just regular folk.
I have no feedback. But I have a dream.
I have a dream that Ricky Gervais will be the MC at a Church of Scientology or a Celebrity Center awards dinner. That would be rich. Yea, pretty unreal, but wouldn’t it be great for him to be MC at an awards show with scientologists nominations. Oh Man. He pulls no punches.
That was a fun dream; I guess I’ll wake up now.
Fun dream.
Great dream!
That would be…beyond hilarious!
After Anonymous movement, the graph of Scientology and its celebrities went down drastically and gradually, respectively.
The public/ wogs were still loyal to their favorite celebrities untill they get caught in down ward spiral with Scientology.
They give favorable statements and attend functions, which backfire.
That’s why in last 10 years no rising actor or actresses joined them. Who ever joined them were before BAE ( Before Anonymous Era).
Infact no famous or established celebrity ever joined Scientology.
This phenomenon was never discussed at any forum, who ever joined them were at during initial/ struggling days , did they use Scientology as launching pad ?
So once the fame is gone, celebrity status is gone, so does the need of ………?
A very Cruel world of showbiz .🤣🤣🤣
Slight disagreement: Travolta, IIRC, was a TV celeb before scientology latched on to him.
In fact, I can’t think of a single scientologist who went and got famous. AFAICT, scientology was always a drag on a Hollywood career
Juliette Lewis. Beck. Elisabeth Moss. 2nd generation scientologists.