Thanks to “10000 OT VIII” we can bring you this.
So much to unpack.
Former scientologists have often discussed “child auditors” in scientology, and I think some believe it is an exaggeration.
This child has already been through the grueling TR’s, including TR 0 bullbait — where you are goaded, teased or intimidated “bullbaited” to react in some fashion whether flinching, laughing, blushing or blinking and then made to do endure the abuse over and over until there is no reaction.
Now, this 9 year old child is counseling another child through their traumatic experiences, apprehensions and emotions. Based on the “technology” of L. Ron Hubbard, not based on any proven method of therapy.
Soon, she will be auditing him on Grade 2 — and that means the infamous Joburg Sec Check. Here are a few of the questions she will be required to ask him (or anyone else she audits).
Have you ever raped anyone?
Have you ever been involved in an abortion?
Have you assisted in any abortion?
Have you ever committed adultery?
Have you ever practiced homosexuality?
Have you ever had intercourse with a member of your family?
Have you ever been sexually unfaithful? Have you ever practiced sodomy?
Have you ever consistently made a practice of sexual perversion?
Have you ever slept with a member of a race of another color?
This is not only considered normal in scientology, it is clearly something for parents to brag about.
In fact, when the original “Golden Age of Tech” release video was made by David Miscavige, it featured the daughter of Karen Hollander, Lauren — a pretty blond child who was at the Int Ranch at the time. Lauren was the “auditor” in training to prove that “GAT” was so simple even a child could do it. That video has not been seen in decades. It was extremely disturbing to the normal world, though scientologists ate it up as further proof of the brilliance of Miscavige.
Think about it for a minute. A 9 year old girl could right now be sitting down with a 50 year old man asking him about sodomy or sexual perversions.
That is, in the normal world, child abuse.
In scientology, it is “normal.”
And they also put children through the Purification program, sitting in a sauna 5 hours a day and ingesting huge doses of vitamins and niacin. More abuse — this is not “flushing drugs from the fatty tissues” because these kids have never had any drugs. Not even aspirin in many cases….
I posted the obit for Karen’s mother in the forum. Also tracked down Karen’s kids. Lauren has a wedding photo that obviously her mother didn’t attend. Some heartbreaking posts about missing her mother and grandmother.
I had a dream about my own mother last night. Similar to many I’ve had. A nightmare that my mother is still alive but she won’t tell me where she is. She died many, many years ago.
I count myself very lucky that I only had mild Scientology as a kid, and I don’t think I got any certificates. Learning how to use a dictionary and clay demo – good.
I don’t remember the TRs being done for hours and hours, especially the staring competition. I’m sure it was 5 to 10 minutes max. Only much later in life did I learn Scientology ‘proper’ repeats everything ad nauseam ad absurdum.
And then the questions on the cans. How can a 9 year old respond to adult questions about reproduction? Sickening. Even teenagers will be totally embarrassed.
The word of Hubbard is the word of God – unquestionably always correct. How to make perfect Ron-bots. Glad I missed out on that.
It’s really awful for this little girl (at 9 years old you’re still a little girl) to be an auditor class 0.
She’s exactly where I was on the bridge on the training side when I left the cult. Imagine the time spent on the course. I don’t remember exactly all the prerequisites to be an auditor class 0, but it’s so many hours spent in a classroom instead of just being a little girl. It’s a time in her life that is completely wasted and will never come back.
It’s really sad.
This cult is sick and perverted.Children should not be exposed to topics regarding sexual behavior,period,much less grilling adults about their experiences.If it were only possible,the entire organization,along with all its buildings and properties should be burned to the ground,then thoroughly salted,just to get rid of all the demons that reside there.The goals and ideals of Scientology make Alistair Crowley and Anton LeVay look good.
Hubbard actually spent a good bit of time living with (and stealing the girlfriend of) Jack Parsons, rocket scientist and follower of Aleister Crowley, leading a local chapter of OTO. So it makes perfect sense from what I’ve read about the man.
O/T LaVey was a hack author looking to make a quick buck on shock when “Devil worship” was in the popular media. Humorously, the official Church of Satan is more tolerant and contributes more to the local population than many Christian organizations.
O/T. Congresswoman Karen Bass issues “Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition” to Scientology Youth For Human Rights Award Winner Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam before his 1/12/21 Pretrial Conference / Trial Setting on charges for felony Medi-Cal Fraud.
She’s definitely been “enlightened “ by Scn
All that nasty news must be fake right Karen ?
Wow. It’s one thing for kids to learn some basic stuff about not lying like the way to Happiness booklet but to audit grade 2 on an adult!? That is disgusting and I agree it is child abuse. Kids should not be exposed to adult issues of any kind. They should be kids, learning to play to socialize, to interact, to develop like a child should develop in proper stages. They should NOT be “clearing the planet!” At age 9 she feels responsible for the, “whole planet?” She thinks it’s her job to apply KSW where “every man, woman and child depends on what she does here and now?” If she’s auditing grade 0 she has read that policy! What a load of angst to dump on a child. Do these kids become responsible adults? Or do they become robots who are “bull baited” out of feeing anything about anything? It is awful what they do to kids. Read some of the books by the kids raised it. Jenna Miscavige for example. There’s also an excellent book by, Nathan Rich call Scythe Tleppo. (The title is a play on words backwards) Fantastic Book and Nathan shows the results of a fanatical scn mother who thought her kid was possibly an SP at age 8 because he wanted to go out and play instead of doing hours an dhours of TRs. Horrifying Story but it shows how aware he was even as a kid that scn was all wrong and he saw it.
It used to be that my failure to get my kid to want the bridge was a big huge deal to me. A huge heartache. I never gave up hope, in over three decades.
And ever since I woke up, I’ve been thankful for it every single day. And now, we can talk about it all.
I well remember that GAT I release event and the video showing the young blonde girl drilling with adults.
There was indeed much hubbub about her with her sharp, “FLUNK!” she’d bark out.
“Even a young child, with but the ability to read and to follow a checkout procedure, can help train another being in the tech that saves the universe.” We were thrilled. Straight up and Vertical from here, Baby.
(In Scientology, quite often one would be chastised for not giving a sharp/harsh enough “flunk”. You could be “pink sheeted”, given a correction to study the Hubbard on giving clear and sharp “FLUNK!”
when someone erred. )
“This is not only considered normal in scientology, it is clearly something for parents to brag about.”
This is so true.
The mindset of most Scio parents is that their children are safest and best off on course, on staff, or in the SO. Going to schools in the Applied Scholastics Network is strived for, and shoddy home schooling takes its place and is preferable to “wog school’
Little David’s history of being a young auditor is part of his hagiography the little shit pedals.
If your kid is on course/staff/SO, it points to YOU being a good Scio. You’re doing things right, and pulled in a thetan in good shape.
“He’s a Re-Run, for sure” the parent nods and smiles, inventing the Big Prized Past for the kid outside of his presence.
Yep, the kid is for sure a last lifer, returned to go up the bridge. You pulled in a good one.
Really disgusting. Long ago (1967/8) and far away ( LA Org) I remember Julia Salamon (ED) telling parents to wait until their child was older than 12 before starting training or auditing. Otherwise it was a waste of their money and the child’s time ‘as a child’.
Misha Gandelman is as much a monster as DM. I wish for him to be put in prison with 3 big Babas who would bullbait him until he wet his pants. Then just do what they do after that. This is as disgusting as it gets.
Noah’s parents deserve the same.
I used to follow crimes cases on web sites which included child abuse cases, had to back off because because I was losing my faith in humanity. This is pure child abuse.
Omg this makes me sick. I didn’t realize they moved onto kids now, as their next source of income. Also what the f – in the grade II questions – ‘ Have you ever slept with a member of a race of another color?’ why is that wrong now??????
Because Scientology has always been, and will always be, blatantly racist! LRH didn’t really even try to hide it although DM does. I’m amazing anyone of color could read any of the words of LRH and STILL want to be a Scientologist! Talk about cognitive dissonance!
This sec check is known as the Joburg, since this is where Hubbard came up with the questions.
No one has ever had the clout to update it.
Sleeping with a member of another race was a crime in Apartheid South Africa.
I am Caucasian and my long-term girl friend is Asian. I always objected to this question.
Another useful one is:
Have you ever engaged in diamond smuggling?
There is a long section about security leaks of OT materials.
Since it takes about 5 Minutes to pull up the OT III materials on the Internet, one could argue that these questions have become pointless as well.
Being interrogated on this Sec Check is a truly ghastly experience.
I am really bad on that one question. I was married to a Sac and Fox native American until I became a widower. I finally got married again after a long time to a woman from the Philippines. Guess as a white American I flunk in that. Good thing I never joined the scam as I am also Polish, and I lived thru enough crap from people and their jokes just from that!
Alex asked: “why is that wrong now??????”
Because Hubbard, in his infinite wisdom and bigotry, said so, and the bulletin/PL can’t be changed now. He seemed to think that the different “colors” were different races (meaning species) That’s DESPITE the well-documented ability to interbreed, proving that we’re all the same species no matter how well we tan or other minor variations in our bodies. There WERE different species eons ago, the Denisovans, pro-magnon, and neanderthals, but modern Humans are the “last Man standing”, so to speak: Homo sapiens Sapiens, as I recall.
The human brain isn’t fully developed until humans reach age 25 years. Even then, there are people who remain in the realm of the “Peter Pan Syndrome”….although adults, they never fully grow up & remain in a younger more child like state.
How in the name of ANYTHING, does it seem “normal” for a child to “counsel another child” when neither one has the mental capability to make ADULT DECISIONS. Hence, the reason children can’t vote, drive, drink, purchase cigarettes/alcohol, make doctor’s appointments for themselves, purchase firearms etc.
Add to that life inside the bubble of COS cuts said child totally OFF from contact with the outside world, forbidden to read, view, partake in ANYTHING NOT COS related. Education in the REAL world is strictly limited to what one is continually spoon fed by COS with no other side of the coin viewable….NO CRITICAL THINKING PERMITTED….can’t compare what you’re being taught to anything else on the outside since you’ve no access to it.
Of course, in the eyes of COS I am INCORRECT because i will NOT ACCEPT that “children are adults in little bodies”……………….excuse me, I have to take an asperin & go lay down….my head is spinning.
Not related to brain development but just general intellectual development, a long time and respected contributor to the scn blogs once said, “Most of us were intellectual adolescents when we entered Scientology, having little or no background in science, religion or philosophy.”
I fit that category when I entered scn in my mid twenties. I believed I was engaged in an honest and serious investigation of the human mind and human emotions and reactions.
Good people are often times literally “sucked in” to something like COS because WE (& i include myself in that) NEVER seem to think that there truly ARE evil people out there who wish to do others harm.
We want to do good , & often times think we are truly helping, what we fail to realize is that our good inner self is being taken advantage of & used.
Fortunately for me, hindsight being 20/20….I listened to “if something seems to be too good to be true or real,… probably isn’t”…..THAT kept me of Hare Krishna, Moonies, Children of God etc…while a few of my high school friends got sucked in.
That’s the reason….not many people ARE intellectually OR emotionally ready to FULLY commit to something like this….even at 18+ years. To have a CHILD sign a “billion year contract” is ludicrous because they don’t have the capacity to understand what they’re signing up for.
Hubbard’s statement about at 7 year being kissed on the lips…..every time I read or heart that I want to vomit…………
I am glad that you are outing this filth. I really hope this catches on and something is done about it.
Actually I think I’d PREFER getting auditing by a nine year old. Be a hoot.
This comment makes me feel sick. Just as sick as today’s post. There is nothing funny about this situation.
Bridget I agree with you.
Is nothing too vile for those people?
Thank you so much for writing this one. I have been saying this about Delphi in MA and people don’t seem to understand or see the big deal. They see fluff pictures of kids doing finger paintings but don’t seem to realize where it leads or the behind the scenes. I’m not sure if they’re still putting kids on the e-meter or not at this school but they were at one point. Parents got really upset about it because they weren’t Scientologists. It unequivocally is a form of child abuse at minimum and often times is covert sexual abuse that just leads to a grossly inappropriate adult-child dynamic. These children are then targets for all variety of predators because this has been normalized
This is so disturbing and I know subjectively how absurd the scientologist mindset thinks this post is.
“It’s just bullbaiting!” “It’s teaching the child how to just BE there!” “It’s not abuse.” I was not a child when I got in at 23 but I can tell you that even at that age it’s abuse and teaches one down to their sinew that if you are reacting (even on the inside) to something that is weird, creepy, devious, etc. it is YOUR problem. Scientology victimizes and in one fell swoop turns the victim on himself. THAT’S SCIENTOLOGY. THAT IS SCIENTOLOGY DOWN TO ITS CORE.
Plus getting the idea that your not your meat body drilled into your head. All of the above is so true.
It’s common for kids of Scientology to do the purif a few times. We used to go into the sf org and just twin with people on tr’s. Or get sessions in between studying the student hat.
I remember the shock when Hubbard’s son Quentin was found in Las Vegas, I think, and had committed suicide. The rumors were that he was homosexual and Hubbard did not like him.
George as you often pointed out scn is a fascistic group. Fascism and homophobia goes hand in hand.
Hubbard the savior was so involved in communicating his crap to the world that he missed to communicate with his son. Then the disaster.
And they keep wanting to teach about children and families. Real scoundrels.
Hubbard has had a long history of family disasters.
Miscavige has no children and has no idea what a family is (look his wife that disappeared 15 years ago).
And have no idea what can be a daughter to a father.
Scn doesn’t care about families, they just cares about how they can exploit them.