These have all been sent to me in the last week.
The focus on children as a money-making tool, for recruitment and as free labor is very disturbing.
In scientology, children are treated as “old thetans in small bodies” – meaning they are capable of pretty much anything an adult is able to do, only limited by their physical size and ability.
This is one of the creepier parts of scientology — they find nothing strange or offensive about showing a 5 year old boy signing a pledge to give money to an “ideal org.” Scientology likes to justify its activities by claiming “this is just like other religions” – but you would be hard pressed to find a promotional item from ANYONE, religion or otherwise, that uses the image of a child pledging money as a tool to try and solicit more money.
Sign a billion year contract – you are never too young to do that. This girl did it and she looks like she is about 15… And they put her on a poster.
We will give children “tools for life” like “how to talk scientology to your friends.” Yikes. That is a reallywinning idea.
How about the experts on families in the Sea Org teach you “how to create a successful second dynamic”… Perhaps they could get Captain Napier, that paragon of 2D ethicishness to impart his knowledge of how to pick up “wogs” for sex in local ports?
Of course, this one has nothing to do with imparting anything to teach children — it ONLY has to do with a potential source of income for the Moneywinds so they can eat more than rice and beans. They figure there are wealthy scientologists who would love to dump their kids on the boat for a week.
And of course, a local scientology school buses its students to do the backlogged filing in the model-ideal-nearlydoubleSHSize-wepayourstaffreallygood, Tampa Org. This is the sort of field trip every kid dreams about. And talk about preparing them for the workplace when they finish (or maybe not) school!
“MANY of these messengers are SOME of the most competent secretaries and administration personnel within the church today”
(emphasis mine, and sorry for the caps, I don’t have bold or underline option on my phone)
it always amazes me that they use this quote on promotional materials, it’s so milquetoast and mealy mouthed, and was spoken about messengers during HUBBARD’S Time, over 40 years ago! I guess it’s the best and only quote about the CMO that they can use, which is pretty sad.
Not as sad as all these poor kids being used and abused for the avarice of DM and his minions though.
The way they exploit children breaks my heart. I wish you ex-members all the best and like a former member here said, there is always hope.
Thank you Mike for this blog and for all you do.
So these school kids are actual ministers of the Cherch eh?
Didn’t Co$ swear. In Laura deC’s case that the files are religious confessionals that are only seen by actual religious ministers? That they are never handled by non ministerial staff.
I wonder what the court would have said if they had seen the pictures
I wish that her lawyers had access to these pics and statements put out officially by the Cherch then.
Maybe next time huh?
Or hopefully one day someone will actually do them for at least some of the perjuries the keep committing
A Never In, the folders in the pic are Central File folders. NOT Confessional folders. Oranges & Rocks.
But the central files would seem to be a place ripe for identity theives to get into… if I were of a more criminal nature (and a masochist) I might volunteer to help out the CF for access to people’s personal details.
Ah thanks for the clarification Mike W
Can you clarify some more for me please?
What is in the CEntral files and what is in the confessional folders?
So where are the confessional folders kept?
And how are they synched if auditing/sec checks/whatever else is in them take place in different locations?
CF files contain correspondence with the “customer” and a record of what services have been paid for and taken. “Confessional” folders are auditing folders. If one takes services in a different location the folders are sent from the last Org to the one where services are currently being done.
Thanks Mike W – this is really helping me get details straight. I really appreciate it.
So how are the folders transferred? By hand? By mail?
Do they ever get lost or not arrive in time?
All totalitarian and fundamentalist groups and/or religions use young people to do their dirty work.
Mao, Daesh (IS), the child warriors (Africa), die Rote Armee Fraktion, etc.
They are the most easily influenced and indoctrinated. These youngsters are traumatized for life.
I feel that way about the worst of the social justice crowd; so many young folk with their future’s scuppered and for what? Some shitty pamphlets and to salvage a planet that won’t see anything of their efforts.
That you can’t rescue these people until they have disaffected is stomach turning. Mike once the cracks in the mental prison are made, how devoted are the SO? The idealist in me wants to rent a bus and park up on their march to work, and give them a chance but everything I’ve read would imply they’d be either too scared or controlled to break formation and hop on.
I just can’t accept that there is nothing to do but wait!
My child was raised in/around SCN and went to the schools, etc, but never chose to be a scio. I allowed her to choose for herself. When I was a baby scio (young) I’d scoff at older Scios who’s children were “off the rails”, “they don’t become Scientologists by osmosis” I’d say -thinking that when IIIIII had a child, I’d blah blah blah….
Well circumstances dictated otherwise, and I let her choose and she never chose it. She went to an applied scholastics school etc etc.
Other people’s kids did courses, got auditing, then later joined staff, joined the SO. I adored my kid but always felt a bit of a failure, regretted circumstances that prevented me from putting her on course and really ensuring her eternity as a being.
It seemed as if others were a bit smug about their successes with their children being On Lines. The prevailing attitude is, “WELL DONE!” on having your kid onlines, on course, joining up, etc. Someone’s kid is now on the OT levels? Well!! Is’nt THAT just the biggest win ever?
and now…
I thank god. I thank my grown child. I have thanked her and thanked her and thanked her and acknowledged her over and over, and had many many long discussions about what it was all like from HER end, me being so freaking INNNNN and her, just buttoning the lip and going along but never speaking up. She knew the penalty, she knew the game. She knew the rules. She’d school her friends, her boyfriends – on the rules. What can and can’t happen. She’d follow the rules so we’d never have to disconnect.
Oh but lord, I adore her, and lean on her now a bit, she’s a beacon and a light of sanity. She was never sucked into it, and I’m so thankful. I’m so very very grateful that she has wasted not one minute of her time believing in the bullshit, following the jet trail lies.
I’m so very glad she’s lived her life as she’s seen fit. She watched me be staff and go up the bridge, she loved me, she put up with me, and she never compromised her own opinion and she protected our relationship.
I find… at this later date….
I wasn’t a failure
after all.
Beautiful story with a happy end. My mother was interested in Buddhism and had consider once told me that man is evil when she saw a picture of Hubbard, but I never disconnected from her.
Erratum: had considerations about the fact that Scientology was expensive, she thought philosophy was not a commodity for sale.
I’m so glad you didn’t and didn’t have to. It’s everything.
Hi secretfornow, I came to your post here and it touched me.The relationship that you maintained with your daughter even when in,it shows to me the true love you both have for each.Scientology can bend and bend this love into whatever shape chosen,yet with the strength you both share,the bond will never be broken.The absence of kids in my life has been difficult,but the choice I had to make then was either go to the next level or stay in this one.But after I decided to stay here for awhile longer,I had to abide by the medical reality of emergency hysterectomy,which I had to stay nine days in the Maternity Ward @ Va Beach Gen.Va Beach Va where we lived at the time.That was the only bed available.What a juxtaposition that was!
I will always look for your posts,mean alot to me.XO
Hi Ann
Thank you for your kind words.
I’m so sorry for your loss. It must have been very scary and difficult when that happened. I hope that you have family or friends about you and perhaps have been able to enjoy other’s children.
I had my daughter and it was always easily the most fun and best thing ever. We’ve really enjoyed each other and it’s a whole new level now that I’ve woken up as regards Scn. It’s just pleasure.
It’s both joyous and horrific to pull out and throw away all these years of being IN, I work to not dwell on “regrets”. But I realized that SCN stole my daughter’s sisters. It stole the possibility of sisters and brothers…. because see, one day I actually made the decision to not have any more children due to needing “to go up the bridge”.
I wanted more children but I was getting older and was starting to feel the time slipping away, felt that “it would be an overt to have more” as it would take time and resources away, and I was at the bottom of the bridge.
So I made the decision to not have any more, and cried for days.
For years I would remind myself “it had been the greatest good”.
(and to be clear, I’ve only ever been pregnant once, I would have kept any pregnancy)
To pull out and just suddenly SEE how it was all nonsense … ten million thoughts and changes and shocks and so on…
and then after awhile came the sad realization that I had allowed it to steal my children.
I’m so lucky to have my daughter.
I won’t waste time with regrets.
But someday, I’d like to safely shout the truth from the rooftops and work just as hard to bring down the evil cult, as I worked for all those years to “clear the planet”.
Thanks for being my new friend.
No you weren’t.
And, if I may, can I just thank you on behalf of your daughter.
Oh that my parents were as wise as you.
You’re very sweet to say this. Thank you. She’s so pleased for me, we’re just revelling in joy over my eye-opening. There is so much to talk about, so much to understand and agree with. Our relationship has been immeasurably enhanced.
What an uplifting story. Your daughter sounds like an incredible human being; I’m so happy for you.
Thank You! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 She is! I’m so lucky to have her in my life.
You’ve never been a failure, secretfornow. What you have been is a hero to your daughter. Congrats!
Of all the destructive aspects of Scientology I believe is the worst and yet the least understood, recognised or discussed.
A lot of adults do a lot of stupid things in all walks of life. Nationalism, Religion, fanaticism, drug addiction, etc. At the root of all these dissociative fantasies is a childhood lacking to various degrees in the love that is needed to grow up with much needed internal stress moderators. We know more now than we ever have about the significance our childhood experience plays on our behaviour as adults.
But what if the child has known nothing other than one of these fantasies being born into a cult of one form or another. Scientology is by many reports one of the hardest to recover from for even adults.
We still don’t know the depths to which this affects children born or raised in.
I am one of those and I can say that despite now being a parent myself I have yet to resolve the issues given me before I knew what up or down was once and for all.
I have learned this though.
Acceptance is paramount to recovery. As is forgiveness of oneself. And love.
In the words of Brene Brown show me a generation of children raised with complete acceptance of themselves and I will show you a new world.
Never mind “your eternity”. Children are that eternity. There is nothing more important than protecting them.
Every childhood is worth fighting for.
That includes our own.
Exactly. I live only to make sure my kids are happy. But, yah, I should take some time off and fix mine. I raised all my kids in the SO. Tally – 1 dead, 2 disconnected, 2 talking. So for this Sunday I’d just like to say FUCK YOU LRH. You are the scum of the earth. Why do I say that? Cause it’s true.
Cece, it is true.
The little one signing the Pledge, wearing his favorite super hero costume is not a child. He is not even a boy. He is a Thetan.
He has lived through billions of years. He’s lived as Black, White, Asian, Indigenous, male and female. He’s lived on Earth and on other unnamed Planets. He’s lived and died in countless ways. He’s been many things and is an expert. All he has to do is remember them, and he will rise above they average humanoid. He can do and be anything.
He is an “upstat” Thetan because he was born into a Scientology family. He did something right.
He’s flown spaceships and airplanes. He’s driven race cars and buses. He’s been a General, a knight, a soldier, a war hero and a deserter. He’s been a doctor, a medic, a midwife, and has even practiced witchcraft and magic. He’s been an artist, a musician, a writer, a scholar. He’s built tunnels and bridges and has designed weapons and clothing. He’s been the captain of a ship, a sailor, a slave and a slave master. He’s been a judge, an inquisitor, an executioner, and a martyr. He’s been a priest and a heretic. He’s been a street thug, a whore, a pimp, a career criminal. He’s raised livestock and slaughtered them in war. He’s died from plague, influenza, war wounds, childbirth, starvation, maybe even a lightning bolt. He’s made potions, used drugs and has been addicted to drugs. He has loved many men and women, and has lived celibate. He’s a past-life Sea Org member or a Clear. He’s been Implanted or hypnotized. He may have blown up a planet or two. He may be completely new to Earth. He is basically Good.
So don’t worry about the little one signing the Pledge. He’s lived through countless lives, tribulations, good times and bad. He’s a Scientologist now, and is in it for the duration of Eternity.
He is not a child. He is not even a boy. He is a Thetan.
i can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not? Are you being serious or is this parody?
Or not. See recent articles on The Underground Bunker about whether LRH really believed that. Saturday and earlier in the week
Every life time anyone has gone through, their first few years in that lifetime they were children. Every single life time.
Hennessy, where did you get this crap from? The master of deception, L. Con, of course.
This is not a single shred of evidence that we’ve live before or will live again. That aside, have you not read yet that L. Con admitted on a recording that he’d made all this bullshit up?
You mean what you said, don’t you? I don’t know whether to pity you or to feel scorn for you. You are so misguided, I think it’s compassion you’re in need of.
About six articles back, perhaps a wee bit more, on Tony Ortega’s blog, you’ll get, with the reference, exactly what Hubbard said about his “philosophy”. But you won’t read it, will you?
Eight-year-old boy to scientologist mom after he reads that the Moneywinds “Tools For Life Convention” will teach him how to “create a successful second dynamic” that’ll forward his expansion across all of his dynamics:
“Mommy, what’s a ‘second dynamic’? Isn’t that what you and daddy do in your bedroom while I pretend not to listen?”
Thank you Mr.Rinder. This IS one of the most disturbing truths of Scientology. The children. They are abused, intentionally or not, their lives are greatly affected by the stress, the rules, the lack of nurturing, the overall scene of hypocrisy. Kids are smart. THey see things far behind the vision of an adult sometimes. Tell them over and over how SCientology is helping the world and all they see are their parents building buildings or filling files. What is wrong with this scene they might wonder quietly to themselves. But all children want to please their parents. So they are caught up in a billion year scam that may take years to overcome.
It is horrendous.
Well said, outraged.
Too bad the obvious is ‘often’ so hard to see. It’s only when one is able to step back and receive communication like this does it become obvious.
When one is a part of an ongoing crime and doesn’t know it, it often passes as legitimate.
Thank you, Mike for bringing this to our attention. It’s insidious human trafficking!
Teaching children about creating a “…successful second dynamic that towards your expansion across your dynamics”.
For $1335, even!
This’ll be as bad as (worse, actually) your teen getting sex ed from other teens. Especially in light of what the cherch clearly demonstrates as expected human responses to given situations: they ain’t gotta CLUE! Look at SO’s marriage, divorce, and abortion stats!
ED: gather round, folks! This is truly important! Our next SO person, and I hope your’re ready, Has not been born yet!!! (Gasps and then thunderous applause). Little Gina will be joining us in about 3 months!!! Her parents just knew she would want to work with the best. Now, her training will comence when she’s 5. When she’s 10, she will sign her Billion Year Contract!!!!! (Massive cheering & shouting $ tears of joy). Imagine a fetus market that we never tapped!!! This opens up so many possibilities!!!
Ok, who’s turn is to donate?
I remember being a child in Scientology as though it was yesterday. Kids in Scientology are seen as dollar symbols. Nothing more nothing less. I had it a bit worse since my sister was The E/D of The Phoenix Org. She had 3 children of her own.
Every Thurs before 2 she’d call my parents begging them to buy me a course. Buy me anything. So she could get her stats up. So they would, because it was the ‘greatest good.’ I never wanted to do a single course or auditing session. But this is an actual sales tactic of LRH’S. Even if someone doesn’t want Scientology- you buy it for them anyways. So they are trapped, and have to partake in the course you bought for them.
I have told this story countless times. I’ve done the purif twice. Once at age 14. Then again at 21. Both times I did not want this purif. But the org needed money. So a purif was purchased for me, and my 7 year old nephew who twinned up with me. Between the 2 of us, that was about $6,000 in profit for the cult.
I remember as a child, the staff members being very friendly towards me. As long as my parents kept the money flowing. But as soon as my parents were broke- I was just some useless kid at the org who served no purpose.
Thank you for writing this article Mike. Children & Scientology is a subject matter that needs more exposure. Scientology should be illegal for anyone under the age of 18. It should be illegal period. Peace 🙂
How come authorities don’t intervene in these centres? The abuse described is surelly for an inquest!
For the same reason that authorities cannot intervene with some Native American Indian tribes who give harmful drugs to their children as part of religious practices…
In short, because the founders of this country believed that possible harm to a few was an acceptable price to pay for making Human Rights available to everyone.
Then how do you explain the same behaviour from authorities in countries without a constitution?
Why would I explain? I was explaining, legally, why it was set up this way here.
That’s like asking me why the US Constitution forbids corruption of blood when some other countries do not do that also, despite not having a Constitution.
Nice Straw though. LMAO
Creepy is right – disgusting organisational ethos to utilize children who haven’t a clue what they are doing for a cause that is heartless & ruthless to the core. Hitler has similar things occurring with his Hitler Youth programs.
Dollar Morgue, I admire your willingness to “do the time” in order to heal! I have great respect for your ability to trust members in the mental health field and it sounds like you are getting some good direction. It breaks my heart to hear some of the heinous stories about Scion abuse, added to the “shame” and evil they attribute to mental health workers. Scientology’s aggressive attacks on psychiatrists and psychologist must make it even more difficult to trust the counseling process!
I am a never-in, so I can not imagine how much much you and other former children have suffered. It takes tremendous courage and strength to seek assistance and be willing to work towards healing. So many people are unwilling to seek help and get “stuck” in a cycle of fear, anger and helplessness.
I have suffered major depressive disorder since I was a child (now 59). I also have a Master’s degree in counseling psychology, so I have been on both side of the fence.
I guess I want to encourage others who have suffered trauma and the attending mental health issues that it is not weak or shameful to get help with adjusting to a better life. Dollar, you set a great example by sharing your life. Of course there are bad therapists out there so others who consider treatment, do your research!!
Thank you Mike for your blog and Ann B. Watson-you are causing quite a positive stir over at the Bunker! Ann
Ann, what people usually don’t mention that they ought to, is that since the Sea Org views children as:
“old thetans in small bodies – meaning they are capable of pretty much anything an adult is able to do, only limited by their physical size and ability”
what if some demented Sea Org tried to rape one of those kids? Male or female! Sea Org members are notorious for arresting other Sea Org members of the opposite sex for holding hands on a spring day.
I wonder if these kind of tales will come up in some future book by some former church youth that escaped for that reason.
Hi Ann, I have liked your posts from the start.I felt like taking a stroll over to The Bunker,just to expand my vision & did I ever get surrounded by a gigantic wave of light & love.Still amazed by that.So now I feel the more the merrier and I am very grateful.However home port is here.Always.
Ann, thank you for your kindness. Another difficulty that I have experienced before reaching out for help is the idea that this is just the way I am and there is no help. I understand now that this way of thinking is an aspect of depression. I share because I have been helped by others who share, and hope to do the same.
I read a great comment at ESMB or the Underground Bunker once. I forget who said it, unfortunately, but it changed a lot for me. The person said, paraphrasing, that a therapist did not have to be well-versed or an expert in cults. They simply needed to be an expert in the results of cults, which are much like abusive relationships. This helped me because before that, I kept thinking I had to find an expert in cults, which are very hard to find where I live. Trauma, neglect, now that’s an entirely different matter. That sentence opened a world to me. Funny how that works sometimes.
I’m glad you’re here, sharing your compassion and hard-won knowledge to help people deal with life’s sometimes very hard knocks and, circumstances allowing (I know that sometimes they do not), see that life can be good.
Hi Dollat Mourgue, Ann is very wise.This Ann#2 wanted to thank you for your post and how you share more now.That is beautiful.XO
Hi Dollar Morgue, Edit! Ann.
“How to maintain high ethical standards when you are surrounded by out-ethics or supressive elements”. Uh, no. You’d have to learn that before Scientology in order to not succumb to that which DM has wrought. How could a high-pressure sales environment that emphasizes strict adherence to one point of view, group-think, snitching, & loyalty to the group above all ever teach anyone to develop/maintain the kind of independent thought that is necessary for one to stand by their own moral compass & principals ? It’s hard enough to do when you sign up as a mature adult.
Wish I was able to articulate this to my still in family members.
Every time I see something like this it just pisses me off. That psycho El Wrong couldn’t have POSSIBLY determined that the little girls in hot pants he had waiting on him were more competent Administrators than experience adults. He was just mentally ill and evil to the core. Creating a whole group that abuses children.
I remember being a Scientology kid like it was yesterday. The kids are pure dollar symbols in the cult. Nothing more nothing less. It’s sick. I had it worse since my sister was The E/D. She needed her stats up continuously. So she’d call my parents every Thursday before 2. “Buy Marisa this her The Purif!” I never wanted to do any of it.
That is an actual sales tactic of LRH. If someone says no to Scientology- buy it for them anyways. Now they are trapped and have to go on course. My whole childhood in Scientology was having it crammed down my throat. So the Phoenix Org could keep its $tats up. If my parents were spending money on my courses, staff was very friendly towards me. But if my parents were broke- forget it. I was just some useless kid who served no purpose. Great article Mike!
7 days of action-packed, fun-filled excitement, consisting mostly of: seminars, workshops and team drills (I think we may safely consign the “excursions and more…” to the realms of shore-stories). Oh golly. Oh gosh. Oh wow. Oh let joy be unconfined. Oh let’s face it, watching paint dry sounds more appealing—and they’ll probably be doing plenty of that after the rust-scraping marathons…
They get an afternoon break, that will bring them in.
Wait…what??? They get an afternoon break??? What a bunch of sissies…
i think i see now where the ‘Old’ comes from
Damn straight, bug!
My man, Dude.
You can call on me anytime, btw,
should you ever need a wingman.
They are way beyond disgusting
The sooner the cease to exist the better the world will be
From the bottom up:
34 students filing for free and they only thank 8? What, didn’t the others slave enough?
Note that all the fun things in the photo are likelying non-included excursions, but we will spend time recruiting you for the sea org.
After all, “a being is only as valuable as he can serve others”, as Molly says.
Poor little kid in his super-hero jammies giving away his birthday money for “mission impossible” Ideal org. Is that Kansas City?
Sad, sadder, saddest.
Likelying equals likely, somehow.
I cut off the rest of the names for size reasons
Wondered if that might be the case, thanks for info.
I winch at the Churchie 10 year old’s that raise $100,000. for the IAS.
It is a scam in an unreal World.
Only in the mind of David Miscavige.
I have not a lot of scientology childs seen .. but I had two .. but they thought that they can handle the whole planet next moment ..
It is sickening.
GAG!!! Now you’ve made me puke on the floor, Mike. These folks have created their own DizzyWorld, complete with programs to serve only their own financial purposes.
Molly Is from Canada and it looks like, from her social media sites, she is either in high school or about to graduate. She also speaks French in her posts…which makes me think (big surprise) someone else wrote her little testimonial.
I, too, wanted to be in the CMO. I dreamed of working directly for LRH because that’s what my recruiter Wendy (HCO Chief CMO CW) told me could happen on Thursday morning before 2pm. I signed up without hesitation! I was on the SO EPF at the time and headed for Flag Crew ..she was no match for the FC Recruiter (Todd Yamaguchi) of course.
My point is that I was sold a different story than what really happens/happened to me.
I was in 9th Grade when that all happened and if they told my mother I would be in school continuing, that was a big fat lie.
I was born into scientology. I spent some time in the cadet org, and more time with a foot in the real world and a mind in scientology. A psychiatrist and psychotherapist, who is kindly listening to me pro bono, told me it is the dysfunctional patterns and coping strategies I learned as a child that are at the root of my unhappiness today. Before anyone gets started about evaluation, I’d figured as much already. She also said this isn’t about blaming anybody. It’s simply a result of being in the environment I was in.
What was helpful to learn is that I don’t need to delve into and clean up the past to change this. I just need to learn the skills and healthy responses I didn’t learn in the scientology “we know what’s best for you and you are always the problem” environment. This will take work. Quite a bit more, potentially, than revisiting incidents and magicking the mess away. However, my skills and life improvement gained from practice will last my life 🙂
Mindfulness, which she recommended, has also helped enormously. I’m constantly amazed at what I’m learning about myself. And that practice is so simple. Another thing I would have avoided earlier, because it’s “attention on the body”.
I sincerely hope at least some ex-scn kids had a better time, and have not walked away feeling like they are an irreparable mess. To those, however, who might feel inexplicably unhappy – there is hope. Lots of it.
You’ve gained a lot of insight now. Thanks for your post and good luck on your journey.
I got in as a kid.When I got out 25 years later,it was tough.
My head was full of data where theta should be.Lots of information and operating systems that I had pushed through my throat and that were not mine.
Looking back it turned me into a narcissistic jerk.I am ot8 and therefore superior because look how much this cost me in time and money.
In time(this took years and years) I realized I was just an average person and all the ot`s I had known were too.Maybe more deluded and “certain” than average but at least less deluded than radical muslims.
The road out was tough.Scientology tech and admin like any tech if you want to improve are for the most part reasonably workable.So you cannot dump all your viewpoints all at once.
Now after more than a decade I find myself remarkably similar again to the way I was as a kid.
I used to be in the valence of a of “a scientologist”Very little remains of the scientology imprints.I now see Scientology as that service fac that keeps on taking. I am a lot more relaxed since I do not need to clear the planet.I also do not miss the stress that I in some way have to act like an ot when OT and clear do not exist.
The work that people like Mike RB and others are doing is getting the day we are getting our loved ones back sooner and sooner.
Hi Xenu’s Son, Thank you.A beautiful and heartfelt post.May we all shine on and may all loved ones come home.xo
Your comment was a ray of sunshine to this difficult topic of Kids in the cult. I hope you continue to be happy always.
I like you teehee.
– your presence always brightens the room.
Shucks, I’m blushing ?
Hi justmeteehee, You are sunshine.Always love all your posts.xo
well, now my day is complete, Ann B Watson
😀 I’m not happy yet (at least not always), but so much better. Thanks for your ray of sunshine!
I feel your pain as a born in too ♡♡ Stay strong!
And I yours. I wonder what it was like for you to be told by staff they weren’t “doing it for the stats” when that had been so much your experience. I remember getting a shaming face-rip for daring to suggest as much 😉
What matters to me now is to remember that life is organic. It grows and evolves and there are no set solutions. Everything we do to heal ourselves is a step toward feeling better. There isn’t a narrowly taped road to walk (I used to think I needed to find the solution or else). It’s very free.
Here’s to us ex-scn kids!
Dollar Morgue, I completely understand where you are coming from. I too was born and raised in Scn, and the Sea Org, including years at the Cadet Org. It is wonderful to see you getting the help you need. There are many who feel the same as you about being raised in the SO and Scn. Sadly some of them did not make it (I know of a handful that took their own lives or died far too soon). It is important if someone has been through this to get the help and support they need to sort through the mind control and the methods in which they were “raised” in order to integrate into the real world.
(If you are reading this and this applies to you, please reach out for help. There are plenty of exes, including myself, that are more than willing to do anything to help those who feel “lost” after leaving Scn).
As a never-in , I think that one of the worst tricks Scientology plays is demonizing the mental health professionals. Especially after convincing you that all your problems are your fault.
It must take tremendous courage to get past all the programming and seek help from the “evil psychs” to help in the journey out of Scientology. I admire everyone that is working their way through that mental minefield.
Also as a never in, I marvel at ex-members who take what must feel is an enormous risk to get therapy! They have so many hurtles before even getting to the point of considering therapy. This cult is so evil. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a high rate of suicide.
This is why I am so impressed with Dollar for reaching out and also admitting that we all need support! I would encourage anyone who experiences depression, anxiety, shame, suicidal thoughts etc. to ask for help. There is hope for a better life, though it may take a lot of work. I have no idea how deep the suffering goes with “scientology trauma”, but there are people who care and a human life has tremendous value! Again, I marvel at the strength shown by so many exes who post here.
Chris Shelton can put you in touch with Rachel Bernstein, I think it’s Rachel, but Ms Bernstein anyway, who’s a psychologist who is specialised in assisting cult victims both to get out and those already out who are wanting to unravel the minefield of mind control.
She’s gentle and kind, in the process.