A recent article by Joe Nolfi for Entertainment Weekly elicited a pretty unhinged response from scientology.
The article springboarded off Leah’s appearance on Ron Miscavige’s podcast Life After Scientology where she and Ron discussed the upcoming Season 3.
Scientology’s crazy response is a study in “never defend, always attack” mentality (see my earlier blog post for a lengthier discussion of this topic Dealing With Critics of Scientology):
When reached for comment on Remini’s Life After Scientology comments, a representative for the church told EW: “Even a cursory review of this fringe podcast shows Leah Remini to be unhinged and delusory, reflecting Remini’s growing paranoia. Remini finds new conspiracies around every corner, inventing stories out of whole cloth to incite hate crimes against members of her former religion.” The church further noted that Remini’s accusations are only “so-called controversies” that “are manufactured by a handful of anti-Scientologists seeking to exploit people’s curiosity about the religion” before pointing viewers to www.scientology.tv for more information.
Let’s just address this first part of their “response.”
“Unhinged and delusory” and “growing paranoia” aptly describes scientology, though no sane person would ascribe any of these characteristics to Leah Remini. Let’s not forget Scientology The Aftermath is not about Leah Remini. It recounts the experiences of individuals in scientology that we talk to. I guess they could claim every one of them was unhinged, delusory and paranoid, but that would make them sound foolish. Their attack line on the victims is that every one of them is a liar and tells “scripted, rehearsed, acted and dramatized work[s] of fiction.” The ONLY people on earth who believe that are the people that wrote the statement for EW. Anyone who has watched the show and seen and heard the people who have appeared in no way thinks these people are not telling the truth. You have to go to scientologyTV to find 24/7 scripted, rehearsed, acted and dramatized works of fiction. And there is no viewer of that fare who thinks otherwise.
As for finding “new conspiracies around every corner” — once again, the hallmark of scientology. They literally see conspiracies designed to destroy them everywhere. The psychs and “big pharma” are out to get them. So too the FBI and CIA. And the IRS. And the French Government. And the media. And, and, and… We have never claimed any conspiracies relating to scientology’s abuses of people, let alone “around every corner”– except perhaps that there is a conspiracy of dunces formulating their media responses.
They claim we are engaged in a conspiracy to “incite hate crimes” against scientologists. Funny, not a single “hate crime” has been documented against scientology incited by Leah Remini. Though there are plenty of hate crimes that have been documented against former scientologists that have been PAID FOR by scientology. They don’t bother “inciting”, they just buy them directly and cut out the middle man.
And finally, the “so-called controversies” are actually real abuses.
Perhaps it is true that there is a curiosity about scientology — people are truly fascinated that they can get away with these sort of abuses, hiding behind the cloak of religious protection and funded by tax-free dollars.
In fact, scientology’s response offers a window into their minds. They would do well to re-read Hubbard’s entreaty that “A criminal accuses others of what he or she is doing.”
Now, let’s look at their next statement in the article:
Remini said she feels this is normal behavior for Scientology under the church’s “Fair Game” policy, which she claimed is employed by the church to silence detractors by any means necessary (including surveillance, stalking, and public shaming). Although the Church of Scientology has repeatedly stated that the policy was consistently misinterpreted by critics and ultimately canceled in 1968…
This one is old as the hills and has been shot down every time they bring it up as a lie.
Here is the so-called “cancellation” they refer to:
Note well, the use of the TERM was canceled. But HOW SP’s are to be treated is specifically NOT changed.
This would be like Torquemada claiming he no longer tortured heretics because he pinned a note on the wall:
We will no longer label people HERETICS. It caused bad public relations.
But this does not cancel any doctrine on the treatment or handling of those who don’t believe in Roman Catholicism.
Would anyone seriously buy that this statement meant the Inquisition and torture was ended? Especially when it clearly states it is NOT?
Keep trying scientology. You truly seem to believe that by saying the same lie over and over, people will eventually believe you.
And finally, there is this:
The church maintains that it operates consistent with its religious and charitable mission, and that Remini’s allegations should be discredited because of her “extreme bias.”
This, oddly, is a partly true statement. Scientology’s “religious mission” and “scripture” include entreaties to destroy those who speak about it in a way they don’t sanction. Their religious beliefs include hiring private investigators to intimidate and harass people. To accumulate money to excess and at the expense of the well-being of those they take it from. Their charitable mission includes physically assaulting people. Forcing abortions. Human trafficking. Fraud and deceit. All these things — according to their own policies and actions (and the words of L. Ron Hubbard) ARE what scientology considers its “religious and charitable mission.”
Let’s analogize it once again to Torquemada. Would it excuse the abuses had he said “I am operating consistent with my religious mission”? Scientology wants you to believe that this is all they need to say and as long as it’s “religious” they can get away with anything they want.
As for “extreme bias” — once again, the show is not about Leah.
Again, the moniker suits scientology. An organization that deems everyone who is not a member as a “wog.” An organization that believes all other religions and non-believers are simply “stuck in an “implant”.” That anyone not in agreement with scientology is an enemy and a criminal.
Bias? No, that’s too mild. Scientology are religious haters. They want scientology heretics “destroyed utterly if possible.”
Thousands of cast and crew members worked on this movie. Punishing them all for the beliefs of just one actor is unreasonable, imho. It’s why Billionaire Boys Club was recently released, despite featuring Kevin Spacey in a supporting role. Why should everyone else suffer because of one person? (It’s a good film btw…and Spacey’s brilliant in it).
I would much prefer to see the mainstream media grow a pair with regards his scientology gag orders. It only needs one rebellious interviewer breaking rank to potentially bag the clip of a lifetime…
You appear to be of the opinion that scientology is infallible and should not be criticised. Correct me if I’m wrong. This is the position of an absolutist and we all know what Hub said about absolutes.
Do you believe that all criticism and/or mockery is an “attack.”?
Is any criticism of scientology tech acceptable, in your opinion?
Is there anything Hubbard said/claimed that you disagree with?
Is it just the denigration of scientology that annoys you or is it the denigration of any ideology, be it religious, political, etc.? Is it wrong to criticise Islam, for example? Christianity? Socialism? If not, why not? (Hubbard certainly did).
Why is it okay for scientologists to criticise/insult/malign psychiatry and psychiatrists?
According to at least two fairly recent polls in the UK, approx half of all British muslims believe gay people should be imprisoned. Is this not something a progressive, enlightened society should be allowed to criticise/condemn? Should we not be allowed to also condemn the scripture that encourages such a view?
Is it possible there is scripture that encourages socially regressive attitudes within scientology?
What I find particularly distasteful about scientologists is that they seem more concerned with defending the image of scientology than they are with the human rights of their fellow scientologists. It is this, imho, that fuels a lot of the vehemency amongst scientology’s critics and why some people react to you the way they do.
To quote Geir Isene, “…As long as there are proponents of Scientology that refuse to see its obvious faults, there will be vehement critics. If Scientologists would instead openly admit faults in Scientology, the polarization would subside and more constructive discussions on the subject may ensue. There is less polarization where there is more chill. Witness Islam vs. Buddhism.”
mwestern, we have Fundamentalist Christians in this country who vote as a block, who believe that our current president was chosen by God and Jesus to be the Republican Party candidate. Divine Intervention caused him to run, and his winning was God’s Will. Ok. Now, in London, per some survey you’ve read, half of the Muslims there believe gays should be thrown in jail. Ok. And the Church of Scientology believes that anyone who leaves and speaks out about the abuses perpetrated by the cult is a dangerous, lying evil sociopath who can and should be with impunity silenced or destroyed by any means necessary. Back in the day there were a significant number of Americans who believed that African American slavery was ordained by God. I could go on with a long list of examples of religious insanity and extremism but that’s not necessary.
Other than the fact that religious fundamentalists are for the most part board certifiable nutjobs, what is your point?
We have freedom of religion in the western world and that freedom extends to the ignorant/obstinate/angry/intoloerant fundamentalist types, the “my way or the highway” types who cannot or will not deal with change or differing viewpoints and therefore gravitate to “scripture” that reinforces their fixed ideas.
This was a reply to foolproof (https://www.mikerindersblog.org/scientology-coming-further-unhinged/#comment-226148) that seems to have posted out of sync. I’m essentially asking him it’s ever okay to criticise a religion/ideology or if his butthurt just applies to scientology? (an obvious double standard).
Wow….when you have national news stations doing reports like this, it appears that CoS is doing good things out there. How do you fight this stuff…??? Even the news reporter said it wasn’t a publicity stunt, that they were the only private agency out there helping. CoS KNOWS how to market their shit. The endless amount of money and high tech they are pouring into their propaganda is astounding….very depressing.
The fact that David Miscavige does not allow the public to attend Ideal Morgue grand openings and that he is not out in public making appearances, doing interviews and public speaking engagements to share the Scientology “good news” tells you all you need to know about Scientology. Right?
Think about it. If “clearing the planet” ? was sooooo important and time was short and Scientology was soooooo essential to “saving mankind” — Scientologists would be doing everything in their power to fill those Ideal Morgues to bursting by inviting the public to attend grand openings with one page ads in major US papers, doing spot TV ads, etc. the head of the “church” (IRS tax scam) David Miscavige would be hounding the Big three networks for air time, offering to go one on one with Dr Phil and Oprah, etc. Yet, NONE of this is happening — or has EVER happened.
For example, David Miscavige has done a grand total of ONE public interview in the last 30 years … with investigative reporter Ted Koppel on Nightline. And it went so poorly for David Miscavige (the Scientology Animatronic Robot, or “SAR”) that he has never done another one. It was clear from that interview that Scientology was targeting the bank accounts of quacks, flakes, nut jobs and suckers, and that Miscavige was nothing but a giant con artist (in a pint-sized body) who came across as a sleazy used car salesman. Here, see for yourself: https://youtu.be/exzmE3vW_Tw
If you’re a Scientologist getting your guilty pleasure entheta fix by lurking this blog and reading these comments you know everything I just wrote is the cold, hard truth. Get out, save yourself…
Wow. I just watched the whole thing. No wonder David Miscavige has never done another interview — on live TV or not. He is clearly an unhinged lunatic in a hypomanic or borderline manic overdrive … constantly licking his lips, compressed, clipped speech, pronounced sense of grandiosity, shifting uncomfortably around in his seat, clasping and gripping his hands, tugging on his jacket lapels, wagging his finger in Ted’s Koppel’s face, and as we know now from the Internet just lying, lying, lying, liquidy glazed eyeballs almost spinning in the sockets and bulging out. ?
And the conspiracies … clearly a rabid paranoid. What a whack job.
And that weird mouth of his. Like a crooked, sideways zipper twisted up towards his right ear. And that plastic hair, with so much hairspray on it looks like it’s permanently epoxied in place.
Hats off to Ted Koppel for keeping that freak in his chair on live TV for so long and continuing to draw him out further and further from beneath his dark and nasty little scientology rock … like luring a hungry snake out into the open by dangling a squealing rabbit by its hind legs in front of its snake den. I think Koppel may have won an Emmy for this broadcast.
What about it … Miscavige. We all know you’re reading this blog and all the comments. Wouldn’t you like to know who I am so you could Fair Game me. I mean, look at what I just wrote about you. You sick little FREAK.
“Hats off to Ted Koppel for keeping that freak in his chair on live TV…”
Ted Koppel won an Emmy for that show! Deserved it, eh? 🙂
Terrific, Chuck.
Of course as usual, the meaning of the text has been twisted to suit the argument (or Mike has MisUs on his OSA Hat Course). Fair Gaming is not the same as declaring someone Suppressive. What the latter (Suppressive) means is essentially that they are ostracized by other Scientologists and not allowed auditing or training, essentially nothing more nor less. If staff (or public) go beyond this remit then they are not following policy. Fair Gaming was basically a license to attack the person being Fair Gamed with all sorts of tricks etc. depending on the whims of the person doing the Fair Gaming, but and therefore which Hubbard cancelled, as above. It was too extreme. If the Suppressive then decides to attack and malign the Church then the Church has its right to defend itself and will undoubtedly attack back, per its own policies. If the Suppressive doesn’t attack or malign the Church publicly then nothing else happens – he or she is left well alone to stew in their own juices. So to juxtapose the Inquisition in to this equation is conflating the issue, as usual. No one is attacked because they don’t believe or wish to practice Scientology anymore. Fair Gaming was as Hubbard said, not a happy matter so he cancelled it. Fair Gaming was an outflow as such (over and admittedly) well above just declaring the person Suppressive. Declaring someone Suppressive involves no further outflow to that person, or should do, but providing he or she does not then attack the Church.
As to the people commenting that Scientology somehow doesn’t have the right to defend itself (by attacking those who are attacking it), well, the next time a burglar breaks into your house or someone attacks your wife on the street, by all means follow your own policy on this and see how far it gets you. If you leave Scientology alone it will leave you alone.
This response is almost verbatim taken from the scientology website.
You equate those who speak abuses at the hands of Scientology to burglars and say they should be attacked (in the not canceled words of L. Ron Hubbard)— destroyed utterly if possible, cost them their jobs, threaten what is important to them etc etc
You reveal your true self once again as a mindless, heartless product of Scientology indoctrination while claiming to be free.
I was like you once. It makes me sad to know that even though you have the opportunity to think for yourself you cannot do so.
As for equating, you are the one here who, by your clever wording, equate labeling a person SP with the torture meted out by the Inquisition. I would think the victims of the Inquisition would have been quite happy with just that! As to decrying the abuses of Scientology, most of the articles and the majority of the comments associated are insults towards Scientologists and attempts to make the technology look ridiculous and to attempt to persuade Scientologists to no longer be Scientologists. If you solely concentrated on tackling those things that you perceive need changing instead of expanding your remit to insults and pathetic attempts to denigrate the technology like your daft “Ron’s Ramblings” articles, “Hubbard was Lucifer” and Terra’s even worse nonsense that emanates here, and giving a platform for the rabid vitriol from people who want to, for whatever reason they have, wipe Scientology off the face of the planet, you might actually get something changed.
And to juxtapose Fair Gaming which was about the level of throwing maggots through someone’s letterbox or walking up to John McMaster’s home in silly costumes, to the vicious torture perpetrated by the Catholic church centuries ago, is completely exaggerated.
And if all these abuses that you see were changed, do you really think that the goodly majority of people commenting here would stop at that? In the famous words – they have other fish to fry.
Foolproof, please extract your cranium from your derriere.
I did do, a long time ago now. You?
Yes, after I left the Hubbard school of thought stopping.
“If you leave scientology alone it will leave you alone”.
Foolproof: For OVER 30 YEARS I left scientology alone. I went out of my way to avoid them, not say their name, not tell anyone I knew about them, etc.
Did they leave me alone? No.
They hunted me down.
They mailed me letters even when I wrote on the “return to stalker”. My mailman carried a pen with him so I could write it on them and give them back to him.
They called me HUNDREDS of times over a six month period even though I said “leave me the fuck alone”.
The only thing that stopped the letters and the calls was to tell someone that I read Tony Ortega and Mike Rinder’s blogs along with others and that every time they called or wrote mr I would make a donation to one of those blogs.
I have a skybell at my door and other motion activated cameras around my house because I still do not believe that they have left me alone totally.
Once scientology gets its tentacles into you, it takes a Court order for them to pretend to leave you alone.
If you do not believe this, you are totally deluded.
Try and stay on theme here please. Your comment has nothing to do with Fair Gaming.
Valerie, I’m afraid that Foolproof’s head is so deeply embedded up his butt that to remove it will require major surgery in the form of a sub-anal rectumectomy.
FOOL sez:
“What… (Suppressive) means is essentially that they are ostracized by other Scientologists and not allowed auditing or training, essentially nothing more nor less.”
If this is true, WHERE DO I SIGN UP?????? Who do I let know that I am an UBER-SUPPRESSIVE and want nothing more to do with the cult? In fact, I am so suppressive that even the presence of my name in ‘central files’ will surely ‘enturbulate’ and eliminate ‘case gain’ from anyone who ventures near my files. It would probably be even more dangerous for the ‘tech’ and ‘ethics’ folks who have to actually handle my ‘confessional folders’ where the pure evil of my mind is so accurately revealed as extracted by the faultless e-meter. Those folks are in danger of losing lifetimes of ‘case gain’ and ‘wins’ by being in the very proximity of such insidious suppression. All of my files should be burned immediately to protect staffs and publics alike. For some reason this level of suppression doesn’t seem to affect ordinary thin skinned ‘wogs’ so maybe the folders can just be handed off to the nearest garbage collector and be contributed to the local Ideal Landfill.
(As I am now called “buster” by Ms. Chief Lab Rat)
Dear Busterette, yes, I knew this all along! Surprised it took you so long to realize! Would you like to write a Success Story on your cognition?
Jon Atack writes in “The cancellation of Fair Game”::
In Wollersheim v. Church of Scientology of California (the “mother church” of the Churches of Scientology at the time the suit was filed), the California Appeal Court ruled, in a decision upheld by the US Supreme Court: “Wollersheim was compelled to abandon his wife and his family through the policy of disconnect. When his mental illness reached such a level he actively planned his suicide, he was forbidden to seek professional help. Finally, when Wollersheim was able to leave the Church, it subjected him to financial ruin through its policy of ‘fair game’.” (JCA-147, pp.A-7, 15 & 16). At appeal, Scientology asserted that “fair game” was a “core practice of Scientology”, and therefore protected as “religious expression”. This position was also made on behalf of Scientology in the case against Gerald Armstrong, in 1984, by religious expert Dr. Frank Flinn (JCA-45).
JCA-45. Frank K. Flinn testimony in Church of Scientology of California, 1984, vol.23, pp.4032-4160.
JCA-147. Wollersheim v. Church of Scientology of California, Court of Appeal of the State of California, civ.no.B023193, 18 July 1989 (upheld by the U,S. Supreme Court, 7 March 1994).
Foolproof, you cannot be serious. Either you know nothing and are talking through your ass, or you know damn well Fair Game actions go on regularly to this day, and are just another asshat trying to cover it up and pretend it doesn’t exist. Take your choice
So if someone “Fair Games” you then, by say, smacking you in the mouth on the street, what are you going to do? Take your choice.
OT TR 0 isn’t the death in tha cult thanks to ex-scienos.
REMINDER… The newest Tom Cruise movie, “Midlife Crisis: Fallout”, is coming out on July 27.
Please, everyone, go out to the cinema that night, and see and support ANYTHING BUT Tom Cruise.
He is the face of scientology, and he must own it. Boycott him and his criminal organization.
Oh, and Cruise, I WILL go see your little ego strokes of Hollywood fluff on one condition:
Just abandon that criminal thug and your personal leech Miscavige, and then call a press conference to announce you are leaving scientology.
Tom Cruise, I wrote the press release for you, and it is a gift from me to you:
“While I have gained some benefits from the practices of scientology, my conscience can not allow me to remain a member of an organization that has a proven track record of human rights abuses. I beg forgiveness from anyone that was influenced by me to become a member of scientology, and for anyone that was hurt by my membership.”
If you spoke these words, or something similar, I will be the first in line to see your next film. Until then, I will boycott your projects. Oh, and I speak for a LEGION of anonymous people.
Wake the fuck up!
(Anybody that wants to copy and paste to wherever you see fit, please do.)
Oh they need to stop I can hear lots of things some I believe and some I find are not true then some are plain common sense,I don’t need to see ghosts but you bet I believe in them but some don’t and I chuckle when I hear them stories wen ppl say oh it’s b.s then they wind up seeing what they can do so I don’t say there not real plus the Bible talks about them good enough for me & I’ve watched Leah & the show & the ppl tell there side yet Sci really won’t speak on camera just another same,same kind of letter Blaming so much other than anything they did blaming the other person is a Problem to those who do that and add there being so secret so maybe ppl wanted to hear about what they do I mean who wouldn’t like to hear about any “religion” I know my mom back in the day went to a few churches for Xamt of time to see what they were about & if she liked what,how they taught until she found what she felt was a fit for her and been with her choice so I’m sure there’s ppl out there who might like what they see w Scientology or wanna learn anyway so why blame anyone for saying how they feel when your an adult 21 y.o it’s upto No one to decide what’s best for them & about any church wouldn’t mind having a conversation if they thought wrong facts were being made but they would wanna come forward to tell there side that is unless they had ? to hide or had no answer & imo that would make Me wonder what was going on so if Scientology feels to blame ppl than hide behind a written paper so be it yet it seems like bad PR work but what do I know…
Hi Mike hope your having a great weekend…..
Not one person reading these statements issued by the church of scientology will ever be persuaded by them.
Sorry Davey Miscavige, the cat is out of the bag and there is nothing you can do to go back to those golden days without the internet and social media. Your ecclesiastical ass is grass, little man.
As $camology sinks into the mire of its own creation the laager mentality gets stronger and the voices of paranoia grow ever more strident. Creatures caught in a tar pit.
Well considering all the stale bullsh** that the @TarynTeutsch twitter account insists on retweeting ad nauseum I’d say Fair Game is alive and in full force. But it’s all good, at this point there are so many of us defending Mike, Leah, and anyone else who comes under fire from the Cult of Inconsistency they are making themselves look like asshats.
It is because of their malicious Fair Game that decided me in the creation of the @ultioetveritas site to counter the crap in the first place. They don’t seem to understand “Cause and Effect” very well.
I just want to take a moment to thank you Mike for keeping up the blog and not relenting in exposing the church of Scientology for what it actually is.
It takes a lot of effort to create content each and every day and I hope that you continue to do so and not lose sight of the fact that you are providing meaningful assistance constantly to people who need your extended hand to pull themselves out of the mindfuck quicksand in which a Scientologist finds themselves when making the courageous and difficult decision to distance themselves from this cult.
You rock dude.
Kinda funny that the big bad super human pope of scientology is scared of 100 lb. (ish) Leah. Well, he should be, but that’s beside the point. Not quite the macho persona he tries to portray.
I’d put my money on Leah every time.
I’m with you dwarmed 🙂
Me too. Don’t mess with Brooklyn!
“We cannot tolerate bitter ex-members attacking our religion by promoting hate in the media. Let’s not repeat what happened in Nazi Germany. We need to put an end to all these abuses.”
Yo Dave,
And for the frickin record Deustchbag, we cannot tolerate an abusive cult that masquerades as a religion while conducting itself like Nazi Germany. I am an ex member dedicated to stopping Your abuses of people in general …….. and they are many!
Newcomer, right on!…you have a lot of company in your dedication to stopping that bouffanted, lifter shoe cry baby! LRH never wrote a policy on how you dig Scientology out of a death spiral caused by a midget psychopath. So, now we will see what happens when psychopath leader takes over a psychopathic liar’s cult with no instructions but to attack the attacker. Does it end like Hitler’s Berlin bunker with the Russians and the Americans rushing to see who could get to him first? My bet is the Americans will get him first for inurement and then rescind all or some entities tax status (like RTC, CST or IAS, etc…)
So much one could say about this….
C of S/Miscavige statements to the media have been a complete joke for years.
These statements are cooked up, sweated over, massaged and worked over first by OSA PR, then OSA execs, then finally are submitted for approval to Miscavige who may dick around with it further before finally releasing it in Karin Pouw’s name (who had little if anything to do with it other than forwarding the work of some hack like Lynn Farney).
But they all boil down to the same tired, hackneyed cliches that have become their last refuge – a small number of bitter ex-members acting in hatred, or for money, or both, making up stories out of whole cloth, to create hatred and intolerance against poor, innocent, little old well meaning Church of Scientology, who is only acting out of religous committment with love and kindness to save the world. Mike or me or any number of people following this blog could literally write these press statements ourselves for them.
This set-in-stone dogmatic prattling formula makes it very easy for all concerned at OSA, in the Church, to conveniently not think about or look at reality.
Reality: for every ex-member who appears in, or speaks to the media, there are hundreds or thousands who experience similar things and feel the same way. There are more such ex-members than there are active members in the C of S. By dealing with this in their formulaic manner, C of S staff/members can then ignore their own responsibility in creating such opposition. If they would instead look at what they do to create this mess, maybe they could have at some point in the past found a way out their “dwindling spiral.” But far too late for that. They have painted themselves into “don’t look, just attack blindly” corner they will never get out of. And that corner is getting smaller by the week.
At least the in the 60’s through the early 90’s they had somewhat legitimate boogeymen to spar with: FBI, IRS, various governments around the world, anti-cult groups doing forceable deprogrammings.
Now they are down to attacking their former friends and associates, who they alienated themselves with their stupid, avaricious, arrogant, above-the-law, callous disregard for the for the well-being, dignity or rights of their own members, let alone non-Scientologists.
They are reaping what they have sown. And they can’t deal with it, so hide behind their vitriol.
So stupid, so mindless, so sad.
It would be great if THOUSANDS of ex-members could sign a public open letter to Miscavige, OSA and the C of S. It would show this is no handful of ex-members, and that many of the Church’s former best and birghtest and most dedicated are on the roll call. Church would have a hard time dealing with that with one of their stupid, rote “Karin Pouw” statements.
What are they going to do then? Hate websites for thousands of former members? Don’t think so.
Logistics and expense would probably preclude this one, but how about filling a football field with ex-staff and ex-members showing support for Aftermath.
They try to marginalize the exes and make them appear small. How about going big and making them appear small.
Excellent comment SSA.
Every line is a great statement of fact.
It is an interesting, and valid observation that scientology had real enemies back in the 60’s. Today, those former enemies (the IRS, FBI etc) are in fact a buffer that protects scientology under the cloak of the First Amendment. But they HAVE to have enemies.
The Psychs are still around, but they pretty much pay no attention to scientology so they’re sort of lame as enemies. So they take the only thing they can get — former members who decry their abuses. Pathetic.
Excellent comment SSA and Mike. And as LRH said, (paraphrasing here) “you have to have an enemy outside to fight. And if you can’t win in the fight against the enemy, you turn inwards and tear up your own people internally and the goal then becomes to get each other and the leader.” He aiso said that the leader had better led, or the goal becomes getting the leader. So Scn is going after the only people it can finger as a true enemy now (at least in their eyes we are a true enemy): they now go after the bitter defrocked apostates on the internet. After all, they have to have an enemy. Otherwise meabe the sheeple will look around and see that all is not well in Oz.
SSA: the thousands of letters are being sent from right here, right now.
Cry as they might, they aren’t going to silence us except momentarily as they play wack-a-mole with the blogs and tweets and other HONEST testimonies of folks who know speaking out against scn’s abuses.
“Now they are down to attacking their former friends and associates, who they alienated themselves with their stupid, avaricious, arrogant, above-the-law, callous disregard for the for the well-being, dignity or rights of their own members, let alone non-Scientologists.”
Best. Sentence. Ever.
Of course government an all don’t attack Miscavige’s Scientology because they already took it over. And this why Scientology attacks former member, to make sure Scientology and Scientologist dissapear for ever or is a poor joke with the face of this little Goebbels.
And the earth is flat and robots are stealing my luggage.
Love it!
Fritz, you are supposed to WEAR tinfoil on your head; NOT eat it.
I wrote in my current novel: “And if the Eternals (Scientologists) want the Bureau to stop treating them as criminals, then they should stop behaving as criminals.”
Is this a published novel Otherles?
No. Not yet.
“Unhinged and delusory” That describes the current state of the CO$, So Karin Pouw still lives? It sounds more like a Dave Miscavige tirade. And it is not very tirady. Did they actually think that they have any credibility with anyone?
I love it when the $cieno PR squad goes to work, footbullets abound. This is a great way to promo Season 3, now about Season 4……
As the world turns so does the heat on the soon to be boiling frogs of scn. The worn-out lies are fooling no one. The policies are showing the same wear of their threadbare polyester uniforms. Activism will win the day, if not in court, then in these the eyes of the public who can tell a true victim from one with forced tears.
It’s really quite remarkable how ppl still in the CoS as well as many who’ve left (based on what I’ve witnessed) have the insatiable need for enemies and “opposition terminals” as part of their approach to life; their “stable data”. The concept of live and let live is not even on their radar, apparently. Whomever disagrees with the CoS is at best, an opposition terminal. “Op Terms” and “Goals problem masses” GPMs are supposedly handled relatively early on the “bridge to total freedom” and yet holding on to those things is part and parcel of CoS “scripture” as in Fair Game and “shattering suppression” as well as pretty much anything GO/DSA is involved with. So much for “spirituality”. Just more hypocricy and un-workability from the cult of cults.
It becomes ridiculous and laughable after a while. It’s like the pre recorded message for your voice mail. The public is listening and we’re behind you, Leah, Ron, Mr. And Mrs. Augistine, and all the rest. And they know it.
That whole statement read like something out of the Rodong Shimbun, North Korea’s Korean People’s Army. I’m half surprised they didn’t call you and Leah madcap running dog imperialist air pirates that will be resoutely crushed by the invincible might of the Sea Org under the divine leadership of slappy.
It read like that to me anyway.
Mike, Really good analysis of the church’s boiler plate nameless, faceless rebuttal.
It’s such a statement of what those of us who want to expose Scientology abuses and crimes deal with.
Picture contacting a rudimentary AI program set up to defend Microsoft software issues.
When a journalist calls to do a story on this he or she is connected to the AI program which gives it preprogrammed answer.
To anyone other than a scientologist their representative sounds like Putin or a reprentative from North Korea.
These kinds of responses are good news. Finally the true nature of this psychotic cult is on display for the world at large.
I’m reminded by your comment of the post about the leaders of the cherch hiding. (https://www.mikerindersblog.org/hiding/).
There is no face, just statements. It’s like an attack dog that only comes out and bites when no one is looking.
I’m constantly amazed by the fact that where everyone else speaks for themselves or has a stable PR rep or face of their organisation, scientology, the self proclaimed ‘most ethical people on earth’ and ‘taking responsibilities for orders of magnitude’ peeps just hide.
Clearly the buck doesn’t stop with them, because Leah is such a huge, being they just lie, claim they are a victim and hide. And bitch and then hide.
Reminds me of cockroaches and light. Although to be fair to the roaches they don’t participate in human trafficking, forced abortions, fraudulent fundraising and Kangaroo Arbitration.
If the Scientology crime syndicate was a white as driven snow they wouldn’t even bother with The Aftermath since they would be too busy servicing their public, and their “stratospheric expansion” would speak for itself. The general public knows the truth and it’s only going to become a wider known truth. Buckle up buttercup.
Perhaps we can call on our resident OSA Troll, FOOLproof, to word clear this Fair Game “cancellation”. Since he feigns distain for Miscavige and the cancellation of M7 word clearing, I would suggest he fully embrace Hubbard and let us know what the ‘Founder’ and ‘Source’ of this “cancellation” REALLY means by penning this policy. M7 style is just fine with me. There are no white coated lab rat herders involved here so no need to avoid answering this. Start.
Dear Mrs. Lab Rat – the word is “disdain”, not “distain”. Please report to Qual for word clearing…
“OSA Troll”? If Dave had me as head of OSA you lot would have faded into history by now – haha! The article is somewhat true I will admit as the OSA dudes (and gals – see Stepford wives, I am not sexist) take things far too seriously and should relax a bit, well, quite a lot actually. Best Church PR spokesperson I ever knew was a dark haired chubby dude from Munich (OSA?) who appeared on Austrian TV a few years back when I was in Europe – very cool and relaxed and didn’t rant at all. Totally handled the assertions levied against the Church quite superbly. Dave should make him head of OSA. You probably know him Mike?
Kurt Weiland. I made him the head of OSA.
Wow ………… she surfaces.
Thanks Dave
I’d bet Foolproof’s a man, and British.
Fool: That clearly was a reply to get an easy stat… +1 for posting, and at least +1 for folks you’ve icited to slap you, albeit lightly in my case.
As a troll, I’d rate your performance as a 5, at best. You obviously aren’t reading for comprehension, but only to look for trivial side-items to attack.
Your effectiveness in *shattering suppression*: zero or worse. You’re too obvious.
That’s MS. Lab Rat to you buster…
I know that Dave doesn’t have you posted as the head of OSA, but I think it is a bit impolite to invalidate your seniors by boasting that you could do the job that they have been so incompetent at.
I saw your somewhat plagiarized response to my question in a later post. Maybe you could channel Kurt Weiland and in a cool and relaxed way do some REAL M-7 word clearing here on HCOPL 21 Oct 68 and tell is what the Founder really meant. In your own words, for us foreign ‘students’ who can’t seem to grasp the meaning of wog words defined by wog academics in wog dictionaries. You can refer to the ‘tech dictionary’ too if necessary. (I don’t have mine anymore, I unloaded everything on some pathetic indie still grasping at the nebulous promises of KSW).
I’ve seen plenty of ‘SPs’ attempt to walk away and have nothing more to do with the cult and yet they have been victims of ‘Fair Game’. ‘Fair Game’ is alive and well and in full use whether someone has just left the cult in and been declared or whether they have attacked the cult by exercising their 1st Amendment (US citizens) rights of free speech to voice an honest opinion about the cult and it’s practices. If there is libel or slander involved, that can be handled by legal means but I don’t see the cult taking Lawrence Wright to court for his book ‘Going Clear’. Come on OSA, grow a pair.
The Manson Family can change their name to the Brady Bunch, but they are still the Manson Family.
The CoS response looks like something Logicproof (aka Foolproof) writes in response to questions put to him by Mike…
Yes. See the latest explaining the criminality of the DC 11.
Wow, that is sad. And, potentially dangerous to have someone running around loose who rejects reality to that degree…
DC 11??? Are you sure Mike? I’m pretty sure that any DCs in scientology are DC-8s. I’m pretty sure that I’m recalling that correctly even though I’m not clear or OT with perfect recall.
I’ll tell you what though, maybe it doesn’t even matter. I was on a recent road trip through Canada’s Yukon Territory and stopped off at the airport in Whitehorse. They had what they claimed to be the world’s largest weathervane in the form of a DC-3. That was close enough for me. It enturbulated the shit out of me and in addition to a series of flashbacks of ice cubes and volcanos, I came down with a very nasty case of the sniffles.
If I had a gen-u-ine Mark Super VIII Easy Bake E-Meter, I could have hooked myself up to it and surely seen the needle reacting wildly as I recalled being in the proximity of such a restimulative object. That would make it real for sure!!!!! It made me wonder how anyone even remotely involved with these dastardly whole track objects of enslavement could possibly not get the sniffles like I did. You know, the engineers, assembly line workers, office personnel, test pilots, passengers, stewardesses, marketers, etc. Maybe Psychs and Big Pharma were behind all of this so they could drug the public who desperately needed to subdue the sniffles.
I took a photo of the DC-3 but I’m not going to share it here cuz I don’t want everyone to have the very same sniffles that I had.
Sorry for the off topic blather, but I felt a compulsive need to share this foolproof example of whole track implants affecting not only me but the entire citizenry of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. Those poor people. I recommend everyone avoid this part of the planet. It is only populated with some wacky wogs throwing curling stones down sheets of ice and swilling beer. Most of them have the sniffles too.
“Always attack, never defend!” This sounds like the basis of any fascist or totalitarian state, thus, behold Scientology!
“We cannot tolerate bitter ex-members attacking our religion by promoting hate in the media. Let’s not repeat what happened in Nazi Germany. We need to put an end to all these abuses.”
R.S. & E.P.
Concerned Scientologists Standing Tall
Donations gladly accepted
Like us on Facebook!
“Lets not repeat what happened in Nazi Germany.”
Great, stop acting like Nazis. Problem solved.
It takes courage to confront and shatter suppression ay? You guys are doing that. ??
This sure answers that question, “what is Scientology?”
Hubbard said it himself in a taped lecture: “The overt doth speaks loudly in accusation.” It’s long been the case that the COS is simply mirroring its own crimes. Their hysterical tirades aren’t even worth refuting.
Hubbard the Unoriginal casually rips off the Bard’s words, oft misquoted by placing ‘methinks’ first:
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
Ok! This is something I had been waiting to comment on. I really believe that the more exposed this fair game, or whatever name they want to call it, it’s still the same thing, will be what those of us never-ins can identify with. Fair gaming occurs, as unethical as it is, in the work place, in schools when students decide they don’t like someone, very clearly in the political field, in relationship break ups, etc. It is ubiquitous, (not sure that’s the correct word but I’m stuck with it now). However…the extent to which scientology takes this is scary as heck. It’s a mob mentality. In the non-scientology real world, yes, it does harm people, and, with the exception of the political field, isn’t so blatantly visible. It’s shameful no matter where it’s practiced.
It’s horrible that this is actually a “policy” sanctioned by scientology. It’s criminal and I hope they get nailed for it. DM is at the top of this pyramid of hate. I applaud Leah for giving the victims of this policy a voice.
Exactly my words Mike; as I was reading Scientology’s response I was thinking the text describes Miscavige exactly: unhinged, paranoia, crimes, lies, abuses…
He was thinking of himself when this was written.
Hey Dave, The lie isn’t big enough! You have to tell bigger lies! And more often!
Did you know that in the Hindu philosophy where LRH stole and reversed much of his “technology,” telling the truth 100% of the time is considered a virtue that eventually grants one access to the divine power of manifestation?
Sadly, lying has the same effect. What manifests in that case, however is entirely your responsibility.
Since 99%+ of the world’s humans who even know that scientology exists have a negative view of their behavior it follows that it is they who are seen as the ones who are unhinged and delusal.
What they are ‘preaching’ may be true for them, but they cannot then claim that is ‘reality’ when the vast majority of the human specie disagrees with them. ergo; they’s be deluded.
In the 1960’s when the tech was over 80% of scientology and policy was written on a cope basis, scientology was growing. Now that it is 90% policy and damn little workable tech it is shrinking. Only the delusional’s would argue otherwise.
The SPs are screaming and noisily going after Leah and you, A&E and book writers, etc. ; well I guess Leah is doing it right. In their minds, why use ARC (affinity, reality, and communication) when it is much easier to make more enemies.
Its always deny, deny, deny. Same shit, different day.
I want to see the demise of scientology with every fibre of my being! I hope Mike and Leah, and everyone else that’s doing so much never stop till it’s brought down.
“I want to see the demise of scientology with every fibre of my being! ”
Me too, Ann
I’m in…
Thank you Mike! Well said.
I am sick and tired of the Church of Scientology hiding behind its “Religion” status and abusing the good-faith intent of The First Amendment.
Thank you Leah and Mike for doing something about it. It appears our gov’t officials have been neutered.
Hi – Ex Staffer here – Hiding Under the Radar
I am watching your show Mike and Leah – thank you.
OMG – it is traumatizing to find out we were part of this evil organization that calls itself a “church” and gets all of the benefits of a church…tax exemption, no criminal charges for their crimes, steals money from parishioners …using deceit, lies and manipulation. Scientology is nothing but FRAUD!
I second the motion Mary Kahn.
Thank you.
By the way – I watched your interviews with Aaron and others and i really appreciate all you do to expose how Scientology hurts families.
You are amazing and I would like to give you a big hug.
Welcome, HUTR! You’ve found a good place to hang out while you heal.
Yes. Welcome HUTR and thank you
Mike, Thank you for your astute piece. Reading The Cult of Scientology’s Attack Rants against Leah, you & all of us, well it feels so stale. I mean since before 1950 Ron was mulling over a religion as a way to make loads of cash and I would think he also wanted a way to protect his loot. I call out Scientology to finally give it up & state what I & so many others have felt for years. Scientology does not and has Never treated members as actual persons who have given their all at one time for a system that I believed years ago was true. The operation has always been Attack Attack Never Defend Attack & what Scientology cannot see is their cloak of religious freedom is a complete Hoax! A cult of personality extending down into their swamp of Lies now directed by dm. You know, whoever takes over after that piece of work will follow the same path of destruction and pain. That is all The Cult of Scientology knows, Command- Control- Obey and with policies designed to obscure the true nature of the beast,Scientology lumbers on. Yet the winds are shifting, the tide is turning and the pull of Truth will one day break open the entire mess that is Scientology 2018. With great admiration & love always.????
Perhaps they can prove their point .. by coming to the aid of all of the parents that lost contact with their children.. because they are so GOOD and helpful.
Substitute Jehovah’s Witnesses and it’s pretty much the same thing.
But at least the JWs don’t have a fair gaime policy.
That is correct. However, they do practice ‘shunning’.
Great film about a little JW boy abducted by a convict on the lam; “A Perfect World”. Clint Eastwood directed and has a role, Kevin Costner stars, but everyone in the film is superb. Chilling and very moving, a great script, very real in every way, giving an unbiased glimpse into the JW cult via this little boy.
Scientology exploits people’s curiosity about Scientology, and Scientology fails themselves to answer the hard questions.
Scientology is hampered by Hubbard’s rules, namely they are unable to even utter the key taboo words, which I urge all outsiders to bring up the taboo words, and break down the information control that Hubbard has enforced on the unwitting most dedicated staff of Scientology to perpetuate.
Namely: Xenu and the “body-thetans” problem for which official Scientology today has OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 levels, which most Scientologists never attain, and which are the confidential carrot the movement lower staff and followers are stuck being complicit promisers of Hubbard’s spiritual goodies which even the staff and most followers don’t know what they are promising!
The followers and staff don’t even know Hubbard died after failing to exorcise Hubbard’s own final “body-thetans” bugging Hubbard in the end of his life, and for that Hubbard had the special Emeter devised to electrify the final “body-thetans” which were bugging Hubbard, and that that special Emeter failed.
The public would be curious to have Scientology admit to the facts in final pages of “Going Clear….” book.
Scientology just is incapable of defining themselves.
They are a quack “technology” pseudo-therapeutic-“Xenu’s ‘body-thetan”-exorcism totalitarian outfit selling snipe hunting, and some of the members get placebo gains.
Hubbard died in misery with Xenu’s “body-thetans” still bugging himself, foiled by his own crank quackpot solutions.
Is it just me or is the PR of the cherch getting more wooden and dumber as it keeps imploding?
You can never have to much stupid.
It’s not you.
Scientology objects to time,place form and event like a car thief objects to lit parking lots.
Hubbard’s institutionalized rules prevent the followers from even being able to say the taboo words,
publicly, and they aren’t allowed to define those words publicly.
So the meaning and significance of OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 they can’t publicly make that easy to understand.
Scientology’s a pseudo-therapy outfit.
Scientology’s an exorcism of Xenu’s “body-thetans” outfit.
I tell people who ask me what Scientology is, I say it is a quack crank outfit playing the religion charade so that they can do their pseudo-therapy (this lifetime warm up pseudo-therapy), then they do past lives trauma pseudo-therapy and get the followers into pastlife supposed space civilization traumas, and THEN for the big leap to the long ago trauma incident of Xenu causing earth the “body-thetan” problem.
“Body-thetans” being just the massive load of surplus souls on earth today, for which the Scientology exorcism levels, OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are needed to rid a person of their loads of “body-thetans.”
And I say Hubbard failed at his own medicine, he died with some “body-thetans” still bugging him, and the final Chapter of “Going Clear….” book is really about the most important final summarizing of the Scientology boss’s final moments of life.
That THAT is what Scientology has tell the public, but they can’t, and Hubbard’s rules prevent them from telling what outsiders have to find out and put in their books, which is where the public will finally get proper answering of what Scientology is.
Terrific comment Chuck. Thank you.