Our old friend, photographer extraordinaire Andy Porter sent me this piece of sarcastic humor. As we see so often, when poking fun at scientology, it is sometimes difficult to separate fact from farce. Hope this will lighten your Monday.
Scientology Customer Service
Here are three words you don’t often see used together. Sort of like Napalm Skin Cream. They just don’t fit!
I worked for Scientology for almost 20 years and I can tell you that transitioning from the church brand of “customer service” to the outside world was quite challenging. In the church anyone complaining was sent to ethics, an investigation done to see what crimes they had committed, or which evil person had poisoned their minds…but out here you have to (at least pretend to) listen to their concerns…what a pain in the ass that is!
And then it hit me: The perfect dissemination plan for Scientology, a sure fire strategy that will propel the church into new realms hither to unknown, much less envisioned, as the expanding universe of possibilities opens its arms for the only technology that can help man…
Scientology Customer Service Classes
I know what you’re thinking: WTF? The church has NO customer service, they just abuse people!
And that, my friends is the point! Despite treating people with the most arrogant and uncaring service, despite nakedly manipulating one and all for their loot, their lives and their children…the people stay and accept it, and keep giving. Many corporations which would sell their own children’s souls to be able to fleece people with such aplomb.
The New Golden Age of Tech Customer Service Course will be a HUGE smash hit!
There are many companies, right now, who I am sure would rush to get their management signed up today if the class was offered.
In fact it may be that several have already started…
I am amazed at the level of rancor and ARCX demonstrated here. Now I do not for an instant doubt that many of you have been fucked over royally by the church. You have every right to be upset. There are unspeakable crimes that have been committed by persons in the church. What is hard to understand is why some of you are more upset about it than I am. I guess the ones more upset were fucked over more than I was. I was within minutes or hours of grabbing onto the 380 volt buss bars that supply electricity for the Freewinds. I had seen no member of my family in 7 years and was not going to be allowed to go to my parents 50 wedding anniversary.
I was accused of a High Crime in a Comm Ev, pleaded not guilty and the committee lied and said that I had pleaded guilty. I was denied medical care when it was found that I had gotten AIDS from a blood transfusion in Curacao. My wife was told that I was going to die by the Captain and ordered to end cycle on me. She was held against her will for 6 months until I was almost dead. Then the ship advised her to put me in a hospice to die. At no time did they order or advise me to go to an HIV doctor. Then they stole the money my wife borrowed for my Solo to OTIII package and used it for basics books. At FSO I once originated to the examiner that I wanted to kill myself to which the Examiner replied “Thank you, your needle is floating”. What I think some of you need to do is have an auditor locate and indicate the exact bypassed charge. Oh shit, I just gave out verbal tech; did not even quote the HCOB; I could get declared for that. Oh yeah , I was declared for earlier writing the above. Of all of the above, the worst was that they held my wife against her will while they waited for me to die. Now you know why I am Dead men tell no tales.
Maybe this is how it is now. And it is not scientology, it’s Miscavology. And actually government, doctors, lawyers are trained to make you wrong if you are dissatisfied, it’s not a church speciality, it’s even totally contrary to policies. Ok, it’s true that Miscavige do things which are contrary to policies.
Now in the nineties, I was a customer of Flag. I had a shit handling with a stupid MAA. I was out list like dead, completely pissed, didn’t want to ever hear of Flag, thinking and telling they are squirrels and SPs !
I was not declared suppressive. They sent an auditor (in Europe) who took me in session and assess a CS 53 to handle my BPC. This being done he proposed me to go to Flag to handle the rest of the charge. I have had an intensive there, but he said that the first sessions would be at Flag expenses.
I was affraid to have another shit handling, He sweared to God that it will not occured.
I went. I was having very short sessions handling one charge at a time (with Not’s). I felt better and better after each session. But I still had the charge with the MAA. The auditor brought me to the MAA and did reach and withdraw with the MAA, at the end we were just laughing.
My space went huge after few more sessions. All which was key in was key out. At the end she gave me a little sec check (non actionnable at all) just that I feel good with the group with all the natter I had done.
I didn’t have any ethics action of any kind. I didn’t give one more dim.
I was fully blown out. I went back home and my life was so good again.
This is scientology customer service by the book.
What you describe is no longer scientology.
Scientology s now dead if what you describe is how it is done now. I left the church because Miscavige is an SP and one have to be a total moron not to see it.
No FG, it is scientology. El Con created the NON cust serv policies in the Church and made it POLICY that the CoS could NEVER be wrong but only that the customer could be an SP. The reason for that is as I stated in my first post.
Well Wynski, if you like it like that… But it’s simply not true. Hubbard made it a high crime not to handle ARC X people. It’s a complete out tech to handle such people with ethics, it’s actually Q and A with bank. In HCOB “Cause of ARCX” he says “don’t join the hand with bank and discipline an ARC X pc”.
The whole point is to find the by passed charge which will ceae the upset. Most of us on this blog are ARC broken with the church. The church didn’t repair as it should have by policies. Run by Miscavige it has become a suppressive group.
Your comments putting the blame on Hubbard and the subject of scientology are helping Miscavige, who rather have people ARC break with scientology than finding out the impostor he is.
If I was an OSA agent, working for Miscavige, I would create a Mike Wynski, to make sure that people of the church having the courage to read this blog don’t continue because of complete anti scientology statements.
But Wynski, maybe you never experienced good tech. It’s true that in 21e century, it became worst and worst. Dan Koon also said somewhere that the only cause is Miscavige. None else would have dreamed up such an incredible system which bring so much money against nothing.
FG, No True Scotsman.
I experienced it directly from auditors and C/S trained by El Con hisself LONG before Miss Cabbage was meddling.
I even had the “privilege” of doing “ethics conditions” that hisself approved.
If Dan actually said that he is still drinking the kool aid.
FG you are NOT trained in CoS Admin “tek”.
If you push for refund because of bad service you WILL be declared a criminal.
If a person goes for auditing and the auditor runs something of their own creation (made up stuff) for 12 intensives and the PC asks for a do over with ACTUAL LRH processes or get the $ refunded they will be refused. If they insist on one or the other they WILL be declared a criminal.
If the auditor false reports an O/W that causes the C/S to have the PC buy and under go many intensives of sec checks and it is found that the auditor was the cause, the PC CANNOT get the $ creditied for other real services. If he insists, DECLARE.
The above 3 are just a few REAL instances from the FSO (back in the good days).
YOU have no clue about the polices and how El Con ran the church. NONE
What year were these good old days at the FSO?
Two Pence, when El Con was there.
( For some reason when I post after another’s comment it gets put as the first comment ) Why would a PC ask for real LRH Tech to be run if LRH tech is no better than the stuff made up by the auditor? I have never done the DEC but I believe that is referred to as an outpoint
Well it’s simple, the admin “tek” as Wynski call it is also altered in it’s importance to fit Miscavige’s mind. He extended the list of high crime for his own purpose. The church is simply doing something else than helping people which was the purpose of Hubbard.
What High Crimes did Miscavige extend? I am unaware of this and curious to know what you are referring to?
Dear Mr Rinder: For some reason your question(and others) appear on my screen as a vertical line of letters with no spacing at the end of sentence. Almost impossible to read although I can read from right to left almost as well as left.to right. I saw.your name at the top so I took the.extra trouble to decipher it. Although your question was probably to FG, I will add some small thoughts on it. No, I don’t think that DM added any High Crimes to the PL (though you would probably know better than anyone) but he really didn’t need to per my experience.
I was assigned personally by RTC to do a Community Ev on Andrew Stevens who was the auditor of Don Jason who blew from the Freewinds RPF. The CommEv stemmed from the fact that Andrew was being offloaded and requested a CommEv as he wanted to remain in the RPF. I as Secretary of the Committee found that there was no order in writing offloading him.I asked Andrew who had ordered his offload and he did not know, but thought it was COB. The cycle was being done in reverse. The guy had to be shot, so he must be guilty of High Crimes.A Committee is assigned to explain why he was shot. (But this consists of lies rammed down the Committee’s throat. If the Committee has too much personal integrity to go along with the injustice then this is proof that the Committee has Mutual out Ruds and so we find them guilty too. This continues until you find a Committee that does not want to be shot. I did not want to be shot either, but I knew that if I went along with it today they would give me more and more until I eventually blew me own brains out.
A staff member who is SSII has to have an FB before being offloaded.Then, per LRH, he has to have a COMM-EV to be sent before the Fitness Board. My offload went in this sequence: I was offloaded first, then had to 8C my fitness board to be held and then requested and received a Comm Ev. It was hard to defend myself at the COMM-EV as there were no charges against me. The F and Rs read like the greatest Commendation one could imagine, i.e. I saved another ship from sinking, etc. But then I was offloaded anyway. The “justice” action serves only to justify and obscure the author of the original order to have the person shot. To this day I do not know who ordered my offload; it was clearly not the Fitness Board. The Chief Off Freewinds told me what their findings were 3 months before they even met.
Bill, why would anyone be scammed? However, that isn’t the point of the story about the church policies on service. IF you cannot REALLY discern that, you have been more mentally damaged by scamology that you realize.
Yes, the age old question: was Scientology always a scam, or was there good in it? Was Hubbard brilliant, or delusional, or both? There is no question that when Miscavige took over the church became much different. More demanding, less tolerant, more demeaning, less freeing. And there is, in my mind, no question that the edifice of Scientology is, in its current state, has lost whatever spark of goodness it once possessed.
exactly true
Thank you Mike and Andy.My Monday lightened up considerably.Great satire with an undercoating of truth as to how Scientology treats all comers.Like dirt unless they pay up or sign up.Talk about choices!Btw Andy’s 2017 Calendar is breathtaking.I love it.?
KNOWING that it was all a scam (and thus there would be HUGE complaints) El Con wrote the policies that we are lampooning here. I guess he got them from the Cust. Serv. policies of the Spanish Inquisition.
At last! the real truth of Scientology’s ongoing PR successes revealed. Oh yeah – sign me up, I’m in!
Let’s face it, what better tech is there than, if you can’t beat ’em join ’em.
Heinrich Himmler was a founding member. His methods were a little, let’s say… unpolished in his day, but this new modern stylized approach to customer service is proving to be a real ‘in your face’ winner. Brilliant, just brilliant!
There you go, using Heine’s name in vain. He actually had a more polished outfit than what came before, he stopped the shooting of Jews and started using gas. No blood spraying around, it was less messy. Sort of like the IAS; no need to waste time and effort delivering service when you can take the money and deliver nothing.
Scn staff are indoctrinated to view their services as God’s Gift to Mankind. That they are the one’s delivering the most precious service in the Universe. That Scn doesn’t owe its services to anyone. So, almost immediately the church and its staff are artificially elevated to a position of superiority. Concurrent with that, is conditioning the public that services are valuable and priceless. That they are fortunate to be able to avail themselves of church services. To be denied auditing is the worst thing that could happen – even bad auditing.
With this combination you can end up with staff who don’t care how they treat their public, and public who will put up with almost anything.
Add to this Hubbard’s goofy notion that staff must be AT CAUSE, also means that public are AT EFFECT. And that’s pretty much where the public are. The org is designed to have the upper hand.
And to make matters just so much worse, DM decided to do away with any and all semblance of guarantee concerning the quality of the services provided to paying public. In a March 1996 policy directive, he even went so far as to maintain that $cn had never made any promises or claims concerning the efficacy or results of auditing in the first place (see here for more details https://scientologymoneyproject.com/ )
So, since 1996, parishioners really don’t have any valid grounds for complaints about customer service because, even though scandalously high prices were charged for its much hyped services, the cherch has no legal obligation whatsoever to deliver any kind of result.
You’re only recourse when the “100% standard tech” doesn’t work for you as advertised is to blame yourself for that lack of success and pay even more to undergo repair actions, which consist mostly of sec checking to find out what your crimes are. The possibility that your less than hoped for gains could be due to auditor error or (bite your tongue!) the holy tek itself are ruled out from the start.
This bit of evil genius, sleight of hand is incredibly diabolical! Getting folks to listen to, and believe in, all the extravagant claims of fapulous OaTy supper powerz, while signing contracts and attestations that say the exact opposite is quite a feat indeed! What’s even more diabolical, though, is that this policy asserts that, even prior to its issue in 1996, Scn never made any promises or claims regarding the efficacy of it services…a bald-faced lie of epic proportions!
The take-home there is that if no claims are being made about the efficacy of the services that you receive, and any bad or less than expected result is your fault, then your only recourse ends up being to take a number at the ethics counter and get yourself prepared to pay to find out what your crimes were that prevented you from deriving the benefits of this amazingly effective 100% standard tech 😉 Simply amazing that they can still get anyone to sign up for that kind of a thoroughly ridiculous deal!
So, how would everyone feel about Scientology if the customer service were actually excellent?
When pigs fly! Lol
Is this sarcasm?
How in the name of Xenu could a criminal, abusive enterprise like the CO$ ever give excellent customer service? That’s rich.
I didn’t say the CHURCH of Scientology, just Scientology. Everything is available in the independent field.
Laughs. Scientology would have to admit that it’s actually a business in order to even talk about giving excellent “customer service” with any degree of sincerity.
Does it still make promises it doesn’t deliver upon?
Then lipstick on a pig springs to mind.
Then it wouldn’t be scientology, its inherent in their philosophy that the customer is always wrong, they are always right, if you criticise then you have something to hide – according to them.
Some would compare the bad customer service of the CoS to, for instance, a company that sells bottled water where there’s somebody bad at the top making the company a bad company to do business with and a bad place to work.
I would compare it to a company that sells bottled water where the guy at the top is bad, the employees are bad and everything is bad because they all drink the water they’re selling. There’s something in the water.
What if that bad ingredient were removed?
To continue with the water analogy : it’s cheaper to get your water from some place else. Plus, that natural water will taste better.
Why spend money to treat bad water, when you’ve got purer stuff ?
What purer stuff?
The little nuggets of scientology that make sense are inspired from other things.
Get those nuggets from the places they came from instead of diving into a contaminated cesspool to retrieve them.
It’s cheaper, less risky and you might even get more interesting stuff.
Real knowledge is alive. It evolves and grow in time. If you limit yourself to what some dude from the 40s and 50s has to say about the universe, you’re going to miss a lot of things.
But those nuggets are spread out in a lot of other places. Where specifically are enough of them located in one subject working together as part of an organized methodology?
Guys, none of you answered the question. Regardless of how unlikely you think it would be for Scientology to be delivered with good customer service, what if it were? If the customer service were great, what would you think of the subject then?
that’s a bit like a pond. Without the water. No longer a pond, that is.
Not every KSW, and therefore not really $cientology, would be my answer.
Hint: I’m reliably informed that I cannot have an opinion about any kind of scientology unless i have done it and been happy with it. How is that compatible with customer service?
A company could have a terrible product but treat its customers well. It could also have a great product but treat its customers like shit. What I’m asking is what would you think of the products Scientology sells and delivers (training and processing) if its organization treated its customers like royalty.
I would say: the effects of buying $cientology that I have seen demonstrated repeatedly and in public are those of buying a shit product. Since you’re not being specific about what is “good” and “bad” of the product that $cientology sells, I have to make up my own mind based on what I can observe.
Neither I, nor Jason Beghe have seen a “clear” – whatever that is. Neither I nor the Randi foundation have seen anyone float an ashtray (without physical agent). What I have seen (and felt on my body) is the effect of victims being taught that the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology is more important than mere “wog” law. Check out Len Zinberg’s discussions of where the stuff he bought from the CO$ took him. And check out “Closing Minds: How Scientology’s “Ethics Technology” is Used to Control Their Members” by Jefferson Hawkins if you’re still not sure what I’m objecting to.
Were you ever in Scientology? If so, what years?
27 years i was “in.” The declared and forced to divorce my then Husband; because he was OT 8 and I was not worthy
me? No.
Jens, because you never were in Scientology, especially in the 60’s and 70’s, you’ve never experienced the good in it, by which I mean what properly delivered auditing can do for people.
If I hadn’t given and received auditing wins and gains starting 50 years ago, and seen many others do the same, I’d probably believe Scientology is a crock of shit, too.
Of course, over the years the CHURCH of Scientology did deteriorate into a destructive cult. But that’s the organization not the subject. There are “old timers” still delivering auditing the right way on their own outside the Church, and their clients are happy with the results.
Don’t confuse the subject with the organization. And don’t assume that good people can’t use the good in the subject while avoiding the bad.
Oh people did. It appears that until statpush said he’d still be in that you got the answer you wanted.
If scientology had the best customer service on earth, they are still selling a bait and switch “product” with false advertising of promised results that have not been realized since it went on sale in the 1950’s.
Were you ever in Scientology? If so, what years?
What are my crimes?
I never agreed with the idea that critics of Scientology all have crimes. I asked when you were in Scientology, if ever, in order to find out if you ever received or delivered auditing. Will you answer?
Yea… I figured you wanted my credentials to speak on the subject. Seems that is a criteria you use, if a person has not been, they have nothing to say on the subject.
Will I answer? Yes. No.
Gtsix, M2C asks that question whenever his argument gets logically destroyed. You can of course guess why he does it.
It’s likely many of us would not be on this blog, and would still be in.
You’re talking about a huge, huge change in the way the church operates (not just recently). Putting the customer first would have to come from the top. So, its hard to imagine.
There’s a good chance I would still be in.
My answer, too. We agree.
My 2 Cents, overall the product known as Scientology is defective. If delivered kindly and compassionately, it would have taken me longer to realize that it is defective. Are you claiming that the product’s defects have been remedied in the field?
By defective, I mean that it doesn’t deliver what is promised, especially at the OT levels.
The final state of Scientology’s founder L. Ron Hubbard is the ultimate proof of Scientology’s shortcomings: He died in hiding, estranged from his family and asking to be electrocuted.
What years were you in Scientology? How far up the Bridge did you get?
Overpriced quackery would remain overpriced quackery.
I somehow don’t think it would survive for long – good customer service means you refund unsatisfied customers, and pay for any damage they might have incurred using your product.
You know, like if the phone you sell to people explodes, or plain does not work, you don’t expect customers to just go away or blame themselves.
Why do you think Scientology delivered with great customer service (including reasonable pricing) would still be quackery?
For the same reason that steaming hot dog crap delivered in silver chased containers with smiling waiters standing at your elbow still means you are being served steaming hot dog crap.
Why is auditing delivered properly steaming hot dog crap?
As a never-in, I’ll just comment that Emma has written a superb essay on the product she valued the most: the certainty. To be locked in the group think was so much better than base-line reality, she missed it the most after she left.
Jens T., Thanks for posting this link, I read the post. The last thing I wanted to do was read posts at a new blog that I figured was an offshoot of the petty little online wars and arguing at the ESMB and MovingOnUp blog, so I had been avoiding the newly created blogs… but this particular article turned out to be nothing of the sort, and in fact was a really good, self-aware, insightful analysis that I hadn’t seen before. I’m glad I checked it out, and I’d recommend reading this article.
“Customer Service”?? Only the Regs know about customer service and soon you will too! The snark is strong with this clamling.
This sounds like the complaint line at Wells Fargo or Time Warner or any of hundreds of other companies.
Yes, exactly, Wells Fargo is a great example, they just got busted for opening MILLIONS of fake accounts under their customers names, and charging them! The management should see jail time, but instead they will get a bonus!
Is that right? Geezers, the arrogance of large corporates sinking to new lows to please their shareholders is bewildering. Stealing is considered legitimate when you’re that big apparently. In Aussie there’s basically 4 big banks and only a handful of large entities controlling food & groceries. They have a complete monopoly and although illegal, they communicate to each other regularly to control markets, their profits are obscene. During the GFC the govt handed over 9 billion of taxpayers $ to the banks, free of charge. The Prime Minister is a lawyer, merchant banker & venture capitalist by profession so all is well at the big end of town. He made a killing selling his .com interests for $57m before that collapsed years ago. One smart cookie that guy!
Scientology cops a flogging in the media here, deservedly so but they are relatively safe politically, as money, no matter how you get it is so well respected by those that control the countries assets and future. Legalities, although expensive are always influenced by highest bidder. I guess Hubbard was right when he said the best way out of money problems is to make more money… who cares how – just get that $!
I Yawn, it is the Fed Gov being bought wholesale because we haven’t had an honest PotUS for DECADES. In the 90’s Beechnut sold infant apple juice (knowingly) that was not apple juice but water, sugar & artificial flavor. When caught no criminal charges.
In the Church of Scientology there are no customers – only marks.
mark: a suitable victim, especially for swindling.
This is just too good to be a brief joke for a single day. Fliers should be printed by the thousands and posted everywhere! I have a few lines that could be added to make the pitch even more attractive:
*Train your clients to pay OUTLANDISHLY high prices over and over again while never having to make good on any of your promises!
*Learn how to make your customers scared to death to say anything even REMOTELY critical of your products and services!
*Your customers will believe all of your competitors are ENEMIES of mankind!
*Have your clients willingly pose for promotional photos with GREAT BIG smiles and agree to having untrue statements of their satisfaction, which they didn’t actually write, attributed to them!
Love the new buttons! We may have a place for you here in the Central Marketing Unit!
Good one Andy.
COSTCO customer service:
Me: These apples were a bit old…
Service rep: “OK. Would you like a cash refund or a re-credit to your card?” (true story)
Co$ customer service:
Me: That auditing you did on my wife sucked. The programming was totally off base and even when you did manage to F/N something, on over 500 occasions you over ran the F/Ns and put the PC into a persistent ARC X/sad effect. I want a refund.
Co$ service rep via their shark lawyer, “We have no legal obligation to refund you anything. (true story)
There are some decent folks still in that hell-hole of an organization. But the overriding corporate attitude is sell, sell, sell, make money, make more money and make others make money. Every staff member has implanted in their brain, “how much money do you have and how much can I get out of you for whatever the gimmick du jour is?”
Honest, unselfish help is simply not on their menu.
Maybe they make an exception? NAH! Not even Kha Khan means anything any longer.
Very funny. Maybe a play should be written where other cult leaders go to Flag and demand the Scientology Customer Service Course. “Oh, you didn’t get the results we promised you at $1,000/hour. No problem. I’m sure we can find out why you are such a flat ball bearing for the right price. You should be happy that we are even willing to sell you our product. Please sign these legal papers confirming you understand that we don’t promise any results at all and should you be harmed, it is not our fault. Realize that even having expectations of getting a result, can itself result, in getting no results.”
And we can get you discount admission to a Trump University Real Estate course! Sign up now!!! {is that enough exclamation points?}
This is just crazy enough to “work.” Anyone here watch Black Mirror? Episode 1 of Season 3 (now on Netflix) touches upon a frighteningly similar experience that’s already happening around us on social media.
No spoilers: it’s funny, horrifying, sometimes almost too real, and should make you think. Kinda like this website.
Great show
Your call may be monitored for quality control purposes, but definitely for Ethics, blackmail and regging.
“Hi, this is Dave. How may I harm you?”
Welcome to the automated service line. This is the service.
To contact a registrar, please press 1.
To make a booking for an upcoming event, please press 2.
To make a
snitch</s Knowledge Report, please press 3.To complain about service, please press 8.
To complain about tech deviations, please press 8.
To request a refund, please press 8.
To hang up immediately, please press 8.
That’s some seriously hilarious black comedy, right there!
And if you call at a busy time, you can expect to hear this recording: “We’re sorry, due to a high volume of complaints, all of our service representatives are busy harming others. Please hold and you will be harmed in the order that your call was received”. *Insane Clown Posse track begins to play*
But..but…but then you’d be lying? Ethics! ETHICS!!! You’re in deep shit, Mister!!! LOL We used to refer to that as “six of one, half dozen of the other”.
This blackmail does work. But it also backfires.When you decide that maybe Moses did not part the waters or Xenu arrive in a dc7 this does not cuase you to get upset.
When they start targetting your family and friends as happened with me you create sworn enemies.
In time only the most robotic and dumb stay in.Welcome to what is left of scientology in 2016.
This is rather funny. it is also quite chilling that you are never allowed to have critical thoughts about scn, sounds like 1984 in the making or a communist re-education camp, ‘You simply have to see things our way then all will be well’.
The strangest example of scn customer service I experienced was on the ship, in the restaurant they have rating slips for the food and service which are how the waiting and kitchen staff measure their stats, we were happily marking things as just ok or good, when we were asked to stick to excellent unless there was something really wrong – the reason for this is that the staff got into ethics trouble for being down stats if they got anything below excellent! Like everything else in scientology you are encouraged to toe the line rather than speak out with what you really think.
My response above was intended to be here. 🙁
Wouldn’t the staff be in trouble, no matter what?
Even if they get excellent week after week, then their stats are static and would be assigned a condition for not increasing them. There’s no “Excellenter” to move up to.
You raise a key point Rick – one that is the beginning point for the demise of the entire org. The conditions as written (or interpreted) create a games condition that is unwinnable. Truly a suppressive construct. It is used to enforce ridiculous working hours as business as usual for ALL orgs.
Ah the problem of the scientology stat system, no matter how well you do you always hit a ceiling. It’s so fucking stupid I could only imagine what would happen if they ran a ski resort – would you get assigned Treason just because the snow had melted?
That’s right. I never worked in the restaurarant though other engineers did. I remember when the best man at my first wedding to SS gruppenfurer Sharon Weber (then Dir I and R FSSO now CO FSSO for the last 21 years.) was servicing Jim and Tamara Meskimen. He accidently dumped a cold drink on Tamara to which Jim said “I’ll have what she’s wearing.” The table gave low votes for that one meal and that one meal crashed the state for the entire division that week because the voting criteria is so unreal.