It seems there is an increased interest in date locating 🙂 in the shrinking world of scientology. Perhaps they are running out of prospects…
These two emails were forwarded to me recently, both pitching “scientology” dating sites/services. On the eve of Valentine’s Day they seem oddly apropos.
Apparently, they have managed to scrape together 200 members (another interesting measure of the real size of scientology).
And here is the second:
Interesting, if you look up this site, their main claim to fame is that they have handed out 27,000 copies of the Way to Happiness? Sort of a strange thing to promote on a dating site…
If you google Mormon dating sites, there are a LOT of them claiming thousands of members. Mormons claim they have 14.8 million members worldwide. Just a bit bigger than the numbers scientology touts (but FAR more reliable).
I find it amazing that scientology even tries to claim they are in the same ballpark as the Mormons — there are no scientologist members of the US House of Representatives, Presidential candidates, state legislators or Marriott hotel chains. The dating sites just confirm the disparity.
Nicklas Gustafsson says
Me and Tom Cruise are still single men, so more sane ladies would be welcome!
Jane says
Scientologist are on normal dating sites.
I met one and it’s been such an emotional rollercoaster for me- our communication which has been via text and phone- meeting once. Distance stopped us progressing
The further up the bridge he goes the more rules and input the cult seems to have. I emailed Mike my whole story.
I met him when he was 0T3, now he is doing 0T7. We have known each other 18 months.
At this time I’m very disillusioned as I have supported this person because I liked him we chatted about more than scientology
I guess I wanted more than friendship—- distance prevented that- just as well I think now, saying not in anger but disappointment and emotional confusion overall.
I have now experienced how relationships are subject to the cults approval really, once you are seeing them often or communicating long term.
Yes he has sent me books and yes I think I would be registered as someone of interest re potential scientologist-not now will i consider joining after what I’ve experienced and how hurt I’m feeling about the disregard for the person as a human being, very upsetting.
I can see that relationships are very transient with scientologists unless you fit a very tight criteria they have for relationships.
I have felt the lack of care and empathy for me and now moving on, very painful it has been.
He has gone from been in touch a lot to cutting me off at this time why?
I’m hindering his progress on the bridge. The reasons are minor but because it’s scientology it’s major.
I wanted to believe that scientology was
I now realise that is probably not the case
I’m a non scientologist.
I feel also for those on a general dating site that are — —????
I guess the only word to use targeted, a person of interest to date to probably recruit if suitable.
Gosh is all I can say thinking about that and how by chance it happened to me- luckily this scientologist didn’t want a relationship with me as I lived too far away. I now have more perspective.
I’m not a judgemental person- caring and loving.
I feel very let down at this time.
Jane says
General dating sites are a concern as it worries me that some scientologists could use it as a recruitment tool. These woman or men may be vunerable and not informed about Scientology.
If you are informed and make that decision to join that is your choice but if you are unaware not informed it’s different.
I fell in love with a scientologist. It’s taken a long time to come to the decision to let him go. I researched and researched. The result was so disturbing I couldn’t do it join.
I support my scientologists choice and care for him but won’t join myself so I have just remained friends and now trying still to move on . It’s been hard. I have posted on other topics on this site my journey. I met him on a general dating site.
Dave F. says
I can see it now . . .
Lonely “Xenu-type” male seeks a special, up-tone, up-stat female . . . Let’s “hit the cans” together and zoom off into the night in my “DC-8 of Love” !
The “DC-8 of Love” is a Conversion Van – LOL !
Dave F.
asdasdf says
It wouldn’t surprise me if the real goal behind this is to collect passwords. It’s unfortunate, but many people re-use passwords, especially when it comes to ‘unimportant’ stuff like social media.
OSA might be able to get into other accounts of those who sign up. It’s clear Miscavige is worried about all the negative attention given all the new Rathbun videos and the new ad campaign. He needs to crack down on those UTRs who are sharing inside info and what better way than getting into their accounts.
Everyone should use two-factor authentication on all their accounts that support it, but this is especially true of anyone who’s ever been involved in scientology.
NN Grad says
Welcome to reality
This site is just to collect more valuable information about 2D behavior on good standing PCs
No wonder if theres another 1.1 OSA project to find more income sources.
Someday OSA will ask the webmaster about those members that are “easy going” first and then for those who are “having sex regularly” to make them feel dirty to get handled but…. to hardly get an ethics OK you must empty your wallet.
And also charged 10 monthly to find someone to get laid.
TomUfer says
Just had another thought. Maybe Tom Cruise can use this for his next victim uh I mean date.
TrevAnon says
More than enough inspiration for Regraded being.
Kati Maines says
I laughed my way thru these comments. Thanks from a never in. I even understand what the letters mean. ???
Scott Campbell says
Karry’s sister met her second husband David Greenbaum on an Scn dating site. He turned out to be a wife beater. She’s on her third one now.
ctempster says
I was told many years ago that Marcia Powell sold her interest in the Affinity Exchange and doesn’t run it anymore. Marcia started the site because she was single and wanted first dibs on “the good ones” coming through. Before she off loaded it though, about ten years ago she sent around an email to all the “older single women” on her site. It was her own personal advice to them to stop looking for a 2D and instead amass a bunch of women friends. She went on and on about why her advice was good and why you should not even try to get a heterosexual male 2D. I thought at the time (and I was NOT “old” as she categorized me), but I thought, “Wow, this is the head of a dating site telling a certain segment of the population to not bother to try to find a man…. how crazy is that???” I wondered why she would do this? Well I got my answer some years later.
I saw her at Flag. I was waiting at a counter and saw her trying desperately to get the attention of a single man in her age group who was waiting for his turn at the counter. She tried to get a comm line in, get him to notice her, anything. He was studiously trying hard NOT to notice her. She never succeeded in getting him to communicate with her and it was because he didn’t want to. I saw and could literally feel the desperation she had to land him as “her 2D.” It was laughable.
So I remembered that massive email she had earlier sent out and thought, she isn’t following her own advice to give up on men. Then it hit me: she had written the email to get rid of any competition for men because she herself was in the “older woman” category and needed to cut out the competition for them. I had a good chuckle about that.
KiwiGal says
I can’t help but giggle at the photos tagged “Flag Inappropriate”.
If any of these people were Flag-Inappropriate, they would not be $cios in good standing surely? 😀 😀 😀
Teen says
Geesh…now they are inbreeding. Won’t be long before we start seeing cult members who really look like they are from another planet.
peterblood71 says
It won’t be long before cult inbreeding commences which should really help the mental stability of this bit of dwindling & lost humanity. Oh well I guess we still need our Ideal Org Village Idiots.
WhatAreYourCrimes says
Soon all of scientology will look like that banjo kid from “Deliverance”.
peterblood71 says
Precisely what I was thinking. (Only they don’t play the banjo nearly as well and just make a helluva racket.)
I Yawnalot says
You are wickedly delicious my friend.
Cousin says
Fun fact about 2D singles: if you join and they don’t recognize you, you’ll get an email a few days later requesting that you name three Scientologists in good standing that you know personally.
Jens TINGLEFF says
it sounds like an unscrupulous person would get the better part of a week in there before being found out.
So, don’t anyone go in and spread entheta! That would not be nice!!
(and remember to use a TOR browser and a use-once payment card.)
whatareyourcrimes says
I wonder if David Miscavige lurks on that site?
When he gets bored with Lou and packs her off to rot away in Hemet, he could always post that “dreamy” photo of himself on the scientology dating site… you know the photo, where he has that cheesy shit-eating grin.
Newcomer says
What other kind of grin does Mr shitforbrains have?
I Yawnalot says
After reading all the comments. I’ve concluded we may have missed a vital piece of OT phenomena. Per History of Man and other sauces, entities can be male or female. mmm…. think I just gave myself a headache.
Old Surfer Dude says
“Entities can be male or female??? WTF! Hey, I Yawn, your headache just crawled into my head.
dwarmed says
So, it took this guy 10 years to find a good match at FreeSpiritSingles and they consider that a success story?
Old Surfer Dude says
Oh, yes! Most of the time it’s 20 to 25 years. This is Scientology romance.
dwarmed says
All the Scientology ‘success’ stories Mike posts here read like tragic failures.
Karen#1 says
Well, there are consequences to joining a Scientology dating service.
L Ron Hubbard’s policies TRUMP every aspect of life and enter a 3rd person into your bed and relationship. A couple of examples are Gale Voight and Wolfgang Keller had their spouses work with OSA against them. Kicked and locked out of their own homes they had paid the mortgage on for decades. Using Cult lawyers in court to fight for no access to the home.
A Scientology 2D will Knowledge Report you on any criticism on David Miscavige
A Scientology 2D will Knowledge Report you on adverse thoughts against their intense money extortion “reg” cycles and turn you into *ETHICS*
A Scientology 2D will poison the children against you if you step away from the cult and force the kids to choose between Dad and Mom.
Etc etc etc
whatareyourcrimes says
I just pictured a loving couple getting into bed… and then LRH climbing in with them.
How do I bleach that image out of my mind’s eye?
Teen says
When you figure it out, let me know….blech!
Aquamarine says
Yes, and that 3rd person is David Miscavige, who decides if and when Scientologists should marry and mate and if or when they should divorce and separate. Coupling people and breaking them up and re- coupling them like they are his barnyard animals.
And the Still Ins allow this which places them below the level of animals IMO. And I don’t care how old or young they are or what their stories and excuses are – they have neither guts nor brains to allow this, to permit this, to not have something within them, something, some inner sense or instinct, warning them, signalling them that this is WRONG.. Its just incredible to me that anyone would acquiesce to this domination and I was in the cult for 28 years. This is America, the USA, not North Korea. Something is really wrong with these people. Good riddance to them. I know this is wrong and horrid but I hate them for what they’ve allowed Miscavige to do to them, to run roughshod over them. I hate that they don’t have what it takes INSIDE to stand up to this pressure and say, “No way!” – some inner sense of what’s right and fair and just and sensible. I hate them for knuckling under and causing all the pain they’ve caused the people who love them, long for them. I know this is horrid. Sorry. It is what it is. I am what I am, said Popeye the sailor man.
WAYC says
Your pain is expressed well, and I appreciate why you are angry.
Let’s all work together to get that little deviant thug Davey Miscavige imprisoned, where he may get some just rewards from his fellow inmates. Oh, and if he needs to get off like the sadist we all know he is, he can rip wings off flies like the malignant LRH.
Aquamarine says
WAYC, thank you. That was just a bit of temper and now its over. And its not my pain. I didn’t lose anyone I loved to this cult. But I did lose people I loved, a number of them, before getting into the cult. A lot of death. People who meant everything to me. People who – well, I would just give anything to have them back,that’s all. I’m not being sorry for myself, just stating a fact. The rain falls on each of us in one way or another Ok, so death is final. Communication OVER
.So I see these people, these stupid, stupid cult Still Ins, succumbing, throwing away everything that’s precious in life…knuckling under to this insane son of a bitch when in truth all they have to do is just wake up and walk out- and its such a waste – its so wrong and harmful to themselves and other’s lives. And they’re NOT just victims, its THEIR fault too, not just the cult’s. The cult only has the power you give it! And I want to grab each of these people and say, “You IDIOT. Don’t you realize what you HAVE?”.
Anyway, let me stop because I don’t want to get angry again 🙂 Thanks again for your kind words.. Again, its not my pain. This fucking cult had no leverage on me that way.
#1 Son says
Sounds a bit like Warren Jeff’s and the fundamentalist LDS.
I Yawnalot says
Sobering comment Karen. The truth about Scientology smacks you in the face.
ctempster says
Karen, thanks for the info on Gale Voight and Wolfgang Keller. I know them both and it is true what you say. I want to add that with Gale Voight, his wife let the church reps into her husband’s business and helped them remove his computer. They took it to the org to look at who he was emailing to find out any other UTR’s and then Fair Game them. Don’t you usually have to have a search warrant from a police dept or the DA’s office to go in and confiscate a computer?
writerchique says
And to think I’m missing out on dating a groovy Scientologist who thinks that LRH talks to him every day. DARN!
Old Surfer Dude says
Honey, you’ll get over it. I know it’s tough now. Maybe you’ll have another chance. Good luck!
WAYC says
Imagine if any random WOG went out on a date, and at some point in the evening the other party reveals that he or she is a scientologist.
I would bet SERIOUS money that the WOG would nope the hell outta there.
dwarmed says
That’s on the shortlist of things that would prompt me to escape out the bathroom window. 😉
Teen says
You may miss out now but you’ve got a gazillion lifetimes to hook yourself a bubblebrain. Be patient, sister.
TomUfer says
With so few active Scientologists, shouldn’t all the single ones know each other already?
Old Surfer Dude says
Maybe they need a round 2.
Teen says
A bunch were in the RPF for years so maybe not…lol…
Valerie says
The problem is that good standing in scientology is such a fleeting term that by the time you finish filling out your profile, you may no longer be in good standing. I’m curious what hoops you would be required to jump through to prove your “good standingness”. Not curious enough to even click on a link mind you, just a mild fleeting curiosity.
OH! look something shiny.
WAYC says
“OH! look something shiny,” said Frodo as he picked up the one true Ring of Power.
Da Daa… Da Da Da Daa Da Daa… Daa.
Teen says
They can just look in the confidential files to screen them. *smirk*
Newcomer says
What % of your net worth have you donated today type of good standing.
Hnnng says
Gus Cox says
OMG, I remember looking at the Affinity Exchange years ago. One of the profiles had, in all caps, “NO OUT ETHICS ON THE 2D!!!!!!!” along with a lot of other “no this” and “no that” and “financially secure” — I had to crack up laughing. I didn’t know the Affinity Exchange was still around!
Ms.P says
This is another one of those terms that ALWAYS drove me crazy in scientology “out ethics on the 2D”. Example: person A says about person B “oh, he’s so out ethics on the 2D” and nothing further. So WTF does that mean exactly?
He cheated on wife?
He loves sex with little girls or little boys?
He rapes women?
Has sex with the dog?
It always sounds sooooo terrible because you rarely get an exact situation. And you might find out it’s as silly as this guy dated two women in one week and they found out about each other, then the KR’s, and and and.
At one time I was considered to be “out 2D” because I didn’t want to be involved with anybody until I finished some auditing actions. Oh my, my dynamics were considered all messed up. So basically you’re damned if you do f*ck or you don’t want to f*ck.
So nice to be far from this cult.
Valerie says
Out erhics on 2D could only possibly be
Refusing to divorce someone when ordered
Refusing to reveal all your assets to your 2D
Putting the relationship above anything to do with scientology
Refusing to write a knowledge report on your 2D if you believe he may even be thinking bad thoughts.
BKmole says
Mike, even more damning is this from the Affinity Exchange. Free Spirits merged their database with the Affinity exchange. I remember when they had a lot more members.
I lifted this off the Affinity Exchange website. I love the last paragraph to make sure no SPs join:
Note: If you arrived on this page from a link sent by a friend, you may go ahead and create a profile, or, if you would first like more information, you can go to our home page:
Before you start, please note that in mid 2012, The Affinity Exchange affiliated with FreeSpiritSingles. Each company now acts as a portal into the same combined database of members. One chooses which company is his/her portal.
One cannot have an active profile in both companies. Therefore, if you think you might already have a profile on, then you should log in and use that profile.
If you are not sure, please send me your full name, and Username (if you remember it) and ask me to check. Write to me at: [email protected]
Here are the qualifications for becoming a member:
You must be single, divorced or widowed to become a member of The Affinity Exchange. If you are currently handling a divorce, you need to send a message to [email protected].
You agree with the precepts* in The Way To Happiness booklet. If you haven’t read the booklet, you may read the precepts on the following website:
. *(definition of precept: “A general rule about how to behave or what to think” – Oxford Dictionary of Current English)
You believe in, and try to be, honest and ethical;
You are not antagonistic towards, but respect religious beliefs and practices of others;
NOTE: The Affinity Exchange is an “Expressive Association”. The term “Expressive Association” means a group that expresses what kind of an association they are and what they share in terms of beliefs, goals, etc. Membership may legally be limited to only those who share in particular beliefs, goals, agreements, etc. “
Valerie says
All the precepts of TWTH??
So now you have to agree to brush your teeth to join a dating site? What is this world coming to?
Cathy Bowman says
Funny how you would be punished, written up, or such (I am a never “inner”) for being on the internet, but now they are promoting online dating…. Have the rules changed?
Whit2 says
Dear Tom,
Here ya go! There’s got to be someone that fits all of Dave’s requirements!
Aquamarine says
Dave and Lou vetting a new TC girlfriend:
Famous, or Almost Famous?………Check!
Extremely talented?….. ……………..Check!
Able to bear children?……………… Check!
Not older than 34?…………………….Check!
.Not a known SP.?. ………………….. Check!
Able to actually stand Tom 50% of the time?….?….Lou? Um, darling here is where we
always seem to…
Overrun in California says
Of all the fish in the sea, you have to limit yourself to a “Scientologists in good standing”. Pretty slim pickens. And gettin slimmer all the time. And if you listen to Grant Cardone, on top of that, the most important thing about choosing a mate is how large is their bank account. Oh well, single life ain’t that bad.
I Yawnalot says
So that’s the Scientology gene pool… shallow isn’t it?
I’m too stunned to comment on this even remotely seriously, but loneliness is a bitch.
For an organisation that is disconnection and declare frantic, there is something extremely odd about all this.
The reinforcing in the first email about “Scientologists in good standing only…” brings Tina Turner’s chorus to mind:
“What’s love got to do, got to do with it
What’s love but a second hand emotion
What’s love got to do, got to do with it
Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken”
Scio’s out of good standing have to rely on nature I suppose… Scioland, what a mind fuck of a place!
Old Surfer Dude says
Scioland. It sounds like an evil Disneyland.
I Yawnalot says
Yeah, and the rides are REALLY expensive!!!!
Old Surfer Dude says
I hear it’s $100 to ride anything in the park.
whatareyourcrimes says
“Scientologists in good standing only…”
Well that is quite bigoted of them, isn’t it.
xenu's son says
Divorce statistics in the us. About 45%.
My guess that divorce statistics after someone has been in Scientology for say a while say 3 years is about 70-75%.
Many reasons for this making it way harder than a normal couple:
Relentless financial pressure.
Different levels of commitment.
Time:He she is always at the org and not there for the other partner.
Even more disagreements about money than normal couples.
SP tech:My bridge/career is not working because you are an SP.I found the who and it’s you!
Do you think 75% is a fair estimate?
don't bungle or bobble the gabagool dopple (@jimpjorps) says
Free Spirit Singles is actually the public face of yet another Scientology dating site, “Affinity Exchange”, which is much more open about being by and for Scientologists, rather than just the “Way to Happiness” stuff on FSS. The two sites share a database — Affinity Exchange tells its users this, but Free Spirit Singles doesn’t. The apparent goal is for fresh meat to sign up for Free Spirit Singles so that the lonely hearts (and empty wallets) on Affinity Exchange can hook up with them to convert them and use their resources to pay for their own services.
Dr. Strabismus of Utrecht says
The few remaining UK clams—surely less than a thousand by now?—must be absolutely desperate if they’re actually trying to BREED their way out of the oblivion looming over them. All the marriageable Gaimans and Calciolis and Hodkinses must spoken for by now…
exbritscino says
I was thinking of joining Free Spirit Singles just for a laugh. Then I read on the site that members have to be “In good standing” with $camology. So, I wasn’t prepared to join under false pretences even if it is a cult dating site……..
I bet that there’s other ex’s though who would join, hook up with someone, and slowly make them realise what a crock of shit they’re really in.
Not that I’m suggesting anything here…….
Teen says
Lol….I immediately thought this would be a good way to infiltrate and deprogram one by one….shouldn’t take long considering the cult’s membership.
Not that I’m suggesting anyone do this…jus saying too.
whatareyourcrimes says
Exbritscino, there has been plenty of infiltration into scientology, not to mention all the members who started out in good faith, discovered scientology’s evils, and are quietly working to undermine it from within.
This “thing” scientology is absolutely infested with termites and would be condemned if it was a building.
Jane says
Scientologists are on main stream dating sites looking for casual sex.
The one I knew just found woman on dating sites played with their emotions and good nature. No care no possibility of long term, Just used these woman for fun.
I didn’t really realise until recently how little regard a scientologist has for those who are non scientologists.
I didn’t sleep with him. I was hurt enough in otherways that’s for sure. I was a friend. He cut me recently.
I was not a scientologist and us couldn’t continue. He was told at Clearwater is how this unfolded to cut communication permanently.
The positive is he is high on the bridge and Scientology themselves are starting to question his playboy activities so he may cut down on his activity on a dating site. He is older not younger too over 50.
I cared so much for him I did. The picture emerging of who he is is inside is worse than I ever realised.
scientology411 says
Ah there’s nothing more romantic than going on a date and being handed a 2D BP (2nd dynamic battle plan for you silly WOGs LOL) and going through the list of needs and wants to see if a love connection can be negotiated.
Aquamarine says
I Yawnalot says
With CS & EO’s permission of course. Maybe a folder FES will be mandatory and an ideal marriage rdn is a prerequisite and can be run anywhere on the Bridge. Tech estimate around 25hrs (set ups extra of course) plus the Golden Age of Marriage course, mmm… should gross the Cof$ round about $100k per marriage, maybe a tad more.
dungeon master says
Another couple of lucky entrepreneurs find a way to pay for their bridge without FSMing or paying out of pocket.
Doug Parent says
Free spirit singles. OMG painful memories. The delusional merry-go-round of desperate and chronically single Scientologists. Same profile photos for the last 20-30 years, hoping to find the perfect “upstat” on-source-up-the-bridge person who is; still drinking the kool-aid and has adequate disposable income (to share) who won’t mind relocating to Clearwater or Los Angeles. No wonder they give up, the pool of prospects is ever dwindling. Someone should do a single website for former cult members, probably be a hit.
Title Waves says
Great idea, Doug on a singles website for ex-cult members. It would be a hit for sure. There are far, far more out than in.
I think such relationships would be built on a very special bond having survived such a vicious cult.
One thing I have found reconnecting with people who are out is that we learned compassion and empathy among other wonderful characteristics that you don’t find in very many scientologists. Emotions other than fake cheerfulness are frowned upon.
Karen made an excellent point earlier, something about being married to a cult member is like having a third person in your marital all the time. Well said.
Cindy says
Doug Parent, I think I may know you. Did you used to FSM full time? And were you on lines at ASHO Day in the 80’s?
zemooo says
So $cieno clebs can use the sites too? How nice for someone who goes by the handle ‘Ron Bruise’. Whose interests include ‘doing my own stunts’ and ‘ruthlessly putting ethics on others’.
From Webmaster
To Ron Bruise
We were going to pair you with OT8 Ruth Bivalvia, but you exclude anyone named Ruth. Better luck next time.
I hope the owners of these Dating Sites have daytime jobs. They are not going to fund their rides across the toll bridge with memberships like this. Maybe they can branch out into other specialty dating groups. Something like Cat Ladys and Cat Daddys.
jim says
Thanks Mike for a target rich offering. I can see it now:
PREMIUM Benefits
• Summaries of your prospective partner’s Ethics files on 2D
• Summaries of your prospective partner’s PC files on 2D
• 2D case evaluation of your prospective partner by a C/S (Extra fees apply)
• Your KRs on your prospective partner will be expedited
• Your prospective partner’s KRs on you will be misplaced
• Your prospective partner’s current credit reports
• Your prospective partner’s credit history (Extra fees apply)
• Your prospective partner’s medical sexual history (Extra fees apply)
• Your prospective partner’s daily life activities (PI fees apply)
• Your prospective partner’s latest Secchceck
• Your prospective partner’s Seccheck history (Extra fees apply)
• Your files with us will be confidential
• Your files with us will be strictly confidential (Extra fees apply)
• Your files with us will be lost/burned/destroyed (Serious extra fees apply)
LEGAL DISCLAIMER::: We never heard of you, met you, advised you, and will never refund any donations you made to us for whatever misunderstood reason
Teen says
Joe Pendleton says
Ha ha Jim!!!!
How about also for premium membership …
* Session videos of your prospective partner getting off 2D withholds … Included in video clip full time form place and event …(you know, which hand did you use, how long did you lick or suck, what position … yadda yadda yaddda …)
Golden Era Parachute says
Could you imagine the conversations that go on in that dating site?!
“What’s your yearly inflow?” “Are you comm lag free?” “Who’s your FSM?” “Were you born in, like me?”
Aquamarine says
“…Mmmm, your admin scale is such a turn on, would you like to see mine?”
DON’T LAUGH, I know a Scientology couple who HAD this conversation,conceptually.
. He “fell in love with her admin scale” (he told me and that’s a direct quote).
They married on 1 month’s acquaintance.
He’s long time staff at a CL V org.
She supports them both.
As Gershwin wrote: “Isn’t It Romantic?”
So, if you’re marriage minded with a Still In, never mind what you look like or what you weigh or what your character or personality are like – all you need is a terrific admin scale, and you’re good to go 🙂
ctempster says
NO, all you need is high income. They’re all, male and female alike, looking for someone with bucks to pay their Bridge for them. One girl in CA got married to a guy who had money and then immediately proceeded to reg him to let her have his 401K that he’d spent decades of hard work accummulating to pay for her OT V with. He refused, so she got the church terminals, MAA, and FSM etc on the line to try to muscle him into letting her, the wife of about a month or so, get his 401K for HER Bridge. He still refused, so she divorced him and went on the hunt for next husband/whale. Coop knows who I’m talking about here.
Mary Kahn says
Where are you on the Bridge?
TrevAnon says
Is that an actual question for Golden Era parachute? 😉
Aquamarine says
I think that’s Mary’s sarcasm as re Affinity Exchange 2D Profile question, Trev.
Mary Kahn says
That’s actually a question most scientologist ask each other that question. From the answer, they adjust their viewpoint of that person accordingly.
I Yawnalot says
He’s not. I saw him on the freeway heading south.
Aquamarine says
Golden Era Parachute says
Heading to Ceres in the asteroid belt on the Tesla Roadster fired from the Falcon 9 Heavy because (let’s sing it) ‘there’s no bridge in Zero Gravity’.
Aquamarine says
Hmm…Ceres…asteroid belt… Zero Gravity…Tesla,…it appears there is an Admin Scale alignment occurring here…Golden, do you know this guy, can you fix us up?…oh, wait! hold it.. hold it….I don’t know his IAS Status.
That’s key. After all, I’m a Patron Vainglorious Maximus. I want to make sure he’s upstat too. .Golden, can you please find out and let me know?
Oh, and give him my email so he can forward his 2 most recent pay stubs, employment verification letter stating income, position and starting date, 2 most recent bank statements, and photo ID. That’s all I’ll need. Its only a pre-qual, after all. Nothing too intrusive.
Then he and I can meet for coffee and get to know one another.
Teen says
Old Surfer Dude says
Hey, Mary! How’d you know I was on a bridge? I’m going over the Green St. bridge in Pasadena! Whoa…you really do have Super Powers!
Zardu Bafflemaff says
After watching the documentaries and Aftermath,I thought I had a pretty good glimpse into Scientology.Mike’s blogs have proved me wrong.What a bizarro world!!! I would be thoroughly entertained if not for the fact that people have been hurt immensely by this faux church. A dating app for Scientologists? Or you kidding me?
CO$ Money Doc says
Oh boy! Gonna postulate some hot Scn action! Not.
Old Surfer Dude says
I just went blind…
CO$ Money Doc says
You and all those desperate SO dudes with no action… OSD, lemmie hook you up; I know this girl in Clear Water ?
Old Surfer Dude says
She has to be in good standing.
I Yawnalot says
Mick Roberts says
Seems like a desperate attempt to only connect Scientologists (in good standing, of course) to other Scientologists so they don’t start dating someone outside of the bubble who knows how to use Google and actually uses it. Certainly don’t want any of their remaining members connecting with someone like that.
The “” website I mistakenly read as “” at first glance. I suppose that website comes later when/if one of them decides to leave and speak out.
I’m curious if John Alex Wood has anything to do with the first website by the OT in the UK field. Especially since his Monty Python dating site (which uses Monty Python, without their permission, as a way to surreptitiously get people interested and/or involved in Scientology) caught the attention of Eric Idle, who didn’t seem too pleased about him using the Python name, and who kindly (and appropriately) told him to “F— off” on Twitter.
MIke says
You should read the STAAD article that whiny, wimp wrote about his relationship with Eric Idle. Also, you my puke when you see JAW’s troll face at the top of the article. What a jackass.
KKat says
Oh barf.
Graham says
“An OT in the UK field”. I’d love to know who this is. Almost certainly a Calcioli or a Gaiman or a close relative. About all that’s left of the two thousand or so UK sheeple.
Skyler Dumbrofsky says
Once again I am making an “off topic” post. This time it’s because I just watched the episode of Aftermath that discussed how Mike blew the CO$. I’m making this post because I have two questions that I’d like to ask of anyone who may have an opinion. What a wonderful powerful episode! I don’t know how I ever missed seeing that or whether I’m just getting senile and saw it but don’t remember. Here are my questions:
1) When CO$ engages in “Fair Game” against me, is it reasonable for me to engage in “Reverse Fair Game”? I know it’s not very nice, but if someone was taking my garbage and searching thru it, I would be tempted to put something that smelled terrible into it. Nothing that would harm anyone – of course. Perhaps I’d buy some eggs and leave them unrefrigerated for 2 or 3 weeks, then put a few into a garbage bag and crush them from the outside so that I would not be able to smell them but anyone who opened the bag would have to deal with the horrible stench of rotten eggs while they examined my garbage. Would that be illegal? Would it be wrong to use tactics to defend my privacy that are similar to the tactics used by CO$? Would I then be just as evil as them by doing this?
Banrion says
Nope, not illegal at all. It’s trash, it’s supposed to have gross stuff in it. I dump my shredder bin pieces into the same bag as my kitty litter just as a general deterrent to trash sifting for personal info. Just don’t do anything that would put your trash collectors at risk in the usual course of their duties.
unelectedfloofgoofer says
Sounds like a very mild retaliation against an organization that has allegedly poisoned pets.
John P. Capitalist says
Wow. 200 members total. Let’s assume a split of 50% male, 50% female. And since Scientology is pretty homophobic, let’s assume for simplicity’s sake that all of the people there are straight. Let’s further assume that people are only going to be interested in people within 5 years older or younger than themselves. Assuming an even distribution from the ages of 20-70, that means that each decade has about 20 men and 20 women in it. And assuming that about 40% of Scientologists are located in either LA or Clearwater, that means that if you’re a Scientologist in Clearwater, then there will be around 4 prospective mates for you in your age bracket that are near you. And if you’re a lonely love-struck staff member at the Cincinnati org, you’re almost certainly SOL for finding a “2D” using this site, as there are approximately 0.04 available mates in the Cincy market for you on this site.
It’s not easy being a Scientologist.
xenu's son says
Hi John,
You can actually see 2 pages of the website with approximately 20 people per page.
From memory about 30% from the Clearwater area.
About 15% from Russia(mainly Saint Petersberg)
Surprisingly 10% women of oriental background.
Wynski says
“Surprisingly 10% women of oriental background.”
Me Do Bridge Long Time.
Old Surfer Dude says
It’s actually, Me Do Bridge Long Time, sailor.
Jethro Bodine says
Only a “worthy Oriental gentleman” would talk like that.
Wynski says
I Yawnalot says
They sure aren’t going to breed their way to success are they?
Old Surfer Dude says
When you’re looking at the same people for decades, it sucks the life out of you.
Golden Era Parachute says
I am sure the 200 member stat includes London, Dublin, Perth and any other metropolitan city, globally, that has a Scientology enclave. The stats just fell dramatically for a 2D connection.
jim says
Methinks you err on the high side with your above numbers. The email stated that they were ‘about half way to their target (500)’. Mike gave them the benefit of half way truly meaning half way. I’m gonna go with 1/4 or 1/10 of what they implied.
However we count it, they are proving your, Mikes, and my contention: It sucks to be a Scientologist in this millennia.
whatareyourcrimes says
John P.
I love it: using their own numbers to point out how futile they are in so many areas of life, in this case the dating scene.
I almost feel sorry for that bunch of zombies.
civmar says
Those two running on the beach. Why aren’t they on course? Or in session? What are you, dilettants? Get your ethics in and stop wasting time!
glenn says
Free spirit singles; Used it in the past but walked away after discovering the majority of girls on it were only looking for a man to support them. Guess I shouldn’t have been too surprised as they were all members of that vulture cult.
Aquamarine says
True. A married Still In I know who goes to Flog tells me whenever he’s there he sees groups of cult cougars – my term, not his – on the prowl to meet and marry male Scientologists who can pay for their Bridge, and, I suppose, everything else. One woman I knew back in the day at my org told me she had this as THE goal, on her -you guessed it – Admin Scale.
Both the men and the women, a decidedly cold, and rather calculating bunch, these cultees.
I Yawnalot says
In the insect world, that’s akin to the behaviour of a tick.
Aquamarine says
Yawn, you’re killing me here! Still laughing!
I Yawnalot says
Frank Sinatra – I’ve got you under my skin
Old Surfer Dude says
What about a tack?
I Yawnalot says
Those are for sailing boats or are iddy biddy nails with big heads, sort of look like Miscavige.
Title Waves says
Did I win?
Old Surfer Dude says
You did indeed! Woo Hoo!!!
TitleWaves says
Does that mean I’m really high “toed?” Games is really up there.
Since we’re on the subject of dating, I’m kinda thinking we’ve got a little love connection here: You surfer; me wave (wink, wink).
May I see your admin scale?
Newcomer says
What a roll yer all on LOL!!!!
LDW says
Well I’m just horrified.
Promoting dating is tantamount to promoting sex.
According to the 1982 Bulletin, Pain and Sex, sex “When sex enters the scene, a being fixates and loses power.”
Also, “Destructive creatures who do not want people big or reaching…invented pain and sex to shrink people and cut their alertness, knowingness, power and reach.”
“Pain and sex were the INVENTED tools of degradation.”
“Lovers are very seldom happy.”
“These are data which emerged from recent thorough research of the whole track. This isn’t theory or some strange opinion. It is proven electronic fact.”
Since dating leads to sex, it’s obvious these insidious dating sites are suppressive groups and must be shut down immediately and the nefarious creators of the groups should be declared (after taking all their money for appropriate sec checks).
Ed says
I’m so happy you clarified that bulletin for me. Maybe if I had really understood it after having to read it in ethics I’d have blown much sooner!
Sue says
mwesten says
All HCOB Pain and Sex tells me is that the cantankerous old shit suffered from bouts of pain and was probably desperate for a shag.
“I’m celibate.” That’s what everyone says when they can’t have it off. ”I’m fat and ugly with no chance of a pork,” more like. — Bubble, Ab Fab.
Joe Pendleton says
Actually I think LRH makes an interesting and probably valid point about sex. It does fixate a being on the body (as does pain and hunger for example). Now I myself have sex fairly often figuring what the heck, I’m ALREADY living in my body , so might as well enjoy it as much as I can.
Scientology was somewhat liberal in the area of sex back in the early 70s (Kate Bornstein writes about her sexual adventures in the Apollo living in a cabin underneath Ron’s abode) But … the NUTTIER Ron got as he got older and less capable of sex himself, the more HE and the CoS became fixated on “2D out ethics”. LRH as usual dramatized his own case on all Scientologists.
I guess like most people, older and single Scientologists desire romance and companionship. Of course on these two dating apps they’re limited to a small number of folks who have themselves become very nutty on the second and third dynamics.
My advice to the single lonely Scio hungering for a little action on the 2D or even marriage … Join up with ANY dating sites that DON’T have Scientologists on them. Date and marry other religion oriented folks … no knowledge reports AND … when you DO get declared … you’re still in bed with someone, baby.
Curiosus says
That is a way to increase membership, by making babies.
SevenSis says
I see neither of these are John Alex Wood’s famous Monty Python themed dating site, which by this point is i’m sure just featuring Scientologists on account of the fact that Monty Python told everyone to keep well clear?!
If i’m having a day where i need cheering up I pop over to STAAD and just reread his rant about Eric Idle telling him to F**k off. Not since the last time scientology did something so childish and puerile have i seen a grown middle aged man do something so childish and puerile as to post on an official business website (even if it is a transparent cult front group business website) and fire off a whole post about how a famous man he’s a fan of upset him so is now horrible. What an ass that man is, really. Space Cooties attached to his person, balding, and the temperament of a spoiled 8 year old. What’s not to love?
Wynski says
From both the low numbers of scamology singles and the fact that most dating age ones come from a limited pool of boomers where many had multiple spouses and children from those relationships, there is a danger of too small of a genetically diverse pool to have children without a high risk of birth defects.
Aquamarine says
Interested Party says
Date locate? Hilarious.
Aquamarine says
And none too subtle. Like a GPS for a date?
TrevAnon says
August 2010 anons had some fun with another scientologist dating site
The site itself:
These new sites may not want anons to find out about them… 😉
TrevAnon says
Oops. April 2010
disco george says
I’m laughing so hard that I’m literally crying. At work.
Thanks a lot, Trev.
Cult Free says
Nothing says “I love you” or is more romantic….than calling someone a “2-D” or “terminal”….
All cults use “Loaded Language” and these words were designed by L Ron Hubbard to minimize, invalidate and nullify the importance of marriages, relationships and family.
Because if one is to BE a $cientologist in good standing – one must be able to throw family and important relationships under the $cientological bus.
You see…L Ron Hubbard and David Miscavige want the members to GET RID of family and close relationships and GIVE ALL to the cult of $cientology….
So the tech is designed to covertly change your mind about the importance of relationships and family and the hypnotic suggestions work when repeated enough times….it gets into the subconscious where that mind takes things LITERALLY.
That is how L Ron Hubbard was successful in destroying his own family and others families.
Clearing the planet of families and bank accounts is the #1 goal of $cientology.
So….I am getting my CREATE ON and I am working on $cientology Valentines Day Cards….
Some ideas…do let me know if you like them….and think they are “theta”
Will you Be my Tu Dee?
I have high ARC for you – please be my Terminal!
Gravitysucks says
Aquamarine says
Cult Valentine cards – a wealth of material for J & Ding. Where does one even begin?
Mary Kahn says
First of all: “date locating” Hilarious. Should actually be the name for a scientologists’ connection site. Second: Isn’t it funny how the scientologist (obviously in good standing) in the first email has to say “if you’re a Scientologist in ‘good standing’.” Geezus! We ALL know what a “Scientologist” is. Does he really have to say “in good standing?” It’s redundant.
Thank gawd scientologists have the church (OSA) to tell them who the scientologists not-in-good-standing are. Someone might actually “light up their life” who was an SP.
Newcomer says
LOL! It would be nice to have a way to indicate your visibility to Dave’s radar……. but that of course would blow the cover. Your next ‘date’ might be with Julian.
Or the Hole thing might be Dave’s latest trick to search out the disaffecteds.
Cat W. says
How would they ever track the ins and outs of “good standing,” especially if the church no longer issues written declares? You could be set up with an SP and not even know it, having paid for the privilege. Or do these companies receive data updates from CoS management?
Mary Kahn says
Because the church starts a whisper campaign against you without actually issuing a declare. Scientologists who are your friends just start dropping away.
Cat W. says
“Because the church starts a whisper campaign against you without actually issuing a declare. Scientologists who are your friends just start dropping away.”
Yes, but how does that work with these dating sites? Does CoS send them tangible declares (in the form of a database update)? Or does the manager of the website call someone at CoS and ask, “Do you have any whispers for me today?” I’d love to see the written contract between these dating sights and the church.
Mary Kahn says
Honestly. I don’t think someone who’s not a scientologist any more or not in good standing would not be part of one of these sites.
Joe Pendleton says
Cat, Mary Kahn is right and the way they check is fairly simple . A Facebook check plus a very easy phone call to the org or mission that you say you are on lines at.
Aquamarine says
Cat, word gets around fast. There aren’t too many of them and they live to gossip behind each other’s backs. They don’t have much else in their lives except the cult and gossip.
Cat W. says
Thanks for the replies. I do get how word gets around in general (though people’s willingness to be ruled by such gossip puzzles me — someone would disconnect from their own child or grandchild based on gossip?).
I still think that would be an annoying responsibility for the dating website company. Yes, people probably wouldn’t sign up if they were declared (but would they definitely? would they know for sure?) And once they’d signed up, whose responsibility would it be to notify the website if they’re later declared? Does the website have to make a call for every member each week? It has to be systematized somehow, and the how of that is probably funny. Even funnier would be to see it in writing in whatever contracts exist behind the scene.
Aquamarine says
“Someone might actually ‘light up their life’ who was an SP.”
Xenu Forbid, LOL!
Kyle says
Do you have to write a success story after each date before you can go home?
Cult Free says
L Ron Hubbard ruins SEX with his tech….so you don’t have sex in $cientology – the ole tubb of lard claims that SEX pulls in pain.
He covertly introverts his victims with his tech.
Anyone else go through hell with the subject of sex…..where it ruined you for life?
That is what the Bridge to Total Freedom did for me and my Tu Dee….
In $cientology – L Ron Hubbard does not want you to have sex – you see, it keeps bank accounts from being sucked dry by greedy and crazy $cientologists living the stat driven life.
Newcomer says
No … but a Kay Are would be nice to get things off on the right foot ….. so to speak!
bixntram says
Or a knowledge report?
Aquamarine says
No, disagree, they write each other up AFTER the date.
bixntram says
Of course; I shoulda known.
Ms.P says
Kyle – thanks for my first LOL of the day. Looking forward to the rest of the day with all the great jokesters that post here daily.
Aquamarine says
Success Story after each date, but of course!
She: “Such a win! He didn’t expect me to sleep with him on the first date! Thank you, Free Spirit!
He: “…and tapped out as I’ve been for the past 5 years paying off my latest IAS status I was pleasantly surprised she was OK with Denny’s instead of insisting I take her to Saison!”
xenu's son says
I went on a date after my divorce.(Was not loyal enough to the party line.)
Met a nice women and said “I am new to the dating scene.Not a battle scarred veteran like you”
Next morning.KR!
Aquamarine says
No way! Your Scientology date DID write you up? You’re pulling our leg, right?
dungeon master says
Only if it has a happy ending!
(sorry, Mike. I couldn’t stop myself)
Joe Pendleton says
Dungeon … there’s very rarely a happy ENDING in a Scio romance/marriage … My advice is to get a happy BEGINNING at least by the second date before the KR’s fly and kill the mood.
mwesten says
“Member profile search by key parameters, such as age, location…”
Just not sexual orientation. ?️?
Newcomer says
Don’t forget ‘current bank balance’ and ‘$$$$$ on account’.
Aquamarine says
Absolutely. Immediate submission of the above data required. Any agreement to meet, text, phone or email conditional upon receipt and thorough review of the above by an authorized CPA. Recent tax returns speed the process. Photo optional. Let’s experience the theta.
mwesten says
Oh I hear ya! As Scientology® VFP, New OTVIII, Asinus Maximus, Super Powered, Uber Douche Grant Cardone once said, “Love and money, maaan! Marry some money!! You can marry more money in one day than you can make in a damn lifetime!” —
It’s so profoundly spiritual, I have goosebumps ?
Aquamarine says
🙂 mwestern.
Well, Cardone should know, as there’s no way that basket ball player he married hitched up with him for love. He is just vile. I don’t know how she does it. Maybe she closes her eyes and thinks of her Bridge. Or the chauffeur.
peter luyks says
Interesting to note that they say there are 500 free memberships being given away as a promotion and half have been taken up , Which speaks volumes about the actual numbers of Scientology members that really exist out there considering that the supposedly 250 members that did take this offer is probably very fictitious to say the least if not completely false .