To the surprise of absolutely nobody, scientology wasted no time rolling out a whole new website of smear after the premiere of Leah Remini: Scientology and The Aftermath. Because of this, Thursday Funnies have taken a one week hiatus while I comment on this latest development from the fevered mind of Miscavige.
Cleverly (?) titled Aftermath: After Money (no doubt Miscavige got a kick out of that, probably thought it up himself, laughed at his own cleverness and his sycophants all laughed along with him) it announces in its headline what has come to be the hallmark of scientology’s “Dead Agent”* efforts: They accuse everyone else of what they do. Starting right with their “clever” title.
Hey there Scrooge McDuckavige, do you know that docuseries like this are done on a shoestring budget — absolute peanuts compared to a network sitcom? If Leah was interested in making money she would be doing what she has very successfully done in the past, making a sitcom. Or if she really wanted to be rolling in the dough she could start a tax-exempt charity that claims to do good around the world, produces staged fundraising videos, hands out gauche statuses and gaudy trophies and then sit on the piles of money her team of vultures fundraisers extracts. Sound familiar?
The other hallmark of a scientology “Dead Agent Caper” is to absolutely ignore what is being exposed (see definition of Dead Agent below – scientology cannot do anything not covered in policy written by L. Ron Hubbard). Never respond. Just pretend the rapes, broken families and destroyed lives don’t exist and ramble on about what poor victims you are and how terrible people are exposing your putrid, diseased underbelly.
So, here is the “Statement of the Church of Scientology International” about Leah Remini: Scientology and The Aftermath sentence by sentence.
Leah Remini’s “reality” show, like her last one, is nothing more than a scripted, rehearsed, acted and dramatized work of fiction.
The link to watch episode 1 of Leah’s series on Sling, which worked a couple of days ago, took me to an episode of Little Women tonight. Technical glitch or intentional?
You can watch at A&E online.
I’ve been dealing with a few things in real life so haven’t had a chance to chime in of late. Just wanted to say well done Mike and Leah and Amy and all on the A&E program. The audience for this is huge and I’m so proud of you all for your candor in such a big way. Your voice will never be silenced!
“… pretend the rapes, broken families and destroyed lives don’t exist and ramble on …”
It’s all part of “The Optimum Solution”, the greatest good across the greatest number of dynamics. Of course their formula includes the 9th dynamic – the urge to survive through fantasy and delusion.
Hi Mike,
I never get involved in anything like these kinds of message boards. I’m a Christian and kind of a pacifist by nature. And for the longest time, I have been like so many others and have just viewed this cult as a joke and something to be avoided at all costs.
But this series really got me to see the true evils of what is actually going on here with this organization. You and Leah are absolutely right – The abuse has to be stopped. Beliefs are of course up to each individual person, but it NEVER justifies the horrible abuse that is clear as day here. David Miscavige has done much to show his true colors, despite his apparent best “efforts” to hide them. And as an American Citizen, I feel so ashamed that this started here in our own country and has yet to be stopped. Why hasn’t he been stopped?!
My question to you is simply this: What can I DO to help take this tyrant down?
How else, beyond sharing this documentary with friends and family and boosting the signal, can I help to get the right powers-that-be to take action against them? If you provide people with these steps, I think you would see major swift action taken across the country that would, at the verybleast, be in the right direction. And then, justice could finally be done, families freed, and lives restored.
I want to also say thank you to all of you who have spoken out. This took a tremeandous amount of courage and effort, and I hope the fruits of your labors come to pass. Keep up the good fight.
Tell your local politicians about Scientology, so that Scientology can’t get way with their crimes anymore. Scientology loves to collect “influencers”. That includes your mayor, police chief, city counsel and school board members. Share Leah’s show with them.
If Scientology comes to your town, they will not show their true selves at first. They will use front groups like Way to Happiness, Foundation for a Drug-Free World, Citizens Commission on Human Rights, Youth for Human Rights International, Volunteer Ministers, and Narconon International. If you see any of these groups trying to Infiltrate your community you need to blow the whistle on them. The most common thing that can happen is Foundation for a Drug-Free World will give a talk at a local school. They will not mention Scientology, but all the science in the talk will be bunk.
Tell your congress person, and US senator that you want Scientology’s IRS tax exemption taken away. Tell them you want Scientology investigated for human trafficking and abuse of the R-1 Temporary Nonimmigrant Religious Worker Visa.
Scientology: it is worse then you think.
Thank you DarthJenni, that was well constructed and very powerful. That’s exactly what we should do.
Mike, you and Leah were wonderful in the first installment because you let Bonnie and Amy and Mat tell their stories. Both of you are media-savvy, and it makes a HUGE difference.
Someone mentioned that Leah was also to be on Dr. Oz, so I recorded it. It was the best promo for the series that I have seen. Dr. Oz basically let her talk, and she was fantastic. What has gotten a lot of publicity is that she said that Scientology should sue her, but they would never do it because then they would have to be deposed.
Someone pointed out that since the debacle with Debbie Cook, where her testimony is now a part of public record, they haven’t sued anybody.
I only had one little quibble with the Dr. Oz show. Leah said that fair game had been repealed. I believe that it is the mention of fair game that was prohibited, not the policy itself.
Leah on Dr. Oz was great. Here’s a link to a bit of it, in case anyone missed it.
I said “they” would leave him alone.
Not that we would ??
Is there anyone left that believes even a single word this cult issues about it’s former members? It seems like the ONLY people that would believe their nonsense is their own followers. Are their press releases for their followers because they have been caught lying too many times. So much in fact, that you know whatever they say is about a 180 from the truth.
That said, public opinion is and has turned against this cult. They are either feared or laughed at, depending on the amount of exposure a person has been subjected to. First fear, because of Scientology’s bullying fair game tactics (and enforcement of Disconnection for those “in”) and then follows laughter. More though are simply skipping the fear part (Cult has no more bite anymore, just comical press releases) and skipping to Scientology being the butt of the joke.
I find it funny, all of the disparaging and childish names they call their former member/critics such as liar, criminal, etc. You had these people in your organization for decades, even speaking publicly as Leah did on behalf of the Church many times. And we all know you don’t make statements to the press without OSA driven coaching. And this just doesn’t happen unless you are trusted – just like the Squirrel busters, two of which I personally know and they have been on the Moxon payroll for years.
And neither do you get into key positions without trust. This means all their technology is bullsh*t, or their application of it is bullsh*t, or it’s a combo of bullsh*t. And frankly, given that they boast they have the technology to handle anyone and everyone, then why can’t they handle SPs? Why don’t they have a way to stop all the defections before they happen? They fail at “detecting, routing or handling” SPs? Thus, they don’t have all the answers. In fact, the intelligence level of their press releases seems to indicate that they only have the dullest left or those too beat down and apathetic to escape. Well done Miscavige. You got rid of the thinkers and we have a platform called the internet to expose your inhumanity.
Truth vs comical false press releases … ha!
Throw, throw, throw your church
Swiftly down the drain
Merrily, merrilly, merrilly
Time for more fair game!
First time on your site and really researching Scientology in general after watching going clear and now the docuseries. I hope you take them down. I’m sure you aren’t proud of the things you did there but you are doing the right thing now and that’s all you can do. Keep it up u have a lot of supporters
Very well stated, thank you Mike.
You also have another scripture: The Criminal Mind: He accuses others of what he himself is doing. That says it all.
Interesting also what the scripture says about dead agent: find the biggest lie and disprove it. But Black Heart, crybabies can not disprove it because what Leah exposed is true.
So he goes on the coward approach – discredit the source. But also at this has failed.
Wow Mike and Hurricane Leah! You guys ROCK!
Tiny Midget Miscavige looks like a goon with his new sales pitch. What a dweeb!
The World now KNOWS all about David Miscavige and the EVIL cult of Scientology.
THANK YOU for doing what you do!!
My sister, Joan Treasure, whom I got into Scio in ’73, did not speak to me for close to 25-30 years after I was declared a suppressive person. She also cut ties with our other sister and mother and father. For a number of years we did not know if she was alive or dead. All calls to her were answered by a person who claimed Joan was there (at their secret location in Hemet, California), that she was busy but would return the call shortly. She never did. That is until I called and calmly stated that if we did not hear back from Joan in 30 minutes, I would go to the police. That worked. But she still would not talk to me, only to our other sister who was never in Scientology. More recently she will have limited chats with me (and never about the church) but I know this is so she can report back that I have been “handled” (no longer a threat to the church publicly) and can continue to have services in the church.
Incidentally, I picketed the local church once with a sign reading “Joan Treasure Please Call Home. Your Family Loves You” . (pretty suppressive, huh?)
That got some press and a spot on someone’s website but no other result until I made that call.
Your family are lost to you unless you toe the line.
Your sister was my first professional auditor. She was still Joan Brownlee at the time, and Scientology was quite different to what it became – a fundraising dictatorial cult. She was a great lady and a fine auditor.
I’m sorry that things turned out how they did but I wish her and you the best.
I am wondering who in COS had the brains to not go after Bonnie Elliott? If they have posted a smear campaign against her I have not seen it commented on. I want to believe there is the tiniest bit of decency in the cult. One tiny tiny bit of human decency.
Lots of love to Mat and Amy. Keep up the outstanding work Mr. Rinder and Ms Remini. This series could go one for years if each week was the story of one ex-COS detailing their experiences while in.
Yesterday I was having the same thoughtsand considering their smear campains and their behavour in the past, I came then to the conclusion that Dave and OSA have no decency and the reason is because they are afraid of the public outcry and backlash.
I was in scio on staff in the 70’s for 6 years, in Australia. Statute of limitations long expired by now but I know of at least 2 cases of incest that were kept quiet by the church specifically for PR reasons. One of them concerned a guy who diddled with his daughter or daughters, confessed this privately in session, was assigned a “condition”, did some amends project, then simply had everyone sign his petition to allow him to return to good standing in the group. Though his petition did not reveal details of what he had done, I asked him directly at the time and that was his admission to me. My regret is that I did nothing more about that. This and Amy’s experience are typically how things were dealt with in the church, not just in the US but worldwide. Definitely the principle concern was (and is, evidently) to keep it all quiet.
There is no statute of limitations on crime in Australia. These monsters can still be punished, if you’d care to report them to the relevant state police department.
So Leah needs to get on with her life and career, does she? Just another example of the church sneeringly trying to dictate what others should do with their lives. The irony is that Leah IS getting on with her life and career, just not in the way the church might like.
There once was a dude they called COB
Who loved to embezzle and rob
Along came Remini
Who twisted his weenie
And showed he was just a nut job
VWD Mephisto!! I am inspired to get my “create” on…LOL
There once was a Midget named Miscavige
Whose underlings knew him as a savage
He beat and he swore
A fake ecclesiastical poser for sure
Running a money laundering racket called
Scientology Dead Agents Itself
Ho, Ho, Ho, “Scrooge McDuckavige”! Reading this blew some charge; in other words, I felt relief when Mike Rinder put David Miscavige in his place. Here are some of my favorites:
“Exposing your putrid, diseased underbelly”; “hot and cold running servants”; “hot and cold running lawyers”; “will tear you many new, gaping assholes”; ” the church to run like cockroaches when the lights are turned on”; “You are such cry-babies.”
An “extremely bitter ex-scientologist”
(1977 to 2014)
Mike, quit beating around the bush & tell us what you really think 😛
I dont think your tender young ears are ready for that… 🙂
Give Emma a chance…
In which David Miscavige is ripped to shreds and fed to the hogs. Is it possible for a single person to be more wrong than David Miscavige? What perfect storm of character defects have come together to create a person so completely off the mark yet so blissfuly unaware of it?
The smear website for the show offers out-of-context quotes from LA Times and The Hollywood Reporter making it look like they gave the show terrible reviews which they did not! Now the ratings are in and the news is really terrible. For Miscavige!
That’s got to be frustrating. Here are two people, Mike Rinder and Leah Remini whom he has waged character assassination against, interviewing people he has waged character assassination against and they’re WINNING! They’ve got lives , family and friends. They’ve got a show about what a rotten egg Miscavige is and it’s a hit on Prime time TV! To add insult to injury the show is using his attacks to feed its success!
I think tonight somebody is going to need to open a bottle of scotch and play an old video, the one where an audience of thousands cheers madly and a movie star tearfully salutes him.
I think Leah said she is not going to make a dime from a lawsuit because she has not filed one. They just misquoted her.
I also prefer the term “Projection”. It is the act of accusing your enemies of the crimes you know you are guilty of.
On the topic of projection, I just watched the video from Todd and Cristin Woodruff that COS posted. They claimed that Leah “tracked them down”, somehow found their phone number and possibly sent someone to take pictures outside their house. Now who do we know that does all of these things routinely to their ex-members?
“To be treated this way and tracked down by a private investigator and have to drag my family into this … it’s just not right.” I could not agree more.
There is really no point in me getting into any details about this screed. Mike’s got this covered aplenty already. However, I can’t help but make two general observations:
1. If someone had asked me to write up whatever statement I thought Ms. Pouw-Miscavige would be releasing (and I am using this term very deliberately), my version would have ended up very close to the actual product. It’s THAT predictable.
2. Let’s assume someone reads this who watched this show out of curiosity, someone who had never heard much, one way or the other, about scientology. Would this statement put to rest concerns they may have developed about this “church” during the show or would it further confirm them? And would their conclusions get them to dismiss this documentary or would they resolve that they’d better inform themselves some more in weeks to come?
It’s been said: “It’s better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” Obviously, the same could be said for sociopathic bullies!
The other aspect of Leah’s program, which was refreshing, was how Amy’s mother simply walked away from her “eternity”. This is a very big deal for Scnists. The idea that you will be doomed, lifetime after lifetime, should you forego Scn. I know it was a major obstacle when I left the church. Just the idea that real people are making this decision every day erodes the church’s grip on its members.
Thanks for pointing this out, statpush. One day as I Photojournaled for “JennyAtLAX” at PAC Base in Los Angeles, taking pictures of scientology’s comings-and-goings, PAC Security Guard Odo G. Huber asked me about my “eternity”; that I had just chucked it down the shoot.
“‘Eternity'”? I snorted. “You’ve gotta be kidding!”
I’ll not soon forget the look on Odo’s face. He looked so serious as his jaw dragged on the sidewalk.
Serious business. To be damned to eternal suffering. Hmm…that sounds familiar. We should call it Hubbard’s Hell.©
So much for honesty and case gain, eh Dave?
The show is brilliant. Both you and Leah spoke with grace and simplicity , and that’ s enough to give credence to everything you said. Thank you.
It’s so funny that the COS doesn’t realize that every time they attack Leah and other “SP’s”, that they are further convincing the general public what a rotten organization they are. Leah, Jason Beghe, and many others, are some of the most popular people on the planet. They have many millions of fans worldwide. And they just continue these juvenile attacks on them. Oh well, it’s fun to watch them put nails in their own coffins.
” Leave people AND THEIR FAMILIES alone, and they will leave you alone.”
It’s way too late for second chances here. The accumulated evil that he’s done, and the families that he’s harmed and destroyed, require that he brought to justice now. Indeed, the only possible way that the cherch can survive is to identify the real Super SP I/C that’s been destroying the religion from the inside, then reform itself completely, beginning with putting an end to the vile policies of coerced disconnection and Fair Game.
Some sort of Truth and Reconciliation Tribunal needs to be convened in order to try and make right the many crimes and massive human rights violations that $cn has engaged in since the cherch’s earliest days. Massive amends need to be made in a spirit of true contrition to all the many who’ve been harmed over the six plus decades of this fuax religion’s reign of terror.
“Indeed, the only possible way that the cherch can survive is to identify the real Super SP I/C that’s been destroying the religion from the inside..” …..( I think that theme has pretty much runs it’s course for a few decades now)
Bravi! Bravi! Bravi!!!! and be sure to copyright this … one never knows….: $scientology: If it’s not fundraising, it’s not $scientology.
Hi Claudio! 🙂
Claudio Lugli in da house!! Welcome Claudio!!
how about this one too ..
“if it is not cruel and inhumane …it is not $cientology”
Scientology motto: “If it ain’t broken, fix it.”
Bravo Mike, so very well said!
“‘Leah Remini: Aftermath” is really “Leah Remini: After Money.’
So amazingly clever. I have my own ‘clever’ phrase for you: $scientology: If it’s not fundraising, it’s not $scientology.”
I like that one, here’s another: “With Scientology, it’s ALWAYS worse than you think!”
In fact, we could go on for days here with the comical, but barbed slogans (Free Xenu…NOW!!!), and with reminders of the cult’s penchant for placing its own members into internal exile, and even falsely imprisoning them (T-shirt to read: “Where’s Shelly?”). Or how about something even more directly revelatory about DM’s truly evil nature: “To: David Miscavige…Lisa Mcpherson died for your sins!”
In addition to the many valid points of refutation that you make in today’s piece, I’m really enjoying the direct manner with which you are responding to “the little man behind the curtain,” whose micro-management of this PR debacle can be directly perceived as his words are spoken through the mouths of his enthralled minions.
Why even pretend to address the cherch as a corporation whose board of directors have any kind of power or control over the decisions that are made concerning the cherch? It’s all lil davey – fully in command and totally in charge – so everyone should be addressing him directly, regardless of which “spokeshole” his words come out of.
Leah Remini’s show had an initial viewership of 2 1/2 million. Pretty good for little A & E. With all the other times that episode will air, total viewership may be around 10 million per episode. And there are 9 more episodes waiting to air.
Many have said that each escapee has caused $cientology a paper cut. Leah’s show is like slicing off a finger joint, Yakuza style. And each new episode will take another finger joint. At this rate, the clampire will run out of typing fingers around New Years Day.
There are so many stories of disconnection, splitting apart of spouses, rapes and financial chicanery and outright fraud that A & E could keep Leah’s show running for years. That thought is what keeps Miscavage up nights.
Putting up an attack web site is like trying to stop the rain by waving your umbrella. It may keep you busy, but the rain will still fall. As most still in clams will never admit to cruising the internet, who is going to see that attack sites? Only the developer and DM. No one else cares enough to risk an expensive sec check.
This ongoing crescendo of doubled-down-on stupidity by Miscavige and Co. must really be doing wonders for their recruitment of celebrities. What celebrity wants to go into Scientology, knowing that if they get screwed over by the Church and decide to fight back they will end up having to put up with this sort of never ending BS.
Good point Sad State of Affairs. They won’t get ANY more celebrities in now. 2.1 Million people saw that airing. Wow. And there are 7 more to go! Leah and Mike, kudos to you and thank you so much for doing this. As one who has had my own flesh and blood disconnect from me on orders of the church, what you did is so amazing and it gives me hope that I”ll be reunited with my kids one day. You are very brave both of you. You just climbed an 8 foot fence and jumped down off it onto the bully’s back. You’re winning! Listen to DM howl because you are winning.
I have watched you from a far for a long time, for the first time I like this posting. I have a half sister in scientology, who like you has been in her entire life, all her children. I have tried to understand her through you, i never will, but i have tried. Some might say i was lucky enough to be directly under Hubbard and saw the tyrany early on, enough to escape as a young child.
I wouldn’d say i was lucky, but i was savvy enough to know Hubbard was a nasty bit of work, and trained Micavige well to continue in the same vein.
I never would of imagined I would be writing this to you, but right now, this minute i find a respect for you, i never thought possible.
Sharone Stainforth
Thank you for your kind words Sharone.
I know who you are from your story appearing on the internet and you being one of the original “Commodore’s Messengers” when you were 11 on the Apollo.
It pleases me a great deal that I have in some small way perhaps helped you.
Oh my god!, Sharone’s talk:
By ‘testifying’ Sharone, you have helped get your demons out and cautioned the whole world to $cientologies true face. That is your victory.
Nice to see you take on specifics (such as they are) from the smear websites. The accusation that Leah personally hired a PI to track down a member seems to be designed to cause a legal response from team Leah. I wonder if there is a plan, or it’s just impossible for OSA to avoid confessing / projecting (where just plain leaving well alone would be the better choice…)
I love the use of smear letters etc as advertising for the show.
Watch out for how the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology ABSOLUTELY NOT shows the opposite side of the argument. It’s almost like they’re paralysed with fear of getting caught in a debate they can never master…
Leah also tracked me down and sent a large German shepherd to attack me after I was done shopping at K-Mart. Possibly because I laughed at the wrong time when she was shooting King of Queens. But be that as it may, it’s a well documented fact.
haahaaaa! 🙂 hush, mephisto. no more chuckles tonight. you will cause me to spend too long on this site, and I’ve got work to do. funny guy.
Okay T. J. I’ll try to control myself, but it’s hard!
Wow… this is good. Point by point take-down. Thanks for all the chuckles.
I like it when you get justifiably angry, Mike. Puts the Dwarfenführer’s petulant yapping and whining into true perspective.
Dave Miscavige, where the screams don’t quite drown out the pain
And the lies you tell, sure do smell
When the words come from your addled brain
Dave Miscavige, ev’ry night my mom and dad and I
Sit alone and talk and laugh a lot making plans to celebrate our lives
We know we belong to ourselves (yo-ho)
And your church is a monster from hell
And when we say
Yeeow! Aye-yip-aye-yo-ee-ay!
We’re only sayin’
You’re doin’ bad, Dave Miscavige!
Dave Miscavige, you’re slayed!
Slayed in Oklahoma
He’s in a bad state.
My never in COS girl friend agreed with me as to why does the COS hire so any losers?
Should be many not any.
No…I’m actually an any loser myself. I can lose anytime I want.
well, they weren’t losers when they joined, but after several rounds of training…
Interesting isn’t it. He should know they are bad and not hire them. 😉 methinks either he’s making lots and lots and lots of poor personnel choices or his personnel are not as poor as he claims. Hmm. Which is it?
Thank you Mike. When they act crazy, connecting that craziness to L Ron Hubbard’s studied and demoed writings………………
educates the public and takes the mystery out of the question,” Why do Scientologists behave the way they do?”
There is no mystery to why Scientologists act crazy. It is all spelled out in writing.
Scientology crazy behavior is a learned behavior. Showing this behavior in writing will cause more of society to have understanding.
Even David Miscavige is under the spell of this madness.
Yet another great movie quote for Davey, from Harlem Nights: “Kiss my ENTIRE ass!”
Wow, hard hitting stuff. Very moving documentary by Leah, it’s about life and how Scientology lives it. The program is indeed an educational fest about how Scientology winds itself into people’s lives using the one button any socially minded person takes very sincerely and is prepared to sacrifice themselves for, Help, to help others and to feel part of something big and worthwhile.
For me in viewing the program I quickly understood how I have a special understanding of all this – I know what everyone is talking about. The secrets of Scientology I am privy to and I know how it treats people, it did pretty much the same to me and my extended family. However, I see Leah’s program more of a declaration of war. The gauntlet has been well and truly slapped across Miscavige’s face. The aftermath as the above denotes is almost script perfect, Miscavige is so unbelievably predictable. I truly hope he feels under threat by forces unknown. Given enough motivation and the right type of rope he will hang himself with his own words.
How all this is going to pan out… well… it’s early days but I truly hope with all I’ve got it gets through to people at large and those that count just what a deceiving and mindbogglingly disgusting organisation Scientology is. It will be interesting to see how the media runs with this, loyalties will be tested but the one thing that is common to Scientology is that lies abound around it like flies to crap. Lawyers will have their income enhanced by this action – I hope it is short lived.
Brilliant work Leah, Mike and all who have contributed. Shots in anger have been fired. I hope they are accurate enough to do sufficient damage now that the battle is truly intensifying. Best of luck, the people still inside need you more than ever and yes it is worth every effort.
I just don’t understand why Dave won’t come on these national TV shows and attack you and Leah personally so he can show the whole world just how awesome he is and how “coolest” his religion is.
I mean it would be so easy for him to get his message across. He could even have Tom Cruise join him on the set. Piece of cake. Entheta handled.
If the host gets a bit testy with him or gives him a suspicious look, Dave could just leap across the table and bitch slap the host into pie-faced obedience. Then the audience would really see just what a wonderful ecclesiastical leader the pope of $cientology really is.
Megyn Kelly could pull this off. Bet Anderson Cooper would do it. Oprah?
Come on Dave. Grow and pair and set it up. Don’t you wanna have tens of millions of viewers see who you really are?
A televised debate with Miscavige… mmmmm, what a wonderful Christmas present that would be!! Let’s see how Scientology really speaks from the top.
Well it will take a lot more that a communication course and re – retread of the hard Trs course to get His Annointed Ass anywhere near close to taking on the real spokesperson for the cherch.
Thank you Mike Rinder for being the planets official truth teller about all that is $cientology! You and Leah have taken it to a whole new level. Kudos to you both and to all appearing on her show.
Yo Dave,
If you had half a nut left in your sack you would debate Mr. Mike Rinder at a televised event and prove to the world what a benevolent ecclesiastical leader you really are. Do it for all of us Dave!
Or would you rather debate Leah instead? That dear leader would put you immediately out of your misery!
Lil davey the terrible appears to have been turned into lil davey the timid and been pushed down the tone scale from his chronic position of “controlling bodies” to “hiding from bodies” by Leah’s in-your-face little man frontal assault! I’m loving that!
All of the the thousand of declared folks and disconnected family members have long needed a fierce champion with a high public profile to lead the charge and now they have one! Don’t ever stop until the cherch, under lil davey the tyrannical, stops destroying families and is completely either reformed or disbanded!
Last time he did that, in 1992, it did not go over well for him.
Deep down, little Dave just knows he sucks at everything. That’s why he hits people.
Unfortunately for him, would Dave do that to any of us degraded beings, we’ll call the police and his little narcissist ass will land in jail, where he’ll meet even more degraded beings who really dislike being yelled at by tiny dwarves with pompadours.
Mike, you answered every one of their ridiculous allegations thoroughly and beautifully.
Bravo Mike, totally on target and pulling no punches.
Miscavige is engaged in the wholesale alteration of time form place and event and does so on wide open communication channels in response to a show that garnered 2.1 million viewers. Either colossal stupidity or arrogant beyond belief. Either way, he is making Scientologists everywhere look like DOPES.
My whole month is complete with this crackling piece of yours I archived and Beautiful inside & out Leah.Thank you All,I am gob-smacked by what has been done.The Cult is Howling Now.Let them scream,they are liars and all of us who have been “touched” or rather man-handled by Scientology know that instinctively.??
David Miscavige, must really hate it that Mike Rinder is so much smarter than him and is exposing him again and again … (maybe he shouldn’t have treated him so badly… ). Also he is very articulate and doesn’t need a Shermann or a Suggs to talk and doesn’t need a Pouw to hide behind.
Leah Remini and Mike Rinder are really a power-duo; must be a nightmare for Dear Leader.
And DM – don’t think anybody is buying that you are above it – it is clear to everybody that you are just a cowered hiding behind your ‘rank’ and ‘Pouw’ and are too chicken to speak up publicly yourself.
They are also much taller than him.
Spot on, MIke. In a country that can divide so strongly in the Trump vs Clinton debate, no one outside Scientology’s information controlled bubble sides with Miscavige and his band of flying monkeys. No one. Miscavige and Scientology have created their own cesspool of greedy misdeeds and the public can smell it a mile away. Only Miscavige is delusional enough to think his shit doesn’t stink.
I disagree with the statement about Thursday funnies being cancelled, I found this very humorous.
What? THursday Funnies were cancelled? I thought that’s what I was reading. ?
Yo Mike, I’ma let you finish, but this is one of the Best Thursday Funnies of all time. OF ALL TIME.
Really enjoying the ride. Gonna miss you all when it’s over. ;p
Since C$I was kind enough to put their ‘copyright’ notice on the bottom of the smear page, a printed out screen grab will make a nice attachment to an IRS Form 13909 Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint (Referral). It really doesn’t seem like an appropriate way for a 501(c)3 organization to be spending it’s money.
A smart Observation!
ahhh…good thinking. I don’t know how I missed noticing that little detail,good job.
Juicy post Mike. Thank you.
I hope the “Dear Leader” does indeed read this, however I wish no harm to anyone for his resulting explosion.
Funny that knowing what I know of you from this blog (which I subscribe to), Going Clear, and all of the other Videos out there, I knew and could identify the SAME COS BS you point out in this post before I read it. It truly is a testament to their desperation. If someone can connect these dots by reading the COS statement even before you point it all out.. WOW… And to think, I have never even been in Scientology.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what you call a Verbal Bitch-Slap.
I heard that verbal bitch slap a mile away! Way to go!
Yep, an epic sentence-by-sentence takedown!
“Since C$I was kind enough to put their ‘copyright’ notice on the bottom of the smear page, a printed out screen grab will make a nice attachment to an IRS Form 13909 Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint (Referral). It really doesn’t seem like an appropriate way for a 501(c)3 organization to be spending it’s money.”
Pickanotherid you are spot on. I hope someone takes this and runs with it.
The car episodes made everything even more believable. Great editing, too.
KABOOM! ?????
Has the cos called people “anti-scientologists” before or is this something new?
If you’re against felony assault, extortion, fraud, flagrant lies, false imprisonment then you’re an Anti-Scientologist.
That’s me.
Hey, hey, hey, Mike!!! That’s all of us! We all love being anti-Scientologists! /
Count me in! What a great gift this holiday season.
Yo Dave,
Why not send out the golden rods to all this season. Speaking of golden rods Dave, we have one here with your name on it …………… and it’s a doozie!
If I were Dave, I’d be careful where I stick my golden rod.
Nope. Calling people anti-Scientologists has been around for a long time.
I wish I had an earlier beginning!
Doubtful anybody reads their comments or even cares what they say, except to verify that yes, see how vindictive they are. What church slimes parishioners that leave in this way?
Beautifully stated, Mike. And when we saw the show, my lady and I agreed that the sincerity of Leah, and all the other speakers, was unquestionable. The stats for the first of 8 were quite remarkable. I won’t be surprised to see even better ones for the succeeding episodes. I feel certain that Davey is more than a bit terrified at the prospects.
It’s kind of baffling as to whom this website is intended for. I would not expect many of the general public to have any particular interest in reading it. And if they did read it, wouldn’t it be the kind of publicity that would make them even MORE interested in seeing the next episode to check out the “bad chick” the CoS is slamming to see what this is all about? (Kind of Glutz PR, no?)
Also as we all know, these sites do make the CoS look like a very vindictive “church.” The easy answer would be that the site is intended for Scientologists, so as to “dead agent” Leah, Mike and the show. I guess most Scientologists can’t help but hear about the show, as the story is on major sites like Huffington and regular news programs. But again, wouldn’t even directing Scientologists to this site put their attention on the fact that a TV series is now on for a few weeks ABOUT their church, and make them at least a wee bit interested in checking it out? Or at least drive them somewhat downtone knowing about it?
Yeah, folks … these are the people who are the “experts” in PR! Hahahaha .. they’ve studied a whole SERIES of lots of LRH policy on the subject, which means they KNOW the truth and the “tech” about it and so no longer can be the effect of the subject … yeah, that’s the ticket …
Hmmm … you know … there’s a seminar coming up on the Freewinds that makes people expert in this area …. maybe Leah can challenge Sharron Weber to a debate … now THAT would be a hoot …
I agree with you about the CofS smear websites. When I first became interested in learning more about the conflicts between the Church and some outspoken ex-members, I went to view those sites, to be fair and get both sides, and was appalled at the CofS vindictive, nasty tone and their putting up the most unflattering photos, it was just awful, and seemed like something an angry 12-year old would do to get back at someone. It solidified my support of the ex-members. The CofS own sites did more to turn my opinion against them than anything else.
How many ex-members have pinpointed as the straw that broke the camel’s back for them was when they were brought into a confidential briefing to be shown Freedom Magazine and other dead agent materials? Numerous.
You’re exactly right – Miscavige is basically an angry 12-year-old. A superannuated 8th-Grader, running His little Lord of the Flies island.
There must be a lot of empty Scotch bottles getting thrown around out in Gilman Hot Springs lately…
I’ve heard it said before around here before, and it makes sense to me: These dead agent websites and attacks are intended for an audience of one — he who is also the author of same. Smelling his own ass fumes.
Dave, thanks so much for the free advertising! I completely agree with Tom when he says, “we’re lucky to have you.”
Was Tom’s nose firmly entrenched between the dwarf’s butt cheeks as he said, “we’re lucky to have you?” And did the dwarf give him the customary send off by farting in his face? Just curious…
What a shitty thing to say. ?
I know…I know, I’m rude, crude & socially irresponsible. But, I really do like shit flying around.
I moved on. For more than 30 years I was good and moved on. My closest friends had no clue that I had been involved in scientology. Then In 2011 David Miscavige had a brilliant idea to attempt to recover me. For six long months I was stalked and got hundreds of telephone calls and thousands of letters because he believed I would come back because he believed I had money to spend. The only way I was able to shut it all down was to become an active, vocal critic, something I never wanted to be.
Well guess what David Miscavige, I’m back. I have stories and they are coming out little by little. Why? Because
You. Will. Not. Allow. Anyone. To. Move. On. Bad move.
If Miscavige actually allowed people to just walk away, none of this would be happening.
“If Miscavige actually allowed people to just walk away, none of this would be happening.”
This simple truth about Scientology’s insistence for labels on enemies to internally “protect” the group from within only guarantees their demise. I think Miscavige is making the mistake of applying the worst aspects of Scientology but even without Miscavige destroying from within, the subject itself needs gutting. Further proof that the re-balancing of the *subject* could only be done by an external agency with no ties or ramifications from the cult itself.
Right on Valerie. Madman or Mesiah is an apt term.
No doubt it’s madman. And Hubbards legacy? Turning members into mad men and women. If they weren’t so crazy we would just ignore them all. But when they separate us from family and friends we can’t just stand by and do nothing.
You are my hero Valerie! Nothing better that to see a kick ass and take names gal in action. Go for it.
Valerie, I so agree with you. I walked away 32 years ago but was still connected to my Scn family and had no problems. We had a good status quo, absolutely no problems. Then the intervention started happening about 7 years ago, after all that time………….now what do we have, my family disconnected from me and in all of that a son too. They caused this themselves…Never in a million years would I have thought that I would become a vocal critic of the church.
If they would have just left us alone, we would not have even gone on any anti-church sites as we did not care whatsoever. We were just living our lives and thought of our time in the SO as a previous lifetime….hahaha
I for one am looking forward to hearing more, from what I have read here, you have many stories to tell.
4’13” just never learns. Leave people AND THEIR FAMILIES alone, and they will leave you alone.
Thank you for speaking out.
Go Valerie!!
Of all of the things available in their vast arsenals of Ethics, Tech and Admin they choose “Propaganda by Redefinition of Words?”
What an insult to intelligence and basic decency.
Scientology ™ is now the poster child for every “Globalist Elite Organization” hiding behind lawyers and statistics for justification of their existence. So what if they are communists, or fascists or abortionists or rapists or implanters or …?
No human decency there.
And promoting “too big to fail”: They should all be in jail, but then maybe that is closer to the truth …”too big to jail…..”
Remember, it was Dorothy’s dog, Toto, that pulled the curtain on Mr. “Ignore the man behind the curtain.” Wizard of Oz….
Don’t expect a brain from DM…..he needs one himself, as well as a heart, but it would probably be rejected..
Hah! Something rarely noted, but DM certainly lacks for courage, too! What with “hot and cold running lawyers”, body guards, a personalized tank/limo/van, and isolated residences…
I’d be impressed if he was seen riding around in taxis, buses, and airliners with the rest of us!
Wow, one of your best. Good to see the emotion! Finally got to see it last night via the A&E app for free on T-Mobile. (they don’t count most video streaming against your data cap). Can’t wait for the next one. Thanks for being a part of this.
“Excuse me COB….I…..I…..I…..I have Tom Cruise on the line and he wants to know when it will be safe to come out of the closet.”
“Tell Mr. Puffy Cheeks when I tell him it’s OK and not a second sooner.”
“Anything else shit for brains?”
“Anything else shit for brains?”
“Yes” says COB ” YSCOHB”…
Famous quote from the Ecclesiastical leader of $cientology – Mr Slappy Miscavige
In recent years you posted the OSA Int staff list.
Of those on the OSA Int staff list, who are the ones who do these smear sites?
And what were their post titles?
I’d be interested in these smear ghost writers’ post titles, and that would lead to their training.
I used to be a training supervisor for staff, and the Hat Checksheets for the staff in OSA contain various LRH references which they base their actual smear ghost writing on.
The whole OSA Network Bulletins were compiled from the top 100 or so Hubbard relevant policies and private despatches and from old Guardian’s Office (disbanded) era writings particularly the relevant Guardian’s Office era writings of Hubbard that are relevant to OSA’s smear ghost writing today. (I remember when I very briefly worked in the compilers’ spaces where LRH issues compiling was being done, I began to use the cubby space that Trish Allen and Jacqueline Kevanar had been using to do the OSA Int Network Orders compilation project they were doing, and I’d known Trish from years earlier when he did her own OEC/FEBC training, and I looked over some of the OSA Network Orders during their approval paperwork time.)
Naming who in OSA does this continual smearing, and naming the detailed OSA Network Bulletins, it’s all relevant to a detailed study of why this persists.
It’s people’s jobs to do this smearing, they have their “Hat” to do this and get this done.
Is Tom Paquette doing this? Who are te OSA people who do this stuff?
Be sure you write a book on OSA’s whole operations someday.
Chuck Beatty
ex Flag Course Sup
[email protected]
Chuck, these sites are a combination of people in Invest and people in PR (Freedom). The references that are used are all out there — PR Series 18, Intelligence Principles etc etc. See the recent post I did about Fair Game and how the church handles attackers.
I have certainly admitted to lying WHEN I WAS IN THE CHURCH. It is common, in fact routine, for scientologists to lie when they are operating on the “greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics” and the greater purpose of “planetary clearing.”
Please tell us a few of the more stellar episodes you were involved in and lied your ass off. And for sure include obtaining a tourist visa to move to Florida from the ship and lying your ass off saying you were going on vacation, and definitely NOT intending to remain in the US when the truth was you and all the rest of the crew were moving permanently.
Love that Glenn.
Or that on board the Apollo we were NOT scientologists but a “management consulting company” — Operation and Transport Corp.
Or that we were NOT scientology in Florida but “United Churches of Florida”
Or that David Miscavige never beat me.
Nothing like Xenu and volcanoes exists in scientology.
etc etc etc
I’m glad you will be telling your story in an upcoming show in the Leah Remini series. Mike Rinder and Leah Remini make a good team. 🙂
We were deeply trained, drilled to the nth degree on how to lie convincingly. The truth was something that was not allowed to pass our lips WHILE WE WERE IN. It was so freeing to leave that behind and once again begin telling the truth like we were raised to do before scientology.
What “ethical group” teaches its members to lie? None. If you are proclaiming from the rooftops that you are ethical but training your top executives the “art” of a convincing lie, you might be scientology.
Scientology – the precise science of lying, manipulation and deceit!
What other church uses “Big League Sales” as an introductory book?
Incredible job….you NAILED it. Leah didn’t see that one coming. I guess we can all get back to clearing the planet and salvaging this sector of the universe. I’ll tell ya Ron has nuthin’ on you boy.
Stats day of course and they’re flooding in like nobody’s business. Please do what you can Dave to send more auditors. We’re being overwhelmed by public reaching for the blech.
I meant Tech Dave….really I meant Tech……no, no….I really didn’t mean it…get off of me… not the RPF….HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m on my way, Harvey! I’ll be there in a few…
Thank you Mike for your untiring work to expose the lie that is $scientology.
“scientology cannot do anything not covered in policy written by L. Ron Hubbard”
This truism reminded me about the reason the Allies did NOT have Hitler assassinated (which could have been EASILY accomplished). His orders were SO destructive to Germany’s conduct of the war as opposed to what his generals could do, that they left him alive to hasten the end of the war.
Hubbard’s own policies are driving the Church into the ground at top speed too.
It is So good that you guys are putting this info out to the world. This show is both an inoculation for non-scientologists and a possible cure for those still in.
Hubbard’s framework for staffs, there is obviously immense focus on staff training.
Staff “hatting” is done by Checksheets like the above, which is just ONE of the dozens and dozens of “Hat Checksheets” for each of the staff in a sub unit of the Hubbard organizatons.
Today’s “OSA – Office of Special Affairs” does the smearing oversight and some of the OSA staff do actual smear writing.
It’d historical to get the names of those who do this organized institutionalized smearing.
And all time thanks again, historically to Frank Oliver, who was a DSA Invest Trainee who leaking his training Hat Checksheet, one of the only recently leaked “Hat Checksheets” showing what OSA nefarious training consists of.
Interesting documents thanks for sharing. The list of SPs was lengthy 30 years ago, it must be 100 pages long by now.
Those damn SPs are everywhere!
I S Peed once at ‘CCLA.’ I was laughing so hard, I gave everyone a ‘Golden Shower.’ Not sure why they kicked me out…
Undoubtedly your know best on the golden age of dreck, er, tech.
I remember that checksheet. And others I read at Int. Those R references explains SO much about the Church.
Mike W: Spot on re Hitler. And to back it up was the failed attempt by his generals to assassinate him by a hidden bomb early in the war, June 20th 1942 if my memory serves.
Brilliant, and snarky as hell, take down Mike!!
Snark is always good. Especially when it relates to the cult.
It was a damned good opening episode. Poor Amy. Please pass on my hugs to her, and tell Leah that the tv show was an excellent idea.
FYI, the two of you bickering in the car was hilarious.
I liked the car too. Needed the comic relief right then.
Me too! 🙂 I laughed out loud. Needed to lighten up a bit, that did the trick.
Leah is a natural at comedy – but who knew Mike would have such good timing!
Seriously, MIke, I think they should incorporate little segments like that in every episode.
Wouldn’t it be great to film a segment with Mike and Leah showing up with the film crew on El Con Way. That would get a reality sound bite or two. Better yet, head to Hemet for the season two opener……. “The Happy People of Hemet.”
Perhaps call it ‘Hemorrhoids in Hemet.’
Oh! I saw the musical two weeks ago! ‘Hemorrhoids in Hemet’ is all the rage! The lead actor, Dick Dickerson, was fabulous! I hope it comes to Orange County soon…
Dick Dickerson, huh? I guess they replaced Sam Sphincter.