You have probably read mentions of the idea that scientologists believe they cause things to happen that are quite mad.
OT VIII’s claiming it was their intention that brought down the Berlin Wall for example (meanwhile, they cannot make all orgs ideal and then tell Dear Leader “We are ready for you to release OT IX and X”)
But many of these things are the stuff of myth. You didn’t hear anyone say it, so you don’t really know if it is just an urban legend.
The Berlin Wall coming down was before the days of social media.
Oh how Instagram/Facebook/Twitter etc etc have opened the world of wacky scientology to those outside the bubble. And here is another example that was just sent to me by one of our Special Correspondents.
This is so beyond nuts it is not funny.
Larry Jaffe sends Hugh Hefner a copy of WTH in 2006 and “coincidence?” nine years later Playboy stopped publishing naked women centerfolds. I guess he figures Hugh has been reading WTH every day and it finally sunk in.
He completely ignores that Playboy magazine subscriptions plummeted to 10% of what they once were. Or more importantly: the reason cited by the CEO of Playboy Enterprises – in the article Larry links to — says they dropped the nudes because: “You’re now one click away from every sex act imaginable for free. And so it’s just passe at this juncture.” He makes no mention of WTH. Coincidence?
But never mind the facts. When it comes to the dedicated glare of a confirmed sheeple, they mean nothing.
And just so you can see that he is not viewed as some sort of wingnut on the fringes of the golden age of showers, here are some of the responses lauding him and the “power” of the WTH!
This is the actual text of the letter from Hugh Hefner, a ringing endorsement for WTH if ever there was one (maybe Mighty Miami should start sending letters to Hefner and they might get some great “congratulatory” responses from his secretarial pool too):
And just in case you would like to see the article he cites to (that I quoted from above) that lists the ACTUAL reason for them no longer running nude photos, here it is.
Let me guess they only take responsibility for anything good happening but anything bad well that wasn’t them
Why don’t these OTs end war ? Cure cancer ? Feed the millions of starving children in the world ? Or collect the million dollar prize James Randi offers ?
And if the past lives they claim to recall are genuine let me ask a question. With hundreds of thousands of people having run millions of hours of whole track space opera, why has no one recalled ANY advanced technology ?
Surely over millions of hours technology to revolutionize energy, the environment and medicine should ALL be recalled !
Not to mention travel ! How many space ships and Ray guns have people recalled how to build ? ZERO !
Isn’t the most likely explanation why none of Scientology’s magic can be verified with real science is that there is no magic ?
I see no other explanation as plausible. It’s a fraud. It may have hypnotism and rhetoric and undue influence, but it is still a fraud.
Some rather sticky questions you’re raising RPL. The scripted scientology reply is: “What are your crimes?” because your questions reveal obvious truths. The truth and scientology have a strange relationship. Scientology avoids the truth, preferring a synthesized facsimile of it but the truth isn’t afraid of scientology. Scientologists are rather vain about their self-image as uncompromising soldiers of all things right so when you present irrefutable evidence they are deluded liars the only response they can give is the one taught to them: ATTACK! or the one they acquired through Hubbard’s latter day example: RUN AND HIDE. We’re seeing more of that one lately.
When I awoke before dawn this morning, I thought the sun might shine in about an hour and it did. Coincidence? I think not.
The problem with these “Actual OTs” is that they apparently forgot to do something about the Irak War and the Afghanistan War as well. The Irak War was even heavily protested against in one of the most massive (in the millions) non violent protest against any war in history. I guess those “OTs” were “off post” , and that’s why their precense were not felt.
I remember the end of the Cold War (1991 , Berlin’s Wall fall was in 1989) being attributed to those mighty OT8s as well. Funny , they have not been able to do anything about the incredible bloodshed of millions in the centuries long Arab-Israeli conflict that is still existing. But wait, I had forgotten ; that conflict is allegedly going to be ended by the “Antichrist” per “Revelations”. And those OTs don’t want to bypass LRH in his new role. Now I got it ; how silly of me.
To put it in the most simplest of terms: Magical Thinking.
P.S. and for future reference, I make comments that are strictly my opinion. Arguments I charge for.
It’s just that intending it is enough. They pretend to be cause so they are and they have “proof” in the physical universe. That’s OT supposedl. The problem is that nothing prove it. But it just need faith. So they use to discard reality and agreement just to believe their illusion (when thoses illusions pleases David Miscavige, of course). Sure it opposes very much the stat business which then have to be falsified to fit with the illusion. It’s called scam, with the difference paractice also self-scam. That’s a weird ability. They successfully self hypnothized. That quite something!
Where to start. When it comes to claims of O.T. abilities gained, you name it, I’ve heard it. (B.t.w. if anyone felt better and more powerful after a process, great. )
Read L.R.H.’s books and it’s clear he suggests potential unlimited abilities of a ‘thetan’. 8-8008 for example. Scientologist’s various translations of this material in their own mind are legion.
How that translates where the tire meets the road is a different matter. I’ve even had it suggested to me that even something as small as demonstrating that one could raise an ash tray with intention alone ( no hands-just your thoughts) would drastically alter the society in a negative way by ‘unmocking the game’ so therefore that would be ‘unethical’ to do so. Maybe that explains why a public offering at one time of a million bucks to demonstate something of the sort has yet to be claimed or that Ron never demonstated such abilities to those around him. (Granted, no one dared to ask him at the risk of being sacked or r.p.f. ed) Personally, I’d be willing to take the risk just to see it.
I’ll end off by saying that ‘O.T. abilities’ demonstrated in one’s own vicinity are much more convincing than the ones performing far off out of view.
I postulated a new motorcycle and I got one! No, I wanted a new fucking motorcycle, and eventually I bought one. I remember, a new OT VIII back in the late 80’s (when we were all still in shock and awe), cant remember who exactly just now, but at of course a highly promoted event at Mountain View [then] Mission, he said, “I told the physical universe to produce an airplane, and (short pause), it complied”. Exact words still stuck in my head.
Brainwashing was once described to me as taking your brain out and cleaning it off. Another Scientology propaganda “gotcha” pitch.
So how did Jaffe notice the nudes were gone? Maybe he was a long-time subscriber?
I knew OTs who were very happy to propagate myths, like letting people believe that an OT III or above could read people’s minds if they wanted (they called it “skull watching”) but usually didn’t do it because it would be “unethical.” I think this made them feel like exalted top dogs on their way to godhood so those lower on the grade chart would be in awe.
What’s really unethical is to make up a lot of false claims and try to get people to believe they are real.
I’ve known several OT7s who thought nothing of regularly looking at porn. I used to think it was quite cool because I was terrified at the time of inadvertently seeing a nipple. For the cost in auditing I could have bought the entire body!
Hi FOTF2012, Thank you for your post,interesting. I have a vague feeling that ” skull watching ” was chattered about in Sea Org, but never blatantly so, as it is quite out-ethics. But as I learned the hard way, do as I say not as I do was modus operandi for those in SO who thought they could get away with anything they wanted.Love, Ann
Hallucinatory Cause.
They live in a wordsmith propaganda alternate reality.
My question is, it this simply fictional delusion?
Or do they *WILFULLY* and *Knowingly* LIE to prop up grandeur of Scientology Inc results.
Fictional Delusion. I like it, Karen!
Speaking of delusions, yesterday’s post about Miscavige’s hyperbole at the New Year’s event is eerily similar to North Korea’s announcement of its H-bomb test.
Mike, in all conscience, how can you J & D the MIRACLE that occurred here? Of COURSE WTH caused the cessation of Playboy’s nude centerfolds! There can be no doubt, because when Larry Jaffe sent Hugh Hefner that WTH it was no ordinary pamphlet. Mike, it was LEATHERBOUND. Need one say more? Please issue a retraction and an apology to Mr. Jaffe, Mike.
This must have annoyed the male SO staff at Cedars Complex as I remember all the toilets in the male dorms were stuffed with Playboy and other similar magazines. But that was before Miscavige and his gang twisted and turned LRH references to suit their puritanical stance forbidding the usual practice that young men do when faced with an absence of “terminals” on the 2D, to use Scientology terms for this. Interestingly there is no LRH reference forbidding this at all, just browbeating by MAAs and others, of course. Makes one wonder what these 21st century puritans have to suppress or hide on this subject? I reckon it was about 1990 when this nonsense started getting promulgated – before that nobody gave a hoot. (I could have used another word there of course but a certain decorum must be maintained! Ha!) The policy (2D Rules) violation of course is never referenced by the martinets enforcing this nonsense. I even believe there was a mission sent to PAC to “stamp it out”!
I once heard mention of not allowing oral sex amongst married Sea Org members. Does anyone have any information on this?
No, never heard that one. I did hear about another “activity” being forbidden but I won’t go into that, but needless to say there again was no LRH reference forbidding this specific sexual activity, just the made-up nonsense from MAAs or what they were told to say by some repressed nincompoop. What I did hear about in one org was that if you had 2D designs on a person then this had to be oked by the Ethics Officer firstly. Then you could proceed. This sort of suppression would make Joe Stalin and his gang seem mild in comparison and AFAIK even the Commies were never that daft to interfere in the 2D. If this thing about getting an “HCO OK to have sex” was operating in one Org then it would also be very likely that it was a worldwide or at least a continental thing, depending on the 2D aberrations of the CO FOLO and/or senior Execs at the FOLO. As staff (or even public) you would not have been able to say “there is a policy covering this” (2D Rules HCO PL) as one was browbeaten into the ground if so. I wonder now if there was ever a checklist produced for the “HCO OK to have sex”! Do you know it would not surprise me! No, even they cannot be that daft, surely?
Hi Foolproof, Am I glad I got out before 1990! Way back when I was just in Sea Org & 22, I soon realized in the 2D arena, I had to keep my wits about me,as there was a tremendous amount of sexual energy floating around. In other words if two thetans wanted to be together and could do so without getting caught, no-one gave a F###. Unless us ladies got pregnant, then watch out! Love, Ann.
Hi Ann – I think the 1970’s was still the make love not war mentality and then disco came in and that was a free love thing. In the scn public arena 2D activity often tended to promiscuous among scientologists but that was your own business and nobody snooped. It kept sheep in the fold. I even did a lot of co-auditing with a great gay guy and even he didn’t get flack other than an occasional snide comment as he kept his preference outside of scn.
It’s almost impossible to compare old time scn to today, not that either one is worth the toll. Today’s scn is probably better since it is imploding scn faster but unfortunately with financial ruin inflicted which I don’t think occurred that much in our day.
P.S. (joke) I know you are being lady-like, but “thetans getting together” is an interesting concept! I wonder how that would work. Never mind. That’s probably on OTXV or something.
Hi Richard D, Your post was excellent. Now that you mention it” thetans getting together ” brings to mind all sorts of OT possibilities right in front of us both! Oh boy Ot#1trillion on an endless loop! That would drive me nuts especially if dm was in it.Love Ann.
Delusion of insanity indeed.
I always looked forward to the excellent articles in Playboy magazine. But how did the airbrushed professional nude photos in Playboy magazine get in the way of achieving happiness, I wonder?
I have it on good authority that OT powers are real…….for example, when Lou leaves the remote on top of the dresser how do you think COB gets it down??
Good bye apple crate! Hello super powers!
Hi Newcomer, Loved your post, made me laugh, I thank you. Toothbrush memories, I sure know how to weild that sucker, did it enough. Love,Ann
I’m really glad you don’t have to anymore. Happy New Year to you!
Hi Newcomer, Spilled my coffee, your post is that good! Oh yes, toothbrushes & dumpsters! A joyous cleaning station. Least you forget dm, Ron had the market cornered on the use of a toothbrush long long before you came around.Toothbrush Tech very valuable! Love, Ann
Dear Mr. Jaffe,
Would you please sent a copy of he Way To Happiness to the current North Korean leader Kim-Whatever and postulate a saner North Korean state, or at least one that doesn’t use old films of Soviet nuclear tests as part of their propaganda.
Leslie Bates
Minneapolis, Minnesota
In other news, Going Clear was just nominated for a Writers Guild Award.
Yeah, baby!!!!
Larry Jaffe’s post is sad for many reasons, but the most important (to me) reason is, like most scientologists, he has lost his ability to judge cause and effect. Larry Jaffe clearly believes the WTH is a magic book and that he cast a spell on Hefner by sending it to him.
There’s an update on the book to go along with the tech improvements of GAT 2 brought to you by Mike’s favorite Dear Leader called The Way To Slappiness. I personally like The Way To Fiction-ness or WTF.
Many years ago, I wrote to Davy Jones and asked him to help The Monkees get back together.
Lo and behold, several years later they did just that! (Though Mike Nesmith only joined them once or twice).
Maybe I am a natural OT??
Where do I send the check?
Hi Chee Chalker, Loved your post. Oh my,I had flying auditing monkeys on the brain and now here they come The singing Monkees. I loved when Mr Jimi was put on the same bill with them in Talahassee,Fl.The entire audience were pre teen screaming girls! Along with Jim Morrison’s short time @ Fla State the Monkees concert was still talked about when I lived there in 93.Love, Ann
That would be to me, Chee. You’re actually using my super powers. I’ll let go this time, but…..
I have to admire Hef’s gracious acknowledgement and smooth tr’s.
If getting the WTH into the hands of Mr. Heffner caused the end of centerfolds could completely ignoring it and building “The Hole” at the Int Base be the real cause of the rise of ISIS?
Brilliant train of thought. So COS
Lawrence Jaffe has some fixated attention on Hugh Hefner. Kind of creepy. I’d be more interested in finding out why Lawrence opposes Playboy. He thinks it’s about Hef and nude women. He is so oblivious (and so are his fans) that he can’t even see what he really needs to do is handle his own attitudes about it. And here he is claiming to be “Mr. responsible” for “ending center folds”. “Delusion” was a bang on analysis Mike.
P.S. This is Scientology under David Miscavige’s leadership as a culture now. “We couldn’t handle our own case / attitudes about it, so we must now “stomp out”, “eradicate” “eliminate” “booby trap the systems” “Harm attack and suppress” the thing that upsets us!
This phenomenon you described is what has led other religions to force women to wear stifling clothing in the desert heat.
Right. And many other forms of social suppression. “Let’s suppress someone here to handle my own case” is rampant. At least we have risen above sacrificing virgins and burning witches. Humans are afraid of aliens? This has got to be one spooky fkn civilization to anyone coming to visit!
I can shed some light on that for you, Oracle. Larry Jaffe was not against Playboy. On the contrary, he enjoyed Playboy very much. But at that time he was doing lower conditions and getting FPRD for a major out ethics infraction on the 2D, (and since he had a checkered 2D past, and this was a repeat of earlier things, the MAA wanted it handled once and for all.) Writing to Hugh Hefner about publishing naked women was one of the things he did as a step on the formula he was doing. I know this because he and I were close back then and he confided this to me. And yes, he does believe he has OT powers that would make Hugh cease and desist showing naked women all because of the WTH he sent almost 10 years ago. The Kool Aid is strong in this one.
Thanks Cindy, makes sense. I’m anxiously awaiting David Miscavige’s amends project but not holding my breath. ?
Me too, Chee Chalker!
Cindy, thanks for this back story on Larry Jaffe. Quel imbecile! ROTFLMAO and YCMTSU!
“The Berlin Wall coming down was before the days of social media.”
Actually that is not correct, we were talking about the wall coming down on BBS, widely.
There were OT’s discussing this?
With FB today they put up all sorts of stuff themselves….
I can’t attest to his level, but there was a guy who once briefly in my place a couple of decades ago who was a “blown” Scientologist, in the hole (so to speak) for over $30K (he once showed me his freeloader’s bill). He was addicted to caffeine, cigarettes, conspiracy theories and BBSes. He made terminals out of found junk. I’m pretty sure he was talking about this. But while those of us on BBS services, CompuServe, Genie, etc. were pioneers, I don’t count any of that as social media. More like antisocial media, based on the majority of users, some of whom made the characters in Revenge of the Nerds or Big Bang Theory seem John Stamos-cool by comparison.
What is “BBS”?
A bulletin board system, or BBS, is a computer server running custom software that allows users to connect to the system using a terminal program. Once logged in, the user can perform functions such as uploading and downloading software and data, reading news and bulletins, and exchanging messages with other users through email, public message boards, and sometimes via direct chatting.
Bulletin Board System. In the pre-World Wide Web days, it was a service you’d dial into and you could read messages posted by others, reply, and post your own. Basically, a bulletin board. But an electronic version. You could also upload and download documents and software on the fancier ones.
You couldn’t surf from one to another the way we do on the internet these days – you’d have to dial in to each specific BBS separately. Each one had a general subject, like sports, politics, computer-related stuff – any area of interest.
They were a big deal in their time.
BBS’es led to the worldwide social internet as we know it today. Education and Curiosity … What would the world do without all these real-world-educated geeks?! LOL
BBS = Bulletin Board System.
The concept was similar to what we now call a “forum” or “message board”, although usually 100% text based (some of the later ones had graphics). A BBS was functionally a server, but it didn’t have an internet connection. Instead, users would connect using telephone modems.
Wikipedia has a good article if you’d like more details.
Bulletin Board System (ref
Kinda like the precursor to the Internet.
OT VIII, Class VIII, Michael Lewis told me and others that the Berlin Wall came down because of the OT VII’s and VIII’s auditing and postulating. It was an “OT feat.”
Are there any OT’s on this list that can postulate the Vikings to win the Super Bowl? If so I will fly to Vegas put a few thousand dollars on that and we’ll split the profits 60/40.
I’m The Oracle and I couldn’t tell you. My last Las Vegas bet was on Maidana against Mayweather , that week I was delusional.
The Vikings are the Chicago Cubs of football, though I know you’d get a big argument on that point from Browns and Falcons fans.
What?And bet against the Seahawks? Not just no, not just hell no, but hell no with damnation sprinkles on it.
Waitaminit…are you guys intimating that the Joe and Helen Hockman really DIDN’T organize a gaggle of OTs to get rid of all the smog smothering the LA basin in the late 70’s? But…but…they created “theta fans” and POSTULATED it gone…?
Of all the things an “OT” could supposedly affect , he chose that one?
Time to get a life!
This is my first time commenting although I have been following this blog for a few months. I just want to say that I once thought the WTH was wonderful. Then I started noticing that it was rarely adhered to by the very people that gave it to me. That was the beginning of my end in this organization. Thank you.
Hi Jennifer, Welcome and good to meet you! Very well done of you to notice that what was said and what was done in Scientology are two very different horses.The dawning of this in Sea Org was the beginning for me of letting Sunlight make a small shaft into my Ron’s World is the only world Koolaided brain. A few years later, this realization saved my life and I fled to freedom.Love, Ann
Thank you Ann. I feel like I know you already since this blog has been my best friend the last few months. I have learned so much from the articles and the comments. I had been sensing, while still in, that things were not right but there was never enough to go on. In this blog, everything I was sensing was confirmed. What a huge relief at a time when I was still very confused. Thank you to you and to everyone here 🙂
Hi Jennifer, so glad you made the decision to get out! At least you didn’t wait some 40 years as many did.
Happy New Year Anne!
Hi Tommy J, Happy New Year to you & your beautiful family. You know I love you and don’t you feel a shift in the weather? Going Cllear is going places! Love you Always, Ann.
HimTommy J, About to give my IPad some business! I meant Clear.XO, Ann
Old Surfer Dude, I laughed!!!! That being said, I love being an SP!
Yes, Jennifer, it’s not adhered to – another bit of hypocrisy. Glad you walked away.
That my dear Jennifer is Scientology. You just summed it up perfectly in a few words. When someone doesn’t tell the truth they call it a lie. When they don’t tell the trust its an “acceptable truth.” etc etc etc
Applause. The cognitive dissonance didn’t seem to bite with you. Congratulations; you saved yourself years of heartache.
Oh thank you MacCarran! I am a musician and when I first read that phrase “cognitive dissonance” I almost fell off my chair! Perfect phrase for what’s happening in our trusting minds when exposed to the indoctrination of this “tech”.
Glad you made it back!
Half-ack Larry. Your next target is to put an end to pornography this year. Make it go right!
I actually LOLed at that one.
Ah, the delusional world of the corporate scientologist. Don’t you just love what they come up with?
‘Truth emerges more readily from error than from confusion.’ — Francis Bacon.
Love that quote. IMO the scientologist hangs onto their confusions & delusions because their own technology ceased working for them a long, long time ago. It’s all they have left now, delusions concerning the workability of what they believe in. From the early wins of simple rudiment auditing they concoct almost any connection of thoughts to magic wherever and whenever they can. Most scientologists cannot leave early wins alone, they remanufacture them over and over and over.
I think the major difference from anyone posting on this site compared to a card holding scientologist is the recognition of error. Understanding an error has been made exposes the possibility of the truth being recognised. Scientologists make a serious error trusting the likes of miscavige, and until they see that, the delusional parade will continue and only get worse.
There are many examples in a scientologist’s thinking which are confusions. A fundamental one is the meaning of ’cause.’ Cause over life etc. Most seem to conclude is means to dominate things or produce magic like resurrect the dead and think your way to success etc. Actually it means source point or emanation. Cause over life simply means the recognition it comes from you. According to Hubbard this is a communication universe modified by affinity and reality. So what communication is, is important and where it originates from equally so. But no, let’s market it as making super humans and bait them with a delusional state of OT and make lots of money.
Another is that very few if any scientologists can come close to defining the difference between theta, thetan and static. For when you can differentiate them a whole stack of lies falls off what is presented as the Bridge.
It’s sad really, such good intentions of your average Joe scio wanting a better grasp of life being led up the proverbial garden path like they are.
The delusional world of the corporate scientologist indeed has a source point, and it’s the result of a serious error when it’s not you. Self determinism – WTF is that?
+1! Outstanding post, I Yawn!
Loved your post I Yawn. I’m reading an interesting book right now called ‘Biocentrism’. To me it syncs up well with Axioms 1-3. In the past I’ve read some essays from Jon Atack on where Hubbard got his theories and ideas from. I was wondering if anyone here knows where he got axioms 1-3 from, or if it was his original theory?
I’m not much interested in prior cause on things like the axioms or any stuff from any subject if its useful to me unless I’m researching something or I don’t get it. Just as long as I can make sense of something or at least see a logical progression, even if I don’t get why. Kind of like a workshop manual, I don’t care if Henry Ford first thought it up, I still like Chevys. Hubbard preened much data from others but why not, if it fits, it fits. He openly gave his sources in his original books and refers to lots of prior authors, philosophers in his lectures. Why it was edited out only miscavige can answer.
Don’t know about Biocentrism, might check it out one day.
I don’t think the axioms come from any source but the mind of Hubbard. They are high-sounding gibberish and I’ve critiqued them in detail in my post-scientology days.
Axiom 1. states life is basically a static but a static is something that neither moves nor changes so in fact, life is the OPPOSITE of a static. He goes on to say a “life static” (thetan) has no location in time or space, but wait… a thetan is affected by events that occur within proximity to the physical body so it DOES have a location in time and space. Ideally the thetan should be 3 feet above and behind the body, per Hubbard. Again, my point is made.
Axiom 2 says a thetan can think but doesn’t mention the mind which is the instrument of thought.
Axiom 3 says in effect, the thetan creates time, space, form and objects and perceives them because it decides it can. This is absolutely inconsistent with our experience. Time, space, form and objects are created by something other than ourselves. It is not our experience that we create them nor is it our experience that we have a choice in perceiving them when they appear within the range of our senses. If we want to believe we created them long long ago in a galaxy far away then that is a belief we may adopt strictly because we WANT to but not on the basis of our experience. Axiom 4 is a real joke and the nuttiness just continues.
Well written Roger. The axioms are well written from a poetry point of view but you demonstrated how little sense they make. And where is the science. Science Fiction, maybe….
To borrower from DM – I think they are mythic!
Thank you CPO. Now that you mention it, I have to agree the axioms are a sort of poetry. They can take your mind into amazing places of your own creation and have an aesthetic to them which is very heady and abstract. They have no practical utility but as an artist I don’t have a problem with that. I only have a problem with them being passed off as deeply insightful truths that are over most peoples’ heads.
If you get a chance check out Biocentrism or Quantum Enigma.
Thank you, I did check them out. Very interesting especially Quantum Enigma. The tricky part about studying consciousness however, is that it can’t be objectified. It is the agent that is doing the looking and cannot itself be looked at. Still it’s pretty fascinating stuff. Biocentrism is a philosophy that naturally evolves from the appreciation that everything is you. As you are loath to inflict harm on yourself so are you loath to inflict harm on anything. Non-duality or, “advaita”, is the nature of reality.
I appreciate all the commentary above which clarifies some things for me. Discussions of the nature of consciousness often leaves me scratching my head wondering what are they saying. lol I’ll leave those discussions to others for now and go back to what an unnamed Buddhist teacher once said: “The state of the mind is more important than its content.”
I prefer Life is basically ecstatic!
Hi Gadfly, I prefer life is basically ecstatic too! I thank you, Love, Ann.
“Life is basically ecstatic”! THAT is an axiom to live by!
Me, three!
If you say so…
I do.
I do find one thing remarkable in all this. Scientology as Hubbard put it together is DEAD! If it exists at all in what he called “Standard” it is very much underground. From what I can make out there are a couple of places around that attempt to flutter with it but it’s far from workable to any degree for what you would consider expandable etc. If anything it’s just some people getting together and playing with it, which is fine, for who’s to say “don’t do that!” But Hubbard’s system was erased in 1982 and it would be considered squirrel anyway per the original version.
Yet, there’s just the same amount of anti-scientology misemotion emitted by the Cof$ as there is by it’s vibrant opponents.
My game in all this is to at least try to convey what Hubbard actually said and wrote. There is an unbelievable amount of misinformation out there about it. Example, reading the OT3 materials kills you – no, Hubbard actually said “if you try to solve it…”
Anyway each to their own, but I try maintain a non prejudicial attitude of information. I don’t have an agenda or desire of converting people to my way of thinking, I retired that some time ago, just like I’m old and retired now. But I cherish the truth as I see it. So, how do you judge when the correct enemy is actually dead? When do stop hurting or attacking people in the name of your cause?
Maybe I’m just plain silly for commenting about the truth anyway, it’s not very liked when it doesn’t align with what you feel, know or have been abused with personally. A few of my old friends still hate the Vietnamese with unbridled passion, I can’t blame them… to this day they still really hurt.
I agree. Outstanding observation. Really made me see things from a different perspective. You must have done all three Ls!
No, no Ls for me. Not that I wouldn’t have minded but anything with miscavige’s influence on it is something to be avoided at all cost. He possesses Flag and its environment.
theta, thetan and static .. it is simple .. first is you as all .. second is you alone .. third is you as nothing but still you as all ..
Well, kind of but isn’t theta an energy, not of this universe but parallels electromagnetism and gravatic laws? it is also subject to wavelength variation, hence the tone scale, also known as the affinity scale. It can be enturbulated and also can feel damn nice too. Girls love the stuff! Thetan’s use it and call it understanding (ARCU) and get a bit pissy when it doesn’t do what they want. It’s a recording base too and gets recorded itself isn’t it and can be recreated? It also has its own goals, the conquest of this universe and pretty much runs on auto.
Thetans on the other hand are the creator of things and are aware of being aware… well they were once pretty good at it but now… well, look at what’s running the Cof$ and the minions that follow.
The static is ‘something’ with no position in time and space and is the definition of true zero.
Anyway, that’s what I think Hubbard said about them and I see some observable evidence of them, especially in auditing.
If we look at what the R6 bank is there’s a whole mess of those things in there, especially arranging themselves in valences, thetans solving problems by creating more problems, fun stuff.
I hope CNN and the greater media community now paying attention to the falsehoods of scientology see your post. Some journalists, apparently, are still uninformed about where this cult is coming from, and the roots of its creation. They’ll catch on eventually, thanks to excellent posts like this about what this cult is based on.
Big like!
Great opinion! Nail on the head! I read it twice, and I’m saving this one!
I bet the book hit the round file shortly after that letter was sent to Larry.
Here is one for you…..I was on tour for ASHO with a SO reg in Miami.
We were at a home to “discuss” their bridge. As we were talking I looked across the room
and saw a small child…appeared it had just started walking….running through the room with a pair of scissors in its hand with the sharp point up towards the head. I pointed that out to the father and he said in pure sheeple fashion….oh he isn’t PTS. I looked at him like….really? I made a move to take the scissors and the father got up and took them from the baby. He looked at me like I was an SP for stopping the baby from having “fun”. The “bridge discussion” didn’t go well after that. Common sense thrown out the window for some pie in the sky bullshit this idiot gleaned from reading the tech.
Potpie, staff and SO secretly us the WTH booklets as toilet paper. Shhhhhhhh. Don’t say a word as it’s off policy….
OSD….I hope the ink doesn’t hurt their bottoms.
Oh the horror….the horror….
Yes, Precept “#2” is always keep your butt wiped clean
Even if they’re out of toilet paper….
Smooth stick works, handful of leaves…
Boy scout’s motto stuff, like, never go into the bush without a Brownie. Be prepared!!
Laughing so hard I can’t stop! OMG. Now that’s some funny shit!
Hi Potpie, Thank you for your incredible post! The thought of that baby putting an eye out or worse with the scissors is chilling. And the response of the Dad is classic Scientology! It was like seeing the old Children’s Org for the first time when Asho F had to clean it.I was totally on board with SO then, but the condition of that org shocked me.That was when I decided if I feel in love in SO and married I could not have kids that would automatically be in SO.The conditions were horrendous and this was in the 70s! Love, Ann
I saw that children’s org Ann….I too felt disgusted at what I saw. But being the good little Scientologists I said nothing.
Hi Potpie, Thank you for your post. I do know exactly what you mean about being a good little Scientologist.All of us who scrubbed the old food etc at that Org for hours felt it was terrible but no-one said it out loud. I did go to Qual, my second home after Ethics the next day and I originated how the whole time at that Org had affected me. Basically it was Thank you Ann, get on your post and produce!Love, Ann
Potpie, It has always amazed me when Scientologists that are totally oblivious think that condition is “OT”.
Thanks for taking the scissors from the baby!
Thanks to my misplaced belief in the power of scn I refused to wear a seat belt in the car for many years, I still regularly forget. Their practices really encourage “it won’t happen to me” ideas.
“I pulled it in” is scio-think but the flip side to that is “anything might happen to me at any time”. That’s not healthy either. I’ll ponder on it for awhile. There is probably a middle ground.
The answer to any illness or accident in scn is PTSness, connected to an SP. So find or create an SP to get out of ethics and get back to business or go get word cleared and then go back and find an SP. Elron may have just invented the whole thing to justify why OTs get sick or have accidents.
The simple answer to avoiding self created accidents like burning a hand on a stove etc. is just being “out of present time” or distracted or daydreaming in King’s English. Getting the flu due to PTSness is just another scn delusion.
Staying aware of one’s surroundings would also prevent mishaps by avoiding a crazy driver and so on. After that shit happens so just go with it.
It’s also a subtle part of the superiority complex programmed into scn. “Since I’m a Scientologist, I can do no wrong or have wrong happen to me.” So mishaps are conveniently pinned on being connected to a Suppressive Person.
As an aside, I remember the sign hanging on the wall of every ethics office that said “You are responsible for your own condition”. I don’t know if they still keep that sign up, but at least that was some valuable advice! 🙂
Hi Richard D, I liked your post. I would love to have a tee shirt made that says You are responsible for your own condition, and proudly wear it in front of any ethics whoever, MAA & IJC & OSA to name just a few.Laughter! Love, Ann
Laughter! But that would be too cruel. They’d probably land in the RPF after trying to “handle” you!
Hi Richard D, You have my number! ?Love, Ann.
I remember hearing about OTs at flag keeping a hurricane away from clearwater. Or the overweight OT woman who drop a bunch of weight while auditing. The mass being blown away.
It’s not over until the overweight OT woman sings…
Hi M Greene, Good to meet you. I liked your post. All these OT women blowing off mass during auditing! Still wonder how long they keep what they lost off, for example being told you have to re-do the bridge for the millionth time, would cause me to put weight on again! I have an idea,send them all to Ethics and the weight will melt away on their meal plan! Seriously it is sad and ridiculous the claims of OT abilities.I well recall an OT SOer telling me the newbie SOer whenI got to OT I would never be ill with anything again and I would never get cancer. Sorry Charlie, even if I had gone to OT one billion, cancer would still have found me. Once a rouge gene switches on, it is very hard to switch it off.Kind of like the Guardian’s Office Intel! Love, Ann.PS we had briefings in SO having to do with ” having the planet and then postulating no storms where The Apollo was at that time.”What a racket, as I now see. Love,Ann
What they did was get as many ot 7’s in session as they could and they saved the day. Although there’s no hurricane step as part of OT 7, nonetheless, the giant theta bubble they created deflected the storm!!!!! Yay!!! Mimsey
In 2005 while having a conversation with my then girlfriend about the apparent rise in real estate prices, (the bubble was about to burst 6 months later) her immediate comment was “oh it’s because of all the OT’s in the Clearwater area”. Head shaker.
Doug, you need a better quality girlfriend. Someone who’s not in a cult. May some of the Manson Family girls when they finally get out….
Better hurry. Susan Atkins passed away. I recommend her blog if it’s still available, I kid you not. VERY interesting. Squeaky Fromme has been out for years and she is far loopier than the loopy lady citing OTs’ ability to keep real estate values high. That would be quite a choice though. Yuck
Many years ago when I used to get their magazines in the mail I recall reading one particular OT success story. The OT was driving down road when the car in front of him hit some water and started skidding off the road and was going to crash, but luckily the OT used his powers to lift the car back on the road and prevent the crash.
Yes, I remember this one!
That was my Success Story, Doug. Respect my powers…..
But, what if the guy driving in front was also OT and used his own powers to avoid completely losing control and crashing? Someone’s got an O/W here and we’re gonna need you on the cans asap, OSD.
(i kid. big fan of your stuff here, OSD!)
Well, I never said I didn’t believe it completely
Both of you guys are just bitter apostates on the fringes of the internet! My powers are REAL! I know because the instructions came in cereal box. SO THERE!
Hi OSD, You know I love being a bitter defrocked apostate sp-DB on the fringes of the Internet and I get to eat cereal ( which I love ) and read your religious instructions on the box at the same time! I knew you wore many hats! Love, Ann.
I don’t recall seeing that one in Playboy Forums… did the OT end up pulling up to a farmhouse to pass out WTH and get himself into some shenanigans with the farmer’s daughter?
It was Penthouse that had Forum, not Playboy. But Scilons can’t mention Penthouse because that’s where Nibs Hubbard’s interview blowing the lid off of his father was published.
Hi Espiando, Thank you for your post. I had forgotten about Nib’s interview in Penthouse.Ann.
A line from that Penthouse interview with Nibs: “You have to understand, my father didn’t worship Satan, he thought he was Satan.”
In the early days there was a lot of “OT phenomenon touted(60-70s). As NOTs took hold in the 80s and the fails became more obvious the fake claims became prevalent in an attempt to justify the high costs of V-VIII.
The measure of an OT now is how much money he or she makes or has. Any sense of real spiritual achievement or freedom are devoid in the cherch of Greed-otology. These feeble boasts of OT achievement verify how delusional all the still in clams are. Pathetic.
The nature of the Scientology experience is that we all did incredibly embarrassing stuff and made equally outrageous claims while under the influence of the cult. One day Lawrence will look back and cringe (hopefully), but for now let’s all point and laugh.
Seven years ago I sent copies of WTH to Obama and the Castros. And now Cuba is opening up to the U.S.! Coincidence?
Wow! You must be like OT 80! I feel so insignificant now….
But wait, was it leather bound?
Well, I’ve been leather bound a few times. But, the Valley in the 70s was a hotbed for being leather bound…
And just think about what Dave and Jenny do every evening to keep from ruining the earth!
Not to worry …..Hugh would not be even slightly interested.
Oops, supposed to be under Chuck Beatty’s post…..
It’s the same with other crazy cults claiming their prayers or their positive affirmations or thoughts caused or prevented something. Like some cult that predicts the end of the world, then claims their prayers prevented the catastrophe. Stock in trade for pat Robertson and his ilk.
It’s a great, cheap way for powerless people to feel they have some say in the universe when clearly, they don’t. “See that flood over there? No, you don’t cause I asked the lord not to flood things!”
This is a gem of a silly claim though. Why are the nude pics a bad thing anyway!?
“Brush your teeth, and don’t look at any naked girlies.” WTH, revised.
Attention on naked girlies takes one’s attention off “the bridge” … other fish to fry … only Tom Cruise is allowed to go from girlie to girlie … he personally received a COB dispensation regarding anything LRH wrote about the 2D … Duggan is applying for that right now in exchange for his next contribution (he decided he didn’t need another trophy … but maybe a trophy girlfriend …)
Now he only needs to send the Way To Happiness to every website that has naked women, all 15 bazillion of them, and in 9 short years…no porn!
This is a true story from my “Been There Done that Files”
Anything BAD that gets repeated in Scientology, no matter how trivial
is a massive plot against Scientology of complex and elaborate proportions.
Anything GOOD that gets repeated in Scientology, no matter how remote
is the results of OT powers and Scientologists.
Basic tech to “bring in money 101”
You pulled it in, Jose! All of it! And you’re going to keep pulling in bad shit until you come to your senses and realize that Scientology can help you with that.
My reply is a True story when the assistant of the IC
of the division I worked in as Org. Staff demanded to know why
everything she tried to do to me happened to herself !
On the original OT 8 you discover that LRH is the anti Christ’
that maybe true but I am the Overlord of all anti Christs.
I even have Bezelbubs private number and armies of
Demons at my command.
Hi Jose Chung, And I still Love you. Ann.
Thank you very much Ann.
Satan Incarnate just is not what it used to be
since David Miscavige became the COB.
On has to have a sense of humor!!!!
Hi Jose Chung, Definitely a sense of humor! I have to have the viewpoint that laughter is the best medicine.Without it I would be just a crazy old lady, but presto at least I can be a crazy old laughing lady! xo Ann.
The Scientology public need to come to the census and see how many members there actually are.
I just want to know — What’s so great about Playboy dropping nudes, anyway? To me, it marks the sad passing of a great American tradition. I appreciate that the world changes, and the things we are familiar with fade away to make room for new innovations, but I don’t see any reason to celebrate the end of naked ladies in the pages of Playboy. They’re not just crazy-ass loons, but they’re sanctimonious prudes too.
A. We now find out who still reads yahoo news.
B. Almost ten years ago I picked up a piece of litter in a town far far away. Last week they were declared the cleanest city on earth. I expect you will all be congratulating me now, way for me to fix their problem.
What a sad life it must be when you and your cohorts need to presume you are responsible for non happenings simply for self congratulatory pleasure.
The connection between Lawrence’s postulate and HH’s delayed reaction is a bit stronger. After all WTH page 36 says, “Don’t print pictures of lady parts in a glossy magazine, and so forth.”
Nice of Hugh (or one of his staff) to bother to respond. As for the cause/effect relationship, this Scientologist is truly delusional and has lost all connection to reality. This is an example of 1) why some are in too deep to come out and 2) the massive emptiness, anger, and embarrassment that is felt if they do manage to come out. It takes a long time to come to terms with your past when a significant relationship (whether its a cult, marriage or something else) comes to an end.
@Lori S that’s what I was thinking about the response.
He probably got a “personalized” letter just like we got “personalized letters from LRH when he was alive. One of his staff whipped off the obligatory letter. Whether or not Hugh ever saw the book or the reply letter is, IMHO highly questionable.
He’s in way too deep. I’ve seen on FB some people defend a point about something and think OMG I used to think exactly that way. I wonder if that guy will come back and read his comments when he decompresses more.
It’s a gradual thing, but with the internet, I think people who have been in or even UTR are actually able to escape more rapidly than they were in the 70’s or 80’s because they have so much more information at their fingertips. In some ways that’s good, some bad. I was able to skip the anger stage and laugh at myself because I had been out so long by the time I went back and reexamined my old self that it was humorous. Now you get your old self thrown at your new self with the touch of a keyboard.
Hi Valerie, A wonderful post and observation, thank you.Love, Ann
Val – My time in scn was around 1975 to 1985. It’s as if there is scn version one and scn version two, the dm era. As well as escaping there is of course recovering. I thought I was totally free of scn. Watching the hbo doc and then reading extensively on past blogs revealed it wasn’t so. Deep seated mindsets had carried forward and came to the surface.
For me those mindsets put me at some level of introversion that life would have been better without. Wherever a person lands after leaving scn and starts reading the flow of information, that person will recover faster and that is good. Cognitive dissonance surrenders to truth and freedom prevails.
Hi Richard D, I echo your post about thinking one is free of cos after years for me. But of course there always will be stuff that pops up and I know that old feeling of dread can creep in especially when I am in an enclosed dark space.But as I look toward the end of this life, I have decided love, light & laughter will be my shield and the ability to talk about all that happened to me, and to be able to read and share with all here,that is my salvation a way permanently out of Ron- dm’s trap.And it is a hell of a trap.Trip wired too! Look forward to more of your posts.Love,Ann
Oh, yea of little OT powers, Lori S. We are currently experiencing heavy rains here at the beach in southern California. With much more to come. As we know it’s called an El Nino (pronounced nin yo). And, Lori, who do you think caused this event? I’ll give you a hint: He’s a long time surfer and aging rock star. And he posts here.
Hi OSD, And the beautiful poster who surfs as the wind can hold the entire Universe in his hand while surfing! That is really holding a position in Space! Laughter! Love,Ann
OSD have you had any negative thoughts about Hubbard or Miscavagie lately? That will cause a storm in your front yard every time. Standard tech.
Boy, have I!
I bow to the powers of OSD! Thank you for the unusually warm holiday season here in the Midwest. If I see one flake of snow, though, I will know your powers are dwindling and that you will need of a 6 figure tune up at FLAG. 🙂
Funny. One of my favourites was that for any outdoor event there would usually be a “Weather I/C” charged with the responsibility of using his/her OT Powers to ensure it was a glorious sunny day. With the London Org ribbon yanking by His Holiness of course, being London, it was drizzling all day. The Weather I/C was rewarded with a spell on the Decks after that.
Like so many Idle Orgs, the first ED London posted was an OT VIII who had little or no experience of running an organisation. The idea being I suppose that so much OT Power at the helm would automatically bring about immediate incredible expansion of the sort that would put Sherman into a gushing frothing frenzy of bombastic word salad were it actually true and probably give him a stroke. Reality is of course, that London limps along barely paying its bills and keeping the doors open.
Hi Martin Padfield, Happy 2016 to you and yours! Very good to see your post. I posted to M Greene that in Asho SO we postulated no storms where the Apollo was. I shake my head and laugh at me now, but the sobering thing was back then I so Believed! Love, Ann.
Seriously, the “Weather I/C” was sent to the ‘Decks’ after not being able to handle Mother Nature? And all he got WAS the ‘Decks!’ He should have been sent to the RPFs RPF. There starting to become sissies in this cult…
Agreed, London is fairly damp.
But in the past couple of years, haven’t there been two or three high-profile Scientology events in southern California that managed to attract the only rain for weeks around?
Frankly, if that effect is reproducible, they could probably make a mint off it – there’s quite a bad drought in the region at present.
Yeah, naked chicks. That’s the problem with this planet.
Well Done Larry! Maybe your next 6 month sec check will be a breeze.
One night while laying in bed I decided to go exterior and float among the stars. On my theta travels I chanced upon a bright shiny planet. Decided to go look around. I found the planet was full of naked women in human bodies. I was at first confused because I saw no men. Then my confusion melted away into exhilaration, then to a very large PTP. Should I stay or should I go?
I left that wonderful planet and to this day I fondly wonder what if….what if I would have stayed?
I know that my theta future looks bright and the universe is mine. The only problem is I forgot where that damned planet is.
You mean to tell me you left the Planet of the Naked Babes??? Seriously????? Potpie, you’ve got some serious mental problems! Scientology can help you with that. In the meantime, I just left my body and am currently surrounded by those naked babes. They asked why you left. I told them you were putz……
Yeah, but don’t you need your testicles and other essential stuff with you?
Floating around OT style is fine but…
Holy shit! Forgot all about that! Damn. Well…at least I can look at ’em….
OSD, you could have a couple of “mind fucks!” They’d do nicely … and you wouldn’t even be masturbating, so you won’t get in any trouble! LOL 😉
I never though of that.
I like that….Potpie is a putz……and I still can’t find that damn planet….you are there?
Give me the coordinates.
No, you’re not a putz. Far from it! But…I had to tell them something. You made quite the impression there! And, they really hope you find your way back there soon!!! Oh! And tell me all about it!
Potpie … would it have done you a lot of good to stay there without your body? (well, I guess you could stay in “looking” mode!)
Oh Lawrence, you wacky wing-nut. I know you’re floating on a sea of theta right now because you’ve rid the world of those out-ethics nude women in Playboy magazine, and you probably have your letter from Mr. Hefner framed in your house for everyone to see. That is why it pains me to tell you this but that little sig at the bottom of the letter..
..means that one of Mr. Hefner’s secretaries wrote you that letter. But what the hell…why let pesky facts or actual proof get in the way of your Hubbard-laced fantasy?
P.S. I hear the local soup kitchen makes excellent cream soups. You know, just in case this dream of taking over the planet with WTH booklets doesn’t work out.
That leather bound TWTH must have cost about $1000.00 or more,,, lol
I bet you Hugh never even saw it!
I think all Scientologists need to absorb Carla Moxon’s toastmaster’s talk, of her OT adventure with her husband Rick, when the two of them saved earth one evening, after a lot of hard OT work:
Thankyou Rick and Carla for ‘being there and communicating” to those aliens just about to ruin earth!
Now I know who to thank! 🙂
Wow! Her imagination is almost as good as the old man. Maybe she could start writing sci. fi. stories.
BTW, it most likely WAS Venus in the sky.
Truly Cra Cra
I had Cra Cra once, Mary. I loved it! It was a bit expensive, but, I really enjoyed eating it.
Yes, it’s definitely expensive. 🙂
Or ca ca?
I remember seeing this. My question is this. While she was telling their story, did people start to laugh? I can’t remember….
I think they held it in. Although I’d be on the floor! BTW, that’s some good shit she’s on, though. She probably got it from a good lab on Mars. LMAO