Scientology Kool Aid drinkers prove once again they have absolutely no shame.
Any disaster is a good enough reason to insist on taking your money. The church of Scientology LOVES a good shooting or natural cataclysm. Great photo opportunities to send some ringers and a camera crew out, but even better for fundraising “you have to give us money now so we can help the _____ people of ______” (all that money buys is the camera crew, the rest goes to commissions and “reserves”). But Scientology Disaster Capitalism has a new twist. It’s not just a good sell for handing over money to the IAS, now they are piloting disasters as a reason to support your Ideal Org.
A terrorist attack on a shopping mall in Kenya is now the reason to give money to the Valley Ideal Org. Seriously? With a straight face?
Let me ask you just one question Mr. Ex-SO, ex-LRH AV Dir now a favored public (yes, anyone can be Facebook friends with him because of how much cash he has turned over):
If the Ideal Org in the Valley is going to solve the problem of terrorist attacks on shopping centers in Kenya, and therefore presumably in the Valley — does the Ideal Org magic extend beyond shopping malls?
How come the Ideal Org in DC didn’t prevent the mass shooting at the Navy Yard? Military installations don’t count?
Actually, I have two questions. LA is the only area with FOUR Ideal Orgs. Shouldn’t that be enough to keep all the shopping malls safe already? The planet is being cleared with a single ideal org in virtually every other city (nobody is promoting opening a second Ideal Org in London, they are closing the CC down, no second ideal org in Rome? Moscow? Dallas?)
This is pathetic beyond words.
From: TheRazzLine Email Service <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 8:43 AM
Subject: FW: New Civilization on its way Blog – Post #2
To: YOU <[email protected]>Going to the Mall? You might want to remember the prophet’s mother’s name.
After the Mall invasion in Kenya Muslims were told to go home. An Indian man who claimed to be Muslim was asked the prophet’s mother’s name. Since he did not know it he was shot.
This kind of dramatization of the bank with full TV coverage gets to restimulate more and more people every day. The contagion of aberration as described in DMSMH could not be more clearly demonstrated.
The solution has been formulated by LRH and is being implemented by COB. It’s to put Ideal Orgs in every major city. It’s been 10 years since the strategy came out, yet the area with the hightest concentration of Scientologists on the planet still has an org that is not yet Ideal – The Valley. Time is running out and we need everyone to be involved in getting the Valley Ideal org done.
Won’t you come and join us? We have dinners at the org Monday nights, OT Committee on Tuesday nights, Friday night dinners at someone’s house. (This Friday 27th it’s at my house in Shadow Hills.) And then every few weeks a bigger event. The next one is this Saturday the 28th of September. Even if you cannot donate, your energy and theta will help push the project forward. We would love to have you join us. If you would like to talk to me, come to any one of these events. I go to ALL of them.
By the way; Muhammad ’s mother’s name is Aminah but she died when he was 6 years old and he was fostered by his Uncle’s wife Fatimah.
Much Love,
David Wilson
Gold Humanitarian Valley
DollarMorgue, You are spot on and Gerhard too. I have also met and been at the home of David and Bonita Wilson. David Wilson’s statements reek of low self-esteem and need for validation.
David states that “if you would like to talk to me, come to any one of these events. I go to ALL of them”.
It’s like saying, please come and talk to me. Validate my existence, my goodness, please make me real.
I feel sorry for him too. Giving away all of his money to an entity that has no real care for him. The day that David Wilson is broke and needs help will only get a “Everyone is responsible for his own conditon” answer.
So true, beyond words! …….. I enjoy reading this blog, you are talented.
Any which way to get a buck out of you is Fair Game, Deception the norm. Were Blackmail, Extortion and Robbery legal, they’d do that too. But then they are they’re already doing that too in ways difficult to prosecute.
I posted this last night at Tony Ortega’s blog:
“I maybe have mentioned this before; but another just appalling abuse of the US court system occurs with patent trolling. See for instance:…
The behavior is so Sci like in its lack of ethics, and the scam is so lucrative, it just makes me wonder if this is not sometimes perpetrated by Sci ‘whales’.”
And in many cases, former patent attorneys have become the perpetrators of the scam. Just ‘smells’ like something the DM I have come to know about in the last month or so would delight in.
Looking at that picture of Mr. Burns makes me think of the Rothschilds
Disaster Capitalists “pur sang’
Just sad.
Read the “Sociopath Next Door” by Martha Stout
C of $ tells lies like this to leverage publics belief that they have more cause and influence
than they do all to get money. The San Francisco org claimed to adopted the “Congo” !
A Mission Public claimed to be the Chess Champion of Nebraska ( he was not)
All liars, its like a game to get money, no results. Count the number of bankrupt public
or suicides because of the financial duress caused by the C of $
Write a letter to Rex Fowler ( In Prison for murder). Biggie Richert ( Germany) got an SRA at FLAG the burn marks on her head ( autopsy) were from a handheld electric stun gun.
All for money to support the one who must not be named lavish lifestyle.
To create and have Ideal Orgs one must have decent well trained staff who know what they are doing and who are not cross-ordered and musical-chaired on every whim of the FOLOs and Flag Bureaux – thus now directly from Miscavige’s micro-management and arbitrary off-policy decision making.The SO “Management” I knew actually destroyed most working installations and were responsible for totally unmocking the Orgs I knew of. Before DM’s time it wasn’t that bad (wasn’t that good either however) but when he took over it just became a nightmare of moronic decision-making one after the other, usually of a rabid “let’s do him in” philosophy to show how we are following “Command Intention” i.e. Miscavige’s service facsimiles and ideas on how Orgs should be run, not LRH’s at all. It is interesting but the Orgs and personnel are not at all managed on stats but really on a sort of Stalinist-type “personality whim” of whether the Exec “likes” the staff member or not or “does he or she fit our particular bill” – in other words is he with “our program” or not, never minding his or her stats. The stats WW have not changed in fact have gotten worse in the last 25 years or so and the Orgs have shrunk. Ideal Orgs? So now the emphasis is on the buildings, not the staff.The capable staff have long since disappeared which is of course probably what he wanted. I used to have respect for the Sea Org but now? Forget it. Worse than a bunch of Commie Commissars.
Well I am sick of the CAN’T HAVES David Miscavige has been running for years with the Scientology.
You CAN’T HAVE OT8 until we have 10,000 OT7 comps.
You CAN’T HAVE OT8 until you all pay for a ship.
You CAN’T HAVE Super Power until you buy us a new building.
You CAN’T HAVE OT 9 and 10 because I say so. (We know why)
You CAN’T HAVE the rest of your bridge unless you pay toll to my beggars.
You CAN’T HAVE any original L.R.H. Books
You CAN’T HAVE a marriage.
You CAN’T HAVE children.
You CAN’T HAVE missions (unless you pay me 40 Grand)
You CAN’T HAVE LIBS or training or auditing if you are staff member.
You CAN’T HAVE a field practice if you are more successful than an Org or even less.
You CAN’T HAVE any of the Certificates you earned under Hubbard.
You CAN’T HAVE the Org you put here for decades, buy me a new one.
You CAN’T HAVE friends if they do not obey me.
You CAN’T HAVE family if they don’t obey me.
You CAN’T HAVE the Scientology Hubbard left behind for you.
You CAN’T HAVE auditing or training.
You CAN’T HAVE a stable post.
This is all this man has been doing for over thirty years is just running CAN’T HAVES!
Oracle, wow, you really hit us between the eyes on these can’t haves. So true. And per LRH references in the PTS-SP Pack? An SP will run can’t-haves one you.
COBSCOHB. Big, fat ones.
Mike: you may recall that CofS in the form of CCHR Nevada vulturated after Whitney Houston died in early 2012 and sent out solicitations for money based on her death. Really tasteless. I wrote about it here:
Today was a highest ever stat for me. In number of posts I had to delete becoming aware of some Scientologist that the Church might further abuse or torture from my forwarding of information. It’s a damn shame when you can’t talk out here because of what they could do to someone still in there. Not just to public but to staff as well. The people still in there think we have issues with them. Or Scientology or Scientologists. It is SO not true. We are trying to protect THEM. This just illustrates how corrupt and broken down and even DANGEROUS the system called Scientology Incorporated has become.
“does the Ideal Org magic extend beyond shopping malls?”
Yes, just a few more OT’s they need to tip the theta balance 😉
Always just a few more.
Invent something no one can verify. Like the existence of god. WhOOOoooOOO … theta balance … we’ll glow them through from here …
We just need the 10K OTs and magically everything will be A OK.
Sekrit motto of the Co$: It is NEVER enough!
The most telling line in that whole email is
“The solution has been formulated by LRH and is being implemented by COB.”
It is sad, but I believe they think they are saving the world from R6 dramitization. It is that doctrine which believes it has the only one true way of seeing, the true reason for insanity and criminality on the plant.
All religions except Scientology can save you from eternal damnation from the implants of religion.
Money may beca prime motive, but the religious dogma of R6 fuels that motive:imo
I don’t recall seeing the phrase “The solution has been formulated by LRH and is being implemented by COB” before. The ones I read thanked only LRH. At some point does Miscavige have to become LRH’s equal? Will he ever be promoted to Commodore? What would be the reaction in Scientology if that happens?
Mike, did you believe these kind of things when you were in Scientology, or did you become the skeptic since blowing? Tory has a video where she talks about believing the AO staff went up in a flying saucer at night to sleep in space. So she believed more uncritically when she was younger than she does now. I think a lot of Scientologists are more skeptical of a lot of things since they left.
David Wilson, ah yes…
That guy had a tough time on staff. LRH pretty much had lingering contempt for him and let that contempt be widely known around the base. IMO, the contempt was overly harsh, and went on way too long.
Miscavige, when a messenger, took that and ran with it, even so far as to have Wilson comm-eved and Declared SP, YEARS after Wilson had left the SO, because of the “sabotage” Wilson had done when he was in the audio-visual unit.
Apparently, Wilson was such a malevolent and powerfully evil criminal mastermind, that the crippling false data he had spread while working a year or two in the sound dept had prevented any subsequent staff from being able to then learn and do their jobs. No amount of LRH tech applied to these staff for years could undo the evil influence, so the only thing left to try was to declare David Wilson SP.
This declare was subsequently cancelled in a Board of Review, but by then, David Wilson had been trying to live with the burden of being “the scum of the earth” for about a decade.
Then he discovered something: After he, as a public person, started giving lots of money to the church, David Miscavige personally started treating him nicely. Wilson was one of the earliest Patrons of the IAS, (my guess as some sort of ongoing “making amends” frame of mind)
And now, for decades, Wilson can be found high on the lists of many “pure donation” activities run by the church. He’s found a space where he can be a good guy again.
But David Wilson, if somehow you are reading this, I am sorry to have to tell you:
DM still doesn’t like you. He only likes the money you give him. And his (hidden) contempt for you is now his own, not just his parroting of LRHs contempt like so many of the more simple-minded messengers were doing, back in the day.
And you might stillbe PTS to him. He and his reg-minions have bled you for MILLIONS of dollars. You are STILL working for him!
And, I am sorry to say, you won’t have much luck getting DM as the item found and indicated to you in that monster of a church you are so lavishly supporting.
So sad and so true. David Wilson lives 2 minutes walking distance from us. I saw him many times, what you say makes totally sense. If he ever wakes up, he is in for a nightmarish awakening. You have to give yourself respect and love first, you cannot buy it.
Gerhard, so true. And an Indie who knows Dave and his wife, Bonita said that he and his wife don’t allow TV or newspapers in their house. As a way to shelter themselves from the truth coming in?
“That guy had a tough time on staff. LRH pretty much had lingering contempt for him and let that contempt be widely known around the base. IMO, the contempt was overly harsh, and went on way too long.”
That explains why David Wilson has donated close to three million dollars to David Miscavige to help him fuck up the Church. They have mutual out ruds on Hubbard.
Insightful Oracle!
Oh no, 3 million is not even close. 10 Mio for the IAS alone, several millions for ideal orgs, Super Power and on and on. He build a company for lighting equipment, got lucky with a great marketing person and sold his company for a good price. I would estimate the total donations at around 25 million. And it would be a lot more if Bonita had not at several occasions hit the brake pedal. David tries to buy self esteem by making registrars happy and applaud him. What he does not understand is that the same registrars that applaud and praise him today, will be unhappy again the next morning.
I really feel for him. He became a major source of money for the COS due to his invalidated state. I think he finished VII and I am sure C/S were instructed to keep that aspect of his case untouched.
He is not a bad person and I am pretty sure the letter was written for him. He looks like a Moron, because nobody in the COS was interested in him as a person and to help him with his issues.
As is said, a grueling scene to wake up to.
That’s a very sad and often repeated tale. Thank you for telling it.
This is a very old strategy in Scientology. Get people in on their good intentions, for instance to become “better beings”, then show them or imply to them what a “better being” is not, and you are herding them through the rat maze to where you want to have them. And because they herd so easily, you just feel that much more contempt for them. And you try to kill the rats that bite you as you prod.
I do feel for people in this position because I’ve been there myself. Had I had millions to give away, I would have happily ruined my family for some love and recognition, even if it runs out the moment the money does. That money would have been better invested in a therapist to address self-esteem issues at the root. Something that you don’t seem to get in Co$, even if you go all the way to the very top. Interesting.
I love your posts! You seem to smack them right outta the park every time!
Hey Alanzo!
What happened to your blog?
It’s because of the new, idea grade chart. It has a third column. The first column is the same: Processing. The second column also remains the same: Training.
The third column, however, is new and is called Donating. This is now the most important column on the Grade Chart. The other two are actually “old” and “no longer used”.
By the way, the above is satire. I made it up. Wait! No, I didn’t!
Miscavige did !!
So True! A NEW Bridge has been formed! The status bridge.
The Bridge to Total Status
Yes TO, that’s right. Of course the status bridge has a staircase, carpeted with golden fleece, which you are then, (according to the size of your donation, and allegiance to his worship!) permitted to ascend, on foot (pant, pant, – pause – pant, pant) some two miles into the statusphere, where you may be “honored” to meet with the Pope of $cientology,
sitting on his magnificently ornate golden throne, with characteristically clenched fists
and intense glare meeting your exhausted climb to meet with his majesty.
“What the F–k do you want, you @3$56@*$@ asshole?
“D-d-d-dear Master, I-I-I am s-s-s-o h-h-onored to b-b-be in your p-p-resence, s-s-sir!
….at this point, said Pope reaches for his magnificent, jewel-encrusted sword, raises it above his head, and slams the flat blade surface down on your unprotected cranium with a sickening “clang.” …. “There, you asshole! consider yourself honored! … Now F–k off before I throw you off, you useless piece of pathetic shit!” “Oh and you better
remember to hand over all those hidden credit cards on your way out, or I’ll have you sec checked until you DO!!!……. F–king useless asshole!!!”
The Bridge to Total Sheepdom?
Poor David. While he was on OTVll he jumped into his swimming pool forgetting that he had drained it.
Oracle is that true? Are you talking about the David Wilson that lives in CA and is OT VIII? If he is the same one who jumped into a swimming pool that had no water, boy did he go PTS to DM and the church! And the sad thing is that as a Kool Aid drinker, he will never get the correct item given to him on who he is PTS to, even after all that money he gave.
Relevancy? Maybe he is just trying to brown-nose some donations out of some wealthy members of the Nation of Islam.
Spot on, Sylvia. “COB” is a scam artist.
In HCOB 12 March 1975 LRH (Data Series 40), aptly entitled “The Ideal Org”, LRH describes how to create an Ideal Org. In it he describes many aspects of what an Ideal Org would be like. He also says how to go about creating one in the following quote:
“Such and ideal org would be built by taking what one has and step by step building and smoothing; grooving in and handling each of its functions, with each of its divisions doing more and more of its full job better and better.”
In it he makes no mention at all of fancy buildings. The only reference in the PL about buildings is, “It would be clean and attractive enough not to repel its public”.
The whole emphasis of the policy is on the FUNCTIONING of the org.
An “Org” is not a building. It is not MEST. It is short for an “organization” which means a group of people united and co-operating in the pursuing of common goals.
Mi$cavige doesn’t give a damn about creating any ideal orgs.
He just wants to accumulate more personal wealth and power. He is a betrayer.
Right Espiritu. I believe Ron also says an ideal org is a place where FREEDOM can be achieved and where people have confidence in the org to do that. (my paraphrase) More reverse Scn. These places are anything but free, they are expensive, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.
Right on! When I’m mentally trying to figure out if an org is Ideal, I envision that an “Ideal” org in California is hit with an 8.2 earthquake and the building collapses. If the people set up lines and terminals in the parking lot and auditing is occurring the next day and auditor training is occurring the next day, then, AND ONLY THEN, was it truly an Ideal Org.
Thank you David for the lesson in Islam. Could you please explain the difference between Sunni and Shite?
And please make sure you tie it into the Valley Org fundraising and how that is relevant.
It is relevant to him because he was raised in Africa. That is the only relevance.
Sorry, correction. It was Malaysia where David grew up.
Which group of people are more out of it and more delusional?
a. The Moonies who would get married to strangers in mass weddings.
b. The Hare Krishnas at airports and other places who would chant the same song over and over and over and ….
c. People who think that terrorism in Kenya and all other world problems will be solved if they would just turn over ALL their cash to a diminutive con man so that he can build video monitors in strip mall and industrial park “churches” that NO ONE enters.
You pick.
I do have to add that at least you get a little sex out of a. above and free vegetarian meals from b. above (and don’t lose your family if you grow your hair back and move on with your life).
Yes, in the past someone would have signed class 5, OT7 for exemple. Now they don’t give a shit, they know it has no value. What count is the bridge to gluteus magnus. Miscavige is so smart. He should be given the nobel prize of scam. He just invented that giving money was the reward to have been giving money. I’m dying of admiration.
A Best International Scam Award? That’s actually pretty cool idea. Like the Golden Rasberry or the Worst Company In American History. I wonder, could we put together such an award? What would it look like? A giant, moth-eaten wallet, clutched by a skeleton hand?
And call the award ? … how about “the Davey”?..”and in the category of biggest religious scam of the year, the Davey goes to ….DAVEY!”
I’d rather award it in the business category.
Ciao Mike, i’ve received this email. It is so riducoulos and incredible that i doubt that it really comes from Flag. Is BS or it’s really ? 😀
Francesco Minelli
Da: [email protected]
Data: 25-set-2013 3.52
A: xxxx
Ogg: Flag Events update
Theta without limits, Flag is the place to be.
You may have heard the newest rumors, that the Grand Opening of the SuperPower Building has been moved to a different date. There was just too much going on and too little time to prepare a worthy event. Many Cornerstone members have not completed their 130 hours of objectives as they had too many wins on their way and had to stop auditing. The wins with GAT 2 Objectives are so massive and colossal; they are almost OT levels in their own right.
Patron Colossius Moronius $150,000,000.00
Honorary Event Coordinator I/C
Grazie Mike, this email was so incredible and stupid, even if “written” by a kool aid drinker.
Francesco Minelli
Also……He signs gold humanitarian? What happened to signing with your case and training level, actual bridge accomplishments. I couldn’t force my hand to write such a stupid thing “gold humanitarian”, what is he electroplated or something?
Excellent! From head to toe, no doubt. Shinning in the California sun.
What a disgusting display of forwarding entheta comm. Even if the story of the Indian man were true, what would be the point of repeating it? To create more religious tension in the world? To create the Dianetic restim referred to, on purpose? Great. This is blatant reverse Dianetics, purposefully restimulating incidents of pain and unconsciousness and sudden, shocking loss, to get people into such a state, where they’ll pay money to try to be at cause. Then the money going toward mest. Can you imagine the quantity of auditors that all this money could have financed at this point? Pay for staff? These people are in such a pathetic state of confusion.
Whew, I’ll certainly feel safer now at the mall, knowing the name of Mohamed’s mother. And I suppose it’s nit-picking to ask exactly when and where LRH formulated this Ideal Org scheme that the Runt in a Tux is implementing, but I would sure like to see it in writing.
Exactly! We can, phrase by phrase, break down the idiocy in that part of the missive.
“The solution has been formulated by LRH” Really? What HCOB, HCO PL, book or tape has that formulation? The “How to Defeat Verbal Tech” checklist has as item 1. “IF IT ISN’T WRITTEN, IT ISN’T TRUE”. I want to read LRH’s formulation for myself!
“and is being implemented by COB.” If we don’t have anything WRITTEN to compare to what the COB is implementing, isn’t this just a demented delusional brainwashed lie? More to the point, the COB *is* implementing something — the crashing downfall of Scientology and its accompanying derision in the press. I don’t think LRH can take credit for formulating that. It’s purely a construct of David “Neutron Bomb” Miscavige.
“It’s to put Ideal Orgs in every major city.” It is? So why have (minimally functioning) orgs in United States cities been replaced with dysfunctional orgs? Netting NO expansion, only replacement? And what makes an org Ideal? No auditors made? No C/Ses trained? Staff not moving anywhere on the Bridge? Parishioners sentenced (yeah, I said it) to repeating lower levels of the Bridge over and over and over with no net gain? Unpaid staff having to route out so they can house and feed themselves? No book sales? No meter sales? No bulk mail out? No org magazine? Parishioners restudying and restudying materials they studied forty years ago? Clears getting undeclared Clear? Parishioners being declared “suppressive” for having the nerve to ask “Isn’t something wrong here?”
“yet the area with the hightest concentration of Scientologists on the planet still has an org that is not yet Ideal – The Valley.” Maybe the Scientologists in LA County have LOOKED with their own eyes and seen that “going Ideal” is a motto to etch on an award plaque instead of something that materializes in the physical universe. Guilt may work to motivate people in Judaism or Catholicism. But Scientologists are supposed to LOOK, NOT LISTEN. Maybe guilting them into “giving till it hurts” already hurts!
Notice GoHum Mr Wilson did not sign off with case or training level. Ah well, nothing new in Death Valley.
Dianetics And Scientology Technical Dictionary page 248.
“MERCHANTS OF CHOAS, there are in our civilization some very disturbing elements. These disturbing elements are the Merchants of Chaos. They deal in confusion and upset. Their daily bread is made by creating chaos. If chaos where to lessen, so would their income. It is to their interests to make the environment seem as threatening as possible, for only then can they profit. Their incomes, force, and power rise in direct ratio to the amount of threat they can inject into the surroundings of the people. 2.Merchant of Fear or Chaos Merchant which we can now technically call the suppressive person.”
David Freaking Wilson! Jesus, what a douchebag he turned out to be. LRH used to bust his chops regularly, as in every day, for screwing up sound recordings on the tech films. He took my personal E-Meter from storage in Qual WHQ and ripped its guts out to make a prototype of the Mark VI back in the day. I’d like to return the favor after reading that email.
C’mon Mike, you cannot underestimate the sheer power and immense sphere of influence these Ideal Orgs © have. We’ve all heard the unbelievable stories coming out of these orgs, miracles actually. Like, when that truck driver just pulled up out-of-the-blue and walked into the org. How do you explain that? Yeah, I know – incredible. Or the other time when that old lady just came in and sat down on one those cushy chairs and said how cool it felt in here. Coincidence? I don’t think so Mike. With wins like these who is to say Kenya is outside our reach? The Valley OTC could pick Kenya up as a Special Project. Kenya won’t know what hit ’em.
Out of the wall: “The solution has been formulated by LRH and is being implemented by COB. It’s to put Ideal Orgs in every major city. It’s been 10 years since the strategy came out…”
Blind as bats – it was never LRH’s solution to built swanky premises to then have them empty as the real products of an Org are not really being delivered…and it is an admission that, after 10 years of COB’s implementations, the cycles are NOT getting done.
Of course, the longer they don’t get them done, the more funds go his pockets…dud!
Dear David.
Johannesburg has had an ideal org for ten years. Joburg is still regarded as dangerous to your health. Murders are common place and so is rape.
Please re -evaluate your stable datum. Ideal org doesn’t mean less crime.
And given some of the predatory fundraising under false pretenses they actually mean more crime.
Hey Jips, what say we invite dear Leadah over for some modern day Jo’burg hospitality?
I just read Jenna Miscavige’s “Beyond Belief” – part of the ex-Scientologists Basics package checksheet. A childhood filled with horrific abuse, and yet Jenna kept her mind and soul in tact. Wow. An inspiring testament of the power of the human spirit to endure and survive. I wish I’d thought of smashing the cans, Jenna!
I can’t help but think – jeezus if they’d just been a little nice to her, maybe she would not have gone public. But no, OSA kept trying to ruin her marriage, ruin her life, ruin her husband’s life, more sec checks, more lower conditions, more attempts to intimidate, more mest work, more admissions to crimes – it’s an endless circus! That’s what the SO is busy doing – policing and torturing each other. No time to help the planet, now or ever.
In Jenna’s account more than any other I’ve read, I’m stunned by how the cult members live in a tiny, idiotic make-believe world. What does the Cof$ do? Just intimidation fueled by delusion.
There’s no kindness, no common sense, no ability to observe, no accountability for anything anyone does in the name of preserving the tech, no results, no compassion, no doing anything for humanity, no functioning orgs to show for all the fund raising, per event footage Miscavige and Tom Cruise obviously have deep psychological problems.
Mr. Razzline, and everyone who makes a living off the cult members, will be the last of the still-ins. Along with David MIscavige and Tom Cruise, ever embracing and congratulating each other for being the only two Big Beings, the only two capable of doing anything for the plane.
I think we all have our pet theory as to what brought about the downfall, our “why”. Probably there is no one why, but rather a complexity of factors. I grew up in the cadet org too, though luckily not at the ranch, and have my own pet why: arrogance and superiority. Believing you have all the answers and that those answers are better than any anybody else could ever come up with or give you absolves you from:
– need to observe
– need for humility
– kindness and understanding
– ability to interact with others
– common courtesy and decency
And produces:
– the perfect portable bubble, which you take with you wherever you go
– reinforced bubble walls, which only a lot of pain can burst
– one way communication (Scn -> rest of the world)
– hidden agenda/standards in communication and actions (we want to make YOU better)
It is not just the 2nd and 3rd generation teenagers who don’t know what the real world is like. It’s others who’ve been in for 20-30+ years and forgotten, clothed in their superiority.
I’m better than you is deadly when professing to help people.
It is deadly for another reason: it isolates you from others. And when you write or convey that you are extending a hand to mankind (implying it is in desperate need of one) you don’t simply convey the ability to help. You convey isolation – and that can backfire painfully. As it has done with Co$. Who needs a hand now?
Please understand this was not directed at you. It is (part of) my BTE (big theory of everything).
Very reflective and insightful observation. Thanks, and I agree with what you see.
Very good point, DollarMorgue.
I’ve been reading about other cults (which has been so amazing, and I highly recommend it, as part of Scientology detox).
People that leave ANY cult have to give up the idea that they are part of God’s elite, the only ones doing the right thing on the planet. That was the justification for mistreating others and also the reason behind accepting abuse.
People need to have a sense of purpose, just a basic human need that gets exploited by cults.
Perhaps some simply enjoy life and don’t feel guilty about it? 🙂
I’ve got “Take back your life” by Janjan Lalich and Madeleine Tobias. Also read some stuff on and many, many other places. Each day is a new discovery 🙂
I sure saw nothing of your view with which to disagree. Pretty perceptive of you, in my book. I’m sure there’s much more, yet you certain gave a solid core of the “why”. Gets my pat on your back. 🙂
Thanks. There is lots more. The why may indeed be different for each individual. But when so many people come together over such a long period of time, there are certain to be many, many contributing factors. Some became more visible than others as the group adopted them wholesale.
All these books being published, all the websites, forums, interaction taking place contain pieces of the why and, quite possibly, are simply an effort to find the one that will open a door to a handling (even if that does mean shutting the operation down). Meanwhile, all the ideas and experiences being exchanged here and elsewhere help people see what’s going on in their life and org, and realise they’re no longer alone.
Fantastic, and I’m so grateful for it.
Big plusses on these two posts!
Madora and DollarMorgue, excellent posts both. Relevant for the whole process of one’s de-compression, whatever that may involve. IMHO though, this is actually a far greater issue for all seeking relief from suppression and oppression in ALL relationships, across the entire spectrum of human existence, (and that of our animal counterparts too, for that matter.) It begins with the recognition of the factors bringing about the entire cause/effect relationship. Who has the intention to dominate/subjugate? What are the methods used? Instill fear? Invalidation? Mind control? Dependency? Some, like Miss Cabbage, have made a new age “religion” (cult) out of it, as a dictatorial “ecclesiastical” leader of intentionally
compressed (mentally trapped) believers. As the Ol’ man reassured repeatedly, though, “communication is the solvent of all problems” and “understanding washes away everything.”
The Internet, together with all those seeking freedom, have made this possible 🙂
Thank you.
Thank you, Calvin 🙂
Yes, that’s it. We all emerge from our own little bubbles, with our own history, issues, etc. Remember also, that one of the key targets in the methods you listed (mind control, dependency, fear) is to achieve isolation. A person who feels isolated will turn to their tormentor for help, and only turn to those they have been made to fear and despise when the tormentor overdoes it. Isolation, mental (fear, hatred, despising and looking down on “wogs”, and so on and so forth) and physical (all life activities revolve around the org – helping as a public, being on course regularly, on staff, in the SO, etc. ad nauseum) really must be achieved for this to work.
The target must feel alone. And in Co$, you do. It’s your org that isn’t doing well, it’s you who isn’t making it up the bridge (no money or NCG), it’s you who thinks you’re crazy, it’s you who’s in a dependency (Scientology employers at retirement age and no pension worth mentioning), it’s you who knows you can’t talk to your very own friends about what’s bothering you, because every time you hint at it, they go on party line overdrive, and you know if you slip up one more time, it might be to your detriment.
Yes, communication really is working its magic, and MR+MR, Tony Ortega, ESMB and many others are helping so many more people to free themselves of their isolation and find they can actually have friends! This is so beautiful.
+10 for the education, thanks 😉
Awesome posts DollarMorgue – right on the money.
There are many whys out there, but PTSness and self-abnegation, will certainly come up as common traits. This got my juices flowing — thanks for the push.
Dramatization and restimulation, much?
I think the concept of irony is lost on this guy.
The concept of decency is lost on him at any rate.
“It’s been 10 years since the strategy came out, yet the area with the hightest concentration of Scientologists on the planet still has an org that is not yet Ideal – The Valley.”
In other words, you out ethics A-holes need to step up and pay your dough! Ya, forget about investigating why this might the case…like off policy or out tech, or something like that.
Oh…wait a minute…according to Anna, the email from a few days ago, he is using an unauthorized email address and is NOT an official rep for the church, so we are all supposed to ignore this anyway. Whew!
He didn’t get the memo. Probably because it was sent to official addresses only.
hahaha! 🙂
Vulture culture indeed.
The European Ideal Orgs must be much more powerful than the US ones. After all, the Copenhagen IO is touted to make a clear Europe a reality! Not so in LA. Seems they need one per mall there. Maybe it’s because there aren’t as many shopping malls in Europe…? Or maybe I should just drink some vodka and forget about my course in illegitimate illogics.
“The solution has been formulated by LRH and is being implemented by COB. It’s to put Ideal Orgs in every major city.” I just love how they’re saying the solution formulated by LRH is the Ideal Org campaign.
“It’s been 10 years since the strategy came out, yet the area with the hightest concentration of Scientologists on the planet still has an org that is not yet Ideal – The Valley.” Can anyone say Outpoint?! Like maybe the strategy is flawed and off policy?
Oh! I just said something similar before I read your post! 🙂
I knew David Wilson fairly well back in the day. He seemed to be somewhat of a defiant type person, guess the Kool Aid and IAS status crap has sunk him to this disgusting level.
Yep and his recent OT VIII completion further pounded him into submission.
“Time is running out”
At least one true statement in the email.
Time is always running out. Every second of the day. Funny, it fills up just as fast 😉
Chaos trader!
Merchant of chaos using it to get money!
“Scientology sees the world this way: One man with a picket sign: terrorism. Five thousand people dead in a deliberate inferno: business opportunity.
Scientology oozes under terrorists to hide.”
-Chris Leithiser