Thanks to all for your kind and encouraging wishes following our wedding. They were very well received by us and greatly appreciated. We now return to regularly scheduled programming….
Recently I have posted a number of articles on the subject of Scientology Disconnection-see here for the overview: Scientology Disconnection Policy Exposed.
One of the most interesting was the result of a survey to establish exactly WHO the Church of Scientology is so eager to declare. It showed the bulk of those declared were long time, well trained and experienced Scientologists. (Results here)
Another important aspect is how MANY are being SP Declared.
A good stable datum to use in gauging how many “core members” in the church is the number who attend international events. These days, event turnout ranges between 13,000 and 17,000. The official Church of Scientology facebook page has 13,724 likes. So, it is quite safe to assume a maximum of 20,000 core members of the church internationally.
A recent message from a Church of Scientology staff member on David St Lawrence’s blog was brought to my attention. I repeat it here:
This is the file of Declare Orders received at my Org in the past 6 months. It’s over 300 pages.
We have been accumulating Declare orders in our files at this rate for the past four years. That basically amounts to 2500 people who were declared on paper.
Assuming that the claims of 40,000 Scientologists worldwide are anywhere near accurate, that means that 6% of Scientologists have been lost to outright Declares in the past four years.
I know Scientologists who have been declared, and uniformly, an average of 3 people disappear for every one that gets declared. They’re just “collateral damage”, I guess.
So that means that an additional 18% have disappeared just because the Church in its all-powerful but unjust wisdom declared good, well-intentioned people just because those people exhibited the audacity to question the orders of an out of control lunatic. By my calculations, if the Church loses 24% every four years, then it only has a maximum of another 12 years of survival left.
I recall that the Admin dictionary says “out-ethics: 2. his own concept of his own ethics is not adequate to his survival (7204C11)”.
Even a fool could see that the Church is totally wrapped around the idea of Declaring people with the intent and end result of its own demise. As much as I love Scientology and LRH, any organization so fixated on its own destruction should be allowed to shrink to invisibility. Abraham Lincoln said “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” And the lecture ABOUT RHODESIA (6607C19) taught me that individuals have a tough time against psychosis and insanity and deliberate sabotage.
Too bad Scientology isn’t delivered here any more. The staff are too busy trying to recover blown students and pcs that were enturbulated by their friends being declared without comm evs or other justice actions. So they can’t even do the usual any more.
And the Church is so busy Declaring people who want to stay in and practice Scientology that it can’t pay attention to the greater good that would be done by declaring the right one person.”
I have a slightly different analysis:
If 2500 have been declared in the last 4 years (and that may be a low figure), then that is 12.5% of the 20,000 “core faithful”. I have observed that for each person SP Declared, at least another one or two slip away (he puts it higher than that). Taking the conservative estimate again of 1.5 lost for every person declared this puts it at 31% of the core of the Scientology church has either been kicked or walked out the door in the last 4 years.
THIS is why Miscavige’s desperation to “prove” the “unprecedented expansion” of Church of Scientology by buying buildings and constantly harping on “square footage” and “number of ribbons cut” as the measures of the health of his empire. In fact, I think Miscavige can now put a new stat in his events and apply to the Guinness Book of World Records to attain the official status of — “Highest square footage of available church space per capita of any religion on earth.”
No organization can continue to survive the St. Moritz Death Slide that the RCS has experienced since “The Wake Up Call”. 30 plus percent in just 4 years is a little under 10% shrinkage per annum.
Too many HAVE woken up. More are opening their eyes every day. And the sight is not pretty.
This information is invaluable. It gives an accurate picture of Scientology’s decline. As the demented midget, Miscavige, applies more brutal force, he is driving people away in droves. No one is joining these days either. I’ve seen a few young people body routed into NY org. They watch the intro films, maybe buy a book and leave. The NY org is a ghost town nowadays. When I was on staff in the late 80’s/early 90’s the Academy had at least 20-30 students at night. The HGC was busy. Basic courses had at least a dozen or so. There was Book One Auditing going on. Now, you just see a trickle of people walking in. Most of the staff are young and most likely are children of long-time staff and public who are still under that spell. Corporate Scientology’s outlook is very gloomy. It sucks to be Miscavige. What’s he going to do when his big-money public die off , go broke, or just plain walk out?
Just for fun, I went back and read “The Wake Up Call.”
Check out this hilariously ironic passage.
“At times. they are hidden by the social veneer of materialism-nifty cars, fancy houses and an economic ”boom” that only existed on paper with the latest worth billions one day and not one cent the next. Look even deeper and you find mankind’s ‘humanitarian’ objectives heading in the direction of MEST and ‘artificial intelligence,” all towards denial of the spirit. Instead of man, computers are the supposed salvation, evidenced by what comprises the world’s largest industry, generating billions for its owners. And what has this ignorance of the spirit and reliance on MEST wrought? Computers, heralded as “amazing,” but only capable of popping up an address book, phone number. mail order catalog… but they can’t yet help one human being…”
You go, Dave. Keep opening fancy buildings with audio-visual displays and big TVs.
Wow – great find Dirk! What a perfect quote.
Spot-on, Dirk.
HI Mike!
I’m curious; I’ve not seen any stats anywhere about ‘new’ public coming in on CofS lines. Does anyone here know of any recent stats? Hard to imagine anyone coming into the org these days …
Bob — these stats are kept very confidential as they suck so badly. Believe me if they WERE good it would be being shouted about from every rooftop, it would be in all the legal letters (along with the “square footage” stats) and it would have massive graphs with explosions and thunder and lightning at the events.
Think how hard it is to get anyone to go into a church of Scientology these days. One google search and you would not go anywhere near a church….
When I attended a fundraiser back in 2008, the CO CLO showed an affluence graph from one of the latest Idle Morgues. And what stat was it? NISC (number of intro service completions, meaning people who took an OCA or got a pinch test or watched a video.) As a former staff member, I was appalled that this was the only affluence stat that she could dig up.
A month or so ago I met a young woman getting auditing from an Indie. She told me she had meant to go to LA Org, but as soon as she did research on the internet she knew she should never go into an official Church.
Emilie, Yes so true! And I might add that on these “number of intro service completions” that stat has been massaged because the people taking these courses for the most part are veteran Scns and their children. I want to know what the actual stat of new “raw meat” public just walking in the door who have never done a Scn course or had auditing are?
First off…congratulations on the marriage! Well done!
Secondly…thank you VERY much for what you are doing. Reading your posts and Marty’s posts have been a freeing experience for my wife and I. I’ve never felt so de-PTS’d.
Regarding the stats being confidential. I know this is true. When I was in the SO at FSO I remember several key stats like WDAHs and VSD being totally crashed, yet at the events FSO was in screaming affluence all of a sudden. There was this fear of letting the public know our stats were actually down and that even the SO had to apply emergency and danger conditions just like everyone else from time to time….LOL.
[direct comm to Mike – the comm below does not need to be posted if you don’t feel it appropriate]
Also, I emailed you about a week ago (maybe a little longer). I had asked you to give me a call when you had a chance and you wanted to keep it through email which I totally understand. There are some questions I had which when answered will really help me decide how to proceed with my situation. I know you are very busy with the wedding and all, but please get back with me on those answers. Your opinion based on your experiences means a lot to me :O)
So we still have very rough estimate 17.500 core Scientologists and maybe 50.000 offliners for whatever reason. Many of them kicked out.
This is not just happening. Someone is intentionally doing it.
In other words we have a player named L. Ron Hubbard that had or still has the intention to build Scientology and we have one opponent of similar magnitude or power.
This opponent is not David Miscavige. He has not the power to be opponent to L. Ron Hubbard.
So we have two players. One I know by his name and mock up. The other player is not known to me by name or mock up. We are the pieces of that game more or less if we are not aware of the game. This game is played on different levels simultaneously. One level is named Scientology. That is only one level this game is currently played.
Respectfully … bullshit. A lot of people are co-creating this. One more thing … I’m not a piece. Maybe you are. But I’m not. 🙂
Academic Paper on Independent Scientology – The Dwindling Spiral: The Dror Center Schism, the Cook Letter and Scientology’s Legitimation Crisis, by James R. Lewis [Forthcoming 2013 in Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review 4:2. (Note that there will likely be minor differences between this draft and the final, published version.)]
Interesting comments. Mike, this may be a quick survey question. How many people do you know, connected to you, that are no longer playing the game, but are not declared?
In my case, I know of about 20 confirmed connected to me and talking to each other. All are very well informed about this blog and the ‘state of the nation’.
Each of us are now simply talking to others to gauge their position and connect them up to the others. As has been said here, this is a process that will go on for a while.
Once the dam breaks with each one of these people, there is no holding them back. It is always a sudden and relentless investigation of all that is out there. Then they are done.
We look for the next one and build toward the tipping point or melt down or implosion or silent dwindling collapse.
More trained members of this group counsel others, often. Be not concerned about MS 2 versus MS Nada as this is evolution of thought.
Mike you are the opposite of the guy in Holland with his finger in the dyke. Thanks man.
I made a list today of the people we knew (or could remember) that were onlines during the 80’s and are now not. We’ve forgotten the names of many, many people, but we came up with a list of 30+ people who have either faded away or been declared. These were all known personally and usually well. Two thirds were Clear or OT, most were trained auditors. All want nothing to do with the CoS now. Only four we know for sure have been declared.
The sooner(demise) the better. Then all on the outside can practice Standard LRH.
Great stats!
I am with Ronnie that we may soon hit the Tipping Point. Things seem to decline at a certain pace and then “wham!” the collapse is sudden. I don’t know what that point will be in Scn, but I sense it is close. The Portland fiasco couldn’t have helped. I envision a Rajneesh-like collapse where David Miscavige slips out of town in his gold-encrusted $100k motorcycle. Or, perhaps he will go the way of Tony Montana. Either way, it will change and quickly when it happens.
But if not, 6 years is all that is left at the current rate of decline.
In addition to being well-trained, the people getting declared are likely the most courageous and highest integrity people in the bunch. This leaves a greater concentration of robotic, low-integrity fruit-loops in the membership. I’m one of those disappeared people. One of the things that got me to wake up was the feeling at events that I had to stand up when everyone else did, and not sit down until they did. I’m sure it’s getting more and more like that all the time.
DM knows that he has to take a hard line with anyone who criticizes him. It is the only way he can keep the comm lines shut down and prevent the truth from spreading. Scientologists live in fear of saying the smallest thing against DM. They know Fred Jones who said something and got instantly SP declared and lost his job, lost his wife and children etc etc. So they keep their thoughts to themselves- not even saying anything to their spouse or own children for fear of getting turned in. Fear and threat is the only hold David Miscavige has over the Scientology religion. If each Scientologist was accurately informed about the Indy movement, the specific accusations against David Miscavige and a brief bio of each person who has made these accusations DM would be out on his ear so fast his feet would not even touch the ground. Right now he eats his fancy food and lives with 3 valets always in attendance to his every need. He vacations with the rich and famous and has the most expensive lawyers in the world working full time to protect his position as well as a team of sleazy criminals (OSA) who still stop at nothing to keep him in power. And ALL of it is running on BORROWED/STOLEN TIME. The threat and fear is how he keeps grabbing time that he doesn’t really have or deserve. If Indy’s and exes and under-the-radars do nothing but continue to reach out to existing Scientologists with factual statements and forward articles such as this one, slowly, slowly the truth will seep inside the walls. Every time even a small drop of truth seeps inside the walls of Scientology, David Miscavige grows a little weaker. His power comes from lies that are held in place with fear and threat. We only have to keep shining the light of truth, over and over and eventually David Miscavige will be gone.
I was one of the ones dead filed. Found out from an X-SO *former* friend, whose now deceased wife was my best friend. He texted me that we had to disconnect and if I had any questions, contact HCO. The only question I have is why the hell he’s still drinking the Kool-aid. But then again, I do know why. He doesn’t look. We met up back in November and I told him that a lot of entheta was happening inside the Church. I told him about Marty defecting. He thought Marty was dead, that’s how far out of the loop he is. I hope one day all of our friends and family come to the same conclusion-DM’s regime must be stopped.
That’s some excellent model-building from both of you. There are also good reasons to think that the rates of expulsions and voluntary departures from the Church are speeding up. Miscavige’s footbullet skills, the media’s increasing coverage of these footbullets, and the magnifying power of social media are interacting to spread the word. Of course, we might still see a precipitating event that will tip the organization. But even without that, the Church has, max, only ten years left.
I’m not declared, they even don’t know I’m no longer a member of the church. Same with my family… I know so many friends which are in the same position but don’t go public, for disconnections reasons (friends, family) or plain no dedication to the independant cause!
If you count those who are simply watching the show, no longer paying nor participating while still being counted as member because still in “good standing”, you may double or triple the figure. They are wasting people. But the little monster is not so stupid, with GAT2, he will cancelled the arbitraries he put himself there with GAT1. He’ll get few customers back, he’ll forgive them to have been out for a while, he’ll “rehab” them. He did it in 1985. Maybe, it will not work so well this time.
We should strike a blow to him, but most of the “disinfected” remain under the radar, but we are much more than anyone think. For one guy declared, I know 20 undeclared but not following anymore Miscavige.
One more opinion leader of magnitude saying something against Miscavige, and there will be a riot. But with this stupid fight amongst independants, Milestone versus Marty, we are helping Miscavige. Who is the 3 P?
Interesting. I know of a few who decided to just stop participating myself. I wouldn’t worry too much about the “stupid infighting.” That is just people moving through what to do when Scientology has failed. Some will cling to the hope that Scientology can be practiced completely unchanged, and some will realize that the Scientology does not have a monopoly on wisdom, and that there is good data in other religions and sciences. Every Scientologist will have to go through this. Those that are currently disengaged because of family and connections and hope that everything will just blow over will eventually have to confront the fact that there are flaws in Scientology, and will have to look to see what is and is not workable. Each person will have a slightly different picture of what is workable, and if they are pigheaded about it, they will argue with each other. This is inevitable, and you know what? Healthy. The “Milestone2 vs. Marty” fiasco is NOT helping Miscavige. It is showing the world that Scientologists can think and form their own opinions – something no Scientologist is really allowed to do in the church.
Great points Mark! (Jenny’s hubby?) I personally cringe when someone invalidates that someone hasn’t come out yet. One thing I hated in the church is the total lack of privacy and lack of respect for my priorities and time frames. It’s no one’s f…king business when I decide to do what. Outside the church, I say select your own decision and do the greatest good for YOUR dynamics. If a person is PTS and living in fear, of course that needs to get handled, we will reap what we sew. Their code of honor is what’s important, not anyone elses. Violating conditions and gradients is never helpful and the individual is responsible for deciding these things. Eval and inval makes things worse and is not the point of Scn or growing into a fully functioning OT. A person may have 8 kids or a fatally ill parent or whatever. It’s their business, responsibility and result. I support anyone making an honest effort to correct themselves and the situations they find themselves in, after making the very difficult decision to leave the corp. church. It’s a massively suppressive situation that has assaulted our codes of honor and stable datums. We all deserve the opportunity to experience real Scn.
FG – I’m in an identical position as you (hence Indie8Million) and I agree with everything you’ve said. Besides myself, I’m aware of at least 8 people who are out, under the radar, with no intention of ever going back in. They are loyal to LRH and interested in getting the rest of their Bridge in the Indie field.
What concerns me about this infighting (though I also see it as confusion blowing off) is that it DECREASES the feeling of a safe environment. I can’t confirm or deny that the people who were ragging on Marty said those things but, if they did, wow. So full of inval, eval, harsh judgmental attitude…what if someone decides to let loose on me like that? Already there is a bit of an “Us and Them” going on between the people who have fully disclosed that they are out and the people who are quietly out., with the ones who are quietly out being accused of being plants. We CAN’T do this in this new group. It’s the same paranoia that happened before. That’s exactly what we all walked away from – wrong indications, forceful ethics actions, no-ARC handlings, etc. I think that the Milestone 2 people want to do the right thing inasmuch as organizing all of us. In History of Man, Ron talks about how the MEST people won over the theta because they were organized. Like it or not, call it that or not, we ARE a group. If we go off like a bunch of Wild West lone gun-slingers, we’ll be an easy target. Being some kind of organized gives us more strength. The power of 2 is the power of 10. If the Milestone 2 people need some help to get it right, help them.They are well-intentioned people too.
And whoever is talking smack about Marty ought to stop. I don’t know him. But I’ve seen what he’s done to give people a place to go to get information and protection at times from this crazy church situation. He took the initial bullets. He did some stupid sh*t while in and so did Mike and a whole bunch of other people. Amnesty, for crying out loud! Mike and Marty have bared their breasts to take the bullets on international TV to state our case. If they aren’t Kha-Khan, they have at least made up the damage done, IMHO. This might be what we all are saying:
Indie 8 Million: Your post is so true and so wonderfully expressed. I agree that we need to stop doing an “us vs them” on Indies that are under the radar. We are not all plants. And I totally agree that we lost the first time because the meat bodies were organized and the free beings were not. So as LRH says, if a group of OT’s organized we would be unstoppable. So yes, IMHO we do need to form an Indie group. Milestone 2 was right about forming a group. But it failed to survey the Indies to see what kind of group to create. Had they surveyed first they would have found that we don’t want another carbon copy of the C of $ with heavy justice, heavy ethics, A to J checks, paying for massive Sec Checks just to prove you aren’t a plant (inspection before the fact.) So let’s help Milestone 2 create a good group rather than just skewering them. And yes let’s for God’s sake stop talking smack about Marty. He has helped people escape the Hole and Int, he has gone on TV and radio to get the truth out, he has continued day in and day out to keep shining light on the evil and thus helping us all to run out the 3rd dynamic engram and decompress and move up a little higher. He has taken the bullets and arrows and heat for us and made it safe for other Indies to quietly audit and get the job done without themselves having to take the bullets. Marty, the lightening rod! Marty has more than made up his damage. Marty and Mike and Karen and many others all deserve Kha Khan status.
Science of Survival page 319/320, assuming the new basic books are in fact 100% LRH:
“The 1.1 may be appealing, he may make great show of powerlessness [may is the operative word here]. But when the lights are dimmed, that actions of this individual are directed energetically toward death – whether the death of a reputation, the death of a cause even though the cause is apparently supported, or the death of himself no matter how far he seems to think his actions are from suicide. In the 1.1 bank by the way, we find the individual most blatantly insistent upon ethics and morals of others.”
At least we now know that the handling must be done in anger.
Imagine a few chaps walking onto the stage at an event, grab it by the scruff of the neck and hold it 1 ft off the ground while one of the former well know execs tell the public what has been going on and give thme eg these SP declare stats. And then throw the little shit out the front door so he can go and farm.
Along with record high SP Declares and people leaving in droves – I did some research on the “active” scientologists – staff and public. WOW – just heart breaking.
Bankruptcy and foreclosures straight up and vertical.
I cannot believe they think they are “flourishing and prospering”?? Of course – they are trapped by their families being “in” – so they have to stay! Poor souls!!
One person did all three L’s after going up the Bridge at the Fraud Scam Base – came back and went bonkers spending money – only to lose everything within a year. Just stellar stats – NOT! The person blamed themself – of course – with the help of the MAA at the Fraud Scam Base. They had borrowed money and gave it to IAS, building fund etc. What a criminal organization!
And a “member in good standing” today is what, relative to Scientology? E.g How many still in the Co$ are actually Scns in any sense other than name? And of those who “believe”, what is their actual condition as auditor or supervisor, and as an individual? Are these pre-SP’s, or what could one call them?
Obviously the corporation can’t sustain losses at this rate forever. At some point, there just aren’t enough people involved to support the activity any longer. Another effect that I believe we’ll see, is the so called ‘tipping point’, where it all seems to collapse at once. Below a certain number of active members, I think a sort of chain reaction effect will take hold, where it becomes painfully apparent to all who are left, that a complete cave in is imminent.
The numbers don’t have to dwindle down to zero before the lights go out. They just have to dwindle to a point where the charade is too obvious for even the most hypnotized sheeple to miss.
It’s inevitable that as we continue to be here and communicate on this and other blogs, the sheer number of us -vs- them will topple the scales in our favor. We don’t need to abide by disconnection. If I were declared and my children and friends were forced to disconnect from me I would totally not respect that “decision” and would continue to communicate any way I could. I would continue at any cost to discredit and dead agent the lies coming from the church about me.
Those who disconnect from you still love you. They truly want to be in comm with you. They are just scared. NOTHING is impenetrable. If you fire enough bullets (truth) at the side of a fortress, eventually some of them are going to get through. There is ALWAYS a weak spot.
Friends and loved ones DO read the letters and emails you send to them even though the cult doesn’t allow them to read them. Down deep they KNOW you are truly good and that an injustice has been done against you.
I am one of those who is now out because some of the stuff being written finally sank in and caused me to wake up :O)
A while back you did a post on how many Scientologists there are. In it you stated that ARIS (The American Religious Identification Survey) found that in 2001, 55,000 people in the U.S. identified themselves as Scientologists.
Compare that to the number of core members being 13,000-17,000 which are attending events now. It looks like the church really began a steep decline just in the last decade.
I always thought it was impressive that Scientology went from few hundred members in 1954 when it was founded to 55,000 less than 50 years later. How fast did Christianity grow in its first 50 years? How many Buddhists were there 50 years after the death of Buddha?
I’d say it looks like DM has been working as hard as he possibly can to eradicate Scientology. He’s in his mid fifties. If he continues to make his quotas on SP declares, he could get it done in this lifetime.
One wonders, what will he do to silence those in the hole?
Wow, wow, wow.
The number of members in good standing seems to be decreasing at an inversely proportionate rate to the rate of “expansion”.
“BIS/Sq. footage” is the stat. Seems to be crossed.
The thing they don’t see on the other side of this is that no one lives in a vacuum and life goes on. Each one of these declared or disaffected or gone people immediately find and “hook up” with other declared people on the outside. I mean you have to be friends with someone. So quite a few tight social circles are created on the outside and many of them have people who have been researching the whole RCS matter on the Internet for years if not decades. Newly out or declared can get a real fast track education from the older “masters” on what’s happened, what heretical books to read first, what web sites are the best, on and on. Once they get all that, not to mention the newly found and usually light-hearted camaraderie, they never ever look back and become forever out and forever lurkers, if you will. Life goes on. People do find like minded friends out here.
The other thing that can happen (and I’ve seen this) is that for some people the SP Declare is such a “wrong item” for them that they start dramatizing the wrong item and become full-fledged and active enemies. They do things. They post. They disseminate the “enemy line” and stuff. You know the tech data about what wrong items can do to upset a case, right? The L&N references and such: wrong item, not your item, etc.
One day they’re sitting around minding their own business . . . the next they’re on an all-out jihad against DM. Why not? They’ve got nothing to lose now and usually no more leverage can be applied to keep them quiet and still. So now they get active.
Hence, I would say these stacks of declares help them create their own enemies and disaffected social circles. You know, “what you put your attention on, you get” in this universe. That’s one of those forgotten bits of wisdom from the early fifties.
There is also the phenomenon of one or more people within your existing circle of like-minded friends – people you’ve known and worked with perhaps for decades – getting declared, which also acts as a wrong item. You know damn well he or she is not an actual SP. You may not concur with their methods but you can sure appreciate their motivations. Under such circumstances, simply spotting the wrong indication (the incorrectly included) brings to light the companion omission of justice and the whole action becomes an obvious falsehood merely to silence bona fide dissent. In this manner, the Church has dead-agented itself to it’s public and the general public. It’s the same dramatization as the Obama administrations apoplexy over whistle-blowers, when they are in fact true patriots, and leaving no stone unturned to persecute them instead of the actual criminals upon whom the whistle was blown. Since the Church is such “buddies” with the IRS now and the current dramatizations being acted out in real time are so strikingly identical, could there be a connection? I wonder.
Very astute observation about the Obama/Miscavige connection. It is SOOO alike, I don’t wonder IF there is a connection but who is learning from whom. Which is the petrie dish – us or the US population.
This is only about 100 miles south of the entrance of some underground government tunnels. Just sayin’:
But that is a subject for another blog.
I know that SPs will react to attempts at exposure in the exact same way – mad dog missed withhold phenomena against wrong targets. On the surface that can make it look like such SPs are in intentional coordination, which can lead to some wild conspiracy speculation when in fact the similarities and identities (identicalnesses) are just text book sociopathy. However, the systematic perversion of the tech; the systematic dismantling of management checks, balances and efficacy; the relegation of the Founder to the scrapheap of history; the positioning in the public mind of staff and former staff as criminals and of Scientologists generally as social pariah kooks; and the utter destruction of delivery, are objectives that the most powerful enemies of freedom had attempted from the outside for decades with little success. It took a highly placed insider who could out-Machiavelli all policy safeguards to the contrary. It’s the fact that he enjoys utter immunity from prosecution for a legion of felonies and public policy violations while continuing to live a drug lord lifestyle on U.S. soil that begs the question: What is earning him such carte blanche and from whom? If such carte blanche does not in fact exist, where is the civil action for removal based upon the egregious violations of fiduciary responsibilities fully and thoroughly documented in the public record?
We have only a Who or Whos. We have yet to see the “Sherman Tank”.
I believe the connection is definitely there. Have you ever read “The Biggest Secret” by David Icke?
He “seems to be” pretty far fetched on some things (to those with a low confront of evil) but if you confront and read the entire book it makes sense that the “church” has been infiltrated and taken over by those who control the rest of the planet in an effort to squash the technology.
They’ve done it for thousands and thousands of years to every other religion or group who has attempted to shed light on what is going on on this planet…and especially on those who provide the tools to see through the veil and who give solutions on how to free yourself from what I call “the real matrix”.
Another interesting tidbit is that when I first read this book years ago I was pulled into “ethics” and “interviewed” for over two hours about why I read it and then instructed to stop reading it and never to mention it to other Scientologists. Apparently it’s on the “forbidden list of books”…LOL.
Reading it in a new unit of time after seeing the light and decompressing a bit, I can see why the “church” would forbid someone to read it. It must contain some aspect of the truth the Little One is trying to hide.
I can’t reply directly to “Graduated” but this might interest Neo also.
I read through this today and it seems to answer (in part) Graduated’s question about who they’re connected with to get such carte blanche treatment. I fully believe that they have some entity protecting them but it doesn’t hurt to have billions in your “War Chest” – unfortunately the war is being waged AGAINST the people who are trying to save the group. But DM will not let anyone win, just like the bully in the sandbox.
“There is no such thing as losing. There’s just not enough push and carry through.” GREAT reference but, unfortunately, used against the wrong people in this case.
Thank you, Neo for the David Icke book reference. He knows about a LOT of stuff that’s going on, enough so that he told his son NOT to get involved with Scientology. In its current form, I agree with the father.
Forever Lurker,
Your whole post is right on the mark.
As a Class V Grad, New OT 4 and part owner of a successful family business my SP Declare was definitely a “wrong item”. Thank you for the correct indication. I have had more than a 3 swing Fn today after reading your post.
Typos: “The expansion of real Scientology LIES, in contrast with the very obvious expansion of square footage TRUTHS they are being fed is a real mindf***k for them”.
Expansion of square footage versus shrinkage of membership = the outpoint Contrary Fact. Sheeples’ continual PTP is: what to believe? How do they reconcile what their own eyes plainly tell them with what their own eyes tell them is the obvious expansion of square footage? Per the data on Contrary Fact, both can’t be true. The expansion of real Scientology lie in contrast with the very obvious expansion of square footage truh they are being fed is a real mindf***k for them. Too much to confront. What is being trumpeted continually and enthusiastically at Int Events MUST be true.
Only those who are ready, willing and able to confront their own knowingness, who are willing to trust themselves and their own ability to observe can extricate themselves. Only those who forego avid craving to be in agreement can stand up to this kind of pressure mental pressure. Mike Rinder, thank you for this most excellent post, sir. You are continually helping by bringing forth the truth for anyone who will reach for it.
“…avid craving to be in agreement..” sounds like right out of KSW with
the mob mentality. So the ones who are “in” are actually “out-KSW”.
It gets snarly. Of course we all operate on agreements in groups, but
this strong craving is just another extreme which is not needed. The
first step of an evaluator is to put in his TRs so he can see things
exactly how they are.
Agreed, Lars. But then, we all of us crave to be in agreement with our fellows. LRH understood this very well. The only thing that can help someone overcome this craving is when the truth of something will simply not allow agreement. Truth is the stable datum which helps a person maintain his position in space, and even then it isn’t easy to withstand peer pressure when you love the people in your group.
Truth has to be more important, integrity to self has to be the stable datum. Far, far easier said than done.
Cracks me up. Once I thought a “clear planet” would simply be “declared Clears”. Simple solution, just declare the planet cleared. But the Co$ seems to get so many things backwards …
Yup, people are staying away in droves.
Add 13 people from my tiny universe to your list of “slipped away”… the Church counts us all as active members. No declares yet – but who cares, really. It is like Charlie Manson calling you a criminal! LOL
Right! The RCS must be counting those not declared and slipped away as still official cult members. Funny!
Luv the analogy 🙂
Wait a minute……
Add a lil more, hair, maybe a beard and maybe a swastika tattoo on Dave’s forehead ……
Same with my wife and I. No declares…just quietly slipped away…tired of the BS after 24 years of being good little cool aid drinkers.
Off topic,will be interesting now how many people got declared with no sp declare certificate ,how much money is in account ,example I have over $30,000 in account which I will never get back.
Thanks mike for the update.
Don’t give up.
Dear mwesten,I took my case to a law firm here in Brisbane ,Australia ,I provided receipts ,money I have on account,the church of Scientology said that they want to resolve the matter amicably. Then they said its a donation,then they said ,it was years ago the donations were made,My solicitor tould me I have a very strong case,AFter about 4 months My solicitor rang me and tould me that another firm has bought him out ,in other words theirs a conflict of interest ,and I went to the solicitors office I payed his large fee and I walked out with my documents, now I’m saving more money , to go to another solicitor .iv been stalked , harassed,threatened ,spied on,my beloved mother at 86 Years old got hounded by the church.AND I REFUSE to sign there bullshit gag orders just to get my money back that’s on account .
If I did sign ,that means I have to stop going on mikes blog,and other blogs which I like doing.
Thankyou for your encouragement,I appreciate it.
Eric Alexandrou
Brisbane ,Australia .
BTW on a more theta note:
Congrats once again to you and Crissy and I loved the pics!
Now for some shameless self promotion…..
I’ve included the link to my new website which I forgot to do in my earlier post.
Actually the number is probably higher if you include those who have been dead filed, declared PTS type____ fill in the blank, are considered disaffected (more like disinfected 🙂 ) and those who have been declared and expelled in camera by the Scientology Star Chamber.
Probably the reason Miscavige likes to go on about board footage is because that’s pretty much the only thing they can deliver.
Wow–it’s a little Declare Factory! Step right up folks!
Sooooo, what’s DM’s plan then…systematically declare everyone until in about 10 years no one will be there anymore except him, so “it’s” all his and he can take off with the money?
What a wonderful opening of the doors for independent Scientologists. “You’re declared–you can’t be here–go away and never come back unless you give us–oops, ME–bazillions of dollars.”
So you say “OK, well, that doesn’t mean I still don’t know what I know and it doesn’t change my own personal goals for myself, family, friends and planet…….uh…..I guess I’ll hang with all the other people who ARE doing that.” Doesn’t he realize that people just re-connect up when they are all declared?? What a dummy.
DM -2,500 / Independent field people +2,500 —all those who are recently declared.
Just because someone walks away from the cult doesn’t make them an independent scientologist.
Some of us are finished with the whole thing.
I don’t think one needs to belong to any independent group or even consider one’s self to be a “Scientologist” in order to in fact be a de facto independent Scientologist. What do you do? Stop giving appropriate acknowledgements when someone says something to you? Stop clearing words when you study something? Stop identifying the exact outpoint when something doesn’t add up or make sense? Stop looking for what got thwarted and by whom when you feel stressed or ill? Stop applying the natural formula for the condition one finds one’s self in? Etc., etc. I hear you about dropping the labels and no longer being a “joiner” or even being in professional practice as such. But if you came through all this without any real useful gold nuggets to apply in life, that’s really sad.
Right on “Graduated”. “But if you came through all this without any real useful gold nuggets to apply in life, that’s really sad.” Yep.
Graduated, I love what you just wrote. Its total common sense and totally true for me. Why would any sane person drop out workable actions and policies in his life? So true, thank you.
I’m with you there. I have walked away and will never ever go back.
The number do make a lot of sense, perhaps the figures might be higher than the 30% as evidenced by the last Idle Org opening. People were bused in from as far as Texas, but the photos had to be stretched digitally or however way in the computer to show 4x the number of attendees for PR purposes.
I’m sure the next Idle Org opening is going to be a problem in logistics of finding more bodies to photograph and how to photoshop without people noticing.
Good point Sinar. 500 people to Portland when as we know that was hammered for WEEKS as THE BIG EVENT… People came from much farther afield than just Texas. It was Canada and up and down the East Coast. WISE EUS was promoting that opening for weeks….