This is the second in a series of postings examining the subject of Scientology disconnection practices. See Disconnection — Scientology’s Nasty Secret.
Who qualifies for disconnection?
The simple answer is “anyone deemed an undesirable.”
It used to be true that one disconnected from Suppressive Persons if they could not be handled.
And Suppressive Persons are denominated as those individuals who display the majority of characteristics of the anti-social personality.
Old School Think
According to “old school” Scientology thinking:
As they only comprise 20% of the population and as only 2 1/2% of this 20% are truly dangerous, we see that with a very small amount of effort we could considerably better the state of society. Well known, even stellar examples of such a personality are, of course, Napoleon and Hitler. Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Christie and other famous criminals were well known examples of the anti-social personality.
Man in his anxieties is prone to witch hunts. All one has to do is designate “people wearing black caps” as the villains and one can start a slaughter of people in black caps. This characteristic makes it very easy for the anti-social personality to bring about a chaotic or dangerous environment. Man is not naturally brave or calm in his human state. And he is not necessarily villainous. Even the anti-social personality, in his warped way, is quite certain that he is acting for the best and commonly sees himself as the only good person around, doing all for the good of everyone – the only flaw in his reasoning being that if one kills everyone else, none are left to be protected from the imagined evils. His conduct in his environment and toward his fellows is the only method of detecting either the anti-social or the social personalities. Their motives for self are similar – self-preservation and survival. They simply go about achieving these in different ways. Thus, as Man is naturally neither calm nor brave, anyone to some degree tends to be alert to dangerous persons and hence, witch hunts can begin. It is therefore even more important to identify the social personality than the anti- social personality. One then avoids shooting the innocent out of mere prejudice or dislike or because of some momentary misconduct.
Further in this same reference is an admonition:
The frailty of showing how the harmful people can be known is that these then apply the characteristics to decent people to get them hunted down and eradicated. The swan song of every great civilization is the tune played by arrows, axes or bullets used by the anti-social to slay the last decent men. From HCO BULLETIN OF 27 SEPTEMBER 1966 THE ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY THE ANTI-SCIENTOLOGIST
The Brave New World of Corporate Scientology
According to what is now considered “normal” one can suddenly find oneself a target for disconnection for activities that could hardly be considered “anti-social” or “suppressive” – a mother who refuses to disconnect from her son or daughter who blew from course or took drugs. A husband who will not allow his wife to take out a mortgage on their house. Or even lesser “crimes” of refusing to unfriend someone on Facebook or being unwilling to attend events.
As time goes by and the hardcore keeps shrinking — leaving the ever more robotic to keep the lights on – the standards of what qualifies one for labeling as a “Napoleon, Hitler or Dillinger” becomes increasingly insane.
The Lord of Flies children who occupy most of the MAA roles in Scientology these days (usually second generation Scientologists who have ONLY known the world according to Corporate Scientology) are unmoved and unemotional about the injustices, hardships and insanities they mete out in the name of “Keeping Scientology Working,” “No other fish to fry,” “Command Intention” and whatever other platitudes they spout. These are Apocalypse Zombies wound up and walking inexorably in the direction they have been pointed. Rationality or common sense are not in their vocabularies.
Scientology “Thought Crimes”
If you have the idea that this is all somehow going to magically get better, unfortunately, the ONLY evidence is that it is going to get worse.
The “crimes” for which you can be subjected to “disconnection” have already edged VERY close to “thought crimes”.
Thinking bad thoughts about “COB” will get you removed from the building, and you might find friends and family giving you the stink eye, but you have to do something else (lip off to an IAS Reg or refuse to show up for an event) before you get a “Non Enturb” Order and subsequent verbal declare (or the latest technique – for another posting – the “letter declare” with a highlighted “Policy” attached). But the day is coming when it will be overtly acceptable to declare people and order any remaining Scientologists to disconnect from them for their THOUGHTS. IT is closer than anyone would have thought possible a decade ago. The highest crime in the Corporate Scientology Universe these days is no longer “communicating”, it is “Expressing CI (Counter Intention) to Command” (this ranges from open revolt — rare — to unacceptable facial expressions).
Sadly, long gone are the days when one was allowed to “think for themselves” or “question authority” or “never desert a comrade in need” or “never permit your affinity to be alloyed.”
In fact, this whole subject crashes headlong into something really fundamental. And I think it is worth revisiting as it provides some workable and simple stable data that are VERY fundamental to achieving happiness and meaning in life:
The Code of Honor
1. Never desert a comrade in need, in danger, or in trouble.
2. Never withdraw allegiance once granted.
3. Never desert a group to which you owe your support.
4. Never disparage yourself or minimize your strength or power.
5. Never need praise, approval or sympathy.
6. Never compromise with your own reality.
7. Never permit your affinity to be alloyed.
8. Do not give or receive communication unless you yourself desire it.
9. Your self-determinism and your honor are more important than your body.
10. Your integrity to yourself is more important than your body.
11. Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow.
12. Never fear to hurt another in a just cause.
13. Don’t desire to be liked or admired.
14. Be your own adviser, keep your own counsel and select your own decisions.
15. Be true to your own goals.
Quite a wise post, Mike. A cogent analysis. Keep up the good work.
I very much enjoyed this article and the responses.
I have been “out” of Scientology for 3 years (was “in” for 25) but have not informed my adult children due to the policy of disconnection. I despise not having the freedom to express my views honestly but I justify it by noting that my kids and future grandchildren need and love me and it would be selfish of me to put them in the situation whereby they would have to disconnect.
Does anyone have advice or a hat write-up on how to effectively bring the truth to those loved ones within the trap without having it blow up into a declare and disconnection letters?
Axiom 38, bring the truth to those loved ones within the trap without having it blow up into a declare is actually an easy thing to do when a high-ARC, gradient approach is employed. In fact, I have had great success not even indicating any data outside the person’s reality, as such is reactively resisted as “entheta” or “enemy lines”. The line of least resistance is like a Zen session – where only strings are pulled, questions are asked on only those issues where the person is already cognizant of contrary facts that hang them up in a maybe.
As you pull strings and make it safe for them to give honest answers FROM THEIR REALITY, you afford them the opportunity to have a genuine LOOK for themselves without jeopardizing any stable data they are as yet unwilling to relinquish. By just pulling strings, indicating WHICH outpoint THEY are observing, and employing some high-ARC, playful “bate and badger” only when appropriate, recognizing rightness and NEVER op-terming, you begin to see by their indicators the pain and anguish of betrayal, followed by a “something is rotten in Denmark” cognition being verbalized. Thereafter, a reference to The Creed of the Church of Scientology is adequate to send them on their way to make their own further decisions about the situation (see
We of the Church believe:
That all men of whatever race, color or creed were created with equal rights;
That all men have inalienable rights to their own religious practices and their performance;
That all men have inalienable rights to their own lives;
That all men have inalienable rights to their sanity;
That all men have inalienable rights to their own defense;
That all men have inalienable rights to conceive, choose, assist or support their own organizations, churches and governments;
That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others;
That all men have inalienable rights to the creation of their own kind;
That the souls of men have the rights of men;
That the study of the mind and the healing of mentally caused ills should not be alienated from religion or condoned in non-religious fields;
And that no agency less than God has the power to suspend or set aside these rights, overtly or covertly.
And we of the Church believe:
That man is basically good;
That he is seeking to survive;
That his survival depends upon himself and upon his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe.
And we of the Church believe that the laws of God forbid man:
To destroy his own kind;
To destroy the sanity of another;
To destroy or enslave another’s soul;
To destroy or reduce the survival of one’s companions or one’s group.
And we of the Church believe that the spirit can be saved and that the spirit alone may save or heal the body.
Thanks Graduated.
That describes somewhat the way I have been operating. I have made casual mention of how well we did when we regged people for their Bridge and actually used portions of that income to upgrade the Org buildings. How we played the Birthday game and the goal was St. Hill size Orgs not Ideal Orgs.
I have also casually given them permission to do whatever the hell they like in life even if it means becoming a Mormon or Moony, telling them my love for them does not include limitations or clauses.
I have done this in a cheerful manner and believe I may be making some progress at least with one of my children. When one of my kids was criticizing another for being “out ethics” I told them they should never judge another before walking a mile in their shoes…because then you are a mile away and you have a new pair of shoes! He laughed at this and seemed to relax about it a bit.
So in summary I believe I am making progress using this “zen” approach…just not as quickly as i could hope I suppose.
Your reference to the Creed is a great idea and one I will use!
Typo correction to my post above- it should read “In the end, my daughter/OSA decided…”
1) Never desert a comrade in need, in danger, or in trouble.
This does not mean that you stay in the same danger or trouble just because your comrade does.
2) Never withdraw allegiacne one granted.
This does not mean that you have to agree to everything. You may have allegiance granted to a different szene or situation. If the szene or situation changes you are not bound by you allegiance promise.
3) Never desert a group to which you owe your support.
That does not mean that you stay in that group and be a slave or be tortured.
Maybe something better:
1) My will happens.
– why should I follow other intentions?
2) Me is the most important thing I know.
– without me living I would not exist.
3) I always follow my goals.
– shure. if not would be stupid.
4) I can compromise with the above rules as I desire or feel I have to in order to avoid trouble.
– why not? is it really that desirable to be a Hero?
My daughter, a staff member at an Ideal Org, disconnected from my husband (her step-dad) and I last September.
My husband stopped doing services after OT VIII & I stopped after turning in my OT VII materials in 1999 (my third time “finishing” the Bridge). Although we were no longer active, we never tried to get my daughter or her husband to stop being on staff or being active in the church. In fact, we helped them in every way we could think of to keep healthy food in their mouths & a decent roof over their head. When my granddaughter was born we contributed much to ensure she had what she needed.
Although my daughter and her husband knew we had disagreements with how things went during our Solo Nots experience, we never discussed any information we became aware of after much research on the internet and reading books. We pretended to just be blown pcs that might be willing to go back onto service in the future – so that we could see them & my granddaughter. As difficult as it was to be false in our behavior that way, we felt we had no choice. Living that lie was completely contrary to our natures and as the years passed it became more & more enturbulating.
We both got our disconnection phone calls last September after an earlier conversation I had with my daughter where I finally told her I thought DM was doing a terrible job running the church, that the church’s PR was the worst I had ever seen it (and I had been in since 1973) and that he should be removed from post like any other staff member who was failing at his job.
My daughter told both of us that we had to speak to someone in OSA and handle our disagreements or she couldn’t have us in her life.
Our declare consisted of a letter from the FLB Justice Chief telling us we were declared & a copy of the policy on suppressive acts with 3 of them highlighted. Wow.
My daughter & I were very close when she was growing up. The joy of my life. Looking back, I guess we lost her gradually after she joined staff. Not being on lines anymore, we became less significant to her and more of a problem. I often think if there was anything we could have done differently that may have given us a different outcome. But really….when you actually do start “thinking for yourself”, there’s no chance for a happy ending.
Seeker — thanks so much for this story.
You touch upon something that tends to be overlooked. I know of others in your position and even me with my mother.
Because we question or state the obvious with respect to non-optimum situations, does not mean we do not support other members of our family in their choices. Your daughter would be better off with a supportive mother, EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT GOING IN SESSION OR ATTENDING EVENTS. Many staff have NON SCIENTOLOGY parents who are not on the Bridge and don’t go to events. But because they were NEVER Scientologists, they are OK. Because you were, and probably still agree with a lot of Scientology, but you “may” “spread disaffection” (even if you have NO intention of doing so), you must be eliminated from the universe.
I was in touch with my mother. I knew she was physically infirm (she had a heart transplant many years ago) but supported the church. As an “OT VIII” with another son who is the chief rah-rah man for Ideal Orgs in ANZO and the entire rest of her family in the church, she isnt going to make any public departure unless they ALL walk away at once. So, I didnt correspond with her about Scientology. Just her family and things she had interest in, grandchildren and great grandchildren and dogs and weather and Australian Rules Football. All was well. And then the boom was lowered and she was ordered to disconnect and had a letter written for her by someone that was sent to me by IJC along with letters from my brother and sister and nieces and nephews informing me that I would become a black cinder floating in space….
Now, this is not just crazy, it is cruel.
And it makes enemies for the church.
You are the second person in a week who has related stories of their grown children like this.
The posting on the “Declare Orders” is another one upcoming in the series.
Again, thanks for posting. The MORE people who speak, the sooner this outdated, cruel and inhumane practice is going to be ended.
In addition to being crazy and cruel, it’s also squirrel.
HCO PL 15 Sept 73 “Handling Disconnections”:
“Some may wish to write up a statement of such which is simply filed in his ethics file, with no other action taken. It is not mailed to anyone.”
“In only a few cases will open disconnection handling be required, and when this happens, it must be handled with the utmost care so that no repercussions occur.”
“The A/G [DSA] will naturally not permit any misemotional or accusative disconnection letters or actions to be done which could rebound on the org.”
That those letters were sent to you by IJC is indicative of where IJC stands (or cowers) with respect to KSW.
Mike, thank you so very much for writing the response to Seeker above (I am the other half). In reading your response,
I found it both outrageous and cathartic at the same time. Outrage at the church sundering not only your relationships with your siblings but your mother as well!!??? That is so evil and wrong on so many levels! The cathartic aspect of it was that I too felt that it was better that my daughter had supportive parents even though she was on staff and totally believed all the PR and B/S. We always loved her and our granddaughter as well as our son-in-law unconditionally and endeavored always to support them in every aspect of their lives, no matter their beliefs, including financial back up so they could both be on staff. In the my daughter/OSA decided that we had to go because we were trying to stop them from being on staff,etc.,etc. REALLY???
The bright spot in all this is that this universe is a two terminal universe. As long as there are theta terminals outside speaking up and creating a safe & sane space to go to, the flow will continue away from the insanity. Thank you for what you do!! Wishing you reconnection to your family soon.
Rigger — nice to hear from you. I appreciate you and your other half speaking up.
It is one of the anomalies (lies?) that is perpetrated in corporate Scientology. “We are open to all religions” (unless you are not a corporate Scientologist…)
My mother would be happier (I am sure it torments her that she has to choose between her children) if I was in comm with her strictly good roads, fair weather. Sort of a “reverse antagonistic source” handling. And so would your daughter and grand-daughter be. I would be willing to make a bet that without your support, she is going to end up leaving staff. Nobody, even in the “SH Size Ideal Orgs” can survive on staff pay. The irony of these situations is amazing sometimes.
PS: I too have a fairly rancid son and daughter disconnection story — especially my son who is staff at Flag. I have written about it previously.
Seeker, I am so sorry for your loss. It is so sad to lose the loves of your life. but I have seen it happen as you say, that they change when they join staff. Gradually, anyone who isn’t swilling the Kool Aid fast enough, they make critical remarks about and distance themselves from in a very superiod “I’m better than you” make-wrong. And that even unfortunately includes their very parents. It is so sad to see this. And DM is a horrible SP for splitting up families with his disconnection policy. I wish you the very best of luck putting your life together again. Know you have friends in us all and that you are not alone.
Jane —
You began your comment by stating “I am sorry for your loss.”
It just struck me when I read it, that this is a comment usually reserved for people whose loved one has just died. Isn’t it fascinating, that we have started using this term to describe an enforced action that is just a mockery of something that actually deserves our attention and sympathy.
But it is sad, isn’t it, that we must go through our own sense of grief in regards to people disconnecting from us. Who are stating, really – you are no longer of sufficient importance to me, regardless of what you may have done for me in the past, or what we may have shared in the past.
My wife recently received a comm like this. Someone, we have known for over 30 years, who while being on lines, was told that she could no longer be connected to a friend, who has been there for her, in every meaningful way you could consider, and yet, in a five minute phone call, was made as important as last year’s calendar.
I am at a loss sometimes, in understanding how so many people are accepting this action as survival, when all indications and known measurements of common sense, say otherwise. I keep thinking and/or believing that these RCS members will, of their own volition, come to their senses and realize what’s been happening. But, I may be kidding myself. Me thinks some dramatic action, some convergence of forces will need to occur, before the blinders fall away.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
Odd Thomas,
I agree with your comments completely. Being disconnected from is an especially difficult situation to deal with because the person(s) is still alive and the cycle/problem has no end or any way you can solve it. You’re just emotionally tormented every day. For the first 3-4 months I tried to figure out where to put this in my universe so that I could live life & not be enturbulated by it so much. The solution I came up with was to pretend my daughter & grand-daughter were living somewhere far away and know that they were healthy and okay.
My daughter had the most incredible fine wavelength to her before she “got serious” and joined staff and I know that it is still there – underneath the false baggage that been piled on by her in order to survive in the world she now lives in.
I do understand what you’re going through Odd Thomas. It is a huge loss. I had a friend of 30 years who I had helped her and she had helped me and we were BFF’s. And based on a whispering campaign in the church, she disconnected from me, and still owes me some stuff which I’ll never see. And the point is that she disconnected from me without even an SP declare on me. Now the church doesn’t even have to go to the trouble of writing up goldenrod on you. A few well placed words and 1.1 comments about a person (with no proof or time, place, form and event to show the friend about the person) and voila! their friends then disconnect from them. It is the witch hunt that Ron warned against in the Characteristics of the Social and Anti Social Person policy letter. But that’s only a friend. Imagine the 1000000 X pain if it is a son or daughter and grandkids who disconnect.
I do think also in regards to DISCONNECTION that the Church is NOT even appying what they should apply in relation to the A to J type of PTS.
To explain better, I think that no one needs to be connected to someone that is “suppressing” his life and if his/her decision is to sever that connection in order to safeguard his/her sanity than is a self determined decision which will bring more sanity and that will make possible for the person to feel better and achieve the gains that the Bridge can give to someone. And this is a technical aspect, with the PTS type A, Type 1-2-and 3.
There is the “organizational” aspect on the other side which involves the A to J type of PTSess or Troble Sources – I do think that by not applying THIS policy the Church has created a huge amount of troubles and a huge amount of enemies.
But is doing this because they are holding those people (the type Cs) as hostages and use them as leverage to intimidate or just for cruel purposes by Dear Leader in person.
This is another aspect of complete out tech and out admin of the church of the Money.
In 2007, I had the audacity to try to do services at flag when my daughter was serving as an intelligence analyst in Iraq. Her high integrity, on purpose, courage was too much for the undereducated Maa’s. to comprehend. One exhausted kid actually asked me if she could just quit the Army. What a moron. I told them to stick it and got my family out. They messed with the wrong mom.
Mike, thanks for re-printing the true remedy for all of these “orders to disconnect” and all of the misery they have created.
Number of times through the material increases certainty. So, here it is to read again.
The Code of Honor
1. Never desert a comrade in need, in danger, or in trouble.
2. Never withdraw allegiance once granted.
3. Never desert a group to which you owe your support.
4. Never disparage yourself or minimize your strength or power.
5. Never need praise, approval or sympathy.
6. Never compromise with your own reality.
7. Never permit your affinity to be alloyed.
8. Do not give or receive communication unless you yourself desire it.
9. Your self-determinism and your honor are more important than your body.
10. Your integrity to yourself is more important than your body.
11. Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow.
12. Never fear to hurt another in a just cause.
13. Don’t desire to be liked or admired.
14. Be your own adviser, keep your own counsel and select your own decisions.
15. Be true to your own goals.
Two and on half percent of twenty percent is one half of one percent. I wish to try to make this point one more time, to stop this “2 1/2%” phrase which, though popular, quintuples the number of true SP’s in the world. It is, accordning to the LRH quote above, 1/2%. That isn’t even the 1%-ers. Keep arbitrarily multiplying the number of SPs and pretty soon you end up with 68% – like the 68% of the original St. Hill staff under LRH which have since been declared to be suppressive personalities. It is approximately one in every 200 people, here on Earth, in these times.
Point well taken Carcha. Yes, he does say that it is 2-1/2% of the 20% and not 2-1/2% of all beings. If we need to find one of the 1/2% ers then look no further than Der Midget for the classic live demo of a true EssPee in action!!!
YEs, I also predict the disconnection practice will be the undoing of the church. Because it hurts and pisses people off so much that instead of just quietly leaving the church, they then want to retaliate and take them down. What bad pr the church is making for itself. What motivators the church will pull in over the disconnection. What motivators the church is already pulling in. It’s like it is imploding before our very eyes. And it can’t come soon enough.
My opinion is that disconnection is going to finish the Church off. There are too many people now who cannot speak to family members and friends. I personally have many friends that are out of the Church and every one of them has someone that disconnected from them. Most of them have at least one family member or all of their family disconnected from them. I have so many small children in my life that have no Grandparents because of disconnection.
In 2009, I decided to use LRH policy Look Don’t Listen. I looked at the internet after a friend mentioned the St Pete Times story in 2009. So I got in comm with the people that were in the article to find out for myself if these terrible stories were true. Quite truthfully, I was done with the Church anyway after a few personal experiences at Denver Org and Flag in 2005.
About a year later, I was declared suppressive and not one person from the Church had ever spoke to me nor asked my opinion. I never got any comm ev request nor a copy of an SP Declare.
The truth is, no one knows how incredibly insane and painful it is to have a child or a parent to stop talking to you. Until someone experiences it themselves, that have no idea how painful it is. But, having experienced disconnection 1st hand, I can say, the Church is doing themselves in. I have gone from just wanting nothing to do with the Church to wanting to take them down. I am one of many parents and children whom are fighting back. As a Mom whom has been disconnected from, I will not stop until the Church is dead and buried. The Church is so stupid, they keep up the declares and disconnection every day. Well, as Tory says, Tick Tock……
Cindy P. “Tick Tock” indeed!
Mike, as usual, great post!
What if they held a declare and nobody cared?
You won’t get an answer from RTC, International Justice Chief or ED Int either – the adult staff members are all in the hole and the 13 year olds that are working for David Miscavige don’t respond to entheta – anything wrong with the Church of Communistic Sciendollary !
My sources “in” tell me staff are leaving in droves, no one new coming in – refunds demanded…pretty bleak for the cult. It won’t be long now!! The cult is going down!
I can’t imagine any other scenario is even remotely possible. I think the lights might be about to go out.
This is great news!
Bad thoughts about COB … nowadays YES, in the past NO (at least in respect to some Cl IV orgs local areas. Even EDs mentioned why RTC was allowing these heists depriving orgs of income), but that’s because Marty, Mike et al. have made DM the axis of evil and anyone who slights the great one must be part of that cabal. They won’t allow such inroads EVER, because if they do, the place will come down, they know it, you know it.
Any CO$er who has doubts is free to hit the net and look on his own. There is very little anyone can do using the existing lines without getting his a$$ kicked.
I remember making a fuss about IAS coming to dodge for bimonthly lootings. Of course this would not duplicated, but equated as me being “too irresponsible”, and thus in the domain of the EO/Sec Checker. All you can do is leave, move, get a new unlisted phone number. Get your unconditional auditing and training out here. (what we expected of Scientology in the first place)
More lucidity from Mike Rinder.
Excellent. Pure as-isness.
You can finally run free and use your skills unencumbered. What a joy to watch. 🙂
I remember many years ago joking was still acceptable. On April the first it was customary that the Orders of the Day at Flag were filled with things to laugh about.
I posted an interrogatory in jest. I don’t have a copy but it was much like:
1. Have you engaged in out 2D? (give details)
2. Do you know of anyone who has engaged in out 2D? (give details)
3. Have you had thoughts of engaging in out-2D? If so give full details of with whom and what was envisioned.
4. Do you suspect others of having thoughts about out-2D? If so whom? Please detail specifics of what you suspect they might have been thinking of with full time place form and event.
5. All reports will be kept in full confidence with copies to the RPF MAA.
But that was over 30 years ago. Now none would laugh.
Back in the early 50s LRH predicted that the shades of night could descend on Scientology were it to be abused by those with interests against the betterment of mankind.
Best wishes and a safe landing to the latest OTVIII who is mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.
I always wondered what happened t Guillome LaSevre.Isnt he the guy you could ” always write to”. Well I did once and never got an answer.
For anyone laboring under the delusion that things are going to get better with regard to what Mike is writing about here, let me remind you what LRH says about a stuck flow: it never flows weaker; it only flows harder. In other words, things are not going to begin getting saner, they are going to continue to get more insane. How else to explain why The Hole still exists more than 9 years after its creation? Nine years! Marc Yager, Guillaume Lesevre, Ray Mithoff, Norman Starkey and a host of others have been living Nightmare on Elm Street meets Grounghog Day since 2004. It is hard to imagine what the state of mind is of these people today.
Dan — yes, I would use the term “state of mind” advisedly. I think they lost their minds some time ago and are strictly stimulus-response mechanisms these days. DM pokes. They flinch and withdraw. He accuses and they introvert. They are like hermit crabs, withdrawn into their shells.
Mike – Can a SO member at Int route out now days if they want to or are they kept imprisoned? I wonder because I haven’t heard of anyone leaving and talking in a while. I heard Laurie Zurn (the ex-ED ABLE Int) and Rena Weinberg (President ABLE Int) were both in the hole. I know that Frank Zurn had a heart attack and thought he was going to die. This was a year or so back. He demanded that Laurie come see him. She was allowed to come down for one day. Brian Weinberg was asked by a friend “Where is Rena?” Because she has been missing from ABLE for so long. Brian (who is an SO member at ABLE Int) said “We don’t want to go there.” This is so insane. Can’t something be done to help these people or are they so brain washed that they wouldn’t leave even if they were freed?
Back when I was in good standing one of the hole escapees told me about Heber. This was some years ago and well before the “Free Heber” push was started by Mike Rinder in early 2010 with this post, What I was told at that time was that Heber had completely retreated into himself and was non-sequiter in conversation. That he was in the hole and completely senile and unable to handle a coherent conversation. Since then Heber has been out of the hole twice and I believe on both occasions closely escorted, but none the less able to hold a normal conversation. I believe that this is entirely due to the FREE HEBER campaign, which forced someone to act and get him some proper food and sleep and pull him back from the abyss into which David Miscavige was forcing him. I want to personally thank Mike and every other person who has pushed the Free Heber campaign. I met Heber on several occasions and he was perhaps flawed but a wonderful man none the less. FREE HEBER!
Greetings AlexV
Please be in touch with me at
[email protected]
I met Heber and Yvone years ago. I was especially impressed with Heber. A real scholar and gentleman.
I also want to thank Mike and Marty for putting light on Heber’s imprisonment so much so that maybe he was dealt with a bit better after that. I met Heber personally and was so impressed with him! He is loved by all and that is why DM is so jealous of him. What can we do to get him out of there right now?
On the subject of Mike’s FREE HEBER blog forcing the RCS to treat Heber properly : That’s power Mike. Kudos!
The “other platitudes” from the young MAAs include “you pulled it in”. Instead of apologizing for an unjust ethics or justice action, they offer “you must have done something to pull it in”.
So much for justice.
Great post Mike. I had always understood that in order to be SP declared it had to be completely visible that you were a Suppressive Person. In the new Scientology reality, your actual social or anti-social personality is completely irrelevant. What is relevant is if you are toeing the line. If you are not, you can get SP declared even if you are a little old lady that would never hurt a fly. Did you speak out against DMs flagrant policy violations? You Did? Then here is your letter telling you that you are SP declared. You lose your religion, your job, your family. Tough luck, watch your lip next time. The other thing that adds to the horror and which I think should have its own post is the state of Senior HCO- which should handle appeals and getting people back in good standing. The horrific state of Senior HCO and its blatant betrayal of its goals and purposes signals the end of the Scientology religion in my eyes. I bet Lisa Hamilton can paint the true picture of Senior HCO. Heck I know several people that just had divorce cases upcoming and could not get an answer from the International Justice Chief after many months of trying. Never mind some poor guy trying to get his or her SP declare handled.
Yes I am a little (not so old I hope) lady who would not hurt a fly. I was declared for posting on Marty’s blog. That’s all. Never saw the goldenrod. Only heard about via the grapevine. Oddly, enough, there was no objection to me continuing to represent a member in the Sea Org (in a small personal injury claim following a motor accident), after I was declared, as it was almost settled. And despite my acting pro bono for him (and even paying for the medical reports on his behalf), did not even get an ack or thank you when it settled. But my services were ok. I am not an SP. I even complete work cycles when I know I am not going to an acknowledgement or payment for it. I don’t mind posting my name – no secrecy computation going on here (not that I criticise others who post under a pseudonym – I know the RCS can destroy families, but my situation is as Bob Dylan (I think) says “ain’t got nothin’, ain’t got nothin’ to lose.”). I won’t toe the lie in the face of gross outpoints. There will not be any A-E by me. Not ever.
Ive always thought a few of those “code of honor” directives also create obedient cult members, esp # 2,3 and 12. The #s 8, 14 and 15 are completely at odds with the CoS and it’s actions – how many want calls or comm from regges for another set of basics? 14 – ha – decisions are forced onto you, who really chooses to mortgage their home and maxes out their CC for more sets of basics? 15 – only if your “own” goals become the goals of Scientology are you allowed to have any.
Yeah, SunnyV, there should be a warning: “Please use judgement”.
Actually, there is one of sorts. In the pre-amble to the Code of Honor, it states:
“No one expects the Code of Honor to be closely and tightly followed. An ethical code cannot be enforced. Any effort to enforce the Code of Honor would bring it into the level of a moral code. It cannot be enforced simply because it is a way of life which can exist as a way of life only as long as it is not enforced. Any other use but self-determined use of the Code of Honor would … produce a considerable deterioration in a person. Therefore its use is a luxury use, and which is done solely on self-determined action, providing one sees eye to eye with the Code of Honor:”
Margaret, you touch upon something very interesting. LRH wrote extensively about the difference between Ethics and Morals – very lucid and enlightening differentiation. Then, I saw a reference (can’t remember which one, sorry) where violation of a moral code was considered to be out-ethics! It completely collapsed the two! WTF? So, much for infinity-valued logic, context, circumstances, judgment, self-determinism, Code of Honor, etc. It’s that reference that justified all the Puritanical behavior modification bullshit run people by the MAAs, right over the top of and in spite of HCO PL Second Dynamic Rules. How the hell did THAT arbitrary sneak in there? Does anyone have the back story on that?
A primary activity of an SP is to ridicule. This is done by many SPs on a large scale. The world obviously needs “Answers”, but the SP rodicule of “Answers” has been such that the common man looks upon anyone with “Answers” with suspicion. Similarly, “OT” is in some circles spoken with derision. This is quintessential third-party. Any fracture between Free Zoners and Indies are similarly the result of denigrations. Virtue is virtue, Truth is truth, Scientology is Scientology, and thus it will remain: the study of knowledge, with honor and integrity.
I can’t imagine what it could do to ones health having to live under that sort of pressure. So glad you are gone and among the living Mike. Hope it’s as beautiful where you are as it is here today 🙂
Yes, its very nice here today. Out with the boys and a tortoise on the street just now….
Leaking ship news from the friendliest place in the world: OT VIII wants out. . Hauled in. Yelled at. Wants to leave. Physically restrained. Escapes. Family destroyed. And the beat goes on.
Do tell the full story. This kind of bullshit is what is loading the camel, one straw at a time. When you are doing such a thing you can never tell which straw will be the last.
Not my place to tell but I expect it will be told.
That story will be told at the appropriate time… the dust is still settling.
Mike: They my as well put you on their org board and routing form.
I needed a good chuckle and that hit the nail! 🙂
Can’t wait!! 🙂