I originally posted this on my blog in 2013. I feel it is worth reiterating. I have updated it a bit.
While Scientology spokespeople have routinely denied that “enforced disconnection exists”, anyone who is familiar with the church of scientology knows only too well about disconnection. Like so much else in the scientology empire, its an ugly truth to be hidden from the “wog” world through a game of carefully worded deception of the same order as Bill Clinton’s infamous “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”
When you see a church spokespeople emphatically state “there is no policy of enforced disconnection” in Scientology, the language is carefully chosen. (You can see Tommy Davis doing even worse than that here though frankly, he is a pretty poor example of the art of careful wording. In his short career, Tommy set records for horrendous blunders that will never be surpassed.
If pressed on the subject, the church’s response is to dissemble in this wise: “those who disconnect CHOOSE to do so,” followed by “everyone has a right not to communicate with someone who is harming them, like an abused woman has the right to leave her abusive spouse.”
It sounds reasonable, but it’s not reality. And the church believes they can just keep asserting this and nobody will notice they are lying.
The Facts
1. The fundamental theory of “disconnection” is based on common sense. Like the oft-used abused wife example above, the idea is that if someone is causing upset or pain in your life and you cannot deal with it, then get yourself away from the source of grief. “Everyone has a right to communicate and conversely you also have a right to not communicate”. Fair enough. And when disconnection is used for the benefit of the individual, it can be helpful.
2. There IS policy of the church of scientology that REQUIRES someone to disconnect from anyone declared by HCO as a Suppressive Person.
HCOB 10 September 83 PTSNess and Disconnection states the following: “To fail or refuse to disconnect from a suppressive person not only denies the PTS (person connected to a Suppressive Person) case gain, it is also supportive of the suppressive – in itself a Suppressive Act. And it must be so labeled.”
The “Suppressive Act” is specifically stated in the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book as: “Continued adherence to a person or group pronounced a Suppressive Person or Group by HCO.”
This is not for the benefit of the individual, but the organization. It is a way of keeping “undesirables” from speaking with scientologists.
3. An individual labeled a Suppressive, even if only due to continued association with someone ELSE who has been labeled a Suppressive, faces the reality of immediate family members (spouses, children, parents), friends, business associates and even employers who are Scientologists disconnecting from them. The consequences of being declared SP are real: Lost jobs, divorce, kicked out of school, refused service by doctors and many other ramifications — from life altering to merely annoying.
4. It is church policy that anyone declared SP has forfeited any right to participate in the activities of the church and is no longer eligible for auditing or training. This is the Scientology equivalent of being condemned to hell. It is a powerful motivating force.
5. Virtually everyone who is declared a Suppressive Person is someone the church finds objectionable, not someone engaged in “suppressing” an individual as described in point 1 above. To be objectionable to the church, and thus qualify for an SP declare, requires only questioning scientology or David Miscavige, disagreeing with the church or David Miscavige on anything, speaking to others about questions or concerns or remaining associated with someone who has done any of these things.
If I Hold A Gun To Your Head Are You Choosing Freely?
The statement that the church does not enforce disconnection is similar to the rapist claiming his victim “consented” after he held a gun to her head. “It was her choice, she could have refused….”
So too with the victims of enforced disconnection in the church of Scientology – they could refuse to disconnect from someone the church deems a trouble-maker (SP). The consequence is to have their own life destroyed by being labeled suppressive themselves. Or they could “go along with it”, save their own neck and let the other person fend for themselves. For most, it is a practical decision, not a moral one.
Disconnection Is A Constitutionally Protected Activity
The church claims the high ground (though only after they have been forced to admit that they DO enforce disconnection) — “This is our right guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the US. We can practice our religion as we want and if anyone doesn’t like it they can go to some other church.” (Though it is quite incongruous that if this IS their “sincerely held religious belief” they don’t like to admit it in public?)
They are technically correct. Legally, they are protected by the law. But morally, there is nowhere to hide when in the name of religion and touting themselves as “champions of human rights” they are sundering families, friendships and livelihoods.
When scientologists seek to justify and explain this as their “right” they are little different than slave owners before the Thirteenth Amendment was passed or the “separate but equal” segregationists who proclaimed the moral and legal high ground before the Voting Rights and Equal Rights Acts of 1964 and the subsequent Supreme Court decisions that put a permanent end to government and court sanctioned discrimination in any form. Until then, they correctly claimed that they were “following the law” and were “protected by the constitution.”
Abuses that assault the sensibilities of decent men and women do not survive in a civilized society. Eventually, the checks and balances of an elected government, the press and public opinion conspire to outlaw abhorrent and abusive behavior.
The sooner scientology recognizes that enforced disconnection puts them on a par with the segregationists of the first half of the 20th century who proclaimed God and the law was on their side, the better off the church and anyone associated with it will be.
What Does Scientology Fear?
Corporate Scientology is terrified that allowing people to remain connected with Suppressives will erode their base of faithful followers by filling their heads with lies.
But isn’t this an admission that the followers of the church are incapable of making up their own minds and that if they have found something of benefit in scientology it is so unconvincing their faith could be shaken by “lies.” (The church vehemently proclaims that EVERYTHING negative said about them is a LIE).
Other religions operate in the marketplace of free ideas. While Scientology claims superiority over all other religions – producing standard results and having a technology like no other faith has – why would it fear that “lies and bad news” would undercut its membership? Surely such an advanced and strong religion would be far better able to deal with criticism or negative statements than others? You can find a virtually endless amount of negative information about Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism or any other of the major belief systems on earth. And despite that, they all survive and do not try to control their adherents by seeking to remove anyone who may be negative or critical of their faith from their lives.
How Will It End?
The same way segregation ended. By bringing attention to the abuses. By the Rosa Parks’ of this battle refusing to agree to sit at the back of the bus – Lori Hodgson and Claire Headley and Cindy Plahuta and others fighting to recover their children and raising public awareness as a result.
By media coverage making the truth broadly known.
With testimonials on the internet and social media.
And eventually by elected officials being goaded into action.
Institutionalized abuses of human rights all come to an end when enough voices are raised in protest.
If you have a story of disconnection and are willing to have it published on this blog with your name, send it along. If I can, I will publish it.
We should all remember the words of Howard Beale in Network: “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore.”
Speak up. Speak Out.
Dear Idealgoal, for ALL practical purposes, Scientology, the “Church of Scientology”, and LRH, are INSEPARABLE and INDISTINGUISHABLE. Pretending to see a “difference” among them is an indicator of being under the undue influence of it all, and a weak and lame excuse to justify and explain away what is clearly – and has ALWAYS been – a destructive cult.
You should NOT confuse in your writing “Scientology” and “Church of Scientology”, nor we should confuse “Scientology” and it says Founder: L. Ron. Hubbard.
Why not ideealgoal? they are one in the same. El Ron created it in his own “image”. If you don’t know that, you don’t know how he ACTUALLY ran the “church”…
The church enforced my disconnection from my brother, who I am very close to, and his wife; when I tried to get more clarity than the extremely vague goldenrod gave, I got no help but instead was badgered by the MAA to disconnect as soon as possible with the threat of being declared myself (things like not allowing me in the org until I did, not even to finish the course I was in the middle of or go to events; telling me to limit my comm to scientlogists). So I wrote a letter to my bro and handed it in to the MAA as required. For a couple years I continued trying to get information about the non-existent “crimes” they commited from various terminals at various levels of church authority and continued to get brick walled. Mentally have I left the church entirely but on paper I’m still in and “undercover” because my brother’s son is in the SO at big blue and I feel like as his last remaining family he’s alowed to talk to I can’t abandon him (so, sorry, no names or identifying info here). Me and the rest of the family are hoping something happens to change the situation, but believe you me, i never even considered actually disconnecting from my brother, not for one second.
Have a look at why you continue in the church? Do you know that you could continue with Scientology outside the church?
Jehovah’s witnesses and Mormons have the same disconection practice. Lots of people have suffered horrendous family splits and friendships breakups
Really Irene? I had a close friend who left the Mormon church and nothing bad happened to him. Can you show us policies of the Mormon church that state such?
Thanks Mike for all you shared. I wonder if you would consider adding another element to your disconnection article what sets apart disconnection from other religions that do shunning,which COS uses to justify their right to follow this approach. Shunning is like sending a child into the corner to set them apart from their group and feel the pressure of exclusion. COS disconnection sends the person into a concentration camp and extorts the person and their family to pay the church money for making amends and retraining that could easily be hundreds of thousands of dollars. PLUS it takes the family members and extorts money from them through endless sec checks!
I believe this is an important distinction that needs to be made and by sharing it this way anyone can see the intent is not only complete control but also to benefit finically from their actions. Completely despicable and I believe illegal! I have the DOJ reviewing this now!
I didn’t know that! I thought it was the same disconection practiced by JW and mormons
You know, one KEY factor, that made me decide against reforming Scn, and supporting its existence even as just records online (the “Tech” available online), was exactly this aspect of Disconnection. My thoughts were, “Any individual capable of designing such methods of ‘handling’ the alleged ‘suppression’ of Scientology/Scientologists, is just an EVIL individual”. And anything coming from such an evil individual must be rotten, perverted, twisted and booby-trapped in some way or another. I mean, it just logically follows.
And by “reforming” the “Tech”, I was going to become an accessory to criminal actions. If it was up to me, I would burn each and every book and lecture from LRH, as ABSOLUTELY nothing good would be gotten out of them, even if sometimes it might seems that we would. I assure you that thinking that we can get something good out of Scn, is an illusion of the most Insidious ones. ANYTHING “good” from Scn came from other sources, and not from LRH, so the argument, “Yeah, but what about the ‘good’ things, it would get lost?”, is easily defeated by directing the individuals so confused to the ACTUAL source of such good data, coming from authors/researchers that DID had the welfare of others as their primary goal. And I assure you, that many philosophies/healing practices exist out there that would beat Scn EVERY TIME.
But, do not just take my word for it, but do your OWN research about it. Google-search and study all you can from these subjects with a TOTALLY open mind, always keeping into consideration that you are your OWN authority at anything, and that power of choice over data, is always your best defence against cultism. Please, do not go cultish again about any specific system of belief and/or healing system, but always remain scientific and skeptical about ANYTHING you study. Test anything, doubt anything, and always, always follow your heart. Your heart and intuition are your best friends. Here is a partial list for anyone interested :
1. Study the subject of “History of Philosophy”. That way, you’ll be able to see how the subject and many concepts developed over the centuries. You’ll be amazed about it all. An excellent source for it is Will Duran’s “History of Philosophy”, truly a master piece.
2. Study about world religions as an historical adventure. Study the ancient ones such as Buddhism (original Buddhism comes from the Theravada school, and from its tesxt “The Pali Canon), Hinduism, Taoism, The Veda Hymns, Non-dualism, etc. Watch for altered versions of these religions/philosophies, and for modern sects/cults allegedly based on them, like the modern Dali Lama Tibetean “Buddhism” bs (it isn’t Buddhism at all). You do not have to become a member nor believe anything, just study them from a research perspective.
3. Study ancient methods of healing like Acupuncture, Reiki (more modern one), and everything that is grouply called, “Energy Therapy” or “Energy Medicine”
Many of these healing systems have helped millions effectively, and they are not just for the body; they heal the mind and the soul as well. One in particular that I have found INCREDIBLE effective, is what is called Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT Tapping. I have handled with this simple and apparently silly technique, what I did not handled in 30 years using Scn!!! to the best of my abilities. But study Gary Craig’s original EFT.
4. Study science basics at least. That way you’ll be more difficult to fool by any one system. You do not have to become a physicist or scientist, just learn the basics of “logical reasoning” and “critical thinking”.
5. Do a little bit every day, and soon you’ll be surprised at how much knowledge you have accumulated. But not just read it; TEST anything, use it, practice it, and arrive at your OWN conclusions.
I assure you that if you do the above, you’ll ask yourself how in hell you ever got into Scn in the first place, or how come you ever thought that it was more “advance” than anything. I mean, if you are a lover of the Tech, what do you have to lose in studying/researching the above points? Two things will happen; either your faith in Scn will strenghten after realizing that it has no par, or you’ll have other effective tools that you didn’t even know existed. So it is a win-win scenario anyway. Do it, and you’ll remember me.
Becoming a scientologist is much easier .. you may not see that as I read out of xour comment .. but becoming a scieftologist is much easier .. and you learn a lot about this and that .. I agree with you, that the best parts of Hubbard are stolen from others .. and the rest of it he did fill up with his imagination and his own case ..
But he did his work and brought it into view .. otherwise you may never heard about it .. it is true .. LRH was the first one who said that you are your own soul .. not having a soul as said in other scriptures .. LRH said it broadly ,, okay? Hubbard did that .. others did it before, but nobody has heard them really .. Hubbard did fuck that up with his theory of thetans .. I, or my soul, was never a thetan .. his axiom #1 is completely wrong .. because if it were true then there would be a axiom #0 .. and before a axiom #00 ..
In all what you say .. I think Hubbard gave you interest into something .. and that is maybe all what he has ever wanted .. maybe it was his primary goal .. something went wrong with him in his later years .. but this is valid for everybody in this business ..
In Addition : Never blame another being for what he has done ..
Friend, I have no clue about what to make of what you wrote, but thanks anyway for your communication.
Friend wrote, “LRH was the first one who said that you are your own soul ”
Um no. You need to read writings from the classical period and the original writings from early biblical period.
This is a VERY old concept.
Hello Peter,
I will take a look at EFT. I am always happy to comm with you, I feel you well and very near from me. I feel it’s a bit unfair to reduce Hubbard, to the few destructive policies he wrote.. and cancelled. If actually Hubbard wrote himself PTS ness and disconnection of 1983, did he do it on his own volition or pushed by false news. At this point wether or not Hubbard wrote it, I see the signature of RTC.
You said Hubbard was evil, come on man, nobody is 100% evil, it’s a mixed. We all have a lot of evil, entheta would a scientologist said. Of course all this viewpoints have been altered by the totalitarian regim of “COB”. It’s more than probable that the tech is not perfect at all and if Hubbard took some idea from others that’s normal, nobody is 100% original.
But if you would start a psy practice and use (without to specify it) some dianetics without meter, you would be considered as very good therapist, actually in really understanding your patient and applying the auditor’s code and comm cycle you would make the patient happy, letting tell you about his problem, going earlier similar to patient happy and cheerfull you would do something incredible.
I don’t say it would be the only therapy nor the best, but it would work enough to bring an improvement.
And most of ex scientologist are hiding. So they won’t tell their trouble with disconnection. THey maybe are still affraid.
I didn’t loose family with disconnection, but many closed friends.
Then if they are afraid to speak up, they MUST find the courage to do so. You won’t find the ones that run away from confronting their problems in the history books, only the ones that dared are. I won’t justify their fear. I have no family nor friends as Still-ins, and I have never been declared in spite all the ANTI-LRH comments that I have posted for years using my actual name. So why should I even bother to engage in activities that would only bring me harassment and attacks from the CofS ? I do it cause I really care about the welfare of others beyond my own “safety”. I am not afraid, and it is not my problem, it is theirs. So do not expect me to “understand” fear. I don’t and I won’t.
“I will take a look at EFT. I am always happy to comm with you, I feel you well and very near from me.”
Thanks FG, the feeling is mutual. And yes, do take a look at EFT from the Gary Craig’s website. They have step by step tutorials including video demonstrations, all in a perfect gradient. You’ll immediately recognize, if you get up to and including step II, that the principles of DNs, specially DMSMH and some of Standard DNs is right in there. It will look a little silly if you are unfamiliar with the Chakra and Meridian system which is almost 5,000 years old!!! , but you’ll immediately notice the relation between tapping Meridian points and releasing charge. For handling ARCXs w/out any need to go E/S and use the ARCU, CDEINF; is very effective and a lot faster if you know what to tap on.
“I feel it’s a bit unfair to reduce Hubbard, to the few destructive policies he wrote.. and cancelled.”
I know that you are an honest man, and that you mean well; but that assertion is like saying, “I know he violated some women, but there were only two, and then he stopped doing it”. Or “I know he beat his first wife for years, but he didn’t do it in his 2nd marriage”. Or “He made hundreds of families to disconnect, but he then ‘cancelled’ his policies about it”. Btw, he never actually cancelled anything. Do you realize how absurd all those assertions are? Well, it is EXACTLY the same when you say, toning it all down, “He just wrote a few destructive policies”. You got to stop for a momen and listen to yourself.
“If actually Hubbard wrote himself PTSness and disconnection of 1983, did he do it on his own volition or pushed by false news. At this point wether or not Hubbard wrote it, I see the signature of RTC.”
So you are basically saying now that he was just a poor victim to DM? The greatest OT to ever having walked Earth, being the effect of a cockroach? Come on, FG, you are a lot wiser than that. Why to even use the Tech in the first place, if the man who researched all the “OT” levels – and who had, therefore done them – couldn’t even be cause over an untrained, uncleared individual? Do you see the contradictions, my friend?
“You said Hubbard was evil, come on man, nobody is 100% evil, it’s a mixed.”
Perhaps I exaggerated it a bit, but he was evil enough, all right. Being even 15% or less, evil is enough to create havoc and destroy lives. Many criminals from history were not “100% evil” neither, but look at the stats.
“We all have a lot of evil, entheta would a scientologist said.”
No, we don’t – most of us – to that degree, and when we do, we frequently are able to see it, and try to change it; LRH didn’t as evidenced by how little he ever accepted it either publicly, in a lecture or in writing.
“Of course all this viewpoints have been altered by the totalitarian regim of “COB”. It’s more than probable that the tech is not perfect at all and if Hubbard took some idea from others that’s normal, nobody is 100% original.”
It might very well be normal, of course, but those researchers frequently validate their sources of information in their papers/books, and in the quite extensive bibliography to be found at the end of their works. Check LRH’s writings and found just one example of that; there are NONE, with the very rare exception of the book COHA (“Creation of Human Ability”) and 1-2 isolated PABs, that later on were removed while he was still very much ALIVE. After the mid ’60s, he became the “Source” of EVERYTHING. You KNOW this, FG; I have no clue why you suddenly suffer from “amnesia” about it all.
In academic circles, the “researchers” thar fail to validate the works on which theirs are based upon, are considered as garbage, and are shunned.
“But if you would start a psy practice and use (without to specify it) some dianetics without meter, you would be considered as very /good therapist.”
That’s only because DNs was an already discovered method of healing, but with other different names. LRH took “his” idea from an ALREADY existing therapy form Freud’s time. Here, check it out for yourself :
So much for the “modern” science of mental health!!!!!!!!!!!!! God, what a con man he was. And I can propably write not an essay but a whole book on where exactly LRH took “his” ideas from w/out even mentioning such ideas not even once in his “research”. Doesn’t this bother you not even a little?
“Actually in really understanding your patient and applying the auditor’s code and comm cycle you would make the patient happy, letting tell you about his problem, going earlier similar to patient happy and cheerfull you would do something incredible.”
No need in going E/S necessarily, my friend. EFT does not use that, and it works just fine. The charge can be either earlier or later; it all depends on many factors. And I dumped my TRs in the garbage can. I now use a more liberal and free comm cycle as always should have been.
“I don’t say it would be the only therapy nor the best, but it would work enough to bring an improvement.”
I found that in EFT. It is simple, very easy to learn and use, amd it is a do-it-yourself thechnique though specialize practitioners are needed for tough cases and for people who just don’t get it, or are just too restimulated. But already trained auditors should be able to Solo apply it just fine, specially trained at “old” DNs, like DMSMH.
Sorry my friend; there is nothing for me in Scn anymore. I threw away all my books. I am now using some to keep the doors open, and using them for other home things as they are so heavy, you know. But they lack any life now. The only life they actually had, was the one I gave them. They are history for me now as it always should have been. I was untrained and uneducated then in the healing field; now I am not. I can do now 10-20x what any Scientology practitioner “can” do in 1/3 of the time. Going back to Scn would be a crazy fixation and a decrease in workability and effectiveness.
I understand all what you said. I took a first look EFT, well one has really to duplicate it and apply. Like it was wtih Scientology. It was a hard work to learn how to audit starting with HSDC (Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course), use of R3R.
When I started with Scientology, I wanted to become a psychoanalyst. I did studied a lot of Freud, Lacan (impossible to understand anything with Lacan), Ronald Laing etc… But I didn’t see anything clear on all of it. It would only depend of the talent of practitionner to have results on a patient.
When I read Dianetics Evolution of a Science, of course it was clear that it burrowed from Freud, the reactive mind being the inconscious, etc… Dianetics for me was just an american continuation of Freudian method, as was Jung or Wilhelm Reich.
There was a lot of therapy going on the early seventies as Co-Counseling, helping to release emotion. But the fact that Dianetics was a kind of evolution of psychoanalyse made it secure for me. I find that the auditor’s code was a real breackthrough as well as the comme cycle. I was quite happy with my study without even being aware at all of the cultish aspect. But in the seventies it was much less cultish (only when I met the Sea Org, I couldn’t understand why they would wear uniform, I hated this military aspect). But the tech itself, Dianetics, academy levels, I found it making much sense and very applicable.
Now it went wrong not because of the tech, I can say that when I received auditing by the rules and smoothly and the same when I gave auditing it went well. It only went wrong when there was deliberate and arbitrary break of the tech by crazy CS obeying to the Gardian Office, OSA or their own paranoid nature or autoritarian aberration. With RTC and COB that was the end of any sanity in the church, all of the orders were mainly out tech.
There was many things I wanted to say but I forgot some, I am getting old and I am not as bright as I was. Hubbard was on the same way, the “total freedom” idea could have been proven wrong if the state of Hubbard near the end of his life was divulgued, so they had to invent that he was scouting another universe, when he actually died miserably like most of the human being. It just made in perspective his writing not being so absolute.
You see, it’s not black and white, cultish or not cultish. To make wins, people have to believe. They cannot be open minded. It’s like method Coué, positive thinking. The postulate shared by the all the group that a PC must always being audited to FN Cog VGIs, not before, not beyond was making the certainty of case gains.
Without a group and some strong belief, improvement is more difficult to obtain and to keep. Scientology was right when it stayed on this path. But with the intervention of individuals with deviant intention (money, power) all went to hell, and it is very sad.
“I understand all what you said. I took a first look EFT, well one has really to duplicate it and apply.”
Yes, it took me 3-4 weeks, 5-8 hours a day to fully get it all. It has many promises, believe me. You know how skeptical I can be with any one system.
“Like it was wtih Scientology. It was a hard work to learn how to audit starting with HSDC (Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course), use of R3R.”
Yeah, I understand. I started with plain DMSMH, and delivered more than 10,000 hours of it. Read the book 6-8x, and followed all the R&D series on BK development, SOS, Notes on the Lectures, and applied all that to my PCs. I used to crack a case under one intensive with just that. Complete changes in the OCA graphs. But was it “Standard Tech” or my own abilities as a practitioner?
“When I started with Scientology, I wanted to become a psychoanalyst. I did studied a lot of Freud, Lacan (impossible to understand anything with Lacan), Ronald Laing etc… But I didn’t see anything clear on all of it. It would only depend of the talent of practitionner to have results on a patient.”
Yes, back then it was about talent. But Freud was a great therapist. He sure had the knack. His comm cycle was very good.
“When I read Dianetics Evolution of a Science, of course it was clear that it burrowed from Freud, the reactive mind being the inconscious, etc… Dianetics for me was just an american continuation of Freudian method, as was Jung or Wilhelm Reich.”
Yes, it was copied from Freud and others after him, that worked with war veterans with reasonable success. But LRH attributed it to himself. There isn’t one single mention in DMSMH about those earlier researchers.
“There was a lot of therapy going on the early seventies as Co-Counseling, helping to release emotion. But the fact that Dianetics was a kind of evolution of psychoanalyse made it secure for me. I find that the auditor’s code was a real breackthrough as well as the comme cycle. I was quite happy with my study without even being aware at all of the cultish aspect. But in the seventies it was much less cultish (only when I met the Sea Org, I couldn’t understand why they would wear uniform, I hated this military aspect). But the tech itself, Dianetics, academy levels, I found it making much sense and very applicable.”
I do not think that the Grades are bad tech at all. I only claim that they do not bring about what their EPs says. But they are fine. Just too expensive for the wins they do produce if they are not done as a coaudited activity. $30,000 more or less, for those results are WAY too much. Studying the checksheets at home, getting help in the drills, getting a twin, and paying for C/S time, is the way to go that is cost-effective, and cheap enough for the results one will get. Otherwise is overpriced.
“Now it went wrong not because of the tech, I can say that when I received auditing by the rules and smoothly and the same when I gave auditing it went well. It only went wrong when there was deliberate and arbitrary break of the tech by crazy CS obeying to the Gardian Office, OSA or their own paranoid nature or autoritarian aberration. With RTC and COB that was the end of any sanity in the church, all of the orders were mainly out tech.”
I agree that the Tech of the Grades and DNs applied by auditors who know how to use their brains – which are VERY few indeed – do not bring about any damages, and can bring about good wins. I personally would not waste more time with Scn tech when there are methods far superior to it. But I wouldn’t necessarily mind others doing it PROVIDED that absolutely no authoritarianism and bs cultic attitude does not enter into the scene.
“There was many things I wanted to say but I forgot some, I am getting old and I am not as bright as I was.”
Nonsense; you are a young adventurous soul.
“Hubbard was on the same way, the ‘total freedom’ idea could have been proven wrong if the state of Hubbard near the end of his life was divulgued, so they had to invent that he was scouting another universe, when he actually died miserably like most of the human being. It just made in perspective his writing not being so absolute.”
Yeah, it was not absolute by a long, long, long ways. LRH was never a true humanitarian. Only a true humanitarian is capable of staying honest all the way.
“You see, it’s not black and white, cultish or not cultish. To make wins, people have to believe. They cannot be open minded. It’s like method Coué, positive thinking. The postulate shared by the all the group that a PC must always being audited to FN Cog VGIs, not before, not beyond was making the certainty of case gains.”
I can understand that, but study EFT from Gary Craig, and see for yourself how he did not even “protected” his research, but on the contrary, encouraged others to improve it, and accepted hundreds of suggestions along the way, fully validating those contributions. And he set up a website where any trained person can learn the techniques FREE, and apply them to himself/herself. He is like 78 now, and looks more alive than a 30 year man!!! And he is incredible uptone and professional. Now, THAT is a true researcher. See the differences?
I mean, EFT didn’t get “lost” due to alterations. Some people did altered it in the direction of less effectiveness, and what Gary did, was to set up a website to make sure that others could learn it the right way. No legal threats, no copy-righting and trade-marking anything, no legal suits of any kind; nothing like that. THAT is what LRH should have done himself, if he would have TRULY cared about others.
“Without a group and some strong belief, improvement is more difficult to obtain and to keep. Scientology was right when it stayed on this path. But with the intervention of individuals with deviant intention (money, power) all went to hell, and it is very sad.”
Scn was already destined to fail since 1954, my friend. A group tends to become cultish about knowledge. Therapy should be an individual thing, not a group thing. EFT developed w/out no organization whatsoever. And its users and practitioners are in the thousands, a lot more than there are Scientology practitioners. NO Organization was ever needed; no “Planetary Clearing” was ever needed; no SO was ever needed; no copy-rights and trade-marks was ever needed; no KSW #1 was ever needed; no concept of ONE “Standard Tech” was ever needed; no EPs was ever needed’ no hype was ever needed.
What was really needed and wanted, was a workable therapy capable of bringing about REAL wins related to the life that one was living. And it such a therapy would have worked enough to make others more able and happier; that would have been ENOUGH. Anything besides that, was only in the direction of creating a cult. Scn was a cult since 1954, not after the ‘60s or late ‘70s as many allege. 1954 was the year when LRH change
“Nonsense; you are a young adventurous soul.”
Thank you, It’s what I am if I am not in the pressure of time. Medicine add things to you with diagnosis, body follows a downward path, I don’t know how to revert the malediction. Present depend of past action or non action, you’re always afraid to cause a wrong future. I don’t wake up free every morning.
Scientology was to some degree a cult, and became a treason in 1982 with David Miscavige. I liked some cult aspect, or let’s call it third dynamic rules. For exemple having a well tought course room with good sup, applying intelligently their hat, with positive discipline, could make happy and competent student.
In the independant field, I found it very difficult to have auditing wins. If I was not happy with auditor’s TRs there was nobody to correct it, no qual.
Scientology became a mess when qual was replaced by RTC. Between 1980 and 1982 I held the post of cramming officer. It was really a great experience. I vanished from the org in 1982, seeing clearly what was coming !
We are now really on 21 century. And like the telexes course room are no longer needed. Internet provide all, but I liked being part of a group, not a stupid follower, simply seeing that it was working well. I will study EFT, alone I will need a lot of self discipline.
The offer out of the church is huge that you sometime regret the church. Its why they stay. It’s organized. You are not exposed to contradiction. It was fine for me. But I couldn’t not see that Miscavige was a suppressive, that GAT was garbage. So I left.
At that point I am trying to improve my life. I could use audting or anything else for the matter. I am trying to improve my health, I became good with aromatherapy and so many things. But I need to become again higher than some MEST diktat.
I think one can consider Scientology as an experience, and being able to have a relative viewpoint, and still keep what is making him better.
It takes real courage from me to read posts like this one, with the disconnection stories that followed it, as all of this is SO emotionally overwhelming to me. Overwheming, in that no matter all the exposure of the abuses from the CoS that Rinder and so many freedom fighters like him have carried out over all these past years, STILL the disconnection abuses not only continue, but are even worse in the present.
And I have said this before in this blog at least 4-6x; we NEED to get together – specially ALL the victims of disconnection – and coordinare a MASSIVE protest in KEY locations like Flag, LA, and specially at the UN charter of Human Rights at New York. Just posting some story here and there isn’t going to make it, people; it ISN’T.
I offered myself to take this case to the UN’s Comission of Human Rights. I said I needed ALL the disconnection stories that I could gather, preferably as sworn affidavits. I posted my e-mail address for anyone wishing to contact me privately to do so, and to ascertain how much feedback I had for my ideas. And I got just ONE e-mail; just one.
I took the time to write a very lenghty description of my plans with specific historical references that backed up my ideas, and with specific links to understand the logic behind the strategies.
So how am I suppossed to interpret this lack of response ? You ladies and gentlemen tell me cause I have absolutely no idea how to interpret it. Is it because of fear of attacks/harassment from the CofS? Is it because I have not yet earned your trust ? Is it because you considered it a bad idea? What is it exactly? I just want to understand you; that’s all.
I was willing to expose myself for any of you, to any attacks, harrasment, etc from the CofS, and I still very much am. But I can’t do this alone, nor just with 1-3 volunteers. I need EVERYONE with a disconnection story to come forward and speak up. I’ll make sure that all your stories are known to every possible source I can think of. I’ll compile them into a package, take it to the ONU, and present it to the governments of the worlds. If I am willing to do all that work for you, why are you not willing to come forward and give me a hand to help you recover your family members, and end these abuses once and for all ?
I will always be here waiting for you with open arms, for that time when each of you finally decide that enough is enough, and become willing to do whatever it takes to protect your God given rights. I assure that it will take a lot more than posts at this incredible blog and books from defectors to end these abuses for good. The choice is yours.
Peter Torres
Hey Peter, I fully agree with all you said and never saw your plea. Please know that I have been vert active doing similar things and have my States senior helping me trying to get the DOJ to follow up on my charges against the Church. The UN states you must first have been unable to find justice through any other means. Please feel free to email me directly. You just had a 100% increase in helpers!
Hey Brian, thanks for your communication. I am glad that you are doing something about it.
Regarding the UN Human Rights Council’s criteria for accepting the filing of a complaint for their examination, there is one specific point that reads(Caps are mine to emphasize) :
“Domestic remedies has have been exhausted, UNLESS it appears that such remedies are ineffective or unreasonably prolonged”.
The many abuses of the CofS against parishioners and the way this has been handled INEFFECTIVELY at courts of law; and the fact that, against the best interested of separated families, a domestic “remedy” WILL and HAS been TOO prolonged, makes us the complainants, to have a solid reason for the complaint to be accepted for examination. And there is where I come in, because I can be pretty good at getting others to listen.
The Council only accept a maximum of 8 pages for the complaint, which is more than enough for me, but many attachments as evidence are allowed, and there is where the many sworn affidavits come in. See, I can’t just go to the ONU with 5-10 of those and expect to be taken seriously; and I do not like to waste time in lost causes. I need HUNDREDS! of them from all countries. We probably have thousands of disconnection cases out here in the field. The official list of people who has spoken against scientology is perhaps more than 2,000 the last time I checked. Why in the name of God can’t I have at least hundreds of sworn affidavits? Do you see my point, Brian. We lack WILLINGNESS.
This isn’t a one-man show, neither a 5-10 men show. This should be a broadly coordinated effort with AMPLE participation from those whose rights have been violated. What kind of message would I be sending to the Council if I go there with 20-50 names about an alleged “international” situacion? They would look and me and tell me, “Why the hell you care if the ones affected seems to not care enough themselves?
So, I’ll keep waiting. I am a very patient man.
Thanks for your support and enthusiasm.
In my 43 years as a scientologist, I was ordered many many times to disconnect from others, my friends, my mother .. my boss .. basically everyone .. all because of the point of no case gain ..
It is not true that I had no case gain .. but it is true that I never did attest the so called endphenomena’s .. I did not write success stories .. I refused it .. the answer was at all time that there would be an SP around me .. and that I must disconnect ..
My final answer was, I am connected to a suppressive group .. and the group I called then was Scientology .. his staff who did misapply stuff which they have never really understood in his basics .. so I became finally called as my own suppressor .. and the church did disconnect from me ..
Great story .. isn’t it .. something idiotic in it for my view .. makes completely no sense ..
Mike Rinder = Rosa Parks
Tory Christman = Rosa Parks
Clair & Mark Headly = Rosa Parks
Mark Rathburn = Rosa Parks
Chris Shelton = Rosa Parks
Along with many others, Heros all.
Thanks for this great article, Mike. No matter what we all agree or disagree on, no matter how we diverge about all things Scientology, there’s no doubt that we all agree 100% that Disconnection as actively practiced by the cult must be abolished.
Disconnection is the mental projection of Ron’s paranoid fear of being found out. Made into a “religious” doctrine and used as a weapon against common people. The demonization of critics, making them into evil people, comes from Ron’s mental condition. Maybe he needed meds. He certainly needed it at the end; Vistaril.
If he can make demons (SPs) of all those that doubt his messiaship, then his hypnotized subjects (Scientologists) will never question him because they have granted him the ultimate altitude; infallibility.
When people have been demonized, violence against them becomes justified. Disconnection is such a violence.
“Corporate Scientology is terrified that allowing people to remain connected with Suppressives will erode their base of faithful followers by filling their heads with lies.” Mostly they are more worried about the loss of money than anything else.
The media seems less scared of $camology tactics than they even three or four years ago so that makes Demento worried and less relevant. They will continue shrink as more sheepbots slowly wake up and smell reality.
Great article, Mike! I have been speaking out against Disconnection since July, 2000.
Having been “in” Scientology for 30 years, I finally woke up & escaped out in 2000. Over night, to my great shock, I lost my husband of 27 years, & ALL of my 30 year friends.
I had experienced the PTS/SP tech when in 1972 I ran out of my medicine for Epilepsy while in the Sea org. I was ordered out by LRH & to “handle it in the HGC & we will see you up the line”.
As I was put on a program by a medically un-trained. 18 year old to get off of my medicine and take vitamins instead, I began to have awful Grand Mal seizures. With those I began to lose my short term memory.
Naturally my Mom freaked out (& saved my life, in the end). However in “Ethics” when I was asked “Who doesn’t like Scientology?” She came up, & was quickly labeled. A suppressive person (“SP”).
Back then, unlike now where people are ordered to Disconnect, Hubbard said disconnection should be The Last action, if no other one worked.
I was always against Disconnection (unless someone is ~truly~ harming you, which is far from the case bby most labeled “SP”). So I tried “Good roads, fair weather” with her and it worked. We finally re-united before she passed on, thankfully.
So yes! I am 100% against Scientology’s declaring people SP.
The above is true.
Troy Christman
Hi Troy, Such an incredible powerful post.Thank you.xo
Hi Tory, I knew my other post looked whacky.Sorry,edit Ann.XO
I love you
Please post this Mike
Bertolt Brecht 1898-1956
Der Mensch lebt durch den Kopf
der Kopf reicht ihm nicht aus
versuch es nur; von deinem Kopf
lebt höchstens eine Laus.
Denn für dieses Leben
ist der Mensch nicht schlau genug
niemals merkt er eben
allen Lug und Trug.
Ja; mach nur einen Plan
sei nur ein großes Licht!
Und mach dann noch´nen zweiten Plan
gehn tun sie beide nicht.
Denn für dieses Leben
ist der Mensch nicht schlecht genug:
doch sein höch´res Streben
ist ein schöner Zug.
Ja; renn nur nach dem Glück
doch renne nicht zu sehr!
Denn alle rennen nach dem Glück
Das Glück rennt hinterher.
Denn für dieses Leben
ist der Mensch nicht anspruchslos genug
drum ist all sein Streben
nur ein Selbstbetrug.
Der Mensch ist gar nicht gut
drum hau ihn auf den Hut
hast du ihn auf den Hut gehaut
dann wird er vielleicht gut.
Denn für dieses Leben
ist der Mensch nicht gut genug
darum haut ihn eben
ruhig auf den Hut.
Sorry — no idea what this says as I put it in Google translate and it is unreadable. Perhaps you could provide a translation?
Mike, looks like they are song lyrics (translated here)
Not really .. Berthold Brecht wrote that with the idea that you can do what you want, and you will always find something wrong about .. always .. also kick his hat anyway .. so Berthed Brecht ..
Ha! My HS german teacher tortured us with “translating” Brecht. Spent hours doing it, to come up with what looked like gibberish, but (according to my teacher) mine was a plausible translation. Then she explained who he was, and how his wordplay and whimsical phrasings were artistically of his time.
I had an easier time reading Chaucer.
I’m very glad that you reposted this and I’d also like to me to say, I appreciate the way this blog is conducted.
you cute
My sister disconnected from me 3 years ago.
But what the ethics officers are telling her is that the declared person is at fault. She is a victim.
Therefore , I destroyed the family . I carried the delusion for a while that my sister must be feeling so bad for abandonning me , but that is not the case. Most people who disconnect can only do so because they have been told their loved ones have turned bad all of a sudden. So to the pain of disconnection is added a measure of hate or resentment or blame or all of them.
It is so twisted , it takes a while to fully get the scope of what they are going through.
And in LA , Julien Shwartz is God. His own words. He can dismantle a family in a few hours… the power of it all !
That is a real shame that members of the Church of Scientology believe they can order people who to associate with. I have a confession to make. I disconnected from them voluntarily while they were still in the midst of their mindset. I can attest to that. And I have been “3rd Partying” them religiously with the truth ever since, and that was a long time ago. ANYONE that would “connect up” with a group of glaring idiots like the Church of Scientology deserves what they get. A person should know better right from the start. People that do actually go out and better the world. Except of course in the case of people that have been thrown in the “Hole”, that is just outright abuse.
“This is not a benefit for the individual, but for the organization”, yes, yes, YES! The justification is “$cientology cannot work in the presence of suppression”, yet it’s claimed that “$cientology works 100% of the time on 100% of people”. $cientology must be pretty weak and ineffective if it won’t work when someone says “boo!” BOOYAAH!
This is one of the best articles you’ve published, Mike. Your analogies are so spot on. Re-publish this every 6 months or so.
I remember back in the 70s a few friends of mine who had major disagreements with the CofS were put in treason and expelled but not declared, and their comm lines were wide open with CofSers, although they couldn’t set foot in a CofS again, That was not uncommon and quite reasonable. I also know at the same time that some were declared insane for leaving the CofS, but not declared SP, so there comm lines were also open, but this was less sane, legally vulnerable.
But what are the Church of Scientology’s members actually “disconnecting” from? It is a “laugh” to them to know they did something wrong to you and got away with it before you were able to realize it, so they can then misexplain your circumstances to you and get away with that as well. It is joke and the Church of Scientology is the punchline.
Mike: Great article on one of the most controversial faces of this pseudo religion.
Hi Thegman77, Isn’t it ridiculous how Scientology makes one feel? Those dear friends are missing out by disconnecting from you.Missing out in such a sad way.You are a great person-soul whatever you want to be.XO
One policy regarding disconnection that this cult has over others is that one doesn’t even have to be antagonistic or against the beliefs of the church to cause someone to be declared.
Back in the “good old” ’70s, one would truly have to do something quite bad to the church to be declared. Blow without routing out properly, write a book or article in the newspapers against the church, form a squirrel group – those types of things. Now DM has taken it further. One can be in favor of their tech, love the church and it’s “humanitarian efforts”, love DM, but just refuse to disconnect from someone (SP) that is anti-church and you get declared. In fact, that SP, one is connected to, may be classified an SP just because he is connected to an SP. So, this chain of connections, resulting in disconnections, goes on and on.
This is good from someone who wants to see the demise of that cult…They are doing a wonderful job of imploding without any help. Unfortunately, the lives they ruin, while on their way down the drain, is what’s sad.
Hi clearlypissedoff, I echo your comments on doing something really bad in the 70s to get declared.Around Asho Day & Fdn in about early 77 & 78 there was complete hysteria about Rock Slammers.I got ground up in that debacle with Guardian’s Office Intelligence for those years.Never was told what I had done wrong,although now I see that I was really open to all spiritually and wanted Ron’s Tech to be free to all if it was what I thought it was.But of course it was not that way at all.I am amazed I lasted four years in Sea Org!
Agree with you about David too.XO
CPO: I don’t see how “blow without routing out properly” is something that could fit your category of “truly have to do something quite bad”. If you don’t want to go back to finish a course you have every right to never go back again. Unconditionally. You are not a suppressive or bad for doing that. It’s your right and you don’t owe the cult jack shit.
Great read and spot on. I can imagine some day someone will be granted an opportunity make this argument before Congress.
Freedom to choose and practice your religion of choice does not anywhere in concept include the destruction of other lives.
Hi Mike, thank you for posting this article again. This subject is close to my heart having lost two children (in the Sea Org) due to disconnection. Not only did they disconnect but Scientology has also completely turned them against us. So sad considering we had such a great relationship before then. We are speaking out as much as we can on this abuse. Hopefully some of it will make a difference. In my opinion a church cannot help humanity if they have lost their own!
Willie, your story is my story almost exactly. Your comment is spot on,
The church isn’t happy to “just” force your kids to disconnect from you. They go one step further and make sure they Third Party and Black PR you so much that your kids end up hating you, in spite of the wonderful and good relationship you enjoyed with them before this. And all this is not because you did something very bad like murder someone, or spread leaflets about the church being critical, or raped a SO member or anything of the sort. It is done simply because you chose to leave the church, or simply because you read something on the internet, or maybe you refused to disconnect from someone the church deemed undesirable. So for no good cause at all, you can find yourself alone and disconnected from for specious reasons. It all falls under the umbrella of, “you are harming my church and thus it harms me.” Really? Since when does reading an internet article harm the church?
I was being quietly UTR so as to keep my two kids. I didn’t spread my disaffection. That is not harming the church. Yet the church then sent spies to goad me into saying critical remarks which questioned DM, and then the wheels moved fast to oust me and turn my kids against me and enforce disconnection. HCO in my case actually called all my friends and told them to disconnect from me and to send any reports against me that they could. They needed the goods on me, had none, so they solicited KR’s from my friends and colleagues and family. They also hacked my computer to find out what unsavory characters I was connected to and what my diabolical plans were to blow up the church. Sorry to disappoint. I had no such plans. One of the last things my two kids said to me was, “Mom, we don’t want to disconnect from you.” And yet that is what they were forced to do. The church used them as pawns in a dangerous game of chicken with me. I called their bluff.
I still love my kids and hope they come to their senses soon. To quote a good man, “Forgive them for they know not what they do.”
Wow Cindy and Willie, I have also lost my son. It is exactly as you say what they do. I also lost all of my siblings, nieces, nephews and their spouses – a total of 19 people and then on top of that and the worst is one of my sons. I was NOT doing anything against the Church, in fact, was trying to do whatever I could to stay in their good graces, for 4 years. that included lost of money for sec checking etc. But while I was doing all of this and ONLINES, they all disconnected from me due to my “connections” and due to oldest son (never an Scn’er) who had connections to his parents in law and other people who had been declared…….just went on and on with the connections, even if I did not know the “SPs”!! Now they have made me a complete enemy, hence my appearance on 20/20. A year ago I would never have dreamed of attacking the church with all of my family and 2 sons involved. I just wanted to be left alone and NOT be involved and would have done so if they had left me and my husband alone. Fortunately I got son #2 out, and he refused to disconnect from us. (I have 3 sons). It is so insane I just cannot get my head around it. It has tuened our lives upside down, but now I am not backing down. It is WRONG!!
Good for you, Lowie! I am very sad for your loss of loved ones etc, but glad to see you are fighting back and spreading light on this evil. Way to go.
Willie, Cindy and Lowie,
I want to say something, something eloquent, compassionate, but I have no words.
All I can think of to say is, “This can’t be possible. This kind of thing cannot be happening in the year 2016 in the United States of America”.
Indeed grand effort lately Mr & Mrs Phil, and we love it.
To my loved ones in Scientology, PLEASE CALL ME!
Please continue front and center. As Mike says, something can be done about it.
The irony of disconnection is their refusal to follow their own technology. PTS/SP Tech, specifically in PTS Type A situations, instructs the person to Handle or Disconnect. And that the person only disconnects if handling is not possible. This is completely omitted by MAAs when HCO deems someone to be undesirable.
This omission makes their true intentions quite transparent. They are not interested in maintaining friendly relations, their goal is information and thought control. The Scn bubble has been socially engineered through a complex set of policies and pseudo-scientific mental manipulations. Lies have been woven into its fabric. Truth is the greatest threat feared by the church.
Of all the things the church “battles”, The Truth is the one battle they cannot win. And they know it.
In the pre 90’s, the Handle part of “Handle or disconnect” was always stressed. An MAA told me then that they almost never recommend to disconnect as handles are always possible. But when word gets out about DM beating staff and other things, all of a sudden there is no more “handle” per LRH’s references. DM just wanted to purge anyone who would or could question him or his motives or actions. Just one more example of how DM squirrelled the tech.
In my view, the distinction is between declaring “scientologists” and “non-scientologists.” You have never been able to “handle” a scientologist who is declared. The difference is that the vast majority of people declared are scientologists. Even back in the days of Reg Sharpe — when he was declared at St Hill there was no idea that any scientologist would be “handling” him. THere wasn’t even an “IJC” to be his “only terminal.” It has always been this way.
The reasons for being declared are becoming thinner and thinner, so there are more and more of them. But there is no change in dealing with scientologists who have been declared. The “handle” has always been for the “antagonistic” parent or co-worker. You could not “handle” a squirrel with good roads and fair weather.
Funny, during my Comm Ev (which declared me), I told them that it would have been better if I’d never been a Scientologist, that it would have been easier on everyone. Ahh the irony.
What the church doesn’t tell you when you join (and fill out their paperwork), is that you cannot leave without a world of hurt.
For an organization that has a routing form for virtually everything there is no “Leaving Scientology” routing form.
True. And it’s better not to be a staff member. Which is better than being an SO member. The more your commitment the worse it is. M
I entirely agree. When I left OSA after 10 years in staff and over 35 years as I Scientologist I left in good terms but there were quite a few things that surprised me. I had not spoken about my intention to leave with any one on staff, but I was questioned about it and I found out that it was a “supressive act” to speak with a fellow staff member about your intention to leave. It made me mad because I thought it was abusive, intrusive ant absurd and my regret was that I couldn’t invite all my friends to have a glass of champagne and tell them I had chosen a new direction in life. I became then a “public” and started getting all the daily flack to buy books, tapes, services, give money to the IAS and it was so heavy that I just changed my phone number and moved out of town. Later on I started reading Tilse, Fagen, Marty, Hawkings and Mike Rinder and I got an entirely new point of view. Perhaps in the old days it was easier to leave. MacMasters, Bill Robertson, Otto J. Roos and others, didn’t have to make elaborate plans to flee like the Headleys and other people who managed to escape from the Int base or the Free-winds. Thaks Mike for this very relevant article.
I think the higher up the org board you go, the closer to the sociopath you are, and therefore the worse things are.
I believe this too.
For years I felt guilty for not joining staff. Joining SO was out of the question and no one tried very hard to get me to do that. But staff was another thing and I had some intense staff reg cycles and the people regging me were really good at it because they used very high ARC and knew I liked to help, that that was my vulnerable spot. But I resisted. Something would always niggle at me and I wouldn’t sign. I wasn’t sure what it was. Its hard to explain. Anyway, I wouldn’t sign and for years I carried around this guilt about not helping. Today, I thank God and my lucky stars that I listened to that tiny, rather vague inarticulate voice that would almost whisper to me, “No, don’t sign, don’t do it”. So glad I paid attention to that!
Mike, in continuing your line of thought, what can you tell us about the famous (or infamous) Rj68 where LRH allegedly “ended” Disconnection as a practice from the Church?
The reason I ask you this, is with the purpose to “Dead Agent” – I can’t seem to be able to stop using Scienologese,
– the “fact” used by the Indie group that LRH ended disconnection in 1968, and that it was the CofS and not him, the one that continued it. I know that this “fact” is an illusion and just PR “remedies” from LRH at a time when some governmental inquiries were being conducted on Scn – specially the 1968 “Anderson Report” (the Victorian government inquiry, Australia); but many Scientologists no longer being part of the CofS now, bought this idea.
What light can you shed into this?
Peter – short answer. It was strictly a PR move. He thought that by saying that it would alleviate the pressure being brought by the NZ Govt. Just like “cancelling” Fair Game “for PR reasons” but NOT changing HOW SP’s were to be treated. Or saying he didnt have a second wife when interviewed by the press. Rest assured, the “tech” of handling PTS/SPs ALWAYS including disconnection is all LRH. He was even the one that ADDED the High Crime of “remaining connected to someone declared suppressive by HCO” and was ALL OVER “cutting the lines of SPs” when he discovered Missions and businessmen were “ripping off orgs” in the later 70’s early 80’s.
Thanks for the inside information, Mike; I really appreciate it, as I am sure others here do as well. This kind of data is eye-opening for the ones still under the undue influence of it all.
More and more people are choosing to DISCONNECT from you.
Re: A disconnection story. Mike, this was my first post to your blog. And you may publish it.
I was born with a very sever stuttering problem. When I was in Junior High, I was a target for humiliation. Back when I thought someone was listening, I prayed for death every single night. It was not a good childhood.
In ’74, I was about to move back to Honolulu and was having breakfast with my buddy who was moving with me. Across the street was the Pasadena Org on Colorado Bl. He asked me what they were all about and I told him it was something that cost $100,000.
We went over there and took the OXFORD Personality Test. I used his name and he used Karl Marx. When the guy sat me down to explain the results, he asked me if anything was bothering me. I told him I had a severe stuttering problem. He replied that Scientology could cure me of my stuttering. When I told him we were leaving for Hawai’i in a few days, he told me where the mission was. But, when he said that my stuttering could be cured, my spirits soared! It was THE greatest news I had ever heard! I was overwhelmed with pure joy!
We lived in the heart of Waikiki and had a great time there! Later, we moved to other side of the island & settled in Kailua.
In Hawai’i, you own your own cab and we had a Vista Cruiser station wagon. I would give tours around Oahu with it. We would work when we wanted. It was a good life.
After a few years, we went over to the Mission. And, again, they told me they could cure my stuttering! My buddy, Jim, was very leery towards the cult and moved back to the mainland. I didn’t have much money at the time so I joined staff. I was in Div 6.
Well, my Mom, wondering what I had gotten myself into, came over for a visit. She stayed with one of the auditors. Well, I guess she asked one too many questions and the execs labeled her a “raging” SP, and I was ORDERED to disconnect from her THAT DAY.
I drove over to where she was staying and told her I couldn’t see or talk to her anymore (balling my eyes out right now). She started to pack up her things and I ask her if she was freaking out. She calmly said, “No,” that she just drive herself to the airport and catch the first flight back to California.
As soon as she got home, she promptly attempted suicide (balling my eyes out). You see, I was her only child and had just rejected her for the cult.
She had been living with our cousin, Gail. And for the first time, she came home from work early and found my Mom on the floor. She had taken a massive amount of pills. More than enough to kill her. Well, Gail was able to get her to a hospital in time to save her life. But, I’ve had to live with what did to my own Mom.
Thankfully, we were able to reconcile what happened.
I moved in with her in ’84 as she was dying of cancer. And on 17 December, she died in my arms (crying so hard and I can’t stop). It’s still tough knowing what I did to her.
That’s my disconnection story. I would not wish this on my worst enemy…
I cry with you Old Surfer Dude. These stories break my heart. In spite of all the cruelty it is important to forgive ourselves and to forgive others who have wronged us. I’m sure your mother forgave you. I found evil persists because of the lack of forgiveness in the world. Love and compassion in our hearts is what heals.
Thank you, Sara!
Thank you for telling this again OSD. I wouldn’t ever kill myself but I have prayed for death (just in case prayer worked) only for some relief.
I have often thought I want to be alive when my son DOES come home so I can soothe him from any guilt he might feel once he understands the pain I have been through. For me, any pain I feel will be instantly gone once he comes home.
I am so happy to hear your mom and you came together again.
Mary, your son is really, really going to need you when he wakes up. So….PLEASE stick around.
Yes. I do plan on doing just that. I visualize giving him a hug as he comes home and then helping him with his unraveling from the cult influence.
Thank you.
Wow, what a story. Glad you made it out too.
BTW, Thanks for recommending Mijares Restaurant in Pasadena. Great food and ambiance — out on the patio.
Hey, good for you, TFB! It started out as a one room restaurant and grew from there. And eating out on the patio is the best ever! This is my favorite Mexican Restaurant! So glad you enjoyed it.
If you live in southern Cal, we might want to get together.
Going to get to Fred’s (?) Cantina in Huntington Beach sometime for Taco Tuesday. What’s up with all of those sharks in the water at Sunset Beach? El Nino?
Listen to me, TFB! If you’re coming down here and you don’t let me know, I’ll open up a 32oz can of Whoop Ass on you! Understand? In fact, I might open up a kegger of Whoop Ass! Fred’s Cantina, on Tuesdays, is THE place to be. Right across from the HB pier. The tacos are unbelievable!
Have Mike give you my contact info.
Hi OSD, Your disconnection story so Powerful I am still wiping my eyes.You and your wife are so strong,brave,shining spirits I wish you always,love,laughter,peace and beautiful waves for you to ride.This Cult Will Fall.Love Forever and can’t wait for thr Grandbaby!!Ann B.
Thanks for your kind words, Ann B! Love you!
Dude. Heartbreaking. Thanks for sharing that, as difficult as it was. Glad you made peace with your mother.
Thanks, statpush. I’m glad I had the chance to reunite with my Mom. That was THE most important thing to me. But, it’s still sad when I think about it.
My sorrow while reading this was tempered only by my anger. I’ll hold in my heart the joy your Mom felt when you found your way home. Much respect.
Thanks, Justmeteehee. In the end, everything turned out ok. Damn this cult to Hell….
I’m sorry, OSD. I’m glad you’re here with us and thank you for telling this. Maybe it will make someone think.
I sure hope so, Hennessy. I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what I did. But, it’s still happening…
OSB — Thank you for sharing this horrendous story of disconnection. The pain is palpable. It was very brave of you.
Disconnection and the other nasty practices of this pseudo-religion have to stop.
OSB? What? Old Surfer Blob? Hey, thanks tony b! I appreciate the kind words!
OSD, although I knew your story, reading it here again I cried my eyes out too. I am so thankful that you and your mom were eventually reunited, you could talk it out and that she forgave you before she died. And I’m glad you were there to make her last days more bearable.
Thanks, Cindy. I knew you already knew about my story. Thanks for your post.
Hey Dude,
Some days I get fed up and sick about even having to think about scientology. It is very painful to know that we allowed a “Church” to drive a wedge between us and those we loved the most. I sometimes regret ever having met Mike Rinder only because I feel I’m now obliged to keep some attention on this group when I’d rather be observing more pleasant things. There was never a stated agreement between us in regards to what was expected of me as Regraded Being. He simply allowed me to be another voice among the many voices that speak up and speak out through his blog.
I’ve found that after reading and hearing stories from ex-scientologists day after day, some of it seems to become anecdotal or even trivial. Then, someone like you comes around and gives me a punch in the gut reality check.
Disconnection and the other abuses the church of scientology imposes on people is not something from another time and another place. There are others living through these things right now. The church does not want you to tell your story. They don’t want their followers to hear your story. They are afraid that you will be believed and that will create doubt in the minds of those still-in. Their confront and shatter policy has become more of a duck and cover response towards any perceived threat to their methods.
Disconnection has to stop. It is a vile and vindictive means of controlling people. We will stop it.
Thank you Dude
RB, I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for you to keep posting! I appreciate your kind words, but, we all owe you a debt of gratitude for your Regrade Being postings. And..it’s far from being anecdotal or trivial! It’s what people need to see. So…..please, RB, never, ever stop. Please…..
Thanks Dude,
I hope we can sit down with a couple of cold brews between us one day. If I’m ever out in your neck of the woods, I’ll look you up.
By all means! Have Mike give you my email. I would be good to throw back a couple of brews with RB.
Balling over here Surfer. Love won out in the end. She died with you and your love. May that be the memory you hold.
And, indeed it is. Thanks.
I also cried over an hour over your story, dear Oldsurfer dude. I am VERY sure that your dear mom – as ALL mothers usually do – forgave you. But most important is that you forgive yourself, my friend. Believe me, I’ve done far worse things than that, and hated myself every minute of the day for years. The end result? Degradation and sadness that didn’t help a single soul. We all have lessons to learn in life. The best thing is to learn that lesson, let go of the past, forgive others and ourselves, and move on.
I takes great courage and honesty to come forward with your story, and I admire you for that. God bless you and your mom, and the rest of your family. This Church will die, rest assure of it, and then we’ll all celebrate together when the Phoenix Bird raises from the ashes of burnt tyranny and Human Rights abuses.
Hi thetaclear, Thank you,a beautiful post.XO
Thanks sweetie! :-))
OSD, what can I say that hasn’t already been said? You are a good man and we are lucky to have you.
Thanks so much, NOLAGirl! But, we’re all lucky to have each other on Mike’s Blog. Without him, we wouldn’t be posting and getting to know each other.
Wow I had no idea you went through anything like that OSD, still amazed how cruel the cult can be. I am glad that you and your mom reconciled and that you have a happy life now.
Thanks, Doug! I still carry the guilt of disconnecting from her. But, I was not only drinking massive amounts of Kool-Aid, I actually had an IV drip directly into my veins of Kool-Aid. I was lost…
sorry OSD. If I could go back in time and see El Con face to face I’d make it so he never had a chance to ruin lives. Would be well worth the price.
So sorry you went through that OSD. What despicable bastards they are, but glad that you reconciled with her and that you are living a happy life now.
To-day and yesterday, newspapers of US and France have reminded that Tom Cruise did not meet Suri since years.
I wondered if the super-pope miscavige has declared the little girl as an SP, and if TC is following the rules of LRH regarding his daughter? That could be, since LRH himself disconnected from Ron Hubbard Jr. And from Aklexis. And from his own wife. Too bad he did not disconnect from the pope DM.
The church has probably labeled Katie an SP and since Suri is connected to Katie, then the church won’t let Tom be in comm with Suri. It’s an example of how they go down many levels of absurdness to enforce disconnection.
Katie has publicly stated that ONE of the reasons for the divorce was to keep Suri away from Scientology. That would certainly make Katie declared and if Tom want’s to meet with Suri he would likely have to arrange it with his ex, so that does have the same effect as a declare on Suri without specifically saying so. . .
Scientology is a fundamentalist religion. That leads it into all sorts of dangerous places and one of the inevitable consequences of fundamentalism is disconnection. Scientology is significantly more aggressive about disconnection than other fundamentalist sects, but it is something practiced by almost all them to some degree.
Interestingly, as those sects move out of growth mode into contraction as they lose members, disconnection becomes much more widely applied. That is certainly the case with Jehovah’s Witnesses and also to a certain extent with the Mormon church; both are now losing members after decades of “straight up and vertical” expansion (growth that Scientology could only dream of). And both are engaging increasingly in shunning practices (and, fortunately, taking increasing public criticism for doing so).
The fundamentalist trap starts when you have a body of “holy Scripture” and you believe that every single word of that “holy scripture” is divinely inspired and infallibly true. It is certainly the case that Scientologists are taught this about Hubbard’s writings. Non-fundamentalist religions make a crucial distinction: they see scripture as divinely inspired, but not divinely written. They are able to see things metaphorically and non-literally, which makes all the difference in the world. They’re thus able to adapt their faith to modernity; Episcopalians generally have fairly minimal trouble accepting evolution, for instance.
But a fundamentalist Christian who reads Genesis must believe that the earth was literally created in 6 24-hour days; they can’t take the creation story as a metaphor showing God’s power without regard to actual time. In order to preserve their belief in the face of scientific evidence that the Earth is billions of years old, they must mount a lifelong struggle against the validity of science. If they admit that a single verse of their Scripture is not literally true, they find themselves heading down the inevitable path to doubting more and more of their religion, and ultimately ending up leaving it. Faith that shatters with only a single crack in the belief structure is brittle indeed, and that brittleness is probably an indication that it’s not worth believing in.
As another side effect, fundamentalists often end up trapped by contradictions in their holy Scripture. For example, those Christians who were violently anti-gay are following a handful of Old Testament verses while blind to how badly they are ignoring the teachings of Jesus to be accepting of and loving towards everyone no matter what. Their inability to deal with those contradictions marks them as hypocrites in others’ eyes, which helps to turn off potential recruits.
I believe that brittle, easily shattered, faith is the same with Scientologists: they have to work incredibly hard to ignore countervailing evidence. And as time goes on and as science progresses, evidence that Hubbard was wrong in so many areas continues to mount. Thus, a Scientologist who tries to retain his faith must work incredibly hard to shut out the outside world. It seems pretty reasonable to believe that reading even a modest amount of non-Hubbard material is enough to turn someone into an ex-Scientologist. People don’t have to read that auditing is ineffective; they don’t have to read that Hubbard was utterly wrong in his notion of how drugs work on the human body; they can look at simple things like Hubbard’s prediction that man would never be able to traverse the Van Allen belts and thus going to space, an assertion contradicted only a few years later when the Apollo astronauts passed through them without difficulty on their way to the moon.
Hubbard knew that the Scientology “faith” was brittle — look at the “ethics” process used to handle brutally any doubt and look at the enforced “success stories” documenting “wins” after every course. You’d think that nobody would need ethics handling if they got some of the promised super powers of Scientology training; they’d automatically do whatever it took to stay on track while they were rocketing up the “Bridge” because the benefits were so compelling (and they’d have such control over MEST that they could easily suppress any doubts themselves).
It seems to me that the policy of disconnection is going to run its course when people start to realize that something that is supposed to ensure their future “eternity” is costing them their present. In the heyday of Scientology 40 years ago, where there was a constant growth in the number of people coming in, you could rationalize disconnecting from family members that were PTS by feeling that you are part of a large and close community, and you’d always be able to find new people to replace those you’d abandoned. But when you’re part of an organization that is shrinking visibly and no new people are coming in, it is harder to rationalize the loss of family and former members that you counted as friends. That is probably even more true as members get older.
I agree that people should continue to speak out and keep these horrific abuses front and center. I certainly have referred plenty of friends to the “Going Clear” documentary and turned them into opponents of Scientology. But I think we can also have a certain amount of optimism that the excesses of disconnection will increasingly bring about the end of Scientology as an organization.
Good points. Well written.
Good point about the dangers of fundamentalism. I find it hard to believe that scientologists can feel so threatened by being “denied” future enlightened lives, or however they phrase it, by clearly nasty meat bodies within a heartless “religion”.
Disconnection and the other nasty practices have to be stopped but it is hard to communicate with the people in the church, I try to engage them when I pass by the local org. as now there is no longer a group of anons around occasionally they will have a young good looking person on the street inviting all passers by in. I’m polite to them but after a couple of minutes conversation some blatant lie inevitably comes out and I ask them for the evidence of what they just said without talking down to them. When they quote dogma or bs I firmly state that what they just said is clearly not true (like the fastest growing religion!) or illogical (like psychs are all evil) and they should see and think for themselves. You can feel them shutting down their ears and mind — unauditing if you like — and they walk away. But hopefully a pithy comment I make lodges a seed of doubt.
“Ensure your Eternity” is the oldest game of religions. Lives spent in self denial and deprivation so that members will go to heaven. No fun, no friends now, but Jesus or Ron will be with you forever. People living that way make Earth into Hell….. WAAUUGH!
Entrapment by contradiction and cognitive dissonance reduce perceptions.
Metaphorical explanations and various forms of ‘mindfulness’ seem to lead to better perceptions and a more ‘natural’ state of mind – better able to observe natural order and law.
Keeping the Achilles heel of horrific abuses front and center is a good strategy.
Great comment and I totally agree. Thank you, John.
Hubbard knew his “faith” was brittle because he implemented conditioning techniques and reinforced the cognitive biases required of a member to “succeed” and remain within the group. I believe he also knew that without reinforcement and without the pressure placed on his members to remain active (under DM it is simply to remain financially invested) the conditioning would eventually wear off. This, imho, is the sole reason why disconnection was created.
The euphoric, life-changing, attitude-shifting win is the glue that holds everything together. It is why sessions are ended immediately after they occur. It is why, moments later, members are forced to write about it whilst they’re still as high as a kite. It is why they are then regged for the next service (or donation). It is the foundation Hub knew he needed to be in place before the scientologist could start to build his own prison of belief. The problem Miscavige has (and one many would claim he created) is that because the quality of auditing has declined so significantly in the last few decades, so have the “wins”. It’s not even that they are few and far between, or that they have less power. For many, I’d hazard, the win has become the end of the session itself – after grinding through hours upon hours of overrun and crappy, irrelevant processes by GAT trained automatons. Selective memory, a common cognitive bias, is way harder to apply when your last few sessions were mind-numbing torture and a total waste of time and money. That shit stays with you.
As fewer people subject themselves to auditing, as fewer staff and SO members have access to it, and as interest in training continues to plummet, Hubbard’s primary influence dies. DM does his best to keep people interested, but he’s only delaying the inevitable. And let’s not forget, he is as much a victim of Hubbard’s bamboozling as anyone. Yes, he’s still a massive c**t and should absolutely be behind (padded) bars, but I feel sorry for him all the same.
thanks JPC
Succinctly worded like all your posts.Yes I have read them all.
Thanks for posting here too.Your posts as a never-in have shamed me as a totally-was- in to be more active. Thanks a lot for putting everything in a non scio perspective.This is valuable for bubble dwellers but also for ex-bubble dwellers who are putting their life and views back together.
I have noticed you post a little less frequently than before but am glad you are still posting.
If there is anything I can help you with you can get my contacts from Mike.
Xenu’s son, thanks for your compliment. I have been posting a little less frequently because work at Global Capitalism HQ has been a bit more demanding than usual. I’m also being more careful to do what my ol’ pappy always told me: “Son, only open your mouth if you have something to say that matters.”
I read Tony’s blog at 7:00 sharp and read Mike’s blog religiously as soon as my RSS feed announces a new article. But unless I have a few minutes to write something quick and clever (or at least, something that *I* think is clever) or unless I have something that I think will actually make a difference, I now tend to sit on the sidelines. Five years ago when I got started down this rabbit hole, I had more time and wrote something here virtually every day. But between Mike’s blog and Tony’s blog, there are now more people reading about Scientology every day than there are actually doing it. I want to be respectful of everyone’s time…
If you want to be in touch, I’m at johnpcapitalist at gee, male dot comm.
Thanks for being there, and your input. Plus, it is always good to have an excellent anti-virus running in the background.
I hope you keep posting, John P Capitalist.
Hi John, I have followed you on Mike’s since I first found him.My home port his blog is for me..I have been on Tony’s also to see new paths of comm too.I have always liked and respected your voice.Very good you will still be around.Always,Ann B.
Disconnection is about the only weapon Demento has left to keep Sheepbots in line. Once the fear of being removed forcibly from the herd can be overcome then the end will be truly on its way.
This is probably one of the best articles on Scientology disconnection I’ve read. I updated the link to it on our StopScientologyDisconnection dot com website.
Imagine if society at large shunned david miscavige and scientologists. (I LOVE THE IMAGE.)
The church of scientology would SCREAM religious bigotry and persecution.
I may be wrong but it’s damned obvious why Tommy Davis stays in. My mother did not approve of my enlistment in the army but went ahead and did it anyway. And she didn’t disconnect.
OH Come on, you cannot expect public to send Grandma to Siberia
to mine salt? much easier to threaten their eternity with the fires of hell forever,
besides granny is way to smart to fall for this baloney.
It’s true. I’ve experienced #5. Out of the blue SP Declare for a couple KRs written 3/4’s of a decade ago. No ethics gradients, etc. Disconnection is all about power, control and fear. And the “church” uses these to continue their suppression of mankind, well particularly anyone connected to them – ironic. At first, I thought that they were trying to compel me to “become active” again as I have been offlines for a decade. I thought that this was a weird way of “activating” their field.
“Let’s Declare people, if they respond with a request for Comm Ev, we will punish them with the needs to be sec checked and make 10-20-30k off anyone who wants back in, regardless of their innocence.” I don’t think so. Homie don’t play that.
Another strategy:
“If we declare a lot of the old boys, we can get some fresh meat in the door, bilk them for millions then rinse and repeat every 15-20 years.”
Another strategy:
“SPs aren’t people, so we can Clear the planet faster by declaring as many people as we can so that there are less people to clear, therefore we can go to target 2.”
Seems far fetched but not when you are a sociopath with an army of mindless drones programmed to respond with hysteria against members perceived as not perfectly in line. To the world, just smiles and oh poor me, attacked by disgruntled apostates! We have Constitutional rights (to suppress anyone we see fit).
Freedom of information and speech, which they cannot suppress if their lives depended on it and Disconnection are the two things that will rapidly destroy this cult. Very few in the world tolerate such abuse and attack on the family. Their days are numbered and it’s showing.
They COULD suppress freedom of information and speech— until the Internet came along. Not anymore! WAROOUNG!
Thank you Mike, this article exposes the truth and effects of disconnection.
Looking again at Tony Davis’ interview, you could see he was not even listening, he was just nodding and waiting for a pause from the interviewer to parrot the instructed answer he should give.
This denotes an overall attitude of the church: do NOT listen, just say what you are told to tell. This has placed them apart from the overall world and it will be the cause of their own demise despite the claimed argument that they have the best and only technology about communication.
Also, these denials exist to hide their crime and abuses.
We have spoken and will keep doing so to convey the truth about disconnection, abuses and crimes primarily led by Miscavige.
Thanks Mike for the great article.
I had an idea a few months ago, as you know, to promote a particular day that people would post their disconnection stories on Facebook and urge readers to share it. I thought at the time that there would probably be 1000s of people willing to post their stories at the exact same time – world wide. If thousands of disconnection stories hit FB on the same day, I thought it would be a PR nightmare for the cult and that many still-in SCNers would read them. This idea faded when the website StopScientologyDisconnection.com provided a forum for everyone to post their own stories on that website. Only 13 people have so far posted their disconnection stories. I even promoted this link on many websites, such as this one so more people would post their stories.
I wonder if people are still afraid to speak out against the cult. If they have already lost a love one, what more could the cult do to them that would be worse than that? Or have they given up even trying to get their loved ones back?
I think going public with one’s story, is vital to ending this horrible cult practice that is destroying families and friendships. I know for me, I will not give up on trying to get my son back from that evil cult.
Hi clearlypissedoff, Thank you for your strength and determination,I am with you in agreement that going public with disconnection stories must be terribly difficult,but like you I will never give up trying to right the horrible make wrongs of this deaf and blind Cult.Lots of hugs too.XO
I risk disconnection from my son. I’d love to speak out under my own name but not until I’ve got my son out.
Great post, Mike.
Hi Tidalwave, Good to meet you and my heart is with your situation,I understand why you have to be careful.XO
Tidalwave, we will all be waiting….
You take care of you and your family. That comes first.
The rest will wait. I hope he comes out soon, and a tidalwave of love washes over you both.
I still have the original article bookmarked. I’ve passed it on to more than one person who wanted to understand disconnection. Thanks for the re-post Mike.
Mike, You got it backwards on one part only. Freedom from association isn’t based on a law from the gov giving that right. It is taken from Natural Human Rights theory on which the Constitution was founded. (there was much argument about not writing the Bill of Rights as it was unnecessary at the time as all educated people knew what natural rights were and the Bill of Rights, it was felt, could be erroneously construed as putting the wrong limit on those rights) It is NOT a right granted by gov via a law written. ANY laws written to the contrary are in fact in violation of the Constitution If they apply to any but the government itself.
As you can see, the fear of people misinterpreting this was correct. The US public education system stopped teaching this over 40 years ago. Most law schools no longer teach it either.
But, regardless. The issue is the CoS lying that disconnection is NOT a policy of El Con & the Church. It has been in policy since the 60’s when PTS crap was written about by El Con
Perception is essential to observing and understanding natural law. Hubbard subverted the process to focus attention on himself and dull the senses. He justified it by thinking that his own insanity was only curable by establishing himself as a focal point of attention. The idea that desire/intention somehow naturally rank above results/ends continues to ignite social controversies (means). Hence the spectrum of empathy and sociopathy; as a DYNAMIC (changing) status; of experience (genetics/education) and current environment/stimuli. Politics anyone?
Mike Wynski, excellent points about Natural Law. Thank you.
You’re welcome WhatWall
Thank you! Great article, I lost my youngest child to this vile group and need to speak out more.. It. Is just exhausting!
Thanks Mike, I think it’s time I went public on this too..I’ve lost a sister who is still behind the iron curtain of lies and because of this she has had a massive effect on my own mother and father, both of whom I have had endless trouble with ever since I left the church. Both my parents are not and have never been Scientologists yet there is always some issue they have with me. I’m told by my mother it was I who got her into Scientology so I have to get her out. It’s all my fault.
Well I have tried everything I can think of believe me. To no avail. Instead I have been cut off for over 3 years from my sister. Recently I have decided to cut my losses with both my parents as the noise is just too distracting.
Reading your latest appeal raises me up again and makes me mad. Why should I let my sister and her church alienate me from both my parents, uncles, aunts and cousins? I mean only if I let them. It’s only her that remains in the bubble! My extended family laugh at scientology. But my sister has their sympathy somehow and I am seen as the bad guy. Interesting!
I could just leave it all alone. I have a flourishing family and two businesses which are really starting to expand with great friends etc. Winning on my solo levels too! But this thorny issue binds me yet still too that mother%#$@ING church goddamit! I’m still angry!!
I think that a LARGE % of people on this blog and others are sitting in this complex merry go round of church madness simply because of this disconnection evil!
Hi Sheeplebane, What an amazing post.Thank you.I am the oldest by far of four sibs who were never ins but have disconnected from me for years.They just refuse to acknowledge my existence.They never understood why Imup ended my life to join Sea Org and they do not care to know anymore.Crazy but I made my peace with them long ago.They know my name and can look up my # too.
So I am with you in your situation.I could not have kids so thank god I did not have one in SO when one still could do so.My heart would be shattered if I had to leave my child behind.XO
Hi Sheeplebane, Edit Ann.why I ended my wog life to join..xo
You’ve got me sister. I’m a never in, but family is family.
xx darling
Hi gtsix,I thank the stars and galaxies and whatever other levels are out there, that I have you.XO Always to your heart.
Thanks Ann, you were put through the ringer wow! That auditor Eval on having a parallel time track was vicious!! Not OK!
Gladdens my heart knowing you have found an outlet on this blog as well as true healing. You are such a sweetie!
Many blessings!
Hi Sheeplebane, Thank you so much.Actually looking back that type of auditor eval happened more than once on different Grades and with different auditors.Finally I was given a Flag C/S and a wonderful Class 8 OT 7 or 8 auditor. No Evals ever.Going great guns onto XDN when suddenly Intelligence pounced.The auditor was sent to the RPF the C/S lord knows and I became the pet sec checked listed made wrong the list goes on Intelligence experiment.But in Sea Org I was exspected to make it go Right no matter what. Held on as long as I could until the fire inside me got me out.
I really feel that I can finally let my true nature shine here and know I am myself not a forever slave of Ron.Mike’s Blog & Tony’s and all the incredible authors of the escape books of course The Unbreakable Miss Lovely one of the first I read and it is my go to book still.All of you are heroes always in my heart.XO
Sheeplebane, my dear friend; do not abandon the ship of rehabilitating the ARC with your parents; it is your duty to try. Put yourself in their shoes, you DID get your sister into Scn, didn’t you? I am not trying to make you guilty here, but have you honestly and sincerely accepted your authorship on that in front of your parents? How would you feel if it was one of your own kids trapped inside a destructive cult?
Try to put yourself on their shoes. If they know that you are still practicing some form of Scn outside, this will only make it worse for them. So my humble advice, though I know you didn’t ask for it is :
1. Cease talking to them- in case you had been – about ANYTHING having to do with LRH/Scn or ANY CBR kind of stuff. Do not attempt them to “see the differences”; they WON’T, I assure you.
2. Honestly accept in your heart that you do have a shared responsibility for having brought your sister to Scn. Make them know that, and that you are really sorry.
3. Use ONLY a “Good Road, good weather approach”, either by phone, letter, and in person. Ack only the good parts, and show them high ARC. It isn’t easy for a parent to lose a child, believe me.
4. Accept for yourself the destructive things that LRH did, my friend; you are too prone to justify him. Accepting what he did, does not necessarily mean abandoning using whatever you feel that works for you. But if you defend ferociously – which you DO – the individual who CREATED the policies that are now being used against your family, then how do you expect your parents to react to that? Sorry to tell it to you like this, but I would probably have been even harder on you, were I your parents.
I have been telling you and other friends of mine lovers of Scn/LRH, that as long as you do not accept, for YOURSELVES, and confront the many abuses that DID occurred from LRH DIRECTLY, you will be an accessory to his crimes. I know that this might sound harsh to you coming from me, but friends who can’t tell each other what they consider is the truth, are not friends at all.
There must be something that you are doing (or are creating on your own universe) for the family situation to remain. If you weren’t aware enough and trained enough – and SMART enough – I would not have mentioned any of this to you. It was not DM that trapped your sister; it was LRH’s OWN policies. You will see this or you won’t. But I’ll always keep trying.
My blessings to your parents, to your sister, to your kids and wife; and keep up the fight always. There is no glory in giving up.
Ahh my old sparring partner Theta clear haha! Somehow you have roped me in again, you old snake charmer you!
Yes you are right! I got her in, so for a long while I tried to get her out. I really believed I had the minerals to do so. Diving in, this is what I found out.
1. My sister had spent years as a trainee at flag. She went through hell..my mom told me there were many held back tears on the rare occasion she was able to talk to my sister. Bottom line was mom please send me money so I don’t have to do work study and be here any longer than I have to is what she told my mom every time they spoke.
2. Michelle Babich an ex pc and fellow staff member of mine served under that special incarceration at Flag as anew outer orget trainee. Michelle highlighted some of the abuses they all suffered. Pink sheets stapled to their foreheads being but of the punishments melted put. Starved and sleep deprived was another Michelle mentioned. Her and my sister had a few conversationa about what they saw and it frightened them both. Michelle managed to get out, my sister didn’t!
It goes one of two ways, you either become a DM bot or you get the funk out! It’s some serious brain washing going on there. My sister became a victim. When she got back from flag I expected some hotshot class 4 sup auditor who was A to B and super confident. Instead there was something broken in her. She knew I saw it and hated me for it in the end. I tried to ask questions and find out what the hell happened over there. She shut off. That scared me.
When I told the church to go and f&*#k themselves I explained carefully to my sister why. Her response was the standard bullshit dead agent freedom magazine combo they use which is just ludicrous..I mean I actually read it to see. If she had read it, she would not have handed it to me I assure you. Absolute drivel, like putrid nonsense any simpleton can see is a hack job. Rinder blows goats I have proof, Elvis told me type crap. I mean how stupid can one be??
I kept in comm with her anyway gently steering her to LRH policy prooving that DM”s church had been hijacked with saying so directly. She kept pushing me to find out if I had joined a squirrel group. Eventually I tired of the questions and I told her yes I’d had auditing in the independent field and it was fucking unbelievable! What a relief!
That sealed it. Gone boy. Defriended off Facebook and then it got real interesting with my parents, extended family and other church friends. Has been rocky ever since with all of them. The rest is history!
So yes I got her in. But she too needs to take some responsibility for that. There was no gun to her head. She saw the gross out points and told Michelle Babich while they were at Flag together so. She elected to be a DM bot. I cannot force her to see the light. We all have to open our own eyes and see for ourselves just like every other person on this blog. Part of taking responsibility is allowing others to do so for themselves. We cannot absorb all the world’s evils alone. My sister elected to stay. It hurts to know that I have lost my only remaining sibling, having lost my brother already. My parents may blame me for it all, yet see her as an innocent victim possibly? That is not very sane either. If they really wanted her out why not work with their son who has inside knowledge of the cult instead of listen to the organisations 3rd party? Funny that.
Anyway enough of my justifying. It is what it is. I get angry because disconnection is pure satanic, lucifarian and demonically evil in every way imaginable! It must end!
P.s. the Hubbard debate is over my dear Peter. I don’t have to go there any longer. Besides he told me recently he’s a big boy and doesn’t need my protection anyway! (That’s a joke).
Chow for now!
Dear Sheeplebane,
I am really sorry for your sister. You are right about her own responsibility in all this mess. We all are responsible for our own conditions in life, and all you can do to help others is to point in the right direction for them. But it is totally up to them whether they look or not.
Regarding your folks, I would say, keep a theta line in, Good roads good weather style, you know; and leave the subject of Scn/LRH/CBR alone in their presence in case this is being an issue, which I don’t know.
I learned a “surrugate technique” which can be used to heal/des-enturbulate others at a distance. I have only tested it on one terminal so far with excellent results, way beyond my expectations. Sounds far-fetched, and more so here in this blog, but you know me; I do not play around nor believe in fantasies and fairy tales. When I say that something worked, it means it did, whether “science” support it or not. I am BOTH, a scientists and a mystic. I know you understand why I mean. But this isn’t Scn nor CBR based, and it requires to be able to think outside the box, have faith, and be willing to try new things. This isn’t something that just anybody can understand and do.
I would be glad to provide you with the training materials and guide you through it, but only if you show enough interest about it in e-mail lines. But do not pretend you have it if you don’t. Instead, just use good road, good weather about it, and an ack and that would be just fine with me. Ok pal ?
Sure always interested in your new method. There is remote viewing as well as remote influencing I believe. Will email you and we can discuss this. Also to be honest when it comes to handling, continuous handling of low toned individuals who happen to be your parents eventually you just forgive and move on. It is a pretty draining affair other wise. Happy, interested people are more fun.
The church however I still reserve a bit of anger for obviously. I don’t wallow in it. Every once in a while when the touchy subject of disconnection comes up it rightly pisses me off! I say my piece and life goes on. I haven’t commented on blogs for a while as I have been busy living..until disconnection came up and then grrrrr!!
I guess until the church is brought down all of us out here will always have some unresolved tie in with Scientology. It provokes us, angers us makes you wanna buy a 45 with explosive bullets and use it because injustice is maddening!! It’s not misemotion it’s real and true.
Lastly I feel it can become a little too all encompassing in ex scientology blogs. The emotion’s run very high and all of us love to talk and get it all out etc. Just not sure if it resolves or prolongs the pain for some. Have to be a bit more proactive in our solutions instead of laying blame at other people’s doors (even that damn churches) too!
There are other games out there. Other interests that are loads of fun to observe. Watching this whole cosmic disclosure series on Giam TV with David Wilcock and Corey Goode. Even us ex’es sometimes think we know more than most..well now. Tis not so. The Scientology bubble is very small..big things are happening geopolitically, economically and on a greater cosmic level too! Check it all out if anyone has a mind too. There is information coming out now that will have MASSIVE effects on how we live on this big rock.
Happy explorations!
“Sure always interested in your new method. There is remote viewing as well as remote influencing I believe.”
Great! Yes, there is remote viewing as well, though that’s not my field yet; but I have some friends who do that. I was referring to “remote healing” also called “Intuition Medicine”. There are quite a few Medical Intuitives out there even working for some known hospitals. Some of them are really good.
“Will email you and we can discuss this.”
“Also to be honest when it comes to handling, continuous handling of low toned individuals who happen to be your parents eventually you just forgive and move on. It is a pretty draining affair otherwise. Happy, interested people are more fun.”
I totally understand.
“The church however I still reserve a bit of anger for obviously. I don’t wallow in it. Every once in a while when the touchy subject of disconnection comes up it rightly pisses me off! I say my piece and life goes on. I haven’t commented on blogs for a while as I have been busy living..until disconnection came up and then grrrrr!!”
I am way pass anger on that now; it just makes me feel very sad. It just breaks my heart listening to all these disconnection stories.
“I guess until the church is brought down all of us out here will always have some unresolved tie in with Scientology. It provokes us, angers us makes you wanna buy a 45 with explosive bullets and use it because injustice is maddening!! It’s not misemotion it’s real and true.”
Healing from a cult is a gradient endeavor. I am still influenced to some degree even after more than a decade off lines.
‘Lastly I feel it can become a little too all encompassing in ex scientology blogs. The emotion’s run very high and all of us love to talk and get it all out etc. Just not sure if it resolves or prolongs the pain for some.”
It helps others to do some Itsa as well, which is always healthy. It becomes a sort of group therapy activity even though I am sure many don’t see it that way. But that’s what it actually is. I just learned to go with the flow, and allow things to be as they are. That way our confront and tolerance to multiple viewpoints becomes easier.
“Have to be a bit more proactive in our solutions instead of laying blame at other people’s doors (even that damn churches) too!”
I totally understand, but proper authorship need to be assigned too, otherwise abuses can occur by failing to acknowledge Human Right violations. Scientologists are VERY guilty on that as regards to LRH. All I hear are lame excuses from them, and to hell with all crimes he committed. If they would have thoroughly acknowledged others as regards to that, all anger and drama would dissipate to a very large degree. They are the ones keeping the BPC keyed-in.
“There are other games out there. Other interests that are loads of fun to observe. Watching this whole cosmic disclosure series on Giam TV with David Wilcock and Corey Goode.”
I don’t know Sheeplebane; I watched some of it, and read a few things, but it just doesn’t ring a bell with me; it doesn’t resonate. The fact that Corey emphasize donations so much and charge for the videos makes feel VERY uneasy indeed. There are many opportunists out there, my friend. I only trust what I can observe myself with my own eyes; physical or otherwise.
“Even us ex’es sometimes think we know more than most..well now. Tis not so. The Scientology bubble is very small..big things are happening geopolitically, economically and on a greater cosmic level too! Check it all out if anyone has a mind too. There is information coming out now that will have MASSIVE effects on how we live on this big rock.”
I don’t know Sheeplebane. Look what happened to CBR and LRH by fixating on that. Look what happened to Ken aka The Pilot. Better to concentrate on a research to be able to fully understand, use, manipulate, and control the ELF band (Extreme Low Frequencies). Such a research would proof us against hidden influences, as we would be 1) Able to detect it, and 2) Able to protect us against it.
Fear only attracts fear. I assure you that no being can possible control a fully rehabilitated spirit, who fully understand electronics.
“Happy explorations!”
To you as well, my friend!
I hear you, there is much to be gleaned out of more research done by the pioneer types. All very well and good, it’s needed and there are good souls looking for good solutions always.
In Corey Goodes defence I must say I have ploughed hundred’s of hours into verifying his data and cross checking him from other sources from multiple levels. It was tiring but worth it. His donations are not expensive. He offers ALL the transcripts of his cosmic disclosure interviews free of charge off his sphere being alliance website. So no I dont think hes even remotely doing what the church does. Pretty humble guy. I think you didnt give it a proper thorough go as with your usual style Peter. As you said it didnt ring a bell. I wont try to push you. Your party in the end old friend.
Other military whistle blowers including a 90yr old William Thomkins who worked for the US navy most of his life (since the 40’s) as design engineer has one helluva story to tell! It verifies much of Coreys data. Search for William Thomkins radio interview on youtube. Compelling? Hardly, it’s almost beyond belief! However you tell me, can it convince the once bitten, twice shy ex-Scio? Who knows. But it tells me there is plenty info the average person has not been told and it’s all coming out now. Don’t believe me. Look how NASA is even changing its tune about a great many things. Apparently life on Mars is almost a certainty haha. Not that long ago they said it was highly unlikely. What changed?
My tie in to the subject of Scientology with all this is simple. We all live in our chosen bubbles whatever they may be. There is the church bubble, the ex-church goers bubble and then there is this greater bubble or terra incognita out there which holds great promise and we should all embrace whatever else is out there, weird or not, with both hands. It’s not dangerous to look after all. So go look everyone. Let DM die on his own all by himself..the loner! We all have much more to learn.
” In his short career, Tommy set records for horrendous blunders that will never be surpassed.”
Too bad with his blunder champion career he didn’t blunder himself to freedom, like the long train of historical past Scientology PR spokes-persons to their credit all wised up and quit.
Mike, you’re right. Why is it so hard for Scientology to deal with criticism? There are several Mormon websites (FairMormon and SHIELDS among them)that explore criticisms against Mormonism and provide well researched responses to such criticisms. Why won’t Scientology do the same?
Hi Alcoboy,
I used to think the same, and I even tried to figure out how to do this, for a while.
I thought if one believes in the soul, then “body thetans” made sense. Xenu even made sense as a possibility, even if the Xenu story has problems.
But how can you prove “body thetans” , “Xenu”, and the “4th Dynamic Engram”?
I think the legal laws of countries are the standard of what is really real.
Laws don’t credit one’s past life deeds or ownership.
Laws don’t credit that one can leave one’s body and go do misdeeds or legally recognized acts while one is “exterior” from one’s body.
You won’t be held accountable for exteriorizing and going out and doing some misdeed for which you would be jailed if you did it with your body, for example.
When Scientologists do supernatural things, for real, that the justice systems of the world recognize as real facts, then Scientology’s “miracle” supernatural abilities they delusionally think they are attaining, will be really “proven”.
But laws don’t recognize you as the past life person you were and don’t grant you legal authorized possession of your last lifetime belongings and wealth!
Laws don’t recognize that ANYONE in human history as being legally accountable for “exterior” misdeeds that they “did” while exterior from their bodies as floating soul traveling souls!
That’s the bar that Scientology will never be able to prove.
Chuck, you have forgotten the many witch trials across many countries. They were backed by laws, very stringent ones. Many died horrendous deaths because of those “laws”.
That’s all true, but I meant things like LRH’s background and forming the Sea Org. Why won’t Scientologists form a website to answer things like that? Mormons are not afraid of their religions past so why is Scientology?
Mike, as pithy today as it was in 2013. Maybe worth reposting once a year? I’ve had dear friends disconnect from me on the silliest bases, yet I still love them and consider them my friends. The disconnection is only ever going to be one way.