Well we just got a copy of David Miscavige’s boldest attempt ever to lock down total control of all Scientology audiitng. A good try Dave, but I think the flock has already fled.
It is two documents, one that licenses the software and one that licenses the actual meter itself. You can download a PDF of this ball and chain right here. You can also click on the images below to get an idea of the pages and content. Keep in mind this has to be signed and returned to Scientology BEFORE you get your e-meter. I was going to excerpt the most egregious efforts to suppress all auditing outside of Captain David Miscavige’s control but almost every line is a direct statement command to “lie down, roll over and kiss my feet”. Two great lines are…
“CSI has the discretion not to renew the licence for any reason”
“CSI is the sole arbiter of whether a particular use of the e-meter is in accordance with the Scientology scripture and whether a particular individual is an authorized user”
Those declared to be no longer in good standing with the Church have to send their meters back in and supposedly will get a refund. I imagine there will be a few comments about the refund thing.
If you are a Scientologist in good standing and you thought that the chain was already tight, well you have just arrived in the Golden Era of Totalitarianism, Part II. Church of Scientology International will decide if you deserve to use an emeter and if they decide you are not up to snuff in ANY way, then you can kiss your meter goodbye. I can’t help wondering if they can deactivate the meters via wifi. There is no specific mention of it, but it would seem a logical step. If so field auditors with loud mouths can expect to wake up one morning and have their emeter mysteriously stop working. Solo auditors like-wise. I can quite imagine MK ULTRA meters with GPS tracking chips, the ability to relay audio via wi-fi to Dave’s office and wi-fi shut off switches. Time will tell.
When combined with the current level of injustice and declare by rumour, the return policy for emeters and extensive legal teeth provides an extra level of on-going control over the already docile remaining Miscavigites. I also can’t help but wonder if the old FBI “copyright violation raids” of bygone years could return in “raids” to capture escapee Mk Ultra meters.
Fortunately for the actual practice of Scientology I believe that thems that are leaving have already left and will not be buying the latest Miscavige boondoggle.
All in all David Miscavige has finally dragged Scientology kicking and screaming into the 22nd century of totalitarian police control. Video cameras in all auditing rooms world wide, software controlled emeters with built in shut offs. A few more cheers and tears for the man people. After all, he is the guy with his finger on your eternity.
Software law is extremely well established in the US and steadily becoming more and more established world-wide. David Miscavige has used some of the the most toothy intellectual property law in the US to ensure that no one who does not have his approval will be able to use one of his MK ULTRA meters. I believe that is why the separate software agreement, to double lock the control.
The thing that is most fascinating about this is to read the document and then try to imagine what is going through the minds of those Scientologists who actually fork over 10,000 dollars and sign it. What on earth are they thinking? That the world will suddenly be safe from Indies? I think not.
(Article by Special Correspondent)
This is a software licensing agreement that is very poorly written. It is not a license to the e-meter because the e-meter is not leased, it is sold. Title passed from the church to the buyer when the sale took place. This agreement makes threats it is not allowed to make. It claims a right to determine the conditions and environment in which the e-meter is used, but the license only gives it the ability to govern the conditions in which the software is used. So, the church can demand the software only be used on one compatible e-meter, and that the software not be reverse engineered or re-sold, but it has no authority after the sale to demand that the e-meter only be used by end users Miscavige deems worthy. Miscavige sold the e-meter and now he has no rights under First Amendment that allow him to violate a customer’s e-meter ownership rights. Instead, the customer’s rights of ownership generally will trump Miscavige’s rights. The church owns the copyright and the patent, but the e-meter is not owned by the church after it is sold, anymore than Apple owns an iPad after it is sold.
Further the software termination clauses may not be enforceable because they are arbitrary and do not provide for compensation. The license says nothing about refunds and it’s not even clear whether the church has sole rights to the software. Perhaps the manufacturer sells different versions of it along with different versions of the e-meter. If so, an e-meter owner may be able to legally purchase that software.
The $5k e-meter is going to cause the church and Miscavige huge problems. There will be legal challenges, probably in the near future, when Miscavige terminates an e-meter and refuses a refund. No court will tolerate a software seller arguing it is immune from breach of contract actions due to religious reasons.
Open source e-meters are on the way …
Get a Fluke digital VOM at any electrical supply house. Get a couple pieces of copper pipe, of a convenient size to hold. Attach the leads to the copper pipe-pieces, calibrate the “Ohms” scale, and away you go. With digital readouts, and I would bet these days an USB plug for direct transfer to a computer.
Plus, you will have a handy and accurate mutipurpose meter to diagnose all kinds of electrical and electronic circuits, when you are not auditing. Fluke (and other reputable brands) cost beyween, oh, $100 to $500 depending on features.
Mooser, it is great sarcasm, but don’t even suggest it. The Cof S is stupid enough to try this, and it will only hurt the reputation of a good wog company.
I think what Miscavige is trying to tell all his parishioners is: “Don´t you ever, even for a fraction of a second, consider leaving us! Because if you do, your meters won´t work. Ha ha! Gotcha!”
Quite true, Jane. The Mark VI, the Mark VII, and the Mark VII Quantum are amazing meters. There is nothing with them. And let’s not forget that many people have audited themselves on OT Levels with the Mark V.
I also agree with Bob Dobbs that it is inevitable that Indie meters will eventually be of at least as good quality as COS meters even if they are not quite there already. There are lots of software developers in this world and lots of Indies who understand what the imput and output of an e-meter is supposed to be. As Ron Hubbard said, this is the Information Age. E-meters can be developed that have more functionality than is even needed for auditing. It’s just going to happen. It’s what engineers just do. But not to worry Dave. As your product becomes more and more obsolete and ridiculously over-priced, and as sales continue to tank, you can always re-sell those fancy plastic cases to Hasbro Corporation to cut your losses.
Any GSR meter will do
Galvanistic Skin Response Meter
To The Special Correspndent….Just an acklowgement to you for doing a tremendous job of keeping the light glowing and covering for Mike while he is on holiday, great job dude/dudette!
“After all, he is the guy with his finger on your eternity.”
You can always reciprocate by giving Captain Miscavige your finger, preferably the index finger well extended, straight up and vertical.
Here is the intel on the 9000 Hal microchip installed in the MARK ULTRA VIII E Meter:
How is it a ‘privilege’ to buy one of these E-Meters when it is compulsory to buy two?
And how many months until the first law-suit claiming that CSI unfairly devalued the E-meter being compulsorily revoked and only refunding a small percentage of ‘cost’? Ticking time bomb if you ask me. Davey Makemerich is so short-sighted!
Craptain Miscavige has the PERPETUAL right to make things go wrong!
The “licensing agreement” is actually an employment contract. It also puts the Church in CONTINUOUS and eternal debt for service. Creating future debt.
If DM were working for APPLE he would be out on the sidewalk without severance pay. What other executive comes up with such WILD STUPIDITY?
“A contract of employment usually defined to mean the same as a “contract of service”.”
Love it…10 grand for the meter, and THEN the eligibility check reveals that you haven’t redone your first steps on the Bridge (or is it more accurate to call it “the down escalator which you must go up”).
I’m just wondering how many “just starting to look” folks read that contract and decided to REALLY start to look.
Folks who may have bit the bullet and bought their 50,000 X more accurate BS and forked over the dough without actually reading that abortion of a contract just might be having a moment of clarity.
One can hope.
Whoever is in OSA who’s job is to read these blogs, and yet they stay? I can’t imagine the amount of effort it takes to not-is so many facts.
I know someone who spent decades at the Int base, and I asked them the same question. “How can you be around DM and not know something is wrong?” They told me most people there know something is wrong, but they stay because of the tech. And people at Int have no idea of the real stats in the Orgs or that the tech is alive and well outside of the church.
But OSA reads the internet as part of their job? They know very well of all the real stats and lies coming from the church.
It’s sad they feel compelled to stay.
There are plenty of hard-core SPs in OSA. You know, criminal minds tend to find others with a similar penchant for suppressing people and band together.
There are more than enough brain-washed individuals who can justify anything too.
It’s ser facs. They don’t care about the truth. They just want to be right. As long as nobody can make THEM WRONG for stepping out of line, they play it safe. Simply the worst characteristics . Worthless.
Hmm so does this mean the e-meter can no longer be used at WISE companies? They say it’s a religious device for use on parishioners. I wold think they are opening up a big legal boondoggle for WISE.
It seems clear to those outside the bubble that Co$ is shrinking, but will it ever collapse? Two paths I can see is that DangerMouse blinks, take a box of money and tries to sneak off somewhere to live a sort of comfortable retirement with a few dozen poor souls that are happy to follow him and take the slaps. The other course is that there is just a continued contraction to a few hundred people based in one place – there is plenty of money in the bank and in properties to sustain a very long slide into oblivion. By the end, the demise of DangerMouse will end the whole thing as those remaining won’t have the skills to hold what is left together.
An abusive relationship normally continues until the abused person either leaves or dies. As this is an organisation, there are more people who can leave or die, and that can take a long time.
However, there is another factor to consider: David Miscavige is a sociapath, and is presently under immense pschological pressure. Read up on David Koresh (Branch Davidians at Waco) and draw your own conclusions on what he might do when he begins to realise he is losing control.
Mike, in the electronics industry the new meter would be said to have a “Lock and Key” system., This type of system is used on proprietary devices for many different reasons.
IMO, the Church’s use of a Lock and Key system is the ultimate in bad faith. It is an extremely hostile “Police State” act which inherently shows that David Miscavige does not trust his own parishioners and is terrified of an independent field.
The Church’s ten year old Lock and Key could be easily defeated, i.e, hijacked, but I do not recommend this course of action as it is a complete waste of time and energy.
What I recommend instead is a vastly super solution: Keep your $10,000, don’t buy two meters, and simply resign from the Church of Scientology and all of its imploding Police State nonsense. There’s plenty of Quantum’s on eBay if you want a meter.
The Church of Scientology has always been heavy-handed and authoritarian, but now it has morphed into an insane and status-obsessed Police State ruled over by a tyrant who wants to further hobble Scientologists by the use of tedious and expensive machinations such as complete Bridge do-overs.
The way out is through the nearest door.
I remember there was some sort of weird Incomm browser thing they wanted all Scientlogists to install on Windows computers (DM version of Net Nanny.) It of course flopped completely. He must love it that the Meter is more of a closed environment that his dream of complete control is closer. But shit like this has a way of backfiring. Probably just a new crop of disaffected people who make the brave jump to searching the internet for truth about about the scam that Miscavige is operating. The shrinking religion getting a bit smaller with every attempt to crush the parishioners under the DM boot.
Shutting down by wifi is feasible if the meter is connected to the net. So is tracking their users with GPS.
Wouldn’t surprise me that the latter would be installed since it doesn’t require internet access in order to track the meter down in order to return the meter to its “rightful owner” which of course is CSI. If the Auditor is say recalcitrant in returning it. By a no knock raid of some kind. Something RTC was into back in the ’90’s with the massive leak of Advanced Courses Material.
Basically the contract says that the person doesn’t really own the meter that they shelled out 5 grand for and that CSI in reality does and that by paying them an exorbitant amount of money the Auditor “in good standing” is only granted the “right” to use it.
As for the former. They wouldn’t have to use some kind of remote software to shut it down though it is available since the person has to report in annually for their yearly “update”.
Personally I don’t think a lot of actual auditors will buy into this and the bulk of these meters will be sold mostly to people who are doing solo levels.
They’ll be given the usual “shore story” that it is an extra layer of security required or something like that.
This society is getting very picayune about things, especially lawyers and their class action suits and software companies with their (useless) licensing agreements. Most people see it as ill-will, and try to ignore it. Some here have brought up HUGE questions about the validity of this contract.
But once you part with your money, it may be very hard to get any of it back, so the simple thing to do is not pay for the thing. There are many very reputable, long-established, practical, organizations of true goodwill which will refund your money no questions asked. Just take the product back for any reason, and they give you your money back (and are proud to have such good business generally that they can do so).
Being able to have affordable and good e-meter(s) is extremely important for the Indies (and FZers).
Posting information in this blog about alternative affordable and good e-meters is not spam because many readers of this blog, obviously, are very interested in this kind of information.
The Acting Moderator is doing a public service, and his/her aim is to do a good moderator job. It surprised me that (s)he blocked information about alternative affordable and good e-meter(s).
LTC Forever, January 16, 2014 at 12:59 pm
It looks like it’s not Mike policy to block info about alternative affordable and good e-meters, because he didn’t object to posting it, as shown in the following comments.
Thread started by Globetrotter, December 5, 2013 at 11:51 pm
MaBű, December 6, 2013 at 2:10 am
In Covenants section 6: “In exchange for the PRIVILEGE of purchasing and using the e-meter……”
And section 6 (9) “the church retains the perpetual right unilaterally to recover the e-meter from me…..”
You’ve got to be kidding me!
IMHO, I believe that many folks who are feeling the financial pain of this $10,000 (plus tax) hit to their bank account will take the time to read this contract and the wording in here just might blow some fence-sitters right off that fence of theirs.
Poor David. The tech is all over the Internet and it is really not possible for him to run a CAN’T HAVE on it anymore. So he digs some meters out of storage closet and uses that for most recent CAN’T HAVE. Meters nobody really needs to get their product. A meter created by a psychotherapist. And he uses this to create another mass exodus as he targets the auditors for abuse. Again.
This is just an indicator of his poverty stricken position. The “last bullet”
This is really the final chapter we are coming into against the backdrop of his constant legal losses as he spends millions of the Church’s beggar money to cover his personal legal flaps. And the more money he throws at it the more his losses pile up.
The sink hole has begun to fall. Looks like some kind of magic right?
The following line: 8. “The church and CSI retain the perpetual right unilaterally to recover the E-Meter from me at any time I’m unqualified to make unauthorized use of it.” allows them to seize it, but gives them no right to enter your premises without your consent. If they come to your home to get it, you can just tell them to get lost.
Nonetheless, outside California this Covenant holds little water, and has no teeth. Not worth their time to pursue any legal avenues. One keeps the meter and finds a crack for it on the net (which I’m sure will be available at some point) should one ever fall into the bad graces of the CO$.
Formost, that line 8 contains a double negative that makes no kind of sense. Is that verbatim?
If so, they could use an editor. I can’t be bothered to read the agreement since I’ve no plans to buy a couple Easy Bake meters….
In actual fact not only will many Kool Aid guzzlers agree to this, they will think it’s a good idea.
Help keep the squirrels away. One more step to KSW. Saved by RTC. $10,000 and sign your life away?
Small price to pay.
Unless the meter is required to be connected like Blu-Ray Players to the internet in order to use it, then NO. WiFi must be configured by the User first, so it cannot be done without his knowledge. And as I mentioned in previous posts, it’ll be a cinch to hack, as it’s all nearly ancient computing tech. What I’m curious about is whether the license agreement could force one to return the meter, ie. it was never yours to be begin with but just a Lease, and if CO$ can enter your auditing premises without a warrant to inspect the meter. This agreement is not much different in terms of technology than any Microsoft Software Licence from what I can see so far.
OTVII just have to buy one meter and they can use their other meter as a back up.
So they are basically saying that either meter can do the job?
It’s and Ohm meter which was invented in the 19th century with further refinements in the early 20th century. With human beings it can measure Galvanic Skin Response hence lie detectors and E-meters.
Then in Scientology there is the Auditor who guides and helps someone work through and conquer their issues. At the same time they elevate their level of consciousness as in the Eastern traditions.
Scientologists should be allowed to practice whatever faith or teachings they desire. It is a free country and world however an Ohm meter can easily be substituted for an E meter.
For whomever chooses this faith or method of learning so be it and I wish them the best. However these Mark VIII Ultra meters are nothing more than a scam.
Taylor, I gather that you haven’t actually used both types of meter. Try them, and let us know the results. Considering the price difference, a lot here would be interested in knowing.
Very clear to me!
Ludicrous. It gets over the level of insanity and beyond. We can see where Davey’s meter tech is going!
The name says it all: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra
Well the choice is simple. Either stay in the church, pay $10,000 for 2 meters, redo all your courses, disconnect from friends and family as most of them leave under the current barrage of attacks on their religion from COB himself, or join the Independent movement, re-connect with tons of old friends, re-connect with your family who were never your PTS item to begin with, and save 75% on your services while getting something called “Scientology” written by some guy named Hubbard. Stay PTS or go free and keep your friends and cash. Thanks Dave Miscavige for being the best thing that happened to the Independent movement EVER.
Yes. That’s a clear statement of the rational course of action.
This deserves a paper or article in “The American Lawyer” if you ask me!
Already, in “new religion” scholarship, the freezone and Indepdent Scientologists are given the okay to call themselves, and are still called “Scientologists” by the best informed “new religion” scholars, namely Jim Lewis calls Independent Scientologists, and so does Hugh Urban.
I think in a court of law, this trying to call oneself a “Scientologist” is not going to be won by official Scientology.
And papers and debate are needed, since Scientology (official that is, Miscavige run, that is) is trying to legally say they are the only ones with “authorization” to utilize this current official church meter.
I guess this would be somewhat similar to official Mormons only buying their special underwear from the officially authorized underwear store places!
I guess the splinter Mormons are free still to knit their own special religious protection underwear on their own.
I highly highly doubt that if a splinter Mormon would be sued by official Mormondom if they were caught wearing official Mormon store bought official underwear!
Chuck, you pose questions and posit theories that I would like to address, briefly.
Disclaimer: I am NOT, nor ever have been a religious scholar. The content of this post is to the best of my knowledge; that being said, we can move along…
I think you’re assumption is correct that a “splinter Mormon” is *not* likely to be sued by the “mother church” if caught wearing the special underwear.
As far as I know, there is no legal recourse, nor judgment passed on one who would do such a thing; however, this does not preclude the one having noticed such an “event” from having a personal opinion about what they noticed. About continuing to wear and purchase the special underwear, I do not know… I find it very likely that such details would be personal to each individual.
My understanding is that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are non-confrontational, i.e. the Broadway musical “Book of Mormon” a statement was released that (poorly paraphrased) said “If you see the play, it will entertain you for an evening; if you read the Book of Mormon, it can change your life”. Something to that effect.
Honestly I don’t see the point in being confrontational about every little thing like $cn. I’m sure we’ve all heard the expression “you can draw more flies with honey than vinegar” similar idea.
“#5 Software Maintenance
…such corrected Software shall not include any substantially new or rewritten version of the software.”
I’m guessing the software will be re-written in accordance with a newly found LRH despatch.
“That’ll be $3000 please. Only Mark Ultra 8.1 meters are valid now. Will that be Visa or Mastercard?”
I was waiting for someone to bring that up. Interesting clause. If a serious rewrite is required it is apparently not included in the warranty. Cha ching!! Perhaps Golden Age of Tech 3 or just and “oops” regarding the emeter. Not our fault you PTS bitch. You pulled it in, give us your cash.
Why would any member in good standing bother to waste their time reading that?. Everyone knows that whatever obligations they undertake are a small price to pay for the privilege of tossing DM’s salad. When their meter is turned off remotely, they will open another line of credit to do finance whatever A-E is ordered and thank him for the privilege.
All certs are cancelled, you must buy a new meter to train to get your new certs, you can’t buy the new meter until your certs are in effect. Sign this paper saying all your certs are in effect, send it back with your money. If we deem you worthy, we will send you a meter.
Given the chilling effect the word refund has on those still in, basically this paper says. We will give you either a meter or an SP Declare (which you most probably won’t see) and hey kiss that $10,000 buh bye, you signed the paper. Don’t like it? Sue me. Oh, wait, you said you wouldn’t.
Monumental, unprecedented, never in the universe and straight up and vertical paranoia!!!!
Black Heart is now so scared of law suits that he made this very, very, very serious and very solid deal.
This just shows where his terror stands-to the ultimate edges of the universe.
One of my personal philosophic changes that I went through before deciding to leave the CoS came from the Free Software movement. (That’s not just Free as in Free Beer. But Free as in Free Speech.)
The reason we have come to the point in society where we can even consider that denial of ownership could even have anything to do with the concept of ownership is because of the Microsoft and Apple. Before Microsoft, owning something meant you made every decision about what happened to that thing. You can read more about that in my blog post here: http://2briancox.wordpress.com/2011/07/11/why-a-devout-capitalist-loves-free-software/
Dealing with Free Software, you also learn a lot about the abuses of copyright in general. I think the Independent Scientology and FreeZone Scientology have a lot of natural affinity for the Free Culture movement in general. Free Culture attempts to create a world where freedom of communication of ideas allows society to innovate and flourish. We’ve seen what happens when the current laws on copyright are abused. To learn more about the Free Software movement, you can read here: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-intro.html
Brian… I think you might enjoy this…:-)
I’ve worked with some software that has a built-in expiration date. After that date, it will not work, and requires reactivation codes to work for another year. In some cases, the user can trick the system by changing the date on the computer (not too workable nowadays as it may cause other problems).
Maybe that’s how the regular updates will control things — if you cannot qualify for the e-Meter software update, it will quit working at a date and time already encoded in the device.
At which point you can get a refund. But by that time the value would have depreciated considerably. So you only get a partial refund. Maybe not even part — maybe 0 (100% depreciation per year).
That’s the simplicity of hacking it …. simply change the time from a year to 50 years. This is a routine software crack that’s been done for well over 15 years, nothing complicated about it.
Cool. I hope that option gets used if necessary by people who may need it.
FOTF2012… I think you are correct. I have worked in this area of electronics and software. A “clock” that expires (stops) the software every 12 months unless renewed, is super simple. And (if it wasn’t installed in 2004) the clock and USB connector can be added (retrofitted) as the meters are sold today.
Miscavige has altered the tech (GAT) so he has something unique to sell. Same with this meter… It’s just squirrel tech….
Miscavage has embraced “1984.” Truly chilling.
Just read that book again recently.
His behaviour is so unoriginal and predictable that a fictional book written 65 years ago can predict the Miscavites life today.
Dear Mike,
Thank you for this information.
I am still in shock and awe to comment on the ramifications
and impact on the future.
My questions about what’s inside the Ultra OT 8 meter keep mounting.
( Spy devices, remote shut off , session uploads to D.M., computer hacking software ,etc.)
I had the same thought.
We have a bully who may or may not have had any sort of education, who grew up just like the guy in the Truman show. People put up with him because they think he holds the strings to their eternity. His management style is 70 years old and his time is running out. My question is, who will take over once he is removed and how are they going to handle the rights LRH materials and the real estate. OT VIII, truth revealed? Not so sure, under the current environment.
Davie will go down with the “Church”. He isn’t really old that he can’t ride it into the dust. He will preside over the final dismantling. At that point the material will probably devolve into the public domain or, he’ll just keep it under copyright. (OT 8 consists of one major grades level process that is bogus, which has been written up in many places so not sure what you’re referring to).
OT-VIII is called “truth revealed.” The fact that OT 8’s cannot see the truth about DM is what finaly convined me that it was all just b.s.
The last few posts and $cn events have made me seriously wonder about this. I think Misc is intentionally draining the members of all the money he can possibly get, is intentionally doing things to make them lose so badly that they either leave or just can’t DO anything on the Bridge anymore, and then will of course not care what happens to anything and take da money and run. “Let all those incompetent assholes figure it out without me.”
We already know he has no respect for any of the tech as it was originally written by LRH, obviously doesn’t understand it at ALL, he has no respect for LRH, no auditor training to speak of, SP and sociopathic characteristics galore, drinks like a fish, locked his wife up like a prisoner, holds hundreds of people hostage in office trailers with bars on the windows and doors and feeds them slop, beats up staff, bullies the rest, takes hundreds of thousands of dollars in “pay” when SO staff get $22.15 a week IF they’re lucky, refuses to receive auditing himself, holds onto some copper rod stuck in the ground for….who knows what…..I mean, c’MON!
He’s totally nuts and he’s running his own little project to get outta Dodge with all the riches he can maneuver. And doesn’t give a shit about what happens to anything or anyone except himself, and the money I’m sure is supposed to help him protect himself in a lavish, criminal druggie lifestyle. Now that’s a Sweet Eternity.
I believe that Miscavige is a certifiable sociopath. Like all of his ilk, his intention is to dominate and nullify others. It’s that simple. What’s not so simple are the various and often elaborate methods employed towards that end.
All the money, status and things that Miscavige collects are used to dominate & nullify. All interaction with his programs (Ideal Orgs, GAT I, GAT II, SuperPower, etc.) are meant to dominate & nullify, as exemplified in this new E-meter program.
As far as what will happen to Miscavige, a sociopath usually plays his dark game to the bitter end, taking down as many as possible with him. The destruction of others is more important to him than anything else.
All of the above is my take after reading “The Sociopath Next Door” by Dr. Margaret Stout.
The author has spent a large part of her life helping people recover from their contact with sociopaths. She fleshes out the sociopath and makes him/her more real than the highly distilled PTS/SP data. Now I understand why Mike so highly recommended it.
Ooooo, a scary software agreement. Nobody ever violates the terms of those.
Yeah, a software and meter covenant will lock it right up there. Nobody will write a software hack and upload it to the fringes of the internet to reactivate any meters that are shut down at the sole discretion of CSI.
I would be suprised if no one came up with a hack for it.
Anticipate a hack in about…a year, when a thousand people have been declared and can’t use their meters. Remember that these dox only reached us through someone who PAID FOR THEIR METER AND RECEIVED THEM IN THE MAIL. So Miscavige’s hermetically-sealed security is already broken. [Acting moderator deleted a line about the general direction of software exploits]
The technology is 10 years old, by today’s standards, it is obsolete. Is your meter connected to your Wi-Fi network? If it is listed as a device, then: yes. But remember what Wi-Fi devices were like 10 years ago.
“I can’t help wondering if they can deactivate the meters via wifi”
That would be a no. Even if they wanted to, you’d have to have that device on wifi. That is up to you. Now, that being said, if the thing is s/w driven they can have it auto shut off if a yearly “key” isn’t downloaded or what not.
They would send it in for their yearly ‘silver certification’ (or 6 month ‘platinum certification’) and it would be sent back to them inoperative. Of course they wouldn’t be refunded their $300 certification fee, or whatever it is. Sorry Charlie, you’ve been a bad boy…
You don’t send in these meters. I believe that certing is now done online… 😉
Okay. Just read the whole thing. Miscavige has fully locked in his delusions of grandeur. I can see him salivating, licking his chops and declaring to himself in the mirror, “Ha! This is brilliant! My monopoly is now complete. These little SP motherfu…..s will never be able to weasel out of this magnificent, legally binding agreement. I OWN them.”
Personally, I think miscavige has just unfriended at least half of the idiots who were still listening to him. The ridiculous generalities in this agreement suggest that he’s slipped into an alcohol induced dementia.
Most I think will not even read it. They will sign, pay with a credit card which is maxed and carry on over the cliff…..
In fact, someone who in fact wants to read the whole document will likely be considered disaffected at the least and CI for sure, not trusting dear leader to look out for them.
Cooper Kessel and some others have made the point exactly right. None of the people who are in the Church are going to apply any critical thinking to these agreements. Do we have any reason to believe otherwise? Look at the pages and pages of “confidentiality agreemments” and “releases” they already have to sign just to go in session. We all signed them quite readily when we were in. Did you ever try to read through them? I did maybe once or twice, but all from a place of trust, not criticalness.
The only time anyone in Scientology even tries to read these things is when they first get in and depending on the smooth-talking skills of the reg signing them up, they either sign their life away or they (hopefully) realize that they are diving in to something very dangerous and they get the hell out. Unfortunately, very few new people realize this.
We can see the facade for what it is, as we have stepped out of the darkness and have the advantage of casting the light of truth on the Church’s cloak and dagger lies. Those still in are still in the dark. Some of them are so in the dark that they put their own blinders on and keep themselves in the dark despite every opportunity to find out the truth. We must continue to pound and press and hammer the truth home to them in every way possible so that they can no longer deny the facts and have to “confront it”.
The best news lately is that Miscavige is so assured of his power and the gulibility of those still in that he really is making it very hard for them to continue to be blinded by his flashy slogans and wordy mantras. He is our Number One Inside Guy and I think the more he continues doing what he’s doing, the more will join the exodus out of the darkness and into the light.
Why should a cultee read the Agreement? They know they are going to sign the damn thing anyway. And they know the language is going to be draconian. But they also know THEY are not and SP or a Squrrel, but such language is surely needed so the great Dear Leader can vanquish those evil bastards who leave and turn on the Church. Besides, to read the thing would be an actual confront of their wonderful Church……..
Luckily there are alternatives to the Ultra 8 for anyone that does not want to spend $10,000 for something they don’t own that can be taken away from them at any time.
My own plan is to get one of those Hasbro Easy Bake ovens…..
In addition, the licensee has to fill in the serial number of the Mark VIII BEFORE purchasing one… it sounds nuts !!!!
If you look at the “conditions of use”, it says that the licensee has all his certificates currently in effect. But as per GAT II they are all canceled (or am I wrong?). It goes round and round in circles…
I stop commenting the remaining of this absurdity as my vocabulary is too poor and I will spend the rest of the day in rummaging in the dictionnary… lol.
I think that even if I was still in, I would feel really trapped. Ugh!!!
Don’t they have to put the money down before they even get to see this “agreement”? I’m sure that if someone objects to the terms, their money will be promptly and cheerfully refunded, right?
Thanks for the documents!
Incredible!!! I don’t know the words in English to express my ideas about this attempt toward total control…
I think Mattison and LRH roll over in their grave.
I can’t imagine that some auditors will sign up for this. They will react on it, for sure!!! or I am still a naive dreamer????
Poor people in the middle OTVII, having to pay for their six months checks, for two new e-meters… plus being obliged to agree to such an aberration or to renounce to their “total freedom”… Pffff!!!!
and if in addition they are field auditors… I know some of them in Belgium and Netherlands… What a problem do they have now!!!! I much prefer my place out of this system!
How to create PTSness… or waking up!!!!
Thanks for this factual information.
Captain Miscavige, why not license the books, lectures and course materials under similar terms? Then when someone becomes disaffected, you can send your goons to reclaim ALL of their materials? C’mon Davey Boy, you’ve got to license their ETERNITY.
Since Davie likes heads on a pike, why not make ALL the materials have similar terms and have them activate to go up in smoke once someone is sniffed out to be disaffected, or to even have read once on the internet. The book or meter will then burst into smoke and burn and disintegrate before their very eyes, thus heads on a pike. The scared Sheeple around them will then be too terrified to even think of going on the net. It will keep them all in line and control them. he he he. OR there will be so much smoke that the entire org will burn down fast!
Fire is so chancy. Wait until the SP has a good grip on the cans then activate the taser circuit.
Miscavige will never apply the Mark VIII license terms to books and CDs. Because if he did, and he Declared someone, he’d have to give them a full refund for the materials he re-possessed. He’d never do that.
Davey Boy only rules their Eternities in his own little black crumpled up mind.
As long ago as 1988, the bookstore officer at AOSH ANZO was telling customers “You have just bought the physical book or tape. But the words in it will always remain our property.”
The most obvious way to deactivate a meter woud be the annual “update.” While there was Wi-Fi in 2004, I kind of doubt that they put one in (never mind have the technology to make it covert).
The only way to tell is when someone offers up a device for inspection by outsiders – Wi-Fi is kind of obvious (from the antenna and/or specialised chips).
Lastly, Wi-Fi might be a great way to remotely listen or control, but it only has max a reach of 1000 ft or theresabouts.
So, Mike, I think you’re thinking Like a Wog[tm] and considering Wog technology whereas we all know that LRH never wrote about Wi-Fi so it doesn’t really matter….
Even if it had wifi, it would still need a password to connect to an access point in range. The days when all the neighbors’ routers were called DEFAULT with no password are long gone.
Mike Rinder, Tony Ortega and Marty Rathbun…I don’t think your blogs are necessary anymore. We couldn’t ask DM to do a better job of completely destroying COS in so short a time.
I don’t mean to offend some but almost every Scientologist I met in my short time as a member of public was in a very poor financial situation. How auditors are expected to come with 10K for e-meters is beyond me. Being in financial straits or going bankrupt is soul-crushing in itself. To destroy your financial situation to save your soul…so strange.
But before they are allowed to have a meter, they need to be enrolled on an auditor training course. But before they can do that they need to do the new student hat for $4k. Talk about runway…
Good points Axiom!
The majority of the most fervent devotees won’t even read it. They have such a naive faith in their precious, infallible leader, they will just have tears of joy in their eyes as they sign up and fork over the dough.
Unfortunately, LDW, what you say is true. For example when going to Flag for auditing, you are always made to initial and sign a huge 6 to 8 page document. I and all others did it without ever reading it, so full of trust of our leaders were we. And now the outrageous documents for the new meter will likewise never be read before signing. The idiots just signed over their soul to the devil. Please please please don’t give up your old meters. Don’t let the church take those! You’ll need those meters in the Indie field should you ever wake up and smell the coffee.
From what I hear, no worries about meters, Jane, as the reviews of the indie/freezone meters have been really good.
Would love to see a Class VIII or such compare a MkVII or MK ULTRA to a competing meter on a “bake-off”.
I’m sure that Miscavige wishes that he could turn off (or monitor) meters by wifi, but they were built in 2004 and buried in a warehouse for nine years. The only concession to the modern era is the serial-USB plug on the end of the cable to allow it to connect with current computers.
No doubt he has a wishlist for the next one, but that will have to wait until the stocks of the Mark 8 EZ-Bake run low. (As if!) Imagine the joy when the remaining people are told that they must now buy two $6000 Mark 9s…
The odds of these EZ-Bakes having working wifi in them are about close to zero. Wifi cards don’t just magically work in isolation, there are two kinds one can generally buy: PCIe and USB. The EZ-Bake doesn’t have USB or PCIe internals, those connectors can be spotted a mile off and none of the internal shots show them. And you need a CPU running an Operating System – *something* has to do the encryption and drive the wireless chip (they aren’t plug in and go, wifi cards are horrendously complex beasts)
Most wireless APs these days have encryption enabled and the WAP/WEP2 key has to be entered somehow. The owner of the AP has to allow it to happen somehow (even if only by disabling the checks for such). Lastly, it’s trivially simple to detect if something is trying to gain access to a wifi network.
But all this is moot. The owner of the e-meter already established a connection to Gold through their PC to enable the meter. I don’t doubt for a nano-second Gold has a kill switch for bitter defrocked apostate’s meter, but it’s going to be done through the activation software on a PC or Mac, not through wifi (or through any other built-in gadget in the meter)
“ The antisocial personality has a bad sense of property and conceives that the idea that anyone owns anything is a pretense, made up to fool people. Nothing is ever really owned.” LRH
Dave wants $10,000 for two of these but I will never really own my Ultras. I am sorry but, I just can’t make this investment on these terms.
“If you were to weed out of your past by proper search and discovery those antisocial persons you have known and if you then disconnected, you might experience great relief.” LRH
Amen to that!
Another great post KF!
KFrancis %100 correct.. I guess I’ll won’t be able to get my quantum back.
Well I don’t wish to be pedantic but… if you can only purchase a meter if your certificates are “currently in effect” (purchase agreement point 5) doesn’t that rule out everybody?
In any case I can’t imagine too many KoolAid drinkers buying even one under such onerous terms, let alone two or more. It’s interesting that one has to read this document before buying one, since it is the biggest reason to run a hundred miles from the BSO or Reg. Once again Miscavige has shown himself to be the greatest architect of the complete implosion of the Cult. Keep up the good work Dave.