Even though the building is officially complete, you can STILL give us money and pretend you contributed to making it happen.
We will ALWAYS be happy to take your money and tell you anything you want to hear — even inscribe your name on the COMPLETED building as if you helped “make it happen.”
The big selling point is not “we need to build a building” but “you can still buy some status if you buy now!”
Crass is hardly an adequate description.
This will be engraved on the headstone of Scientology Inc.
From: Ayla Munoz <[email protected]>
Date: 2013/11/9
Subject: Opening and Last chance to be Cornerstone!
Dear All,
I know you have been receiving all my emails and have been keeping track!
So as one of my LAST emails regarding Super Power, you know the Grand opening and events will be on the 15th, 16th and 17th and then there will be a Cornerstone Banquet a few days after the 17th!
The LAST day to get your Name engraved in the building (as one of the Cornerstone benefits) is on the 11th of November, this is MONDAY!
And the LAST day to do a Cornerstone Membership will be until the 15th!!!!!
You can contact me on my email or my cell phone:
Thank you again for all you have already done, this moment will only happen once in this universe and I cant wait to see you all there!!!
P.S. All Cornerstone Members ready to route onto Super Power (meaning objectives and Purif fully done) can start their onto Super Power routing forms on the 18th of November!!!
Will they be selling collectible toilet paper with little Daveys self portrait on each square too?
What wont these maniacs do for money.
So what do we think, TC introduces the midget at the ceremony if it is suuch a big deal?
Wow. Unbelievably, they see no need to provide any explanation as to why they “need” you to donate to a project that has already achieved its stated purpose before this plea for money was written.
What is the “donation” needed for? Don’t ask questions! Just hand over the money!
I’d love to see it as a KMart or better yet, a huge, luxurious, over-the-top glitzy Hotel and Casino with top entertainers, showgirls, bars, VIP lounges, designer boutiques, lavish restaurants, just the works, attracting tourists from all over, to rival or surpass anything in Vegas or Atlantic City. I want Donald Trump to buy the Super Power Building. Its right up his alley.
Of course, I don’t live in Clearwater so I have no idea how the actual residents would cotton to this usage so please, people – no insult intended.
I just think it would be supremely ironic for this building to some day soon be very profitable and well known, for its businesses housed within to be making money hand over fist while at the same time creating a ton of jobs, paying property and business taxes and otherwise supporting and revitalizing the town of Clearwater.
I would be embarrassed to see my name engraved on that useless, monstrous, decadent building.
Knowing middle-class America, anyone who sees that building will NOT be impressed. They will see it as phony and superficial, which it is. Of course, DM “could care less” about us regular folks. He’ll just call us “middle-class PTS” and demand our worship. Of Him.
I hate to repeat myself, but this flagrant use of exclamation points is really getting on my last nerve.
Multiple ex”clam”ation points do not make your letters sound tone 40. They make them sound like they were written by a preteen who is too verbose for twitter.
Awesome post, BTN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes I want to be a cornerstone member
and spray paint my name across the side of the SP building facing CW City Hall
with a portrait of my favorite member !!!!!!!!!
It is abundantly clear that the Church of Scientology has indeed become a far different church than the majority of its members bargained for. The incredible viscousness and ferocity of the fundraising and the consequent growing dissent inside the church begs the following question: What will happen if/when the orgs begin to split off, not just country by country, but org by org?
The Episcopal Church has been recently shaken by such split-offs and several courts have ruled that the split-offs own the properties, (these and other similar cases will probably end up soon before the US Supreme Court). No matter how silent and acquiescent the leaders/whales/parishioners of the CoS have been, at some point in the near future, it is going to dawn on them that the church is doing things they can no longer ignore. You can bet that when this happens, there will be split-offs, and if there are split-offs, the question of which church owns the property will be paramount.
This is likely the reason that local parishioners who have raised the money do not own the org building. The ownership of the org building gets transferred to “Int Management” (the Landlord Office?). Whether this will hold up remains to be seen.
What would Ron do if he received that
Return it as dev-t comm.
“And the LAST day to do a Cornerstone Membership will be until the 15th!!!!!”
Anyway, say what you like, but this stuff is getting harder to parody, every day
After a few days of getting blown away by the Impressive Persons from SA and the Middle East comes cornerstone. Ironically even the bible states–Jesus is the cornerstone of a faith rather than a building. How many houses, boats, whores, or toys does Dave and his lawyers/backers/financiers need?
I see him as a manic Puyi, the last Emperor of China who became a poor gardener. Wandering LA as his neuron channels melt with age. Hawking pencils and balloons telling whoever will listen how someday he will crush the supressive persons that caused his downfall.
The roof at my local Church has been leaking – NO ONE has asked for a penny for its repair. No one has had to – there were plenty enough volunteers chipping in to fix it. What a contrast.
Ummmm . . . “this moment will only happen once in this universe.” As opposed to what? “Groundhog Day”?
Congratulations Cornerstone Members! You are hereby awared the Honor Status of “Biggus Dickus Meritorious”; almost as high as the Honor Status of “Conned Contributor Supremus Warrior Centurion with Diamond Platinum Honors”. You will be pleased to know that you have been conned out of all your money and have thus earned the right to re-do your purif and objectives for the third time.
UPS again! Forgot I´m not allowed to ask.
Exactly what is David Miscavige´s status in the IAS, the SP Building, the Idle Orgs and whatever else projects one can donate to? One would think that the greatest ecclesiastical leader in the world…ups…the universe…would be eager to set a good example to his millions of parishioners across the planet. Especially considering the fact that his pay plus all the benefits is far above most of his parishioners.
Just asking…
Fun Fact: Did you know that it’s against the law to bulk text people without their express permission? Just like on the internet, it’s best to have a double opt-in option for e-mailings because that company has to PROVE that you specifically asked to be put on that list or the company can be shut down for spamming.
The rules for texting are even more strict. If a company can’t prove that a person ASKED TO HAVE BULK TEXTS SENT TO THEM, the company may have to pay as much as $11,000 PER TEXT PER PERSON. So keep in mind, if you’re annoyed by getting these messages, you CAN do something about it.
This is the text message that Ayla’s been sending out in addition to her email spamming. Keep in mind that this took 5 texts to send so, if someone is paying for texts, it costs them money too.
“Will you be coming to the GAT release on the 23 and 24th? Will you be bringing anyone?
Also, the deadline for ANYONE to become a Cornerstone Member or buy another Cornerstone for a spouse or family will be by the 14th of November latest!!!
What U have been waiting for!!! Here it is: The Grand Opening and release of Super Power will be on the 15th, 16th, and 17th of November!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ML, Ayla”
Then, later in the day:
“What u have been waiting for!!! Here it is: The Grand Opening and release of Super Power will be on the 15th, 16th, and 17th of November!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Think she gets paid a bonus commission for every extra exclamation point she uses? 😉
If you feel like complaining about the bulk texting, please go to this URL: http://www.fcc.gov/guides/spam-unwanted-text-messages-and-email
We now return you to your regularly scheduled Independent viewpoint sharing.
We interrupt this message of total bankruptcy…I mean total freedom for a special announcement.
If you haven’t voted for Leah Remini and Tony yet on Dancing with the Stars, please do so now. You East Coast folks may not be able to but you can try. Keep making this call until the message says, “You have reached your limit.” You should be able to do about 7 calls.
Thanks for supporting Leah, since she’s supporting us by leaving and being very vocal about it. Go Leah!! Call this number to vote: 8008683411 800 868 9411
Long done with this money-cult.
Whew. Ok. I got a little freaked out because it’s my stable datum as a Church member that I must give all money that I have, will have, might have or that I can borrow, get or steal, and that it is immediately needed to save the world. I am even more honored to learn that my donations will go directly to benefit our dear leader Miscavige. Praise be to COB.
They will put your name on a scrolling message board in the corner of the lobby. Every morning some SO will check the Daily Declares List and remove the names of any newly minted SPs and add the names of anyone who gave over $1000 to the Retroactive TimeShift Cornerstone Program. Their names will stay up for one month, at which time they will either become a Cornerstone Lifetime Monthly Subscription Member, or be declared. Their accounts will be debited automatically until they are declared. And after, until they figure out how to get their bank to stop the subscription.
I hope Luis Garcia and attorney’s make the Church of Scientology account for every dime they have fleeced out of the unsuspecting sheep!
+ 1
Absolutely – and on that score, if the Garcia’s names are not on the plaque (or whatever it is they are putting up) I hope the Garcia’s attorneys point out the fact that the RCS will not give them their money back because it was an “irrevocable” donation, BUT they also will not acknowledge it publicly. Let a judge or jury hear that bit of duplicity and see what it gets them,.
they’re such nice people. makes a person want to run right out and join them.
anyone have any stats on how the NOI is impacting them? is it bringing in any new members and money to speak of?
like as if you wanted to give them money on the 18th they would turn it down.
next week you’ll be able to spray paint your name on the wall as a “Graffiti Meritorious”.
only 50k while walls last.
They’re not going to carve their names in stone. I mean, at any moment any of them could be declared Suppressive for any reason whatsoever. Then what do you do???
Seattle Org handled this little problem brilliantly.
The promise to the public? Brass plates of all of the Idle Org contributors names on a beautiful board at Reception, as grateful acknowledgement for the public’s personal sacrifices (2nd mortgages, 3rd mortgages, retirement funds, kids education funds, inheritances, 401K’s, etc. ) What team players!
Seattle Org kept it’s promise by putting up a board (not in reception) with “label it” stickers, so that anyone’s name could be ripped right off of that puppy, once Scn discovered what scumbags the public really were, and then the person and their contribution never existed.
Cool, hmm?
Wow what a brilliant (please note the sarcasm) handling Bonny!
Problem is that Laurie already promised to engrave their Fat Cat Pointy Headed Cornerstone Contributors in stone which as I remember rightly caused a bit of embarrassment a while back when the LMT (Lisa McPherson Trust) bought a corner stone.
I mean those idiots will take money from anybody!
Guess they were forced to put it in some hidden corner right next one from their friends at the WFMH or something.
Who knows?
Since we were having a discussion about truth a while back.
What you say about this whole superpower thing is soooo true.
From the beginning its been all about status with this whole Cornerstone Member thing.
Brings back the nausea I originally felt when Miscavige announced it on the stage at the Universal Amp.
( I mean I wanted to leave right then but some moron in the row behind us had his knee on my pony tail.
Talk about being a captive audience!
If you get your name engraved, and then get declared an SP: do they remove your name? If they do: can you sue them and have your name put up again (for the lulz) or get a refund?
They will remove your name and you’ll have to pay for that too. 🙂
I think Tony and Mary-Joe DePhillips can attest to the fact that you get Declared and they eradicate your engraved names from the donor plaque in the lobby.
They actually remove the engraved names, I’ve witnessed this occurring.
JTFA, you read my mind. I’m thinking that surely the placques must be removable. I would also at some point, appreciate someone’s take on the refundability of IAS memberships for those declared, with or without goldenrod who had Lifetime memberships and beyond.
This is sleazy. Sleazy is the only word that comes up for me. Unbelievable. The building is finally built 15 years later… and they have already collected way more than they need for funding it… however they are going to stamp your name on the concrete in front as long as you let them trick you into mortgaging your house and giving them all your money.
That list of people on the side of that building will be The Hall of Shame…. Shame that they were too unwilling to confront what is REALLY going on. Shame that they cowed in front of an itty-bitty tyrant wearing high heels. Shame that they perpetrated this fraud on so many. Shame that they helped destroy the LRH tech. Shame that the Co$ has destroyed so many lives. I’m so glad that I did not donate anything to the Wall of Shame.
Nicely said. +1
Very true – the whole building is a monument to shame.
The whole building is a monument to Davey’s ego.
“… then there will be a Cornerstone Banquet a few days after the 17th!”
So, you buy a corner of a construction stone and maybe get a meal out of the deal?
the moment i took to type this comment will only happen once in this universe!
if you missed it you can still donate to the WhiteStar “give me money” fund.
That organization is just flat out disgusting.
Oh well….I am sure they will figure out a way to keep taking the money with “retroactive special Cornerstone memberships” sold as long as they can find a sucker to bleed.
You’ve all heard the saying that “there’s a sucker born every minute.” In Scientology, your “suckership” is renewed second by second. Each time a person is suckered into flushing their money down the toilet, they become more “suckerized” and are easier to sucker the NEXT time. This is the REAL reason any thinking Scientologist is smoked out and declared. Anyone who is even partially awake needs to be removed from the suckers’ area so that the sucker is not woken up at all and so that the “sukerizing” can continue and the mind control and money siphoning can go on without “counter intention” from the non zombie-ized.
Very good that Joe – had me laughing. You got it in a nutshell! Anyone who would question this “approach” is either long gone of his/her own accord or were removed. Still, we’re still there like you and hopefully those “under the radar” may read what you wrote and wake up. I’m still laughing – very good!
Funny and true, Joe.
As soon as I communicated in writing in a conservative tone level that I was completely done with the IAS and done with Ideal Org fundraising, I was dropped, very quietly, without a word. The silence was deafening! It was so obvious that they didn’t want me around, yet there was nothing they could grab onto to make me wrong no nastiness, no entheta, no make wrong; I just said what I had to say clearly, politely and firmly. It took several detailed emails before the invitations stopped. In fact, all comm from my org stopped. The silence told me all I needed to know. The equation goes like this:
No More Ideal Org Donations + No More IAS Donations = NO MORE RCS.
For anyone lurking here who wants to withdraw without making waives, I recommend this strategy. Just make sure you keep your “refusal to donate” comm in writing with no make-wrong or anything that could be construed as “entheta” in it, no matter how many of your button are pressed, no matter how pissed off, or in grief you are. I found the conservative tone level to be very effective as there was nothing “sticking out” for them to “hang” onto so that they could “handle” me.
All they got from me was cool, detailed, collected comm wherein I acknowledged full responsibility for all I had donated to date, with the equally firm decision to do no more of it, with no justifications, no reasons why, no hint of being a victim.
No one ever answered me. Their utter silence told me that regging for Idea Orgs and for the IAS ARE the principal activities of orgs today.
I guess making sense isn’t a requirement for demanding money…
“The LAST day to get your Name engraved in the building (as one of the Cornerstone benefits) is on the 11th of November, this is MONDAY!
And the LAST day to do a Cornerstone Membership will be until the 15th!!!!!”
That said, it should be mentioned that if you’re absolutely desperate to mortgage your house again, pawn your wedding ring and hold a garage sale/bake sale for Dave, your money for the Super Power project will most certainly be accepted after the 15th and we’ll come up with some sort of status that appropriately acknowledges your dedicated idiocy.
What is with all the bad grammer? “…can start their onto Super Power routing forms…”
Elementary school kids write better than these fools! And, the start of Super Power entails REDOING your Objectives and Purif! Are you telling me HE discovered everyone had done them wrong the first time around? Because he wasn’t in charge then?
Down the rabbit hole they go…
“The LAST day to get your Name engraved in the building…”
Of course they neglect to mention the “fine print,” which states, “but don’t anything HE disapproves of, or your name will be unceremoniously removed as a symbol of your secret SP declare.”
In the long run, only HIS name will be etched on every stone since HE is, of course, the only one who ever did anything worthwhile at any time in the past, present or future.
That’s it. I’m going to bed.
Good night Dan…zzzzzz
I’m so ELATED and EXCITED to find out it’s not too late to get my Cornerstone! Since a cornerstone is “a stone that forms the base of a corner of a building, joining two walls,” and the building is already built, I was sooooooooooooo worried it was too late. Really, they’ll still take my money???? HOW EXCITING.
Hi Madora, Anita Warren here, remember me??
And responding to the blog here, I would love to be a fly on the wall at this event….. OMG
Poor staff. Superpower was intended for them.
Yes and worry not THEY will never get it either.
Whoa, Mike— your tipster deserves a week off, just for daring to handle that one. I’m surprised Ayla Munoz’s keyboard didn’t melt while she was typing it.
“Thank you again for all you have already done, this moment will only happen once in this universe and I cant wait to see you all there!!!”
This is like The Perfect Miscavigite Sentence. It contains in one short span
1 comma splice
1 missing apostrophe
3 exclamation marks
and a magnitude of hyperbole (“once in this universe”) so vast that its exact dimensions cannot be mapped in 4-dimensional spacetime
All this, when what we’re actually talking about is getting your name carved on a brick.
Richard, Richard, Richard, oh dear, you’ve let yourself down again. How many times is it now? Tut, it’s not about a brick, it’s about your commitment to CoB’s future work. I think it’s payback time, don’t you? After all the Abdullah of Mecca, the Pope of Hemet himself has done for us, we should show a little in return? CoB understands only too well how difficult it is for you, and everyone else at this time. Don’t think it hasn’t been difficult for Him, agonising over the whole wretched future of mankind.
Report tomorrow to your MAA and Reg team, and we’ll forget all about this, OK?
Poet, I just got back from the Ideal Beach Store. All the farmers hanging out down there (who have time on their hands this time of year, and seem to be spending it updating their LinkedIn listings) were abuzz about your latest project.
“What’s this I’m readin about your pal Poet13c?” one of them accosted me. “Working on some project called ‘The Passion of the Cob’? What’s that whippersnapper know about corn?”
“No, no,” I said, sensing some confusion here. “It’s ‘The Passion of the COB’. That’s C.O.B.”
The old fellow gave me a sour look. “I know how ta spell it. Best keep that orange cap on. It’s huntin season.”
I can sense a double-act coming on…
Please watch on full screen
Thanks, Cat Daddy. I don’t normally go for this kind of stuff, but even I, who eats live bats for breakfast, kills black bears one-handed for lunch, and wipes out whole armies of aliens, predators, werewolves, crazy chicks and zombies with my raised eyebrow techniques at tea-time, I have to admit to being moved by Leah’s routine. What man can’t see that and be touched? Yup, that’s a real woman I’d want to wake up with every day.
Okay, have to leave you now, the missus says she wants to have a word…
I just be myself and alsoo normally do not watch this sort of thing. But Thanks !!
Hey Poet, love that stuff! and kudos for “keepin it real”. Everyone has a perspective, it’s just that some of them are a little more interesting than others. Really love yours.
OMG, Ayla, thank you, thank you, thank you.
I definitely want to pay in to have my 2 cats be cornerstone members!
I want their eternity in good hands….
You can bet your bottom dollar they will be regging for the funeral and an Ideal Granite Headstone Phase II paid ten times overs.
I rather suspect the queue of people eager to get their fraudulently taken money back will be considerable longer than the queue to pay for a building that is complete and has been paid for at least twice over. Which reminds me, the Garcia’s suit appears to be in stormy waters just now. Anything anybody can do to help their cause I am sure would be massively appreciated even if it’s only a supportive FB message or something.
Wow! I can’t believe this! It is truly the frog in the pot! They keep turning up the heat oblivious to all Scientologist! – C.R.
Your last chance, however, if you pay on the 15th you lost your chance of your name being engraved as the last day to do this is today…quite something. Their greed hasn’t ended yet I suppose.
I wonder what Charmain Rogers and others will be regging for after this…oh, I just remember, the auditorium next to the ‘mecca building’ or maybe even for new floors, or flowers, or whatever…I am sure their diabolical minds will figure out something to keep ripping off the parishioners, sorry, the blind sheep.
Realy Impressive Propaganda RIP
How does an awareness of awareness unit actually fall for this scam?
LRH must be turning in his grave, spinning actually.
Enough madness? Enough?
This gives me a lot of anxiety. What will I do with money after the 15th?
Worry not, Chris. There will be the farewell present to DM. He’s done everything for us and now he’s moving to Over The Moon. A select few will accompany him, and of course, he’s going to need a few expenses. Give like you’ve never given before!
Such outrageous CRAP!!!!!!!
What about the Joburg 18 guy who was a triple conerstone member.
Once they have your money it’s still not enough
Tell the buzzards to eat shit and bark at the Moon.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow. Little Napoleon must be desperate for money.
I can hardly imagine how pissed off I would be if I had waited in anticipation of doing Super Power rundowns only to be told that I must redo purif and objectives first. Good thing I never had any interest in that anyway.