They are really getting desperate for people to show up at events.
Now they are using something Hubbard said in 1957 about Congresses as if it is somehow speaking about “Int Events.”
Two things:
1. Int events are NOT Congresses. Nothing like a Congress in fact.
2. I guess whoever sent out this promotional piece is unaware that Hubbard CANCELLED Congresses, stating they “crashed stats” as everyone went off into preparing for, calling in and attending the Congresses and they forgot about training and auditing. As Hubbard would say, they were canceled with an atomic branding iron….
They are hyping this event beyond what they usually do, which is difficult to comprehend. Though Hubbard obviously had no problem with hype — as his last sentence makes abundantly clear.
And though this is supposed to be the most important and yugest event since Jesus Christ wore sandals, they are still holding it at Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater. Miscavige in person cannot draw more than 2200 people in the largest concentration of scientologists on earth? Dave, Lady Gaga had 15,000 at the Amelie Arena in Tampa. The Lightning get that many most games. The Bucs twice that at Raymond James stadium and they really suck. You could hold your events in either of these venues or many others in the Tampa Bay area that accommodate more than 2200.
And in Los Angeles, this monumentally magnificent, watershed, epic event is being held on L. Ron Hubbard way on rented metal folding chairs. Nobody could even spring for the Kodak Theater, let alone the Shrine Auditorium (where this event used to be held every year).
Desperate times call for desperate measures. It really is desperate to pull out this old quote and pretend it has anything to do with showing up for a video of Dave Miscavige telling lies to the accompaniment of loud crashing music and CGI videos.
I thought that for the fun of it, it might be worth remembering what Hubbard actually said about the sort of fundraising circus these events have largely become, in HCO PL Org Ethics and Tech:
“If the org slumps… don’t engage in ‘fund-raising’ or ‘selling postcards’ or borrowing money. Just make more income with Scientology. It’s a sign of very poor management to seek extraordinary solutions for finance outside Scientology. It has always failed. For orgs as for pcs, ‘Solve It With Scientology’. Every time I myself have sought to solve financial or personnel in other ways than Scientology I have lost out. So I can tell you from experience that org solvency lies in more Scientology, not patented combs or fund-raising barbeques.”
Of course Peacemaker but so what? Hubtard never made orgs that were viable. HE was a VERY poor manager. ALL Org’s were in a perpetual slump as it was IMPOSSIBLE to make enough money using scamology to keep them afloat.
See this: We can all relax. LRH is back.. and OT 9 is available and SNAP I tell ya! omg.. say this guy isn’t for real.
If this guy is a reincarnation of L Ron Hubbard, then I must be his side-kick Brother 12. Come on, seriously?! (See Expedition Unknown’s latest episode regarding the cult of Brother 12)
This is a secret, so don’t tell anyone.
But the big reveal is that they are giving out . . . . . . A COB BOBBLEHEAD.
Be one of the first 2,000 to show up and you can have* one.
* A small charge of $ 5.95 plus S+H will be added to your account. (Total fee is $1005.95 unless you request that Michael Chan did the handling, then the total fee is $2005.95). Payment must be received before you will be allowed to leave.
This is great!
When you mentioned the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey team, it really puts the membership of scientology into perspective…
The amount of people who attend an NHL hockey game is roughly the same number of active scientologist in the ENTIRE WORLD.
That really shows scientology for what it is… a failed “religion”. And I couldn’t be happier.
Mike, Hello! Great work, and a question if you will. I am not, nor ever was, a Scientologist. Spiritual yes. I have always been aghast at these sort of cult-like bullying entities. In particular when they work, to the tune of millions of dollars, and put little men like this in a power/abuse of power dictatorship position. So great work to you and Leah on your actual aid in dismantling such an entity, salut’.
Now in relation to this posting of your here’s my question to you. As you probably know the church had a nice office, not really for the public, where I currently live in Dublin Ireland. Last year they acquired a building, that the locals said should have been a real school instead, in Firhouse Ireland. And amazing lovely building, decked to the 9s, lovely study rooms, pulpits, you name it. Here’s the thing… there are only 87 Scientologists in ALL of Ireland. 250 people came to the opening, one being David himself who gave a speech. I heard about it days after it happened, no fanfare or ads that I heard of. They flew in 250 people from the UK to have the opening. This article asks the same thing I now, finally, ask you. In your opine is this them trying to get ready to hide all their cash, looks European, something, as they fear they might lose religious tax free status vis the IRS due to all the blatant crimes they have committed?
Also, on a side note, they are hiding their identity trying to infiltrate schools here with (seemingly well done) historic material. I thought you’d like this. too.
Jimmy — thanks for your participation here.
As to your question: is this them trying to get ready to hide all their cash, looks European, something, as they fear they might lose religious tax free status vis the IRS due to all the blatant crimes they have committed?
I think your guess is as good as any. I have NO IDEA why invest so much money in Ireland.
I had two additional thoughts to yours:
1. Tom Cruise is shooting a movie there in the near future
2. Scientology used to bank in Ireland. I don’t know if they had money there that they could not get out of the country, and so decided to invest it in real estate. It’s why they bought those silly buildings in Zimbabwe and the “AO” for Africa. Money stuck in exchange control they may never have been able to transfer.
The investment in Ireland is absurd. There are few scientologists there. The press is uniformly terrible. There are bad court decisions. And the Mission there has been operating in the red for years.
If someone was going to pick a country in which to open and org where there is no demand for it and try to “reach into the community” I can think of a lot better places to invest time and effort than Ireland. Like India or Brazil.
Jimmy, I’ve seen quite a few theories forwarded – and I suspect that, as with many things, there may often be multiple factors at work. Among the more plausible other ones I’ve seen are:
* Having a backup for certain financial purposes, after Brexit
* Having a backup, in case Scientology loses its tax exemption in the UK
To speculate, I’ve also started to wonder if some of the “ideal” orgs now being build with outside money, rather than local members’ fundraising, might not be sort of “hush money” for wealth Scientology members including celebrities who don’t want to be publicly identified with the organization – the could be paying for an org (which makes Scientology and Miscavige look good, and total assets go up) in exchange for being allowed to forego endorsements and public appearances. Tom Cruise has been surprising silent about Scientology lately, as well as absent from events, and he has expressed a fondness for Ireland….
It is truly stunning how Scientology continues with the Big Lie or one ought to say a series of Big Lies.
Aquaman55, what I find stunning is not only that the cult continues to lie and lie, because, after all, that’s what criminals do. Its the Still Ins that amaze me. That ANYONE with half a brain paying even half-way attention, observing with even the most disinterested casualness the cult, year in, year out, decade in, decade out – that anyone, doing this, could fail to see the truth, that anyone could FOR REAL accept the cult’s lies as truth, is to me, stunning.
And I’m thinking that, out of the Still Ins, the ones who are NOT UTR, who are NOT merely pretending to go along for their own reasons and otherwise ONTO the cult’s lies – leaving them out of the equation, what remains after the UTRs the ones who are still in after decades, the ones who truly believe the cult’s lies, well, its possible they’re just mental, that’s all.
Its possible that if they were not in THIS cult they’d be in some OTHER cult,or, they would be being abused and betrayed by some other group, or under the total domination of another person.
Its possible that some people LIKE being slaves and may even NEED to be. I’m not being funny.
A slave prone type is a great risk to have around. It can be seemingly fine and very convenient while they are YOUR slave. But appearances to the contrary, there’s really NO ONE THERE.
Such people do not have a “seff” Their “unselfishness” is not truly that. What LOOKS like unselfishness is that YOU, as their current “owner” are their “self”. But someone else can force them away from you, someone else can take them over. Such a person will break your heart, leave you, and give you the BEST reasons why! “No choice!”…”Had to do it!”…Oh, you will feel SO sympathetic!
The REAL reason your slave leaves is, you just might have begun to INSIST that he or she NOT BE A SLAVE ANYMORE. Because that’s when your heretofore devoted slave goes right out and finds another master. Or mistress. See, YOU didn’t actually KNOW that you had a slave. You thought you had an self determined being there who was just completely loyal and devoted to you. W
A great lesson in this:
“Its possible that some people LIKE being slaves and may even NEED to be. I’m not being funny.”
Biblically – Hebrews come out of Egypt but only want to go back.
Of course in my situation – it was taught sanity was egypt and their brand of codependence was freedom.
I totally see this.
Aqua, re like being slaves. close to 60 years ago I unknowingly began dating one of those. Took me a bit to spot it but I finally did and moved her out. She kept calling for months!
You broke up with her, she called you for months, obsessed with you. Presumably until someone else agreed to take over the controls and “buy” her metaphorically speaking. Great that you spotted it.
What I have found, is that the more wrong people are, the more invested they are in the possition, the harder it is for them to change.
Up to the point that they will almost physically attack you if confronted with a viewpoint incompatible with theirs. The more vulnerable they feel, the greater their denial of your reality.
Even if what you propose is backed by logic, reason, and evidence.
Wow. Totally true. And the more logic, reason and evidence you present, the more furious they get, Not much you can do with people like this except “get it”, don’t agree but don’t resist, and let them be until, hopefully, one day, they come to their senses.
So they’re advertising an hours-long speech and presentation that most members will have to watch on video, using references to old live multi-session, multi-day events and personal interaction?
I find the use of the old quotes that they are pulling out these days to be really bizarre, because they often seem to be reminders of how different Scientology is now compared to what it once was that originally attracted people (for what that is even worth). Are management and PR staff blind to that – and do members notice?
“you’re a lot less only one after a congress”….what the hell does that mean? Is it a typo or did they leave out a word, or is it scientology speak that I don’t understand?….I was a proofreader for a living for several years, and it seems to me there is a lot of lousy writing and editing lately. Any comments? Maybe it’s just a secret sentence that is not for Wogs. Also, I got a response from A & E :
Thank you for your interest in A&E.
The official air date has not been announced yet, however when it is, that information will be available on our website for our fans, so please check back often.
Kind regards,
A&E Support
I wrote back and asked specifically if that means there is another season coming but they just don’t know when….will let you now their response if I hear back….. I can’t tell if this is a canned response. But saying “an official air date has not been announced yet” sounds like there is another season coming…..Mike…???? We would all love to know what is going on!
I’m glad I’m not the only one who read that sentence and was totally confused! WTH? What gibberish! Hopefully lots of people will not show up citing excuses like unclogging their drains or picking dried food off of plates at home….hee hee
I did a double take, because it’s awkwardly worded, but I did understand it. Hubbard was saying that you usually feel as if you are “only one” person, and you feel less that way after a congress.
He clearly loved to misuse language in a way that he expected to become standard among Scientologists, and this example is a rather mild example compared to stuff like the beingness, havingness, knowingness bullcrap. To former Scientologists: heads up, those are not words in the English language. You could make an argument for “beingness” in contexts of Buddhism, but not the way Hubbard used it. It was all just part of his thought control.
Or getting a root canal.
I got a root canal – it was much more pleasant, and it cost a helluva lot less.
One evening, in the not-so-distant future, our lil davey will sit down in his height-enhancing chair in his room full of height-enhancing furniture, with a drink and whomever he can convince to be his right hand, which might actually be his right hand. Together he and the right hand will celebrate a certain birthday, just the two of them, sipping 30-year-old Scotch while laughing at replays of the steamiest confessional audits of Tom Cruise and John Travolta. (No, fool, not the Kirstie Alley audits, put those away, yuck and double yuck!)
Ahhhh, but isn’t the height of success sweet? Who would have thought of the heights attainable by dropping out of the eighth grade and joining a cult with short lecturns? Here we go, higher and higher, to the heights of everything, 47x and straight up vertical verticality. Think I’ll change my name to Davy High, how does that sound? Davey Tall? Davey Big ‘un – that’s Blackfoot Indian, right? Big Dave, that’s what I’ll make them call me, Big Dave.
Big Dave, Sir.
Sounds great. Yep, I’ll get the lawyers on it tomorrow. Whoa, this is a good part, did you hear what TC just said about his wife? Lemme rewind that part again. Whadaya mean, which wife? Who cares? It’s hot stuff, I tell ya, hot, besides, the wives were all babes, right? Tall babes, too, heh heh. Heh.
David Miscavige has the education of Jethro Bodine of the Beverly Hillbillies, that is true.
I wonder what real damage he could have done to humanity had he actually had an advanced education and a mind that was trained to think rationally and logically? His malevolence would not have been eradicated, of this I am sure. But he might have been a far more sophisticated version of his current infantile self.
We should all thank the universe that the little demonic cretin is so transparent.
Wow they are so off the mark and so ridiculous! As a child in the 60’s I remember my parents going to the Congresses (which were not often) in South Africa – it was like going a ball, everyone was dressed to the hilt BUT it was because of new tech. Yes LRH cancelled them as being unproductive and events thereafter were nothing what they are like today, more like a big party or at least an excuse to have a party. In my talk with Aaron Smith Levin (on Saturday on his YouTube channel) I actually talked about this, how LRH actually hated events and felt they were not needed. What they have become is a disaster for scn……..and then to bring out something from 1957 as though this was his intention is desperation………..they are a failure.
Thank Zenu for as effective a leader as David Miscavige
Fantastic. Maybe next year they can fit the entire crowd into a pool cabana at the Fort Harrison Hotel!
I hope it gets to the point where they have it in one of the bathrooms.
Right on bathroom events, OSD, closer to the porcelain gods will save people from throwing up in their mouths.
So distasteful.
How about in the sauna? A Sauna Event. Lost Tech, don’tcha know. Events the way LRH “always wanted”.
The time is now.
As I was reading this, my wife, a never-in, fielded yet another call from someone purporting to be a long-lost friend inviting me to the big event on March 10th. OMG, It’s been almost 38 years since I had ANY connection to that insanity, and 20 since I answered one of their calls, personally. Thank Zenu for caller ID. Best I can figure, some OSA drone noticed me posting(I’m not one to hide… The above IS my name.) and looked in the book, or my old (1975) personnel file; The number here hasn’t changed since we got 7-digit phone numbers, about 60 years ago.
I got lucky somewhere along the line and they actually stopped sending anything to me. Clean air again! 🙂
Being completely serious (and curious):
What do you think David Miscaviage’s day is like?
Does he work long hours? Does he run Product Conferences? Staff Meetings?
On Thursday does he hole himself up in an office and wait for the international graphs to do a Stat Analysis?
I see he travels to openings but otherwise where does he actually “live”?
Does he go out and party with the scientology celebrities and whales? If so, does he bring his assistant and body guards?
I’m sincerely curious about this.
Yo Foolproof,
Would you kindly tell Sarita how Dave’s daily routine works out. I mean aside from RB you’re the next closest bot to the great short guy so clue us in good buddy.
Newcomer – Foolproof is only here on Saturday’s, the day he gets to vent.
Ok. What is his day like. Well, many times he’ll jump up on a table before he launches himself onto a member and beat the shit out of him.
Yes, he does travel to near and far on a private jet. Nothing’s to good for the dwarf.
Does he work long hours? Well, after drinking all night, he gets out of bed at the crack of noon.
Does he party? Yep, like it’s 1999.
Does he have bodyguards! Is the Pope Catholic?
I hope this helps, Sarita.
Maybe He spends a lot of time reading this blog? And Tony’s? Kind of tickles me to entertain this possibility.
It tickles me too. My personal opinion is this. We know for sure OSA reads various sites because things have shown up in court cases. I also think Davey has a totally private phone, tablet and/or laptop that he uses just for reading what people are saying about him. He seems like such a narcissist that he just would not be able to help himself. I picture him alone, in bed, drinking his expensive whisky and getting angry at all the jokes at his expense. Hope he has self doubt and despair at times too. People like him hate criticism. Especially when they know it’s right. He knows he is a liar after all.
Frodis, I get your picture, I’m seeing it!
Total narcissist, obsessed with what people are saying about him!
And, your reading your post gave me another idea/possibility:
Here’s a guy surrounded by Sea Org staff who are terrified of him. Then, he has his lawyers, who are, if not terrified, at least quite deferential and careful, because of course they have to get along with their Cash Cow. And then there’s Lou who knows she could be RPF in the twinkling of an eye if she displeases him. “And Then There Is Me” aka Cruise kisses his ass.
Now, I would say that this is all – kind of boring? For Miscavige. No kidding – boring, in the extreme.
Because, WHO around him is ever real. Who around him ever says what he or she REALLY thinks?
Of course, Miscavige has set things up to be this way, with everyone afraid of him and/or utterly dependent upon him financially or whatever.
But I’d think there has to be a definite HOLE in his life if you’ll pardon the pun, in NOT having at least ONE person close to him who can every so often tell him where to get off.
Thus, he comes HERE! And to Tony’s. In his heart of hearts, out of a fundamental craving for a bit of TRUTH. Even if it infuriates him.
Just a theory 🙂
I understand he jumps up on a table so he can hit someone at eye to eye level.
ROTFLMFAO!!! Outstanding post!
Sarita, what do you think he does all day? He seeks out and reveals all the SPs! They are everywhere!
Mike, this is what the modern CofS does(aw, I used a semicolon!); they take an LRH quote about one thing and use it to justify something totally different. Look at all the HASI quotes used to promote the IAS! You’re right: an event is
NOT the same as a Congress in that at a Congress you learned about a new tech breakthrough whereas at an event you get to listen to Miscavige sling horseshit about stats being straight up and vertical. Since Miscavige can’t actually hold an LRH type Congress(as that would be out-LRH), he has to put on these horseshit slingers to boost his authority.
Alco – you need to route your butt to Qual to handle your usage of a semi-colon.
I picture this gigantic wall, with every useless sentence the twit Hubbard uttered.
Then, some little scientology fool comes forth, blindfolded, with a golden dart (the dart is emblazoned with all sorts of gaudy scientology emblematic bullshit). When the fool throws the dart, whatever sentence the dart hits, that is then used on the next scientology propaganda piece.
I should make a website that randomizes all of Hubbards ramblings to help those poor scientologists find a suitable quote for their next bullshit announcement.
I believe ALL who have been out for awhile are not just glad, but overJOYed. ’tis nice to contemplate the misuse we’re NOT experiencing anymore. Yes, it can be a little tough out here at times: Having to actually produce a real product that real people want and will pay for, for instance. It’s tough to believe I did that much mindless make-work for so long, for abusive bosses(other than Hana, of course.) and not only no pay, but sometimes paying for the privilege. Hard to believe I was that stupid and unaware.
Meanwhile Dwarfenführer is doing a respectable job dismantling that relic of the Cold War. GO, Davey, GO!
To: jere lull
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: being a cold war relic
I am not a cold war relic! And I am not dismantling anything! Our stats are and always will be 47x straight up and vertical!
Cold War relic! Sheesh!
learn to COMPREHEND what you’re reading, AlcoBoy/DwarfenFührer. SCN is the relic; wouldn’t have expanded as it briefly did without the Cold War for Tubby to play off of. most of his “success” was from referring to the fears many of us had then.
Just trying to add some humor to the blog. If my comment upset you in any way, please let me know. Seriously.
And you are right. Scientology is a cold war relic in many ways.It was and is more than LRH feeding off people’s fears of nuclear annihilation. Look at your average Central Files in any org. They’re still using manila folders and paper when other places do everything on computer. And all because of something LRH wrote in the 1950s.
“Hard to believe I was that stupid and unaware”.
Jere, you wanted to help. You wanted to help people AND you believed you WERE helping people. Truly helping people is actually fun, and even more rewarding to the helpER than the helpEE..
That’s not airy-fairy nonsense. TRULY helping people IS a win/win situation. When one person really helps another, everyone DOES win.
Another thought: one should not believe that a life wherein one helps others is de facto a life of self-immolation and self sacrifice.
What kind of sense does it make to help another while doing another in? The “another” being yourself?
See, that’s just stupid, and pointless. In order to be “unselfish” , a “self” has to exist in the first place!
But we were young. That desire to help is STRONG in the young. And we were innocent. That’s not stupidity. It IS unawareness, but its not stupidity.
But once this desire to help button is pressed in order to DEFRAUD us, to BETRAY us, to PUNISH us unjustly and unfairly, we become MORE aware that there ARE people and groups out there who will manipulate this (very good and pure) instinct that is in most of us.
We BECOME aware thru an experience like this. Beforehand, we don’t necessarily KNOW. We have to learn, that’s all.
Sadly, though, some NEVER learn, they just keep getting taken, again and again and again. These people are the “suckers” that PT Barnum referred to when he quipped that they should never get an even break. And he was right, in his cruel way, because suckers never learn and they’re too stupid to live, basically Someone or some group will ALWAYS be swindling them, betraying them, mis-using and abusing them. These people will always be SOMEONE’S slave, “traded” from owner to owner.
And then there are a some who get abused out their desire to help and then say, “I’ll never help anyone again” and that’s even sadder than the suckers who keep getting swindled. That’s tragic to observe in someone.
Happily, most of us take our lumps and learn from them and just continue to help as we can and get pleasure out helping as we can, but with eyes, forever after, wide open.
“What kind of sense does it make to help another while doing another in? The “another” being yourself?”
Thank you for this great post, Aqua.
You’re welcome, and in turn, thanks for reading it, Title!
Ditto, Title!!!
Typo City and bad grammar alert: Always happens when I’m emotional! Although Mike’s edit button surely helps keep back the jungle 🙂
I needed this.
Thank you.
Yes Aqua. Criminals like Hubtard prey upon the very best of society. (those who want to help and put those in need above themselves) That is what makes people like him SO disgusting and even more evil than they seem at first glance.
Wynski, I agree with you that there are no lower crimes than betraying people in the name of help, whether it be offering false help or tricking people by using their own honest desire to help for evil purposes.
Mike, you do understand that any important organization needs energy to run it and to expand. Money by Hubbards definition is energy so what’s wrong with asking for money.
That being said I would say the movie The Matrix is the closest example of how Scientology treats its member.
In both cases they feed off of their delusional, enslaved victims. Scientology has not figured out how tap into the electrical energy of its members yet. I know if they could they would.
See my response in jere’s comment below. I hit the wrong comment reply and it wound up down there.
What’s that German word for enjoying the misfortune of others? Well, Davey boy’s “fair game” for giggles. And they couldn’t even have his “Birthday event” on Tubby’s birthday? WTF!?
I believe the word you’re looking for is ‘schadenfreude ‘.
Yup, “schadenfreude”, confirmed by another Bunkerite and my wife, a literary genius.
Yes, “Schadenfreude” . . . I absolutely LOVE that word . . . It is pronounced “SHAH – den -froy – duh” . . .
I feel INTENSE schadenfreude, every time I hear about Scientology falling apart !
Dave F.
Dave – you used that word very well in a sentence, that’s a pass.
The problem, BK, is that Hubbard insisted that the person giving money to the CofS get something tangible in return, like books, training, auditing, and so forth. Miscavige, on the other hand, wants you to donate massive amounts of money to stupid stuff like building funds to build lavish org buildings, something LRH was totally opposed to.
(No, I’m Dutch! 🙂 )
I would love to live in Amsterdam. Been there once and loved the people.
OSD – tell the truth now, we won’t send you the ethics. Was it really the “people” you loved or the red light district and the pot smoking?
Dear Ms. P:
Please be advised that my client has no comment at this time.
Very truly yours,
Aquamarine Esq.
Attorney for OSD Enterprises
CC: Old Surfer Dude
Not for the ‘Red Light District’. But, definitely the cannabis!
OSD, let me handle this please:
“Ladies and gentlemen, once again my client vigorously denies any and all scurrilous charges of having even once visited, in Amsterdam, or, for that matter, in any country or city, a “Red Light District”.
My client is a man of high moral fiber who considers love’s physical expression a sacred act not to be engaged in lightly. The concept of remuneration for sexual services is deeply offensive to him. Besides, he is a Scotsman. Thank you, no further questions. Good night.”
The last Flag event I attended was the LRH Bday event exactly 4 years ago.
One thing I had noticed at events at
R E Hall,is that it seemed like more and more SO members attended. Like ,every 3-4 person was SO in a suit or gown.
I’m guessing when less and less people show up for events there are always more SO members to fill the seats.
AND, they no longer have the big tent in the parking lot for the overflow.
What is an SO? I couldn’t find it on the web
SO, stands for Sea Org, the Scientology staff ,that sign a billion year contract.
Maybe you’re seeing the results of all your hard work.
Scientology events are not entertainment, nor educational. They are a cross between elaborate bragging about insignificant events and fictitious achievements and fundraising. Unless you are new, dead broke or extremely influential, you stay away.
Yes on all, RK, and I think you just planted a seed for some future lyrics…
Why aren’t the big celebriity scientologists publicly supporting these events? Haven’t heard anything about Tom Cruise in connection with scientology in a while. Could he be worried about his public perception in light of the growing exposure of mass fraud and abuses?
I think you’re on the money with that as regards TC, Jly.
Tommie spends a lot of money on his own PR and I believe his employees or counselors, NOT in scio themselves, have been begging him to keep his big mouth shut. He’s also keeping out of the limelight generally and has not yet visited his multi million dollar condo cum parking garage in Clearwater. That sort of gives you an idea of the job being done on exposing the truth of scio.
As well, his Box Office returns have not been very good, especially in the US and he is continually getting “killed” on the internet. That he has also not visited his young daughter for years doesn’t sit well with many. Very much a failed family man. And money TRULY doesn’t make up for that!
Too important and way too busy to visit his daughter would be the perceived reason. But of course the real reason is he’s not ALLOWED to see his little girl.
Let that sink in for a bit:
And Then There Is Me Big Being Number Three AKA World Renowned Movie Star Tom Cruise is NOT ALLOWED to have even supervised contact with – what? A 12 year old girl – who happens to be his own daughter!
Because, you know, she is so so so DANGEROUS!
After all – His ETERNITY could be threatened!
By this little girl!…his own flesh and blood.
Beyond insane.
I feel sad because my sister shares her Bday with LRH! We laugh about it!
That’s funny! My sister shares her birthday with Adolf Hitler. No, seriously.
I share mine with Trump. I think we have the Trifecta.
That day can be famous for a much more positive reason than Hitler’s Birthday… it’s 4/20! Smoke a bowl and be thankful you are no longer part of this cult.
I left completely in 2002.
I’d put a picture of Fatso on a dartboard and let people have at him.
I’ve got some DJT toilet paper a friend sent me after the election. I’ve never used it, probably won’t ever use it. Just knowing its there in my linen closet, ready to serve its purpose, is enough. So far.
Yes, it crashes stats. Since about 2001 or so staff was made to do daily, not weekly, but daily drilling on how to behave after events. This was done 2 weeks prior to the event.
First: not fraternizing with public, which translated in not speaking to them, nor asking them how they were doing, or how life was going, or how his kids were doing at school, Heaven forbid, no, no fraternizing. To ensure this was complied with, as it was command intention (Miscavige’s whim) Ethics Officers were roaming around all over the place.
Second: the drill consisted in asking two questions: How are you going to pay for the new released…(books, e meter, or whatever) cash or credit?
Any additives to the pattern were unacceptable.
Thus, nobody had attention in training or auditing others, in fact, staff’s attention was on ‘when are we going to be allowed to go home to sleep a bit?’
The problem is that if I ever sold one or two of these items, or God forbid, got a donation to the stupid building, it would be noticed and we were then given crazy quotas and orders “to not secure until the quota is made”. I decided to be a shitty salesman and not sell a damn thing, even though that was my career before making the largest mistake of my life and “joining staff”. Much better now though selling things that matter.
Ah, the Signs of Success!
Thanks Mike, Leah & Co.
Mike, thanks for putting the size of the Scientology March 13th event into perspective. I got some MEST on it, imagining a arena versus stadium versus a theater. Hell, I was even half tempted to go get my kids play-doh and mock up the size comparison. Then again, no.
I’m glad to see you sharing here, Mary. Of course I mus tell you you’re one of “Leah Remini’s self-proclaimed ‘team’ of expelled misfits.” The Co$ says so.
Well, fuck what they say.
You’re such a dignified poster, AB.
The Shriners have declared scientology “Persona non grata” because of their treatment of children…..The Shriners didn’t build 22 “Children” Hospitals across North America to put up with some cult abusing Children!
I take it from the ‘noble’ in your name that you have made a trek across the hot sands. If so, I, too, am a noble of that grand ancient Arabic order!
That said, kudos to all of our nobles who have repudiated the CofS for the way it treats children. I’m glad that we are taking a stand in this!
Hadn’t heard that–but it’s great news! Do you happen to know how this came about? Was it in the news? (I want to read it/view it and gloat.) 🙂
Bloody hell.
This is becoming, satisfyingly, sad now.
COB must look out and see so little.
Ha ha ha! I made an unintentional pun.
If he wanted to see so little, all he has to do is look down.
Bwahaaaaaaaaaa bwahaaaaaaaaaa oh my goodness that really made my day! Thank you for cheering up my day that was previously in the toilet!
At least I’m good for something…
Oi Vey! Have I mentioned that I am so glad I am out!
Mary, I am being a bit opportunistic here to just tell you how much I admire your strength making the decision to walk away from Scientology. I watched your testimony about what you went through, what you knew the risks were, and decided that you would just face it head on. I am so happy that you have found peace with your decision and hope that you and your son will be reunited soon.
You certainly looked very happy, Mary, when we met at Mike’s Xmas party. Happy, glowing and very satisfied. I will attest to it all.
Each day we smile and thank Dave for being the worst of the worst ……… which is why we are free from the Cult.
Yo Dave,
Thanks good buddy. No more call -ins, no more mail, no more regges, no more teenage mutant ninja unethical officers, no credit card balances, no weird books around the house looking for a shelf, no nuttin from anything related to a cult, no Kay Ares, no Flog world tour mandatory thingys, no Oh Tee Committee demands, no Eee Meter recerts, no frickin Eee meters at all and lots of serenity of beingness. Truly wonnerful!!
To: Newcomer
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: leaving Scientology
Stop being so damn happy about it!
Yo Dildo ….. I mean Dave,
Can’t help myself good buddy. But if you would kindly send Mike Sutter and Marion Pouw on over to rake me over the coals that might take the edge off. Have them come to the office …..the same one they visited last time.
Oh yea, the Aladdin Inn is still taking cult members for overnight stays. I’ll spring for dinner since I doubt either one has two nickels to rub together.
Should be fun. We can catch up on old times!
I actually have met Marion Pouw and she probably would rake you over the coals. I knew her when I was on staff at CCNashville (she was one of the missionaires)
and while she was nice to me, I do recall her ripping a new asshole in several other people. Even a sweet lady like Renee Duszak could crack the whip at times.
Well I would hope so! How else can we get rid of that shit eating grin off Newc’s choppers?
BTW, my father was a very stern individual of Danish decent and developed quite a reputation for himself over the years. I have never seen anyone in the cherch even come close to good old Dad when he was on a full tilt tirade. So I was bullbaited by the best of the best. Marion is a total pussy ….. even with the training from Dildo Dave. I say bring it!