As you can see below, the Scientology Facebook Police are still out in force. I wonder if these people get up on the morning and put brown shirts and jodhpurs, pin on their official collar insignia and report for duty with the click of their heels?
Remember yesterday’s post about freedom of religion and free speech? Yeah, that’s what they SAY in public. This is what they do in reality:
If you are not part of “standard” scientology where they can take your money, you are to be treated as vermin and ostracized.
“The ONLY groups, the only members we should be associating with, are those who are with actual standard churches, governed by the RTC.”
Yeah, respect the religious beliefs of others, unless they are not in alignment with yours. This woman is to be vilified for making a Facebook post in the “Free Scn” group.
Some freedom of religion. Some freedom of choice. Some freedom of expression.
Scientology in no way stands for the First Amendment no matter how many times they CLAIM they do. Reality is very different.
Lying is the sacrament of scientology.
scientologists lie, must lie, can’t not lie. It’s a fundamental part of the subject.
How the hell does Stephanie the scientologist not know that nothing is free in scientology, they take your very soul……..and here she is joining groups like free scn, did she think she was on gumtree or craigslist or something
Never have been and never will be a scientologist and even I know the golden rule of scientology NOTHING IS FREE
I would bet my house on the fact that Stephanie is very new to the fold and is just about to find out how it all really works………
Maria that’s a safe bet.(to put it mildly. Ain’t nothing FREE in scientology, least of all the final “EP”. Hubbard wanted to ENSLAVE all women, all men. In the end, he had to admit that he’d failed.
Jere i’m currently making my way through the many great books that have been written to expose the COS and I have just started Going Clear by Lawrence Wright after watching the doc – wow what a book! The history of LRH is absolutely fascinating, he really had some promising qualities (unfortunately these were heavily outweighed by the fact he just couldn’t help but lie,deceive,trick, betray and destroy his way though life)- the man was definitely going to make an impact on the word its just a complete shame that the impact he decided to make was so inhumanely disastrous! now i’m not saying he had the potential to do great things, he was way too much of an aggressive narcissist to benefit humanity in any real way, but I cant help but feel like he was such a waste of potential.
Imagine all the talents and charisma he did have in the body and soul of someone who really wanted to make a difference to the world – a sad alternative to even consider……what a waste.
I recall Adrian Austin, New York City Idle Morgue Staffer playing FB Cop and telling me I was connected to SP Debbie Cook, ex Captain of FLAG for 17 years – Scientology’s Mecca in Clearwater. Florida. She said I needed to disconnect from her or she would write me up and I would get DeeClared. Then her father, Scientologist and alleged pedophile (probably a made up allegation by OSA)
Dan Austin’s body was found at the harbor in Clearwater and Adrian disappeared. After she told me to disconnect from Debbie Cook, I disconnected from Adrian and every cult member Scientologist and BLEW. I got on the internet and googled Scientology and read everything for many years.
Scientology and Free Speech??
This is the #1 reason I began to wake up, after being “in” for 30 years !
Okay my auditor Bill Yaude, in the 90’s, convinced me that he was “handling” (scio word for fixing or getting rid of) the “evil people on the Net, trying to ruin our religion”. His solution? I open up phoney accounts he could use to ” distract off of evil topics (the truth they did not want seen), and degrade posters posting against scientology.
He only told me he was fixing things. Once I found out these accounts were used to STOP
FREE SPEECH, I quit “helping them”… And soon after woke up & escaped out, forever. (Hear my interview with Mike & Leah on Nov 1st for the full story). ⛩️
Scientology (the “church”) is THE
OPPOSITE of free speech, then and now.
Love to all ❤️
Only scientology gets to say whatever they want; everyone else has to parrot them or they’re the worst of the worst, Psych DBs and SPs who have been degrading everyone else from long before the Universe even existed — by many orders of magnitude — so have to be shut up or drowned out by false inanities.
Tory, you said it SO well! Always have, AFAICT.
“Lying is the sacrament of scientology.”
Ha ha! That’s a tagline if I ever saw one. I love this; it’s a perfect encapsulation of their relationship to lying.
Lying is the PRIMARYsacrament of scientology, Jonathan.
Without lying, scientology wouldn’t exist,
couldn’t exist.
This also happens here in the EU and I think a little everywhere. I have no fb but former SO friends were immediately deleted as “friends” when they commented on something that did not align with their pro-fascist thinking (like DM is just great, homophobia, busted conspiracy theories and pandemic, SPs peeking out from all sides trying to stop them, etc).
Then these guys also inform others so that this person is deleted elsewhere as well.
Scn has become a real toxic dunghill even among their public, better stay away from them too.
As $camology continues to shrink all that will be left is the rabid minority because they simply can’t, or won’t, see the inevitable demise of the cult and the thought of being forced out of the bubble into our reality terrifies them. When it finally collapses the only winner will be Deviant Minikin because he will have skipped to a non-extradition country with all the cash and properties.
Right. Because of that they are seriously on the way to extinction.
Maybe DM got something set up in Colombia where he got a medal.
By the way the police general in the pic with DM was later in trouble for corruption. Maybe this is why I haven’t see that pic shown again in their stuff.
There ARE no “SPs on every side”.
What passes for scientology these days isn’t worth expending any effort against; especially since scientology’s most effective suppressive & squirrel is sitting up on his throne, accepting the (ring)-kissing of his adoring inner circle, lauded as the “second Source” by tens of followers.
Yesterday it was only implicit, but today we see how they discriminate against even scientologists if it’s others that consider themselves such, but disagree with the CofS or deviate in any way.
You got it, PeaceMaker. They can’t even ENTERTAIN the idea that others can study and DELIVER services more on-source than Dwarfenführer® allows them to have. AND be able to do it profitably. In this teeny-tiny alcohol-besotted mind, that adds up to TREASON! or worse.
Mike could you refresh my memory. What is the definition of the term “squirrel” as it is used by Scn ?? Thank you. first paragragh is enough unless you feel like deep-ending, if so you can always click their other related articles.
Jerry, in scn it means that someone has altered the tech from how it was developed by hubbard.
The squirrel (meaning in the spinning wheel) was used to give the idea of someone running and running but not going anywhere.
If we take DM, here he is a good example.
Hi Jerry…I might be able to help. In Scn a ‘squirrel’ is anyone who alters ‘source’ (Hubbard). Here is a link to a good Scientology terminology dictionary Their definition is pretty well spot on for ‘squirrel’.
A person who subverts Hubbard’s “Tech” by alteration. The name probably came from the idea of squirrels burying, or being associated with, nuts. In the cult jargon, Squirrel refers to someone who is too insane to follow Standard Tech. “Mayo was a Squirrel because he altered Source.” May also be used as a verb denoting the action of subversion of Scientology “Technology,” as “Koos has been squirreling auditing tech.”
Basically if you try to improve upon, add to or take away anything from the writings of LRH, who is considered ‘source’, you are ‘squirreling’ the ‘tech’.
Linear13, it MUST apply to anyone delivering the ‘tech’ and making a living wage doing so. In Davey’s mind, only HE is allowed to have a comfortable living. All others must live like they’re in some 3rd-world society. The 3rd Dynamic, scientology, DEMANDS it.
Mike’s a busy person who does more than enough for us by maintaining his blog.
This website is a comprehensive glossary of terms well worth bookmarking;
@Jerry, I think I can help out on this one. Probably a more apt name from Hubbard would have been a “Hamster Group” or a “Hamster Practice” or “Someone is hamstering the Tech.”
The image is that, rather than use the approved, known-to-work technology to chart a course to a specific goal (end phenomenon) and arrive there, the person or auditing pair, by doing something slightly else, is like a hamster on a wheel: simply spinning in place.
For some reason, Hubbard chose “squirreling” as his animal metaphor. From what I recall it means, not merely using a different technology of mental health and spiritual betterment; it means one is taking spiritual-mental technology found in Dian & Scn texts and augmenting or tweaking it. Since it is not “standard,” you will, like that hamster [or squirrel] on the wheel, not end up anywhere. You’ll just “spin” or perhaps LRH would say “chew on” or gnaw on “the bank” (person’s case) but not really vanquish pieces of it.
For a group of Buddhists or Tibetan monks, we would not say, “That’s a squirrel group.” Instead, the term applies, for instance, to EST, now called “Landmark” (founded by Werner Erhard). Or any other considered to have its “kernel(s)” be something they took or borrowed from Dian and Scn.
Erhard got a bad rap. All of the lawsuits against him were later retracted and he even won a monetary settlement against one of them. The main thing he took from scn was the “Service Facsimile” a “picture” which you “use” to make yourself right and others wrong. This would manifest in people who will never admit they are wrong about anything.
In Erhard’s large group training seminars the idea was expressed as more or less what story or stories are you telling yourself about yourself to justify your failures. Something like that. Some people found it transformational I guess.
Later in life he focused on leadership training classes which were and maybe still are taught at some legitimate institutions.
I did the original EST Training in the early 80’s, then various workshops and seminars. I had somewhat revelatory transformational experiences/insights despite their most ‘Scio’ element, pressure-regging framed as “enrollment,” an element of every EST activity I ever did and what led to my disenchantment and departure. That being said, EST pales in comparison to the atrocities perpetrated to this very day by Co$.
Yeah, having done Landmark stuff, it’s nothing like Scientology (as I understand it). Just because Hubbard thought Erhard was a squirrel, doesn’t mean it’s true.
Hubbard couldn’t STAND, or is that STAAD? someone doing approximately what he claimed to be doing, helping others, and apparently succeeding in actually delivering on their promises. I guess he thought everyone was just like him, running a scam.
Before I got into Scientology I did the EST training, and afterwards some of their seminars. I recall a BIG emphasis on bringing people into EST via word of mouth ONLY. We were told that EST was “not in the marketing business”. We were told that EST did not advertise. Later when I was in Scientology I realized why they couldn’t or wouldn’t advertise. What was in the EST training was lifted from Hubbard’s work. Locks, secondaries, engrams – only they weren’t called any of that. EST didn’t have their own terms for these things. In the Training the “trainers” as they were called sort of baited and needled and then we the trainees would sort of pop up and start ranting… A sort of 3 day intense hodge podge of the ARC TRiangle, “recall a time that was really real to you” , restimulating locks and secondaries (there were people in my seminar both very angry and others weeping hysterically ) and then forcefeeding insights to us about what “racketeers” (their terminology) we all were for making ourselves right about everything and everyone else wrong all the time (service facsimiles?)
We weren’t allowed to use the bathroom during the seminar time. Some of us blew locks. I know I did and it felt good for a while afterward. I also obtained some insights into some behavior and thinking of mine that I found enlightening. I felt OK afterwards. EST cost $350 back then. I figured I’d gotten my money’s worth. The seminars offered afterwards were very inexpensive (I forget how much, but they were cheap). The first one after “graduating” from the EST Training was called “Be Here Now”) they started screaming at us, insulting us. After a few seminars it got a little nuts and I decided I’d had enough.
Aqua – Thanks for the additional information. I suspected that bullbaiting was part of EST since people are more or less locked in a room and required to be there and confront while the trainers dish out whatever processes they use. I’m glad you got something useful from it and since it didn’t cause you any harm then it was a worthwhile learning experience.
The service facsimile can be a confusing concept and I’m now questioning whether it is even a real thing. Everyone has opinions and beliefs and we all like to be right but we all also change over time. Is there really something – – – a ser fac, a racket or some other description which causes us to act irrationally? I’m questioning that right now and working on it. Maybe the next time ser fac comes up I’ll have more to say. In the meantime the idea of being right is useful to keep in mind and for myself I’m willing to be corrected if I have a false belief or notion without having any process run on me.
Since you’re a word nerd like me I’ve been doing some word clearing and here are two definitions of facsimile from two different dictionaries.
an exact copy or likeness; perfect reproduction
and – an exact copy, as of a book, painting, or manuscript.
the derivation is from Latin, fac, make + simile, similar, like
So, supposedly, I have a copy or image (of myself) which I unknowingly continue to recreate and use to serve myself and make myself right and others wrong. It’s unlikely I can discover my own ser facs by self examination which is called self auditing in scn and how important is it anyway? Like I said I’m working on it – haha
“Bullbaiting”…YES! That’s a huge part of the EST Training. Amazing that I never made the connection with that term. Yes, that’s exactly what most of EST is – pressing peoples’ buttons, big time. Insults, sarcasm, inval – oh, it was bullbaiting alright! With the recipients having no bullwark of prior confronting drills, no OTTRO, no TRO as prepatory to handling it. And no leaving the room with the call of nature as an excuse even if it were true. We really had no clue. I’d say many of us were at best surprised and/or shocked; at the least unsettled and uncomfortable – I know I was. Some in our group really lost their shit in that room! Which of course was the point.
Now, I can’t opine in an informed way on Ser Facs because my auditing stopped at Grade O. I did get the EP that I would not get any worse. It felt pretty good. But I never went further up the Bridge on the auditing side because I started getting hit up for all kinds of straight dono stuff. I fell for that BS for a while and blew money on the IAS, Ideal Morgues, etc. That said, I do notice that I tend to make a certain type of person – or perhaps I should phrase it as a certain demographic – wrong. I have noticed this in myself and I’m not proud of it.
“Word nerd”…cute. I’m stealing that 🙂
Aqua – Thanks again for the additional information. It’s almost like I was there with you! Ser Facs may be an imaginary invention by Hubbard, yet another carrot on the stick and an obstacle to Total Freedom addressed and handled only in scn. We all know someone who will insist an opinion or belief they have is “right” even in the face of factual contradictory evidence. Whether that is an innate part of human psychology present in all people is debatable. For various reasons I also didn’t do the ser fac processing. When ser facs come up again I’ll post something and see if someone who did those processes has a different opinion.
I was a good auditor and probably could have been a good EST trainer. “Come up to present time and confront your own
Bullshit!!” How’s that?
I had to word clear bullwark. It’s bulwark, one l in my dictionary, just as one word nerd to another. :))
Aqua – The trainers in EST getting in your face and having you confront your “racket” and whatever else also sounds like another scn term, an SRA, Severe Reality Adjustment. lol
All is fair in the quest for Enlightenment – haha
Wow, yes, it does sound like that!
An SRA – wow. How to eliminate a PC’s Ser Facs within minutes!
Forcefeed that cognition of magnitude – the time is now!
Why audit when you can facerip someone to total freedom?
“. . . facerip someone to total freedom” lol – funny!
Squirrel, a person who subverts Hubbard’s “Tech” by alteration. The name probably came from the idea of squirrels burying, or being associated with, nuts. In the cult jargon, Squirrel refers to someone who is too insane to follow Standard Tech. “Mayo was a Squirrel because he altered Source.” May also be used as a verb denoting the action of subversion of Scientology “Technology,” as “Koos has been squirreling auditing tech.”
From this (unauthorized haha) Scientologese dictionary:
Squirrel®: Anyone who purports to practice or study scientology in any way who doesn’t bow down before the Dwarfenführer® immediately and completely, including paying all their “profits” uplines to his Majesty’s personally-controlled accounts, making them as poor as the orgs currently comprising the entity calling itself scientology. Only Davey and his current inner circle can live comfortably; ALL others must inhabit a 3rd-world society within the richest and most advanced societies in the world. It used to be that the most effective franchises were able to bring sufficient paying public in for services to pay their staff living wages and to spruce the buildings up — as Hubbard designed their franchise agreements. Only the Orgs, which were required to slavishly follow his policies, were unable to flourish. Thus the Franchisees MUST have been doing things wrong— squirreling went the reasoning —Therefore they had to be abolished and reformed into mini-orgs run ruthlessly like the orgs, mistreating public and staff alike, destroying the primary entrance points into scientology.
This was merely Davey’s first salvo of destroying what had been Scientology. THEN he went and changed all the techniques Hubbard had formulated, breaking the “bridge” and making it a game of Chutes and Ladders™,
Golly, that sounds childish.
Childish is one way of putting it, if that child were bent on conquering the whole world, and the galaxy/Universe beyond.
I have documented proof of one of the rabid red haired Scientologist Facebook police women posting about me and telling people to unfriend me. They are all brainwashed hypocrites who are afraid of us SPs. Right there is proof enough of how sick Scientology is.
Yeah if the ‘tech’ really worked then no one would even worry about SP’s nevertheless be afraid of them.
Very true. The cherch of fear and loathing. The willing victims of lies.
If the ‘tech’ really worked, we wouldn’t be here taking pot shots at them. It doesn’t, so we do.
FB and Scn present a curious paradox. The few Scios that I used to know never mention a word about their own Church. The closest they get is an occasional politically oriented post that clearly aligns with Scn beliefs. There was a time back in the day when every Scio I knew would proudly promote Scn, Dn, and Hubbard. And they would provide you with a link to that cookie-cutter web site “I am a Scientologist.” (Does that still exist?)
All the other Scios I used to know stopped posting on FB years ago. Very recently I’ve seen more of my former “friends” cease their posting or go private. What happened to broad public dissemination? I find it an obvious elephant-in-the-room contradiction that indicates that they’re fully aware of the toxic reputation that their church has among the general public.
They of course would rationalize that it’s all because of the SPs who have hijacked social media to spread their evil misinformation. And here comes the paradox: their solution to smashing this suppression from outsiders is to go publicly dark, and choose only to communicate with each other. It appears to me that the COS has gotten more cult-like, if that’s even possible.
Chris, it seems they realized it wasn’t working; would never work, so gave up. A sane choice, I think.
Karen de la Carriere on the Facebook police:
Hubbard defined a Scientologist as someone who uses Scientology principles to improve conditions. By this definition, RTC are definitely not Scientologists. They don’t even use the most basic principles like ARC and KRC. I can’t imagine a more destructive squirrel group. Likewise, anyone who supports them is a squirrel.
The most successful squirrel in scientology’s history is Davey McSavage, the Dwarfenführer®. Just look at the results;
stats don’t lie, and his are Unmistakable.
Right, Byron.
the enterprise calling itself scientology these days is a squirrel cult worshipping DM as the second “Source”—superior to LRH, carved out of what once was scientology.
“Some freedom of religion. Some freedom of choice. Some freedom of expression”
None of those things exist in $cienoland. $cientology is the bait and switch ‘religion’. Thankfully, they have very little bait left and all the mice know to avoid it. Only its die hards still play Lron’s game.
As soon as a mark has been lured into spending one day on ONE course, they’ve locked themselves in for life, according to scientology. Just to get a course pack which has KSW in the first few pages, they sign their first Amendment rights away. They can’t then back out according to Tubby’s immoral words. Most don’t even know they’re “joining” a ‘religion’ when they sign that bogus arbitration clause. Up to that point scn is an “applied philosophy” at most.I didn’t see the first ‘religious’ paraphernalia at NY Org– 5 years after I studied KSW and saw no indication that item #1 of KSW was truthful. The ‘technology’ sure didn’t seem to work from what I saw.
Moo, “freedom” has no real place in the enterprise calling itself scientology these days. Neither does *truth*, TBH.
Lyintogy on parade.
A couple of years ago, I was able to connect with old Scientology friends on Facebook. Slowly this changed. Almost all have set their sites to private and have no public face. That it is consistent tells me that they have received instructions to do this. I seen videos of Scientologists claiming that COVID is an SP attempt to “cut communication lines,” but they do it to themselves at every turn. Even their anti-vaccination stance is designed to keep themselves isolated.
Historically, were the new religion academics to offer their opinions, on this matter of whether a “squirrel group” is a Scientology group or not, I’m pretty confident even the new religion academics have granted the squirrel Scientologists some Scientology moniker labelling allowance.
That’d be a good survey. And it’d be a judge of those academics’ quality of understanding of what is Scientology.
Scientology I think is more the practice and training of auditing. The application of auditing is fundamentally Scientology.
If the squirrel groups do auditing which is almost identical to official Scientology, or with minor variations, then that’s pretty close to, or not easy to tell apart from official Scientology’s auditing.
In fact with the squirrel auditing happening in less draconian penalty and blackmailing (in effect) conditions, one would could say the squirrel auditing delivery is more per the Auditor’s Code, providing an environment of doing the auditing that is safer, than in official Scientology, which does and has used a person’s revealed confidentialities against those Scientologists when they “turn” and leave Scientology.
Official Scientology for sure is more of what Hubbard wished, he endorsed RTC before he died, and LRH endorsed the continuation of key functions of the Guardian’s Office in the Office of Special Affairs of today.
So official Scientology with the Miscavige ruthless slant is truly more what Hubbard wrote and wished to be part of Scientology today.
But the core of Scientology is the auditing and the exorcism of OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 upper levels.
Squirrel groups could entirely do that more “safely” and cheaper, and yes, it’s more catch as catch can, and hodgepodge, and smaller options, but less draconian, and subject to the quality and preferences of the squirrel Scientologists and squirrel auditors/exorcists and squirrel trainers.
But it’s still very fundamentally Hubbard’s pseudo-therapy auditing and Hubbard’s exorcism.
I’ll bet academics who even know that Scientology is the auditing/exorcism practices at heart, will agree squirrel application of Scientology is “spiritually” the fundamental practice of Scientology.
But, I don’t think religious academics have today a book that simplifies Scientology down to it being this pseudo-therapeutic spiritual soul practice of talk “therapy” and exorcism.
The convoluted obfuscation language Hubbard drenched around Scientology, deflects and confuses study and then digging to the core of what Scientology is.
It really is at bottom auditing and exorcism training and practice. With auditing being a sort of pseudo-therapy. And the bulk of the “case” address even per Hubbard’s final most important, I think, writing, the LRH ED about the Legacy of the Tech listing out the “case” address levels of Scientology, the exorcism band of upper levels, OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 do deserve some academic understanding to even grant how much Hubbard thought of this OT band of “case” (it’s a person’s OT case, their body-thetans case) address.
Oh well, someday, maybe, but the problem is Hubbard left such a mass of deflecting language, it makes it impossible for academics to really dig Scientology’s core, and write about it accurately.
Official Scientology’s totalitarianism is on Hubbard though, since Hubbard didn’t order the disbanding of OSA did he?
Whose job, which department, what’s the name of the person or people who in OSA today, have the programs, ongoing programs, to police the chat groups that “in good standing” Scientologists visit and share info?
Who in OSA oversees the Scientologists who are the “Facebook police?”
Who are the OSA baddies, and which department?
Chuck Beatty
PS: Jojo Albert (forget her current name) was per LRH in the lecture “Welcome to the Flag Internship” immortalized by LRH, she isn’t mentioned by name, but she’s told endless people she is that one “perfect” auditor that LRH refers to in that lecture. That is a heady pat on the noggin she got from LRH wish she likely never will wish to reframe and look at that LRH acknowledgement in a fuller wider comparative view. Those people who LRH praised highly, are deeply beholding to LRH. Another one, is Foster Tompkins, who LRH called “brilliant” in the INCOMM traffic, and Foster is deeply still tied to LRH and Scientology. Though in reality they should get out from under their almost holy spell of Hubbard’s appreciation in them.
I dont know who it is these days. But someone in OSA Int. Probably in the External Security branch.
Is this Jo Jo the person who goes by Jo JO Zawawi?
Yep Jo Jo Zawawi is a piece of work and drinking double doses of Koolade.
I knew Jo Jo at CC back in the 90’s. She was a total fruitcake even then.
Fruitcake is putting it mildly ….
as for “But, I don’t think religious academics have today a book that simplifies Scientology down to it being this pseudo-therapeutic spiritual soul practice of talk “therapy” and exorcism.”
Academic psychology & psychiatry are more concern with the similarities to other cults in order to come up with therapies to help people recover and form as close as normal/fulfilled life as possible, and given their being constantly attacked by scn is (rightfully) hesitant to directly attack back, though there are lots of individuals brave enough to do so.
Anthropology (one of my post -scn fields) has at least one book: which is a book by Harriet Whitehead and sort of boils it down to that being the core of scientology but it’s quite an old text so lots has evolved since then (ex. the NOI stuff). Whitehead also moved out of religious anthro into food anthro after various sects (including scn) harassing them, can you blame them ?!?
Since then anthropology has moved on to studying more how it (scn) accidentally pioneers other cult’s reactions to media/internet/law etc. particularly in the handling of other conflicting groups like Anonymous which is more interesting from the viewpoint of where post-colonial anthro is pivoting these days. They’d almost insist on an anthro who’s at least got family in scn to study it and none of us ex-scn/inlawed-scn want to study it with a ten foot pole! we’re all either people burned by it *or* trying to keep a (to use scn parlance) “good roads good weather” with the idiot inlaws. There is one anthro who studies personality tests cross culturally who likes to take periodic digs at scn but only as it pertains to the OCA.
PoliSci/Econ generally don’t care as there’s not enough of those adjacent to study it, though there were a few article hits when checked mostly just brief mentions of the links between Trump’s fans + scn.
Sociology probably has the most amount of legit social-scientists studying scn and I think Stephen A. Kent out of University of Alberta is the most prolific, but don’t know if he has a book or not. He does apparently have the largest academic collection of scientology materials and if anyone wants to send him anything he’ll take it. One could argue though that his work wouldn’t be possible without Dr. Roy Wallis of Queen’s University, Belfast before him.
Legal scholars also have a lot of hits when I checked because of the litigious nature, but when I skimmed it seemed to be all about that part of scn not core ‘spiritual’ beliefs. They only cared about the scn policies that make it litigious not other stuff.
Ironically a lot of Comp Sci peeps (also one of my post-scn fields) who’ve minors in social/bio sciences seem to love to deepend the most on scn … maybe because both are jargon heavy and/or because both have jargon which has been altered/evolved from previous engineering terms in different ways. However they do so as a side interest so most of it is non-peer reviewed unlike their main fields work so quality is often ‘meh.’ Most of these overlap with the atheistic/skeptic’s crowd. That said they’ve been the most effective academics at making sure people know that scn is harmful and to keep away from it!
I’ve not bothered to search the biology/chem related papers, if someone on here qualified in that wishes too that’d be nice.
FYI the general term used for a religion spliting into another is and some use “schism-group” or “splinter-group,” though the later term’s not religion specific.
So while there’s a few books they’re all old by academic standards, after that’s it’s papers many of which are behind paywalls.
Hope this helps.
Gus, I know what you mean, That’s so true.
Somebody created the category “New Religious Movements” or NRMs which has gained some acceptance. Under this category scn and other “NRMs” can be trashed or occasionally promoted by apologists without fear of being accused of being anti religion.
I just noticed this on another scn blog.
[It was Scientology Inc. paid apologist, Melton, who coined the acronym “NRM” as a substitute for “cult.”]
I dont know who it is these days. But someone in OSA Int. Probably in the External Security branch. Oops — this was meant for other comment
It makes more sense than anything Lyintology says on any subject these days.
“If the squirrel groups do auditing which is almost identical to official Scientology, or with minor variations, then that’s pretty close to, or not easy to tell apart from official Scientology’s auditing.”
Before the internet almost nobody knew what was contained on the upper level or OT cosmology. It was kept secret and hidden.
Scientology auditing on the lower levels addresses things like communication, problems, regrets, the ability to be right or wrong and so on. Dianetics addresses negative and unwanted attitudes, sensations and pains. Nothing too mystical about that imo.
The OT cosmology keeps some religious academics busy comparing it to the numerous other Occult variations in religion. Apparently religious academics write papers to stay relevant and earn additional income. I suspect many of these academics buy each other’s papers and charge it to their institutions to keep the money flowing but that’s just my speculation – haha
. . . . unwanted negative attitudes, emotions and (mentally caused) sensations and pains. Modern science agrees that many ailments are mentally caused.
When I did one show and tell talk, I took the Red Vols that contain all the lower level process commands, up through NED, to show students.
If I had been more prepared, I’d have brought that freezone Red Volume, internet printing too. I’d have had to print it out, for the various OT levels that do the exorcism commands, and have all the commands for the upper levels stuff, all the NOTs stuff and Solo NOTs and OT 8 and the Ls too, in one big binder.
Scientology practices are these commands, listed out, which when asked of the recipient of the pseudo-therapy, it’s the commands that ask for answers, and those commands are the core of what Scientology is.
The commands spoken to the recipient of the auditing or the exorcism.
Then outsiders can see what goes on.
It just cut to the chase, that’s what Scientology is, not all the hoopla adjectives advertising crap.
The commands line up with the steps on the Bridge chart, different commands for the different steps.
And Scientology to me, is what I’d take to a desert island to sit down and do auditing and exorcism on someone else.
Sure the TRs and Basic Auditing theory is good, but in the end of the day, it’s those commands in the Subject Volume at the end of the 1991 edition of the Red Volumes, that are asked of the recipient, and the receiver of the auditing has to delve into their mind, etc, etc.
Now, would I do this stuff, or urge anyone else to do this stuff, no, it’s messing with your mind and it’s a whole quackery pseudo-therapy.
But to put an end to someone’s question of the core guts of Scientology, it’s those commands for the processes and for the exorcism steps.
Trained Scientologists usually howl for years Scientology is so much more, but all that other stuff is fluff hoopla “wins” cognitions, and just drivel basically of someone’s reaction to Scientology.
I wouldn’t take the drivel to the desert island with me, and if I had to take just two volumes, I’d take Subject Volume with all the lower grades commands up to Clear, and then I’d take a printout of all the OT levels 1-8 of all their commands. (I’d never do this, but IF I had just two volumes to take with me, I’d take that.)
“Sure the TRs and Basic Auditing theory is good, but in the end of the day, it’s those commands in the Subject Volume at the end of the 1991 edition of the Red Volumes, that are asked of the recipient, and the receiver of the auditing has to delve into their mind, etc, etc.”
I occasionally mention that part of scn to give never ins and the public an idea of why rational and intelligent people get stuck in scn. It seemed to be a logical progression toward self improvement and self awareness in earlier times. Looking at the current state of the organization and what DM is delivering the public would conclude that current scns are highly programmed to continue participating.
Even before the internet, beginning scns would be exposed to some of the OT cosmology like implants, the Wall Of Fire and other Occult aspects and remain in. The simple answer to that in my opinion is that any credence given to past lives or an afterlife or just being agnostic about it would allow someone to gloss over those things with a “Who knows – maybe” attitude. In a universe which is billions of years old with uncountable stars and planets most anything is possible.
Elron was obsessed with the past and claimed “visions” or knowledge of incidents in even earlier universes. Yikes. Once again, Who knows – maybe. Lol
It was my observation that some of the groups labeled “squirrel” held to KSW™ more religiously than the hierarchy controlled by McSavage. Those who stayed in the corporate version seemed not to care at all about all his alterations until Ms. Cook directed their attention to the many outpoints of Davey’s assumption of his throne. Only then was there a mass migration and a major downsizing of Davey’s tiny fiefdom.
ISNOINews has posted numerous academic papers from religion scholars about scn. I think they generally avoid going into the scn “exorcism technology” because they want to appear unbiased and neutral but that’s just my guess since I’ve only read excepts. All religions have Occult or mystical aspects. If you criticize one you need to criticize them all.
I followed up on one of the academic papers posted by ISNOINews. I don’t recall if if was totally about scn or just included scn. The PhD was selling it for $144. On the website a notation was included which read “For institutional purchases Click Here”. Hmmm
Yeah, I’m still being bothered by spam asking me to “download” what seem to be useless piles of PDFs. I didn’t get to read the FIRST one due to failures on their servers. Why would I want to try to d/l other useless writings that don’t strike my interest? They don’t even supply useful “executive overviews telling me what they’re about. Just (sometimes) titles. That “academic press” seems to be a scam designed to augment the “Muslim” incursions into the West.
Has anyone seen this yet?
What is this? I’ve become cautious about clicking on unidentified links?
Well, everyone repeat after me, “If they ain’t lying, they ain’t a Scamologist.”
No need to repeat that. We mostly ALL have learned THAT lesson.