David “Let Him Die” Miscavige responded to a recent posting on Tony Ortega’s website about Paul Haggis being trolled by a “Time magazine” reporter.
Page Six reprinted his response (or at least part of it).
Here is the quote attributed to Karin Pouw:
‘As I told [The Hollywood Reporter] and others, no one named Mark Webber works for the Church anywhere much less in Los Angeles. There is no such IP address at the Anthony Building on Fountain Avenue–it does not exist. The entire story is fabricated.’
‘A quick internet search does find a Mark Webber, a movie curator and writer who lives in England. Maybe it’s him. Maybe he emailed Haggis. Who knows? The Church knows nothing about this.’
‘What I do know is that you should be ashamed for publishing anything Ortega and Haggis come up with without verifying the facts. Did you get a copy of any email showing an IP address? Did you run the IP address?’
This response is interesting for two main reasons.
First, if anyone needed further proof that Miscavige is writing anything that emanates under the name “Karin Pouw” this should lay their doubts to rest. This is classic Miscavige. Aggressive. Challenging questions. Assertions that “no such person exists” (oh, I thought someone impersonating a Time magazine reporter would use his real name…) Miscavige is a real tough guy when hiding behind a computer, even further protected from view by using someone else’s name. Karin Pouw could not come up with these sentences if her life depended upon it. It’s not her manner.
But more significant is the assertion that a reporter should not just accept facts, even if they come directly from the source. They should “get a copy of the email” and “run the IP address.”
Now, what would happen if a reporter asked for the documentation and proof of the church claims of 12 million members, 11,000 churches, missions and affiliated organizations, greater expansion in the last 5 years than the 50 years previously etc etc?
The righteous indignation would register on the moon. The reporter would be labeled a bigot and biased and be scolded for calling the church liars.
I wish a reporter would take this EXACT statement from Davidkarin Miscavigepouw and insist the church provide documentation and proof of the outrageous assertions they claim the media should ALWAYS be running because if they don’t they are “missing the real story.”
Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander Davidkarin.
How about it? You DO have the records of the IAS that show EXACTLY how many members there are. Even if many of them are now dead or have long since left the church, it would give your best case scenario of EVERYONE who was already a scientologist in 1984 plus everyone who has become one since. You also have the VERIFIABLE list of every org and mission and group you count in your 11,000 figure so they could be cross checked. And you have stat graphs of every tiniest statistic in scientology since the 1960’s and you have bank account information as to the level of income…
Why not? It should be easy for an organization that is based on the truth.
I already called dibs yesterday on “TheIPDoesNotExist”.
It would make a great website. I would reserve the name myself but I have so many unused domain names right now that I can no longer justify wasting my money buying more til I create websites for a bunch I’ve already bought but hey, …..
The Scn. circus continues now with a new act in the side show.”Come one and all step right up and get your ticket to see the freak of the Midway!! The 2 headed monster Davipow!!!
I have no doubt that many, many reporters will start fact checking everything coming out of the Church of Scientology in the months ahead. The Scientology story is snowballing. In fact, reporters are fact checking already, as a Tony Ortega reports today. A very enterprising Kansas reporter has noticed that the Church’s new building in his city is an eyesore and uninhabited. He questioned city officials on the Church’s continued exemption from paying taxes on this property since local law only allows such an exemption if the building is continuously used for religious purposes. A city official claimed the Church confirmed such use because the building is used for “parades.” Unless that city has parades every day, or at least weekly, I don’t see how the city can accept this argument with a straight face. The reporter has posed an excellent question that should be asked in every city the Church has abandoned buildings. I would guess that other cities and states have similar provisions requiring continuous religious-purpose-use of buildings in order to qualify for a waiver of property tax.
Lastly, I think some enterprising reporter/investigator should look into why Miscavige began buying buildings in 2003/2004. My guess is either the IRS or Yingling realized that the Church was hoarding money and not spending it on religious matters that benefit the public good. Some other bright spark then probably realized that churches buy buildings and that has traditionally been considered a religious expenditure. That same bright spark, however, apparently failed to tell Miscavige that abandoned buildings may not qualify as churches in some jurisdictions.
Perhaps Snopes.com could be enlisted to fact-check some of the Church’s claims?
Mike R,your blog makes me giggle,your dry humor kills me. Davidkaren. His full name. I’ll bet he reads this daily and punches himself in the face. Dude,if he wasn’t such a friggen Espeeee,and didn’t torture all his high up protectors NONE of this would be happening! He did this ALL! If he just didn’t start that hole,can you imagine,things wouldn’t be so messy. He’s such a dumb ass Midget,that blow torch is just to fun. Karma is great,I’ll bet LRH is behind this long annoying fall of his,he deserves every crime he has committed to come out 1×1, that will drive one mad and force them to analyse every mistake. The copper rod can’t ground karma. Oh and did he have a woman shot when he pulled his coupde ta? I really need to know !!!!
FACT Verification: Heh Slappy – the World now knows all about you and your beatings, your lavish lifestyle, your scam “church” and your crimes.
There is NO Karin Pouw reporting for the Cult of Scientology.
We all know it is YOU, David Miscavige, the King of the Liars, responding and micromanaging his evil cult!
The game is over Slappy! Your cult is dead and you are busted!
Reeling The Liars In…..
Re: Davidkarin Miscavigepouw
This paints a hideous picture and reminds me of actor Jeff Goldblum as scientist Seth Brundle in the 1986 sci-fi horror movie The Fly,in which a science experiment gone horrifically wrong, Brundle and a common household fly become one, thereafter referred to as “Brundlefly.”
Here’s an updated variation of the movie as well as a quote from that flick that’s made it’s way into “AFI’s 100 Years… 100 Movie Quotes”:
It’s 2015. Through a Church of Scientological experiment gone horrifically wrong, David ‘Let Him Die’ Miscavige and Karin Pouw, a common household spokeshole, become one.
“Be afraid, Davidkarin Miscavigepouw. Be very afraid.”
And on that 11,000 orgs and missions figure – strike off one more:
The Peoria IL Mission, the oldest running mission in the Scientology World, has closed its doors.
We have initial reports here into Cornfield Central that all signage on the building has been taken down, and a call to the mission phone number gives a “this number has been disconnected.” recording.
I used to be the Executive Director of this mission, and am looking into this landmark Scientology mission closing for a fuller report in a few days.
Hip Hip ………….. Hooooooraaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sad To hear of Peoria.
Looking forward to your report Alonzo. Please provider pictures. We like pictures.
Nice, Alonzo! Very,very nice! Can’t wait for further news of their straight down and destitute program.
Once Peoria goes, Chicago will not be far behind.
We are witnessing death in slow motion, but death nonetheless, of Scientology, as, one after another are removed from life support.
I know, huh? Isn’t it great, Len! This is just SO much fun to watch! How long do you give Chicago?
As a Chicagoan, let me tell you that if that shithole on Lincoln Avenue closes up, there will be celebrations. Dominic and his DSA wife had better take what they have and vanish, quick.
Let’s hope so, my friend! I can hardly wait for the celebrations to start, Espiando!
“…you should be ashamed…”
Ashamed? David, do you have any idea of the harm you have caused to others, and continue to cause with your every waking moment? You are very much beyond the point of having any right to shame anyone.
Imagine Pope Francis asking the following:
“Did you get a copy of any email showing an IP address? Did you run the IP address?”
What religion would ask this? What PR man/woman/team would use the phrase “run the IP address” in a public statement?
While I’m parsing, I may as well toss in:
“What I do know is that you should be ashamed for publishing anything Ortega and Haggis come up with without verifying the facts.”
PR point #1: if you want to appear respectable, communicate respectfully. Thus, it should be “Mr. Ortega” and “Mr. Haggis”.
PR point #2: The opportunity to provide documentation of facts has always been there and still is. Your failure to offer specific and verifiable facts about the “church” makes your statement a useless bit of fluff.
PR point #3: Your knowledge of “Mr. Webber” reveals how closely you’re following developments which are outside your sphere of control. When you don’t have control of the story, be quiet until you’d found a productive reply. By commenting as you have, you’ve come across as someone who’s desparately flailing about for something (anything!) that might stick. It won’t work.
The above three PR points — which are not based on Hubbard’s PR policies, but which have been proven to work — are provided to you at no charge. If you continue to take a bad situation and make it even worse for yourself, future pointers will be billed at $20,000 per 12.5 hours of my time, with a minimum of 25 hours.
That was an amazingly reasoned and well thought out comment Robin. Even an angry but instructive fact filled response would have been something. A calm reasoned reply would have been best.
David Miscavige can’t reply with the truth because that would be damning. He can’t reply with fluff PR comment because, well, knee jerk is just how he rolls.
There is a story unfolding in our town right now and the comments against the woman are in the thousands on our local online news site. The woman has been ordered by her attorney to not say a word and to her credit she has followed her attorneys advice. It is the smartest thing her attorney could do.
If David Miscavige did not consider himself smarter than his stable of attorneys, or of he realized how amazingly horrendous his PR actually was, he would have consulted them before taking a gas can and throwing fuel on this fire. It was a small enough fire it could have died a natural death without him adding accelerants.
He is doing an excellent job of ensuring that everyone understands that the insanity depicted in “Going Clear, is what Scientology is in real life.
Very nice points Robin! I have thought about this too. The responses of Davidkarin to the press come across as disrespectful, shallow and trite. When these statements are made in response to the blogs, it shows that Davidkarin is very much invested in reading them and is following closely. Getting into verbal arguments stemming from the blogs shows his weakness. Not to mention that now he is diverting his time from clearing the planet, and is keeping himself busy with “other fish to fry.” Tsk-tsk.
“And you have stat graphs of every tiniest statistic in scientology since the 1960’s and you have bank account information as to the level of income…”
you said to Scientology leader David Miscavige the above.
It’s so true. Scientology has in house the most detailed statistics ever kept, a Guiness World Record amount of statistics kept by Scientology on their own activities for over 40 years worth, just massive statistics were kept, I saw them and helped when I was in working on the Thursday at Two Stats Evolutions in the Int Data Bu in the INCOMM wing of the “complex” the all nighter stats collection activity that went on weekly. Hundreds of Sea Org staff have participated weekly on the “stats evolution” to collect and make the weekly Scientology stats all neat and pretty on the computer in house system screens.
Scientology’s Sea Org (fake religious order) culture is so behind the curtain and the mentality of the staffs is such that they are out of touch with the real world, permanently.
They’d never consider sharing the details, their own unbelievably voluminous history of computer statistics they’ve been keeping for 40 years, in their INCOMM (in house computer system of the Sea Org), but they do have the statistics to show the truth, but they cannot, their rules by L. Ron Hubbard will never allow them to show their real statistics, sadly.
Scientology is hampered permanently by the Hubbard secrecy rules for what they do with their raw gathered information. They keep it in their filing cabinets and in their INCOMM computer system.
Sea Org members who know what’s in the stats system I wish would read this and reveal the latest systems and figures.
Captian David Karin Miscavige just remember change is good, and just so you know, you are in for some big, big change.
And remember, never actually bend over to pick up the soap! It’s a trap!
I wonder if Dave Puow is still getting online via a dial-up connection. Also, your dad called, Dave . . . he wanted me to tell you that he was feeling a little under the weather today and half of America checked in to see if he was OK. How’s the surveillance going? Also, my IP address is 1. I fact-checked it and everything.
PS: wow, you’re fucking tiny.
psssssst, Dave:
I found Mike Rinder’s IP address, it’s You can log in there right now without a password, see all his files, and delete all of them. That’ll serve Rinder right!
Oh, one more thing, let’s keep this between us, OK? And this conversation never happened.
Splog, you fucking SP! There’s a reason I’ve been stockpiling all of these “120 HOURS OF FREE INTERNET” discs from AOL. I have a THOUSANDS of them. You know what that means????? FREE INTERNET forever. Why do I have to do everything myself?
Mike or someone help me here. Anybody know what an OSA Volunteer is? Found my sister on a list supposedly furnished by Marty Rathbun. I’m just curious.
If Tory Christman comes by, she’s definitely the person to ask, since she was one in the 90s.
oh my yes, Tory is a great one to ask, in for 30yrs and is out there now on the Scientology doorstep, confronting them in such a kind, funny but a very direct way.
An OSA volunteer is a public Scientologist who is used by OSA in a PR or intelligence related activity.
AKA a rape victim.
My former best friend’s husband and her son are both OSA volunteers. They are computer savvy and work in the computer world, so they hack computers and do all sorts of espionage and OSA bidding with their computer knowledge. She is my former friend because she disconnected from me even though she said she hated DM for what he did to our church and that she wished he were dead. She also said she loves Debbie Cook and believes everything she said is true. In spite of that, when the heat came on me and I came under scrutiny, she disconnected so that they wouldn’t then investigate her for being my friend. And then she went to our mutual friend, a KA drinker, and told her how she was so on board and with the program, loved the church, etc, but that she’d disconnected from me because “she is disaffected.” Talk about throwing me under the bus to save her own skin and make good PR for herself! One very telling thing about OSA that came from her was that she said OSA wanted her husband, the computer whiz, to do illegal things and that he drew the line at that.
Cindy, your story is a perfect example of how insidious and mind-altering this cult it!!!! It should be told loud and often.
I praise you and wish you the best.
Its interesting that people still use this image as a image of the COS. This building is accommodations for the PAC Sea Org. No service or delivery goes on here. The top floor ( 8) is storage (thats Sea Org Mest) and the bottom is security and empty rooms. Maybe a few couples berthings. Everything else is dorms. I guess the significance is a large building. When you look at PAC base this is almost irrelevant.
TAs moving. Wow first the cops Monday morning and now this. Grab the popcorn…fun stuff!
Mike you said, “It should be easy for an organization that is based on the truth.”
I don’t understand how anyone inside of the Church of Scientology can fail to see (observe) this….
LRH spoke of truth and stats his whole life. Not once or twice, but thousands of times.
I doubt there is anyone left in the Church of Scientology that actually studies the subject of Scientology.
This is DM going into spams. His arguments aren’t taken seriously by anybody so he must be piping hot to expose himself to a new wave of ridicule. His meanness and cruelty are coming back to him now. Now it is he who is the punished one. He’s not accustomed to having the tables turned like that and he’s proving to be very unsporting about it.
There’s LRH…..and then there is LHD. BWAHAHA!
“A quick internet search does find a Mark Webber. He’s a former Formula 1 and current Le Mans driver, but most importantly, he’s from Australia! Just like Mike Rinder! They’re all CICSers down there! Can’t trust a single one of them! And Haggis wrote and directed Crash, which racing cars do all the time! Clear evidence of conspiracy!”
They’re just bundles of fun, aren’t they?
Exactly. That’s who Mark Webber is to me. He had a very respectable F1 career, with 9 wins and 45 podiums, contending for the championship a few seasons. He also had one of the most spectacular crashes too, in the European Grand Prix in Valencia in 2010 (a race I attended). It’s an insult to all F1 fans and all Australians that the name of this fine athlete was co-opted for Davidkarin’s illegitimate purposes.
Miscavige/Pouw’s illogical response:
This didn’t make sense to me, so I went back and re-read what had been posted at Tony’s site:
Nowhere does Tony’s article mention that a person named Mark Webber actually exists, nor does it mention the IP Address which Miscavige/Pouw refers to, it simply says they were able to figure out where it had been sent from.
It’s getting harder and harder for Dave/Karin to lie and cover up his lies when he still lives in the 1950’s yet believes he is smarter than everyone. OSA, please give Dave/Karin this hint: If you’re going to deny something, at least try to deny what was said, and try not to sound like a shrill old bag, it makes it seem just a tad more realistic.
He alter ised. That’s the way he rolls.
In fact, I am beginning to see it is his only real trick.
Yeap OT, you’re onto him!
fascinating – hope this gets some attention to the media
I have never been in Scientology, but I find it a fascinating study of how “group think” works in terms of being a believer or supporter of any particular religion or philosophy. Anyway, the more I read about David Miscavige, the more I see that man from the Wizard of Oz: “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.”
The ‘man behind the curtain’ died in 1986. All they have left is his pictures and recordings. All of which can be edited to say anything the ‘Miscavigepouw’ wants.
“Miscavigepouw” is probably getting ready for his/her trip to Switzerland for the Grand Opening of the new mOrg. It takes time to stuff large quantities of bills into a suitcase.
Speaking of verification, no sign of LRH returning to “Rifle” amid the flourishing La Quinta Resort. Have you begun to compile a list of cult properties to be dumped on the real estate market as you continue to consolidate and hollow out the cult’s wealth? Similar to the way Tom has been selling off his cult connedted real estate? Any deal on the Telluride property yet? Latest info and police reports has it that you still have Tom by the short hairs when it comes to subsidizing your lifestyle and cult with extorted donations. Any word on whether Tom is going to give JB a precentage of the proceeds from Telluride as a partner in that venture?
By the way, didn’t see you and your cadre at the Coachella Music and Arts Festival that was held in your back yard area of Palm Springs over the past two weekends.
Are you and your cadre still hunkering down and sulking at Building 50 at your hallucinatory Club Med on the very fringe of Hemet?
“There is no such IP address at the Anthony Building on Fountain Avenue–it does not exist. The entire story is fabricated.”
Miscavige is showing his ignorance just like Hubbard did when he declared himself to be the anti-Christ.
An IP address is assigned to a computer, Davey. It would not be at the physical location of the building.
Besides, IP’s can be static or dynamic. No, Davey, static here does not mean thetan.
Wise Buddha, Dave has Hustling Tech down pat but he doesn’t seem to understand “IP tech.” I would suggest that Dave attend the ITT Technical Institute, or google the subject and come up to speed. It’s never too late to learn, providing you don’t think you know everything already.
Thanks for the update of who is really getting to you Dave. We appreciate it. In addition to your paranoia that, that major SP Mike Rinder was around the Nashville org, now we know who else you’re bitching about this week.
Good luck with all that Demented Midget. It’s open media season on your tiny dictatorship.
Perhaps there’s no Mark Webber working for RCS, but did he check for Mark Weber?
The Flag Ship Service Organization has Webbers and Webers on the board, I was was wondering…
Sharron Weber, Kenneth Weber, Sue Price, Alice Webber, Carl Heldt.
I love, love the squirming of Mr. Karin P. Miscavige ! This is awesome. Every response he/she/it makes is more fodder for SNL skits ! Please keep responding and often. I love a good laugh after a hard day at work. You GO girlyman !
Your comment brought to mind a great comment made on FB by the sister of our town’s Prom King. She said “shout out to my brother, everyone vote for him for prom king. And if perchance you don’t win, please remember, big girls don’t cry.”
David Karin Miscavige Pouw, Big Girls Don’t Cry.
I think Einstein was studying Miscavige when he deduced the following:
“Two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity…. And I’m not so sure about the universe”.
The answer is simple, LRH is still out there (trillion years) correct? Summons him on a Ouija board and have him confront COB.
I just hope that those of you that chose to join this religious cult, and now know the truth, are formulating a solid plan to assist those who didn’t get to choose to join. These children will need a soft landing when the ship sinks. There has got to be 2 to 3 thousand of them under the age of 16. These poor souls will need assistance monetarily as well psychologically.
I guess you are saying the lives of every child in the Sea Org depend on what we do here and now on the Internet?
Hi Tony, I like both your posts.Ron&dm in a Ouija board confront or more probably old home week for those two.I stay well away from Oujias,but u made me laugh!Your 2nd point is true also.I forget how young the SO kids are now.How much in the bubble they are.In Truth & take care Ann B Watson.Actually all kids in cos will need assistance @ some time there is always hope.
You are correct. These blogs have the most knowledgable people regarding the CoS. Many of you have intimate knowledge of how things work inside. If I were a betting man, CoS will be done by the end of this year awash in litigation. The youngest members will be pawns in the executive scheme and likely the last to get out, hopefully. Why leave them to ( Wog) child protective services in the end, rather then planning now to help them with the proper resources (you and other former CoS execs)? The people here are truly their extended family. The children wouldn’t be provided much for 7 to 10 years if at all when the lawyers are done.
1986 plus 21 is 2007.
Yo Ron,
Get your grody ass back here. You are late for course, you have ethics issues and Dave ‘Let em Die’ wants to kick your ass for leaving him here all alone! Show us the POWAH of OTness Ron.
Thank you Newcomer! In Truth & Take Care,Ann B Watson.
“There is no such IP address at the Anthony Building on Fountain Avenue–it does not exist.”
This might be true, but this means nothing and doesn’t prove anything. Anyone who is aware of how the Internet works would know that this means nothing. He’s trying to be sneaky, but just sounds technology illiterate and expects us to be too.
“That IP address (that I don’t know) doesn’t exist!”
Very (with a German accent).
See Marc Headley’s video with Jeff Augistine at today’s Bunker…it’s so delightful to hear Marc chortle his way through over an hour of stories on the technological ineptitude of Miscavige and his reign at the CoS.
Furthermore the Anthony building and Fountain Avenue do not exist !
Miscavige is crazy – that’s obvious – but he also seems to be a little stupid. I mean – after years of continuing to deny every accusation – every single one – without proving them wrong – just word vomit – he doesn’t seem to be able to grasp that he has zero credibility. And I have often wondered why – if they have so much money – they don’t hire a publicist. Even a high school drop out should be able to see that he’s shooting himself in the foot every time he sends one of those emails out. And now I’m starting to worry about that Karen person – is she safe?
I agree. Is she still alive?
Maybe it is time for a Missing Person Report. Maybe it’s a fictitious person.
Who are her parents, family…friends? Where is she from?
Does anyone have any personal experiences with this woman? She wasn’t at the Int Base in the 80’s that I know of. But I was a peon there.
Sarah he is going to continue to confound right up to the day he is gone because he’s out of step with about 96% of humanity. Dave is never going to look inward and inspect any part of his behavior. It’s Haggis, Ortega, Rinder, and the blogging entourage-They’re the problem.
“Self-criticism is a luxury the antisocial cannot afford. They must be right because they are in continual danger in their own estimation’’ LRH
Good call Mike; what about the 6,300 whatever Solo NOTS? How many have died, left, are not auditing, resigned, or simply don’t audit at all? Another false statistic.
I would love to see a list of the 6300+ Solo NOTS people simply to see my ex mother-in-law’s name on that list. (She died in 1996 of a brain tumor – she had already left and sued COS before she died).
If people were given the LIST, not the number and allowed to fact check those names against facts and see if there were any that were double counted, they would be leaving in droves.
IMHO, the entire active membership of the COS probably is close to the 6,300 whatever alleged Solo Nots completions.
If Kavin Mispowage wants to disprove this, I’d love to see his/her actual facts.
Heh Davin Mispowage – just show us one fucking clear please…just ONE!
And PLEASE let us test the shit out of this person. What will be find? A person who in fact, does get sick. Does not have perfect recall. Does not have a reactive mind because that’s all made up. Who does not have control over matter, energy, space & time. In other words, a normal human being. Except this person would have 10s of thousands of dollars LESS in their bank account.
However, they do get these really HUGE certificates that can be used to cover up massive holes in walls.
The only thing ‘clear’ about cult members is that they are clear up to their nose in the Kool Aide Land of MAKE BELIEVE.
Dave ‘Let em Die’ makes it up and they go on believing whatever is spewed out of Daves hole.
You got that right!
There was Desilu, Brangelina, Bennifer, Kimye, Tomkat, Billary, and now there is Davika.
Davika! Davika Miscavigepouw. Now that sounds Russian to me. I can’t help it.
That aside, I wonder where Davey will sneak off for his uhm, religious retreat?
The final one, I mean. That is, until extradition treaties might get revised.
I’m gonna have to go with a MisPouw, or Mispoo.
That Mispoo missive was a brain fart turned shart*.
*(shart – google it.)
I feel little Davey is breaking under the pressure.
The cult hired someone [a p.i.] to talk to me supposedly for a national publication. The person hired used a fake name. The whole thing wasa lie. THEY LIE . If somebody contacts you from the press, check them out before saying one word.
Now that would be a story worth reading! “For the First time ever – COS Tells The Truth!”
Yep! I agree! I really like reading science fiction…
Davidkarin Miscavigepouw LOL!!!
This blog is brilliant. Lol indeed.