This is the second post concerning the Guardian Office drills sent to me by a dear friend. The first is Scientology Fair Game: Hate/Love & Valuable/Protect.
As with the previous post, I begin with the Hubbard directive, again written on 28 March 1972. This one is titled Intelligence Principles. I have highlighted key passages.
- When Intelligence fails it becomes a PR matter.
- When PR fails it becomes a Legal matter.
- When Legal loses or declines it becomes an LRH matter.
It will be found that 1 and 2 are valid FOR ALL nations, companies and individuals at all past times and are valid now and will be valid in the future.
#3 is peculiar to our situation. But if for LRH you place general manager or head of state, this too will be found valid.
This gives you a direct index for precise estimation of where you are at any given instant and where you will be going.
If Intelligence isn’t onto it, muffs its tech and it isn’t handled in time, then it becomes something that PR will have to make do with somehow.
If PR muffs its tech and falls down, then it becomes a Legal matter.
And if Legal fails to be aggressive or forgets its tech, here it is with a need for a heavy hussar action.
This gives you also the direction to push back up the scale.
If Legal can recover and if PR can get on the ball, then Intelligence can get to work.
But there is a shorter route: If you hold the line aggressively to win with Legal and PR AND GET INTELLIGENCE FUNCTIONING EFFECTIVELY AT ONCE you can greatly shorten the time it takes to get back on top.
Each of these three zones have their own tech and their OWN PRODUCTS. They are different products.
Thus, if you short circuit Intelligence just as a support of PR or Legal, the battles will be very dicey indeed.
Intelligence exposed is no longer under cover or clandestine.
PR most frequently exposes Intelligence. Legal has often done so.
Thus Intelligence always requires newness of approach. It is standard in its lines and actions. But it must be bright and new in its ideas to carry something off.
PR is a backup, not an exposure of Intelligence.
A typical Intelligence action is to turn over some exact data to PR to “get known” that will then push forward an Intelligence objective. Or to squash an enemy release.
Whoever regards Intelligence solely as “information gathering” has not moved with the times.
The Japanese disturbed all this with the Intelligence creation of “incidents” then exploited by PR.
The Russians use this (from the Japanese) continually.
The “incident” brought about behind the scenes is then pitilessly exploited by PR.
To reverse this, PR then Intelligence, is out of sequence. With knowledge, incident and technique, Intelligence properly comes first in any sequence of events.
Democracy had standard defenses. The Russians have now solved Democracy (as in the techniques used by the Russians in Hungary). Democracy will die. It has not developed defenses against this stage-manage behind the scenes, then expose, then vote technique, worked out by Communism.
Any institution or society or association has its standard defenses. It can be studied and handled by exceeding the normal defenses with covert attack.
Study the Nats. Arrogant, snobbish, merciless, authority oriented. It will eject anyone suddenly tainted even slightly. The best, best people complex. The Princess Alexandra refused to be their patron when they were being pressed for Scientology membership. Just that slight a thing.
Any Intelligence man worth his salt could have staged the same thing by – (a) discovering Alexandra was going to be invited to be a patron, (b) staging anything effective to threaten becoming unarrogant, unsnobbish, merciful or non-authority oriented, as communicated by her butler or maid, (c) and caused the ah-no, won’t be patron. With no PR at all!
Now you see where we are trending.
Example: Gosh Porge is located as an antagonistic source in the Bureau of Mines. Study Bu of Mines. They frown on corrupt and bankrupt employees, it is carefully worked out by survey. Gosh Porge receives a check for 250 pounds from the Aluminium Company of America at his office for “tip off and patents sent” and “his wife” runs up fur coat bills at Harrods who sue and “a man in Soho” wants his 1800 pounds gambling debt and “a mistress” calls his boss and demands the return of her diamonds “Gosh borrowed” and as it keeps up, even Gosh Porge’s best denials won’t prevent his being sacked.
And “Legal areas” like lawyers are a point of hit also.
Without consulting Legal Bu Bish Smish is suing C of S for truckloads. Survey his attorneys covertly. One finds they detest “people from the City”, very prejudiced against money clauses. So City blokes start appearing on their lines for Bish Smish – will he win the suit? Broker wants to know can Bish Smish cover his margins?City bowler hat beats up lawyer with an umbrella because Bish Smish said he was going to get the lawyer to sue him over the “blocks of stock” Bish Smish swindled. Keep it up. Soon he won’t have any lawyer!
- Knowledge by BROAD OBSERVATION and attention to telltale small signs.
- SPOT an area heating up for an attack.
- ISOLATE WHO in that area with unfailing accuracy using files and direct but covert investigation.
- Simultaneous with # 3 SURVEY for the area hate-it and love-it.
- CONNECT REPEATEDLY the hate-it button with the WHO and put him anti love-it.
That will cool it off totally IF DONE AND DONE CLEVERLY and detected and acted on in time.
A small group well organized, using superior tech, can win against giants easily and rapidly by correct and alert Intelligence.
L. Ron Hubbard
This reference lays out how to FRAME perceived enemies.
Two of the most notorious examples of this were detailed in the US DOJ Sentencing Memorandum filed in the criminal prosecution of Mary Sue Hubbard and 10 other Guardian Office senior officials in 1979. They concern journalist Paulette Cooper and Mayor of Clearwater Gabe Cazares. These are excerpts from what the DOJ filed in Federal court:
Paulette Cooper
In the Spring of 1976 six separate schemes were devised with the express purpose
“To get P.C. (Paulette Cooper) incarcerated in a mental institution or Jail, or at least to hit her so hard that she drops her attacks.”
(See Operation Freakout dated 1 April 1976, document no. 11422, Exhibit No. see also documents nos. 11972-11973 » Exhibit No. 10.) Its stated purpose was “To remove PC [Paulette Cooper] from her position of power so that she cannot attack the C[hurch] of S[cientology]” also defendant Hermann’s proposals in document no. 12887 at 7 et seq » ) The six separate schemes were jointly entitled ”Operation Freakout.” In its Initial form Operation Freakout had three different plans.
The first required a woman to imitate Paulette Cooper’s voice and make telephone threats to Arab Consulates in New York.
The second scheme involved mailing a threatening letter to an Arab Consulate in such a fashion that it would appear to have been done by Paulette Cooper.
Finally, a Scientology field staff member was to impersonate Paulette Cooper at a laundry and threaten the President and the then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. A second Scientologist would thereafter advise the FBI of the threat.
The fourth plan called for Scientology field staff members who had ingratiated themselves with Cooper to gather information from Cooper so Scientology could assess the success of the first three plans.
The fifth plan was for a Scientologist to warn an Arab Consulate by telephone that Paulette Cooper had been talking about bombing them.
The Sixth and final part of Operation Freakout was… to obtain Paulette Cooper’s fingerprints on a blank piece of paper, type a threatening letter to Kissinger on that paper, and mail it.
[Paulette Cooper was indicted and standing trial for these framed “crimes” until these documents came to light following the FBI raid on scientology in 1977]
Gabriel Cazares
Mayor Cazares became highly critical of Scientology. Because of his criticism, Mayor Cazares was targeted by the Information Bureau of Guardian’s Office and covert operations designed to remove him from office were ordered.
To that end, in early March 1976, defendant Hermann notified defendant Snider that Mayor Cazares was about to attend a Mayor’s Conference in Washington, D.C,, on March 13-17, and that Assistant Guardian for Information in Clearwater Joe Lisa was formulating a covert operation that Mayor Cazares had a mistress. Shortly, thereafter, defendant Hermann ordered Mr. Meisner to carry out an operation on Mayor Cazares during his Washington trip — that operation was to involve a fake hit- and-run accident. Defendant Sharon Thomas was to be the main participant in that operation. She was to meet Mayor Cazares, drive him around town, and at a predetermined location stage a hit-and-run accident with Mr. Meisner as the “victim.”
On March 14, 1976, District of Columbia Collections Officer Joseph Alesi, posing as a reporter interviewed Mayor Cazares. During that interview, he met defendant Sharon Thomas. Thomas then offered to show Mayor Cazares the town. During that drive, defendant Thomas, who was driving, staged her fake hit-and-run accident in Rock Creek Park, hitting Michael Meisner. She drove on without reporting the accident to the police. Of course, defendant Thomas knew that no harm had been caused to the “victim.” In a letter dated March 15, 1976, to CSC Assistant for Information Jimmy Mulligan and fugitive defendant Morris (Mo) Budlong, defendant Weigand discussed how Scientology could use that “fake” accident against Mayor Cazares and concluded that “I should think that the Mayor’s political days are at an end.”
In March 1976, defendant Willardson approved another “operation” directing that false marriage documents be planted to show that Mayor Cazares had been secretly married in Tijuana, Mexico, in 1938-1940 and that he was, therefore, a bigamist.
On June 6, 1976, defendant Snider wrote Guardian Program Order 398 entitled “Mayor Cazares Handling Project,” which was approved by defendant Heldt and promulgated by fugitive defendant Kember. Its purpose was “to remove Cazares from any position from which he can inhibit the expansion of Scientology” and called for, among other things: (1) carrying “out a covert campaign to create strife between Cazares and the City Commission”; and (2) placing a covert operative in his Congressional campaign organization.
In the Summer of 1976, fake letters from “Sharon T” were mailed by Scientology to citizens in the Clearwater area stating that Mayor Cazares had been involved in a hit-and-run accident.
Also during that time “Project Taco-Less” was issued, calling for the release of “further data about the Mayor” to “ruin his political career and remove/restrain him as an opponent to Scn [Scientology].
Scientology takes the position that this writing of Hubbard merely gives “hypothetical examples” that are not real.
The real-world actions described above make quite clear that Hubbard’s words were taken literally. And still are to this day.
The drills below make the point even more starkly — this is what ALL GO (and now OSA) operatives are TRAINED to do.
Again, I have highlighted some of the most egregious passages.
Drill: Spreading rumors.
Flunk for anyone spotting you as a source of falsity or troublemaking, etc.
- Spread a rumor to another. _____
Write up results. _____ - Spread a rumor to another and get him/her to spread it to someone else. _____
Write up results. _____ - Get a rumor spread around a small group to a point where at least 4 others repeat it to others. _____
Write up results. _____ - Get a rumor spread around a large group (more than 30 people) to a point where at least 5 others repeat it to others. _____
Write up results. _____
- Spread a rumor to another. _____
Drill: Third partying. [This is the Hubbard dogma that a hidden source of false information causes conflicts]
Flunk for being challenged as a source of third party or conflict.
- Third party someone to another. _____
Write up results. _____ - Third party someone to another ensuring that you get as your product certainty that that person 3rd partied to really is in doubt about the other person or has a lessening of ARC for that person.
Write up results. _____ - Third party someone to another ensuring you get as your product an observed conflict between the two.
Write up results. _____ - Third party a group to another group ensuring you get as your product certainty that the group third partied to really is in doubt about the other group or has a lessening of ARC for that group.
Write up results. _____
- Third party someone to another. _____
Drill: Creating effects.
Do nothing illegal or anything which done without thought could reflect poorly back on the Church or yourself — i.e., press, police record, etc. harming the Church or yourself.
Flunk for disbelief of your guise or effect not fully created.
- Select a guise [a false identity] and do something to get another to go into sympathy with you and help you.
Write up results. _____ - Select a guise and do something to intentionally get another to intentionally avoid you or get angry with you.
Write up results. _____ - Get into the guise of a salesman/lady and go into a store under the guise that you work there, until you get someone (customer) to ask you a question and you handle them as applicable.
Write up results. _____ - Get into the guise of a nurse or doctor in a hospital or medical facility to the point where you give an order or direction to someone inside the facility (public or staff person) and they comply fully believing your identity.
Write up results. _____ - Get into the guise of being a wealthy individual in a Cadillac, Mercedes, Jaguar or Rolls Royce dealership and get a salesman to give you his services for over a half hour and test drives of at least 3 different autos. (If you don’t drive, may substitute an exclusive chain of jewelry stores, i.e., Tiffany’s, to try on 10 different diamond rings over 1/2 hr period of time.)
Write up results. _____ - Mock up a guise and get at least 3 different people to believe it and handle you for at least 5 minutes all at the same time.
Write up results. _____ - Mock up a guise and get at least 20 people all at the same time to stop what they’re doing and pay attention to you for at least 5 minutes.
Write up results. _____
- Select a guise [a false identity] and do something to get another to go into sympathy with you and help you.
Drill: Creating incidents which reflect on others.
Flunk for being spotted as creator. Take care here to use real targets or elements of society which are downstat, criminal or suppressive.
- Locate some type of mental health clinic or psychiatric hospital and find some area where a bunch of employees work together in one space. Like a business or records office, or some psych consultants that work in one area, etc. Pick out a target employee to run an op on. Now run direct observation in the area regarding the target person and anything you may know about such areas from your own experience.
Pick a weakness to assume which would be disliked in that environment.
Now connect that carelessness up with the target person (either while the target person is present or absent) in such a way that impinges with one or more of the target persons fellow employees (i.e., you’re certain that the fellow employees won’t immediately dig up your connection to the target person as being crazy or not unusual).
This must be done by some type of personal visit (not phone, mail, etc.).
Write up results. _____
2. Do the same as the previous channel, same employee or a different one in a different area if you wish, but this time run the channel with the target person’s seniors being your public instead of his fellow employees.
Must be done by some type of personal visit by yourself or by getting an FSM [“FSM” in this context is a euphemism for agent or GO operative] to do it (R-factor and drill FSM as needed).
Write up results. _____
3. Do the same or similar thing on a target person, his/her boss as the target for your channel, and an FSM must be used to execute the foreign channel. You may do all the research, etc. yourself, but you must run an FSM to actually physically carry out the op. (No letters, phone calls, etc.)
Write up results. _____
Drill: Recognizing basic effectiveness of plans.
Take into account effectiveness, security, legality, workability, etc. when making your decisions. Choose which basic plan is best.
General scene: person to restrain/remove, Mr. Jones, offense in local govt. agency attacking the org.
a. Order hundreds of dollars’ worth of liquor in Jones’s name and have it delivered to his home to cause him trouble and make the liquor store owner dislike him.
b. Call up Jones’s boss and accuse Jones of being a homosexual.
c. Send Jones’s boss evidence of Jones accepting bribes on his job, with copies to police and local FBI.
General scene: a psychiatrist who has instigated attacks on the org via police and press.
a. Expose his Nazi background to the press with evidence that he still attends local Nazi meetings.
b. Wake him up every night by calling him on the phone and threatening him.
c. Send an FSM in to be a patient of his for a year to disperse the psych during sessions.
General scene: a newspaper executive Clyde McDonald who’s behind local attacks.
a. Poison him while he’s asleep so he’ll never start another attack.
b. Make known to the paper’s owner that McDonald is responsible for the paper’s decreasing advertising revenues.
c. Spread a rumor around to the paper’s employees that McDonald is a communist.
d. Put itching powder in McDonald’s clothes so he’ll scratch himself all day, thus preventing him from writing a story.
General scene: a grammar school teacher who got an applied scholastics grant cancelled and is continuing to cause trouble for ASI in other schools.
a. Cleverly kidnap her and run reverse processes on her while implanting the phrase, “I will never attack ASI again, I love ASI.”
b. Get copies of the court records where she was found guilty of child molesting and send a copy to the school principal, board of education, and a few school children’s parents.
c. Send a male FSM in on her who, after she falls in love with him, will get her to move out of the country with him.
d. Pay ten of her students to write dirty phrases about her on the schoolroom blackboard.
General scene: a local Catholic church is causing many local attacks on the org.
a. Send several FSM’s over to the Catholic church to swear at him in confessionals.
b. Connect him up to extortion and or/pornographic activities.
c. Write the Pope an anonymous letter stating that bishop is really a rabbi under cover
d. Spread a rumor around town that he’s against air pollution.
Mock up 5 similar examples as above on your own, noting the correct answer.
Below are the “final” drills to bring everything together. These culminate in EXACTLY the sort of operations carried out against Paulette Cooper and Gabe Cazares. The ONLY reason there isn’t evidence of such operations being conducted today is that there has not been a raid by the FBI to seize OSA files since 1077. If a raid were to happen tomorrow, there would be ample evidence in the files that similar operations are ongoing right now. Recently, scientology tried to frame Leah Remini and me as accessories to a murder in Australia — it was completely fabricated and followed precisely the pattern laid out by Hubbard and described in these drills.
This is not hyp0thetical. It is the shocking reality of the scientology cult mindset. To again quote the DOJ from their sentencing memorandum:
…these defendants were willing to frame their critics to the point of giving false testimony under oath against them, and having them arrested and indicted speaks legion for their disdain for the rule of law. Indeed, they arrogantly placed themselves above the law meting out their personal brand of punishment to those “guilty” of opposing their selfish alms.
The final drills:
Take each of the following situations and data and plan a three-channel operation for each one, using full target series tech, with the purpose of restraining or fully restraining the enemy concerned.
The viewpoint on each of these is to get something going fast on each enemy and not to get involved in lengthy researching or data collecting.
Fast research targets may be added if necessary.
- Mockup an operation on: a local psychiatrist who doesn’t formally practice psychiatry anymore, but has a column in a local newspaper in which he discusses just about anything he wants to, colored by his psych viewpoint. He has been traced back as the Who behind local press attacks on the Church. We know that he attends orgies rather frequently with said prostitutes; that he’s married with two children; that he’s a social heroin user or uses it 1-2 times a month at parties; that the owner of the newspaper’s wife is a rabid Christian and despises anyone who is against Jesus Christ; that the newspaper owner dearly loves his wife and would do anything for her; that the psych likes to go sailing weekly on his yacht; and that he smokes Camel cigarettes.
- Mock up an operation on: a female publisher who is behind printing great quantities of entheta on Scn. We know that she is a registered alien ……. That is aliens are convicted of a crime they will be deported; but she is wanted for contempt of court in her native country, Germany; that she occasionally smokes marijuana; that she owes lots of money to writers whose books she published and has many outstanding bills to pay (printing, office supplies, lawyers, etc) and is actually very, very insolvent; that she has been doing business in Chicago for 5 years without a license; that her father was a Nazi who killed over 1,500 Jews in Poland; that she is engaged to to a man whose father is the conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
- Mock up an operation on: a local squirrel group leader who blew the Sea Org four years ago and now has a rapidly expanding squirrel group. We know that he is money motivated; is married but also has affairs with female students; we have 2 FSM’s in his group: 1 is a student, the other handles the finances of the group; that he gets Scn HCOB’s and re-writes them verbatim except that he changes mentions of Scn/Dn to the name of his own group and LRH’s name to his own; that he’s auditing a local policeman; that he has a grant for $5000 with the local government to pay for his ‘research” expenses for the next 2 years which he spends on utility bills and other operating expenses; that he’s got two pet gods and one pet turtle; and he spends lots of time and money on maintaining his obsession, a restored 1927 Rolls Royce.
- Mock up an operation on: An SP writer who works for a popular national magazine and who on his own has developed international comm lines with anti-Scientologists and disaffected staff members. He acts as a “switchboard” for entheta on Scn and LRH and sources many false reports on his own. We know that he drinks liquor daily; has a hobby of building model airplanes; has been an award-winning writer but hasn’t won an award for 5 years; that the publisher/owner of the magazine’s pet love in life is to get his own name onto as many boards of directors or committees, lists of social ac-goods or charity give-away associations, etc. as he can; that the writer’s senior editor will get very upset with on fire any writer who doesn’t put in some working time at the office in the evenings or weekends and that the writer puts in just enough name extra time to keep his boss happy; that the writer likes to go fishing and hunting.
- Mock up an operation on: A disaffected ex-Scientologist who blew Scn from his local hometown mission last year and is now writing entheta in the local college newspaper where he attends school and writes in the paper as part of his journalism studies. One of his entheta articles got bought by a national college wire service and was printed in many college papers throughout the US we know his parents and a few of his friends names from his former records at the mission and know he likes sports , but that about all.
Hadn’t seen any of these before, very scary stuff. They must have done a lot of damage, and who knows what they’re doing now?
There’s a YouTube video on this subject.
This stuff is scary. We have actually seen several of these ‘ops’ played out on exes and critics in the last few decades. The IRS bowed to them in 1993 because of such ‘ops’ as listed above on hundreds of its employees. Yet the US government does NOTHING. They have continually let Sci get away with being a ‘pay for play’ religion even though the IRS non profit documents state the opposite. Scientologists get a 10% commission for bringing people in and signing them up (the other FSMs). This is no different than MLM scams. Other religions are quick to the defense of Sci when government involvement happens because they are afraid that they will be next (this is all after the 93 IRS papers making Sci officially a ‘church’. Before that US mainstream religions had nothing good to say about Sci. Hypocritical much.)
One good thing of course is the internet. Hubs never even foresaw anything close. Scientology is still living in the 50’s. Holding on to a bunch of dreck written by a pompous self aggrandizing horses arse to the extent that his every word is still followed even though his mindset and ‘tech’ has been outdated for 40 or more years. The one thing that Miscavige failed to understand is that IF Hubs had lived to see the internet age he would have probably been on board with it quickly. Even before Hubs died he was embracing computers. Yet under Miscavige they still use teletypes to communicate. Miscavige may be ruthless but he has no vision. So Sci is dying. It’s only the whales that really keep it going now. There are so few members. Especially so few NEW members.
How can we get the US government involved? Mike and Ortega have been exposing the abuses going on for almost 20 years now. Of course right now the US gov has bigger fish to fry but when it settles, whoever wins needs to investigate the years of exposure that Mike has done for them.
I often do that too, every day. Giving illusions and destroying worlds.
No! I don’t!
Thank you for publishing the exercises!
I believe these same tactics are being played out in western cultures right now.
I believe Hubbard got his training in black ops from naval intelligence.
Research Operation Mockingbird. It would make Hubbard proud.
This whole article just blows my mind. I purposely read the complete article, and now I have the same dispirited, confused, disorientated feeling as I have after hearing a Donald Trump interview. The only way that I can remove this ugly twisted crap from my mind is to go for a walk somewhere nice so as to clear my head.
A staff member of the Flag GO Info Bureau bragged to me one evening how they had “planted” an operative to serve as Gabe Cazares’s attorney and the operative was reporting back everything about the ongoing cases between the mayor and the cult. Years later I read Merrell Vannier’s book Arrows in the Dark. He didn’t lie one bit. It is all true!
It is absolutely sickening the lengths to which the cult will go and the extent of lies they will spue forth, even in court and dealings with governments. Despicable. Totally despicable!!!
this guy was diabolical!!!!! ugh. who thinks like that?!?