Scientology is like a Hollywood set.
It presents an appearance to the world when depicted on camera, but the reality is something entirely different.
This is a recent announcement from the Tampa org:
Scientology routinely exposes their blatant lies with its own promotion.
Tampa touts itself as the model St Hill Size Ideal Org — the best Class 5 org on the planet. Yet it doesn’t have enough “bodies in the shop” for a photo shoot of people reading LRH books? So they round up anyone from anywhere, sit them in chairs, and pretend they are all just in the org “reading LRH books.”
They are acknowledging what everyone knows: the shots that are taken of any scientology activity, inside or outside of orgs, are staged.
But they are saying it out loud and proud.
And you know that if this is the case at Tampa org, they must REALLY be struggling in the boonies.
It brings to mind the staged shots of Volunteer Ministers, the creepy videos of “ideal orgs” bustling with people walking through reception looking intent and busy and officials of third world countries posing for photo ops holding copies of (fill in the blank) having no clue they will be appearing in scientology promotional items.
Scientology is a stage set — a smoke and mirrors facade of truth hiding the reality of lies, broken promises and abuses.
And a tumbleweed appears.
Somewhere in the distance, a droning loop of LRH’s voice from a kiosk.
Scientology, truly the most boring con ever foisted upon humanity.
Imaberrated, what specifically did the church tell you to apply for to get “on the dole?” Medi-Cal / Medicaide and food stamps, or more?
And Tampa is so short of “bodies,” they can’t even keep their satellite Scientology and Dianetics Life Improvement Center in downtown St Pete open; it’s been shuttered for around a year now, maybe going on two, with a series of building permits in the window, the one still up having expired in the middle of last year:
From contributor Jeb at Tony Ortega’s today, at
Yet, speaking of fake news, they still claim “expansion,” even though this mission-type operation (it’s actually owned by the org, but I think I once saw evidence that, similar to the case of the one in Seattle, it was sponsored by a “whale” – maybe who finally blew) has gone belly-up like so most of the rest that were once open. Any member who could actually “cognite” should be asking where all the IAS money is going, that is supposed to be for outreach.
“Fake News, Thy Name Is Scientology”.
Great intel, Anonymaker!
Ooh, I was on staff around Seattle for over a decade (the last three years extracted against my clearly stated will to leave by threatening my family with disconnection courtesy of DSA Ann Pearce who ran the op). I am not sure what mission and family you refer to, please fill me in!
At one point Bob Bartell (heir to the Bartell drug store chain) and his wife Alina sponsored a mission in Bellingham, but this sounds like something different.
Gene, the center in downtown Seattle Seattle appeared to have been set up and possibly subsidized by member “whale” who is a developer, though I can’t remember the name – but I don’t think it was Bartell. The street-level storefront is actually an elevator lobby for a large, multi-million-dollar condo unit on an upper story. Records indicate that, as in Tampa, the local org now owns the property.
Corporate records show the Bellingham mission went inactive in 2010.
Then there are also the “idle” org stock photos, that always shows facilities completely empty and devoid of human occupants. Scientology is certainly making empty orgs a reality though, typically, it probably doesn’t have anything to do with their (unintended, in this case) “postulates” and instead is just the reality of the world, that these days there’s little interest anymore in their sort of scam.
As someone has already noted, supposedly that’s done to avoid the problem of photographs with people in them . Presumably Tampa is doing a photo shoot for some sort of short-term PR purposes, so that the pictures won’t still be in use when some of those in them become un-persons (referencing Orwell’s 1984).
Not only is Scientology shrinking, from what I’ve been reading, in the Western world all religions are shrinking. The United States is becoming increasingly secular with more and more people claiming no religious affiliation.
Of course, this is worrisome to older Evangelical Christians – Judgement Day, End Times, etc. They’re afraid Jesus will lump them in with all the rest of us doomed infidels. :). The good news is that Judgement Day and the Second Coming have been moved up to sometime in the mid-21st century. These events had been scheduled for 2000 but apparently Jesus got caught in traffic or something and they had to be postponed for a later decade.
As fully cognited scientologists, we know this is a ploy to get us in the org, and we’re SO grateful for the help in overcoming our reactive minds.
The only thing stopping us from reaching our full potential as spiritual beings is our nasty succumb postulate reactive mind or case.
THAT’S why we need those dedicated staff members mailing us pictures of gorillas on airplanes going to Flag.
Lies, pushing, crush regging, gang regging, surprise home visits late at night …
Thank Ron for their ceaseless efforts to salvage us from our own selves.
If Alan Funt had been the boss in scientology he had said, “Smile your’e in $cientology.
Failures to make batteries eternal keeping Xenu trapped inside a forcefield made the cult deadly..
The death of scientology save scientologists lives.
Lol, what I would have given to be in Tampa that day in my best civvies clothes, get in and change into my granny grump costume,start mingling around, reorganizing the props and cutting the cheese loud and proud.
And as my family knows, I WOULD do it just for grins.
Anymore Scientology is straight out of ‘THE TWILIGHT ZONE’, so the Hollywood set image is appropriate and accurate.
Wouldn’t it be a hoot if a few of you “S.P.’s…declared or yet to be declared would go “Hollywood” & find a make up artist to disguise you as in “Mrs. Doubtfire”……..& then you all show up….
The article does say…A L L are welcome
Nice analogy Mike.
This scam is indeed much like a Hollywood set where there are a number of buildings shown – but only the front facade is shown and they show nothing about the real contents of the scam.
The models we need at the Tampa Org must be young and attractive. No haggard old OT’s will be allowed. All models must pay a $1000 fee for processing.
I’ll do it as long as I can dress up as David Miscavige.
That sounds reasonable.
Hey!!! I want to be David Miscavige!!! I could play him perfectly!!!
Advantage of using non members for photos is that they can use the photos for many years, not having to worry whether the person pictured has blown.
Scientology is a bubble of lies and, as any other bubble, sooner or later it will explode.
Fraud and misrepresentation have been “standard practice” for all the years the cult has been around.
Especially when members or staff seek benefits from governments. Hubbard taught that governments are worthless wastes of time and money and since they oppose Scientology members can do whatever is necessary to further their own needs. It is “the greatest good for the greatest number” after all. Governments are wogs just like the rest of the non scientology population. So, tell governments whatever “shore story” (Hubbard’s term for lies public will accept as truths) is necessary to get what a member (or the cult itself) wants. I have seen many examples in my time. Sadly our government seems to lack the balls to intensely investigate, expose and prosecute any of it. Time for another Michael Meisner to come forward maybe….?
Yes, I’ve also seen his attitude toward our government and how it is OK to lie to government officials etc. BUT they sure do use the government to get freebies like abortions at the clinics, free medical help etc. Maybe even food stamps? Not sure about that one though.
Scientology has no credibility whatsoever.
As a Day staff member, I was flat-out ordered to go on the dole to support myself so that I didn’t work a real job that could interfere with doing my Scientology job.
Make it go right with green on white!
A couple who were expecting a baby got off loaded from the SO. They moved in with his parents and took state aid to pay for everything costing tens of thousands of dollars. And this was despite the parent’s making multi millions a year with their private company in which the kids were later employed. There just HAD to be a ton of fraud to pull this off.
Did you have to lie in your effort to go on the dole?
Driving home from church last night (a REAL church) I had the radio on. There was an ad to come get a ‘personality test’ at the Columbus org. Excuse me from typing for a minute, I need to throw up………………. In the space of a couple of years, I go from not even knowing there was any Scientology presence in Columbus to hearing their lame-ass advertising on the radio!
I just want you to know that you are not the only one who feels sick to listen to these ads.
It makes no difference how they try to get people into the door.
We know what is waiting for people when they take that free test.
It is a life filled with misery.
I would love to have a standard approach ready so that I could help to counter this horseshit.
Miss Dutch, I got vomit on me. Sorry.
Can’t be mine. I excused myself from my keyboard to go to the bathroom. Okay, who’s out there up-chucking in my name (and getting it all over OSD)?
The church desperately wants to be admired by the world at-large. Beautiful people (preferably a politically correct racial mix), in ornate, over-the-top buildings, all with shit-eating grins. Because nothing says Spiritual Freedom like plastic.
I love the way you worded that.
O/T. Scientology recruiting at the gun show in Kansas City.
Lies fit in great with subjective reality. You can say whatever you want in a fantasy world. This is like Hubbard’s “Creative Processing”. Imagine that you are on Jupiter and you really are on Jupiter.
That brings to mind a Hubbard quote from the PDC Lectures – namely, “Let’s pretend.”
This article and all comments should be sent to every Scientology org and mission on the planet. Thanks for this great intel, Mike and thanks to whomever the Mole was who provided it. Miscavige’s pompadour is going to be a little lower after he gets thru tearing his hair out about Tampa Org leak!