There are a LOT of contradictions in scientology. Many of them in the words of Hubbard, usually in an effort to explain why some of his “tech” didn’t produce results.
But there are a lot of other contradictions that stem from efforts to either make money, or create “good PR.” There are plenty of examples, for example, scientology says they are not homophobic, but subscribe to the writings of Hubbard that says homosexuals are 1.1 and all the evil that flows from that.
But here we have something that came across my inbox purely coincidentally.
A promotional item from Narconon laying out the brain function that causes addiction. They are very certain and assertive that the brain is affected by drugs and that this dictates behavior.
And yet, one of scientology’s other front groups, CCHR, asserts just the opposite.
They rail against psychiatry and “Big Pharma” claiming there is NO EVIDENCE that chemical imbalances in the brain exist. And that drugs administered to treat these “unproven” conditions is pure voodoo.
Which front group do you listen to?
In scientology’s bubble, BOTH are absolutely correct and there is nothing contradictory. Cognitive dissonance is not a “thing” in scientology. Apparently it has no visible symptoms, so it is not real.
The brain is one of the most wrongly understood organs of the body by Hubbard. His sarcastic and belittling view of the body found its crowning glory in his total devaluation of the brain in its quality of life connection in our human experience.
When I was a Scientologist, whenever any wog would even say the word brain, my Scientology know it all – well indoctrinated – arrogance would kick in and I felt obliged to save another wog from eternal damnation and tout my superior knowledge of an incorporeal soul.
My studies of the brain and it’s relation to consciousness has revealed to me Hubbard’s total dilettante experience in the matter. He had no idea what he was talking about. Ok, that’s not news, lol.
In spiritual studies the brain is not the source of consciousness, but is the organ or seat of it. Hubbard’s reasoning was to be condescending to the body and the brain and value only a materially independent ego.
In my spiritual studies from ancient texts and present scientific studies on consciousness, the brain is an indispensable organ which must be developed to be a clear thinking human being and even goes so far as to say that the brain cells must be in a highly developed state to become an adept, a liberated being, a Buddha, a saint or sage. The brain is that important! Within the physical brain lies, superimposed in it, the spiritual, non physical organ of spiritual intuition, insight and spiritual vision. When the brain is damaged, the brain then becomes an impediment to the spiritual side to life. We must have a healthy brain to function emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
It is Hubbard’s arrogance, ignorance and ego, which yet again has past on wrong understanding to his unsuspecting disciples. It is dangerous to disregard the importance of the brain.
All one has to do to understand the dangers of such a doctrine, negating the importance of the brain, is to look at Hubbard’s brain condition at the end of his life.
He was mad, hallucinating and howling at the moon. That is the deterioration of the brain; his brain.
And that was HIS brain on Scientology: a demented old man with a deteriorated, neuro-damaged brain!
Oh they experiance cognative dissonance alright but of course there is no word for that in LRHs language.
Stress is the only word allowed which of course is from an SP or PTS situation.
So if you are stressed and you know you are not an SP or PTS then you are simply type III or nuts, psychotic …
And of course we have the contradiction of never evaluate or invalidate yet it is heaped on you from day one AND the evaluations and invalidations are far from the mark of truth.
Whoops – that’s a duplicate
In purpose to fix something something must exist. Non existing brains are fixed in non existing universes.
My non-existing brain tells me I don’t understand this.
Wow, does this mean that the tremendous gains I made in psychotherapy are bogus? And the meds I take to keep my moods level are a complete waste of time and money? Geez, why have I wasted thousands of dollars on standard medicine when I could have taken a Narconon course?
Why waste thousands on medication when you can waste millions on Scientology.
Andy S, Lovely phrasing. Well done.
“But hospitality must be for service and not for show, or it pulls down the host.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
This article by Mike Rinder is so true! They can’t sell drug rehab without acknowledging that the brain and brain chemistry is involved. The public are too genned in now for them not to acknowledge this. No matter that CCHR says differently…that’s not important because this is just a Pr move to “sell” more crap to anyone willing to buy. All of their posters for recruiting, selling services and managing your life can say anything they think will make money for them. Bait and switch smokescreen is all it is. Of course…this is just my opinion…not source. LOL
Yes Rosemarie, nice post.
Also something to remember, the maxim ‘It’s a PRO world” Public Relations Officer World, the PRO is king. Reference is the “Welcome to The Sea Org Tapes”.
Truth for this group went out the window at inception.
You might not be source Rosemarie, but neither was Hubbard, what he is actually, is a “Pretended Source”.
Hubbard was source of the whole OT 3/Xenu/BT/Cluster mythology. He definitely deserves credit for that. Too bad those still in don’t realize it’s just another one of Ron’s science fiction stories.
Personally, I don’t give him credit even for that. But I do understand your viewpoint.
I agree with you…it’s kind of funny that Stan Lee and Jack Kirby wrote something very similar before Hubs. Here is the copy paste from the Wikipedia entry on ‘Xenu’.
It has been speculated that the name derives from Xemnu, an extraterrestrial comic book villain who first appeared in the story “I Was a Slave of the Living Hulk!” in Journey into Mystery #62 (November 1960). He was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Xemnu is a giant, hairy intergalactic criminal who escaped a prison planet, traveled to Earth, and hypnotized the entire human population. Upon Xemnu’s defeat by electrician Joe Harper, Xemnu is imprisoned in a state of continual electric shock in orbit around the Sun, and humanity is left with no memory of Xemnu’s existence.
There are several places Hubs stole bits and pieces of his story from including other religions, new age theory and the occult…George White does a good deal of explaining about this in many of his excellent posts. But I personally think the height of hilarity would be if the ‘Wall of Fire’ came from a Stan Lee comic book.
So Scientology operates on Double think? Holding two opposing thoughts at the same time? I was taking medications for heart disease and type II diabetes. I was clinically dead for 40 minutes when I was hospitalized for pneumonia in October of 2011. (I recovered.)
Yes, otherles, “Double Think”. How the CoS looks more and more like George Orwell’s 1984 with the 4 Ministries. The Ministries of Love, Peace, Plenty, and Truth which were in fact Hate, War, Want and Lies.
I believe the fact that you are posting here in 2020 indicates that you recovered from being dead…….
Just another example of scn using any “evidence which matches their PRECONCEIVED ASSUMPTIONS, no matter if it shows one of their previous presumptions as false, inconsistent. they must always be in PT, not delving into the past to dredge up inconsistencies which by definition, do not, can not, exist.
Elron claimed he used the brain for head padding, and since Scientologists accept whatever he says as gospel, the EP of a continual diet of Hubbard results in a condition below confusion, i.e. brainless.
Scribe said, “… results in a condition below confusion, i.e. brainless…”
My oh my! You have such a wonderful way with words. I love your posts more and more every time I see one. I have only one tiny complaint about them. I just wish there were more of them – lots more!
Aww, thanks a lot Skyler.
A prime example of my earlier post.
Thanks Scribe.
That was pretty amazing. The guy basically said (I’m paraphrasing):
“DM is perfect. What else can I say?”
What else indeed. Anyone saying anything else risks serious beatings and forced menial labor in a prison camp environment. So … yeah! I would say anything at all to avoid that.
And on top of that contradiction of theory, there’s Hubbard’s “OT 4” (OT Drug Rundown) theory that says an addict’s “body-thetans” and ‘body-thetan” clusters which affect their addiction problems, also need extensive exorcism on the Scientology OT 4 “advanced level” someday, to fully fix their addition problems for good.
So, don’t forget Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans” theory, behind why addicts will need Hubbard’s secret Scientology OT 4 exorcism to fix themselves.
Scientology’s exorcism quackery is on the menu too, competing with the contradictions.
O/T. Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad invites you to watch a message of “Devine Guidance” from Minister Louis Farrakhan on July 4.
Minister Tony Muhammad’s full Instagram post, including the “Devine Guidance” language:
My tweet:
OMG, do none of them have spel-chck on their computators? My first Apple ][ in the early ’80s had a perfectly capable one…
No, THEY know better than any machine. Theta is ALWAYS better than MEST, of course.
Spell-check is disabled due to the high volume of lRon made-up words
Narconon does not exist to disseminate useful information about drugs. There is no money in helping people help themselves when you can try to get them to pay you to help them.
Right, John. Narconon exists SOLELY to make MONEY!.
I’m sure that scientology, by now, has a bit coin farm going. Why do they need extra cash?
Chemical ‘imbalances’ in the brain have been proven. Why does Lithium help some suffering from depression? Why does Clozapine help some suffering from schizophrenia? Chemicals, baby, chemicals.
As for the CO$ being consistent, Why should they start now? From the first Lron brain fart to today, the only consistent thing in $cientology is the gimme. Gimme your money, gimme your first born, gimme your brain….
scientology, CONSISTENT? Those two words should not be on the same page of text, much less linked closely together. The only “consistent” thing about the study/organization is that it went in the direction of Tubby’s most-recent impulse-of-the-moment.
My brain just doesn’t compute what no one except those of you who lived through the cult experience understand. It’s like a foreign language.
The horrible treatment and that horrible little man are things I can see.
Don’t worry, Peggy. identifying it as nonsense is all you need understand to fully grasp el-Ron’s magnificence.
Thanks jere – keep it simple works best for me.
Where is Noel Edmonds and his Gotcha award when you really need him?
That problem is easily solved. The “correct” answer is always the one that will get the person asking the question to give up their life and money.
Having their brains so scrambled for SO long keeps many scamologists from being able to experience cognitive dissidence and thus break free.
After about a year into being on staff as a teen I started showing my senior’s conflicts in policy (whether PLs or Flag Orders or what not) and was always told that conflicts within Hubtard policy and tech were utterly impossible and thinking that was the result of not understanding the definitions of words or me being unethical.
Winski offered:
“Having their brains so scrambled for SO long keeps many scamologists from being able to experience cognitive dissidence and thus break free.”
They may experience cognitive dissonance without recognizing it. Without the recognition, it doesn’t impinge on their consciousness, thus won’t help them to want to break free of it.
Oh they experiance cognative dissonance alright but of course there is no word for that in LRHs language.
Stress or enturbulation are the only words allowed which of course is from an SP or PTS situation.
So if you are stressed and you know you are not an SP or PTS then you are simply type III or nuts, psychotic …
And of course we have the contradiction of never evaluate or invalidate yet it is heaped on you from day one AND the evaluations and invalidations are far from the mark of truth making it a double whammy.
AND, if you say you are PTS to a person further up the food chain you are punished mercilessly as people above you (executives) cannot per Hubtard policy be suppressive persons.
Wynski, I was never on staff but was told the same thing, i.e.,there were no contradictions, the problem was my lack of understanding, my hidden standards, MY MUs, MY out-ethics, overts, witholds, etc., etc., etc! Amazing!
Exactly Aqua. The reason they cannot confront the contradictions is, 1+1 cannot equal both 2 & 345. One of them has to be wrong and Hubtard was NEVER wrong. By his own KSW edict.
Therefore conflicts are impossible.
It is the cult who does voodoo.
Don’t give them anything of you!
Because they will do a puppet out of it and then will try to control you throughout the entire life.
Note. The “puppet” is what they say you are. Once you agree with it you become it. Simple woo doo tech.
“woo doo tech” Nice one, LmR.